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hi, first time i buy a version fo TEW so as u may imagine, im having some troubles to understand some things of this game and also having some doubts 1-. does the A.I generate new promotion's pacts? 2-. what is the best way to play a regional size promotion? i created one and cant decide if just use only 1 region (tri-state) to run shows for tv and events or book shows in diferent regions. 3-.i was a ewr player and i was used to see the overness with numbers, now i dont know where to see the overness of my workers to have some reference 4- can i change the promotion schedule from full time to tours? 5- is it recomendable to a regional size promotion to get a tv show? TIA
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[QUOTE=greven32;466772]hi, first time i buy a version fo TEW so as u may imagine, im having some troubles to understand some things of this game and also having some doubts 1-. does the A.I generate new promotion's pacts? [B]Promotion pacts are generated ny the AI yes[/B] 2-. what is the best way to play a regional size promotion? i created one and cant decide if just use only 1 region (tri-state) to run shows for tv and events or book shows in diferent regions. [B]I was running MAW in the one area until i saw the spillover was going into other areas so i ran a few "smaller" shows out there.[/B] 3-.i was a ewr player and i was used to see the overness with numbers, now i dont know where to see the overness of my workers to have some reference [B]Click the workers profile, then click popularity, you will see aload of "grades" the closer to A* the better. This years also has in the notes of a worker their current popularity level aswell such as National Star, Virtually Unknown etc[/B] 4- can i change the promotion schedule from full time to tours? [B]Yes, but only on the 1st day of every month[/B] 5- is it recomendable to a regional size promotion to get a tv show? [B]Not really no because you won't get very good ratings, hell, even with a Cult promotion, on the wrong network you can get no rating! Tbh, at regional, unless you set a show up using the pre-game editor, then you will not see a tv deal ome your way for a long time![/B] TIA[/QUOTE] Hope they helped :)
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as far as i'm aware dojo's aren't generated in game, but they can be imported. They're not a neccesity, as you can't access any info on them, they just appear in workers title histories (could be wrong, it's late and i haven't got TEW running to check) to say they graduated from "Dojo x" and they can have higher skills than those generated not from a dojo
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[QUOTE]Quote: 5- is it recomendable to a regional size promotion to get a tv show? Not really no because you won't get very good ratings, hell, even with a Cult promotion, on the wrong network you can get no rating! Tbh, at regional, unless you set a show up using the pre-game editor, then you will not see a tv deal ome your way for a long time! [/QUOTE] That's not 100% true, I was able to land a TV show in APW default everything after in May of 2008 and only being a regional promotion. You are correct about the ratings and not getting anything but zeros but I still do generate some extra popularity. The thing is it is very costly to run this many shows when your not bringing in a huge gate.
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[QUOTE=greven32;467359]thank you all for your answer, i got a new doubt do the A.I Offer you pacts between promotions??[/QUOTE] Promotions will (rarely) declare war on you if you piss them off (like breaking a pact). Besides that, they wont offer you working agreements or anything like that. In a TEW 07 game i played with a real world mod, I was playing as WWE. A new small promotion opened and the owner was revealed as Ted Turner. Ted Turner declared war on WWE. It was only a demo game though, so I couldnt continue after the first month.
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AI promotion pacts usually are generated when your owner or the other companies owners have relationships with others. Like the example above, i have been given a non-agression pact with Stampede because the owners of Stampede and my fed are brothers (Bruce and Ross Hart respectively), i've found though that when i used to play 07 as ECW, whenever anyone that hated Paul Heyman took over a new company, they'd instantly be at war with me, regardless of the companies size or style.
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