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Hail to the Queens (Cornellverse)

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[I]It's been a long time, been a long time comin It's life or death with me now But you know, there's no turning back now This is what makes me - this is what I am[/I] [I]- Nasir "Nas" Jones[/I] [B]November 2007[/B] "Who the ---- are these chumps? What the hell do they know?" I fumed as I paced the boardroom like a caged panther. "When have you ever known me to go into any venture in half-assed fashion? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?" I looked around the room at my friends, colleagues, investors. Captains of industry all, but given the current state of the economy, they were all cats with no claws with a pronounced aversion to risk. I, however, had the courage of my convictions backing me and there was no way I would be deterred. "Look, I realize you guys are hurting. Hell, we all are to varying degrees. Maybe my timing is a little off, but I truly believe this is something you should get behind. Not just for your short-term best interests but for your children. This is a hugely under-served market segment but one with immense potential for consistent growth if handled properly." As I scanned the room and let the murmurs subside, I glanced over into the corner nearest the door at the distinguished looking older woman and the stunning blonde sitting next to her, tossed them one of my trademark smirks and, like a shark with blood in the water, went for the kill. "Just give it some thought. Look over the proposal but please be quick. Once we reach the target level of financing, we probably won't be able to take on any more. Too much backing would bring the kind of attention we're looking to avoid....for now. Oh and to answer the inevitable question that should come up once you've read the entire thing, that is no typo. I'm all in on this one. My belief is such that I don't think we can fail and the upside is something I can't ignore. So with or without you, we move forward and I am more than willing to finance this entirely by myself." That last part shocked the entire room and brought the meeting to a tumultuous close. As everyone filed out, talking amongst themselves, the blonde approached me and said, "You're not going to get all of them." Nodding, I replied "Don't need all of them. I'm dead serious, I will finance all of this by myself if I need to." "You may need to," said the older woman. I shrugged, giving as casual a vibe as I could muster. "He who assumes all the risk also reaps all the rewards," I replied. "Keep me posted," she said. "I'm curious to see if you can actually pull this off." [B][SIZE="5"]-------------[/SIZE][/B] [B]The who[/B]: I am Remianen Valorian, Chairman & CEO of The Shrike Corporation. A company with interests in industries as diverse as personal services (tax consulting, travel management, tours), resource processing (oil refining, nickel and copper mining & refining), and environmentally friendly construction (treehomes, hurricane proof dome homes) and systems (thermal heating, solar and wind power, hydroelectricity). Despite all that, I am horrendously illiquid and usually require OPM (other people's money) to do much of anything. The blonde is the owner of a small entertainment promotion based in Las Vegas aptly called "Babes of Sin City". She goes by the name Honey Golightly. The older woman? Well, she's widely considered to be one of the greatest of all time in her field. Someone who paved the way for today's workers in the industry. Her name is Heidi Brooks. [B]The what[/B]: I am a huge fan of wrestling. Wait, let me qualify that. I am a huge fan of women's wrestling. But I am also an astute, forward thinking businessman. Women's wrestling is a market that is largely ignored everywhere but Japan. It is a market that I think has immense potential to be both profitable and consciously marketable to a segment of the population that generally isn't targeted in North America: young girls. This demographic is one that grows into a role often subtly the decision maker when it comes to entertainment expenditures. Soccer moms were young girls at one time. Hook them and the profit potential is limitless. Provide a positive image for girls that shows them being as capable as their male counterparts, and you create a product that is passively marketed as well as actively marketable what with all the "feel good" and "uplifting" and "empowering" news stories (and fluff pieces) that are bound to be done on a regular basis. I also want to go down in history as the person who brought women's wrestling to the fore, creating opportunities for young girls not seen since the 80s in Japan. To that end, I am placing my own financial wherewithal at risk to set up a system that can facilitate that goal. So either I succeed and have the name 'Valorian' mentioned in the same breath with 'Stone', 'Jimbo', 'Kagawa' and 'Kitozon'........ ........or I fail and live the rest of my life on a monthly SSI check with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. While "free" money is tempting, I'm more inclined to pursue the former....
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One thing you learn fairly quickly in the entertainment business is the value of a well-timed leak. That's why, in early November, three weeks before Thanksgiving, a tabloid publication based in Las Vegas ran a story based on a rumor that a prominent businessman had approached one Honey Golightly about the possibility of buying her fledgling promotion. The story went on to report that upon being turned down, said businessman determined that he would open his own wrestling promotion and put Babes of Sin City out of business. Now, while the first part was true, the second part's sole purpose was to add just enough salacious detail to interest the editors at this bastion of yellow journalism. Before long, all of the so-called "dirt sheets" were churning with rumors speculating on the businessman's identity as well as the details on the new promotion. It didn't take very long for my name to be mentioned, since my love for women's wrestling is widely known. As expected, "the big boys" were nonplussed and not the least bit worried about another "backyard" promotion opening. That is, until the wires picked up on a story... [QUOTE][B][SIZE="4"]Newly formed company born in a flurry of activity[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="3"][B]Rumored to be new wrestling promotion[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://msnbcmedia1.msn.com/i/msnbc/Components/Sources/Art/APTRANS.gif[/IMG] [SIZE="1"]updated 1:11am ET, December 11, 2007[/SIZE] DENVER, Colorado - A new company, incorporated in Nevada as QAW Holdings Ltd, has inked a lease with option to buy agreement with Solzberg Realty for a mixed use property on the outskirts of the city. The building, which has sat empty for two years, is zoned for mixed use though it was previously used as a community center and exhibition hall. When reached for comment, Solzberg Realty owner Simon Solzberg released the following statement: "We are thrilled to sign this agreement as we believe this company represents the very best in its field. We look forward to a long, mutually beneficial partnership. Refurbishment work on the property, begun in September, will begin in earnest, with completion and a formal unveiling due within forty-five days." Officials for QAW Holdings Ltd did not respond to our requests for comment.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][SIZE="4"][B]Hail To The Queens[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="3"][I]Queens of American Wrestling[/I] announced[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://msnbcmedia3.msn.com/i/msnbc/Components/Sources/Art/source_Reuters3.gif[/IMG] DENVER - At a sparsely attended news conference, those present were gifted with a scoop that might prove to be a starmaker in the future. Originally billed as the announcement of the launch of a new wrestling promotion (which may explain the low number of reporters), we jaded journalists were treated to a display of idealism, fervor, and zealotry rarely seem in American business. Remianen Valorian, Chairman & CEO of the multi-industry Shrike Corporation, was revealed to be the person behind many rumored activities that have occurred in recent weeks. However, it was also revealed that much of the reporting in the tabloids about his activities have been erroneous at best, outright lies at worst. At the press conference, it was announced that Valorian, as Chairman of QAW Holdings Ltd, would be launching a women's promotion named Queens of American Wrestling. But that was not the shocking point. He also announced the arena we stood in the shadow of, would be renamed QAW Arena and used as the primary venue and headquarters for the promotion, as well as that of its parent company. And the hits kept coming. We were then introduced to Honey Golightly, owner of Las Vegas-based Babes of Sin City and supposed rival of and impetus for QAW's creation. She then informed the assembled press of an investment made in her promotion by QAW Holdings and an agreement to develop talent for the new entity. Valorian then followed with an announcement of the opening of small training promotions in Canada and Japan, whose primary function will be the discovery and training of new talent. The Canadian promotion, simply named Canadian Women's Wrestling Federation, will be headed by none other than women's wrestling legend Heidi Brooks. Oddly, Heidi's choice for booker seems to be young, up & comer Sara Marie York. The Japanese promotion, oddly named WINNOW: Japanese Women's Wrestling, will be helmed by recently retired wrestler Namiyo Muro, with the book given to veteran high flyer Lioness Mushashibo. Unusual choices without question, and more than enough to make you wonder exactly what is planned for QAW.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][SIZE="4"][B]Shrike CEO launches new venture[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][B]Says, "This is about passion"[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://msnbcmedia1.msn.com/i/msnbc/Components/Sources/Art/APTRANS.gif[/IMG] DENVER - Remianen Valorian — Chairman & CEO of the Shrike Corporation and the self-proclaimed "world's biggest joshi fan" — is looking to do something no one has ever managed to do. He wants to make women's wrestling an international phenomenon. Commonly derided as the bastion of eye candy, with mud, jello, and oil as common staples, women's wrestling is rarely as highly regarded and respected in North America as it is in Japan. Wrestling historians complain that without a respectable product, the business can scarcely grow beyond its male dominated perceived demographic. "I believe this is an area with a need to be met," said Valorian, Chairman of the newly formed QAW Holdings Ltd, the parent company of the new promotion. "We have a unique opportunity here to both entertain and provide positive role models for young girls. That has been sorely lacking in recent years." [B]Denver as 'Epicenter of women's wrestling resurgence'[/B] While outsiders often see the area as ski country, Denver possesses a successful sports culture for fans. Simon Solzberg, owner of Solzberg Realty, pronounced Denver "the ideal place to serve as the epicenter of women's wrestling's resurgence." For decades, Denver has been an occasional stop for promotions like Richard Eisen's Supreme Wrestling Federation and Tommy Cornell's Total Championship Wrestling, though neither of these promotions offers any women's wrestling in their products. Starting with the newly re-christened QAW Arena, Valorian has seemingly decided to put all of his financial might behind his crusade. The arena, once a social services office, community center, then exhibition hall, has been completely renovated in record time and now appears as one of the most advanced and luxurious cultural venues in the city. QAW has yet to sign any talent or announce the date of its first show but it is assumed workers from their partner promotions will be involved in some fashion. However, in his closing speech, he made his intentions abundantly clear: "[I][COLOR="Blue"]Thank you all for coming. You few are here to bear witness to the birth of a phenomenon. For far too long, "women's wrestling" has been looked down upon and derisively spoken about. That will end soon enough. I have always thought of a future where women, in all athletic endeavors, can produce quality performances on par with their male counterparts. You see it now in soccer, you see it in basketball, you've seen it in softball and tennis. But, with all due respect to those who paved the way, for whatever reason, you have not seen it in wrestling (at least not in North America). That will change and the era of change begins now. heh. Hail to the Queens, baby.[/COLOR][/I]"[/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f212/NordVolf/TEW%202007/QAW/QAWGameLogo_02.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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[IMG]http://www.suckmylolly.com/uploaded_images/headerGOSSIP-774783.gif[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B]Sightings[/B][/SIZE] [B]In Seattle:[/B] [B]Remianen Valorian[/B] played mobile credit card/baggage handler and grabbed a bite at Il Fornio at Pacific Place mall with over a dozen attractive young women said to be wrestlers including new employee [B]Sara Marie York[/B], [B]Wanda Fish[/B], [B]Cherry Bomb[/B], [B]Raven Nightfall[/B], [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B], [B]Devil's Daughter[/B], [B]Katherine Goodlooks[/B], [B]Kristabel Plum[/B], [B]Michelle & Tracy Brendon[/B], [B]Grace Harper[/B], and [B]Wendy Anderson[/B] Dec. 27. [B]In London:[/B] UK personalities [B]Melanie Florence[/B], [B]Phoebe Plumridge[/B], [B]Aurora[/B], [B]Bethany Hurst[/B], and former Ultimate Combat Ring Women's champions [B]Laura "Miss Information" McKenna[/B] and [B]Speedy Marie[/B] boarding a private jet at Gatwick airport bound for Denver, Colorado (via Newark, NJ) Dec. 27. [B]In Halifax:[/B] [B]Remianen Valorian[/B] at a Mooseheads hockey game accompanied by a quartet of beautiful women confirmed to be wrestlers [B]Steph Chee (aka Stephanie Hazel/Principessa)[/B], [B]Emma Bitch[/B], North of the Border Pro Wrestling Women's champion [B]Melody Cuthill[/B], and Canadian icons [B]Victoria Stone[/B] and her husband, NOTBPW champion [B]Sean McFly[/B] Dec 29.
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  • 4 weeks later...
[I]Award season is over (Los Premios was a BITCH!), The Ultimate Fighter is cast so I can now devote my full attention to....gettin' this damn thing off the ground![/I] Ahem, let's continue.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]January 2008 - QAW Arena[/B] As I walked the hallway leading to the board room, I couldn't help thinking about the stakes. This is it. Time to take my dream, form it into words, and do the sales job of my life. In that room sit a group of women who can make or break this venture, in its infant stages. On the other hand, they're the same women that can help give birth to an entertainment revolution. Taking in a deep breath, savoring the tingly feeling I always get right before a big pitch, and welcoming the all-too-rare butterflies in my stomach, I grabbed the doorknob and walked in. "[I][COLOR="Blue"]Good afternoon everyone and thanks for coming,[/COLOR][/I]" I said with a smile, laying on the charm ever so subtly. "[COLOR="Blue"][I]I trust everyone arrived without incident?[/I][/COLOR]" Nods and murmurs all around as I scanned the seating order. The boardroom table, designed by Ben Morris, was shaped vaguely like a lightning bolt. The table's design allowed for each person to have ample space for a laptop on their left side. The point of the lightning bolt is where I sat, at the head of the table. On my left, [B]Heidi Brooks[/B], already sold on the plan with her hat in the ring. To Heidi's left, her new second, young up and coming wrestler (and now, booker) [B]Sara Marie York[/B]. To Sara Marie's left, [B]Anne Stardust[/B], longtime owner of the top women's promotion in the United States, the Angel Athletic Association. On Anne's left sat her second, superstar women's performer (and head booker of AAA) [B]Catherine Quine[/B]. At the foot of the table sat the incomparable [B]Honey Golightly[/B], owner of Babes of Sin City and another who had already agreed to terms on my proposal. To Honey's left, sitting across from Cat Quine was [B]Lioness Mushashibo[/B], a highly respected worker in Japan. To the Lioness's left was [B]Namiyo Muro[/B], another highly respected joshi worker. To her right was an empty chair intended for the second of the person sitting to the left, in a position of honor at my right hand. None other than [B]Sakurako Kagawa[/B], the brilliant owner of the most highly regarded and successful women's promotion ever, 5 Star Supreme Wrestling. "[I][COLOR="Blue"]I take it everyone is familiar with the basics of the proposal so why don't we...[/COLOR][/I]" "[I]Actually, this is the first time I'm seeing this.[/I]" The words spoken by Catherine Quine silenced everyone in the room. Though I had an idea of what had happened, I chose to feign ignorance. "[I][COLOR="Blue"]But,[/COLOR][/I]" I started, "[I][COLOR="Blue"]I sent two copies, in different packages, to....[/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR="Red"]This matter has nothing to do with booking,[/COLOR][/I]" Anne Stardust finally said, huffily. "[I][COLOR="Red"]Therefore, there was really no need for Ms. Quine's input.[/COLOR][/I]" "[I]Pretend my input was valued,[/I]" Catherine began, "[I]what's this all about?[/I]" I took that as my cue and launched into selling.... "[I][COLOR="Blue"]What I propose is a partnership. I want to add your promotions to the startups planned, to form an axis that creates and nurtures the stars of tomorrow. You would each be assigned workers to develop in line with your promotional strengths. I'm establishing WINNOW with a product with an aerial focus. CWWF will concentrate more on an uptempo but decidedly traditional in-ring style. BSC would be the choice for developing sex appeal and more risque methods. I would like to add Angel Athletic to assist in the development of entertainment skills and crowd interaction. Sakurako-chan, I would be both pleased and honored if 5 Star would sign on to bring it all together and provide polish for workers prior to their debuts for QAW. In order to facilitate these arrangements, I offer to invest in your promotions, in exchange for an equity stake. Now, before you balk at that, hear me out. There is no greater way to force someone to do what they say than if their own money is at stake. When I say I will support you in any way possible, having my own money on the line would serve to ensure I do so, would it not?[/COLOR][/I]" Looking around the room, I was encouraged by the nods I saw...except for one. "[I][COLOR="Red"]No.[/COLOR][/I]" Though I knew who had said it, I decided to play along. "[I][COLOR="Blue"]Come again?[/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR="Red"]I said, no.[/COLOR][/I]" The voice of dissent was none other than Anne Stardust. "[I][COLOR="Red"]You think there's a "problem" with women's wrestling and I don't agree. I have made a comfortable living with my promotion for years and I don't see that changing. So, there is no way in hell I'm going to sell you a piece of AAA so we can be your farm team.[/COLOR][/I]" Nodding ruefully, I said "[I][COLOR="Blue"]That's unfortunate.[/COLOR][/I]" Staring smugly at me, she asked "[I][COLOR="Red"]Yes it is, for you.[/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR="Blue"]Any other time, I would agree with you, [B]Ms[/B]. Stardust,[/COLOR][/I]" stinging her with the word I chose to emphasize. "[I][COLOR="Blue"]But in this case, I don't think that's the case.[/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR="Red"]Oh? And why might that be?[/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR="Blue"]Well, because I've already come to terms on exclusive contracts with several of your workers....[/COLOR][/I]" Obviously livid, she hissed "[COLOR="Red"][I]Like who?[/I][/COLOR]" Feigning ignorance, I slowly shuffled papers though each name was at the front of my mind. "[I][COLOR="Blue"]Like Wanda Fish....[/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR="Red"]You sonuva....[/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR="Blue"]Cherry Bomb, Raven Nightfall, Suzanne Brazzle, of course you know about Sara Marie....[/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR="Red"]We don't need their disloyal asses...[/COLOR][/I]" "[COLOR="Blue"][I]Not quite done yet. Devil's Daughter, Farrah Hesketh, Sue Danes, Nicole Kiss, Missy Masterson, Debbie Rose, Katherine Goodlooks, Kristabel Plum...[/I][/COLOR]" "[I][COLOR="Red"]You think you've got this all figured out, don't you?[/COLOR][/I]" "[COLOR="Blue"][I]...the Brendon sisters, Wendy Anderson, Grace Harper, Steph Blake...[/I][/COLOR]" "[I][COLOR="Red"]So you planned to extort us to sell out to you. Is that it?[/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR="Blue"]Actually, no. I had planned to sign these ladies to exclusive contracts and assign them to you. That way, you could run as many shows as you wanted and you wouldn't have to worry about what is now your biggest expense: worker appearance fees. It would be win/win. The workers get paid very well, get access to the best health care if and when they get injured at no cost to them, and the promotion gets to run wild putting on as many shows as they please since the gate receipts more than pay for their now miniscule expenses. You see, that's where the "help in any way possible" part comes in.[/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR="Red"]It doesn't matter. I'll just sign whoever I can stomach back as soon as you fall flat on your face.[/COLOR][/I]" "[COLOR="Blue"][I]You might be waiting for a while. You see, the person I had work on our contract proposals used to be known as a 'capologist' in his former job. So all non-developmental talent is signed to four year deals with opt-out clauses in the first year and voidable third and fourth years once certain conditions are met. So whoever you sign will be available only because we weren't particularly interested in them.[/I][/COLOR] After a minute of staring daggers at me, obviously incensed, she stood up, gathered her belongings (including, strangely enough, her copy of our proposal) and muttered, "[I][COLOR="Red"]Cat, let's go[/COLOR][/I]". Never knowing when to leave well enough alone, I said "[I][COLOR="Blue"]Ms. Stardust, if it's any consolation to you, I also approached Catherine Quine...[/COLOR][/I]" She stopped and stood perfectly still. "[I][COLOR="Blue"]...but she turned me down. Something about not wanting to give up her head booking position...[/COLOR][/I]" Cat looked at me and gave a small smile of gratitude. With a roster decimated by defection, Anne Stardust had one star left to rebuild with. Now knowing that removing that star from her position would lead to losing her, it almost guaranteed Catherine Quine would be the head booker of AAA as long as she chose to be. With that, Anne Stardust squared her shoulders and walked toward the door. Just before she opened it, a voice said....."[I]Anne, Marilyn says hello.[/I]"
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[QUOTE=Remianen;517012]Ahem, let's continue....[/QUOTE] Hooray! :D [QUOTE]"[I]Pretend my input was valued[/I]," Catherine began...[/QUOTE] Hah! This killed me. It's just like I picture Quine. You tell her, Cat! [QUOTE]Just before she opened it, a voice said....."[I]Anne, Marilyn says hello.[/I]"[/QUOTE] Ha hah! Leave it to Honey to get in a last crack. *chuckles* Too bad Stardust is such a biatch. But sucks for her. You didn't just "[I]come to terms... with several of {AAA's} workers[/I]". You gutted the promotion! Good thing my game with AAA's in an 'alternate universe', as it were. I'd hate to have to try and recover from that! Nice to see this going. I'm looking forward to reading more... {insert lemon juice and heat here} [COLOR="White"]... and I'm hard at work on what we'd discussed, worry not...[/COLOR] - NordVolf
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  • 1 month later...
[SIZE="5"][CENTER][B][FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="Red"]Babes of Sin City[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [I][COLOR="Red"]“You have got to be kidding me!”[/COLOR][/I] As Honey Golightly busied herself overseeing the improvements on the former Piper Casino auditorium, Marilyn Stardust looked around incredulously. [I][COLOR="Red"]“And he’s doing this why, again?”[/COLOR][/I] she asked. [I]“Because he loves women’s wrestling and wants to see it grow,”[/I] Honey replied with a sigh. [I]“We’ve been through this already.”[/I] [I][COLOR="Red"]“Like hell we have,”[/COLOR][/I] Marilyn huffed. [I][COLOR="Red"]“No man sinks this kinda cash into something without something else on his mind.”[/COLOR][/I] Honey decided to humor her by asking, [I]“Oh? And what would that ‘something else’ be?”[/I] Fixing a narrow eyed glare on her purported boss, she said [I][COLOR="Red"]“You of [B]all[/B] people should not be asking that question.”[/COLOR][/I] With a smirk, Honey said, [I]“Look, you should’ve seen this guy making his pitch. He really believes in this dream of his.”[/I] Staring at the spectacle of workmen installing the huge neon sign reading ‘[B][FONT="Century Gothic"]BSC ARENA[/FONT][/B]’, it finally dawned on Marilyn. [I][COLOR="Red"]“Wait a minute. You agree with him, don’t you?”[/COLOR][/I] [I]“Yeah, I do”[/I] Honey replied with a coy smile. [I]“It’s also kind of sexy the way he gets so animated when he talks about his plans. That kind of passion is infectious.”[/I] [I][COLOR="Red"]“Yeah well, I hope you made sure the check cleared before you started all of this.”[/COLOR][/I] Marilyn said, waving her arm toward the construction workers. [I]“And I hope you got these plans in writing.”[/I] [I]“My desk, top left drawer. Go see for yourself.”[/I] With her typical smug look, Marilyn Stardust set off to do just that.
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  • 2 months later...
[I]"Ladies, this way,"[/I] the limo driver directed. Taking a last look at the House That Stone Built, now three time former NOTBPW Women's champion Melody Cuthill found herself questioning her decision to leave. North of the Border was home, the only promotion she'd ever known as a professional. Leaving would be a betrayal, wouldn't it? Seemingly in answer to her unspoken question, a voice said, [I]"It's the next step in your evolution, Mel."[/I] Turning to face the speaker, her breath caught in her throat as her eyes fell upon a beaming Victoria Stone. Accompanying her, two women also taking the journey. [I]"Steph, take care of these two. Make sure they don't become such big stars, they can't come home again,"[/I] Victoria said with a smirk. [I]"Mel, you and Em show 'em how we do it here north of the border, eh?"[/I] Tears in four pairs of eyes, the women embraced as Melody whispered, [I][COLOR="Blue"]"Thank you....for everything."[/COLOR][/I] [I]"Don't worry overmuch, girly. Whenever we need starpower, I have a number I can call. We have a deal in place with your new boss. Now you three go on, you probably have a fancy jet waitin' on ya."[/I] As the limo pulled away and the women retreated to their own thoughts, Melody Cuthill wondered just what she had gotten herself into....
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[SIZE="5"][U][B]Fallout[/B][/U][/SIZE] "[I][COLOR="Red"]What the hell is going on here?[/COLOR][/I]" Interrupting the chorus of crying and hugging and annoyed by all of the curious glances (but no answers) set upon her, Anne Stardust repeated herself, "[I][COLOR="Red"]I said, what's all the blubbering about?[/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR="Blue"]Anne, this is the girls' last show with us,[/COLOR][/I]" an approaching Catherine Quine answered. "[I][COLOR="Blue"]That was the reason for the inexplicable title changes.[/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR="Red"]Last show? Where are they going???[/COLOR][/I]", Anne asked, perplexed. "[I][COLOR="Blue"]They've signed with QAW, the new promotion starting up in Denver?[/COLOR][/I]" Catherine said, obviously amused. "[I][COLOR="Red"]I know where they are,[/COLOR][/I]" an annoyed Stardust huffed. "[I][COLOR="Red"]All of these girls are going?[/COLOR][/I]" "[I]No.[/I]" said Kate Lilly, flatly. "[I]I'm not goin' anywhere. That guy isn't paying enough.[/I]" "[I]Ha![/I]", snorted Wanda Fish derisively. "[I]You mean he's not willing to pay you SWF money when you haven't done anything in the business yet. I guess we'll see how Deb does on her own then.[/I]" "[I][COLOR="Red"]He can't do this! I'll sue him![/COLOR][/I]", Stardust fumed. "[I][COLOR="Red"]This is tampering or something![/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR="Blue"]Anne, I'm pretty sure he's got some high-powered New York firm on retainer. Far better than the Dewey Cheatem & Howe firm you use on occasion,[/COLOR][/I]" Catherine rationed. "[I][COLOR="Blue"]I think our money's best spent looking for replacements, if any are to be found.[/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR="Red"]Call 5 Star and see if we can't borrow a few people for our next show.[/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR="Blue"]No can do,[/COLOR][/I]" Catherine replied. "[I][COLOR="Blue"]5 Star is his top level development company now. Exclusively.[/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR="Red"]Dammit![/COLOR][/I]", Stardust swore. "[I][COLOR="Red"]Well, when this whole thing falls apart, don't you all think you can come crawling back here. We'll have better workers who are actually loyal to us![/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR="Blue"]Good luck with that. For now, I have to actually find those people,[/COLOR][/I]" Catherine sighed. "[I][COLOR="Blue"]Though I'd never blame anyone for taking advantage of what seems to be a great opportunity.[/COLOR][/I]" Seething, Anne Stardust stormed out of the dressing room, wondering how she was going to replace the top half of her roster......
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[U][B][SIZE="5"]Ground Rules[/SIZE][/B][/U] I'm working from a CVerse version from late in TEW08's beta stages. The following modifications were made: - New workers show up earlier (debut dates modified or eliminated altogether) - Since I'm so familiar with the workers I'm using and their capabilities, I had a friend basically muddy the waters with regard to worker potential. As a result, I don't know who's destined to be a star and who's going to be a bust (and this far out from when it occurred, I'm pretty sure he doesn't remember either). - I've imported many workers from rufasxp's worker mod - I replaced the default injury file with my own custom file with many entries taken from [URL="http://www.amazon.com/Encyclopedia-Sports-Medicine-Library-Health/dp/0816053340"]The Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine by Elizabeth Oakes[/URL] and [URL="http://www.amazon.com/Physicians-Desk-Reference-Bookstore-Version/dp/1563636611/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1237788218&sr=1-1"]The Physician's Desk Reference 2008 edition[/URL]. Bear with me while I lay some more groundwork (it's important, I promise!) then we'll get into the nitty. :)
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;603819]Looks great so far. Would it be possible for you to post a copy of your injury file?[/QUOTE] It's not done yet. :( I'm lazy (and had little free time of late) so the one I'm using in the diary isn't quite as bloa....errr, comprehensive as it is now. But it's still a lot larger than the default file. When it's complete (hopefully before TEW10 :p), I'll definitely post it. I didn't like the one I did for 05 (I felt I had to cut too much stuff) so this time around, I'm doing a 'general' one and a 'packed' version so folks can decide which one they want. The difference is mainly the detail (the 'general' one will have 'pulled shoulder muscle' while the 'packed' one will have 'torn labrum', 'severe rotator cuff tear', and more clinical definitions of injuries, varying in severity).
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  • 2 months later...
[QUOTE][I]Now that I have a whole lotta time on my hands, it's time to devote it to something worthwhile. Namely, getting this diary up, running, and blazing new trails. Once the stage is set, we'll get to the shows.[/I][/QUOTE] As I sat in my office preparing my speech, I couldn't ignore the noise emanating from the arena. This was it, this is where it starts. "[I][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Two minutes, Mr...erm, Remi[/COLOR][/I]" was the call from Samantha, our production coordinator. The nervousness in her voice apparent, though this was only a dry run for show, she knew just how rough this crowd was. When I walked out of the office, I was met by three legends I never thought I'd get to see in the same place at the same time. Flanked by the incomparable Manuel Prieto and Luis Montero, was one of the most accomplished workers in the history of women's wrestling, Crusher Ichihara. Offering a respectful deep bow, I was greeted with a slap on the back that I swear dislodged my fillings. As we walked down the hallway toward the main arena, I heard the crowd hush and then burst into cheering. I'm guessing the ShrikeVision monitors are working. Approaching the catbird position, I heard the first notes of [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiZxCVXhgmM"]a theme song I had been considering[/URL] start up. Stepping out onto the darkened stage, I waited until the opening blare of the song and took a couple steps back knowing where the spotlight was set to center on. In a show of fanfare I know was unexpected, the joshi legend and her lucha counterparts stood spotlighted with a massive display of pyrotechnics going off around them as the crowd exploded in respect. Looking up at a monitor on the other side of the arena, Crusher was the first to catch on. Nudging Luis and Manuel to look up, they all saw the only people visible in the shot, were the three of them. As they turned around to see me offering an exaggerated bow denoting my lack of worthiness, I was treated with a rare smile from the woman most often known for destroying her opponents. Of course, then Manuel, forever the showman, went into his time-honored entrance routine as Luis and Crusher walked to the ring in the center of the arena, all business. As I stepped into the shot, I became eerily aware of the number of eyes turned in my direction. Walking down the ramp, I tried to remember my speech but for the life of me, with the energy coursing through my body, I couldn't recall the words. Reaching to grab the ropes to climb into the ring, I heard an authoritative voice in a whispered bark say, "[I][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Stairs![/COLOR][/I]". Okay, first screwup is on me. Stairs it is. Once in the ring, I still couldn't remember my speech so, I reluctantly decided to wing it. Looking into the stands, I saw what these many months had wrought. The workers, my workers, who were going to help me make this happen. It was at that moment, looking into those faces, that I saw exactly why I was doing this. Signaling for quiet, I let it flow: "[I][COLOR="Blue"]Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for being here. You have my gratitude for choosing to get in on the ground floor of what promises to be nothing short of a movement, a revolution if you will. Every one of you will be able to tell your grandchildren of how you contributed not just to a simple wrestling promotion launch, but the moment when perceptions started to change. You've all seen and experienced how this segment of the industry has been given short-shrift. That's going to change, and it's going to change starting now. You see, this industry is full of copycats. When they see something work elsewhere, everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon. That's the primary reason you're all signed to exclusive contracts. No one's going anywhere until women's wrestling is so red hot, anyone who wants a women's division or women's product will have to pay dearly for it. When they have to pay you top dollar, they'll have to use you as much as possible to justify your cost. None of this sign a few of you and let you out of the cellar when they have nothing else to put on. So, I'll let you in on more of the plan and what you're in for. Queens of American Wrestling is going to have a diversified product. We're going to hold both the uptempo [B]modern[/B] and time honored [B]traditional[/B] styles as [B]key[/B] while also having a [B]heavy[/B] emphasis on [B]realism[/B] with [B]mainstream[/B] appeal. We'll also have a fair to [B]middling[/B] amount of [B]comedic[/B] elements as well as [B]lucha[/B] and high risk, [B]daredevil[/B] influences. We're not going to worry overmuch about the whole good and evil thing, since I'm sure we all know most issues are found in that gray area. We are going to have faces and heels, if only so the mainstream viewers can keep up, but it's not going to be the basis of our booking. Also, because I realize your wiles can often be part of your character, what many people consider T&A will be used whenever and wherever you find it appropriate. I'm not going to constrain you to some outdated ideal of what you can do with your characters. We're not going to be all wrestling, though we'll never reach a level where non-wrestling is the focus of our programs and events. To that end, we have promotions set up to help you develop in these areas. [B]WINNOW[/B], under the watchful eyes of Namiyo Muro and Lioness Mushashibo, has been set up to help you develop your aerial skills. This isn't just about being able to pull off a shooting star press. You will also learn to be able to take these kinds of maneuvers. I know not everyone wants to make their living in the air, but you should at least be able to work with those who do. You will be touring nine months a year, so prepare for that. The [B]Canadian Women's Wrestling Federation[/B], with the incomparable Heidi Brooks at the helm, will help you learn the traditional aspects of the business. Heidi, I will warn you, is also a stickler for the fundamentals. So if you're not well versed in them, you will be after some time with her. Now, that leaves us with the illustrious [B]5 Star Supreme Wrestling[/B]. For all intents and purposes, this is where you will learn to put it all together. Many of you here are quite familiar with Sakurako Kagawa and her training methods. Our esteemed joshi legend Ichihara-chan can tell you how the ladies there push each other. For over a decade, names like Ichihara, Ogiwara, Hike, and Butler ensured that 5 Star's in-ring product was second to none, on any continent. For those of you assigned here, know that this is most likely the last stop. When Kagawa-chan informs me that you're ready by her estimation, your next stop is the main roster right here in picturesque Denver. At every stop of your journey through development, you will have ample opportunity to develop your delivery and skill with a microphone. Rarely will your promos and skits be pre-written for you here (though help is always available) so you need to have your game tight before you get in front of one of my live microphones. Every one of you is being paid very well, relative to what the typical market for your services would be. I know you'll each make yourselves look like bargains and acquit yourselves well. Know that I'm not expecting you all to become the Sensational One the first day, first month, or first year. All I want is for you to keep trying to get better at what you do. Once again, I thank you for choosing this venture to hitch your wagons to. Things will be rough at times, but I can guarantee you it's going to be one wild ride. Now, let's get to promotion assignments.......[/COLOR][/I]"
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[CENTER][I]OOC: Skipping forward to where I am now since my show notes from the previous 18 months resides on a thumb drive that's probably sliding around the bottom of the East River right now (long story). So.....[/I] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/QAW.jpg[/IMG] [B]QAW Queen of the World:[/B] Wanda Fish (11, first champion) [B]QAW Primetime champion:[/B] Brooke Tyler (3, d. Melody Cuthill W3 Feb 2009) [B]QAW Twinstar champions:[/B] Seek & Destroy (3, d. The Crush Gals W3 Feb 2009) [B]QAW XXX champion:[/B] Kit Hatoyama (3, d. Melody Cuthill W3 Feb 2009) [B]QAW Future Legend:[/B] Yu Hashimoto (3, d. Fuyuko Higa W3 Feb 2009) [SIZE="5"][B][U]Roster[/U][/B][/SIZE] [COLOR="Blue"]Face[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Heel[/COLOR] [B][U]Main Eventer[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Cherry Bomb[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Grace Harper[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Kristabel Plum[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Melody Cuthill[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Michelle Cox[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Principessa[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Raven Nightfall[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Suzanne Brazzle[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Wanda Fish[/COLOR] [B][U]Upper Midcarder[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Brooke Tyler[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Christy Higgins[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Devil's Daughter[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Huntress Makiko[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Ikuko Temko[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Joanne Rodriguez[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Kit Hatoyama[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Lauren Easter[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Megumi Nakajima[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Michelle Brendon[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Sensational Ogiwara[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Thunder Hike[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Tracy Brendon[/COLOR] [B][U]Midcarder[/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Amber Allen[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Ashley Grover[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]DEVIL Karube[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Emma Bitch[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Fuyuko Higa[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Kuniko Matsura[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Laura Flame[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Olivia McFly[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Otsune Tsumura[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Romi Yamato[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Sandra Shine[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Steph Blake[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Stephanie Wade[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Vixxen[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Wendy Anderson[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Yuma Maruya[/COLOR] [B][U]Lower Midcarder[/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Anna Ki[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Dragon Assassin[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Etsuko Arihyoshi[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Geena the Warrior Princess[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Golden Delicious[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Helena[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Kiko Sakakibara[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Merial[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Sae Akutagawa[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Yu Hashimoto[/COLOR] [B][U]Opener[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Miss Information[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Ochiyo Iijima[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Sakura Sada[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Speedy Marie[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Yori Toyoshima[/COLOR] [B][U]Enhancement Talent[/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Tomoko Saitoh[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Umeko Hotta[/COLOR] [B][U]Manager[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Aria Moore[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Aurora[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Bethany Hurst[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Blonde Bombshell[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Chloe Dean[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Cuervo[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Delirante[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Elle[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Emma Evans[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Gabriela Ortega[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Jemma Griffiths[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Jennifer Heat[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Jenny Playmate[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Julie Forletta[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Kali Fornia[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Kathleen Lee[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Katie Cameron[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Kristen Pearce[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Lady Melissa[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][COLOR="Red"]Lisa Bowen[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Magdalena[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Mercedes Gimenez[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Monique[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Nicola Halliwell[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Nicole Kiss[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Persephone[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Pettle[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Phoebe Plumridge[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Queen Emily[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Rachel Dearheart[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Secreto[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Simona Cox[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Sweet Tabitha[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Vita[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Willow[/COLOR] [B][U]Announcer[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Emily Race[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Iku Suzuki[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Tommy London[/COLOR] [B][U]Color Commentator[/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Farrah Hesketh[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Melanie Florence[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Remianen Valorian[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Sue Danes[/COLOR] [B][U]Referee[/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Heather Halo[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Jez McArthuer[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Yasuyuki Terakado[/COLOR] [B][U]Authority Figure[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Faith[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Liz Sweetheart[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Nemesis[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Phil Vibert[/COLOR] [B][U]Road Agent[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Crusher Ichihara[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Luis Montero[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Manuel Prieto[/COLOR] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Tag Teams[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]Above & Below[/B] (Etsuko Arihyoshi & Speedy Marie) [B]Absolutely Fabulous[/B] (Megumi Nakajima & Sandra Shine) [B]Amber & Ash[/B] (Amber Allen & Ashley Grover) [B]Beauty Pair[/B] (Kiko Sakakibara & Yuma Maruya) [B]Bruise Crew[/B] (Emma Bitch & Laura Flame) [B]Excellence of Execution[/B] (Fuyuko Higa & Lauren Easter) [B]Fire Pro Girls[/B] (Kuniko Matsura & Otsune Tsumura) [B]FUSION[/B] (Sae Akutagawa & Romi Yamato) [B]Power & Pain[/B] (Emma Bitch & Thunder Hike) [B]Rated-R[/B] (Wendy Anderson & Stephanie Wade) [B]Seek & Destroy[/B] (Huntress Makiko & Ikuko Temko) [B]Sensational Thunder[/B] (Sensational Ogiwara & Thunder Hike) [B]The Bombshells[/B] (Joanne Rodriguez & Cherry Bomb) [B]The Brendon Sisters[/B] (Michelle Brendon & Tracy Brendon) [B]The Crush Gals[/B] (Christy Higgins & Sensational Ogiwara) [B]The Darkness[/B] (Devil's Daughter & Raven Nightfall) [B]The Dream Team[/B] (Raven Nightfall & Joanne Rodriguez) [B]Wild Times[/B] (Devil's Daughter & Vixxen) (plus a few yet to debut) [SIZE="4"][B][U]Stables[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]House of Tradition:[/B] Wanda Fish (leader), Brooke Tyler, Grace Harper, Cuervo, Monique [B]The Alliance:[/B] Suzanne Brazzle (leader), Melody Cuthill, Michelle Cox, Kristabel Plum, Christy Higgins, Sensational Ogiwara, Lauren Easter, Fuyuko Higa [B]The Bomb Squad:[/B] Cherry Bomb (leader), Principessa, Joanne Rodriguez, Laura Flame, Emma Bitch, Secreto, Willow [B]The Darkness:[/B] Raven Nightfall (leader), Devil's Daughter, Vixxen --------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][U][SIZE="4"]Programming[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/QAW_Impact.jpg[/IMG] Evenings Thursdays, 2 hrs on GNN Total Sports (90/90) and Euro Cable Sports 4 (80/90) [B][U][SIZE="4"]Pay Per View[/SIZE][/U][/B] Rivera Pay Television - Small - Mexico (all regions) USA Free Choice - Big - United States (all regions) V-Corp - Very Small - Europe (all regions) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][U][SIZE="4"]Developmental Promotions[/SIZE][/U][/B] [U][B]5 Star Supreme Wrestling[/B][/U] (5SSW) [B][U]Owner:[/U][/B] Sakurako Kagawa [B][U]Booker:[/U][/B] Yodo Nakane [B][U]Style:[/U][/B] Highly Competitive Joshi [B][U]Size:[/U][/B] Regional [B][U]Location:[/U][/B] Kinki (Japan) [B][U]Babes of Sin City[/U][/B] (BSC) [B][U]Owner:[/U][/B] Honey Golightly [B][U]Booker:[/U][/B] Marilyn Stardust [B][U]Style:[/U][/B] Las Vegas Glitz [B][U]Size:[/U][/B] Regional [B][U]Location:[/U][/B] South West (USA) [B][U]Canadian Women's Wrestling Federation[/U][/B] (CWWF) [B][U]Owner:[/U][/B] Heidi Brooks [B][U]Booker:[/U][/B] Sara Marie York [B][U]Style:[/U][/B] Athletic Traditional Wrestling [B][U]Size:[/U][/B] Small [B][U]Location:[/U][/B] The Prairies (Canada) [B][U]WINNOW: Japanese Women's Wrestling[/U][/B] (WINNOW) [B][U]Owner:[/U][/B] Namiyo Muro [B][U]Booker:[/U][/B] Lioness Mushashibo [B][U]Style:[/U][/B] Super Junior Puro [B][U]Size:[/U][/B] Regional [B][U]Location:[/U][/B] Kanto (Japan) [I]Next: Storylines and more....[/I][/CENTER]
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[B][U][SIZE="4"]Storylines[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]The House of Tradition[/B] - Preparing for her 6-way match to crown the inaugural QAW Queen of the World, Wanda Fish assembled a group of women to watch (primarily) her back. Among those women was the young, second generation prospect, Brooke Tyler, who provided the name for the group. Fish won the match and became the first (and so far, only) QAW Queen of the World, with help from her cohorts. Since then however, the young Ms Tyler has done nothing but impress, culminating with a gritty win over Melody Cuthill for the QAW Primetime title in one of the most gripping matches in the young promotion's history. After successfully defending her title thrice, could the young upstart have her eyes on bigger and better things? Meanwhile, with the champion preparing for a confrontation with Suzanne Brazzle for her coveted title, can she afford any distractions amongst her supporters? [B]Twinstar[/B] - After a sparkling debut, Seek & Destroy did just that, winning the QAW Twinstar titles in controversial fashion from the Crush Gals in just their fourth match after being called up. Will the former champions call in for their rematch? And what will the teams of Rated-R, Absolutely Fabulous, FUSION, and Excellence of Execution have to say about it? [B]The Mile High Club[/B] - After debuting with a vicious attack on the QAW XXX champion Kit Hatoyama, Joanne Rodriguez has her sights on high altitude gold. With her cohorts in the Bomb Squad behind her, it seems inevitable. Or is it? [B]Generation Next[/B] - With her meteoric rise through the ranks, the ethically challenged but supremely talented second generation star Brooke Tyler has seemingly lacked any further challenges. That is, until the debut of one Olivia McFly. Perhaps the most talented rookie in wrestling history, the eldest child of Victoria Stone and Sean McFly seems destined for enshrinement in the Hall of Immortals. With her first major test the highly regarded second generation star and House of Tradition member, will her career take off or flame out? [B]Unity of the Kindred[/B] - With the newly formed stable The Alliance seeking to balance the influences of the House of Tradition, Bomb Squad and the Darkness, how will these ladies co-exist when their individual goals all center on the one item Wanda Fish has held for these many months? And speaking of The Darkness, the eerie silence from this group seems foreboding. What do they have in store for their fan favorite adversaries? [B]Power Trip[/B] - Newly appointed co-commissioners Nemesis and Phil Vibert haven't gotten along since the folding of DaVE and even clashed on their very first moments in power. With their assistants Liz Sweetheart (Nemesis) and Faith (Phil Vibert) on hand, will their game of one upsmanship continue? [B]Future Legend[/B] - One of the few decisions the co-commissioners agreed on was a monthlong 24/7 rule on the Future Legend title. How will the competitors react to the news? Will current champion Yu Hashimoto remain so and for how long? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][U][SIZE="4"]Finishers[/SIZE][/U][/B] Cherry Bomb - Cherry Bomb (Tiger Bomb) & Cherry Popper (Muta Lock) Grace Harper - Hell on Wheels (Fisherman's Suplex) & Harper's Bizarre (Anaconda Vice with grapevine) Kristabel Plum - Plum Tucker (Michinoku Driver II-B) & Stretch Plum (Stretch Plum) Melody Cuthill - Cuthill Cutter (Standing Diamond Dust) & Melody Maker (Damascus head leglock) Michelle Cox - Cox Cross (Arm Trap Crossface) & MCKG (Scissored DDT) Principessa - Princess Drop (Facebreaker DDT) & Prim & Proper (Haas of Pain) Raven Nightfall - Night Faller (Reverse DDT) & Night Crawler (Elevated Boston Crab) Suzanne Brazzle - Brazzle Dazzle (Twist of Fate) & Miracle Connection (Octopus Stretch) Wanda Fish - Dish of the Day (Roundhouse kick to the head) & Blonde Ambition (Figure Four Leglock) Brooke Tyler - Brooke Breaker (Full Nelson Clutch) & Tradition Drop (Air Raid Crash) Christy Higgins - Florida Upswing (Inverted Suplex) & Palm Beach Clutch (Cross Kneelock) Devil's Daughter - Going Down Below (Single Arm Bar Takedown) & Devil's Due (Complete Shot) Huntress Makiko - Huntress Bow (Spear with theatrics) & Huntress Arrow (Bow & Arrow Lock) Ikuko Temko - Temko Pendulum (Argentine Neckbreaker) & Temko Terminator (Gory Special) Joanne Rodriguez - J-Rocker (Twisting Face Crusher) & Latin Vengeance (Butterfly Lock) Kit Hatoyama - Hatoyama Driver (Wheelbarrow Driver) & Kit Clutch (Indian Deathlock) Lauren Easter - Easter Pinwheel (Underhook belly to back inverted mat slam) & Easter Twist (Koji Clutch) Megumi Nakajima - Nakajima Straight Jacket (modified Tiger Suplex) & Nakajima Facelift (modified STS) Michelle Brendon - Whirly Bird (F5) & Brendon Bridge (Dragon Clutch) Sensational Ogiwara - Sensation Stunner (Fireman's Carry Face Crusher) & Sensation Sleeper (Spider Twist) Thunder Hike - Twist of Thunder (Gogoplata) & Thunderfire Driver (Thunderfire Driver) Tracy Brendon - Idaho Crunch (Inverted Russian Legsweep) & Brendon Bridge (Bridging Cobra Clutch) Amber Allen - Allen Chains (Cross Arm Breaker) & Amberplex (Northern Lights Suplex) Ashley Grover - Chicago Hope (High angle Senton bomb) & Grover Clover (Texas Cloverleaf) DEVIL Karube - DEVIL Drop (Osaka Stunner) & DEVIL Lock (bridging grounded double chickenwing aka Cattle Mutilation) Emma Bitch - The Payback (Vertical Suplex Stunner) & Bitch Clamp (Elevated double chickenwing) Fuyuko Higa - Higa Green Driver (modified leaping fisherman driver) & Perfection Sleeper (Buffalo Sleeper) Kuniko Matsura - Matsura Meteor (Imploding 450 senton bomb) & Wildfire Stretch (STF) Laura Flame - Flame Fire Kick (Backflip rolling scissor kick) & Flameout (Crucifix Armbar) Olivia McFly - OMG (Kudo Driver/Kudome Valentine) & McFly Tie (Scissored Ankle Lock) & Delorean Driver (Spinning Northern Lights Bomb) Otsune Tsumura - High Energy Guillotine (Guillotine Legdrop) Romi Yamato - Yamatotal (Cross-arm bridging German Suplex) & (DDT Choke Sleeper) Sandra Shine - Rise & Shine (Super Rana) & Shining Star (Cross legged STF) Steph Blake - Sting of the Queen (Floatover DDT) Stephanie Wade - Star Turn (Superkick) Vixxen - Fall of Reason (Flowing snap DDT) Wendy Anderson - Spinesnapper (Lungblower/Double Knee backbreaker) Yuma Maruya - Bully Buster (Fisherman buster) Anna Ki - Ki-D-T (Samurai Driver/Flipover DDT) Dragon Assassin - Assassin's Strike (Shining Wizard) Etsuko Arihyoshi - Arihyoshi Lockdown (seated abdominal stretch inverted sleeper) Geena the Warrior Princess - Warrior's Way (Oklahoma Stampede) Golden Delicious - Melbourne Surprise (Pumphandle Michinoku Driver II) Helena - Kiko Sakakibara - Nova Bomb Redux (Sitout Suplex Crush/Orange Crush) Merial - Sae Akutagawa - (Sitout Double Underhook Facebuster) Yu Hashimoto - The End Game (Uraken/Spinning backhand blow) & Ichihara Stretch (Stretch Muffler) Miss Information - BSOD (Dragon Sleeper) & HD Crash (Yoshi Tonic/leg trap sunset flip powerbomb) Ochiyo Iijima - Space Age Splash (Firebird Splash) Sakura Sada - Black Talon (Victory Star Drop) Speedy Marie - Frog Splash (Frog Splash) Yori Toyoshima - Sky Twister Press (Sky Twister Press) Tomoko Saitoh - Saitoh Suplex (Leg hook Saito Suplex) Umeko Hotta - Hotstepper (Ropewalk corkscrew moonsault) Above & Below - HiLo (Total Elimination) Absolutely Fabulous - Standing Ovation (3-D) Amber & Ash - Midwest Express (Poetry in Motion) Beauty Pair - Lifestyle Lift (Catching hip toss-facebuster) Bruise Crew - Bitch on Fire (Flapjack DDT) Excellence of Execution - Gold Star (Tandem low dropkick-shining apprentice combo) Fire Pro Girls - Fires of Heaven (Stereo Shiranui) FUSION - Melting Pot (Reverse STO, enzuigiri combination) Power & Pain - Painbringer (elevated sitout powerbomb-lariat combo) Rated-R - Parental Advisory (Superkick-legsweep combination) Seek & Destroy - Target Lock (Flapjack-Spear combination) Sensational Thunder - Trueheart Trap (Doomsday Device) The Bombshells - Ignition (Flapjack-dropkick combo) The Brendon Sisters - Bomb from Boise (Spinning sitout powerbomb/Guillotine legdrop combination) The Crush Gals - Snapshot (Double dropkicksault) The Darkness - Descent to Darkness (Double chokebomb) The Dream Team - The Dreamcatcher (Atomic Drop-leg lariat combination) Wild Times - Darkness Driver (Powerbomb-fist drop combination)
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  • 1 month later...
Sadly, due to catastrophic data loss as a result of a moronic "technician" at [URL="http://www.microcenter.com/"]Micro Center[/URL], I no longer have access to this save (or any others that were on my primary PC). Everything's gone. My mods (one of which took 11 months to create/develop), saves, 3 years of screenshots from various games, everything. Gone. But I do have another diary in the works (a bottom up type of story, written while testing out a new pet product) but that might still be a week or so away. Sorry :(
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