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SWF: Generation Supreme

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Double Deuce vs [B]Los Diablos[/B] [B]The Immortal Bumfholes[/B] vs Team Gilmore (Swoop McCarthy + Kirk Jameson) Blood Elderberry vs [B]Ace Newton[/B] vs Flex Garcia vs Jay Chord Enforcer Roberts vs [B]Chris Morrisette[/B] Valiant & Giedroyc vs [B]The New Wave[/B] Joe Sexy vs [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] [B]Jack Bruce [/B]vs John McClean Marc DuBois vs [B]Sean McFly[/B]
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[QUOTE=benjacko;645179]Bigpapa, do you plan to rename the Bumfholes at some point? I'm guessing that'll only happen when they become single competitors in their own right.[/QUOTE] Not really planning to. Might have one of them go by their first name down the road if they do split up to an extent, but beyond that, no. I know some people don't particularly like the "Bumfhole" name, but its always amused me. I know its just a name, but it would like changing their identity at this point in the game. Plus, I think the name is going to make for some fun at some point in the near future. Noticed that there isn't much variation in the predictions. Which I kinda figured. Not that toughest show to predict, but it will hopefully still deliver. You may notice that I left Rich Money and Remo off the show, at least of in-ring action. I was going to have both in matches, but realized the show might be too loaded... Plus its a bit of an experiment to see how things will work without my two primary heels on the show. Do something similar on the Legends show too. Last night I booked through the Supreme TV, Legends, and the Let the Games Begin pay per view. So I'm hoping to get on a decent roll here and get everything posted in the next few days. No gurantees, though. Just realized the diary hit 900 posts...
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Double Deuce vs [B]Los Diablos[/B] Vessey and Valentine's rise so far certainly looks like it'll be a slow one, pretty much no chance they take down Los Diablos here. [B]The Immortal Bumfholes [/B]vs Team Gilmore (Swoop McCarthy + Kirk Jameson) Gilmore's boys'll come out strong, but they can't kill that which is Immortal, dude. Blood Elderberry vs [B]Ace Newton[/B] vs Flex Garcia vs Jay Chord Bit of an odd mix here, both in styles and in the fact that I'm pretty sure all these guys are heels. Enforcer Roberts vs [B]Chris Morrisette[/B] Very "safe" match here, Morrisette gets a win so he has something to do. Valiant & Giedroyc vs [B]The New Wave[/B] Toughest one to pick tonight, pretty even match-up, but it's kind of hard to go against THE GREATEST TAG TEAM IN THE WORLD TODAY. Joe Sexy vs [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] Is that feud still going on? Maybe it'll be like Cena/Edge, where they take a break from it for a few months, then reboot it? [B]Jack Bruce[/B] vs John McClean Ain't no stopping Showtime! Marc DuBois vs [B]Sean McFly[/B] Intriguing match-up. McFly's pretty much on auto-pick, until he faces Rich Money.
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[QUOTE=Zeel1;645513][B]The Immortal Bumfholes [/B]vs Team Gilmore (Swoop McCarthy + Kirk Jameson) Gilmore's boys'll come out strong, but they can't kill that which is Immortal, dude. Blood Elderberry vs [B]Ace Newton[/B] vs Flex Garcia vs Jay Chord Bit of an odd mix here, both in styles and in the fact that I'm pretty sure all these guys are heels. Joe Sexy vs [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] Is that feud still going on? Maybe it'll be like Cena/Edge, where they take a break from it for a few months, then reboot it?[/QUOTE] Crap! The team of Swoop and Jameson is Team Neptune, not Team Gilmore. Ah, well. At least I got the participants right. The four-way match is a bit of a mess. I considered making it a six-way, like the Supreme Games ladder match will be, but finding four participants was tough enough. Only one of them could be someone who's going to be in the PPV ladder match, so I was kinda limited in choices. I didn't book that one expecting much in the way of match ratings... what I got surprised me a bit... The Sexy-Gilmore feud is still on-going but minimal. Its moreso just two guys who have a history who don't like each other. It'll come through in the match a bit, but its not really pushing the feud forward. Somewhere down the road, it could become a full-blown feud again, but its not the focus for either man at this point. I like the idea of having some continuity in terms of storylines in a promotion. Its not always easy from a booking perspective, but when there was a major feud at one point, you don't pretend that never happened a year down the road when the two workers become best of friends. Not unless you can justify them getting past that history in storyline terms. Anyway, working on the show. Should have it posted sometime tonight.
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]SWF Supreme TV[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TV%20Shows/Banners/SWFSupremeTVBanner.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tuesday, Week 2, October 2008 Isaak Road Arena (Mid Atlantic) - 14,608[/B] [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdaMvVzqvRA"][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [SIZE=4]Announcers[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/PeterMichaelsSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/JerryEisenSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Managers%20Alt/GrandmasterPhunkalt1Small.jpg[/IMG] [B]Peter Michaels - Jerry Eisen - Grandmaster Bling[/B] ________________________________________[/CENTER] [B]Peter Michaels[/B]: Welcome to Supreme TV everyone. Jerry Eisen is here as always, and we are again joined by Grandmaster Bling. Is this a regular thing now, Grandmaster? [B]Grandmaster Bling[/B]: Regular is as regular does, Peter. [B]Peter Michaels[/B]: Uh, what does that mean? [B]Grandmaster Bling[/B]: It means whatever you need it to mean, Peter. [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small%20Alt/RichardEisenalt2Small.jpg[/IMG] [B]Richard Eisen In-Ring Promo[/B][/CENTER] [I]Its a typical monstrously negative reaction that he usually generates. The manipulator seems to revel in it. When the crowd quiets enough for him to be heard, he starts by saying that while he won't name names, he is severely disappointed in certain individuals in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. Certain individuals who should know when to keep their mouth shut, and who should know to stay out of things that are none of their business. It is a lesson they will have to learn if they are to remain in the SWF... Though Eisen himself might prefer they didn't. The owner and CEO then addresses the SWF Let the Games Begin 2008 pay per view, which is now just two days away. The winner of tonight's match between Valiant & Giedroyc and The New Wave will face Sin Inc for the SWF World Tag Team championships at the pay per view. The team that loses will participate in the Supreme Games 4-way tag team ladder match. Eisen says that the participants in the Supreme Games 6-man ladder match that have bee selected thus far are Darryl Devine, Gino Montero, and... Payne. The four-way match tonight will determine another participant. Chris Morrisette was set to be one of the participants, but he was asked by Eric Tyler to participate in a match for the Legends brand, and Eisen has given his permission. After being approached by Sara Silver, Eisen has decided to give newcomer Brent Hill a chance in the Supreme Games match. With a bit of a smile, Eisen then says there is another Supreme Legend he would like to offer a spot in the Supreme Games ladder match. A former SWF World Heavyweight champion, in fact. Being that Jack Bruce is not involved in the pay per view in any other way, Eisen would like offer him a spot in the ladder match. If Bruce wins, he'll get the same chance to pick a Supreme Opportunity prize. Which could be a Sure Shot open contract, a Challenger's Choice title choice, or several other possibilities. Of course, since Jack Bruce made a verbal agreement with current SWF World Heavyweight champion Rich Money that he would not get another a shot at that belt so long as Money held it, any of those opportunities could not be used for that. But Bruce could certainly use them to pursue the SWF North American championship. Or perhaps even the SWF Supreme Championship on the Legends brand. Eisen says all this with a slight smirk, knowing that its going to be taken as an insult by the Long Island Angle. The crowd boos the offer. When the crowed quiets again, Richard Eisen says that he expects a response from Jack Bruce by the end of the night. [/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: A[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Jerry Eisen[/B]: I wonder who dad was talking about... [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/ChampagneLoveralt5Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/GinoMonteroalt11Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/CameronVesseySmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/CaseyValentineSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Los Diablos vs Double Deuce[/B][/CENTER] A surprisingly solid opening match. The duo of Vessey and Valentine show some very good and fluid teamwork, notably better than the Diablos. The real star of the match is Antonio Marquez, who continues to show off his skills and win over the fans. The Four Kings duo manage to isolate Montero for a time, and it gets a big pop from the crowd when he finally makes the hot tag. The match is held up for a few moments near the end when Marc DuBois and his Remember Tomorrow stable make their way down to ringside. The viewing trio don't interfere, however, and Marquez forces Valentine to tap to the Champagne Breakfast a short time later. [B][CENTER]Antonio Marquez Wins at 8:33 via Submission Grade: B[/CENTER] [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/ChampagneLoveralt5Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/GinoMonteroalt11Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/MarcDuBoisAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/StevenParkerSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/JayChordSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Antonio Marquez, Gino Montero, Marc DuBois, Steven Parker + Jay Chord In-Ring Confrontation[/B][/CENTER] [I]As soon as the match is over, DuBois slides into the ring. He is quickly followed by Steven Parker and Jay Chord. DuBois gets into the face of the SWF North American champion. But Marquez is not about to back down. They are quickly shouting at each other and shouting, with their respective friends having to make sure it doesn't escalate further. The Double Deuce duo and their manager Playboy Jake Sawyer are standing near the top of the ramp, watching the confrontation with amusement. They are startled when someone appears on the ramp beside them.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/DarrylDevineAlt1Small.jpg[/IMG] [B]Darryl Devine[/B][/CENTER] [I]Darryl Devine has a microphone and he shouts into it several times until things stop in the ring. Everyone stares at him, expecting him to complain about not getting a shot at the North American championship or something similar... Instead, he asks everyone if they've seen his girlfriend Hannah Potter. Devine begins to describe her, relatively inaccurately as well. After this goes on for a minute, Cameron Vessey walks up to Devine and takes the microphone away from him, then walks away. The crowd sounds their appreciation. The confrontation in the ring has settled down by this point. DuBois and his cohorts leave the ring, with The Evolution making promises of victory the entire way. Marquez gathers up the title belt and gets a roar from the crowd when he climbs up on the ropes and holds it high, his eyes still on DuBois while he does so. [/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: B+[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/RandyBumfholeSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ZimmyBumfholeSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/SwoopMcCarthySmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed/KirkJamesonSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Immortal Bumfholes vs Team Neptune[/B][/CENTER] A very solid and entertaining match, considering the inexperience of Swoop and Kirk as a duo and the fact that its face-versus-face. Team Neptune never really manage to put the experienced brothers in danger but they do well enough. McCarthy brawls with both brothers, showcasing the charisma that already had fans shouting “Swwwooooopppp!” Jameson also shows of his excellent kicks, snapping the at both Bumfholes. The athleticism and teamwork of Randy and Zimmy is just too much, and Zimmy gets the pinfall after a Bumfhole in One frog splash. [B][CENTER]Zimmy Bumfhole Wins at 7:54 via Pinfall Grade: B[/CENTER] [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/RandyBumfholeSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ZimmyBumfholeSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Randy Bumfhole + Zimmy Bumfhole In-Ring Challenge[/B][/CENTER] [I]After their victory, The Immortal Bumfholes call for a microphone. They start by thanking Team Neptune for the match. The duo are already at the top of the stage, along with their two managers, so the group stops for a moment to acknowledge the acknowledgment, then they disappear. The Bumfholes then continue, saying they felt it was important to face Swoop McCarthy and Kirk Jameson in the ring because those two are promising members of Generation Supreme, and Randy and Zimmy wanted to make sure they were worthy. As the two leaders of Generation Supreme, the Bumfholes take sure things seriously. The crowd seem unsure of exactly when the brothers were named the heads of the youth movement in the SWF, but the fans cheer regardless. The duo then says that they want a chance to face another promising Generation Supreme tag team at Let the Games Begin. A tag team who seem to think they are the best that Generation Supreme has to offer, when that's obviously not the case. The Bumfholes call out Joss Thompson and Sean Deeley... Badd Kompany...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/JossThompsonAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ShooterSeanDeeleyAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Joss Thompson + Sean Deeley[/B][/CENTER] [I]It takes a moment, but the Badd Kompany duo appear through the Supreme Gate. The Bumfholes throw out a challenge to Thompson and Deeley to a match at Let the Games Begin 2008, to prove which tag team is truly the best that Generation Supreme has to offer. Thompson and Deeley look at each other for a brief moment before nodding that they agree. [/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: A[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/FrederiqueGarciaSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/BloodElderberrySmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/AceNewtonSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/JayChordSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Flex Garcia vs Blood Elderberry vs Ace Newton vs Jay Chord[/B][/CENTER] This match is impressively entertaining. Its a bit of a mess, as one might expect, but its a fast-paced and exciting mess. Flex comes close to getting the win as he uses some dirty tricks and quick roll-ups on young Jay Chord, but the youngster is saved. Newton ends up brawling with the big Elderberry for awhile. Rich Money and Remo make an appearance, as they come out to the stage to watch the match. Newton puts on a show, as he dominates the late going, and he hits his Aces High finisher on both Jay Chord and then Flex Garcia, pinning Flex for the win. [B][CENTER]Ace Newton Wins at 9:34 via Pinfall Grade: B[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Grandmaster Bling[/B]: The kid climbs to the top of the pile to get the chance to climb the ladder. [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ChrisMorrisetteSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/EnforcerRobertsSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Chris Morrisette vs Enforcer Roberts[/B][/CENTER] Two men who have faced each other countless times through their careers in the SWF put on a solid match with a large degree of familiarity. There is some great technical wrestling, and plenty of cheating from Enforcer Roberts. The heel gets some help from his tag team partner Flex Garcia, but Morrisette shows courage and perseverance as he battles through it. A big Lobster Trap fiseherman's suplex gives Morrisette the three count. [B][CENTER]Chris Morrisette Wins at 9:54 via Pinfall Grade: B[/CENTER] [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ChrisMorrisetteSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Chris Morrisette In-Ring Promo[/B][/CENTER] [I]After the loss, Roberts looks upset. He and Garcia seem to consider getting back in the ring and attacking the outnumbered Morrisette but they decide to leave instead. Morrisette calls for a microphone. It takes some time for the crowd to quiet down. Morrisette says that after thinking about things the past couple of weeks, he's come to the conclusion that something has to change. That he's tired of Rich Money and his friends doing whatever they want without any repercussions. Tired of the kids of Generation Supreme all acting like they've accomplished something in their short careers and feeling entitled to respect they haven't earned.... Before Morrisette can explain exactly what is going to change, he is interrupted...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Managers%20Alt/SaraMarieYorkalt1Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Alt%20Small/NevadaNuclearalt3Small.jpg[/IMG] [B]SM York + Nevada Nuclear[/B][/CENTER] [I]Its The Nuke, Nevada Nuclear, and his manager SM York. The manager does most of the talking, saying that at least Morrisette is getting to wrestle regular on Supreme TV. So he can't have it that badly. Others are getting ignored, like the greatness that is The Nuke. Morrisette says this kind of disrespect from the Generation Supreme wrestlers is exactly what he was talking about. York gets a bit of a dark look on her pretty face, telling Morrisette that Nuke is disappointed that Morrisette won't be participating in the Supreme Games ladder match at Let the Games Begin... because The Nuke was looking forward for another chance to get after Morrisette. And to beat him this time. The Nuke invites the veteran to come gets some... An exasperated Morrisette just drops his microphone and shakes his head. He does not seem impressed.[/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: A[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Peter Michaels[/B]: It looks like Morrisette has just about had enough of Generation Supreme! [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/GuideSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ScoutSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ValiantSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/JackGiedroycSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]The New Wave vs Valiant & Giedroyc[/B][/CENTER] A very good tag team match between two teams that just don't seem to like each other too much. Its a hard-fought brawl, for the most part, and it even sees the respective managers get into a slap fight outside the ring. The first half of the match is pretty even, but Guide and Scout begin to take control thanks to their slick and effortless teamwork, which Valiant and Giedroyc don't quite have to the same extent yet. Its the timing of The New Wave that is very impressive, as they execute moves like double drop kicks in perfect unison. Scout gets the pinfall on Giedroyc after the former tag champion is hit by both Guide and Scout with their Wave of Mutilation. [B][CENTER]Scout Wins at 12:32 via Pinfall Grade: B[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Peter Michaels[/B]: At Let the Games Begin 2008, The New Wave will face Sin Inc for the SWF World Tag Team titles! [B]Grandmaster Bling[/B]: The army men to punish the sinners! [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/JoeSexySmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/AngryGilmoreSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Joe Sexy vs Angry Gilmore[/B][/CENTER] Its clear from the start of the match that these two men still do not like each other. It feels like a grudge as they go after each other. Its clear that Gilmore has the skill advantage, though Sexy keeps things interesting as he pulls a series of dirty tricks. John McClean is at ringside but stays uninvolved. The match would be over sooner but Sexy realizes he's in trouble several times and slides out of the ring, catching a breather outside and getting some advice from his tag team partner. The stalling gets the crowd seething and Sexy eggs them on further. Sexy can't run forever, though, and he soon falls into Gilmore's hands. After a nice sequence of dominance by Angry Gilmore, which the fans love, he goes through his finishing sequence – Sky High Set, Sky High Elbow, and finally the Anger Management Russian legsweep. [B][CENTER]Angry Gilmore Wins at 9:33 via Pinfall Grade: B+[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Alt%20Small/JackBruceAlt9Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/SqueekyMcCleanSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jack Bruce vs John McClean[/B][/CENTER] Another very very good match. McClean makes this one a bit more dramatic in the ring, rather than mostly outside the ring as his tag team partner did. McClean controls portions of the match and seems to put Bruce in some danger. The Long Island Angel starts out slow again. But he finds his feet and thrills the crowd as the match moves on as he begins to unleash some big spots at his opponent. After some battering outside the ring at the former champion, McClean actually gets Bruce in his McClean McMount camel clutch back intside the ring, but Bruce makes it to the ropes quite quickly to force the break. Like Gilmore, Bruce unleashes his full sequence on his opponent – first a Jack Bruce Flurry, then a Long Island Trio, the Welcome to NYC, and finally his New York Minute fame dropper finisher. [B][CENTER]Jack Bruce Wins at 12:41 via Pinfall Grade: B+[/CENTER] [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Alt%20Small/JackBruceAlt9Small.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jack Bruce In-Ring Promo[/B][/CENTER] [I]After his win, Jack Bruce plays to the crowd for a few moments while McClean is consoled by Joe Sexy and then the duo clear out. After they're going, Bruce calls for a microphone. Bruce gets serious. He says that he wants to address the offer made by Richard Eisen for Jack to participate in the Supreme Games 6-man ladder match at Let the Games Begin... And no, Bruce is not interested. He's less than interested. In fact, he's insulted. And he's even more insulted that the man who held the SWF World Heavyweight championship before Rich Money apparently isn't respected enough to warrant an actual match on the pay per view. The Long Island Angel looks angry as he shakes his head, then drops the microphone and stalks up the ramp.[/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: A*[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Peter Michaels[/B]: Jack Bruce says no! [B]Grandmaster Bling[/B]: The Angel feeling grounded. [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/MarcDuBoisAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed/SeanMcFlySmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Marc DuBois vs Sean McFly[/B][/CENTER] A match that carries a lot of expectations, and it delivers. Both men look great. They start by showing off some amazing high-flying chops, taking big risks that thrill the crowd. Then The American Tiger and The Evolution slow things did a bit with some mat work, before transitioning into more of a brawl. DuBois attempts a couple of quick rolls up through the match but McFly is too quick and intelligent for that to work. They swap suplexes, with DuBois hitting a perfect Marc of Excellence and McFly again holding his McFly Delayed Suplex for a long time while the fans go insane. A DeLorean Driver gives McFly the win that's fully expected yet entirely thrilling at the same time. [B][CENTER]Sean McFly Wins at 14:54 via Pinfall Grade: A[/CENTER] [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed/SeanMcFlySmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/MarcDuBoisAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Sean McFly + Marc DuBois Post-Match Segment[/B][/CENTER] [I]After the match, McFly makes sure to congratulate DuBois and shake his hand. Only then does the beloved 34-year old begin playing to the crowd. Nearly 15,000 fans shower love down on The American Tiger as the shaggy-haired Canadian DuBois makes his way out of the ring and up the ramp. After several minutes, the cheers turn to boos. But not because of McFly. Someone has appeared through the Supreme Gate. [/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Alt%20Small/RichMoneyalt8Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/RemoAlt2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/AceNewtonSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rich Money, Remo + Ace Newton[/B][/CENTER] [I]Rich Money is wearing street clothes, carrying his SWF World Heavyweight championship belt over his shoulder and carrying a microphone in his right hand. He is showered by boos as he slowly makes his way across the stage and down the ramp. His eyes never leave McFly, who is still standing in the ring. McFly stares back at the champion, not looking worried. There are more boos, as Remo and Ace Newton come out of the crowd on either side of the ring. They stand threateningly but make no move to get inside. Money has now reached the bottom of the ramp and he stops. McFly does look a bit concerned now. Money finally speaks, saying that he's glad that McFly can learn. That he actually took the time to acknowledge the DuBois kid after the match. He then says that McFly can wipe the scared look of his face, as he and the Alpha Dog and Ace aren't down here to beat down McFly... Money will take care of that himself in two days. They're out here to teach him a little lesson about what life in the SWF is going to be life for McFly. The feeling you have right now, Money says, is something you better learn to accept. The feeling of being surrounded by talent that just look at you as an opportunity to make a name for themselves. The feeling of being a target. Of being utterly alone and without support while hemmed in on both sides. Overwhelmingly powerful talent Remo on one side... The future of the business in Ace Newton on the other side. And all while having to look at Rich Money with the SWF World Heavyweight championship... Because this isn't the same Supreme Wrestling Federation that McFly left behind a decade ago, Hard Cash lectures. A decade ago, there wasn't young talent like what Generation Supreme has now. Not just talented kids, but determined and hungry and depserate to make their mark. Not just the likes of Newton and DuBois, but the Bumfholes, Deeley and Thompson, even the Diablos. Every one of them is going to look at McFly as a chance to take down a legend and make a name for themselves. So McFly better get used to it. Better find himself some friends he can count, because life in this Supreme Wrestling Federation is a jungle. A dog eat dog world... And Money and his friends just happen to be the alpha dogs around these parts. By this point, Remo and Newton have slowly circled around so they are standing beside Money. After the trio stares at McFly for another long moment, Money tosses the microphone a few feet into the ring and then all three turn around. They make a show of turning their backs on McFly as they walk up the ramp. At the top, they stop so Money can hold his SWF World Championship aloft to give the fans a chance to boo with hearty lust. [/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: A*[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Grade/grade_astar.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Rating: 4.85[/U][/B][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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A couple of notes... -I really didn't expect another A* show out of that. Unless McFly-DuBois bombed, I figured it would make for a pretty strong show, but not that strong. I have no idea how the four-way match graded that well, and both of the first two tag matches did better than I figured. Leaving both Money and Remo out of action worried me a touch but I wanted to see if the others could carry it, and I also left another main eventer (Payne) off the show completely... Weird... -this show sets up a bunch of stuff. For right now (the pay per view) and for the future. Stuff that probaby won't become apparent for at least a couple months game-time. Which made a pretty fun show to write. -up next is a Random Thoughts segment and then I'll be working on the Legends show.
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[QUOTE=FlameSnoopy;645626]Whoa.. You just rip those "B" -matches out of everyone. I want to learn that too :p Good show, though I demand Lobster Warrior's comeback (no Chris Morrisette, that's lame) and a World title reign![/QUOTE] I think the secret is overness. Mixed in with skill and a touch of tag experience where necessary. Morrisette, Gilmore, Bruce, and McFly are all A* across the US. Solid A*, too. Marquez is A. McClean, DuBois, Randy, and Sexy are all B+. The New Wave and Valiant & Giedroyc are B. Newton is B-. The majority of those have good momentum. Workers with very good Performance skills (like Roberts, and to a lesser extent, Flex) are capable of getting very good matches when facing opponents with high overness (see Pistol Pete Hall). I was a bit surprised at the Diablos-Deuce match, but DD have B- tag experience and both have developed into solid workers, while Marquez is not only massively skilled but popular. The Bumfholes didn't surprise me that much, as their combo of skill, tag experience, and overness has allowed them to draw solid match ratings out of lesser opponents before. The thing is that I'm not sure this exact approach works with other promotions where popularity matters less. As for Morrisette, something is going to change. That's all I will say. Well that and the fact that I've previously admitted that I regret taking the lobster suit off of him...
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[FONT="Arial"][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/Avatars/Small/AvatarSmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote]Random thought of the day… Attempting to turn base metals into gold makes you an alchemist. What does successfully turning chaos into pro wrestling gold make you? The early reviews of last night's SWF Supreme TV show aren't just great... they've been friggin fantastic. If I believed all the hype, I'd be literally walking on clouds right now. But I try to stay a bit more grounded than that. Especially considering the effort it took to put last night's show together. Its not as if the mighty SWF machine always runs smoothly. There are always some challenges to face every time we put on a show, even if its just a house show. But last night felt far more of a struggle than most shows. Things felt chaotic as soon as I arrived at the Isaak Road Arena in the early afternoon. Things seemed off right away. The talent started bringing me issues as soon as I got there. In a basic sense, that's not rare, but it was the issues that were brought up and who brought them that made things seem different. Was is just because the Games pay per view was in two days? Were people started to worry about yearly contract bonuses since the end of the year was starting to draw close? I just don't know. The first talent to find me in my little cramped space that I was calling my office at the arena were Rich Money and Remo. That surprised me. Despite their position on the roster and the characters they portray, the duo are pretty low maintenance. That isn't to say they never complaints, but more so that they are intelligent, understand the business, and are not overtly selfish. But both came to me with concerns over not being in matches on the show, as they were concerned that simply appearing in the final segment with McFly wouldn't do much for their momentum heading into the pay per view. I explained all the logic behind the booking to them - again - and the grudgingly agreed. Then it was Jack Bruce, still a bit agitated about being left off the pay per view. We spent awhile going over the payoff of that. He understood, but he just couldn't shake the feeling of unease that being left off a pay per view gave him. He didn't say it, but I wondered if the monetary hit about not getting the PPV bonus was also a factor. I made a mental note to check with Richard about still getting Bruce the bonus. I had to deal with Valiant, Giedroyc, and Dawn. The trio still concerns about the finish of their match against The New Wave. They didn't like the idea of losing to a fellow babyface team, though they understand. They just didn't want to lose clean. We talked it over for awhile, but I wasn't changing my mind on that. Then it was Tyson Baine, wanting to talk about being left off the show tonight and having to participate in a ladder match at the pay per view. Then it was Danny wanting to review his commentary. All of this was before the show even started. Once the show started, the headaches got worse. There were technical problems with one of the main cameras, meaning we had less camera angles than normal to use. No one could explain to me why this the problems hadn't been caught during set up. Then a couple segments didn't time out right and it threw everything off. I had a headache from it all within the first half hour, and I'm not a guy who stresses out too much. If I was high-strung, this job would kill me. The highlight of the night came about halfway through when the Keith twins barged into my office. Though Sam's boys have not been officially introduced to the SWF fans yet, they are at shows regularly. They often work dark matches to get used to the SWF style, but even if they don't, we want them there. They need to understand completely life in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. I have a feeling that's why Jay Chord has had a bit of trouble adapting, and why he has settled in of late. The Keith boys may have grown up playing backstage at SWF events, but there is a huge difference between being a kid while your dad works for the company and being an employee yourself. The Keith boys seem to be adapting nicely thus far. I wasn't impressed when they barged through the partially-closed door to my small office space. They were laughing and breathing hard, as if they had just sprinted the length of the arena. They probably had. I was about to ask where their handler was when he came puffing in as well. The 62-year old was laughing right along with the two teenagers. The handler had been hired at Sam Keith's insistence. It had been one of the conditions that he had put down in negotiations before he would let his kids sign with the Supreme Wrestling Federation. We had given him a list of possibilities, and he had selected who we hired. An experienced and respected veteran of the business who would function as the boys manager off the start. I was starting to question the choice, as he seemed to be descending to the boys level of maturity rather than managing to raise theirs. Before I can ask them anything - like why they didn't knock - Matthew shoves a cell phone at me. He's still short on breath so he just nods eagerly. I take it and mumble a greeting. "Avatar," intones a deep voice on the other end of the phone. "That you?" "Uh, yeah, Mr. Keith," I manage to mumble, surprised to hear the legends familiar voice on the other end. "Its Avatar." Did the surprise show on my face? Did my voice sound nervous? I talk to legends of the business regularly, so why would Sam Keith make me nervous? I had spoken to him previously, in meetings that I had participated in through the negotiation process to sign his kids. But I couldn't deny that I was indeed nervous... "I told the boys they could find you if they tried," the TCW World Heavyweight champion told me. "They did," I confirmed. Uh, thanks Captain Obvious. Greg and Matthew gave me matching thumbs up. I nodded, and gave them a little wave. The trio moved outside the door. "So my many sources inside your little promotion there tell me that your the man to talk to now," Sam told me. How do I respond to that? Stock answer, I guess. I told him, "Well, Peter is still..." I didn't get to finish the stock answer before Sam cut me off with a guffawing laugh. "Peter is what he was when I was there," Sam told me. "Don't matter what they call you, what I hear is that everything goes through you. So you're the man I want to talk to." "Okay, we can go with that," I said carefully. Admitting to nothing but there's no use arguing either. "Congrats on the belt by the way." "Thanks. At this age, carrying around a heavy world title was last thing I ever expected to go through again. You always forget what a pain it is," he told me. "I imagine." Really, I couldn't. It was something I was never going to have to worry about, not unless something changed drastically for me. "Look, kid, there's a reason that I wanted to talk to you. This is from me. But its also from Tommy... Kudos." "Uh, thanks." "Look, it isn't easy to say from this end, but what you're doing with Supreme is as good as they've been in a decade. I figured it would fail - all the young guys, splitting the roster, separate shows, another world title... I honestly didn't see a way it could work. But it is working. Amazingly well. So kudos for doing things that I wouldn't have dreamed of." I was near to speechless. "Thanks Mr. Keith." "Please, kid, its Sam. You know, when Richard removed me from the book, he told me that he needed someone who could move in directions and had a modern mentality. I guess he was right," the legend finished. Now I wasn't speechless so much as unsure of what to say in response. Lucky for me, Sam continued, "Sometimes its tough for an old timer like me to get past the idea of "how things should be done" to look at what really could possibly work. You've taken Supreme to a whole new level and that's a pretty amazing thing. I'm glad Richard's promotion is in good hands. And I'm glad my boys will be taken care of." "Thanks, uh, Sam." A great many people - both industry insiders and fans - had questioned why Sam had let his kids sign for TCW's greatest rival promotion. He could have brought them into Total so he could have a direct hand in their development. Luckily for us, Sam understood the business more than most. He knew that any success that the Keith boys found while he was with the same promotion would carry a hint of nepotism. Especially when insiders knew that Sam would always carry backstage weight. It would be the uphill battle that Eric Eisen had faced his entire career. So having Greg and Matthew in Total to start their career was a last resort. According to Sam, he had given serious consideration to every promotion imaginable. Whether it was working for Sam Strong at USPW or for Chord at Mid Atlantic, up in Canada for the Stone's or DeColt's, or even a stint in Japan, Sam had considered the possibility. A few years ago, when kids as young as the Keith boys were didn't really have a chance in the SWF, it wouldn't be been a possibility. But now, the Generation Supreme deal made a good push put of the game a possibility. And probably a reality. But Sam Keith wasn't done. He went on, saying, "Now look, kid, this comes from me and not Tommy... But have you ever given thought to coming out west to work?" "Depends on what you mean..." Another careful answer on my part. "Backstage and in-ring. I hear you can work pretty well in the ring. Too bad you don't get a chance to show it," Sam noted. I could hear the smile in his voice. He had done his research. "Well, I don't have time to work in the ring at this point," I replied. "As for backstage out there, Bryant still making the decisions. I figured you'd be taking the book when he steps down." "Don't think so. I think I've had enough on that end. Maybe do some work as a road agent when I'm done in the ring, but don't think I want to be booking. You've managed to convince me that's a young man's game. I think you could wonders out here. Booking Tommy Cornell and the rest of this roster... That has to be intriguing..." "Oh, it would be fun," I answered. "Hawkins. Bach. Minnesota. Peak. Even you. That's a lot of talent... But I got a lot of talent on this roster too." With a laugh, I added, "Best be careful or we might steal them too." "Ah, good luck with that," Keith guffawed with good humor. "All of them are on long term deals. And the guys you have taken didn't hurt us quite as much as everyone thinks. Baine is getting old. Rocky was never going to be as big a star here as everyone figured, and Pete will probably be back with us someday after he has had enough of Eric." "And Troy." "Okay, losing Troy did hurt," Keith admitted. "Speaking of Peak, how long is he out?" "Eddie won't be back this year, at least," Sam told me with a bit of pain in his voice. "He messed that elbow up bad." "At least its not a shoulder or knee, so he should be back to a hundred percent." "Eventually. Anyway, I'd better let you go. I know you have a lot to do. Anyway, I realize you'd probably pretty content where you are right now. But things change. So keep Total in mind. Tommy's a good guy, and stand up. Unless you become part of the Eisen family, its always family-first for them. Don't ever forget that." "I won't, Sam. Thanks." "Keep up the good work, kid." I hung up the slender cell phone. I held it my hand for a long moment, reflecting on the conversation. I recognized it for what it was - a feeling out call. There was no offer in there. It was to gauge interest. Was I interested? I don't know. Sam was right - Total Championship Wrestling was loaded with potential. They had the kind of product that potentially change the industry in America. But they needed to learn how to build stars. That was something I had proven pretty good at so far. It could work... But I wasn't ready to step away from Supreme. Not yet, anyway. But I couldn't forget what Sam had said about the Eisen family... Like the mob, they are family-first. Unless I become part of that family, I will always have to bear that in mind. Unless I become part of it... Hmm... Amanda and I are still seeing each other when possible... Marrying into the Eisen clan is an interesting thought... The call also told me that TCW just might be getting desperate. While fans and insiders were still lauding Total for putting the World title on Sam, I still saw it as desperation. Desperation with a capital "D". With the promotion still languishing at Cult level, according to the TEW index, they had to be getting nervous about the possibility of USPW making a serious run at them. No time to worry about all that now. I had chaos to turn into gold. I called the Keith boys and their handler back in, handing over the phone. I had a quick word with them, and got back to dealing with endless stream of issues... Several more had popped up while i was talking to Sam Keith. As I began to deal with things, I thought about the possibility of having "Alchemist" added to my business cards. Would anyone get that? Wednesday, Week 2, October 2008 Avatar[/quote] [/FONT]
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]SWF.com: Supreme Games[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Logos/PPV/SWF/Banners/SWFLettheGamesBeginBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote][B][CENTER]Wednesday, Week 2 October 2008[/CENTER] [/B] With SWF Let the Games Begin 2008 on pay per view just a day away, SWF.com decided to take the time to review the ever-popular Supreme Games matches that will be featured on the PPV this year. The Supreme Games idea goes back to 1990, when the idea of a game show style prize wheel was introduced to the Let the Games Begin show at the suggestion of Christian Faith. The format has been altered at times over the years, but it remains popular with the Supreme Wrestling Federation fans. This year, as in recent years, the Supreme Games will be ladder matches. There will a 6-man ladder match for each brand, as well as as four-team tag ladder match with two teams from each brand. They will be standard ladder matches, but instead of a championship belt being suspended above the ring, it will be a key. Whoever is the first to remove the key from the hook will get to use that key to spin the Supreme Game Wheel. That will give them a chance to one of several possible prizes. Some of those include: [B]Payday Package[/B]: there are several of these on the wheel, each one for a numbered briefcase. Each briefcase contains a cash prize, ranging in value from ten thousand dollars to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars... tax-free... [B]Short Time Chance[/B]: this contact is for a shot at the world or tag team titles the week following the pay per view. [B]Challengers Choice[/B]: a contact for a shot at the world or tag team titles where the challenger will have right to determine the stipulations involved. [B]Individual Opportunity[/B]: this one is only for the tag team Supreme Games match. With this contact, one member of the tag team will get a shot at the a title of their choice on their respective brand... but only one member. [B]Caged Opportunity[/B]: a shot at the world or tag teams titles that has to take place inside a cage. [B]Hard Chance[/B]: this contact is for a shot at the world or tag teams titles that has to take place under hardcore rules. [B]Stepping Stone[/B]: not available for the tag teams, this one is a multiple-opportunity contact. The first opportunity is for one of the lower-level titles, and if the worker is successful, they get a chance at the world title. [B]Sure Shot[/B]: the prize of prizes, an open contract for any title that can be cashed in at any time. Can be used to great effect by a clever wrestlers, as its almost like having money in the bank. SWF Let the Games Begin 2008 is available in North America exclusively on North America Prime Select pay per view. [/quote] [center][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Logos/PPV/SWF/LettheGamesBegin.jpg[/IMG][/center][/FONT]
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]The Fry Report Preview[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/FryReport.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote][I]Every week on The Fry Report podcast will provide the latest information on everything Supreme. News, rumors, and interviews, all brought to you by the incomparable Duane Fry.[/I] [B]Preview for podcast available Wednesday, Week 2, October 2008[/B] "SWF Legends will be back in the Tri State region, visiting Plum Park just a day before SWF Let the Games Begin 2008." "Tonight should see a number of decisions being announced for the forth-coming pay per view. Such as whole will represent the Legends brands in the Supreme Games matches, as well as who Bloodstone will defend his SWF Legends Championship against." "Plenty of action on tap this week on SWF Legends. Groucho Bling gets an unlikely shot at Bloodstone's SWF Legends championship. His partner Elmo Benson will participate in a four-way match with Enyma, American Elemental, and Kid Toma. The winner of that four-way will participate in the Legends brand Supreme Games match at Let the Games Begin tomorrow night." "In the main event, Troy Tornado gets his request from last week granted as he faces Sara Silver's Silverback, Mr. Hill. From what I've been told, this Mr. Hill is a very skilled wrestler, so this should make for a great match folks." "Fans may notice that SWF Supreme Champion Christian Faith has actually been given the night off. This will make for one of the few SWF Legend shows since Faith won the belt at The Supreme Challenge 28 that he won't be wrestling on the show. You can bet that General Manger Eric Tyler wasn't behind getting Faith a night off heading into the pay per view." "Overall, we should see another great show. Offering up some of the best wrestling action in the world, SWF Legends can't be missed... only on CBA!" [/quote][B]The Fry Report will be available on SWF.com or directly from iTunes.[/B] [quote]An extra special feature for the Fry Report... A preview of the matches lined up for SWF Legends this week! [COLOR="Blue"]Pistol Pete Hall[/COLOR] vs[COLOR="Red"] John Greed[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Paul Huntingdon[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Blue"]Ray Diaz[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Elmo Benson[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Enygma [/COLOR]vs [COLOR="Blue"]American Elmental[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Kid Toma[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Knuckles [/COLOR]vs [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Erik Strong[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]T-Rex[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Runaway Train [/COLOR]vs [COLOR="Blue"]Chris Caufield[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Groucho Bling[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Bloodstone [/COLOR]for the [B]SWF Legends Championship[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Mr. Hill[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Blue"]Troy Tornado[/COLOR] [/quote][/FONT]
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[B]Pistol Pete Hall [/B]vs John Greed Paul Huntingdon vs [B]Ray Diaz[/B] Elmo Benson vs [B]Enygma[/B] vs American Elmental vs Kid Toma Knuckles vs [B]Steve Flash[/B] Erik Strong vs [B]T-Rex[/B] [B]Runaway Train[/B] vs Chris Caufield Groucho Bling vs [B]Bloodstone[/B] for the SWF Legends Championship Mr. Hill vs [B]Troy Tornado[/B]
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[B]Pistol Pete Hall [/B]vs John Greed Paul Huntingdon vs [B]Ray Diaz[/B] Elmo Benson vs [B]Enygma[/B] vs American Elmental vs Kid Toma Knuckles vs [B]Steve Flash[/B] Erik Strong vs [B]T-Rex[/B] Runaway Train vs [B]Chris Caufield[/B] Groucho Bling vs [B]Bloodstone[/B] for the SWF Legends Championship Mr. Hill vs [B]Troy Tornado[/B]
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[B]Pistol Pete Hall[/B] vs John Greed Not too tough of a win here.. Paul Huntingdon vs [B]Ray Diaz[/B] ..or here. Elmo Benson vs [B]Enygma[/B] vs American Elmental vs Kid Toma Benson has a shot at winning, but Enygma's chances seem the hightest. Knuckles vs [B]Steve Flash[/B] If I recall correctly, Flash took on Runaway Train a while back, and nearly beat him. Can't see Knuckles getting past him here. Erik Strong vs [B]T-Rex[/B] Newest Faction member gets an easy win. Runaway Train vs [B]Chris Caufield[/B] Can't help but feel like Train's being slowly faded away, and Caufield scoring a minor upset seems very possible, although he has been more of an underdog recently. Groucho Bling vs [B]Bloodstone[/B] for the SWF Legends Championship Still a pinch too early for Bloodstone to lose that here, and he's been on too much of a roll to lose the belt on TV. Mr. Hill vs [B]Troy Tornado[/B] Perhaps by DQ, with the second Silverback interfering?
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[FONT=Arial][COLOR=Black][B]Pistol Pete Hall[/B] vs John Greed Paul Huntingdon vs [B]Ray Diaz[/B] Elmo Benson vs Enygma vs [B]American Elmental[/B] vs Kid Toma Knuckles vs [B]Steve Flash[/B] Erik Strong vs [B]T-Rex[/B] [B]Runaway Train[/B] vs Chris Caufield Groucho Bling vs [B]Bloodstone[/B] for the SWF Legends Championship [B]Mr. Hill[/B] vs Troy Tornado[/COLOR][/FONT]
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Just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who voted for my little diary here in the May Diary of the Month. I didn't really expect to be in the running this month, given how many top caliber diaries were up. So its pretty cool and unexpected to end up co-winning. And a big congrats to Self, who has an awesome diary. Anyone who hasn't checked it out definitely should. I guess I was being over-ambitious with trying to get both the Supreme TV and Legends episodes up over the weekend. The Legends show should be up tonight, and I'm hoping that the PPV will be up sometime this week.
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[quote=Zeel1;646117][B]Pistol Pete Hall[/B] vs John Greed Not too tough of a win here.. Paul Huntingdon vs [B]Ray Diaz[/B] ..or here. Elmo Benson vs [B]Enygma[/B] vs American Elmental vs Kid Toma Benson has a shot at winning, but Enygma's chances seem the hightest. Knuckles vs [B]Steve Flash[/B] If I recall correctly, Flash took on Runaway Train a while back, and nearly beat him. Can't see Knuckles getting past him here. Erik Strong vs [B]T-Rex[/B] Newest Faction member gets an easy win. Runaway Train vs [B]Chris Caufield[/B] Can't help but feel like Train's being slowly faded away, and Caufield scoring a minor upset seems very possible, although he has been more of an underdog recently. Groucho Bling vs [B]Bloodstone[/B] for the SWF Legends Championship Still a pinch too early for Bloodstone to lose that here, and he's been on too much of a roll to lose the belt on TV. Mr. Hill vs [B]Troy Tornado[/B] Perhaps by DQ, with the second Silverback interfering?[/quote] A tad lazy on my part but I agree with Zee's predictions and his reasonings behind them. And well done on gettin the co-win for diary of the month. :)
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]SWF Legends[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TV%20Shows/Banners/LegendsBanner.jpg[/IMG] [B]Wednesday, Week 2 October 2008 Plum Park (Tri State) - 14,464[/B] [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poGsYxYENs0"][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [SIZE=4]Announcers[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/DuaneFrySmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/PhilVibertSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/MelanieFlorenceSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Duane Fry - Phil Vibert - Melanie Florence[/B] ________________________________________[/CENTER] [B]Duane Fry[/B]: I would like to welcome everyone watching on CBN tonight. I'm Duane Fry. With me tonight are Phil Vibert and Melanie Florence. This is... SWF Legends! [B]Melanie Florence[/B]: Phil, I'm glad you made it back here tonight, luv. after what happened last week... [B]Phil Vibert[/B]: I'd rather not discuss it, Mel. [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small%20Alt/EricTyleralt4Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/BryanHolmesalt1Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/JDMorganalt1Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed/AcidSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Eric Tyler, Bryan Holmes, JD Morgan + Acid Mr. Tyler Says Segment In-Ring[/B][/CENTER] [I]The brand General Manager and his trio of Watchmen troop down the ramp and into the ring. The usual hatred from the fans has a definite, seething edge tonight, after the ordered attack last week on Phil Vibert. Bryan Holmes is wearing his arm in a sling after the “injury” at the hands of Steve Frehley last week. Tyler starts out by telling them to stuff their booing. That he doesn't care what they think, and that some lessons have to be provided. Its just how this business works. If the fans were smart enough, they would understand and accept that. This obviously earns another round of hatred. The GM then tells the fans that they have some great matches to look forward to tonight, and tomorrow night on the SWF Let the Games Begin 2008 pay per view. He says that he has a few matches to announce. The first of them is by the request of Bryan Holmes. He wants retribution after the injury he suffered last week. Eric Tyler says that he tried to talk Holmes out of it, but “The Canadian Hitman” is determined. So the Watchmen will face Mass Effect at the pay per view. Next, the General Manager addresses the Supreme Games 6-man ladder match. He says that five of the six participants have been decided. The sixth will be the winner of the four-way match later tonight. The five who have been selected are Acid, Pistol Pete Hall, Art Reed, Robbie Retro, and Troy Tornado. The two tag teams from the Legends brand that will participate in the mixed brand Supreme Games tag match will be determined after the show tonight. It was mentioned on SWF Supreme TV last night by Mr. Eisen that Chris Morrisette had been requested to face Bloodstone for the SWF Legends championship. That match, however, is actually a Threefold Threat match. The third participant comes at special request of his manager, the lovely Sara Silver. Mr. Hill be the third man. So it will be Bloodstone vs Chris Morrisette vs Mr. Hill with the SWF Legends championship on the line. Another match that Mr. Tyler has to announce is that “Big Money” Brandon James will be facing “The Hardcore Legend” Chris Caufield. To ensure the match is interesting, the two former Danger and Violence Extreme stars will be facing each other in a no disqualification match. As Tyler seems ready to depart the ring, he stops. He says there is one other thing... The match between Christian Faith and Rocky Golden for the SWF Supreme Championship will also be No Disqualification. Again, just to make things interesting. [/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: B+[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Duane Fry[/B]: The two biggest matches for the Legends brand are both No Disqualification... Thoughts, Phil? [B]Phil Vibert[/B]: I'm keeping my mouth shut on that one. For now. [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed/PistolPeteHallSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/JohnGreedSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Pistol Pete Hall vs John Greed[/B][/CENTER] This one is pretty much just a squash. Hall allows the lightweight to try for some offense, but there just isn't much that phases the 350-pound cowboy. The big hoss just takes it, and the crowd goes nuts when he finally responds to take over the match, as he hammers away at his opponent. Greed doesn't really stand a chance. A Cattle Rush from Hall is followed up by his epic Pistol Whip Lariat before he gains the easy pinfall. [B][CENTER]Pistol Pete Hall Wins at 7:34 via Pinfall Grade: B-[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Duane Fry[/B]: The wins is good preparation for Pistol Pete's upcoming ladder match... I guess... [B]Phil Vibert[/B]: How do you put a 350-pound cowboy in a ladder match? [B]Melanie Florence[/B]: With reinforced ladders? [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ArtReedSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/DharmaGreggAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/TheGuruSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/BJONeillSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/AkimaBraveSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/KidTomaSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Art Reed, Dani Nevada, The Guru, BJ O'Neill, Akima Brave + Kid Toma Backstage Attack[/B][/CENTER] [I]In a backstage lounge area, The Guru is holding court. He is talking to both Dani Nevada and BJ O'Neill, educating the pair of managers on the finer points of being an effective wrestling manager. The trio of managers are seated on a couple of bland looking sofas. Art Reed, Akima Brave, and Kid Toma are milling about. As Guru explains that a good manager has to be willing to do anything to help their client out, its obvious that there is some tension between Reed and the two Samoans. The Canadian eyes the duo warily and they glare back, but it doesn't seem likely to escalate. Reed wanders a few feet down the hallway, to a vending machine. As Akima and Toma continue to stare at the back of Reed's head, he slowly digs out some change and tries to decide on what to get. There is an odd tension building – either because of Samoans eying him like they're hungry and they want a sandwich, or because Reed can't seem to decide just what snack he feels like at this exact time... Reed's head is suddenly and violently slammed into the front of the vending machine. But its not the Samoans who did it, as they are still standing across the camera. The camera pans back to reveal the imposing mug of Rex. The 6'11” monster picks Reed up off the floor and slams him into the machines again. And again. And again. Dani Nevada is screaming for someone to help Art out. The Guru quickly blurts out that an all important lesson is that a good manager has to know when its not their battle. And he runs away. O'Neill and the Samoans don't run, but they certainly make no effort to help out either. [/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed/T-RexSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rex[/B][/CENTER] [I]Rex picks the 240-pound Bulldog off the ground by the throat, holding him a good six inches off the floor. He hits him with a series of forearms and then smashes him into the front of the broken vending machines one more time. He stands over Reed for a long moment before stalking away, not having said a word. Dani Nevada quickly rushes over to help Reed out, but the competitor is a broken mess. [/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: B[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Phil Vibert[/B]: And do I have to remind everyone about backstage attacks again...? [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/AristocratSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/RaymondDiazSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Paul Huntingdon vs Ray Diaz[/B][/CENTER] Another virtual squash match, but the fans don't care. The 240-pound Huntingdon manages a bit more effective offense Diaz than his tag team partner Greed did against Hall. But the match is still Diaz's the whole way, and he throws his 340-pound frame around and uses his size and strength as an advantage. The crowd loves it when he ragdolls Huntingdon with some big suplexes. The finish is a Monster Mash clothesline followed by a Ray Gun piledriver. [B][CENTER]Ray Diaz Wins at 6:54 via Pinfall Grade: C+[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/AmericanElementalSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/KidTomaSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ElmoBensonSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Alt%20Small/EnygmaPurpleSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]American Elemental vs Kid Toma vs Elmo Benson vs Enygma[/B][/CENTER] The match is a hot mess of high spots, but its kinda fun at the same time. The fans pop for the big spots but stay quiet for the rest. Its the former SWF World Heavyweight champion who gets the win. He makes American Elemental submit after Toma and Benson end up taking themselves out with missed dives outside the ring. American Elemental holds out for a short bit once the Enygma Variation is slapped on, but he ends up tapping. [B][CENTER]Enygma Wins at 11:54 via Submission Grade: C-[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Duane Fry:[/B] Former SWF World Heavyweight champion Enygma makes the cut! [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/RobbieRetroSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/AnaGarciaSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Robbie Retro + Ana Garcia Backstage Interview[/B][/CENTER] [I]A short backstage interview that takes place on the backstage interview set. Robbie is decked out in his brightest and craziest retro outfit. Ana Garcia conducts the interview, asking the youngster how he managed to get himself into the Supreme Games ladder match. The Retro One responds that it was as simple as asking. Phil Vibert is a stand-up guy and got it done for Robbie, so Retro owes him one more favor. And its the simplicity of that which makes Robbie so happy he made the jump to the Legends brand from Supreme, as any such request put to Mr. Eisen would simply be ignored. Ana then asks the 295-pound heavyweight how well he will do in a ladder match given that... well, he's not exactly a high flier. Robbie responds with faux indignation, asking Ana if she means he's fat. That flusters the interview a bit, but Retro just laughs. He says that he will do what he always does – just get in there and give it his all. And Robbie point out that he is a relative lightweight compared to either Pistol Pete Halll or Payne. [/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: B[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Melanie Florence[/B]: So you get things done, Phil? [B]Phil Vibert[/B]: At times. [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/SteveFlashalt1Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/KnucklesSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Steve Flash vs Knuckles[/B][/CENTER] This one is all about showing off the diverse skills of the veteran Flash. He controls most of the match, as the big brawler Knuckles isn't able to accomplish much in singles action. A Flash Bang puts the heavyweight down for the pinfall. [B][CENTER]Steve Flash Wins at 9:34 via Pinfall Grade: D+[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/ErikStrongalt4Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed/T-RexSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Erik Strong vs Rex[/B][/CENTER] There is apparently no better way to make a monster look like a monster than to have them beat up on a little flippity floppity guy for a short while. This one could have been over in under two minutes, but Rex decides to punish Strong instead. Just over 200-pounds, Strong is tossed about like a crash test dummy at Rex's mercy. And the big man has none. A Jurassic Crush raised full nelson has Strong screaming out his submission, but it takes the ref a long long minute to force Rex to let go of the hold. [B][CENTER]Rex Wins at 5:33 via Submission Grade: C[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Duane Fry[/B]: Rex is a monster! A monster! [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Alt%20Small/RunawayTrainAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ChrisCaulfieldSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Runaway Train vs Chris Caufield[/B][/CENTER] A tough, hard-fought brawl before two veterans. They simply batter away at each other for a long time, and the crowd definitely enjoys it. The match spends almost as much time outside the ring as inside, as the pair come close to getting counted out more than once. The big spot from Caufield is a Philly Flop to Train on the outside, while the former champion counters a short time later when he hits his Train Wreck spinning elevated power bomb outside the ring. Back in the ring, the 6'9” Train hits a Train of Pain avalanche-spinebuster combo and goes for the pin... but Caufield somehow manages to kick out when the pin attempt by Train is a bit casual. The big man batters Caufield a bit more, but the former DaVE star gets the crowd energized as he fights back and momentarily takes the advantage, only to lose it again to a heavy series of forearm shots. When Train goes for another Train Wreck, Caufield blocks it and ends up countering into a big suplex. A Hardcore American Clothesline puts Train down again, and then Caufield manages to get his monstrous opponent up in the Danger Drop reverse DDT and that allows him to get the pinfall. [B][CENTER]Chris Caufield Wins at 13:05 via Pinfall Grade: B[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Duane Fry[/B]: Big win for Caufield... Literally! [quote][CENTER] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Alt%20Small/RockyGoldenAlt5Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/KristenPearceAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/JohnnyBloodstoneSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/TexasPeteSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed/T-RexSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rocky Golden, Kristen Pearce, Bloodstone, Texas Pete + Rex Promo[/B][/CENTER] [I]The five members of the Golden Faction emerge through the Supreme Gate to a huge negative reaction. Bloodstone is ready for his coming match, but the rest are in street clothes. They only come out onto the stage. Golden already has a microphone but it takes some time for the quiet enough for him to talk. He says that once he takes the SWF Supreme Championship from Christian Faith tomorrow night, he's going to make everyone call him “The Supreme One”, since it has a nice ring to it. This gets the expected boos from the crowd. Golden says that Faith wouldn't stand a chance against him in a regular match, but the No Disqualification stipulation means that its a sure thing. The old man won't be a the Supreme Champion by the next SWF Legends... Golden is going to make certain of that. The leader of the Faction then takes a brief moment to say that Bloodstone will also do the stable proud by defending his SWF Legends championship at the pay per view and continue to prove just how good the group is. Golden then stops and walks up to Rex, who is standing in the middle of the stage, looking monstrous. Golden looks him up and down slowly, while Rex stands there unmoving except for some heavy breathing. Golden then declares that the monster is a true specimen. A fine new addition to the Faction. And early in the night, he showed Art Reed what you get for messing with the Golden Faction. Because last week, Reed cheated his way to a win over Pete. But the rest of Legends brand better learn and learn quickly that it does not pay to mess with the Faction. There are consequences, and what Reed suffered tonight is the kind of consequence that will be doled out. There is going to more that to come, Golden promises. This is our brand, he finishes. [/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: A[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Phil Vibert[/B]: Consequences... I'll show Golden consequences... [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/GrouchoBlingSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/JohnnyBloodstoneSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Belts/SWF/Mid/SWFLegendsChampionshipMid.jpg[/IMG] [B]Groucho Bling vs Bloodstone SWF Legends Championship Match[/B][/CENTER] Bloodstone heads down to the ring after the rest of his stable depart. Groucho Bling then comes bouncing down to the ring to a pretty good pop. The bouncy approach of the little man doesn't last long against his fellow Canadian. The bigger Bloodstone quickly ties Bling up and spends pretty much the entire match tying him up in various holds that look painful. The tag team specialist manages little offense in the match as Bloodstone does a very effective job of smothering everything he attempts. The crowd spends most of the match giving the Legends champion heat, until he finally forces Bling to tap to the Bloodstone Mutilation. [B][CENTER]Bloodstone Wins at 8:34 via Submission Grade: B[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B] Melanie Florence[/B]: Well that was one sided, deary. [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ChristianFaithSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/AnaGarciaSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Christian Faith + Ana Garcia In-Ring Interview[/B][/CENTER] [I]The segment starts with Ana Garcia in the ring. The crowd roars as Christian Faith appears and makes his way down the ramp. He takes his time, playing to the crowd and hand-slapping the fans. The veteran is wearing street clothes and carries his belt with him. The SWF Supreme champions finally makes into the ring. [/I] [B]Ana Garcia[/B]: Christian, you will be facing Rocky Golden at Let the Games Begin... A young powerhouse over fifteen years younger than you... And you just found out that it will be a No Disqualification match... [B]Christian Faith[/B]: Is there even a question in that, Ana? Look, Rocky Golden doesn't frighten me. I've faced bigger, better, badder, stronger, faster, and even younger than Golden. And I'm still here, holding this belt. [B]Ana Garcia[/B]: About that belt... [B]Christian Faith[/B]: No, let me tell you something about this belt here. See, Christian Faith has never been a man defined by the belts he's held. And this belt is no different. This time, I'm defining this belt. Because a new championship belt is only as important as you make it. And this one is very important to me. I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep it. Rocky better remember that tomorrow night... Whatever it takes... [B]Ana Garcia[/B]: But the age difference... [B]Christian Faith[/B]: Does not matter, Ana. It doesn't. See, they say you are only as old you feel. And I don't feel 42 years old. Holding this belt here has given truly reinvigorated me. Because ten months ago, when Vengeance attacked me and left me unconscious and bloody... I really thought I might be done. That I had nothing left. The fans kept me going, though. And now this belt keeps me going. Because no one thinks I can hang onto it. Everyone thinks the next man I step into the ring to face will be the one to take it away... But they can't. I won't let them. Becoming the underdog has given me a fire that I haven't felt for a long time, Ana. I truly mean when I say that I... HAVE... FAITH!!! [I]A dramatic pause before he adds...[/I] [B]Christian Faith[/B]: And tomorrow night, Rocky Golden is going to remember just what that means... [I]With that Faith holds up the SWF Supreme Championship and gets a massive pop. He spends awhile playing to the crowd, who love the old man. [/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: A*[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/TroyTornadoAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/BrentHillalt2Small.jpg[/IMG] [B]Troy Tornado vs Mr. Hill[/B][/CENTER] Mr. Hill's SWF debut is a great match which showcases his diverse skills against the very popular Troy Tornado. The match is a wide open and fun affair, with continual action that switches between styles a bit. Its an interesting mix, with Mr. Hill's coldly efficient and machine-like approach and Tornado's flashy and charismatic offens. Sara Silver and her bodyguard Mr. Jackson get some heat from being at ringside and interfering a bit, but it isn't enough to really turn the match in Hill's favor. The crowd is hot as Hill goes for his Complete Package sleeper finisher, but Tornado rolls out of it before its locked in. A great brawling sequence is finally ended by Tornado taking the advantage with some athletic moves before he finishes Hill of with his Star Maker finisher. The crowd counts along to the pinfall and goes nut when Tornado wins. [B][CENTER]Troy Tornado Wins at 16:33 via Pinfall Grade: A[/CENTER] [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/TroyTornadoAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Troy Tornado In-Ring Promo[/B][/CENTER] [I]After his match, Tornado celebrates a bit, then watches the Silverback's depart. He calls for a microphone. Tornado says that there is something he needs to do tonight. That's he not normally a leader. He's more of a lone wolf type, and that his little mistake with joining the Golden Faction convinced him of that. But sometimes, you just have to take a stand against what you don't feel is right. That's part of being a man. And sometimes it means coming together with others who feel the same way. Forming a bit of an alliance, if you will. This gets a pop, as the crowd seems to sense what is coming. Tornado smirks as he waits for them to quiet down. He then says that Phil Vibert getting attacked last week is what turned the tide. That having three wrestlers attack a non-wrestler is crossing a line that just shouldn't be crossed. It shows a complete lack of respect, and that there are people in the back who, like Tornado, don't feel that is right at all. There are those who are willing to stand with Tornado against what is nothing more than oppressive tyranny. He calls those who wish to stand with him out to the ring. [/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ChristianFaithSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ChrisCaulfieldSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Christian Faith + Chris Caufield[/B][/CENTER] [I]The crowd reaction is massive when Faith and Caufield walk out through the Supreme Gate. It continues at a deafening level as they make their way down to the ring and climb up, shaking his hands with Tornado as they stand beside him. It's Faith who takes the microphone, immediately assuming a leadership role that seems automatic. He says that if Eric Tyler wants to prove a point about his power, now is the time to do it. He can come down here himself and face them. He can even bring his goons with him, but show the courage to face men who making their living at fighting back. Now is the time, Tyler. There is a lengthy silence as the trio wait for a response and none comes. Of course there is no response, Faith says. That isn't how a tyrant like Eric Tyler works. But the next time that Eric Tyler decides to send his Watchmen out to do his dirty, he will do so knowing that there will be repercussions from this trio. This alliance. [/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: A*[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Duane Fry[/B]: Who is going to stand up to Eric Tyler? They are! [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Grade/grade_a.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rating: 6.17[/B][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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A couple quick thoughts... -a nice, easy-to-predict go-home show heading into the PPV. Much like leaving Rich Money and Remo out of the ring on the Supreme TV, no Faith match was intentional. I want to know that other guys on the roster can carry the shows too. -the 6.17 rating is the best I've done so far. Which means that in this game-week, I've had an A* show, the highest TV rating thus far, and I still have the pay per view... Anyone want to guess how that goes...? -speaking of the PPV, I'll try to have the preview posted sometime yet tonight.
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Awesome, got every last one right...I guess that doesn't mean too much in this particular diary, but I still take pride in it. :p Also, congrats from me as well on the tie..I think I actually got in the deciding vote. I'm not sure, but it was definately tied up after I voted. So, you know. You're welcome. :p Another congrats on the great booking week so far, you really seem to have gotten booking Sports Entertainment down to a tee.
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[QUOTE=Zeel1;646869]Awesome, got every last one right...I guess that doesn't mean too much in this particular diary, but I still take pride in it. :p Also, congrats from me as well on the tie..I think I actually got in the deciding vote. I'm not sure, but it was definately tied up after I voted. So, you know. You're welcome. :p Another congrats on the great booking week so far, you really seem to have gotten booking Sports Entertainment down to a tee.[/QUOTE] Thanks. Honestly didn't expect to win (or even co-win) the DOTM this month. Like I said before, there was so many quality diaries nominated. So thank you kindly for the vote. And to everyone else who voted. And to those who voted at all, for any diary, for the support of the writers on here. And thanks to anyone and everyone who takes the time to read this... As for the booking, its just a matter of figuring what works in the game. I've booked nearly 100 shows in this game alone. Not to mention that previous SWF games I ran before this to test and get a handle on everything. The size of the roster I have makes it possible to avoid some of the pitfalls such as bad chemistry and repetitive booking penalties. Plus everything seems a bit easier when you're starting out with the biggest promotion in the game.
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]SWF Let the Games Begin 2008 Preview[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Logos/PPV/SWF/Banners/SWFLettheGamesBeginBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote][B][CENTER]Thursday, Week 2, October 2008[/CENTER] [/B] Once again, its time for the games. The Supreme Games. SWF Let the Games Begin 2008 is here. And once again, its sure to be can't-miss viewing for every wrestling fan. Its the Evolution vs the revolutionary. One month ago, Mexico's finest wrestling export took the SWF North American championship from Canada's hottest prospect, Marc DuBois. Now the Canadian youngster is determined to get his belt back. This is a match that should make a red hot start to a red hot night. Known as Mass Effect, the duo of Steve Frehley and Ray Diaz form one of the most powerful duos in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. JD Morgan and Bryan Holmes are Eric Tyler's Watchmen and there are few better combination's of skills and experience than this duo. With Holmes suffering a shoulder injury in a match with Frehley last week, and Diaz also having some history with Holmes due to their time wrestling in Japan, this one is an interesting grudge match. The first of the three Supreme Games matches is the bi-brand Supreme Games Tag Team Ladder match, pitting four of the SWF's best tag teams in a war for what could turn out to be a very valuable prize. This one will pit the popular Valiant & Giedroyc against SWF Sky Club Division Tag Team champions High Concept against The Heartbreakers against new duo Tex & Rex. Seeing how the monster duo make out in a ladder match could make this one worth watching by itself. Four of the best Generation Supreme stars face off in another tag team grudge match. This one will see The Immortal Bumfohles take on Badd Kompany. The two-time SWF World Tag Team champion Bumfholes may feel the combo of Thompson and Deeley getting some of the The second Supreme Games Ladder Match is the Supreme brand match. This one has six great wrestlers - Mr. Hill, Payne, Darryl Devine, Payne, Gino Montero, and Ace Newton. The third match is the same for the Legends brand. This one has Pistol Pete Hall, Acid, Troy Tornado, Art Reed, Enygma, and Robbie Retro. You have to give credit to Sara Silver. The agent did some good work, getting Mr. Hill into two matches on the PPV. In addition to the Supreme brand Supreme Games Ladder Match, he will also participate in the Threefold Threat match for the SWF Legends championship. It will pit Mr. Hill against Chris Morrisette against champion Bloodstone. The SWF World Tag Team championships will be on the line, as champions Sin Inc defend against the slick teamwork of The New Wave. A No Disqualification grudge match of the remnants of DaVE will see "Big Money" Brandon James will take on "The Hardcore American" Chris Caufield. Two former DaVE Unified champions facing off in the SWF ring. This one should make for some great hardcore brawling action!" Rocky Golden is bigger, strong, faster, and younger than SWF Supreme champion Christian Faith. Can the 42-year old Faith possibly win in a No Disqualification match? After suffering an upset loss to Pistol Pete Hall last month at Under Control 2008, Golden gets a major opportunity to make good on all the promises that he's made in recent months. There is no love between Angry Gilmore and Remo. Long-time Supreme Wrestling Federation fans will remember Gilmore's stint as Rich Money's right hand man, a role now occupied by The Alpha Dog Remo. These two faced off at The Supreme Challenge 28 and Remo got the win, but Gilmore will be looking to even the score. This one has the potential to be the best match of the night. The main event once again belongs to SWF World Heavyweight champion Rich Money. But he will face perhaps his toughest opponent yet, the legend Sean McFly. The two-time SWF World Champion is looking to reclaim the belt once again, while Hard Cash will do everything possible to hang onto it. Two fantastic wrestlers with a great deal on the line... It just doesn't get better than that! The American Tiger... Hard Cash... Surefire fireworks! Tickets to the show at Alabama Field Row have been sold out for months, so the only way you are seeing this one is on pay per view. Don't miss out. SWF Under Control 2008 is available in North America exclusively on North America Prime Select pay per view. [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Logos/PPV/SWF/LettheGamesBegin.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote][B][CENTER]Matches Announced for SWF Let the Games Begin 2008[/CENTER] [/B] [COLOR=Red]The Watchmen [/COLOR]vs [COLOR=Blue]Mass Effect [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]High Concept[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]The Heartbreakers[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Valiant & Giedroyc[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Tex & Rex[/COLOR] in a [B]SWF Supreme Games Tag Team Ladder Match[/B] [COLOR=Red]Badd Kompany[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]The Immortal Bumfholes[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Payne [/COLOR]vs [COLOR=Blue]Darryl Devine[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Nevada Nuclear[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Ace Newton[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Gino Montero[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Mr. Hill[/COLOR] in a [B]SWF Supreme Games Ladder Match[/B] [COLOR=Red]Acid [/COLOR]vs [COLOR=Blue]Robbie Retro[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Enygma [/COLOR]vs [COLOR=Blue]Pistol Pete Hall[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Art Reed[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Troy Tornado[/COLOR] in a [B]SWF Supreme Games Ladder Match[/B] [COLOR=Red]Mr. Hill[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Chris Morrisette[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Bloodstone [/COLOR]for the [B]SWF Legends Championship[/B] [COLOR=Blue]The New Wave[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Sin Inc[/COLOR] for the [B]SWF World Tag Team Championships[/B] [COLOR=Blue]Chris Caufield[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Brandon James[/COLOR] in a [B]No Disqualification Match[/B] [COLOR=Red]Rocky Golden[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Christian Faith[/COLOR] in a [B]No Disqualification Match[/B] for the [B]SWF Supreme Championship[/B] [COLOR=Red]Remo[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Angry Gilmore[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Sean McFly[/COLOR] vs[COLOR=Red] Rich Money [/COLOR]for the [B]SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/B] [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Logos/Promotions/Alt/SWFBlackMid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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[B]The Watchmen[/B] vs Mass Effect High Concept vs The Heartbreakers vs Valiant & Giedroyc vs [B]Tex & Rex[/B] in a SWF Supreme Games Tag Team Ladder Match Badd Kompany vs [B]The Immortal Bumfholes[/B] Payne vs Darryl Devine vs Nevada Nuclear vs [B]Ace Newton[/B] vs Gino Montero vs Mr. Hill in a SWF Supreme Games Ladder Match Acid vs Robbie Retro vs Enygma vs Pistol Pete Hall vs Art Reed vs [B]Troy Tornado[/B] in a SWF Supreme Games Ladder Match Mr. Hill vs [B]Chris Morrisette[/B] vs Bloodstone for the SWF Legends Championship [B]The New Wave[/B] vs Sin Inc for the SWF World Tag Team Championships Chris Caufield vs [B]Brandon James[/B] in a No Disqualification Match Rocky Golden vs [B]Christian Faith[/B] in a No Disqualification Match for the SWF Supreme Championship [B]Remo[/B] vs Angry Gilmore [B]Sean McFly[/B] vs Rich Money for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship
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The Watchmen vs [B]Mass Effect[/B] [I]I think The Watchmen can take the fall for Tyler and not look totally weak against Frehley and Ray, who has been around since this diary started.[/I] High Concept vs The Heartbreakers vs Valiant & Giedroyc vs [B]Tex & Rex[/B] in a SWF Supreme Games Tag Team Ladder Match [I]I'd buy the PPV just for this match. It would either be surprisingly amazing or terribly funny. Either way, I love Rex being brought in, and hope he finds his footing here.[/I] Badd Kompany vs [B]The Immortal Bumfholes[/B] I want to see Randy and Zimmy sticking together, so I gotta pick them to win. Payne vs Darryl Devine vs Nevada Nuclear vs [B]Ace Newton[/B] vs Gino Montero vs Mr. Hill in a SWF Supreme Games Ladder Match [I]I'd like to pick Payne just to have another heavyweight win a ladder match, but I'd probably pressing my luck with Tex and Rex.[/I] Acid vs Robbie Retro vs Enygma vs Pistol Pete Hall vs Art Reed vs [B]Troy Tornado[/B] in a SWF Supreme Games Ladder Match [I]Troy seems like the best of this bunch.[/I] Mr. Hill vs Chris Morrisette vs [B]Bloodstone[/B] for the SWF Legends Championship [I]Hill just put on a great match but was the loser, I don't think Bloodstone needs the belt so much anymore as he's got a good character that won't get lose in the shuffle. That said, I still think he retains against these two.[/I] The New Wave vs [B]Sin Inc[/B] for the SWF World Tag Team Championships [I]This is still my favorite team and I hope they hang on to the belts.[/I] Chris Caufield vs[B] Brandon James[/B] in a No Disqualification Match [I]Good guy finishes last in this DaVE history lesson.[/I] Rocky Golden vs [B]Christian Faith[/B] in a No Disqualification Match for the SWF Supreme Championship [I]I was really close to picking Golden but just couldn't. If Faith loses, it would make it more difficult to figure out how to get him into main events on Legends :). But Golden with the title wouldn't be a bad thing.[/I] [B]Remo[/B] vs Angry Gilmore [I]Remo and company stay a step ahead.[/I] Sean McFly vs [B]Rich Money[/B] for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship [I]The belt might eventually belong to McFly, but not this soon.[/I] Just wanted to say congrats on the diary votes again and getting to another pay per view, especially with so much diversity. I wouldn't be surprised if somebody picked opposite of each of my picks and it would still make sense. Can't wait to read the PPV and see what happens.
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The Watchmen vs [B]Mass Effect[/B] [I]Because Steve Frehley is god.[/I] High Concept vs The Heartbreakers vs [B]Valiant & Giedroyc[/B] vs Tex & Rex in a SWF Supreme Games Tag Team Ladder Match [I]They've got to be the most over guys in the match, and the ones with the best shot at being singles stars at this point in time (on the off chance they get a singles prize.[/I] Badd Kompany vs [B]The Immortal Bumfholes[/B] [I]Because they're almost main eventing, from the looks of things.[/I] Payne vs Darryl Devine vs Nevada Nuclear vs Ace Newton vs Gino Montero vs [B]Mr. Hill [/B]in a SWF Supreme Games Ladder Match [I]I'm a huge Brent Hill mark.[/I] Acid vs Robbie Retro vs Enygma vs Pistol Pete Hall vs Art Reed vs [B]Troy Tornado[/B] in a SWF Supreme Games Ladder Match [I]Because he's getting a monster push.[/I] Mr. Hill vs [B]Chris Morrisette[/B] vs Bloodstone for the SWF Legends Championship [I]I smell title change, and Mr Hill won't be in great condition.[/I] The New Wave vs [B]Sin Inc[/B] for the SWF World Tag Team Championships [I]The champs to retain through dirty means, solidifying their reign.[/I] Chris Caufield vs [B]Brandon James[/B] in a No Disqualification Match [I]Caulfield is decent, but Brandon James is Big Money.[/I] Rocky Golden vs [B]Christian Faith [/B]in a No Disqualification Match for the SWF Supreme Championship [I]Because I Have Faith![/I] Remo vs [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] [I]I'm a Gilmore mark, what can I say?[/I] Sean McFly vs [B]Rich Money[/B] for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship [I]McFly hasn't been here long enough to win the big one. Maybe in a few months.[/I]
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