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SWF: Generation Supreme

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Alright, time for a long and rambly explanation, discussion, justification, etc. post! First off, was not expecting the A* show. My first. Woohoo. Unfortunately, most of the credit probably has to go to the fact that The Supreme Challenge is rated as Legendary show. It might have helped that most matches were part of storylines with strong ratings going in... but I think the Legendary show status helped most. When I say that I looked at pretty much every possibility with how to get the belt off Bruce, I mean that pretty literally. I think keeping the belt on him this long was a bit of a mistake, but I do like Bruce as champion. I decided awhile back that The Supreme Challenge would be the best place to do have him drop it. I wanted an "epic" feel to it and a big match would do that, so the Double Jeopardy was the best thing I could come up with. Every possiblity was looked at, though. Any possible swerve, turn, alliance, or betrayal I could come up with was a possiblity. Having Bruce retain was a slim possibiity, with him dropping at either at the next PPV or having him drop it on TV in what should be a routine defense. Having Bruce drop in the first Double Jeopardy match, and then possibly someone else win in the second one, was also a possiblity - but that starts to feel something like hotshotting the belt and I really don't like doing that. The next big question - huge question - was who would Bruce drop the belt to. I actually wrote the whole "Eisen will decide" angle because I was still unsure. Everyone got consideration - including, as I said, having someone yet to debut come in and win it. But I had to take everything into account - what kind of reign the new champion would have, the stories I could tell with them, the quality of matches they would have, etc. It came down to two final choices - Money and Remo. I actually have had some creative assistance from two of the great writers on this board who also happen to be readers, and they were split on this one. As I was. Remo would have been a bit of a swerve, I think, but obviously not completely unexpected. I liked that it would've really put him at the very top, which is where he'll end up eventually. But I couldn't look past some problems with it. For one, he's doesn't quite have the top-level Performance skills I'd like in a champion, which is the same issue I had with Bruce. For that reason, I think Remo would've ended up with a fairly short run. I've been trying to draw more character out of Remo, but that's still developing and I'm not sure the stories with him as champion would be as fun. In character terms, I can see Remo support Money as champion but I don't think I could see Money supporting Remo in the same way... which could make for a great storyline down the road, but I want to keep that friendship solid for now. As for Money, he's my second most consistent worker behind Faith. So you could say this win is a bit of a reward for that. Like Faith, Money can draw a pretty good match out of almost any opponent. But moreso than anything else, I think he's one of the strong heel characters I have. He has a character that should make for a fantastic title reign. Its also a character that gives me plenty to play with. I've already got a few things planned that should be pretty fun. So that's really what it came down to more than anything else - Money will make a more intriguing champion in storyline terms than Remo, or anyone else, for that matter. The mini-swerve of Money losing to Bumfhole was fun. It felt very "sports entertainment" to write. It also kept the intrigue up through much of the show, hopefully. If anyone is questioning why I had the Double Jeopardy as the secondary main events, its simply because I didn't know if booking it this way - Money losing to Bumfhole then beating Bruce - would negatively affect the match ratings at all. I was pretty sure I could count on Faith and James to pull an A. Wasn't sure Money-Bruce would be even a B+. Christian Faith was always intended to win the Supreme championship first, from when I first decided I needed a second main event belt. Its partly because he's more reliable than any other worker I have. Its partly because it just seems right. I mean, the brand is SWF Legends and Faith is the ultimate legend. The absolute company guy. It astounds me that anyone who uses SWF could possibly overlook him, but it apparently happens. Anyway, I also did consider what storylines would result and Faith gave me some of the best options. Had a lot of fun buliding towards that show and quite a bit of fun writing it, even if it took longer to get up that I expected. So hopefully all the readers will enjoy reading it. Oh, and any feedback on this is very much appreciated. Good or bad, I'd love to hear what the readers think.
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[quote=MVP!;576277]Lately I've been in "lurking mode", and I've been fo0llowing your diary for a while now, I love it, from the very sports entertainment feel you've managed to give to SWF, the random thoughts of the day, great storylines and the way your shows are written, it's a top notch diary you have here.[/quote] Thanks! Great to see another reader post. I love that the "sports entertainment" feel is coming across, because that's obviously what its supposed to be. Not a fictional version of the WWE, but a slightly different take on what sports entertainment can be. The idea of Bruce losing and then re-winning the belt is actually quite interesting. A Bruce heel turn was definitely considered but wasn't something I wanted to do... yet, anyway. Having Bruce lose the belt in the first Double Jeopardy match and then someone else win it in the second one was a possibility - as someone suggested, Tyler taking the belt in a swerve and then possibly losing it to someone else. Felt like hotshotting, but it was considered. As for Brandon James, I agree that he should be more of an unstoppable beast than he is. Which is why I was trying to write that match to show how tough he really is. That was part of the reason I wanted to get him out of Big Money Incorporated and even onto the Legends brand... He stands out more there than he would staying on Supreme, with Remo there. [quote=NoNeck;576534]Great show, dude. Great show. :):):)[/quote] Was hoping you'd like it, NN. From someone who is not just a greater writer but a fellow SWF writer, that's fantastic to hear you say. [quote=UFC-KING;576549]Wow, Great Show[/quote] Thanks! [quote=ReapeR;576551]Outstanding show! Might we see the Rich Money Heavyweight belt in the near future? :rolleyes:[/quote] Glad you enjoyed it. And yes, I may change to one of the world title alts... Thought about asking you for another special alt, but I figured that wasn't fair as you've already done so much and I haven't even debuted all of them as it is. [quote=G-Prime;576624]Holy Crap. That show was something else dude.[/quote] [quote=Bolton;576672]That show was off-the-hook man.[/quote] Thanks guys. Reading that people enjoyed it makes the writing and build-up worthwhile. [quote=Phantom Stranger;576674]Great stuff, man. Interesting take on why the title shifts - and I agree about Faith - though I've always felt that the right booking for a champion once he's there can explain a lot of surprise going into a reign.[/quote] I figured the big rambling explanation post was not actually necessary, but some readers might appreciate it. Plus I wanted to get across that even with the slight in-show swerve with Money, going with the obvious choice for champion was not an automatic. I was literally this close to going with Remo. As well, I absolutely agree with the booking of a title reign being able to justify it. That's what I've been trying to do with DuBois' North American run so far. One thing I actually gave some consideration to was having Bruce retain through the Double Jeopardy, but then lose it on TV to someone relatively undeserving - DuBois, Marquez, someone like that - and then have them actually do well with it. So it wasn't so much that I didn't think a SWF World title win by someone like Remo or Golden or whoever couldn't make for a good reign, just that I think Money will be more fun to write (and therefore read).
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Awesome show, everything seemed to fit the "big event" mold. The matches were well written, and it definitely leaves a feeling of "what's next for (insert anyone that participated in the event)?". I'll definitely keep reading and posting my sometimes overthough predictions. :)
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Guest cmdrsam
There are not too many shows I would have paid money to watch. This is one I would have laid down money and been elated about it. I feel you captured the importance of the show very well. And yes it was very well written as well. But I find myself sometimes looking at a booker/writer not how well he writes a show, but does he capture the intent of a promotion, or the importance of a show. One word, BINGO. Congrats on a great show.
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[QUOTE=MVP!;576764]Awesome show, everything seemed to fit the "big event" mold. The matches were well written, and it definitely leaves a feeling of "what's next for (insert anyone that participated in the event)?". I'll definitely keep reading and posting my [B]sometimes overthough predictions[/B]. :)[/QUOTE] Well, glad to have you on board. Your "sometimes overthought predictions" will fit in nicely with my "usually overthought storylines". As the writer, I quite love what I would call "well considered" predictions. Which isn't to say that readers who post their predictions without the explanations haven't put thought into those picks, just that you can't know that for sure. But when someone does write out their thoughts on the picks, I love it. As the writer, it gives me some idea of what I'm putting into the readers heads. And if I'm getting them really thinking about stuff, then I feel like I'm doing my job. [QUOTE=bitlos;576857]As it's already been said, that was just an awesome show. A great swerve with Money's loss, I actually marked out when he was revealed as the challenger.[/QUOTE] Thanks. I was hoping it would come across well. I had fun with the whole Double Jeopardy thing, from the initial meetings planning it with Eisen and company, to the final segment there. I was trying to write that final segment in such a way that it wouldn't be obvious what was about to happen, even once one of them in the meeting disappeared. I felt that should be a great segment to actually watch (if you could) and that should come across as you're reading it. Also had fun with the details. Stupid little things like Money winning the belt in a pair of suit pants and dress shoes. I love the details and try to get the little stuff across. [QUOTE=cmdrsam;576884]There are not too many shows I would have paid money to watch. This is one I would have laid down money and been elated about it. I feel you captured the importance of the show very well. And yes it was very well written as well. But I find myself sometimes looking at a booker/writer not how well he writes a show, but does he capture the intent of a promotion, or the importance of a show. One word, BINGO. Congrats on a great show.[/QUOTE] Now that's a compliment! Thanks! Thanks to everyone for the kind words on the show. Its the kind of response that can keep a diary going a lot longer if the writer is starting to feel burned out. I'm not even close to burning out right now, but this is a whole lot motivation regardless. I should have a Random Thoughts segment up sometime today.
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;576936]A* write up for an A* show. I love the way Money just grabbed the opportunity for himself, priceless. He should make a great champ for you :)[/QUOTE] I hope he will be. Doing it that was just seemed, to use his phrase, money. Looking forward to some of the stuff with Money that's coming up. [QUOTE=James Casey;576973]Fantastic event, liked all the outcomes, with some issues resolved, others carrying on, and workers elevated and evolved in many instances. And yeah, that Supreme belt is a really gorgeous piece of work - kudos to your beltmaker ;)[/QUOTE] Thanks for the kudos. Having some of the best writers on the board here enjoy my work is a fantastic feeling. Given how much I've enjoyed your work - and TK's, and NoNeck's, etc - for so long, it almost seems weird. But in a good way! And I love that belt render. Reaper does such awesome work. I had the old WCW/NWA Big Gold Belt in mind when I asked him for it, but I never really communicated that. But what he came up with was like he read my mind. [QUOTE=randomfreeze;576990]Add me to the long list of people that loved the show. I missed most of the predications, but I like it that way. It was a lot of fun to read and I'm glad you got the A* rating, you deserved it.[/QUOTE] Thanks. It was awesome to have everything come together like that - A* show, all the matches and angles came off pretty well, and the write up got everything across. Plus the response to the write-up has been great, so I'm quite happy with how its all played out at this point!
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[FONT="Arial"][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/Avatars/Small/AvatarSmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote]Random thought of the day... is recognition from sources that you're not supposed to get recognition from any less satisfying? With my current role as the unofficial head booker of the Supreme Wrestling Federation, I've come to accept that I'm not supposed to be someone the public recognizes. I basically haven't been on TV in the past six months in a wrestling role, besides a few rare appearances on Generation Supreme. They've taken my profile off the roster page on SWF.com. I think they have my name someone on the site as some sort creative consultant. Not my real name, of course. Most wrestlers look to the fans for validation. The love of an adoring crowd - or the rancor of the fans hating as they are supposed to hate - is the elixir that drives them every night. But there are certain wrestlers who's validation comes not from the crowd, but from their peers. Their skills lay not in getting themselves over with the fans but getting others over, in helping their opponents look as good as possible in a match. That type of worker rarely gets their recognition they deserve from the fans, but they are definitely appreciated by their peers. That's the approach I've taken. It seems like the fans are enjoying the fruits of my labor, even if they don't understand that it's my work. Those within the SWF do know it, and I am getting credit and appreciation from them. At this point, it seems like most of the roster loves me. The younger workers still credit me with helping them gain more visibility through the whole Generation Supreme thing. The brand split has given more TV time to a lot of midcard guys, and they thank me regularly for that too. Most guys seem to like the direction they are going right now. Perhaps the strangest thanks that I've received thus far has been from both Robbie and Newton. Individually, each thanked me for keeping them off The Supreme Challenge. It seems weird that they would be happy to not be wrestling on the biggest show of the year. Both know what's going on in storyline terms, however, and they realize the storyline fallout will be much bigger for them than getting a short match on the pay per view would be. Newton admitted that he knew a match with Robbie would probably be the weakest on the show, no matter how well they worked it, because the fans wouldn't be that into it. Those two guys are both young but they understand the business pretty well. The Supreme Challenge 28 came off beautifully. I know Eisen will want to see the buyrates before he declares it a complete success, but the reactions of the crowd told me all I needed to know. The whole angle with Money came off beautifully, even better than we planned. And even though he needed some convincing, Faith seems happy now that he has that shiny new Supreme championship belt. One of my strangest moments since I joined the SWF happened as I was leaving the Greenwalt Dome. The Dome has one primary secure entrance the leads directly to a secure parking lot. The fans love it as they know that's the way everyone will leave, so they wait around there waiting for autographs. I was leaving the Dome by myself, trying to decide which of the three after-parties I was going to attend. The Eisen clan was having a low-key, invite-only affair that I had been invited to. The Gilmore's were hosting one that was going to have most of the roster veterans there, including Robbie. The third option was a party that DuBois had set up at a local nightclub that could be interesting. The Gilmore event was the most appealing, but Kristen would be there and she was being a bit odd, lately. Thinking we were dating and such. Women... As I walked out the doors and along the path to the secure parking lot, there were still a few hardcore fans lining the security barriers. Then I heard someone call out: "I respect you, booker man!" In my after-party attendance contemplation, I wasn't sure I actually heard what I thought I heard. I kept walking, thinking it couldn't be directed at me. The person who had said it was not deterred, though. He called out again, this time with, "Hey! Hey! Avatar! I respect you man!" I stopped and stepped over the barrier. It was late and there weren't a lot of fans left, thankfully. He was a fairly young guy, clean-cut and well-dressed. The kind of kid that isn't supposed to be a fan of professional wrestling. "Did you call me booker man?" I asked him. "Yeah," he nodded eagerly. "You're Avatar, right?" "Yeah, I am," I admitted. "But I'm not a booker." "Oh, cool. That's not what I read." I laughed. I told him, "The booker is still Peter Michaels. I'm just a developmental guy. I'm here instead of with RIPW cuz I do some stuff with creative. But I'm not the booker." Ah, the standard response. Not that I've had to use it much, but its what was decided I was use. And its not really a lie, technically, because I still don't have the title of Booker. Yet. The kid nodded, saying, "Okay, cool." He waited a second and then added, "But the rumor online says you are. I read that you're doing all the booking. Michaels is just a figurehead or whatever now, so that the board of directors doesn't get upset at having a kid doing the booking." I laughed again. He was certainly determined. And correct, but I couldn't admit that to him. It was a bit surprising that this was first coming up in Jersey - the fans there had a reputation as being pretty smart, but not quite as knowledgeable as those in Philadelphia or New York. "Where did you read that? Its funny and it would be awesome, but it isn't true." "Yeah, its all over a little online wrestling community called Grey Dog Wrestling." "I'll have to check it out," I responded. "Well, look, I understand what you're saying," the kid told me. "But let's say, hypothetically, that you were doing the booking. If that was the case, I would want to tell you that I really enjoy what you've been doing. Just hypothetically speaking, of course." "Okay, I hypothetically understand," was my laughing response. I thanked the kid and moved on. As I made my way to my car, I found myself musing over what the kid had told me. Grey Dog Wrestling? I had never heard of it, but I made a mental note to check it out. How did the story get out? We've taken a lot of pains to make sure no one knows or allows the information to get out. This was something we were going to have to deal with. As I headed to the location of the Gilmore's after-party, my concern over the kid's statements slowly turned into the tender inner glow of feeling appreciated. Somehow, for some reason, some fans had realized the contributions I was making to the Supreme Wrestling Federation and enjoyed them. That made me feel good. I know I'm supposed to worry about the fans, but how can you not enjoy that? Friday, Week 2, July 2008 Avatar[/quote] [/FONT]
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]SWF Supreme Challenge 28 Review[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Logos/PPV/SWF/Banners/SWFSupremeChallengebanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote][B][CENTER]Friday, Week 2, July 2008[/CENTER] [/B] The dust has only begun to settle from The Supreme Challenge 28 and its already being hailed as a classic. The Only Show that Matters lived up to its name, providing fans around the glove with four hours of spectacle that will not soon be forgotten. The show featured two crowning moments of awesome. The first happened when Rich Money grabbed the ultimate opportunity for himself, taking advantage of a rare moment of indecision from Richard Eisen to get himself into the Supreme Double Jeopardy™ match to take the SWF World Heavyweight Championship from Jack Bruce after a reign of some 11 months. The second fantastic moment of the night happened in the final match. The definitive Supreme Legend Christian Faith overcame a man bigger, stronger, and a decade younger to win one more championship. Faith showed he indeed does have faith as he became the first ever SWF Supreme champion. The SWF Legends championship also changed hands, as Chris Caufield fell to the skills of Bloodstone. The match was not without controversy, as Caufield refused to submit to Bloodstone's renowned Bloodstone Variation submission hold. Referee Shane Stones stopped the match and would not listen to Caufield's protests. In the Threefold Threat™ match for the SWF North American championship saw Marc DuBois retain. It took some interference from Darryl Devine to give DuBois the chance he needed, however. In the three-way tag match for the SWF World Tag Team Championships, Valiant & Giedroyc proved resilient and determined as they held onto the belts. You can't miss SWF Supreme TV and SWF Legends next week to see the fallout from this fantastic show! If you missed it, replays will be available all weekend on North American Prime Select. Check local listings for discount rates and times! [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Logos/PPV/SWF/SWFSupremeChallenge.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote][B][CENTER]Results for SWF Supreme Challenge 28[/CENTER] [/B] [COLOR=Blue]Randy Bumfhole[/COLOR] d. [COLOR=Red]Rich Money[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Marc DuBois[/COLOR] d. [COLOR=Blue]Zimmy Bumfhole[/COLOR] + [COLOR=Blue]Antonio Marquez[/COLOR] to retain the [B]SWF North American Championship[/B] [COLOR=Blue]Chris Morrisette[/COLOR] d. [COLOR=Red]Troy Tornado[/COLOR] + [COLOR=Red]John McClean[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Valiant & Giedroyc[/COLOR] d. [COLOR=Blue]The New Wave[/COLOR] + [COLOR=Red]Badd Kompany[/COLOR] to retain the [B]SWF World Tag Team Championships[/B] [COLOR=Red]Bloodstone[/COLOR] d. [COLOR=Blue]Chris Caufield[/COLOR] to win the [B]SWF Legends Championship[/B] [COLOR=Red]Remo[/COLOR] d. [COLOR=Red]Runaway Train[/COLOR] + [COLOR=Blue]Ray Diaz[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Angry Gilmore[/COLOR] d. [COLOR=Red]Joe Sexy[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Eric Eisen[/COLOR] d. [COLOR=Blue]Bart Biggz[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Rocky Golden[/COLOR] + [COLOR=Blue]Steve Frehely[/COLOR] draw [COLOR=Blue]Jack Bruce[/COLOR] d. [COLOR=Blue]Eric Tyler[/COLOR] + [COLOR=Red]Vengeance [/COLOR] to retain the [B]SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/B] [COLOR=Red]Rich Money[/COLOR] d. [COLOR=Blue]Jack Bruce[/COLOR] to win the [B]SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/B] [COLOR=Blue]Christian Faith[/COLOR] d. [COLOR=Red]Brandon James[/COLOR] to win the [B]SWF Supreme Championship[/B] [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Logos/Promotions/Alt/SWFBlackMid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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Guest cmdrsam
I've got a complaint. My cable company doesnt have a listing of the replay. Can you throw some weight on them hypothetically speaking? :)
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[QUOTE=cmdrsam;577608]I've got a complaint. My cable company doesnt have a listing of the replay. Can you throw some weight on them hypothetically speaking? :)[/QUOTE] I tried call your cable company - well, a cable company, at least - to remind them about the replay. Stupid operator pretended not to know what I was talking about. They were accommodating for a few minutes, then told me that I was clearly insane and should seek professional help. So this is probably the closest I can do... [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?p=576527&post#576527"]Replay... sorta...[/URL] I promise its just as good the second time around... And it comes with a money-back guarantee!
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I had the same issue. I waited up all night over here in Korea to watch it and they showed some UFC crap! :D Seriously Big, I hope you have years of stuff ready to go, 'cause I want this to last for quite a long time. Keep up the great work on this. R
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[QUOTE=ReapeR;577616]I had the same issue. I waited up all night over here in Korea to watch it and they showed some UFC crap! :D Seriously Big, I hope you have years of stuff ready to go, 'cause I want this to last for quite a long time. Keep up the great work on this. R[/QUOTE] Are you sure? I'm pretty sure it was on right after the UFC... Remember, guys, you can always cheat my beloved promotion by finding a pirate feed online... I could never advocate that, but if you need for an SWF fix is that bad, I could hardly blame you guys... Thanks, Reaper. Of course, none of this is worth anything without you readers. And you get extra special credit for your belt contributions. I thank you endlessly for those, but its because they've added so much to the diary. Not just for the graphic effect, but they've helped me out as the writer. The visual representation helps so much. Years? Well, I'll see what I can do. I definitely have no plans to end this anytime soon, and the major storylines have are not intended as short ones. Don't know how fresh I'll manage to keep it over a long time period like that... but I'm willing to try to find out...
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[QUOTE=gingarob;578374]Finally got round to read The Supreme Challenge and I just wanna say...wow! Great job, absolutely brilliant stuff - keep it up!![/QUOTE] Thanks! Love that so many readers enjoyed that show. Just hope that every other PPV from this point out isn't just plain disappointing in comparison... Also wanted to take a second to encourage any and all readers to take a moment and vote in the Diary of the Month awards. Its a great way to recognize some of the fantastic writers here on the board... and not just the CornellVerse diaries. Don't forget those Real World writers, too!
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]The Fry Report Preview[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/FryReport.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote][I]Every week on The Fry Report podcast will provide the latest information on everything Supreme. News, rumors, and interviews, all brought to you by the incomparable Duane Fry.[/I] [B]Preview for podcast available Monday, Week 3, July 2008[/B] "The Money Era has begun! New SWF World Heavyweight champion Rich Money will address the Supreme Wrestling Federation fans. Everyone is waiting to see what Hard Cash will have to say about his first world title victory. No one is about to forget the thrilling title win at The Supreme Challenge 28 where Money literally took the opportunity to face Jack Bruce in the second Supreme Double Jeopardy™ match. You can't miss what the new champion has to say." "The former champion Jack Bruce is will also be at Supreme TV. He is now scheduled to wrestle, but you can bet he'll be trying to find a microphone and speak his mind. I, for one, have no doubt that the man who held the World Heavyweight championship for nearly a year will ask for a rematch. And the Long Island Angel will have a good argument. I have some thoughts to share on this." "After being off-air for nearly a month, Darryl Devine reappeared with a vengeance at the pay per view. After walking off SWF Legends weeks ago, the former SWF Shooting Star champion has not been seen. Devine appeared out of the crowd and got involved in the Supreme Threefold Threat™ match for the North American championship, inadvertently helping Marc DuBois defend his belt. What's Devine's angle? This one one to talk about." "The man known as "Nuke" made his debut on the pay per view. This week's episode of Supreme TV will be Nevada Nuclear's in-ring debut. Can he possibly live up to the hype?" "Speaking of hype, I'm hearing that there's another new debut in the works. A big one, from the sound of things. No word yet on whether this new wrestler will be on the Supreme or Legends brand, but my sources tell me he's sure to make an impact. A big, painful impact." "From what I hear backstage, there are a few wrestlers who are not too happy about being left off the SWF's biggest show of the year. Will they make their feelings known? This could be something interesting to follow in the coming weeks." "This week on Supreme TV we'll not only get to see all the fallout from The Supreme Challenge 28, but some great matches as well. Don't you dare miss out!" [/quote][B]The Fry Report will be available on SWF.com or directly from iTunes.[/B] [quote]A special feature for the Fry Report... A preview of the matches lined up for Supreme TV this week! [COLOR=Blue]Antonio Marquez[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Flex Garcia[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red] Ash Campbell[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Robbie Retro[/COLOR] for the [B]SWF Generations Championship[/B] [COLOR=Blue]The Immortal Bumfholes[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Double Deuce[/COLOR] ([COLOR=Red]Cameron Vessey[/COLOR] + [COLOR=Red]Casey Valentine[/COLOR]) [COLOR=Red]Nevada Nuclear[/COLOR] vs[COLOR=Blue] Swoop McCarthy[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Darryl Devine[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Jay Chord[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Remo[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Art Reed[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Chris Morrisette[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Joe Sexy[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Steven Parker[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Angry Gilmore[/COLOR] [/quote][/FONT]
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