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WWE: A new writer

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Ok im going to try to stick to this diary i finally found a mod that i enjoy and am going to use it No fancy backstory though just me being hired as a wrestler/ head booker and advanced a whole month before i started writing Christian Cage was not resigned by TNA because of a dispute with Dixie Carter Goldberg signed with me, along with Ken Shamrock, Tito Ortiz, Bobby Lashley, and RVD This diary will start with Night of Champions Dark Matches Big Show vs Goldberg Carlito and K. Dykstra vs Holly and Rhodes for the World Tag Titles Main Show Matches John Morrison vs Matt Hardy for the ECW Title (Kane lost in the first week to Morrison) Bobby Lashley vs RVD Santino Marella vs Kane (still a face) I.C title (Jericho was stripped of it after an argument with Vince) Shelton Benjamin vs Tito Ortiz for the U.S title Jeff Hardy vs Edge for World Heavyweight Title Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels for the New Raw World Championship CM Punk vs JBL for the Money in the Bank Case Triple H vs Big Daddy V vs The Undertaker vs Umaga for the WWE Heavyweight Title Cena vs Batista Predictions and comments always welcomed
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Dark Matches Goldberg beat Big Show Holly and Rhodes beat Dykstra and Carlito JR: Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to WWE's Night of Champion, My name is good ole' JR along side my partners Jerry “the King” Lawler, and the Hardcore Legend Mick Foley Mick: Yeah and Jr. tonight we have one hell of a show for you Jerry: With a line-up with Triple H vs The Undertaker vs Big Daddy V vs Umaga for the WWE Heavyweight Championship Mick: Don't forget Edge vs Jeff Hardy JR: As well we will crown a brand new champion on the Raw brand JR: In our first match we will see John Morrison take on Matt Hardy for the ECW World Title Jerry: Now a couple weeks back Matt was looking for the upset and he had Miz pinned Mick: But in came Morrison with out of all move an STFU and made Chavo tap before Hardy got the three count, and lets just say they haven't seen eye to eye on much lately (A video showing what happened is playing during this segment) vs Photobucket (This was a high paced match that end within 10 min. Hardy started off fast, with a couple of holds and quick move, Hardy was looking for a quick finisher but Morrison countered and put him in a quick lock, a little goes buy and Hardy hits a quick Twist of Fate, but he gets up slow, Miz hits the ring and attacks Hardy, and the ref calls for the bell.) Winner by DQ: Matt Hardy Still Champion: John Morrison Miz continue to beat down Hardy when Gregory Helms hits the ring and tries to make the save, but Miz continues to dominate, Morrison even tries to stop Miz, but Miz hits him with a reality check JR: Come on! This just isn't right Matt could be seriously hurt. Jerry: It's Jeff, Hardy is making his way to the ring Mick: Man have you ever seen him run that fast JR: Miz is running like a scolded dog with his tail between his legs Jerry: JR the thing I dont get is he wasnt helping Morrison I mean, Morrison even tried to help Hardy Mick: Well Miz must not be happy he wasnt invited into this match (The paramedics come to assist Matt) JR: Well folks I really don't know what we have just seen just now, all I can say is I hope Hardy can get better and this isnt to serious Jerry: Yeah, when paramedics have to attend to one of the superstars it is never a good thing Mick: From someone who has been taken out on a stretcher before it is one of the scariest things because you yourself are not quiet sure what is wrong JR: Well we will wish Matt Hardy the best of luck, but we must move on, When Vince McMahon decided to bring back the ECW Rob Van Dam was awarded the first ECW Heavyweight Title reign Jerry: yeah and do to circumstance he was lost his title to The Big Show, but now RVD is back in the WWE and he will face a two time ECW champion Bobby Lashley. Mick: And these two have been fighting about who was the better ECW Champion (A video plays of RVD and Lashley) Faded voice of RVD: That's right I am back, the best ECW wrestler ever is back and I'm ready for my title Morrison is holding for me. (Lashley opening music is heard and you see RVD's face in shock) Lashley: What makes you think you were the best! RVD: Because Lash, I know (Long comes out) Long: Now listen playa's since you both were ECW champions and you both think you are the best, how about we do a ECW Number 1 contenders match and Night of Champions, winner is the new number one contender and lays claim to ECW best wrestlers for now (cut back to JR, Jerry, and Mick) JR: Well these two have been getting into each others business and tonight we find out who is the best Mick: Personally being a former Extremist I think I should be in this match! vs (I gave this match some time due to the fact that I would have loved to see this match in real life, but sadly they didnt work well together, but the match started with RVD getting Lashley down to the ground and using some submission holds to try to get Lashley weaker in the legs, and it worked for about 4 min. but then Lashley got a hold of Rob and used is power to his advantage by slamming him a couple of times, the match was back and fourth till Lashley hit a spear on Rob when he went to the top rope for a frog splash) Winner: Bobby Lashley Jerry: Well it seems to me the Lashely will get his title shot and as of now is ECW best wrestler Mick: I think I am going to have to make a phone call JR: who are you calling Mick: I dont know yet? Jerry: Great he can't do anything right Mick: What? (Cut to the back where we see Kelly Kelly with Santino Marella) Santino: You see my pretty Kelly Kelly, Me, Santino Marella, will take on the Mr. Kane tonight, in a one on one match, where as we all now I's will be the winner Kelly: Why are you so sure of yourself Santino: What? Kelly look at me I mean I am Santion Marella, and the Kane is not as good looking as me, nor is he as smart as me, plus Mr. Adamle said if I win then tomorrow night I get a chance to become the number one contender for the World Title Kelly: Well.. I mean.. well that's good for you Santino, and good luck tonight against the most evil (Santino gulps), demonic (another gulp), ruthless (huge gulp), that has ever stepped into the WWE square circle Santino: Well um.. would you like to come and be in my corner (Santino fixes his hair and turns his head away from Kelly and sparys something in his mouth, turns around and puckers up) Kelly: No, I really don't want to be near Kane when he slams you to hell (cut back to JR, Jerry, Mick) Jerry: Man Kelly Kelly sure does know how to kill someones confidence. JR: I'll say vs (This match was quiet good, Santino and Kane work well together so that was a bonus, Kane was looking pretty dominate until a picture popped up on the screen) (This picture stops Kane dead cold as he stares at it for a second, giving Santino enough time to recover and and get a quick pin holding the tights for the win and the title) Winner and New I.C champion: Santino Marella Mick: JR, King that was weird I mean that picture just popped there Jerry: Um guys what is going on at the top of the ring, who the hell are those people (A swarm of druids come to the ring wearing robes that are black with red flames around them and a casket, Kane just keeps staring in shock, the druids pick up the casket and push it into the ring, and start to walk off, Kane looks at the casket for a second and then falls to his knees next to it and slowly opens it the camera's angle is a the back of Kane and not being able to see what's in the casket, then all of a sudden a hand in a black glove grabs Kane by the throat and a figure pops out, and a voice is heard, a very sick voice) Bearer: Kane do you remember you're twin brother the one you tired to kill (Kane's twin has him by the throat and Kane is still on his knees and looks up) Kane: I am sorry brother! (Kane's twin chokes slams him into the casket and slams it, he walks off up the ramp to Paul, then raises his hand and force them down like Kane, and the pyro goes off, then the casket explodes in the middle of the ring) (Everyone runs down to the ring and JR, Jerry, and Mick get out of their seat to attend to the casket, out of no-where the lights cut to a purple haze, and a gong tolls a more druids come out in all black and purple and walk to the ring, refs, announcers, and wrestlers all stand back as the druids grab a body from the ashes and carry him up the ramp and wait, then the music of the icon play and he makes his way to out from the back, as his symbol drops from the rafters, the crowd is dead silent, he reaches into is robe and pulls out something that is hard to make out in the dark, until he starts to put it over his face, it's Kane's old mask, the druids take Kane behind the curtains and Taker turns around and raises his hands towards the ring and the ring is hit with lightning and strikes fire on the ring ropes) (cut to a video of how Shelton won the U.S title) JR: Well folks we have no clue what we just witnessed Jerry: JR: I am shocked about what just happened JR: Mick as a man who has taken on both what is going on Mick: I have no clue guys I am just as lost JR: Well we still have a show to do so up next we have Shelton Benjamin against the newest MMA star turned wrestler Tito Ortiz vs (The match starts of with Tito circling around Shelton while Shelton was trying to avoid getting caught by Tito, Tito went for a take down but missed and Shelton caught him with a quick kick to the leg, Shelton kept kicking him in the legs and some in the chest until Tito caught Shelton and slammed him, this lead to back a fourth action with both men looking impressive at times, until Shelton hit a T-Bone Suplex at 13:12 in the match for the win) Winner and still U.S Champion: Shelton Benjamin Mick: Well Shelton was going in their against a guy who is extremely dangerous and could have knocked him out Jerry: Yeah but Shelton is a true wrestler and used his smarts to out gun him and remain championship JR: Yeah well Tito put on one hell of a performance tonight (Cut to the back and see Edge in his Locker room with La' Familia) Edge: Guys tonight Jeff Hardy thanks he can take my World Heavyweight title, but he is sadly mistaken, this is our title and I and you guys will make sure that it will not leave our waist Vickie: O Edge I love it when you take charge (The make-out in front of everyone) JR: Guys I really don't know how Jeff is going to overcome these odds Jerry: Well we have seen from Edge in the past he will go to all lengths to make sure he comes out on top Mick: Yeah he knows how to play the game. vs (This should have been my main event but you live and you learn, Hardy and Edge have great chemistry and it showed Edge took and early advantage with the help of Bam Neely, and Chavo Edge did a ground and pound pretty much and just kept laying into Jeff, and when Jeff would try to fight back La Familia would just stop him, Edge was setting Jeff up for a Spear when Gregory Helms, Shannon Moore, and Triple H came down to the ring and took out La Familia and Edge wasn't happy, but he turned into a Twist of Fate, Hardy climbed the ropes and leaped like never before and hit a Swanton Bomb 1...2...3) JR: Jesus Christ he did it, he did it Jerry: Even with La Familia Hardy over came the odds Mick: This reminds me of the first time I won a Major World Title and I held three JR: Jeff deserved this and he earned it Winner and New World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Hardy (Jeff falls with his back to the turnbuckle and holds his title and cries) JR: Jeff fought and fought and finally wins the World Heavyweight title (Cut to the back with Chris Jericho and Todd Grisham) Todd: I am here tonight with one of the two men who will fight for the new Raw World Title, Chris Jericho Chris: Thank you Todd, tonight I go one on one with the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels, Now last Monday Shawn pinned me one, two, three but I let him for a reason, because now we, him and I, I and him get a shot for the new Raw World Title, Now Shawn you have battled for countless titles just like I have but it has been a long time since either one of us has held a major title Chris: So I guess what I am asking from you Shawn is, are you ready? Are you ready for the man the myth, the legend, that is known simply as Chris Jericho? Well you better find out because you will get the best tonight in that ring and when you hit that ring you better be ready! JR: Well I think you could say Jericho is ready Jerry: But is Shawn Mick: O come on Shawn is a professional! vs (This was a fast paced match between to veterans and the put on there best effort, there were parts in the match where Shawn would control and Jericho controlled, the ending came at 23:56 when Shawn went for Sweet Chin Music but Chris ducked and hit a Code Breaker for the pin fall) Winner and New Raw World Champion: Chris Jericho (Chris stands in the ring and admires his new title when Mike Adamle's music hits) Mike: Chris might I just say, what a match you just pulled off very impressive, which is why I have decide to consider you to be the number one contender for the Raw World Title Chris: Um, Mike I don't know if you just watched that match but I just beat Shawn 1,2,3 for the Raw World Title! Mike: Chris how right you are but that was all made before the trade that happened tonight Chris: and just who might that be, if I may ask of course Mike: Why none other than the Rainbow-Haired Warrior... JEFF HARDY! King: JR did you hear that Jeff Hardy is coming back to Raw and leaving you two and Smackdown behind (Chris Jericho looks shocked as Jeff Hardy comes to the stage holding the World Title around his waist. Jericho turns around to throw the mic when Shawn connects with Sweet Chin Music) JR: Well Hardy is now with Raw Jerry: Yeah and Jericho got his teeth knocked him, man I can't wait till tomorrow (Cut to the back with JBL and CM Punk talking) JBL: Listen Punk, why don't you save me the time and you the embracement and just give me that case Punk: John why don't you blow it out of your butt JBL: See Punk I was trying to save you from going out their and wasting your breath on thinking you could beat me, but now I will enjoy it! vs (This was an awkward match as these two do not work well together and it end with Punk hitting the GTS at 11:21 for the win) JR: Well it looks like Punk manged to keep his brief case for the time being Jerry: Yeah I wonder when he will cash it in? Mick: I would headline Wrestlemania but that is just me JR: Folks the match that is coming up is the WWE World heavyweight title, now Triple H has been battling three men to keep this title and tonight it all comes down to who walks out of here with the title, Triple H Jerry: Umaga Mick: Big Daddy V JR: Or the Undertaker Jerry: Well I dont know who but I hope it's Big Daddy V JR: Why is that King King: well could you see the title fitting around his waist? JR: Well I guess you are right vs vs vs (This was a good match with all four men showing why they were there, Taker domniated most of the match though until Edge came out and speared everyone, Umaga didn't feel the effect though and he got up but was caught with a huge thump from BDV, and then a choke slam from Taker to BDV, and HHH hit Taker with the pedigree, for the win) Winner and Still Champ Triple H (Then CM Punk's music hit, he runs down to the ring and give the case and hits triple h with a GTS for the win) Jerry: O my god CM Punk cashed in the money in the bank and won the WWE Heavyweight Title JR: Does this mean he is on Smackdown now? Mick: I don't know but I think he will be a great champion if I do say so myself JR: Well CM Punk is your new WWE Heavyweight Champ and Jeff is our new World Heavyweight Champ I mean two young and first time Heavyweight champs crowned tonight Jerry: And we still have Batista vs John Cena tonight (Cut to the back) Cena: Now listen big man, I know lately you and I haven't seen eye to eye and I can dig that but I need you to know you have my respect Batista: Well, thanks John (As Batista turns around CrymeTyme attacks Batista with metal pipes and just when it looks like Cena is going to help he starts kicking Batista, Cryme Tyme put Batista on Cena's shoulders) JR: Come on John this is right Mick: No John don't do it (Cena FU's Batista through a piece of glass) Jerry: Batista is out! JR: What the hell is wrong with Cena, we need paramedics back there now! vs (Cena comes to the ring with cryme tyme, and Batista's music plays but Batista doesnt come out Cena tell the Ref to start counting Batista out and he proceeds to, the ref gets all the way down to 7 when Batista start to come out and rushes to the ring, he makes it just in time and Cena pounces on him and doesn't let off, Cryme Tyme interferes many times in this match and it was just an easy win for Cena and Gang, Batista is down and bloodied and not moving as the cameras fade to black) Winner: John Cena
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[CENTER]Raw Pictures, Images and Photos Michael Cole Pictures, Images and PhotosJerry_Lawler.jpg Pictures, Images and Photos[/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Cole: Welcome ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Monday Night Raw, coming to you live from the Los Angles, California. I am Michael Cole along with my broadcast partner Jerry “the King” Lawler[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Jerry: And Cole last night we witnessed something that we didn't think we would see, a trade in the middle of the show that shook up the two Heavyweight Champions[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Cole: Yes, Vickie Guerrero and Mike Adamle made a trade that sent CM Punk to Smackdown and brought us Jeff Hardy and the World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] [COLOR="royalblue"]Jerry: And CM Punk took the chance and used his Money in the Bank to take the WWE Championship from Triple H[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Cole: But don't forget that was after Triple H wrestled for almost 20 minutes and was hit with Umaga and Big Daddy V finishers in the match and then Punk Cashes it in and Triple H was out of it and he hit an GTS for the win[/COLOR] [COLOR="royalblue"]Jerry: Well I don't know about you but I call that just plain smart![/COLOR] [CENTER][/CENTER] [B](Cena's music hits with tremendous amount of heat as Cena and Cryme Tyme walk to the ring Cole and Jerry continue)[/B] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Cole: And here are the men who attacked Batista last night and we are informed that Batista is at home tonight resting from the assault he went through[/COLOR] [COLOR="royalblue"]Jerry: Well Batista showed his courage last night as he still manged to make it to the ring and almost won last night[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Cena: So you all must think I am some sort of ******* now right?[/COLOR] [B](Crowd boos are so loud you can barely hear anything)[/B] [COLOR="darkred"]Cena: Well I couldn't give to piece of ****, because for the last two years I have done nothing but give my best effort and try to please you people, and all you freaking do is boo me out of the building. So my boys and I said to hell with it, we don't need any of you and sure as hell don't want any of you[/COLOR] [COLOR="DimGray"]JTG: See you people believe that we do this for fun, hell naw we do this for respesct and you laugh at us, so us boyz have got ta stick ta gether[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Shad: And if you people have a problem with that, well we don't freakin care![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Cena: O, and as for Batista, I know you might have thoughts of revenge well, be careful because I would hate for you to get hurt anymore than you already are![/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Cole: Man, Cena use to be a man of the fans and now this[/COLOR] [COLOR="royalblue"]Jerry: Well you heard the man he was tired of the way the fans treated him[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Cole: Who cares, to attack a supposed friend[/COLOR] [COLOR="royalblue"]Jerry: Were you watching last night, they didn't seem like friends[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Cole: Yeah but, leading up to the match they seemed like it[/COLOR] [COLOR="royalblue"]Jerry: Well that just shows you how Cena can be tactical Cole[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Cole: Yeah, yeah whatever. Folks tonight we do have CM Punk to come out to talk to the Raw fans one last time before he leaves for Smackdown on Friday but the man he faced last night to keep his Money in the Bank brief case, John Bradshaw Layfield will be in action next against Hardcore Holly[/COLOR] [CENTER] vs w/[/CENTER] [B](This match did what I needed it to make JBL look strong against a guy in the middle card who has a title, Rhodes was in Holly's corner cheering him on but it didn't help, Holly had some offense moments but it was pretty much one sided with JBL getting the pin fall at the 9:01 for the win)[/B] [B][U]Winner:[/U] JBL[/B] [B](After the match Rhodes entered the ring and helped Holly up, he then looked him in the face and smacked the **** out of him, and grabbed his title and walked to the back, with Holly looking on in shock)[/B] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Cole: What the hell was that for?[/COLOR] [COLOR="royalblue"]Jerry: Well maybe Rhodes isnt to happy with Holly I mean Holly kept pushing Rhodes to be better and Rhodes did so now maybe it's time for Holly to get better![/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Cole: Folks tonight we have Shawn Michaels vs Val Venis[/COLOR] [COLOR="royalblue"]Jerry: Yeah, and let me tell you Cole Michaels gave it his all last night to try to win at which time was the Raw Championship match last night and Michaels gave it his all for almost 25 minutes[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Cole: And if it wasn't for the fact that Chris Jericho went for Shawn's legs all night Shawn would have came away with the victory, well we will cut to the back were Todd Grisham is standing with The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels[/COLOR] [B](Cut to the back)[/B] [CENTER][/CENTER] [COLOR="Magenta"]Todd: Thank you, and right now I am standing with the Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels. Now Shawn last night you went toe to toe with Chris Jericho and almost came away with the victory and.[/COLOR] [B](But before Todd could finish Shawn stops him)[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Shawn: Now see here Todd, Yes last night Chris and I went toe to toe, and no offense to Chris but don't treat him like he is some type of legend. Now listen though Chris last night you did what very few men have been able to do in a life time and that is avoid Sweet Chin Music, and you beat me fair and square in the middle of that ring, but with the trade for Hardy during the middle of the show I realized that losing to you didn't hurt me that much because you didn't get the title, but you did beat me so that's why I Super Kicked you back to hell last night[/COLOR] [COLOR="magenta"]Todd: Bu...[/COLOR] [COLOR="seagreen"]Shawn: Todd, I am not done, Chris you may think that you should be number one contender for the World Championship now, but I see last night as a match that helped you get into a match with Hardy and myself, so this is what I suggest, At the Bash Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, and Shawn Michaels in a match that we have all made history in, in some way or the other, that's right boys a Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship, but with a twist[/COLOR] [COLOR="magenta"]Todd: A twist?[/COLOR] [COLOR="seagreen"]Shawn: A twist[/COLOR] [B](Just then Mike Adamle comes into the picture)[/B] [CENTER][/CENTER] [COLOR="red"][COLOR="red"]Adamle[/COLOR]: And just what is this twist Shawn?[/COLOR] [COLOR="seagreen"]Shawn: Well, Hardy made the TLC match with help and Jericho help make the Ladder Match even more famous by adding the Money in the Bank, and I made history by being the only person to perform in two debut matches[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][COLOR="red"]Adamle[/COLOR]: And what matches are those Shawn?[/COLOR] [COLOR="seagreen"]Shawn: Why none other then the Ladder and Hell in a Cell, so my twist is a Hell in a Cell, with Tables, Ladders, and Chairs everywhere, and the grand finally the World Title floating 15 feet in the air, above the cage, and the first man to reach the title and pull it down and make it to the bottom of the floor outside of the cage wins the title[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Adamle: Shawn you want me to take my top three superstars and put them in a match that could end all of their careers for some ratings?[/COLOR] [COLOR="seagreen"]Shawn: You're damn right I do[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Adamle: Well here my side of the deal if you come with me I will get a contract written up and if you can get the other two to sign it I will allow the match at the Great American Bash[/COLOR] [COLOR="seagreen"]Shawn: Deal![/COLOR] [B](Back to Jerry and Cole)[/B] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Cole: King can you believe this I mean a TLC match a Ladder match and a Hell in the Cell Match rolled into one bitch of a match[/COLOR] [COLOR="royalblue"]Jerry: Boy ill tell you what I am glad I am retired, but remember Shawn still needs to get Jericho and Hardy to sign the contract[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Cole: Well we will see[/COLOR] [B](Cut to a video in black with a voice in the background)[/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Voice: I have done it all, 2-time World Champion, 2-time US Champion, and a former Tag Champion, I have been in WWE as well as WCW, but one thing I never did was dominate WWE, so now I am back and with a vengeance, and this time everyone in the WWE is being warned because[/COLOR] [B](A face appears)[/B] [CENTER][/CENTER] [COLOR="sienna"]Goldberg: You're Next[/COLOR] [COLOR="royalblue"]Jerry: O my god Cole, Bill Goldberg is back in the WWE and he is looking to destroy everyone here, hopefully not us[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Cole: I hope so to[/COLOR] [B](As they are talking William Regal makes his was to the ring)[/B] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Cole: Well Mike Adamle made this match and didn't tell us who is opponent would be[/COLOR] [COLOR="royalblue"]Jerry: Well Regal is a world class wrestler so it shouldn't be a true challenge[/COLOR] [B](Ric Flair comes out)[/B] [CENTER][/CENTER] [COLOR="royalblue"]Jerry: Wait is Flair the opponent I thought he was retired[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Cole: Um, well I am just as lost[/COLOR] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Flair: Ladies and Gentlemen Mike Adamle sent me out here to introduce William Regal's mystery opponent[/COLOR] [B](And the music hits with the crowd erupting)[/B] [CENTER][/CENTER] [COLOR="royalblue"]Jerry: O my god! Cole it's him[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Cole: Goldberg is back and here on Raw ladies and gentlemen[/COLOR] [B](This was a quick match and did what I wanted it to do make Goldberg look great and Regal like crap, Goldberg hit a Jackhammer)[/B] [B][U]Winner:[/U] Goldberg[/B] [COLOR="royalblue"]Jerry: Cole I can't believe this I mean the World Title Match that might happen at the Bash and Goldberg is here I wonder what other juicier things we have[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Cole: Well I do know CM Punk will be out here to say goodbye when we come back.[/COLOR] [CENTER] vs [/CENTER] [B](This was almost my match of the night because they two worked so well together, but it was a back and fourth match with Christian trying for a unprettier only to have Punk reverse it and hit a GTS)[/B] [B][U]Winner:[/U] CM Punk[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]Punk: Well, this has been a long time coming. I mean I am the WWE Champion of course no thanks to any of you.[/COLOR] [B](Punk is starting to build heat)[/B] [COLOR="purple"]Punk: See my whole life I always said I would be the WWE Champ one day, and you people, well basically laughed at me for what me to prove you all wrong. You all suck[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Orange"](Crowd chants you suck)[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="purple"]Punk: Yeah you're right I suck, well I guess ill take a title none of you will ever hold and go to Smackdown where I will be a God[/COLOR] [COLOR="royalblue"]Jerry: Um, does Punk see what is behind him?[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Cole: Let's let him figure it out[/COLOR] [CENTER][/CENTER] [B](Triple H is behind him holding a sledge hammer, and when Punk turns around Triple H tries to lay him out but Punk ducks it and gets out of the ring with Triple H signaling that he was a couple of inches from taking Punk's head off)[/B] [COLOR="royalblue"]Jerry: Well I guess Triple H just sent a message that he is still the top dog on Smackdwon[/COLOR] [B](Triple Poses for a couple of seconds then walks to the back)[/B] [CENTER] vs [/CENTER] [B](This help Val look like a good wrestler with him even getting a close three count at one point when Jericho distracted Shawn, but Shawn hit Sweet Chin Music at 11:37 for the win)[/B] [B][U]Winner:[/U] Shawn Michaels[/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Chris: Shawn: So you want me to sign that contract, fine under one condition, if you don't win at The Bash, you quit Raw and never come back as long as I am here[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Shawn: How about if, I don't win I will leave Raw, but if you don't win at the Bash, then you are the one that has to leave Raw[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslategray"]Chris: Deal![/COLOR] [COLOR="royalblue"]Jerry: Uh? Cole did they forget that Jeff Hardy is also in that match at the Bash[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Cole: Well I would hope so because pretty soon they both could be leaving[/COLOR] [B](Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho both sign the contract when the World Champion's music hits and he comes to the ring)[/B] [CENTER][/CENTER] Jeff: Um, I think you both are idiots, did you forget that there is a third member of that match and you both just signed a contract and said if you lost you would leave Raw, well what if you both lost, to, well, ME! [COLOR="darkslategray"]Chris: Well that's not going to happen Jack Ass[/COLOR] Jeff: Well fine here I will sign the contract, but not because I am the World Champ, but because this match will make history not only for the match but, because after I win, you both have to leave Raw! [B](Jeff Signs the contract and then Jericho tries to hit Shawn but misses only for Shawn to connect with the Super Kick, and when Shawn turns around Hardy hits a twist of fate)[/B] [CENTER] vs [/CENTER] [B](Jericho is given a minute to recover from the Super Kick but Hardy jumps all over him, Chris does fight back and this becomes a back and fourth match until Jericho hits a Code Breaker and covers Hardy, only to have Hardy kick out, he then puts Hardy in the Walls of Jericho, but Hardy wont tap and reaches the ropes, Jericho is now pissed and he goes and grabs the World Title and waits for Hardy, when Hardy finally turns around Jericho smashes the title into his head)[/B] [B][U]Winner by DQ:[/U] Jeff Hardy[/B] [B](Jericho continues his bashing of Hardy until Shawn runs in and makes the save with Hardy looking at him waiting for Shawn to try something and this brings out Mike Adamle)[/B] [B][/B] [COLOR="red"][COLOR="Red"]Adamle[/COLOR]: Well since the Title match for the Bash has officially been signed and set, I need a main event for next weeks Raw, so next week all three of you will be in that ring at the same time, with each of you selecting a partner of each others choice, Jeff you choice Jericho's partner, Jericho you get Shawn's and Shawn you get Jericho's, I see it like this each person partner you choice is the same person who has made you bleed within the past 24 hours, so good luck men![/COLOR]
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[CENTER][/CENTER] With the actions of The Miz at Night of Champions in John Morrison and Matt Hardy's match, what will be the one person who fights back in Hardy's defense, will Jeff Hardy even show up on ECW to get revenge for his brother. All will be answered tonight on ECW on Sci-Fi John Morrison vs Bobby Lashley RVD vs Ricky Ortiz Chavo Guerrero vs The Miz Evan Bourne vs the returning Boogeyman
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[CENTER] [/CENTER] Styles: Welcome everybody to ECW on Sci-Fi, I am your host Joey Styles along side me is none other than Joel: Me! Joel Gertner and tonight is the night Styles: The night for what Joel: I show everyone just why they call me Quintessential Stud Muffin Styles:Um Joel, sorry to break the news to you but you are the only one who calls himself that name Joel: Just watch you fool, tonight you will see Styles: If you say so. Anyways tonight folks we have a full line-up with the likes of the impressive Evan Bourne vs the returning Boogeyman, as well as The Miz vs Chavo Guerrero, and the true ECW icon RVD vs the undefeated rookie Ricky Ortiz Joel: Hey! Don't forget our Champ going against the so called best ECW wrestler ever Bobby Lashley Styles: I didn't you just cut me off before I got to it, but on a more serious side of things, last night Matt Hardy was brutally attacked by The Miz and suffered a Herniated Spinal Disc which will keep him out for up to one year, the good news is Matt had successful surgery yesterday and is expected to be stronger than ever Joel: Always sad when a wrestler gets hurt doing what he loves... Well on to better things Styles: Joel Joel: What!?! Styles: Never mind it's worthless Joel: Anyways, we are waiting on The Miz to come out here and explain his actions from last night Styles: O, I can't wait for this one! [CENTER][/CENTER] (Miz comes out to nothing but boos) Miz: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the Miz's new show, Miz Talk, where I the Chick Magnet, The Miz, answer and ask the tough questions surrounding the world today, Now it was brought to my attention that the question people want answered the most is Why Miz? Why attack Hardy like that........Well it was simple I was helping a friend by taking out an enemy, and if you are asking well which friend is that,while it's none other than my very first guess, our ECW World Champion John Morrison [CENTER][/CENTER] Styles: Well no offense to Miz but Morrison doesn't look to happy (Morrison comes to the ring with the title and not looking in the best of moods as Miz holds open the ropes for him and hands him a mic) Miz: My good friend John, how are you today Morrison: I'm fine, but Matt Hardy isn't Miz: Man who cares? Not me that is for sure, I mean look at us Johnny boy, you are the ECW World Champ, and as for me well I have made Teddy Long bring back the ECW T.V title and I will go for that title and you have that one, we'll rule ECW John: That is great Miz, but you and I ruling things isn't great, actually it wont even happen because as of Sunday Night our friendship is no more, I can't believe what you did, and if even for a second think that I needed you're help, well you're just wrong (Morrison is cheered as he drops the mic and turns around to leave the ring when Miz jumps him and starts beating him down, but Morrison fights back and eventually throws him out of the ring and Morrison stands tall with his belt, but this brings out Teddy Long) [CENTER][/CENTER] Long: Hold up there playa's, I just got a brilliant idea for the both of ya's, tonight Miz you will take on Chavo Guerrero in a number one contenders tournament. And it will feature Bobby Lashley, RVD, Ricky Ortiz, The Miz, Chavo Guerrero, Evan Bourne, Boogeyman and since Bobby Lashley won last night then he gets a bye till next week when he will face the winner of RVD vs Ortiz, and the winner of the tournament gets the shot at the Bash, so good luck to you all playa's! Joel: Man, that was blockbuster news by our G.M Styles: It sure was I mean in two weeks time we will figure out who takes on Morrison at the Great American Bash for the ECW title, and we also witnessed tonight that Morrison didn't agree with what the Miz did, man this will be exciting [CENTER] vs [/CENTER] Joel: Boy, ill tell you what, this man is freaky Styles: I can't disagree (This was a quick match which matched Bourne's quickness with Boogey's power, Boogey start off quick by just over powering Evan, but Bourne gained control and didn't look back as he hit a shooting star at 6:21 for the win) Winner: Evan Bourne Styles: Man I'll tell you what Evan sure looked impressive tonight Joel: Yeah, yeah, sure whatever just wait till a little bit later Styles: Nothing is going to happen Joel Joel: I'm telling you just wait Joey [B](Cut to the back to Teddy Long's office where Mark Henry slams open the door)[/B] [CENTER][/CENTER] Henry: What the hell Teddy why wasn't I in the tournament, I mean look at me none of them would have stopped me! Long: You know I thought of that but then I thought why not book you in a match next week against a man who has held this title before [B](Long pulls the ECW T.V title out of a black bag)[/B] [CENTER][/CENTER] Henry: Yeah! And who might that be [B](Long nods his head to behind Henry's shoulder and when Henry turns around he hears)[/B] Rhyno: GORE! GORE! GORE! [CENTER][/CENTER] [B](Back to the announce table)[/B] Styles: O my god Joel, Rhyno is back in ECW, can you believe this Joel: Yeah, sure, great but Joey it's time [B](Joel gets up and grabs a mic and enters the ring with a huge smile on his face)[/B] Joel: Ladies welcome to the Joel Gertner part of the show, every week from now on I will give one lucky lady in the audience or on the WWE or ECW roster to come and have a chance to kiss none other the Quintessential Stud Muffin, me, Joel Gertner [B](Joel waits in the ring with no real interest from any female in the audience until a theme song plays)[/B] [CENTER][/CENTER] Styles: God Lord it's, Trish Stratus, and she is hear on ECW, wait, she isn't really going to kiss Joel is she? [B](Joel face has a smile from ear to ear as Trish comes to the ramp)[/B] Joel: Trish, why it's so nice to see you Trish: O, Joel, do you want to kiss me Joel: O, yes Trish: Well I would, but Joel: But what! But What! Trish: Well my boyfriend would just hate it Joel: Boyfriend!?! [B](Music starts to play)[/B] [CENTER][/CENTER] Styles: O man Mark Jindrak is here Joel you need to run and run now [B](But Joel can't as Trish hits him with a low blow and Mark grabs a hold of him and smiles and hits a Mark of Excellence on Joel and walks off with Trish)[/B] Styles: Well I told Joel he was wrong but it looks like we have a new superstar in the returning Mark Jindrak, I kinda hope Joel is ok [CENTER] vs [/CENTER] [B](This was a ok match for the two with back and fourth action, but at the end Miz hit a reality check for the win)[/B] Winner Miz Styles: Well it looks like Miz will be moving forward, what is that [CENTER][/CENTER] [B](Jeff Hardy comes running through the crowd and attacks Miz security runs down to the ring and takes down Hardy and Miz slips away smiling)[/B] Styles: Let him go he was just getting revenge for his brother dammit [B](Hardy is taken to the back with a huge smile on his face)[/B] [B](Cut to the back where Teddy Long meets up with Jeff)[/B] [CENTER][/CENTER] Long: Now listen here playa, I'm sorry what happened to your brother Sunday night but you can't come here a risk injury to Miz and You Mr. World Champ, but here is what I can do for you playa, next week on ECW the Miz will be there and it can be you and him 1 on 1 in a hardcore match and you can take whatever it is out on him ok playa Jeff: Deal! Long: Alright then, Holla, Holla, Holla Styles: Well big match announced for next weeks ECW, which mean the Miz will now have two matches as he takes on the winner of the next match between Ricky and RVD [CENTER] vs [/CENTER] [B](This was a fast paced match with both men getting offense in, it turned near the end when Lashley distracted RVD and Ortiz scored a quick pinfall)[/B] Winner: Ricky Ortiz [B](Joel has now rejoined the announce team)[/B] Styles: well Ricky looked mighty impressive tonight and with some help from Lashley beat Rob to advance to the next round Joel: Yeah, who cares? Styles: I can see you are a little mad that Mark Jindrak came back and showed his strengthen against you Mr. Studd Muffin Joel: Bite me Joey, just bite me Styles: Thanks but i'll pass, Next up though folks we have the name who claims he is the best wrestler to ever grace ECW and last night he took one step in showing it when he took down RVD [B](A video plays of Lashley and his time in ECW)[/B] Lashley: I am a two time ECW World Champ, I have beaten them all, Big Show, RVD, CM Punk, Umaga, and Vince McMahon Lashley: And tonight when I beat the champ ill prove it even more Styles: Well Lashley not a man with no confidence that is obvious Joel: Well look at Lashley I mean he is huge, quick, and very athletic Styles: I can't argue with you there and tonight he gets a chance to take down John Morrison Joel: I think he does it [CENTER] vs [/CENTER] [B](This was an awkward match as their styles didn't work together, near the end Lashley hit a finger to the eye and as the ref was attending to Morrison RVD ran down and grab the ECW title and hit Lashley over the head with it and Morrison made the pin fall)[/B] Winner: Morrison Styles: Well I guess you could say Lashley and RVD aren't through just quiet yet Joel: I doubted it the whole time Styles: Well until next week fans I'm Joey Styles along side Joel Gertner and have a great night
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[CENTER][/CENTER] In the after math of Night of Champions we saw Triple H beat three other men to retain his WWE Heavyweight Championship but it was his four opponent that caused him to lose the title as we saw CM Punk cash his Money in the Bank contract in at Night of Champions, On Raw we saw the former Champ almost behead the Current Champ, what will Smackdown have in store for us this week and will Triple H get his hands on CM Punk this time or will he slip through the cracks again [CENTER]CM vs Edge Mr. Kennedy vs MVP Big Show vs Khali R-Truth vs D.H Smith Benjamin vs Carlito Triple H vs Jimmy Yang Wang[/CENTER]
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