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APW 2009 - This country ain't killed us yet!

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You didn't need to make a new topic for this, but regardless. I love your version of APW. [B] Alexander "The Triple Threat" Banks[/B] vs. Whirlwind Lee Wilkes [I]He's the Triple Threat.[/I] [B]Alyx Macquarie[/B] vs. New Zealand Pit Bull [I]Speed over Mass[/I] Boo Smithson vs. [B]Inferno [/B](Non title match) [I] Non-title usually goes to the notchamp.[/I] [B]Old School Reunion[/B] vs. The Rising Sons [I]Solely for card position.[/I] Swoop McCarthy vs.[B] Nathan Mackenzie[/B] (Non title match) [I]Nate Mac wins by devious means.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Australian Post Star] Nathanial Jermain Mackenzie Jr. 20, has been declared dead after the plane crash while crossing over from New Zealand. Known to many in his life as Big NJ, he will be remembered by so many as a man that never got to reach his full potential, a man who was loved by so many and gave his all to everything he gave. Donations can be sent to the Big NJ Children Memorial. For more information please contact Nathanial Mackenzie Sr. at 1-800-BIG-NJMJ. [/QUOTE] Alexander "The Triple Threat" Banks vs. [B]Whirlwind Lee Wilkes[/B] [I]Wilkes must win cause I hate the gays….No just kidding he wins cause Banks sucks[/I] [B]Alyx Macquarie[/B] vs. New Zealand Pit Bull [I]Mac wins cause well he is the 1 and only true Mack still breathing…oh yeah and PB is giving Alyx the rub[/I] Boo Smithson vs. [B]Inferno[/B] (Non title match) [I]Inferno cause well he has a kick as image now[/I] [B]Old School Reunion[/B] vs. The Rising Sons [I]OSR, cause the intials sound cool...[/I] Swoop McCarthy vs. [B]Nathan Mackenzie [/B](Non title match) [I]Mack will get the win due to his lack of being able to be there and b/c Swoop and him have helped each other so much and the respectful thing to do would be lay down and get counted out so Mack die a winner[/I] I would also like to ask how this happened? I mean did you do this to add to the game or was it accually something in game? I have never seen it if so but thats crazy....Either way it makes me feel more into this game since it makes it feel more alive.
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I never knew there were spontanious deaths that aren't from drug use/old age in TEW. 1. [B]Inferno [/B]vs. Alexander “The Triple Threat” Banks [I]By DQ[/I] 2. [B]Dingo Devine[/B] vs. Trehawke Phillips [I]I despise Trehawke[/I] 3.[B] Samoan Demolition[/B] vs. Rising Sons [I]They're big. They're Samoan. They win.[/I] 4. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Alyx Macquarie vs. Rick Stantz vs. Triple S. (APW ANZAC Championship) [I]Swooooooooooooooop~[/I]
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[QUOTE] Coming up with a name for a new championship is HARD :( Predictions and comments requested, please![/QUOTE] I think the name is awesome. Did you have a custom belt done for it? If not you should get someone to hook you up. 1. Inferno vs. [B]Alexander “The Triple Threat” Banks[/B] [I]I hope SD comes out and kills Banks...I hired him and fired in less then a month...[/I] 2. [B]Dingo Devine[/B] vs. Trehawke Phillips [I]Dingo "Let it shine,let it Shine" Devine has a future here and will eventually be a champion[/I] 3. [B]Samoan Demolition[/B] vs. Rising Sons [I]SD takes this one and out comes....OSR who run rough shot one everyone [/I] 4. Swoop McCarthy vs. Alyx Macquarie vs. Rick Stantz vs. [B]Triple S.[/B] (APW ANZAC Championship) [I]Too soon for Swoop to win it back and I believe TS has what it takes to carry a good fued with Alyx while Rick breaks up and fueds with his partner....Wondering what I think about Swooooooop? Well I think he is busy with the person or persons who stole the title out of the ring last night...[/I] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="White"]I still think the NJM Death is a work...notice I do not edit this post but don't want to be hit with spoilers flames....[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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1. Inferno vs. Alexander “The Triple Threat” Banks - Banks, i just don't see him losing this early in his APW career. 2. Dingo Devine vs. Trehawke Phillips - Dingo only because in m APW game the fans crap all over Phillips, besides i think Dingo is under rated 3. Samoan Demolition vs. Rising Sons - Demolition, toobig and too bad for the Rising Sons. 4. Swoop McCarthy vs. Alyx Macquarie vs. Rick Stantz vs. Triple S. (APW ANZAC Championship). - Gotta go with Alyx on this one, he is one of my fav APW workers and with his rapid rise up the card i can see him taking that next big step.
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;504502]I enjoyed your spoiler. That's all I'll say about that. Surprised that you don't like Banks - he's a solid worker with a lot to give. Why'd you fire him?[/QUOTE] Cause he was annoyingly not getting over so after I used his as Dingo Fotter I sent him packing.... He lasted a month.
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I really like the ANZAC name. To me it is catchy. I also want to point out I see Triple S winning this and I see him playing a Chris Jericho(after the Merger of WWE title and WCW title). I just like the idea of a new never been that level champion get the rub from carrying the new title in the new year. Just like the idea don't screw my Rathen let my Triple S crush win it. BTW I love the idea of having Alyx in the title picture. The tragic loss of Mackenzie happening and you moving forward by putting in place a few guys that are very well desriving of this level match keeps me very interested.[SIZE="1"][COLOR="White"]Plus the idea of BNJM being alive is very itreging along with the fact that I know within a months time it will be TripS v Alyx(love um both),Swoop v "Mystery Man", and Blake v rick an awesome way to move forward. Just suggest not pushing it all at once and building into the break up a little more [/COLOR][/SIZE] Either way w/e you I read um all, best diary ever.
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;504710]I'll be honest - I actually used autopush to see where the state of popularity was, and was shocked to find Alyx there. Was surprised to see him sitting at such high popularity after just 3 wins! But I can work with it :D[/QUOTE] So I don't have to keep refreshing can you give me an ETA on the update?
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"]Are YOU a Swooper? ;)[/SIZE] [IMG]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/tv200902.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/website200902.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"] [CENTER]Quick picks: 1. Cole Taylor vs. Whirlwind Lee Wilkes 2. Boo Smithson vs. Dingo Devine. (non title match) 3. Alyx Macquarie vs. Rick Stantz 4. Triple S vs. Swoop McCarthy (non title match) [/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE="3"]As always, predictions and comments are really appreciated. Thank you for reading :) [/SIZE][/CENTER]
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1. [B]Cole Taylor[/B] vs. Whirlwind Lee Wilkes [I]Cole soon to be feuding with Boo Boo Bigalow[/I] 2. Boo Smithson vs. [B]Dingo Devine[/B]. (non title match) [I]D.I.N.G.O was his name-o[/I] 3. [B]Alyx Macquarie[/B] vs. Rick Stantz [I]Alyx takes this one because of some outside introference.....and b/c his is the only walking,talking, living, breathing Mac left in APW!!![/I] 4. [B]Triple S[/B] vs. Swoop McCarthy (non title match) [I]TripS wins this one due to his love affair with the late Nathan Mackenzie's widow.........[/I]
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Quick picks: 1. [B]Cole Taylor[/B] vs. Whirlwind Lee Wilkes 2. [B]Boo Smithson[/B] vs. Dingo Devine. (non title match) 3. [B]Alyx Macquarie[/B] vs. Rick Stantz 4. Triple S vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy [/B](non title match) [I]Non title, Swoop has to gain some momentum if hes gonna go after the belt.[/I]
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1. Cole Taylor vs. Whirlwind Lee Wilkes -Cole Taylor. 2. Boo Smithson vs. Dingo Devine. (non title match) -Tough call but i'll go with Dingo. 3. Alyx Macquarie vs. Rick Stantz. -Alyx all the way, have a rather big dislike for Stantz after all the grief he's caused in my APW game. 4. Triple S vs. Swoop McCarthy (non title match) -Triple S, as much as i love Swoop i can't see the new champion losing so soon, even in a non title match.
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;505621]Again, thank you. Commenters/Predictors like you keep diaries going. Wish I had a few more regulars, but one dedicated fan is more than I expected when I first started this diary. So thank you :)[/QUOTE] ONE dedicated fan? how dare you offend me Rathen you know my computer is getting repaired, i have very limited internet access at this time. Now I'm sad. But anyway...WOW! can't believe he's lost at sea. Any chance he survived and we just dont know it? wow, crazy. 1. [B]Cole Taylor[/B] vs. Whirlwind Lee Wilkes Im a 'fro mark 2. [B]Boo Smithson[/B] vs. Dingo Devine. (non title match) its boo f'in smithson. 3. [B]Alyx Macquarie[/B] vs. Rick Stantz Your new golden boy 4. [B]Triple S[/B] vs. Swoop McCarthy (non title match) Foul play of course, but...can't have him looking too weak just now, hes the champ after all
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[QUOTE=Greg2511;505750]ONE dedicated fan? how dare you offend me Rathen you know my computer is getting repaired, i have very limited internet access at this time. Now I'm sad.[/QUOTE] Rathen the master manipulator wins again :D I was hoping that would draw you out! :D edit; Forgot to say I'm away for the weekend - MAY have an update tomorrow night but otherwise it'll be midweek. If anyone would like me to PM them whenever I update with something, please say so and I'll make sure I send note.
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Here it is. February is going to be interesting.. [img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/tv200903.png[/img] [img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/website200903.png[/img] Quick picks for the first show of February: 1. Switchblade vs. Fuzzy Freeman 2. Motty Kuroda vs. Crazy Blue 3. Inferno vs. Boo Smithson 4. Alyx Macquarie vs. Rick Stantz 5. Swoop McCarthy vs. New Zealand Pit Bull Lurkers please come out of the woodwork :D
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Switchblade vs. [B]Fuzzy Freeman[/B] [I]Da FUUUUUUZZZZZZ[/I] Motty Kuroda vs. [B]Crazy Blue[/B] [I]CB takes it to project him into a lower/mid level spot on the card[/I] Inferno vs. [B]Boo Smithson[/B] [I]Boo takes this one with out a doubt. I have realized that Inferno even with the coolest image is just a jobber to the stars...[/I] [B]Alyx Macquarie[/B] vs. Rick Stantz [I]Truley suprised that you have them working each other even though they couldn't do better then a E last time....Mac wins it[/I] Swoop McCarthy vs. [B]New Zealand Pit Bull [/B] [I]NZPB win it because you want to keep Swoop level[/I]
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On the subject of lurkers- a lot of the time it's due to time. I'm reading this whenever I can, but it's tough to keep track of this since I can go two or three updates without the time to post. 1. [B]Switchblade[/B] vs. Fuzzy Freeman [I]An outside bet, I know, but Fuzzy irritates me and I kinda like the Crime Wave[/I] 2. Motty Kuroda vs. [B]Crazy Blue[/B] [I]If this was a tag match, Kuroda would be my choice without a second thought, but one-on-one Blue needs to be kept strongish[/I] 3. Inferno vs. [B]Boo Smithson[/B] [I]Inferno's found his niche in APW, but c'mon...it's Boo.[/I] 4. Alyx Macquarie vs. [B]Rick Stantz[/B] [I]I've lost track of the Blondes' status as a team (are they split or not?) but I'm going with Rick because he can spell his name right :D[/I] 5. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. New Zealand Pit Bull [I]A-hem SWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!![/I]
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