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SWF: Generation Supreme

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If you ask me, even if used Roberts more, he would have been a hard sell beyond an Upper Midcarer in the SWF. Yes, you can stick him with a manager, but a Main Eventer in the SWF should be able to handle the mic and crowd. If Roberts was in TCW, he would have made a bigger impact. As for not changing the product because it was risky, I can understand that, but your grades were so good that minor product changes would barely hurt, while helping the Sky Club Division and Roberts.
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Finally took the time to read all of this from start to finish. Sorry I never got a chance to catch up while it was still active. Overall its a very impressive diary. You took a hard task, mananging a huge roster and brand splits, and did a successful job of it. You did a full year of 2 weekly A shows, PPV's and even b show info and I know that is a hell of a lot of work and writing to do and made all of it interesting. You managed to capture those 'Big moments' that all wrestling fans remember and you created a definitive Rich Money character, one that will probably influence everyone else who read this and plays that character much like Monkeypox did with his Dave characters. There were flaws, but those are natural when it comes to dealing with such a huge roster , so many storylines and personalities, and essentially limited time, even with 3 shows and 4 hr PPV's. Some fueds seemed forced or not having a lot of basis, some people basically got forgotten about or buried ( unintentionally probably). This happens in the real WWE all the time, so it is pretty much a consequence of 'too much to tell, to little time to tell it'. All in all , I was very impressed, especially the 'Random thought of the day' segments which I think are the definitive standout of this diary. You took a challenge on that few have tried here and made it very successful. So you have my kudos and appreciation for your work and effort. I was entertained, and as a fellow diary writer, that is the most we can ask for. :)
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;748340]Finally took the time to read all of this from start to finish. Sorry I never got a chance to catch up while it was still active. Overall its a very impressive diary. You took a hard task, mananging a huge roster and brand splits, and did a successful job of it. You did a full year of 2 weekly A shows, PPV's and even b show info and I know that is a hell of a lot of work and writing to do and made all of it interesting. You managed to capture those 'Big moments' that all wrestling fans remember and you created a definitive Rich Money character, one that will probably influence everyone else who read this and plays that character much like Monkeypox did with his Dave characters. There were flaws, but those are natural when it comes to dealing with such a huge roster , so many storylines and personalities, and essentially limited time, even with 3 shows and 4 hr PPV's. Some fueds seemed forced or not having a lot of basis, some people basically got forgotten about or buried ( unintentionally probably). This happens in the real WWE all the time, so it is pretty much a consequence of 'too much to tell, to little time to tell it'. All in all , I was very impressed, especially the 'Random thought of the day' segments which I think are the definitive standout of this diary. You took a challenge on that few have tried here and made it very successful. So you have my kudos and appreciation for your work and effort. I was entertained, and as a fellow diary writer, that is the most we can ask for. :)[/QUOTE] Thanks Dragonmack. It means a lot that people are still taking the time to read this at this point, and that they are still enjoying it. Even moreso to have that come a great writer like yourself, who's work I have very much enjoyed. The "big moments" aspect is probably what I did best, in my opinion. Particularly with the Rich Money title win and the Sean McFly return, I could just picture them down to the most nuanced detail and I wanted so badly to get that across to the readers. Those moments are the kind of thing I envision being big in the SWF - major moments that could be shown over and over on promo videos. The problem is what I was going for was an approach the combined the memorable moments with memorable storylines - similar to older WWF/E and even WCW, instead of a contemporary WWE approach which I feel focuses more on the moments. As for Rich Money, that ended up being my hope - to have a characterization that fairly much defined the character. I never read Monkeypox or even J Silver in the early going of my diary, but I did later on. And they inspired me in their characterizations. I struggled a bit with Money in the planning stages and early going - I wanted a character that was a similar to Ted DiBiase with a touch of Ric Flair, but without just being a rip off of Ted DiBiase with a touch of Ric Flair. The basic character template that I ended up using is one that I was going to use for Tommy Cornell when I was planning on doing a TCW diary instead. As I have said a few times, My became so easy to write and come up with ideas for. I do find it interesting that I ended up emulating the WWE and even WCW in ways I never intended - mainly having an oversized roster that meant some guys just didn't get used, and having storylines that just left off without any resolution. As for not every feud having a real "basis", I completely agree. The problem was more with presentation than planning, as I usually planned out some basis and then would sometimes forget to book a set-up angle (or shove it on the B-show and forget to mention it) for some feuds. That was just sloppy on my part and an obvious downside to having a massive roster. I know other writers have mentioned that backstage, kayfabe-breaking segments like the Random Thoughts can be tough to write and find ideas for. I found them quite the opposite. They were almost always easy to write. And like almost everything, that had a downside - as I continually came up with different ideas for the segments, I got further away from some of the central stories I wanted to tell with the Random Thoughts. This ended up getting damned wordy for what was supposed to be a fairly straight-ahead thanks for kind words and for taking the time to read though this whole thing. So thanks!
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  • 2 weeks later...
I was looking around for diaries to read and came upon a couple that I couldn't get past the first couple of entries of. But this one is so well written and so entertaining that I've been eating it up. I've just finished the Master of Puppets PPV and we're now getting down to the Brand Split, but my internet is a bit hazy right now, so I was wondering if there is in fact a PDF of this diary, as I would very much like to be able to read this at my leisure.
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[QUOTE=Anghrist;760269]I was looking around for diaries to read and came upon a couple that I couldn't get past the first couple of entries of. But this one is so well written and so entertaining that I've been eating it up. I've just finished the Master of Puppets PPV and we're now getting down to the Brand Split, but my internet is a bit hazy right now, so I was wondering if there is in fact a PDF of this diary, as I would very much like to be able to read this at my leisure.[/QUOTE] Wow, amazed to still be grabbing new readers. Thanks and glad you are enjoying. I do not have it in PDF form at this point, but its something I've meant to look at for awhile now. I will see what I can figure out in the next couple of days - I've been told its a simple process but I can be dense at times, so we'll see...
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;761613]Wow, amazed to still be grabbing new readers. Thanks and glad you are enjoying. I do not have it in PDF form at this point, but its something I've meant to look at for awhile now. I will see what I can figure out in the next couple of days - I've been told its a simple process but I can be dense at times, so we'll see...[/QUOTE] I'm not surprised that you are still getting readers. Your diary is that good and if I was a new reader I would look at the total number of posts and views (you are 3rd in both regards) and the newly created "Must Read" thread (which you are the top diary). In short, you rock.
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I should've posted weeks ago. I stopped playing after TEW07, was browsing the boards, looking for alts to give myself a reason to go back and start playing again (or even purchase TEW08) and started reading this. Read every page. From the beginning. It's the best diary I've read on these boards. By the time I caught up you had started thinking about ending things..it's too bad..I would've loved to see the Gen Supreme thing play out And I know it's sort of cheating, but I really really wish you would put this out as a mod, taking the default data and updating it with the alts you've used and the roster changes that occurred in your game, maybe setting it the month before the next Supreme Challenge. Great job in any case. When TEW10 comes out, there's a pretty good chance I'll be playing as SWF (and if there's any justice in the world, Adam will have incorporated your Rich Money push into the updated data).
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[QUOTE=foolinc;761620]I'm not surprised that you are still getting readers. Your diary is that good and if I was a new reader I would look at the total number of posts and views (you are 3rd in both regards) and the newly created "Must Read" thread (which you are the top diary). In short, you rock.[/QUOTE] Aww, you're making me e-blush... I know I've been accused of being overly modest when it comes to Gen-S (my excuse - being Canadian). Its not that I don't realize how highly this was/is regarded. If I did, the honor of even just being in the top ten of the Must Read List, let alone at the top, would have cured me of that. Its not that I expect to be forgotten. But just with the quality of so many of the current diaries, I did figure the regard might fade a bit. I was okay with that thought, to be honest. It is indeed very nice to still be so highly thought of and still getting people who are taking this thing in the for the first time, plus enjoying it enough to share their thoughts. [QUOTE=PeterHilton;761627]I should've posted weeks ago. I stopped playing after TEW07, was browsing the boards, looking for alts to give myself a reason to go back and start playing again (or even purchase TEW08) and started reading this. Read every page. From the beginning. It's the best diary I've read on these boards. By the time I caught up you had started thinking about ending things..it's too bad..I would've loved to see the Gen Supreme thing play out And I know it's sort of cheating, but I really really wish you would put this out as a mod, taking the default data and updating it with the alts you've used and the roster changes that occurred in your game, maybe setting it the month before the next Supreme Challenge. Great job in any case. When TEW10 comes out, there's a pretty good chance I'll be playing as SWF (and if there's any justice in the world, Adam will have incorporated your Rich Money push into the updated data).[/QUOTE] Thanks! I have had a few readers tell me that they look at SWF differently now or have the desire to play as Supreme after reading through this, and that's such a huge compliment. As for Rich Money in 2010, I kinda hope so, too... but having all the talented guys like Money, Gilmore, etc, have moved into the SWF main event scene takes away one of the few "challenges" of running Supreme. It really doesn't matter in the end, because so long as Rich Money is in the SWF, he's going to remain... money... Unfortunately, I doubt if I'll do anything with the data at this point. I ran out of space on my laptop, due an ever-growing library of videos (mostly wrestling). I was backing up everything onto an old external hard-drive... where I also ran out of space. I know have a shiny new external HD, but I've lost track of where I stashed a lot of files. My Gen-S game and the multitude of backups I've made would be included. It sounds like a stupid problem, but I've been attempting to organize for a couple of weeks now... and procrastinating doesn't help.
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[QUOTE=Zeel1;761716]Generation Supreme - Asses were kicked. Names were taken. ..but Tana never became an in-joke. :([/QUOTE] Oh, Tana was definitely a joke alright... But seriously, I was planning around that. It just never went far enough to actually happen. Apologies. Now as for putting this together in a PDF, I am all in favor of the idea. I added the app to Firefox this weekend but it kept creating blank documents. Good times. If anyone has suggestionson how to get the damned thing to work or other options, I am open! I also wanted to take a moment, as I have not done so in here, to thank everyone who participated in the Must Read 2009 list that mistaken put together. Given the quality of some of the current and past projects here on GDS, I would have been absolutely thrilled to make it anywhere close to the top ten. To end up #1 was not expected and humbling. So thank you all. And moreso, thanks to all the fantastic writers here who have provided me with inspiration, advice, motivation, and just flat out enjoyment.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I've just finished reading this from start to finish and I only have one thing to say...WOW. If this was on TV I'd be watching wrestling two times a week and be back buying PPV's every month. You have no idea how sad it makes me that you decided to end this. If you ever change your mind and decide to start this up again I can you I'll be one of many readers. I think it's fitting to say that this Dynasty is.... Money! Great Job!
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[QUOTE=Howie;769790]I've just finished reading this from start to finish and I only have one thing to say...WOW. If this was on TV I'd be watching wrestling two times a week and be back buying PPV's every month. You have no idea how sad it makes me that you decided to end this. If you ever change your mind and decide to start this up again I can you I'll be one of many readers. I think it's fitting to say that this Dynasty is.... Money! Great Job![/QUOTE] How do I keep missing new readers posting? Really glad you took the time to read through this whole thing, Howie, and even happier that it entertained. And reading that this would be something that a reader would love to see play out on their TVs each week is a huge compliment to me - that was one of my basic approaches to the project and how I envisioned each show (or at least tried to). What I would want to see on TV each week was one of the reasons I started the project in the first place, inspired by the likes of TigerKinney, JamesCasey, NoNeck, and others. As for the end... there are occasions where I regret ending things where I did. Regret not going further and playing out some of the stories I had built towards. But those moments are fleeting. Even though it ended at a rather random spot in the story arcs, I still feel like it was the right move at the right time. I just think that the quality would have started to fall off if I had tried to keep going. This one starting back up isn't too likely, I'm afraid, though I do have some plans for a new diary project when the new game comes out. Not sure if its going be TCW or maybe SWF again... Thanks again for taking the time to read and to comment. Though I doubt anyone was waiting for it with baited breath, I have basically given up on the idea of getting this thing put together into an easy-to-read PDF file. The Firefox PDF converted just doesn't want to work and I've given up. Open to suggestions, though.
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The easiest way to do it is to: 1. Search the thread for all of your posts. 2. Copy each of the shows and backstage musings into a Word document. 3. Convert Word Document into a PDF. It would take a while but it is doable. Try and copy one month at a time and you'll be done in under a month.
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  • 1 month later...
Okay, so I never got the PDF thing to work. I played with it a few times but gave up a bit too quicky. Now with TEW 2010 out, I'm spending most of my time on that. And setting up plans for the the next Big Papa project. I'm not jumping in, as I want to take some time to familiarize myself with everything on the new game. But rest assured, dear readers, I do have plans and there are things coming.
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  • 6 months later...
[QUOTE=Hashasheen;1116133]Bigpapa, I just spent the last 14 hours reading through this and your TCW thread and I've come to the conclusion that the only way I can repay such dedication, focus and excellent execution is that I'm naming a kid after you.[/QUOTE] The dedication is impressive. Both the time spent reading and the child naming. I'll be honest, calling a kid "Big" could be a touch on the cruel side... BTW, mistaken has created a pdf of this in case anyone is interested. I tried and failed, but he managed to get it done. If you are interested, send him a PM.
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;1118433]The dedication is impressive. Both the time spent reading and the child naming. I'll be honest, calling a kid "Big" could be a touch on the cruel side...[/quote] Maybe just use B & P as initials for the name. :p [quote] BTW, mistaken has created a pdf of this in case anyone is interested. I tried and failed, but he managed to get it done. If you are interested, send him a PM.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the heads up.
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