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ECW 2009 - Extreme? or just plain crazy?

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[quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWNews2.gif[/img] [quote][b]Hardcore TV Results[/b] [u][b]Pre Show[/b][/u] [B]Joe Hennig[/B] defeated Rene Dupree in 6:56 by pinfall with an Average-Plex. - D- [b][u]Show[/u][/b] [B]Orsino Mancini[/B] defeated Tatanka in 4:44 by pinfall with an Urlamadonna. - D- A music video is shown to promote Abyss. - C- [B]O'Haire[/B] defeated Erick Stevens in 5:49 by pinfall with The Widow Maker. - D- A video plays hyping Brock Lesnar vs. Mike Tyson. - B+ [B]Wesley Jacobs[/B] defeated Test in 6:57 by pinfall with a Brainbuster. - C- A video plays hyping Booker T vs. Vernon Valentine. - B- [B]Daniel Ashcroft[/B] defeated Patrick James in 4:38 by pinfall. - D+ A music video is shown to promote Kane. - B+ [B]AJ Styles[/B] defeated Daniel Rodimer in 3:39 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. - D A music video is shown to promote Sean Morley.- B+ [B]Vernon Valentine[/B] defeated Booker T in 5:09 by submission with a Heart Breaker Leglock. - C- [/quote] Nunzio has now joined the ECW training staff, Nunzio will work with the CZCW roster. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/allWrestlingNews.gif[/img] There are a few rumblings backstage that alot of the main roster are set for cuts, there are those that know they are off as they have barely been used, but others are worried as they have no real direction, those such as Vader, Tag Twins and Kofi Kingston are said to be the most worried out of teh TV regulars. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/logo.gif[/img] Expect to see some surprises this PPV, we have not seen the Heavyweight title change hands in over half a year, and rumours are flying that Big Show may get a shock victory to help transition in a new champion. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/topimage.jpg[/img] Bubba Dudley has yet again failed a wellness test, reports are circulating that Tommy Dreamer has won his fight to have him be sent to rehab rather than be released once again, and will do so once his next storyline is over. Mike Tyson has once again failed a wellness test also, he has been given one last chance despite having just rejoined the company. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/wz_banner.jpg[/img] ECW's next PPV No Regrets poster can be found below. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/NRPoster.jpg[/IMG] Expect the build up towards All Hallow's Even to begin this coming week, we will also have the PPV poster available for view next week. [/quote] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[center][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/NRPoster.jpg[/img] [u][b]Final ECW No Regrets Card[/b][/u] [b]ECW Championship:[/b] Sean Morley© vs Big Show [b]ECW Television:[/b] Marco Petrucci© vs D'Lo Brown [b]ECW European:[/b] Santino Marella© vs Gregory Helms [b]ECW Tag:[/b] Ashcroft and Jacobs© vs ??? Abyss vs Davide Simeone Brock Lesnar vs Mike Tyson John Morrison vs Rob Van Dam Kane vs Vader [u][b]Match in Preview[/b][/u] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Other/BLesnar4_ndp.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Other/Mike_Tyson.jpg[/IMG] ECW's regular match up, nothing fancy added. [b]Match Setup[/b] This match is as simple as usual ECW matches. [b]History[/b] This started well before SummerSlam with Brock Lesnar seemingly being denied a spot at the PPV despite being in the previous PPV's main event. He demanded a match at SummerSlam only to be shot down by Tommy Dreamer. Taking this as apersonal insult Brock took it upon himself to let Dreamer know he would have a match by attacking him backstage and dragging him to the ring. Brock dominated the match, won, but his "celebration" was cut short when Mike Tyson came and hit him with a vicous right hook. With that a little seed was planted. With Mike Tyson being brought into ECW by Tommy Dreamer to act as the new head of ECW security, he took on a fan favourite role, he was a man fans rarely wanted to get on the wrong side of, but Tyson threw away his fan favouritism for his usual pay out bad ass attitude and aligned hismelf as part of Tommy Dreamer's personal security with that single punch. Dreamer suspended Brock the following week from ECW. Brock left the building after being escorted by Tyson-less security. Brock returned the week later appearing as a fan, jumping the guardrail during Tommy Dreamer's promo, Tyson once again issuing a right hook to the former WWE Champion. Lesnar seemingly didn't learn as he once again came back trying to get into ECW, literally. He was held at the car park gates by security. Tommy Dreamer came to meet him, the two argued about Lesnar being back in ECW, when a security guard, turning out to be Tyson, knocked Lesnar flying back into his own car. Lesnar kept away from Sci-Fi the following week however, when Dreamer announced that Brock would take on Mike Tyson, if Lesnar wins, he's back in ECW, if Tyson wins, Lesnar's gone for good! [/center]
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[IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWTVBanner.jpg[/IMG] Joe Hennig is in the ring, he will take on Daniel Rodimer in the first of 3 advertised dark matches. Very poor match, Rodimer is definately nowhere near ready for a full ECW call up. Hennig won in just over 3 and a half minutes with an Average-Plex. [B]Joe Hennig defeated Daniel Rodimer in 3:35 by pinfall with an Average-Plex.[/B] Second dark match saw Pietra put her Vixen's title on the line against Dynamyte. Solid match between these two saw Pietra retain by pinfall. [B] Pietra Riccardi defeated Dynamyte in 2:42 by pinfall. Pietra Riccardi makes defence number 1 of her ECW Vixen title.[/B] Pre Show main event see's Booker T face ECW Owner Tommy Dreamer. A match between these two could have, and maybe should have seen them do better, but really, the Vixen's match was justa s good. Dreamer picked up the win with a Dreamer DDT. [B]Tommy Dreamer defeated Booker T in 7:18 by pinfall with a Dreamer DDT.[/B] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/NRPoster.jpg[/IMG] Show time! A massive firework display welcomes us to No Regrets as Gregory Helms' music hits. Helms walks out and Santino comes out wearing a special gold singlet. The bell rings as our first title match is underway! A solid match that the fans get into. It falters a little in the middle of the match as Helms struggles to carry Marella. Marella soon picks up the pace, but the fans have started to grow bored of the match. Marella hits a Snap Swinging Neckbreaker but Helms rolls out of the ring to prevent a loss. Marella drags Helms up and looks to suplex him back into the ring, Helms floats over and rolls him up, the ref coutns and it's over!!! Helms wins the ECW European title! [B]Gregory Helms defeated Santino Marella in 11:45 by pinfall with a fast roll up. Gregory Helms wins the ECW European title.[/B] Helms quickly dives from the ring and referee Mickey Henson passes over the European title. Helms celebrates with the fans and walks to the back holding his new title above his head! [B]Rating: C-[/B] Abyss walks out for his match with Davide Simeone, alot of boos for Abyss, but a mixed reaction for Simeone. Simeone struggles to keep ahold of any advantage he gets. Abyss doesn't really click well with Simeone and it showed. Simeone helps Abyss throughout the match though, and it gets a passable match out of the big man. Abyss somehow manages to get the win after hitting a Black Hole Slam out of nowhere! [B] Abyss defeated Davide Simeone in 9:39 by pinfall with The Black Hole Slam.[/B] Abyss starts to beat down on Davide Simeone, Simeone struggles to defend himself until The GraveDigger comes rushing to the ring, he chases Abyss off then checks on Davide Simeone, as the two staredown each other. [B]Rating: B+[/B] With Ashcroft and jacobs heading to the ring to await their unknown opponents, we cut backstage and see Bubba Dudley talking with Devon, Devon smiles and shakes Bubba's hand as the two head towards the walkway. The Dudleys are back for the tag titles!!! [B]Rating: D+[/B] The Dudley's music hits and the two head towards the ring, the fans cheer and even Ashcroft and Jacobs have a smile on their face! Devon and Daniel shake hands as asign of respect to start the match off. A solid tag team match that see's all 4 men getting roughly the same in ring time. Ashcroft and Jacobs use their speed to their advantage and knock Devon from the apron, as he tries to get back in the ring they hit a Brainbuster followed by a 450 on Bubba. Jacobs makes the cover as Devon turns to leave the ring, as he realises what's happening he gets back in too late and A and J pick up the victory! [B]Ashcroft and Jacobs defeated Bubba Dudley and Devon Hughes in 10:48 when Wesley Jacobs defeated Bubba Dudley by pinfall with a Brainbuster 450. Ashcroft and Jacobs make defence number 2 of their ECW Tag Team titles.[/B] Santino Marella is seen in his locker room talking to himself, telling himself off for losing, then goes over the match in his head, trying to act out each move until his inevitable loss. [B]Rating: B-[/B] John Morrison walks out trashing ECW and has an Anti-ECW shirt on again, this time it has a list of his accomplishments and his "ECW killing spree" with RVD his last name on the shirt. An awkward macth between these two, RVD really struggles to make Morrison look a threat. The match goes on for quite some time, the fans grow bored seeing constant mess ups with timing, and how "slow" the match flows. RVD puts us all out of our misery when he hits a Five Star Frog Splash on Morrison for the win! [B]Rob Van Dam defeated John Morrison in 14:21 by pinfall with a Five Star Frog Splash.[/B] RVD celebrates in the ring, he walks up the ramp way backwards whilst celebrating towards the fans, he stops at the top and does his RVD thumbs gesture when he is blindsighted by Abyss! Abyss beats him down, throwing him into the scoffolding set and the huge electric chair prop. Abyss drags RVD towards the edge of the staging area and hits a Black Hole Slam, he grabs him by the throat, picks him up and sends him flying towards the electrics table below, leaving RVD broken near the fans! [B]Rating: B-[/B] Dusty Rhodes talks with Kane, the two argue a little, thenDusty introduces Ron Simmons, who will act as Kane's minder tonight. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Kane walks out being accompanied by Ron Simmons, they await Vader as Kane does his pyro. A good big man match see's Kane dominate throughout, his 3 month absense does not seem to have affected his ability at all! Kane ends the match with a vicious Chokeslam, lifting Vader possibly higher than he's ever been lifted before! [B]Kane defeated Vader in 9:53 by pinfall with a Chokeslam.[/B] John Morrison carefully enters Abyss' "locker room" area and says thank you, Abyss grunts at Morrison, who ****ily asks what he tried to say, big mistake! Abyss charges at Morrison and sends him flying through his locker room door! [B]Rating: C+[/B] Next up sees Brock Lesnar look to beat Mike Tyson to be reinstated as part of ECW. A pretty good match between these two and they definately have some good chemistry, although the fans really don't like Tyson's wrestling ability. Lesnar gets the win with an F-5 in just under 9 minutes. [B]Brock Lesnar defeated Mike Tyson in 8:45 by pinfall with a F-5.[/B] Dreamer runs to the ring as Lesnar rolls away celebrating, Dreamer shouts at Tyson asking what the hell that was! Tyson tries to explain himself but Dreamer just pushes him, finally enough is enough and Tyson knocks out Tommy Dreamer! [B]Rating: C[/B] We head backstage where we see Vader arguing with Sean Morley about Morley's lack of help during his match with Kane! [B]Rating: B+[/B] 3rd title match of the PPV up next, D'Lo Brown looks to prove to himself that he can still go by taking on Marco Petrucci for his TV title. A solid upper card match that the fans are very into. D'Lo lays it all on the line and pours everything he has into it. Petrucci pushes back D'Lo's advances and makes him look weaker and weaker as he tires himself out. Petrucci locks in his Petrucci Lock and it looks all over, D'Lo's hand raised 3 times, it falls at the third but just somehow manages to avoid hitting the mat! D'Lo builds himself back up and manages to get some offence back in, he charges at Petrucci and they both clothesline each other! D'Lo manages to get to his feet first, he hits a Sudden Impact clothesline for a close fall, then a Sky High for an even nearer fall! D'Lo wonders what else it will take and heads up top, he lands a huge Low Down and the referee counts. 1....2.....KICK OUT! Petrucci somehow gets his shoulder up! D'Lo smacks the canvas and goes back up top, he lands another Low Down and this time Petrucci stays down! D'Lo wins the TV Title!!!! [B]D'Lo Brown defeated Marco Petrucci in 12:14 by pinfall with a Low Down. D'Lo Brown wins the ECW TV title.[/B] D'Lo grabs the TV Title from ringside and celbrates, he re-enters the ring to celebrate, he turns around and is hit with a spear by Petrucci, Petrucci hits a Petruci Driver on D'Lo and grabs the title, holding it above his head and then throwing it down and walking off! [B]Rating: C+[/B] Christian joins Joey Styles and Tazz on commentary for the main event! [B]Rating: B[/B] Main Event time sees Big Show challenging Sean Morley for his ECW Heavyweight title. A solid match that saw alot of false finishes. Christian did not get involved much to everyones surprise. A few comedy comments whilst on commentary makes the match a little better. Big Show pulls out all the stops in his attempts at dethrowning the champion. Morley works over Show's right arm and leg trying to make his Chokeslam inaffective. Show uses his initiative and lands a left handed chokeslam for a close fall. Morley struggles as Show bulds momentum, he lands a weak looking right handed chokeslam but falls to his right, the pain in his leg seems too much for him. He drags himself over the champ, but doesn't manage to get the 3 count. Sean Morley struggles in vain to get Show's head and arm grasped tight enough, he climbs up the turnbuckle, dragging Big Show up with him, he chokes Show to near exhaustion, then slips off, he grabs him again and hits a carbon copy of his Resolution he hit against Big Show back in July! Morley somehow manages to get the Resolution hit as he wanted to retain the title! [B]Sean Morley defeated Big Show in 13:45 by pinfall with a Resolution. Sean Morley makes defence number 11 of his ECW Heavyweight title.[/B] Morley is given his title, he holds it up and stared at Christian, who stares back, you can feel the tension rise between these two as Tazz and Styles thank us for watching No Regrets and the camera's pan away and fade to black! [B] Rating: B[/B] [QUOTE=Quick Results][B][U]Pre Show[/U] Joe Hennig[/B] defeated Daniel Rodimer in 3:35 by pinfall with an Average-Plex. - E+ [B]Pietra Riccardi[/B] defeated Dynamyte in 2:42 by pinfall. [B]Pietra Riccardi makes defence number 1 of her ECW Vixen title[/B]. - C+ [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] defeated Booker T in 7:18 by pinfall with a Dreamer DDT. - C+ [B][U]Show[/U] Gregory Helms[/B] defeated Santino Marella in 11:45 by pinfall with a fast roll up. [B]Gregory Helms wins the ECW European title[/B]. - D+ [B]Abyss[/B] defeated Davide Simeone in 9:39 by pinfall with The Black Hole Slam. - C+ (DS2C) [B]Ashcroft and Jacobs[/B] defeated Bubba Dudley and Devon Hughes in 10:48 when Wesley Jacobs defeated Bubba Dudley by pinfall with a Brainbuster 450. [B]Ashcroft and Jacobs make defence number 2 of their ECW Tag Team titles[/B]. - B- [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] defeated John Morrison in 14:21 by pinfall with a Five Star Frog Splash. - C (DS2C) [B]Kane[/B] defeated Vader in 9:53 by pinfall with a Chokeslam. - B- [B]Brock Lesnar[/B] defeated Mike Tyson in 8:45 by pinfall with a F-5. - B (PGC) [B]D'Lo Brown[/B] defeated Marco Petrucci in 12:14 by pinfall with a Low Down. [B]D'Lo Brown wins the ECW TV title[/B]. - B [B]Sean Morley[/B] defeated Big Show in 13:45 by pinfall with a Resolution. [B]Sean Morley makes defence number 11 of his ECW Heavyweight title[/B]. - B[/QUOTE]
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[quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWNews2.gif[/img] No Hardcore TV report this update due to it being PPV weekend. ECW have released Darren Burridge ([B]wZw[/B]), and Hiroko Suzuki ([B]CZCW[/B]) from their development contracts. We wish them the best in their future endevours. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/allWrestlingNews.gif[/img] To clarify any rumours, Freak Nastty is not included in the upcoming roster releases, or at least from what we've been told. Freak has been dropped from TV for quite some time, and has recently shown his face on some PWM shows. So take that as him being dropped to development. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/logo.gif[/img] Alot of people were shocked to see Helms and D'Lo win the titles this past Sunday. Helms' was thrown in to give Marella an opponent that could appease the fans, but very little build up was given outside of "returning star wants a shot". Instead of killing his momentum dead after less than a month back, they've allowed Helms the chance to run with the belt. Brown however was more a spur of the moment decision. The plan was always for D'Lo to face Petrucci as higher ups are very pleased with D'Lo's work ethic and his attitude towards otehrs, especially the younger stars, and wanted to repay him duely. No word on how long either man will hold their titles, but expect title rematches at All Hallow's Even. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/topimage.jpg[/img] This Sunday saw the return of the Dudley Boys, don't expect this to be a regular thing as ECW invested alot into Devon to move him away from the Dudley's image. Although it seems Devon has stalled somewhat, ECW are seemingly still wanting to push him as a singles star. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/wz_banner.jpg[/img] ECW have released their All Hallow's Even poster, it shows absolutely nothing at all in terms of spoilers, although from what we've heard of the Interactive Poster, this PPV could well be one to watch! [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/AHEPoster.jpg[/IMG] There are rumblings around the ECW camp that they have ended their working relationship with Chaotic Wrestling, ECW had a few of their workers under contract recently, however never offered any ECW stars to them. The split is said to be amicable. ECW are also believed to be locked in a war with ICWA now following their constant approaches for ECW talent. [/quote] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWTVBanner.jpg[/img] The final ECW on Sci-Fi of Septemebr sees the aftermath of No Regrets turn into the build up for All Hallow's Even. This weeks show sees ECW Owner Tommy Dreamer finally return to in ring action after "nursing" the injuries sustained at the hands of Brock Lesnar back at SummerSlam. Mark Forrester also recovers from injuries suffered at the hands of Abyss, and looks for revenge as the two face off once again. No Regrets crowned new European and TV champions in Gregory Helms and D'Lo Brown respectively, this week sees both men take on the former champions, will the FBI gain a measure of revenge? Or will the new champs again prove themselves worth yof their title wins? Christian has also said he is set to make a big announcement this week. Stay tuned in to ECW on Sci-Fi for this, and much more this week! [u][b]Confirmed Matches:[/b][/u] Abyss vs Mark Forrester D'Lo Brown/Gregory Helms vs Marco Petrucci/Santino Marella Tommy Dreamer vs ??? Also: Christian makes an announcement!
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[IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWNews2.gif[/IMG] Usual Joe Hennig pre show appearance, wonder when the kid will make it onto TV? Hennig's opponent tonight? Billy Todd. A poor match that runs little under 6 minutes, Hennig, as expected, gets the win with an Average-Plex. [B]Joe Hennig defeated Billy Todd in 5:54 by pinfall with an Average-Plex.[/B] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWTVBanner.jpg[/IMG] We are welcomed to ECW on Sci-Fi by ECW Owner Tommy Dreamer standing alone in the ring. He holds a remote, and plays Mike Tyson punching him in the face at No Regrets, he rewinds it and watches it again, much to the crowds delight. Dreamer turns into the camera and shows off a huge black eye! Dreamer shouts at the fans, asking if they think it's funny? He runs the local crowd down, and critisises how violent and out of control ECW has become, telling everyone from now on, all of his matches will be under regular match rules, meaning waepons are not legal! He then tells everyone that, despite Mike Tyson arguably being the best security ECW could ever have, he is firing him with immediate effect! [B]Rating: C[/B] Dreamer takes off his suit jacket and unbuttons his collar and sleeves, and waits for Tatanka in the ring. Typical squash match, tatanka gets very little offence in as Dreamer takes his fine Italian boots to Tatanka's skull. Brock Lesnar comes down and interupts the match, but doesn't lay a finger on Dreamer. Doesn't help at al as Dreamer hits a Dreamer DDT on Tatanka for the win. [B]Tommy Dreamer defeated Tatanka in 4:03 by pinfall with a Dreamer DDT. During the match we also had Brock Lesnar distract Dreamer.[/B] We go to Dusty's office, looks like he's got himself a new table, he and Kane talk for a while, with Kane thanking Dusty for all his help recently. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Up next is a 6 Vixen tag match. The first team out is Dynamyte, Roucka and Shelly, taking on Amie, Vixen's champion Pietra and Takako. A usual short vixen's match sees each vixen getting their share of offence in, the fans crap all over Roucka who they clearly hate! Their hatred is only intensified when Roucka beats Takako with a Facebuster. [B]Dynamyte, Roucka and Shelly defeated Amie Gooding, Pietra Riccardi and Takako in 4:35 when Roucka defeated Takako by pinfall with a Facebuster.[/B] Dusty Rhodes says he's made an executive decision, tonight we'll see the team of Big Show and Christian take Mike Mondo and ECW Champion Sean Morley! [B]Rating: B+[/B] Davide Simeone searches the back for GraveDigger, he finaly finds him and thanks him for prevetning a further beating from Abyss, he says though, that no matter how grateful he may be, the thing between them is far from over! [B]Rating: B[/B] The APA make their way towards the ring for a rare appearance. They are followed out by the Dudley Boys who seem to be a more regular team now then? An old school WWE style match here, usual Dudleys skits with the wassaaaaap headdrop and the table spots. Finish comes when Bradshaw misses a Clothesline from Hell attempt and flys from the ring. Ron Simmons checks on his partner, only to turn into a 3D through the table! [B]Dudley Boys defeated APA in 4:36 when Devon Hughes defeated Ron Simmons by pinfall with a 3D.[/B] Abyss is shown backstage, he seems to be hiding from everyone when Mark Forrester is shown walking past, Abyss ambushes the returning star and lays him out with some vicious shots! [B]Rating: C[/B] Mike Mondo is shown with a microphone backstage, he doesn't mention the main event at all, instead, he focuses his time on Colt Cabana and his moose! He trash talks them both, and ends his promo by telling everyone that he is challenging Moose to a match next week! [B]Rating: C-[/B] Kofi Kingston looks to redeem himself following his loss to Abyss last week, whilst John Morrison will be looking to get back on winning ways after losing to RVD this past sunday. Morrison's in ring abilty has seemingly evaporated over the last couple of months, he's definately not the same person after he returned from injury in May. Morrison struggle to get going, and Kofi hits an Overdrive pretty early in the match. Morrison manages to get a near fall a few times from some quick rollups but can't put Kofi away. Kofi hits a Trouble in paradise for the win in a poor match. [B]Kofi Kingston defeated John Morrison in 8:24 by pinfall with a Trouble in Paradise.[/B] We cut backstage where we see the FBI all talking to each other, Simeone shouts at Petrucci and Marella for embarrasing FBI at No Regrets, Petrucci retaliates saying Simeone never won either, Simeone slaps Petrucci as he questions the future of FBI! [B]Rating: C+[/B] Tag Twins make their way to the ring, Vader's music hits and he follows them out for a 6 man tag match? The tag champs Ashcroft and Jacobs walk out, smiles on their faces as they point to the walkway waiting for their partner, fire blazes and out steps Kane! A solid match that a lot of fans were really into, A+J are really over, and are only being helped even more by Kane's prescence. Kane and Vader hit alot of high power moves onto their smaller opponents when they're in the ring, they soon find themselves in the ring together and Kane hits a huge chokeslam on Vader sending him over the top rope!!!! Chad Graham runs in trying to surprise Kane, but A+J hit a double single leg Dropkick to send him bouncing into the ropes, he runs back off straight into the hand of Kane, who hits another Chokeslam and this ones over! [B] Ashcroft and Jacobs and Kane defeated Tag Twins and Vader in 6:33 when Kane defeated Chad Graham by pinfall with a Chokeslam.[/B] We cut backstage where we see the Dudley Boys talking to each other about their recent teaming again [B]Rating: C-[/B] Abyss walks out, Mark Forrester follows with his ribs bandaged up! Abyss works over Forrester, who gets next to no offence in at all, Abyss just toys with Forrester until he finally hits a Black Hole Slam for the win [B]Abyss defeated Mark Forrester in 6:06 by pinfall with The Black Hole Slam.[/B] Petrucci and Marella walk towards the ring talking to each other, neither man looks very happy! [B]Rating: B-[/B] The new TV and European champions make their entrances seperately to show off their new belts, FBI make their way out together looking very focused! Petrucci and Helms start this one off, Petrucci knocks Helms down with a clothesline and then demands D'Lo enter the ring! Petrucci tags Marella in as soon as D'Lo enters! The match waivers a little in comparison to usual matches these 4 are in, but the fans are into it. D'Lo soon gets the momentum going for his team, and tags in Helms, he dominates Marella until he manages a tag to Petrucci. Petrucci hits a few high impact moves winding Helms, he then manages to lock in a Petrucci Lock but D'Lo breaks it up, Marella runs in and hits a clothesline sending both him and D'lo over the top! Helms stands up and is hit with a Petrucci Driver for the win! [B]Marco Petrucci and Santino Marella defeated D'Lo Brown and Gregory Helms in 8:41 when Marco Petrucci defeated Gregory Helms by pinfall with a Petrucci Driver.[/B] Christian walks out to the ring for his match, he grabs a mic first and tells everyone that ever since he came back last month, everyones been asking him "When are you going to challenge for the title?" Well, he says, the answer is at All Hallow's Even! So he is officially challenging Sean Morley! [B]Rating: B[/B] Big Show makes his entrance and then Morley and Mondo walk out together backed up by Vader. A good match between these higher ups, some good back and forth action to get the fans behind the match. Mike Mondo had Big Show set up for the Mondo Sledge when Colt Cabana came running to the ring, he knocked Mondo off the top rope and straight into a huge Showstopper! Morley breaks the pin up just, Big Show tags in Christian and the fans go wild as their title match unfolds infront of them! Morley misses a Resolution as Christian slips through the back of it, he locks both of Morley's arms and lands an unprettier! 3 count and this ones over! [B]Big Show and Christian defeated Mike Mondo and Sean Morley in 11:40 when Christian defeated Sean Morley by pinfall with an Unprettier. During the match we also had Colt Cabana run in and attack Mondo.[/B] [QUOTE=Quick Results][B][U]Pre Show[/U][/B] [B]Joe Hennig[/B] defeated Billy Todd in 5:54 by pinfall with an Average-Plex. - E+ [B][U]Show[/U][/B] [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] defeated Tatanka in 4:03 by pinfall with a Dreamer DDT. During the match we also had Brock Lesnar distract Dreamer. - D+ [B]Dynamyte, Roucka and Shelly[/B] defeated Amie Gooding, Pietra Riccardi and Takako in 4:35 when Roucka defeated Takako by pinfall with a Facebuster. - D [B]Dudley Boys[/B] defeated APA in 4:36 when Devon Hughes defeated Ron Simmons by pinfall with a 3D. - C- [B]Kofi Kingston[/B] defeated John Morrison in 8:24 by pinfall with a Trouble in Paradise. - D+ [B]Ashcroft and Jacobs and Kane[/B] defeated Tag Twins and Vader in 6:33 when Kane defeated Chad Graham by pinfall with a Chokeslam. - B- [B]Abyss[/B] defeated Mark Forrester in 6:06 by pinfall with The Black Hole Slam. - C [B]Marco Petrucci and Santino Marella[/B] defeated D'Lo Brown and Gregory Helms in 8:41 when Marco Petrucci defeated Gregory Helms by pinfall with a Petrucci Driver. - C [B]Big Show and Christian[/B] defeated Mike Mondo and Sean Morley in 11:40 when Christian defeated Sean Morley by pinfall with an Unprettier. During the match we also had Colt Cabana run in and attack Mondo. - B[/QUOTE]
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[quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWNews2.gif[/img] [QUOTE][B]Hardcore TV Results [U]Pre Show[/U] Joe Hennig[/B] defeated Booker T in 8:29 by pinfall with an Average-Plex. - C- [B][U]Show[/U] Orsino Mancini[/B] defeated Erick Stevens in 5:11 by pinfall with an Italian Slam. - F A video plays recapping Gregory Helms vs. Santino Marella. - C [B]O'Haire[/B] defeated David Flair in 5:36 by pinfall with The Widow Maker. - D- A video plays recapping D'Lo Brown vs. Marco Petrucci. - C+ [B]Amie Gooding[/B] defeated La Amapola in 3:18 by submission with a STF. - D A music video is shown to promote Kane. - B+ [B]Abyss[/B] defeated Matt Logan in 2:57 by pinfall with The Black Hole Slam. - D(DS2C) A music video is shown to promote Vernon Valentine. - B- [B]Ashcroft and Jacobs[/B] defeated APA in 4:47 when Wesley Jacobs defeated John Layfield by pinfall with a Brainbuster 450. [B]Ashcroft and Jacobs make defence number 3 of their ECW Tag Team titles[/B]. - D+ A video plays recapping Big Show vs. Sean Morley. - A [B]Vernon Valentine[/B] defeated John Morrison in 7:51 by submission with a Heart Breaker Leglock. - D+[/QUOTE] ECW have released Adam Masters, Aurora, David Flair, Kory Chavis, La Amapola, Lash LeRoux, Rene Dupree, Rey Misterio, Vanessa Kraven this past week. ECW wishes them the best in their future endevours.[/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/allWrestlingNews.gif[/img] It would appear as though the past weeks releases will now be the last for quite some time, ECW have "trimmed the fat" as it were, and have a very solid base of workers, coupled with their impressive devlopment system, they can easily replace stars. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/logo.gif[/img] ECW have signed former WWE and first Tough Enough winner Maven Huffman to a contract, many believe this could be the reasoning behind ECW's recent partnership end with Chaotic. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/topimage.jpg[/img] Bryce Remsburg has been signed to an ECW contract, he will be able to work within a week, expect to see him officiaiting matches soon as he will bypass the development territories. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/wz_banner.jpg[/img] In some interesting news, Matt Sydal (Evan Bourne) has recently changed his wrestling style. He has been training for the change for quite some time, he now classes himself as a "Super Junior" style of wrestler, how this will affect his matches in ECW is unknown. [/quote] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWTVBanner.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]October w1[/U][/B] The first ECW on Sci Fi of October sees both the European and TV titles on the line this week. Gregory Helms defends against Test, whilst D'Lo defends against Bubba Dudley. Christian will take on Roderick Strong who is desperate to gain a place in Sean Morley's "Elite Group", is this a challenge set up by Morley for both men? We will also see a European Number 1 contender crowned as AJ Styles takes oN Colt Cabana, Shelton Benjamin and William Regal in a fatal 4 way for the honour. Finally match wise, the main event sees Sean Morley's lackeys, Mike Mondo and Vader, take on Big Show and Kane. Davide Simeone has promised us all that the FBI will grow, and that this week, we will see the newest addition to the group! [B][U]Confirmed Matches:[/U][/B] [B]ECW TV Championship:[/B] D'Lo Brown© vs Bubba Dudley [B]ECW European Championship:[/B] Gregory Helms© vs Test [B]ECW European Championship Number 1 Contender:[/B] AJ Styles vs Colt Cabana vs Shelton Benjamin vs William Regal Big Show/Kane vs Mike Mondo/Vader Christian vs Roderick Strong
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  • 4 weeks later...
[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWTVBanner.jpg[/img] We kick off the Sci-Fi tapings with a Vixen's match, a few people questioning where Joe Hennig is pre show wise. No word on what this match is for outside of letting 4 vixen's have some tv time. All vixens get a similar amount of offence in, Takako definately the weaker link in the match though. Roucka picks up the victory after pinning Takako. [b]Roucka defeated Amie Gooding, Dynamyte and Takako in 4:31 when Roucka defeated Takako by pinfall.[/b] Colt Cabana walks out to the live crowd with Moose, he holds the microphone near to Moose who just grunts down the mic trying to eat it! Cabana pulls it away, smells the mic and throws it away, he grabs another and tells everyone that what Moose was trying to say was....HE ACCEPTS! Next week we'll see Moose vs Mike Mondo! [b]Rating: B[/b] The camera's follow Colt back and we see Devon Hughes walking towards the curtain with two t-shirts, just as he steps through the curtain he's knocked forward. Everyone starts to boo thinking it to be Colt Cabana, then out walks...BUBBA Dudley! He's attacked his own brother! Bubba beats Devon down leaving him laying, and rips the two Dudley t-shirts up! [b]Rating: D[/b] As Bubba is escorted to the back by security, Davide Simeone ushers the the FBI through the curtain, they stand tall, whilst Simeone throws a verbal tirade at them! He tells them all to stand back as his newest protege will make his way into the FBI limelight. Simeone introduces Orsino Mancini to very little fanfare from the crowd! [b]Rating: C[/b] Gregory Helms walks out ready to take on Test for his newly won European championship. Test gets in some offence, but not enough to make him seem a truly believeable threat to Helms' title. Helms manages to hit a Nightmare on Helms Street on the near 7 footer for the pinfall retain. [b]Gregory Helms defeated Test in 6:39 by pinfall with a Nightmare on Helms Street. Gregory Helms makes defence number 1 of his ECW European title.[/b] Bubba Dudley walks backstage with many staff taking disgust in his actions, Tommy Dreamer stops him, and the two talks, ending with a handshake. [b]Rating: C-[/b] Next up is the 4 way to determine the number one contender to Helms' Euro title at All Hallow's Even. Styles, Cabana, Benjamin and Regal all in this one, all start as it's under normal fatal 4 way rules. Styles gone early from this, he clutches his knee and it looks a serious injury, Cabana fends off Regal and Benjamin as paramedics take Styles to the back. Shelton and Regal's teaming soon ends and the two go at each otehr with Cabana just urging them on as they fight it out, being each competitors number 1 fan. The two soon realise and turn on Cabana once again. Cabana escapes and rocks Shelton with a Colt 45! The crowd roars as AJ Styles hobbles down the walkway! Regal sends Cabana over the top and turns right into a diving Styles forearm! Styles lifts Benjamin up, shakes his leg and hits an awkward Styles Clash for the victory! [b] AJ Styles defeated Colt Cabana, Shelton Benjamin and William Regal in 7:52 when AJ Styles defeated Shelton Benjamin by pinfall with a Styles Clash.[/b] Tommy Dreamer walks out to the crowd and tells them that just because Lesnar is back, doesn't mean he's off his radar, and so tonight, Brock Lesnar will be taking on Sean Morley. Oh, and Tommy Dreamer. In a 2 on 1 hhandicap match! [b]Rating: B+[/b] Abyss walks towards the ring for his match with John Morrison, Tag Twins walk by talking, Abyss turns around and demolishes both men, he throws them both through a glass window leaving them laying in pools of blood on the otherside of the wall! [b]Rating: C+[/b] Christian walks out hoping to stake his claim for the ECW Championship, Rod Strong comes out in the hopes of getting a place in Sean Morley's group. Strong struggles against the better Christian, who seems to have definately stepped up a gear over recent performances. Christian ends the match with an Unprettier after Sean Morley accidently distracted Strong! [b]Christian defeated Roderick Strong in 5:55 by pinfall with an Unprettier. During the match we also had Sean Morley distract Rod Strong. - B-[/b] Sean Morley runs to the top of the ramp way with a mic in hand, he cuts a promo on Christian, telling him that he needs to prove himself if he really wants to be the next challenger to his title! [b]Rating: A[/b] D'Lo Brown makes his way out to defend his title, Bubba Dudley comes out to a chorus of boos. These two had great chemistry in the match and it definately helped get the crowd into it. Bubba realisticly never looked a true threat to Brown, and D'Lo ended up taking the victory with a Low Down to retain. [b]D'Lo Brown defeated Bubba Dudley in 7:27 by pinfall with a Low Down. D'Lo Brown makes defence number 1 of his ECW TV title.[/b] Santino Marella comes into Dusty Rhodes' office and argues about the lack of talk for his title rematch with Helms. He and Dusty argue for some tim until Dusty finally comes to a decision! He tells Santino to pack his bags, as he's banished to Hardcore TV with immediate effect! [b]Rating: B-[/b] John Morrison walks out with a determined look on his face, Abyss follows him out with a very strange stalk style of walking. Morrison looks to get a measure of revenge for the attack by Abyss from No Regrets, but doesn't really get much chance of offence. The two have great chemistry but before we can see much more of the match, Abyss takes the win with a Black Hole Slam. [b]Abyss defeated John Morrison in 6:26 by pinfall with The Black Hole Slam.[/b] The FBI stand together, they talk about Santino's "banishment" and then challenge Gregory Helms and D'Lo Brown to a 3 on 3 match next week, and they have free reign to choose their own partner! [b]Rating: B- [/b] Morley and Dreamer come out together for their match with Brock Lesnar. Lesnar manages to battle away for quite some time before the numbers game starts to kick in. Lesnar shows real heart and determination up until Dreamer lands a low blow, Morley hits the Resolution, and then Dreamer finishes the match off with a Dreamer DDT! [b]Sean Morley and Tommy Dreamer defeated Brock Lesnar in 8:42 when Tommy Dreamer defeated Brock Lesnar by pinfall with a Dreamer DDT.[/b] Abyss appears on the walkway as Morley claps and smiles back at him [b]Rating: B[/b] Main Event time, Big Show and Kane walk out together, as Mike Mondo and Vader walk out to Morely's music. Mondo and Vader work as a team, but have a few troubles communicating with one another. Big Show and kane just work off each other to try and dominate the match. Big Show and Vader are soon shown to be the stronger links in their teams, Show hits a Showstopper on Mondo for a 2 count as Vader breaks it up. Show tags in Kane and the two big men double clothesline Vader over the top rope! Show guards off Vader as Kane lands a Chokeslam on Mondo for his teams victory! [b]Big Show and Kane defeated Mike Mondo and Vader in 8:40 when Kane defeated Mike Mondo by pinfall with a Chokeslam.[/b] [quote][u][b]Quick Results[/b][/u] [b]Roucka[/b] defeated Amie Gooding, Dynamyte and Takako in 4:31 when Roucka defeated Takako by pinfall. - D+ [b]Gregory Helms[/b] defeated Test in 6:39 by pinfall with a Nightmare on Helms Street. [b]Gregory Helms makes defence number 1 of his ECW European title.[/b] - D [b]AJ Styles[/b] defeated Colt Cabana, Shelton Benjamin and William Regal in 7:52 when AJ Styles defeated Shelton Benjamin by pinfall with a Styles Clash. - C [b]Christian [/b]defeated Roderick Strong in 5:55 by pinfall with an Unprettier. During the match we also had Sean Morley distract Rod Strong. - B- [b]D'Lo Brown[/b] defeated Bubba Dudley in 7:27 by pinfall with a Low Down. [b]D'Lo Brown makes defence number 1 of his ECW TV title.[/b] - C+ (GrC) [b]Abyss [/b]defeated John Morrison in 6:26 by pinfall with The Black Hole Slam. - C(GrC) [b]Sean Morley and Tommy Dreamer[/b] defeated Brock Lesnar in 8:42 when Tommy Dreamer defeated Brock Lesnar by pinfall with a Dreamer DDT. - B- [b]Big Show and Kane [/b]defeated Mike Mondo and Vader in 8:40 when Kane defeated Mike Mondo by pinfall with a Chokeslam. - B- [/quote]
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[quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWNews2.gif[/img] [quote][b]Hardcore TV Results[/b] [b][u]Show[/u][/b] [b]Joe Hennig[/b] defeated Tatanka in 1:41 by pinfall with an Average-Plex. - E+ A Video Recap Santino Marella's banishment to Hardcore TV by Dusty Rhodes - B- [b]Abyss[/b] defeated Erick Stevens in 0:57 by pinfall with The Black Hole Slam. - D+ A music video is shown to promote Brock Lesnar. - B+ [b]Ashcroft and Jacobs[/b] defeated L.A. Park and Perro Aguayo Jr. in 1:53 when Daniel Ashcroft defeated L.A. Park by pinfall with a Brainbuster 450. - D- A video plays hyping Santino Marella vs. Vernon Valentine. - C+ [b]AJ Styles[/b] defeated Roderick Strong in 5:38 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. - D+ A music video is shown to promote Sean Morley. - B+ [b]Evan Bourne[/b] defeated Booker T in 6:56 by pinfall with an Air Bourne. - C A music video is shown to promote The GraveDigger. - B [b]Vernon Valentine[/b] defeated Santino Marella in 12:05 by submission with a Heart Breaker Leglock. - C[/quote] Brad Armstrong's contract is due to expire this month.[/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/allWrestlingNews.gif[/img] With Maven signing an ECW contract last week, he has now been sent down to CZCW to train up and remove any ring rust he may have. Darren Burridge, who was released by ECW last week, has returned to ECW's British development camp, wZw. This is wZw's own signing, rather than an ECW capture. Burridge is believed to have impressed whilst there on development training, and is hoping he can impres ECW talent scouts once again. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/logo.gif[/img] ECW sent out a text to all of their mobile users informing them they had signed a former ECW champion this week, this doesn't really narrow it down at all, but rumours would suggest it's a recent champion rather than original ECW. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/topimage.jpg[/img] ECW have signed Tiger Dragon (formerly Ultimo Dragon) to a written contract. Dragon will likely end up on TV at some point, however right now, Dragon is expected to report to PWM to act as a trainer. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/wz_banner.jpg[/img] ECW have cancelled their PPV contract with The Wrestling Network this past week. It is seen as a very risky option as there is no garuntee they can get someone even near the elvel of exposure they had with TWN. Reports are stemming that new carriers BloodSport 1 have turned down talks, along with Sky and NBC. ECW may have to revert to Internet showings of their PPV's if there is no carrier found before All Hallow's Even. [/quote] [color="White"]...[/color]
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[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWTVBanner.jpg[/img] [b][u]October w2[/u][/b] This weeks ECW on Sci Fi see's FBI members Davide and Gianfranco Simeone, and Marco Petrucci take on D'Lo Brown, Gregory Helms and a partner of their choosing. Whilst on FBI, Orsino Mancini wil make his in ring debut this week taking on John Morrison. This week also see's Mike Mondo finally get to take on Colt Cabana's Moose. Moose has never wrestled before and this is sure to be one heck of a match to watch! Finally confirmed for this week is a two teir main event as Christian takes on Sean Morley's challenge to prove himself worthy as the number 1 contender. Christian will first take on Mike Mondo, who will be wrestling his second match of the night, and should Christian succeed, will face Vader in the main event. [b][u]Confirmed Matches:[/u][/b] D'Lo/Helms/??? vs FBI (D. Simeone/G.Simeone/Petrucci) John Morrison vs Orsino Mancini Moose vs Mike Mondo Christian vs Mike Mondo Christian vs Vader?
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[QUOTE=jasonphoenix;625102]This is a really good diary in my opinion :) Is there any chance of uplading the data your using? w/ the pic pack :cool:[/QUOTE] thanks for the compliment. Unfortunately i can't upload the data as i don't have it anymore, only managed to salvage my save game from a knackered hard drive. And the pic pack is massive, i have 16996 pictures, would take an eternity to upload them :/ most of the pics however can be found in the pic request thread, and also in some of my other diaries.
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[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWTVBanner.jpg[/img] As last week no sign of Joe Hennig, although with his match on Hardcore TV i'd guess he's now off pre show matches. The Vixens open the show once again this week. Amie and Vixen's Champion Pietra team up to take on Dynamyte and Roucka, who's been on a roll since she joined ECW. A usual short match doesn't do the ladies any justice. Dynamyte looking more dominant than usual throughout this, Roucka pins the Vixen's Champ following a Facebuster. [B]Dynamyte and Roucka defeated Amie Gooding and Pietra Riccardi in 4:31 when Roucka defeated Pietra Riccardi by pinfall with a Facebuster.[/B] Bubba Dudley makes his way out to the ring to a mass of heat, he tells the fans to shut up and they just get louder! When they all quieten down he tells everyone that he's sick of his time in ECW already, and that it's all Devon's fault! He announces that at All Hallow's Even, it'll be a Loser Leaves ECW match between him and Devon! [B]Rating: C-[/B] Orsino Mancini walks out to take on John Morrison, FBI's latest "dash of brilliance" looks to impress on his debut. A rather poor match shows just how far Morrison has fallen since his return, despite the poor quality, these two did have some good chemistry with each other. Morrison misses a Moonlight Drive and Orsino lands a devastating Pizza Slice for the win! [B]Orsino Mancini defeated John Morrison in 4:35 by pinfall with a Pizza Slice.[/B] Tommy Dreamer walks out to the crowd, he tells them not to bother tonight, he really is not in the mood for all the boos and the usual stuff he gets. He tells everyone that tonight Brock has the chance to redeem himself, when he takes on the weakened Tag twins tonight in another handicap match! [B]Rating: C[/B] He then tells everyone that at All Hallow's Even, after GraveDigger took it upon himself to "save" Davide Simeone, that GraveDigger will be taking on Abyss! [B]Rating: B-[/B] A and J make their way out to the ring as they prepare for their 4th ECW tag title defence. Their opponents turn out to be the debuting Briscoe Boys! A solid match between these two teams, the fans very much behind the tag champs, but impressed by the new team. Briscoe's look to end the match with a Superkick/Cutter combination but Ashcroft makes the save, he hustles Jay out of the ring and then turns to Mark. He hits a Brainbuster whilst Jacobs staggers up top and lands a 450 allowing Ashcroft to pick up the victory for the tag champs! [B]Ashcroft and Jacobs defeated Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe in 5:57 when Daniel Ashcroft defeated Mark Briscoe by pinfall with a Brainbuster 450. Ashcroft and Jacobs make defence number 4 of their ECW Tag Team titles.[/B] We cut backstage where Brock Lesnar is being interviewed, he challenges Tommy Dreamer to a match at All hallow's Even! [B]Rating: B-[/B] FBI walk out, they stand ready in the ring as Gregory Helms and D'Lo Brown walk out, they reveal their chosen partner to be none other than AJ Styles! A good match that has the crowd interested throughout. Fast paced offence from Styles and Helms, FBI look a completely different team without Santino. We get a good "Holy ****" spot when Gianfrano goes up top to superplex Styles, D'Lo and Helms stop the superplex and climb to the second turnbuckle, grabbing Gianfrano in a double backdrop type of hold, just before they drop down, Davide and Petrucci hit them in the back and hook them for powerbombs, all 6 men fall at the same time to a massive ovation from the crowd! As Styles attempts to stand up, Petrucci lifts him onto his shoulders, slides him down and hooks both the head and leg, then lands his devastating Petrucci Driver for an FBI win! [B]Davide Simeone, Gianfranco Simeone and Marco Petrucci defeated AJ Styles, D'Lo Brown, Evan Bourne and Gregory Helms in 7:52 when Marco Petrucci defeated AJ Styles by pinfall with a Petrucci Driver.[/B] Tommy Dreamer attacks Brock Lesnar backstage, and leaves him down and out, he tells him that he accepts his challenge for All Hallow's Even! [B]Rating: B-[/B] A battle of the big men up next, Test takes on Abyss looking to finally score a victory in ECW, whilst also trying to end Abyss' undefeated streak! It doesn't happen as Abyss is riding high on too much momentum, he lands a Black Hole Slam in just under 7 minutes for the win. [B]Abyss defeated Test in 6:49 by pinfall with The Black Hole Slam.[/B] Mike Mondo comes to the ring and waits for his opponent to come to the ring. Colt Cabana leads his Moose to the ring, and, in what can only be seen as a truly comedic moment, has a ramp set up for the Moose to enter the ring! The match doesn't last long, with Mondo trying to get the Moose to lock up in the centre of the ring, Mondo becomes frustrated and tries to hit his finisher, but the Moose moves! HEADBUTT by the MOOSE! Referee calls a knock out finish! The Moose Wins! [B]Rating: D+[/B] The Tag Twins walk out with bandages on their heads following the assault from Abyss last week, while Brock makes his way out in pain following Dreamer's earlier assault. In a match that really struggle due to injuries, all 3 men really gave as much as they could. Brock looked set to win after hitting Kyle with an F-5, but Tommy Dreamer again played the thorn in his side by hitting a Dreamer DDT on Brock and allowing Chad to land an Air Raid Siren on the big man for a Tag Twins victory. [B]Tag Twins defeated Brock Lesnar in 6:56 when Chad Graham defeated Brock Lesnar by pinfall with an Air Raid Siren. During the match we also had Tommy Dreamer run in and attack Lesnar.[/B] We head backstage as Christian walks towards the ring, he walks through the curtain and starts his entrance, Abyss charges the ramp and attacks him! He lays him laying as he laughs maniacly! [B]Rating: B[/B] Mike Mondo walks out and grabs Christian and drags him into the ring. The bell rings and the match is underway. Mondo looks to end the match early, but can't, Christian persistantly kicking out of anything! Mondo lacks concentration and it seems his knockout by Moose earlier in the night is causing him trouble. Christian goes behind and lands the UnPrettier for the win and progresses to face Vader! [B]Christian defeated Mike Mondo in 9:44 by pinfall with an Unprettier.[/B] As Christian awaits Vader's entrance the cameras cut to the back where we see Davide Simeone trying to get Dusty to reinstate Santino, Dusty questions Davide's intelligence, and tells him to back down before he's sent to Hardcore TV too! [B]Rating: B+[/B] When we come back to the ring Vader is standing over Christian with his arms raised, he lands a huge splash on him and nearly gets the pinfall! Christian struggles to catch his breath, but Vader's tiring just as quickly. Christian wears Vader down and lands a few chairshots to the big man to send him wobbling. Christian somehow manages to turn Vader round and lands an UnPrettier as the referee counts the three! Christian's going to All hallow's Even as the number 1 contender! [B]Christian defeated Vader in 7:46 by pinfall with an Unprettier.[/B] Christian goes into the crowd to celebrate with a few of the fans [B]Rating: B+[/B] Sean Morley walks out to cut short the celebration, he tells Christian that as much as he doesn't rate him, he respects his determination, and he reluctantly accepts Christian's challenge! [B]Rating: B+[/B] [quote][u][b]Quick Results[/b][/u] [B]Dynamyte and Roucka[/B] defeated Amie Gooding and Pietra Riccardi in 4:31 when Roucka defeated Pietra Riccardi by pinfall with a Facebuster. - D+ [B]Orsino Mancini[/B] defeated John Morrison in 4:35 by pinfall with a Pizza Slice. - D (PGC) [B]Ashcroft and Jacobs[/B] defeated Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe in 5:57 when Daniel Ashcroft defeated Mark Briscoe by pinfall with a Brainbuster 450. [B]Ashcroft and Jacobs make defence number 4 of their ECW Tag Team titles. [/B] - C- [B]Davide Simeone, Gianfranco Simeone and Marco Petrucci[/B] defeated AJ Styles, D'Lo Brown, Evan Bourne and Gregory Helms in 7:52 when Marco Petrucci defeated AJ Styles by pinfall with a Petrucci Driver. - C [B]Abyss[/B] defeated Test in 6:49 by pinfall with The Black Hole Slam. - C- [B]Tag Twins[/B] defeated Brock Lesnar in 6:56 when Chad Graham defeated Brock Lesnar by pinfall with an Air Raid Siren. During the match we also had Tommy Dreamer run in and attack Lesnar. - B- [B]Christian[/B] defeated Mike Mondo in 9:44 by pinfall with an Unprettier. - C+ [B]Christian[/B] defeated Vader in 7:46 by pinfall with an Unprettier. - B+ [/quote]
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[quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWNews2.gif[/img] [quote][b]Hardcore TV Results[/b] [b][u]Show[/u][/b] [B]Roucka [/B]defeated Shantelle Taylor in 1:51 by pinfall with a Diving Senton. - E+ (GrC) Dusty Rhodes announces Big Show vs Mike Mondo for All Hallow's Even - B- [B]Joe Hennig[/B] defeated William Regal in 4:33 by pinfall with an Average-Plex. - D- A Video Recap of Somthing That Happend Earlier involving Christian and Vader - B+ [B]Evan Bourne[/B] defeated Gianfranco Simeone in 4:48 by pinfall with an Air Bourne. - D- (DS2C) A video plays hyping D'Lo Brown vs. Marco Petrucci. - C+ [B]Vernon Valentine[/B] defeated Bobby Lashley in 4:45 by submission with a Heart Breaker Leglock. - C- A music video is shown to promote Abyss. - C+ [B]Santino Marella[/B] defeated Kofi Kingston in 5:28 by pinfall with a Snap Swinging Neckbreaker. - D+ A music video is shown to promote Sean Morley. - B+ [B]The GraveDigger[/B] defeated Booker T in 7:37 by pinfall with a Crucifix Bomb. - C+ (PGC) [/quote] Brad Armstrong renews ECW trainer contract.[/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/allWrestlingNews.gif[/img] As seen on this past weeks Hardcore TV tapings, ECW have apparently signed Bobby Lashley, interesting to note that they hyped his signing, then had him job to their latest project on his return appearance. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/logo.gif[/img] ECW have sent Mick Foley and William Regal down to development to act as trainers. Regal has been sent to Pro Wrestling Max instead of his native countries wZw, whilst Foley has gone to CZCW. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/topimage.jpg[/img] Perro Aguayo Jr. has quietly left ECW. It was reported a month ago that his contract was expiring, and it would seem it was not renewed, and he has returned to Mexico. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/wz_banner.jpg[/img] ECW have managed to sign a new PPV contract literally the day before All Hallow's Even is due to air. BloodSport 2 has taken the company on and has allowed more freedom in what they wish to do on their shows, whilst also reaching a wider target audience. [/quote] [color="White"]...[/color]
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[center][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/AHEPoster.jpg[/img] [u][b]Final ECW All hallow's Even Card[/b][/u] [b]ECW Championship:[/b] Sean Morley© vs Christian [b]ECW Television:[/b] D'Lo Brown© vs Marco Petrucci [b]ECW European:[/b] Gregory Helms© vs AJ Styles [b]ECW Vixen's:[/b] Pietra© vs Roucka [B]Loser Leaves ECW: [/B]Bubba vs Devon Abyss vs The GraveDigger Big Show vs Mike Mondo Brock Lesnar vs Tommy Dreamer [u][b]Match in Preview[/b][/u] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Other/SMorleyECW_ndp.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Other/JReso6_ndp.jpg[/IMG] ECW's regular match up, nothing fancy added. [b]Match Setup[/b] This match is as simple as usual ECW matches. [b]History[/b] Sean Morley started all this off. How you may ask? By winning the ECW Title, proving that the glass ceiling within the WWE/ECW was finally gone! This allowed other wrestlers to go on and win titles, proving they would not be Jobbers For Life, or Upper Midcarders stuck in higher up shadows. Christian debuted in ECW on the final ECW on Sci-Fi broadcast of August, interupting Sean Morley, and welcoming the fans, Christian's "Peeps" to the new Era of ECW, the Era of Christian! Despite Morley being locked in a battle with Big Show over the title, Christian remained a constant thorn in Morley's side, going as far as to challenge the Champ and the Challenger to a match for All hallow's Even, before the title match had even begun! With Morley seeing Christian as a threat, he opted to attack his fellow Canadian, that did nothing but further fuel Christian's desire to challenge Morley, and would watch the title match at No Regrets from ringside. Christian officially challenged Morley to a title match on the final Sci-Fi of September, and had to beat Roderick Strong, Mike Mondo and Vader individually to prove he was worthy of his title shot. Their match up is one the fans have looked forward to since Christian's debut, will Christian take Morley's title, the title he's held for nearly 3 quarters of a year, at his first attempt? or will he do just as others before him have done, and fall at Morley's feet? [/center]
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[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/wz_banner.jpg[/img] WrestleZone are pelased to announce the second former ECW star to offer their views in a WrestleZone shoot. This new video features Sylvain Grenier (now working as Slyvain in Excess Wrestling) letting us into his home to hear his thoguhts on his release, what ECW's future is, whether he would ever return, and his current succes amongst other topics. As with the Bubba Ray shoot, if you wish to ask Slyvain any questions, please contact us by clicking [url="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/private.php?do=newpm&u=2982"]this link[/url] and we will ask the questions! [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/SlyvainShoot.gif[/IMG]
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[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/SlyvainShoot.gif[/img] [B]WrestleZone: Firstly, thankyou for agreeing to do this interview with us Sylvain.[/B] Sylvain Grenier: It is a pleasure. [B]WZ: You were released by ECW only last month, how did you take the news?[/B] SG: It was actually quite the shock! I was signed after Rene, so naturally i assumed we would be a tag team, but they had plans for me outside of the team. I was taken off TV after my loss to Evan Bourne (Matt Sydal) in late July, and sent down to CZCW. La Resistance, really was belittled to a massive extent, between April and July I wrestle 14 matches, winning 3, drawing one, and losing 10! Myself and Rene were upset with how we were being used, however management decided to just drop the team, and send me away, while keeping Rene on TV to act as a jobber. Despite being unhappy at being sent to CZCW, my very first match saw me become their Heavyweight Champion, defeating Frankie Kazarian. I was elated, finally some recognition and my planned push was going to go ahead. My gimmick was simple, arrogant French-Canadian that hought he was better than everyone else, i was told to stay down until around the Royal Rumble time, where i'd either be winning the Rumble, or be in line for a title shot at Pick The Lock, like a fool i believed them. One month in CZCW, that's all I had, from winning the title to release i defended my title 4 times, and lost 4 matches for the Intercontinental title they have, 8 wins and 10 losses, not a good going for your major champ is it! To say i was unhappy with my release would be a major understatement, however, i've moved on now, i'm pleaed i had my chance back on TV, and i hope they realise just what they're missing out on when they see me resurface in TNA in a couple of weeks. [B]WZ: TNA? In a couple of weeks? Does this mean you have joined the company?[/B] SG: As good as can be yes. I've been speaking to Dixie and Jeff Jarrett and they're impressed with my work ethic, I'll be getting my contract through the mail sometime this week. [B]WZ: That's good to hear, although reports are flying that iMPACT! is due to be cancelled soon due to poor ratings, and TNA seem to be in a free fall financially, do you think going to TNA is in your best interests?[/B] SG: Well, I'm with Excess Wrestling where i am their current Top Contender Champion, this means that I'm their second highest champion, with the view to push me onto the Main Title at some point. Moving to TNA is something i've wanted to do, the type of wrestlers they have there, all be it that some are no longer with the company, but they attract stars, they have inovative matches, and a great potential as a company, i really can't wait to join them. [B]WZ: What are your views on the running of ECW?[/B] SG: Honestly, i think they're shambolic, Digou is Italian, and have you noticed, the FBi is the most succesful quartet (editors note: FBI now has 5 members) in the company? Nunzio being the excpetion before he was "sent to be a trainer". It's a boys club at the end of the day, if you're good friends with Dreamer or Digou, you'll get the push, how Sean Morley got to where he is i'll never know, same with D'Lo Brown to be honest, it upsets me when i see people that are knocking on 40 winning titles, when i'm sat at home watching the show i should have been on. I think the company could do with an overhaul, remove Tommy Dreamer from the top and place Terry Funk or Paul Heyman up there, then have the masterminds of Eric Bischoff, Paul Heyman or Gabe Sapolsky running the book, then the shows would be entertaining, rather than the dull shows they're pulling out at the moment. [B]WZ: Safe to say you're not happy with the company then?[/B] SG: Not at all, it would take alot to get me to ever return. [B]WZ: Rumours are flying that you have recently opened a wrestling school?[/B] SG: Yes that is true. My school is based in Montreal, and will offer training to anyone who wants it. I've got a deal in place with TNA where all my future graduates will attend their training seminars and trial dates on a first refusal basis, however, i will not allow them to work with ECW. [B]WZ: With Rene Dupree's release at the begining of this month, will you two be working together at your school? And will you two look to tag up again in the near future?[/B] SG: Rene is always welcome to come and help out at the school, as are many of my former partners and opponents, the more wrestlers that come to help out the better, it offers a wider range of training for my pupils. As for La Resistance? I'm not sure, we may team up every now and then, however i think we are both set on going alone for the time being. I have Excess success and will be working with TNA as well, whilst he is signed up to a deal with Pro Wrestling Guerilla, so we're pretty seperated. [B]WZ: All Hallow's Even is this Sunday, there is no tag title match on the PPV itself, does this dissapoint or surprise you at all?[/B] SG: It disappoints me yes, however it doesn't surprise me. Look at the tag division in ECW, A + J are a good tag team, but still raw in terms of experience, you've got them holding the tag titles whilst you're better teams of Tag Twins, APA and the Dudley's are all being overlooked. The FBI are sporadicly teaming, the JWC seem non existant and that's effectively your division! Management really don't know what to do with the tag team division, and the same goes for the Vixen's division too if i'm honest. [B]WZ: Finally, any predictions for the PPV?[/B] SG: I don't really know what matches are on, they're in a habit of leaving it late to announce the cards! Not a good way to get people to buy the PPV is it! Anyways, i know that Morley is taking on Christian, two Canadians in the Main Event interests me, i'd expect to see Morley win here, as i don't think Christian has been built up enough yet. What other matches are there? Oh yes, the D'Lo/Petrucci match. I'd have expected Petrucci to win, but D'Lo has only just won the title, so i really don't know! [B]WZ: Like with Bubba, would we be able to, for a bit of fun, do a little word association with you?[/B] SG: Sure, i love these types of things. [b]ECW[/b]: Not what it could have been [b]Tag Team Wrestling[/b]: Glory days have gone [b]TNA[/b]: My future [b]Dupree[/b]: Best friend [b]Dreamer[/b]: Idiot [b]Digou[/b]: No hoper [b]Morley[/b]: Underserving [b]Canada[/b]: Greatest country [b]CZCW[/b]: Well ran, wish them nothing but the best [b]Gym[/b]: Look at me! [b]Travel[/b]: Enduring [B]WZ: Thankyou for allowing us into your home, thankyou for the interview and we wish you the best in your future.[/B] SG: My pleasure.
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[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWNews2.gif[/img] The Tag Champs make their way out for a pre show title defence, at least the titles are being defended in some form at the PPV. Their opponens tonight are Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak? Aren't they TNA guys? A passable match, Steiner and Jindrak do ok together, but don't look like a possible tag team for any future matches. The Champs retain their titles following a Brainbuster 450 on Mark Jindrak. [B]Ashcroft and Jacobs defeated Mark Jindrak and Scott Steiner in 9:37 when Wesley Jacobs defeated Mark Jindrak by pinfall with a Brainbuster 450. Ashcroft and Jacobs make defence number 5 of their ECW Tag Team titles.[/B] In a very awkward "Main Event" Joe Hennig took on ECW Original, Sabu. The two really didn't gel at all, and the match really suffered. Hennig took the win with an Average-Plex. [B]Joe Hennig defeated Sabu in 5:44 by pinfall with an Average-Plex.[/B] [CENTER][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/AHEPoster.jpg[/img] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Titles%20and%20Workers/ECWVixen_NDP.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Titles%20and%20Workers/Pietra.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Titles%20and%20Workers/MRoucka2_ndp.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] We open the PPV with a Vixen's title match, the fans seem very anti-Roucka tonight. A bit longer, not massively, but still a little longer than most Vixen matches, Pietra struggles to overcome Roucka who is definately improving in the ring. Pietra grabs the win with a roll up in the corner in just over 7 minutes. [B]Pietra Riccardi defeated Roucka in 7:04 by pinfall. Pietra Riccardi makes defence number 2 of her ECW Vixen title.[/B] Roucka slowly gets to her feet as Pietra celebrates, Roucka, in a jealous rage attacks Pietra and leaves her laying in the ring as she holds the Vixen's title high above her head! [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Titles%20and%20Workers/MLomonica4_ndp.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Titles%20and%20Workers/DHughes4_ndp.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Next up is the Loser Leaves ECW match. Bubba walks out first to a mass of heat, Devon out to a good reaction. The match went better than expected, both men really are tag team wrestlers but they make use of weapons and get the crowd going in the match. Devon is split wide open midway through this match and officials talk ringside about calling the match, Devon pushes them away and walks straight into a Bubba Cutter! Bubba can't capitalise on it and only gets a 2 count! Devon struggles to get any momentum until bubba misses a clothesline, he lifts Bubba up for a 3D through the table, although really, it's just a flap jack. He crawls over Bubba for a 2 count, and through frustration manages to lift him for a Saving Grace for the victory! Bubba's gone from ECW once again! [B]Devon Hughes defeated Bubba Dudley in 8:25 by pinfall with a Saving Grace.[/B] Devon grabs a microphone as Bubba stands in shock, he leads the crowd into singing Goodbye to Bubba, who has to be dragged away by security kicking and screaming! [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Titles%20and%20Workers/ECWEuropean_NDP.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Titles%20and%20Workers/GHelms7_ndp.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Titles%20and%20Workers/AJStyles7_ndp.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Next up is our second title match of the night, Gregory Helms defends his title against equally as popular AJ Styles. The two go at each other with all they have, really giving the fans something to talk about. Styles misses a Spiral tap, Helms hits a Shining Black and nearly takes the win, Styles manages to some how kick out much to both Helms' and the fans shock! They do a crazy ladder spot that see's Styles hit a step up enziguri on Helms which sends him flying to the floor, Styles tries to steady himself but the ladder sways, Helms charges up the second ladder ala Shelton Benjamin MITB but Styles lifts him Powerbomb style and lands a modified Styles Clash onto the slanted ladder! Holy **** and That Was Awesome chants ring out as Helms bleeds heavily onto the canvas! Styles takes too long to crawl over to Helms and only manages a 2 count. Helms manages to battle back and lands a Shining Black out of nowhere and manages to retain the title! [B]Gregory Helms defeated AJ Styles in 9:23 by pinfall with a Shining Black. Gregory Helms makes defence number 2 of his ECW European title.[/B] Helms stands up and looks visibly unstable, Mike posey hands Helms his title, Styles sits dejected, he stands up and turns Helms round seemingly in an attack, but stops himself, he offers his hand and the two shake, Styles raises Helms' arm and leaves, allowing Helms time to celebrate. [B]Rating: C-[/B] We cut backstage where we see Davide Simeone talking to GraveDigger, with neither man seeming very happy to be near each other [B]Rating: B+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Titles%20and%20Workers/Abyss8_ndp.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Titles%20and%20Workers/GraveDigger.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] GraveDigger makes his way to the ring, fans going crazy for the popular veteran, Abyss' music hits and the boos ring around the arena, GraveDigger doesn't give Abyss chance to even get halfway down the ramp as he rushes to attack him! The two big men take the fight to each other and it spills into the crowd. The referee manages to direct them back into the ring. Davide Simeone walks out wearing street clothes, he stands next to the ring and just watches the match. Abyss stares Simeone down, and Simeone holds his hands up as if to say he's not interested, GraveDigger charges at Abyss but he's thrown over the top onto Simeone! GraveDigger stands up and helps Simeone up, bit of a weird relationship these two have now, Digger turns to enter the ring when Simeone grabs a hold of Digger and spins him face first into the floor with a vicious Spinning Face Buster. Abyss drags his fallen opponent into the ring, pushes him to the ropes and lands a Black Hole Slam for the surprising win! [B]Abyss defeated The GraveDigger in 10:04 by pinfall with The Black Hole Slam. During the match we also had Davide Simeone run in and attack GraveDigger.[/B] Mike Mondo comes to the ring and grabs a mic, he stands in the middle of the ring and openly calls Colt Cabana's Moose a cheater, and demands a rematch, the Moose walks out to heavy cheers, and charges towards the ring, Mike Mondo runs out through the crowd! [B]Rating: D+[/B] We see a hype video promoting the breif history between Sean Morley and Christian. [B]Rating: B[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Titles%20and%20Workers/PWight5_ndp.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Titles%20and%20Workers/MikeMondo-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Big Show makes his way out to a good response, Mike Mondo comes out to some big heat, he's sporting a face mask and a huge bandage on his head. Mike Mondo really looks quite tiny compared to Big Show, and you've got to think this will be a squash match! Mondo struggles to gain an advantage until he brings a chair into play, striking SHow's left knee and working over it with shot after shot. Mondo hits Show to send him flying into the corner, he runs for a Mondo Sledge but Show catches him, he lands a Huge Chokeslam out of the corner and covers for a surprisingly hard worked victory. [B]Big Show defeated Mike Mondo in 9:51 by pinfall with a Show Stopper.[/B] Big Show grabs a mic and tells Mondo what he really thinks about him, he then turns his attention towards the rest of the roster, putting them all on warning. [B]Rating: B+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Titles%20and%20Workers/ECWTelevision.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Titles%20and%20Workers/DBrown2_ndp.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Titles%20and%20Workers/Petrucci.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] D'Lo Brown walks out to defend his TV Championship against the man he beat for the title a month ago. Marco Petrucci steps out to a mixed reaction. A good match that really didn't manage to be better than it's predeccesor. The fans were really behind D'Lo, cheering everything he did. Brown manages to get a good flurry in witha Sudden Impact clothesline followed by Sky High for a near fall. Momentum shifts to Petrucci after a clothesline turned Brown inside out! Petrucci with full control lands a lot of high powered offence and nearly regains the title. Petrucci in the corner, D'Lo charges and ducks a clothesline, Brown jumps onto the turnbuckle and jumps, Petrucci catches him and lifts him for a Petrucci Driver! This one's over! Petrucci regains his TV title! [B]Marco Petrucci defeated D'Lo Brown in 13:04 by pinfall with a Petrucci Driver. Marco Petrucci wins the ECW TV title.[/B] Marco Petrucci celebrates his title win, rubbing it not only in D'Lo's face, but in the crowds face too! [B]Rating: B+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Titles%20and%20Workers/BLesnar4_ndp.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Titles%20and%20Workers/TDreamer5_ndp.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Brock Lesnar walks out for his 3rd match with Tommy Dreamer, only his second on PPV. Dreamer walks out to the worst heat of the night, the guys genuinely hated nowadays. An ok match, Brock dominates throughout, toying with Dreamer at some points. Lesnar looks to end it by hitting his F-5, he stalls over the cover and lifts Dreamer up again, he lands a second F-5, he stalls again and lifts Dreamer up for a 3rd time, he looks at each side of the arena as they cheer, as Brock turns to face his final side, Abyss blindsights him with a vicious big boot. Abyss hits his Shock Treatment on Lesnar and drags Dreamer on top of Lesnar. The ref counts but Lesnar somehow gets his shoulder up. Abyss helps Dreamer up, and helps him grab ahold of Brock to land a very awkward, but effective Dreamer DDT for the win. [B]Tommy Dreamer defeated Brock Lesnar in 11:26 by pinfall with a Dreamer DDT. During the match we also had Abyss run in and attack Lesnar.[/B] Abyss attacks Brock Lesnar after the match is over, he drags Lesnar up the walk way and onto the entrance stage. Abyss beats down Brock some more and then trys to throw Brock Lesnar from the staging area, Lesnar manages to hit a low blow and escapes before Abyss can do anymore damage. [B]Rating: A[/B] We go backstage where we see a journalist talking to Dusty. The journalist talks about Dusty reinstating Santino Marella to Sci-Fi, Dusty soon notices a few errors in his speach and pulls at the Journo's beard. It comes right off to reveal Santino himself! Dusty tells security to escort Santino from the building! [B]Rating: B-[/B] Sean Morley walks out for the main event, he stands in the rign and hypes the match, telling Christian he stands no chance, and after tonight, he will be the greatest ECW Champion in history! [B]Rating: A[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Titles%20and%20Workers/ECWWorldHeavyweight2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Titles%20and%20Workers/SMorley4_ndp.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Titles%20and%20Workers/JReso6_ndp.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Christian walks out to a massive ovation, possibly the best of the night! Morley walks out and fans are booing him all the way down to the ring, taunting him and generally getting on him, Morley is visibly fuming. We get an official weigh in and Championship announcement for the match and make a big deal out of Morley holding the title for so long. The two lock up and the match is underway! Christian immediately out for a couple of chairs whilst Morley grabs a few minor weapons like trash cans and road signs. The two battle away with their weapons, as Morley hits a low blow with a Kendo Stick to get the advantage. Morley battles away and leaves Christian laying in the ring. He goes under the ring and pulls out a barbed wire board! It's blood stained, presumabley with Kane's blood from when Morley first won the ECW title! Morley throws the board into the ring and Christian is laying motionless, he goes to place Christian on the board, but he was playing possum! Christian knocks Morley backwards into a trashcan and tries to lock in a Sharp Shooter. He hits a DDT onto the chair and sets Morley up for a Con-Chair-To, he lands it and Morley's out cold! Christian picks Morley up, he drags him towards the barbed wire board, turns him around and lands an UnPrettier onto the board! Holy **** chants start as Christian pries Morley off the board, Morley in a bad way here as we see alot of blood pouring from his forehead. Christian covers the champ, Bryce Remsburg starts his count....1.....2........3! Christian wins the ECW Championship!!!! [B]Christian defeated Sean Morley in 23:39 by pinfall with an Unprettier. Christian wins the ECW Heavyweight title.[/B] Christian grabs the ECW title and celebrates in the ring, he holds the title high and revels in the cheers from the crowd, he goes round and celebrates with the fans at ringside then shakes hands on his way back up the walkway. [B]Rating: A[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Pre Show[/U] Ashcroft and Jacobs[/B] defeated Mark Jindrak and Scott Steiner in 9:37 when Wesley Jacobs defeated Mark Jindrak by pinfall with a Brainbuster 450. [B]Ashcroft and Jacobs make defence number 5 of their ECW Tag Team titles[/B]. - C+ [B]Joe Hennig[/B] defeated Sabu in 5:44 by pinfall with an Average-Plex. - D-(JDCAA) [B][U]Show[/U] Pietra Riccardi[/B] defeated Roucka in 7:04 by pinfall. [B]Pietra Riccardi makes defence number 2 of her ECW Vixen title[/B]. - D [B]Devon Hughes[/B] defeated Bubba Dudley in 8:25 by pinfall with a Saving Grace. - C+ [B]Gregory Helms[/B] defeated AJ Styles in 9:23 by pinfall with a Shining Black. [B]Gregory Helms makes defence number 2 of his ECW European title[/B]. - C- [B]Abyss[/B] defeated The GraveDigger in 10:04 by pinfall with The Black Hole Slam. During the match we also had Davide Simeone run in and attack GraveDigger. - B [B]Big Show[/B] defeated Mike Mondo in 9:51 by pinfall with a Show Stopper. - C+ [B]Marco Petrucci[/B] defeated D'Lo Brown in 13:04 by pinfall with a Petrucci Driver. [B]Marco Petrucci wins the ECW TV title[/B]. - B- [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] defeated Brock Lesnar in 11:26 by pinfall with a Dreamer DDT. During the match we also had Abyss run in and attack Lesnar. - B- [B]Christian[/B] defeated Sean Morley in 23:39 by pinfall with an Unprettier. [B]Christian wins the ECW Heavyweight title[/B]. - B-[/QUOTE]
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[quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWNews2.gif[/img] No Hardcore TV news this week as All Hallow's Even was aired. All Hallow's Even has set records for ECW this week, part in thanks to our new PPV Carrier BloodSport 2, AHE over took WrestleMania as our highest grossing PPV (with a buyrate of 9.62) by shattering the buyrate with an astonishing 14.15! ECW would like to wish the following the best in their future edeavours. B-Boy, Dan Rodimer, Erick Stevens, L.A Park, Matt Logan, Test and Yang [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/allWrestlingNews.gif[/img] We saw TNA's Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak take on ECW Tag Champs Ashcroft and Jacobs prior to this Sundays All Hallow's Even, and as it turns out, these are in fact now ECW stars. TNA, known to have had serious financial issues recently, not only lost some of their better workers, but also lost their TV shows and had dwindling attendances, this had lead to the company being on the brink of extintion, and now ECW have captured some of the brightest talents around by pillaging the company! As with ECW's usual pillages, they have accuired all titles and video libraries, ECW have also brought in several workers. To make news easier, those in [B]BLACK [/B]are staying on the main roster, those in [B][COLOR="Blue"]BLUE [/COLOR][/B]have been sent to CZCW, those in [B][COLOR="Green"]GREEN [/COLOR][/B]have been sent to PWM, and those in [B][COLOR="Red"]RED[/COLOR][/B] have been sent to wZw. [COLOR="Blue"]Chris Sabin[/COLOR], [COLOR="Green"]Dan Hollie[/COLOR], [COLOR="Green"]Doug Basham[/COLOR], [B]Earl Hebnar[/B], [B]Eric Bischoff[/B], [B]Gail Kim[/B], [COLOR="Red"]Jeff Jarrett[/COLOR], [COLOR="Red"]Jon Heidenreich[/COLOR], [B]Kevin Nash[/B], [B]Mark Jindrak[/B], [COLOR="Blue"]Monty Brown[/COLOR], [B]Rhino[/B], [COLOR="Red"]Rob Conway[/COLOR], [B]Sabu[/B], [COLOR="Red"]Samoa Joe[/COLOR], [B]Scott Steiner[/B], [B]Sid Vicious[/B], [COLOR="Blue"]The Sandman[/COLOR] [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/logo.gif[/img] ECW have dropped soem of their main roster talent down to development following the arrivals of several TNA talent. Patrick James (Alex Shelley) has been dropped to CZCW, Martin Peters (Petey Williams) has gone back to PWM, referees Dewey Larson and Mike Posey have gone to wZw. [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/topimage.jpg[/img] Following a routine drugs test at All Hallow's Even, Mike Tyson has been given a last chance to clean up his act otherwise he will be given a mandatory 28 day suspension. Sabu was also fined for his initial drugs test. Sabu was fined ather than warned due to a previous publicised failure whilst in TNA. ECW have released the poster for their next PPV already. ECW Interactive will be this ECW's first ever fan chosen PPV where all match stipulations will be chosen by the fans. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/IntPoster.jpg[/IMG] [/quote] [quote][img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/wz_banner.jpg[/img] Some character notes from this Sunday's PPV. The GraveDigger was looking rather stale in his "deadman" style gimmick, it is expected that he will soon convert to something a little less "haunting" and turn more towards a bad ass style of gimmick. Add Mike Mondo onto the list for gimmick changes as he seems to be moving into a shy worker with a huge temper, we saw how vicious and angry he could be when he took on Big Show, and the crowd seemed to respond well to it. We posted up a shoot interview with Sylvain Grenier a couple of days ago, please note that his TNA comments were made when we initially did the interview a week ago, and prior to ECW buying the company out. [/quote] [color="White"]...[/color]
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[IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWTVBanner.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]October w3[/U][/B] The Christian Era begins tonight! After defeating long time ECW Champion Sean Morley this past Sunday, Christian's reign at the top begins, and a title defense is immediately in his way! Christian will be taking on Shelton Benjamin in his first title defense. Will Christian be able to retain the title after such a brutal match at the weekend? or will Shelton achieve a life long dream of being a World Champ? What role will Sean Morley play in all of this? D'Lo Brown lost his TV title back to Marco Petrucci on Sunday. D'Lo is looking for some sort of retribution and has challenged Petrucci to a tag match for this weeks Sci-Fi. Big Show has been chosen as his tag partner whilst Show's AHE opponent Mike Mondo will partner Petrucci. Tommy Dreamer loves nothing more than stacking the deck in his favour, and this week is no differnet. The ECW owner has announced that Brock Lesnar will once again be in a handicap match, taking on the Japanese Wrecking Crew. Finally announced for this week is a 6 Vixen Tag match. Expect this to open the show, and a surprise participant is planned for the match too! [U][B]Confirmed Matches:[/B][/U] [B]ECW Heavyweight Championship:[/B] Christian© vs Shelton Benjamin Big Show/D'Lo Brown vs Marco Petrucci/Mike Mondo Brock Lesnar vs Japanese Wrecking Crew 6 Vixen Tag Match: Amie/Pietra/??? vs Dynamyte/Roucka/Shelly
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[IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/ECWTVBanner.jpg[/IMG] We kick off Sci-Fi with the usual Vixen's match, this week it's the advertised 6 Vixen tag match. Dynamyte, Roucka and Shelly all make their entrances, they stand in the ring and await their opponents. Pitra and Amie walk out and stop at the bottom of the walkway as they turn and point to the entrance, Gail Kim makes her way out for her ECW debut. A solid vixens match, but once again the girls aren't given much time to show off what they can do. Gail is highlighted for the fans as being a strong competitor, don't get me wrong she's a good competitor, but not the best in the ring right now! Roucka once again picks up the win for her team by hitting a Diving Senton on the champ. [B]Dynamyte, Roucka and Shelly defeated Amie Gooding, Gail Kim and Pietra Riccardi in 6:27 when Roucka defeated Pietra Riccardi by pinfall with a Diving Senton.[/B] We see a video hyping up the main event from All Hallow's Even, it ends by telling us Christian will be having a Title Celebration tonight! [B]Rating: B[/B] Welcome to TNA? Mark Jindrak makes his way out for a match, 2 matches, two former TNA employees involved in matches, could ECW now be a TNA stomping ground? Evan Bourne walks out as Jindrak's opponent. A very, very poor match in all fairness, Bourne not able to carry Jindrak and Jindrak not really looking like he cares to be in ECW. Bourne takes the win with an Air Bourne. [B]Evan Bourne defeated Mark Jindrak in 6:37 by pinfall with an Air Bourne.[/B] D'Lo is seen in Dusty's office, the two talk, D'Lo tells Dusty he has a rematch clause in his contract, and would like to activate it next week, Dusty tries to reason with him and get him to do it at the PPV but D'Lo says no, next week! Dusty reluctantly agrees. [B]Rating: B[/B] As D'Lo leaves Dusty's office, Santino walks in, Dusty calls for security, but Santino cuts him off, he slams down a form of paper with a few scribbles on it, Dusty asks what it is, Marella replies that it is a petition to get him back on Sci-Fi, Dusty laughs it off as we head to the ring. [B]Rating: B[/B] A match that the fans didn't really understand, the JWC are good guys, Brock is a good guy, who's being punished here? Brock makes short work of the Japanese workers and hits the F-5 on Sasaki for the win. [B]Brock Lesnar defeated Japanese Wrecking Crew in 5:42 when Brock Lesnar defeated Sasaki by pinfall with a F-5.[/B] Whilst Brock's getting set to leave, Tommy Dreamer walks out in his usual suit, he cuts the music off, and the boos are deafening, Dreamer struggles to talk over them, they finally quieten and Dreamer introduces Abyss as his latest muscle. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Christian's Championship Celebration is up next, the rings decked out with balloons, streamers and cake. Christian comes out with his title and plays to the crowd for a bit, Sean Morley's music hits and he steps out, he says he's officially cancelling this party! Staff come out and start to take away Christian's cake! Morley tells Christian that he's invoking his title rematch clause and at Interactive, Morley will be taking Christian's title! [B]Rating: B+[/B] Morley walks out pleased with himself, Shelton Benjamin's music hits and the ECW title is being defended right now! Despite not many people buying Shelton as a credible threat, the two really went at it. Christian landed his usual arsenal of defence but Shelton just kept kicking out. Shelton landed a few good shots, his Dragon Whip and T-Bone Exploder Suplex nearly ending Christian's title reign at the first hurdle. Christian blocked a Pay Dirt and managed to turn Shelton into an UnPrettier to get a hard fought retain. [B]Christian defeated Shelton Benjamin in 6:43 by pinfall with an Unprettier. Christian makes defence number 1 of his ECW Heavyweight title.[/B] As Christian heads to the back, Shelton grabs a microphone, he tells everyone that he may not have won the title tonight, but his time will come, not only is he officially announcing his involvement with the Royal Rumble, he's already booking his spot in the Fittest of the Fit challenge next year! He ends by telling us all that the devil is coming to ECW, and there's nothing anyone can do about it! [B]Rating: C-[/B] Big Show and D'Lo walk out first, they talk to each other as they wait for their opponents. Mike Mondo and D'Lo start this out, Mondo tags in Petrucci, who immediately goes at D'Lo. D'Lo stays in for quite some time and seems to be struggling, the heels just beat down on the fan favourite until he finally gets the hot tag in for Show! Show cleans house and lands a devastating Chokeslam on Mondo! Petrucci spears Show into the corner, D'Lo with a blind tag! D;Lo jumps around Petrucci and looks to land a Sky High....Petrucci spins him round and picks him up....Petrucci Driver! This one's over! [B]Marco Petrucci and Mike Mondo defeated Big Show and D'Lo Brown in 7:27 when Marco Petrucci defeated D'Lo Brown by pinfall with a Petrucci Driver.[/B] Devon Hughes comes on screen, he's sporting quite the bandage on his head, he talks about saving his ECW career, how he needed 14 stitches to close the wound on his head, but he turns to happier times, and welcomes the return of Sabu, and tells him as an original, he's got his back. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Dusty Rhodes comes out onto the stage, a few people question is we really need to see Dusty as much as we do nowadays with Dreamer heading towards a more authoritive role. Anyways, he tells us all that the first match for Interactive will be Pietra defending her title, the fans voting optionsare for Pietra to defend her title against former champ Amie Gooding, Roucka, or in a triple threat! [B]Rating: C-[/B] Sabu walks out for his TV return, Sean Morley walks out with a look of determination on his face. Gotta feel sorry for Sabu here, Morley goes straight at him with everything he's got, he goes out of the ring and grabs a chair, he demolishes Sabu with it. Pulls out a table and hits a Resolution on Sabu through the table and picks up the win in under 5 minutes! [B]Sean Morley defeated Sabu in 4:34 by pinfall with a Resolution.[/B] We see Colt Cabana's Moose walking backstage, suddenly it is ambushed by Mike Mondo and his backup, the Tag Twins, they tie the Moose's legs up, and carry it to a loading van and drive off as Cabana runs after it yelling "THAT'S MY MOOSE! MY MOOSE HAS BEEN MOOSENAPPED!" [B]Rating: B-[/B] Kane walks out, he does his in ring pyro which sets off Ashcroft and Jacobs' entrance, the FBI come out, and it's a weak looking FBI to be fair. Match isn't really all that well scripted or called, either way it could have been alot better. A+J look like break out stars if either decides to move onto singles competition. Orsino looks to have been brought in a little too soon, maybe a spell in development would have been worthwhile? Davide is taken out of the match when GraveDigger charges the ring and battles with him through the crowd! Kane picks up his teams victory following a Tombstone Piledriver on Gianfranco. [B]Ashcroft and Jacobs and Kane defeated FBI in 8:58 when Kane defeated Gianfranco Simeone by pinfall with a Tombstone Piledriver. During the match we also had The GraveDigger run in and attack Simione.[/B] We cut backstage where we see Gregory Helms shining up his title, he grabs a microphone and has a huge smile on his face, just as he goes to speak he's thrown across the screen! We can't see anything as this is a set camera that can't move, all we hear is Helms sreaming in agony. The beating finally stops when Abyss comes on screen laughing. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Main Event time, Kofi Kingston comes out and tries to cheer Colt Cabana up, who doesn't look his usual self, Tag Twins walk out and Cabana charges at them both just throwing lefts and rights not caring if they connect or not! Kofi manages to take charge of the match and battkles away with Kyle. Alot of tags later sees Kyle going against Cabana. Cabana is definately a different person here tonight as he doesn't look to doing any moves and instead relies on kicks, punches and choke holds. Cabana finishes Chad off with a Colt 45, the only move he actually uses in the whole match! [B]Colt Cabana and Kofi Kingston defeated Tag Twins in 8:53 when Colt Cabana defeated Chad Graham by pinfall with a Colt 45.[/B] [QUOTE=Quick Results] [B]Dynamyte, Roucka and Shelly[/B] defeated Amie Gooding, Gail Kim and Pietra Riccardi in 6:27 when Roucka defeated Pietra Riccardi by pinfall with a Diving Senton. - C- [B]Evan Bourne[/B] defeated Mark Jindrak in 6:37 by pinfall with an Air Bourne. - D+ [B]Brock Lesnar[/B] defeated Japanese Wrecking Crew in 5:42 when Brock Lesnar defeated Sasaki by pinfall with a F-5. - C [B]Christian[/B] defeated Shelton Benjamin in 6:43 by pinfall with an Unprettier. [B]Christian makes defence number 1 of his ECW Heavyweight title[/B]. - B- [B]Marco Petrucci and Mike Mondo[/B] defeated Big Show and D'Lo Brown in 7:27 when Marco Petrucci defeated D'Lo Brown by pinfall with a Petrucci Driver. - B [B]Sean Morley[/B] defeated Sabu in 4:34 by pinfall with a Resolution. - B- [B]Ashcroft and Jacobs and Kane[/B] defeated FBI in 8:58 when Kane defeated Gianfranco Simeone by pinfall with a Tombstone Piledriver. During the match we also had The GraveDigger run in and attack Simeone. - C+ [B]Colt Cabana and Kofi Kingston[/B] defeated Tag Twins in 8:53 when Colt Cabana defeated Chad Graham by pinfall with a Colt 45. - B-[/QUOTE]
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[IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Forum/1stPost.gif[/IMG] So lst nyt saw our 1st Sci-Fi afta PPV, n i have 2 say, poor effort imo! I mean really, look at wot we got! gail kim as da surprize vixen? she not that good! we could hav had better thn her! I fink we shud just drop the vixens belt cos its not doin anything, nobody can hold it right! Amie was the best champ we had, and she don't look good wiv the belt! Wot was up wiv shelton challenging christian? christian shudd afaced morley again! or had a tag match or sumfin cos shelton is not in his league! good match yeah, but cudda faced like simeone or another main eventer person! not really gonna say much else cos last nyt really upset me! sick of watchin digous crap, bout time they had heyman bookin the company, come on dreamer pull ur finger out! [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Forum/Reply.gif[/IMG] As a Shelton fan i was pleased to see him "step up" against Christian, that was one of his better matches in ECW. I like the idea of him already booking his place in both the Rumble and Fittest of the Fit, i hope ECW remember they had him book these places, otherwise i'll be very unhappy! As for the rest of the show, it wasn't that bad, i enjoyed it, Cabana's turn in personality definately looks like a gimmick change could be coming, but then again, i thought that Sean Morley was going to be Val Venis the pornstar champ for a year! I'd expect to see Abyss vs Brock at Interactive going off Dreamer being made to look more and more cowardly by constantly getting "muscle" first Tyson, now Abyss, only time before he tries to get guys like Big Show, Vader, hell he could bring back Big Daddy V and Mark Henry! [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Forum/Reply2.gif[/IMG] It was a good show! I enjoyed it! Cabana plays a good face in peril, and he's always funny, follow him up with Santino and you have got a great couple of comedy performers! Ill admit though, i was upset with the main event, nothing against the guys that were in it, but really, were they worthy of being in the main event? And Kofi doesn't really feature anywhere in Cabana's fued outside of being Cabana's friend. I'm intrigued by Abyss' attack on Helms, anyone else think this could be a step up for Helms? Potential fued with Dreamer maybe? I mean i know it's a step backwards for Abyss, nothing against Helms or anything, but he's not at the level Abyss is at right now. Anyways, to comment on ECW4Lyf's post, Shelton wasn't really challenging Christian, he's just one of the companies "go to guys" to make others look good whilst also keeping himself looking good. Shelton put on a great match with the Champ, and i hope it leads to brighter things for him. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Forum/Reply3.gif[/IMG] Haha Bum Boys Watching ECW, You All Know WWE Is Better! GraveDigger? Cheap Mans Undertaker, Digou Couldnt Book A Good Show If Vince McMahon Gave Him A Sheet To Copy Off! [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/ECW/Forum/Reply4.gif[/IMG] WWERulz, why do you always make posts on our boards? If yuo hate ECW that much then why do you always comment on our posts? If you don't have anything good to say, don't say it at all! Anyway, the show could have been better, but, it could have been alot worse too! They need to pick a direction and run with it, this whole Brock thing seems like it's trying to be a 2009 version of Austin/McMahon, it could work, but it just needs that extra kick! The FBI needs to mean something again, at the moment it's just a group of 5 men doing nothing, whatever happened to Morley's "Elite" group? Abyss seems to be doing exactly what is needed to get him over, attacking anyone and everyone, but he needs to be attacking higher ups and being placed in fueds with them if he's to look a credible threat to anyone, i mean think about it, the guys huge! but have him attack Helms and it makes him look cowardly and weaker than he really is! I don't really know what ECW can do really to get better, but one thing i think they should do is look away from using all this new found talent they find themselves getting each and every month when they go and pillage a failing company! Do we really need to see TNA talent that couldn't cut it over there fail on ECW as well?
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