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GM needed for Diary

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Here is your chance to take part in an ongoing Diary/Dynasty “WWE: Under New Management (3Way Interactive Diary). Link to out Diary: [URL=""]WWE: Interactive Diary (3Way)[/URL] With Raw being the most pact roster its only fair it gets its own B-Show. Until now I have been running Heat but soon that will change. I’m looking for someone who has what it takes to work with me on running Heat and using it to make names and make it a more enjoyable B-Show. I’m looking for a G.M who will be happy to work with heat and be prepared to work as a development style show using allocated workers and given notes to work with. The rest is up to you and your creative minds. Myself, Thenatureboy1 and Destiny have already made our Diary/Dynasty #27 on the most read Diary/Destiny and we are only now completing our first month. Now that we are trying to expand again we are looking for someone who has the time and the ability to book and write up diary entries. A good sense of humour and a lot of opinions and idea’s help as were always discussing something or other. If you want to be part of Heat and out Diary just log onto the Raw website [FONT=Verdana][URL="http://www.freewebs.com/head2head-wwe-raw"]Head2Head-WWE-Raw[/URL] and click on “Heat GM Application”. If you want to know anymore just post your question on here[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][FONT="]The GM applications will be looked at by all 3 of us and the GM who gets chosen will start after the Great American Bash[/FONT][/FONT]
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Thanks for everyone who's applyed so far and thanks for the joker who pretended to be Adam lol. There has been quite a few who's allready applyed so if anyone else wants to get in there please do. There has been some changes inside the diary and the set up so i will inform you all when i know more.:D
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Gotta say, I am happy doing my own diary, and the only joint diary I did suited me because the guys I did it with were mates first and co-diary writers second, which meant we had great fun and never any pressure in terms of doing shows (and hence without having a private relationship with you guys it would be different and I'd feel like I'd have to keep up with consistent shows which I can never do) but it looks like awful fun. I won't apply but it looks like a fantastic idea and with the right person it could turn in to a really great turn for your diary.
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Never done a diary before .. but I have wrote a few storylines and angles in my time. ;) I've submited my thoughts and i'd be very interested in doing a B show. Its something I always wanted to just do in game, run a development fed where the parent company supplied the talent and you had to make do with what you've got so this is right up my street.
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