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Smackdown Revitalised

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The WWE's three brands have become promotions in their own right. Christian has returned to the WWE after his contract with TNA expired and taken up a lucrative offer with their Smackdown promotion. Since becoming a promotion in it's own right Smackdown has resurrected the old WCW pay per views. Smackdown's new booker Melody Jones hopes to take the promotion in a new and exciting direction. Melody also wrestles for the promotion and has recently been revealed to be in a relationship with Edge behind Vickie's back. What will Vickie's reaction to this be and how will it affect the direction of the promotion. [CENTER][B][U]Smackdown 1 August 2008[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The show opens up with the usual fireworks and Vickie Gurerrero already in the ring which doesn’t give Tazz and JR much time to hype the upcoming show. They only have time to give the briefest outline of the matches scheduled to take place that night before Vickie raises the microphone to her mouth. As usual she is booed and has difficulty making herself heard.[/I] Vickie: [COLOR="Blue"]Last week I found out that my husband Edge was cheating on me. As you can imagine I am still very upset and Edge shall learn that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Tonight’s main event shall be Edge versus the Big Show and Undertaker in a two on one handicap match.[/COLOR] [I]The crowd cheers looking forward to seeing Edge get a beating.[/I] JR: [COLOR="Green"]Well that wasn’t unexpected. We all expected a swift reaction from Vickie to Edge’s unfaithfulness.[/COLOR] Tazz: [COLOR="green"]What a great main event Vickie has set up. Edge is going to regret cheating on Vickie if I am not mistaken.[/COLOR] JR: [COLOR="green"]Other matches tonight include Jesse and Festus versus Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder and MVP is taking on Triple H and up next its Victoria V Maria.[/COLOR] [I]Maria gets off to a slow start against Victoria and never really gets back into the match. She is finally put away with a Widows Peak[/I] [B]Victoria defeated Maria in 4:41 by pinfall with a Widow's Peak.[/B] [I]Backstage Edge barges into Vickie’s office.[/I] Edge: [COLOR="Red"]How dare you! You put me in a match against Show and Undertaker as some kind of punishment?[/COLOR] Vickie: [COLOR="Blue"]Yes it is a punishment. Do you realise how much you hurt me. I felt like you were ripping my heart out. Now I don’t recall inviting you in here so I’d like you to leave.[/COLOR] Edge:[COLOR="Red"] I don’t give a damn how you feel. I don’t know why I proposed to you. What a mistake that was.[/COLOR] Vickie: [COLOR="Blue"]You bastard. You were seeing that bitch all along. Weren’t you?[/COLOR] Edge: [COLOR="Red"]You want to know the truth? Alright then. Yes I was seeing her the whole time we were together. Do you really think I could fall in love with someone like you? If you did you need to get real. Melody is more woman than you could ever be. I was after one thing: The world title. Sorry to burst your little bubble.[/COLOR] Vickie: [COLOR="Blue"]I knew it! Well get this and get it good. That little vixen will never EVER get a shot at the Divas title as long as I’m general manager of Smackdown. And as for you, I can personally guarantee that your title chances are now non-existent. There is no way I’d ever EVER want you as my champion.[/COLOR] [I]Edge storms out of Guerrero's office looking angry.[/I] JR: [COLOR="Green"]Wow so the rumours are true. Edge was using Vickie.[/COLOR] Tazz: [COLOR="green"]And Edge and Melody are now longer able to be champions. WOW. I wonder where this will leave Edge.[/COLOR] [I]Staying backstage the cameras come across Christian and Shelton Benjamin who are arguing.[/I] Benjamin:[COLOR="Red"] I just know you knew all about what was going on between Edge and Melody. I hope you get taken out of the title picture as well.[/COLOR] Christian: [COLOR="red"]For your information I had no idea what was going on. I’ve just resigned with the WWE you know.[/COLOR] Benjamin: [COLOR="red"]But I’m sure you had regular contact with Edge since you ARE his best friend are you not?[/COLOR] Christian: [COLOR="red"]Yes of course we had regular contact. But we didn’t usually talk about what was going on on our promotions. Now if you’ll excuse me I have a match with Jeff Hardy to get ready for.[/COLOR] [I]He brushes past Benjamin who shoots him a filthy look behind his back.[/I] JR: [COLOR="Green"]Looks like there is trouble brewing between Benjamin and Christian.[/COLOR] Tazz: [COLOR="green"]I’m not surprised that people think that Christian knew about Edge and Melody.[/COLOR] JR: [COLOR="green"]When we come back it’s Jesse and Festus versus Hawkins and Ryder.[/COLOR] Tazz: [COLOR="green"]And later on it’s MVP versus Triple H and Edge V Big Show and Undertaker. Don’t’ go anywhere folks.[/COLOR] [I]During the commercial break that follows a pre taped video airs starring The Brian Kendrick who tells the TV audience that the moves they are seeing are performed by trained professionals and that the moves take years of training and experience to learn and do safely. He then warns the TV audience not to try what they see at home. When the show returns Jesse and Festus are in the ring awaiting the arrival of Hawkins and Ryder. Festus as usual dominates once the bell has rung and he’s snapped out of his usual placid state. However Hawkins gets disqualified for continuing to fight with Festus after being warned by Charles Robinson. [/I] [B]Jesse and Festus defeated The Edgeheads in 9:56 when Curt Hawkins was disqualified while fighting Festus.[/B] [I]The cameras go backstage to MVP with Eve Torres.[/I] Eve: [COLOR="Purple"]Tonight is one of the biggest opportunities you have had to date. How are you feeling?[/COLOR] MVP: [COLOR="RED"]I am excited. You know why. I am the highest paid athlete on this show and tonight I’ll show you why. I am a true professional and have held the US Championship longer than anyone else on here. There is nowhere else for MVP to go than up. MVP is better than Triple H and better than YOU. When MVP is in the house big things are popping and little things are stopping.[/COLOR] [I]He stares at the camera as the show cuts back to the ring. Vladimir Koslov demonstrates once again why he has a big future ahead of him. At the end of the match he stares at he camera and demands better competition.[/I] [B]Vladimir Koslov defeated R-Truth in 10:18 by pinfall with a Russian Rack.[/B] [I]The show cuts to another commercial break during which a pre taped video airs starring Carlito who tells the TV audience that the moves they are seeing are performed by trained professionals and that the moves take years of training and experience to learn and do safely. He then warns the TV audience not to try what they see at home. When the show returns Jeff Hardy impresses as usual with his high flying style. The crowd gives him a huge pop. It’s obvious that he is very over and should be in line for a title shot in the near future. A disappointing first match back for Christian but he seemed to get a good reaction none the less.[/I] [B]Jeff Hardy defeated Christian Cage in 10:26 by pinfall with a Swanton Bomb.[/B] [I]Backstage the cameras come across Michelle McCool who has sought out Melody Jones to talk to her about her cheating on Vickie with Edge. [/I] Michelle: [COLOR="Red"]You know Melody you’re not making yourself any friends, carrying on the way you are with Edge. And you know you’ve done yourself out of any chance of ever having a shot at my belt right.[/COLOR] Melody: [COLOR="red"]What Vickie didn’t know didn’t hurt her. Edge is amazing. We are in love and it’s wonderful. As long as we have each other titles don’t really matter.[/COLOR] Michelle: [COLOR="red"]You’re pathetic. As is Edge.[/COLOR] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Well that shows us that Melody is just as bad as Edge.[/COLOR] JR: [COLOR="green"]And we all know that Edge is all about winning that heavyweight championship.[/COLOR] [I]Melody bursts out laughing. She knows that she is far better than what Michelle thinks of her. Another commercial break follows and when the show returns Triple H is in the ring with a microphone.[/I] Triple H: [COLOR="red"]Once again it seems I have to prove why I am a 12 times Heavyweight Champion. MVP may think he’s better than me but he’ll find out just like everyone else how good I actually am. I’ve beaten people like him many times before. I am the King of Kings for a reason.[/COLOR] [I]He drops the microphone as MVP’s music plays and he comes out. What follows is an average match, as MVP seems to be off his game. Triple H is clearly the better of the two and wins with a Pedigree. He gets a huge pop when Aaron Davis’ hand comes down for the third time and after being given back his belt holds it up victorious.[/I] [B]Triple H defeated Montel Vontavious Porter in 14:44 by pinfall with a Pedigree.[/B] [I]The show cuts to the final commercial break and when it returns the cameras go backstage to find Big Show and Undertaker in Vickie’s office.[/I] Vickie: [COLOR="Blue"]I want you two to teach Edge a real lesson out there and make sure you put him out of action for a while. I don’t want to see his face around here for a good long time.[/COLOR] Big Show: [COLOR="Red"]That shouldn’t be too hard. You’ve seen what I’ve done to my opponents in the past. It will be my pleasure to take Edge out.[/COLOR] [I]Undertaker’s expression indicates that he too is happy to take Edge out. He hasn’t forgotten how Edge banished him while using Vickie. [/I] [I]Back in the ring Edge has a microphone[/I] Edge: [COLOR="Red"]While I’m not happy about this match it seems I have no choice but to wrestle. But what makes me really angry is Vickie’s apparent belief that she can stop me winning back MY heavyweight championship belt. You think you can take me out Vickie Guerrero? Well think again. I’m not going anywhere. Undertaker and Big Show. I’m ready for you. If you’re going to take me down I’ll take you down WITH me.[/COLOR] JR: [COLOR="green"]Fighting words from Edge. But he’s clearly out numbered and out powered.[/COLOR] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Show’s size alone will make him very very hard to beat. This is not a match we can expect Edge to win.[/COLOR] [I]He dropped the microphone and removed his coat as Big Show’s theme began to play. After Undertaker had made his entrance a great back and forth match followed. Surprisingly Edge managed to hold his own against Undertaker and Show even though the odds had to have been against him. During the match Melody whacked Show with a chair just when he was going to choke slam Edge. She had accompanied Edge to ringside and was in Edge’s corner No one missed the smirks the two exchanged. It looks like Melody may well be the new Lita! Show got the pin by whacking Edge with a chair while Charles Robinson was distracted by Melody who was trying to help Edge gain an advantage. It would seem their tactics backfired.[/I] [B]The Undertaker and Big Show defeated Edge in 14:31 when Big Show defeated Edge by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. [/B] [I]After the match is over Show choke slams Edge then grabs the chair he’d used earlier and hits Edge with it repeatedly. Melody can’t do anything to stop him as Undertaker is restraining her. Vickie has come down to ringside and laughs as she watches Show demolishing Edge. She smirks when she sees the distressed look on Melody’s face. Both of them are being taught a lesson they shouldn’t’ forget in awhile. Finally Show drops the chair a smirk spreading over his face. He and Undertaker leave the ring and walk up the ramp with Vickie as Melody rushes to Edge’s side and drops to her knees. His face is a crimson mask and it’s obvious that he’s seriously hurt. Paramedics rush down to the ring and Melody is forced to watch as Edge is loaded onto a stretcher. She walks alongside as Edge is wheeled back up the ramp and through the curtains. The camera’s follow as Edge is wheeled out to a waiting ambulance and the show goes off the air.[/I] Show Rating: B - Please let me know what you think of this so far. I shuld be able to keep this going as I'm only booking the one brand so to speak so only one show a week and PPV's once a month. Much easier than having to book 3 shows a week.
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[QUOTE=DZ-3479;503132]I notice a lot of you have viewed this. Some thoughts on what you think of it and how I can improve would be nice.[/QUOTE] Not sure what to say really. I think it's well thought out, like the layout, even liked the show for the most part. I think perhaps time will tell more then anything. Ok... Here is my thoughts at first glance, but remember this is first glance, and there is nothing worse then a first impression before "Getting to know" the personalities/product. First off, I'm not a fan of the brands into their own company thinking. I think one of the biggest challenges is to keep all three brands and make it work with who you have to work with. That being said, I'm not against a Diary based on this concept. It makes it more defined, in some ways. Little things that are kind of unexplained. Christian becoming a part of the promotion. I understand that his contract was up for TNA. So I imagine Smackdown seen the opportunity to pick him up before TNA renewed it. That's fine. What I wasn't a fan of was him being jobbed out to Hardy right off the bat (first match). I think he should have been up against a lesser opponant to start with, get him a win, and thus help me understand his card positioning. MVP getting beat by HHH without much of a problem. Looks like I have no reason to watch MVP in a future PPV against HHH if he is so easy for HHH to beat. Edge holding his own against Big Show and Taker. I don't know which way your going with this, but I can't buy that. I can buy him acting as though he is unafraid, but I can't buy him "Holding his own" against those two. One on one, sure. I'm a huge Edge fan, so I'm not upset about it at all. Just not really ready to except him being so good, that he obviously would have beat one of them in a 1 vs 1 match. So bassically, I like what your doing. I just don't know if I like how your doing it. Again, I just want to make sure you understand that this is a "First Impression". It's very hard for me to give you an unbias opinion upon a first impression. A few more shows, where I can see where your going might totally change my way of thinking.
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I forgot to explain about Christian coming back My bad! Christian decided he wanted to come back to WWE and work with his best buddy again. So he approached SD who made him an offer that was better than what TNA was offering. And he accepted. I think after this first card I prefer the unchained storylines as I can do what I like and don't actually have to write specific storylines. Just angles when I don't have what I'm lookin for.
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I am using Know Your Role 2008 and I modified it so that SD, RAW and ECW are separate promotions. I renamed ECW to Onslaught as in my dynasty ECW was renamed after it became a promotion in it's own right. I also resurrected the ECW Tag Titles, The Hardcore Title and the Vixens title for the Onslaught Promotion and renamed some of the titles.
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[center][b][U]Smackdown 8 August 2008[/U][/b][/center] [I]The show begins with a video recap showing Big Show demolishing Edge with a chair while Undertaker restrains Melody and Vickie looking on a smirk on her face followed by Edge being stretchered out, obviously too injured to be able to walk out, Melody at his side. After the usual entrance them and graphics the show opens with an impressive opening salvo of fireworks, before the lights are raised and several sections of the excited crowd are shown waving various signs and pieces of WWE merchandise. The focus then switches to the announce table where Jim Ross and Tazz introduce and hype tonight's proceedings.[/I] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Tonight’s show promises to be a good one. Shane McMahon has told us he has a huge main event in store for us.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]We can expect an update on Edge’s condition sometime later tonight. Wasn’t that a vicious beating Show gave him last week?[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]It certainly wasn’t anything anyone saw coming. It was pretty obvious that Edge wasn’t going to win the match despite managing to last longer than anyone thought he would against those two.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]Vickie certainly meant it when she told us that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned[/color] [I]Down in the ring the first match of the night is getting under way. R Truth and Super Crazy are waiting in the ring for Ryan Braddock and Scotty Goldman. Truth and Crazy score a convincing win over Braddock and Goldman when Truth performs an Axe Kick and hooks the leg for the 3 count. All 4 men looked good out there and there is no doubt that Braddock and Goldman are improving. [/I] [b]R-Truth and Super Crazy defeated Ryan Braddock and Scotty Goldman in 5:50 when R-Truth defeated Ryan Braddock by pinfall with an Axe Kick.[/b] [I]After a commercial break the show comes back with Shane McMahon in the ring.[/I] JR: [COLOR="Green"]I doubt we’ve seen the last of Braddock and Goldman. They are definitely ones to watch for in the future.[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]It won’t surprise me if we see gold around their waists in the very near future. [/color] Shane McMahon: [COLOR="blue"]We have four top contenders for the Smackdown Championship currently held by Triple H. To determine the number one contender we are going to have a title chase. Tonight we will kick things off with Jeff Hardy vs MVP vs Umaga vs The Brian Kendrick in a fatal four-way match! The superstar who is pinned will be eliminated from the chase.[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]What a great main event this is going to be. [/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]Four of Smackdown’s top young superstars battling it out for a chance at gold. My money is on Jeff Hardy. He’s been on fire lately.[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]He sure has. It can’t be long now before we see Smackdown Championship gold around his waist. [/color] This announcement is met with a large pop from the crowd and is followed by an interview backstage with Michelle McCool Eve Torres:[COLOR="Purple"] Michelle I understand you are in a tag team match tonight with Brie Bella and you’re up against Melody Jones and Victoria. What are your thoughts going into this match?[/color] Michelle:[COLOR="red"]You know I really want to win this one. Melody thought she was being very smart thinking she and Edge could get away with what they’ve done. It’s time she was taken down a peg or two. And as for Victoria… I know you want MY Diva’s Championship. Well I’ve news for you. I don’t intend to lose it for a long time. So I’m quite sure Brie and I should win our match tonight. [/color] [I]Back in the ring Carlito wrestle a pretty good match and it’s obvious they have pretty good chemistry together. Carlito is in control for most of the match and looks pretty good out there. Kenny responds with some offence but never really gets in any kind of control. Carlito finally ends the match with a Back Cracker.[/I] [B]Carlito defeated Kenny Dykstra in 9:54 by pinfall with a Back Cracker.[/B] JR: [COLOR="Green"] Wow Carlito and Kenny have some pretty good chemistry. [/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"] Did you see that Back Cracker on Kenny? It came out of nowhere. [/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"] That is why that move is such a dangerous move. Just like Randy Orton’s RKO. They can be hit with no warning and usually when you get hit with one of those moves its GOOD NIGHT! [/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]And I’ve just been informed that coming up later tonight it will be Jesse and Festus against Hawkins and Ryder. [/color] [I]After a commercial break the show returns backstage and the cameras find Natalya and Maryse holding the latest Copy of Smackdown Magazine, which features them on the cover.[/I] Natalya:[COLOR="red"]Checkout these pictures of us. The guys are going to be falling over themselves to see them.[/color] Maryse:[COLOR="red"]I know. We look great. No actually we look amazing. And did you see Mr Kennedy’s face when he was reading it earlier. I know he was checking you out.[/color] [I]The two laugh and continue to check out the magazine. The cameras then cut to Vickie Gurerrero’s office where she is talking to Big Show and Undertaker.[/I] Vickie:[COLOR="blue"]Great job guys you sure did a number on Edge. I don’t think he’s going to forget this for a long time[/color] Show:[COLOR="red"]It was my pleasure to demolish him. What are you going to do about Melody? Shouldn’t she be taught a lesson too?”[/color] Vickie:[COLOR="blue"] Oh she will be. She will be. Next week I’m going to put her in a very tough match. Hopefully she’ll get hurt just like her precious boyfriend Edge.[/color] [I]Show and Vickie laugh and Taker smirks.[/I] JR:[COLOR="green"]This doesn’t bode well for Melody.[/color] Tazz:[COLOR="green"] No it doesn’t. But this could drive Edge and Vickie further apart and make Edge all the more determined to stay with Melody.[/color] [I]Back in the ring it’s Jesse and Festus V Hawkins and Ryder. As soon as the bell goes Festus undergoes his transformation and quickly clears the ring of Hawkins and Ryder. They don’t seem to want to face Festus and try to keep Jesse in their corner and away from Festus with some quick tags and great teamwork. But Festus is finally tagged in and gets the win.[/I] [b]Jesse and Festus defeat the Edgeheads[/b] (I accidentally clicked twice and missed the details of this match but I know J and F won.) [I]After the match we see Jesse and Festus celebrate in the ring. They look pretty happy and so they should be.[/I] Tazz:[COLOR="green"] An impressive win for Jesse and Festus tonight.[/color] JR:[COLOR="green"] I think this victory might qualify Jesse and Festus for an opportunity at Hawkins and Ryder’s titles. We could be looking at new No 1contenders for the Smackdown Tag Team Championship.[/color] [I]The show cuts to another commercial break and a pre taped video airs starring Edge who tells the TV audience that the moves they are seeing are performed by trained professionals and that the moves take years of training and experience to learn and do safely. He then warns the TV audience not to try what they see at home. Smackdown returns with a video that was recorded earlier that day airing. Melody Jones is at the hospital to visit Edge. She enters Edge's hospital room and goes over to his bed. Taking Edge's hand in hers Melly J smiles at him. It is obvious that Edge is pleased to see her.[/I] Melody:[COLOR="red"]How are you feeling baby?[/color] Edge:[COLOR="red"]Much better now that you’re here. The doctor says I should be out of here tomorrow and back in action next week. I’m going to ask for a match against Show and when I am through with him he’ll be wishing he’d never used that chair on me. [/color] Melody:[COLOR="red"] Yeah. But for now you need to rest. I was so worried about you baby. I love you and it broke my heart seeing you lying there helpless and being unable to do anything to help you. But I think we need to cheer you up.[/color] [I]She leans forward and kisses Edge and soon the two are engaged in a make out session. When they come up for air it is obvious from Edge’s expression that he has been cheered up. Back in the ring the Diva’s tag team match has gotten under way. This is the first time Melody Jones has seen some in ring action. She doesn’t look too bad although she still has some work to do as she falls victim to McCool’s Spinning Backbreaker very quickly [/I] [b]Michelle McCool and Brie Bella defeated Victoria and Melody Jones in 4:41 when Michelle McCool defeated Melody Jones by pinfall with a Spinning Backbreaker.[/b] Tazz:[COLOR="green"] Melody’s definitely got potential but was outclassed by McCool tonight. But props to Michelle for showing us why she is the Divas Champion. [/color] JR:[COLOR="green"] We should see a lot more of her in the future. This was only her first match after all. And yes Michelle was on fire out there.[/color] [I]Backstage Michelle McCool is interviewed by Eve Torres again to get some reaction to her match.[/I] Eve:[COLOR="purple"] You were on fire out there. Congratulations on your win.[/color] Michelle: [COLOR="red"]Thanks Eve. See Victoria. That is why I am the Divas Champion and you’re not. As I said earlier there is no way you’re getting my championship. And you’ll have to do a lot better to prove to me that you’re worthy of it.[/color] [I]Smackdown then cuts to a commercial break. When the show returns Triple H is being interviewed by Eve Torres.[/I] Eve:[COLOR="purple"]I am here with Triple H. What do you think of Shane McMahon’s title chase plan?[/color] Triple H: [COLOR="red"]None of those guys can beat me. I’ve had some good matches with Jeff but let’s face it if he hasn’t beaten me by now I doubt he ever will. Kendrick isn’t good enough to win the contendership. Not by a long shot. I beat MVP quite easily last week so I can’t see him winning it either. Umaga may be a threat but I am sure I can win against him if I have to.[/color] [I]Back in the ring Shelton Benjamin is on the microphone cutting a promo.[/I] Shelton: [COLOR="red"] You honestly think you can beat me tonight Christian? Well think again. I watched your match last week and quite frankly I don’t know why I am bothering to wrestle you. Quite clearly you’ve gone backwards not forwards during your time away from the WWE. You and the rest of the people here will see why I am called The Gold Standard.[/color] [I]He drops the microphone as Christian makes his entrance. The two are evenly matched and there are number of near falls during the match and for a time it looks like Christian might get the upset. But Shelton manages to hit the Paydirt and gets the three count.[/I] [b]Shelton Benjamin defeated Christian Cage in 10:56 by pinfall with a Paydirt.[/b] Tazz:[COLOR="green"] What a good match that was. Several times I thought Christian had it only to have Benjamin come up with a match saving counter. [/color] JR:[COLOR="green"] I don’t think we’ve seen the last of this feud. In fact I think it’s just hotting up. That Paydirt was a great counter to what I thought was a certain win for Christian.[/color] [I]Smackdown cuts to the final commercial break and a pre taped video airs starring Mr Kennedy who tells the TV audience that the moves they are seeing are performed by trained professionals and that the moves take years of training and experience to learn and do safely. He then warns the TV audience not to try what they see at home.[/I] [I]When the show returns the cameras are at the hospital where Vickie Gurerrero has arrived. To everyone’s surprise she is there to see Edge but when she enters his hospital room it soon becomes clear that her visit is not for friendly reasons.[/I] Vickie:[color="blue"]Did you enjoy your match last week? Oh I forgot you were out cold most of the time. I really enjoyed seeing you getting beaten to a pulp. And I am not finished. Not by a long shot. Oh and that little minx you’re dating… well she’s in for a nasty little surprise next week. She’s going to learn a little lesson too.[/color] Edge:[color="red"]GET OUT. If you’ve only come here to rub it in and insult my girlfriend then I don’t want you in here.[/color] [I]He has a furious expression on his face and after she leaves it is obvious he is upset.[/I] Tazz:[COLOR="green"] I am not surprised that Vickie’s visit was for less than friendly reasons.[/color] JR:[COLOR="green"] I just hope Vickie’s revenge schemes don’t come back to haunt her. I can’t imagine Edge is going to take this sitting down.[/color] [I]Backstage Vladmir Koslov is interviewed by Eve Torres. He cuts a promo in Russian and we can only guess that he’s talking about Khali and their upcoming match. He then makes his way out to the ring for the match. Surprisingly he manages to get in some good offense against Khali and it even looks for a time like he might get an upset. But Khali eventually proves to be too strong winning with a Chokebomb[/I] [b]The Great Khali defeated Vladimir Kozlov in 9:56 by pinfall with a Chokebomb.[/b] JR:[COLOR="green"] What a match. Koslov has finally met someone he can’t just brutalize.[/color] Tazz:[COLOR="green"] This marks his first loss in the WWE ring. But it had to happen eventually. Up next is our main event the fatal four way. Who do you think is going to win JR?[/color] JR:[COLOR="green"] Jeff Hardy for sure. It’s his match to lose. And if he plays it right I think he should win without too much difficulty.[/color] [I]The main event is a close affair with a lot of near falls. Everyone gets a fair share of the action. Jeff Hardy is clearly the best of the four men but after taking a risk and missing with a Swanton Bomb he can't do anything as The Brian Kendrick is pinned by MVP following a Playmaker. This is an upset and the crowd is clearly upset with the outcome of the match as they felt Jeff should have won. Jeff also looks upset as he knows that he took an unnecessary risk and it cost him the match.[/I] [b]Montel Vontavious Porter defeated Jeff Hardy, Umaga and The Brian Kendrick in 14:54 when Montel Vontavious Porter defeated The Brian Kendrick by pinfall with a Playmaker.[/b] JR:[COLOR="green"] All I can say is I don’t believe it. I was sure Jeff would win that. But it goes to show that one little mistake can be enough to cost the match.[/color] Tazz:[COLOR="green"] What an upset for MVP. And The Brian Kendrick is out of the competition. And he doesn’t’ look happy about it either. Well that’s it from Smackdown tonight. I hope you all enjoyed our show. Good night.[/color] Show Rating: C-
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News from [url]www.wwe.com[/url] Smackdown has signed Chris Hero as their newest superstar. Expect to see him in action as of the August 22nd show. Card for 15th August Melody Jones V Victoria and Natalya Festus V Zack Ryder Christian V Ezekiel Jackson Shelton Benjamin V R Truth Triple H & Undertaker V Great Khali & The Brian Kendrick Edge V Big Show (No DQ) Jeff Hardy V MVP V Umaga (Triple Threat Match)
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[center][b][U]Smackdown 15 August 2008[/U][/b][/center] [I] BOOM! BOOM! BOOM-BA-BOOM! BOOM!" Smackdown starts with an impressive opening salvo of fireworks, before the lights are raised and several sections of the excited crowd are shown waving various signs and pieces of WWE merchandise. The focus then switches to the announce table where Jim Ross and Tazz welcomes everyone to Friday Night Smackdown, Ross and Tazz heavily hype the expected impact the likes of Edge, Big Show and MVP are likely to have on tonight's proceedings..[/I] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Tonight’s show promises to be a good one. Edge is back and looking for revenge.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]As promised last week Melody Jones is in action but we don’t’ know yet what sort of match Vickie has in store for her.[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Jeff Hardy, MVP and Umaga are all still in the running for the WWE title.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]It looks like Shane O’Mac has an announcement regarding our main event.[/color] [I]Down in the ring Shane McMahon is out talking to the crowd [/I] Shane McMahon: [COLOR="blue"]Did you all enjoy the fatal four way last week?[/color] [I]The crowd responds with a huge pop.[/I] SM: [COLOR="blue"]Continuing on that theme we will have triple threat match between Jeff Hardy, MVP and Umaga. Once again the loser of the match will be eliminated leaving the remaining two superstars to fight it out in a one on one match next week to determine who will face Triple H at Bash at the Beach[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]This should be a very interesting match. Hopefully Jeff won’t blow it again.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]Can MVP make it two in a row? The pressure will be all on him.[/color] [I]After a commercial break the show comes back with Melly J in Vickie Gurerrero’s office.[/I] Vickie:[color="blue"]I hope you aren’t getting too comfy. You’re in a match tonight against Victoria AND Natalya. It’s a punishment for not stopping Edge cheating on me.[/color] Melody:[COLOR="red"]And why would I have wanted to stop him cheating. I am in love with him. It’s not my fault if he’s in love with me and I am more woman than you could ever be. [/color] [I]She leaves the office her head held high not letting Vickie get to her. The cameras stay backstage where they see Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins jump Jesse and Festus in the catering area. Festus is unable to defend himself and Jesse is quickly beaten down. Ryder and Hawkins stand over them gloating as they’ve seemingly had revenge for the previous week’s loss. The cameras then find Melly J backstage preparing for her match when Edge arrives. Melly J and Edge fly into each other's arms and kiss.[/I] Melody:[COLOR="red"]I’m so glad you’re back. I missed you like you wouldn’t believe[/color] [I]Edge smiles at Melody and finds her lips with his. A full on make out session ensues. Melody then makes her way out to the ring accompanied by Edge who it appears has decided he is going to be in her corner. Melody fights bravely and despite an attempt by Edge to take out Natalya, Melody is beaten by Victoria after a well executed Widow’s Peak.[/I] [b]Victoria and Natalya Neidhart defeated Melly J in 6:39 when Victoria defeated Melly J by pinfall with a Widow's Peak.[/b] [I]At the end of the match after helping Melody return backstage Edge makes his way to Vickie’s office and knocks. After she tells him he can go in he enters. Vickie doesn’t look very pleased to see him but agrees to hear him out.[/I] Edge:[COLOR="red"]I’d like Big Show one on one tonight please. That was totally unfair my having to fight him AND Undertaker last week and you know it.[/color] Vickie:[color="blue"]I know it was unfair. That was the whole idea of it. It was a PUNISHMENT. Since I’m in a generous mood tonight and you did ask nicely I’m going to grant your request. BUT I’m going to tweak the match a little. It will indeed be Edge V Big Show in a one on one match but instead of it being a regular match it will be a NO DISQUALIFICATIONS match![/color] [I]Vickie’s friendly smile is replaced by the sinister smirk that we’ve seen a lot of in recent months.[/I] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Well that has backfired a little on Edge.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]He has a point about it being unfair. Just like Melly’s match just now was.[/color] [I]After another commercial break Smackdown returns with Jesse and Festus in the ring along with Hawkins and Ryder. They challenge Hawkins and Ryder to a tag team match with their titles on the line[/I] Jesse:[COLOR="red"]Hawkins and Ryder we know we can beat you and we’ve proven we can beat you. We would like a match with you for the titles at Bash at the Beach.[/color] Curt Hawkins [COLOR="red"]You’re on. And just to show that we can beat you how about a little one on one warm up match. Zach will take on Festus and show you two why we are the Smackdown Tag Team Champions![/color] [I]He drops the microphone as Ryder removes his jacket. The bell rings and Festus transforms. He charges at Ryder and the match is on. Ryder tries to put up some offence but Festus is all over him Hawkins does his best to help Ryder but is prevented from doing so by Jesse and Festus finishes off Ryder with a Chokebomb. Festus seemed to be off his game with the result that his chemistry with Jesse just wasn’t there.[/I] [b]Festus defeated Zack Ryder in 6:48 by pinfall with a Chokebomb.[/b] [I]After the win Jesse rejoins Festus in the ring and the two celebrate their accomplishment. As they return backstage they pass Shelton Benjamin who makes his way down to the ring microphone in hand. After entering the ring he raises the microphone to his mouth.[/I] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"] It looked like Festus wasn’t on his game tonight. Did you notice that?.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]Can MVP make it two in a row? The pressure will be all on him.[/color] Shelton Benjamin [COLOR="red"]I knew you were going to get beat last week. What was the WWE thinking when they resigned you to this promotion? I always knew TNA was where the losers hung out.. You were only on top there because you were beating other losers. Not real competition. I on the other hand am the Gold Standard and I will now show you why I am. Watch and you might learn something![/color] [I]He drops the microphone as R-Truth makes his entrance through the crowd with his usual rap which garners a huge pop. Benjamin immediately goes on the offensive hitting Truth before the bell rings. Truth manages to recover somewhat and get in some pretty good offensive showing why the WWE has re signed him back to the Smackdown Promotion. However Shelton hits Paydirt then gets the pinfall using a handful of tights which Jim Korderas fails to see. The crowd boos at the cheating.[/I] [b]Shelton Benjamin defeated R-Truth in 9:41 by pinfall with a Paydirt.[/b] [I]After Shelton has gotten the three count he asks for the microphone again.[/I] Benjamin: [COLOR="red"]Now that is why I am known as the Gold Standard. I know you have a match tonight Christian. I’m going to enjoy seeing you get beaten once again.[/color] [I]He drops the mic and leaves the ring[/I] [I]Smackdown cuts to a commercial break. When the show returns Christian and Ezekiel are in the ring and the bell rings. It is Ezekiel’s first match. Not surprisingly Christian dominates and the match is over very quickly after Jackson is knocked into Korderas, knocking him out. Christian takes advantage of Korderas being down and executes a conchairto on Jackson knocking him out cold.. He has the leg hooked as Korderas revives and gets the win. It is obvious by using the conchairto that Christian is sending a message to Benjamin.[/I] Christian defeated Ezekiel Jackson in 4:58 by pinfall with a one-man conchairto. Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Christian has definitely sent a message to Benjamin with that thundering conchairto.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]Not a good debut for Jackson but I think Christian needed that win. And coming up next is tag team action. Its Undertaker and Triple H up against Khali and The Brian Kendrick [/color] [I]A graphic has been shown of the two teams while Ross announces the match and the cameras cut backstage to show Triple H heading to the curtains in readiness for the match. Back in the ring The Great Khali has just made his entrance. He is followed by The Brian Kendrick. Both Undertaker and Triple H get huge pops as they come out. Khali dominates at first but is eventually worn down enabling Undertaker to tag out to Triple H. Khali tags The Brian Kendrick in and after a series of quick tags Triple H manages to hit the pedigree for the win.[/I] [B]Triple H and The Undertaker defeated The Great Khali and The Brian Kendrick in 9:34 when Triple H defeated The Brian Kendrick by pinfall with a Pedigree.[/b] [I]The cameras go back stage and find Melly J giving Edge a massage in his locker room. They are talking about Edge’s upcoming match[/I] Melody: [COLOR="red"]You’re going to do fine baby. You’ve only got Show to worry about tonight. No Undertaker. You’ve beaten Show before and can do it again[/color] Edge: [COLOR="red"]You’re damn right I’ve beaten him before. And I WILL beat him tonight. Vickie doesn’t know it but No DQ matches are where I’m at my most dangerous. So she’s actually played right into my hands. I can do what I like to Show and I CAN’T be disqualified. And you’re going to help me. Aren’t you baby.[/color] Melody: [COLOR="red"]I sure am. Now this is what I have in mind to do.[/color] [I] The two start discussing their plans for the match and pretty soon Edge has the sinister smirk we know so well on his face. Finally it is time for Edge’s match so the two make their way out to the ring. After they enter the ring Edge asks for a microphone.[/I] Edge: [COLOR="red"]Big Show, you hurt me last week. Tonight I hurt YOU. You had Undertaker as backup last week but tonight it’s just you and ME. One On One. Anything goes. I am going to do to you what you did to me and worse. What I’m going to do will be legalised assault. If I did what I’m going to do to you anywhere but here I’d be sent to prison. I’m going to make you feel the same pain I felt. Make you feel how I felt lying in hospital wishing I could be at the show. And if you ever EVER do that to me again I will make sure you’ll be out of action for a good long time.[/color] [I]He drops the microphone a sinster smirk on his face. Melly J looks up at him and he kisses her.[/I] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Whoa Edge definitely has some anger issues.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]Show had better watch out tonight. Edge is back and in a dangerous mood. I wonder if we might see another conchairto tonight.[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Big Show is pretty big and don’t forget he can do whatever he likes too.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]Of course. But Edge is the Ultimate Opportunist and you can be sure he’ll take full advantage of the fact that there aren’t any rules.[/color] [I]Both Edge and Show take full advantage of the many weapons that are under the ring. But Edge’s speed gives him the advantage and he is able to put chairs and tables to good use. He is also able to take advantage of Melly distracting Show by jumping up on the ring apron. Finally he gets the win after climbing a ladder with a chair and jumping onto Show who is draped on a table and being held down by Melly. The table breaks and Show is knocked out cold allowing Edge to cover him for the pin.[/I] [B]Edge defeated Big Show in 14:38 by pinfall after using a foreign object.[/b] [I]Edge raises his arms and bullhorns to the crowd a smirk on his face. The crowd boos and tells him he sucks. As he continues to celebrate his win he notices Big Show still lying on the broken table and decides to send Vickie a message. Exiting the ring he grabs the ring steps and takes them into the ring placing them near where Big Show lies. Together he and Melody manoeuvre Show so his head is on the steps then Melly passes Edge a chair, which he uses, to conchairto Big Show, smashing his head between the chair and the stairs. He and Melly bullhorn oblivious to the boos being directed at them. Tazz: [COLOR="Green"] I’d say a message has definitely been sent to Vickie. That was a nasty conchairto.[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]There were some amazing spots there. Especially that sick looking chairshot from the ladder.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]Coming up, our main event. Jeff Hardy V MVP V Umaga in Triple Threat action.[/color] Smackdown cuts to the final commercial break and a pre taped video airs starring MVP who tells the TV audience that the moves they are seeing are performed by trained professionals and that the moves take years of training and experience to learn and do safely. He then warns the TV audience not to try what they see at home. When the show returns Jeff Hardy is with Eve Torres backstage.[/I] Eve: [COLOR="Purple"]I am here with Jeff Hardy. Jeff what are your thoughts on tonight’s match with MVP and Umaga?[/color] Jeff: [COLOR="red"]I am going to win tonight. I screwed up last week and don’t intend to repeat that mistake tonight. I want the Smackdown title so bad. I’ve come so close but not been able to grab that brass ring. I am hungry and you’ll see that hunger out there in the ring. It’s my time to shine. I can feel it. It’s show time![/color] [I] Down in the ring MVP and Umaga have made their entrances. The crowd goes crazy when Jeff Hardy makes his entrance. He is clearly very over. All three men are evenly matched and several times it seems like one of them has the match won. Finally Jeff lays Umaga out and goes to the top turnbuckle. Stripping off his singlet he throws it into the audience then does the Hardy guns. Executing a perfect Swanton Bomb he hooks the leg for the win. The crowd gives another huge pop.[/I] [B]Jeff Hardy defeated MVP and Umaga in 15:14 when Jeff Hardy defeated Umaga by pinfall with a Swanton Bomb.[/B] [I]Jeff Hardy celebrates his win by going into the crowd and joining a group of Hardy fans.[/I] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"] What a match. What a match. Once again Jeff demonstrates why he should be the number one contender for Triple H’s title.[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]If Jeff wrestles like that in a match with Triple H we could be looking at a new champion..[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]Definitely and that is why I believe it is his time to shine. Good night everyone.[/color] [I] The show goes off the air with Jeff Hardy still celebrating with his fans[/I] Show Rating: B
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  • 3 weeks later...
[center][b][u]Smackdown 22 August 2008[/u][/b][/center] [I] Smackdown starts with the sound of Edge’s music playing. The crowd boos as he makes his way out to the ring. Vickie Gurerrero isn’t far behind and everyone is wondering what Edge might have to say. They are surprised to see Vickie coming out with Edge knowing his recent history...[/I] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Welcome to Smackdown everyone. Tonight’s main event will give us our number one contender for Triple H’s title and our main event for Bash at the Beach.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]It will be Jeff Hardy up against MVP. Both have been on top of their game the last few weeks..[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]But right now its obvious that Edge has something to say.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]But why is Vickie out here?.[/color] [I]Melly J is at Edge’s side. He raises the microphone he has been given to his mouth [/I] Edge: [COLOR="red"]I know you must be wondering why I asked you to come out here. Well I want to apologise for my behaviour over the last few weeks. I never meant to hurt you. I just didn’t know how to tell you I’d met someone else. And I wanted to be World Champion again.[/color] [I]It is oblivious the crowd doesn’t believe him.[/I] Vickie: [COLOR="blue"]Now why I should I believe you Edge. You deliberately didn’t tell me about Melly so you could take advantage of me making sure you would win your matches. I think you’re just trying to get back on my good side. But that isn’t going to work. At Bash at the Beach you will be facing The Undertaker in a Casket Match.[/color] [I] The crowd roars its approval and Edge looks angry. Clearly he isn’t happy about facing Undertaker in a match that he has made his own. Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Wow what a main event for Bash at the Beach.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]Who would have thought Edge would actually apologise to Vickie. It’s kind of obvious he didn’t mean any of what he said.[/color] Tazz:: [COLOR="Green"]Kudos to Vickie for making a great match. Edge has beaten Taker in a TLC so now it’s Taker’s turn to wrestle HIS match.[/color] [I]Back in the ring its Chris Hero V Ryan Braddock This is the crowd’s first look at Smackdown’s newest acquisition. Hero looks good through out the match and it is obvious that Braddock is off his game. Hero manages to show off an impressive array of moves. It is clear that he has a big future ahead. He eventually finishes off Braddock with Hero’s welcome giving him a first up win. [/] [b]Chris Hero defeated Ryan Braddock in 5:07 by pinfall with a Hero’s Welcome.[/b] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]What did you make of Chris Hero JR? I thought he was quite impressive.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]He’s certainly gotten off to a good start with a first up win. And he showed us that he has a wide repertoire of moves. [/color] Tazz:: [COLOR="Green"]I think he’ll definitely be one to watch in the future.[/color] [I]A series of graphical match announcements for the Great American Bash is shown[/I] JR: [COLOR="Green"]We’ve got quite a good card for the Great American Bash so far. Edge V Taker in a casket match. That will be the main event for sure. Can Edge beat Taker in the match he has made his own? [/color] Tazz:: [COLOR="Green"]And can Hawkins and Ryder retain their tag titles against Jesse and Festus.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]And will it be Jeff Hardy or MVP up against Triple H for the WWE title. [/color] [I]Smackdown cuts to the first ad break of the night. When the show returns Edge and Melly J are talking backstage and Edge is giving Melly a massage.[/I] Melody:[COLOR="red"]This is my first singles match. I’m a little bit nervous[/color] Edge:[COLOR="red"]Don’t be. Feed off the crowd’s energy. You’ll do fine out there. And I believe you can beat Brie. I’ve seen what you can do when we’ve been training and you’re amazing. Now get out there and knock em dead.[/color] [I]Melody and Brie Bella have what appears to be a very good match and it shows in their chemistry. Both look good throughout the match and are future contenders for the woman’s title. Towards the end of the match Melody tries to put Brie away with a spear but Brie leapfrogs her and she hits the ring post. While she recovers Edge gets up on the apron distracting Brie. This enables Melody to grab two chairs and while Edge distracts Jim Korderas Melody executes a conchairto. She quickly tosses the chairs out of the ring then hooks the leg for the pin.[/I] [b]Melly J defeated Brie Bella in 6:08 by pinfall with an One man con-chair-to after a distraction from Edge.[/b] JR: [COLOR="Green"]That was a great match. A lot better than what I was expecting. I can see that Edge has taught Melody all his dirty little tricks. [/color] Tazz:: [COLOR="Green"]But Brie is pretty amazing too. I’d say that one day those two will be in line for a shot at the Diva’s title. Or Woman’s title if they should leave us and go to RAW.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]Coming up is tag team action. Carlito and Primo up against Hawkins and Ryder. Don’t go away. [/color] [I]The cameras go backstage where Victoria is with Eve Torres.[/I] Eve: [Color="purple"]You had a reasonably easy match against Melly last week. Do you think you’ll have as easy a time against Michelle McCool when you two finally meet one on one?[/color] Victoria:[COLOR="red"]Melly was easy pickings and a great warm up for when I do face Michelle. That Diva’s title will soon be around MY waist. I am a million times better than her and always will be. You may think you’ll beat me Michelle but it will be you looking up at the ceiling after I pin your shoulders to the mat. I have more experience and more strength. How can you possibly thinkyou can beat me? And on that note I am issuing you a challenge for your Diva’s title at Bash at the Beach.[/color] [I]At the end of the interview Victoria walks away and Carlito and Primo Colon join Eve.[/I] Eve: [Color="purple"]So you two think you can beat Hawkins and Ryder tonight?[/color] Carlito [COLOR="red"]Yes we do. We are Carlito and Primo Colon and we KNOW we can beat those two idiots. Especially since they don’t have Edge to help them win anymore. This match will show everyone what Carlito and Primo are all about.[/color] The tag team match follows the interview and begins with Carlito locking up with Zack Ryder. The two teams both tag in and out quickly There are a number of near falls and several times it looks like Carlito and Primo are going to win the match. However the match breaks down into a brawl and Carlito ends up being counted out. The Edgeheads defeated Carlito and Primo Colon in 6:32 when Carlito was counted out while fighting Zack Ryder. Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Good match. Shame about the ending. I really thought we would see a pin or submission. [/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]But we did get to see what Carlito and Primo can do together. And they looked really good. I think they will go a long way together.[/color] [I]After another commercial break Smackdown returns with the cameras backstage. They follow Michelle McCool as she enters the Diva’s locker room and gets into a confrontation with Michelle McCool[/I] Michelle: [COLOR="red"]You think you can beat me? Yeah right. And I will prove it too. I accept your little challenge for a match at Bash at the Beach [/color] Victoria [COLOR="red"]You should be careful what you wish for. I might just take that title from around your waist.[/color] [I]She glares at Michelle and the two get into a staredown.[/I] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]So it is going to be Victoria V Michelle McCool for the Divas title at Bash at the Beach.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]And can Edge beat Undertaker in their casket match? I’d say it’s a pretty tall order.[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]What about Jesse and Festus V Hawkins and Ryder. Will we see two titles change hands?[/color] Down in the ring Jimmy Wang Yang and Vladimir Koslov lock up. In what seems to be another easy match for the Russian he easily beats Wang Yang with a Russian Rack. Afterwards he gets on the microphone and demands real competition. Clearly he feels he should be facing tougher opponents. It is somewhat obvious that Koslov and Yang didn’t click in the ring as the match looked awkward. [b]Vladimir Kozlov defeated Jimmy Wang Yang in 6:39 by pinfall with a Russian Rack.[/b] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"] Who on earth is going to be the first to beat Koslov. The man has been dominant so far?.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"] Maybe so but he’s not yet faced the likes of Triple H or Edge or any of the main eventers. I wonder how he’d fare against them.[/color] [I]When the show comes back after a commercial break Christian is with Eve Torres.[/I] Eve: [Color="purple"]What do you have to say to all the things Shelton Benjamin has been saying about you in previous weeks?[/color] Christian [COLOR="red"]What Shelton has been saying is a lot of rubbish. I can beat him any time any place. He may think he’s better than me but let me assure you that he is not. [/color] [I]He starts to say something else but Benjamin suddenly blindsides him from out of nowhere. Eve jumps out of the way as Benjamin rains blows down on Christian. Security eventually arrive and pull him away but not before Christian has been left nursing a sore head. The cameras follow Christian as he goes to Vickie’s office. She indicates he can enter after he knocks.[/I] Christian [COLOR="red"]Did you just see that. It was completely unprovoked. Can I have a match against him? Its high time I showed him what I can do.[/color] Vickie: [color="blue"]Yes I just saw what happened and you can have your match. I wasn’t impressed with Benjamin any more than you were.[/color] [I]Christian leaves Vickie’s office and makes his way out to the ring still holding his head. Benjamin follows. Christian attacks Benjamin before the bell and its obvious he’s determined to exact some revenge for the pre match beating. However his already injured head is a target for Benjamin who focuses on it and quickly takes control of the match. He eventually tosses Christian out of the ring and follows him out. Benjamin slams Christian’s head into the ring steps then re-enters the ring for the easy count out. [b] Shelton Benjamin defeated Christian in 9:45 by count out..[/b] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"] Well that outcome was somewhat obvious. Christian should never have asked for a match in that condition. Of course Benjamin would immediately target his head. [/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"] Yes I think unfortunately Christian made a mistake.[/color] [I]After Christian has gone backstage the cameras follow and he is seen going to Vickie’s office again.[/I] Christian [COLOR="red"]I want a rematch. I made a mistake asking for that match. I wasn’t a hundred percent and shouldn’t have wrestled. I KNOW I can beat him.[/color] Vickie: [color="blue"]I was impressed by how you handled yourself. How would a title match against him at Bash at the Beach sound?.[/color] Christian [COLOR="red"]It sounds like a real good plan. Thanks Vickie.[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"] Wow. This should be a great match. The card for Bash just keeps getting better and better. [/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"] And I think Christian should have a great shot at winning. He should be back to one hundred percent and will be out for some revenge. And Shelton’s gold is on the line. If anyone can lift it from him Christian can. [/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"] I’d agree. [/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"] So there are now three titles on the line. Four if you count Triple H defending against either Jeff Hardy or MVP. Will it be a night of titles chaning hands or will the current champions reign supreme?[/color] [I]After another commercial break the show returns with Edge backstage with Eve He is preparing for his match against Umaga and Melly is at his side.[/I] Eve: [Color="purple"]As we all know you’re in action up next against Umaga in a warm up match for Bash at the Beach. What are your thoughts about that and your match at Bash.[/color] Edge: [COLOR="red"]I look forward to my match tonight. After it I’ll be ready for Undertaker and his casket match. I AM going to win and go into Bash at the Beach with momentum. I know Vickie would like me to lose but sorry Vickie not tonight. Aint gonna happen.[/color] [I]He turns to the camera his usual sinister smirk on his face then heads out to the ring. During the match that follows Edge is clearly dominant. He uses every dirty trick in the book and finally gets the win after Melly distracts Korderas allowing him to perform a wicked looking conchairto. [/I] [b]Edge defeated Umaga in 12:39 by pinfall with an One man con-chair-to.[/b] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]That was a nasty looking conchairto. And as usual Edge showed us why he’s known as the ultimate opportunist.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]Umaga is definitely improving but Edge looked great out there.[/color] [I]While Umaga is recovering from the match Vladimir Koslov runs in and attacks him beating him down to the mat again. Edge and Melly watch from the ramp clearly enjoying what they are seeing. Then Vickie comes out shooting the two a look as she goes past. She gets a microphone[/] Vickie: [color="Blue"]That’s ENOUGH. Clearly you are wanting better competition. So how about this. You Vladimir Koslov V Umaga at Bash at the Beach.[/color] Koslov nods slowly but doesn’t smile. Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Whoa I don’t think anyone saw that coming.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]This should be a VERY interesting match. Both are powerhouses so I think it could well be a clash of the titans.[/color] Smackdown cuts to the final commercial break and when the show returns Shane McMahon is making his way to the ring. Asking for a microphone he looks at the crowd.[/I] Shane McMahon: [color="Blue"]The winner of tonight’s main event between Jeff Hardy and MVP WILL face Triple H at Bash at the Beach for the Heavyweight Championship.[/color] [I] Down in the ring Triple H comes out and joins Tazz and JR at the announce table as he is guest commentator for the match. He proceeds to give his thoughts about Jeff and MVP as they make their entrances.[/I] Triple H: [color="red"]Jeff’s been doin real well lately. But he’s always come up short. I definitely think it could be his time to shine. And MVP has been doing well too. But my money is on Jeff in this one. He’s got the fire and the hunger in his belly to win. He needs this win.[/color] During the match that follows MVP tries several dirty tricks. But Jeff remains firmly in control through out the match. He is clearly determined that HE will be the one to face Triple H at Bash at the Beach. Finally he lays MVP out with a well timed Whisper in the Wind and going up top follows up with a perfectly executed Swanton for the three count. He looks ecstatic as Scott Armstrong raises his hand in victory. It will be Jeff Hardy V Triple H for the Heavyweight Championship at Bash at the Beach. [b] Jeff Hardy defeated MVP in 14:45 by pinfall with a Swanton Bomb.[/b] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"] Jeff Hardy is the number one contender![/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]I knew he would come out on top. Well done Jeff.[/color] Triple H: [COLOR="red"]Jeff Hardy has come out on top but that doesn’t mean he’s going to win my title. He’s going to have to work very hard if he’s going to beat me.[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Good night everyone. See you at Bash at the Beach.[/color] [I] The show goes off the air with Jeff Hardy looking at Triple H who has stood and raised his title belt high[/I] Show Rating: B
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Card for Bash at the Beach. Predictions welcome. Jesse & Festus V Hawkins & Ryder (Tag Team Championship) Victoria V Michelle McCool (Divas Championship) The Brian Kendrick V R-Truth Christian V Shelton Benjamin (US Championship) Umaga V Vladimir Koslov Triple H V Jeff Hardy (Heavyweight Championship) Edge V Undertaker (Casket Match)
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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
[center][b][u]Bash at the Beach 2008[/u][/b][/center] [I] "BOOM! BOOM! BOOM-BA-BOOM! BOOM!" Bash at the Beach starts with an impressive opening salvo of fireworks, before the lights are raised and several sections of the excited crowd are shown waving various signs and pieces of WWE merchandise. The focus then switches to the announce table where Jim Ross and Tazz introduce and hype the coming show[/I] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Welcome to Bash at the Beach everyone. Tonight is the showdown between Edge and Undertaker. Everyone thinks the Undertaker is sure to win this one but I can’t help feeling that Edge might have something up his sleeve.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]And Jeff Hardy gets his opportunity tonight against Triple H. Can he win the big one?[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Don’t forget that we have two other title matches tonight. Hawkins and Ryder V Jesse and Festus as well as Michelle McCool V Victoria for the Divas championship.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]What about Umaga V Vladimir Koslov? Talk about a battle of the monsters [/color] [I]The PPV kicks off with Jesse and Festus V The Edgeheads. In a very back and forth match it is obvious that Curt Hawkins is off his game. Festus eventually pins Curt Hawkins after a Chokebomb. Jesse and Festus are the new Tag Team Champions [/I] [b] Jesse and Festus defeated The Edgeheads in 10:05 when Festus defeated Curt Hawkins by pinfall with a Chokebomb. Jesse and Festus win the Smackdown Tag Team titles.[/b] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]New Tag Team Champions. Will lightning strike three more times tonight?[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]If Jeff Hardy’s recent form is anything to go by it might.[/color] Tazz:: [COLOR="Green"]Not if Triple H has anything to say about it.[/color] [I] R-Truth makes his entrance to the ring, dropping a long freestyle rap where he insults his opponent with TIGHT rhymes~! Unfortunately it doesn’t go over well with the crowd. In the match that follows R-Truth is in control for most of the match despite Ezekiel Jackson’s attempts to interfere. After Truth finally puts him away by knocking him off the ring apron and into the guardrail Truth hits an Axe Kick which leds to him getting the pinfall.After the match an unhappy. Ezekiel Jackson enters the ring where he attacks Truth and lays him out. The Brian Kendrick gloats in satisfaction.[/I] [b] R-Truth defeated The Brian Kendrick in 10:23 by pinfall with an Axe Kick.[/b] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Talk about a sore loser. There was no need for that.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]I hope Truth is alright.[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]I wish we could have the old Brian Kendrick back[/color] [I]Up next it is Michelle McCool V Victoria. After what appears to be an awkward match Michelle finally hits a spinning back breaker and gets the pinfall retaining her Divas title.[/I] [b]Michelle McCool defeated Victoria in 10.05 by pinfall with a Spinning Back Breaker[/b] JR: [COLOR="Green"]Well that looked kind of awkward. The chemistry just didn’t seem to be there.[/color] Tazz:: [COLOR="Green"]Not Michelle and Victorias best night.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]At least Michelle retained her title. So I guess lightning hasn’t struck again. [/color] [I]Vickie Gurerro comes down to the ring flanked by Chavo as usual. [/I] Vickie:[COLOR="blue"]Ladies and Gentlemen I am pleased to announce that I have added a special bonus match. Right here and now it shall be MVP V Carlito.[/color] [I]MVP and Carlito have a good solid match with several near falls. It ends when MVP hits the Playmaker on Carlito after narrowly avoiding a Backstabber. After the match MVP poses for the fans.[/I] [b] MVP defeated Carlito in 9:35 by pinfall with a Playmaker..[/b] JR: [COLOR="Green"]That was a great match. A lot better than what I was expecting. And MVP’s performance is definitely getting better. I don’t know how he avoided that Backstabber [/color] Tazz:: [COLOR="Green"]Carlito definitely showed us why he is a member of the Smackdown Roster.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]Up next its Koslov V Umaga[/color] [I]A video package is shown replaying the sneak attack on Umaga by Koslov which set up tonight’s match. Unfortunately as the match progresses its obvious that Koslov is off his game and that he and Umaga just don’t have any chemistry happening. Finally the match ends when Umaga hits the Samoan Spike for the win.[/I] [b]Umaga defeated Vladimir Kozlov in 14:52 by pinfall with a Samoan Spike.[/b] [I]Backstage Eve interviews Edge about his upcoming casket match[/I] Eve: [Color="purple"]Tonight you’re in a casket match. We all know that the Casket Match is Undertakers Match. Do you think you have any chance of winning?[/color] Edge:[COLOR="red"]Just because Casket Matches are Undertaker’s speciality doesn’t mean he can’t lose. I’ve lost at least one TLC match and you know that TLC matches are considered to be MY match. So if I can lose in MY match then Undertaker can lose in HIS match. I am going out there to win tonight.[/color] [I]Shelton Benjamin V Christian follows the interview and begins with Shelton and Christian staring each other down and trash talking. It quickly turns into a brawl and towards the end Charles Robinson gets knocked out. Christian takes advantage and nails Sheton with a conchairto. He throws the chairs out of the ring before walking Robinson up and gets the pinfall and the United States Championship. After his win Christian celebrates with Edge and Kizarny.[/I] [b]Christian defeated Shelton Benjamin in 16:58 by pinfall with an One man con-chair-to. Christian wins the United States title.[/b] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Another title change. But again the match was awkward. [/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]I guess Shelton isn’t better than Christian like he’s been leading us to believe.[/color] [I]Another video airs highlighting the recent title chase for Triple H’s title showing how Jeff Hardy has earned his title match. The match is a lumberjack match and we see 16 of Smackdown’s superstars surrounding the ring ready to throw back in anyone thrown out. After a back and forth match Triple H wins with a pedigree. It is obvious that he and Jeff just haven’t clicked. After the match the two shake hands as a gesture of respect. The crowd gives Jeff a standing ovation despite his not winning[/I] [b]Triple H defeated Jeff Hardy in a 1 vs 1 Lumberjack match in 19:49 by pinfall with a Pedigree.[/b] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Such a shame that Jeff lost. He was on such a roll.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]It was his match to lose.[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]It was good to see the two shake hands after the match. You don’t see that very often these days.[/color] [I] A video airs recapping the Edge and Vickie storyline and showing the events leading up to the casket match. Edge comes out with Melody at his side. Undertaker then follows with his usual awe inspiring entrance. In the match that follows Edge is clearly on top throughout. Several times it looks like Undertaker has Edge beat but somehow he avoids being shut in the casket. After Melody enters the ring and attacks Undertaker Edge manages to take advantage of the distraction and shuts Taker in the casket. Edge raises his arms triumphantly and Melody moves to his side. The two hug and kiss to celebrate and it turns into a full on make out session. Their celebrations are interrupted by Vickie coming out to the top of the ramp looking unhappy that Edge has won the match.[/I] Vickie: [COLOR="Blue"]You weren't supposed to win tonight. Next time you won't be so lucky[/color] [b] Edge defeated The Undertaker in a 1 vs 1 Casket match in 19:46 when The Undertaker was trapped. During the match we also had Melody Jones run in and attack Undertaker.[/b] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"] I don’t believe it. Edge actually beat Undertaker in Undertaker's own match [/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"] And Vickie isn’t happy about it. I wonder what she is going to do next. Tune in next Friday to find out.[/color] Tazz:[COLOR="Green"] Until then. Goodnight.[/color] Show Rating: C-
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I guess my biggest thing is, what is going on And before anyone says anything I am not bashing on you I just want some insight like Christian winning the U.S title but hasn't won a match of Smackdown Big Show having nothing to do with the Edge match or for that matter not even in the match Umaga over Vlad, only because you seemed like you were building Vlad HHH and Hardy I didn't get because it didn't seem like they were even in a feud and Carlito on the show because I barely remember him being on Smackdown besides that it was a nice show but the lack of build up to me kind of killed it
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jeff won a title chase to earn a title shot V Triple H at Bash at the Beach. I'd actually wanted Jeff to win the title but Triple H wouldn't put him over (blocked it with his creative control clause). I never thought about Big Show interfering in the casket match. Christian did win a match on Smackdown but it wasn't over Shelton. Umaga over Vlad is because they are starting a feud and Vlad is going to go over Umaga. I chose Carlito V MVP because they were both mid carders. I'm still learning as far as getting it right booking wise.
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Well first, make sure you use the correct amount of time like if it says the fans expect 80% of the show to be matches and it's a 180 minute show then you need only to book what like 20 minutes of promos From there I usually do it by interviews with top guys, or something dumb with a big superstar Like Triple H has just arrived to the arena and outcome Josh Matthews to do an interview and Hardy pops in and says "tonight you and I, are going to give it our all, but after all is said and done with, and the dust has settled, and the ref counts 1.....2....3 Justin Roberts will announce Jeff Hardy as the new World Champ" Stuff like that Also sometimes if you don't want to over run a match in fear of people getting tired and hurting the outcome or grade, then use matches that take time to set-up or have long entrance times I mean don't worry; I believe this is your first diary, and ask anyone on this, and even go look at my first Diary it sucked. But over time and reading other peoples diaries and seeing how they do it and where I was messing up I believe my Diary as gotten a lot better, I mean it's still not perfect and no one in my eyes will ever be perfect but it is a lot better in my opinion and 2nd something one of the tops dogs on this told me, don't worry about impressing the readers, yeah it's cool and great to have them comment and read it, but in the end it's your show, and when I did my first one I didn't read it, ever! But with this one I do read it, I like to read my own because I think it is fun to read So do it for you
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[center][b][u]Smackdown 29 August 2008[/u][/b][/center] [I] Smackdown starts with a highlight reel from this past Sunday's Bash at the Beach pay per view highlighting the key matches from the card. The announcers talk about the matches placing emphasis on key events that took place in particular Edge’s shock win over Undertaker in the Casket Match. From the announcers comments it’s obvious everyone had expected that Taker would win the match so it was a shock when Edge won. [/I] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Can you believe that Edge actually got the upset over Undertaker.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]It is hard to believe but it happened. Vickie isn’t happy about it though. I wonder what she is going to do?[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]And we had several titles change hands. Christian is now the United States Champion. And Jesse and Festus have lifted the Tag Belts from Hawkins and Ryder.[/color] [I]Down in the ring Shane McMahon has come out and holds a microphone.[/I] Shane: [COLOR="blue"]At Fall Brawl there is going to be an Elimination Chamber match for the Smackdown Heavyweight Championship. Triple H will defend his title against 5 other contenders who will be determined tonight in a series of qualification matches.[/color] [I] The crowd roars its approval. The cameras then follow Shane McMahon backstage where he goes to Vickie’s office.[/I] Shane: [COLOR="blue"]Have you decided who will have the opportunity to qualify for the Elimination Chamber?[/color] Vickie: [COLOR="blue"]Yes I have.[/color] Shane: [COLOR="blue"]Is Edge one of them?[/color] Vickie: [COLOR="blue"]No he isn’t. Remember I told him there was no way he’d be champion as long as I’m GM of this promotion? Well I meant every word.[/color] Shane: [COLOR="blue"]It is my opinion that he deserves the chance to be in the Elimination Chamber. Didn’t you see his performance last night? He is one of the best in this promotion right now. I think you’re letting your personal problems affect your professional judgement.[/color] Vickie: [COLOR="blue"]I have made my decision about who will have the chance to qualify. And Edge is not one of them. My decision is final![/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Whoa I think Shane is right you know. Vickie’s personal problems with Edge have stopped her seeing how good he really is.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]Shane is right. Edge could contribute so much to the Elimination Chamber match.[/color] Tazz:: [COLOR="Green"]I wonder if Shane will accept Vickie’s decision. He is our owner after all and could go over her head...[/color] [I]Back in the ring its Dal Knox V Kizarny. Both look good and have good chemistry together. Unfortunately it seems both need to get some momentum before they wrestle each other again. After they both end up outside of the ring the match ends in a double countout. [/I] [b] Dal Knox drew with Kizarny in 5:35 following a double count out.[/b] [I]At the end of the match Vickie comes down to the ring.[/I] Vickie: [COLOR="blue"]Up next is the first of our qualifying matches, you will see Vladimir Kozlov take on The Great Khali![/color] [I]Vickie returns up the ramp as Koslov comes out. During the match that follows Koslov is clearly the better of the two men. However they get into a brawl outside of the ring and both end up being counted out. [/I] [b]Vladimir Koslov drew with The Great Khali battle following a double countout in 9.30[/b] JR: [COLOR="Green"]A double countout. What is Vickie going to do now. [/color] Tazz:: [COLOR="Green"]I wonder if this means we’ll have to have another match.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]Could Shane use this as an opportunity to go over Vickie’s head? [/color] [I]Smackdown cuts to the first ad break of the night. When the show returns Shane McMahon has come back down to the ring.[/I] Shane: [COLOR="blue"]As our first qualifying match ended in a double countout and neither competitor has qualified for the Elimination Chamber I am adding another qualifying match later tonight.[/color] [I]This announcement is met by a cheer. The cameras then cut backstage where Jeff Hardy is with Eve Torres[/I] Eve: [Color="purple"]This is your chance to qualify for the Elimination Chamber and you’re up against Hurricane Helms. Your thoughts?[/color] Jeff:[COLOR="red"]I’ve got news for you Triple H. I AM going to qualify for the Elimination Chamber and this time I AM going to beat you. I got very close last time but this time it isn’t going to be just very close. It’s going to be going all the way. You better get ready to face me at Fall Brawl as here I come![/color] [I]Jeff heads out to the ring where he and Helms put on a great match. Jeff uses all his high risk moves and shows the crowd why he deserves another shot at Triple H’s title. After a whisper in the wind he has Helms in the corner set up for a Swanton Bomb. Climbing to the top turnbuckle he flashes the Hardy Guns then executes the Swanton. One three count later its all over and he’s qualified to face Triple H at Fall Brawl. After the match Jeff Hardy walks over and offers his hand as a sign of respect to Helms for putting up a great fight, but Helms refuses the handshake and walks off. [/I] [b]Jeff Hardy defeated Hurricane Helms in 8:06 by pinfall with a Swanton Bomb.[/b]. Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Jeff was on fire tonight. [/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]Jeff is our first challenger for Triple H’s title![/color] [I]After another commercial break Smackdown returns with Vickie Guerrero in the ring.[/I] Vickie: [COLOR="blue"]Up next is a fatal 6 way match between Brie Bella, Maria, Melody Jones, Natalya Neidhart, Nikki Bella and Victoria. The winner will receive a shot at Michelle McCool’s Diva’s title at Fall Brawl[/color] [I]Vickie returns up the ramp as the divas come out for the match. Edge is at Melody’s side as always and during the match he distracted Maria just as she was going for a pinfall on Melody enabling Melody to kick out. Melody finally won after using the ropes for leverage.[/I] [b]Melody Jones defeated Brie Bella, Natalya Neidhart, Nikki Bella, Maria and Victoria in 5:53 when Melody Jones defeated Victoria by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. During the match we also had Edge distract Maria.[/b] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Vickie is not going to be happy folks.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]No she isn’t as she had told Melody that she too wouldn’t ever be a champion as long as she was Smackdown’s GM.[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]I bet she was expecting someone else to win[/color] [I]This match is followed almost immediately by Umaga V The Brian Kendrick. Umaga is all over Kendrick and it doesn’t take long for him to finish Kendrick off with the Samoan Spike[/I] [b] Umaga defeated The Brian Kendrick in 5:52 by pinfall with a Samoan Spike. [/b] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"] Umaga is our second challenger for Triple H’s title..[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"] So we’ve got Jeff Hardy and Umaga both in the Elimination Chamber. Who is next?[/color] [I]When the show comes back after a commercial break Shane McMahon has come out again and is in the ring.[/I] Shane:[color="blue"]As I am not happy with Vickie’s decision to exclude Edge from the Elimination Chamber I have decided to go over her head. Edge will get an opportunity to earn a spot in the Elimination chamber. He will be facing Kung Fu Naki in the extra match I mentioned earlier.[/color] [I]He leaves the ring as Kung Fu Naki comes out. It is pretty obvious to everyone who is going to win. Edge is smiling as he comes out and goes through his usual kiss with Melody before bullhorning as his pyro goes off. Edge is on top throughout the match and despite Kung Fu Naki somehow getting in some offence he is put away with an Edgecution. Edge looks ecstatic as his arm is raised. He and Melody make out to celebrate. [/I] [b] Edge defeated Kung Fu Naki in 5:52 by pinfall with an Edgecution.[/b] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"] We all knew how badly Edge wanted that one.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"] However I wonder if Vickie will allow the result to stand.[/color] [I]The cameras go backstage to find Vickie barging into Shane McMahon’s office.[/I] Vickie: [color="blue"]How dare you. Edge was not supposed to be in the Elimination Chamber match. I told you that specifically.[/color] Shane: [color="blue"]Excuse me Vickie but I AM the OWNER of this promotion. I have the authority to make whatever decisions I like. And it just so happens that I do not agree with your decision to exclude Edge from the Smackdown Heavyweight Title due to your personal issues.[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"] Way to go Shane. [/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"] Shane sure put Vickie in her place there. [/color] [I]After another commercial break the show returns with Jimmy Wang Yang in the ring. He is taking on Undertaker in what will clearly be another squash match. After a very one sided match despite Wang Yang’s quickness and agility the Undertaker wins with a Last Ride[/I] [b] The Undertaker defeated Jimmy Wang Yang in 6:27 by pinfall with a Last Ride.[/b] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]We now have four of our five challengers. Jeff Hardy, Umaga, Edge and Undertaker.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]Yes this should be a great match.[/color] [I]After Undertaker and Jimmy Wang Yang have left the ring Shelton Benjamin comes down with a microphone[/I] Shelton: [color="red"]I just want to say that I am enforcing my rematch clause at Fall Brawl. And this time I will win Christian.[/color] [I]He drops the microphone and leaves the ring. The match that follows is the final match of the night and its between Big Show and MVP. It is a very back and forth match with a number of near falls. Somehow Big Show kicks out of the Playmaker which leaves MVP looking shocked. He eventually wins with a Chokeslam making him the final challenger in the Elimination Chamber match. [b] Big Show defeated MVP in 15:29 by pinfall with a Chokeslam.[/b] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"] There you have it. Umaga, Edge, Undertaker, Jeff Hardy and Big Show will challenge Triple H for his title in the Elimination Chamber![/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]And Triple H has his work cut out for him. He has a 1 in 6 chance to win.[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]See you next week.[/color] Show Rating: C
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  • 1 month later...
[center][b][u]Smackdown 5 September 2008[/b][/u][/center] [I]The show opens with the announcers talking about the matches on the night’s card as The Edgeheads make their entrance. It’s the Edgeheads V Kizarny and Dal Knox. After a good match in which Hawkins and Ryder dominate for the most part Dal Knox somehow manages to get on top and hit the Knox Out on Curt Hawkins for the win. Dal Knox’s performance skills are improving and Curt Hawkins came out of the match looking good. It was another good performance for the two newcomers.[/I] [b]Dal Knox and Kizarny defeated The Edgeheads in 6:20 when Dal Knox defeated Curt Hawkins by pinfall with a Knox Out.[/b] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]These guys just keep getting better and better.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]What an upset. You’d have thought Hawkins and Ryder would have had that one for sure.[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"] Do we know much about Dal Knox? All I know is that he’s from New Zealand.[/color] [I]The cameras follow Dal Knox backstage where he is interviewed by Eve[/I] Eve Torres: [COLOR="Purple"]Congratulations on another win Dal. Can you tell us some more about yourself. Everyone wants to know more about you[/color] Dal Knox: [COLOR="red"]I am from the Taranaki in New Zealand and I’ve wrestled in a few promotions there and rose to the top of Impact Pro Wrestling. There was nowhere else for me to go but upwards. I managed to get a developmental deal and trained in FCW before being called up here. I’m sure you all know about the championships I’ve won in the various promotions I’ve been into. Now “The Deal” Dal Knox is on Smackdown and he aims for the top. I WILL be the Smackdown Heavyweight Champion some day. I am the first New Zealand pro wrestler since the Bushwhackers to make it into the big time and I intend to far eclipse their achievements. My signature move is the Knox Out and as you saw tonight no one gets up from that. No one. Knox Out Baby![/color] [I]Knox walks off and the cameras cut to the parking lot where Christian has just arrived. As he gets out of his car he is jumped by Shelton Benjamin who brutally beats him down and leaves him laid out After that Smackdown cuts to the first ad break. When the show returns Vickie is in the ring with a microphone.[/I] Vickie: [COLOR="blue"]After witnessing that attack on Christian by Shelton Benjamin I am putting them in a tag match. Shelton Benjamin and MVP will take on R-Truth and Christian.[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="green"]That was a nasty assult. I just hope Christian is ok to wrestle later.[/color] JR: [COLOR="green"]Shelton is a low down despicable coward. [/color] [I] As Vickie leaves Michelle McCool makes her entrance. It’s Michelle McCool and Maria V Melody Jones and Natalya. After a match where neither side is particularly dominant Michelle McCool hits a spinning backbreaker on Natalya for the pinfall. Unfortunately Melody seemed to be off her game although Edge did some good work at ringside.[/I] [b]Michelle McCool and Maria defeated Natalya Neidhart and Melody Jones in 5:27 when Michelle McCool defeated Natalya Neidhart by pinfall with a Spinning Backbreaker. [/b] [I]After the match Vickie confronts Melody backstage about her and Edge.[/I] Vickie:[COLOR="Blue"] You are a slut and you stole Edge from me. I HATE You.[/color] Melody:[COLOR="red"] Vickie I am sorry for what happened. If it’s any consolation he came on to me not the other way around. And being so new around here I didn’t know he was with you. How could I have known?[/color] Vickie:[COLOR="blue"] You knew alright. Don’t give me that. [/color] Melody:[COLOR="red"] I assure you I did not know. Edge didn’t tell me. I guess he knew if he had told me I’d have told him to get lost. And that is the truth.[/color] Vickie:[COLOR="blue"] I’m sorry but I don’t believe you. You’re a LIAR![/color] [I]She hauls off and slaps Melody across the face. Edge had been witnessing their whole exchange. As soon as Vickie slaps Melody a furious look crosses his face and he quietly moves so he is behind her, a menacing look on his face. Suddenly he grabs Vickie pinning her arms behind her. She cries out and struggles to get free but Edge is far too strong for her. He puts his mouth to her ear.[/color] Edge:[COLOR="red"]You touch my woman again and I swear I’ll make your life a living hell.[/color] [I]He looks at Melody again and the two exchange a smirk.[/I] Melody: [COLOR="red"]Hey [i]baby[/I] remember when you told me that Vickie was pathetic in the bed?[/color] Edge: [COLOR="red"]How could I forget it. I remember you laughing when I told you about how she almost squashed me?[/color] Melody: [COLOR="red"]And you told me she didn’t even know what she was doing half the time[/color] [I]Melody and Edge burst out laughing then Melody backs up then runs towards Vickie hitting her with a vicious spear. Edge lets her go and steps out of the way at the last minute. He and Melody look down at Vickie who is sobbing on the floor then Edge smirks at Melody and drawing her close meets her lips in a slow sensual kiss. They know it has to be killing Vickie to see them kissing like that. Back in the ring it is Hurricane Helms V Scotty Goldman. Unfortunately the two don’t click and after an awkward match Hurricane Helms wins via pinfall.[/I] [b]Hurricane Helms defeated Scotty Goldman in 5:23 by pinfall.[/b] Tazz: [COLOR="green"] Well that was awkward. And I couldn’t believe my eyes when Melody speared Vickie before. I guess Vickie had it coming though.[/color] JR: [COLOR="green"] She certainly did. She’s been picking on Edge and Melody for weeks. I guess they’ve finally had enough.[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="green"] I wonder what Vickie is going to do now. She was certainly humiliated by the dirty laundry Edge aired.[/color] [I]A video package is played hyping up the upcoming elimination chamber match with Edge, Big Show, Jeff Hardy, Triple H, Umaga, and The Undertaker. It gives a history of the elimination chamber match and how each has fared in previous chamber matches. Smackdown cuts to the next ad break. When the show comes back the cameras are in Vickie’s office where she is talking to Vladimir Koslov. It is obvious she is still very upset.[/I] Vickie:[COLOR="blue"]I want you to take Edge out. I want him out of action long enough that he won’t be able to compete in the Elimination Chamber. If you can do that you’re in the match in his place.[/color] [I]Back in the ring it is Shelton Benjamin and MVP against Christian and R-truth. When Christian gets Shelton in the ring it is obvious he is after payback. Unfortunately he just can’t put Shelton away and after several near falls Shelton Benjamin hits the Paydirt on R-Truth to win the match. Christian is left shaking his head and looking annoyed. Clearly he wanted to get the win.[/I] [B]Shelton Benjamin and MVP defeated Christian and R-Truth in 10:29 when Shelton Benjamin defeated R-Truth by pinfall with a Paydirt.[/b] [I]Smackdown goes to another ad break with the promise that the Cutting Edge will be up next. When the show returns the ring has been set up for the Cutting Edge. Edge makes his entrance to a chorus of boos Melody at his side as usual. When he has entered the ring Edge addresses the crowd.[/I] Edge: [COLOR="red"]As you all know my lovely girlfriend Melody was the victim of a vicious attack by Vickie earlier tonight. She was determined to be by my side and help me host The Cutting Edge. I was not impressed with Vickie’s behaviour after Melody was honest with her. Some thanks she got for her honesty. Anyway, on to business. The Elimination Chamber. My guests tonight are the other 5 participants in the match whom I am going to beat. [/color] [I]Triple H, Umaga, Undertaker, Jeff Hardy and Big Show all make their way down to the ring. They end up with Taker, Triple H and Jeff Hardy facing off with Big Show, Edge and Umaga.[/I] Big Show: [COLOR="red"]Do you guys really think you can beat me. I am the worlds largest athlete and I will show you all why.[/color] Triple H: [COLOR="red"]I am a 13 time world champion. If anyone is going to win it is me. You can try and play The Game but you won’t win.[/color] [I] Umaga says something in Samoan[/I] Jeff Hardy: [COLOR="red"] Fall Brawl is going to be the night where the Unique Enigma that is Jeff Hardy proves once and for all that he is the real Smackdown Champion. I WILL reach up and grab that brass ring. Jeff Hardy’s time is now.[/color] [I]The tension has risen and suddenly it snaps when Big Show ‘accidentally’ pushes Jeff Hardy into Umaga who responds by punching Jeff. Edge takes a step backwards and puts an arm around Melody protectively. The two watch smirking, as the others tear each other apart. It is obvious that Edge is taking enjoyment in seeing his opponents getting beaten up before the match has even taken place.[/I] Tazz: [COLOR="green"] Wow what a mess. But it will be resolved later tonight. I’ve just been informed that Edge, Big Show and Umaga are going to take on Undertaker, Triple H and Jeff Hardy in a 6 man tag match. [/color] JR: [COLOR="green"] That’s a huge main event. And with the tensions we are seeing it should be an explosive match.[/color] [I]After another ad break Smackdown returns with The Colon’s in the ring. They are taking on Jesse and Festus. Unfortunately the match isn’t as good as it could have been but Carlito looked good, getting in some quick tags with Primo. Finally after blind tagging himself in Carlito hits the Back Cracker on Festus to score the win. Festus wasn’t even aware that Carlito was the legal man.[/I] [b] Carlito and Primo Colon defeated Jesse and Festus in 9:39 when Carlito defeated Festus by pinfall with a Back Cracker.[/b] [I]Before the bell rings to signify the match is over Carlito grabs the ring bell and rings it. Festus immediately becomes docile. When he rings it again Festus transforms. Carlito continues to ring the bell making Festus transform over and over. He has complete control of Festus and is making him look very silly. The cameras cut to backstage where Edge is walking towards the curtain with Melody. They stop and Melody plants a good luck kiss on his lips. Edge can’t hide his smile as they resume walking.[/I] Tazz: [COLOR="green"]Up next is the 6 man tag team match. Which side will win. Can Edge, Big Show and Umaga work together after what Big Show did to Edge a few weeks ago?[/color] JR: [COLOR="green"]I wouldn’t be surprised if Edge and Big Show end up in a fight. Don’t go anywhere folks. This one is going to be explosive.[/color] [i]After the final ad break the show returns with Edge, Big Show and Umaga in the ring. It is time for the 6 man tag match. After Jeff Hardy, Undertaker and Triple H make their entrances the match is started off with Edge and Jeff Hardy as the legal men. Both teams work well together utilising quick tags and double teaming the opposition. After an exciting match which goes back and forth Jeff Hardy manages to block a chair shot from Edge, grab the chair and smash Edge over the head with it. He goes down and Jeff is able to get the pinfall.[/I] [b] Triple H, Jeff Hardy and The Undertaker defeated Edge, Big Show and Umaga in 14:36 when Jeff Hardy defeated Edge by pinfall after using a foreign object.[/b] Tazz: [COLOR="green"]Wow that was an exciting match. And I was surprised to see Edge and Big Show able to work as a cohesive unit.[/color] JR: [COLOR="green"]This rivalry is a long way from being settled yet. All of these guys want to be world champion. It’s going to be very hard for Triple H to retain his belt. Especially if he is one of the two starting the match off.[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="green"]The odds definitely are not good for Triple H.[/color] [I]As Melody attends to Edge she is unaware of Vladimir Koslov making his way down to the ring. He lifts up the top portion of the ring steps to reveal a pair of handcuffs there. Picking them up he enters the ring and grabs Melody’s arm. She struggles as he drags her to the ropes and handcuffs her to them. She can only watch, tears streaming down her face as Koslov gets a sledgehammer from under the ring and uses it to beat Edge to a bloody pulp. She cringes with every blow knowing that Vickie had set this up. The show goes off the air with Edge lying unconscious his face a crimson mask and Melody slumped by the ropes her shoulders shaking with sobs.[/I] Show Rating: C-
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[center][b][u]Smackdown 12 September 2008[/u][/b][/center] [I] A Video is played recapping Vladimir Kozlov’s attack on Edge after the 6 man tag match on the previous show. This is followed by Vickie walking out onto the top of the ramp holding a microphone[/I] Vickie: [COLOR="Blue"]Due to the attack on Edge last week he has suffered several cracked ribs which will keep him out of action for 3 weeks. As a result he will not be fit to compete in the Elimination Chamber at Fall Brawl. I am therefore replacing him with Vladimir Kozlov.[/color] [I]Kozlov comes out and joins Vickie at the top of the ramp. He smirks then cuts a promo in Russian. Edge’s name is mentioned and it’s obvious he’s gloating about the fact that he’s put Edge out of the Elimination Chamber and earnt himself a place in it.[/I] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]Of all the lowdown despicable... I hope Shane doesn’t stand for this. He was the one who put Edge in the match.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]Shane won’t be happy Tazz you can bank on that. Expect some kind of response from him tonight[/color] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]And I wonder how Melody is doing. She looked pretty distraught at the end of the attack.[/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]I believe we are going to hear from her later tonight. And from Edge too. He’s going to be speaking live from his home in Tampa. [/color] [I]In the ring it is now Kizarny V Scotty Goldman. The match starts off slow with Goldman getting in most of the early domination. However after he misses with a high risk move the tide turns in Kizarny’s favour. He remains in control for the rest of the match finally putting Goldman away with a Cataclysm. It is obvious that his performance is much better than last time. [/I] [b] Kizarny defeated Scotty Goldman in 5:35 by pinfall with a Cataclysim.[/b] Tazz: [COLOR="Green"]As promised we are now going to hear from Melody about last week’s attack on Edge [/color] JR: [COLOR="Green"]She was pretty distraught at the end of it.[/color] Tazz:: [COLOR="Green"]That she was. This should be pretty interesting.[/color] [I] The cameras cut backstage where Eve is with a tearful Melody. [/I] Eve: [Color="purple"]We all witnessed the attack on Edge last week by Vladimir Koslov? How are you feeling?[/color] Melody: [Color="red"]How do you think I am feeling. I had to witness my boyfriend being beaten to a pulp by that… that thug. And now I hear he’s replacing him in the Elimination Chamber. It’s not right. And it’s tearing me up inside to not be able to be with Edge tonight. He’s at home recovering and is in a lot of pain. I’ve been helping him as best I can and I just want to be by his side. Edge earnt his way into that match and now it’s been taken away from him. I wasn’t unable to do anything to prevent what happened and although Edge tells me not to blame myself I can’t help wondering if my slapping Vickie is the reason why Edge isn’t in the match now. I just hope justice is served on Vladimir Koslov. What goes around comes around. I’m sorry I don’t think I can say any more.[/color] [I]She walks off her shoulders shaking with sobs. As the cameras follow her she encounters Shane McMahon and the two go to his office.[/I] Shane: [Color="blue"]I was appalled by what I saw last week and I can see you’re in no state to be here. Go to Edge and be with him. I’m giving you the night off. And I can tell you I will be having words with Mrs Guerrero. I’ve a few things I want to say to her. I’m not happy about this and she is going to know it.[/color] [I]Melody nods and standing, leaves Shane McMahon’s office. Smackdown cuts to the first ad break of the night. When the show returns it is Dal Knox V Carlito. Carlito starts out very strong and for most of the match it looks like he’s going to win. However the two end up brawling on the outside and Dal Knox whips Carlito into the ring steps with Scott Armstrong up to an 8 count. He just makes it into the ring in time to get the win by count out leaving Carlito looking frustrated.[/I] [b] Dal Knox defeated Carlito in 7:55 by count out.[/b] [I]After the bell has run Knox asks for a microphone and after getting on addresses Christian and Shelton Benjamin[/I] Dal Knox: [Color="red"]Christian, Shelton Benjamin I’m putting you on notice. I am challenging whichever one of you wins at Fall Brawl to a title match.[/color] JR: [Color="green"]Brave words from Knox. But maybe a little foolish[/color] Tazz; [Color="green"]I wonder if he’s really thought things through.[/color] [I]He drops the microphone and leaves the ring as his music begins to play. Up next is the title signing between Christian and Shelton Benjamin. They come out and take a seat on opposite sides of a table that has been set up in the ring. Each has a microphone in front of him. Shelton picks his up first. Shelton: [Color="red"]I relish the prospect of this rematch between us. Your win over me at Bash at the Beach was a fluke. There is no way you’ll be able to beat me again.[/color] Christian: [Color="red"]Is that so. I am going to prove that my win was no fluke. I am better than you in every way.[/color] Shelton: [Color="red"]Excuse me if I don’t think so. I am more man than you. I am the Gold Standard and at Fall Brawl you’ll see why.[/color] Christian: [Color="red"]The gold standard?? More like the silver standard[/color] [I]Shelton grabs the contract and the pen and angrily signs it. Christian then signs it himself. They both stand and for a minute it looks like they are going to shake hands but they instead get into a stare down. After a few tense moments Shelton finally turns and leaves the ring. He makes his way up the ramp still eyeballing Christian.[/I] Tazz: [Color="green"]Nice one Christian. It’s about time Shelton was taken down a notch or two.[/color] JR: [Color="green"]Lets hope Christian can match his actions to his words.[/color] After another ad break it’s the Edgeheads V Jimmy Wang Yang and R- Truth. The match starts off with the Edgeheads making a serious of quick tags and its obvious that they have been learning from Edge as they use a number of the tactics he used to use when tagging with Christian. However Jimmy Wang Yang’s quickness soon gives him the advantage and he and R-truth take control. Unfortunately Curt Hawkins manages to hit the Heat Stroke on Jimmy Wang Yang and Ryder prevents R-Truth from making the save. [/I] [b] The Edgeheads defeated Jimmy Wang Yang and R-Truth in 7:51 when Curt Hawkins defeated Jimmy Wang Yang by pinfall with a Heat Stroke.[/b] [I]Jeff Hardy comes out carrying a microphone to a huge pop. Getting in the ring he raises the microphone to his mouth.[/I] Jeff: [Color="red"]I’m pumped to be in this Elimination Chamber match. Jeff Hardy excels at extreme and this match will be extreme. Triple H thinks we will play The Game. I will play The Game and play to win. The Big Show may be the world’s largest athlete but the bigger they are the harder they fall. Who knows what Umaga said but I have beaten him before and will beat him again. And there is nothing the Undertaker can do to my soul that hasn’t already been done before. So Jeff Hardy will walk out of the Elimination Chamber as YOUR Smackdown Heavyweight Champion. [/color] Tazz: [Color="green"]Fighting words from Jeff Hardy. I hope he does come out on top this time. But he’s got 5 other superstars all vying for the same thing. It will be a tough ask.[/color] JR: [Color="Green"] Who will emerge victorious from the hellacious Elimination Chamber. And will Christian successfully defend the United States title?[/color] [I]The cameras cut backstage to Vickie’s office where she is watching a replay of Kozlov’s attack on Edge. She is smirking and it’s obvious she’s enjoying what she is seeing. Back in the ring it is The Bella Twins V Natalya and Victoria. After a hard fought match where both sides get in lots of offence Brie Bella finally pins Victoria.[/I] [b] Brie Bella and Nikki Bella defeated Natalya Neidhart and Victoria in 6:27 when Brie Bella defeated Victoria by pinfall.[/b] [I]After another ad break the show comes back with the cameras in Shane McMahon’s office. Vickie is there and it’s obvious she’s been summoned there.[/I] Vickie: [Color="blue"]You want to talk to me Shane?[/color] Shane: [Color="blue"]Yes I do. That was pretty despicable what you did last week. I knew you weren’t happy to have Edge in the Chamber but I never dreamed you’d actually arrange things so he couldn’t compete. I am not happy and am seriously considering removing you from the General Manager position. You’ve been abusing your power for some time now. You blatantly disregarded my desire for Edge to be in the Elimination Chamber match so this is an official warning. Any more underhanded tactics and I will replace you as GM with someone of my choosing.[/color] [I]Vickie is seen leaving Shane’s office looking unhappy. The cameras cut away from her to reveal Michelle McCool and Maria talking backstage.[/I] Michelle: [Color="red"]Wow did you see Melody earlier. She was pretty upset. She deserves it though. The way she and Edge attacked Vickie like that last week.[/color] Maria: [Color="red"]At the same time I think we do need to feel sorry for her. Vickie did slap her first. And there was no need for Koslov to handcuff her like that and make her watch. That was a little uncalled for.[/color] Michelle: [Color="red"]That was uncalled for. Maybe Shane will chew him out for it. I bet even Vickie didn’t see it coming.[/color] [I]Back in the ring it’s Christian V MVP in a non-title match. MVP starts out strong with a series of moves that keep Christian down on the mat. He uses his devastating running knee to ram home the advantage. But Christian manages to rally and come back. He eventually sets up MVP for the Unprettier but MVP wriggles out it. At the same time Shelton Benjamin runs down the ramp, slides in to the ring and hits MVP intentionally disqualifying Christian. He looks angry and the two get into a stare down that lasts for several minutes.[/I] [b] MVP defeated Christian in 9:59 when Christian was disqualified when Shelton Benjamin ran in and attacked MVP[/b] JR: [Color="green"]That was a blatant disqualification. Christian is seething.[/color] Tazz: [Color="green"]I’d say that this rivalry just got turned up a notch.[/color] After the final ad break the show comes back with the cameras at Edge’s Tampa residence. Flanked by Melody who arrived there not long before the cameras did Edge is waiting to be interviewed. JR: [Color="green"]Hello Edge how are you doing?[/color] Edge: [Color="red"]How do you think I’m doing? It’s not exactly a walk in the park having a couple of broken ribs. But I can tell you this. I WILL be at Fall Brawl and Vladimir Kozlov will NOT be taking my place in the Elimination Chamber. I’ll tape my ribs up if I have to. I don’t care if I run the risk of puncturing a lung. I WILL compete. I sorry WE will not let Vickie win.[/color] [I]He squeezes Melody’s hand and she gently cuddles into him.[/I] Edge: [Color="red"]I’d like to thank you Shane for letting Melody have the night off. She was pretty traumatised by what she was forced to witness last week. I don’t intend for her to witness what I plan to do to Kozlov at Fall Brawl. Kozlov you and I have unfinished business to settle.[/color] [I]Back in the ring it is Umaga V The Undertaker. Despite a good start by Umaga the Undertaker quickly takes control of the match. Unfortunately not enough selling is shown and it affects the quality of the match. Undertaker eventually finishes Umaga off with a Last Ride.[/I] [B]The Undertaker defeated Umaga in 14:53 by pinfall with a Last Ride.[/b] [I]As the Undertaker recovers in the ring Big Show suddenly runs in. He clubs the Undertaker with lefts and rights. Just as it seems he is going to drop Undertaker with his deadly right hand Triple H appears at the top of the ramp holding a sledgehammer. He runs down to the ring and Big Show suddenly decides that discretion is the better part of valor and gets out of the ring. Triple H watches as Big Show retreats up the ramp. The camera fades away with the image of Triple H helping The Undertaker backstage.[/I] Tazz: [Color="green"]Undertaker was certainly in a dominant mood. I wonder what will happen the next time these two meet.[/color] JR: [Color="green"]It will be every man for himself. And the Elimination Chamber is known to take years off any superstar’s career.[/color] Tazz: [Color="green"] Things are definitely heating up. Well that’s all for tonight folks. Goodnight.[/color] Show Rating: C I figured out why the Edge and Melody segments were getting cruddy ratings. I"d forgotten to set Melody's skills. I've fixed that by using the edit data function under game options. Unfortunately it won't let me do it for Dal Knox telling me that his name is already in use which means I can't tweak a few things I'd like to for him.
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Any comments? The Card for Fall Brawl so far is Triple H(c) V Jeff Hardy V Vladimir Koslov(replacing Edge) V Umaga V Undertaker V Big Show (Elimination Chamber Match for the Smackdown Heavyweight Championship) Christian(c) V Shelton Benjamin (United States Heavyweight Championship Match) Michelle McCool(c) V Melody Jones (Divas Championship Match)
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