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Money to Burn: 1 year of Wrestling!

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Night 214 Thursday, February 25th 2009

Live from Ferndale, California




Keith Adams is in the ring,
“You know I was proud to be one half of the Tag team Champs. But to be honest with both the fans and myself, it is now time to prove the Keith Adams is his own man.”




Snap Dragon over Keith Adams. Adams again holds his own against one of OYWLs top stars. But Snap Dragon manages to lock in the sleeper hold, and fight as he might, Keith was not man enough to get out of the hold.




Lauren over Sarah Marie York. Sarah continues to prove she’s not one of the top starlets in the company. Lauren lands a belly belly suplex to finish off this under performing match.




Zeus comes to the top of the ramp,
“The best wrestler alive today was disappointed by that last match. But the Women of OYWL are better than that, and in the next match one of two women will earn the next spot in our Fatal four way this Sunday for Joanne Rodriguez’s title.”




Wanda “sleep with the” Fish over Stephanie Wade. Steph took it to Wanda from the opening bell. And after a wicked super kick this match looked over, but Wanda managed to get a foot on the bottom rope to break the count. Wanda then put a thumb in Wade’s eye, followed by a boot to her gut. Setting up a Fisherwoman’s suplex and a handful of tights that led to a successful three count.




Steve Flash again takes his place in the ring,
“Man I miss gold, I just like feel naked with out a thick gold strap around this waste. I will totally prove I am worthy of a shot at the Sultan’s Favor, cause dude I need that gold strap in my life.”




Steve “Solo” Flash over Marc Speed, Flash again going to the next level with an impressive opponent. Marc Speed repeatedly locked in the deadly heel hook, and Flash repeatedly found a way to break the hold. Marc growing frustrated tried to take a short cut, but Steve side stepped it, and delivered a Flash Bang out of no where, rolled Marc up and scored the pin fall. (B)




Steve stalks around the ring making belt motions at his waste, and playing to the crowd, wearing a very expensive looking bomber jacket and shades.


Show: B-

Atnd: 184
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Night 215 Friday, February 26th 2009

Live from Reno, Nevada




Ali is in the ring, ready to welcome us, “
The Corporate Reign has begun, but I tell you, you have not begun to feel the changes that will sweep through this company. The Sultan himself can not stand in the way of the winds of change that have begun to blow.”




Sultan’s Former Army over Pure Breed, in a confrontation that has been building all week long. Adam Bomb and Sayeed wear each other out, until both managed to make the hot tag. Brady comes in flattened Pit Bull, as the weak link in this match is revealed. Brady eventually tags Sayeed back in who nails Pit Bull with the Sniper Rifle for the win.




Sultan’s Former Army grabs a pair of microphones,
“So Ali this is our replacements? Two guys you found in some modeling catalog? No one will ever be as dedicated to the cause as we were. And no one will ever be as dedicated to bringing you down as we are!”




Shingen over Adam Bomb, Adam who was well rested despite the loss his team just suffered put on the match of the night with Shigen. How ever Shingen manages to hit the shining wizard for the three count.




Kashmir over Pit Bull Brown. This match suffered more from the exhausted state of Brown than anything else. Kashmir beat Pit Bull from one side of the ring to the other finally finishing him off with a huge Choke Slam.




The Brothers Gauge step into the ring,
“There are things you lowly folk will never understand. It is an affront to our very station that two commoners as lowly as Ed C & Whiskey Jack should touch the Tag Titles let alone claim to be our champions. Tonight the Brothers Gauge look to rectify this situation.”




Ed & Whiskey over Brothers Gauge, to retain the tag team titles. The match was an even contest. The Brothers gauge handing out a pair of Birth Right Slams, both Ed & Whiskey managing to kick out of the flow up pin attempts. Ed C then managed to isolate Greg, hit the C sharp and secure the victory.




Ed & Whiskey make their way up the ramp but stop at the top,
“Dust Bowl Duo, you think we need to prove to you we are the real tag team champs, we don’t. But we will still face you this Sunday at show down, to prove we are fighting champions!”


Show: C

Atnd: 206
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Night 216 Saturday, February 27th, 2009

Live from Hawthorne, Nevada




Zeus Maximillion is in the ring,
“I am the greatest wrestler alive today. But the ladies of OYWL are giving me a run for my money. With just one spot left in Sunday’s Fatal Four way, can there be any more on the line in tonight's match up for these last two ladies?”




Dragon assassin over Angel, the two ladies raise the crowd to their feet with every near fall. Every move looks like it should be the last but each lady finds a way to kick out time after time. Dragon grows tired of playing by the rules and spews dragons breath in Angel’s face. Angel stumbles right into the Dragon’s claw and in her disoriented state has not choice but to quickly tap out.




Keith Adams is once more inside the ring,
“I am my own man, and no one, no loss, no short coming can prove otherwise. I am Keith Adams, I am my own man!”




Eisaku over Keith Adams. I think no one will contend Adams is not his own man after this match. Keith goes toe to toe and move for move around the ring with one of the most dangerous men in this company. Eisaku manages to gain the upper hand only after landing the Godzilla Plunge on Keith, which he follows up with the Nuclear Death Bomb to keep Keith down for the count.




Eisaku passes Asian Assault on his way back stage, he bows to them as sign of respect, and pats them on the back wishing them good luck in their match tonight.




Asian Assault over Souls in Exile. I don’t think Soul Taker or Burning Exile would have ever considered it possible. But Shigen out quicked them both, Kashmir out powered them both, and in the end AA nailed the Pacific Invasion to take Burning Exile out of the match for good. Kashmir then hit the choke slam he is calling the Punjabi Plunge to finish off Soul Taker.




Steve “Solo” Flash comes down to the ring, climbs slowly in,
“Man, you know what? being the only one who is like, in charge of my own destiny makes me totally free. It is like just a matter of time before Steve Flash is once again in possession of the Sultan’s Favor.”




Steve Flash over Raphael Ruiz. Steve makes Ruiz look like a million dollars, Ruiz who is good in his own right, just steps to the next level with Steve. But as has so often been the case Steve Flash finds the Flash Bang out of no where to change the complexion of the match in his favor, and eventually score the pinfall.


Show: B-

Atnd: 213
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Sunday Show Down

Night 217 February 28st, 2009


Will Feature:


Perez 101 vs Dark Reign

The biggest match of the Perez brother's run, can they hope to over come the destructive pair of Dark Reign?


Lauren Easter vs Gorgon vs Stephanie Wade

three ladies one goal, who can earn a shot at Joanne and her title, well saying Joanne holds onto her title.


Marc Speed vs Danny Rushmore ©

for the Sultan's Favor

Marc gets another shot, can he take advantage, can Marc speed really defeat Rushmore for the title?


Dust Bowl Duo vs Ed & Whiskey ©

for the Tag Titles

The Dust covered Cow pokes can never be counted out, the Duo are ready to reclaim their gold. Can Ed & Whiskey weather this storm, or has their reign as champs come to an end?


April Apple Seed vs Wanda Fish vs Dragon Assasin vs Joanne Rodriguez ©

for the Ladies Championship

Zeus is tired of Joanne holding the title, so he has assembled four of them most skilled women in OYWL to contend with Jo for her title. Is there any way Jo can walk away from this four corner match with her title?



don't miss the action live tomorrow night!

DM: Kenny Kool vs Raphael Ruiz

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Show Down 2-4

Sunday, February 28th 2009

Live from Dalhart, Texas




DM: Kenny Kool over Raphael Ruiz, to retain the pride of the organization. This match proved to be a crowd pleaser. Kenny spent much of the time trying to avoid Ruiz and his brutal wrench submission hold. Ruiz how ever underestimates the champ and walked right into the Kool Kollision that cost Ruiz the match.




DA: Kenny Cool rolls out of the ring and find a mic, “That’s what up ‘all. I totally clobbered that motha. Steppin’ to me like he know something. I sho’d him whadup. Dat’s why Kenny Kool da champ, ya feelin’ me yo!”




Steve Flash is in the ring,
“I may have my freedom, but man now I like need my ticket to ride. I totally need a shot at Danny Rushmore, so I can bring the gold back, like where it belongs man.”
Ali comes out,
“Steve it is in the current interest of the Corporate Reign to take the belt off of Danny Rushmore, so tonight you will Face Snap Dragon and Eisaku for a shot at Danny this Tuesday on the Premier Episode of OYWL Slick.”




Perez 101 over Dark Reign. Jonnie and Frankie put on a mat work clinic, taking Dark Eagle and Dark Angle well outside their comfort Zone. Then Dark Reign changes speed and the match takes to the air, and though this favors Reign, the Perez duo have already done enough damage to slow the high flyers down. Perez 101 eventually deliver a stereo pair of perfect paritys and make the covers for the win.




Zeus Maximillion comes out to the top of the ramp,
“I am the greatest wrestler alive, and I feel it is my responsibility to champion great wrestling. With that in mind tonight to warm up for the fatal four way, we will have a triangle match with three more of the best Ladies of OYWL showing us just how good they are.”




Lauren over Stephanie Wade and Gorgon. Gorgon was the weak point in the match, neither Lauren or Steph could gain an upperhand over one another, so the two contented themselves with beating on Gorgon, who eventually collapsed in the center of the ring under the constant assault. Steph looked for a surprise super kick to take out Lauren, but Lauren had stepped inside Wade arc, delivered a belly to belly suplex, and covered Gorgon for the win.




Danny Rushmore over Marc Speed in their rematch for the title. Marc controls much for the match, frequently locking in the deadly heel hook draining much of the fight out of Rushmore. But Danny digs down deep each time and forces his way out of the hold. Rushmore finally gets a little offense of his own, softening up Marc for Silence is Deadly. Danny makes the cover and JD Morgan comes sprinting to the ring. The ref manages to get to three just as Morgan slides in the ring, and decks Rushmore with a chair.




JD Morgan is standing over the fallen forms of Danny Rushmore and Marc Speed chair in hand. Ali Wanna appears at the top of the ramp.
“I warned everyone that Corporate Reign could not be stopped, tonight JD will join the number one contenders match, and Tuesday on OYWL Slick the Corporate Reign will become unstoppable!”




The Dust Bowl Duo take up positions in the ring,
“Ya’ll we wanted it, and to them boys credit they gave it to us. Tonight sons, I’m sorry bout you damn luck, but the Dust Bowl Dou’s gonna retake the Tag Team titles.”




Ed & Whiskey over Dust Bowl Duo, to retain the tag team titles. The fans have fallen in love with their tag team champs, and though there are still some cheers for everybody’s favorite cowboys, the fans truly get behind Whiskey and Ed. Though the Duo dominate the early match, Ed makes a late match rally, handing out a pair of C-sharps, and in a rare change of pace Whiskey enters the match, delivering a face first suplex to a truly surprised Al Coleman, and rolling him over for the three.




Raven appears,
“I can’t believe this, again, and again, and again Joanne Rodriguez finds a way to duck me. No only am I not in tonight fatal four way, but I wasn’t even given a shot at it. Jo I know your afraid of me, but this is getting kind of ridiculous, I will get my match and will take that title out of your cold dead fingers if that is what is necessary.”




Joanne Rodriguez over April Appleseed and Wanda “Sleeps with the” Fish and Dragon assassin. The four women exploded into a brawl, trading blows in all directions, but slowly things sort out and Jo & Wanda have taken control of the match. Jo delivers a huge J-rocker to April while Wanda drives Dragon into the mat with the Fisherwoman. The two ladies then swap opponents and deliver there finishers again. With the match reduced to Wanda versus Jo, the crowd is on the edge of their seats. Jo finds herself on the middle turnbuckle, as Wanda sets her up for the Fisherwoman suplex. The impact shakes the ring. 1…2…kick out, the fans release their collective breath. Wanda Takes Jo up to the top turnbuckle, but Jo fight back, reverses the footing and hits huge top rope J-rocker, 1…2…3. Jo stands up victorious the crowd is on their feet cheering.




A man wearing a shirt with a giant apple seed on the front, and Corey written on the back comes down and helps April to her feet. Those in the first row can hear him telling her that he will make sure she never suffers a loss like this again.




Steve “Solo” Flash over JD Morgan and Snap Dragon and Eisaku, for #1 contender. The match is wild, the fans have no idea who will come out on top as every man is throwing his heart into the match. Danny Rushmore comes to ring side half way through the match and distracts JD Morgan who chases Rushmore from ringside. This allows Steve and Snap Dragon to delivers a vertical Suplex to Eisaku over the top rope, where he catches JD trying to reenter the ring. Ali appears with a chair, and while the referee is checking JD & Eisaku on the outside, Ali Levels both Steve and Snap Dragon in the ring. JD recovers first and rolls into the ring and covers Steve Flash. 1…2…kick out but barley, Jd rolls over and covers Snap Dragon 1…2… Steve pulls JD up and delivers the Flash Bang. Steve Rolls Snap Dragon up for the three and the fans explode.


Show: B

Atnd: 596
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Month End:


We had a break out month, landing our first Television show, on ticket sales of 235,000. unfortunately this 110K increase in revenue was offset by 60K jump in worker costs. The plus side is losses slid below 400K, down to just 372,000. Leaving over 1.4 million in the bank. We are now also with in striking distance of Cult, but the decision has been made to hold off on rising to that level for another month or so.



Great Lakes: 31.0

Mid Atlantic: 30.5

Mid South: 54.3

Mid West: 30.5

New England: 30.5

North West: 34.9

South East: 48.3

South West: 38.9

Tri-State: 31.1

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Night 218 Monday, March 1st 2009

Live From Wellton, Arizona




Frankie Perez is in the ring with Jonnie,
“Tonight's lesson in wrestling is brought to you by Perez 101. And that lesson is never leave your show unattended. Ali is off preparing for his Slick little show.
” Jonnie snickers at this
“So I Frankie Perez took it upon myself to book a couple matches. Perez 101 will educate Invasion, and then the my brother and I shall continue the learning experience by taking out Brady Prince and Sayeed in one on one competition.”




Perez 101 over Invasion, the match is very one sided, and pair of stereo Perfect Paritys cap off the match.




The Sultan’s Former Army hoping to get a jump on the matches they were just booked into assault Perez 101 from behind. Frankie and Sayeed roll from the ring and brawl to the back while Brady handles business with Jonnie in the ring.




Brady Prince over Jonnie Perez. Jonnie never came back from the surprise attack though he kick out of many early pin attempts. Brady wears him down eventually though and hit the Princely Slam, rolls Jonnie up and finally ends the match.




Frankie Perez over Sayeed. The two brawl back into the ring, and it is clear that Sayeed has gained the upper hand through some hard core tactics, the remains of tin tray still wrapped around Frankie neck. Once back in the ring how ever thing begin to change, and before to long Frankie is controlling the ebb and flow of the match. Perez finally takes Sayeed down with a huge standing spear, locks in the P-clutch and fight as he may, Sayeed eventually taps out.




Ed C & Whiskey Jack come out to the ring, “We have taken every chance we could get to prove ourselves, every shot we could take or line up at all. Then when the timing was right we won the Tag Team championships. Now OYWL gets a TV deal, and guess who got left off the guest list. That’s right Ed & Whiskey, being treated like undesirables.”




Ed C. & Whiskey over Sultan’s Former Army, even if Brady and Sayeed had not already been put through the ringer this match would have been lopsided. As it was, the anger of Ed and Whiskey could barley be contained, and the duo punished the army from the moment they stepped through the ring ropes, to the moment Ed landed the last of several C-sharps and made the cover on Sayeed.




Ed & Whiskey look out at the crowd preparing to celebrate their win, but Perez 101 run down to the ring chairs in hand slide into the ring and destroy Sultan’s Former Army along with the Tag Champs.


Show: C+

Atnd: 300
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I love this thing and a part of my life will be empty when you hit 365.


(dirty secret, 1) in TEW a year is 334 days :( 2) the computer my TEW licence is on died (the power supply not the hard drive) so I need to get it fixed up to even hit 334)


on the upside I have more than 5 weeks already in the can, and that is all backed up to the external drive . . . so I have a good 6 weeks to get the computer fixed.


Finally I am glad some one enjoys this little experiment. :D




You're getting B matches out of Whiskey Jack. I bow to you for knowing that good ol' Whiskey Jack IS capable of becoming somebody.


Here's the real question: In 2010 with all that new wear and tear and crap, I wonder if a gamy like this would even be plausible?


He has proven adequate at getting over Ed C. and as a side effect it seems to have made him credible again.


As for 2010, I should be making that Purchase soon enough, the goal is to transition this game to 2010 after the first year. So we will indeed find out what the 2nd year of one year wrestling looks like.

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OYWL: Slick

Night 219 Tuesday, March 2nd 2009


Live From Questa, New Mexico





Zeus Maximillion is standing in the center of the ring,
“Welcome to this Premier Event, Welcome to One Year Wrestling leagues TV debut. This is Slick! Tonight the Champ will defend the Sultan’s Favor against Steve Flash. Our Ladies Champion Joanne Rodriguez will defend the her title against Lauren Easter. But to start us off I want to introduce a brand new Title just for TV, the Slick TV Belt. And the Winner of our first match will walk away it’s debut champion!”




Burning Exile over Raphael Ruiz, to earn the Slick TV Title. Ruiz went on the offense early grinding into Burning Exile. But Exile turned the tables hitting a huge flying knee as Ruiz came off the ropes looking for a clothes line. Exile and Ruiz trade power moves, until Exile finally took Raphael up, and brought him down in the Exile Driver. That was all Ruiz could take and Burning Exile picked up the win.




Ali Wanna appears at the top of the ramp,
“This is all brought to you courtesy of the Sultan of Brunei. OYWL is his brain child, but no longer his, as I Ali Wanna have claimed it in the name of the Corporate Reign, the most powerful force in OYWL. That being said Sunday at Showdown, Steve Flash won the right to face Danny Rushmore for the title. Steve to bad. Tonight JD Morgan will face Danny for the title, and tonight the Corporate Reign will bring the title to it’s rightful home.”




Joanne Rodriguez over Lauren, to retain the Ladies Championship. The battle between these two was elevated to a new level. Maybe it was the excitement of Ali’s announcement, maybe it was the set up of the Slick belt, but everything fell into place for what was a classic match. Joanne pulled out the win with a huge J-rocker, but not before she and Lauren spent 10 grueling minutes punishing one another.




Steve Flash appears in the ring,
“Well man I can’t say I’m not disappointed about not getting the title shot I like totally earned and deserved. But Steve Flash is like not the kind of wrestler to leave the fans out in the cold. So Frankie Perez what do you say I put my title shot on the line right here tonight, and we totally show these fans what they paid to see.”




Steve Flash and Frankie Perez to a no contest. Match of the night is right, these two men gave the fans an out standing performance. Steve fell behind early, with Frankie bringing his A game and hitting a beautiful Perfect Parity. Steve kick out after a long 2. both men square off again but this time the match swings in Steve’s favor, he hits the Flash Bang and draws a long 2 count of his own. Both men rise slowly looking to reengage but the referee steps between them and tells them they have reached the TV time limit. They shake hands a leave the ring together.




JD Morgan fills the ring as we return from break.
“Not a bloody Chance in Hell. Danny Rushmore, the Silent Force, the Freak of Nature, I don’t care what you call yourself, after tonight you’ll be known as the former champion. That’s just the way it is, because the Corporate Reign says so!”




JD Morgan over Danny Rushmore to win the Sultans Favor, when Ali makes the referee count a three after belting Danny with a chair. JD and Danny Squared off with a test of strength, to JD’s credit he lasted more than 5 seconds, but eventually Danny gained the upper hand and muscled JD to the canvas. For good measure Danny put the boot to JD, taking the wind from him, drug him up and delivered Silence is Deadly. Jd kicked out, but got in very little offense. JD eventually fell a step behind, and when he caught up found himself on the wrong end of a second Silence is deadly. Danny Went for the pin, 1…2…WHACK, Ali had rolled into the ring, sized Rushmore up and delivered a ringing chair shot to the head. Whack, a second shot kept Danny from rising, whack a third knocked him out cold. Ali rolled a prone JD on top of Danny and forced the referee to choose between counting the three, or taking a chair shot of his very own.


Show: B

Atnd: 1000

Rating: 0.00
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Night 220 Wednesday, March 3rd 2009

Live From Poway, California




Ali is standing in the center of the ring,
“The sultan made a request of me. He asked the I put on a Tag brand show that was all about Tag teams. While this is slightly inconvenient, it does not stand in the way of the Corporate Reign, so Tonight all four matches will feature Tag teams.”




Raven & Wanda over Gorgon & Dragon Assassin. The match is above average, and features a great deal of Wanda beating down her opponents, but the finish comes from Raven, a picture perfect Even Flow DDT on Dragon and an easy three count.




Raven grabs a microphone,
“Joanne Rodriguez you keep ducking me, but mark my words the end of days is coming, and when the clouds of judgment cross your path, I will claim the title you know you can not keep from me.”




Lauren & Steph over Eve & Angel, Lauren and Steph work well off each other. Despite the tag team experience of Eve and Angel, Lauren and Steph control most of the match. Steph takes Angel out with a Super Kick, Lauren drills Eve with a belly to belly Suplex and rolls her up for the win.




Invasion steps into the ring,
“We we’re best tag team in OYWL, it will be so again. Invasion must have match tonight!”




Joey & weasel over Invasion, they may have been the best at some point, but not in a long while. Invasion eats mat repeatedly until Joey finally makes the cover to pick up the win.




Sultan’s Former Army over the Brothers Gauge. Not the best match of the night, but close. Sayeed and Brady are rocked back on their heels by the quick tags, and fluid moves of the Brothers. But after Sayeed goes down to a Birth Right Slam, and almost suffers the pinfall, Sayeed and Prince battles back




Ali comes down to the ring, contracts on clip board,
“Brady, Sayeed, you are the Army of the Sultan. You are winners and should be part of the most powerful conglomerate in OYWL. Sultan’s Army, please sign these, retake your place in the Corporate Reign!”


Show: C

Atnd: 300
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Night 221 Thursday, March 4th 2009

Live From Mohave Valley, Arizona




Morning glory is standing on the ramp, his lips move but not in sync to the sound,


Once more Morning Glory

Take the time to reach sublime

Daisy, Rose, lilly Pretty day





Morning Glory over Corey Appleseed, not a bad match Corey clearly did not realize what he had stepped into the ring with though. Glory ground on Corey’s arm from every angle, until he locked in the Total Glory Lock and force Coery to tap out.




April Appleseed over Wanda “Sleep with the” Fish, with Corey’s help. The two women lit up the ring. But when April refused to beak a hold when the ref turned to admonish her, Wanda rose only to have Corey drop her from behind with a huge chair shot. April took advantage and scored the pinfall.




Corey grabs April’s hand and holds it up.
“April you’re a champ, a real champ. You stay with me sis and you are goin' all the way to the top! Gold, Jewels, money well get it all for you.”




Asian Assault over Marc & Raphael Ruiz. Marc and Ruiz did not work well as a tag team each man looking for glory of his own. Ruiz locks in the wrench but Kashmir breaks it up and choke slams Ruiz. Marc doesn’t react quick enough allowing Shingen to recover, make a formal tag, and a choke slam to Speed allows Kashmir to role both men up for the three.




Eisaku comes out bowing to Asian Assault, congratulating them for a huge win. When from behind Fresh Air Phoenix comes off a turn buckle landing a huge missile drop kick to Eisaku’s back.




Eisaku & Asian Assault over Mark, Raphael Ruiz & Fresh Air Phoenix. The crowd light up in what is basically a Phoenix vs Eisaku match, the other catching their breath. But by the end of the match Asian Assault is again playing a big part, keeping Marc and Ruiz out of the ring, as Eisaku nails the Godzilla Plunge, and follows up with the nuclear death bomb to secure the win over Phoenix.




Marc, Raphael and Phoenix retreat to the top of the ramp,
“Its not fair, its just not fair. We are the three biggest wrestlers in OYWL today and we know for a fact we are being held down. And in the coming days we are going to show you the proof we have.”


Show: B-

Atnd: 300
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Night 222 Friday, March 5th 2009

Live From Bullhead City, Nevada




Perez 101 comes down to the ring,
“This weeks class is in session…”
Perez 101 stops as the Sultan’s Former army climbs into the ring. Both team stare each other down, finally an all out brawl erupts, and security pours from the back and holds the two teams apart.




Sultan’s Former Army over Pure Breed. The match is slow but acceptable. Brady ends the match with a huge Princely Slam on Pit Bull Brown.




Brady Prince and Sayeed take up positions in the center of the ring with microphones.
“Two days ago we were offered a deal I am sure we can not refuse. But Wanna the Army is not for sale. No Deal, we don’t want into your Corporate Reign, we don’t want any part of you or JD morgan. We are the Sultan’s FORMER Army.”




Ali comes out to the top of the ramp,
“That is the wrong decision. Corporate Reign does not make a habit of allowing second chances. But believe me you won’t be around long enough to get a third.”




Brady Prince over Kashmir Singh. The two men put on a great match, Brady barley kicking out after a huge choke slam. The crowd goes crazy when Brady is able to deliver the princely slam to the girth of Kashmir Singh, who stays down for the three.




Sayeed over Shingen. The Sultan’s Assassin goes blow for blow with the technician Shingen. Both men wear each other down, and it becomes a match of attrition, that Sayeed just barley manages to out last.




Perez 101 over Dust Bowl Duo by DQ. The Duo and Perez 101 put on a tag match that will be studied by new tag teams for years to come. But when Perez 101 refuses to stay down, the duo become frustrated as a team they grab chairs from the crowd and lay into Perez 101. The referee call for the bell and awards the disqualification victory to the Perez Brothers.




The Dust Bowl Duo continue to take out their frustrations on Perez 101, as the referee flees the ring and calls for security to come and pull Al Coleman and Mean Jean Cattley off of prone Perez 101.


Show: C+

Atnd: 300
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Night 223 Saturday, March 6th 2009

Live From Tulare, California




Zeus Maximillion is standing in the center of the ring,
“I am the greatest wrestler alive today, and Premier is the greatest show …”
Marc Speed, Raphael Ruiz & Fresh Air Phoenix pile into the ring.
“Little man, you are the greatest wind bag alive today! We have been overlooked for to long, what are you going to do about it!”
the four men leave together.




Marc Speed over Morning Glory, Glory coming off a win looks impressive, but he like many before him finds himself in the Deadly Heel Hook with no way out but to tap.




Kenny Kool is back stage,
“Yo it’s been like a fat five, I been laying back. But dats over at Show Down, it’s Kool Town! Kenny Kool be frontin all over it.”




Raphael Ruiz over Corey Appleseed. The match has some back and forth, but Ruiz Locks in the Wrench and fight as he might Corey ends up passing out giving Ruiz the win.




Fresh Air Phoenix over Soul Taker. The match is even neither man finding a clear advantage. Phoenix finally manages to hit the Splash, he lines Taker up and hits him with a second, before making a cover that just manages to get three.




Eisaku comes out,
“Marc, Raphael, Phoenix. Let us see who is really being overlooked.




Eisaku over Marc Speed and Raphael Ruiz and Fresh Air Phoenix. All three men take it to E, but he slips out of several holds, letting power moves hit those that were holding him. E then allows several moves to naturally counter themselves, delivering DDT’s, head scissor and Rhanas to his opponents. E then plays possum and the three argue who will get to pin him, but Marc Speed Clothes lines Phoenix out of the ring, only for Ruiz to suplex Speed over the top rope. Ruiz goes down for he pin, and Eisaku uses Rafael's momentum to reverse the roll up and score the pin fall.




Eisaku Parades around the ring, as Marc, Raphael & Phoenix poke each other’s chests on the outside blaming one another for the loss.


Show: C+

Atnd: 300
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/banners/OYWL.jpg</span><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

Sunday Show Down</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

Night 224 March 1st, 2009</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">Will Feature:</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Snap Dragon vs Kenny Kool ©</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

for the Pride of the Organization</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:10px;">the two time PoO Champ looks to reclaim the belt, does Kenny really have any chance of retaining now?</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Steve 'solo' Flash vs "the Generic Masked Man" Phoenix I </strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:10px;">Steve Flash brings the pain, but Phoenix will bring every thing else as he looks to make an impressive debut on Show Down</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Dark Reign vs Dust Bowl Duo</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:10px;">Tag Team dominace and a shot at the titles will play second fiddle as Dark Reign tries to hurt the DBD and the Duo look to score a win for honor sake. </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Perez 101 vs Ed & Whiskey ©</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

for the Tag Titles</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:10px;">The titles are on the line, and the Perez brothers look to take Ed and Whiskey to School and walk away with Tag Team Gold!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Wanda Fish vs Joanne Rodriguez ©</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

for the Ladies Championship</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:10px;">Wanda knows she is better than Jo one on one, but can she prove it? can she walk away with the title? can she become the first ever two time OYWL Ladies Champion?</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Danny Rushmore vs JD Morgan ©</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

for the Sultan's Favor</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

in a ladder match</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:10px;">The Corporate Reign screwed Rushmore on OYWL:Slick, but in a no dq Ladder match, can the Silent Force silence the oppostion and regain his title? Or will the Corporate Reign win by sheer numbers, as they pick Danny apart?</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

don't miss the action live tomorrow night!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:8px;"> DM: Steve 'solo' Flash vs Corey Appleseed</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">


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Show Down 3-1

Sunday, March 7th 2009

Live From Concord, North Carolina




DM: Steve “solo” Flash over Corey Appleseed, Corey’s matches are getting better and better. A Flash Bang ended this one out of no where.




DA: Steve “solo” Flash rises slowly, taking a microphone from the announcers,
“Man, that is like my um-teenth win. Were is Solo’s title shot, like when am I getting my shot man. This is like Totally unfair!”




Kenny Kool opens our show.
“Whad up NC! It’s da bling dat brings me here. But it’s da honeys dat keep me from going queer! I got major props for any homey that jerks dat curtain ta-nite. I be down for it if dey be. Feel it, yo.”




Kenny Kool over Snap Dragon to retain the Pride of the Organization. These two went round and round the ring. Snap locked in the Dragon Sleeper and every one in the crowd knew the belt was just moments from changing hands. But Kenny managed to make it to the ropes forcing the break. Snap Dragon took control again, nailing Kenny with a huge Dragon Suplex 1…2…kick out, Dragon delivers a second and makes the cover. 1…2…kick out. Kenny battles back and delivers the Kool Kollison 1…2…3, winner and still champ Kenny Kool.




Ali enters the ring,
“I am the head of the most powerful entity in wrestling today, a conglomerate who’s world shaping power can not be denied. The Corporate Reign will give Danny his rematch. In a Ladder match, not that it matters. JD Morgan will win, and we will cement our hold over OYWL!”




Steve “solo” Flash over “the generic masked man” Phoenix I. The two trade holds, counters and reversal. Steve finally lines him up and delivers the Flash Bang, allowing him to score the pin fall.




Perez 101 appear at the top of the ramp with a chalk board,
“Today’s lesson from Perez 101. If you beat every opponent”
Jonnie marks through several names on the board.
“You eventually earn a title shot.”
Jonnie circles a rough picture of the belts.
“So Ed and Whiskey put your wrestling boots where your backs gonna be and give us a shot at those titles!”




Dust Bowl Duo over Dark Reign, by dq when Perez 101 gets revenge on the duo. Dark Reign and the Duo traded huge blows. The fans oohing and awing at an ever expanding range of punishment. The Duo hit a huge Dust Bowl Drop through the announce table. Dark Eagle landed a second rope Eagle Shock, only for Dark Angel to take Al Coleman up and hit a top rope Decent to Hell. That should have ended the match, but Perez 101 slid in with chair and lit up the Duo. The referee shook his head and awarded the Duo the DQ victory.




Jo comes down the ramp for her title match up, when Raven comes through the crowd jumps the rail, and DDTs Jo into the concrete floor. Raven Screams at Jo, that she will pay for ducking Raven. As Raven retreats through the crowd.




Perez 101 over Ed & Whiskey, when Dark Reign interferes. The opening match is standard fair. Perez 101 and Ed & Whiskey all getting int some offense, the match on even footing. Then down the ramp stream Dark Reign, they climb the ring apron with chairs ****ed back. The referee screaming for Dark Eagle & Dark Angel to get down. Ed & Whiskey pull back sending Frankie and Jonnie toward the ropes with huge Irish Whips. The Bell rings as Frankie and Jonnie crumple under the weight of the Chair shots. Perez 101 wins by DQ, but Ed & Whiskey retain their titles.




Joanne Rodriguez appears at the top of the ramp belt in hand,
“Raven, your little hit and run tactics can not keep Joanne Rodriguez down. Tonight I will defeat Wanda Fish, and tomorrow someone else. But I guarantee you, you will never get that shot you think I owe you.”




Joanne Rodriguez over Wanda “sleep with the” Fish, to retain the Ladies Championship. Jo lands some power moves early, but Wanda reverses a J-rocker into a vicious Fisherwoman's Suplex, and goes for the cover 1…2… kickout. Wanda then lights Jo up, rolls her to the out side and delivers the Fisherwoman's Suplex onto the steel steps. Wanda rolls Jo back in. Wanda goes for the cover 1…2… … NO Jo gets a foot on the rope. Wanda gets up and argues with the ref, Jo Struggles to her feet and lines Wanda up. DDT! DDT! Jo just used Raven’s move on Wanda 1…2…kick out. The two women rise on wobble legs, Wanda rushes forward. Jo Shift, catches Wanda’s head, her leg, up … stall, down, Jo delvers a huge J-rocker, makes the pin 1…2…3. Winner and still Ladies Champion Joanne Rodriguez.




JD Morgan comes down to the ring.
“It’s not fair. Well to bad. It’s not right, Oh Well. You shouldn’t have done it, well deal with it. I am JD Morgan, I am the Corporate Reign, and I am the one in control of the Sultan’s Favor. Danny Rushmore you whine like a girl, and tonight you can bleed, cry and die like one too, before you will ever get this title back!”




JD Morgan over Danny Rushmore in a ladder match, to retain the Sultan’s favor when Dark Reign runs in. The match was unpredictable, but inevitable. Both men being more ground and pound, the ladders were used more as rams and catapults than as aerial platforms. Danny Rushmore hit Silence is deadly onto a 12’ ladder and it looked like Morgan was out for good. But Dark Reign spilled out of the back and delivered a huge double power bomb off the ladder, just as Danny was reaching to reclaim his title. Dark Reign then set up two 20’ ladders, and drug Morgan to the top, unclasping the belt into his limp hands as they supported him. The crowd boo’d as semi conscious Morgan collapsed from one turnbuckle to the next.


Show: B

Atnd: 899
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Night 225 Monday, March 8th 2009

Live from Wendover, Utah




Ali Wanna is standing in the center of the ring in a new outfit, the crowd is tossing garbage his way, “Keep it coming, keep it coming, each and every piece of garbage you throw at me is more valuable than the Tag Brand. I hat this brand, I want off this miserable brand. I want to move to where the true Gold is, I want to be with the rest of the Corporate Reign on the premier brand!”




Angel & Eve over Dragon Assassin & Gorgon, the women kick the show off with a bang. The Veteran Tag team of Angel & Eve eventually work the match in their favor, despite Assassin’s Speed and Gorgon’s Strength. Angel & Eve manage to hit the Garage Band Stand to pick up the win.




Frankie and Jonnie Perez pass, Dark Angel back stage, as he passes, they lock him in head lock and drag him out to the ring. Jonnie can be heard shouting,
“Perez 101 declares class is in session!”




Perez 101 over Dark Angel, who recovers from his initial shock early. The match then rages through the ring, with Dark Angel always managing to avoid the pin fall, big move or submission hold. That is until Angel’s luck runs out, and Frankie manages to catch him with a Perfect Parity, but Frankie tags out and lets Jonnie make the roll up pin fall.




Asian Assault are in the back stage,
“We win and win Kashmir, but no one gives us a second thought, let alone a title shot. Kashmir our day is coming, they will give us our shot, or we will take it!”




Asian Assault over Invasion, Kashmir, man handled Nari, taking him out of the match with a huge Big Boot, and a choke slam over the top rope to the outside. Shingen and Hiro then lit up the match, but a shining wizard to the back of the head spelled lights our for Hiro, and the victory for Asian Assault.




Perez 101 over Souls in Exile. Burning Exile and Soul Taker seemed to think this was going to be a walk in the park, severly underestimating Perez 101. This was a mistake they never got a chance to recover from, Frankie and Jonnie taking it to them hard, Jonnie again scoring the pin fall, this time after he nailed, an improved version of his brother’s Perfect Parity finisher.




Perez 101 grab the microphones,
“Souls I call that one the more than Perfect Parity, and just like my brothers it is more than equal to any man in OYWL. You have just taken another lesion in Perez 101!”


Show: C+

Atnd: 300
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Night 226 Tuesday, March 9th 2009

OYWL: Slick


Live from Cortez, Colorado




DM: Ed & Whiskey over Invasion to retain the Tag Titles. Ed looked very strong, taking out Hiro with the C-sharp to pick up the W.




DA: Ed & Whiskey walk to the top of the ramp but stop,
“Asian Assault, you think you deserve a shot. Well Ed and Whiskey are equal opportunity Champions, we will give you that shot this Sunday at Show Down. You better make the most of it, because we don’t see you getting another one any time soon.”




Zeus is standing in the center of the ring, as fire works and music welcome us to OYWL: Slick. Zeus gets ready to welcome us, when Ali Wanna comes out to the top of the steps,
“You are the worst excuse for a manager alive today, Zeus Maximillion get the hell off the Sultan’s Tv show… On second thought, you want to open the show? Ok you can do so in a handicap match against Marc Speed and Raphael Ruiz.”




Marc Speed & Raphael Ruiz over Zeus Maximillion. Zeus make every effort to keep his head above water, but he just can’t be every where at once, and Marc and Raphael wear him down. Raphael eventually locks in the Ruiz wrench and Zeus has not choice but to tap out.




Soul Taker comes out and leans against the ring,
“Burning Exile my partner, mi amigo, I see you have claimed gold. Well I deserve to be the first man to test your metal. The first man to help you prove why you deserve to be champion!”




Soul Taker over Burning Exile for the TV title. The partners push each other to the limit. Burning Exile manages to nail the Exile Driver early, and Soul Taker spends much of the match fighting the stars circling his head. But as the match wears on, Exile joins him in La la land. This allows a barley walking Taker to lock in the life force drain, and with so much gone, Exile has not choice but to tap out. Soul Taker clutches the title, as Burning exile offers his hand, and the two partners leave together.




JD Morgan comes down to the ring,
“You lot are a bunch of ungrateful sods. You don’t deserve for the Corporate Reign to be so kind to you. But despite that fact, and for the sake of profits, JD Morgan is going to put the Sultan’s Favor on the line right here tonight!”




JD Morgan over Snap Dragon. The two are something special in the ring. Snap flying from corner to corner, attacking from every angle. JD dragging him back to the mat, and hitting him with smash mouth force. JD eventually grows tired of fighting on the up and up and crotches Snap, he thne locks in an illegal choke, but the referee is to afraid to throw the match out. Morgan finally locks in the Darkness Stretch forcing Snap to give up, after a lengthy fight to break the hold.




Joanne Rodriguez comes out to the ring,
“I know many of you did not catch my match with Wanda on Sunday night. And while I can’t fix that, I can try and do it all over again. Wanda Fish get out here, your getting another shot at this strap!”




Joanne Rodriguez over Wanda “sleep with the” Fish, for the Ladies Championship. These two ladies know each other so well, their matches are almost always instant classics. This match was no exception, keeping every fan right on the edge of their seat, until Jo finally nailed Wanda with a top rope J-rocker to wrap up a three count.


Show: B

Atnd: 2000

Rating: 0.05 (+.05)
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Night 227 Wednesday, March 10th 2009

Live from Kanab, Utah




Ali is in the center of the ring,
“Sultan’s former army, if you know what is good for you, you will not show up Friday for your match.
” "the Generic Masked man" Phoenix I & Fresh Air Phoenix come out,
“Hey Ali why don’t you shut the hell up!”




Phoneix I & Fresh Air Phoenix over Invasion, a solid match, but Invasion is our perennial job team, and they do it well, falling to the double phoenix splash.




Dust Bowl Duo catch Jonnie Perez walking back stage and drag him out to the ring,
“Boy you wanna disrespect other’s, we’ll tan your hide one good and teach you a thing er two!”




Dust Bowl Duo over Jonnie Perez. Jonnie starts out throwing huge hay makers knocking the dou back a step or two. Jonnie then puts Al out of the contest with a More than Perfect Parity. But this leaves him open from a huge swinging neck breaker from Mean Jean. Jean then beats Jonnie from ring post to ring post. Al recovers enough to help deliver the Dust Bowl Drop, and that is all she wrote for Jonnie.




Asian Assault comes out to the ring for their scheduled match,
“Ed and Whiskey, you’ll give us a shot? Oh goody, but we don’t want charity, we will continue to prove that we deserve a shot every time we step into this ring.”




Asian Assault over Maximum Rage. This was just short, of a stomp fest. Shingen and Zeus’s brawl spilled out of the ring and into the crowd. Kashmir then man handled Primal Rage in the center of the ring, taking him out with a huge choke slam, and covering with a boot to the chest.




Dust Bowl Duo over the Brothers Gauge. Two teams that excel at tag team wrestling, put on a clinic. Both partners making saves that no one thought possible. Both teams delivering maneuvers that only come from being a well oiled machine. The Duo had to put both Brothers through tables with the Dust Bowl Drop, before, Al could roll Greg back in and make the clean cover.




The Dou grab a pair of mics,
“Perez’s, Dark Reign, look here. Ya’ll are showin a lot of disrespect to this ring, to the company, to this here business. And the Duo don’t take kindly to that round here. So this Sunday at Show Down, we're gonna beat the fear-a-gawd back into you boys.”


Show: C+

Atnd: 807
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Night 228 Thursday, March 11th 2009

Live from Nephil, Utah




Zeus is standing in the center of the ring,
“I don’t know how many of you saw it here in Utah, but OYWL: Slick was a great show. I encourage every one of you to call you local cable provider and demand access the greatest wrestling show on TV today. OYWL: Slick!”




Snap Dragon over Corey Appleseed. Corey held out as long as possible, but like so many before him, soon found him self knocked out to the Dragon Sleeper.




April comes down and slaps Corey until he comes too. Corey stands and takes a microphone,
“Ladies and Gentleman I, Corey Appleseed am not the best wrestler, but this here, this is April Appleseed and I will prove to the world she is the most dominate force in women’s wrestling Today!”




April Appleseed over Stephanie Wade. The match was a low down dirty brawl, spilling in and out of the ring. The fans cheering every time a hard chop echoed around the arena. Stephanie went for her patented Super Kick, but April ducked under it and caught Steph with the Apple Slicer to pick up the three count.




Raphael Ruiz over Morning Glory. Glory has been having great matches lately and this is no exception. He sells the crap out of every power move Ruiz throws at him, but just won’t stay down for the three. So Raphael locks in the Ruiz Wrench and Glory screams like a girl and gives up almost immediately.




Danny comes down to the ring,
“Marc Speed, Raphael Ruiz, Fresh Air Pheonix, I find you all to be highly undesirable to this company! And tonight I will give one of you a chance to pay for your whinny arrogant ways.”




Danny Rushmore over Marc Speed, the two worked well together. The fans really appreciated the high impact aerial arsenal Marc Speed brought to bear. but try as he might Marc could not keep Danny down, on the flip side, a big boot to Marc's face kept him down for almost three. And a follow up silence is deadly did the trick.




Ruiz and Phoenix spill out from the back and along with Marc they beat Rushmore down, until he manages to roll from the ring and retreat up the ramp,
“Undesirables? Yeah that fits, and by the time we are done, you are going to see just how Undesirable we can be!”


Show: C+

Atnd: 842
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Night 229 Friday, March 12th 2009

Live from Wells, Nevada




Dark Reign Catches Al Coleman getting dress in his dressing room and drag him to the ring, “We don’t care bout no stinking respect!” (E+)



http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/DarkEagle.jpghttp://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/DarkAngel.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/al_coleman1.jpg

Dark Reign over Al Coleman, it is a physical beat down, Al has no chance and gets run around the ring until Dark Reign delivers the Darkness Falling finisher and roll him up. (C+)




The Sultan’s Former Army waltz down to the ring, “Hey Ali you don’t want us here? Well to bad! Why don’t you send down that mishap of a tag team you call the Pure Breed, and we’ll beat them like the ill behaved curs they are.” (E)



http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/BradyPrince.jpghttp://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/SayeedAli.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AdamMatravers.jpghttp://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/PitBullBrown.jpg

Sultan’s Former Army over Pure Breed by DQ when Pure breed beak out the weapons and lay into Sultan’s Former army. The match appears to start well, but not moments into it, Adam breaks out a pair of brass knucks and splits Brady open. Prince makes the hot tag, but gets met by a double chair shot from the Pure Breed, at which point the ref dq’s them and calls for the bell, but the damage has been done. ©



http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/DarkEagle.jpghttp://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/DarkAngel.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/JoeyPoison.jpghttp://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AirAttackWeasel2.jpg

Dark Reign over Weasel & Poison. A fairly one sided affair of a tag match. The Dark Reign controls the flow, slowing Weasel and Poison down, as well as grounding them. Dark Reign puts the match away with a huge Darkness Falling. (C-)




Dark Eagle & Dark Angel grab a pair of microphones, “Perez 101 wants to attack us, the Dust Bowl Duo want to lecture us? Well this Sunday we will do what we do best and lay a brutal beating on all four of them, until the Dark Reign are the only ones left standing in this ring!” (D-)




Asian Assault comes down to the ring, “We will not be patronized. Ed and Whiskey watch closely, because what we do to the Souls in Exile tonight, is just a preview of what we are going to do to you Sunday at Showdown.” (D+)



http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/ShingenMiyazaki.jpghttp://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/KashmirSingh.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/BurningExile.jpghttp://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/SoulTaker.jpg

Asian Assault over Souls in Exile. The match is explosive, and far more even than the Assault’s last two matches. Burning Exile nails Shingen with an Exile Driver, leaving Kashmir to face a two on one situation. Soul Taker manages to lock in the Life Force drain, and we watch Kashmir try to hold on. Just when it looks like Kashmir will tap, Shingen dives in from the top rope, to break up the hold. Shingen delivers the shining wizard to a stunned Soul Taker, while Kashmir choke slams Burning Exile over the top rope. Shingen, makes the cover and picks up the win, before the Souls in Exile even know the tide has shifted. (C+)


Show: C+

Atnd: 833

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Night 230 Saturday, March 13th 2009

Live from Battle Mountain, Nevada




Raven opens the show in the center of the ring,
“Jo you are terrified of me, absolutely shaking in your boots. This Sunday you better man up and give me the shot you know I deserve!”




Raven over Kristabul Plum, the match falls flat. Raven does not look nearly as dominate as she has in the past. Finally putting a thumb in Kristabul’s eye, and going for the quick roll up with her feet on the ropes to steal the win.




Corey & April Appleseed appear at the top of the ramp,
“April Appleseed is the next big thing in Women’s wrestling. Unlike the unsportsman like display you just witnessed. April will go down to that very ring and teach her opponent what wrestling is really all about.”




April Appleseed over Melody Cuthill. The match is surely a step above the last, both women working every angle to get the advantage. The match stays even until the very end when April catches Melody with the Apple Slicer, and rolls her over for the three count.




Zeus comes down to the ring,
“Tonight the greatest Wrestler alive today feels like he should Challenge himself. I feel I need to prove my greatness. So Eisaku I know you have got to resent how I bent you to my will. I challenge you to come down and do something about it.”
The crowd roars as Eisaku appears, but when he does a Mexican Wrestler with wild hair attacks him from behind.
“On second thought you can face my newest aquistion, Nicolas Lopez!”




Eisaku and Nicolas Lopez to a time limit draw. I am not sure how, but Eisaku comes back from the initial attack and regains control of the match. But Nick manages to catch E in mid cross body, flip in over, and deliver what can only be described as an inverted power bomb. Nick goes for the cover 1…2…NO! E kicks out and the crowd goes wild, Nick takes E up and delivers a second Lopez Buster. 1…2…Bell, the ref waves off the pin attempt and calls it a time limit draw.




Steve “Solo” Flash comes to the top of the ramp,
“Man it’s like so good to be here tonight. It’s like, man well it’s like making me remember what it was totally like to be the man, to be the champ. Steve Flash wants, no, like needs to be champ once again.”




Steve “Solo” Flash over "the generic masked man" Phoenix I. The two men sized each other up, neither willing to lock up with the other. Steve took the high road, that is he jumped over the referee and tried to tackle Phoenix. This resulted in a mat wrestling spectacle the fans were unaware Steve was capable of. The match was gold as both men traded control and power moves. In the end Phoenix could not keep up, walked right into the Flash Bang, and the three count that followed.


Show: B-

Atnd: 1000 (Sold Out!)
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