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Any Techie Type Guys? DNS Issue


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Ok, so here's the basic tale. About an hour ago, things stopped working. I was on three websites at the time (this one, another forum and something else I can't remember) tabbed in Firefox, when I noticed images weren't working. I went to go to another site, and that wouldn't work either. IRC, MSN and Skype were working fine at this point. Then I rebooted the router and my PC. That normally fixes everything. ¬_¬ Not so in this case. I can only access this forum (but anything on this forum. I.e., anything starting with [url][/url], I can't even access [url]www.greydogsoftware.com[/url]), IRC, Skype and MSN. So, clearly, it's a DNS issue. Any help? I would ask.. well, anywhere else other than a completely unrelated forum. But my options are sorta limited right now :(
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