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... An Inspiration?

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Howdy, After just recking down to my nearest cinema to watch the much hyped film The Dark Knight I have been given an inspiration to begin a new mod based on fantasy of movies, comics etc. Now, I havent given much info, for I am yet to decide whether to go ahead with a very rough idea or discuss with you lot about whether it would work and how it would operate... a bit of advice / help will be needed... Get back to me on this idea...
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Ths was basically my idea :D Possibly having Pixar as another promotion... I just feel we are lacking something creative, and although credit goes to all those real world based mod makers, which believe me is a very tough job to do, i'd love to play something more fictional. If your happy to help... add my msn, we can chat... this goes to any others also... [email]defencetoattack-jake@hotmail.co.uk[/email] I suppose after a chat we can start work immediately :)
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