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Worker is beginning to look stale in his current role

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I'm beginning to get this a lot. But what am I to do? Change gimmick? I tried changing one guy's gimmick, but I apparantly made a wrong choice - because it's saying it again after a few weeks. And another guy, after changing gimmick, needs something to "freshen up". What's that about, then? I need to turn him perhaps? I have more workers who apparantly looks stale, and it's hurting their performances - but I'm a bit hesitant to change them - fearing to give them a worse gimmick than what they have already... Advice?
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Apparently it can mean either. Although I've never known whether that means that either will work, or it means one or the other will work but you have to guess which. I'd imagine it to mean that you need to change [i]something[/i], ie either his gimmick [i]or[/i] switch his disposition but I don't know for sure.
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I'd really prefer if I wouldn't *have* to turn the most prominent workers who get this message, at least: Sting, Lex Luger and Rick Rude. Sting, for obvious reasons... he's my main face, and I don't have a suitable replacement for him if he's turned. Same with Luger: he'd be a great heel, and I'd like to turn him sometime - but I have a shortage of proper faces as is, which has led me to turning Ron Simmons face and now pushing Chris Jericho much earlier than I had planned. Rick Rude wouldn't work well as a face at all. Maybe I need to give them a more drastic change in gimmicks? When I changed for Luger and Rude already, I got told they needed change again shortly after. Maybe it's because I chose "easy" gimmicks that didn't require to keep them off my shows?
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Yeah I feel the same in my TCW game i change the gimmick but generally that just buys me some time. It almost forces me to do a heel/face turn and its really anoying. Not to mention unrealistic as some guys have been faces or heels their entire careers or at least for years and years on end. So a staleness that can only be fixed by a turn shouldn´t prob up after only a year and definitly not on your main workers.
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;465746]So a staleness that can only be fixed by a turn shouldn´t prob up after only a year and definitly not on your main workers.[/QUOTE] Yeah. This is exactly what's happening to me, and it's pretty frustrating.
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Sometimes you just have to roll with it. Is getting stale isn't that bad when you get to desperately needs then his segments will start suffering. Some time you just have to make the turn and start to push up another face even if you weren't really ready to. Also try changing his gimmick to one suitable for faces and heels so that if the gimmick change doesn't work then you can turn him without also having to give him another new gimmick so quickly.
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