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So if your match exceeds the hype....

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All Advanced Booking does is help get people in the seats. The rating you see there is how much the fans care about that match. That rating has nothing to do with how well the match does. That is determined by the wrestlers, where you put it in the card (if you put it right after a great match, the rating can suffer if this match isn't as good), your road agent notes, and the match type you pick.
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[QUOTE]if you put it right after a great match, the rating can suffer if this match isn't as good),[/QUOTE] Not jsut matches also angles! heres a tip if you are not runnign 100 percent matches use cooldown angles of 1 minute that you know wil be rated around or less then you think the match wil score if the angle/match preceding said match has a chance of outclassing it. Make sure that the last angle isn´t a cooldown angle tough as that always gets counted towards the general score in my experience.
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