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who are your current champs mine are Lightweight: BJ Penn(Defeated Sean Sherk at UFC 80) Welterweight: BJ Penn(Defeated Matt Serra at UFC 89) Middleweight: Dan Henderson(this completely syrprised me defeated Anderson Silva at UFC 81 pride/ufc title unification fight Light Heavyweight: Rashad Evans(defeated Rampage at UFC 87) Heavyweight:Tito Ortiz(i moved him up to 225 because i thoght it was possible when he was younger he would move up to heavyweight for a new challenge, defeated Andrei Arlovski for vacated title at UFC 91 cuz Randy retired)
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Womens Lightweight: Jenny DeNeuve, 20-2, defeated Lora Hayes for the title. Womens Heavyweight: Umeka Fujiwara, 19-0, defeated Olivia Sweet for the title. Lightweight: Luke Hilton, 19-2, defeated Edson Edmilson for the title. Welterweight: Korekiyo Anzai, 18-4, defeated Jack Humphreys for the previously vacant title. Middleweight: Andrew Rush, 24-3, defeated Ethan Sutton for the title. Light Heavyweight: Bill Brown, 13-1, defeated Shane Gilchrist for the title. Heavyweight: Rav Kapur, 16-1, defeated Gunnar Nilsson for the title.
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[QUOTE=samuricex;466818]Womens Lightweight: Jenny DeNeuve, 20-2, defeated Lora Hayes for the title. Womens Heavyweight: Umeka Fujiwara, 19-0, defeated Olivia Sweet for the title. Lightweight: Luke Hilton, 19-2, defeated Edson Edmilson for the title. Welterweight: Korekiyo Anzai, 18-4, defeated Jack Humphreys for the previously vacant title. Middleweight: Andrew Rush, 24-3, defeated Ethan Sutton for the title. Light Heavyweight: Bill Brown, 13-1, defeated Shane Gilchrist for the title. Heavyweight: Rav Kapur, 16-1, defeated Gunnar Nilsson for the title.[/QUOTE] gilchrist dropped to 205 for you? nice. how the hell is andrew rush 24-3? whats up with buddy garner, patrick thomas and fernando amaro in your org? Those guys always kill rush in my games.
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Playing as the WEFF. WEFF Lightweight Champion: Karen Curtis defeating Michelle Addams via T.K.O. at WEFF 74. WEFF Heavyweight Champion: Laura Adair defeating (and retiring) Leslie Myers via T.K.O. at WEFF 72. Thinking of adding a Middleweight division to balance out a very stacked Lightweight Division.
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Playing as UFC. Lightweight: BJ Penn Welterweight: Georges St. Pierre Middleweight: Anderson Silva Light Heavyweight: Forrest Griffin Heavyweight: Shane Carwin Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira is the only guy who couldn't defend his title a bunch of times, he got past Frank Mir fairly easily, but Carwin is a beast. He may be the one in my game to beat Fedor, who happens to be the number one contender. Griffin subbed Liddell and he's going to be inactive for a while. I was going to put my number two light heavy, Stephan Bonnar up against Forrest Griffin for a final chapter kind of thing, but even though Bonnar has been on a roll, the highest I get on that fight is still Average, so it sucks to be Stephan Bonnar right now. Silva ran right through Cote, like he was nothing. GSP knocked out Jon Fitch in the first round and I believe decisioned Matt Serra and BJ Penn beat Shinya Aoki and then Roger Huerta. But I think Mac Danzig will be the one to beat Penn.
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Playing as UFC Lightweight - Gilbert Melendez (BJ Penn lost to Urijah Faber, Faber lost to Gilbert) Welterweight - Jon Fitch (Beat St.Pierre in my last show St.Pierre had defended title 5 times before losing to Fitch) Middleweight - Patrick Cote (Beat Kazuo Misaki, who beat Silva) LHW - Quinton Jackson (Just won the title back by beating Rashad Evans, who beat Forrest for the belt) Heavyweight - Fabricio Werdum (Couture beat Nogueira then retired Werdum and Aleksander Emilienko fought for the vacant title and Werdum got the win)
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[QUOTE=bundtcake;467427]gilchrist dropped to 205 for you? nice. how the hell is andrew rush 24-3? whats up with buddy garner, patrick thomas and fernando amaro in your org? Those guys always kill rush in my games.[/QUOTE] I actually play my own organization (SigMA), I just got lucky with Jack Humphreys because he got dropped by GAMMA. And my LHW class goes up to 215, though in my last game Gilchrist did drop to 205 for me.
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Lightweight Champion: Go Yamamoto (19-1, 10 defences) Welterweight Champion: Doug 'The Nightmare' Hansen (20-4, 0 defences, 2nd time as champ) Middleweight Champion: Thorbjorn 'Brickhouse' Rekdal (10-1-1, 2 defences) Light Heavyweight Champion: Petey 'The Mack Attack' Mack (13-2, 1 defence) Heavyweight Champion: Carter 'The Kiwi' Potter (17-4, 0 defences)
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Here is the champs for the UFC game I am in the middle of I have recently just started a new game. Lightweight-BJ Penn (3 Defences to K.Florian,T.Gomi,R.Huerta) WW-GSP(6 Defences)(J.Fitch 2,BJ Penn,T.Alves,M.Davis,Y.Yoshida) MW-A.Silva(7 Defences,4 in game)(Y.Okami,C.Leben,D.Maia,D.Lister) LHW-R.T.Sokoudjou(1 Defence)(S.Bonnar)(beat F.Griffin) HW-F.Emelianenko(just won from Nog)
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[QUOTE=Afroduck;468466]Here is the champs for the UFC game I am in the middle of I have recently just started a new game. Lightweight-BJ Penn (3 Defences to K.Florian,T.Gomi,R.Huerta) WW-GSP(6 Defences)(J.Fitch 2,BJ Penn,T.Alves,M.Davis,Y.Yoshida) MW-A.Silva(7 Defences,4 in game)(Y.Okami,C.Leben,D.Maia,D.Lister) LHW-R.T.Sokoudjou(1 Defence)(S.Bonnar)(beat F.Griffin) HW-F.Emelianenko(just won from Nog)[/QUOTE] You know your Middleweight champion is destroying everybody when Dean Lister gets a title shot.
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Suprisingly Dean Lister had some good wins before getting his shot he beat Ricardo Almeida,Nate Lougran who was I think 9 0r 10 and 0 then he beat Ed Herman who was on a bit of a roll,but ya I think Anderson needs to go up in weight.
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Unless Bisping or Cote have lost, I'd definitely feed them to Silva first. Cote is actually next in line due to Okami's injury. I have no idea what your free agent market looks like, but if Kaz Misaki is out there you should bring him in.
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Ya I have just brought Misaki in he has one win and I have him scheduled for my next event.Cote and Bisping both suffered set backs from C.Leben.Bisping came back with a win over N.Quarry but recently lost to R.Fukuda,and Cote has two wins in a row over Quarry and V.Belfort he will probably need at least one more win.Jason Day is actually my next guy up for a title shot,in his last four matches he has beaten E.Tanner,N.Marquardt,C.Leben and R.Franklin.The first three were all by TKO or Knockout and Franklin went to a decision.
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[QUOTE=Afroduck;468769]Ya I have just brought Misaki in he has one win and I have him scheduled for my next event.Cote and Bisping both suffered set backs from C.Leben.Bisping came back with a win over N.Quarry but recently lost to R.Fukuda,and Cote has two wins in a row over Quarry and V.Belfort he will probably need at least one more win.Jason Day is actually my next guy up for a title shot,in his last four matches he has beaten E.Tanner,N.Marquardt,C.Leben and R.Franklin.The first three were all by TKO or Knockout and Franklin went to a decision.[/QUOTE] Nice. That's one of the things I enjoy about this game is that there is no telling who is going to become a star. Jason Day is usually one of my weaker fighters. It's just like the game I had where Edwin Dewees made this improbable climb to the top of the Middleweight division. Good stuff. Did you ever have a rematch with Hendo, or has he already retired?
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[QUOTE=samuricex;468358]I actually play my own organization (SigMA), I just got lucky with Jack Humphreys because he got dropped by GAMMA. And my LHW class goes up to 215, though in my last game Gilchrist did drop to 205 for me.[/QUOTE] oh. that's pretty cool. when i start my own orgs i never have champs that good.
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[QUOTE=Afroduck;468794]Ya I wasn't even really paying that much attention to Day until he got that TKO win over Leben.Ya Hendo retired he lost to R.Palhares then moved up to the LHW division beat W.Gouvei then retired kinda ticked me off but oh well.[/QUOTE] It can be worse, trust me. The first time I loaded up MW 2.0 as the UFC, Hendo retired on the first day. FIRST. DAY.
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lol same situation as Afroduck here with Hendo, he lost at Middleweight to someone, moved up to Light Heavyweight, got a win and retired. Son of a bitch. lol, I'm thinking of who he should fight in his last fight, I'm thinking Liddell maybe? It sucks, I was going to build him up to face Forrest Griffin for the title. I had already done that with Stephan Bonnar, but it was only an Average rated fight, so I didn't do it, because of the first two results.
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Ya I find last fights hard to do on one hand you want the guy to retire with a win but on the other you don't want to kill somebody elses momentum.With Chuck Liddell I had him fight Fedor in his last fight and Fedor's first fight in the UFC,I am glad Fedor won lol.
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[QUOTE=Afroduck;468827]Ya I find last fights hard to do on one hand you want the guy to retire with a win but on the other you don't want to kill somebody elses momentum.With Chuck Liddell I had him fight Fedor in his last fight and Fedor's first fight in the UFC,I am glad Fedor won lol.[/QUOTE] Screw 'em. I usually try to set up retiring guy to get beat. Of course, that doesn't always work out so well...
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Very true Once in my heavyweight division I put Randy Couture VS Jeff Monson against eachother, Couture was a fight away from retiring. 34 secs in the 1st round Randy got knocked out. LOL aside from retiring from the UFC he lost his last match in 34 seconds of the 1st round to Jeff Monson he also recieved a concussion and was injured for 2-6 months.
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lmao, I can't stand the guy in the game for some reason. Like in real life, he's bearable, but in the game, his picture pisses me off or somethin, or maybe it's the way his name looks on the screen. Jason Day. lmao, beat Anderson Silva. I'd love to hear the translation of Silva's interview post fight. "Well after such a dominating run and for the most part, performance in this fight, how do you feel about losing your title in such fashion?" *Silva says a bunch of random **** in brazillian, or portugese, whatever the hell they speak down there.* Translator, "Anderson says, "awww ****.""
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