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SWF: Generation Supreme

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[FONT="Arial"][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/Avatars/Small/AvatarSmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote]Random thought of the day... Its all just a big damned circle, isn't it? It is starting to feel like everything just keeps coming around again. One big circle. Doesn't matter if its life, family, sports, sports entertainment, this business, or even just this job. It's the same thing over again. Nothing is new and nothing is fresh. Do I sound bitter? Because I definitely feel bitter. It was a good thing the Supreme One offices were nearly empty, with Christmas just a couple of days away. I doubt I was very pleasant to be around, so the fewer who had to experience it, the better. Simply put, I was tired. Tried of dealing with crap. Tired of fighting with people to get them to accept what was obviously going to work the best. Tired of dealing with messes that I didn't create. Perhaps most of all, I was tired of fighting with Richard to get the one idea that needed to happen to be approved. My mind kept wandering back to that, instead of the task at hand. The task at hand was tedious and uninteresting. It was getting everything ready for the change in the announcers booth on Supreme TV that would occur for the start of 2009. The amount of work involved in what seemed like a straight-ahead switch was astounding. And quite frustrating. It was partly frustrating because the switch was not my idea and something I really did not consider necessary. Partly because it felt like something I would have been dealing with a year ago - with as much as I have to deal with now, it should be dealt with by someone else. But Richard, Jerry, and Peter don't trust anyone else with it, so it falls to me. Just like everything. My bitter reverie was interrupted by the phone. There are not many who have my direct line, so it was likely something important. I still considered letting it ring. It was just going to be more bull**** to deal with, to be sure. I relented and answered. "Hey kid," a gruff voice on the other ended greeted me. "Its Rip." If my life was a cartoon, this where I would have a stricken look on my face with a "Gulp" caption above me. Talking to the legends of this business doesn't intimidate me at this point. For the most part. I guess Rip is probably an exception to that. Its not his status as a legend that I find so difficult to deal with. Just something about the gritty old b*stard that kept me from properly expressing myself. I ended up sounding and feeling like an idiot. "Oh, uh, yeah, hey Rip," I mumbled. "How's it going?" "Figured we outta have a little chat," he told me. Where was thing going? "Uh, sure. Kinda busy, but I can definitely make time." "Heard about what you're trying to get Richard to agree to," he said, then let out a snorting laugh. "Good luck with that." Was he calling about that? "Yeah, well, I have to try." "Can't blame ya. But that ain't what I'm calling about. I still have some ears around those parts and stuff gets back to me," Rip explained. No doubting that - what he had just brought up was something just a handful of people in Supreme knew about. "And what I hear about you is pretty much all good. And I hear I owe you a thank you or two." "Uh, really? For what?" "I think you're supposed to say "you're welcome"," the legend laughed. "Mainly for Jay. I know he can be a pain in the ass. Big time pain in the ass. But he's a good kid. He just needs time is all. I hear you've had to talk to him a few times about his attitude and that, but you've been patient with him. So thanks for that." Jay Chord a good kid? Are all parents this delusional? "Uh, yeah, I think he just needs a bit more time to settle in here," was my response. "I know he got hired there because of the Chord name," Rip told me. "But I want him to succeed on his own. On his own.... uh, merit." I didn't say it, but it was probably the opposite. I think that Eisen took a chance on Jay despite the Chord name, but that name would be part of what would see him to success here. Because as talented as he is, the kid is definitely a pain in the ass. "Sure," was all I said in response. Non-committal. "Jay is still so young. I'm just glad he has someone like you to watch over him, kid," Rip told me. "Yeah," was my response. Again, as non-committal as possible. "Heard you went to bat with Richard over that damn shoot thing I did as well. Owe you a thanks for that one, too." "Just didn't want Richard reacting before he thought it through," I answered honestly. It didn't really have much to do with Chord himself or even protecting Jay. It was more about me not wanting Richard to make a poor business decision based on an emotional response rather than a reasoned one. It wasn't the kind of thing you would expect out of such a respected business man like Richard Eisen. But he was doing the same thing again, fighting me on my idea. "Don't much matter why, its still something I owe you a thanks for." "Well, you're welcome." "Also wanted to say that this whole Generation Supreme thing... Its a good deal. When I stared up MAW, it was to give back and make sure the next generation had a chance. I gotta be honest, kid - when you all started signing up the likes of Valentine, Vessey, and Newton, I figured it to be just another power play from Richard. Those kids are doing better than anyone expected, though. So thanks for that as well," Chord finished. "Wasn't sure it would work as well as it has," I admitted, then wondered why I was confiding in a man I barely knew. "But the fans are taking to them and the young guys can deliver in the ring." "True. Anyway, I've taken enough of your time, kid, so I'll let you go," Rip said. Then, "Oh, one more question - have you heard from Tommy at all?" I could have played stupid and asked which Tommy, but what was the point. I replied, "Tommy? Uh, no. Why?" "Last time I talked to him, you were the only thing he could talk about. Said he was gonna get in touch with you. Don't be surprised." "Okay, thanks. You take care, Rip. You have my number. Use it any time." "Thanks, kid. Take care." As Rip Chord hung up, I was left with a number of questions. Like what Tommy Cornell wanted to talk to me about. Or how Rip Chord got my number. Those thoughts were interrupted by another, however. An idea. One of my patented ones. It involved both Rip and Jay... and I was about to grab the phone and call Chord back. Then I was distracted by something else... An email. Not that getting an email is normally anything special, but the address on this one intrigued me immediately. I had received one other email from the same sender, back at the beginning of August. I should have deleted it... but I knew it had to be something good. That, or a virus. Indeed it was good. The last email I received from that sender was an emormous image of Big Smack Scott having just won the CZCW Coastal Zone Championship. This one was a much smaller series of images, but even more disturbing... it was a sequence of pictures from Tuesday's USPW pay per view, Made in America! Several low-res shots of Sinclair facing Warlord Power for the USPW World title... and actually winning it. I heard about Sinclair claiming the title that Bruce the Giant left vacant when he left USPW. I also heard that it was one of the worst title matches imaginable. I sometimes wonder if Sam Strong has gone senile. The email had only two words of text, written in normal-sized font this time, blow the sequence of pictures. Just "F*ck you". That was all. Such an expected sentiment. Kudos to Sinclair. A champion in two promotions now. He was sure showing me. Of course, CZCW was no better off than they had been previously. And I had very serious doubts that USPW would do better with Big Smack Scott as the figurehead than they had with Bruce the Giant. Or how they would do with Liberty (sorry, James Justice) or Shawn Gonzalez. I guess they could have put the belt back on Giant Redwood... I should have deleted the email, just like I should have deleted the first one. I didn't. I kept it. Humor like that isn't easy to come by. I'm sure Sinclair was hoping to anger me, but these emails were hardly going to accomplish that. Forgetting about the post-SWF success of Big Smack Scott, I tried to get back to work. Between mulling over the phone call from Rip Chord, thinking about Richard being a stubborn b*stard, and being annoyed at having to deal with the announcing booth change, I got nothing done. Another email came into my inbox, this one from Tana. I ignored it - he had been emailing me a lot lately. It all comes round again. One Chord becoming a star, then another years later. Scott Sinclair blowing one chance he did not earn, only to be given another elsewhere... and another... Me dealing with problems I didn't create and trying to push ideas through against resistance. Everything remains the same. A godd*mned circle. Thursday, Week 3, December 2008 Avatar[/quote] [/FONT]
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Liking the stable suggestions. Some variation off Dominance seems like a good choice. [QUOTE=Zeel1;686646]Digging the Frehley-Chase alignment, because, honestly, Frehley hasn't done anything wrong in my book. He hasn't cheated, he hasn't attacked anyone, he hasn't even really ragged on the fans, (Saying you don't care what they think doesn't count, to me) so aligning with Emma is a good idea, because it really solidifies that he's a bad guy now. As for the name, how about..Beautiful Destruction? Clean sweep! Yes!! :p I know this diaries not too tough to predict, but not getting a single one wrong is still pretty cool to me. And I like Vengeance reverting to DeBones. Not quite as big as the return of Big Cat, but close enough. It does make me wonder why you had someone go to the trouble of making his mask crimson, when you were just going to get rid of it after two appearances, but meh.. :p[/QUOTE] The Chase-Frehley stable just seemed to work in my mind. They might go together quite as naturally as Chase and Money, but I think it will work almost as well. As for the heel version of Frehley, he's still something of a tweener, much as he was as a face. I just didn't want to go with the typical cheating heel. He should become more hateable in the coming weeks and months. The alliance between Chase and Frehley was planned for a long time. Probably since before I had decided to turn Big Cat Brandon face. Which makes it really stupid that I never took the time to plan an actual name for the trio, but I didn't. Doing well on predictions is still doing well on predictions. The new-mask alt of Vengeance was one simply posted in the alt image thread. Not sure if it was actually requested by someone, but I do know that it was not requested by me. I used it because I thought it would emphasize that upon return, something had changed with Vengeance. Plus, it played into the whole mask bit that set up the face turn. Not to mention that it sets things up for later, potentially...
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2 things I've forgotten since I went into "the zone" and played NYCW game from Nov 97 till June 99: how awesome the Avatar posts are and that you've almost gone through a full year with SWF, most of which with three TV shows and a brand split. And after thinking about it some more Extreme Dominance would be a great name for Emma Extreme err Emma Chase's alliance with Frehley.
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]SWF.com: Vengeance Not Forsaken?[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/SkullDeBones.jpg[/IMG] [B]Vengeance... or is it DeBones?[/B][/CENTER] [quote][B][CENTER]Saturday, Week 3, December 2008[/CENTER] [/B] SWF Legends ended with a big moment on Wednesday, as Vengeance made an appearance after the man event... but Phil Vibert convinced the man known as The Harbinger to don the mask he wore earlier in his career when he was known as Skull DeBones. Based on the reaction of fans and Phil Vibert, it would seem the mask was enough to bring a change of heart in the big man. Only time will tell if that will see him align with the Alliance that Vibert insists is not his. General consensus seems to be that the return of Vengeance was the much hyped "Forsaken". The timing matched. Eric Tyler announced that he was behind The Forsaken just a few weeks ago. With only two men with the power to bring Vengeance back to the Legends brand and Phil Vibert surprised to see the big man at Christmas Clash, it seems likely that Tyler was behind that as well. However, it seems that the return of Vengeance/DeBones and the appearance of "The Forsaken" are separate. This comes from none other than Legends General Manager Eric Tyler. Although the GM would not go on record with his comments for SWF.com, it appears that the debut of "The Forsaken" has yet to happen. Another interesting aspect to all of this is the mask that Vibert gave Vengeance. He indicated that it was a "shield' to help the big man control his emotions. This has led to significant fan speculation as to what gives the mask that power. Some of the more creative suggestions are that the mask is actually an Aztec artifact or that the inside of the mask contains ancient Mesopotamian runes which give it that power. The man who has had the mask in his possession for a long time, the one and only Phil Vibert, laughed off such suggestions. "There is nothing magical or mythical about it," he says. "Its just a metal mask we had made back in the day for Sean when he first became DeBones. I guess some fans want to see its power as being something supernatural. But they really just need to look at the power of a symbol." This seems likely to remain an explosive issue on SWF Legends in coming week. [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/SWFWebMid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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[QUOTE=ampulator;687395]On Art Reed? What's his popularity? What's his momentum? What's his Gimmick Rating? What's his morale? What's his style?[/QUOTE] [B]Popularity[/B]: C+ [B]Momentum[/B]: B [B]Gimmick Rating[/B]: C [B]Morale[/B]: Highest [B]Style[/B]: Technician The gimmick rating must have dropped recently, because I would swear it was B- not that long ago. Not getting messages about him being stale yet, though. I know technicians don't do that well in the SWF, so I'm thinking that might be the issue?
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]SWF.com: Generation Supreme Review[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TV%20Shows/Alt/SWFGenerationSupremeTV.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote][B][CENTER]SWF.com Review of SWF Generation Supreme - Saturday Week 3 December 2008[/CENTER] [/B] There seems to be no end to the quality that SWF Generation Supreme offers up every week. This week was another prime example, with some great action in tap. It culminated in a great cross-brand battle between Dan Stone Jr and Sean Deeley, with the youngster pushing the "Lord of the Ring" to perhaps his best match in the SWF yet. Its the kind of wrestling action you don't want to miss out on. If you did, check out SWF.com to find the action available as streaming videos. [/quote][quote][B][CENTER]Partial Recap of Matches from SWF Generation Supreme[/CENTER] [/B] [B]The Flying Tigers[/B] d. The Silverbacks + Valiant & Giedroyc + Los Diablos [B]Dan Stone Jr[/B] d. Sean Deeley [CENTER][B]Overall Show: B+[/B][/CENTER] [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/SWFWebMid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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[CENTER][FONT=Arial][SIZE=6]TEW.com - The Supreme View[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TheSupremeView.jpg[/IMG][/FONT][/CENTER] [FONT=Arial] [CENTER][B]Friday Week 3 November, 2008[/B][/CENTER] [quote][B]A.N. Marshall[/B] is one of the foremost wrestler journalists in the business and perhaps the most respected critic of the Supreme Wrestling Federation in the world. Having covered the world's biggest wrestling promotion for years, Marshall has unequaled insider connections, which makes him privy to information that can't be found anywhere else. His highly-respected [B]The Supreme View[/B] column is available only totalextremewrestling.com. Marshall is a regular forum contributor on the exclusive Grey Dog Wrestling forums.[/quote][CENTER]__________________[/CENTER] [quote] [B][U]Supreme TV[/U][/B] I guess that Eric Eisen is going to be looking to stamp his authority somehow in the New Year, huh? Funny how some people have to earn their title shots, while some people get them in spite of lousy records. Still, the BLFC were motivated and sharp, which are two words you couldn't use about Death Row, to pick a random example... Ace Newton's promo shows the benefits of hanging out with Rich Money, but I'm never keen on seeing a title belt thrown away like that. Whoever wins it next - if anyone does, as Source H says it may be some time before we see the strap again - I hope they take it very seriously indeed. Sexy and McClean... are growing on me. A bit. I always have a fondness for people who are focused on the gold. There's no need to get personal about it, after all - gold is gold. Who was that Darryl Devine impersonator, and what's he done with the real thing? That's the best that Devine has looked in a long time - and that despite carrying Nemesis Jr. Give the man a cigar. If I were booking SWF, I'd have Nevada Nuclear explain how how he wanted his son to grow up patrotic, so he named him after the state he was born in. Then, they moved to Truth or Consequences, NM, and Papa Nuclear decided to change his family's surname so they would seem irresistible to the people putting together that one season wonder gameshow 'The Nuclear Family'. That would explain a lot about Nuke, including how he keeps on ending up in the gutter, but never stops looking up at the stars. That's just me, though. Valiant and Giedroyc want their belts back? Shouldn't they have done something about it before now? Bruce had a shave! Guide's still in the camo, though. He'd kick ass if there was ever an outdoor hardcore battle royale, but in the arena, in the ring, he doesn't look intimidating - he just looks like Son of Rambow. Jay Chord got punted by Sean McFly, but that's okay - Jay's Gen-S's Ace Newton, which is the only time you'll hear me make that comparison without a negative somewhere in the mix... As for the main event, well, the match was fun but meaningless. We can guess that Bruce is back to look big and mean, which makes me wonder what Remo's role will be. Bruce is a big wedge, if that's what he'll ultimately be. Have we seen the beginning of the end of Hard Cash? And hey, hand's up, I had no idea what Avatar, Michaels (cough) and Eisen had planned. Credit where it's due, this was excellently done. [B][U]Legends[/U][/B] Frehley, Diaz and Chase. You know, that's not a bad trio, is it? Hall and Diaz put on a stormer - in the opener. Why? It overshadowed the rest of the show, and it took most of the card to get over that. I support any sequence that sees Acid beating up Bart Biggz. I'd love to see Leon/Acid or even Elemental/Acid with a hot crowd - but I don't think the DaVE veteran is quite in a position to carry both just yet. What the hell went wrong with Reed/Morgan? Who spiked their Gatorade? I demand a rematch! In six months time, Silverbacks/LOP could main event. Not just yet, I guess. Dan Stone is all business - which in SWF is something unusual. As is so often the case, the little things stand out. Solid main event, of course - but another six-man. This is why I so often zone out on Legends - it's a much more variable show than Supreme TV, and suffers for it. Oh, yeah, and Skull... Two big heel returns at the PPV, two big face turns on the follow week's TV. Er... okay? But couldn't one of these have waited a few weeks? I mean, I get that Vibert is a genius and has one over on Tyler etc. etc. But at some point Tyler has to score a few points. I guess that the so-called 'Forsaken' could be a difference maker, but even with the Watchmen on his side, and Vibert having no real support (officially), Vibert is well ahead. Still, that's one week of TV, right? It's not like there's anything going on backstage that might throw things off-kilter in the coming weeks, right? Yeah - we'll see. Folks, thanks for joining me - and as per standard rules, I won't reveal too much until I've had confirmation from at least two sources. You never know who might be feeding you false stories. Anyway, that's it for this week. I'll catch you on the Grey Dog forums or right here next week. In the meantime, thanks for sharing the view from here! [CENTER][B]A.N. Marshall[/B] [B]The Supreme View[/B][/CENTER] [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TotalExtremeWrestlingLogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]SWF.com: Booth Changes on Supreme TV[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/PeterMichaels.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/JerryEisen.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/GrandmasterPhunk_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Which One of These Men is on the Bubble?[/B][/CENTER] [quote][B][CENTER]Monday, Week 4, December 2008[/CENTER][/B] It appears that there may be some substance to a rumor that has been floating around for a few weeks now regarding SWF Supreme TV. Reports suggested recently that the Supreme Wrestling Federation was looking to make changes in the announcer's booth. SWF.com was able to confirm through multiple inside sources that such changes are being planned. No information was available on who would be leaving the booth or who would be joining. The expectation is that the change will be made at the start of 2009, so that the SWF's flagship show can head into the new year with the new team in the booth. The big question is who will be leaving, and the bigger question is who will be joining? These answers should be provided in the coming weeks. [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/SWFWebMid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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[QUOTE=Astil;687711]Man the internet is buzzing with SWF news, huh?[/QUOTE] Always. Didn't mean to have a run of them like that, but the two "rumors" ones I wanted to get posted before the Week 4 shows. The Gen-S review and The Supreme View just happened to time out that way.
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;687455][B]Popularity[/B]: C+ [B]Momentum[/B]: B [B]Gimmick Rating[/B]: C [B]Morale[/B]: Highest [B]Style[/B]: Technician The gimmick rating must have dropped recently, because I would swear it was B- not that long ago. Not getting messages about him being stale yet, though. I know technicians don't do that well in the SWF, so I'm thinking that might be the issue?[/QUOTE] Actually, that Gimmick rating might rating AND the style might have to do with it. Most of the time, Gimmick ratings should be around B- or more, from my experience. What's his gimmick?
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[QUOTE=ampulator;687735]Actually, that Gimmick rating might rating AND the style might have to do with it. Most of the time, Gimmick ratings should be around B- or more, from my experience. What's his gimmick?[/QUOTE] Off-hand, I think its The Pitbull. It fight with the characterization I had in mind for him. Which hasn't come across as much as i expected thus far, but hopefully that will change over time. I usually start looking to change the gimmick if it drops to C+ or below. I will find him a new gimmick and hopefully that will help Reed out a bit.
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]The Fry Report Preview[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/FryReport.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote][I]Every week on The Fry Report podcast will provide the latest information on everything Supreme. News, rumors, and interviews, all brought to you by the incomparable Duane Fry.[/I] [B]Preview for podcast available Monday, Week 4, December 2008[/B] "Its here, fans. The final SWF Supreme TV of 2008. This is going to be a big one. A very big one. So you do not want to miss out." "The SWF North American championship will be on the line, as champion Ace Newton puts the belt up against Guide and Mr. Hill. This one should be interesting - the feud between The New Wave and the Silverbacks is hardly over, so will Guide and Hill even worry about the young champion in this one?" "Darryl Devine will be facing the monster Payne again. Apparently at the request of Devine. The Generation Supreme star is still apparently looking for payback of the beating he took at the hands of the masked monster. While his courage is certainly admirable, its tough to say that this appears to be a good idea." "It seems as though Sin Inc are determined to get another chance at the tag team titles they lost to Badd Kompany. However, they have to face the exciting Generation Supreme duo of Antonio Marquez and Gino Montero - Los Diablos! This one should make for great tag team action." "Angry Gilmore will be in action, taking on one half of the SWF World Tag Team champion in Joss Thompson. This won't be an easy match for Gilmore, as he seeks to prove himself as the number one contender to Rich Money's World Heavyweight championship." "The main event should be a great one. Last week, the stars of Generation Supreme voiced their displeasure at seeing 18-year old Jay Chord "fed" to Supreme Legend Sean McFly. The man who calls him "The Evolution" took things a step further this week as Marc DuBois challenged McFly himself. Interim General Manager Eric Eisen decided to make the affair a tag match, pitting DuBois and his stable-mate Steven Parker against McFly and his friend Troy Tornado. This one should be a classic folks." "What will Interim General Manager Eric Eisen have to say about Bruce the Giant being part of Rich Money's troupe? Who is going to be the new number one contender for Rich Money's belt? Is there anything behind rumors of changes in the Supreme TV announcers booth? There should be plenty of answers provided on Supreme TV this week." "Tune in so that you can head into 2009 "in the know". Supreme TV is on C.A.N.N. every Tuesday night! The only wrestling on TV on Tuesday night..." [/quote][B]The Fry Report will be available on SWF.com or directly from iTunes.[/B] [quote]A special feature for the Fry Report... A preview of the matches lined up for Supreme TV this week! [COLOR=Red]Mr. Hill[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Guide[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Ace Newton[/COLOR] for the [B]SWF North American Championship[/B] [COLOR=Blue]Darryl Devine[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Payne[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Sin Inc[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Los Diablos[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Scout[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Mr. Anderson[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Flex Garcia[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Giedroyc[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Angry Gilmore[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Joss Thompson[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Remember Tomorrow[/COLOR] ([COLOR=Red]Marc DuBois[/COLOR] & [COLOR=Red]Steven Parker[/COLOR]) vs [COLOR=Blue]The Flying Tigers[/COLOR] ([COLOR=Blue]Sean McFly[/COLOR] & [COLOR=Blue]Troy Tornado[/COLOR]) [/quote][/FONT]
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Mr. Hill vs Guide vs [B]Ace Newton[/B] for the SWF North American Championship [B]Darryl Devine[/B] vs Payne [B]Sin Inc[/B] vs Los Diablos [B]Scout[/B] vs Mr. Anderson Flex Garcia vs [B]Giedroyc[/B] [B]Angry Gilmore [/B]vs Joss Thompson Remember Tomorrow (Marc DuBois & Steven Parker) vs [B]The Flying Tigers (Sean McFly & Troy Tornado)[/B]
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Mr. Hill vs Guide vs [B]Ace Newton[/B] for the SWF North American Championship [I]Don't see Newton losing the belt in his first defence, especially to either of these two Tag specialists[/I] Darryl Devine vs [B]Payne[/B] [I]The monster will be too much for Devine to handle[/I] Sin Inc vs [B]Los Diablos[/B] [I]Time for Los Diablos to become serious Tag Team Title challengers, Sin Inc have had their day in the sun, time for them to start putting over some of the up-coming talent.[/I] Scout vs [B]Mr. Anderson[/B] [I]Could go either way, as I always feel that out of the two Scout is the one who could be more useful as a singles performer in the New Wave but I'm going to go for Anderson.[/I] Flex Garcia vs [B]Giedroyc[/B] [I]Flex is basically a glorified jobber, and I don't see those kind of fortunes being reversed any time soon.[/I] [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] vs Joss Thompson [I]Joss Thompson has done well to become a tag champion, however this is singles and he doesn't stand a chance against Gilmore.[/I] Remember Tomorrow (Marc DuBois & Steven Parker) vs [B]The Flying Tigers (Sean McFly & Troy Tornado)[/B] [I]The rise of the Kids will be a gradual thing, I don't the like of DuBois and especially Parker going over seasoned stars like McFly and Tornado at this stage of the story.[/I]
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Mr. Hill vs Guide vs [B]Ace Newton[/B] for the SWF North American Championship Darryl Devine vs [B]Payne[/B] [B]Sin Inc[/B] vs Los Diablos Scout vs [B]Mr. Anderson[/B] Flex Garcia vs [B]Giedroyc[/B] [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] vs Joss Thompson Remember Tomorrow (Marc DuBois & Steven Parker) vs [B]The Flying Tigers (Sean McFly & Troy Tornado)[/B]
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Mr. Hill vs Guide vs [B]Ace Newton[/B] for the SWF North American Championship [B]Darryl Devine[/B] vs Payne Sin Inc vs [B]Los Diablos[/B] [B]Scout[/B] vs Mr. Anderson Flex Garcia vs [B]Giedroyc[/B] [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] vs Joss Thompson Remember Tomorrow (Marc DuBois & Steven Parker) vs [B]The Flying Tigers (Sean McFly & Troy Tornado)[/B]
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Mr. Hill vs Guide vs [B]Ace Newton [/B]for the SWF North American Championship Newton's a perfect fit for that belt, and while Guide and Hill would both do good with it in singles roles, predicting him losing it here would be foolish. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] vs Payne Another DQ loss to keep up that streak? He's been kinda weak for a monster lately, destroying Darryl would be a good way to remind everyone how dominant he is. Sin Inc vs [B]Los Diablos[/B] Bigger names and the better team. This is probably my favorite tag team of the diary right now. [B]Scout[/B] vs Mr. Anderson Already called a DQ, so I predict Anderson to keep from going that route. And so, I call a Scout victory. Flex Garcia vs [B]Giedroyc[/B] Giedroyc gets a decent win, to remind everyone that he's still a good wrestler.. [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] vs Joss Thompson One-half of the Tag Team Champions shouldn't be squashed, so he gets some offense in here. No way he's taking down Gilmore, one of the obvious choices for a World Heavyweight Title challenger, here. Remember Tomorrow (Marc DuBois & Steven Parker) vs [B]The Flying Tigers (Sean McFly & Troy Tornado)[/B] Why the hell is Steven Parker main eventing..? Seriously, ever since Sean McFly came in, he's been able to main event against virtually anyone! Anyway, his team wins here by DQ when Giant Tana attacks McFly, for betraying Inspiring Charity and finding a new tag partner. That bitch.
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[QUOTE=Zeel1;688360]Remember Tomorrow (Marc DuBois & Steven Parker) vs [B]The Flying Tigers (Sean McFly & Troy Tornado)[/B] Why the hell is Steven Parker main eventing..? Seriously, ever since Sean McFly came in, he's been able to main event against virtually anyone! Anyway, his team wins here by DQ when Giant Tana attacks McFly, for betraying Inspiring Charity and finding a new tag partner. That bitch.[/QUOTE] I wondered if someone would comment on Parker being in that main event. Parker is an interesting spot. Like quite a number of my tag team specialists on the Supreme brand, he's floating in the midcard-upper mid area, and is realistically only a couple of wins away from being a fringe main eventer. Unlike most of my tag teamers, who probably benefit from being in a tag team, Parker is probably being moreso held back. His tandem with Jay Chord is a bit short on experience (but getting better) but obviously not lacking in talent. They would likely be doing more if not for my hesitation to really push Chord early. It also limits Parker a bit in singles action, because I don't want a big popularity gap between them. The DuBois-Parker tandem is one I should have featured a lot more. They have good tag chemistry, which is part of the reason Parker ended up in DuBois' stable in the first place. But Parker-Chord (aka The Heartbreakers) felt like a better pairing, as I didn't want to make DuBois into a regular tag team guy. The idea was Parker would regularly tag with Chord and occassionally with DuBois. The second part hasn't really happed. For this show, I wanted something that built off the McFly-Chord match and angle. So DuBois against McFly & Tornado made sense. I thought about tagging DuBois with someone like one of the Bumfholes, but a face-heel team felt iffy in this situation. With a limited number of Gen-S heels to choose from, Parker felt like the best choice. The result was... alright.
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Mr. Hill vs Guide vs [B]Ace Newton [/B]for the SWF North American Championship First off, Ace won't lose his new belt on his first defence (especially on TV). The twist here, I think, will be that the Silverbacks are still on Money's payroll, so Hill does most of the dirty work then steps aside for Ace to make the pin. Darryl Devine vs [B]Payne[/B] Payne needs an actual win to build him up again. A DQ win for Devine wouldn't be out of the question though. [B]Sin Inc[/B] vs Los Diablos This is the toughest match of the card to call. It really could go either way, but my money's on the former champs. Scout vs [B]Mr. Anderson[/B] This would be a big win for the Silverbacks (even though they're not focused on getting wins). New Wave has been fairly well protected, so Scout could handle a loss here without much of a negative impact. Flex Garcia vs [B]Giedroyc[/B] This is a match I see quite often in my games for the North American belt (don't know why but I just like Frederique Antonio Garcia...maybe that's why I always fall to cult in 6 months...) and it usually goes the other way, but here Flex is just a silly jobber who makes an appearance every three months or so. [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] vs Joss Thompson We haven't seen much of Gilmore of late (that I can remember, anyway) so this will be a nice easy win for him. Remember Tomorrow (Marc DuBois & Steven Parker) vs [B]The Flying Tigers (Sean McFly & Troy Tornado)[/B] Wow. That's one hell of an 80's tag team name. It really suits them though. I think the Tigers will get a run for their money, and maybe even narrowly escape defeat. It'll be a good showing of the strength of Gen S while keeping the main eventers strong. And I'd like to point out that I'm the only one who correctly guessed the outcome of the Frehley angle on Legends.....sure I was the only one who guessed at all, but I was still the only one who was right!!!!!
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I like the idea of Steven Parker in the main event. My thinking on this is very much the 'put over' rub. Parker can learn a lot against Sean McFly in particular. I mean holy, if you're 24-25 and you've got a chance to work against Sean McFly, wow... Its an enormous rub. I may well be looking at things too simply, but I think is good booking practice.
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Well, the good thing about having Davis Wayne Newton and Champagne Lover, is that every other young potential superstar is held back a bit. :p But on a more serious note, if it weren't for those two, I swear Bigpapa42 might have made accidentally (seriously) made Marc Dubois and Valiant into Main Eventers by now. I'm not so sure they were ready... (although I have really high opinions of both).
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;686660]The new-mask alt of Vengeance was one simply posted in the alt image thread. Not sure if it was actually requested by someone, but I do know that it was not requested by me. I used it because I thought it would emphasize that upon return, something had changed with Vengeance. Plus, it played into the whole mask bit that set up the face turn. Not to mention that it sets things up for later, potentially...[/QUOTE] That request would've been mine I believe :p Loving the diary still man, you never seem to run out of ideas.
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[QUOTE=tristram;689242]I like the idea of Steven Parker in the main event. My thinking on this is very much the 'put over' rub. Parker can learn a lot against Sean McFly in particular. I mean holy, if you're 24-25 and you've got a chance to work against Sean McFly, wow... Its an enormous rub. I may well be looking at things too simply, but I think is good booking practice.[/QUOTE] I don't think its looking at things too simply. I very much look at things that way. As I've said, I think we share similar booking ideologies. I obviously don't think that progressing up the card requires scoring big wins with any frequency. Being competitive in matches against top talent does a lot for the younger guys, in my opinion. [QUOTE=ampulator;689322]Well, the good thing about having Davis Wayne Newton and Champagne Lover, is that every other young potential superstar is held back a bit. :p But on a more serious note, if it weren't for those two, I swear Bigpapa42 might have made accidentally (seriously) made Marc Dubois and Valiant into Main Eventers by now. I'm not so sure they were ready... (although I have really high opinions of both).[/QUOTE] DuBois has been a main eventer for a long while now, and I've been intentionally holding him back. As talented as he is, his Psychology is still only B- which is a bit lower than I'd like (though hardly terrible). His Charisma did just hit A*, though. He is currently at A* Overness and has been at least once before, possibly twice. Just not quite ready to have him at the same level as the very top guys. Valiant floats about the B to B+ range. He has actually improved enough that I would be comfortable having him on a big singles run, but he just has more value to me in the tag ranks for right now. As for Champagne/Marquez and Newton, I've held them both back a bit, too. Marquez moreso, though I really have no issue with his skills. I have some plans for the Diablos tag team and I didn't want him getting too far ahead of Gino in terms of popularity. The only real issue I have with Newton is that his Consistency is still only B-. That's obviously not terrible, but its not quite as high as I'd like either. [QUOTE=Shmoe;689335]That request would've been mine I believe :p Loving the diary still man, you never seem to run out of ideas.[/QUOTE] Thanks for requesting it. And thanks for reading. Ideas are the one thing I am unlikely to short of.
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