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SWF: Holding The Throne

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[I]Excerpt from "Tales Of The Book: The Guy Who You Had No Idea Existed" By Colton "Risk" Desmond (Pg 62-64)[/I] [QUOTE] So, it was after that whole election fiasco that Richard Eisen decided to give me complete creative control and Eric [Eisen] was taken off the booking team. It was sad to see someone like [Sam] Keith take the fall, especially since he and I were the dynamic duo in the creative staff. I was handed head booking power later that year. So that brings us to 2008, where I made it my main goal to crush TCW. Jack Bruce was still our main champion and I knew it'd stay that way for a while. I made a program involving Emma Chase and Brandon James forming a group with Rich Money and his bodyguard Remo. It worked better than I expected. Each member month, a different member fought Bruce for the title and lost. That was our main storyline and the fans ate it up. In order to develop new talent, we took the North American title off of Rich Money and I gave it to Vailant, who I must say is just an amazing talent. Also, a kid who no one ever really heard of, Jason Creed, who was known back then as Jason Bloom. We found him working in New York. Actually, Derek Bradford found him and gave us the tip. In late 2007 we signed him to a contract and he kind of floated around for a little while in the midcard. This is actually a pretty funny story. He kind of blew up after a feud with Federique Antonio Garcia. It was strange and just convinced me that sometimes, the best things happen when they're not planned. There was one day where his watch was an hour late and didn't know it. Fortunately for him, his segment that day wasn't until an hour, so he literally walked in Levi jeans and a button down denim shirt. We had no idea where he was so we set up the camera and Federique Garcia near the door hoping he'd walk in. He did. Now just a little background real quick. Jason used to smoke, but when he joined us we told him he'd have to stop, so he switched to dip, smokeless tobacco which was fine with SWF. He happened to be dipping while he walked in and at first he just stared at the camera. Garcia covered well, and started talking in character. Jason hadn't gotten his lines so he completely improvised with a dip in his mouth and pretty much just said what he would say if he was in that situation. Garcia said something about Jason's girlfriend who was at the show the week before and gave Jason the sign (which changes every month so don't try to go back to old promos to find it) to attack him. The only things in Jason's hands was his car keys and his water bottle that he used to spit. So he attacked Garcia with the bottle. And for some reason... the fans loved it. So, obviously we played up on that, even giving him the related catchphrase (Which Skoal let us use as long as Jason dipped that exclusively on TV, which was fine by him). Anyway, that's just a funny little anecdote I remember. But yes, after that we put him in a program with Joe Sexy which the crowd loved too. Anyway, Randy and Zimmy Cruise were still tag team champs and Gino Montero was holding the shooting star championship which I was seriously considering doing away with. This leads us to April, right after "The World Is Watching"...[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]Supreme Wrestling Federation Presents: Supreme TV[/SIZE][/B] Week 2 [SIZE="4"][B]Episode 1[/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]"Forming The Band"[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] Peter Michaels: Welcome to the first Supreme TV, just one week after The World Is Watching, and we’re proud to announce that the Pay Per View buy rate was the biggest in SWF history. We netted an 8.35. To put that in perspective, our competition averages about a 1.7 buy rate. Ana Garcia: That’s more than quadruple! PM: It is, and not without good reason. Jack Bruce retained his title in a hard fought match against Remo, and in probably the upset of the night, relative newcomer Jason Bloom defeated Joe Sexy. AG: They shook hands afterwards too! PM: Very out of character for the normally self-concerned Joe Sexy. Anyway, we’re sure to have a great show for all of you tonight. --------- [B]Jack Bruce’s music hits (Wicked Game by H.I.M.) and he comes down to an extremely loud pop. He’s wearing his signature purple silk one piece and has the World title draped over his shoulder. He climbs into the ring and soaks up the cheers. He holds up his hand and the crowd simmers down.[/B] Jack Bruce: HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO WISCONSIIIIIIIIN!!!!!!!! [B]The crowd erupts into cheers[/B] JB: ARE YOU REEEEEEADY TO ROOOOOOCK!?!?!??!? [B]The crowd eats up the falsetto voice he uses to open up every one of his segments.[/B] JB: Had anyone asked me if I thought I’d have done it four months ago, I would’ve said “no way”. But four months have come and passed, and the God Of Rock World Tour is still rolling! [B]The crowd cheers[/B] JB: Who’s left? I’ve defeated each and every member of their so called, “Big Money” and I haven’t seen anything that pitiful since Painful Procedure. [B]The crowd pops at the obvious TCW put down[/B] JB: I defeated Rich Money. I pinned Brandon James. I laid to rest “Mr. Can’t Miss” Marc DuBois. I even took down the hulking Remo. There is nobody who can rock with the God himself! [B]Just then, the music of “Big Money” (Got Money by Lil’ Wayne”) hits and the crowd viciously boos. Out from the ramp come Emma Chase in front, flanked by Rich Money, Marc DuBois and Brandon James.[/B] Emma Chase: You haven’t proved anything. If there’s anything I learned from the world of money, it’s that Corporations always have the last word. Small businesses will always be run into the ground. Therefore, I have come up with an idea and our good Director of Affairs himself, Duane Fry has cleared this idea. At Master of Puppets next month, it will be a 4 on 4 cage match between team Big Money and whatever group of pensionless, check bouncing, tax evaders you can come up with. JB: Let’s do it! EC: Wait, I wasn’t done. You have to find your partner within the next hour. Unfortunately, Remo needs to nurse his neck after last week, so he can’t be with us, but tonight you and whoever your partner will be are going to fight “Big Money” Brandon James and Rich Money. Big and Rich! Peter Michaels: That sounds oddly familiar… [B]Jack Bruce nods and starts bouncing up and down. Brandon James and Rich Money look hungry as “Got Money” hits and the camera fades to commercial.[/B] [B]Rating: A* [/B] ~Commercial~ [B]Runaway Train def. Greg Rayne[/B] [I]This match was a squash and a half. Greg Rayne was out there to do nothing more than to make Train look dangerous. And he did just that, so a job well done.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] --------- [B]Jason Bloom is backstage in the locker room dressed in his ring attire, blue tights and his new t-shirt, black with a graphic of a big skoal tin, but instead of saying “Skoal” it says “Bloom” across it and right under it in gold letters is the phrase “A Pinch Better”. Jack Bruce walks in, to much fanfare and Jason turns to face him.[/B] Jack Bruce: Jason Bloom. Jason Bloom: How are you Jack? Bruce: I’ve been better. I just wanted to drop by and congratulate you on your big victory last week against Joe Sexy. Bloom: Thanks champ. That means a lot coming from you. Bruce: Yeah, well, I also wanted to invite you to go on the God Of Rock tour with me an- Bloom: Whoa, what? Bruce: The God Of Ro- Bloom: I aint no rock star Bruce. Bruce: No, I mean… [B]Bruce looks like the wheels in his head are turning, but nobody’s home[/B] Bloom: Listen, I’d love to sit and chat, hopefully we can later tonight, but I have a match right now. [B]He extends his hand. Bruce shakes it[/B] Bloom: I’ll see you a little later. [B]He leaves the room, leaving Bruce a tad flustered.[/B] Peter Michaels: I’m starting to wonder if Bruce will ever find a partner by the end of the night! [B]Rating: B+[/B] ---------- [B]Jason Bloom def. Big Smack Scott[/B] [I]BSS put on a horrible performance and it did help that the crowd absolutely booed the hell out of him. He botched a few moves and spots, but Bloom covered them pretty well. The worst though was what stood out when Scott completely no sold a flying dropkick to his back. Bloom covered it by working extremely stiff the rest of the night, giving Scott a black eye.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] ~Commercial~ [B]The show comes back from commercials with Jack Bruce looking like a very happy man on a mission, suddenly he stops and looks eye to eye with Rich Money who is sipping wine out of a very expensive looking glass. Rich smiles.[/B] Rich Money: Awww… Brucie, Brucie, Brucie. What’s the matter? You were all smiles a few seconds before. What happened? Did the bank finally foreclose on your tour bus- err… I mean home? [B]Cheap heat[/B] Jack Bruce: Hey, pennybags, get out of my way. [B]Rich shrugs and walks away. Jack shakes his head and heads down the hall. He opens the door and walks in. A few seconds later, he burst out, running in the same direction Rich Money was going. The camera goes into the room and reveals the battered, motionless body of Enygma.[/B] [B]Rating: A[/B] --------- [B]Christian Faith def. Joe Sexy by DQ via Interference[/B] [I]A good match that started off slow but picked up pretty quickly. Christian was for the most part in control, but Joe Sexy started building up offense. Christian soon put a halt to that and was playing to the crowd when Eric Eisen ran in and springboarded a kick to Faith's head. The ref rang the bell for the DQ and Eric ran away before Faith could stand.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] ------- [B]Jack Bruce is back stage in his ring attire, pacing around with a pensive look that seems out of place He seems to be muttering to himself as Dharma Gregg runs up to him with the mic.[/B] Dharma Gregg: Mr. Bruce! Mr. Bruce! [B]Jack turns around.[/B] Jack Bruce: Sorry sweet cheeks. I’m not signing autographs right now. DG: Everybody’s wondering who your tag team partner is! Your match is next! JB: I know that. Which is why I’m going to reveal my pick. Next. [B]Jack looks at the camera and smiles.[/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] ~Commercials~ [B]Jack Bruce is standing in the middle of ring just as the cheers for him are dying down.[/B] Jack Bruce: My tag team partner for tonight is a man who I have great respect for. He rose up from nothing and is now worthy to go on the God Of Rock World Tour with the God of Rock himself. My tag team partner and my first pick of Team Bruce… ….. …. …. (falsetto voice) VAAAAAAAALIEEEEEENT! [B]Valiant walks down to the ring with much fan fare. When he enters the ring, Bruce and him shake hands.[/B] [B]Rating: A[/B] -------- [B]Brandon James & Rich Money def. Jack Bruce & Valiant[/B] [I]A great Main Event tag team match. Both teams worked fluidly enough and there were no glaring errors. At a certain point, Brandon James messed up a Irish whip reversal but he sold it as a shoulder block when he bounced off the ropes, so kudos to him. While the ref wasn't looking, Marc DuBois quickly ran down and laid out Valiant, allowing Brandon James to get the pin.[/I] Rating: B+ -------- [B]After the match, Rich Money takes Jack Bruce, who is at ring side and begins slamming his head into the announcers table. Brandon James pushes the referee away and clotheslines Valiant out of the ring.[/B] Peter Michaels: Big Money is trying to send a message here tonight. Ana Garcia: This is so uncalled for. PM: Somebody come out here to help them! [B]Big Money continues the beatdown, trying not to go too over the top, but enough to show that they have dominance. Then the lights go out.[/B] PM: What the hell is this! What’s happening? [B]The Titantron flickers to life and shows static. James and Rich Money stop their attack and look up. There is still static and the sound of it fills the arena. What looks like maps start to flicker on and a man speaking is just barely inaudible. The flickers between static and the maps which clearly shows the United States grow faster and faster. Then they completely cut out and the lights go back on. James and Rich Money just look at each other confused.[/B] PM: What the hell… Rating: A [B][SIZE="5"] ~End Show~ [/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [B]Show Rating: B+[/B]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]SWF TV Preview[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] - Jack Bruce still continues his hunt for two more wrestlers to be on his team. Will he be able to find any to join his "God Of Rock Tour"? - Jason Bloom recently, seemingly blew off Jack Bruce. Is this the beginning of tension between the two? - In a press statement by Emma Chase, Big money wants to have a meeting with Jason Bloom. - Eric Eisen has requested a match with Christian Faith, but the legend has not accepted due to him retiring. Christian HAS said that Eisen can face his protoge, who will be revealed next week. - The mystery of the strange video played after last week's Main Event is the subject of much debate. Director of Affairs Duane Fry refused to comment. Quick Picks Runaway Train vs. Federique Antonio Garcia Cruise Control vs. The Samoan Wildboyz Eric Eisen vs. Christian Faith's Protoge Jack Bruce vs. Marc DuBois (Non Title) Bonus! If by the PPV, you can guess who the mystery superstar is (more clues will be revealed through the shows), you ge a little interactive prize. I.E. you can choose who will get a nice little push. You can change your choice at anytime, but only your last guess will count.
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I like it, very sports entertainment-y. Way to use Jack Bruce's charisma and overness to carry the show. I have a couple questions though: when did Christian Faith retire? The guy's practically the Undertaker of SWF; he's been around forever, he's a multi-time champion future hall of famer. But even though he wrestled on your first show, he's suddenly retired? I know wrestling retirements are never permanent, but doesn't something that huge deserve to be made on the air, not on a web-site preview? Also, where's Vengeance? I know he's not the most talented guy on the planet but he starts the game as the top heel with huge momentum; shouldn't he at least be mentioned? Is he injured or something?
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Thanks for all the comments guys. It's greatly appreciated. I have the next show written already, I just need to format it, but I'm trying to get a couple of others written up so I could have a little buffer zone. [QUOTE=lazorbeak;490633]I like it, very sports entertainment-y. Way to use Jack Bruce's charisma and overness to carry the show. I have a couple questions though: when did Christian Faith retire? The guy's practically the Undertaker of SWF; he's been around forever, he's a multi-time champion future hall of famer. But even though he wrestled on your first show, he's suddenly retired? I know wrestling retirements are never permanent, but doesn't something that huge deserve to be made on the air, not on a web-site preview? Also, where's Vengeance? I know he's not the most talented guy on the planet but he starts the game as the top heel with huge momentum; shouldn't he at least be mentioned? Is he injured or something?[/QUOTE] Yeah, Bruce is great. You have to remember,this is starting in April of 2008, so four months have passed. We actually had a nice little going away edition of SWF TV. It was cute :D As for Vengeance, he just got finished with a program so I'm letting him rest a bit. Also, Big Money's overness is all in the A's, their stable momentum is B+ and their individual momentum is really high. As with Valiant and Jason Bloom. Oh, and I feel I should make one thing clear, Jason Bloom is Jack Avatar (with a different pic, but I started him with E+ overness). The back story is that SWF scouted him and signed him up. I hope no one objects as I know some "purists" don't like created type characters, but I like writing for him... so yeah... but don''t worry, I like pushing the original C-Verse guys. The next show will be up in a few hours! If you want to predict feel free, I'm really interested in who you think the mystery superstar is. I like to hear who people feel would fit in with SWF.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]Supreme Wrestling Federation Presents: Supreme TV[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Episode 2 [COLOR="Red"]"Untainted"[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] Peter Michaels: Welcome to Supreme TV. We’re here in Walla Walla, Washington, getting ready for another great night of wrestling. Our main event will be Jack Bruce against Marc DuBois, and even though it’s non-title, an upset victory for the “can’t Miss Prospect” would force Duane Fry to take notice. Ana Garcia: It would! I can’t wait! PM: I’m sure you can’t, but first it will be- [B]”Got Money” by Lil’ Wayne hits and the entire Big Money stable except for Remo takes to the ring, dressed in their nicest suits.[/B] PM: I guess Big Money has something they want to say. [B]The crowd continues their boos as Emma Chase takes a mic.[/B] Emma Chase: You know what your problems are? Your all just jealous that later tonight, when you go home to your little trailers and work your dead end jobs at the lumber mill, Big Money will be sitting on stacks of cash in our mansions. [B]The crowd really gets on their case.[/B] EC: We come out here, day in and day out to show all of you a little glimpse of sophistication. [B]The crowd gets loude and Emma just shakes her head.[/B] EC: Tonight, “Can’t Miss” himself, Marc DuBois will be taking on that coked up Motley Crue wanna be Jack Bruce. [B]The crowd cheers, hearing Bruce’s name.[/B] EC: First though, there is some business that Big Money needs to take care of. Jason Bloom! Please come out here. [B]”Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy” by Big & Rich plays and Jason Bloom walks out to the ramp. He gets a mixed reaction form the crowd, who really aren’t too sure what to expect. He walks down to the ring, occasionally spitting into an Arizona Iced Tea jug which is halfway full of presumably dip spit. He enters the ring and stands toe to toe with Emma.[/B] Peter Michaels: That’s right, they wanted to speak to Jason Bloom. Jason recently blew Jack Bruce off, this could be bad news for the self proclaimed God of Rock. EC: Mr. Bloom. We have consulted for the past couple of weeks about you. I must admit, we were on the fence about you, but your win against Joe Sexy convinced. We would like to offer you a place in Big Money. [B]Jason Bloom rubs his chin and looks out to the crowd, who are now booing him.[/B] EC: You’ll live our lifestyle, travel first class, jet set around the world, eat the finest foods and most importantly have the big money. [B]Jason smiles and leans against the ropes.[/B] EC: You’ll even be able to afford the finest, tailor made clothes. I mean look at you. Jeans and a flannel shirt? You’ll be able to dress in the hottest styles. Let me ask you something Mr. Bloom.. What kind of car do you drive? [B]A roadie hands Jason a mic.[/B] Bloom: A Ford F-150. EC: How would you like a Rolls Royce? No… how about two? [B]Jason smiles wider and laughs.[/B] EC: Sounds good, right? [B]Jason looks around at the crowd who are now actively booing him. A chant of “You sold out” starts and Rich Money yells at them to shut up. Jason rubs his chin again.[/B] EC: So what do you say? [B]Jason puts his spit jug down, wipes his hands on his jeans and walks to Emma and takes her by the hand.[/B] Bloom: There’s something I’ve always wanted to do, but I’ve been too scared. For the year I’ve been here… I don’t know. It’s something I need to do, and right now seems like the perfect time. [B]Emma beams and looks around. Marc DuBois and Brandon James are smiling and nodding. Rich Money is just kind of standing there. Emma looks at Jason and they lock eyes. She smiles.[/B] EC: Well, you’d better spit that out before you do anything. [B]Jason nods[/B] Bloom: You’re absolutely right…. [B]He squeezes her hand, and spits the dip right in her face! She goes down screaming and trying to wipe her eyes. The crowd erupts into cheers. Jason roundhouse kicks Rich Money and clotheslines Brandon James. Bloom ducks a punch from Marc DuBois and kicks him in the gut. He hits the Smokeout (an Inverted Fallaway Neckbreaker).[/B] Peter Michaels: Bah gawd! [B]Emma is still on the ground and Bloom just rolls her out of the ring. Bloom walks over and picks up his spit jug. He strides over to the fallen Marc DuBois as the crowd goes wild. He unscrews the cap and holds the jug aloft before finally pouring out the contents all over DuBois.[/B] PM: THAT JUST HAPPENED! BAH GAWD! Ana Garcia: Ewww…. [B]Jason slides out of the ring and grabs a chair. Brandon James and Rich Money use this time to pull DuBois out of the ring. When they see the chair, they jump out of the ring. Bloom slides back in and grabs his mic.[/B] Bloom: What? Did you think I was going to kiss her? [B]The crowd cheers.[/B] Bloom: And if Remo was here, I’d take him on too! [B]The crowd pops.[/B] Bloom: I’m sick of you coked up yuppies trying to push your way through this company and throwing money at your problems. I’m sick of it, and I’m going to put a stop to it! [B]The crowd cheers. Rich Money takes Emma’s mic as she wipes her eyes with Brandon James’ jacket.[/B] Rich Money: Yeah? You think you’re in the big time. A kid from the sticks doesn’t have what t takes. So Bloomy, here you go, you get your wish. Remo’s coming back tonight! And when he gets here, how about you two go against each other, huh? [B]Bloom noticely hesitates for a moment.[/B] Bloom: Fine. Tonight, you’ll learn why Jason Bloom... (catchphrase) is a pinch better. [B]He drops the mic as the camera fades to the first commercial break.[/B] [B]Ratings: A and B+[/B] ~Commercial~ Peter Michaels: We’re back, and if you’re just joining us, you missed a lot. Tonight, Remo is going to be fighting Jason Bloom and Duane Fry has just approved it. [B]Runaway Train def. Federique Antonio Garcia[/B] [I]Yet another squash, but we let Garcia mount some sort of offense before getting pounded back into the mat.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] ---------- [B]Jack Bruce is sitting in his locker room when Jason Bloom walks in. Jack looks up and stands to greet him.[/B] Jack Bruce: Hey Jason! What the hell was that? What’s going on? Jason Bloom: Next month, at Master of Puppets, you can expect to see the dip spittin’, denim wearin’ kid to be fighting alongside you. [B]Jack smiles and they shake hands.[/B] Peter Michaels: Well, The God Of Rock World Tour seems to be growing. He needs only needs one more. [B]Rating: B+[/B] ---------- [B]Cruise Control is seen walking backstage ready for their next match. All the girls in the arena scream.[/B] [B]Rating: C-[/B] ~Commercials~ [B]Cruise Control def. The Samoan Wildboyz[/B] [I]Not too good, but the crowd really got behind Randy when Zimmy made the hot tag to him and he cleaned house.[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] ---------- [B]Eric Eisen def. Lobster Warrior w/ Christian Faith[/B] [I]Lobster Warrior was revealed as Christian Faith’s protégé and the crowd seemed to like it. Eric and Warrior looked really good out there putting on a great match. It ended when Eric baseball slid into Faith and rolled Warrior up, using the ropes for leverage, stealing the win.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] ----------- [B]Jack Bruce walks out to quite the amount of fanfare. He's flanked by Valiant.[/B] Jack Bruce: (falsetto) The GOOOOOOOOOODS OF ROOOOOOOOOCK ARE HERE! [B]The crowd cheers.[/B] JB: First, I gotta say, what Jason Bloom did earlier today was MEEEEEETAAAALLL!!!!! It was the very epitome of ROOOOOOCK! And thats why I'm letting him on the tour! [B]The crowd pops.[/B] JB: Now, I need to choose one more person for my God Of Rock World Tour! I know exactly who that person is! [B]Valiant walks up to him and whispers something in his ear. Jack's face changes from a smile to serious.[/B] Peter Michaels: I think Bruce was talking about Enygma, but he's still in intensive care after that attack he suffered last week. JB: It's OK. The Gods of Rock will aid me in making my last choice! And that choice will be made.... hopefully before the Pay Per View. [B]He said that last part really fast, so the crowd didn't really here it and just kept cheering as the walked out.[/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] -------------- [B]Jason Bloom def. Remo via DQ[/B] [I]This wasn’t even really a match. More like Bloom walks out and on his way to the ring, Remo jumped out and beat the hell out of him. The ref immediately DQ’d Remo but Remo continued the attack. Something else I learned… they looked like a horrible pairing out there, gotta remember that.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] ~Commercial~ [B]The camera shows EMT’s loading up Jason Bloom’s body into the back of an ambulance and then speeding off. Rating: B+[/B] ------------ [B]Rich Money is sitting with Marc DuBois as he preps for his match next.[/B] Rich Money: Don’t worry about it. You’re the “Can’t Miss Prospect”, you can’t lose, you wont lose. There’s no way. We’re rich. Look at my name! We always get what we want. Look at what happened to Bloom. So don’t stress. Oh, but hey… you smell like you need a shower. I wont lie. Marc DuBois: … thanks… I know… [B]Rating: B+[/B] ----------- [B]Jack Bruce def. Marc DuBois[/B] [I]Match of the night. Excellent showing, real Pay Per View quality. That’s something you don’t get over at TCW. Both men did great. The end came when Emma ran in with a chair, but she accidentally hit DuBois instead. The ref didn’t see it and a New York Minute later, Bruce scored the pinfall.[/I] [B]Rating: A[/B] ------------ [B]Emma drops the chair after her mistake and runs over to the fallen DuBois after the pinfall. Rich Money runs in and grabs the chair. He starts beating Bruce with it, taking out his frustration. [/B] [B]The lights go out.[/B] Peter Michaels: Not again! [B]The Titantron flickers to life, showing mostly the same graphics as before wit a few new ones added in. One of what looks like a more regional map with green blobs scattered over it. This time, the voice can be heard more clearly.[/B] Voice: …………… big one…………… it looks li-………….warning………th-……….. [B]The Titantron flickers off and the lights turn back on. Rich looks over to Emma who looks as confused as he is. Rating: A*[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]~End Show~[/SIZE][/B] [B]Show Rating: B+[/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE="6"][B]SWF TV Preview[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] - Jason Bloom stood up to the entire Big Monet stable, but paid dearly for it later. Remo is now asking for a chance at the World title before Master of Puppets. - Jack Bruce has stated that Enygma was indeed his last choice, but Enygma is currently being kept at Brook Borough Medical Center with a severe concussion. - Christian Faith demands a rematch for Lobster Warrior against Eric Eisen. - Officials are looking into how the strange videos are being played. They have confirmed that the signal is coming from somewhere in the North America. Quick Picks Enforcer Roberts vs. Angry Gilmore Eric Eisen vs. Lobster Warrior Valiant vs. Runaway Train Bonus! Who's the mystery superstar?
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Enforcer Roberts vs. [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] [I]I adore Roberts for soem reason, but c'mon...this is ANGRY GILMORE we're talking about here[/I] Eric Eisen vs. [B]Lobster Warrior[/B] [I]My instict says Eisen, but the Warrior needs to get one up to keep the feud strong, so I'll go with a DQ finish[/I] Valiant vs. [B]Runaway Train[/B] [I]After interference from Big Money[/I] As for the mystery star...I've got no idea. Sound like someone storm related, but I can't think of anyone off hand
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]Supreme Wrestling Federation Presents: Supreme TV[/SIZE][/B] May, Week 1, 2008 [SIZE="4"][B]Episode 2 [COLOR="Red"]"One More To Go"[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] Peter Michaels: Once again, welcome to Supreme TV! I’m Peter Michaels and I’m here as always, with Ana Garcia. Ana Garcia: HI! PM: Yes… and with Master of Puppets heating up, the next two week are sure to be huge. [B]A video plays, showing clips from the past two weeks of Jack Bruce meeting with Valiant, finding Enygma beat up and then of him and Jason Bloom shaking hands.[/B] [B]Rating: A[/B] -------- [B]Jack Bruce is standing outside the arena apparently looking for somebody. He checks his watch. From around the corner comes Valiant, wearing his North American Title over his shoulders.[/B] Valiant: Hey Jack. Jack Bruce: Oh, hey. Valiant: Did you give any thought to who might be your final pick for Master Of Puppets? I know you wanted Enygma, but quite frankly, I don’t think he’ll be out of ICU anytime soon. Jack Bruce: Yeah, I did. I spoke to Robbie Retro and Steve Frehley but both turned me down. It looks like the God Of Rock World Tour ’08 wont even get off the ground. Valiant: No, there’s got to be someone willing to stand up to those trust fund brats. Wait… what are you doing out here anyway? Jack Bruce: I got a letter slipped under my locker room door telling me to come out here, but I’ve been standing out here for ten minutes and no one’s approached me. Valiant: C’mon Jack, let’s get you inside. [B]Jack nods and the two walk inside. As the camera pans out it reveals that the words “[COLOR="Red"]STORM WARNING[/COLOR]” are spray painted on the side of the arena wall.[/B] [B]Rating: B+[/B] ---------- [B]Angry Gilmore def. Enforcer Roberts[/B] This should have been a really good match, but they didn't seem to comfortable in the ring. I mst say though, they both worked hard, so I just blame it on magical chemistry. The fall came when Roberts thought he was winning and took it a little easier and Gilmore hit the Anger Management seemingly out of no where. [B]Rating: C[/B] ------------ [B]After the match Enforcer Roberts looks like his soul has been broken. He stays on his knees in the ring looking down, ashamed of himself. Duane Fry quietly walks to the ring, and climbs in. He squats down in the ring and says something to Roberts. Roberts looks at him and Duane takes him by the hand and helps him up. The two walk to the back.[/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] ~Commercials~ [B]Christian Faith is backstage with Lobster Warrior, who is preparing for his upcoming match.[/B] Christian Faith: I won’t be able to accompany you to the ring. Fry wants me to finalize some paper work about my retirement. So you’ll have to go it alone. Don’t worry, I know you’re ten times better in the ring than Eisen. You’ll be fine. Just remember what I told you. Always give it your all. The match isn’t over until you hear the bell. [B]Lobster Warrior thanks Faith and stands, ready for his match.[/B] Rating: B+ ------------ [B]Eric Eisen def. Lobster Warrior via cheating[/B] [I]Both guys looked great out there and Lobster Warrior did his job very well. Throughout the match, they exchanged offense and moved really fluidly. Eric lowblowed Lobster Warrior once, then twice, then three times, but Lobster Warrior kept getting up, albeit, in pain. The ref never saw them, but this prompted a "Balls Of Steel" chant from the crowd which never died down for the rest of the match. Finally, the match ended with Eric rolling Warrior up with a handful of tights.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] --------- [B]After getting the win, Eric pushes the ref to the mat and grabs a chair from ring side. He slides in and as Warrior is getting up, he nails him in the face. From the back Christian Faith runs down and throws a pen at Eisen. Eric starts to laugh but then starts running after he sees Faith grab the ring bell. Faith kneels over his fallen comrade and looks livid. Rating: B+[/B] ~Commercials~ [B]Backstage, Emma is seen walking out of Runaway Train’s locker room with a huge smile on her face. Rating: B+[/B] ------------ [B]Valiant def. Runaway Train[/B] [I]The first thing that should've tipped fans off that something was up was that Runaway Train came down without The Guru. Anyway, this was a solid match, playing up on the size difference between the two. No botched moves, but after the match, Valiant was talking about how Train moved too slow and he would've liked a faster paced match. Remo ran into the ring and hit the Lumbar Puncture and then ran into the crowd. What he didn't realize was that Valiant had moved and that he had actually hit Runaway Train. This left Train open for the V-Split and Valiant put him away.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] ------------ [B]After the match, Remo realizes his mistake and rushes from the crowd back to the ring, but he’s taken out with a crutch to the neck! Jason Bloom hobbles from the crowd and yells into his unconscious face as the crowd literally jumps on him with joy. The rest of the Big Money stable try to run from the back but the ramp is hit with what looks like lightning. The lights flicker in and out as the Titantron comes to life showing static. The sounds of howling wind echoes through the arena.[/B] Voice: …….-king….. -ws……. Storm warning in eff-……….. Florida……. –peat…….. warning……. –rida area……… Peter Michaels: Storm warning? In Florida? That’s where next week’s Supreme TV is! [B]The Titantron flickers off and the lights go back to normal, with everyone frozen in the arena trying to make sense of it all. Rating: A[/B] [B][SIZE="5"]~End Show~[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [B]Show Rating: B[/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="6"][B]SWF Supreme TV Preview[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] - The fate of Enforcer Roberts remains uncertain. He hasn't been heard from or seen ever since disappearing with Duane Fry. - Speaking of Duane Fry, the Director of Affairs has announced a tournament for the North American Title. It will begin this week on Supreme TV and a number 1 contender will be crowned at Master Of Puppets. The winner will then be eligible to fight Valiant for the title at any time, as long as they give 24 hours notice. - Time is running out for Jack Bruce to find another partner. Potential pick Enygma has been sidelined after a brutal attack, presumably by Big Money. - Jason Bloom has made a solid and full recovery from his strained ankle and will be in action on Supreme TV. - All clues lead to the mystery superstar being unveiled at next week's Supreme TV. Who can it be? Quick Picks NA Title Tourny: Mr. Anderson (Human Arsenal) vs. Groucho Bling NA Title Tourny: Bart Biggz vs. Big Smack Scott NA Title Tourny: Steven Parker vs. Jack Giedroyc NA Title Tourny: Angry Gilmore vs. Federique Antonio Garcia Jack Bruce & Jason Bloom vs. Remo & Marc DuBois Bonus! Who's the mystery superstar? Last chance to get picks in!
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Ah...Gilmore and Roberts had awful chemistry on my game as well, which was damn annoying as it went 20 minutes and it was Gilmore's return match with Roberts turning face at the end xD Enjoying this so far...are Bloom and Valiant now sporting a trace of...rock-ness...in their gimmicks? Cause I like Valiant's push but prefer him as a completely clean cut hero when I use him early on. Eisen/Lobby getting a B is pretty solid, and the pen shall be the greatest weapon ever seen in a wrestling ring! Seriously though, that came across a little weird, most underwhelming way to clean house possible. It'd make more sense in a contract signing seg in the ring, just coming out with a pen as an...equaliser...isn't right imo :p Anyway NA Title Tourny: Mr. Anderson (Human Arsenal) vs. [B]Groucho Bling[/B] NA Title Tourny: [B]Bart Biggz [/B]vs. Big Smack Scott NA Title Tourny: Steven Parker vs. [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] NA Title Tourny: Angry Gilmore vs. [B]Federique Antonio Garcia[/B] (Gilmore should move up a level) [B]Jack Bruce & Jason Bloom[/B] vs. Remo & Marc DuBois - The storm guy helping them seems probable. As for who he is I don't have a clue, not too familiar with the c'verse outside of SWF (so unless it's Greg Rayne I won't know :D)
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[I]Excerpt from "Tales Of The Book: The Guy Who You Had No Idea Existed" By Colton "Risk" Desmond (Pg 91)[/I] [QUOTE]The crowds were hot, the air was warm and the money was green. We were routinely kicking TCW's "bollocks" as Cornell would say. The 4 on 4 feud was hot, everybody wanted to know who the masked superstar was and the North American Tournament was looking to shape up nicely. As for the 4 on 4 match, I knew one thing for sure, it would either be really really good, or really really bad. And as for the mystery superstar... no one was ready for him...[/QUOTE]
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Just read through this, was very impressed. Like where you are heading with the 4vs4 match up. Eisen vs Faith should be good, the owner's son vs one of the figureheads of the company. As for the mystery star, I'm going to say Jack Giedroyc.It'll be good to see who it is though. Good work
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  • 4 weeks later...
Haha, yeah, nfortunately this is dead, didn't have time after realizing "Oh man, I gotta make up a lot of university work!". Since midterms are over, I have a lot of time on my hands so check out my new diary "PSW: F*** The B*******, Let's Bring Back Real F****** Wrestling". The link is here: [url][/url] As for the mystery partner, it was Troy Tornado, debuting under the name "Storm Warning".
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