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World Wrestling Entertainment 2008-Post Summerslam

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The Big Show pinned Carlito in a dark match with the Choke Slam(B) An extensive video package is shown, hyping up the past between CM Punk and Chris Jericho, leading up to their clash for the World Heavyweight Title. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG] [B]B+ Rating[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Uf2008circa.jpg[/IMG] Let’s go to the first match, where your announcers are: [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/JimRoss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Tazz.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/WWEUS.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/JeffHardy.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/MontelVontaviousPorter.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/SheltonBenjamin.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]WWE United States Title Match:[/B][/U] Jeff Hardy vs. MVP vs. Shelton Benjamin©[/CENTER] [I]Highlights[/I]: All three men traded a variety of moves to start, with breaking up several pins. Jeff Hardy’s Whisper in the Wind being the closest call on MVP, with Benjamin breaking it up at the last second, illustrating that the title can be lost without Benjamin being pinned. Benjamin hits a fisherman suplex on Hardy for the pin and bridges for a nearfall before MVP kicks him in the ribs. MVP hits an electrical chair suplex for another two count and beats down Shelton. Jeff Hardy gets up, but MVP convinces Hardy, they should work together to take the champion out, before going at it for the belt. Hardy seems to swallow the bait, as they stomp Shelton. Hart Attack Style Clothesline and Stacked Up Superplex punish Shelton among other moves. MVP then takes out Hardy, connecting with a snap suplex. Stomping away at Hardy, MVP drills Hardy with a backbreaker and goes into the corner. Attempted pump splash but Hardy rolls out of the way. MVP favors the ribs and Hardy punches away at him, before connecting with a spinning leg lariat. Neckbreaker puts MVP down and Hardy scales to the top rope. Swanton Bomb connects! Hardy has MVP pinned but Shelton pops out of nowhere, hooking Hardy, before drilling him down with the Paydirt. Shelton rolls Hardy over and makes the cover hooking the leg to score the pin and retain the United States Title! [B]Winner and Still WWE United States Champion: Shelton Benjamin C+ Rating[/B] After the replays, we cut to Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler for the next match. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/MichaelCole.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG] Cryme Tyme makes their way out with the stolen World Tag Team Titles, playing to the crowd. They have a chance to acquire those belts legally, finally receiving a chance to knock off Priceless. The crowd is behind Cryme Tyme, can they defeat Rhodes and DiBiase tonight? [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/JTG.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ShadGaspard.jpg[/IMG] [B]C Rating[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/WWEWorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/WWEWorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/JTG.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ShadGaspard.jpg[/IMG][B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/CodyRhodes.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/TedDibiaseJr.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]World Tag Team Title Match:[/B][/U] Cryme Tyme vs. Priceless©[/CENTER] [I]Highlights:[/I] Cryme Tyme knock DiBiase around like a pinball to kick off this match. DiBiase goes into the corner after a JTG dropkick and Shad forearms him into the face, leading to JTG to take him down with a flapjack. Cody knees JTG off the back with a criss cross and DiBiase takes him down with a Russian Legsweep. Back and forth, double teaming in the corner, with both heels beating them down. Rhodes applies a sleeperhold and tries to put JTG down but two and a half arm drops leads to JTG taking out Rhodes with a belly to back suplex. Attempted tag, but DiBiase distracts the referee, allowing the referee to not see the tag. Shad runs wild for about a minute, but the referee forces him back into the corner, allowing Priceless to beat down JTG in the corner, choking him with the tag rope. A bit more double teaming but JTG explodes out of the corner with a double clothesline and tag made to Shad. Shad runs wild, knocking both men around. The fans are cheering, as Shad rams the heads together. Rhodes is down, with DiBiase the legal man. JTG attempts to enter the ring but a hand pulls him from the ring apron, causing his face to smack into the ring apron. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/JohnBradshawLayfield.jpg[/IMG] Shad is yelling at JBL but DiBiase has one of the World Tag Team Title Belts. Right between the eyes with the championship gold, as Rhodes has the referee distracted. DiBiase disposes of the evidence and makes the cover. The referee spins around and counts the pin. [B]Winners: Priceless Match Rating: C[/B] JBL and Priceless celebrate the victory, holding up the World Tag Team Titles in triumph. Cole and Lawler state that the Raw brand might be in trouble with these three men together. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/JohnBradshawLayfield.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/CodyRhodes.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/TedDibiaseJr.jpg[/IMG] [B]C Rating[/B] For the next match, we switch announcers to: [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ToddGrisham.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/MattStriker.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ECWWorld.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Finlay.jpg[/IMG][B]w/[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Hornswoggle.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/MarkHenry.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]ECW Championship[/B][/U] Finlay w/Hornswoggle vs. Mark Henry[/CENTER] [I]Highlights:[/I] Finlay attacks Henry at the bell, taking his knee out, before dropping some elbows on the knee, before beating down Henry with a series of punches, before dragging him over. Elbows driven down to the chest of Henry. Finlay rolls over Henry and pounds him with forearms to the back of the head but Henry shoves Finlay into the barricade. Henry exits the ring and rams Finlay into the barricade before hooking him around the waist and rammed him into the ring apron. Finlay is rolled into the ring and Henry delivers a double axe handle right behind Finlay’s head. Henry pulls up Finlay, forearm to the chest, before delivering a backbreaker. Finlay’s spine is bent across the knee of Henry but Finlay fights out. Clothesline delivered by Finlay and Finlay pounds Henry into the corner with uppercuts. Another leg clip and Finlay delivers a reverse figure four leglock. Finlay is trying to wear down the legs of Mark Henry, for the submission and the ECW Championship. Henry powers out of the hold and clotheslines Finlay down. Finlay is rolled over as Hornswoggle is on the apron but Henry catches him, pulling him into the ring by the throat. Finlay is up as Henry presses Hornswoggle over his head with ease. Quickly, Henry throws Hornswoggle at Finlay. Finlay catches Hornswoggle and puts him down. Running body attack collapses the ribs of Finlay. Finlay staggers up and Henry scoops him up before bringing him down with the World’s Strongest Slam. Henry drops an elbow on Hornswoggle to take him out before pinning Finlay to retain the championship. [B]Winner: Mark Henry Match Rating: B-[/B] Finlay and Hornswoggle have been both laid out by the dominant ECW Champion, as Henry celebrates his victory. An extensive look at the history between Batista and Kane is shown, leading up to their grudge match tonight at Unforgiven. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Kane.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Batista.jpg[/IMG] [B]B+ Rating[/B] Your announce team for the next match is: [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/MichaelCole.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Batista.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Kane.jpg[/IMG] Batista vs. Kane[/CENTER] [I]Highlights:[/I] Both men just punch each other, with neither man going down. Batista eventually backs off and pops Kane with a lariat. Kane goes down but bounces back off, before laughing at Batista and kicks him. Another kick but Batista fights back with some punches and whip into the ropes. Tilt a whirl slam by Batista, showing his power, but it only gets a one count. Kane gets up and Batista knees him, before going for a suplex but Kane blocks it. Suplex of his own punishes Batista. Kane punches away at Batista and scoops him up. Slamming him right down and kneedrop right across the throat. Batista is stunned and Kane applies a head vice, attempting to twist Batista’s head right off of his shoulder. When this does not work, Kane throttles Batista, just barely breaking at five. To the top rope and clothesline wipes out Batista for a two count. Kane stands on Batista’s throat and scoops him up. Snake eyes punishes Batista and Kane goes up top. Clothesline is countered with a spear, with Batista wiping him out in mid air. Kane sits up, but Batista has a second wind, pounding Kane. He rams Kane into the corner hard and punches away at him. To the second rope and more punches by Batista, before he drops down. Kick to the midsection and Batista gets a running start. He plows Kane down with a lariat. Kane is to his feet and Batista swings to the fences, going for a second lariat but Kane ducks. By the throat and Choke Slam brings Batista down. Batista has been taken down but Kane refuses to go for the cover. He instead grabs the timekeeper, throwing him fro the chair and returns to the ring with the chair. He goes for Batista but the referee tries to grab the chair. Kane shoves the chair right into the face of the referee, knocking him to the floor. Batista is up and Kane swings the chair, but Batista connects with a spinebuster! Kane is down, but gets back to his feet. Another spinebuster by Batista and Kane is still getting to his feet. A third spinebuster connects and Batista sets up Kane for the Batista Bomb. No Kane low blows Batista. Batista is doubled over and Kane goes for a boot but Batista ducks. [B]Spinebuster onto the chair![/B] Fourth spinebuster in this match but a second referee enters the ring, calling for the disqualification. He is throwing this match out. [B]Winner: No Contest Match Rating: B[/b] Batista leaps on Kane and assaults him with a series of punches, busting open a cut underneath Kane’s eye with his bare hands. The crowd is on their feet, cheering wildly Security is in to pull Batista off but Kane is up on his feet. He’s laughing, almost as if he was pleased that Batista drew his blood. This is far from over. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Kane.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Batista.jpg[/IMG] [B]A Rating[/B] A recap of the incidents leading up to Umaga and Triple H for the WWE Championship. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/TripleH.jpg[/IMG] [B]A Rating[/B] Your announce team for this next match is: [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/JimRoss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Tazz.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/WWEChampion.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B][IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/TripleH.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]WWE Championship Match:[/B][/U] Umaga vs. Triple H©[/CENTER] [I]Highlights[/I]: Brawl to start out, with Umaga taking Triple H off balance with some power offense. Triple H comes back with a knee to the face and a clothesline, before he beats down Umaga and ramming him into the ring steps. Umaga hits hard and Triple H pounds away at him, before rolling Umaga into the ring. Triple H climbs up top but Umaga catches Triple H from the top and slams him off. Triple H hits hard and Umaga kicks Triple H right in the chest, causing him to drop in the corner. Umaga delivers a corner clothesline and a spinning side slam. Cover on Triple H for a two count. A series of chops and forearms, before Umaga headbutts Triple H and gutwrench right into a gutbuster. Rolling over Triple H for a two count. Umaga picks up Triple H and slams him down. Kneedrop to the throat of Triple H and Umaga applies an Asiatic spike, working over Triple H. Triple H is fading fast, but he fights out to his feet. He pounds away at Umaga, punching away at him and irish whip into the ropes. Knee to the ribs and facebuster brings Umaga down. Umaga is to his feet and Triple H clotheslines Umaga. Umaga is back to his feet and kick, sets up a DDT for a one count. Triple H whips Umaga into the ropes and spinebuster brings Umaga down for another one count. The Samoan Bulldozer is still coming back to his feet and Triple H delivers another facebuster. This only backs Umaga off for a second and Triple H with three kicks to the midsection. Pedigree set up is blocked and countered into a Samoan Drop. Triple H deflates on impact and Umaga gets a two and a half count. Umaga picks up Triple H and rams him into the corner. Running hip attack into the corner sets up a second Samoan Drop. Umaga drags Triple H into the center of the ring. To the top rope and Umaga goes airborne but misses a splash. Umaga pops to his feet and Triple H punches away on Umaga, backing him off, before Triple H kicks Umaga. Another Pedigree but Umaga back drops out. Triple H is on his feet and Umaga takes a running start. Samoan Spike but Triple H ducks and Umaga’s thumb is rammed into the corner. Umaga bellows in pain as Triple H rolls up Umaga to score the pin! It should be noted that Umaga just kicked out a split second after three. [B]Winner: Triple H Match Rating: A[/B] Umaga destroys Triple H with the Samoan Spike! Triple H has been killed dead with that deadly move! Triple H clutches his windpipe, like it has been crushed. Umaga stands over the champion in the center. He might not have won the belt, but if he had hit that Samoan Spike during the match, he might have. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] [B]A Rating[/B] Your announcer team for the next match is: [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/MichaelCole.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/WWEWomens.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/MickieJames.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/BethPhoenix.jpg[/IMG] [B]w/[/B][IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Santino.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]WWE Women’s Title[/B][/U] Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix© w/Santino[/CENTER] [I]Highlights[/I]: Santino gets on commentary briefly, reminding us that he has only four hundred and thirty three more days until he breaks Honky’s record. Beth and Mickie have their usual match, as Mickie runs around, taking Beth off of balance, before leaping to the second rope and twisting cross body block gets a two count. Beth trips up Mickie, causing her to fall throat first onto the ropes. Clothesline rocks Mickie and Beth delivers a DDT for a two count. Beth pounds away at Mickie, beating her into the corner. To the second rope but Mickie gets the foot up to the face. Beth is backed off into the corner and Mickie beats down Beth with forearms and whip into the ropes. High back body drop and running dropkick rocks Beth. Mickie takes a running start and Mick Kick rocks Beth. Santino enters the ring, yelling at Mickie but Mickie kicks Santino right in the groin and takes him out with the DDT! Beth Phoenix knees Mickie right in the stomach and puts her in a double chicken wing before dropping him down with an inverted power bomb. Phoenix rolls over Mickie, hooking both legs in a pinning predicament to retain the title. [B]Winner: Beth Phoenix Match Rating: C+[/B] Another, more extensive look at the history of Jericho and Punk, leading up to the match at in tonight’s main event. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG] [B]A Rating[/B] Your announcer team for the next match is: [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/MichaelCole.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/WWEWorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]World Heavyweight Title Match:[/B][/U] Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk©[/CENTER] [I]Highlights[/I]: Jericho sends Cade to the back right during the entrances, saying that he’s going to win this on his own. Punk takes Jericho down at the bell, working him over with forearm smashes but Jericho comes back with a legsweep before applying the Walls of Jericho but he turns Punk into the corners. Jericho punches away at Punk, chopping away at him and attempted springboard elbow smash, but Punk drops down, causing Jericho to ram his elbow into the canvas. Chops rocks Jericho, knocking him backwards. Some kicks, followed by a spinning headscissors and dropkick to the face gets a two count. Punk works over the leg of Jericho with kicks, causing him to the limp in the ring and whip into the ropes. The head is doubled and Jericho underhooks the arms. Backbreaker drills Punk! Punk favors the back and Jericho pounds away at Punk’s back. Backbreaker works him over. Two more backbreakers and Jericho knees away at the back, before applying a bow and arrow hold for a couple of minutes, but Punk fights out. Jericho delivers an inverted atomic drop, before taking down Punk by the legs and turns him over right into the Walls of Jericho! The crowd is getting behind Punk, as Jericho leans back. Punk is trying to fight the hold and just barely makes it to the ropes. Jericho stomps away at Punk, before rolling him over for a nearfall for a two and a half count. Knee to the face and Jericho sets Punk up. Double power bomb but Punk once again avoids being pinned. Jericho beats down Punk and knee to the head, before delivering a running faceslam. Lionsault connects for a two count. Another lionsault hits the knees and Jericho staggers back, but Punk delivers a knee to the head and running bulldog brings Jericho down for a nearfall! Catapult into the corner sets up a sunset flip for another nearfall. Punk delivers a facelock and knees to the head, sets up a swinging cradle neckbreaker for a two count. To the top rope. Punk leaps off with a missile dropkick but Jericho catches the legs, right into the Walls of Jericho! Jericho leans back on the hold, with Punk fighting the hold. He is fading fast, with the referee checking the arm. Two and a half arm drops before Punk gets a second wind and gets to the ropes. Jericho kicks away at Punk, chopping him and going for the Code Breaker but Punk desperately hangs onto the ropes and the back of Jericho’s head hits the canvas. Jack-Knife Cradle delivered by Punk for a nearfall. Punk kicks away at the face of Jericho and climbs to the top rope. Missile dropkick connects this time for a two count. Punk winds up and roundhouse kick rocks Jericho into the corner. Running bulldog takes him out. Punk raises his arms and hoists up Punk, kicking him in the ribs. To the shoulders, attempted GTS, but Jericho counters with a DDT in mid move! Jericho leaps to the middle rope and lionsault connects to Punk! Two and three quarters count! Jericho slaps his hands together and kick drills Punk to the chest, before double leg hook. Attempted Walls of Jericho again but Punk twists his legs, before he flings Jericho into the corner. Jericho hits hard and Punk scoops up Jericho. GTS drills Jericho down! Punk makes the cover and three slaps of the mat later, he scores the pin to retain the World Heavyweight Title. [B]Winner: CM Punk Match Rating: A[/B] Punk celebrates for a couple of minutes, holding up his title belt, walking up the ramp to cheers. Jericho gets up, frustrated, he came so close to winning the belt on a number of occasions tonight, but he fell short. Walking backstage, Jericho is at the top of the ramp and a superkick right to the face puts Jericho down! The camera pans back to reveal: [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [B]A * Rating[/B] [B]Show Rating: A[/B] [COLOR=red][B]Line Up for Raw[/COLOR][/B] John Cena vs. Snitsky Kofi Kingston vs. William Regal Cryme Tyme vs. Chris Jericho and Lance Cade Batista vs. Charlie Haas Mickie James and Kelly Kelly vs. Katie Lea and Beth Phoenix.
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Jim Duggan, Jamie Noble, and D’Lo Brown defeated the Highlanders and Paul Burchill in a dark match(D) [CENTER] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/RAW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] We cut to Mike Adamle [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/MikeAdamle.jpg[/IMG] Adamle says that he’s all about making sure Raw has the best matches possible and at No Mercy he has made a match between Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels. Shawn has agreed to sign a waiver, stating that is coming back to fight Jericho at his own personal risk. That match will be part of No Mercy, Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels, one on one. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [B]A Rating[/B] Your Announcers are: [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/MichaelCole.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG] Out comes Santino at the top of the show. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Santino.jpg[/IMG] Santino brags out he only has 432 more days and he breaks the Honky Tonk Man’s record. In fact, Santino has the Intercontinental Title, but he wants more gold. He wants the World Heavyweight Champion held by CM Punk. Santino says he will beat Punk tonight, if thinks he can handle the Italian Sensation. He throws down the gauntlet for Punk, with Santino bragging that after he beats Punk, he’s going to surpass Bruno. We shall see about that, but right now, Santino has thrown down the challenge to meet CM Punk tonight for the World Heavyweight Title. [B]D Rating[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/MickieJames.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/KellyKelly.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B][IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/KatieLeaBurchill.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/BethPhoenix.jpg[/IMG] Mickie James and Kelly Kelly vs. Katie Lea and Beth Phoenix[/CENTER] [I]Highlight:[/I] Kelly and Mickie take down Katie and Beth at the bell, until Mickie gets caught in the corner, double teamed by the two heels in the corner. Mickie fights out, with kicks and elbows, before she makes the tag to Kelly Kelly. Kelly enters the ring, punching away on both women. Dropkick knocks Katie Lea to the floor. She turns around, right into a vicious clothesline from Beth. Beth pulls Kelly up by the hair and throws him across the ring. Quickly, Beth bends down but Kelly quickly rolls her up into a small package to score a flash pin. [b]Winners: Mickie James and Kelly Kelly Match Rating: D[/B] The bell rings, as Beth attacks Kelly. Mickie James enters the ring but gets kicked in the face. Beth scoops up Kelly in a fireman’s carry, before delivering an airplane spin, right into a Samoan Drop. Mickie is lifted up and double chickenwing right into an inverted power bomb. The WWE Women’s Champion is left standing in the center of the ring. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/BethPhoenix.jpg[/IMG] [B]C- Rating[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/CharlieHaas.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Batista.jpg[/IMG] Charlie Haas vs. Batista[/CENTER] [I]Highlights:[/I] Haas attacks Batista, working over his legs. The battle with Kane took its toll on Batista, allowing Haas to score a nearfall with a Northern Lights Suplex. Corner charge is avoided and Batista creams Haas with a lariat. Spinebuster sets up the Batista Bomb which scores the pin. [B]Winner: Batista Match Rating: B-[/B] Batista celebrates his win but here comes Kane! [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Kane.jpg[/IMG] Kane enters the ring but Batista meets him with punches. More punches rock Kane and Batista goes for a lariat but Kane ducks. Choke by Kane and Choke Slam connects. Batista goes down and Kane drags Batista over to the arena floor. Kane grabs Batista and rams him right headfirst off the announcers table. Batista is sprawled out on the table and Kane kneels down over Batista. Hands wrapped around the throat of Batista. Batista is pinned down on the table, as Kane is trying to choke the life out of Batista. Kane is laughing madly, as Batista is being choked out cold. He is unconscious as Kane is pulled off of him. Kane walks back, a sadistic grin on his face. Once again, Batista has been choked unconscious by Kane. [B]A Rating[/B] John Bradshaw Layfield is backstage, with Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/JohnBradshawLayfield.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/CodyRhodes.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/TedDibiaseJr.jpg[/IMG] JBL says that last night he helped Priceless retain the World Tag Team Titles on Raw. It would be in their best interests if the three men worked together. It’s a dog eat dog world on Raw and the one goal they need to focus on is CM Punk and getting the title off of him. JBL says that if one of them wins the World Heavyweight Title from CM Punk, than the other two get the first two cracks at the title. DiBiase and Rhodes nod, with JBL says that he has some connections that will force Adamle’s hand and thus each of them will receive one World Heavyweight Title shot in the future. By the time the three of them are done with Punk, he won’t be champion any longer. We cut away from their plotting. [B]C- Rating[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/JTG.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ShadGaspard.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/LanceCade.jpg[/IMG] Cryme Tyme vs. Lance Cade and Chris Jericho[/CENTER] [I]Highlights:[/I] Cryme Tyme knock around Cade, but Jericho uses his scheming to trip up JTG, allowing Cade to blow him down with the lariat. Series of double teaming moves, including a backbreaker/kneedrop off the second rope, punish JTG. Eventually, Jericho charges in but JTG ducks and pulls off a neckbreaker, allowing the tag to Shad. Shad enters the ring, fists of fire. Jericho and Cade get knocked around. Cade tries to escape the ring but Shawn Michaels is out, throwing Cade into the ring. Cade is hit with the G9 by Cryme Tyme and the pin is recorded. [B]Winners: Cryme Tyme Match Rating: B[/B] Lance Cade is on the microphone, yelling at Shawn Michaels, saying that he won’t have to wait to No Mercy, because Cade will put him out next week. If Michaels has the guts to accept the challenge, he’ll have a match one on one with Lance Cade next week. HBK accepts, and it’s on, between Lance Cade and Shawn Michaels. No doubt Cade will try and soften up Michaels before No Mercy. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/LanceCade.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [B] B Rating[/B] CM Punk is backstage. He talks about his victory over Chris Jericho, the future challenges between DiBiase, Rhodes, and JBL, along with accepting the challenge for tonight against Santino. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [B]A Rating[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/WilliamRegal.jpg[/IMG][B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/KofiKingston.jpg[/IMG] William Regal vs. Kofi Kingston[/CENTER] [I]Highlights:[/I] Kofi is a house of fire, feet of fire early on but Regal goes right to the eyes, before beating down the high impact Kingston with forearms to the chest, along with European Uppercuts. Regal puts Kingston over with a double underhook suplex and knees him in the chest. Kingston fights up from a chinlock and elbows. Leaping back elbow smash. Headsmashes into the buckles and Kingston ducks the head off of an attempted backdrop. European Uppercut and Regal goes for a half nelson suplex. Kingston lands on his feet and pastes Regal with the Trouble in Paradise for the pin. [B]Winner: Kofi Kingston Match Rating: B-[/B] John Cena is standing by backstage. Ever since Summerslam, he has taken a backseat to other things on Raw, his loss to Batista stalled a lot of momentum. Tonight that will change. Snitsky will be the first victim on Cena’s road to the gold. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG] [B]C+ Rating[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/GeneSnitsky.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG] Snitsky vs. John Cena[/CENTER] [I]Highlights:[/I] Both men punch and kick at each other, with Cena just being a bit tougher, knocking Snitsky backwards with some punches. Leaping shoulderblock sets up Snitsky for a running bulldog. Cena pounds Snitsky and goes for the F-U but Snitsky blocks it and hammers Cena, kicking him in the chest. Another vicious kick to the chest and Snitsky clotheslines Cena. Spinebuster delivered by Snitsky gets a two count. Stomps sets up a bearhug, as Snitsky begins to sap the strength from John Cena. Cena fights out, punching at Snitsky, before shoving him off into the ropes. Shoulderblock and Cena goes to the outside. Fliyng legdrop to the back of the head. Cena gives the signal for the F-U but Snitsky fights out of it. Kick is blocked into a dragon screw right into the STFU. Snitsky growls, as Cena cranks on the head and Snitsky reaches the ropes to break. Cena stomps on Snitsky and whips him into the ropes. Head is ducked and Snitsky kicks Cena right in the face. Snitsky punches away at Cena in the corner, as the referee puts the count on. The referee attempts to shove Snitsky away but the big man shoves the referee down. This is the cause for an immediate disqualification. [B]Winner By Disqualification: John Cena Match Rating: B[/B] Snitsky continues to attack Cena after the bell. Vicious pumphandle slam brings Cena down. Snitsky leaves the ring and grabs a steel chair. Sliding into the ring, Cena is on his hands and knees. Chair down right onto the back of Cena. Snitsky looks vicious as he stands over the prone body of Cena. This is far from over! [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/GeneSnitsky.jpg[/IMG] [B]B+ Rating[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/WWEWorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Santino.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]World Heavyweight Title Match[/B][/U] Santino vs. CM Punk©[/CENTER] [I]Highlights[/I]: Santino has a chance to strike double gold and he fakes a handshake for Punk, with a clothesline but Punk ducks and clotheslines Santino. Series of vicious kicks destroys Santino in the corner, before pulling him up, swinging neckbreaker brings him down. Punk continues to beat on Santino but Santino goes low. With Punk doubled over, Santino hits a DDT for a two count. He climbs to the top rope and raises his arms, posing, but leaps off, right into the boot of Punk. Santino backs off and Punk chops Santino until his chest blisters. Santino screams in pain, begging off but Punk kicks him right in the face. Flipped right into the corner and Santino lands right into a belly to back suplex for a close nearfall. Punk beats on Santino and backs off but Santino trips up Punk. Roll up in the corner with both feet on the middle rope for a two and three fourths count when the referee catches Santino. Santino pops up, leaping up and down like a goof, thinking he’s won the World Heavyweight Title. He turns around right into the fireman’s carry. Go To Sleep connects. Punk covers and scores the pin! [B]Winner: CM Punk Match Rating: B-[/B] CM Punk celebrates his win but out comes DiBiase and Rhodes from the back. Punk fights them off, knocking them back with punches. The World Tag Team Champions back off, but it appears they took the fall and they are only a diversionary tactic for JBL, who swoops into the ring. Punk turns around, right into the Clothesline from Hell! The champion goes down and JBL picks up the World Heavyweight Title, holding it up in the air, before dropping it down on Punk! JBL, Dibiase and Rhodes all stand tall as Punk has been wiped out. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/JohnBradshawLayfield.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/CodyRhodes.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/TedDibiaseJr.jpg[/IMG] [B]A Rating[/B] [B]Show Rating: B[/B] [COLOR=purple][B]Line Up for ECW on Sci Fi[/COLOR][/B] Finlay vs. Colin Delaney Tommy Dreamer vs. Elijah Burke Braden Walker and Matt Hardy vs. The Miz and John Morrison Evan Bourne vs. Chavo Guerrero.
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Mike Knox pinned Super Crazy in the dark match with the Knox Out(D+) [CENTER] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ECW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Recap of the events of Unforgiven, featuring the ECW Championship Match with Mark Henry and Finlay, as we look forward to No Mercy and wonder what ECW’s roll in that show will be. [B]B Rating[/B] Your announcers are: [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ToddGrisham.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/MattStriker.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/MattSydal.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ChavoGuerreroJr.jpg[/IMG] Evan Bourne vs. Chavo Guerrero[/CENTER] [I]Highlights:[/I] A couple of awkward exchanges. Bourne pulls out a nice Frankensteiner with both men standing on the top rope but that is the highlight of this match. Chavo goes low, setting up a brain buster and then the Frog Splash to score the pin. [B]Winner Chavo Guerrero Rating: D(bad chemistry)[/B] John Morrison and the Miz are backstage, talking about how tonight they are going to take out the duo of Matt Hardy and Braden Walker(or as they call him, Braden Walker, Texas Ranger). They also say it’s ludicrous that ECW does not have tag team title belts, because if they did, Miz and Morrison would be the champions. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/JohnMorrison.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/TheMiz.jpg[/IMG] [B]C Rating[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/JohnMorrison.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/TheMiz.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ChrisHarris.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] John Morrison and The Miz vs. Braden Walker and Matt Hardy[/CENTER] [I]Highlights:[/I] Some impressive exchanges in this tag team match. Walker gets cut off and double teamed for the majority of the match, but he takes both men down with a double clothesline. Tag to Matt Hardy, Hardy enters the ring and punches away at both men. Dropkick takes Morrison out. The Miz is knocked down to the canvas. Morrison is in and Hardy connects with the Side Effect for a two count. Miz enters the ring but Walker takes him out with a clothesline, taking him to the floor, before diving onto him with a cross body. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate but Morrison shoves him off. Hardy hits the corner and Hangman’s Neckbreaker brings Matt Hardy down. Morrison leaps to the top rope and corkscrew moonsault connects, allowing Morrison to score the clean pin to the shock of the crowd! [B]Winners: John Morrison and the Miz Segment Rating: C[/B] Mark Henry is standing backstage looking daper in a three piece suit when Finlay walks up to him. Finlay wants another shot at the title and Henry says he figured Finlay might say that, because he got a contract already drawn up. In fact, Henry made it in Finlay’s own match a Belfast Brawl. All Finlay has to do, is sign on the dotted line. After grabbing the contract, Finlay signs the contract, looking forward to a fight. Henry laughs, saying that Finlay should have read the fine print, because while Finlay will get his title shot, first, Hornswoggle will face Mark Henry one on one for the ECW Championship, next week. Finlay pastes Henry and beats him down, with security and wrestlers coming backstage to break up the two men. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Finlay.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/MarkHenry.jpg[/IMG] [B]C+ Rating[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ElijahBurke.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG] Elijah Burke vs. Tommy Dreamer[/CENTER] [I]Highlights:[/I] Run of the mill ECW battle. Dreamer runs wild early with Burke dropkicking Dreamer in the face. Running knee to the head, before Burke delivers a gutbuster brings him down. Another gutbuster sets up a pump splash but Dreamer moves. Dreamer rights back, punching away on Burke, flipping him into the corner. Dreamer goes for the Dreamer DDT, but Burke slides to the floor. Dreamer gives chase and throws Burke into the barricade, before rolling him into the ring. Bending down, Dreamer enters the ring but Burke kicks him in the face. Elijah Experience connects for the pin! [B]Winner: Elijah Burke Match Rating: C+[/B] Burke beats down Dreamer after the bell, stomping away at him, but the crowd is halfway on their feet as Ricky Ortiz is out. Dreamer has been taking Ortiz under his wing as of late. Ortiz enters the ring and jabs away at Burke, before knocking him down. Burke is launched over the top rope as Ortiz stands tall, before checking on his mentor who appears to be only slightly shaken up. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/AtlasDaBone.jpg[/IMG] [B]C- Rating[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ColinDelaney.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Finlay.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][B]w/[/B][IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Hornswoggle.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER]Colin Delaney vs. Finlay w/Hornswoggle[/CENTER] [I]Highlights[/I]: Delaney goes for Finlay at the bell but Finlay quickly kicks him right in the face. Finlay beats down Delaney for four or five minutes, just destroying him, sending a message to Mark Henry. Celtic Cross scored the pin, to put Delaney out of his mercy. [B]Winner: Finlay Match Rating: D+[/B] Finlay celebrates his victory but Mark Henry runs out from the back. Henry attacks Finlay from behind, knocking him down. World’s Strongest Slam takes Finlay down. Hornswoggle is on the apron and Henry pulls him into the ring. Bearhug applied on Hornswoggle! The crowd is booing as Henry is shaking the little guy like a ragdoll! Finlay is down in the ring and Henry hoists up Hornswoggle, before dropping him. He backs off, going for a splash but a trio of referees slide into the ring, standing in front of Henry, refusing to allow him to finish his beating. Next week, Henry will be able to have his way with Hornswoggle. Can Hornswoggle defy the odds and become the smallest ECW Champion in history? Or will Henry destroy him to send a message to Finlay? Tune in next week on ECW to find out. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/MarkHenry.jpg[/IMG] [B]B- Rating[/B] [B]Show Rating: C-[/B] [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown Line Up[/COLOR][/B]: WWE Championship Match: The Great Khali vs. Umaga vs. Triple H© The Undertaker, Jeff Hardy, and Mr. Kennedy vs. MVP, Shelton Benjamin, and Mike Knox Scotty Goldman and Michelle McCool vs. Natalya and Gregory Helms The Big Show vs. Domino Jimmy Wang Yang, Shannon Moore, and Evan Bourne vs. The Edgeheads and Chavo Guerrero
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Dark Match: John Morrison and the Miz defeated the New Bulldogs© [CENTER] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Your announcers are: [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/JimRoss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Tazz.jpg[/IMG] Triple H makes his way out, the WWE Championship draped over his shoulder. Tonight, he is going to put that belt on the line against the Great Khali and Umaga. The Game says that he beat Khali at Summerslam. He beat Umaga at Unforgiven. Now, it looks like he’ll have to beat both of them at the same time. He’s the Game, he’s the WWE Championship, no one man can beat him and no two man could take him down, no matter how big those men are. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/TripleH.jpg[/IMG] [B]B+ Rating[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/MattSydal.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ShannonMoore.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/JimmyWangYang.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ChavoGuerreroJr.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/BrianMyers.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/BrettMatthews.jpg[/IMG] Evan Bourne, Shannon Moore, and Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Chavo Guerrero and the Edgeheads[/CENTER] [I]Highlights:[/I] Usual high octane six man tag team match, but the crowd was not getting into it. Yang and Moore wipe out the WWE Tag Team Champions with dives to the floor and Bourne is in the ring with Chavo. Frankensteiner with both men off the top rope scores the pin. Also, it is announced during this match that Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore will face the Edgeheads for the WWE Tag Team Titles at No Mercy. [B]Winners: Evan Bourne, Shannon Moore, and Jimmy Wang Yang Match Rating: D+[/B] Scotty Goldman is backstage with Michelle McCool. Tonight, they are going to face off against Natalya and Gregory Helms. They beat Domino and Natalya last week, and Goldman is ready to get Gregory Helms. Michelle also wants a piece of Natalya tonight. The two fan favorites are ready for action tonight. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/MichelleMcCool.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ColtCabana.jpg[/IMG] [B]C- Rating[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Domino.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/BigShow.jpg[/IMG] Domino vs. The Big Show[/CENTER] [I]Highlights:[/I] Domino punches away at Show and climbs to the top rope. Clothesline off the top rope is caught by the throat and Choke Slam scores the pin. Show covers hooking the leg to score the pin. [B]Winner: The Big Show Match Rating: C[/B] Smackdown comes to MyNetwork TV, in three weeks! It is announced that their will be a new color commentator on that date, so Tazz will return to ECW, ending his stint as the temporary replacement. In the ring, Kenny Dykstra is in the ring. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/KenDoane.jpg[/IMG] Kenny says that Smackdown is coming to My Network TV in three weeks and the man who should be in the first main event is Kenny Dykstra. Dykstra says he wants a shot at the WWE Championship and won’t leave the ring until he gets what he deserves. He calls out Vickie Guerrero, demanding that he get the title shot. Dykstra stays in the ring until glass shatters. Could it be? [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/SteveAustin.jpg[/IMG] It is, Stone Cold Steve Austin. The Texas Rattlesnake is here on Smackdown! He enters the ring, playing to the crowd. Austin says Dykstra thinks he deserves something, that he deserves anything, on Smackdown. We see replays of Dykstra suffering crushing defeats at the hands of Triple H, The Undertaker, and Mr. Kennedy over the past month. Austin remarks that it might have changed since his day, but you need to win matches to get a title shot. Dykstra says a washed up old man like Austin doesn’t have any right to steal his spotlight and slaps Austin, to boos. Austin touches his cheek, before nodding, saying that Dykstra has a lot of guts. To show there are no hard feelings, Austin is going to offer Dykstra a beer. Austin gets two beers and goes to offer it to Dykstra, but draws back, saying he doesn’t know that Dykstra’s old enough to drink. So, he has an alternative gift for Dykstra. Kick to the gut and Stone Cold Stunner! The Rattlesnake strikes! Austin kneels over Dykstra, talking trash, before giving him the double middle finger to cheers from the crowd. Getting on the buckle, Austin has a toast as Dykstra is laid out in the ring from the Stone Cold Stunner. [B]C + Rating[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/MichelleMcCool.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/ColtCabana.jpg[/IMG][B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/NattieNeidhart.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/GregoryHelms.jpg[/IMG] Michelle McCool and Scotty Goldman vs. Natalya and Gregory Helms[/CENTER] [I]Highlights:[/I] Michelle gets wiped out by Natalya with a DDT. Helms and Goldman have a mostly one on one match, with a series of nearfalls, before delivering the Shining Wizard to score the pin. [B]Winners: Natalya and Gregory Helms Match Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/SheltonBenjamin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/MontelVontaviousPorter.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/MikeKnox.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/JeffHardy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/KenKennedy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Undertaker.jpg[/IMG] Shelton Benjamin, MVP, and Mike Knox vs. Jeff Hardy, Mr. Kennedy, and the Undertaker[/CENTER] [I]Highlights:[/I] Jeff Hardy runs wild at the bell, taking out all of his opponents and tags in Kennedy. Kennedy and Shelton Benjamin trade punches, kicks, and suplexes, until MVP hits Kennedy in the back, allowing Shelton to connect with a spin kick to isolate Kennedy in the ring. MVP and Shelton double team Shelton, with an occasional assist from Knox. Kennedy explodes out of the corner with a double clothesline and tag made to the Undertaker. The Undertaker enters the ring, unloading on the heels, beating them back. Double choke slam delivered to Shelton and MVP before the Undertaker scoops up Knox and Tombstones him. Arms across the chest scores the pin. [B]Winners: The Undertaker, Mr. Kennedy, and Jeff Hardy Match Rating: C+[/B] Smackdown General Manager Vickie Guerrero makes his way down to the ringside area, wheeled down by Bam Neely. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/VickieGuerrero.jpg[/IMG] Once again, the Undertaker has come up on top. Vickie says that she’s a changed woman, it was Edge’s fault that she did all of those things to the Undertaker. So, as a way of apology, she’s offering the Undertaker what she knows she wants. A chance to become WWE Champion. He will face the winner of tonight’s Triple Threat WWE Championship Match next week on Smackdown. The Undertaker just stares her down from the ring. [B]Segment Rating: A[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Funaki.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] Funaki vs. Carlito[/CENTER] [I]Highlights:[/I] Carlito makes his return to Smackdown after a summer off and beats down Funaki. Funaki gets in a few punches, but Carlito brings him down hard with the Back Stabber to score the pin and to send a message to the rest of the Smackdown roster. [B]Winner: Carlito(w/the Back Stabber) Match Rating: C-[/B] Carlito continues to pound away at Funaki, until R-Truth runs down from the ramp and dropkicks Carlito from the ring. Carlito goes through the second and third ropes as R-Truth stands in the ring! Both men are shouting at each other, but Carlito doesn’t seem too eager to get a piece of R-Truth. [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/RonKillings.jpg[/IMG] [B]C- Rating[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/WWEChampion.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/TheGreatKhali.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/TripleH.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]WWE Championship Match[/B][/U] The Great Khali vs. Umaga vs. Triple H©[/CENTER] [I]Highlights:[/I] Umaga attacks Triple H at the bell, going for the Samoan Spike early but Khali kicks Umaga in the chest. Umaga bounces back, pounding away on Khali, backing him off into the ring. Triple H takes out Khali’s knees with a pair of chop blocks, before grabbing Umaga and delivering a DDT for a one count. He hits a facebuster on Khali but Khali quickly bounces back with a chop to the face. Triple H falls into position for a Samoan Drop. Umaga scores two and a half when Khali pulls Umaga off and Umaga delivers a jab to the chest of Khali. Chops to Khali and savate kick backs Khali into the corner. Running hip attack is avoided and Khali goes for the Tree Slam but Umaga thumbs Khali right in the throat with the Samoan Spike. The tree is toppled by Triple H clotheslines Umaga right over the top rope. Umaga lands on the floor, whacking the back of his head and Triple H kicks Khali. Pedigree applied to Khali. Triple H rolls him over and scores the pin to retain the WWE Championship. [B]Winner: Triple H Match Rating: B[/B] Triple H has fought hard but the Undertaker makes his way down to the ring. Hand to the throat and Choke Slam levels Triple H! Triple H is out in the center of the ring. Next week it will be the Undertaker squaring off against Triple H for the championship on Smackdown! [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff327/MadMattTEW/TheUndertaker.jpg[/IMG] [B]A * Rating[/B] [B]Show Rating: B[/B] [COLOR=red][B]WWE Raw Line Up[/COLOR][/B] World Heavyweight Championship: Ted DiBiase vs. CM Punk© Paul London vs. Chris Jericho John Cena vs. John Bradshaw Layfield Kelly Kelly vs. Jillian Cryme Tyme vs. Paul Burchill and William Regal Shawn Michaels vs. Lance Cade
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And I'm back with this dynasty, with no pictures but still with the main draw, the actual show. Kofi Kingston and D’Lo Brown defeated the Highlanders in a dark match when Kingston pinned Robbie with the Jamacian Buzzsaw kick(D+) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw Week Three September 2008[/COLOR][/B] Your announcers are Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler. -Shawn Michaels comes out at the top of the show for the twenty minute interview. He talks about how he’s been chomping at the bit to get his hands on Chris Jericho and at No Mercy, he will get his wish when his foot meets Jericho’s mouth. Jericho’s been ****y but he will be dancing to some Sweet Chin Music come No Mercy. Out comes Lance Cade with a smug expression on his face, saying that Michaels might have been a good wrestler once upon a time but the student has eclipsed the teacher and tonight, Cade is going to be the one who schools Shawn Michaels. Michaels says he is fearless and if Jericho couldn’t take him out, what makes Cade think he can? Michaels reminds us that he taught Cade everything Cade knows but not everything the Heart Break Kid knows. Cade comes down to the ring and we’ve got our match. (A-proving that Shawn Michaels is the greatest wrestler and entertainer in World Wrestling Entertainment today). [COLOR=red][B]Lance Cade vs. the Shawn Michaels[/COLOR][/B] Michaels pounds on Cade, Cade comes back and knocks Michaels with a loop for a lariat. Cade stomps a mudhole in Michaels and walks him dry, slapping him a couple of times. Cade connects with a vicious sidewalk slam for a nearfall. Cade goes up top but Michaels cuts him off and slams him off the top rope. Cade clutches his back and Michaels pounds away at him. Leaping forearm and kip up. Slam by Michaels and up to the top rope. Flying Elbowdrop connects and Michaels tunes up the band. Sweet Chin Music connects right on the button for Lance Cade. Two and a half count before [B]Jericho pulls Michaels to the floor[/B]. That’s a disqualification as both men are brawling with each other on the floor. [B]Winner By Disqualification: Shawn Michaels Match Rating: B-[/B] Jericho and Michaels continue to exchange punches on the floor. Michaels knocks Jericho for a loop but here comes Raw General Manager Mike Adamle with various security guards and road agents to break it up. Michaels continues to go after Jericho and Jericho swings at Michaels’s eye but this time he avoids it and he continues to batter Jericho with punch after punch. One of the security guards get knocked down and Mike Adamle doesn’t look too happy, as Michaels is dragged off. Jericho has a busted lip but he’s smiling that he caused Michaels to snap and hit a non-wrestler. (A Rating) [COLOR=red][B]Paul Burchill and William Regal(w/Katie Lea) vs. Cryme Tyme[/COLOR][/B] Cryme Tyme run wild early but Regal cuts JTG off and the British scoundrels beat him down in the corner. Burchill and Regal score a nearfall with a spike power bomb but JTG fights out. Tag made to Shad and Shad is in the ring, house of fire knocking around Regal and Burchill. Burchill is left alone in the center of the ring with Regal knocked to the floor and Cryme Tyme set him up G9. Shad covers Burchill and JTG baseball slides Regal to hold him off as Cryme Tyme win. [B]Winners: Cryme Tyme(w/the G9) Match Rating: B-[/B] Santino Marella comes out with Beth Phoenix for color commentary for the next match. He obnoxiously reminds us that he is creeping up on the Honky Tonk Man’s record as the longest reigning WWE Intercontinental Champion and he has only 425 days before he breaks the record. Santino pumps his hand into the air, with a smirk as the announcers remind us that next week, Santino is going to put that belt on the line against Kofi Kingston(D-) [COLOR=red][B]Jillian vs. Kelly Kelly[/COLOR[/B] Jillian sings but Kelly dropkicks her at the bell. A series of punches by Kelly and Kelly whips her into the ropes but gets hit in the back of the head. Santino brags that Kelly has nothing on his Beth and when they fight for the Women’s Championship, Beth will bulldoze her. Jillian misses a kneelift in the corner and Kelly hits a faceplant before she connected with a cartwheel into a backflip splash to score the pin. Kelly Kelly has won yet another match on Raw. [B]Winner: Kelly Kelly Match Rating: C-[/B] Beth Phoenix rushes into the ring and goes for a clothesline but Kelly ducks. Jumping wheel kick knocks Beth to the floor. Beth is enraged and she rushes Kelly but Kelly back drops her over the top rope right on top of Santino. Kelly Kelly is cheered by the fans as Santino yells in Italian angrily at ringside as Beth is down on the floor.(C-) John Bradshaw Layfield is backstage, saying that once again he finds him one on one with John Cena. It doesn’t matter how many times he puts Cena down, he keeps getting back up. JBL says that makes Cena either really brave or really stupid. One thing is for certain, Cena is just a speed bump to JBL becoming the World Heavyweight Champion. Punk got lucky at Summerslam. JBL says that at No Mercy, he and his boys, DiBiase and Rhodes, will beat Punk and his boys, Cryme Tyme in the six man tag. Tonight, he’ll settle with whipping John Cena once again. (A) [COLOR=red][B]John Bradshaw Layfield vs. John Cena[/COLOR][/B] At the bell, both men trade punches with neither man budging but JBL knocks Cena down with a haymaker. Cena bounces back up and punches away at JBL, before he whips him into the ropes. Drop toe hold brings JBL down and attempted STFU but JBL is in the ropes. Cena pounds away at JBL and clotheslines him to the floor. Onto the floor and Cena pummels JBL but JBL sends Cena into the ring steps. Running kneelift further crushes Cena against the steps. JBL hoists up Cena and slams him chest first onto the barricade. JBL slides into the ring and to the top rope and leaps off. Forearm smash to the top of the head. Stomps and a huge backbreaker punishes Cena further. JBL bounces off the ropes and goes for the Clothesline from Hell but Cena ducks that. Leaping clothesline knocks JBL down. Standing ten count and both men are up. Punches rock each other and Cena manages to get the better of the exchange. Off the ropes and shoulder tackle. To the outside and slingshot into a Fame-Asser down across the back of the head of JBL gets two. Cena is ready and goes for the F-U but JBL drops down and Yakuza Kick brings Cena down for a close nearfall. JBL loosens up the buckle padding, exposing the steel bolt. Quickly, he picks up Cena and attempts to throw him in but Cena puts the breaks up. Elbow to the stomach and F-U attempt is avoided. As JBL drops down, Cena takes him down into the STFU before JBL can do anything. JBL is quickly in the ropes and Cena has to break. He backs off and JBL thumbs Cena into the eyes before he [B]explodes into him with the Clothesline from Hell[/B] The crowd is in a hush as Cena folds up like an accordion off of that vicious move. JBL covers for the academic three count. [B]Winner: John Bradshaw Layfield Match Rating: B+[/B] Jamie Noble is backstage, attempting to get Layla interested in him but she looks rather bored and disinterested with everyone in his advances. The redneck asks her why she doesn’t just take a ride in his trailer so they can rock across state lines when Layla informs him that she already has a boyfriend and Noble can’t measure up to him. Noble promises to whoop this man and in walks Val Venis. Venis says Noble better get a stepping and tells him if he catches the Big Valboski in a good mood, he might teach Noble a couple of tricks in how to be a real man. Noble gets into his face and Venis calmly pie faces Noble, to shove him into the wall and then leads Layla into the dressing room as Noble is steamed. (D) After the commercial break, Jamie Noble is in the ring and Jamie Noble is angry. He talks about how he’s going to prove to Layla that he’s more man than “that there Venis” and beat Batista. He calls out Batista, saying he’s going to take Batista out to the wood shed and whoop him like the dog he is. Noble says Batista is nothing but an oversized sissy and Noble is a real man. Ask and you shall receive and here comes Batista.(B) [COLOR=red][B]Jamie Noble vs. Batista[/COLOR][/B] Lariat. Spinebuster. Thumbs down. Batista Bomb. Pin in thirty seconds. [B]Winner: Batista(w/the Batista Bomb) Match Rating: C[/B] The lights go out and Kane’s music plays. Batista looks on the ramp as the red lights come on as he’s ready for Kane but Kane comes from underneath the ring. He slides underneath the ring and Batista turns around. [B]Kane throws a fireball into the face of Batista![/B] The crowd goes into a hush as Batista drops to the ground. His face has been absolutely scorched by the fireball. Someone get a paramedic out here, you can smell the burning flesh. Kane laughs like a psychotic madman. Noble stirs in the ring and Kane hoists him up and Choke Slams him as an after thought. Batista might have had his retinas burned out by that fireball! His hands are over his face and Kane stands over Batista talking trash. These two men will face off at No Mercy but what condition will Batista be in? Members of the crowd are booing, children are crying at what Kane did to their hero. Paramedics come out, we’ve got to cut to a break. (A*) Shawn Michaels is backstage when Mike Adamle comes out, saying that Michaels is going to be thrown out of the building for assaulting a security guard. That man was a building employee, not a WWE employee, so he could sue WWE and put a lot of men out of work. So Adamle is throwing Michaels out of the building. Michaels leaves without a word as coming up next Paul London will face off against Chris Jericho (C+) [COLOR=red][B]Paul London vs. Chris Jericho(w/Lance Cade)[/COLOR][/B] London attacks Jericho at the bell and pounds away at him but Jericho catches him with a kneelift. London flips onto his back and Jericho pounds away at him with a series of high impact moves, including a double underhook backbreaker. Jericho puts London on the top rope and attempted superplex but London shoves him off. Missile dropkick connects for a two count. London punches away at Jericho and spin kick. Dropsault and standing shooting star press get a two count but Cade puts Jericho in the ropes. London goes after Cade and knocks him to the floor. Turning around right into a trip and the Walls of Jericho. Jericho leans back and London squirms before he taps out to give Jericho the win. [B]Winner: Chris Jericho(w/the Walls of Jericho) Match Rating: B-[/B] Jericho beats down London in the ring and Cade joins him. Both of them stomp London to chants of “We Want Shawn” but Jericho delivers a backbreaker, bending London across his knee, before Cade climbs to the top rope. Flying elbowdrop to London with him draped across the knee. London rolls him over and Jericho pulls up London and slaps him, before he connects with the Code Breaker! The crowd boos as Jericho delivers a running kick to the ribs. Cade rolls over London and holds him down so Jericho can stomp his ribs. London is left in the ring, the announcers suspect he might have some broken ribs at the hands of Jericho. If Shawn had not been thrown out of the building, they express doubt that Jericho and Cade would have gotten away with this. (C) [COLOR=red][B]World Heavyweight Championship: Ted DiBiase vs. CM Punk©[/COLOR][/B] Both men trade wrestling holds on the mat for the first few minutes. Punk kips up out of a headscissors and series of kicks rocks DiBiase before he whips him into the ropes. Running kneelift into bulldog brings DiBiase down for a two count. Punk delivers a snap suplex for another two count. Forearms rock DiBiase and Punk gutwrenches DiBiase before he brings him down for a two count. Punk goes to the top rope but DiBiase punches him. Another punch and DiBiase slams Punk off the ropes. Fistdrop driven down to the top of the head of Punk. Two count and DiBiase pulls up Punk. Crisp Gutwrench Suplex and DiBiase climbs to the second rope, facing the crowd before he drops an elbow down across the chest of Punk for another nearfall. DiBiase chops away at Punk and whip into the ropes. Kneelift and fisherman suplex scores a two and a half count. DiBiase was half a second away from doing the one thing his father never had done. Stomps by DiBiase and kneedrop, before he whips him into the ropes. Million Dollar Dream applied. Punk sinks down to the canvas and the arm drops two and a half times before Punk pops up. DiBiase connects with a Russian Legsweep and covers for a very close nearfall. DiBiase delivers a leaping stomp to Punk. Another leaping stomp and he whips Punk into the corner. Running clothesline in the corner. He climbs to the second rope, facing the crowd and once again he falls back towards Punk with the elbow but Punk rolls out of the way. DiBiase hits the canvas hard and gets to his feet. Punk kicks away at DiBiase, rocking him. Into the ropes and dropkick takes him down. DiBiase bounces up and Punk with a double knee smash to the face. Running roundhouse kick in the corner and Punk hooks DiBiase, before he runs off the ropes. Swinging DDT brings DiBiase down for a two count. Punk picks up DiBiase and whip into the corner. Running into the corner and DiBiase kicks Punk in the face. Double leg takedown into a cover with the feet on the ropes. Two count when the referee catches the cover. DiBiase picks up Punk and goes for a suplex but he drops down and shoves him into the ropes. To the shoulders and hoisted up. Into the GTS which scores the pin and retains the title for CM Punk. [B]Winner and Still World Heavyweight Champion: CM Punk Match Rating: B+[/B] Out comes Cody Rhodes from the back and Punk takes him out with a kick to the face. He pounds away at Rhodes but that leaves him open for JBL who kicks Punk in the back of the head. JBL stomps away at Punk, pounding him in the center of the ring. Rhodes and DiBiase is up. Priceless holds Punk as JBL slaps him before he prepares for the Clothesline from Hell but Cryme Tyme run out with chairs to rush off Priceless and JBL. Punk climbs up as Cryme Tyme is in the ring. The battle lines have been drawn for Raw, six man tag team action at No Mercy! [B]Segment Rating: B+[/B]
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[QUOTE] [B][U]Jamie Noble released by World Wrestling Entertainment[/B][/U] Raw Superstar, Jamie Noble has been given his release from World Wrestling Entertainment. Rumors state that he had been caught travelling with a variety of WWE wellness policy restricted substances in his bag. He was originally going to work a program with Val Venis, which obviously was set up on Monday. However, when word got down, the show as rebuilt slightly to see Noble get buried in seconds with Batista and then Kane destroyed him afterwards. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple][B]ECW On Sci Fi Match Listings:[/COLOR][/B] ECW Championship Match: Hornswoggle vs. Mark Henry(c) Armando Estrada and Colin Delaney vs. Finlay Elijah Burke vs. Super Crazy Mike Knox vs. Matt Hardy The Miz, John Morrison, and Chavo Guerrero vs. Evan Bourne, Ricky Ortiz, and Tommy Dreamer.
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[COLOR=purple][B]ECW on Sci Fi Week Three September 2008[/COLOR][/B] Todd Grisham and Matt Striker are your announcers. John Morrison and the Miz have a special edition of the Dirt Sheet where they mock their opponents for tonight, Ricky Ortiz, Tommy Dreamer, and Evan Bourne. Tonight, along with Chavo Guerrero, they are ready for some six man tag team action tonight in Sci Fi. (C+) [COLOR=purple][b]The Miz, John Morrison, and Chavo Guerrero vs. Tommy Dreamer, Ricky Ortiz, and Evan Bourne[/COLOR][/B] Some high impact spots but unfortunately it took until the end to get some reaction. Dreamer was slowly beaten down in the corner but makes the tag to Evan Bourne who rushes into the ring, taking out his opponents with dropkicks and armdrags. He knocks Chavo to the floor and takes out the Miz with a Frankensteiner, but he’s not the legal man. Morrison is and he kicks him in the back of the head before he delivers the Moonlight Drive for the pin to win this six man tag team match. [B]Winners: Chavo, Miz, and Morrison Match Rating: D+[/B] Matt Hardy cuts a promo, talking about his dream to be ECW Champion and how tonight he plans to take his first step towards getting back in position for a title shot. Tonight he says Mike Knox will find out why Matt Hardy will never die. (C-) [COLOR=purple][B]Mike Knox vs. Matt Hardy[/COLOR][/B] Knox attacks Hardy from behind at the bell but Hardy quickly comes back with a series of punches that rocks Knox. Side Effect scores a quick two count and Hardy climbs to the second rope. Forearm down across the head. Two count. Into the ropes and attempted head duck but Knox punches Hardy across the back of the head. Double axe handle to the back and backbreaker. Knox stomps away at Hardy and rakes his face, before he slams him. To the corner and attempted pump splash but Hardy rolls out of the way. Knox hits the canvas and Hardy climbs back up. Punches to Knox but Knox goes to the eyes. Attempted clothesline but Hardy ducks and Side Effect connects for a two count. Hardy pulls up Knox and Twist of Fate connects for the pin. [B]Winner: Matt Hardy(w/the Twist of Fate) Match Rating: D(did not click)[/B] Knox is in the ring and the lights go out with the red lights come back on. The words “The Boogeyman is coming to getcha” echo throughout the arena and out comes the Boogeyman, making his return to ECW. Knox is in the ring and Boogeyman kicks him, before he hoists him up. Dominator type move brings Knox down. Boogeyman has the bag of worms and dumps them over Knox. The worms squirm on Knox as he is laid out to the ring by the returning Boogeyman(D) [COLOR=purple][B]Elijah Burke vs. Super Crazy[/COLOR][/B] Burke and Crazy trade chops and armdrags, until Burke brings down Crazy with a clothesline. Burke works over Crazy’s back, with some suplexes and a bow and arrow submission hold that punishes him. Crazy fights out and Burke is thrown into the corner. Running dropkick and DDT brings down Burke for a nearfall. Standing Moonsault gets another close two count. Crazy goes to the second rope but moonsault hits the knees. Burke kicks Crazy, before he sets up the Elijah Experience to score the pin. [B]Winner: Elijah Burke(w/the Elijah Experience) Match Rating: C-[/B] Finlay is backstage, saying that the ECW Championship and Mark Henry is in his sights. At Unforgiven, Henry beat him but at No Mercy, both men will face off in a Belfast Brawl. He says he’ll make sure Henry doesn’t get his hands on Hornswoggle but first he has to beat up Henry’s cronies in Estrada and Delaney. (B-) [COLOR=purple][B]Armando Estrada and Colin Delaney vs. Finlay(w/Hornswoggle)[/COLOR][/B] The heels attack Finlay. Delaney accidentally hits Estrada. Celtic Cross to Delaney. Celtic Cross to Estrada. Double pin. [B]Winner: Finlay(w/the Celtric Cross) Match Rating: D+[/B] Out comes Mark Henry who attacks Finlay right at the bell with a double axe handle and throws him into the corner. Vicious running avalanche squashes Finlay in the corner and World’s Strongest Slam. Huge splash collapses the ribs of Finlay. Two more splashes and Henry sets his sights on Hornswoggle, who backs off his fear when he realizes his father might not be able to help him. Henry drags the little guy into the ring and the ECW Championship match begins (B-) [COLOR=purple][B]ECW Championship Match: Hornswoggle vs. Mark Henry©[/COLOR][/B] The fans were behind Hornswoggle, even though the little guy had no chance in hell of walking out with the ECW Champion. Henry beats Hornswoggle and vicious Gorilla Press Slam drops him. Henry poses and this allows Hornswoggle to dropkick Henry in the leg. Headbutt to the groin and Henry is doubled over. Hornswoggle leaps on Henry’s back and punches away but Henry falls back and crushes Hornswoggle. Henry pulls up Hornswoggle and clotheslines him down. The referee is begging Henry to just pin him and Henry pulls up Hornswoggle. World’s Strongest Slam punishes Hornswoggle. He might be broken in half. Another World’s Strongest Slam and Henry hoists up Hornswoggle and bearhugs him to death. The referee calls for the bell, there is no way Hornswoggle will be able to continue. [B]Winner and Still ECW Champion: Mark Henry(via referee stoppage) Match Rating: C-[/B] We go off the air with Henry standing in the ring over the beaten body of Hornswoggle. In one night, the dominant ECW Champion has bulldozed by Hornswoggle and Finlay. Who can stop Mark Henry? [B]Overall Show Rating: C-[/B]
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[COLOR=blue][B]Smackdown Match Listing[/COLOR][/B]: WWE Championship: The Undertaker vs. Triple H(c) Ryan Braddock and Domino vs. Festus and Jesse Kenny Dykstra vs. R-Truth Gregory Helms and the Edgeheads vs. Shannon Moore, Jimmy Wang Yang, and Scotty Goldman Umaga vs. Super Crazy MVP and Shelton Benjamin vs. Jeff Hardy and Mr. Kennedy.
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The New Bulldogs defeated the Highlanders in a dark match when DH Smith pinned Robbie with the Running Powerslam(F+-fans were not into seeing two jobber teams compete.) [COLOR=blue][b]WWE Smackdown Week Three September 2008[/COLOR][/B] A video package is shown at the top of the show, showing Triple H’s title reign so far and the Undertaker running through several top competitors on Smackdown. Tonight these two forces collide for the WWE Championship. (A) Jim Ross and Tazz are your announcers. In two weeks, Smackdown will be on MyNetworkTV and next week is Tazz’s last night before he returns to ECW as a color commentator. Hype up for the new Smackdown color commentator that will debut on the first MyNetwork TV Show. [COLOR=blue][B]MVP and Shelton Benjamin vs. Mr. Kennedy and Jeff Hardy[/COLOR][/B] Pretty much a pier six to start, with Kennedy getting cut off and beaten in the corner. Shelton connects with a spin kick for a nearfall. Double teams by MVP and Shelton, as they trade off on offensive moves. MVP charges into the corner on one move but Kennedy drops down and MVP boots the corner, before Kennedy hits a neckbreaker. To the corner and tag made to Jeff Hardy, who rushes into the ring and missile dropkick takes MVP down. Hardy pounds away at Shelton as he enters the ring and climbs to the top rope. Whisper in the Wind connects on both men. Hardy covers MVP for a two count before Shelton breaks up the cover. Shelton pounds away at Hardy and whip into the ropes. Stinger Splash is blocked and Kennedy enters the ring, clothesline to Shelton. He aims for MVP but MVP ducks and Kennedy wipes out Hardy with a clothesline. Hardy goes down and Kennedy looks shocked but MVP is up. Attempted kick to the face but Kennedy ducks and Shelton gets struck down. Kennedy and MVP trade punches but Hardy and Shelton are up and they spin their partners around, getting in their faces, before they trade punches. It is all breaking down tonight on Smackdown, as the referee calls for the bell, throwing this match out. [B]Winner: No-Contest Match Rating: B-[/B] MVP, Shelton, Kennedy, and Hardy are all brawling in the ring. Security rushes out as all four men brawl in the ring. It is announced that all four of these men will face off in a fatal four way match for Shelton Benjamin’s United States Title at No Mercy. Everyone is pulled apart and Ross and Tazz hype up for No Mercy (C) [COLOR=blue][B]Super Crazy vs. Umaga[/COLOR][/B] Crazy attacks at the bell with punches but Umaga swats him off. Savate kick sends Crazy into the corner. Running hip attack connects. Umaga hoists up Crazy and Samoan Drop connects. Umaga pulls up Crazy and winds up the thumb before he strikes Crazy right in the throat with the Samoan Spike. The pin is academic after that move. [B]Winner: Umaga(w/the Samoan Spike) Match Rating: B-[/B] Triple H is backstage, talking about how when you look at WWE history, there are two men that stand out. Himself and the Undertaker. Tonight, he steps into the ring to defend the WWE Championship against the Undertaker. Undertaker is a former six title champion of the World but Triple H will be damned if he wins title number seven tonight. Seven will not be at the expense of the Undertaker. He respects the Undertaker but after last week, with that choke slam, Triple H has to make him pay. He has been feeling that choke slam for the last week and the Undertaker will be put down by Triple H. Triple H looks at the camera and holds up the belt (B+) [COLOR=blue][B]The Edgeheads and Gregory Helms vs. Jimmy Wang Yang, Shannon Moore, and Scotty Goldman[/COLOR][/B] Triple dropkicks by the faces at the bell take them off guard. Goldman is trapped in the center of the ring and the heels take turns beating him down. Helms goes to the top rope but Goldman dropkicks him as he comes down before he rolls into the corner. Hot tag to Shannon Moore, who enters the ring, a house of fire and knocks everyone. Enzuigiri knocks Ryder down off the apron and dropkick stuns Helms. Hawkins is dropkicked down as well and tag to Jimmy Wang Yang who climbs to the top rope and connects with the moonsault to score the pin on Hawkins. Yang and Moore get the win as they go and will face Hawkins and Ryder for the tag team titles at No Mercy. [B]Winners: Yang, Moore, and Goldman Match Rating: D+[/B] R-Truth makes his way to the ring, cutting a rap, while also calling out Carlito, saying that he doesn’t think Carlito is cool. (C+) [COLOR=blue][B]Kenny Dykstra vs. R-Truth[/COLOR][/B] Standard wrestling moves to start out. Dykstra goes low on Truth and connects a leg lariat to knock Truth down. A neckbreaker sets up a nearfall. Hotshot for another nearfall and Dykstra slams R-Truth down. He goes to the top rope and misses a legdrop. R-Truth bounces off the ropes and axe kick as Dykstra is doubled over. He rolls over Dykstra and scores the pin. [B]Winner: R-Truth(w/an axe kick) Match Rating: C+[/B] Carlito runs down to the ring afterwards and attacks R-Truth from behind. R-Truth fights him off before he whips Carlito into the ropes. Dropkick knocks Carlito to the floor. R-Truth winds up on the floor. Carlito’s attempt to get the jump on R-Truth has backfired. (C+) The Big Show is out to announce the Miss. Smackdown Bikini Contest. Out come the three contestants, Maryse, Maria, and the WWE Diva’s Champion Michelle McCool. The three women parade around in bikinis, before the Big Show calls for voting from the fans. Michelle gets the loudest pop of the crowd and is announced the winner. Maryse is pissed and yelled that she could beat both of these women when it counted. Michelle offers to put the Diva’s Title on the line right now in a Triple Threat Match against both Maria and Maryse right now. Maryse shoves Maria out of the way and attacks Michelle. Maria grabs Maryse by the hair and pulls her off, as the Big Show calls for the bell, to sign this impromptu match(C) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Diva’s Title Match: Maryse vs. Maria vs. Michelle McCool©[/COLOR][/B] All three women trade moves. Maryse knocks Maria to the floor but Michelle catches her in a heel hook. Maryse struggles but has nowhere to go so she taps out, giving Michelle the victory. [B]Winner and Still WWE Diva’s Champion: Michelle McCool Match Rating: E-[/B] The Big Show raises her hand in victory but out comes the Brian Kendrick, who is disgusted at the sight. Kendrick says it’s pathetic, at one time, the Big Show was a killer, now he’s a big jolly joke, who is bothering with divas. Kendrick walks down to the ring and says that Show can’t touch the greatest sensation Smackdown has ever seen. Without another word. Kendrick slaps Show. Show gives an angry bellow but Kendrick leaps over the top rope and runs down the ramp as Show moves after Kendrick. If Show gets his hands on Kendrick, there will be hell to pay. (D+) [COLOR=blue][B]Ryan Braddock and Domino vs. Jesse and Festus[/COLOR][/B] Just a squash win for Festus and Jesse, with Festus connecting with the throwing flapjack on Domino to score the pin. [B]Winners: Festus and Jesse(w/ a throwing flapjack) Match Rating: E+[/B] [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Championship Match: The Undertaker vs. Triple H©[/COLOR][/B] Staredown before Triple H pounds away at Undertaker and hits a kneelift but Taker sits up already. Punches by Triple H and he beats down the Undertaker in the corner with some chops. To the floor and Triple H throws the Undertaker into the barricade. He backs up and charges Taker but Taker kicks him in the face. The Undertaker rolls Triple H into the ring before he enters the ring and slowly beats down Triple H in the corner with throat thrusts. Clothesline in the corner and the Undertaker grabs the wrist. Walking the top rope, old school coming up but Triple H armdrags the Undertaker off the ropes. Undertaker pops up and big boot brings Triple H down. Triple H is pulled up, before he pulls him in with a kneelift and DDT brings Triple H down for a two count. Undertaker launches Triple H in the corner and to the throat. Attempted Choke Slam but Triple H kicks the Undertaker in the leg several times to double him over. Swinging neckbreaker brings the Undertaker down for a two count. Triple H picks up the Undertaker and forearms him, before whipping him into the corner. Chop block brings the leg out. Another couple of chop blocks, before he brings the Undertaker down by the leg before he applies an Indian Deathlock. The Indian Deathlock works over the leg of the Undertaker, but Triple H breaks the hold. Kicks to the leg, before Triple H picks up the Undertaker and throws him into the corner. Kneelift in the corner and Triple H hoists up the Undertaker. Spinebuster brings him down. Triple H steps back but the Undertaker sits up! Triple H knees the Undertaker in the face and hoists him up. Pedigree attempt but the Undertaker trips up Triple H. Legs hooked and the Undertaker rocks back with a catapult. The Undertaker scoops up Triple H for the Tombstone but Triple H drops down the back and pushes Taker into the ropes. Kick to the midsection and Triple H underhooks the arms. Pedigree connects to the Undertaker! The announcers are in awe, even the Undertaker can’t survive the Pedigree. Taker is rolled over but before Triple H can cover, the Undertaker sits up! The Undertaker just sat up after the Pedigree. Triple H’s eyes widen before he rolls to the floor. He pushes back the ring apron and pulls out the sledgehammer. Triple H enters the ring but the Undertaker grabs him by the throat. Choke Slam connects to Triple H. The sledgehammer is kicked to the floor and the Undertaker covers but only a two and a half count. The Undertaker pounds away at Triple H and whip into the corner. Elbowsmash into the corner and the Undertaker launches Triple H into the center of the ring with a hiptoss. Taker bounces off the ropes and leaping clothesline but Triple H ducks. [b]The Undertaker wipes out the referee![/B] The referee is down and Triple H kicks the Undertaker. Another kick is blocked and the Undertaker forearms Triple H down and Triple H rolls to the floor. The Undertaker steps to the outside and goes after Triple H, stalking the Game but [B]a chair hits the Undertaker from behind on the floor![/B] The camera pans back and the crowd is booing. Edge! Edge is back! Edge rushes over and mows down the Undertaker with another chairshot. Triple H is up and Edge drops the chair before he rushes him. [B]Spear puts Triple H right through the barricade[/B]! Triple H is laid out in the crowd as a second referee is in the ring, calling for the bell and throwing this match out. [B]Winner: No Contest(Edge attacks both men) Match Rating: B[/B] Edge enters the ring and throws two chairs into the ring. He kicks the Undertaker in the face and rolls him into the ring. Edge grabs the WWE Championship belt from the timekeeper and slides into the ring. The gold is smashed in the face of the Undertaker and takes him out. Edge rolls over the Undertaker and puts his face on top of the chair before he grabs the second chair. [B]One Man Con Chair To cracks the Undertaker’s skull[/B]. Out comes Vickie Guerrero, wheeled out by Zach Ryder and Curt Hawkins, who is yelling for security to get him out of here. Edge looks at her down the ramp with a crazed look in his eyes before he yells “Honey, I’m Home!” He poses with the WWE Championship Belt as the broken bodies of both the Undertaker and Triple H has been left laying by Edge(A) [B]Show Rating: B-[/B] [COLOR=red][B]Monday Night Raw Line Up:[/COLOR][/B] Shawn Michaels and John Cena vs. Snitsky and Chris Jericho World Heavyweight Title Match: Cody Rhodes vs. CM Punk(c) Jim Duggan vs. Deuce JTG vs. Ted DiBiase WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Kofi Kingston vs. Santino Marella(c) Shad vs. John Bradshaw Layfield Kelly Kelly and D'Lo Brown vs. Katie Lea and Paul Burchill Charlie Haas vs. Kane
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Mickie James and Candice Michelle defeated Layla and Jillian in a dark match when Candice pinned Jillian with the Candy Wrapper(D) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw Week Four September 2008[/COLOR][/B] Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler are your announcers for this evening. Chris Jericho makes his way down to the ring, a pleased expression on his face. He talks about how last week Shawn Michaels proved his true colors when he ruthlessly assaulted a non-wrestler. A video clip of Michaels accidentally punching out a security guard in his brawl with Jericho from last week is shown. Jericho says that No Mercy will be the end of Shawn Michaels, but tonight, Jericho will team up with Snitsky to face off against the frauds of Raw, in John Cena and Shawn Michaels. Tonight, Jericho has back up and he doesn’t mean Lance Cade for once. He hints that it is a face from Shawn’s past that will viciously enforce justice on the Heartbreak Kid. Jericho says that tonight will be the beginning of the end of Shawn Michaels (A) [COLOR=red][B]Charlie Haas vs. Kane[/COLOR][/B] Haas tries to take down Kane but Kane beats down Haas for this match. Kane clotheslines Haas and takes him down with a side slam, before he makes his way to the outside. Clothesline down onto Haas and Kane sets him up for the Choke Slam. Haas is driven down and Kane covers him to score the pin. (C+) Kane gets on the microphone, laughing at what he did to Batista last week on Raw. We see footage of Kane roasting Batista’s flesh with a fireball. We understand Batista has been in the burn ward of a hospital since that moment. Kane says that much like he beat Rey so bad that he never will return, he scorched the flesh off of Batista’s face. If Batista is stupid enough to want more, Kane says No Mercy will be the final time we see Batista, as not only will his face be burnt off, but every inch of flesh of his body(A) [COLOR=red][B]Katie Lea and Paul Burchill vs. D’Lo Brown and Kelly Kelly[/COLOR][/B] Typical tag team stuff, as Kelly will face Beth Phoenix for the WWE Women’s Title at No Mercy. D’Lo takes down Paul with the Sky High, which allows Kelly to backslide Katie to score the pin. [B]Winner: Kelly Kelly and D’Lo Match Rating: D+[/B] Cryme Tyme and the World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk are backstage. Tonight they split up for three separate singles matches with Shad against JBL, JTG against DiBiase, and Punk putting his World Heavyweight Title on the line against Cody Rhodes. This just leads into their six man tag team match. They say that they are ready for war against JBL and Priceless and tonight they are going to win all three matches. (B) [COLOR=red][B]Shad vs. John Bradshaw Layfield[/COLOR][/B] JBL beats down Shad and whips him into the corner. Elbowsmash into the corner and JBL takes down Shad with a fallaway slam. Stomps delivered and JBL climbs to the outside. Attempted shoulderblock off the top rope but Shad ducks out of the way. Shad punches away at JBL, before he whips him into the ropes. Spinebuster brings JBL down to the canvas. Shad covers for a two count. He picks up Shad and elbows him, before shoving him into the corner. To the second rope, ten count punches but JBL low blows him. Shad drops down and JBL lays waste to him with the Clothesline from Hell. Three slaps of the mat later, JBL scores another win with the Clothesline from Hell. [B]Winner: John Bradshaw Layfield(w/the Clothesline from Hell) Match Rating: C+[/B] Beth Phoenix and Santino are making their way down to the ring but Layla and Val Venis are in the hallway. Venis says he will be cleared to compete in a couple of weeks and he has his eyes on that WWE Intercontinental Title belt over Santino’s shoulder. Santino expresses outrage that the “Val Bigboski” would dare think he was a better man. Venis laughs, saying that Santino better enjoy the time he has for the Intercontinental title Belt. Santino says he won’t let Venis stop him from beating the record, which he only has 418 more days to go to beat(D+) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Intercontinental Title: Kofi Kingston vs. Santino Marella(w/Beth Phoenix)©[/COLOR][/B] Kofi knocks around Santino at the bell, with a house of fire. He wants the Intercontinental Title and he delivers an atomic drop. Santino flips to his back and begs off but Kofi dropkicks him in the face. Chops rock Santino and Kofi whips him into the ropes. Attempted back spring cross body block, but Santino ducks out of the way. Kofi hits the canvas and Santino stomps him. Neckbreaker delivered for a two count. Santino chokes Kofi, talking trash to him and whips him into the ropes. The head ducked and Kofi kicks Santino in the face. Off the ropes and dropkick brings him down. Another dropkick and Kofi winds up for the Trouble in Paradise, but Val Venis is out, to distract Kofi Kingston. Kofi rushes Val Venis but Santino catches him with a knee to the back of the head before he rolls up Kofi, using the tights for leverage for the pin. The announcers say that Venis wants to be the one to beat Santino for the WWE Intercontinental Title and he helped him walk out with the title. [B]Winner: Santino Marella(after using the tights) Match Rating: C+[/B] Shawn Michaels is lacing up his boots when John Cena steps out. Cena says that they’ve had their differences, that Superkick right before Wrestlemania 23 was the biggest. However tonight, they have to coexist against a bigger threat in Snitsky and Chris Jericho. Michaels nods, saying that he has no problems with Cena, but he does have a problem with Jericho. If Cena keeps Snitsky off of Michaels while he takes care of business with Jericho, than they have no problems. Cena nods as both men shake hands to bury the hatchet, at least for tonight. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]JTG vs. Ted DiBiase[/COLOR][/B] DiBiase and JTG trade punches, but DiBiase takes advantage with a Hotshot. DiBiase punches away at JTG, kneelift in the corner. More forearms rocks JTG and gutwrench suplex. Kneedrop and DiBiase works over the head of JTG with some forearms and a swinging neckbreaker. Whipped into the corner and belly to back suplex. DiBiase climbs to the second rope and faced the crowd, before he raised his arm. Backwards elbowdrop is missed. JTG pulls himself up and chops away at him, before whipping him into the corner. High back body drop. DiBiase is on his knees and JTG punches away at him, before he sets up a cradle. Swinging neckbreaker from that position scores a two count. JTG punches away at DiBiase and whips him into the ropes. Attempted spinning back elbow smash but DiBiase ducks and JTG splatters on the canvas. DiBiase bends down and hooks JTG in the Million Dollar Dream. He then falls back into the Russian Legsweep. Cover made by DiBiase to score the pin. Priceless and JBL are 2-0 for this evening over the trio of Punk and Cryme Tyme. [B]Winner: Ted DiBiase(w/the Million Dollar Legsweep) Match Rating: B-[/B] Deuce makes his way out, saying that from this point forward, Deuce’s will be wild on Raw. (D+) [COLOR=red][B]Jim Duggan vs. Deuce[/COLOR][/B] Extended squash by Deuce, with some offense by Duggan but he misses a corner charge. Deuce delivers a running kick to the face for the pin. [B]Winner: Deuce(w/ a running kick to the face) Match Rating: D+[/B] JBL and Priceless are backstage, the champagne is on ice. Tonight, they are 2-0 in their matches. Coming up next, Cody Rhodes will step up for the final piece of their victory. Last week, DiBiase came up short in becoming the World Heavyweight Champion but this week, Rhodes will succeed. JBL says he has faith in Rhodes, and says he has a contract ready for Rhodes to sign when he wins the title, that will give JBL the first crack at the gold next week. Rhodes nodded and says once again a Rhodes will be holding the biggest belt in the land (C+) [COLOR=red][B]World Heavyweight Title Match: Cody Rhodes vs. CM Punk©[/COLOR][/B] Both men trade armbars and wristlocks, with Punk knocking Rhodes into the corner. Series of kicks into the corner and Punk whips him into the ropes. Leaping elbow into the corner and Punk snap mares Rhodes around. Dropkick to the face, before Punk pulls up Rhodes and stiff forearms to the face. Leaping roundhouse kick in the corner and Punk grabs Rhodes. Bulldog brings Rhodes down for a two count. Punk chops away at Rhodes and rushes him but drop toe hold sends Punk down into the buckles. Rhodes punches away at Punk and whips him into the ropes. Knee to the face and Rhodes hooks Punk, before he brings him down with a double underhook suplex. Rhodes picks up Punk, elbows to the back of the heads, uppercut to the chest and into the ropes. Sleeperhold applied by Rhodes. Rhodes is trying to put Punk down but Punk shifts his weight but Rhodes brings him down. Kneedrop drills Punk down across the top of the head, before Rhodes delivers a double boot scrape to the face. He picks up Punk and puts him on the top rope. Punches and Rhodes sets up a superplex but Punk pounds away at him. Missile dropkick connects for a two count. Punk pounds away at Rhodes and kicks him, before he brings him up for the GTS but Rhodes slides down. Into the ropes and attempted DDT, but Punk punches him and hoists him back up, before he drops Rhodes into the GTS in one fluid motion for the pin. [B]Winner: CM Punk Match Rating: B[/B] [COLOR=red][B]Snitsky and Chris Jericho(w/Lance Cade) vs. John Cena and Snitsky[/COLOR][/B] All four men brawl in the center of the ring, with Snitsky being clotheslined to the floor by Michaels and Cena dropkicking Jericho to the floor. In the ring with Snitsky and Michaels. Michaels out runs Snitsky, before he leapfrogs over Snitsky and pair of armdrags stuns him. Forearms works over Snitsky and chops away at Snitsky, before he makes the tag to Cena. Cena leaps up to the top rope and double axe handle down across the head of Snitsky. Elbows driven on Snitsky and whips him into the ropes. Cena ducks the head and Snitsky kicks Cena in the face. Snitsky backs off and running kick to the face. He picks up Cena and hangs him in the tree of woe. Kicks him in the corner and knee to the head of Cena. Another knee to the head and Snitsky pulls Cena into the center of the ring. He hoists up Cena before he throws him into the corner. Tag to Chris Jericho. Jericho enters the ring and chops away at Cena, before he hooks him. Running faceplant brings Cena down before he rolls him over. To the second rope and lionsault delivered for a two count. Jericho chops away at Cena and whips him into the ropes. Spinning leg lariat and tag made to Snitsky. Snitsky takes down Cena with a side slam for a two count before he tags Jericho back into the match. Irish whip into the ropes and both men duck their heads. Cena slams them together. Cena crawls towards the corner with Michaels extending the hand. Tag made to Shawn Michaels who rushes into the ring, fists of fire. Clotheslines to both men and Michaels throws Jericho into the corner. Punches delivered to Jericho in the corner. Snitsky steps forward but Cena enters the ring and forearms Snitsky backwards. Some more forearms rock Snitsky and clotheslines him to the floor. Cena and Snitsky exchange punches, brawling to the back, as Michaels throttles Jericho in the corner. Kick to the groin and the referee warns Michaels but he hoists up Jericho. Slams him down. Michaels climbs to the outside. To the top rope and flying elbowdrop down across the chest. Michaels cues the band but Cade enters the ring. [B]Superkick knocks Cade for a loop[/B]. Jericho is up and he kicks Michaels. Attempted Code Breaker but Michaels puts the breaks up and grabs Jericho. He steps through the legs and turns Jericho over into a Sharpshooter. The crowd is on their feet as a tall man in a hooded sweatshirt walks down from the ramp and enters the ring. The tall individual attacks Michaels from behind with a clothesline which prompts the disqualification! [B]Winners by Disqualification: Shawn Michaels and John Cena Match Rating: B+[/B] The man stomps away at Shawn Michaels as the referee attempts to pull him off. Jericho is up and he kicks Shawn Michaels right in the back of the head. The tall man picks up Michaels and sets him up. [B]Huge Power Bomb destroys Michaels![/B] The figure looks around as Jericho looks on with a smug smile, as he slowly pulls his hood down to reveal the face of…. [B]Psycho Sid[/B]! [B]Segment Rating: B-[/B] [B]Show Rating: B[/B] [COLOR=purple][B]ECW On Sci Fi Card[/COLOR][/B] Tommy Dreamer vs. Mark Henry Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore vs. Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely Matt Hardy vs. Kenny Dykstra Evan Bourne vs. John Morrison
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[COLOR=purple][B]ECW On Sci Fi Week Four September 2008[/COLOR][/B] A video package is shown with Mark Henry running over Finlay and Hornswoggle last week. Tonight, he faces Tommy Dreamer and at No Mercy he faces Finlay in a Belfast Brawl, but can anyone stop the dominant ECW Champion? (B) Your Announcers are Todd Grisham and Matt Striker. [COLOR=purple][B]Evan Bourne vs. John Morrison(w/the Miz)[/COLOR][/B] Bourne gets the offensive going earlier but a trip up from the Miz swings the match into the favor of John Morrison. Morrison pounds away at Bourne, delivering a pair of suplexes that rock him and to the top rope but Bourne dropkicks him on the way down. Another dropkick and a rana scores a two count. Bourne delivers a springboard into a spinning forearm smash for a two count and goes on top rope but Miz grabs the ankle. Bourne kicks him off but Morrison runs up the buckles and [B]plants Bourne with a top rope DDT[/B]. This move drives Bourne headfirst into the canvas and allows Morrison to score the pin. [B]Winner: John Morrison(w/a super DDT) Match Rating: C-[/B] Bourne is being stomped in the center of the ring by Miz and Morrison. He is being beat down until the crowd is getting excited. Matt Hardy rushes down to the ring from the ramp. Hardy slides into the ring and punches back the Miz and Morrison. Hardy is fighting them off. Side Effect to the Miz. Kick to the midsection and Twist of Fate to Morrison. Hardy is cheered as he has laid out the Miz and Morrison. (C) [COLOR=purple][B]Kenny Dykstra vs. Matt Hardy[/COLOR][/B] Usual match tonight. Hardy runs wild early, Dykstra takes out the knee and works over Hardy for several minutes, including delivering a reverse Indian Deathlock. Attempted Flying Legdrop is avoided and Hardy fights back. Side Effect scores a two count. Twist of Fate is blocked and Dykstra pulls out a swift Northern Lights Suplex for a close cover. He picks up Hardy and pounds him away and goes for a swinging neckbreaker but Hardy hangs onto the ropes. Dykstra hits the canvas hard and Hardy kicks him the midsection, before he connects with the Twist of Fate to score the pin. [B]Winner: Matt Hardy(w/the Twist of Fate) Match Rating: C+[/B] Hardy leaves the ring as Dykstra is in the center of the ring. Red lights come on and the sounds of “The Boogeyman is coming to getcha” play over the arena. Out comes the Boogeyman to cheers for the crowd. Dykstra backs off but Boogeyman enters the ring and pounds away at him. Hoisted up and brought down with the dominator. Boogeyman dumps the worms on Dykstra to cheers from the ECW faithful as he dances in the ring. (D+) [COLOR=purple][B]Michael Starr vs. Finlay[/COLOR][/B] Hornswoggle is out after the injuries he suffered at the hands of Mark Henry and Finlay beats up the artist formally known as Matt Bentley, as he makes his ECW debut. He pounds away at Starr, with vicious forearms, before he hangs him in the tree of woe and tries to kick his face in. He pulls him to the center of the ring and belly to back suplex puts him down. Finlay picks up Starr and Celtric Cross for the pin. Afterwards, Finlay whacks him in the face with the shillagh for good measure. [B]Winner: Finlay(w/the Celtic Cross) Match Rating: D+[/B] Teddy Long is backstage, saying that after next week, the talent exchange agreement that was made between Smackdown and ECW expires and since him and Vickie Guerrero are not on good terms, it doesn’t look like it will be resigned. However, he has the Smackdown wrestlers for one week and during that week he makes Miz and Morrison against the Hardy Boyz next week on ECW. (C) [COLOR=purple][B]Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely[/COLOR][/B] Moore and Yang will face Bam Neely and Chavo Guerrero’s fellow members of the Rated R Army, Hawkins and Ryder for the WWE Tag Team Titles at No Mercy. Tonight, Moore is beaten down for most of the match until he makes the hot tag to Yang, who enters the ring a house of fire. Dropkicks knock both men off balance and Moore takes Chavo to the floor with a cross body. This allows Yang to connect with a moonsault for the pin on Bam Neely [B]Winners: Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely(w/the Moonsault) Match Rating: D+[/B] [COLOR=purple][B]Non-Title Match: Tommy Dreamer vs. Mark Henry[/COLOR][/B] Dreamer was ready, the ECW original took the fight to Henry, but even Dreamer did not have a fight to take the World’s Strongest Man down. His DDT attempt failed and Henry threw Dreamer around like a ragdoll for a couple of minutes, before he put him out of his mercy with the World’s Strongest Slam to score the pin. [B]Winner: Mark Henry(w/the World’s Strongest Slam) Match Rating: C-[/B] Henry delivers another World’s Strongest Slam to Dreamer. Carnage everywhere he goes but out comes Finlay. Finlay rushes into the ring and attacks Henry. His punches rain off the face of Mark Henry as he manages to take the World’s Strongest Man to the floor. Finlay quickly grabs the hammer to the ring bell and rams it right into the ribs of Henry. Henry staggers back, as Finlay shoves him against the ringpost and vicious forearm smashes. Just a preview of the Belfast Brawl at No Mercy. Henry fights back but Finlay continues to bring the fight to Henry without letting up. Both men continue to brawl as the locker room empties to bring this addition of ECW on Sci-Fi to a close(B-) [B]Show Rating: C-[/B] [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown Line Up:[/COLOR][/B] The Undertaker and Triple H vs. Edge and a partner of his choosing Number One Contenders Match: Maria vs. Victoria vs. Natalya Evan Bourne vs. The Brian Kendrick Mr. Kennedy vs. MVP Shannon Moore, Jimmy Wang Yang, Jesse, and Festus vs. Chavo Guerrero, Curt Hawkins, Zach Ryder, and Bam Neely Jeff Hardy vs. Domino WWE United States Title Match: The Big Show vs. Shelton Benjamin(c)
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Kenny Dykstra and Elijah Burke defeated the New Bulldogs in a dark match(D+) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown Week Four September 2008[/COLOR][/B] Your announcers are Jim Ross and Tazz. Out comes Edge, who says that he spent the last month in deep thought, and he saw two men on Smackdown, the Undertaker and Triple H. One has his championship and the other was responsible for sending him straight to hell. They were locked in combat last week and Edge returned to stop them because there is no way that he’s going to allow any WWE Championship matches to take place until he gets his title shot and it will be at No Mercy. He will take out both the Undertaker and Triple H in one fell swoop, as the WWE Championship will be on the line in a Triple Threat Match. He can beat them both one on one and at No Mercy he has chance to make WWE history by being the first man to beat these two great superstars in the same night. Tonight, Edge promises an unstoppable partner to run down both Triple H and Umaga. (A) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE United States Title Match: The Big Show vs. Shelton Benjamin©[/COLOR][/B] The Brian Kendrick and Zeke are out to watch this match, as the Big Show will face the Brain Kendrick as part of Smackdown’s first night on MyNetwork TV. Shelton runs into a brick wall in the Big Show but tries for the time tested assault of the big guy, namely trying to take out the legs. A dropkick to the leg and a spin kick takes out Show, but Stinger Splash bounces off of his free. Show pounds away at Shelton and nice side slam rocks him. Show stomps away at Shelton and sets him up for the Choke Slam but Shelton kicks Show in the groin. Spin kick connects and Shelton goes for the Pay Dirt but Show shoves him off. Out comes Zeke and Kendrick, who the Big Show goes after, which allows Shelton to take fully advantage of the fact that titles cannot change hands on countout and take a walk up the ramp. The referee reaches ten and Show wins the match, but not the United States Championship. [B]Winner: The Big Show via countout(Shelton remains champion) Match Rating: B-[/B] A video package is shown, hyping up Jeff Hardy. [COLOR=blue][B]Domino vs. Jeff Hardy[/COLOR][/B] Domino’s been on a slump ever since his tag team with Deuce broke up and tonight’s performance does not reverse that losing streak He got a couple of moves in but Whisper in the Wind connects and Swanton Bomb scores the pin. Jeff Hardy will face MVP, Mr. Kennedy, and United States Champion Shelton Benjamin for the title in a fatal four way match at No Mercy. [B]Winner: Jeff Hardy(w/the Swanton Bomb) Match Rating: C[/B] Umaga is backstage when Edge walks up to him. The Samoan Bulldozer goes to attack Edge but Edge asks him to hear him out. Tonight he needs a partner against the Undertaker and Triple H and the unfortunate thing is that everyone else on the Smackdown roster hates him. Unless he finds someone, he will have to go it alone against Undertaker and Triple H. Umaga has a wild, untamed look in his eyes, when the name Triple H is announced and Edge says that Umaga can have Triple H, if he wants him and the Undertaker too. Edge offers Umaga a title shot down the road as well to put the icing on the cake, when he wins the title at No Mercy. Umaga nods as he attacks a wall. Edge backs off. He might have a savage as a partner but it’s better than no partner. (B) [COLOR=blue][B]Bam Neely, Chavo Guerrero, Zach Ryder, and Curt Hawkins vs. Jimmy Wang Yang, Shannon Moore, Festus, and Jesse[/COLOR][/B] Typical eight man tag with a bunch of bodies flying around the ring. It ends when Yang pins Hawkins with the Moonsault to further set up their Tag Team Title Match for No Mercy. [B]Winners: Yang, Moore, Festus and Jesse(w/a moonsault) Match Rating:D[/B] Mr. Kennedy! (B) [COLOR=blue][B]Winner Receives a Shot at the WWE United States Title Next Week: Mr. Kennedy vs. MVP[/COLOR][/B] Despite the fact both men are in the four way at No Mercy, they have a chance for a one on one shot against Shelton next week, all they have to do is win this match. Both men trade holds, hammerlocks, armbars, and MVP hangs up Kennedy on the top rope. He begins working over the head and the neck of Kennedy. Stomps, forearms to the face and MVP hits a neckbreaker for a two count. He works over Kennedy and sets him up in the corner. Charging in but Kennedy moves and hits a hangman’s neckbreaker. Two count. Punches and DDT for another two count. Belly to belly suplex connects on MVP for another two and fireman’s carry roll for yet another two. MVP goes to the eyes and kick to the leg, before he shoves Kennedy into the corner. Attempted Drive By kick but Kennedy moves and MVP strikes the corner. His foot is injured and kneelift sets up the Mic Check which wins the match for Kennedy. Kennedy will face Benjamin next week on MyNetworkTV for the United States Title and he could go into No Mercy’s four way as the defending champion. [B]Winner: Mr. Kennedy(w/the Mic Check) Match Rating: B[/B] A look at Vladimir Kozlov, who will be in action on the first edition of the MyNetworkTV version of Smackdown(C+) [COLOR=blue][B]Evan Bourne vs. the Brian Kendrick(w/Ezekial)[/COLOR][/B] Both men trade high flying moves, including a beautiful, picture perfect Frankensteiner with both men perched on the top rope by Bourne. However, Zeke tripped up Bourne and that set up Kendrick to hit the Kendrick for the pin on Bourne, to go into his match with the Big Show next week with momentum on his side. [B]Winner: The Brian Kendrick(w/the Kendrick) Match Rating: C-[/B] R-Truth is backstage when Carlito walks up to him and gets in his face. Carlito says that R-Truth thinks he’s cool, but he’s not cool, only Carlito is cool. Carlito wants a piece of R-Truth and wants it next week on Smackdown. R-Truth just coolly stares down Carlito, without missing a beat and accepts the challenge, saying he’s going to the one to school the cool, dawg. (B-) [COLOR=blue][B]Number One Contenders Match for the WWE Diva’s Title: Maria vs. Victoria vs. Natalya[/COLOR][/B] Natalya and Victoria beat up Maria for most of the match until they got into each other’s way. This allowed the plucky Maria to connect with a school girl on Victoria to pick up the win as Natalya was knocked to the floor to gain a Diva’s Title shot down the road. [B]Winner: Maria Match Rating: D+[/B] Maria is now stomped in the ring by Natalya and Victoria but the WWE Diva’s Champion Michelle McCool runs out to make the save, to fight the fiendish women off. Michelle bends down to check Maria, who got battered around. (D+) Triple H is backstage. He says Edge might be running his mouth but the fake remains that he is Triple H, a twelve time champion. He has beaten the best this business has to offer and at No Mercy, he will step into the ring with two of the best. He remembered all week when Edge speared him through that barricade, how he suffered the pain but the pain will be amplified ten fold at No Mercy. As for the Undertaker, Triple H warns the Dead Man not to get in his way. Triple H will prove why he is the WWE Champion at No Mercy when he puts down both the Undertaker and Edge(A) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Champion Triple H and the Undertaker vs. Umaga and Edge[/COLOR][/B] The Undertaker and Triple H take the heels to the floor early. This leaves Edge in the ring who is ping ponged back and forth between the Undertaker and Triple H for a bit until the Undertaker kicks Triple H in the face by accident. This allows Edge to take out the knee of the Undertaker and work him over before he hands him off to Umaga, who pounds away at the Undertaker. Vicious chops and headbutts rocks the Undertaker, before Umaga connects with a savate kick and sidewalk slam. The Undertaker sits up and Umaga continues to pound away at Undertaker before he sets him up with a missile dropkick for Edge. Edge pounds away at the Undertaker and forearms him across the face, before he connects with an Edge-O-Matic for a two count. Into the ropes and elbow ducked. Edge ducks the head and the Undertaker connects with a DDT. He rolls to the corner and tag made to Umaga. Tag made to Triple H, who enters the ring, a house of fire, knocking around Umaga and Edge. Clothesline brings Edge down and spinebuster to Umaga for a two count. Triple H beats on Umaga and sets him up for the Pedigree, but Edge enters the ring with the championship belt and waffles Triple H for it, for the disqualification. [B]Winners By Disqualification: The Undertaker and Triple H Match Rating: B-[/B] The Undertaker grabs Edge and Choke Slam rattles the Rated R-Superstar. Taker turns around and Umaga runs the Undertaker down with the Samoan Spike! Umaga and Triple H continue to brawl but out comes security and Vickie Guerrero is on the ramp, yelling for security. She says next week, all three men in the triple threat title match at No Mercy will be in action. The Undertaker squares off against the Great Khali. Edge faces off against Jeff Hardy and Triple H will defend the WWE Championship against Umaga. But Umaga’s title shot won’t just be in any match, it will be inside the confines of a fifteen foot high steel cage! The crowd and the announcers are excited for those three big matches on what should be a blockbuster Smackdown as he sign off the CW for the last time. See you on MyNetworkTV(B+) [B]Show Rating: B-[/B] [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw Card Line Up[/COLOR][/B]: D’Lo Brown vs. John Bradshaw Layfield Robbie McAllistor vs. Santino Marella Kofi Kingston and Paul London vs. Chris Jericho and Lance Cade Charlie Haas vs. Deuce Candice, Kelly Kelly, and Mickie James vs. Jillian, Katie Lea, and Beth Phoenix Shawn Michaels vs. William Regal.
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[COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw Week One October 2008[/COLOR][/B] We cut backstage, where Cryme Tyme is getting kicked and punched backstage, with Priceless beating them down. JBL is directing traffic and he beats them down with forearms, before he throws JTG into a metal fence. Clothesline to Hell wipes out Shad and Rhodes rushes JTG, before he hits him in the face with the World Tag Team Title Belt. Cryme Tyme has been laid out by Priceless and JBL, right before this Sunday at No Mercy when they will team up with CM Punk to face that trio in a six man tag team match(C+) Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler are our commentators. [COLOR=red][B]William Regal vs. Shawn Michaels[/COLOR][/b] This Sunday, Shawn Michaels will square off against Chris Jericho as part of No Mercy. Michaels attacks at the bell, knocking Regal around with punches, kicks, and a huge back body drop, before Regal begs off and gets kicked several times. Gutwrench suplex brings Regal down. Michaels whips Regal in but corner charge is blocked with a knee to the face and Regal waffles Michaels with an European Uppercut. Regal pounds away at the back of Michaels, vicious knees to the face and double underhook suplex sets up a two count. Regal works over Michaels, strikes to the face and he stretches the Heartbreak Kid on the canvas. Cole and Lawler speculate that Michaels might not go into No Mercy at one hundred percent with the job Regal is doing on him. Regal pounds away at Michaels and European Uppercut off the ropes is ducked. Forearm knocks Regal to his back and kip up by Michaels. House of fire, punches, and a slam before Michaels climbs up. Flying Elbowdrop connects and Michaels to the corner. He cues the band and Regal turns around, before he eats some Sweet Chin Music. Regal goes down and Michaels covers him hooking the leg for the pin. [B]Winner: Shawn Michaels(w/the Sweet Chin Music) Match Rating: B[/B] Shawn Michaels celebrates the win but Chris Jericho’s face comes up on the titantron. He said that last week, he brought a face from Shawn Michael’s past in Psycho Sid. Michaels has done nothing but alienate everyone that he’s met in his career and Sid was just one of many that would like to see Michaels be put down for good. Jericho says that tonight begins the final week of the career of Shawn Michaels, as No Mercy, the sands of time will run out for the Heartbreak Kid. For the good of the business, Jericho says he will cripple Michaels and put him out of Sports Entertainment for good, so he can’t screw over any more careers. The fans might hate Jericho but they will cheer him once they realize that the wrestling world is better off without Shawn Michaels. Jericho disappears as Michaels stands in the ring. The announcers hype up this big match for No Mercy (A) [COLOR=red][B]Candice, Kelly Kelly, and Mickie James vs. Jillian, Katie Lea, and the WWE Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix[/COLOR][/b] Kelly Kelly faces off against Beth Phoenix this Sunday for the WWE Women’s Title. Typical women’s wrestling, with Candice scoring the win on her return to Raw with the Candy Wrapper on Katie Lea. The face women celebrate in the ring. [B]Winners: Candice, Mickie James, and Kelly Kelly. Match Rating: D[/B] CM Punk is backstage, as we are informed that he has went to General Manager Adamle and has gotten a World Tag Team Title Match. He introduces his partner, John Cena, saying tonight they are going to beat Priceless. Cena says he’s pumped up and ready to team with Punk to beat JBL’s boys, as he has had his share of run ins with Layfield and looks forward to any opportunity to put the boasting millionaire in his place. Cena eyes the World Heavyweight Title Belt and says “nice belt”, before he walks off to get ready for their World Tag Team Title Match(B+) [COLOR=red][B]Charlie Haas vs. Deuce[/COLOR][/B] Deuce remains undefeated on his stint on Raw, connecting with a running kick to the face of Haas in a match that saw Haas score a couple of close pinfalls but Deuce being too much for Haas. [B]Winner: Deuce(w/a running kick to the face of Haas) Match Rating: D[/B] We cut a pre-recorded promo with Batista, who has his face heavily bandaged from when Kane launched the fireball into his face two weeks ago. Batista says he suffered severe second degree burns at the hands of Kane and his flesh will always be scarred, but despite that he will be at No Mercy to get his hands on Kane. He will repay Kane for what he did to him and Rey Mysterio as well. It’s not about wins or losses, it’s personal now and Batista promises to break Kane in half at No Mercy. (A) [COLOR=red][B]Paul London and Kofi Kingston vs. Chris Jericho and Lance Cade(w/Psycho Sid)[/COLOR][/B] London and Kingston run wild earlier, catching Jericho and Cade off guard with dropkicks, knocking them the floor, before delivering stereo cross body blocks. Eventually, London is trapped in the corner, where Jericho pounds away on him before he throws him off to Cade, who connects with a side slam for a two count. Cade pounds away at London and tag to Jericho, who kicks him. Double underhook backbreaker sets up London. Jericho pounds away at London and tag to Cade. Thrown right into a lariat by Cade for a two count. Cade works over London and climbs up top but misses an elbow. This sets up London for the tag to Kofi Kingston, as Jericho gets tagged in the other end. Kofi leaps in the ring, a house of fire, knocking both Jericho and Cade around with punches, kicks, and chops. Vicious kick knocks Cade to the floor where London charges in and pescado wipes out Cade. Kofi whips Jericho into the ropes but Jericho slides to the floor. Kingston is on pursuit as he chases Jericho around but Sid clobbers him from behind and rolls him into the ring, as Jericho has the referee tied up. Jericho sets up Kofi and Code Breaker brings him down. He rolls over Kofi to score the pin. [B]Winners: Chris Jericho and Lance Cade(w/the Code Breaker) Match Rating: C+[/B] In comes Sid who grabs London by the throat. He kicks him which sets up London for a huge power bomb that nearly breaks him in half! London is folded up like an accordion by Sid and Kofi is in the ring when the crowd cheers. Shawn Michaels runs out to the ring and takes out Sid with a leaping clothesline. Sid staggers down and Cade enters the ring but [B]Sweet Chin Music knocks Cade down![/B] Cade is out and Michaels turns around. [b]Jericho sucker punches him right in the bad eye![/B] Michaels crumples down as the crowd goes into a hush. He just got hit in the eye, again, the same bad eye that caused him to strongly consider retirement back at Summerslam. Sid is up and Jericho directs traffic as he hoists up Michaels before he is destroyed with a vicious power bomb. Sid scoops up Lance Cade and drapes him over his shoulder, before Jericho follows him out as Shawn Michaels has been laid out in the ring. (B-) Santino is out with a smug look on his face, as he parades around with his WWE Intercontinental Title. The clock ticks down one more week to 411 more days for Santino and he becomes the new greatest WWE Intercontinental Champion of all time, by breaking Honky’s record. (C-) [COLOR=red][B]Robbie McAlister(w/Rory) vs. Santino Marella[/COLOR][/B] Quick, ugly squash that ends with Santino pulling off a neckbreaker for the pin. [B]Winner: Santino Marella(w/a neckbreaker) Match Rating: F+(ouch)[/B] In comes Rory, as he pummels Santino from behind. They beat down Santino until the crowd gets on their feet with Val Venis rushes from the back and makes the save, to chase off the Highlanders. Venis not only wants Santino to have the Intercontinental Belt when he is cleared to wrestle, but he wants Santino to be one hundred percent(D-) The lights go out and a gold spotlight comes down on the arena. A voiceover across the arena says Santino may be the WWE Intercontinental Champion but soon he will never forget the name of {inhales) Goldust. Cole and Lawler remark that all sorts of former WWE Intercontinental Champions are gunning for Santino(C-) [COLOR=red][B]D’Lo Brown vs. John Bradshaw Layfield[/COLOR][/B] JBL will team with Priceless to face off against the World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk and Cryme Tyme at No Mercy. D’Lo gives JBL a run for his money and includes the Sky High for a close nearfall. However, a moonsault is missed and this allows JBL to pummel D’Lo before connecting with a Yakuza Kick to the face. Clothesline from Hell connects for the pin. [B]Winner: John Bradshaw Layfield(w/the Clothesline from Hell) Match Rating: B[/B] Shawn Michaels is backstage, receiving medical attention from the attack earlier. He was lucky that Jericho did not cause any more damage to his eye, just momentarily disoriented him enough for Sid to wipe him out. This Sunday, Michaels is gong to finally get his hands around Jericho’s throat, one on one. No Cade, no Sid, just Michaels and Jericho the way it was meant to be. Normally, Michaels would be one to turn the other cheek and doesn’t believe in taking an eye for an eye, but Sunday, he will be the one to take the eye of Jericho. One of them will be walking out of No Mercy with the victory and the other won’t be walking at all after this Sunday. Michaels says if he does go down, he’s taking Jericho straight down with him(A*) [COLOR=red][B]World Tag Team Title Match: John Cena and CM Punk vs. Priceless©[/COLOR][/B] DiBiase and Punk start out, picking up right where they left with their epic World Heavyweight Title Match a couple of weeks ago, trading holds on the mat. Punk takes down DiBiase with a headscissors and makes the tag to Cena, holding him in place, so Cena can hammer him with a couple of double axe handle blows to the head. Shoulderblock and five knuckle shuffle for a two count. Cena comes off the ropes but Rhodes knees him in the back. This allows Dibiase to take him down with a forearm smash. DiBiase rocks Cena with a kneelift, before he makes the tag to Rhodes. Rhodes punches away at Cena and whip into the ropes. Nice powerslam with a snap puts Cena down for a two count. Both men make quick tags, cutting the ring in half and slowly working down John Cena, showing why they are the World Tag Team Champions. Cena eventually fights out of the corner and makes the tag to the World Heavyweight Champion who enters the ring, fists and feet of fire, knocking around the champions. Noggin Knocker and Rhodes is put down to the floor, allowing Punk to focus his wrath on DiBiase, softening him up for the GTS with kicks. Running roundhouse kick in the corner is ducked and DiBiase catches him in the Million Dollar Dream but not for long as Punk connects with a shoulder throw and a running neck snap. He pulls up DiBiase and sets up the GTS. He hits the move and goes for the cover, but [B]JBL rushes down into the ring and connects with the Clothesline from Hell[/B]. Punk is taken out and the bell rings for the disqualification, with JBL saving the titles for Priceless. [B]Winners by Disqualification: CM Punk and John Cena(Priceless remain the World Tag Team Champions) Match Rating: B[/B] Cena attempts to help but Snitsky attacks him from behind, dragging Cena to the floor. Snitsky throws Cena over the barricade and both men brawl in the crowd, as Priceless and JBL put a three on one beatdown on CM Punk in the center of the ring. Cryme Tyme already had been taken out on tonight and they’re going to finish Punk. Punk gets kicked, stomped, and punched but here comes Cryme Tyme. Cryme Tyme are all taped up but ready to fight, as they slide into the ring. Clotheslines take Priceless down. JBL charges Cryme Tyme but they take him down with a double back drop. JBL is on his feet and Shad whips JTG into JBL, before a cross body takes Layfield to the floor. Cryme Tyme stands in the ring, helping Punk up. Priceless and JBL against Cryme Tyme and CM Punk. Kane against Batista. Jericho against Shawn Michaels. Big Raw matches that are part of No Mercy! Tune in Sunday(B-) [B]Show Rating: B[/B] [COLOR=purple][B]ECW On Sci Fi Line Up[/COLOR][/B] The Hardy Boyz vs. the Miz and John Morrison Braden Walker vs. Mark Henry Ricky Ortiz vs. Elijah Burke Finlay vs. Kenny Dykstra.
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In the Dark Match, Evan Bourne and Super Crazy defeated Bam Neely and Chavo Guerrero when Bourne pinned Chavo with the 450 Splash(D+) [COLOR=purple][B]ECW On Sci Fi Week One October 2008[/COLOR][/B] Finlay is backstage with an intense look on his face. He said that Mark Henry has run over the ECW roster, but he crossed the line when he destroyed Finlay’s son Hornswoggle. At No Mercy, Henry will put that ECW Championship on the line against Finlay in a Belfast Brawl. Finlay dedicates the match and the beating he is going to give to Henry to his fallen son, and promises to walk out No Mercy the ECW Champion.(C+) [COLOR=purple][B]Kenny Dykstra vs. Finlay[/COLOR][/B] Finlay beats down Dykstra at the bell. Dykstra, on lone from Smackdown during this last week of the talent exchange, has little chance against Finlay, who takes him apart. A couple of minutes of offense, but Dykstra gets hung up on the ropes, which allows Finlay to waylay Dykstra with a stiff forearm between the eyes. Celtic Cross is set up and nailed for the pin as Finlay goes to No Mercy against Mark Henry with the win. [B]Winner: Finlay(w/the Celtic Cross) Match Rating: C-[/B] The Miz and John Morrison are backstage, saying that Matt Hardy has been a thorn in their side for the past couple of weeks, playing the hero, a crusader for the lesser stars. Morrison and Miz say that they are the best tag team all three brands but yet, they are on the show without the tag team titles. Miz and Morrison say that they are going to cycle around a petition to reinstate the ECW Tag Team Titles, like the fans do on the Internet, and it should be obvious who should get the belts. Tonight, they will prove their worthiness by beating the Hardy Boyz. (C+) [COLOR=purple][B]Ricky Ortiz vs. Elijah Burke[/COLOR][/B] Burke tries to get some offense in but Ortiz overwhelms him. Nice fireman’s carry into a flapjack sets up the Big O for the pin and Ortiz remains undefeated in singles competition on ECW. [B]Winner: Ricky Ortiz(w/the Big O) Match Rating: D+[/B] Mark Henry has the ECW Championship Title Belt, remarking that it took twelve years to get to the top of the mountain and Finlay will not knock him off of it. In fact, Finlay had better book a hospital bed next to his son, as Henry will destroy him in the Belfast Brawl at No Mercy. Tonight, Henry will break Braden Walker in half. (C+) [COLOR=purple][B]Braden Walker vs. Mark Henry[/COLOR][/B] Walker got in some offensive at the bell, including a springboard clothesline but Henry was too much mass for Walker. Three clotheslines, an avalanche, and the World’s Strongest Slam sets up the pin. The dominant ECW champion runs over another competitor. Who can stop him? Can anyone? Can Finlay at No Mercy? [B]Winner: Mark Henry(w/the World’s Strongest Slam) Match Rating: C-[/B] The Hardys are backstage. This may be the last time they’re be able to team up with the talent exchange agreement between ECW and Smackdown coming to an end tonight, but if this is the last hurrah for the Hardys, it’s going to end with a bang, as they will walk out with the win over Miz and Morrison. They will show those two why the Hardys are one of the best tag teams in wrestling history. (C) [COLOR=purple][B]The Hardys vs. the Miz and John Morrison[/COLOR][/b] As per usual, the Hardys are high energy and high octane from the start, but Miz grinds the match to a halt, as he works over Matt Hardy with a chinlock. The chinlock continues to work over Hardy, who manages to pull himself up and elbows away at the Miz but Hardy is pulled down. Quick hot tags in and out, with Miz and Morrison taking turns on Hardy, slowly beating down Matt in the corner. Morrison sets up for a corkscrew moonsault but Matt moves and Morrison hits the canvas. Race to the corner, tag to Jeff Hardy, tag to the Miz. Jeff Hardy enters the ring, knocking around the Miz. Nice forearms rocks the Miz, leaping dropkick knocks Morrison off the ring apron. Jeff runs up the ropes and Whisper in the Wind connects for a two count on the Miz, when Morrison breaks up the cover. Matt Hardy enters the ring and Side Effect to Morrison. Hardy drops down on all fours as Jeff knocks Miz into the corner. Poetry In Motion by the Hardys set up the Twist of Fate from Matt which sets up the Swanton Bomb from Jeff which scores the pin. [B]Winners: the Hardys(w/the Swanton Bomb to Miz) Match Rating: C+[/B] [B]Show Rating: C+[/B] (That was our best ECW so far but I was rather disappointed by the main event. I have some ideas to try and make this brand work because I refuse to give it up as a lost cause. Some new faces and a few old ones to return within the next couple of months. Other than Finlay/Henry at Unforgiven and Hardy/Morrison on a television show a couple months back, there have been no matches in ECW above a C+. So, changes to come, that don’t involve just throwing the brand in the trash and starting anew. I intend to make this blasted show something other than an hour of television that I have to write, but do it in a realistic manner as well.) [COLOR=blue][B]The premier of Smackdown on MyNetworkTV[/COLOR][/B]: WWE Championship Steel Cage Match: Umaga vs. Triple H© Maria and Michelle McCool vs. Victoria and Natalya The Undertaker vs. the Great Khali The Big Show vs. The Brian Kendrick WWE United States Title Match: Mr. Kennedy vs. Shelton Benjamin© R-Truth vs. Carlito Jeff Hardy vs. Edge.
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The New Bulldogs defeated Domino and Gregory Helms in a dark match when Smith pinned Domino with the Running Powerslam(D) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown Week One October 2008[/COLOR][/b] We see an extensive video package, showing Umaga and Triple H dominating their opponents over the past couple of months. Tonight, these two titans collide inside the confines of a steel cage on the first Smackdown on MyNetworkTV. (B+) Jim Ross is in the ring to welcome us to Smackdown on MyNetworkTV. He says tonight, his broadcast partner is one of the greats in Sports Entertainment. The bagpipes kick up and that can only mean one man, Rowdy Roddy Piper. Piper plays to the crowd, as he joins his new broadcast partner, for a brand new era of Smackdown. (D) [COLOR=blue][B]Jeff Hardy vs. Edge[/COLOR][/B] Edge will face off against The Undertaker and Triple H for Triple H’s WWE Championship at No Mercy. Hardy attacks Edge and knocks him to the floor. Edge is down the floor and Hardy leaps on Edge with a tope con hilo knocks him backwards. Hardy pounds away at Edge, before he rolls him into the ring. Jeff Hardy climbs to the top rope and leaps off but Edge kicks Hardy in the midsection to slow his momentum. Short arm clothesline knocks Hardy down to the canvas. Jeff Hardy is pulled up by the hair and Edge pounds away at Hardy, before delivering an Edge-O-Matic for a two count. Edge pounds away at Jeff Hardy, and rams him into the corner. Another ram into the corner and Edge whips Hardy into the ropes but Hardy runs up and hits the Whisper in the Wind for a two count. Jeff Hardy pounds away at Edge, before he delivers a neckbreaker for a two count. Hardy pounds away at Edge and whip into the ropes. Leaping forearm smash into the corner and sunset flip brings Edge down for a two count. Edge pops up and goes for a spear but Hardy ducks and backslides Edge for a two count. Kick to the midsection and Hardy leaps onto the shoulders of Edge, before he brings him down with a headscissors into a double leg hook for a two count. Edge is back up and Hardy kicks Edge, before he connects with a neckbreaker for a two count. Another neckbreaker and Hardy climbs to the top rope. [B]Swanton Bomb misses as Edge rolls out of the way![/B] Hardy clutches his back and Edge gets to his feet, before Hardy staggers right into the Spear. Edge covers Hardy hooks the leg for the pin. [B]Winner: Edge(w/the Spear) Match Rating: B[/B] R-Truth is in the ring, playing to the crowd as he faces Carlito tonight on MyNetworkTV’s Smackdown! (C+) [COLOR=blue][B]R-Truth vs. Carlito[/COLOR][/B] Both men trade chops with R-Truth gaining the advantage. He knocks Carlito around the ring but Carlito goes low, which sets up Truth for a neckbreaker for a two count. Carlito pounds away at R-Truth and chinlocks him, before he drapes his legs over the ropes. R-Truth pushes himself up and elbows him out, before whipping him into the ropes. Leapfrog and leaping dropkick knocks Carlito on his back. Kneelift delivered to Carlito and Truth connects with the Axe Kick. He rolls over Carlito and scores the pin. [B]Winner: R-Truth(w/the Axe Kick) Match Rating: C+[/B] Edge is backstage, saying that he is the franchise of the Smackdown brand. He says No Mercy is his chance to walk out with the championship, by beating both the Undertaker and Triple H in the same time. He hints that Triple H is the one who has his back against the wall, as he doesn’t have to be pinned to lose the championship. Edge will be the champion at No Mercy(A) Mr. Kennedy….Kennedy! (B) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE United States Title Match: Mr. Kennedy vs. Shelton Benjamin©[/COLOR][/B] Both men locked up, before Kennedy works a hammerlock and wrenches on the arm, before he chops away at Benjamin and chops away at him. Kennedy whips Benjamin into the corner and running forearm smash sets up a DDT for a two count. Punches by Kennedy and uppercut in the corner, before he delivers an inverted atomic drop, before he brings Shelton over with a snap suplex. Kennedy whips Shelton into the corner and charges in, but he moves and Kennedy hits shoulder first into the ringpost. Kennedy staggers around and Shelton delivers an armdrag, into a cross armbreaker. He works over the arm but Kennedy fights out with some punches and into the ropes. Powerslam but Kennedy favors the arm and is slow to cover. He scores a two count. Kennedy with kicks to the face of Shelton Benjamin and Hangman’s Neckbreaker brings him down for a two count. Rolling fireman’s slam is blocked when Kennedy’s arm gives out. Shelton connects with the Paydirt for the pin to retain the United States Title. [B]Winner and Still Champion: Shelton Benjamin(w/the Paydirt) Match Rating: B+[/B] Out comes MVP from the back quickly stomp Kennedy. Shelton joins in on the attack but Jeff Hardy rushes down to the ring and runs up the top rope, before he leaps off with a double springboard clothesline. Jeff Hardy knocks around MVP, before he puts him on the floor. Shelton charges Hardy but Hardy launches Shelton over the top rope, onto MVP. Jeff Hardy raises his hand but Kennedy turns around as he goes face to face with Jeff Hardy. These four men will face off for the WWE United States Title in a fatal four way match at No Mercy. MVP. Kennedy. Hardy and United States Champion Shelton Benjamin(B-) [COLOR=blue][B]Funaki vs. Vladimir Kozlov[/COLOR][/B] The Russian Monster runs over Funaki in about a minute, finishing him off with a vicious slam and a running headbutt to the midsection for the pin. [B]Winner: Vladmir Kozlov Match Rating: D+[/B] Triple H is backstage, saying that tonight he is going to step into the cage with the Samoan Bulldozer Umaga and says that he will beat Umaga, before he moves on to this Sunday against Edge and the Undertaker, where he’ll beat both of them. He said tonight will begin the greatest three day period of his twelfth reign as WWE Championship. (A) [COLOR=blue][B]The Big Show vs. The Brian Kendrick(w/Zeke)[/COLOR][/B] Kendrick runs around from the Big Show but he meets the Big Show’s fist, before he is beaten Vicious headbutt and Show throws Kendrick from one corner to the next. Zeke enters the ring and hits Show from behind but Kendrick delivers a running knee clip to the leg of Show. Another pair of knee clips works over Show and Kendrick leaps on the back of Show, but Show flips him over onto his back. Vicious elbowdrop driven to the chest of Kendrick. Kendrick spasms on the canvas and Show sets up Kendrick for the Choke Slam but Kendrick goes to the eyes. Attempted the Kendrick but Show throws Kendrick to the ground. Choke Slam attempt but Kendrick scissors the ropes and uppercut to the face. Kendrick leaps onto the shoulders of Show but Show turns. Power Bomb into the corner. Kendrick’s head snaps against the buckles and Show pounds away at Kendrick but the referee puts the count on Show. Show refuses to quit beating Kendrick in the corner and the referee calls for the disqualification, giving Kendrick the match. Show attacks the referee in blinded rage but Kendrick leaves the ring, celebrating the win as if he won the WWE Championship in the main event at Wrestlemania. [B]Winner by Disqualification: The Brian Kendrick Match Rating: B[/B] A look at one of the top stars on Smackdown, the Undertaker. (B+) [COLOR=blue][B]The Undertaker vs. the Great Khali[/COLOR][/B] The Undertaker beats on Khali in the corner but Khali delivers a chop to the head of the Undertaker. Undertaker rolls over and Khali pounds away at him with chops, before he hoists him up. Vicious slam brings him down and Khali chokes Taker, before applying a head vice. Taker fights up to his feet but Khali throws him into the corner. Kick to the chest sets up the Tree Slam but the Undertaker sits up. Khali pounds away at the Undertaker but the Undertaker no sells his beaten, before he fights back, beating Khali. Jumping clothesline rocks Khali and the Undertaker climbs to the rope. Double axe handle to Khali, to double him over. Taker hooks Khali around the head and scissors his legs around the body. Guillotine Choke applied to the Great Khali. Khali struggles but has nowhere to go so he taps out giving the Undertaker a victory. The announcers speculate that the Undertaker could walk out of this Sunday night at No Mercy with the WWE Championship. [B]Winner: The Undertaker(w/a guillotine choke) Match Rating: C-[/B] Michelle and Maria warm up backstage. They have a Diva’s Title match down the road but tonight they will face off against Victoria and Natalya in a tag team match.(C-) [COLOR=blue][B]Michelle McCool and Maria vs. Victoria and Natalya[/COLOR][/B] Maria spends a good portion of the match being beaten down but she manages to avoid a double clothesline and knock them out with a double clothesline, before she made the tag to Michelle, who enters the ring, with kicks and punches, rocking both of the evil divas back. Michelle knocks Victoria down with a flying clothesline and she hooks the ankle of Victoria, before applying the Heel Hook but she is not the legal woman. Natalya rushes Michelle and kicks her in the back of the head, before taking her down. Sharpshooter is applied and Natalya leans back. Michelle has nowhere to go as Victoria cuts off Maria so she taps out. [B]Winners: Victoria and Natalya(w/the Sharpshooter) Match Rating: E+[/B] [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Championship Steel Cage Match(Pinfall, Submission, or Escape): Umaga vs. Triple H©[/COLOR][/B] Triple H and Umaga exchange punches with each other, before the champion grabbed Umaga around the waist and rushed him into the steel cage. Triple H pounds away at Umaga, and kicks him in the midsection, before whipping him into the ropes but Umaga reverses. Umaga headbutts Triple H down. Triple H is rolled over and Umaga chops away at Triple H, before he throws Triple H into the corner. Running back avalanche is avoided and Triple H connects with a spinebuster for a two count. Triple H picks up Umaga, before delivers some forearms, and hooks Umaga. Facebuster but Umaga pops up and savate kick drills Triple H down. Triple H rolls over and Umaga with stomps to the back of the head. He throws Triple H hard into the cage and he grabs the back of Triple H’s hair, before he scrubs his face against the cage. Triple H is thrown into the other end of the cage and Umaga catches him with a Samoan Drop. Umaga climbs to the outside, to the top rope. Splash off the top rope. Triple H is down but the savage goes up top. Will he win by escaping the cage? No Umaga is up once again and another splash from the top of the cage! Triple H has been destroyed. Umaga covers Triple H but only a close nearfall. Triple H rolls over Umaga and chops to the throat. Nerve hold applied on Triple H. Umaga works over the nerve hold, before he breaks the hold and headbutts Triple H. Spinning Side Slam brings Triple H down. Falling chop to the throat of Triple H and Umaga raises the thumb up, before he jabs it into the throat of Triple H. Asiatic Spike applied, and Triple H is fading, with Umaga putting pressure on Triple H, attempting to cut off the blood to the brain of the champion. Triple H tries to pushes himself up and elbows his way of the hold, but Umaga shoves Triple H into the ropes. Samoan Drop brings Triple H down. Umaga walks over and the referee opens the door. Umaga could win this match, along with the WWE Championship, by walking through the door and Triple H is in no condition to stop him! Umaga is on the door but he walks around and makes his way up to the top of the cage. Piper says Umaga might be making a mistake and Umaga raises his arms. [B]Splash off the top of the cage misses when Triple H rolls out of the way![/B] Umaga splatters on the canvas hard. Triple H is up on his feet and kicks away at Umaga, before he delivers a kneelift to the face. Umaga bounces off the canvas and goes for a Samoan Spike but Triple H ducks and hooks Umaga, before he brings him down with a reverse neckbreaker for a two count. Triple H pounds away at Umaga and whips him into the cage hard. Spinebuster brings up the cage. Crotch chop by Triple H and Umaga is up. Knee sets up the Pedigree but Umaga launches Triple H into the air with a back body drop. Umaga steps back and goes for the Samoan Spike but Triple H ducks it. Kick to the midsection and arms hooked. Pedigree connects to Umaga! Umaga’s head connects with the canvas but he pops right back up as Triple H steps back before Umaga gives a mighty bellow. [B]Samoan Spike levels Triple H![/B] That vicious thumb strike impacted the throat of Triple H and Umaga makes the cover hooking the leg. Two and a half count but Triple H drapes his leg over the ropes! The champion was just barely able to kick out. Umaga hoists up Triple H and whips him into the corner. Attempted running back avalanche but Triple H moves and Umaga hits the corner. Triple H quickly leaps to the top rope and hits punch after punch to the top of the head of Umaga and knees him in the head as he climbs up. The Game is climbing to the top of the cage, stomping the head of Umaga, before Triple H climbs over the top. Umaga moves her, it looks like he’s moving towards the door. The Samoan Bulldozer pushes the door open and Triple H has a long drop if he is going to beat Umaga. [B]Triple H kicks the door into the head of Umaga![/B] Umaga staggers back and Triple H climbs down before he drops to the floor before the Bulldozer can recover! [B]Winner and Still WWE Champion: Triple H(via escaping the cage over the top and to the floor) Match Rating: A[/B] Smackdown goes off the air, with Triple H having weathered another storm against Umaga. On Sunday he faces off against the Undertaker and Edge in a Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship. [B]Show Rating: B+[/B] [B][U]No Mercy’s Final Card Will Be Up Soon[/B][/U]
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Now it's time for the WWE No Mercy Card. Predictions are of course most welcomed! [B]WWE No Mercy Card:[/B] WWE Championship Match: The Undertaker vs. Edge vs. Triple H(c) Grudge Match: Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho Cryme Tyme and CM Punk vs John Bradshaw Layfield and Priceless Batista vs. Kane ECW Championship Belfast Brawl Match: Finlay vs. Mark Henry(c) WWE United States Title Fatal Four Way Match: Mr. Kennedy vs. Jeff Hardy vs. MVP vs. Shelton Benjamin(c) WWE Women's Title Match: Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix(c) WWE Tag Team Titles: Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore vs Curt Hawkins and Zach Ryder(c) [B]Bonus Questions:[/B] What Match Will Be the Best Match of the Show? What Match Will Be The Worst Match of the Show? Will There Be Any Matches That Get a Perfect A* Rating If So, Which One?: Who Will Be Pinned in the Triple Threat WWE Championship Match? Who Will Be Pinned in the Fatal Four Way WWE United States Title Match? Who Will Score the Pin in the Six Man Tag and Who Will Be the One Pinned? Will there be anyone who returns or debuts tonight?
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John Cena pinned Lance Cade with the F-U in a dark match [B][U]WWE No Mercy[/B][/U] An extensive video package airs that shows the highlights leading up to tonight’s Triple Threat Match between Triple H, the Undertaker, and Edge, for the Game’s WWE Championship tonight at No Mercy. (A) [COLOR=red][B]Grudge Match: Batista vs. Kane[/COLOR][/B] Batista, with his face still heavily bandage, wastes no time as he plows Kane down with a clothesline. Kane rolls over and Batista hammers away Kane, before he throws him into the corner. Batista wraps the tag rope around Kane, in an attempt to strangle him. He backs off and shoulder thrusts to the midsection punishes Kane. Batista kicks Kane in the leg several times and backs off, before he brings him to the floor with a clothesline. Quickly, Batista rolls to the floor and pummels Kane with punches, before he throws Kane hard into the barricade. Kane strikes backfirst into the barricade and Batista chokes Kane against the barricade, fully ignoring the fact the referee is putting the count on him. Batista backs off and Kane delivers a thrust to the throat, before he drops Batista throat first onto the barricade. Back into the ring and Kane rolls out, before he grabs Batista. He attempts to throw Batista into the ring steps but Batista reverses and Kane smashes into the ring steps hard. Batista scoops up Kane and rolls him into the ring. Kane is up and Batista plows him down with a spear. That would normally be enough but Batista continues to stomp Kane before he applies a neck crank. He twists the head of Kane in an attempt to snap his neck. Batista digs his fingers into the eye sockets of Kane but Kane pushes out of the hold. Batista shoves Kane into the ropes and leaping shoulderblock brings Kane down. Kneedrop down to the head of Kane and Batista rolls Kane over, before he begins to viciously stomp the back of Kane’s head. Batista is really trying to cave Kane’s skull in! More stomps and Batista rams the knee into the head. Batista picks up Kane and whips him into the ropes. Spinebuster delivered to Kane. No cover by Batista, he looks like he is going to punish Kane some more. Stomps on Kane and Batista wraps his hands around the throat of Kane, in an attempt to choke the life out of him. Batista breaks the hold and he kicks Kane, before shoving him off. Another spinebuster brings Kane down and Batista kneels down, before he punches away at Kane. Batista backs off and lariat sends Kane to the floor. To the outside goes Batista, as he ignores the count that’s being put on him. Stomps to Kane before Batista walks over and is pulling back the mats on the floor, to expose the concrete floor! Batista pulls up Kane, forearms to the back as the referee warns him. Not the Batista Bomb on the floor surely! [B]Countered with a backdrop, the back of Batista smacking on the exposed concrete![/B] Kane rolls into the ring to break the count before he rolls back out. He wants to prolong the torture of Batista. He rushes Batista and running Yakuza Kick to the face of Batista. Batista crumples in half at ringside, but Kane picks him up and rams Batista headfirst into the ringpost. The head of Batista cracks off the ringpost and Kane rolls him into the ring. Kane enters the ring and bends down, before he begins to strangle Batista with both hands. Batista is sinking down to both knees and Kane breaks the choke at four and a half. The crazed Kane bends down and he begins to unwrap the bandages from Batista’s face. Kane looks at the scarred and slightly disfigured face of Batista with glee, a few burn scars on it. He has the bandages off and Kane is now wrapping the bandages around the throat of Batista in an attempt to strangle him. The referee warns Kane to let go but Kane uses the bandages around Batista’s throat to pull him to his feet. To the throat and Choke Slam delivered to Batista. Batista is down on the mat and the referee begs Kane to cover him for the pin, but Kane just laughs, before he pulls up Batista. Another Choke Slam drills Batista down! Batista is being destroyed by Kane. Kane pulls up Batista and a third Choke Slam! Batista has been broken completely! The referee kneels down to check on Batista, before he calls for the bell. He is stopping the match to prevent Kane from ending Batista’s career once and for all. [B]Winner: Kane(via referee stoppage) Match Rating: C+[/B] We cut backstage where Chris Jericho is standing by. Tonight, he goes one on one with Shawn Michaels. He brings us back to last Monday, where Michaels demanded this would be one on one without Sid or Lance Cade at ringside. Jericho agrees, as he remarks that Michaels is living on borrowed time. Tonight, Jericho finishes the job he started in the past, he will give Michaels one final beating that he won’t be able to get up from this time. No Mercy will be the final match in the career of Shawn Michaels(A) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Tag Team Title Match: Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore vs. Curt Hawkins and Zach Ryder©[/COLOR][/B] Moore and Yang start off quickly, knocking the champions to the outside with a pair of double dropkicks. Duel pescados connects, before Moore rolls Hawkins into the ring and goes to work over him with kicks, punches, and a spinning headscissors. However, Ryder trips up Moore on a charge which allows Hawkins to connect with a neckbreaker. The Tag Team Champions tag turns double teaming Moore, beating him down. Lots of stomps and kicks, included a prolonged seated abdominal stretch by Ryder on Moore. More fights to his feet and faceslam brings down Ryder, before he makes the tag to Jimmy Wang Yang. Yang springboards into the ring and takes out both of the WWE Tag Team Champions with a cross body block. He throws Hawkins into the corner and Frankensteiner to Ryder before he springs up and forearm knocks Hawkins to the floor. Ryder is in the ring with Yang and Yang climbs to the top rope. Moonsault connects. Cover on Ryder but only a two count when Hawkins breaks up the cover. Moore enters the ring and knocks Hawkins back with a forearm. The referee now ushers Moore into the corner which allows Hawkins to plant Yang with a reverse DDT. This allows Ryder to make the cover. Moore attempts to make the save but Hawkins cuts him off as Ryder scores the pin to retain the World Tag Team Titles. [B]Winners: Hawkins and Ryder(w/a reverse DDT by Hawkins) Match Rating: D+[/B] Shawn Michaels stands by backstage, to talk about his match with Chris Jericho tonight at No Mercy. For the past six months, Michaels had to live with having reduced vision in one eye, thanks to Chris Jericho. Ever since Michaels was thrown right through that glass, he has never been the same but after tonight, Jericho will be the one who will pay. An eye for an eye, a career for a career. Tonight might be the last round up for the Heartbreak Kid but he will give Jericho a taste of some Sweet Chin Music and much more. Michaels looks in the camera with an intense look in his eyes. (A) [COLOR=purple][B]ECW Championship Belfast Brawl: Finlay vs. Mark Henry©[/COLOR][/B] Finlay knocks Henry for a loop with a uppercut. Another couple of uppercuts to Henry, before Finlay whips Henry in the corner, before he drills a kneelift in the corner. Finlay pounds away at Mark Henry, before he delivers a clothesline to send Henry to the floor. On the ring apron and Finlay delivers a forearm to the top of the head of Henry. Another forearm to the head of Henry and Henry is slammed into the guardrail before Finlay drags a kendo stick from underneath the ring. Vicious shots by Finlay as he cracks the wood across the chest of Henry and Finlay whips Henry into the ring steps. Henry slams him the ring steps and Finlay moves over, before he grabs a video camera. He rushes forward but Henry kicks Finlay in the midsection. Henry hammers Finlay, before he scoops him up and drops Finlay chest first onto the barricade, before he rolls Finlay into the ring. Underneath the ring and Henry has a pair of trash cans, before he rolls into the ring. Henry whips Finlay into the corner and avalanche crushes Finlay. He hoists up Finlay and side slam on Finlay right on top of the trash can collapses it. Henry covers for a two count. Henry stomps away at Finlay and scoops him up, before he delivers a bearhug. Bearhug punishes Finlay, in an attempt to break his back. Henry shakes Finlay like a ragdoll in the hold but the crowd is cheering as Hornswoggle makes his way to the ring, dressed in camouflage gear and face paint, with a kendo stick in hand. The little guy enters the ring and vicious kendo stick shots to the back of Henry. Henry throws around and goes after Hornswoggle, but this allows Finlay to grab the shillelagh. Henry is spun around and Finlay clubs Henry twice with the weapon in the leg, before he winds up in an attempt to whack Henry in the face but Henry ducks and catches him with the World’s Strongest Slam on the second trash can. Henry hoists up Finlay, before he throws him to the outside of the ring. Mark Henry rolls to the outside of the ring and he’s at the ECW Announcers table, removing the monitors before he hoists up Finlay and throws him on the table. Henry climbs up with Finlay and pounds him, before he scoops him up. [b]World’s Strongest Slam drills Finlay through the table![/B] Henry pulls up Finlay, before he rolls Finlay into the ring. The World’s Strongest Man enters the ring and picks up the shillelagh, before he smashes it right into the ribs of Finlay. Blood drips from the mouth of Finlay and Henry backs off the ropes, before he delivers a splash down across the ribs of Finlay. His entire weight came down on Finlay. Mark Henry makes the cover hooking the leg on Finlay to score the pin. [B]Winner: Mark Henry(w/a splash) Match Rating: C+[/B] Henry has gotten the win and Finlay is down in the center of the ring, his ribs banged up with blood coming out of his mouth. Grisham and Tazz talk in hushed tones, as they speculate this might be the end of Finlay and Henry has Hornswoggle trapped in the corner. It looks like he is going to finish off Hornswoggle as well as a bonus but a figure rushes from the crowd, leaps over the guardrail and jumps into the top rope as quick as a cat. Henry turns around to hear the cheers and [B]he meets a top rope kick to the face![/B] The crowd cheers when they figure turns around to reveal the face of [B]Rob Van Dam![/B] Henry has been taken down by Van Dam, who looks to have made his return to ECW tonight. Van Dam springs up to the top rope and Five Star Frog Splash to a thunderous pop! Henry has been taken down as Van Dam stands in the ring, pointing his thumbs to himself to chants of “R-V-D!” Van Dam has returned, taking out the ECW Champion tonight. (B-) [COLOR=red][B]World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk and Cryme Tyme vs. the World Tag Team Champions Priceless and John Bradshaw Layfield[/COLOR][/B] Punk starts out with Rhodes and quickly knocks him off balance with a series of forearms before a drop toe hold and Punk drills a knee to the back of the head, before he picks up Rhodes and pounds him with kicks, before whipping him into the rope. Spinning leg lariat brings Rhodes down and tag made to JTG. JTG springboards into the ring and knee off the top rope right to the face of Rhodes. Cover scores a two count. JTG pounds away at Rhodes but a charge in the corner is missed and Rhodes connects with a neckbreaker, before he makes the tag to DiBiase. Double suplex by Priceless takes out JTG and DiBiase punishes JTG with a pair of elbowdrops. Quick tags in and out by Priceless, as they double team JTG with a wide variety of attacks, including an elevated springboard clothesline which scores a two count. Eventually JTG is thrown into the clutches of JBL who punishes him with a series of forearms to the face and into the corner. Belly to back suplex brings him down. JBL drills a knee to the head of JTG and whips him into the ropes. Attempted Yakuza Kick is ducked and JTG hits a leaping dropkick off the ropes to take JBL down. Rush to the corner and tag to DiBiase but tag made to CM Punk. The World Heavyweight Champion enters the ring and punches delivered to DiBiase, which knocks him back. Rhodes enters the ring and Punk hoists him up, before he falls back with a flapjack. Running kick to the back of the head delivered and Punk dropkicks Rhodes into the corner. He whips DiBiase into Rhodes and Victory Roll delivered on DiBiase, pinning him down for a two count, until JBL clubs Punk in the back of the head. JBL pounds away at Punk and sets him up, before he delivers a power bomb. Layfield leaves the ring for DiBiase to cover for a two count. DiBiase pounds away at Punk and whips him into the corner but the World Heavyweight Champion gets both feet into the face. To the top rope and Punk leaps off with a springboard tornado DDT. Two count by Punk, before he pounds away at DiBiase and makes the tag to Shad. Shad enters the ring and pummels DiBiase. Rhodes enters the ring and Shad takes him out with a kneelift, which drops him to the floor. This tactic only allows DiBiase to tag JBL in behind the back of Shad. Shad grabs DiBiase and whips him into the ropes. Spinebuster brings DiBiase down. Shad dances and turns around, [B]where he gets mowed down with the Clothesline from Hell![/B] JBL rushes over and knocks JTG off the ring apron, as Rhodes pulls Punk off the ring apron and holds him in a facelock. JBL covers Shad to score an academic pin in this six man tag team match. [B]Winners: JBL and Priceless(w/the Clothesline from Hell) Match Rating: B[/B] We see Edge backstage, as he talks about tonight he will be on the top of Smackdown one more time, when he faces off against Triple H and the Undertaker in a Triple Threat Match. Edge says that both men are the two most high profile wrestlers on Smackdown and true legends, which should make his inevitable victory over them that much better. Edge will be the champion and he stresses once again that Triple H does not need to be pinned to lose the title. (A) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE United States Title Match: Mr. Kennedy vs. Jeff Hardy vs. MVP vs. Shelton Benjamin©[/COLOR][/B] All four men start out in the ring in a wild brawl, trading punches, but eventually Shelton gets knocked to the floor. Jeff Hardy catches him with a baseball slide dropkick, before he steps back and flip plancha delivered to Shelton, to take him out at ringside, as Kennedy punches away at MVP in the corner, before he connects with a DDT. Quick attempt at a cover only gets a two count. This is one fall to a finish and Shelton does not have to be pinned to lose the title. Kennedy chops away at MVP and whips him into the ropes. Running shoulder first but MVP drops down and Kennedy hits the ringpost shoulder first. Armdrag takedown right into a cross-armbreaker, but Jeff Hardy is quickly into the ring. Slingshot legdrop delivered MVP to break up the hold. Jeff pounds away at MVP, and whips him into the corner. Leaping leg lariat in the corner sets up a reverse neckbreaker for a two count. Running up the ropes but Whisper in the Wind misses. Jeff Hardy crashes and burns and MVP kicks him, before hoisting him up in a wheelbarrow. Steps forward and wheelbarrow faceslam brings Hardy down for a two count. MVP climbs to the top rope after he drills some stomps on Hardy. He holds his arms up but Hardy springs up and dropkicks MVP, to crotch him down across the top rope. Jeff Hardy climbs up with MVP and goes for a superplex but Shelton enters the ring and clubs Hardy in the back several times. Hardy is on Shelton’s shoulders as MVP is on the top rope. [B]Doomsday Device delivered by Shelton Benjamin and MVP brings Jeff Hardy down to the canvas![/B]. Hardy lands hard and MVP covers but Shelton pulls him off at two before he makes the cover himself. MVP returns the favor to pull off Shelton at two and punches him. Forearm is ducked and Shelton goes for a kick but MVP tucks. Spin around right into the Dragon Whip kick which pops MVP in the jaw. Shelton celebrates but Kennedy is back into the match and he kicks Shelton Benjamin, before he hooks him around the head in a cradle. Fisherman suplex brings Shelton Benjamin down. Kennedy bridges for a two count. Kennedy delivers some stomps and gutwrench suplex brings down Shelton for a two count. More mudhole stomps and Kennedy hoists up Shelton for the fireman’s carry, but Shelton kicks his legs. The United States Champion drops down behind Kennedy and he turns around right into a reverse thrust kick, that knocks Kennedy down. Shelton immediately gets kneed right in the stomach. Another knee in the stomach by MVP and MVP whips Shelton into the corner. Running knee and Shelton is doubled over. Drive By kick hits Shelton right in the head! That has to do it, MVP makes the cover on Shelton Benjamin but Jeff Hardy manages to barely crawl over to punch MVP off at two and a half count. MVP is up and he stomps Jeff Hardy, before he throws Hardy over the top rope and to the arena floor. MVP hits a leaping stomp to the back of the head and picks up Shelton Benjamin. Second Drive By kick is set up but Shelton moves out of the way. MVP’s foot cracks against the corner and he turns around into the Exploder Powerslam by Shelton! This sets up a very close nearfall that is broken up by Kennedy pulling MVP to the floor. Shelton quickly leaps at Kennedy with a pescado, before he rolls him back into the ring. To the top rope goes Shelton Benjamin and cross body is caught. Kennedy holds Shelton up in the air and twists before he brings him down with a powerslam. Shelton is pulled up and onto the shoulders. Running fireman’s carry slam connects by Kennedy. Kennedy goes to the outside, up to the top rope but as he is up top, Jeff Hardy runs up behind Kennedy. [B]Super headscissors takedown flips Kennedy off the top rope![/B] Kennedy is down and Hardy leaps at Kennedy. Caught and face first power bomb drops Jeff Hardy into the corner. Hardy turns around and kick sets up the attempted Mic Check which Hardy elbows out of. Twist of Fate connects. Jeff Hardy makes the cover on Kennedy but it is broken up at the last second when MVP, using his last bit of strength, wipes out Hardy with a grounded Drive By Kick! Hardy has been taken down and MVP struggles to his feet. Both Shelton Benjamin and Kennedy have been taken down and MVP has an opportunity to grab the brass ring. Hardy pulls himself in the corner and MVP charges him. [b]Drive By Kick misses again![/B] MVP hits the corner and Hardy has a burst of adrenaline, before he runs up the other set of buckles to connect with the Whisper in the Wind. Hardy removes his shirt and goes to the top rope. He raises his hands in the air and [B]Swanton Bomb connects to MVP![/B] Jeff Hardy has the title won! [B]Spin kick catches Jeff Hardy off guard![/B] Shelton is the culprit and he collapses on top of MVP to steal Hardy’s pin to retain the championship! Just a half of a second before Hardy would have broken up the pin as he dives on top of Shelton just after the bell rang. [B]Winner: Shelton Benjamin(w/a Jeff Hardy Swanton to MVP) Match Rating: B[/B] A long video package is shown, detailing the history of tonight’s battle between Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho(A*) [COLOR=red][B]Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho[/COLOR][/B] Michaels punches Jericho out before the bell. Jericho scrambles to his feet only to be meted by more punches by Michaels. Michaels is trying to pound a knot in Jericho’s forehead with his fist and he grabs Jericho before he throws him to the floor. Michaels rolls to the floor and continues the beating on Jericho with his fists, opening a cut underneath Jericho’s eye. Michaels viciously throws Jericho into the side of the Raw announcers table and dives on him, with punches. The Heartbreak Kid is ignoring the warnings of the referee, as he begins to throttle Jericho, before he pulls Jericho up and throws him hard into the ring steps. Jericho crashes into the steps with a loud crash. Jericho is slumped over them and Michaels rolls Jericho into the ring. Jericho rolls around and Michaels continues to viciously pummel Jericho, this time with some stomps and a running kick to the face. Michaels picks up Jericho and thrust to the throat. Jericho falls back into the corner, gasping for air and Michaels leaps to the second rope, to continue the assault with punch after punch. Jericho’s cut underneath his eye continues to worsen and the referee is just letting this go, realizing there is a lot at stake. Jericho is thrown into the center of the ring and Michaels kicks him right underneath the eye. The cut worsens and Michaels picks up Jericho, before he slaps him in the face, before he digs his fingernails right into the cut of Jericho. Jericho squirms and Michaels viciously potatoes him in the face with a forearm smash. Michaels rolls around as the referee begs for Michaels to slow down the beating. He picks up Jericho and [B]Jericho fires a desperation kick to the groin![/B] Even this slows down the Heartbreak Kid and now Jericho brutalizes his opponent with chops. He blisters the chest of Michaels and hoists him up. Vicious backbreaker brings Michaels down. Jericho steps back as Michaels gets to his knees, swinging but he rams a knee into the back of Michaels. Another knee to the back of Michaels and Jericho grabs Michaels, before he whips him into the corner. Back first into the corner and Jericho rushes Michaels, before he connects with a corner clothesline. Michaels staggers out and Jericho hooks him before he brings him down with the Code Breaker! Jericho is up but Michaels kips up to his feet and stares down Jericho, he viciously knocks him down! Michaels is fueled by his rage as he continues the assault on Jericho! Into the ropes goes Jericho and Jericho slides underneath the punch of Michaels. The Heartbreak Kid turns around and [B]sucker punch right to the bad eye![/B] Michaels goes down like a tree but Jericho is not finished. He grabs the legs of Michaels and turns him down, Walls of Jericho. The eye has taken so many hits, but Michaels is refusing to give up. Jericho leans down on the spine of Michaels, trying to cripple him just as he said. Still, Michaels is fighting the hold and he manages to grab the ropes. Jericho breaks the hold, but only to fire some stomps, before he picks up Michaels. Double underhook into a backbreaker. Michaels is down and Jericho leaps to the second rope. Lionsault delivered to Michaels. Down hard across the ribs of Jericho but Jericho is in the corner. He grabs onto the ropes and stomps his foot. He wants to finish off Michaels with his own Sweet Chin Music! The ultimate humiliation for Michaels. Jericho motions for his opponent to get to his feet and Michaels is up. Superkick attempt is ducked and [B]Michaels waylays Jericho with the Superkick![/B] Jericho has been dropped, all it will take is one cover but Michaels is up and he shakes his head. He picks up Jericho who is dead on his feet. Michaels tunes up the band in the corner and another Superkick plasters Jericho in the mouth! Jericho is down but Michaels refuses to give up. He pulls up Jericho and winds up. Another Superkick destroys Jericho! The referee goes to call for the bell, just like in the Kane match where he beat Batista too badly but [B]Michaels blasts the referee with the Superkick![/B] The referee drops and Michaels is rolls Jericho to the floor. Jericho is thrown onto the announcers table and the Heartbreak Kid is in the ring, to go up top for some bad intentions in mind for Jericho but [B]Lance Cade runs out![/B] Michaels turns around and beats down Cade. This distraction allows Psycho Sid to come out and drag Jericho to the back as Michaels pummels Cade! When Michaels realizes that he has been cheated out of completing his revenge on Jericho he is furious and lets loose on Cade with a Superkick which drops him to the canvas. Michaels leaves the ring as the official word is that Jericho has won by disqualification through Michaels striking a WWE official. [B]Winner By Disqualification: Chris Jericho. Match Rating: B[/B] Triple H is backstage, to hype up his match with the Undertaker and Edge tonight. Tonight, he says he will step into the ring once again and walk out with the WWE Championship strapped firmly around his waist. He will prove why he is the best in the business, the greatest on Smackdown. (A) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Women’s Title: Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix(w/Santino)©[/COLOR][/B] We are informed that Santino has 405 more days before he breaks the Honky Tonk Man’s record as the longest reigning WWE Intercontinental Champion of all time. Kelly is a house of fire to start, but that house of fire is quickly cut off when Beth plucks her out of the air with a powerslam. Beth pummels Kelly, beating her down, as Santino hypes her up as the greatest diva in any brand, something that the Diva’s Champion Michelle McCool might take offense to. Kelly continues to get beaten down for a while, until Beth puts Kelly out of her misery with a fisherwoman’s buster to retain the WWE Women’s Championship. [B]Winner and Still WWE Women’s Champion: Beth Phoenix(w/the Fisherwoman’s Buster) Match Rating: D[/B] A video package is shown to lead us towards our Triple Threat WWE Championship main event. (A) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Championship Match: The Undertaker vs. Edge vs. Triple H©[/COLOR][/B] Edge and Triple H wisely team up on the Undertaker and beat him down in the corner with kicks and punches. Taker takes none of this and big punches knocks Triple H and Edge back. Undertaker clotheslines Edge down and Triple H runs into a big boot. Undertaker focuses his attention on Edge momentarily, pounding away at him with a series of punches, before throwing him into the corner. Big boot knocks Edge down and Triple H takes the leg of the Undertaker out with a running knee clip. Stomps to the leg works the Undertaker over and Triple H scissors the leg, before he drops all of his weight down onto it. Triple H rolls over the Undertaker and hooks the leg, before he falls back, to work over it. The Game is up and Edge punches away at Triple H before he whips him into the corner. Edge charges in and running shoulder stuns Triple H. Triple H staggers back and Edge grabs Triple H around the head. Edge-O-Matic brings Triple H down. The Undertaker is up and Edge quickly takes him to the floor with a spinning leg lariat. Cover to Triple H but only a two count. Edge picks up Triple H and forearms sets up a clothesline. Triple H is up and Edge picks up Triple H and forearms him, before he hooks Triple H. ¾ Nelson into a running bulldog that takes Triple H down for a two count. Edge pounds away at Triple H for about a minute and into the ropes. Elbow is ducked but not the sleeperhold. Edge applies the hold. The Game’s knees buckle but the Undertaker enters the ring and pulls Edge off, before he throws Edge into the corner. Punches rock Edge and the Undertaker grabs Edge in a wristlock, before he walks the top rope. Vintage Undertaker as he comes off on the back of the head of Edge with a punch to the back of the head. Edge goes down and the Undertaker grabs Edge by the throat. Attempted Choke Slam but Edge counters with a rolling prawn hold to hold down the Undertaker for a two count. Punches by Edge and he whips the Undertaker into the ropes. Head is ducked and the Undertaker hammers Edge across the back. He hoists up Edge high above his head and [B]Last Ride punishes Edge![/B] This could be it, there could be a new champion just like that but Triple H drops an elbow on the Undertaker to break up the cover. Triple H picks up the Undertaker and pounds him. Into the ropes and Triple H connects with a high knee to the face. The Undertaker goes down but Triple H knees him in the midsection, before he grabs the Undertaker. Facebuster down across the knee and the Undertaker is in the corner. Triple H pounds away at the Undertaker before he climbs to the second rope and pounds away at him but the Undertaker catches him. [B]Last Ride out of the corner to Triple H![/B] Ross yells that this is how the Undertaker beat Triple H back at Wrestlemania X-7 and he could do so tonight to win the WWE Championship. Taker covers Triple H hooking the leg but only a two and three fourths count. He was a bit slow to cover and the Undertaker picks up Triple H, before he drills him with elbows. Into the corner and Triple H hits the corner hard. To the throat of the Game and the Undertaker hoists up Triple H. Vicious Choke Slam brings Triple H down. The Undertaker gives the slot slitting signal but Edge is on the top rope. The Undertaker turns around and [B]Edge blitzes him with a missile dropkick![/B] The Undertaker is down and Edge gives signal. He goes for the Spear but the Undertaker avoids it. Edge staggers around before the Undertaker grabs him by the throat. [B]Choke Slam delivered to Edge![/B] The Undertaker covers hooking the leg but only a two and a half count! The Undertaker picks up Edge and goes for the Tombstone Piledriver but Edge drops down out of that to hit the Edge-O-Matic! Edge raises his hand but turns around into a kick. Pedigree set up but Edge quickly counters that with a catapult into the corner. Triple H hits hard which sets up a roll up for a very close nearfall. Edge stays on the attack and pummels away at Triple H with punches. The Undertaker is up and Edge delivers a dropkick to take the Undertaker to the floor. Triple H is up and Edge measures him. Kick to the midsection sets up the Edgeacution DDT! Triple H has been plastered and Edge raises his hand but the Undertaker is back in the ring and he pounds away at Edge! The Undertaker whips Edge into the corner and unloads on with punches. Edge is slumped in the corner and the Undertaker delivers a crushing corner clothesline! Edge staggers into the center of the ring and the Undertaker boots him in the face as he charges in. The Undertaker raises his hand and grabs Edge by the throat. Another Choke Slam rattles Edge! Edge has been staggered and now the Undertaker picks up Edge. Tombstone attempt but Edge counters with a spinning headscissors! The Undertaker immediately sits up but Edge is on his feet. [B]Spear runs the Undertaker over![/B] Edge has his arms raised into the air but Triple H is up with a kick to the midsection which sets up a facebuster! The Rated R Superstar falls onto the ropes and Triple H clotheslines him to the floor. Edge whacks the back of his head on the ring apron and is knocked loopy. The Undertaker is on his knees and Triple H pulls up the Undertaker, before he hooks arm. Thunderous Pedigree delivered to the Undertaker! The tank may be empty as he was the victim of both a vicious spear and the Pedigree. Edge is incapacitated on the floor which allows Triple H to cover the Undertaker to score the pin to retain the WWE Championship! [B]Winner: Triple H(w/the Pedigree) Match Rating: B+[/B] Triple H celebrates at he has walked out of another big match with the WWE Championship around his waist. Our next Pay Per View is Cyber Sunday, but until then join us each and every week for Raw on the USA Network, ECW on Sci Fi, and Smackdown on MyNetworkTV. Goodnight everyone! (B+) [B]Show Rating: B+[/B]
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Kofi Kingston and Bryan Danielson defeated the Highlanders in a dark match when Danielson pinned Robbie with a German Suplex with a bridge(D) [COLOR=red][B]Raw Week Two October 2008[/COLOR][/b] The World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk is out to kick off the show, announcing that Cyber Sunday is coming up in three weeks. As always, the fans get to pick the matches and CM Punk will put his World Heavyweight Championship on the line against one of three men! Tonight six candidates will step into the ring, into three qualifying matches and the winners advance to the World Heavyweight title voting at Cyber Sunday, with Snitsky squaring off against John Cena, Kane against Shawn Michaels, and Chris Jericho against John Bradshaw Layfield. Punk promises that no matter which three men getting the voting and which one wins, Punk will walk out of Cyber Sunday as World Heavyweight Champion. (B+) Melina cuts a pre-taped promo, that basically announces she’s back and she has her sights set on the WWE Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix. (C) [COLOR=red][B]Melina vs. Jillian[/COLOR][/B] Run in the mill women’s match, just a showcase for Melina, who wins the match with the California Dreamin’. [B]Winner: Melina(w/the California Dreamin’) Match Rating: D+[/B] An insert promo is shown with Snitsky as he comes down to the ring for his match, saying that it will be his fault when he beats Cena and then goes on to win the Cyber Sunday voting, to win the World Heavyweight Championship against CM Punk. (B+) Cena has one during his entrance as well, where he says he has to live for the past year without gold around his waist and Snitsky is his first step towards ruling the Raw roster once again(B+) [COLOR=red][B]Cyber Sunday Voting Qualifier: Snitsky vs. John Cena[/COLOR][/B] This is not a technical masterpiece, but rather a fight as these two have had their run ins over the past few weeks on Monday Night Raw. Cena gets going early but a kick to the face from Snitsky leads to a prolonged beatdown with lots of punching and choking. Snitsky pounds away at Cena and hits a vicious powerslam for a two count. Sleeperhold applied by Snitsky but Cena fights out with elbows and belly to back suplex. Snitsky is down and Cena punches away at Snitsky, before he hits a leaping shoulderblock. Five Knuckle Shuffle sets up a one count. Cena pummels Snitsky and goes for the F-U but he collapse. Snitsky grabs Cena by the throat and hoists him up, before he brings him down with a modified Rock Bottom for a nearfall. Snitsky pummels Cena and goes for the Pumphandle but Cena drops down and roughly takes Snitsky down buy the leg with a dragon screw, before he turns right into the STFU! Snitsky growls and scowls but Cena has the hold on tightly, with the Snitsky having nowhere to go, so he taps out to move Cena into Cyber Sunday. [B]Winner: John Cena(w/the STFU) Match Rating: C+[/B] Santino brags that he has only four hundred and four more days before he shatters the Honky Tonk Man’s record. Tonight, he fights Goldust, who showed up last week. It will be a non-title match, because Santino says Goldust is a nobody that couldn’t even beat Ahmed Johnson(or as he called him, Akmed Johansson). He also bitches at Adamle for banning Beth from ringside and says that Adamle doesn’t want any of Santino. (C-) [COLOR=red][B]Non-Title Match: Goldust vs. Santino Marella[/COLOR][/B] Val Venis is at ringside, as a potential WWE Intercontinental Championship Match between him and Santino will be part of a fan’s choice championship challenge for Cyber Sunday. The choices will be Venis/Santino for the IC Title, Priceless defending the World Tag Team Titles against Cryme Tyme, and Hawkins and Ryder defending the Tag Team Titles against a team to be named on Smackdown. The match with the most votes will be part of Cyber Sunday. Goldust makes short work of Santino, hammering him, before he finishes him off with a powerslam to score the pin. Afterwards Santino is propped up in the corner and Shattered Dreams connects on the button! Marella is injured but at least the title was not on the line. [B]Winner: Goldust(w/a powerslam) Match Rating: D+[/B] Adamle comes up briefly, to announce that since Goldust won tonight, he will face Santino for the Intercontinental Championship next week(D) During his entrance, an insert promo is shown with Shawn Michaels saying that while his sights are still set on Chris Jericho, he also wants to move into Cyber Sunday to face off for the World Heavyweight Title. Tonight he has a heckuva a speed bump in the way but he’s put bigger and badder men down than Kane. All it takes is a bit of Sweet Chin Music(B+) Kane laughs saying that just like he took out Rey and he burned Batista’s face, he is going to bring down the Heartbreak Kid and says that CM Punk better hope that the fans care about enough about him not to vote Kane in because if Kane goes into Cyber Sudnay, he is going to bathe in the blood of CM Punk before walking out the champion(B+) [COLOR=red][B]Cyber Sunday Qualifier: Shawn Michaels vs. Kane[/COLOR][/B] Kane attacks Michaels at the bell, as he pounds away at the Heartbreak Kid in the corner but clothesline is ducked, in favor for a flying forearm. Kane is still on his feet and Michaels jabs away at Kane, before he backs off and leaps onto the shoulders of Kane. Frankensteiner brings Kane down and Michaels pounds away at Kane. He backs off and Kane is on his feet. Michaels kicks away at the leg, trying to get the big man down to the canvas. Dropkick to the leg and Michaels rushes Kane but Kane catches Michaels with a big boot. Kane wraps the hands around the throat of Michaels and chokes him down to his knees, before he hoists up his opponent in a chokelift. Four and a half count before Michaels is thrown into the corner and Kane delivers a running knee to the face of Michaels, before he whips him into the ropes. Tilt a whirl into a slam on Michaels brings him down! Cover by Kane gets a nearfall. Kane picks up Michaels and pummels him. Bearhug applied for a few seconds which is just for Kane to hoist up Michaels and put him on the top rope. Kane climbs up and goes for a superplex but Michaels hangs onto the rope to block. Another attempt to muscle Michaels up and another block, before Michaels punches away at Kane. Kane gets knocked off the rope and lands on his feet. Michaels leaps off for a double axe handle but is caught by the throat. Choke Slam by Kane no [B]Michaels counters in mid move with a DDT that spikes Kane down onto his head![/B] Both men are down, standing ten count but Michaels kips up as Kane sits up. Punch blocked by Kane and Michaels punches away at Kane, before he whips him into the ropes. Dropkick to the leg staggers Kane and Michaels backs off, before he delivers a leaping clothesline that takes Kane down. To the top rope, quick as a cat and down with the Diving Elbowdrop. Michaels is in the corner and he sets up the Sweet Chin Music. The band is tuned up and Kane is up. Michaels goes for the kick but Kane catches the boot and shoves Michaels off, before he catches him by the throat. Choke Slam attempt again but Michaels is holding onto the ropes for dear life so Kane breaks the hold and pummels Michaels before he connects with a boot to send Michaels to the floor. Kane drops to the floor and pounds away at Michaels, before throws Michaels into the barricade chest first. The Heartbreak Kid is scooped up and rolled into the ring. The referee checks on Michaels as Kane is on the ring apron but [B]Batista rushes out and chairs Kane right in the back of the right leg![/B] The same leg that Michaels targeted earlier. Batista leaves as Kane slumps down on the apron and manages to hobble into the ring. Michaels is up once again and running dropkick to the leg, sets up a single leg pick up. Reverse Figure Four Leglock by Shawn Michaels applied! Michaels works on the legs and Kane eventually passes out from the pain! Shawn Michaels joins John Cena in the Cyber Sunday voting. [B]Winner: Shawn Michaels(after Kane passed out in a reverse figure four leglock) Match Rating: B-[/B] After the commercial, Kane hobbles into the office of Mike Adamle, looking rather irate. He says that he wants a match against Batista for costing him a chance at entering the World Heavyweight Title voting for Cyber Sunday. Adamle makes the match for Cyber Sunday, Kane against Batista, where the fans choose the stipulation. The choices are a Casket Match, A First Blood Match, or an Inferno Match! Kane looks pleased with the possibilities of his torment of Batista. (B-)[ [COLOR=red][B]Non Title Match: William Regal vs. World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk[/COLOR][/B] Both men trade holds on the match, before they go into a striking battle with forearms and kicks, with Punk winning, to take out the leg of Regal with a series of kicks and leg lariat knocks him down. Punk delivers some punches to Regal and whip into the ropes. The champion ducks the head and Regal punishes him with an European Uppercut. Another pair of European Uppercuts, before Regal sets up a front facelock and unloads on Punk with some kneelifts. Double underhook into a suplex brings down Punk for a two count. Regal rubs the forearm into the face Punk and vicious forearms raise welts onto the chest of Punk. Punk is pulled up and Regal hooks Punk, before another European Uppercut rocks the champion. Belly to back suplex and Regal drops an elbow down across the chest of Punk. Regal picks up Punk and cobra clutch on the mat, while Regal digs the knee into the back of the head of Punk. Forearms drill Punk and Regal switches into a stump puller, to really torture the champion. The announcers remind us that if Regal wins tonight, he can really move in the World Heavyweight Title rankings on Raw and he releases the Stump Puller, before another vicious European Uppercut sets up a hammerlock into a takeover suplex for a two count. Regal picks up Punk and hammers him, before another belly to back suplex takes him down. To the second rope and Regal dives off but he hits the canvas. Both of his fists connect to the canvas and Punk hammers Regal with kicks to the back of the head. Jumping neck snap punishes Regal. Punk brings up Regal in a hammerlock and twists him into a clothesline for a two count. Somersault senton sets up another two count. Punk picks up Regal and kicks before he Irish whips him into the corner. Jumping knee strike into the corner misses and Regal grabs Punk [B]Half Nelson Suplex drops Punk down onto the back of his head![/B] Punk folds up like an accordion and Regal makes the cover for a nearfall! Kneedrop to the head and Regal picks up Punk to go for a power bomb but Punk drops down and rolls up Regal for a sunset flip for a two count. Regal is on his feet and European Uppercut is blocked into a backslide for a two count from Punk as well! Regal pops Punk with another European Uppercut and Irish whip into the corner. Reversed and Punk catches Regal on the rebound with a running knee strike to the corner, which sets up the bulldog. Punk hoists up Regal to his shoulders and GTS connects! The champion scores the pin to end this fantastic encounter. [B]Winner: CM Punk(w/the GTS) Match Rating: A[/B] A video package is shown that shows Randy Orton kicking a variety of Raw Superstars and legends in the head in slow motion. “The Legend Killer is returning” is shown as we slowly fade out(C) [COLOR=red][B]JTG(w/Shad) vs. Cody Rhodes(w/Ted DiBiase)[/COLOR][/B] JTG gets a hot start but Rhodes quickly cuts him off and works him over in the center of the ring. Vicious snap suplex gets a nearfall but JTG comes out after he blocks the Rhodes DDT and dropkicks Rhodes into the corner, before he rolls him up into the pin to score the quick pin. [b]Winner: JTG(w/a roll up) Match Rating: C-[/B] DiBiase attacks JTG but Shad quickly enters the ring to break up. Cryme Tyme and Priceless brawl around the ringside area, with no end in sight to the carnage. At Cyber Sunday, a World Tag Team Title Match between these two teams are one of the three options for the fans choice championship challenge! (C) [COLOR=red][B]Paul London vs. Deuce[/COLOR][/B] Deuce continues his winning streak on Raw when London misses a standing shooting star press and Deuce plasters him with a kick to the face. [B]Winner: Deuce(w/the kick to the face) Match Rating: D+[/B] John Bradshaw Layfield as his insert promo, before the former Cyber Sunday World Heavyweight Title voting Qualifying match, saying that Chris Jericho is not a hundred percent after what Shawn Michaels did to him and only fools go in against JBL one hundred percent. JBL says that for Cyber Sunday, vote for a winner, vote for JBL(B) Jericho’s insert has a close up of his face which looks all disgusting and bruised from the beating that Michaels gave him last night. Despite the fact that Shawn Michaels disfigured him, Jericho is still standing and after he beats JBL tonight, he will go onto Cyber Sunday and if the fans have any class, they will vote him in to face Punk. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]World Heavyweight Title Voting Qualifier for Cyber Sunday: John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Chris Jericho(w/Lance Cade and Psycho Sid)[/COLOR][/B] JBL is the underdog, due to the fact that Jericho has both Cade and Sid in his corner. Layfield comes out swinging at the bell and with in a minute, busts open the cut under Jericho’s eye with a punch. JBL pounds away at Jericho and throws him into the ropes. Clothesline from Hell is avoided when Jericho slides to the floor. JBL follows suit but Cade distracts him long enough for Jericho to ram him into the ringpost. Layfield is rolled into the ring and Jericho delivers a springboard dropkick for a two count. Stomps and Jericho applies a surfboard on Layfield but Layfield fights off. Short arm elbowsmash brings down Jericho. JBL kicks Jericho in the face and hoists him up in a backbreaker. He rolls over Jericho and applies a camel clutch! JBL leans back on the hold, as he rakes at the cut underneath Jericho’s eye. We could have a referee stoppage right here but Jericho makes it to the ropes. JBL breaks the hold at five and continues to pummel Jericho. JBL with forearms across the back of the head and he places Jericho on the top rope facing the crowd. Layfield climbs up behind Jericho and punches away at him, before him up for a belly to back suicideplex but Jericho elbows out of the hold and knocks Layfield off the ropes. Jericho is on the top rope and springboard back elbow knocks Layfield for a loop. Jericho is up and JBL is hunched over, before Jericho bounces off the ropes to connect with a running faceslam. To the second rope and Lionsault connects for a two count. Jericho pounds away at JBL and takes him down for the Walls of Jericho but Layfield kicks him off the ropes. The legs of Layfield were too strong for Jericho to properly apply the hold. Yakuza Kick connects right underneath the eye of Jericho! The cut continues to gush blood as JBL gives the signal. Clothesline from Hell will finish this one off. Cade is on the ring apron and Layfield quickly rushes over and launches Cade into the ring. Sid steps over the top rope as the referee is tied up with Cade and Layfield quickly rushes Sid but Sid kicks Layfield in the chest. Set up and Power Bomb brings JBL down! Sid just drilled JBL with the same ease he drilled Paul London! Jericho crawls on top of JBL and collapses on top to score the pin as the referee turns around. [B]Winner: Chris Jericho(after Sid interference) Match Rating: B-[/B] It will now be CM Punk putting the World Heavyweight Championship on the line against either Chris Jericho, John Cena, or Shawn Michaels at Cyber Sunday [B]Show Rating: C+[/B] (For those of you wondering, yes the voting for Cyber Sunday will be legitimate. After Smackdown, I will throw up the link where you can vote for the matches) [COLOR=purple][B]ECW On Sci Fi Match Listings[/COLOR][/B] Cyber Sunday ECW Championship Voting Qualifier: Rob Van Dam vs. Elijah Burke Cyber Sunday ECW Championship Voting Qualifier: Tommy Dreamer vs. John Morrison Cyber Sunday ECW Championship Voting Qualifier: Matt Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero.
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Evan Bourne pinned The Miz in a dark match with the Shooting Star Press(D) [COLOR=purple][B]ECW On Sci Fi Week Two October 2008[/COLOR][/B] Footage is shown from No Mercy where Rob Van Dam made his return to ECW and took out Mark Henry with the Five Star Frog Splash. Tonight, RVD is one of six potential candidates that be whittled down to three for the Cyber Sunday, where the winner will face ECW Champion Mark Henry(B-) Your announcers are Todd Grisham and Tazz. [COLOR=purple][B]Cyber Sunday ECW Championship Voting Qualifier: Matt Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero[/COLOR][/B] The announcers talk about how Chavo is a former ECW Champion and Matt Hardy’s only ECW Championship Match at Summerslam ended in a disqualification, where he never received a return shot at the title. Both men trade holds at the stop, until Chavo goes low, which sets up a vicious DDT for a two count. Chavo pounds away at Hardy and punishes him with an abdominal stretch. Hardy fights up but Chavo sets him up with a brain buster for a nearfall. Up top goes Chavo but Frog Splash misses. Chavo has been wiped out on the canvas and he gets up into a kick, before Hardy connects with the Twist of Fate. Three slaps of the mat later and Matt Hardy is in the Cyber Sunday voting! [B]Winner: Matt Hardy(w/the Twist of Fate) Match Rating: C-[/B] Armando Estrada is backstage, saying that he started his career in WWE has a manager and unleashed the Samoan Bulldozer known as Umaga. Next week, he will duplicate his success, as he has acquired a new manager’s license, good for ECW and he will unleash his newest finds, Eric Perez and Eddie Colon, the Puerto Rican Nightmares, next week on ECW On Sci-Fi. He brags that they will be the greatest team on the ECW brand. (D+) [COLOR=purple][B]Cyber Sunday ECW Championship Voting Qualifier: Tommy Dreamer vs. John Morrison[/COLOR][/B] Both men are former ECW champions. Dreamer fought hard against Morrison and nearly got a couple of nearfalls. Dreamer DDT but Morrison is in the ropes. A pump splash from Dreamer is avoided and Morrison quickly finishes him off with the Moonlight Drive. Morrison joins Matt Hardy in the Cyber Sunday voting. [B]Winner: John Morrison(w/the Moonlight Drive) Match Rating: C+[/B] The Boogeyman is coming to getcha, next!(D) [COLOR=purple][b]Nunzio vs. the Boogeyman[/COLOR][/B] Quick squash on Nunzio that ends with a spinebuster. [B]Winner: The Boogeyman(w/a spinebuster) Match Rating: D-[/B] Boogeyman has the worms and he dumps them on Nunzio to a handful of cheers. Mike Knox rushes down to the back and attacks the Boogeyman from behind! The Boogeyman no sells the attack and brings Knox down with a vicious clothesline. Boogeyman gets a second bag of worms but Knox heads for higher ground as the Boogeyman eats the worms himself as he dances in the ring. (D) Teddy Long is backstage when Mark Henry walks in, looking quite dapper in his three piece suit with the ECW Championship draped over his shoulder. Henry warns Long that whomever wins the ECW voting earns a trip to the hospital. At No Mercy, he ended Finlay’s career and he will do the same for Cyber Sunday. Long mentions the possibility of Rob Van Dam getting into the vote and winning, but Henry flips out, saying that Van Dam won’t win and even if he does, Henry will make him pay for sticking his nose into the World’s Strongest Man’s business at No Mercy. Still, the announcers remark that Henry looks quite distressed of the possibility that he will face Rob Van Dam for his ECW Championship at Cyber Sunday(C+) [COLOR=purple][B]ECW Championship Voting Qualifier for Cyber Sunday Rob Van Dam vs. Elijah Burke[/COLOR][/B] Huge pop for Van Dam, who is wrestling his first match on Sci Fi in fifteen months. RVD is a former ECW Champion and Burke has never came close to capturing that belt, but tonight is his chance to keep the brass ring. Van Dam proves he has not missed a beat, hitting a stepover heel kick within the first couple of minutes, before he dives onto Burke with a suicide dive on the floor. Burke is throw into the ring and springboard corkscrew legdrop scores a close cover. Van Dam pauses to remind us he is “R-V-D” before he unloads on Burke and another spin kick sets up a Rolling Thunder for a two count. Second Rolling Thunder is blocked with the knees and Burke quickly goes to work. Burke works over Van Dam, setting him up for the Elijah Experience but Van Dam fights out and hits a spinning leg lariat off the ropes when Burke misses the clothesline. Van Dam goes for a kick but Burke blocks it so RVD snaps up and catches Burke in the face. Up top for the Five Star but Burke crotches Van Dam up top. Up top for a superplex but Van Dam fights him off and shoves Burke up. Missile dropkick brings Burke down. Van Dam does a forward roll before he leaps to the top rope in one fluid motion. He faces Burke and Five Star Frog Splash to score the pin. It will now be RVD, Matt Hardy, and John Morrison in the Cyber Sunday voting! [B]Winner: Rob Van Dam(w/the Five Star Frog Splash) Match Rating: C[/B] [B]Show Rating: C[/B] [COLOR=blue][B]Smackdown Line Up[/COLOR][/B] Triple H and the Big Show vs. Edge and The Brian Kendrick Winner Faces Shelton at Cyber Sunday for the United States Title: Mr. Kennedy vs. Jeff Hardy vs. MVP R-Truth vs. Curt Hawkins Funaki vs. Kenny Dykstra WWE Diva’s Title Match: Maria vs. Michelle McCool© Number One Contenders Match: Festus and Jesse vs. Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang Scotty Goldman vs. Umaga
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The New Bulldogs defeated Bam Neely and Chavo Guerrero in a dark match when DH Smith pinned Chavo with the Running Powerslam(D-) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown Week Two October 2008[/COLOR][/B] Your announcers are Jim Ross and Roddy Piper. Out comes Edge who is angry following the events of last Sunday at No Mercy. He says Triple H managed to backdoor his way into another victory. Edge says that one on one Triple H could not beat him. Out comes the Game himself, with the WWE Championship Belt on his shoulder. Triple H stares down Edge and says that Edge is out here whining about his title shot, but he has a short-term memory. Triple H beat him one on one to retain that WWE Championship back at the Great American Bash. Edge yells that was a fluke, one on one, Triple H couldn’t beat him and he knows it. If Triple H was half the man that he says he is, he would put that WWE Championship on the line against the Rated-R Superstar at Cyber Sunday. Out comes Vickie Guerrero, wheeled out by Hawkins and Ryder. She stares down her estranged husband, saying that personally she doesn’t feel he deserves a title shot. On the professional level and for the good of Smackdown, the match will happen at Cyber Sunday. Triple H takes on Edge for the WWE Championship with one of three stipulations possible. It will either be a Last Man Standing Match, a Street Fight, or inside the confines of a fifteen foot high steel cage. Triple H says it doesn’t matter what match the fans vote in, because once again he’s going to prove he’s the best in the business and Edge will feel the wrath of the Game. (A) [COLOR=blue][B]Scotty Goldman vs. Umaga[/COLOR][/B] Goldman gave it the old college try but Umaga is a man who has taken Triple H to the limit on two occasions and thus he runs over Goldman. Samoan Drop sets up the Spike for the pin and Goldman is done. [B]Winner: Umaga(w/the Samoan Spike) Match Rating: C+[/B] Umaga looks menacing in the ring but the lights flicker and the music of the Undertaker plays. The voice of the Undertaker is heard over the cheers of the crowd and says while Umaga has run over everyone in his path, soon he will meet the gatekeeper of Smackdown and meet his match. The Undertaker promises that the two titanic forces on Smackdown are in for a collision course and Umaga will Rest in Peace. (A) [COLOR=blue][B]Winner Faces Shelton Benjamin at Cyber Sunday: Mr. Kennedy vs. Jeff Hardy vs. MVP[/COLOR][/B] Standard triple threat spots, with Hardy and Kennedy teaming up to take down MVP, but both of them having their alliance break down when they trade punches. Kennedy gets a clothesline and a DDT on Hardy for a close nearfall before MVP takes advantage and chops away at Kennedy. He beats on Kennedy and sets him up, before he hits the Drive By Kick. He goes for the same move on Hardy, who gets up in the corner but Hardy moves and MVP hits the corner. Twist of Fate connects and Jeff Hardy climbs to the outside. Swanton Bomb connects to MVP! Kennedy is already down so Hardy covers MVP to score the pin and advance to Cyber Sunday to challenge Shelton Benjamin for the United States Championship. [B]Winner: Jeff Hardy(w/the Swanton Bomb) Match Rating:B[/B] Vickie appears on the big screen and offers her congratulations to Jeff before she announces the three match stipulations the fans can vote from for the United States Match. A Best Two Out of Three Falls Match, an I-Quit Match, or a Ladder Match! The Ladder Match gets a big pop, as Ross and Piper remind us that Jeff Hardy has been in his share of Ladder Matches in his day. Those are your three choices for Cyber Sunday when Shelton Benjamin puts his United States Title on the line against Jeff Hardy(C+) [COLOR=blue][B]Ryan Braddock vs. Vladimir Koslov[/COLOR][/B] Squash by the big Russian, as he hits Braddock with a headbutt to the stomach to knock him out for the pin. [B]Winner: Vladimir Koslov(w/the headbutt to the midsection) Match Rating: D+[/B] Koslov beats down Braddock in the ring, it’s obvious he wants some competition and ask and you shall receive as the Great Khali makes his way down to the ring. There is no bigger competition than Khali. Khali steps over the top rope and stares down the Russian. Koslov is not backing down, he’s getting right in the face of the Indian Giant. Out comes security and referees to back off these two men. It might not be a technical masterpiece when these two men face off but it sure will be a slobberknocker(D+) [COLOR=blue][B]Number One Contenders Match: Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore vs. Festus and Jesse[/COLOR][/B] Yang and Moore want to redeem themselves after their tag team title loss on Sunday by being the team to face Hawkins and Ryders in a potential championship challenge match for Cyber Sunday. Their highflying keeps Jesse off balance but when Festus gets tagged in, its all downhill from there. A throwing flapjack puts down Moore and Yang gets take out by Jesse. Festus scores the pin to cement their status as the number one contenders for the World Tag Team Titles. [B]Winners: Festus and Jesse(w/a throwing flapjack) Match Rating: C-[/B] Out come Hawkins and Ryder from the back but Festus and Jesse quickly send them packing with clotheslines. Hawkins and Ryder defending the WWE Tag Team Titles against Festus and Jesse will be one of three possible choices for a fan’s choice championship match for Cyber Sunday. The other two will be Santino Marella putting his WWE Intercontinental Title on the line against Val Venis and Priceless squaring off against Cryme Tyme for the World Tag Team Titles. (D+) [COLOR=blue][B]Funaki vs. Kenny Dykstra[/COLOR][/B] Kenny is on a losing streak as of late but he hopes to turn things around against Funaki. A series of nearfalls but somehow Funaki stays in the match. Dykstra takes Funaki down with a vicious kneelift, before he hoists him up for an airplane spin but Funaki counters with a flash sunset flip for the pin! Funaki wins! The crowd cheers along with Roddy Piper cheers as Funaki leaps into the ring in celebrations. The Hot Rod muses that Dykstra has lost his spirit as of late, as he mopes in the ring after yet another loss. [B]Winner: Funaki(w/a flash pin) Match Rating: C-[/B] Triple H and The Big Show are in the ring, as tonight they are going to face off against the Brian Kendrick and Edge. Show remarks tonight they’re going to get along, but soon, he will be coming after that WWE Championship Belt. The Game remarks that Show should get in line, because there is a long list of men who want a shot at the richest prize on Smackdown. (B+) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Diva’s Title Match: Maria vs. Michelle McCool©[/COLOR][/B] Didn’t click, the crowd was negative to both women. To make a long story short, they “wrestle” for a couple of minutes until Beth Phoenix(the WWE Women’s Champion) comes out to pulverize both of them. [B]Winner: Beth Phoenix(well technically a no contest) Match Rating: E-[/B] Beth Phoenix destroys Michelle with a fisherwoman buster as it is announced that these two women will meet at Cyber Sunday and the fans will get to vote whether or not the Women’s or Diva’s Championship is on the line. (D+) R-Truth hypes up the crowd in his usual way.(B-) [COLOR=blue][B]R-Truth vs. Curt Hawkins[/COLOR][/B] Not a good night for Hawkins and Ryder, as Hawkins loses a fairly quick, but high impact match to R-Truth. One two count off of a neckbreaker but other than that, the match is all R-Truth’s as he finishes off Ryder with an axe kick. [B]Winner: R-Truth(w/an axe kick) Match Rating: C[/B] [COLOR=blue][B]The Big Show and Triple H vs. the Brian Kendrick and Edge(w/Ezekiel Jackson)[/COLOR][/B] Kendrick gets pinballed by the babyfaces at start and Edge gets knocked around as well. A low blow by Edge on the Big Show traps him in the corner and a series of double team attacks keep the big man off balance. Show fights out of the corner and hot tag made to Triple H who rushes into the ring, fists of fire, knocking both men backwards. Spinebuster to Kendrick and high knee to Edge. Zeke enters the ring and gets kicked before Triple H takes out the big man with the Pedigree. Triple H turns and [B]gets wiped out with the Spear by Edge![/B] Three slaps of the mat later and Triple H has just been pinned by Edge! [B]Winners: Edge and The Brian Kendrick(w/the Spear) Match Rating: B[/B] The WWE Championship will be on the line at Cyber Sunday between these two, in either a Last Man Standing Match, a Streetfight, or a Cage Match. Until then tonight everyone. [B]Show Rating: B[/B] -------------------------------------------------------- And now, the moment you've all been waiting for, the link for the Cyber Sunday voting. You can vote as many times as you want to, but I'd ask you to please limit it to one vote per show I post between now and Cyber Sunday. The voting link is [URL="http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/681055531.html"]http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/681055531.html[/URL] Vote now. Uncle Vince Wants You! [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw Line Up[/COLOR][/B] John Cena, Shawn Michaels, and CM Punk vs. Lance Cade, Sid Vicious, and Chris Jericho Batista vs. John Bradshaw Layfield Cryme Tyme and Mickie James vs Priceless and Natalya WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Goldust vs. Santino Marella(c) D'Lo Brown vs. Val Venis Kofi Kingston vs. Deuce And don't forget to vote for Cyber Sunday. Once again the link is [URL="http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/681055531.html"]http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/681055531.html[/URL]
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Want to Vote for Cyber Sunday? The link is right here: [URL="http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/681055531.html"]http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/681055531.html[/URL] Candice and Melina defeated Beth Phoenix and Katie Lea in a dark match when Melina pinned Katie with the California Dreamin’ (D+) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw Week Three October 2008[/COLOR][/B] Your announcers are Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler. Chris Jericho comes out at the top of the show as he is one of the three wrestlers that can face CM Punk as part of Cyber Sunday for the World Heavyweight Title. You the fans can vote between Jericho, Shawn Michaels, or John Cena for Punk’s opponent at Cyber Sunday. Jericho is in the ring, saying that the fans obviously should vote for him, saying that at Unforgiven, he came close to beating Punk and it was a lucky victory that Punk managed to beat Jericho. The luck will run out at Cyber Sunday once Jericho gets voted in. In fact Jericho is calling out Punk right now, to give him a preview of what’s to come. (A) Out comes Punk, as our World Heavyweight Champion is not one to back down from a challenge. He enters the ring and Jericho slaps him across the face. Punk fires back with a series of punches which knock Jericho back until Lance Cade and Psycho Sid run down from the back! Cade and Sid enter the ring and attack Punk from behind. All three men begin to beat down the World Heavyweight Champion in the center of the ring but out comes John Cena and Shawn Michaels with chairs from the back. Cole and Lawler hype up a big six man tag team match tonight and also say while they are on the same side tonight, depending on how the fan voting falls, it could be either Punk defending against Cena or Punk defending against Michaels at Cyber Sunday. It’s in the hands of you the fans where you place your vote. (B-) [COLOR=red][B]Cryme Tyme and Mickie James vs. Priceless and Natalya[/COLOR][/B] Pretty standard six person intergender match, which gives the announcers time to hype the fan’s choice championship challenge where you can vote for an Intercontinental Title defense between Santino Marella and Val Venis, Hawkins and Ryder putting the WWE Tag Team Titles on the line against Festus and Jesse, or Priceless defending their World Tag Tea Titles on the line. Priceless and Cryme Tyme brawl to the back, which leaves Mickie and Natalya into the ring. Mickie hits the Mick Kick which sets up a DDT, but Natalya backdrops out of that. Sunset flip is rolled into the Sharpshooter and Natalya leans back on Mickie, who has no choice but to tap out to give Natalya her biggest win as a WWE diva so far. [B]Winners: Priceless and Natalya(w/the Sharpshooter) Match Rating: C[/B] Santino Marella is out to announce that he only has three hundred and ninety seven more days before he breaks the Honky Tonk Man’s record as the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion ever. That’s right, Santino’s under four hundred, won’t be much longer now. At Cyber Sunday, Santino says that the fans, if they can figure out how to operate a computer, should vote for his match against the “Val Bigboski”. He will put a whooping on that man for sticking his nose into Santino’s business. Also, Santino knows how Val is with the ladies, so if he sticks another thing in the direction of Beth, Santino will whoop him. Now, Santino says last week Goldustin got lucky, so tonight, Santino is going to dream that he shatters when he beats him in the ring(C-) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Goldust vs. Santino Marella©(w/Beth Phoenix)[/COLOR][/B] Goldust dominates this match but Beth gets involved which sets up Goldust for a neckbreaker for Santino to get the win and retain the championship. [B]Winner: Santino(w/a neckbreaker) Match Rating: C-[/B] Out comes Paul Burchill from the back, with a smirk on his face. Tonight he is going to call out any wrestler in the back for a match. Burchill says that he can beat anyone back there and dares anyone to come out to prove him wrong. (C+) [COLOR=red][B]Bryan Danielson vs. Paul Burchill[/COLOR][/B] Out comes Bryan Danielson, who the announcers inform us has been trained to wrestle by no less than Shawn Michaels but is a virtual unknown to WWE fans. Burchill slaps Danielson at the bell but Danielson does not back off, in fact, he takes Burchill down to the mat and works over him. Cole says Danielson is a master of submission and striking, but also can go to the air if necessary. Burchill comes back but Danielson catches him with an airplane spin. Burchill is dizzy on his feet and Danielson backs off the ropes before he catches Burchill right in the head with an elbow. Burchill drops to the ground from that vicious elbow strike and the referee checks him, before he calls for the bell, as Danielson has knocked out Burchill! Danielson has made a statement for his first Raw match. [B]Winner: Bryan Danielson(via knockout with a vicious elbow strike right to the temple) Match Rating: C+[/B] Batista is shown with an intense look on his bandaged face. It’s been almost a month since Kane tried to burn his face with that fireball. Batista says personally he’s voting for an Inferno Match at Cyber Sunday, so he can return the favor to Kane, but really no matter if it’s an Inferno Match, Casket Match, or First Blood Match, Batista just wants to get his hands on Kane. Tonight, JBL picked the wrong night as Batista is going to roll over anyone who gets in his way on his path to Kane(A*) [COLOR=red][B]D’Lo Brown vs. Val Venis(w/Layla)[/COLOR][/B] This is the return of Val Venis after many months on the shelf and he wins in short order over D’Lo in an unremarkable match, with the Money Shot. Val Venis and Santino Marella for the WWE Intercontinental Title is one of the three choices for the fan’s choice challenge, along with Priceless putting the World Tag Team Titles on the line against Cryme Tyme and Hawkins and Ryder taking off Festus and Jesse for the WWE Tag Team Titles [B]Winner: Val Venis(w/the Money Shot) Match Rating: D-(bad chemistry)[/B] JBL makes his way out, saying that last week he was railroaded out of being in the World Heavyweight Title voting and getting screwed out of his rightful chance to regain the championship. As if the voting would have went any other way had got entered. Tonight, JBL will do what he does best, prove why he is a self made man and pull himself back up to face off against Batista tonight on Raw(A) [COLOR=red][B]Batista vs. John Bradshaw Layfield[/COLOR][/B] This was a slobberknocker to say the least. Both men traded punches, kicks, chops, and slams, until JBL got the advantage and worked over Batista with a series of vicious moves, including an abdominal stretch but Batista powers out and spears JBL for a two count. Batista lifts up his opponent. Snake eyes drop sets up a spinebuster! The crowd cheers and Batista puts the thumbs down before he sets up JBL for the Batista Bomb but JBL counters with a low blow. Attempted Clothesline from Hell is ducked and spinebuster. This time the Batista Bomb connects but before Batista comes out, Kane rushes out to attack Batista for the disqualification! [B]Winner By Disqualification: Batista Match Rating: B-[/B] Kane pummels Batista with punches but Batista counters back with a spear to take Kane down. Kane is up back and Batista clotheslines him to the floor. Kane lands on his feet and pulls Batista to the floor but throws Batista headfirst into the ringsteps. A solid smash echoed throughout the arena as Kane moves over, before he grabs the timekeeper out of his chair by the throat and walks over, picking up the chair. Batista turns around and [B]Kane dents the chair over the head of Batista![/B] Batista has been busted open by the chair, he is bleeding. This is a perfect time to let the fans know that one of the matches they can vote for when Kane and Batista face off at Cyber Sunday will be a First Blood Match. Of course if you so prefer, you can vote for a Casket Match or an Inferno Match, the power is yours(A) [COLOR=red][B]Kofi Kingston vs. Deuce[/COLOR][/B] Deuce’s winning streak on Raw comes to an end tonight, when Kofi Kingston puts him away with the Trouble in Paradise. Kofi scores a win which will hopefully get him back on track after losing a WWE Intercontinental Title Match to Santino recently. [B]Winner: Kofi Kingston(w/the Trouble in Paradise) Match Rating: D+[/B] A video package is shown with Randy Orton beating men such as Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Jeff Hardy, The Undertaker, and many more top superstars. An image of Orton standing with a smug smile on his face, before a message appears on the screen that says “Orton is coming”(C) [COLOR=red][B]CM Punk, Shawn Michaels, and John Cena vs. Lance Cade, Psycho Sid, and Chris Jericho[/COLOR][/B] It should be noted that this is Sid’s first WWE match in eleven years. Brawl to start, with the babyfaces winning. Eventually, Cena is caught in the corner and triple teamed for most of the match. Cade and Jericho deliver double team moves on Cena, while handing him off to Sid on occasion to deliver the vicious move. Cade has Cena in trouble and he connects with a sidewalk slam for a nearfall. Up top for an elbow is missed and Cena races into the corner. Tag made to Jericho and tag made to Punk. Punk enters the ring, house of fire, knocking Jericho around with kicks and some forearms. Cade is knocked down as well and Sid steps into the ring, but Shawn Michaels knocks him to the floor. Cena enters the ring but Cade back drops him over to the floor and goes after Cade. Punk takes Cade down with a clothesline as Shawn Michaels is ready, to get his hands on Jericho or rather his foot in his face. [B]Sweet Chin Music is ducked and Michaels waylays Punk with the kick![/B] Sid reaches into the ring and pulls Michaels to the floor as Jericho bounces off the ropes and hits the lionsault but it doesn’t matter as the pinfall is only academic from there. Three slaps of the mat later and Chris Jericho has just pinned the World Heavyweight Champion leading into Cyber Sunday [B]Winners: Lance Cade, Psycho Sid, and Chris Jericho(w/an accidental Superkick to Punk and lionsault) Match Rating: B[/B] Sid, Cade, and Jericho leave with the victory as Punk is up favoring his jaw and Michaels enters the ring to apologize to Punk, but Punk is not having any of it. Punk shoves Michaels and never one to back down from a fight, Michaels gets in Punk’s face. Cena enters the ring and tries to be the peacemaker with Michaels standing, eyes shifted towards Punk, in Superkick position the entire time, as Punk challenges Michaels to hit him. Cole and Lawler yell that we could see Michaels and Punk at Cyber Sunday, but also it could as easily be Cena and Punk or maybe Jericho and Punk for the World Heavyweight Champions. Vote now. Raw goes off the air with this chaotic scene between CM Punk and Shawn Michaels, with John Cena playing peacemaker. (A) [B]Show Rating: B[/B] [COLOR=purple][B]ECW on Sci Fi Match Listings[/COLOR][/B] Rob Van Dam and Matt Hardy vs. Miz and Morrison Stevie Richards vs. ECW Champion Mark Henry in a non title match Tommy Dreamer and Ricky Ortiz vs. Elijah Burke and Mike Knox Braden Walker and Evan Bourne vs. The Puerto Rican Nightmares(w/Armando Estrada) Once again, don't forget to vote for Cyber Sunday. The link is once again: [URL="http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/681055531.html"]http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/681055531.html[/URL]
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(Here's your reminder to vote for Cyber Sunday [URL="http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/681055531.html"]http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/681055531.html[/URL] Chavo Guerrero pinned Michael Starr with the Frog Splash in a dark match(D-) [COLOR=purple][B]ECW On Sci Fi Week Three October 2008[/COLOR][/B] A video package is shown of Hardy, Morrison, and RVD all winning their matches last week to advance to the Cyber Sunday ECW Title voting. (B-) [COLOR=purple][B]Braden Walker and Evan Bourne vs. Puerto Rican Nightmares(w/Armando Estrada)[/COLOR][/B] The debut of the Puerto Rican Nightmares on ECW was a rather run of the mill affair. A couple of good double team moves and a few high flying moves by Bourne. In the end, Walker was isolated and pinned with a power bomb by Perez combined with a flying clothesline from Colon. [B]Winner: The Puerto Rican Nighmares(w/a power bomb/flying clothesline) Match Rating: D+[/B] We see footage of Matt Hardy as a smarmy voice narrates on screen. “Back in 2005, Matt Hardy brought great embarrassment on World Wrestling Entertainment when his girlfriend left him for another, much better wrestler. Rather than resolve the matter privately, Mr. Hardy made the matter public and thus brought a great scandal to the world. Matt Hardy was fired for a short time, when revealed unstable and was brought back, against the better judgment of World Wrestling Entertainment. Is this the type of man you want as ECW Champion? Is this the type of man you should vote for? The answer to both of these questions should be no. Instead, vote for a winner, vote for a true maverick, vote for a champion, vote for John Morrison to face ECW Champion Mark Henry at Cyber Sunday.”” John Morrison appears on the screen with a smirk. “My name is John Morrison and I approve of this message” (C+) [COLOR=purple][B]Ricky Ortiz and Tommy Dreamer vs. Mike Knox and Elijah Burke[/COLOR][/B] Dreamer was beaten in the corner for most of the match until the tag was made to Ortiz. Ortiz enters the ring, fists of fire and pins Burke with the Big O as Dreamer took out Knox with a clothesline. [B]Winner: Ricky Ortiz and Tommy Dreamer(w/the Big O) Match Rating: E+[/B] Mark Henry is backstage, saying that at Cyber Sunday, he’s going to beat whoever gets in. Morrison, Hardy, or even Van Dam, really it didn’t matter. Henry will beat him and tonight he will show them a sign of what will happen (C+) [COLOR=purple][B]Stevie Richards vs. Mark Henry[/COLOR][/B] Henry pounds Richards before pinning him in seconds with the World’s Strongest Slam. The dominant ECW Champion gets another victory. [B]Winner: Mark Henry(w/World’s Strongest Slam) Match Rating: D[/B] Once again, the smarmy voice appeared, this time with footage of Rob Van Dam. “In the summer of 2006, Rob Van Dam was pulled over by an officer of the law, when he had illegal substances on his person. At the time he was both WWE and ECW Champion, thus bringing disgrace to two brands at the same time. This act put the ECW brand in ruin for some time and it only began to recover with the efforts of superstars such as John Morrison. Rob Van Dam’s actions when he got pulled over nearly ruined the entire ECW brand. Do you want such a hardened criminal as ECW Champion? Vote for someone with true class, without a criminal record. Vote for John Morrison as the challenger for the ECW Championship at Cyber Sunday.” John Morrison appears on the screen with a smug smile and says the following statement: “My name is John Morrison and I approve of this message”. (C+) [COLOR=purple][B]The Miz and John Morrison vs. Rob Van Dam and Matt Hardy[/COLOR][/B] Morrison and Miz get knocked to the floor at the bell and pescados by both Van Dam and Hardy take them down. Hardy gets cut off on an offensive flurry and double teamed with several high impact moves, including a backbreaker/elbow combination move for a two count. Hardy ducks a Morrison charge and Side Effect connects before he makes the tag. Here comes Miz and here comes Rob Van Dam Van Dam enters the ring, fists of fire, kicks of fire. Spin kick to Miz. Leaping dropkick to Morrison. Van Dam leaps up and jumping kick takes down Miz. In comes Matt Hardy to take out Morrison which allows Van Dam to connect with the Five Star Frog Splash on Miz for the pin. [B]Winners: Rob Van Dam and Matt Hardy(w/the Five Star Frog Splash) Match Rating: C[/B] Teddy Long comes out to announce a triple threat match next week between the three Cyber Sunday voting possibilities. It will be Morrison against Matt Hardy against Rob Van Dam next week. (C+) [B]Show Rating: C[/B] [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown Card:[/COLOR][/B] Pick Your Poison: Triple H vs. an opponent of Edge’s choosing. Pick Your Poison: Edge vs. an opponent of Triple H’s choosing. Jeff Hardy vs. MVP Scotty Goldman vs. Shelton Benjamin Mr. Kennedy and Funaki vs. Umaga and Kenny Dykstra R-Truth, Jesse, and Festus vs. Carlito, Curt Hawkins, and Zach Ryder Mickie James and Michelle McCool vs. Beth Phoenix and Natalya. Once again, Cyber Sunday voting is here [URL="http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/681055531.html"]http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/681055531.html[/URL]
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The New Bulldogs defeated Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang in a dark match when DH Smith pinned Moore with the Running Powerslam(E-) [COLOR=blue][b]WWE Smackdown For Week Three October 2008[/COLOR][/B] Your announcers are Jim Ross and Roddy Piper. Edge is in the ring at the star to of the show to remind us that last night in the center of the ring he pinned Triple H one, two, three for the world to see. At Cyber Sunday, Edge will beat Triple H once again, to win his sixth world championship. Even better, the fans get to choose the method of Edge’s glorious triumph. Will it be in the unforgiving confines of a steel cage? Or will it be in a streetfight, where there are no rules and Edge can use anything that’s not nailed down to pummel the Game? Or will it be the sheer brutality of a Last Man Standing Match, where there is but one way to win and that’s mauling your opponent so badly that he cannot answer the ten count? Edge finds it amusing that the fans will choose the method where he will bring down their hero at Cyber Sunday. One thing is for certain, Edge will walk out of Cyber Sunday and it doesn’t matter who Triple H picks as Edge’s opponent tonight, he will come out on top. (B+) [COLOR=blue][B]R-Truth, Festus, and Jesse vs. Carlito, Curt Hawkins, and Zach Ryder[/COLOR][/B] Ross and Piper remind us that Festus and Jesse facing Hawkins and Ryder for the WWE Tag Team Titles is one of the three options of a Fan’s Choice Championship Challenge for Cyber Sunday in eight days time. R-Truth runs wild early and knocks around the three heels but when Jesse is in the ring, he is beaten down until Festus gets the hot tag and runs wild. Carlito goes to the floor and attempts to ring the bell again but R-Truth dives him to stop this dastardly act. This allows Festus to hit a fireman’s carry into a flapjack on Ryder to pin him. Piper and Ross hype up the possibility of Festus and Jesse winning again at Cyber Sunday, but with the WWE Tag Team Titles on the line this time. That is one of the three choices for the fan’s choice championship challenge for Cyber Sunday, the other two being Priceless defending the World Tag Team Titles against Cryme Time and Santino Marella putting his WWE Intercontinental Title on the line against Val Venis. [B]Winners: Festus, Jesse, and R-Truth(w/the flapjack) Match Rating: C+[/B] A look at the undefeated Russian nightmare, Vladimir Koslov. (C+) [COLOR=blue][B]Domino vs. Vladimir Koslov[/COLOR][/B] Domino gets blitzed in a minute, with the headbutt, as the announcers hype up the possibility of a Khali/Koslov showdown. [B]Winner: Vladimir Koslov(w/the headbutt of doom) Match Rating: D+[/B] Mr. Kennedy…Kennedy! (B-) [COLOR=blue][B]Mr. Kennedy and Funaki vs. Umaga and Kenny Dykstra[/COLOR][/B] Dykstra lost to Funaki last week and appears to be on quite the losing streak as of late. The Hot Rod says that Dykstra needs a little bit of spirit to turn it around. Standard tag team fare, that breaks down into a four way in the end. Umaga goes for the Samoan Spike on Funaki but he evades it with Dykstra getting hit. Kennedy dropkicks Umaga to the floor and Funaki leaps to the second rope before he delivers a somersault senton to Dykstra. Three slaps of the mat later and Funaki’s beaten Kenny Dykstra again! [B]Winners: Funaki and Mr. Kennedy(w/a second rope somersault senton) Match Rating: B-[/B] We see Umaga and Kennedy brawling around the ringside area. To his credit, Kennedy’s not backing down from the sheer brutality exhibited by the Samoan Bulldozer Umaga. Kennedy has a chair and he whacks Umaga with it three times, which only drops him to his knees. Umaga dives at Kennedy and throws him into the ring steps, as referees and security comes out to separate these two men apart as the lights go out. The voice of the Undertaker states that sooner or later, Umaga will have to meet the one man that all on Smackdown fear, the Deadman, the Undertaker and he will rest in peace. The Samoan gives a mighty bellow as he goes for the Undertaker, which allows Kennedy to chair him in the back. Mic Check on the padded mats, which may have done the trick. Kennedy walks off as Umaga once again pulls himself up, still ready to bulldoze anyone who gets in his way. There is no stopping the monster. Even if the Undertaker faces off against Umaga, can he stop him? Triple H just barely outlasted Umaga in that cage match a few weeks ago and he’s the WWE Champion. (B) MVP gives a brief promo, that he brags he will beat Jeff Hardy and take him out before his United States Championship Match with Shelton Benjamin at Cyber Sunday. (C) [COLOR=blue][b]Jeff Hardy vs. MVP[/COLOR][/B] The announcers hype up the three possibilities for Cyber Sunday. Best Two Out of Three Falls, I Quit Match, or a Ladder Match. It is evident that a Ladder Match would favor Jeff Hardy and a Two Out of Three Falls Match would favor Shelton Benjamin. As for an I-Quit Match, well it’s a toss up, giving how neither man is known for any really trademark submission moves. Hardy runs roughshod over MVP but a springboard clothesline misses and Hardy splatters his body on the floor. MVP throws him into the ring and beats down him. A vicious power bomb sets a nearfall and a seated abdominal stretch keeps the heat DDT for another close nearfall and the Drive By Kick is set up in the corner but missed and Hardy moves. Hardy runs up the other end and Whisper in the Wind is missed. MVP catches Hardy with an Oklahoma Side Roll for a close nearfall. Running knee to the head sets up an attempted power bomb but Hardy rolls into a sunset flip to score a nearfall. MVP boots Hardy in the face with the Drive By. Two and nine tenths count but Hardy was in the ropes. MVP beats down Hardy and puts him up for an attempted superplex but Hardy punches away. Shove off and MVP hits his head on the canvas, before Hardy connects with the Swanton Bomb. Three slaps of the mat later and the pin has been scored! [B]Winner: Jeff Hardy(w/the Swanton Bomb) Match Rating: B[/B] Here comes Shelton Benjamin at the bell right away and he kicks Hardy in the face with a spinning leg lariat. Shelton pounds away at Hardy and throws him into the ropes. Punch but Hardy dives underneath it and leaping dropkick sends Shelton to the floor. Jeff Hardy takes a running start but Shelton ducks before he shoves Jeff Hardy backfirst into the barricade. Shelton rolls Hardy into the ring before he pulls back the ring apron and pulls out a ladder, which is one of the choices for Cyber Sunday! Shelton has the ladder but Hardy dropkicks it into his face. Shelton falls back as the ladder, crushed underneath the weight of the ladder. Jeff Hardy scoops up Shelton Benjamin and rolls him into the ring. Hardy has the ladder and he is setting it up in the corner. The crowd is going bananas as Hardy climbs up to the top of the ladder, but Shelton wisely bails to boos. Whatever dastardly intentions that he had for Jeff Hardy and that ladder did not pan out as the United States Champion has walked up the ramp to fight another day. Hardy stands on the ladder and makes the belt motion around his weight. Jeff Hardy and Shelton Benjamin for the United States Title at Cyber Sunday. You can choose between a Best Two Out of Three Falls Match, an I Quit Match, or a Ladder Match! (C+) [COLOR=blue][B]Mickie James and Michelle McCool vs. Natalya and Beth Phoenix[/COLOR][/B] WWE Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix will square off against WWE Diva’s Champion Michelle McCool at Cyber Sunday, where you get to choose which championship belt will be on the line. A wild battle that ended with Beth Phoenix connecting with a fisherwoman buster on Mickie to score the pin as Natalya held Michelle McCool at bay with a choke. [B]Winners: Beth Phoenix and Natalya(w/ a fisherman buster) Match Rating: D-[/B] Edge is in the ring as Triple H comes out to announce Edge’s opponent for tonight. Triple H says he figured Edge wanted a big opponent to wrestle tonight and they don’t come much bigger than this. Out comes the Big Show and Edge’s eyes bug out in horror as the Big Show walks down to the ring and steps into the ring. (B) [COLOR=blue][B]Pick Your Poison: The Big Show vs. Edge[/COLOR][/B] Show beats down Edge for several minutes until Edge goes low and attacks the Big Show. Missile dropkick delivered but Show connects with a side walk slam and goes for a big punch but Edge avoids it. Edge is on the floor and goes for the ring bell but Show pulls it out of his hand before he launches Edge back into the ring with one hand. Edge dropkicks the middle rope as Show enters the ring to bye him some time before he begins to undo the corner pad, to expose the steel bolt. Show is in the ring and he boots Edge just after he turns around. Choke Slam is prepared but Edge manages to scissor the legs of the Big Show and trip him to send him headfirst into the steel. Show falls back and Edge quickly covers him to score the pin! Edge has taken advantage of an opportunity to barely squeeze out another win. And at Cyber Sunday, you can vote for what match Edge will challenge Triple H for the WWE Championship in. Will it be a Last Man Standing Match, a Streetfight, or a Steel Cage Match? The choice is yours. [B]Winner: Edge(after using the exposed metal buckle) Match Rating: B[/B] [COLOR=blue][B]Non Title Match: Scotty Goldman vs. Shelton Benjamin[/COLOR][/B] Shelton has a swollen lip after what happened out here early and it is not made any better by Goldman dropkicking him in the face. Goldman is really on fire tonight, wanting to make a name for himself at the expense the WWE United States Champion. A cross body out of the corner is ducked by Benjamin and a spin kick sets up the Paydirt for Shelton Benjamin to score the win leading into his United States Championship Match against Jeff Hardy. You can vote one for one of three spectacular gimmick matches. A Best Two Out of Three Falls Match, a I-Quit Match, or a Ladder Match! The choice is in your hands for eight days at Cyber Sunday! [B]Winner: Shelton Benjamin(w/the Paydirt) Match Rating: C+[/B] Triple H is in the ring as Edge comes out, saying that it was a nice try with the Big Show, but where size had failed in the past, Edge has decided to go with speed and natural ability to bring down Triple H. In fact, this man has yet to taste defeat since being drafted to Smackdown this past June. Triple H’s opponent is….THE BRIAN KENDRICK! (A) [COLOR=blue][B]Non Title Match: Triple H vs. The Brian Kendrick(w/Ezekiel Jackson)[/COLOR][/B] The game seems rather amused by this choice of opponent by Edge, that is until he was caught off balance by a couple of armdrags. Triple H quickly catches Kendrick with a clothesline and a high knee, but Ezekiel trips Triple H. Triple H goes after the big man and this leaps him open for a Kendrick tope. The tide has shifted, as Kendrick pounds away at Triple H on the floor, before he throws him shoulder first into the ring steps. Piper and Ross stress if he takes away the arm, he takes away the power game of Triple H. Kendrick goes after the arm as he enters the ring, with a vicious single arm DDT and a cross armbreaker but Triple H gets to the ropes. Kendrick pounds away at Triple H and goes for the Kendrick but Triple H hangs on. The Brian Kendrick hits the canvas and now Triple H favors his arm. High knee catches Kendrick on the face for a two count. Triple H pounds away at Kendrick and into the ropes. Elbow is ducked and Triple H catches Kendrick with the spinebuster as he comes off the ropes. Zeke is in the ring and Triple H pummels him before he drags the big man into the ring. Triple H clotheslines Zeke back out and he kicks Kendrick. Pedigree attempt but Kendrick blocks by scissoring his leg onto the middle rope. Triple H pounds away at Kendrick and goes for a clothesline but Kendrick ducks and the Game’s momentum takes him over the top rope. Triple H is on the floor and turns around, right into the Spear from Edge! Where did he come from? Kendrick has the referee distracted before he returns to a neutral corner. The ten count is put on and Triple H is unable to get to his feet. Kendrick wins this match via countout! [B]Winner by Countout: The Brian Kendrick Match Rating: B-[/B] Kendrick jumps up and down in excitement for this countout victory, as if he had just won the WWE Championship in the main event at Wrestlemania in a hard fought match. Ezekiel and Kendrick leave as the announcers are quick to point out that Spear put down Triple H for ten seconds, which would be very handy for Edge come Cyber Sunday if the Last Man Standing Match is voted in. Edge rolls Triple H back into the ring and Edge has a steel chair. This is not good for Triple H who is still winded after the spear. Triple H turns into a vicious chair shot that echoed throughout the building. Edge walks over and grabs the chair, before he folds it over the arm of Triple H, the same one that Kendrick had worked over the entire match. Edge climbs to the second rope and leaps off. [B]Kneedrops the chair so it snaps shut on the arm of Triple H![/B] A loud snap is heard and Edge may have just broken the arm of Triple H. He just Pillmanized that arm with the steel chair. Triple H has been left laying. What kind of condition will he be in eight days come Cyber Sunday when he faces Edge for the WWE Championship? Remember, you can vote for a Last Man Standing Match, a Streetfight, or a Steel Cage Match. Smackdown fades to black, with Triple H in pain as he’s yelling that “this son of a bitch broke my arm!” (A) [B]Show Rating: B-[/B] [COLOR=red][B]Monday Night Raw Line Up[/COLOR][/B] John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho CM Punk vs. Lance Cade(non title match) World Tag Team Title Match: Val Venis and Santino Marella vs. Priceless© John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Kane Kofi Kingston vs. Goldust Michelle McCool vs. Katie Lea Cherry vs. Beth Phoenix. (And your reminder, vote Cyber Sunday at the following link: [URL="http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/681055531.html"]http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/681055531.html[/URL]
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