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Guest cmdrsam

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Joey Minnesota VS [B]Sammy Bach[/B] Genghis Rahn VS [B]Texas Pete[/B] W/ Floyd Goldsworthy In a Falls Count Anywhere Match. [B]The New Wave[/B] VS Brent Hill and John Anderson For the TCW World Tag Team Titles Koshiro Ino VS [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] for the TCW International Title [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] VS Sam Keith Rick Law VS [B]Eddie Peak[/B] Rocky Golden VS [B]Tommy Cornell[/B] for the TCW World Heavyweight Title
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Joey Minnesota vs [B]Sammy Bach[/B] Sammy needs to break into the upper midcard, and a win here will help pave the way. [B]Genghis Rahn[/B]vs Texas Pete Genghis doesn't excite me but if he's to lose it should be to someone with their best days still ahead of them New Wave vs [B]The Machines[/B] I suspect that this is a feud that has barely gotten started. Koshiro Ino vs [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] Neither needs the belt, but Wolf doesn't need to lose it right now either. [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] vs Sam Keith Ricky has a big upside against Tommy. Sam's seen better days. Rick Law vs [B]Eddie Peak[/B] Eddie's the big Brawler that can go. Rick's good, but not good enough. Rocky Golden vs [B]Tommy Cornell[/B] I don't think Rocky as champ will generate the kind of match quality TCW needs to stay competitive.
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Guest cmdrsam
Sorry for the delay folks. I was sick over the weekend. Wish I could of said it was a great party or something to that effect but it wasn't. The Malice card has been wrote except one match and I think one fluff item. Should be up tonight.
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Guest cmdrsam
[CENTER][B]TCW Presents Malice in Wonderland![/B] Week 4, January 2008 Nevada State Armoury Attendance: 30,000 [/CENTER] A video plays, VOICEOVER: Malice=A desire to cause pain, injury, or distress to another. Tonight’s event will have Malice. Rocky Golden has a chance to fight for and to fulfill the dream of becoming TCW World Heavyweight Champion. Or can Tommy Cornell whether the storm of Malice and show us the mettle he has to retaining his coveted belt. . . Malice in Wonderland is a chance to see man’s heartache grow further, see more pain and suffering, more blood spilled and dreams shattered. . . For on this night. Malice will reign. Another short video is played highlighting the matches that will take place tonight, and then the pyro explodes, and Malice in Wonderland is on the air. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Jason Azaria:[/B][/COLOR] Welcome everybody to Malice in Wonderland, and have we got one hell of a show for you tonight. [COLOR="blue"][B]Kyle Rhodes:[/B][/COLOR] Oh boy, I’m so excited for this, especially as tonight could be Rocky Golden’s night, a night in which he gains the title. [COLOR="blue"][B]Jason Azaria:[/B][/COLOR] Or will Cornell retain the title? They are interrupted by the music of the Joey Minnesota as he makes his way to the ring. Then Sammy Bach’s hits, and he is being led out by his manager Karen Killer. They make their way to the ring with their usual entrance. Match #1 [COLOR="blue"][B]Joey Minnesota[/B][/COLOR] VS[COLOR="Red"][B]Sammy Bach W/ KAren Killer[/B][/COLOR] for the TCW All Action Title They lock up, and they grapple with each other across the ring. Joey hits a right hand on Bach, and then chops him in the chest. He whips him across the ring, and scores with a clothesline. He picks him up, and then hits a scoop slam on Bach. He covers, 1…………………………………… 2 ………………………………... and a kickout. Joey picks Bach up, and whips him into the corner. And stomps Bach. Referee Eugene Williams calls for Joey to let his man out of the corner. Bach crawls under the ropes, and goes to the outside. The crowd boo, as him and Karen stay on the outside, and they have a huddle. Suddenly, Joey leaps of the ropes, and takes them all down with a cross body. Joey is first to get up and he rolls Bach into the ring. As he enters the ring, Bach attacks Joey from behind. He hits him with right hands to the back of his head, and then scores with a bulldog. He picks him up hitting a suplex. Bach covers, 1……………………………………. 2……………………………………. and a kickout. Bach then picks Joey up, and whips him into the corner. Joey tries to rush out but is taken down by a spinning kick from Bach. Bach then picks up Joey, but he is hit with a low blow, and then Joey hits a side slam. Joey then grabs a headlock on Bach, and keeps it locked in. Bach hits Joey with several body shots. Joey releases the head lock and goes running against the ropes. Bach ducks a clothes line attempt then hits a back drop on Joey, and covers, 1……………………………………. 2 …………………………….. and Joey kicks out. Bach picks up Joey, and then hits a snap suplex on him, and then stomps on him. Bach then hits an elbow on Joey. Bach continues his assault picking Joey up, and whipping him into the ropes. Bach goes for a clothesline, but Joey ducks, and then scores with a ddt. Joey covers, 1………………………….. 2………………………….. and a kickout. Joey picks up Sammy then whips him into the corner, and tries to hit a clothesline on him, but Bach moves, and then dropkicks Joey’s knee, knocking him down. Bach then starts to stomp on the knee of Minnesota, and then locks in a leg lock. He forces his elbow into his knee, and then drops the elbow on it. Bach covers, 1………………………… 2………………………… and a kickout. Bach then hits a suplex on him, and follows up with a knee breaker. He covers, 1…………………………….. 2…………………………….. and Joey kicks out. Bach whips Joey into the corner, and then scores with a monkey roll on. Sammy celebrates and taunts the crowd, but he is hit by a right hand from Joey. And then chops Bach into the chest, before hitting a side suplex on Bach. Joey looks hurt. Bach shakes off the suplex damage and then locks in another leg lock, and Joey is in pain. He tightens the hold on him. Bach then drags Joey over to the corner, and climbs up to the top turnbuckle. Fumihiro Ots’a music plays. And Bach is looking around to see if he can see Ota. Bach decides its just a mind game and leaps. But Joey moves out of the way. Joey covers, 1……………………………….. 2………………………………… 3! [B]Winner: Joey Minnesota and NEW TCW All Action Champion. Rated: C[/B] You’re a thief Bach yells out. Joey tries to stand up but doesn’t seem to be able to put to much weight on the leg. Out from under the ring comes Ota and he Ninja Strikes Joey down. Karen shrieks out loud as Ota nails another Ninja Strike on Bach. Ota looks at Karen, points then leaves the ring. [B]Rated: E[/B] We then cut to a preview for the next match, and it has been changed to a falls count anywhere match between Genghis Rahn and Texas Pete. We then here the Genghis Rahn’s music hit, and he comes to the ring. Then, Texas Pete’s music hits, and he comes down with Floyd Goldsworthy towards the ring. Match #2 [COLOR="red"][B]Texas Pete w/ Floyd Goldsworthy[/B][/COLOR] VS. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Genghis Rahn[/B][/COLOR] (Falls Count Anywhere) Just as Pete enters the ring, he is struck by the Genghis Rahn with a huge right, and the brawl begins. Rahn hits another big right hand, and then chops him across the chest. He whips Pete across the ring, and knocks him down with a big boot. He picks him up, and then hits a huge scoop slam on him, and then covers, 1……………………….….. 2 ………………………….. and a kickout. Rahn picks Pete up, and then throws him over the top rope. Rahn goes to whip him into the barricade, but Pete reverses it, and Rahn hits the barricade. Pete then stomps away at him, before knocking his head against it. Pete then whips him into the steel steps, and Rahn’s head goes crashing into it. Pete stomps at him, then gets a steel chair. Pete swings it at Rahn, but he ducks it then kicks it back in Pete’s face. Rahn then hits him over the back with the chair, and then hits Pete’s head against the steps. Rahn rolls Pete back into the ring, and then goes for the Rahn to the Hill, but Pete hits a low blow, and then hits a neckbreaker on Rahn. He covers, 1…………………….. 2…………………….. and the kickout. Pete then whips him into the corner, and then hits a clothesline on him. He then hits him with a right hand, and knocks Rahn over the top rope. Pete picks up the chair, and then hits Rahn with it. He then gets out a trash can, and hits him with that as well. Pete then hits Rahn’s head on the barricade, and the two of them start to brawl through the crowd. Pete starts to hit Rahn in the ribs, and then drives a steel pole into them. Pete then drives the pole into him again, before smashing Rahn’s head into the pole. They battle to the backstage, and Pete whips Rahn into the wall, and then hits him with a suplex onto the concrete floor. He covers, 1………………………. 2……………………... and a kickout. Pete picks him up, and then hits Rahn’s head on a table, before going to spear him. Pete goes for the spear, but Rahn rushes forward and then hits a huge clothesline on Pete. Rahn then slams Pete. Rohn then picks up a table, and goes to drop it on Pete, but he moves at the last second. Pete runs at Rahn, but he throws him into a door, and they move into a corridor area. Rahn hits Pete with an axe handle, and then sets him up for a Rahn to the Hills, but Pete kicks him in the knee, and then smacks him over the head. Pete hits him with an uppercut, before bulldogging him on the floor. He covers, 1…………………….... 2…………………………. and a kickout. Pete gets fed up, and he picks up a rake. He hits Rahn in the shins with it, and then goes to hit him over the head, but Rahn uses his strength to hold the rake, and then he grabs it off him, and hits Pete with it. Rahn picks up Pete, and he hit’s a bull dog on him. He covers, 1………………………….. 2 ……………………….. and somehow Pete kicks out. Rahn is frustrated that he cannot put Pete away, and then hits a leg drop on him. He then picks up the rake, and hits him with it again. He then goes over and spots a golf buggy. He gets in the buggy, and then tries to drive over Pete in it. He drives at him, but Pete moves at the last second, and then he smacks Rahn with the rake. Rahn falls out of the buggy and Pete charges at him, and spears him, knocking them both through a glass window. They are both down and bleeding, and Pete crawls across to Rahn, and covers him, 1………………………….. 2…………………………… and an amazing kickout from Rahn. Pete cannot believe it, and he tries to argue with the referee. He picks up a garbage can, and he hits Rahn with it. He covers again, 1………………………. 2……………………... and again he kicks out. Pete then stomps away on Rahn, and then throws him back through the empty glass window. Pete then picks him up, and whips him into the wall. He takes his head, and smacks it against a table, before dragging back towards the entrance, while hitting right hands on his face and his ribs. Pete picks up a stop sign, and he jabs it into his ribs, and then hits him over the back with it, knocking him down to the floor. He covers, 1……………………….. 2…………………………. and the kickout. Pete is furious, and he goes and picks up the stop sign. He charges at him with it, but Rahn kicks it back in Pete’s face. Rahn stumbles up, and he hits a clothesline on Pete, which knocks him through the barrier, and back out through the entrance. Rahn picks up Pete, and he hits a scoop slam on him. He then picks him up, and goes for another slam, but Pete hits a low blow, and then whips him into the stage. Pete runs at Rahn, but he moves, and Pete goes shoulder first into the steel. Rahn then picks him up, and he whips him into the steel again. He tries again, but Pete counters, and spears him into the stage. Both men are out, and eventually Pete is the first to respond. He crawls over to Rahn, and covers, 1……………………... 2………………………. and a kickout. He is livid, and then picks up Rahn. He goes for suplex, and lifts him up, but Rahn counters out of it, and then hits a suplex of his own on Pete, knocking him off the stage, and through a pile of tables. Rahn slowly climbs down off the stage, and over to where Pete is. He covers, 1……………………….. 2 ………………………. 3! [B]Winner: Genghis Rahn Rated: C+[/B] After the match is over American Buffalo makes his way down. Rahn is pretty much defenseless as Texas Pete and him had a major battle. Buffalo wails away on Rahn as Pete gets his shots in as well. They leave after leaving Rahn a bloody mess. [B]Rated: C[/B] The New Wave hype match their match against The World Champions Brent Hill and John Anderson up next. [B]Rated: C-[/B] Match #3 [COLOR="blue"][B]The New Wave[/B][/COLOR] VS. [COLOR="Red"][B]John Anderson and Brent Hill[/B][/COLOR] for the TCW Tag Titles The New Wave enter the ring, and they immediately start to brawl with the Champions. Guide starts to attack Brent, while Scout goes after Brent. The New Wave each nail right hands on the Champions, and then they throw them over the top rope. Guide whips Brent into the barricade, while Scout knocks John’s head onto the steps. Each New Wave tries to whip their men, but the whips are reversed, and the New crash into each other. The champions pick up Guide, and they drag him into the ring. They whip Guide across the ring, and then they hit a double drop toe hold on him. Scout enters the ring, but he is taken down with a double clothesline. Guide gets up, but he is hit with a double suplex, as Scout runs at John. However, John hits a scoop slam, and then Brent gets ready to climb the top rope. He does so, but Brent is knocked off the top rope by a steel chair shot from Guide. Brent falls to the floor, and then Guide starts to hit him with the chair again. John goes after Guide, but gets hit with a clothesline from Scout from behind. Guide then enters the ring, and they a double spinebuster on John. Brent tries to re-enter the ring, but he is knocked off the apron. Scout starts to beat down John, as Guide leaves the ring, and goes and picks up some trash cans from underneath the ring. He throws them into the ring, and as Brent runs towards him, he gets blasted in the head with a trash can lid. Guide then re-enters the ring, and the New Wave take turns to hit John with a trash can. They then throw him over the top rope, and then whip him into the steel steps. Brent runs at the New Wave with the ring bell, but the New Wave give him a spine buster onto the steps. They cover him, 1……………………………… 2…………………………….. and he kicks out. Scout then picks up Brent, and he ddt’s him onto the floor, as Guide gives John a back drop. The New Wave then start to taunt the champs, as they go and set up a table on the outside of the ring. They pick up Brent, and then they give him a powerbomb through the table. They cover him, 1……………………………… 2……………………………… and John breaks the count up. The New Wave then attack John, and then they drag him to the barricade. They then pick him up, and then drop him on it. They then drag him towards the announce table, and they set John up. They attempt to hit a double suplex on him, but Brent charges from behind, and he hits Scout, and then Guide with a Singapore cane. Brent then hits a reverse ddt on Scout, as the World Champs bring Guide back into the ring. They hit the scoop slam on him, and then John climbs to the top rope, and hit’s a big splash on Guide. Scout enters the ring, but John gives him a scoop slam. We then hear Brent scream AMMO DUMP! They go to hit the Ammo Dump on Guide. But Guide hits a low blow on Brent, stopping it happening. Guide then picks up the Singapore cane, and he runs at John, but he ducks and he hit’s a flying clothesline on him. Scout then runs at John, but he ducks again, and The Champs hit double neck breaker. John rolls up Scout with a handfull of tights. The Tag Team Specialists come running down and start to pummel Scout as the Referee begins to count. 1………………………………… 2………………………………. 3! [B]Winner: John Anderson and Brent Hill and still TCW Tag Team Champions. Rated: B-[/B] Match #4 [COLOR="Blue"][B]Koshiro Ino[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="red"][B]Wolf Hawkins[/B][/COLOR] for the TCW International Title The two men lock up in the ring, and they start to grapple with each other. They lock up, and they fight their way around the ring. Wolf hits a right hand on Ino, and then he scores with another. Wolf kicks him in the mid section, and then he goes for a clothesline, but Ino counters by throwing him over the top rope. Wolf walks around on the outside thinking about to do next. Suddenly, Ino leaps over the top rope, and he takes him down. Ino starts to pummel Wolf, and then he whips him into the barricade. Ino whips Wolf back into the ring, and then he covers, 1……………………….... 2………………………… and a kickout. Ino picks him up, and he suplex’s him in the middle of the ring. He then runs off the ropes, and drops the leg on Wolf. He covers, 1………………………. 2………………………. and a kickout. Ino picks him up again, and he whips him into the ropes, but Wolf rolls out of the ring again. The referee starts to count the count out, as Wolf goes over to where the timekeeper is, and picks up a chair. He tries to enter the ring with it, but the referee stops him. Wolf starts to argue with the referee, as Tommy Cornell enters the ring. He starts to attack Ino, and he then low blows him. He goes for a suplex and nails it. As Wolf continues to argue with the ref, and refuses to enter the ring, Cornell goes and picks up the chair that Wolf had. He waits for Ino to get up, and goes to hit him with it, but he is unable to do so, as Rocky Golden comes charging to the ring, and he nails him with a clothesline. Golden then scores a spine buster on Cornell, and the two of them then start to brawl. Their fight continues into the crowd, as Wolf enters the ring, and covers Ino, 1……………………... 2………………………. and Ino kicks out. Wolf then stomps on Ino, before wrenching the shoulder as he puts him into an armbar. He keeps the armbar locked in, and he uses the ropes for leverage to increase the pressure on the arm and the shoulder. Eventually the ref sees that he has his arm on the ropes, and he tells him that he has to break the hold. Begrudgingly, he does so, but stomps away on the arm. He then picks him up, and hits an arm drag on Ino, before hitting another one. He picks him up, and he whips him shoulder first into the ring post. He then drapes the arm over the top rope, and then he jumps on top off it. He then hits a back drop on him, and covers, 1…………………………. 2………………………… and a kickout. Wolf is upset, and he starts to argue with the referee. He goes back to work on Ino’s arm, but Ino counters him into a rollup, 1………………………... 2………………………… and Wolf has to kickout. Wolf runs at Ino, but Ino hits a right hand, and follows this with a snap suplex. Ino picks him up, and he whips him into the corner. He runs at him, but Wolf kicks him in the face, and then ddt’s him into the mat. He covers, 1…………………………. 2…………………………. and a kickout. Wolf then wrenches the arm again, before hitting an armbreaker, before locking his legs around his arm. He keeps his legs locked in, as Ino tries to make his way to the rope. He struggles to make it, but eventually he gets his hand on the rope. Wolf is angry, and then stomps away at him, before climbing to the top rope. He taunts Ino from the top, and then he hits an elbow drop on to him. He covers, 1…………………………. 2…………………………… and a kickout. Wolf them picks him up, and hits a brainbuster on Rey. He covers, 1………………………….… 2…………………………… and a kickout. Wolf is amazed, and then picks him up again, before putting him in a powerbomb position. He goes for the powerbomb, but Ino reserves it into a hurricanrana. Both men are laid out in the ring, and the ref begins to count, 1………… 2……………. 3………….. 4……………… 5………………. 6……………… and both men struggle to their feet. The both get up, and Wolf goes to hit a right hand on Ino, but he blocks it, and he hits a right hand of his own on Wolf. He then follows up with another one, and another, before whipping him into the ropes. He then scores with a dropkick, and then he runs of the ropes, before dropping a splash on Wolf. He then picks him up, and hits a snap suplex, before picking him back up. He whips him across the ring into the corner, and then runs at him, scoring with a clothesline. Wolf then gets taken down with an enzeguiri, as Ino climbs to the second rope. He leaps of the top, taking him down with a Spear, as he covers, 1…………………………. 2………………………….. and a kickout. Ino then runs at Wolf, but Wolf hits a back body drop on. He sets him up for the Wolf Bite. And he nails it. He covers Ino, 1.……………. 2.……………. 3! [B]Winner: Wolf Hawkins and still TCW International Champion Rated: B[/B] Next we are treated to promos from Sam Keith and Ricky Dale Johnson about their upcoming match. [B]Rated: B-[/B] Match #5 [COLOR="Red"][B]Sam Keith[/B][/COLOR] VS. [COLOR="blue"][B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B][/COLOR] Keith and RDJ lock eyes, and they circle around the ring and each other. They lock up in the middle of the ring, and they have a battle of strength which is won by Ricky. Sam Keith sarcastically applauds Ricky, and then they lock up again. Again, Ricky wins the battle, and he pushes Sam to the ground. Sam then gets up, and they lock up again. Ricky and Sam push each other around the ring, and Ricky then takes Sam down, and locks a headlock in on him. Ricky keeps the headlock locked in, as he flips over Sam, and then turns the headlock into an arm bar on Sam. Sam manages to roll out of the submission move, but Ricky then takes him down again with an arm drag, and then covers him, 1……………………………. and Sam kicks out. Ricky then whips Sam against the ropes, and then takes Sam down with a shoulder block, and then puts another headlock on him. Sam tries to fight out of, but Ricky will not let him. Eventually, Sam has to use a rake to the eyes on Ricky to get out of it, and then he hits a hard shot to the back of Johnson’s neck. Sam then stomps on Ricky, and then picks him up, where he drops him with a powerslam. Sam then stomps away on Ricky again, before covering, 1…………………………… 2………………………… and a kick out. Sam then picks up Ricky, and he whips him across the ring, before driving his knee into him. Sam then picks up Ricky, and he hit’s a right hand to his face, and then another, before hitting him with a scoop slam. Sam then taunts the audience, as he stomps on Ricky. Sam then picks up Ricky, and he hits an elbow to the back on his neck. Sam then whips Ricky across the ring into the corner, and then hits him with a clothesline. Sam then chops Ricky across the chest, and then he does it again. He poses for the crowd, and as he does so, Ricky suddenly manages to put Sam into the corner, and then starts to chop him. He hits him with several chops across the chest, before then whipping him across the ring. Ricky then goes over to Sam he hits him with a suplex, and then attempts another. However, Sam scores a low blow on Ricky, and he hits a suplex of his own on Ricky. Sam hits the suplex, and then he picks up Ricky. He whips him against the ropes, and then hits a spinebuster on Ricky. Sam then throws Ricky over the top rope, and then he follows him. Sam then gets to Ricky, and he whips him into the barricade. He then knocks Ricky’s head against it, and then drops him on it. Sam taunts the crowd, as he then whips Ricky into the steel steps, and his shoulder goes crashing into them. Sam then picks up Ricky, and he whips his shoulder into the steps again, before slamming his arm into the steps. Sam then throws Ricky back into the ring, and he covers him, 1…………………………… 2………………………….. and he kicks out. Sam then locks in an armbar on Ricky, and he locks both his legs around the arm. He keeps the pressure locked onto to his arm, and he also uses the ropes to increase the pressure. Ricky appears to be in pain, but he refuses to tap. Ricky tries to roll out of it, but Sam keeps the submission locked in. The referee Sam Sparrow asks Ricky if he wants to give up, but he says no, and then he stretches out, and he manages to reach the ropes. Sam has to let go, but he then stomps on the arm. Sam then gets up, and waits for Ricky to do so. He goes for a lariat, and charges at Ricky, but he ducks, and then Ricky scores with a kick to the gut and then a suplex. Ricky goes for another one, but Sam hooks his legs, and then he blocks the effort. Ricky hits him with a shot to the back of the neck, and then he scores with a suplex. Ricky then climbs to the top rope, and he goes for the elbow drop. However, Sam moves out of the way, and Ricky goes crashing to the mat. Sam then rolls over Ricky, and covers him, 1………………………. 2…………………………. and he kicks out. Sam gets to his feet first, and he takes Ricky down with a scoop slam. He then drops the elbow on Ricky, and then wrenches the shoulder, taking Ricky down with an armbar takedown. He then locks another armbar in. Sam keeps the armbar locked in, as he doesn’t allow Ricky to escape. Sam keeps it in, but again, Ricky manages to escape the armbar. Ricky runs at Sam, but he is taken down by a big boot. Sam then follows up with a right hand, and then he hits a neckbreaker on Ricky, before stomping to the arm. Sam then picks up Ricky, and he hits an armbreaker, before whipping him shoulder first into the turnbuckle. He wrenches the arm, and then he takes him down with a huge suplex. Ricky then climbs to the top rope, and he taunts Ricky. He waits for him to get up, and then he leaps off and goes for a clothesline, but Ricky catches him, and he takes him down with a belly to belly suplex. Both men are down on the ring, as the referee begins to count, 1…………………… 2………………………….. 3………………. 4………………………………5………………………………. 6…………………………. as they both stumble up. Sam goes for a big right hand on Ricky, but he blocks it, and then hits one of his own. He then chops him across the chest, and then again. He whips Sam off the ropes, and then scores with a back body drop. Ricky then hits a snap suplex on Sam, and then hits another one. He picks up, and he whips him against the ropes. Ricky then hits a kick to the mid section, and follows up with a ddt. He covers, 1………………………….. 2………………………….. and Sam kicks out. Ricky picks up Sam, but he rakes Ricky’s eyes, and then hits a jaw breaker. He goes for a fall away slam, but Ricky wriggles out of it, and then hits a suplex. He then hits a second one, and then a third, as he signals for the end. He climbs the top rope, and he leaps off, connecting with a leaping lariat. He covers, 1………………………………… 2………………………………. 3! [B]Winner: Ricky Dale Johnson Rated: B[/B] Match #5 [COLOR="Blue"][B]Eddie Peak[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="blue"][B]Rick Law[/B][/COLOR] Rick Law and Eddie Peak are both in the ring. Peak gets ready to face Law, but then he ducks out of the ring, and then prepares himself on the outside. Peak starts to circle the ring, and refuses to enter it, as Law stands in the ring. Eddie then looks ready to enter the ring, and he ducks to get in. However, he decides not to, and walks around the ring again. However, Rick decides to come after him, and he leaves the ring over the top rope. Rick then starts to chase after Eddie, and knocks him down with a huge clothesline. Rick then picks up Eddie, and he whips him into the barricade, before dropping his face on it. Rick then whips him back into the ring, and then he climbs in. As he enters the ring, Eddie then hits a chop block in Law’s leg. He then stomps away at the leg. Before he taunts the crowd. Eddie then picks up Rick, but he retaliates with big right hands into the midsection of Peak. Rick then pummels away at Eddie, before throwing him into the corner. He then hits him with a series of right and left hands before choking him. He then whips him across the ring, and goes for the clothesline, but Eddie ducks, and then rakes the eye’s of Law. Eddie then hits a clothesline Rick, and then hits another one. Eddie then taunts the crowd again, before kicking Rick in the head. He covers, 1…………………………… and Rick kicks out. Eddie then picks him up, and he hits a suplex on Law, and covers again, 1…………………………. 2………………………… and a kickout. Eddie then stomps away on Rick’s leg, before picking him up, and hitting a neckbreaker on him. Eddie then picks up Rick, before sweeping his leg away from him. Eddie then locks in a leg lock on Rick, and he bends the leg away from Law. He puts the pressure on, and Rick has to try and reach the ropes. Rick gets towards the ropes, but Eddie puts his hands on the ropes, making it harder for Rick to reach them. However, Rick suddenly manages to power out of the leg lock, and then knocks Eddie down with a huge clothesline. He then chops his across the chest, and then again, before slamming him to the ground. He covers, 1…………………………. 2………………………….. and Eddie kicks out. Rick then whips Eddie across the ring, and he follows it up with a clothesline, before scoring a ddt on Eddie. Rick covers, 1…………………………….. 2……………………………. and another kickout. Rick then whips Eddie across the ring, before hitting him with a big boot. Eddie then climbs the to rope, and goes for the flying clothesline. He sets up for it, and he leaps of the top, only to be hit with a solid punch to the midsection from Eddie. Eddie then stomps on the knee of Rick, before dropping the elbow on it. Eddie then picks up Rick, and hits him with a right hand, before hitting a snapmare takedown on Law. He then bulldogs Rick into the mat, and then Eddie taunts Rick and the crowd again. Rick struggles up, but he is met by a shoulder block, and then a side suplex by Eddie. He covers, 1……………………………. 2…………………………… and a kickout. Eddie then picks him up, and then whips Rick into the corner, before delivering a clothesline on him. He then kicks the knee of Law again, and Rick is knocked down. Eddie then drags Rick’s hurting knee to the ring post, before he knocks it into the post. He then swings the knee into the post again, and then does it a third time, before driving his knee into Rick’s leg. Eddie then climbs to the second rope, and then jumps off, landing on Rick’s leg. Eddie then covers, 1…………………………….. 2……………………………… and Rick kicks out again. Eddie then picks up Rick, and hits a back drop on him, before choking him. Eddie then whips him across the ring, before driving his knee into the stomach of Rick. He then trips the leg of Rick, and starts to lock in another leg lock. He locks in the lock, and he applies the pressure to Law’s leg. The referee asks him whether he wants to give up, but Rick say no, and he continues to try and escape. He pulls his way towards the ropes, and he eventually manages to reach out and grab them. Eddie is furious, and he continues to hold for a further 4 seconds before letting go. Eddie then brings him into the middle of the ring, and covers, 1………………………………. 2…………………………………. and Rick kicks out. Eddie starts to argue with the ref, and as Law gets up, he knocks him down with a neckbreaker. He then whips him into the corner, and then he picks him up, and he puts him on the top rope. He taunts the crowd again, and then Eddie climbs the ropes, and he goes for a superplex. He gets ready to do it, but Rick tries to block it. He hits him with right hands into the stomach, and then Rick pushes Eddie off the top. Eddie gets back up, but he is taken down by a flying clothesline by Law. Both men are down, as the ref begins to count, 1……………… 2…………………….. 3………………….. 4……………….. 5………………… 6……………….. 7…………….. as they stumble to their feet. Eddie goes to hit Rick, but he blocks it, and then hits a huge uppercut on Eddie. He then scores with another, before whipping him into the ropes, and then hitting a body back drop. He then picks up Eddie, and hits a scoop slam on him, and then another before whipping him into the corner. Rick runs at Eddie, and he scores with a clothesline, before then lifting Eddie up, and then delivers a devastating Long Arm of the Law. He covers, 1…………………………………. 2.…………………………….... 3! After the match Rick Law went to shake Eddie’s hand. Eddie starts to shake it but pulls away at the last minute and walks away. [B]Winner: Rick Law Rated: B-[/B] We go to backstage where Tommy Cornell is getting ready for his title defense. Shawn Doakes asks for some time. [COLOR="blue"][B]Shawn:[/B][/COLOR] I am here with Tommy Cornell who is getting…….. [COLOR="Red"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] I’m sorry Shawn, but it is Mr. Cornell to you. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Shawn:[/B][/COLOR] Sorry Mr. Cornell. Tonight you will be facing Rocky Golden; do you feel that you will beat him? [COLOR="red"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] What kind of a question is that? Do I think I can beat him? Of course I feel that I can beat him, as that is the sole reason I am here. I am Tommy Cornell. I was the longest reigning TCW champion. I defeated everyone and everything that was put in my path along the way. I am the greatest single thing that has ever happened to this company. I have made more money in the last year for this company than Rocky Golden ever could. And do you know why I am so great, it is because I am a wrestling God. The Universe revolves around me. [COLOR="blue"][B]Shawn:[/B][/COLOR] But Mr. Cornell, haven’t we seen you lose to Rocky just this past week? [COLOR="red"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] You see Shawn, you just don’t get it do you. Yes, Golden may have won. But doesn’t count. Because when it comes to a singles match, I will show Rocky how a real wrestler operates. They don’t go around attacking people from behind, and fighting them when it is not legal. They settle it in the ring. And tonight, I promise, no, I guarantee victory. [B]Rated: A[/B] Match #7 [COLOR="blue"][B]Ricky Golden[/B][/COLOR] VS. [COLOR="Red"][B]Tommy Cornell[/B][/COLOR] for the TCW World Heavyweight Title Rocky enters the ring, and he calls for Tommy to get into the ring with him. Cornell stalls on the outside. Cornell motions as if he will enter the ring, but decides not to. Cornell then starts to taunt Rocky, and Rocky then leaves the ring, and starts to chase Cornell. Tommy rolls in the ring and Rocky does as well. But Tommy starts to beat down Rocky before he could stand up. Tommy then starts to stomp away on Rocky. He then picks him up, and whips him across the ring, but Rocky knocks him down with a huge clothesline. Tommy then rolls out of the ring, and he clutches his face. Tommy the walks around the ring, not wanting to get in and face Rocky, so Rocky comes after Cornell. Rocky runs after Tommy, but Tommy turns around, and he hits a right hand on Rocky, and then he whips him into the barricade. Cornell then taunts Rocky, and then goes to knock his head on the barricade, but Rocky blocks it, and then hits Cornell’s head on it instead. He then picks up Tommy, and he drops him onto the barrier. Rocky then rolls Tommy back into the ring, and covers, 1……………………… 2…………………………… and he kicks out. Rocky then picks up Tommy, and takes him down with a vertical suplex, and then he nails some right hands to Tommy. Rocky then picks up Tommy, and he whips him into the corner. He runs at him, and he nails a huge clothesline. He then goes for another, but Tommy moves out of the way, and Rocky crashes into the turnbuckle. Tommy then starts to argue with the referee, as Sam Keith who made his way down from the backstage area hits a low blow on Rocky, and then trips him up. Tommy then comes over to Rocky, and drags his legs into the turnbuckle, causing a low blow on Rocky. Tommy then starts to taunt Rocky, as he picks him up, and nails a Russian leg sweep on him. He covers, 1………………………………….. 2………………………………….. and a kickout. Tommy then picks up Rocky, and he whips him into the corner, and he starts to chop him across the chest. He then hits a neckbreaker on Rocky, and covers, 1…………………………………. 2………………………………….. and a kickout. Tommy then mounts Rocky, and he hits him in the face with right hands. He then whips him against the ropes, and he jumps on top of him, locking in a sleeper hold. He has the hold locked in, and he is cutting off Rocky’s breathing. He has it locked in tightly, and he cannot escape. The referee drops Rocky’s arm, and he doesn’t respond. He then drops it again, and there is still no response. He drops it for a third time, but Rocky responds, and he keeps the arm up. He then uses his strength to over power Tommy, and he throws him off his shoulders. Rocky and Tommy then get back up, and Tommy runs at him. However, Rocky catches him with a huge spinebuster, and then Tommy rolls out of the ring. Rocky then goes after Tommy, and picks him up, before throwing him over the barricade. Rocky then climbs over, and the two of them start to brawl. Rocky then brings him back to the barricade, and then he suplexs over it, landing on the concrete. Rocky then picks up Tommy, and he goes to whip him into the steel steps, but Tommy reverses it, and Rocky crashes into them. Tommy then taunts him, before dragging him by his head to the announce table. He knocks his head off the table, and then does it again. He then goes over to the timekeepers table, and he picks up the ring bell. He goes to hit Rocky with it, but the ref stops him. As the ref argues with Tommy, Sam Keith hits Rocky with some right hands, and then Tommy delivers a huge suplex onto the floor. He then picks up Rocky, and lines him to the announce table. He then climbs onto the commentary table, and he stands up on it. He then leaps off the table, and drives Rocky through it with a splash. Both men are down and out, as the referee checks on both men. Tommy struggles to his feet first, and he then drags Rocky towards the ring. He manages to get him into the ring, and he covers him, 1…………………………….. 2………………………………. and Rocky gets the shoulder up. Tommy is shocked, and he tries to argue with the ref, telling him it was a three count, but the ref tells him it was two. Tommy then starts hitting right hands on Rocky again, and then drops his elbow on him. He covers, 1…………………………. 2………………………… and Rocky kicks out again. Tommy then picks up Rocky, and he whips him into the corner. He then chops him across the chest, before putting him onto the top rope. Tommy then climbs up, and he then hits a superplex on Rocky, knocking him crashing to the floor. Tommy then rolls over, and covers, 1……………………….. 2……………………………. and again Rocky manages to kick out. Tommy is furious, and then he kicks Rocky in the back of the head. He picks him up, and delivers a ddt on him. He then picks up Rocky, and he goes for a suplex but Rocky blocks the suplex, and then scores with one of his own, knocking both men down. The referee begins to count, 1………………………….. 2………………………………………. 3……………………………. 4……………….. 5…………………………….. 6……………………………. 7……………………. and both men stumble up. Tommy goes to hit a right hand on Rocky, but he blocks it, and he scores with one of his own. He then hits another, before whipping him into the ropes, and scoring with a big boot. He then picks up Tommy, and he takes him down with a scoop slam, and then a clothesline. He picks up Tommy, and he whips him into the corner. He runs at him, and goes for the clothesline, but Tommy pulls the referee in the way on Rocky. Tommy then runs at Rocky, but he is taken down by a spine buster by Rocky, who then covers, but there is no referee. He then gets up, and signals for the end of Tommy. He prepares him for the Rocky Road, but as he goes to hit, Sam Keith nails him with the title belt, and he puts Tommy on top of Rocky, as the ref crawls over to them. He counts, 1………………………………. 2………………………………. and Rocky kicks out. Sam and Tommy cannot believe it, and Tommy climbs to the top rope. He goes for a splash, but Rocky moves, and Tommy crashes into the floor. Rocky picks up Tommy, and again he goes for the Rocky Road. However, Sam enters the ring, and Rocky has to drop Tommy, and he nails a right hand on Sam. Rocky then starts to destroy Sam and as the referee deals with their fight, Tommy picks up the title, and hits Rocky with it. He covers, 1……………………………… 2……………………………….. and Texas Pete comes down with Floyd Goldsworthy and pulls the referee out of the ring. Tommy is furious with Pete, and Tommy goes after him. The two of them start to brawl, and they each nail right hands on each other. Tommy manages to throw Texas Pete over the top rope, and he turns around to be hit with a spine buster from Rocky. Sam Keith tries to get into the ring, but Texas Pete pulls him back, and they fight on the outside. The referee tries to stop them interfering in the match, as Rocky gets ready to hit the Rocky Road on Tommy. He lifts him up and Boom! HE delivers it, Rocky crawls on top of Tommy, and the ref counts, 1………………………………… 2……………………………………. 3! The show draws to an end with Rocky Golden being in the ring holding the Heavyweight Championship. Then he looks on at Tommy Cornell and his Syndicate stable mates as they are in shock and outraged. Floyd pulls away with Texas Pete and American Buffalo who came down. What is going on here in TCW? Why did Floyd interfere? What will Tommy’s reaction be? All this and more only on TCW. [B]Winner: Rocky Golden and NEW TCW World Heavyweight Champ. Rated: B[/B] [CENTER][B]Final Show Rating: B PPV Buy Rate: 1.63[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE="1"]Quick Results Joey Minnesota beat Sammy Bach Genghis Rahn beat Texas Pete Brent Hill and John Anderson beat The New Wave Wolf Hawkins beat Koshiro Ino Ricky Dale Johnson beat Sam Keith Rick Law beat Eddie Peak Rocky Golden beat Tommy Cornell[/SIZE][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=TheBrockLock;479520][/B]Joey Vs [B]Sammy[/B] [B]Genghis Rahn[/B] VS Texas Pete W/ Floyd Goldsworthy In a Falls Count Anywhere Match. [B]The New Wave [/B]VS Brent Hill and John Anderson For the TCW World Tag Team Titles Koshiro Ino VS [B]Wolf Hawkins [/B]for the TCW International Title [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] VS Sam Keith Rick Law VS [B]Eddie Peak[/B] Rocky Golden VS [B]Tommy Cornell [/B]for the TCW World Heavyweight Title For some reason I am not confident with these predictions at all. Very excited for the write up though.[/QUOTE] 3-4 sorry bud had to throw in something a little different. Read at the bottom of this for an explanation. [QUOTE=Rob4590;479803]Joey Minnesota VS [B]Sammy Bach[/B] Genghis Rahn VS [B]Texas Pete[/B] W/ Floyd Goldsworthy In a Falls Count Anywhere Match. [B]The New Wave[/B] VS Brent Hill and John Anderson For the TCW World Tag Team Titles Koshiro Ino VS [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] for the TCW International Title [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] VS Sam Keith Rick Law VS [B]Eddie Peak[/B] Rocky Golden VS [B]Tommy Cornell[/B] for the TCW World Heavyweight Title[/QUOTE] Thanks for popping in again Rob. 2-5. Tough card as I really went in a different direction. Again see bottom of this for explanation. [QUOTE=Antithesis;479833]Joey Minnesota vs [B]Sammy Bach[/B] Sammy needs to break into the upper midcard, and a win here will help pave the way. [B]Genghis Rahn[/B]vs Texas Pete Genghis doesn't excite me but if he's to lose it should be to someone with their best days still ahead of them New Wave vs [B]The Machines[/B] I suspect that this is a feud that has barely gotten started. Koshiro Ino vs [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] Neither needs the belt, but Wolf doesn't need to lose it right now either. [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] vs Sam Keith Ricky has a big upside against Tommy. Sam's seen better days. Rick Law vs [B]Eddie Peak[/B] Eddie's the big Brawler that can go. Rick's good, but not good enough. Rocky Golden vs [B]Tommy Cornell[/B] I don't think Rocky as champ will generate the kind of match quality TCW needs to stay competitive.[/QUOTE] 4-3 Congrats. your top dog on this card. [QUOTE]To be honest. I almost quit and restarted. I had a couple of matches I forgot to go back and add some notes. To be honest I had no intentions of having Rocky Golden as my Champ. But then I got to thinking. Nobody would ever have Rocky Golden as their Champion. And it ties into my next storyline for the next couple of months so lets see where I go with this :D [/QUOTE]
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After my first major PPV it was business as usual. Time for another board meeting. Let’s see what is in store for me this week. I walk in and take my seat as the rest of the board come in. Tommy looked alittle banged up but gave no indication how bad he was hurting or if he had any ill feelings for taking the strap off of him. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Good morning gentlemen. Lets tend to the business at hand shall we? First off, last month was a successful month for us. We made over 940 thousand dollars at last count. Most of the expenditures have been paid but we are still sorting out actual income so all and all gentlemen good job and thank you Mike. The room gives a pleasant applause. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Thank you gentlemen. I had a lot of help from all of you and I hope I carried out you existing story lines except for one as well as you would have. [COLOR="blue"][B]Archie:[/B][/COLOR] Yeah except Rocky freaking Golden? The man can’t wrestle his way out of a paper bag. And you take the freaking strap off of perhaps the greatest wrestler around and put it on Rocky oh my freaking god Golden. [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] I knew this was gonna pop up but I had hoped not this soon. Ok Archie I am gonna break it down for you so you don’t think it was Mike’s idea. He had originally planned on my retaining the belt. I started listening to the crowd the last couple of weeks when Rocky would come in. Have you heard the way they pop for him. My god he has come far in that department. Yes he cant wrestle, yes he wouldn’t know a ankle lock from a wrist lock. But the fans are clearly behind him. Lets just see if he continues to gain or what. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] It made sense to me when Mr. Cornell explained it to me just like that. I didn’t believe him but I focused on it the last couple of weeks and Tommy was right. Besides that it works well for my next couple of story lines this month. [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel:[/B][/COLOR] Makes sense to me, keep the strap on the kid and see how far he can take us. [COLOR="blue"][B]Arnold:[/B][/COLOR] I’m for it. Alittle surprise change is good every now and then. Keeps em interested. [COLOR="blue"][B]Archie:[/B][/COLOR] Fine so be it, explain Joey Minnesota wearing the All action title. He is better than that. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Well Bach and Karen really haven't performed well over the last month. Sorry Arnold but I tried. Anyway, Sammy has kinda of taken off as well, Joey has cooled. So I put on a lower belt on Joey, have him go on a win streak or something while he trains the newer kids in the ring. He wins, should gain popularity, plus the kids skim popularity and skills off of Joey. Should be win win. Sammy goes on and faces some upper mid carders and I have an idea for Mr. Bach anyways. He should be entertaining at least. [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Any word from the Stones who we could use next? [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] We are currently in discussions on that. I do have a surprise announcement myself this week. I had a nice long talk with Rip Chord. He has agreed to in principle on being our development feeder league. [COLOR="blue"][B]Archie:[/B][/COLOR] Wow, now I have to say for once kid you actually had a great idea. Got a lot of respect for Rip. [COLOR="blue"][B]ME:[/B][/COLOR] Good, glad to hear that for once Archie. How happy are you on this agreement? [COLOR="blue"][B]Archie:[/B][/COLOR] Very happy. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Good, You're plane leaves tomorrow. You go down and help Rip train em. And no your not in exile you will be coming back every week to participate at you current role. [COLOR="blue"][B]Archie:[/B][/COLOR] SO I am doing more freaking work for the same pay. I don’t freaking think so. [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Mike has already turned in paper work for a salary increase Archie. Needless to say it’s been approved. Now go pack. [COLOR="blue"][B]Archie:[/B][/COLOR] Well then I guess I am out of here. Arnold keep em in line will ya? [COLOR="blue"][B]Arnold:[/B][/COLOR] You got it brutha. [QUOTE]Quick preview coming from The Friedman Building in the Mid South Wolf Hawkins and Sam Keith VS Ricky Dale Johnson and Tyson Baine Danny Fonzarelli VS American Buffalo Edd Stone VS Aaron Andrews Giant Tana VS Texas Pete Sammy Bach VS Chance Fortune Brent Hill and John Anderson VS The Tag Team Specialists for the TCW Tag Titles Joey Minnesota VS Freddie Huggens for the TCW All Action Title Tommy Cornell VS Rocky Golden for the TCW World Heavyweight Title[/QUOTE]
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[B]Wolf Hawkins and Sam Keith[/B] VS Ricky Dale Johnson and Tyson Baine Danny Fonzarelli VS [B]American Buffalo[/B] [B]Edd Stone[/B] VS Aaron Andrews Giant Tana VS [B]Texas Pete[/B] [B]Sammy Bach [/B]VS Chance Fortune [B]Brent Hill and John Anderson[/B] VS The Tag Team Specialists for the TCW Tag Titles [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] VS Freddie Huggens for the TCW All Action Title Tommy Cornell VS [B]Rocky Golden [/B]for the TCW World Heavyweight Title-DQ or something along those lines
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[CENTER][B]TCW Presents Total Wrestling[/B] Week 1, Febuary 2008 The Freidman Building Attendance: 7,917[/CENTER] A Video Package of TCW Malice in Wonderland opens the show. Highlights include: Genhhis Rahn and Texas Pete, Ricky Dale Johnson beating Sam Keith, Wolf Hawkins defeating Koshiro Ino, and Rocky Golden becoming the new TCW World Champion. The camera cuts to the pyro going off and the TCW crowd is going wild [COLOR="Blue"][B]Kyle Rhodes:[/B][/COLOR] Ladies and gentlemen TCW literally hit a home run this past Sunday Night at Malice in wonderland. [COLOR="blue"][B]Jason Azaria:[/B][/COLOR] That’s right Kyle, they said we couldn’t top Psycho Circus but we did that and more at Malice. [COLOR="blue"][B]Shawn Doakes:[/B][/COLOR] From the beginning to end a great card it was. We saw a lot of action from Brent Hill and John Anderson retaining their tag team belts. We also saw Joey Minnesota gaining gold as he has become the new TCW All Action Champion. [COLOR="blue"][B]Kyle Rhodes:[/B][/COLOR] And let’s not forget the crowing jewel of them all. Rocky Golden becoming the new World heavyweight champion. [B]Rated: B-[/B] Right on queue the music of the Syndicate is blaring thru the speakers. Cornell comes thru the curtain and makes his way down to ringside. The fans chant “ You’re a loser.” This irritates Cornell further. [COLOR="Red"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Laugh it up now you ingrates. You get to watch Rocky Golden for now on. (The fans Cheer) His fluke win at Malice was perhaps the greatest travesty I have ever witnessed in my entire professional career. All thanks to one man. Floyd Goldsworthy. Who the hell do you think you are? To interrupt one of my matches, costing me to not only lose, but to lose my belt. (Again the fans cheer) Floyd, you don’t want to draw the ire of the Syndicate. We will make you a footnote in history if you ever cross our paths again. Now on to bigger and better things. Rocky Golden, your title reign is going to be the shortest reign in history. I am invoking my rematch clause, Tonight! [B]Rated: B+[/B] Match #1 [COLOR="red"][B]Wolf Hawkins and Sam Keith[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Blue"][B]Ricky Dale Johnson and Tyson Baine[/B][/COLOR] This was a pretty good battle by four of my top men. Both teams were looking for a quick victory. At one point, Wolf connects a drop kick to Ricky Dale Johnson; He flies out of the ring which only leaves Tyson Baine in the ring. Both Wolf and Sam give a suplex to Baine. Sam then lifts Baine onto his shoulders and he signals Wolf to get into the ring for the Full Moon Rising. Wolf slides into the ring but Baine quickly counters by dropping down and pushing Sam towards Wolf. Baine then gives a double clothesline to both men. Both bounce back and Baine knocks both men again with a double clothesline. We then see Ricky Dale Johnson climbing the turnbuckle. Ricky connects a huge crossbody to Wolf. Sam then gets a clothesline by Baine. Baine covers Sam but gets only two count. Baine and RDJ then work on Sam by irish whipping him to the ropes. Sam bounces back and the team of RDJ and Baine give him a double back body drop. Out of nowhere, Wolf connects a low-blow to Baine. Wolf slides out as Ricky gives chase. And now, Sam rolls up Baine but only gets two count. Sam then pushes Baine to the ropes. Baine bounces back and Sam drop toe holds him. Outside of the ring Wolf catches Ricky they start to brawl on the outside. Wolf with a rake of the eyes, and whip into the steel steps. Sam then waits for Baine to stand. Sam signals for the Proton Lock. He locks it in. Baine tries to reach for the ropes but they are too far away. Ricky recovers as Wolf was waiting a Wolf Bite sends Ricky down again. The Referee checks on Baine. He raises his arm once and it drops like dead weight. He raises it again, and again it drops. A third time, and it hit’s the mat again. The ref calls for the bell. [B]Winners: Wolf Hawkins and Sam Keith Rated: B[/B] Match #2 [COLOR="Red"][B]American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldsworthy[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Blue"][B]Danny Fonzarelli[/B][/COLOR] Buffalo wins in a squash. Floyd throughout the match challenges Tommy and The Syndicate by saying he will do as he wishes and they like the rest of TCW better beware. [B]Winner: American Buffalo Rated: D[/B] Match #3 [COLOR="Red"][B]Edd Stone[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Blue"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] They lock up to start. Edd gains the advantage with a standing arm bar. Edd goes behind Aaron and turns the arm bar into an arm lock. Aaron fights out with back elbows. Aaron with a quick drop toe hold. Edd gets up and runs into an arm drag. Edd quickly gets up and runs into another arm drag. Edd quickly gets up again and runs into a dropkick. Edd slides to the outside to regroup as the crowd cheers. Edd gets back into the ring. He and Aaron lock up again. Edd with a go behind. Standing switch by Aaron. Edd fights out with back elbows. Edd bounces off the ropes; leap frog by Aaron, Aaron turns around and goes for a dropkick but Edd holds on to the ropes and Aaron crashes to the mat. Edd points to his head indicating his brain and how smart he is. Aaron gets up and runs into a headlock take over by Edd. Aaron fights his way to his feet and goes for a back suplex but Edd rolls out. Edd pushes Aaron into the corner but Aaron jumps to the middle rope and hits a springing back elbow. Edd gets up and runs into a headlock take over by Aaron. Edd counters the headlock with a head scissors. Aaron springs out of the head scissors and dropkicks Edd in the face. Aaron goes to pick up Edd. Aaron puts Edd in a front face lock and goes for a suplex but Edd flips out and dropkicks Aaron to the back of the head. Aaron’s forward momentum causes him to bounce off the ropes and stumbles right into a german suplex by Edd. Edd goes for a quick cover but only gets 2. Edd puts Aaron in a quick front face lock. Aaron fights to his feet. Aaron runs Edd into the corner. Aaron turns around and charges Edd with a corner shoulder block. Edd leaps over and sun set flips Aaron into a pin. Aaron reverses with a float over pin. Edd bridges up and flips over into a set position. Edd tries a powerbomb but Aaron catches him with punches to the face. Edd stumbles back and just drops Aaron onto the ropes. Edd shakes off the punches and picks up Aaron. Edd sets up Aaron for the Party Over but Aaron shoves out of it. Edd bounces off the ropes and Aaron kicks him in the gut. Aaron sets Edd up for a brain buster. He lifts Edd up and holds him in the air. Edd rakes the eyes of Aaron. This causes Aaron to buckle and Edd to fall onto Aaron. Edd holds the tights of Aaron and covers for the 3 count. [B]Winner: Edd Stone Rated: D+[/B] We cut too backstage where we see Jasmine Saunders and Rick Law. [COLOR="blue"][B]Jasmine Saunders:[/B][/COLOR] Ladies and Gentlemen, Rick Law! [COLOR="blue"][B]Rick Law[/B][/COLOR] Thank you Jasmine. First off I want to say there seems to be a lot of lawless ness these days here in TCW. It all started when Cornell and Keith formed the Syndicate months ago. Now we get treated to Goldsworthy and his gorillas parading around. Well I for one think it stinks. We have to …… With that Eddie Peak comes running into the scene and decks Law. Rick was caught totally off guard as Eddie continues his assault. Eddie picks up a garbage can and slams it onto Rick. [COLOR="blue"][B]Eddie Peak:[/B][/COLOR] You don’t need to worry about anything else. We still have unfinished business. [B]Rated: C+[/B] Match #4 [COLOR="Red"][B]Texas Pete W/ Floyd Goldsworthy[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="blue"][B]Giant Tana[/B][/COLOR] The two lock up to start and Pete shoves Tana down. Pete wipes the sweat from his forehead and flings it at Tana. Pete wants another lock up but Tana just kicks him in the gut. Tana bounces off the ropes but Pete catches him with a spinebuster. Pete goes to lift Tana but Tana catches him with some clubbing forearm shots to Pete‘s Back. Tana again bounces off the ropes and this time catches Pete with a clothesline but Pete doesn’t go down. Another running clothesline forces Pete to stumble into the ropes. Tana goes out with him and clotheslines Pete on the outside. Tana then lands with a splash on Pete. Tana goes to pick up Pete but Floyd Goldsworthy gets Tana’a attention. Tana makes a move towards Floyd but Pete got to his feet and kidney punches Tana. Pete whips Tana into the guard rail. Pete rolls Tana in and proceeds to stomp on Tana’s head. Pete picks up Tana and shoots him off into the ropes, Pete bounces off the other side of the ropes, and Pete goes for a lariat but Tana ducks and Pete hits the ref. Genghis Rahn comes down with a steel chair in hand. Pete sees Rahn and starts yelling at him. Pete heads to the outside to brawl with Jarrett. Tana gets back up. Rahn swings at Pete with the chair but Pete ducks and kicks Rahn in the gut forcing him to drop the chair. Pete picks up the chair. Tana bounces off the ropes and goes to clothesline Pete; Pete sees this and catches Tana with a chair shot right to the face. Rahn heads back up the ramp. Pete picks up Tana and whips him into the ropes. Pete catches Tana and lands a Lonestar Drop. Pete covers Tana as the ref starts to come to. The ref slowly makes the 3 count. [B]Winner: Texas Pete Rated: C-[/B] After the match is over Pete continues to work over Tana. Floyd calls for Buffalo to come down as well. As they both continue their beat down, Rahn reappears from backstage with another chair. Pete and Buffalo retreat out of the ring as Rahn enters. Rahn is attending to Tana as Pete and Buffalo slowly make their way up the walk way. Rahn helps Tana to his feet. Tana stares out of the ring towards Pete and Buffalo when Rahn hits him in the head with the chair. Why Rahn? Why are you doing this yells Azaria. Pete, Buffalo, Floyd, and Rahn exchange handshakes. [B]Rated: C+[/B] Match #5 [COLOR="red"][B]Sammy Bach W/ Karen Killer[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Blue"][B]Chance Fortune[/B][/COLOR] Chance has gained control thanks Karen Killer missing a slap on Chance and hitting Sammy instead. Karen and Sammy begin to argue and Chance hits Sammy with a kick to the back. He then picks up Sammy, and goes for the kick to the head, but Sammy ducks, and nails the reverse ddt on Chance. He covers 1………………. 2………….. and a kickout. Sammy picks up Chance, and chops him a couple of times, and then hits the northern lights suplex. He covers, 1……….. 2……… and a kickout. Christian then climbs to the top turn buckle. Chance gets up, and Sammy lands a Bach with a Vengeance on Chance. He covers, 1…………………. 2…………………… 3! [B]Winner: Sammy Bach Rated: D+[/B] Match #6 [COLOR="Red"][B]The Tag Team Specialists[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="red"][B]Brent Hill and John Anderson[/B][/COLOR] for the TCW Tag Team Titles. Joel Bryant and Brent Hill start things off. Joel wants a test of strength match and Brent agrees. Joel goes to lock hands but Brent kicks him in the gut. Brent smiles and congratulates himself. Brent bounces off the ropes and runs into a huge clothesline by Joel. Joel lifts up Brent and hits a scoop slam. A quick tag brings in Robert Oxford. Scoop slam by Robert followed by an elbow drop. A quick tag brings Joel back in. Scoop slam by Joel as Robert climbs the top rope. Joel tags in Robert and he leaps from the top and hits an elbow drop. Robert makes a quick cover and John Anderson comes in to break it up at 2. The ref tries to get Anderson out of the ring but he stays in the ring and knocks Joel off the apron with a clothesline. Anderson now exits back to the apron. Robert Oxford gets up and tries to pick up Brent Hill but is met with a low blow. The New Wave come down to ringside and starts getting into a yelling match with both Anderson and Joel Bryant. Hill rolls up Oxford with a hand full of tights. 1.…..2.………3! [B]Winners: Brent Hill and John Anderson and still TCW World Tag Team Champions Rated: C[/B] The New Wave wait till the match is over and storm the ring. Brent and John don’t want anything to do with The Wave and quickly exit. The Joel and Robert however take exception to The New Wave coming down during their match. And a war of words soon erupts. They eventually go nose to nose with each other but eventually The Tag Team Specialists back down but not before saying “Not tonight, another day.” [B]Rated: C[/B] [COLOR="red"][B]Freddie Huggens W/ Laura Huggens[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Blue"][B]Joey Minnesota[/B][/COLOR] for the TCW All Action Title Good match here, with both men displaying high flying antics in this match. Joey has an early advantage, but due to the cheating of Huggens and Laura, Joey is kept down for the middle part of the match, with Laura cheating for the most part. However, Joey stages a recovery, and manages to regain control of the match, and despite Laura Huggens entering the ring, Joey manages to hit’s a Minnesota Salute on Freddie, and gets the pinfall. [B]Winner: Joey Minnesota Rated: C-[/B] Rocky Golden is backstage along with Jasmine Saunders. [COLOR="blue"][B]Jasmine Saunders:[/B][/COLOR] Ladies and Gentlemen. I give you your TCW World Heavyweight Champion. Any thoughts Rocky on Tommy’s rematch? [COLOR="blue"][B]Rocky Golden:[/B][/COLOR] My thoughts? What do you think I’m thinking? I took my chance to go to Malice, and wrestle for the Heavyweight Title. I took my chance to achieve the one thing that I have always wanted to achieve in this business, and that is to be the best at what I do. Tommy, I know you must have been upset at being pinned from the match last week. Yeh, it must have made you upset, and yeh, I know that you didn’t achieve what you wanted. But Tommy, that wasn’t my fault, it was yours. But Tommy, you had to do what you always do when something doesn’t go right, and that is go and cry like a little baby. Tommy, I know you don’t like me. But that’s ok I don’t care too much for you either. But I beat you once before (holding up the belt) I can do it again. [B]Rated: B+[/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Tommy Cornell[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="blue"][B]Rocky Golden[/B][/COLOR] for the TCW World Heavyweight Champion With 7 minutes passed and so far it has been back and forth action. Rocky’s explosive strength has been combated by Cornell’s technical and submission prowess. Rocky has the former champion cornered, and nails Cornell with a corner spear from close distance, and then another! Tommy holds his gut as Rocky heads to the opposite corner. He raises his hands before charging towards Punk ... however the ever so crafty Cornell levels him with a boot to the head, sending the champion backpedalling. Cornell hops up onto the top rope and takes down Rocky with a cross-body!! 1 2 No! There’s still life left in Rocky yet! Cornell stands behind his opponent and bends him backwards. He then tucks Rocky’s head face-up under his armpit, and wraps his arm around the head so that his forearm is pressed against the back of the challenger’s neck. Cornell then pulls Rocky’s head backwards and up, wrenching his neck! However Rocky is still very close to the ropes and eventually uses his explosive force to propel his left leg onto the bottom rope. Cornell breaks the hold before dragging Rocky closer to the middle of the ring. Rocky is now sitting up, but Cornell swiftly wraps his arms around the neck and head of him – he’s now locked in the headlock. Time goes by as the rest-hold continues to tire Rocky. Eventually Rocky stunningly forces his way to his knees, before letting out a roar in the process. Rocky regains his breath before striking Cornell with a hard elbow shot, followed by another – and then one more! Just as Cornell looks to release, he catches Rocky off guard and scores with a hard knee to the sternum. He still has the challenger in the head-lock before leaning back and slamming Rocky down with a bull-dog! 1 2 But no! Rocky still manages to kick out. Cornell now stands in wait in the corner as Rocky gets to his feet. Cornell sprints towards him but Rocky manages to grab him and place him in the military press/gorilla press position! He has Cornell high above him, as he lets go – but slams him down with an amazing power-slam! Rocky picks Cornell up and whips him into the corner. Rocky stomps away at the gut of Cornell repeatedly before Cornell drops to the mat, still seated in the corner. Rocky keeps up the offense with more kicks to the chest, before placing his foot on the throat of Cornell. Referee’s count begins. 1 2 3 4 And with that, Rocky removes his foot from him. The referee forces Rocky to step back and asks Cornell if he can continue. He responds positively, by putting his arms up on the second ropes and lifting himself up onto his feet impressively. Cornell makes a obscene hand gesture to Rocky, he responds by running at Cornell and flattening him with a corner splash! Rocky then puts his shoulder under the arms of Cornell and places him high up on the top rope. He greets him with a hard right-hand, before he himself steps onto the first rope ... and before long the second! He slings Cornell’s arm over his back ... and impressively slams Cornell down to the mat with tremendous impact with a superplex! Both men are in pain, but Rocky manages to sling his arm over Cornell’s body... 1 2 Thr-NO! Somehow Cornell defies the pain and gets his shoulder up within a split second of the three count. Rocky holds his head, and wipes the trickling sweat from his forehead before pulling himself and Cornell to their feet. Rocky fires a right-hand punch to the cheek, and is shocked to see Cornell return the favor. The champion is met once again with a forceful punch, before evening the score once again. They trade blows again, the pace quickening as they progress before both men lean back on the ropes and knock each other down with a double clothesline! Both are down! And referee Ray Johnson has started the ten-count... 1 2 3 4 Cornell is still down on his feet as Rocky is on his feet. 5 Rocky can retain if Cornell doesn’t make it up ... WHOA! What the hell!?! Suddenly, Floyd Goldsworthy, Texas Pete, Genghis Rahn, and American Buffalo make their way to ringside. Pete goes after Rocky while Buffalo goes for Cornell. Rahn is standing in the walk way with chair in hand. [B]Winner: Draw Rated: B+[/B] Rocky Golden rocks Pete with 3 hard punches to the head, but the fresh Pete is impervious to the pain and floors Rocky with a right-hand uppercut to the throat! Texas Pete screams before chokeslamming Rocky to the mat! Cornell does his best as well to fend off Buffalo. But Buffalo is too fresh and beats his man down as well. Here comes Sam Keith, Wolf Hawkins, Brent Hill and John Anderson. Rahn takes out Keith with shoot to the head. Wolf dives into the ring but is meet with some stomps by Texas Pete and American Buffalo. Brent and John make their way into the ring. But they too are dismantled. Here comes Ricky Dale Johnson, Tyson Baine, and Rick Law. Wow what a strange sight this is. Syndicate members, TCW regulars and Floyd Goldsworthy’s group all are staring off with each other. Things are really getting hot here in TCW. [B]Rated: B[/B] [CENTER][B]Final Rating: B TV Rating: 3:19[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE="1"] Quick Results Wolf Hawkins and Sam Keith beat Ricky Dale Johnson and Tyson Baine American Buffalo beat Danny Fonzarelli Edd Stone beat Aaron Andrews Texas Pete beat Giant Tana Sammy Bach beat Chance Fortune Brent Hill and John Anderson beat The Tag Team Specialists Joey Minnesota beat Freddie Huggens to retain the All Action Title Rocky Golden draw Tommy Cornell. Rocky retains TCW World Title [/SIZE][/QUOTE]
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Tommy is away meeting with his shareholders. Archie Judge is still with Rip Chord helping him there. So this should be pretty much uneventful. I have decided to bring in Sam Keith since he wants to be more active backstage. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Good morning gentlemen, Tommy is away as you may already know. Shall we get down to business? [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR] Well I move since the boss aint here to have a catered lunch brought in. The room starts to chuckle. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Sam Keith has wanted to be more active backstage gentlemen, so I asked him to be here. Sam, you have a wealth of knowledge behind you. Do not be afraid to open your mouth. [COLOR="blue"][B]Sam:[/B][/COLOR] Thanks for the invite. If I see or hear anything that I feel I can have a qualified opinion on you can be sure I will. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Well gentlemen the shock behind Rocky being World Champ has settled down. It appears that most everyone has accepted it. His match last week, even if it was with Mr. Cornell again went well. I think it is time to see if he can hold his own against someone else. [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR] I can agree with that. His rise has mostly been dependant on Cornell. I would be curious to see if he can hold water on his own. [COLOR="blue"][B]Arnold Westberry:[/B][/COLOR] So how long are we running with the Floyd Goldsworthy? [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] I have it in my mind a few months. Of course a lot of it depends on the heat and exposure it draws. But I really have several ideas on that feud that could stretch it out for a few months. [COLOR="blue"][B]Sam:[/B][/COLOR] You gonna disband my group? [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] No Sam, I wish the Syndicate to be strong because I still need them. Down the road who knows. Ok gentlemen we are holding our own here in the states. I think it maybe time to hit the road outside of the states. I have some final details to work out but get the word out we may be on a “tour” in the coming future. Arnold get me some feedback from the guys. Keith I need you to coordinate with Arnold on this. If we have someone who is going to throw a hissy fit, sell them on the idea this is best for the company. [COLOR="blue"][B]Sam:[/B][/COLOR] Well I can tell you right now one obstacle is going to be a tougher schedule. The thing that sold me to come here was I was going to be under a lighter work schedule. That is what kills a lot of good workers at Supreme. They are always on the road. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] I can understand that and can appreciate that. Give them our word that we will never have the same schedule as Supreme Wrestling Federation. We actually want our workers healthy and happy. But we are still gonna need more exposure. And unfortunately that is going to involve more work dates. But our schedule should have more than enough time to be with family and such. Its gonna break down like this. Basically another 52 work dates. At first it sounds horrible. But it is only one more day a week. [COLOR="blue"][B]Arnold:[/B][/COLOR] Has Tommy approved this? [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] On principle yes, but again I have some minor details to work out. Ok gentlemen we have our marching orders, and I have a card to assemble. [QUOTE] TCW Presents Total Wrestling preveiw Frankie Perez VS Joey Minnesota for the TCW All Action Title Eddie Peak Vs Koshiro Ino Ricky Dale Johnson Vs Sammy Bach Charlie Thatcher VS Tyson Baine Edd Stone VS Randal Hopkirk Genghis Rahn VS Giant Tana Wolf Hawkins VS Rocky Golden[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=TheBrockLock;484907][B]Wolf Hawkins and Sam Keith[/B] VS Ricky Dale Johnson and Tyson Baine Danny Fonzarelli VS [B]American Buffalo[/B] [B]Edd Stone[/B] VS Aaron Andrews Giant Tana VS [B]Texas Pete[/B] [B]Sammy Bach [/B]VS Chance Fortune [B]Brent Hill and John Anderson[/B] VS The Tag Team Specialists for the TCW Tag Titles [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] VS Freddie Huggens for the TCW All Action Title Tommy Cornell VS [B]Rocky Golden [/B]for the TCW World Heavyweight Title-DQ or something along those lines[/QUOTE] Great job as usual. 7-1, lets see how you do on the next one.
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Frankie Perez VS [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] for the TCW All Action Title Frankie isn't over enough to win yet. [B]Eddie Peak [/B]Vs Koshiro Ino Just cos! [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] Vs Sammy Bach Sammy to pay his dues first Charlie Thatcher VS [B]Tyson Baine[/B] Untalented midcarder v untalented main eventer! [B]Edd Stone [/B]VS Randal Hopkirk Edd has a future, Randall is the past [B]Genghis Rahn[/B] VS Giant Tana See Charlie v Tyson for reason! Wolf Hawkins VS [B]Rocky Golden[/B] If Rocky can beat Tommy twice, then Tommy's protege isn't going to beat him - not yet!
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This is still going on guys. I have had to deal a major personal issue that really hit me hard. To be honest I havnt played anythign in the last few days as I am dealing the best as I can with this. But I will return when I have my head on straight.
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