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what do u think of my feud

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Hey guys and gals. I amjust wondernig what you think of this feud I have come up with. gimme your thoughts. basically it wil start on the very first show between jbl and john cena but it will soon escalate into a feud between jbl, cena, wwe champion cm punk, shawn michaels, chris jericho and kane. cm punk and jbl will meet 1 on 1 at the royal rumble for the wwe title. the feud will then continue into no way out where cm punk will defend his title against jbl, cena, kane, jericho and shawn michaels in an elimination chamber match. the feud will then evolve into 2 singles feuds between john cena and shawn michaels who will meet 1 on 1 at wrestlemania and cm punk will feud with either jbl (continuing their rivalry) or randy orton and meet 1 on 1 at wrestlemania for the wwe title. your thoughts on how the feud is shaping up and also who should face punk at wrestlemania. thanks.
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[QUOTE=The Shape;466627]I think Punk/Orton could realistically be Raw's Wrestlemania title match provided the buildup was right and it played second fiddle to a bigger draw such as Cena/Batista or a Smackdown title match featuring 2 out of Edge, Trips and Taker.[/QUOTE] interesting you should say that because i my mind the top three matches on my mania card would be punk .v orton or jbl for the wwe title, cena .v. shawn michaels in what would no doubt be a classic and the world title match of hhh .v. edge.
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