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The Revenge of Eric Eisen

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j17/TomTheTurtle/WCWE.jpg[/IMG] In November 2007, Eric Eisen suffered a career-ending injury during a brutal 'match' against Runaway Train. The match, which has gone down in history as one of the most brutal matches ever, was setup by SWF owner Richard Eisen to 'punish' his son after he refused to join forces with Runaway Train and himself. To begin with, the whole thing was thought to be kayfabe but it was later discovered that there had been a lot of tension between Eric and his father for months before the match happened and that Richard Eisen instructed Runaway Train to be as stiff as possible with his son in order to teach him a lesson. What actually happened was horrendous. Towards the end of their match, Train delivered a vicious powerbomb through a table to Eisen, which as good as knocked Eisen out after he landed awkwardly on his neck. The referee called for the bell and tried to end the match via TKO but Train ignored him and instead threw him out of the ring. Again, this was all thought to be part of the story but it was later revealed that this was not the case and the beating Eric Eisen received was by order of his father. Runaway Train began assaulting an already unconscious Eisen with punches to the face and kicks to the ribs, leaving him a bloody, motionless mess. Just as it looked like Train was going to stop the attack he left the ring and returned with a steel chair. He proceeded to jam Eisen left knee in the chair and again left the ring. He tossed a set of steel steps into the ring. What happened next was an act of sheer madness. Train lifted the steel steps over his head and slammed them down onto the chair, and in turn onto Eisen's left knee. Eventually, realizing this was not meant to be part of the show, a number of wrestlers and road agents rushed to the ring. Before they even got there Train was already making his exit through the crowd. Eric Eisen's left knee was operated on the very next day and although it was confirmed his surgery was a success, he was advised that he would never be able wrestle again and that doing so could cause further, irreparable damage to his knee. In an anonymous interview, a member of SWF's production team revealed that the whole crew were under strict instruction not to cut the broadcast at any time, no matter what happened, and they didn't. The whole attack was aired live to viewers across the land, who, until recently were put under the impression that the whole thing was nothing but a work. Having found this out, it was thought that a lot of fans would turn their back on the SWF but they never and their popularity peaked for a short while before leveling back out. To this day, nobody knows the reason why Richard Eisen ordered such a savage attack be carried out on his son as neither he or Eric have spoke publicly about the extreme tensions or events that led to the attack but Eric Eisen recently set the ball to the sweetest, most perfect revenge. At the begging of November 2007, Eisen announced to the world that he had formed his own wrestling promotion to rival and eventually topple the reign of the SWF. In December, Eisen announced that he had been working closely with his father's sworn enemy, Nemesis, and DaVE's mastermind, Phil Vibert, with the aim of having things ready to go by January 2008. Throughout December, announcements were made on [url]http://www.wcwe.com[/url], hyping up the first WCWE show and informing anxious wrestling fans across the world of the latest additions to the roster. The power of the internet helped generate a ton of interest and managed to wet the appetite of many. On Christmas Day, WCWE.com gave wrestling fans a special treat and announced an impressive roster that they had managed to put together in the short space of two months; Rick Law ???? ????? Nicky Champion Jungle Jack Rocky Golden Jim Force Art Reed Joey Poison Remmy Skye Jacob Jett Frankie Perez Dynamic Danny Francis Rockin' Ryan Turner Stan 'The Man' Manna Rolling Johnny Stones Tyson Baine ????????? Tom Gilmore Nemesis (Ocassional Wrestler) Brandon Bull Swoop McCarthy Zeus Maxamillion Champagne Lover Chris Morrisette Aaron Jackson B J Shearer Randall Hopkirk Kirk Jameson Davis Wayne Newton Callum Davidson Nevada Nuclear Interestingly, there were two names on the roster list which could not be seen, building the ancticipation for WCWE's debut show.[/CENTER]
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I know picks and predictions are big factor in a lot of dynasties and it's going to be no different here. Gonna be a few days before I can get the first show up but here are some picks to keep readers (if any) busy... 1. What does WCWE stand for? (2 points) 2. Who are the two mystery men on the roster (4 points, 2 for each man)
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[QUOTE=TheTuckerman;491156]I know picks and predictions are big factor in a lot of dynasties and it's going to be no different here. Gonna be a few days before I can get the first show up but here are some picks to keep readers (if any) busy... 1. What does WCWE stand for? (2 points) 2. Who are the two mystery men on the roster (4 points, 2 for each man)[/QUOTE] 1. World Championship Wrestling Entertainment. 2. Not sure yet.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j17/TomTheTurtle/CARNAGE.jpg[/IMG] There's new competition in town for the Richard Eisen and the SWF. That competition is his son and his new promotion, WCWE. The companies first ever show, Carnage is due to air this Friday and fans are eagerly anticipating what's in store. WCWE.com can exclusively inform everybody that Eric Eisen, Phil Vibert & Nemesis will be in the house to make some important announcements regarding WCWE, it's future and where it's goign. You can also expect to see and hear from a number of WCWE's star packed roster including some of the SWF's & TCW's biggest and brightest stars such as; Rick Law, Rocky Golden, Tom Gilmore, Tyson Baine, Chris 'The Lobster Warrior' Morrisette & many more. Make sure you tune in this Friday to see what all the fuss is about. TCW? The SWF doesn't need to worry about them. There's a new fed in town....WCWE!!![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]From [url]http://www.wcwe.com[/url][/B] We can confirm that WCWE have been busy again bulking up their roster before the start of their assault on the wrestling world. The Disco Stud Robbie Retro is the latest SWF star to jump ship and join Eric Eisen at WCWE. Retro, who was fast on the rise with the SWF, joins Tom Gimore, Chris 'The Lobster Warrior' Morrisette and developmental talent Nevada Nuclear as the fourth star to swap Richard Eisen's SWF for Eric Eisen's WCWE. Don't forget to keep checking back as we understand that Eric Eisen is working hard to sign more stars up to his self-proclaimed 'wrestling revolution'.[/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=TheTuckerman;491565][CENTER][B]From [url]http://www.wcwe.com[/url][/B] We can confirm that WCWE have been busy again bulking up their roster before the start of their assault on the wrestling world. The Disco Stud Robbie Retro is the latest SWF star to jump ship and join Eric Eisen at WCWE. Retro, who was fast on the rise with the SWF, joins Tom Gimore, Chris 'The Lobster Warrior' Morrisette and developmental talent Nevada Nuclear as the fourth star to swap Richard Eisen's SWF for Eric Eisen's WCWE. Don't forget to keep checking back as we understand that Eric Eisen is working hard to sign more stars up to his self-proclaimed 'wrestling revolution'.[/CENTER][/QUOTE] Glad this happened, as my one complaint with the roster was that it seemed to have more talent poached from TCW than SWF.
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Is there a backstory on how guys like Rick Law, Gilmore, Nicky Champion and Tyson Baine pretty much the biggest stars of their respective companies, or if not the bigggest getting some of the biggest pushes. Is there a reason why these guys would jump ship for Eric Eisen? I guess thats my only problem so far is no explanation how Eisen was able to get these guys to throw down their pushes in their respective promotions and join him. I could see SOME SWF guys and a lot of USPW, PSW, NYCW and CZCW wrestlers joining him but I don't see a lot of TCW guys who seem completely seperate from this situation joining Eisen. Anyway I'll keep reading
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[QUOTE=Stennick;491624]Is there a backstory on how guys like Rick Law, Gilmore, Nicky Champion and Tyson Baine pretty much the biggest stars of their respective companies, or if not the bigggest getting some of the biggest pushes. Is there a reason why these guys would jump ship for Eric Eisen? I guess thats my only problem so far is no explanation how Eisen was able to get these guys to throw down their pushes in their respective promotions and join him. I could see SOME SWF guys and a lot of USPW, PSW, NYCW and CZCW wrestlers joining him but I don't see a lot of TCW guys who seem completely seperate from this situation joining Eisen. Anyway I'll keep reading[/QUOTE] I'm working on it....
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[CENTER][B]Article from [url]http://www.wcwe.com[/url][/B] Ever since the WCWE roster was announced in December 2007 there have been many questions waiting to be answered. One thing which wrestling fans seem to be stunned at, especially the devoted TCW followers, is the departures of Rick Law, Rocky Golden & Tyson Baine from TCW. All three men were in the process of receiving the biggest pushes of their career while with Tommy Cornell and TCW and their decisions to jump ship to WCWE, a promotion which is now considered a threat to TCW, shocked and astounded many. However, now is the time to shed some light on the reasons why three of wrestlings brightest stars decided to join Eisen in his self-proclaimed 'wrestling revolution'. Tyson Baine, has released the following statement exclusively to WCWE.com and over the next couple of days we will hear from Rick Law & Rocky Golden. [B][U]Tyson Baine[/U][/B] [I]"The decision to leave TCW for WCWE was not an easy one but I feel the right decision has been made. After meeting with Eric Eisen, Phil Vibert & Nemesis & hearing their plans, what they want to achieve, where they want to take wrestling, I was excited. More excited then I'd ever been in TCW. Yes, I was on the end of a pretty big push there but certain things pissed me off. For starters, Tommy Cornell & The Syndicate. It was a great storyline for a while but it it got in the way of everything else & just caused problems backstage. A lot of the time, the TCW locker room was not the nicest place to be and the atmosphere made people uncomfortable. Cornell was also a stubborn son of a bitch at times and I came close to telling him to stick his job up his ass on more than one occasion. For me, this is a fresh start, a chance to shine and show everybody what I do best, tear people appart, under a different spotlight. I hope WCWE are ready for the meanest, angriest Tyson Baine there's ever been".[/I][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Article from [url]http://www.wcwe.com[/url][/B] Rocky Golden was fast on the rise in TCW, being tipped for greatness and thought capable of carrying the company for years to come. So when it was announced he had joined Eric Eisen at the WCWE it sent shock waves across the wrestling world. Why would Golden risk killing all of his momentum and jump ship to WCWE? What made him want to leave the No.2 wrestling promotion in America to join a company which could very well end up failing? Rocky Golden himself has cleared things up for us in our second exclusive statement. [B][U]Rocky Golden[/U][/B] [I]"Ever since getting into the wrestling business, I've always knew that one day I would be the greatest, most adored wrestler on the planet. With TCW, I was well on my way to achieving it. I came close but not close enough and there's only one man to blame for that...Tommy Cornell. Don't get me wrong, Tommy is doing a great job with TCW and the ratings show that, but I had to get out and Eric Eisen offered me that lifeline. I told Tommy Cornell a number of times that I was ready to take the next step, to take my game to the next level. And always Tommy promised "Soon". But soon never got any closer and I always found myself playing second fiddle to his personal ego trip, The Syndicate. Like my former TCW colleague and now WCWE colleague, Tyson Baine, I got fed up and hoped to god the the SWF would come knocking. They never did. But then something better happened...WCWE. I've been offered a platform on which to become a wrestling legend and I will embrace that opportunity with open arms. The Golden Era has begun and WILL go down in history". [/I][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Article from [url]http://www.wcwe.com[/url][/B] [B][U]Rick Law[/U][/B] [I]"Man, where do I start? Tyson Baine & Rocky Golden have covered pretty much everything and I'm in agreement with them both. Overall, Tommy Cornell has done a great job with TCW and they're a more than serious threat to SWF these days but from an employee's point of view, or mine at least, it's not the greatest place to be these days. Like Rocky Golden & Tyson Baine I've been waiting for a while to step up to the next level but all Cornell cares about is him being champ and The Syndicate storyline. The whole Syndicate things was pretty good to start with, and it seems TCW fans are still enjoying it but I am not and in my opinion it's stopping a lot of young talent on the roster progressing. But, TCW's loss is WCWE's gain. I've spoken to Phil Vibert & Eric Eisen a lot over the last few weeks and let me tell you this; WCWE is going to be a force to be reckoned with. They have BIG plans, exciting plans and will do things that will set the wrestling world on fire and Rick Law is excited to be a part of that".[/I][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][I][B][U]WCWE Friday Night Carnage - Preview[/U][/B] On the first ever edition of Friday Night we will be seeing a fatal-fourway match with Art Reed, Joey Poison, Champagne Lover & Zeus Maxamillion all squaring off. The winner will earn a spot at WCWE's first ever PPV in a WCWE United States title match. Details of what kind of match it will be and who else will be in it are unknown but you can be sure that this will a fascinating encounter. Aswell as ths we'll have some tag-team action. Painful Procedure (formerly of TCW) will be facing The Rock City Stars, Ryan Turner & Stan Manna. Who will come out on-top when these two rockin' teams collide? Also in tag-team action we will see Remmy Skye & Frankie Perez against a 'mystery team'. And we will have TWO triple-threat matches which will help decide the fate of the WCWE World Heavyweight title. Rocky Golden & Tom Gilmore will comepte along with a 'mystery opponent' while Nicky Champion & Tyson Baine will be involved in a triple-threat match with another 'mystery opponent'. With so much mystery surrounding the first edition of Friday Night Carnage, one has to wonder what else will happen and the only way to find is to tune in.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Confirmed Matches; [/B] Painful Procedure vs The Rock City Stars Art Reed vs Joey Poison vs Champagne Lover vs Zeus Maxamillion Remmy Skye & Frankie Perez vs ??? Nicky Champion vs Tyson Baine vs ??? Rocky Golden vs Tom Gilmore vs ??? Points awarded for predicting the winners of each match as well as guessing the 'mystery opponents'.
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I wouldn't worry too much about not getting predictions at the moment, as you're a new writer and people are probably waiting to see what your first show is like. Anyway here's mine, as the backstory showed promise and I'm hoping your shows are up to the same standard..... [B]Painful Procedure[/B] vs The Rock City Stars Art Reed vs Joey Poison vs [B]Champagne Lover[/B] vs Zeus Maxamillion Remmy Skye & [B]Frankie Perez[/B] vs ??? Nicky Champion vs [B]Tyson Baine[/B] vs ??? Rocky Golden vs [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs ??? [I]Just going on personal preferences right now, as I have no idea who the ??? guys could be.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j17/TomTheTurtle/CARNAGE.jpg[/IMG] [I]Eric Eisen comes out to the ring to open the first edition of Friday Night Carnage. He talks about his new 'wrestling revolution'. He introduces the man who will help lead WCWE to global domination...Phil Vibert. Vibert comes out and shakes hands with Eisen. He says he has a vision and that he's greatful to Eric Eisen for giving him a chance to achieve his dreams. Vibert says that he has appointed a 'right-hand man' and introduces him. Nemesis comes to the ring and shakes with Eisen & Vibert. He says that anybody who wants to get on the wrong side of Phil Vibert or Eric Eisen will also be getting on the wrong side of him. Nemesis also teases a possible return to the ring saying he could mix it up with the best of WCWE if called upon. With this, Tyson Baine makes his way to the ring. He tells Eisen that he wants to be made the first ever WCWE World Heavyweight Champion. Eisen replies saying he cannot simply put the title on somebody as it wouldn't be fair. Baine steps forward and says if Eisen has any sense then fairness will not come into the matter. Nemsis then steps forward and gets in the face of Tyson Baine. Before it can escalate further Nicky Champion comes out and stands underneath the titantron. He tells Tyson Baine that there is a reason that his last name is 'Champion' and that he's destined to be the first ever WCWE World Heavyweight Champion. Baine tells Champion that his claims are BS. Phil Vibert & Eric Eisen speaks about something off the mic before Phil Vibert announces tonights main-event. He says it will be Nicky Champion vs Tyson Baine and that the winner will earn a place in the World Heavyweight title match that will be taking place at their first ever PPV.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Painful Procedure [/COLOR]vs [COLOR="Blue"]The Rock City Stars[/COLOR][/B] [B]Painful Procedure come out to the ring first to a lot of boos. The Rock City stars make their way to the ring to a nice little pop. Painful Procedure pick up the win, dominating Turner & Manna. Turner & Manna try to use their speed to their advantage but the size of Hopkirk & Shearer is too much. Shearer picks up the win after a devastating big boot to Ryan Turner. After the match, Hopkirk & Shearer attack Manna. Hopkirk knocks him down with a huge clothesline and drags him to the corner, laying his head near one of the ringposts. Shearer goes to the outside and delivers another big boot, this time to Manna, sandwiching his head between his huge boot and the ringpost.[/B] [B]WINNERS: PAINFUL PROCEDURE[/B] [I]Backstage, Art Reed & Joey Poison are chatting about being part of WCWE. They are confronted by Champagne Lover & Zeus Maxamillion. After some heated words, a brawl breaks out Nemesis, who is passing by with Phil Vibert, breaks up the brawl. Vibert tells them that they will compete in a four-way match next and that the winner will have a chance at becoming the first ever WCWE United States Champion.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Joey Poison[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Blue"]Art Reed[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Champagne Lover [/COLOR]vs [COLOR="Red"]Zeus Maxamillion[/COLOR] Zeus Maxamillion comes out first. Then Art Reed. Next is Champagne Lover and lastly is Joey Poison. The match is pretty open with each man getting an equal measure of offense. The match startsas a two-on-two encounter, with Poison & Reed battling with Lover & Maxamillion. Eventually, every an is fighting for himself after Champagne Lover accidentily takes down Maxamillion with a superkick. As Lover turns around, Art Reed dropkicks him. Lover tumbles over the top rope and out of the ring. Reed goes for the cover on Maxamillion but before the ref gets to three, Joey Poison delivers a moonsault, landing on both Reed & Maxamillion. Reed rolls off Maxamillion andJoey Poison gets the three-count on Maxamillion to pick up the win.[/B] [B]WINNER: JOEY POISON[/B] [I]Jerry Eisen leaves the announce table to conduct an interview with one of WCWE's most promising tag-teams. He introduces Randy & Zimmy...THE AMAZING BUMFHOLES. Their trademark music doesn't play, instead some new music fills the arena. They come out to the ring looking a lot different. Both men are wearing shades and look more pissed off than they normally do. They enter the ring and Zimmy snatches the mic from Jerry Eisen. He says that he and his brother are tired of being 'teen idols' and sick of all the scraming girls. Randy takes the mic and says they aren't in this business for the 'cheap whores' they have had to put up with week in, week out. He says that it's about time they showed people what they were all about...kicking ass. They attack Jerry Eisen, beating him down to the mat. Randy leaves the ring and picks up two chairs. Back in the ring, he and Zimmy are about to hit Eisen with a con-chair-toe when Remmy Skye hits the ring. He gets the better of Randy & Zimmy but Randy & Zimmy out number him. Suddenly, Frankie Perez runs out to the ring. Skye & Perez fight off Randy & Zimmy, cleaning house. As they help Jerry Eisen to his feet, Phil Vibert appears on the titantron. He says by order of Eric Eisen it's going to be Randy & Zimmy Bumfhole vs Remmy Skye & Frankie Perez...RIGHT NOW!!![/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]The Bumfholes[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Blue"]Frankie Perez & Remmy Skye[/COLOR][/B] [B]Mayhem Midden provides commentary alone as Jerry Eisen receives medical treatment. The match is a pretty high-paced affair, with Skye showing off his aerial abilities. The Bumfholes show their more aggressive side and gain the upper hand early on but Perez & Skye gain momentum as the match goes on. The match is interupted by Painful Procedure. The Bumfholes flee the ring as the two heavyweights make their way to the ring but Skye & Perez stay to fight. Hopkirk & Shearer get the better of the two smaller men until Rocking Ryan Turner and Stan The Man Manna, who are far from 100% after the beating earlier, rush out to the ring. Knowing they're out numbered, Hopkirk & Shearer leave the ring and head backstage.[/B] [B]WINNERS: NO CONTEST[/B] [I]Rocky Golden comes out to the ring to a nice pop. He gets in the ring and talks about his time in TCW and says he wasn't given a fair chance to shine. Golden says that he heard Tyson Baine & Nicky Champion 'campaigning' earlier to be the first ever WCWE World Heavyweight Champion but he has different ideas. He says that he wants in on the title match at the first ever WCWE PPV and that when he wins the title it will be the start of 'The Golden Era'. He is interupted by former SWF star Tom Gilmore. Gilmore comes to the ring with a mic and says that Golden is full of himself, adding that the reason he never made it to the top in TCW is because he wasn't good enough...and that he isn't good enough to be WCWE World Heavyweight Champ. Phil Vibert then comes out and says that they can argue as much as they want but the only way to see who the better man is is to have a match. He says that they will have a match right now and a third, mystery opponent will also be in the match. He says the winner will get a chance to become the first World Heavyweight Champion at WCWE’s first PPV. Vibert announces the third man in the match...JACK BRUCE!!! Bruce makes his way to the ring receiving a massive pop...[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]Jack Bruce[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="blue"]Tom Gilmore[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Rocky Golden[/COLOR][/B] [B]Upon entering the ring Jack Bruce is attacked by Gimore. Bruce throws Gilmore over the top rope. Bruce & Golden then enter an intense staredown as the crowd chant Jack Bruce's name. The two men shake hands and start grappling. They match each other move for move and Golden shows that he has the ability to mix it up with the best of them. Gilmore gets back in the ring and shows great intensity, taking the fight to both men. Towards the end of the match Gilmore hits Golden with the Anger Managment. Then, Bruce manages to hit the Long Island Trio on Gilmore. In the time it takes, Golden recovers and sneaks behind Jack Bruce, putting him in The Rack. As Bruce is about to tap out, the lights go out for a few moments. When they come back on Rocky Golden is down and Tom Gilmore is covering him. The ref looks confused but makes the count. Tom Gilmore picks up the win to advance to the PPV. Gilmore gets up to his feet and celebrates heading to the back. Jack Bruce & Rocky Golden are left looking puzzled in the ring.[/B] [B]WINNER: TOM GILMORE[/B] [I]Backstage, Jack Bruce & Rocky Golden storm into Phil Vibert’s office demanding to know what just happened. Vibert says that he’s not entirely sure. Bruce & Golden accuse Gilmore of cheating and hiring outside help so there should be a rematch. Vibert replies by saying there is no evidence that Gilmore cheated so there is nothing he can do. Bruce & Golden leave Vibert’s office looking pissed off.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Nicky Champion[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Tyson Baine[/COLOR] vs ????????[/B] [B]Tyson Baine comes out to the ring first to quite a bit of heat. Nicky Champion comes out next to a nice pop. Baine & Champion enter a staredown as they wait for the third, unknown opponent to make his way to the ring. After waiting for a minute or so nobody comes out and both men begin to get agitated. The referee exits the ring and speaks to the time keeper. The bell rings and the match begins with just Baine & Champion. Baine controls the match early on using his strength and an array of power moves but Champion fights back and gains the momentum. Champion tries to hit Baine with the Bow To The Champion but Baine escapes and takes Champion out with a Baine Bomb. He goes for the cover but again like the previous match the lights go out. This time when they come back on Tyson Baine is still standing but behind him is Vengeance!!! Baine turns around and Vengeance wipes him out with a massive clothesline. He lifts Baine to his feet and scoops him up, hitting him with The Avenger (tombstone) Vengeance covers Tyson Baine and gets three-count. Jack Bruce & Rocky Golden make their way to the ring but before they can get there the lights go out again and when they come back on Vengeance is gone.[/B] [B]WINNER: VENGEANCE[/B][/CENTER]
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[B][U]Matchesfor WCWE Friday Night Carnage;[/U][/B] [B][I][B][COLOR="Blue"]Remmy Skye, Frankie Perez & The Rock City Stars[/COLOR][/B] vs [B][COLOR="Red"]The Bumfholes & Painful Procedure [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Art Reed[/COLOR][/B] vs [B][COLOR="Red"]Zeus Maxamillion [/COLOR][/B]vs [B][COLOR="Red"]Champagne Lover[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Nicky Champion [/COLOR]vs [COLOR="Red"]Tom Gilmore[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Jack Bruce[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="blue"]Rocky Golden [/COLOR]vs [COLOR="Red"]Vengeance[/COLOR][/I][/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j17/TomTheTurtle/CARNAGE.jpg[/IMG] [I]The show begins with a recap video showing what happened in the Jack Bruce/Rocky Golden/Tom Gilmore and the Nicky Champion/Tyson Baine matches. Phil Vibert then comes out to the ring carrying a mic, accompanied by Nemesis. Vibert says he wants to start things off by offering his apologies to two people...Jack Bruce & Rocky Golden. He says last week during a triple-threat match also involving Tom Gilmore it seems they were attacked and taken out of the match and that while there was no concrete evidence that there was an attack, het thinks the events that took place in the final match last week made it clear that one man was responsible...Vengeance!!! He says he knew Vengeance was a part of WCWE and chose to keep it under wraps in order to surprise everyone and that he even knew Vengeance was scheduled to be part of the main-event, but did not know that he was going to be involved in that way. He says he didn't know about his involvement in the match between Jack Bruce, Rocky Golden & Tom Gilmore and that maybe Eric Eisen has the answers that Jack Bruce & Rocky Golden are looking for but unfortunately he hasn't heard from Eric since he left the show last week since leaving the show to attend to some business. Vibert calls out Jack Bruce & Rocky Golden to the ring...[/I] [I]Bruce & Golden walk down to the ring together without any music. The crowd cheer as they head to the ring. Jack Bruce walks up the ring steps to the left and enters the ring, Rocky Golden uses the ring steps to the right. Both men enter the ring and stare blankly at Phil Vibert waiting for him to speak. Vibert says that he understands both men feel they were screwed out of title oppurtunity but he's going to make that right. Vibert announces that tonight, as punishment for his actions, Vengeance will put his title oppurtunity on the line agains Bruce & Golden in a no DQ triple-threat match. He says that this may come as bad news to Vengeance but warns that if Vengeance lays a finger on him he'll have Nemesis to answer to. Vibert & Nemesis leave the ring as Jack Bruce & Rocky Golden enter a staredown in the ring.[/I] [B]***COMMERCIALS***[/B] [I]Backstage, Art Reed congratulates Joey Poison on his win last week. Reed says he has just spoken to Phil Vibert who has made a match between the three losers last week. Reed says that Vibert has confirmed the winner of the match will advance to the first ever PPV and face Joey Poison and that the winner will be crowned WCWE United States Champion. Joey Poison wishes Art Reed luck in the match.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Remmy Skye, Frankie Perez & The Rock City Stars[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]The Bumfholes & Painful Procedure[/B][/COLOR] [I]Before the match begins, "The Bumfholes" come to the ring. They say they're to be no longer known as "The Bumfholes" but instead they'll be known as Zack & Randy Bradley, The Bradley Boys. Randy Bradley says they will be more brutal than they ever were with SWF and Zack adds that they will do whatever it takes to win. Painful Procedure come out next. The four men wait in the ring as The Rock City Stars head to the ring. Ryan Turner & Stan Manna wait outside the ring for Remmy Skye & Frankie Perez. Skye, Perez, Turned & Manna enter the ring. Before the bell ring, Phil Viber appears and says that the winners of the match will face each other for the WCWE World Tag Team Titles at WCWE's first PPV.[/I] [B]The Bradley Brother & Painful Procedure come out on top after Randy Bradley pins Remmy Skye but not without controversy. B J Shearer & Randall Hopkirk battle with The Rock City Stars. Frankie Perez flies over the top rope to take out Shearer & Hopkirk with a crossbody but also takes down Turner & Manna. With Remmy Skye left on his own and the rest of the competitors down, Zack Bradley disturbs the ref and Randy hits a low blow which allows him to hit Remmy with a corkscrew neckbreaker. The ref turns around as Randy covers Skye. Randy gets the three-count meaning it'll be The Bradley Brothers vs Painful Procedure at the PPV.[/B] [B]WINNERS: THE BRADLEY BROTHERS & PAINFUL PROCEDURE[/B] [I]Zeus Maxamillion is in his locker room and is approached by Champagne Lover. Lover says that they should work together tonight to take Reed out of the match then once that's done they can go at it. Maxamillion says that's a good ideam, adding that when he wins then beats Joey Poison he will give Champagne Lover a title shot. Lover says that would be all good and well but that the way he sees it, he will be the one giving Maxamillion a title shot.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Art Reed[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Zeus Maxamillion[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Champagne Lover[/COLOR][/B] [B]Maxamillion out first to heat, the Lover to a similar amount of heat. Reed comes to the ring last and gets a nice pop. Art Reed manages to pick up the win via pinfall despited Maxamillion & Lover's teamwork throughout the match. After the match, Maxamillion & Lover attack Art Reed. Before they can inflict too much damage Joey Poison runs out to make the save, clearing house of Maxamillion & Champagne Lover. Joey Poison helps Art Reed to his feet and offers to shake his hand but Art Reed turns his back and heads backstage, leaving Joey Poison in the ring.[/B] [B]***COMMERCIALS***[/B] [I]Tom Gilmore comes out to the ring to cut a promo on his win last week. He claims that he has no idea why Vengeance helped him, or even if it was Vengeance, but also that it doesn't mater because he'd have went on to win the match anyway. Gilmore says that whoever he ends up facing at the PPV, whether it be one, two, three or ten people he'll come out on top and become the first ever WCWE World Heavyweight Champion. He is interupted by Nicky Champion. Champion says that Gilmore has proved nothing and that he only won the match because of the mystery attacker who everybody thought to be Vengeance. Champion says he's spoke to Phil Vibert and that Vibert has agreed to make a match between the two of them tonight and that it's going to start...RIGHT NOW![/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Nicky Champion[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Tom Gilmore[/COLOR][/B] [B]The match ends in a no contest. Nicky Champion took advantage early on in the match but Gilmore turns it round and gains the momentum. Tyson Baine hits the ring and takes both men out with a double-clothesline. Baine heads to the outside of the ring and picks up a steel chair. He re-enters the ring and waits for Champion & Gilmore to get back to their feet before clattering each with the chair. Baine then delivers Baine Bombs to both men. Baine starts stomping around the ring and then picks up a mic. He demands that Vengeance show himself. It seems Vengeance answers his request as the lighs go down. After a few moments they come back on. Champion is still down but Tom Gilmore is gone & Tyson Baine is still stood in the middle of the ring but looks almost hypnotized as the show cuts to it's final commercials.[/B] [B]***COMMERCIALS***[/B] [I]The show returns recapping the bizarre events that have taken place. Backstage, Jim Force bumps into two men in face paint. They introduce themselves as Wolf Spider & Whip Scorpion. Jim Force says he recognizes them as Lobster Warrior & Jumbo Shrimp and that the force was strong in the lobster & the shrimp. Spider & Scorpion procede to brutally beatdown Jim Force leaving him beaten and battered before walking off without saying a word.[/I] [I]The camera then cuts to Davis Wayne Newton who is walking towards Phil Vibert's office. When he arrives there is smoke coming from under the door. He opens the door and finds Phil Vibert & Nemesis down and beaten. The smoke clears and there is a "V" burnt into the wall. Newton sees the V and walks off looking scared.[/I] [CENTER][B][COLOR="Blue"]Jack Bruce[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Blue"]Rocky Golden[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Vengeance[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Rocky Golden out first to a nice pop, then Jack Bruce to an even bigger pop. The lights in the arena go out and a video appears on the titantron. It shows a dark room. Slowly a light comes on and we see Tom Gilmore, gagged up and chained to a huge "V" symbol, the same symbol as we saw in Vibert's office. Rocky Golden & Jack Bruce remain in the ring looking at the titantron, puzzled. The lights in the arena come back on and Vengeance is in the ring behind them and the bell rings...[/I] [B]Vengeance picks up the win. Rocky Golden & Jack Bruce manage to wear Vengeance down after he takes almost everything they've got. With Vengeance down, the two begin to battle but Tyson Baine makes his way to the ring wearing the same hypnotized look as earlier. He gets a chair then enters the ring. Golden & Bruce try to fight with him but Baine destroys them both with the chair, busting them both wide open in the process. Baine then delivers a Baine Bomb to each before dragging Vengeance on top of Jack Bruce. The ref has no choice and makes the three-count. Baine simply heads to the back as if he's done nothing. The lights go down and when they come back on Vengeance is gone with Jack Bruce & Rocky Golden left a bloody mess in the ring as the show comes to a close[/B][/CENTER]
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