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Owner Goal Question

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OK so I got this crazy ass owner goal from Jeff Jarrett today stating that I cannot hire anyone who works for a Cult promotion or higher. That effectivly kills any ideas I had of using some of the better ROH guys and Shimmer girls. Now my question is this, I dont get fired right away if I fail an owner goal right? It now has to do with patience and how high the goal is rated right (by the way its rated high)? Just wondering how pissed off Jeff is going to be when I hire Nigel McGuiness.
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[QUOTE=The Stallion;516011]OK so I got this crazy ass owner goal from Jeff Jarrett today stating that I cannot hire anyone who works for a Cult promotion or higher. That effectivly kills any ideas I had of using some of the better ROH guys and Shimmer girls. Now my question is this, I dont get fired right away if I fail an owner goal right? It now has to do with patience and how high the goal is rated right (by the way its rated high)? Just wondering how pissed off Jeff is going to be when I hire Nigel McGuiness.[/QUOTE] Odds are, you'll be able to hire ONE person from a Cult or larger promotion. He'll be pissed, but you should still have a job. Just means you better not fail any of the critical goals, and you probably wont be able to break any other rules he has placed. I actually enjoy that rule... forces you to grow your own talent, instead of just leeching off the success of the other larger companies. Though it can be a pain when you're National or larger, and can't bring in the guys who just happen to be working for a Cult company, despite not being over in the least.
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