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Rock Band 2


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It's out now, so what do those of you who have played it think? I see it as almost like an expansion pack. I'd definitely say it was worth the price, but it's not really a new game. I've seen less than half of a dozen new fill-in bandmates, and only a couple new venues (or maybe I just forgot what some of them looked like). Aside from a new store called "Thrift Threads", there are very few new character creation pieces and instruments. However, when it comes to the game's "skin", even if it isn't very different, there's enough fresh things to keep it from being boring... Plus, the setlist of the game (around 80 songs), when added to my DLC and original Rock Band songs, equals plenty of music. Everything that didn't work well in the last game has been fixed, too. Notes on guitar and bass are where they should be. Not quite as easy to hit as GHIII, but that's actually a good thing. GHIII's notes were a bit too flexible! World Tour has been opened up so you can have any combination of players online or in the same room as you to play through the mode, and band leaders and instrument restrictions have been removed so you don't have to fumble with 4+ characters per profile (unless you want to...). Challenges are cool too... They're kind set up like a tree. You start at low level challenges, and as you perform certain ones, it will unlock ones above them that are geared towards the same song style or instrument(s) you use. For example, if you beat the Warm-Up Guitar challenge, it'll allow you to play the Apprentice level challenge as well as perhaps a 70's hits challenge or a Alternative Rock challenge. A nice thing that they did was integrate DLC and Rock Band songs seemlessly into World Tour and the Challenges. An example is the "The Who Challenge" I just went through. It was a 3 song set featuring Baba O'Riley (a DLC song), Pinball Wizard (a Rock Band 2 song) and Won't Get Fooled Again (a Rock Band song). I'd strongly recommend the game if you enjoy any of the other music rhythm games.
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