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ECW 2009 - Extreme? or just plain crazy?

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[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/7086324.jpg[/img] Evan Bourne walks out for yet another PPV pre show match, his opponent, Shelton Benjamin. The two lock up for a good match, these two have great chemistry. Shelton misses his PayDirt and lands hard on the canvas, Bourne goes up top and hits his Ai Bourne Shooting Star Press for the win! [b]Evan Bourne defeated Shelton Benjamin in 6:06 by pinfall with an Air Bourne.[/b] Two make shift tag teams for our pre show main event, William Regal teams with Mike Mondo to take on AJ Styles and Billy Todd. Neither team works great together, but they have something there that could mean teams in the future. The faces work their asses off, but ultimately Regal and Mondo get the better of them. Regal hits a Regal Cutter on Styles which sets him up for the Mondo Sledge and the win! [b]Mike Mondo and William Regal defeated AJ Styles and Billy Todd in 9:39 when Mike Mondo defeated AJ Styles by pinfall with a Mondo Sledge.[/b] [img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/WPPoster.jpg[/img] We open the PPV with a shot of the FBI talking backstage, they're arguing with someone, we see someone push throguh the group, it's Pietra! She turns around and tells them that she's sick of all this help, and she doesn't want it any more! [b]Rating: B[/b] Pietra continues her walk out to the ring for her Vixen's championship match with Amie Gooding. The two put on a good match, Amie carries Pietra a little, but Pietra's definately showing talent. It's a short match, but we see Amie pick up the victory courtesy of her Good Luck finisher. [b]Amie Gooding defeated Pietra Riccardi in 4:19 by pinfall with a Good Luck. Amie Gooding makes defence number 5 of her ECW Vixen title.[/b] Devon Hughes stares down the camera, it pans out, he doesn't blink, grabbing the nearest microphone he can he bellows down saying that ChainSaw will regret the challenge, because he's here to kick arse, and ChainSaw's his first victim! [b]Rating: C-[/b] John Morrison walks out to a mass of boos, he's followed by, for one night only, the Hardcore Icon Mick Foley. The two lock up, but Foley soon takes the advantages, using weaponry to his advantage. Morrison screams not to hit his face, Foley doesn't listen and hits Morrison square in the face with a metal sheet. Foley goes out of the ring to grab Barbie! He reenters the ring only to be met with a Superkick, and hit with a Standing Shooting Star Press. Morrison picks up the shock win! [b]John Morrison defeated Mick Foley in 5:38 by pinfall with a Standing SSP.[/b] Morrison kicks Foley a few more times before seeing him turn red, Morrison escapes the ring as Foley punches the mat, begging Morrison to come back down to the ring! [b]Rating: B+[/b] Another title match up now, Tag Titles on the line in a fatal 4 way tag match! Tag Twins walk out first and await their 3 challenging teams. Unique rules here as it is fatal 4 way with a tag to only your own partner. Alot of team work by halves of each team make this a very interesting matchup. Tag Twins struggle to hold any type of advantage in the match and end up battling with Tajiri and Nunzio, leaving Sasaki, Gianfranco and Ashcroft all in the ring, the numbers are in Aschroft and Jacobs' favour as Jacobs hits a Cactus Clothesline on Sasaki! Ashcroft hits a brainbuster on Gianfranco, climbs to the top....450!!!! 1....2.......3! Ashcroft and Jacobs pick up the victory and the tag titles!!! [b]Ashcroft and Jacobs defeated Tag Twins, FBI and Japanese Wrecking Crew in 9:38 when Daniel Ashcroft defeated Gianfranco Simeone by pinfall with a Brainbuster 450. Ashcroft and Jacobs win the ECW Tag Team titles.[/b] Ashcroft and Jacobs jump into the crowd with their titles and celebrate with the fans! [b]Rating: B-[/b] Devon Hughes walks out to Goldberg-esk music, he's followed out by ChainSaw. Hughes takes the fight to ChainSaw, barely allowing the veteran any opportunites to attack. Devon picks up the victory with a Rope Hung Neckbreaker just passed the 8 minute mark! [b]Devon Hughes defeated ChainSaw in 8:01 by pinfall with a Rope Hung Neckbreaker.[/b] Devon celebrates his victorious return to ECW! [b]Rating: C-[/b] Dreamer is shown backstage walking towards the ring, he stops, looks out to the crowd, and addresses Terry Funk, telling him it will be his honour, no no, his destiny to retire Tthe Hardcore Legend! [b]Rating: D+[/b] A very emotional match here, despite Dreamer playing the bad guy, you could see his eyes watering throughout the match. Alot of violence in this, alot of chairs, explosive boards, ladders and kendo sticks were brought into this. Funker missed his chance to win after hitting Dreamer with a branding iron to the skull, Dreamer was all but out, Funker climbed up top of the ladder and attempted a moonsault, missing, alowing Dreamer time to stand, and ultimately hit Funk with a Dreamer DDT onto a chair for the win. [b]Tommy Dreamer defeated Terry Funk in 14:40 by pinfall with a Dreamer DDT.[/b] Dreamer leaves the ring without as little as a glance back, Funk gets to his feet with tears streaming as he receives a standing ovation, he walks to the back for one final time, as the fans continue their response to the legend that is, and now was, Terry Funk. [b]Rating: C+[/b] Another title match next, could we see another title change? Colt Cabana walks out followed by Santino, and the match is underway. These two don't click at all here, and their match seems to suffer alot. Definately worse than their last outing, fans sensed it and even started a "This match sucks" chant! Cabana missed his Colt 45, and Santino hit his Snap Swinging Neckbreaker for the pinfall victory, and we have ourselves a new European CHampion! [b]Santino Marella defeated Colt Cabana in 12:49 by pinfall with a Snap Swinging Neckbreaker. Santino Marella wins the ECW European title.[/b] Marella grabs his title from the timekeeper and parades around the ring with it. [b]Rating: C+[/b] Kofi Kingston comes on screen belittling Marco Petrucci, and tells him that after tonight, he'll take his title back! [b]Rating: C-[/b] Another title match involving the FBI, Petrucci looks to defend his title for only the second time ever against the man he beat for his title. A good match between the two who we already know have great chemistry, they play off each other very well and get the fans on their feet. Kofi had plenty of chances to end the match, but every time he did, Petrucci was their to cut him off. A match of definate missed opportunities saw Petrucci finally land his Petrucci Driver to lock in the win. [b]Marco Petrucci defeated Kofi Kingston in 12:01 by pinfall with a Petrucci Driver. Marco Petrucci makes defence number 2 of his ECW TV title.[/b] Marco Petrucci celebrates with his title, much to Kofi's unhappiness! [b]Rating: B+[/b] Whilst Petrucci's celebrating his music suddenly cuts off, wind howls over the speakers, and the lighting turns green and black before finally cutting off completely! [b]Rating: B+[/b] The lights come back on as we see Sean Morley walk towards the ring, Brock's already in the ring somehow. Brock over powers Morley right from the off and the fans are loving it! The match doesn't seem to be able to live up to it's expectations however as a few boring chants ring around the arena, they soon end though when Brock hits his F-5. He stumbles a little and composes himself, he walks over and loosley covers Morley, he only gets a 2 count, the time wasted cost him! The match goes on for a long time with both men visibly tiring, Brock seems too used to his MMA "rounds" style of fighting and seems to completely give up, Morley uses his experience to sense the opening and picks apart Lesnar for a few minutes, Lesnar tries a resurgence but gets cut down with a brutal kick to the mid section, and Morley hits a Spike Piledriver out of nowhere for the victory, Morley retains! [b]Sean Morley defeated Brock Lesnar in 24:11 by pinfall with a Spike Piledriver. Sean Morley makes defence number 9 of his ECW Heavyweight title.[/b] Morley grabs his title and has a party of sorts as he celebrates! [b]Rating: A[/b] [quote=Quick Results][b]Pre Show Evan Bourne[/b] defeated Shelton Benjamin in 6:06 by pinfall with an Air Bourne. - C+ (GrC) [b]Mike Mondo[/b] and William Regal defeated AJ Styles and Billy Todd in 9:39 when Mike Mondo defeated AJ Styles by pinfall with a Mondo Sledge. - C- [b]Show Amie Gooding[/b] defeated Pietra Riccardi in 4:19 by pinfall with a Good Luck. [b]Amie Gooding makes defence number 5 of her ECW Vixen title[/b]. - C [b]John Morrison[/b] defeated Mick Foley in 5:38 by pinfall with a Standing SSP. - B- [b]Ashcroft and Jacobs[/b] defeated Tag Twins, FBI and Japanese Wrecking Crew in 9:38 when Daniel Ashcroft defeated Gianfranco Simeone by pinfall with a Brainbuster 450. [b]Ashcroft and Jacobs win the ECW Tag Team titles[/b]. - C- [b]Devon Hughes[/b] defeated ChainSaw in 8:01 by pinfall with a Rope Hung Neckbreaker. - C- [b]Tommy Dreamer[/b] defeated Terry Funk in 14:40 by pinfall with a Dreamer DDT. - C- [b]Santino Marella[/b] defeated Colt Cabana in 12:49 by pinfall with a Snap Swinging Neckbreaker. [b]Santino Marella wins the ECW European title[/b]. - D+(DCAA) [b]Marco Petrucci[/b] defeated Kofi Kingston in 12:01 by pinfall with a Petrucci Driver. [b]Marco Petrucci makes defence number 2 of his ECW TV title[/b]. - B- [b]Sean Morley[/b] defeated Brock Lesnar in 24:11 by pinfall with a Spike Piledriver. [b]Sean Morley makes defence number 9 of his ECW Heavyweight title[/b]. - C+[/quote]
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[quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWNews2.gif[/img] ECW WrestlePalooza was a success for the company, a strong PPV that saw new Tag and European champions crowned, and also saw the unfortunate retirement of the Hardcore Icon Terry Funk. ECW wishes Terry all the best for his future, and wish to welcome him to the training staff within our development camps. Heading into August, ECW on Sci-Fi has only one month, 4 episodes, remaining on its contract with the Sci-Fi channel. ECW have entered negiotiations with the channel to renew the popular show, and are also looking to expand into Canada this season. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/allWrestlingNews.gif[/img] There are a few rumblings going around that William Regal is set for a big push in the coming weeks, seeing him turn face and challenge Sean Morley for either No Regrets, or All Hallow's Even. Many were surprised about Morley retaining this past weekend, but it would seem that Digou is winning in his battle of keeping the title on Morley. There are only a few people Digou will put the title on outside of Morley, and none of those are either high enough in the company, or even with the company! [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/logo.gif[/img] ECW have scanned through their development camps this past week and have called upon 3 workers to finish off their duties with their respective development camps and move onto the main roster as of next week! ECW have also terminated 3 development contracts, names are expected to be announced within the week. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/topimage.jpg[/img] Despite what was posted on ECW's website, the show was not that big a success for the company, and in effect, hurt the popularity of the company. This is thougt to be a minor reason behind the releases that are forth coming. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/wz_banner.jpg[/img] Reports are circulating that the channel in Canada that ECW are most likely to hold talks with will be The Score, or Men TV. Neither of which are said to be interested however. [/quote] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/7086324.jpg[/img] The first ECW on Sci-Fi of not only August, but the first in the aftermath of WrestlePalooza! This week see'sTommy Dreamer go one on one with Brock Lesnar, a man who has stood by Terry Funk throughout their ECW tenure together, and has been very vocal about Dreamer's turning on his mentor. Expect to see another very emotional match up when these two face off. GraveDigger takes on Vader in the main event to try and establish himself as a threat to Morley. GraveDigger, who has had Davide Simeone chasing him for several months now, must beat Vader to face him again for the right to face Sean Morley at SummerSlam. All champions barring the tag champs are in action this week too, their opponents are to be revealed during the show. [b]Confirmed Matches:[/b] Brock Lesnar vs Tommy Dreamer The GraveDigger vs Vader Sean Morley vs ??? Marco Petrucci vs ??? Santino Marella vs ??? Amie Gooding vs ???
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[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/7086324.jpg[/img] We open the show with ECW Vixen's Champion Amie Gooding taking on Japanese legend Itsuko. The two battle it out in a good vixens match, showing they too can wrestle just as well as anyone else on the roster. Amie takes the win with a Good Luck in just under 5 minutes. [b]Amie Gooding defeated Itsuko in 4:48 by pinfall with a Good Luck.[/b] Dusty Rhodes announces that due to John Morrison's ****yness following his victory over Mick Foley on Sunday, at SummerSlam, he will be facing an ECW Legend of Rhodes' choosing! [b]Rating: B[/b] Ashcroft and Jacobs walk out to face FBI. FBI don't ever look like they're going to get anything out of the match, and ultimately end up losing in under 5 minutes! Ashcroft again picking up the victory for his team following his Brainbuster 450 sequence. [b]Ashcroft and Jacobs defeated FBI in 4:44 when Daniel Ashcroft defeated Gianfranco Simeone by pinfall with a Brainbuster 450.[/b] We get a tribute video for Funk, it soon changes into being one highlighting his final match, and boasts of how Tommy Dreamer defeated him. [b]Rating: C+[/b] Dreamer walks out to masses of boos, it's amazing how hated he is following such a long spell of being a fan favourite, he talks about how he beat Funk, and how that wil forever stay with him as one of his greatest accomplishments. [b]Rating: C-[/b] ECW Champion Sean Morley walks out for his match, his opponent is one half of the JWC, Sasaki! These two didn't click at all, the language barrier didn't help neither. Sasaki took the fight to Morley, but ultimately the champ had more in him, and hit the Resolution for the win. [b]Sean Morley defeated Sasaki in 5:33 by pinfall with a Resolution.[/b] Marco Petrucci walks out with a mic in hand, he starts off his tirade in Italian, but ends in English, telling us all how great a champion he is, and how no one will beat him! [b]Rating: B+[/b] Petrucci walks to the ring and awaits his opponent who ends up being Nick Nemeth. Nemeth puts up a fight, but you can definately see why Mondo is the one that will be pushed from M2N. Petrucci grabs the victory with a Petrucci Driver just after 5 minutes. Alot of short matches here tonight. [b]Marco Petrucci defeated Nick Nemeth in 5:08 by pinfall with a Petrucci Driver.[/b] Petrucci's music hits, only to be cut by the sound of wind blowing, no voices this week, but Petrucci is showered in sugar! The sugar trail follows him all the way to the back [b]Rating: B+[/b] Now former ECW European Champion, Colt Cabana walks out and looks to take his frustrations out on FBI member Nunzio! Nunzio stands no chance, and is in effect the jobber of FBI. He gets an ass whooping from a very serious looking Cabana. Cabana hits his Colt 45 for the win. [b]Colt Cabana defeated Nunzio in 6:36 by pinfall with a Colt 45.[/b] Ashcroft and Jacobs are in their locker room, when out of nowhere the Tag Twins attack them leaving them down and out, they grab the tag belts and leave! [b]Rating: B-[/b] Sean Morley has himself some time with a mic, he hypes himself up, and says how he's yet to even draw a title match since winning his belt! [b]Rating: B+[/b] Devon Hughes walks out for his Sci Fi debut (yes we know it's his "return" but still), he takes on John Morrison, looking to take out another ECW Legend! Hughes however has other plans, his new bad ass nature allows him to just plough through Morrison and destroy the "Rami Shabaan of Sexy". Devon hits the Saving Grace for the win. [b]Devon Hughes defeated John Morrison in 8:31 by pinfall with a Saving Grace.[/b] The FBI are seen backstage, they surround Pietra and offer her an ultimatum, are you in? or are you out? She doesn't reply, and just runs off! [b]Rating: C+[/b] Brock Lesnar walks out with a look of determination in his eyes, Dreamer walks out with a new found sense of ****yness. That smile on his face is soon wiped off as Brock goes to work on him. Dreamer turns the tides with kendo stick shots, and starts to lay into the former number 1 contender with weapons. Brock finally has enough and over powers the ECW Owner, he knocks him back with a trash can lid, Dreamer staggers towards Brock who kicks him in the mid section, and hits a powerbomb through a trash can for the victory! [b]Brock Lesnar defeated Tommy Dreamer in 8:39 by pinfall with a Power Bomb.[/b] Santino Marella walks out, he parades around the ring with his title and throws himself a party, he tells everyone he's sorry, but he would never wrestle in a dump like this, and then eats some of his party food! [b]Rating: C[/b] Dusty visits Kane's HELP! Meeting to view his progress. [b]Rating: B[/b] Main Event time see's The GraveDigger take on Sean Morley's lackey, Vader. Vader tries his best to gain the early advantage, but Digger just knocks him back time after time. Vader finally gets a foot infront, literally, following a big boot into a lariat clothesline for a near fall. GraveDigger tries to get Vader up for a Crucifix Bomb, but can't lift him, Vader tries to hit a spinebuster, only to be blocked, and hit with a last ditch chokeslam. GraveDigger covers and surprisingly gets the victory! [b]The GraveDigger defeated Vader in 10:04 by pinfall with a Chokeslam.[/b] [quote=Quick Results]Amie Gooding defeated Itsuko in 4:48 by pinfall with a Good Luck. - B- Ashcroft and Jacobs defeated FBI in 4:44 when Daniel Ashcroft defeated Gianfranco Simeone by pinfall with a Brainbuster 450. - C- Sean Morley defeated Sasaki in 5:33 by pinfall with a Resolution. - C+ (JDCAA) Marco Petrucci defeated Nick Nemeth in 5:08 by pinfall with a Petrucci Driver. - C+ Colt Cabana defeated Nunzio in 6:36 by pinfall with a Colt 45. - D+ Devon Hughes defeated John Morrison in 8:31 by pinfall with a Saving Grace. - C Brock Lesnar defeated Tommy Dreamer in 8:39 by pinfall with a Power Bomb. - B The GraveDigger defeated Vader in 10:04 by pinfall with a Chokeslam. - B+[/quote]
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[quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWNews2.gif[/img] [quote] [b]ECW Hardcore TV Results[/b] [b]L.A. Park[/b] defeated Kory Chavis in 4:23 by pinfall with a Corkscrew Moonsault. - E+ (PGC) A music video is shown to promote D'Lo Brown. - C+ [b]Freak Nastty[/b] defeated Mark Forrester in 4:46 by pinfall with a Powerbomb. - D+ (PGC) A music video is shown to promote Tommy Dreamer. - C+ [b]D'Lo Brown[/b] defeated Deranged in 3:41 by pinfall with a Sky High. - C- (PGC) A video plays recapping Tag Twins vs. Ashcroft and Jacobs vs. FBI vs. Japanese Wrecking Crew. - C [b]Nick Nemeth[/b] defeated Niles Young in 5:06 by pinfall with a Nick-Er-Bocker. - D A video plays recapping Colt Cabana vs. Santino Marella. - C+ [b]Japanese Wrecking Crew[/b] defeated FBI in 4:58 when Tajiri defeated Nunzio by pinfall with a Buzzsaw Powerbomb. - D+ A video plays recapping Sean Morley vs. Brock Lesnar. - B+ [b]Evan Bourne[/b] defeated Shelton Benjamin in 6:37 by pinfall with an Air Bourne. - C (GrC)[/quote] ECW have released Oleg Prudius, Deranged, and Niles Young from the main roster. We wish them all the best in their future endevours. ECW have brought negotiations with THe Score in Canada to a halt after both sides could not agree terms, talks are now being held with Men TV and Xtreme TV. ECW on Sci-Fi has been renewed for another 2 seasons on the Sci-Fi channel. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/allWrestlingNews.gif[/img] Jaydon Jeter's contract is said to be expring this month, and reports are circulating that despite Jeter being in Digou's good books, his contract may well be allowed to run its course. ECW have sent Blue Panther and Nick Nemeth to Pro Wrestling Max whilst Darren Burridge, Super Fly, and Sylvain Grenier have been sent to Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling. Speaking of Grenier and CZCW, Grenier won the CZCW World Heavyweight championship on his debut. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/logo.gif[/img] We reported last week that three workers had been cut from ECW's development, those names are revealed as Atlas DaBone from PWM, and Excalibur and Justice from CZCW. It would seem that one of the three wrestler that were promoted to the main roster was Abyss. Abyss was called upon before having a chance to lose his CZCW title, and ultimately left it vacant, allowing Sylvain Grenier to take the title. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/topimage.jpg[/img] There has been no word as to why Santino Marella did not wrestle this past week despite being advertised. He did appear on the show however so fans were not left unhappy. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/wz_banner.jpg[/img] There has been no release, or reported release on the SummerSlam poster as of yet, but it is said to contain a huge spoiler, so the company are looking to keep it under wraps. All that is showing on the ECW SummerSlam website is a black banner with the logo across. [/quote] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/7086324.jpg[/img] Only 3 matches are confirmed for this weeks ECW on Sci-Fi. First up is an 8 Vixen tag match pitting Vixen's Champion Amie Gooding, La Amapola, Pietra and Shantelle against the team of Dynamyte, Itsuko, Shelly and Vanessa. Following their attack by Tag Twins, Ashcroft and Jacobs take on the former tag champs in a non-title match up. Can A+J prove that their win at WrestlePalooza was no upset? And finally, the main event for the night see's friedns Kofi Kingston and Colt Cabana go against each other for the first time ever. No word why they are against each other, or even if a title shot is up for grabs either. [u][b]Confirmed Matches:[/b][/u] Ashcroft + Jacobs vs Tag Twins Colt Cabana vs Kofi Kingston 8 Vixen Tag Match
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[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/7086324.jpg[/img] We open the show with the advertised 8 Vixen tag match. The match, in itself, showed off some good wrestling skills, but throw 8 vixens in a ring, and you're not exactly going to get match of the year are you? Alot of miscommunications, and wrong tags saw the audience quickly turn on the match, luckyily for them it was ended after La Amapola picked up her teams victory following Vanessa Kraven submitting to her Canadian Backbreaker. [b]Amie Gooding, La Amapola, Pietra Riccardi and Shantelle Taylor defeated Dynamyte, Itsuko, Shelly and Vanessa Kraven in 5:42 when La Amapola defeated Vanessa Kraven by submission with a Canadian Backbreaker.[/b] Sean Morley walks out to the ring with Vader and Mike Mondo walking behind, people understand Vader but not Mondo. It soon becomes all clear when Morley unveils that they have become a unit, and will quietly take over ECW! [b]Rating: B[/b] Mike Mondo is put to an immediate test when he takes on Rey Misterio. Misterio is absolutely no match for Mondo, these two never clicked at all, albeit they had just under 2 minutes to show their stuff, but, it made the match awkward. Mondo won with a T-Bone Suplex. [b]Mike Mondo defeated Rey Misterio in 1:57 by pinfall with a T-Bone Suplex.[/b] We get taken to the back rather quickly where we see Davide Simeone running down a long hall way, he cuts a corner to hide as the camera spans back and sees The GraveDigger chasing! Simeone somehow manages to escape, much to the anger of GraveDigger! [b]Rating: B+[/b] Billy Todd walks out to take on Rene Dupree who has now become nothing more than a jobber. Staying true to his new found useage, Dupree puts up a fight, but is ultimately beaten by Todd following a KidPlex. [b] Billy Todd defeated Rene Dupree in 4:36 by pinfall with a KidPlex.[/b] Davide Simeone is shown in an unknown location, he whispers into the camera that he wants Nunzio to prove his worth to the FBI next week! [b]Rating: B+[/b] The new tag champs Ashcroft and Jacobs walk out to take on their attackers from last week, Tag Twins. A half decent match, but nothing special. Alot of tags in and out, a fair amount of team work too. Tag Twins push Mike Posey alot with constant 4 counts, A+J don't take notice however and introduce chairs. They hit a con-chair-to on Kyle, and work on Chad. Ashcroft hits a Brainbuster, adn Jacobs goes up top and hits a 450 for the win. [b]Ashcroft and Jacobs defeated Tag Twins in 8:21 when Wesley Jacobs defeated Chad Graham by pinfall with a Brainbuster 450.[/b] Colt Cabana challenges Santino Marella to a match at SummerSlam for the European title! [b]Rating: B-[/b] Shelton Benjamin walks out for some rare promo time, he is cut off by weird video interfereance and is ushered from the stage. [b]Rating: C-[/b] Brock Lesnar takes on Vader yet again in his ECW career. Looking to get the better of the big man Lesnar hits most of his power moves. He lifts him up for an F-5 in under 5 minutes, hits it but knocks referee Mike Posey out of the way too! Brock had the big man beat, but with the referee down could do nothing about it. Mike Foley ran down to finish the officiating but ended up losing control fo the two as they brawled through the crowd and towards the back! [b]Brock Lesnar drew with Vader in 7:01 when the referee lost control and stopped the match.[/b] Devon Hughes is given a microphone, he tells everyone that he's no longer a Dudley, but he'll always be ECW. He stares down into the camera as the screen fades away. [b]Rating: C[/b] Dusty Rhodes walks to the top of the ramp, he tells us all that after lengthy negotiations with several ECW Legends, John Morrison's SummerSlam opponent will be.......TAZZ!!!! [b]Rating: B[/b] Out steps the 7 ft giant the Big Show, set to go one on one with Britains best, William Regal. Regal manages to get Show down a fair few times and even, amazingly, manages to hit a T-Bone suplex on the big man for a very near fall! Regal looked like a real threat throughout, but couldn't ultimately get the win, and fell to a devastating Chokeslam. [b]Big Show defeated William Regal in 9:05 by pinfall with a Show Stopper.[/b] AJ Styles tells everyone that he wants the TV Title! Marco Petrucci does not look pleased! [b]Rating: C+[/b] Petrucci awaits his tag team partner John Morrison as they take on Devon Hughes and D'Lo Brown. Devon battles away, showing how much he's changed from his tag team days, but Petrucci manages to isolate him. Petrucci takes all his anger toward AJ Styles out on Devon, and the two battle all around the arena whilst D'Lo keeps Morrison busy. Morrison ultimately gets the win for his team following a Step Up Enziguri [b]John Morrison and Marco Petrucci defeated Devon Hughes and D'Lo Brown in 7:43 when John Morrison defeated D'Lo Brown by pinfall with a Standing Step-Up Enziguri.[/b] Kane breaks out of the HELP! meeting and beats down on 4 local community center goers! [b]Rating: E+[/b] Main Event time sees the two friends face off for an "exhibition" bout as they put it. The two shake hands as a sign of respect before the match and the two lock up. Each man displays great counter productive wrestling and each applaud each others effort. The match begins to get serious and Cabana takes the lead, proving he should be the man to take on Santino Marella at SummerSlam. Cabana show boats a little and falters when trying to hit the Colt 45. He walks away, decides to go back on the attack, only to be hit with a Trouble In Paradise by Kofi. Kofi wins in a substandard main event match. [b]Kofi Kingston defeated Colt Cabana in 10:42 by pinfall with a Trouble in Paradise.[/b] Dusty Rhodes walks out applauding, he grabs his microphone and tells everyone that there will be a rematch between Brock Lesnar and Vader the week after SummerSlam [b]Rating: B+[/b] [quote=Quick Results] [b]Amie Gooding, La Amapola, Pietra Riccardi and Shantelle Taylor [/b]defeated Dynamyte, Itsuko, Shelly and Vanessa Kraven in 5:42 when La Amapola defeated Vanessa Kraven by submission with a Canadian Backbreaker. - C- [b]Mike Mondo[/b] defeated Rey Misterio in 1:57 by pinfall with a T-Bone Suplex. - E+ (DS2C) [b]Billy Todd[/b] defeated Rene Dupree in 4:36 by pinfall with a KidPlex. - D [b]Ashcroft and Jacobs[/b] defeated Tag Twins in 8:21 when Wesley Jacobs defeated Chad Graham by pinfall with a Brainbuster 450. - C Brock Lesnar drew with Vader in 7:01 when the referee lost control and stopped the match. - B [b]Big Show [/b]defeated William Regal in 9:05 by pinfall with a Show Stopper. - B [b]John Morrison and Marco Petrucci [/b]defeated Devon Hughes and D'Lo Brown in 7:43 when John Morrison defeated D'Lo Brown by pinfall with a Standing Step-Up Enziguri. - C+ [b]Kofi Kingston[/b] defeated Colt Cabana in 10:42 by pinfall with a Trouble in Paradise. - C+[/quote]
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[quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWNews2.gif[/img] [quote] [b]ECW Hardcore TV Results[/b] [b]Roderick Strong[/b] defeated Martin Peters in 5:01 by pinfall with a Death By Roderick. - E- Test had an interview hyping himself by telling everyone watching just... how.. good.. he... is... - D+ [b]Amie Gooding[/b] defeated Shelly in 3:46 by submission with a STF. [b]Amie Gooding makes defence number 6 of her ECW Vixen title[/b]. C- A music video is shown to promote Abyss. - D [b]Shelton Benjamin[/b] defeated Mark Forrester in 4:37 by pinfall with a Dragon Whip. - D+ Mick Foley cuts a promo on John Morrison. - B+ [b]William Regal[/b] defeated Adam Masters in 3:49 by submission with a Regal Stretch. - D- (JDCAA) A music video is shown to promote Sean Morley. - B+ [b]Evan Bourne[/b] defeated Nunzio in 3:37 by pinfall with an Air Bourne. - D A music video is shown to promote Japanese Wrecking Crew. - C- [b]D'Lo Brown [/b]defeated Test in 7:37 by pinfall with a Low Down. - C [/quote] ECW are pleased to announce they have signed a former TNA and WWE employee. Due to storyline issues regarding this worker, the ECW website would not like to disclose the identity of the superstar at this time. As a company we are confident of our superstars abilities, and place alot of trust in them when concerning substance abuse and addictions. ECW have downgraded their "Extreme" level of drug testing, dropping every superstar must be tested after every show, to now making it a select few will be chosen after each show. The tests remain the same, and the introductory drug test remains also. No punishment changes have been made. ECW on Sci-Fi has been taken on by Xtreme TV in Canada for 2 seasons. Jaydon Jeter (John Jeter) has renewed his devlopment contract. Finally ECW would like to welcome movie star Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson to the company. Dwayne will not appear on ECW television to prevent jeopardising his movie career, however he will be holding acting classes for the workers down in CZCW. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/allWrestlingNews.gif[/img] This past week saw the deaths of two wrestlers. Nick Dinsmore of Raw and Ed Leslie (Brutus Beefcake) both died after a party in Baltimore. Early reports are suggesting that drugs played its part in their deaths. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/logo.gif[/img] ECW have quietly added Rob Van Dam's profile to their website. There is no word as to why as RVD has not agreed a contract to return to ECW, and has infact only recently joined Ring of Honor. Speaking of Ring of Honor, 2 ECW stars appeared on their recent Unified card, Dynamyte finished her contractual agreement with the promotion, whilst Gregory Helms took on Jack Evans in an un advertised Main Event. Helms ended up losing the match. No word on when he will be medically cleared to return full time, although early indications are No Regrets may now be his best bet. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/topimage.jpg[/img] ECW have once again have a share in a wrestling promotion, they appear to be trying to globalise themselves by buying out anybody and everybody. Wrestle Zone Wrestling in the UK have been saved from bankruptancy after ECW agreed to pay out their debts and make them their European developmental fed. With this news, Brad Armstrong, Chris Whitton, Dale Richie, Darren Burridge, James Tighe, Marty Scurll, PAC, Ricky DeVoe and Tommy Richards have all been moved over to England. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/wz_banner.jpg[/img] Still no SummerSlam poster posted, although there has been a few rumblings regarding who the worker is on the apparent "spoiler" poster. During this past week, Shelton Benjamin was ushered from the stage after a "technical failure" on the screen and lighting, we have been sent a slowed down video of this "failure" and it clearly was planted. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/SheltonVid1.gif[/IMG] [/quote] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/7086324.jpg[/img] The last ECW on Sci-Fi before SummerSlam rolls around this Sunday see's Sean Morley finally find out his Championship challenger. The GraveDigger earned the right to face Vader for the number 1 contenders match up, but with Davide Simeone still lurking around, what are the deadman's chances of actually making it to SumemrSlam, let alone win the match? Nunzio must face off against Mark Forrester in order to prove his worth to the FBI. Davide Simeone is seeing the man he chased after for so long turn into being FBI's weakest link, and wants him to show his worth. One loss, and he's gone! AJ Styles wants to prove himself worthy of being Marco Petrucci's opponent at SummerSlam. Styles must win a number one contender match against not only John Morrison, but Mike Mondo too! [u][b]Confirmed Matches:[/b][/u] [b]ECW Championship Number 1 Contender:[/b] The GraveDigger vs Vader [b]ECW TV Number 1 Contender:[/b] AJ Styles vs John Morrison vs Mike Mondo Mark Forrester vs Nunzio
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[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/7086324.jpg[/img] We open the show with the ECW Number 1 Contenders match, the main event must be something special! GraveDigger has complete control over the match, Vader cowers away from alot of GraveDigger's punches. Vader struggles to his feet and GraveDigger grabs him by the throat! He gets ready to lift when Davide Simeone jumps the ring and hits GraveDigger's left knee with a lead pipe! Vader falls on top of GraveDigger, and then goes up top to hit a Big Van Crush for the win! [b]Vader defeated The GraveDigger in 6:10 by pinfall with a Big Van Crush following interference from Davide Simeone. - B+[/b] Simeone stays in the ring with the lead pipe and targets GraveDigger's left knee throughout, he gets dragged off laughing maniacally! [b]Rating: B+[/b] Kofi Kingston walks out as he's set to take on Freak Nastty. Typical squash match, Freak has definatelly lost all chances of a push here, i'd blame Brock Lesnar if i'm honest. Kofi locks in a Boston Crab for the submission victory. [b]Kofi Kingston defeated Freak Nastty in 5:47 by submission with a Boston Crab.[/b] Brock Lesnar walks around backstage trashing a few things, security warn him to calm down, and he flips, he looks dead set at the camera, and tells everyone that he wants, no no no, demands a match at WrestlePalooza! [b]Rating: B[/b] Dusty Rhodes is seen on his phone talking to someone, he ends the call and tells us all that we will see a rematch between The GraveDigger and Vader for the Number 1 Contenders spot at SummerSlam! [b]Rating: B+[/b] Mark Forrester walks out, followed by Nunzio who is out to prove his worth to FBI. The two fight like their lives depended on it, Forrester without a win in a long run, whilst Nunzio's job was on the line. Nunzio slipped up when attempting his Sicilian Slice, and walked back into a Mark of Excellence. Forrester wins! [b]Mark Forrester defeated Nunzio in 4:31 by pinfall with a Mark of Excellence.[/b] Shelton Benjamin comes out for his match against Devon, his entrance video stalls and technicias get to fixing it, just as they say fixed interferance hits and screws with the video, Shelton fumes and demands to know who's doing this to him! [b]Rating: C-[/b] Shelton's mind is all over the place and he can't focus. Devon picks up the win just under 5 minutes with a Saving Grace. [b]Devon Hughes defeated Shelton Benjamin in 4:48 by pinfall with a Saving Grace.[/b] We cut backstage where we see Nunzio begging for Simeone to let him have another chance, Simeone helps him up before grabbing him, hitting him with a Spinning Face Buster and throwing him out of the arena! [b]Rating: C+[/b] Simeone turns around and his reaction changes, he looks in shock, the camera angle widens and we see GraveDigger standing there! He beats down Simeone and leaves him laying in a pool of blood! GraveDigger limps off the screen laughing to himself! [b]Rating: B[/b] Billy Todd takes on "Billy" Regal in what could be an interesting match. These two bounce around the ring hitting alot of technical moves and counters, a good match to watch, but when fans want violence, nothing else is really going to get them going! Regal misses his knee to the head and Todd hits his KidPlex for the pinfall. [b]Billy Todd defeated William Regal in 5:57 by pinfall with a KidPlex.[/b] We cut to Kane's latest HELP! meeting, he is seen apollogising to the leader of the group, who reluctantly accepts it. [b]Rating: B+[/b] Santino Marella walks out, and reluctantly agrees to let Cabana be his napponent for SummerSlam [b]Rating: C[/b] TV Number 1 contenders match up next, AJ Styles looks to prove he's worthy of a shot by beating John Morrison and Mike Mondo. The three don't really offer you a wrestling masterclass but they do get somewhere with it. Mondo seems most likely to win, hitting the Mondo Sledge on Morrison before Styles broke up the 3 count, Morrison nearly won with his Moonlight Drive on Mondo. Neither man seemed to watch Styles as they battled it out, Mondo left the ring to grab a chair and got distracted by the fans, Morrison turned into a Styles Clash and Styles picks up the victory! [b]AJ Styles defeated John Morrison and Mike Mondo in 9:48 when AJ Styles defeated John Morrison by pinfall with a Styles Clash.[/b] Marco Petrucci walks out clapping, he congratulates Styles and tells him to bring his A-Game, because at SummerSlam, he isn't going to be nice! [b]Rating: B+[/b] Big Show and Brock Lesanar walk out for their tag match, Sean Morley walks out, but Davide Simeone doesn't show after his attack from GraveDigger. Show and Lesnar dominate the outnumbered Morley, until Simeone hobbles through the curtain. His distraction allows Morley the chance to "blind" Big Show with a fire extinguisher! GraveDigger hobbles down the ramp and clotheslines Simeone to the ground, he lays a few boots to him then enters the ring and hits a Chokeslam on Morley. He leaves the ring looking satisfied with his work and sits at the announce table. Big Show pins Morley but he kicks out! Morley somehow manages to over come Show and hits a Resolution for the win! [b]Davide Simeone and Sean Morley defeated Big Show and Brock Lesnar in 9:50 when Sean Morley defeated Big Show by pinfall with a Resolution. During the match we also saw The GraveDigger run in and attack Simione, and also attack Morley.[/b] Sean Morley eyes GraveDigger as he takes a seat at the announce table, GraveDigger walk into the ring for his match with Vader. [b]Rating: B[/b] Vader walks out for another match tonight. The two lock up and Vader targets GraveDigger's left leg to gain advantage. The match isn't as good as their earlier match, but it's still passable. Mike Mondo runs down and targets GraveDigger, Vader holds Digger in place, and Mondo goes up top! He jumps off and hits the Mondo Sledge......on Vader!!!! Mondo looks distraught as Morley leaves the announce table to grab a chair, he charges the ring and runs at GraveDigger, only to miss and hit Vader as well! GraveDigger clears the ring before hitting a chokeslam on Vader for the win! [b] The GraveDigger defeated Vader in 8:09 by pinfall with a Chokeslam following botched interference by Sean Morley. During the match we also had Mike Mondo accidentally hit Vader.[/b] [quote=Quick Results] [b]Vader[/b] defeated The GraveDigger in 6:10 by pinfall with a Big Van Crush following interference from Davide Simeone. - B+ [b]Kofi Kingston[/b] defeated Freak Nastty in 5:47 by submission with a Boston Crab. - D+ [b]Mark Forrester[/b] defeated Nunzio in 4:31 by pinfall with a Mark of Excellence. - D- [b]Devon Hughes[/b] defeated Shelton Benjamin in 4:48 by pinfall with a Saving Grace. - D [b]Billy Todd[/b] defeated William Regal in 5:57 by pinfall with a KidPlex. - C- [b]AJ Styles[/b] defeated John Morrison and Mike Mondo in 9:48 when AJ Styles defeated John Morrison by pinfall with a Styles Clash. - C- [b]Davide Simeone and Sean Morley [/b]defeated Big Show and Brock Lesnar in 9:50 when Sean Morley defeated Big Show by pinfall with a Resolution. During the match we also saw The GraveDigger run in and attack Simione, and also attack Morley. - B [b]The GraveDigger[/b] defeated Vader in 8:09 by pinfall with a Chokeslam following botched interference by Sean Morley. During the match we also had Mike Mondo accidentally hit Vader. - B-[/quote]
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[quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWNews2.gif[/img] [quote] [b]ECW Hardcore TV Results[/b] [b]Martin Peters[/b] defeated Nunzio in 3:53 by pinfall with a Canadian Destroyer. - E+ A music video is shown to promote Brock Lesnar. - B+ [b]Shelton Benjamin[/b] defeated Perro Aguayo Jr. in 2:31 by pinfall with a Dragon Whip. - D A music video is shown to promote Abyss. - D- [b]Japanese Wrecking Crew[/b] defeated Rene Dupree and L.A. Park in 5:58 when Tajiri defeated Rene Dupree by pinfall with a Buzzsaw Powerbomb. - D John Morrison cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Tazz. - C+ [b]Evan Bourne [/b]defeated Kory Chavis in 5:12 by pinfall with a Double Knee. - E Tag Twins come to the ring and challenge Ashcroft and Jacobs to a match. - C [b]Patrick James[/b] defeated Test in 6:55 by pinfall with a Shellshock. - D- (JDCAA) A music video is shown to promote Kane. - B+ [b]Colt Cabana[/b] defeated John Morrison in 4:31 by pinfall with a Colt 45. - C[/quote] Kensuke Sasaki's 3 month short term contract is due for renewal soon. ECW would like to welcome Trish Stratus to their training staff. Trish, who like Dwayne Johnson will most likely not compete ever in an ECW ring, has been assigned to Pro Wrestling Max to help train any divas that turn up there, she will also be putting on regular yoga classes for all the superstars. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/allWrestlingNews.gif[/img] ECW have been handed notice by Japanese wrestling legend Hayakawa Itsuko that she will be retiring soon, expect her to take part in the Vixen's Battle royal at SummerSlam, the match could well be her last now. She will no doubt be sent to development to help train up workers, where she will be sent however is unknown at this point. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/logo.gif[/img] Greg Gagne has been sent down to Wrestle Zone Wrestling in the UK to help them find their feet. Gagne had been working backstage on ECW's tv shows, but was deemed to be more use in development helping train the younger wrestlers. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/topimage.jpg[/img] Former SmackDown! diva Milena Roucka has joined ECW, Roucka could well make her debut this sunday at SummerSlam. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/wz_banner.jpg[/img] Another "interferance" video broke into Shelton Benjamin's time this week, this time interupting his entrance video, here is said video, make of it what you want, but it's pretty obvious who's back with the company if you freeze frame the video. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/SheltonVid2.gif[/IMG] Also, the SummerSlam poster has finally been released, massive spoiler alert no doubt, especially if you work out who's in the video above. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/SumSPoster.jpg[/IMG] [/quote] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[center][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/SumSPoster.jpg[/img] [u][b]Final ECW SummerSlam Card[/b][/u] [b]ECW Championship:[/b] Sean Morley© vs The GraveDigger [b]ECW Television:[/b] Marco Petrucci© vs AJ Styles [b]ECW European:[/b] Santino Marella© vs Colt Cabana [b]ECW Tag:[/b] Ashcroft and Jacobs© vs Tag Twins [b]ECW Vixen's:[/b] 10 Vixen Battle Royal Shelton Benjamin vs TBC John Morrison vs Tazz [u][b]Match in Preview[/b][/u] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Other/SMorleyECW_ndp.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Other/RandomMale_ndp.jpg[/IMG] ECW's regular match up, nothing fancy added. [b]Match Setup[/b] This match is as simple as usual ECW matches. [b]History[/b] In all honesty, this match is more to do with the history The GraveDigger has with Davide Simeone and the FBi than that with Morley. GraveDigger has had Davide Simeone constantly chipping away at him for the past several months, infact, from just after WrestleMania once Sean Morley defeated The GraveDigger in the WrestleMania main event. Simeone played his part in preventing GraveDigger from making it to SummerSlam by costing him his Number 1 Contenders match he had earned against Vader. Fortunately for Digger, Dusty Rhodes saw the incident and called a rematch for later in the night. In this time GraveDigger had assaulted Simeone and left him laying in a pool of his own blood. And also attempted to sabotage their {Morley and Simeone] tag matchby attacking both during the match! GraveDigger took on Vader once again and despite interference from Morley, Digger won the match and takes on Sean Morley this Sunday. [/center]
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  • 3 weeks later...
[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/7086324.jpg[/img] First pre show match, Evan Bourne takes on serial jobber Test. Staying true to his role, Test falls to a Air Bourne press in just over 5 minutes. [b]Evan Bourne defeated Test in 5:39 by pinfall with an Air Bourne.[/b] Kane makes a rare in ring appearance following his current storyline, his opponent tonight, Vader. A solid big man battle here, Kane takes the win with a brutal Chokeslam in just under 10 minutes. [b]Kane defeated Vader in 9:34 by pinfall with a Chokeslam.[/b] [img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/SumSPoster.jpg[/img] We kick off the PPV with John Morrison walking into the ring, Tazz is not at the announce table, and instead makes his old ECW entrance! Its a solid match up, with Tazz schooling Morrison throughout. Morrison manages to get a few cheap shots in, but Tazz has plans for the self proclaimed Shaman of Sexy by grabbing a steel chair! Tazz swings and misses as he looks to disfigure the arragont Morrison, as Tazz turns around Morrison hits a step up enziguri for the surprise win! [b]John Morrison defeated Tazz in 7:07 by pinfall with a Standing Step-Up EnzigUri.[/b] Morrison grabs a mic much to the fans displeasure, he hypes himself up and tells Tazz, Devon, Mick Foley and paul Heyman that the old ECW is just that, old, and should be left to die! [b]Rating - B-[/b] Next up is our first title match, the Vixen's Battle Royal. 10 Vixen's enter andbattle it out for the title. A short match as usual sees 6 eliminations come in as few minutes leaving us with the final four of Dynamyte, Itsuko, La Amapola and Pietra Riccardi! Amie comes back down and eliminates Dynamyte as the two vixens battle it out on the outside, La Amapola is eliminated by the veteran Itsuko and without even having time to realise, Itsuko is thrown over the top by Pietra! Pietra wins the Vixen's title!!!! [b]Pietra Riccardi won a battle royal in 7:49. The final four competitors also included Itsuko, La Amapola and Dynamyte, with Itsuko being the final elimination. Pietra Riccardi wins the ECW Vixen title. - C[/b] Pietra Riccardi celebrates her Vixen's title win by hugging anyone and everyone at ringside! [b] Rating - C+[/b] We cut backstage where we see Brock walking around the backstage area shouting to everyone that he wants a match tonight! Tommy Dreamer comes into eyeshot and Brock gives chase! He catches the ECW Owner and beats him into the wall, he throws him through a security window and drags him towards the ring! [b]Rating - B[/b] We have ourselves an impromtu match here, Brock demanding that the bell be rang. Dreamer has little offence in the match as a result of the previous assault, but does show heart to keep in the match for little under 11 minutes. Brock ultimately gets the victory following an F-5! [b] Brock Lesnar defeated Tommy Dreamer in 10:52 by pinfall with a F-5.[/b] Brock grabs Dreamer again, and lifts him onto his shoulders, security rush the ring fronted by Mike Tyson, Brock drops Dreamer with another F-5 but refuses to leave the ring! Tyson has enough of Brock and decks him with a vicious right hook, knocking the former number 1 contender out! [b] Rating - B+[/b] The new tag champs Ashcroft and Jacobs make their way to the ring for their re-match with the Tag Twins. A decent match between the two teams, honestly the champs haven't teamed together that long but already look a veteran tag team! Tag Twins do alot of teamwork and quick tags, limiting Ashcroft to standing on the outside. Hot tag for Ashcroft is ended by a vicious running heel kick by Kyle! Both men eventually tag out and Chad misses Jacobs! Ashcroft hits a Brainbuster whilst Jacobs goes up top, he comes crashing down with a 450 to give the champs the win and their first succesful title defence! [b]Ashcroft and Jacobs defeated Tag Twins in 11:02 when Wesley Jacobs defeated Chad Graham by pinfall with a Brainbuster 450. Ashcroft and Jacobs make defence number 1 of their ECW Tag Team titles.[/b] The arena goes dark, then flickers green, someone is lowered from just above the ring, followed by a single green light, the whole arena turns black, then a big H symbol engulfs the person. The man speaks, "Did you crack it?" the fans start a little chant, then erupt as "Stand back...." hits around the arena! [b]Rating - C[/b] Gregory Helms, kitted out in Hurricane gear barring the mask stands in the ring awaiting Shelton Benjamin! Shelton walks out looking focused on Helms, the man who has interupted him twice in the past weeks! Shelton gets alot of offence in, and these two play off each other well, great chemistry, but it wasn't to be as Helms takes the advantage late in the match. The returning Helms feeds off the crowds energy, and ultimately gets the win on his ECW debut with a Nightmare on Helms Street! [b]Gregory Helms defeated Shelton Benjamin in 6:38 by pinfall with a Nightmare on Helms Street.[/b] Helms celebrates in the ring looking a little emotional as the fans cheer for him! [b]Rating - D[/b] Santino Marella takes on Colt Cabana for the 3rd PPV in a row, Cabana looking to regain his lost championship. Another average match between these two, fans have grown to know what these two an do against each other. Cabana offers a bit more comedy in this match, but it doesn't help him, as Santino hits a Snap Swinging Neckbreaker to retain. [b]Santino Marella defeated Colt Cabana in 11:31 by pinfall with a Snap Swinging Neckbreaker. Santino Marella makes defence number 1 of his ECW European title.[/b] The GraveDigger is seen psyching himself up for his title match, Kane walks in and talks to his cousin about tonight and wishes him well in the title match [b]Rating - B+[/b] Marco Petrucci walks out with a swagger to defend his ECW TV title against AJ Styles. Styles and Petrucci have a very awkward timing issue with each other, everything looks a little too staged. Petrucci struggles to keep the match together, but manages to pull out a half decent match. Styles misses a Spiral Tap and is hit with a Petrucci Driver for his troubles! Petrucci retains! [b]Marco Petrucci defeated AJ Styles in 13:35 by pinfall with a Petrucci Driver. Marco Petrucci makes defence number 3 of his ECW TV title. [/b] Marco Petrucci grabs his title from ringside and celebrates with it all the way to the back! [b]Rating - A[/b] We cut backstage where we see Sean Morley standing over Kane with a wrench in his hand, he drops the wrench and runs off looking shocked! [b] Rating - A[/b] Cameras catch up with Sean Morley, he looks into the camera with a crazed look in his eyes, he tells GraveDigger not only did he scare his cousin, but he's now killed him! GraveDigger will have no chance tonight! NO CHANCE! [b]Rating - A[/b] GraveDigger walks towards the ring area with a completely different look on his face, he looks like his thoughts are elsewhere, and who can blame him after the apparent beating Morley has just given his cousin, Kane! [b]Rating - B[/b] Main Event time see's a pre-occupied GraveDigger just walk to the ring ignoring his usual entrance act, Morley's music hits and he charges the ring looking like a man possessed! A match that goes a long time, GraveDigger takes the fight to Sean Morley and slowly slowly gets more and more violent and relies less on moves and more on his fists and feet! Morley wears a proverbial crimson mask and really struggles to get in anywhere offence wise. Morley rolls out of the ring and grabs a fire extinguisher, he fires it in Digger's face making him stumble back, he walks back over and Morley cracks it over his skull! GraveDigger is in pain as he too is pouring with blood, the ring mats are slowly being stained red throughout this. The match goes on beyond the 20 minute mark with the fans eating up every second of violence, and are loving how personal this match feels! GraveDigger lifst morley up for the Crucifix and the crowd goes wild!!! The blood loss to GraveDigger thoguh sees him drop Morley who manages to land on his feet, Digger turns around and is planted with a Resolution! 1....2......KICK OUT! Digger kicked out somehow! Morley gets mad and picks Digger up again, he hits another Resolution, and Digger again kicks out! Digger builds himself back up and blocks a 3rd Resolution! He grabs Morley by the throat and lifts him for a Chokeslam, Morley drops out and grabs Digger's arm and head and lands a 3rd Resolution! Morley covers, and this time gets the win! 3 Resolutions later and Morley somehow manages to retain! [b]Sean Morley defeated The GraveDigger in 24:01 by pinfall with a Resolution. Sean Morley makes defence number 10 of his ECW Heavyweight title. [/b] Mike Mondo charges the ring and helps Sean Morley to his feet, he grabs the title and pases it over to Morley, he holds his hand high as the camera's span around the crowd and eventually fade away! [b]Rating - B[/b] [quote=Quick Results][u][b]Pre Show[/b][/u] Evan Bourne defeated Test in 5:39 by pinfall with an Air Bourne. - D+ Kane defeated Vader in 9:34 by pinfall with a Chokeslam. - B [u][b]Show[/b][/u] [b]John Morrison[/b] defeated Tazz in 7:07 by pinfall with a Standing Step-Up EnzigUri. - C [b]Pietra Riccardi[/b] won a battle royal in 7:49. The final four competitors also included Itsuko, La Amapola and Dynamyte, with Itsuko being the final elimination. [b]Pietra Riccardi wins the ECW Vixen title[/b]. - C [b]Brock Lesnar[/b] defeated Tommy Dreamer in 10:52 by pinfall with a F-5. - B- [b]Ashcroft and Jacobs[/b] defeated Tag Twins in 11:02 when Wesley Jacobs defeated Chad Graham by pinfall with a Brainbuster 450. [b]Ashcroft and Jacobs make defence number 1 of their ECW Tag Team titles[/b]. - C+ [b]Gregory Helms[/b] defeated Shelton Benjamin in 6:38 by pinfall with a Nightmare on Helms Street. - D+ (PrGC) [b]Santino Marella[/b] defeated Colt Cabana in 11:31 by pinfall with a Snap Swinging Neckbreaker. [b]Santino Marella makes defence number 1 of his ECW European title[/b]. - C- [b]Marco Petrucci[/b] defeated AJ Styles in 13:35 by pinfall with a Petrucci Driver. [b]Marco Petrucci makes defence number 3 of his ECW TV title.[/b] - C+ (JDCAA) [b]Sean Morley[/b] defeated The GraveDigger in 24:01 by pinfall with a Resolution. [b]Sean Morley makes defence number 10 of his ECW Heavyweight title.[/b] - B- [/quote]
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[quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWNews2.gif[/img] ECW SummerSlam was a great sucess for the company this past week, and should definately have helped us raise our profile within the wrestling world. In contract news, Sasaki has agreed a new 3 month short term contract extension, whilst Dusty Rhodes and Shelton Benjamin are in their final month of their contract. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/allWrestlingNews.gif[/img] ECW hasve released Billy K and Foxxy Dreams. Foxxy didn't make a single appearance for ECW despite being advertised on house shows, Billy K was paid to just sit at home whilst creative thoguht of plans for him. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/logo.gif[/img] Booker T's Pro Wrestling Alliance is the latest company to be pillaged by ECW. ECW have taken their usual titles and video library, however have also brought in B-Boy, PWA owner and current TNA wrestler Booker T, Erick Stevens, former "Boogeyman" Marty Wright, current TNA official Rudy Charles, Stevie Ray, and current TNA Road Agent Terry Taylor. Expect to see the TNA talent leave one of the two companies. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/topimage.jpg[/img] We reported last week that Milena Roucka had joined ECW, not only did she debut at SummerSlam, she also showed off her new found "Super Junior" style of wrestling. She will also be wrestling in ECW as Roucka. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/wz_banner.jpg[/img] Mike Tyson was fined following a standard drug test at SummerSlam. The "Baddest man on the planet" tested positive and is said to be close to a release as he shows no signs of wanting to quit his habit. Expect to see the build up to No Regrets begin this week with a new number 1 contender being crowned. The early favourite is Kane who made a triumphant return to the company at this past weekends SummerSlam. [/quote] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/7086324.jpg[/img] The last show of August has very little confirmed match wise, but blockbuster events are garunteed this month! As punishment for his attack on ECW owner Tommy Dreamer at SumemrSlam, Brock Lesnar has been put into a match with Vader, not only that, but Tommy Dreamer has revealed he will have a special announcement for Lesnar early on in the show! ECW on Sci-Fi will also host the debut of the psychotic monster Abyss! Abyss has had very little promotion on the Sci-Fi show, but has had a couple of weeks of hype on Hardcore TV, what will this monster unleash on ECW? Finally, Santino Marella has something he would like to say to the "boyses ina th back", who knows what will be said? Find out this week! [u][b]Confirmed Matches:[/b][/u] Brock Lesnar vs Vader Abyss vs Mark Forrester
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[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/7086324.jpg[/img] Santino Marella welcomes us to ECW this week, he tells everyone that he cannot be defeated, so he is issuing a 5 minute open challenge to any wrestler in the back to face him for his European Championship! [b]Rating: C+[/b] Santino waits in the ring as his opponent is unvieled to be a beeming Matt Logan! Set up maybe? Who knows but Logan is officially Marella's first open challenge opponent! Logan managed to hold his own against the champ, but really the match was a poor one, Santino picked up the win with a Salute Diving Headbutt to retain. [b]Santino Marella defeated Matt Logan in 4:47 by pinfall with a Salute Diving Headbutt. Santino Marella makes defence number 2 of his ECW European title.[/b] Hayakawa Itsuko walks out dressed in a suit, she tells the fans that she is retiring from active in ring wrestling as of tonight, she will have one more match on Hardcore TV then she will be heading to ECW's development to help train the next generation of superstars. She thanks the fans and walks back high fiving fans and shaking hands. [b]Rating: D+[/b] Up next was a match between two new comers to ECW, Martin Peters took on Patrick James to exhibit their skills to the fans. A solid match between the two, but the fans never really got in to it, a few TNA shouts go around the arena, and those in the know shout Let's Go Shelley! Let's got Petey! which makes both guys chuckle a bit. James gets the victory with a Shellshock just after the 6 minute mark. [b]Patrick James defeated Martin Peters in 6:06 by pinfall with a Shellshock.[/b] Tommy Dreamer walks out to massess of boos, the guys got a hell of alot of heat on him, he has a mic and tells everyone that the Brock Lesnar vs Vader match will continue tonight, however, it will be the last you see of Lesnar as he is officially suspended by ECW!!!!! [b]Rating: C[/b] Mike Mondo walks out to take on Yang. Yang hasn't been seen much since the JWC broke away to primarily be a tag team. Mondo squashes Yang with a Mondo Sledge in just over 5 and a half minutes for the win in a very poor match. [b]Mike Mondo defeated Yang in 5:32 by pinfall with a Mondo Sledge.[/b] We cut to Kane's latest HELP! meeting, we see the group leader tell Kane that he is officially discharged from HELP! and can return to wrestling!!! [b]Rating: B+[/b] Evan Bourne walks out to a good response, FBI's Gianfranco Simeone follows him out looking focused. These two didn't really seem to click, but gave as good a match as they could. Simeone hit a few harsh looking shots on Bourne, and hit a mean looking backbreaker for a near fall. Bourne managed to knock Simeone to the ground and landed an Air Bourne for the win! [b]Evan Bourne defeated Gianfranco Simeone in 6:44 by pinfall with an Air Bourne.[/b] The arena turns dark, we hear sirens and screeching head around the arena, eerie lighting hits and screams and weird music takes over the speakers [b]Rating: D+[/b] We soon get a single line of light hit the entrance as a big figure walks towards the ring, Todd Grisham announces him as Abyss, who will be making his ECW debut here tonight! Mark Forrester walks out looking nervous. Your typical big man debut squash match follows with Abyss hitting a "Black Hole Slam" for a victorious debut. Fans didn't care too much for it. [b]Abyss defeated Mark Forrester in 5:48 by pinfall with The Black Hole Slam.[/b] Gregory Helms walks out with a mic in hand. He talks about his long road to recovery and thanks the fans for not forgetting him. He tells them that he will one day be a champion in ECW, to which the fans cheer, he thanks them once again then walks to the back. [b]Rating: D[/b] FBI are seen backstage, Davide Simeone tells al members that he is not happy with how the group is conducting themselves and places them all on official warnings, telling them he cut Nunzio last week for not being up to the grade! [b]Rating: C[/b] Japanese Wrecking Crew come out with Sasaki tryin to say a few phrases to the fans in English, Tajiri helps him as Tag Twins make their way out. A lot of tags in and out from both teams, Tag Twins struggle to get past Sasaki and ultimately have to "blind tag" alot behind the referee's back. Sasaki is hit with an Air Raid Siren and thrown out of the ring, his hand catches Tajiri and referee Mike Posey accepts that as a tag! Tajiri rushes the ring and holds his own for around 30 seconds before being hit with an X Mark double Superkick. Tag Twins drag Tajiri into the middle of the ring and hit a Double Senton Splash for the pinfall victory! [b]Tag Twins defeated Japanese Wrecking Crew in 7:46 when Chad Graham defeated Tajiri by pinfall with a Double Senton Splash.[/b] We cut backstage where we see a smiling Colt Cabana, he talks to our fans and tells them he has a surprise for them, Kofi Kingston walks in shot and tells Cabana he can't be serious? Cabana smiles a bigger smile and starts nodding his head. "Ladies and Gentleman, boy and girls of ECW, i present to you......Moose!" [b]Rating: B-[/b] Hardcore TV commentator ChainSaw makes his way to the ring, he is dressed for action as D'Lo Brown's music hits. A solid match between these two veterans, fans are behind D'Lo throughout. D'Lo picks up the win with a Sky High after ChainSaw misses a Superkick. [b]D'Lo Brown defeated ChainSaw in 7:45 by pinfall with a Sky High.[/b] ECW Champion Sean Morley barges through Dusty Rhodes' door. Dusty comments on Morley's lack of knocking, and Morley goes in a rage, he demands to know why Rhodes is against him, restarting last weeks number 1 contender match, and now with Kane's return, Morley wonders how long it'll be before he gets his rematch! [b] Rating: B+[/b] Brock Lesnar walks out for his final ECW match before his suspension. Vader comes out with Sean Morley at his side. A good match between the two sees Morley surprisngly just stand ringside and not bother with the match. Vader gets alot of offence in and looks set to win the match until he messes up a Powerbomb, allowing Brock time to jump off his shoulders. Vader struggles to regain his advantage and Brock manages an awesome feat of strength by lifting Vader onto his shoulders and dropping him with an F-5!!! [b]Brock Lesnar defeated Vader in 9:38 by pinfall with a F-5.[/b] Security helps Brock walk to the back and Vader and Sean Morley talk as the camera's begin to pan away from the ring, Styles, Tazz and Heyman say their goodbyes and thank us for watching until..... "If you close your eyes your life, a naked truth revealed...." hits and the crowd go insane!!! Christian walks out and the crowd go crazy at his sight, Christian stands at the top "looking out" to his peeps, Morley is disgusted, Christian quietens his fans and holds up his mic. He tells them all it's been a long time coming and that Sean Morley better watch his back, because the "Era of Christian" is upon ECW, and it won't be long before he's the new ECW Champion! He walks off as the crowd chant for him and Sean Morley goes nuts as ECW goes of the air!! [b] Rating: A[/b] [quote=Quick Results][b]Santino Marella[/b] defeated Matt Logan in 4:47 by pinfall with a Salute Diving Headbutt. [b]Santino Marella makes defence number 2 of his ECW European title.[/b] - E+ [b]Patrick James[/b] defeated Martin Peters in 6:06 by pinfall with a Shellshock. - D+ [b]Mike Mondo[/b] defeated Yang in 5:32 by pinfall with a Mondo Sledge. - E+ [b]Evan Bourne[/b] defeated Gianfranco Simeone in 6:44 by pinfall with an Air Bourne. - D- (DS2C) [b]Abyss[/b] defeated Mark Forrester in 5:48 by pinfall with The Black Hole Slam. - D+ [b]Tag Twins[/b] defeated Japanese Wrecking Crew in 7:46 when Chad Graham defeated Tajiri by pinfall with a Double Senton Splash. - D+ [b]D'Lo Brown[/b] defeated ChainSaw in 7:45 by pinfall with a Sky High. - C- [b]Brock Lesnar[/b] defeated Vader in 9:38 by pinfall with a F-5. - B-[/quote]
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[quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWNews2.gif[/img] [quote][b]Hardcore TV Results[/b] [b]Roucka[/b] defeated Itsuko in 2:58 by pinfall with a None. - D- A music video is shown to promote Pietra Riccardi. - C+ [b]Japanese Wrecking Crew[/b] defeated Matt Logan and Roderick Strong in 4:28 when Sasaki defeated Matt Logan by pinfall with a Buzzsaw Powerbomb. - D A video plays hyping Mark Forrester vs. Test. - D [b]Martin Peters[/b] defeated Nunzio in 5:06 by pinfall with a Canadian Destroyer. - E+ A Video Recap of the ECW debut of Gregory Helms. - D+ [b]Evan Bourne[/b] defeated L.A. Park in 4:57 by pinfall with an Air Bourne. - D (GrC) Video recap of Dreamer suspending Brock Lesnar! - C+ [b]Patrick James[/b] defeated William Regal in 4:53 by pinfall with a Shellshock. - D+ A Video Recap of Christian's ECW debut! - B+ [b]Mark Forrester[/b] defeated Test in 7:35 by pinfall with a Mark of Excellence. - D-[/quote] Paul Heyman and Dusty Rhodes both agree new contracts with ECW. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/allWrestlingNews.gif[/img] Hayakawa Itsuko announced her retirement on ECW on Sci-Fi this past week, she has now reported to CZCW to help develop the talents of the future. Excess Wrestling are believed to have contacted Shelton Benjamin regarding potential work. Shelton's contract expires soon and is believed to be high on ECW's list of "keepers". [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/logo.gif[/img] ECW have once again dipped into their "Global Dominance" fund by buying out struggling TV Wrestling promotion Wrestling Society X. The company had made a return at the back end of 2008 and had managed to get a few bigger names into the company. ECW have taken control of their titles and vieo libraries, whilst also taking on the contracts of Chris Chavis, Daniel Rodimer, David Flair, Jake Roberts, Lash LeRoux, and former ECW employee Mark Lomonico (Buh Buh Ray Dudley). No word on what will happen with any of these new stars, however word is flying around that Lomonico will be kept away from Sean Morley due to their history. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/topimage.jpg[/img] ECW have hired 3rd Generation Superstar Joe Hennig. Son of Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig, Joe was a very sought after talent and ultimately chose ECW as his new stomping ground. Hennig is expected to report to one of ECW's developmental camps soon. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/wz_banner.jpg[/img] Following Mike Tyson's random test result from SummerSlam, Rob Van Dam, who officially is not on the ECW roster but seemingly has returned(?) has failed a drugs test and been fined for doing so. Also being fined for failing a drugs test was Mark Lomonico who had done so during his "initial test". Many believe this to be harsh, however others are saying Lomonico knew of what happened in ECW with the Wellness Policy structure and should have kept clean for his test. [/quote] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/7086324.jpg[/img] September kicks off with a bang as ECW on Sci-Fi returns with another action filled installment! Last week saw Christian make his debut in ECW, one that shocked many as he had been working elsewhere for many years prior, and there was no hint at a jump at all! Christian made his intentions known to ECW Champion Sean Morley but what will he have in store this week? Christian takes on Morley's "henchman" Vader, but will this help him in his journey to the ECW Championship? We will crown a new Number 1 contender to Sean Morley's Championship tonight with Big Show taking on Davide Simeone and The GraveDigger. Christian must surely be keeping an eye on this match, along with the Champion Morley. Last week saw Brock Lesnar suspended and escorted from the building by security, this week sees the newly lead by Mike Tyson security team take charge of ECW. Will Brock Lesnar abide by his suspension? or will he try to make a return to the company only a week after Dreamer banished him? Finally, we saw Colt Cabana's beaming smile whilst introducing Moose to us all, will Moose be broguht to the show again this week? or was last week purely a one off appearance? [u][b]Confirmed Matches:[/b][/u] [b]ECW Championship Number 1 Contender:[/b] Big Show vs Davide Simeone vs The GraveDigger Christian vs Vader
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[IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWTVBanner.jpg[/IMG] Despite Hardcore TV being taped, we see Joe Hennig and Booker T face off befoe the cameras are rolling. Alot of back and forth and Booker helps Hennig in the match, and alot of people are shocked to see Booker fall to an "Average-Plex" by Hennig! [b]Joe Hennig defeated Booker T in 8:44 by pinfall with an Average-Plex.[/b] We kick off the main show with Abyss staring down the camera, he doesn't say anything but we can hear heavy breathing in the background, the camera pans out and we see Abyss has left Yang laying in a pool of his own blood! [b]Rating: D-[/b] Next up is a mashup of workers put into a random tag match. D'Lo tags with Evan Bourne whilst Shelton tags with Test. A very short tag match with not much work done by both teams, fans strongly behind D'Lo and Bourne whilst not making much noise for the heels. Bourne gets the victory with an Air Bourne on Test. [b]D'Lo Brown and Evan Bourne defeated Shelton Benjamin and Test in 4:37 when Evan Bourne defeated Test by pinfall with an Air Bourne.[/b] We cut backstage where we see AJ Styles talking with Gregory Helms about Helms' return and tells him he should talk to Dusty Rhodes. [b]Rating: C[/b] Roderick Strong gets some rare Sci-Fi time, he takles on newcomer Martin Peters. A match the fans didn't care much for, but the guys went out and showed what they could do. Peters missed his Canadian Destroyer finisher, he under flipped and had Strong wind him from the impact, Strong then hit a Death by Roderick for the win! [b]Roderick Strong defeated Martin Peters in 5:53 by pinfall with a Death By Roderick. [/b] Dusty Rhodes heads backstage where he finds Kane, the two talk and the conversation ends with the two shaking hands and Kane smiling! [b]Rating: B[/b] Abyss walks out to masses of boos, Yang hobbles to the ring with his head bandaged. Yang puts up a strong performance, but can't really do much to prevent Abyss from destroying him more. Abyss ends Yang's misery by using a Chokeslam to win the match. [b]Abyss defeated Yang in 5:02 by pinfall with a Chokeslam. [/b] Tommy Dreamer walks out and talks about how good it felt to suspend Brock Lesnar last week, Brocks music hits and the fans erupt, but no one shows, all of a sudden a fan jumps the barricade. The fan jumps into the ring and is quickly restrained by security, he breaks free and charges at Tommy Dreamer until head of security Mike Tyson swings a mean right hook to knock the fan out. As the cameras come closer, the fans hoodie falls back a little to reveal him as Brock Lesnar!!! [b]Rating: B+[/b] Our fourth match of the night sees Devon Hughes take on Mike Mondo. A very average match between two higher ups. Devon gets his share of offence in but Mondo gets a few dirty tactics going his way. Devon manages to sneak the win though with a Saving Grace. [b]Devon Hughes defeated Mike Mondo in 4:56 by pinfall with a Saving Grace.[/b] As we come back from commercial, an exhausted Mike Mondo is in his locker room, he finishes off polishing his replica ECW Tag Title and starts to sort his [b]shower out, we hear a huge crash and pan back into the main room seeing Moose standing there with Mondo's tag title in his mouth! Rating: C[/b] John Morrison walks out and awaits Kofi Kingston. The two put on a passable match, Kofi looks to be carrying the match somewhat as Morrison seems to be elsewhere tonight. Morrison misses alot of beats and gets hit with a seemingly premature Trouble in Paradise for a Kofi win. [b]Kofi Kingston defeated John Morrison in 8:44 by pinfall with a Trouble in Paradise.[/b] D'Lo Brown steps out, he talks to the fans about his career and how really, he hasn't achieved anywhere near what he wants to, he tells them all that next week he has to make a decision [b]Rating: B-[/b] Christian and Sean Morley appear on the big screen, a divider is set between them, the go back and forth with each other hyping themselves up and talking about teh ECW title, it would seem it doesn't matter who'll win tonights number 1 contenders match then? [b] Rating: B+[/b] FBI walk out to face the Tag Twins, who's playing the faces here? Petrucci and Marella work off each other with good timing, surprised these two aren't classed as an "official" tag team in all honesty. Tag Twins' experience allows them to pick off FBI one at a time, isolating each other from the opportunity to tag out. Chad slips up by allowing Santino time to recover and gets caught by a Snap Swinging Neckbreaker and gets the win as Kyle just narrowly misses breaking the pin up! [b]Marco Petrucci and Santino Marella defeated Tag Twins in 7:36 when Santino Marella defeated Chad Graham by pinfall with a Snap Swinging Neckbreaker.[/b] Sean Morley joins Joey Styles and Tazz on commentary for the Christian vs Vader match. [b] Rating: B[/b] Vader's out first, Christian soon follows to a massive eruption from the fans. These two work well off each other, and it really shows, the fans get behind the match and realisticly, this is main event quality! Vader slowly gains, then loses the advantage over Christian. Christian manages to hook Vader's arms and turn around, he looks straight at Morley, and drops Vader to the mat with an Unprettier for the win! [b] Christian defeated Vader in 6:45 by pinfall with an Unprettier.[/b] Dusty Rhodes walks out, he holds his mic to his mouth, tells the fans to quieten as he has an announcement. After talking extensivley with Kane, he has finally managed to get the Big Red Machine to agree to making his return to an ECW ring at this months No Regrets! [b]Rating: A[/b] Main Event time, Big Show walks out and awaits Simeone and GraveDigger, the two don't appear when they're first called, Big Show talks with referee Mickey Henson about the match being forfeited to him, but just as Todd Grisham is about to announce it, Simeone and GraveDigger come crashing through the walkway! The two men brawl all the way to the ring until Big Show pulls Simeone in and the bell is rung! A match that sees Big Show barely involved follows, with Simeone and GraveDigger just going at each other at every opportunity. Simeone gets dropped with a Crucifix Bomb to the outside through a table by GraveDigger, satisfied with his work he turns around, only to be greeted bu Big Show's hand around his throat, and dropped with a brutal Chokeslam! Big Show's your number 1 contender! [b]Big Show defeated Davide Simeone and The GraveDigger in 11:34 when Big Show defeated The GraveDigger by pinfall with a Show Stopper.[/b] As Big Show celebrates, EMT's see to Simeone. Simeone refuses their help and jumps into the ring, whailing away on GraveDigger! The two begin a brawl again and end up being ushered, whilst brawling, all the way to the back by security to end this weeks ECW! [b] Rating: B+[/b] [quote=Quick Results][u][b]Pre Show[/b][/u] [b]Joe Hennig[/b] defeated Booker T in 8:44 by pinfall with an Average-Plex. - C- [u][b] Show[/b][/u] [b]D'Lo Brown and Evan Bourne[/b] defeated Shelton Benjamin and Test in 4:37 when Evan Bourne defeated Test by pinfall with an Air Bourne. - C- [B]Roderick Strong[/B] defeated Martin Peters in 5:53 by pinfall with a Death By Roderick. - D [b]Abyss [/b]defeated Yang in 5:02 by pinfall with a Chokeslam. - D [b]Devon Hughes[/b] defeated Mike Mondo in 4:56 by pinfall with a Saving Grace. - D+ [b]Kofi Kingston[/b] defeated John Morrison in 8:44 by pinfall with a Trouble in Paradise. - C- [b]Marco Petrucci and Santino Marella[/b] defeated Tag Twins in 7:36 when Santino Marella defeated Chad Graham by pinfall with a Snap Swinging Neckbreaker. - C+ [b]Christian [/b]defeated Vader in 6:45 by pinfall with an Unprettier. - B+ (GrC) [b]Big Show [/b]defeated Davide Simeone and The GraveDigger in 11:34 when Big Show defeated The GraveDigger by pinfall with a Show Stopper. - B[/quote]
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[quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWNews2.gif[/img] [quote][b]Hardcore TV Results[/b] [U][B]Pre Show[/B][/U] [B]Joe Hennig[/B] defeated Bubba Dudley in 7:26 by pinfall with an Average-Plex. - D [B][U]Show[/U][/B] [B]Devon Hughes[/B] defeated Rene Dupree in 7:18 by pinfall with a Saving Grace. - (GrC) A video plays hyping William Regal vs. Yang. - D [B]Roderick Strong[/B] defeated L.A. Park in 3:58 by pinfall with a Death By Roderick. - D- (DS2C) A music video is shown to promote Ashcroft and Jacobs. - B- [B]Evan Bourne[/B] defeated Nunzio in 4:59 by pinfall with an Air Bourne. - C- A Video Recap of Mike Tyson knocking out Brock Lesnar - B+ [B]Patrick James[/B] defeated Billy Todd in 2:49 by pinfall with a Shellshock. - D+ A music video is shown to promote Kane. - A [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] defeated Test in 4:49 by pinfall with a Dragon Whip. - D- A music video is shown to promote Sean Morley. - B+ [B]William Regal[/B] defeated Yang in 5:41 by pinfall with a Regal Cutter. - D [/quote] ECW have signed promising young Italian worker Orsino Mancini. Mancini trained at Davide Simeone's Italy's Finest Gym and was personally recommended to Diego Digou who has sporadically helped train at Simeone's wrestling school. Following recent company accuirements, B-Boy, Jake Roberts, Rudy Charles, and Terry Taylor have all agreed exclusive ECW contracts. With Roberts' contract signing, he has now been sent to wZw to act as a trainer. Finally, Shelton Benjamin has resigned with the company, signing a new 18 month contract. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/allWrestlingNews.gif[/img] Shelton Benjamin this week renewed his ECW contract, however a late late ofer from newly global company ICWA offered Shelton a very lucrative contract. Shelton was apparently very close to agreeing terms as he has become nothing more than midcard fodder within ECW, but ultimately agreed to stay on with ECW. Speaking of ICWA, they have reportedly now offered Booker T a contract after failing to sign Shelton Benjamin. Many expect Booker to make the jump for one last bumper pay packet before his inevitable retirement. As we reported back in May, ECW was looking into bringing in livestock to help Colt Cabana's comedic side show. As we saw last week, Cabana introduced "Moose" his "pet", although it looked like it would just be a one off, ECW have broguht Moose back this week and look to have started a Colt Cabana vs Mike Mondo fued out of it. Reports are that Moose will be at next weeks tapings too. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/logo.gif[/img] Stevie Ray has been sent to Pro Wrestling Max to help train the superstars down there. KAGEKI had offered a contract to B-Boy prior to him signing a new ECW contract. It is understood that Bubba Dudley rejected new contract talks this week. His reasoning was that he didn't leave the company that long ago and doesn't wish to renegotiate, but the fact he's back with the company has stumped many. Expect Tommy Dreamer to have his say within the negotiations at some point. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/topimage.jpg[/img] ECW made mention of signing Orsino Mancini this past week, they have also brought in two other workers. Former WCW and SmackDown! star Sean O'Haire has officially joined the roster. O'Haire has been on the top of Digou's wishlist for some time and has finally completed his commitments in Japan, he is able to debut a soon as next week. Also joining the company is former Gladiator Vernon Valentine. Valentine started on his native Australian show, progressed onto the UK show for one series, and ultimately impressed enough to be brought to America. He has made several appearances on the International specials, but has decided it is time to put his prior wrestling and MMA training to use by entering into the squared circle of ECW! [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/wz_banner.jpg[/img] David Flair has agreed a pay per appearance deal with Excess Wrestling, it is believed ECW approved of the move. Mike Tyson has quietly left ECW. Not much is known at this point as he was only just getting TV time, but it is believed to be a big loss to ECW as Tyson was rumoured to be stepping into the ring in the near future. [/quote] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWTVBanner.jpg[/img] Last week saw Christian make a succesful return to in ring competition, this week he takes on the other member of Morley's "Power Trip" group, Mike Mondo. Will Sean Morley, or even Vader get themselves involved in this weeks match? Or wll they idley stand bye and let the match go ahead with no upsets? Gregory Helms makes his first in ring Sci-Fi appearance this week, he teams up with high flying Evan Bourne to take on Shelton Benjamin and William Regal! Santino Marella once again offers his TV ttile up to anyone that can beat him in his open challenge, who will accept it this week? Will we see another set up like the first challenge? Abyss has made quite the impression in his two weeks he's been here, attacking both his opponents prior to their scheduled match, this week sees Abyss take on the tag team of Sasaki and Tajiri, how will the big man fare against the two? [u][b]Confirmed Matches:[/b][/u] [B]ECW TV Championship:[/B] Santino Marella © vs ??? Christian vs Mike Mondo Abyss vs Japanese Wrecking Crew Evan Bourne/Gregory Helms vs Shelton Benjamin/William Regal
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[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWTVBanner.jpg[/img] We get another dark match this week. We see Joe Hennig in action again (seems the guys not gone to development after all!) taking on Test. A very poor match in all honesty, Hennig has the better of Test throughout and gets the win with an Average-Plex. [b]Joe Hennig defeated Test in 6:42 by pinfall with an Average-Plex.[/b] Test stays in the ring as the cameras begin rolling, Roderick Strong's music hits and we have our first televised match. Strong takes an early advantage due to his speed, but Test's physicality begins to shine through. He narrowly misses the Big Boot, and Roderick lands a Death by Roderick for a very lucky near fall! [b]Roderick Strong defeated Test in 5:16 by pinfall with a Death By Roderick.[/b] We head backstage where JWC are seen talking, Abyss charges them from seemingly out of nowhere and beats them down, he laughs as he walks away from the unconcious pair! [b]Rating: D+[/b] John Morrison steps out wearing an Anti-ECW shirt, he stands in the ring awaiting his opponent who turns out to be newcomer Patrick James. An average match which again Morrison seems to not be interested in, Morrison seemingly dominates the match, and even takes the time to berate Tazz. He grabs his Anti-ECW shirt and blows his nose on it, A fan shouts abuse at Morrison and Morrison smirks, warning the fan. Security seperate the two, Morrison turns around smiling as the security seemingly split in two, allowing the fan to jump the barricade! The fan attacks Morrison and grabs the ECW shirt, he hits a huge axe kick sending Morrison to the mat. Patrik James begins to stand as he sees the fan jump onto the top turnbuckle, James tries in vain to stop the fan from jumping shouting that he hasn't the training to jump! The fan then pulls off his Mysterio mask revealing himself to be Rob Van Dam!!! He does his thumb pointing as James now encourages the jump. RVD lands the 5 Star Frogsplash, James picks Morrison up and hits a Shellshock for good measure and picks up a surprise victory! [b] Patrick James defeated John Morrison in 7:31 by pinfall with a Shellshock following interference from Rob Van Dam.[/b] Santino Marella is interviewed backstage, he tells everyone that it's right, tonight the Santino Marella-challenge-a-me-for-my-championship returns! [b]Rating: C+[/b] Abyss walks out to boos, JWC hobble to the ring, being urged back by medical staff and trainers. The two maybe should have listened instead of letting their anger get the better of them. Neither man can really get at Abyss and ultimately Sasaki gets dropped with a Black Hole Slam for an Abyss win. [b]Abyss defeated Japanese Wrecking Crew in 4:53 when Abyss defeated Sasaki by pinfall with The Black Hole Slam.[/b] Brock Lesnar is seen outside of the arena pleading with security to let him in, Tommy Dreamer walks to meet him and the two argue, Brock starts to try and push his way past security when one swings at him sending him flying towards his car, security seperate as Mike Tyson walks forward smiling, he turns around and shakes hands with Dreamer. [b]Rating: B[/b] We cut back inside and we're in Dusty Rhodes' office, he and Gregory Helms talk about different matches, and Helms' injury, Helms slides a piece of paper over Dusty's table, Dusty reads the note, shakes hands with Helms, and tells him consider it done? [b]Rating C+[/b] The Tag champs Ashcroft and Jacobs walk out, hi fiving the fans and taking photos with them, the Simeone brothers walk out and charge the ring. All four men start this thing off with Rudy Charles struggling to get a hold of the match. We finally settle on Davide and Daniel, who really takes the fight to the experienced Italian. Davide finally gets the better of Daniel who forces a tag to Wesley, Simeone hits a brutal looking clothesline which looks to have winded Jacobs, Davide tags in younger brother Gianfranco, who picks up Jacobs and lands a Spinning Face Buster for the win. [b]Davide Simeone and Gianfranco Simeone defeated Ashcroft and Jacobs in 7:33 when Gianfranco Simeone defeated Wesley Jacobs by pinfall with a Spinning Face Buster.[/b] Christian is shown backstage, he says he's been thinking things over, and thinks really, he should have been in that number 1 contenders match last week, but he knows Morley didn't allow it, forcing him to face Vader instead, but, having spoke to higher ups, he's going to challenge the winner of Sean Morley vs Big Show to a title match at All Hallow's Even! [b]Rating: B+[/b] Christian smiles until being pushed away by John Morrison who is furious, he tells everyone how cowardly RVD is, and that he should have stayed away from ECW after his release back in May! [b]Rating: D+[/b] Devon Hughes walks out for his match with now seasoned jobber Rene Dupree. A match that can really, not be called a match! Lasting little more than a minute and a half, Devon dominated and picked up the win with a Saving Grace. [b]Devon Hughes defeated Rene Dupree in 1:31 by pinfall with a Saving Grace.[/b] Mike Mondo is seen talking to the Tag Twins, he talks about what happened last week with Colt Cabana's moose, and he tells them there's a nice reward for them if they help him capture Moose! [b]Rating: C-[/b] Evan Bourne and Gregory Helms make their entrance together whilst Shelton Benjamin and William Regal walk down seperately. Bourne and Regal start things off, good back and forward action, Shelton gets tagged in and works on Bourne. Alot of good work between all 4 men throughout the match, fans try to get into it but struggle a little. End comes when Helms hits a Nightmare on Helms Street on Regal! [b]Evan Bourne and Gregory Helms defeated Shelton Benjamin and William Regal in 5:37 when Gregory Helms defeated William Regal by pinfall with a Nightmare on Helms Street. - D[/b] Ashcroft and Jacobs talk backstage after seeing Shelton Benjamin's performance [b]Rating: C+[/b] D'Lo Brown talks to Dusty Rhodes in his office, D'Lo asks Dusty to give him one chance at a title, believing that to be the best way to prove to everyone that he still has what it takes to be a champion! [b]Rating: B-[/b] Santino Marella walks out for his open challenge, he awaits his opponent who turns out to be former TV Champion Kofi Kingston! Considering who was involved in the match, it turned into quite a poor Semi-Main Event. The two didn't exactly perform poorly, timing was right and moves flowed well, but they just didn't seem to be able to make a memorable match. Kofi has alot of offence and it really looks like we might see a title change on TV for a change. Kofi looks to land his Trouble in paradise kick, but Santino moves, as Kofi tries to recovre Santino hits his Snap Swinging Neckbreaker to retain his title. [b]Santino Marella defeated Kofi Kingston in 11:51 by pinfall with a Snap Swinging Neckbreaker. Santino Marella makes defence number 3 of his ECW European title.[/b] We cut to the back and see Vader arguing with Dusty Rhodes about his preferential treatment of Christian following his ECW debut, the two get into a very heated arguement which sees Dusty ordering Vader to leave his office! [b]Rating: B[/b] Vader walks out with Miko Mondo, they await Christian's entrance. His music hits but he doesn't show, the two move forward awaiting him, Grisham announces him once again and the two look around, seems Christian isn't going to show! The two talk with referee Mickey Henson, who talks with Todd Grisham, just as Grisham is about to start talking, Christian storms the ring from the crowd sending Vader flying from the ring. The bell rings and the match is underway! A solid match that sees Vader ejected from ringside following a little too much critisism of Henson. Mondo took the fight to Christian, but ultimately couldn't get the job done, missing a Mondo Sledge, Christian grabs the arms, turns him around and lands the Unprettier for the pinfall victory! [b]Christian defeated Mike Mondo in 9:34 by pinfall with an Unprettier.[/b] [quote=Quick Results][u][b]Pre Show[/b][/u] [b]Joe Hennig[/b] defeated Test in 6:42 by pinfall with an Average-Plex. - E+ [u][b]Show[/b][/u] [b]Roderick Strong[/b] defeated Test in 5:16 by pinfall with a Death By Roderick. - D- [b]Patrick James[/b] defeated John Morrison in 7:31 by pinfall with a Shellshock following interference from Rob Van Dam. - D+ [b]Abyss[/b] defeated Japanese Wrecking Crew in 4:53 when Abyss defeated Sasaki by pinfall with The Black Hole Slam. - D [b]Davide Simeone and Gianfranco Simeone[/b] defeated Ashcroft and Jacobs in 7:33 when Gianfranco Simeone defeated Wesley Jacobs by pinfall with a Spinning Face Buster. - C+ [b]Devon Hughes[/b] defeated Rene Dupree in 1:31 by pinfall with a Saving Grace. - C- [b]Evan Bourne and Gregory Helms[/b] defeated Shelton Benjamin and William Regal in 5:37 when Gregory Helms defeated William Regal by pinfall with a Nightmare on Helms Street. - D [b]Santino Marella[/b] defeated Kofi Kingston in 11:51 by pinfall with a Snap Swinging Neckbreaker. [b]Santino Marella makes defence number 3 of his ECW European title[/b]. - D+ [b]Christian[/b] defeated Mike Mondo in 9:34 by pinfall with an Unprettier. - B-[/quote]
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[quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWNews2.gif[/img] [quote][b]Hardcore TV Results[/b] [u][b]Pre Show[/b][/u] Joe Hennig defeated Tatanka in 6:53 by pinfall with an Average-Plex. - D- [b][u]Show[/u][/b] [b]Roucka[/b] defeated Aurora in 1:38 by pinfall with a None. - F+ A video plays hyping Booker T vs. Evan Bourne. - C A music video is shown to promote Vernon Valentine. - B- [b]Gregory Helms[/b] defeated Daniel Rodimer in 4:11 by pinfall with a Nightmare on Helms Street. - D- A music video is shown to promote Big Show. - B+ [b]Orsino Mancini[/b] defeated Nunzio in 4:37 by pinfall with an Italian Slam. - E A music video is shown to promote Christian. - B+ [b]O'Haire[/b] defeated Test in 5:06 by pinfall with The Widow Maker. - D- [b]Evan Bourne[/b] defeated Booker T in 7:12 by pinfall with an Air Bourne. - C- A video plays hyping Show and Christian vs. Morley and Vader. - A [b]D'Lo Brown[/b] defeated Bubba Dudley in 6:31 by pinfall with a Low Down. - C+ (GrC)[/quote] ECW have released the following workers from their developmental contracts: Aja Kong ([b]PWM[/b]), Jerelle Clark ([b]CZCW[/b]), Leticia Cline ([b]PWM[/b]), Super Fly ([b]CZCW[/b]), Sylvain Grenier ([b]CZCW[/b]), we would like to wish them the best in their future endevours. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/allWrestlingNews.gif[/img] ECW have not reported this on their main site, so take it for what it's worth. Perry Aguayo Jr's contract is expiring soon. Aguayo Jr has been working under a PPA contract and appearing in Mexico throughout his ECW tenure, and despite being a solid worker, with ECW's omission of his contract expiry from their site, it could appear that they do not intend to renew his contract! [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/logo.gif[/img] Former ECW Vixen Katie-Lea, who had signed for CZCW to work under her Nikita character once again, has been released this week. No word as to why outside of ECW sending a few new female workers down to development. If that is the reason for her release, then it will be a real kick in the teeth for her as she had relocated in the hopes of being resigned by the company. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/topimage.jpg[/img] Many were shocked at Sylvain Grenier's recent release as he was the current CZCW Heavyweight champion. Grenier had been sent down to development in order to rebuild him as a new star to re-debut in ECW. It would appear however with his release that those plans are now well out of the window, and ECW seem to be taking a hard stand on releasing workers. There was an altercation between Orsino Mancini and some local fans following last weeks ECW tapings. He was believed to be given a "slap on the wrist" by the higher ups, and promised not to do it again. It would seem his inexperience in the wrestling business caught up with him very quickly! [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/wz_banner.jpg[/img] It would appear that Mike Tyson has resigned with ECW despite leaving his cotnract last week. Tyson is involved heavily in the Dreamer/Brock program, so ECW will probably have gone all out in order to keep a hold of the former boxing World Heavyweight Champion. [/quote] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWTVBanner.jpg[/img] Brock Lesnar has constantly been a thorn in ECW Owner Tommy Dreamer's side ever since the week before SummerSlam, Mike Tyson, the head of ECW Security, has been there to help out Dreamer at his every beck and call, Dreamer promises an announcement on Brock's future this week, along with giving Mike Tyson his first official ECW match when he takes on the returning Bubba Dudley! Gregory Helms was seen talking to Dusty Rhodes last week, with the two seemingly agreeing with each other, will we find out what was said this week? Santino Marella once again issues his open challenge to the locker room for anyone to try and take his European title from him. Last week saw Mike Mondo finally announce that he wants to capture Moose! Will Mondo get his hands on him this week? Or will Moose evade him yet again? Also in action this week are the Tag Champs Ashcroft and Jacobs, they'll be taking on John Morrison and Shelton Benjamin. Could RVD make another appearance this week? Will he answer Morrison's challenge? We will also see Kofi Kingston try to regain his place as a title challenger when he takes on the monster Abyss. [u][b]Confirmed Matches:[/b][/u] [b]ECW TV Championship:[/b] Santino Marella © vs ??? Abyss vs Kofi Kingston Ashcroft and Jacobs vs John Morrison/Shelton Benjamin Bubba Dudley vs Mike Tyson
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[IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWTVBanner.jpg[/IMG] Joe Hennig is out before the show starts once again, this week he's taking on the former Boogeyman, Marty Wright. Wright is really upstaged by the younger Hennig, and the match doesn't really do Hennig any true justice. Hennig gets the win with an Average-Plex, [B]Joe Hennig defeated Marty Wright in 6:33 by pinfall with an Average-Plex.[/B] Martin Peters makes his way towards the ring, Test's music plays and he walks out as peters' opponent. Test is made to look a little more dangerous than usual tonight, but he still can't overcome the highflyer. Peters picks up the win with an impressive Canadian Destroyer. [B]Martin Peters defeated Test in 5:18 by pinfall with a Canadian Destroyer.[/B] Santino Marella walks out and tells everyone that it's official, the Challenge-Santino-Again-For-His-Title-Challenge is back, and he will beat his handpicked challenger tonight! [B]Rating: B-[/B] Devon Hughes comes out for his match with William Regal. Regal takes the fight to the new look Devon. Devon soon turns the tides and pummels Regal with lefts and rights, beating down the England native. Regal struggles to get back into the match and ends up falling to a Saving Grace. [B]Devon Hughes defeated William Regal in 6:57 by pinfall with a Saving Grace.[/B] We cut backstage where we see Dusty Rhodes and Vader arguing again! Vader shoves Dusty who falls through his office door! Vader charges at Dusty when Kane steps out of seemingly nowhere and uppercuts Vader! He grabs Vader by the throat and chokeslams him through Dusty's office table, to the upset of Dusty, who reluctantly thanks him for his help. [B]Rating: B[/B] Tommy Dreamer walks out to masses of boos, he addresses the fans, knocks the local area, and then turns his attention to Brock Lesnar. He tells Brock that he's a business man, and business men do deals, so here's Lesnar's deal, win at No Regrets, suspensions lifted, the oppenent however, will be Mike Tyson!!!! [B]Rating: B-[/B] The ECW tag champs walk out ready for their match, Morrison and Shelton Benjamin. A match that gave the fans very little to remember. A and J work well in the match, they seem to have picked up their rhythm again and play off each other well. Shelton and Morrison struggle as a team and their timing costs them the match as a mix up in the tagging see's A and J land a Brainbuster 450 combo for the win. [B]Ashcroft and Jacobs defeated John Morrison and Shelton Benjamin in 6:08 when Wesley Jacobs defeated Shelton Benjamin by pinfall with a Brainbuster 450.[/B] We see Gianfranco Simeone walking backstage, he's looking into various rooms seeminjgly looking for the other members of the FBI. He opens a door and the room is completely dark, he takes a step in when he's suddenly thrown across the hall way, Abyss walks through the doorway laughing to himself as he proceeds to beat down on Simeone, he leaves him laying in a pool of blood as he walks off, seemingly proud of what he's done! [B]Rating: D[/B] D'Lo Brown walks out looking set to prove he's worhty of a title shot, his opponent, Mike Mondo. Mondo and Brown square off, hit a few back and forth reversals until Mondo rakes the eyes to gain control of the match. Mondo struggles to keep a hold of the match as D'Lo feeds off the fans, he hits his sudden impact clothesline for a near fall, followed by his quick legdrop for an even closer fall, he positions Mondo near the ropes and lands a Low Down frogsplash for the win! [B]D'Lo Brown defeated Mike Mondo in 8:12 by pinfall with a Low Down.[/B] Whilst D'Lo celebrates Mondo rolls from the ring and rushes to the back, the cameras follow him on his purusit of Cabana's Moose. Mondo finds the moose and starts to chase him, Moose gets trapped in a corner, and just as Mondo is about to grab him, a squirrel jumps out of nowhere and scratches at Mondo! With Mondo distracted Moose makes a run for it, seemingly escaping Mondo's clutches again! [B]Rating: C-[/B] Time for Santino's challenge, Marella's out first, as he waits for his opponent, who turns out to be Billy Todd. Another poor match by the champ, Todd doesn't really do much, and gets locked in a Standing Arm bar. Todd eventually taps to a chorus of boos from the crowd. [B]Santino Marella defeated Billy Todd in 6:48 by submission with a Standing Arm Bar. Santino Marella makes defence number 4 of his ECW European title.[/B] An emotional Davide Simeone bursts into Dusty Rhodes' office, he shouts and screams about Abyss' demolition of his brother, Dusty tries to calm Davide down whilst trying to piece his table back together, Davide demands a match with Abyss, to which the crowd roar at! Could this be a face turn for the elader of FBI? [B]Rating: B+[/B] We cut back to the ring where Kofi Kingston awaits Abyss. Abyss walks down shaking his head grunting into the camera. Despite Kofi being a higher up in ECW, he gets absolutely squashed! Abyss picks up the win with a Chokeslam in under 6 minutes much to the fans shock! [B]Abyss defeated Kofi Kingston in 5:43 by pinfall with a Chokeslam.[/B] We go backstage where Santino Marella is talking to some random backstage worker, Gregory Helms interupts him and Marella qestions who he is, Helms gives Marella a piece of paper and tells him he'll see him at No Regrets!!! [B]Rating: D+[/B] We head to the office of Dusty Rhodes, Rhodes stands over his wrecked table that has now been put kinda back together by masking tape! Rhodes tells everyone that at No Regret's, Kane's opponent will be Vader! As the cameras pan away we see Dusty place a notepad on his table, and the table collapses! [B]Rating: B[/B] Bubba Dudley makes his return, fans are unsure on how to react to him, Mike Tyson walks down with Tommy Dreamer to a mass of boos. A short match that sees Tyson barely use a move, he just uses well timed punches. Tyson gets the win with a devastating right hook that puts Bubba down and out, he puts his foot across Bubba's face for the ref to count the 3. [B] Mike Tyson defeated Bubba Dudley in 4:45 by pinfall with a Right Hook.[/B] RVD is shown backstage, he talks into the camera and tells Morrison to be careful what he wishes for, and that at No Regrets, RVD will once again be victorious in an ECW ring! [B]Rating: C+[/B] Christian walks out of his locker room and goes to knock on Big Show's locker room door when he gets blindsighted by Sean Morley and his ECW title, Morley leaves him laying, as he heads towards the curtain. [B]Rating: A[/B] Main Event time sees Morley and Vader walk out together, Big Show walks out but Christian fails to show, looks like we have ourselves a handicap match! Show fights off as well as he can but the numbers game soon catches up on him. It all looks over when Vader hits a Chokeslam of sorts on Show, followed by Morley's "That Shot" off the top, just as Morley goes for the pin, Christian's music hits and he hobbles towards the ring! Christian gets in the ring and manages to fight off both men until like with Show, the numbers catch up with him, Christian's thrown off the apron through an announce table! Vader becomes the legal man and he walks over to Big Show, sets him up, and hits a Big Van Crush for his teams win! [B] Sean Morley and Vader defeated Big Show and Christian in 11:43 when Vader defeated Big Show by pinfall with a Big Van Crush.[/B] [QUOTE=Quick Results][B][U]Pre Show[/U][/B] [B]Joe Hennig[/B] defeated Marty Wright in 6:33 by pinfall with an Average-Plex. - D- [B][U]Show[/U][/B] [B]Martin Peters[/B] defeated Test in 5:18 by pinfall with a Canadian Destroyer. - D- [B]Devon Hughes[/B] defeated William Regal in 6:57 by pinfall with a Saving Grace. - D+ [B]Ashcroft and Jacobs[/B] defeated John Morrison and Shelton Benjamin in 6:08 when Wesley Jacobs defeated Shelton Benjamin by pinfall with a Brainbuster 450. - D+ [B]D'Lo Brown[/B] defeated Mike Mondo in 8:12 by pinfall with a Low Down. - C [B]Santino Marella[/B] defeated Billy Todd in 6:48 by submission with a Standing Arm Bar. [B]Santino Marella makes defence number 4 of his ECW European title[/B]. - D [B]Abyss[/B] defeated Kofi Kingston in 5:43 by pinfall with a Chokeslam. - D+ [B]Mike Tyson[/B] defeated Bubba Dudley in 4:45 by pinfall with a Right Hook. - D+ [B]Sean Morley and Vader[/B] defeated Big Show and Christian in 11:43 when Vader defeated Big Show by pinfall with a Big Van Crush. - B-[/QUOTE]
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