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BBW: Start A War, Chapter II (CVerse '97)

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First off, I must say ... gluing 4 people to one bench ... priceless! The fact that 3 guys were stuck there, and Rahn probably laughed, and sat down next to them ... it just makes me giggle. And Eagle's response is perfect. I have run into a problem, though. Not for you, as this is meant to be a major compliment, but every week that passes, I find myself rooting for someone new. Your character development is so good that I go from being a fan of the mysterious Silence, to jumping on Behemoths bandwagon. Then Dark Eagle shows up with his uniquity, so I follow him, until Tamura starts to slowly lose his mind, and sets barbed 2x4's on fire! And next week, I have a feeling it'll be someone new. I can't afford all this merchandise. :p Really nice work though, FIN. Huge fan. :D
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[CENTER][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/BBW.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]BBW Mad World Tour (Wedne[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]sday)[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]Wednesday, Week 2, September[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]Toyama Hall, Chubu. Attendance: 1000 (SOLD OUT)[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] Ryu Kajahara comes in the ring, with his head bandaged up heavily. "[COLOR=Navy]I have 21 stitches in my head right now, because of the actions of one Natsuhisa Tamura.. I must ask: What the hell is going on inside your head Tamura?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]Since you had that match with Behemoth at BBW: 37 Stitches you've been acting crazy.. I remember how you got dropped badly from the apron on top of explosives and barbedwire boards with Behemoth's Dead Lift German Suplex.. Is that it?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]Is that why things changed?.. I'm concerned of you Natsuhisa! I'm afraid that my respect and understanding is slowly running out, slipping away.. I don't want to lose you.[/COLOR]" "..[COLOR=Navy] Or .. Maybe I have already lost you.. Forever..[/COLOR]" ".. [COLOR=Navy]Please. Natsuhisa Tamura.. Will you come to the ring so that we can talk?[/COLOR]" Kajahara waits and waits, until.. .. .. Nothing happens. Kajahara leaves the ring angry and frustrated. [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]B[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][B]Tiger Fuyuki vs. Pisschrist[/B][/SIZE] Pisschrist squashed Fuyuki in 2:41 by pinfall with the Running Big Foot. [B]Winner: Pisschrist[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Red]E+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Dark.jpg[/IMG] Ryu Kajahara in the backstage with Dark Eagle, where Eagle is writing something to a piece of paper. Eagle shows the paper to Kajahara, and it reads: "[COLOR=Sienna]Saturday. Eagle. Tamura.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]Are you out of your mind Eagle? You want to face Tamura at BBW: Fire, Walk With Me?[/COLOR]". Eagle nodds. "[COLOR=Navy]I appreciate your bravery and kindness but I'm not sure if anyone should face Tamura right now. He's unpredictable.. Anything can happen.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]It seems I've already lost Tamura as a friend.. I don't want to lose anyone else anymore.[/COLOR]" [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Genghis.jpg[/IMG] Genghis Rahn comes to the office and attacks Dark Eagle as he's not happy with the practical joke Eagle made before the show on Monday. Kajahara comes in between them, separating the two, saying that he doesn't have time for this, and since Rahn is so aggressive tonight, Rahn will face.. Him, Ryu Kajahara, in tonight's main event match! [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][B]The Night Terrors vs. Big Cat Brandon & Madman Boone[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]Danger Heaven Deathmatch[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]([COLOR=Indigo]Scaffold match with a ring-sized pane of glass below the scaffold.[/COLOR])[/B][/SIZE] The Night Terrors def. Big Cat Brandon and Madman Boone in 4:58 when The Raven hit the Pioneer Twist on Madman Boone, after The Silence had spew the Black Mist on him, throwing Madman Boone off the scaffold on the pane of glass. The fans didn't like the match as the scaffold structure was way too small for any kind of wrestling match, instead the wrestlers just sat on top of the scaffold, punching and kicking. [B]Winners: The Night Terrors[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Red]E[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Umari.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Silence.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Raven.jpg[/IMG] As the EMT's attended Madman Boone in the ring, Umari hyped up The Night Terrors. "[COLOR=Red]Behold my minions, my warriors of the night. At "BBW: Fire, Walk With Me" I'm putting the vacant Tag team titles up for grabs, as The Night Terrors will be taking on any team in Japan who accept the challenge.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Red]But as far as tonight goes.. Jungle Jack, I haven't forgot about you, as tonight you will be slaughtered.. You're facing the #1 Contender for BBW World Warrior title, Behemoth, in a cage tonight![/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Red]On Saturday, at BBW: Fire, Walk With Me I promise that The Night Terrors will be crowned as the new tag champs on Saturday .[/COLOR]." ".. [COLOR=Red]And if that's not the truth.. .. It would be a lie.[/COLOR]" [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hiroaki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Dark.jpg[/IMG] Hiroaki Nakasawa had an interview hyping his upcoming tag match with Dark Eagle. "[COLOR=Green]It's a great honour to compete at the side of the great Dark Eagle in a tag match tonight. I have nothing but respect for him and as they say that "speech is great, but silence is greater[/COLOR]". "[COLOR=Green]There lies a great deal of truth in that saying, aswell in this one: "well-timed silence hath more eloquence than speech". Thus, I will now say nothing more, as in the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.[/COLOR]" [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][B]Hiroaki Nakasawa & Dark Eagle vs. Washichi Inao & Kurt Laramee[/B][/SIZE] Hiroaki Nakasawa and Dark Eagle defeated Washichi Inao and Kurt Laramee in 4:16; Kurt Laramee was eliminated first with the Eagle Shock, and finally Washichi Inao with the H-Bomb. [B]Winners: Hiroaki Nakasawa & Dark Eagle[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Just as Nakasawa and Eagle are about to exit the ring, the lights go out and a creepy voice surrounds the arena, saying the following over and over again: "[COLOR=DarkRed]The Silent Man.. The cruelest lies are.. often told.. in silence.[/COLOR]" A familiar laugh starts to echo the arena, when suddenly someone jumps in the ring in the pitch black dakrness with a flaming chair!! With one huge swing the mysterious figure blasts Eagle to the head with the chair, leaving the flaming chair in the ring. Just as quick as the figure jumped into the ring, he disappears, leaving Eagle with his mask on fire while Nakasawa tries to put it out with the help of staff members! [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][B]Jungle Jack vs. Behemoth[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]Cage Classic[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] Jack tried his best to fight off the colossal Behemoth and lasted surprisingly long as Behemoth defeated Jungle Jack in this quite long match as it ended in 14:45 after a long and hard battle by pinfall with two Dead Lift German Suplexes. [B]Winner: Behemoth[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][B]Ryu Kajahara vs. Genghis Rahn[/B][/SIZE] Kajahara released all of his frustrations on Rahn, hitting him with every move and everything he could think get his hands on. Kajahara defeated Genghis Rahn in our main event of the night in 5:31 by submission with the Kajahara Claw. [B]Winner: Ryu Kajahara[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Genghis.jpg[/IMG] Ryu Kajahara continued the beating on Rahn for some reason. It seems as if he has become paranoid of all the stress and pain he has had to endure during the tour, never knowing where, when and who will attack him, when suddenly the lights go off once again. The lights go back, Ryu is on his own in the ring, looking around. Rahn has rolled out of the ring and as he has a good survival instinct, he's hiding behind the announcers table. The go off once again as the crowd is screaming as they are afraid of what's coming next. The lights go back once again, Kajahara is still in the ring by himself. The lights go off.. The lights go back! There's someone in the ring with Kajahara! The lights go off, not again damn it! [SIZE=3] What's going on!?[/SIZE] A hysterical laugh starts to echo the arena once again, when something caughts fire in the ring! A burning item of some sort is on fire, someone is holding it! As Kajahara turns around, he gets nailed with a stiff shot to the back! Kajahara drops on his knees, and finally the lights go back! [SIZE=3][B]!!![/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shikei.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3]Who on earth is that!! That has to be Natsuhisa Tamura, it has to be!![/SIZE] The mysterious figure can't stop his jackal-like laughter, while he smashes Kajahara with the flaming barbedwire 2x4 to the back once again, this time dropping Kajahara to the mat. The maniac poses in the ring, holding the 2x4 in the air. The announcers notice that there's something written on this guy's trunks. With a closer look they agree that it must say "[COLOR=Red][B]Shikei[/B][/COLOR]" which means capital punishment, death penalty in Japanese as the show ends. [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]B-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Overall Grade: [SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkRed]D+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE=7][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Black][SIZE=4]Advertisement[/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=7][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkRed] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/BBW.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=7][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkRed]B B W[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia]Presents:[/FONT][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=7][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Georgia][B]Fire, Walk With Me[/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4][B]Saturday, Week 2, September. [/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Georgia][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=4] Kanto, Japan.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=5][B][SIZE=4][SIZE=5]VS.[/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Behemoth.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B][SIZE=4][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/World.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B]Ryu Kajahara vs. Behemoth[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B][COLOR=Indigo]BBW World Warrior[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4] [B][COLOR=Indigo]Super Light Tube Deathmatch[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Dark.jpg[/IMG][/B] [SIZE=4][B][SIZE=5]VS.[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shikei.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B]Dark Eagle vs. [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=5][B]Shikei[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B][COLOR=Indigo]Cage of Hell Deathmatch[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hiroaki.jpg[/IMG][/B] [B][SIZE=4][SIZE=5]VS.[/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hidekazu.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/B] [B][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Bull.jpg[/IMG][/B] [SIZE=5][B]Hiroaki Nakasawa vs. Hidekazu[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B][COLOR=Indigo]BBW Becoming The Bull[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4] [B][COLOR=Indigo]Fans Bring Weapons Deathmatch[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B][COLOR=Indigo][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Raven.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Silence.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][B][SIZE=4][SIZE=5]VS.[/SIZE] ???? [/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=5][B]The Night Terrors vs. ???[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B][COLOR=Indigo]BBW Dynasty Warriors[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4] [B][COLOR=Indigo]Tables Match[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B][COLOR=Indigo][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Jungle.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][B][SIZE=4][SIZE=5]VS.[/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Jay.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4][SIZE=5]Jungle Jack vs. Jay Darkness[/SIZE][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4][COLOR=Indigo]Jack's Punishment Cage Match[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [LEFT][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed][B]Prediction sheet:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] Ryu Kajahara vs. Behemoth Dark Eagle vs. Shikei Hiroaki Nakasawa vs. Hidekazu The Night Terrors vs. ??? Jungle Jack vs. Jay Darkness [SIZE=1] [B] ([COLOR=Green]Sorry for the lack of storylines in the undercard, I'll fix the problem on the next four shows. Just like in real life, sometimes the main event storylines seem to be everything.. Prophet, thank you so much for the comment! I'll going off to bed with a smile now after days hard work[/COLOR] :D)[/B][/SIZE] [/LEFT]
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[B]Ryu Kajahara [/B]vs. Behemoth [I]I gotta pull for the owner here. Even though you haven't really made Behemoth look vulnerable at all, I still go with the legend.[/I] Dark Eagle vs. [B]Shikei[/B] [I]Dark Eagle is a great worker but Shikei is jsut f'n crazy and I dig that. Even if Shikei loses, I see a postmatch beatdown.[/I] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] vs. Hidekazu [I]The future of Puroresu gets the duke in this wild match.[/I] The Night Terrors vs. [B]???[/B] [I]From most of the diaries I've seen, the "???" team usually wins. Hmm. . .must be the awesome name of three question marks.[/I] [B]Jungle Jack[/B] vs. Jay Darkness [I]JImmy Snu--err, Jungle Jack's been getting his can handed to him time after time again but I think he'll pull out a comfortable win over JD.[/I]
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[B]Prediction sheet:[/B] Ryu Kajahara vs. Behemoth [I]I don't think Behemoth's overness has been built up enough yet, as to where Kajahara would agree to put Behemoth over.[/I] Dark Eagle vs. [B]Shikei[/B] [I]The repackaged Tamura isn't going to lose his first match with the new gimmick.[/I] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] vs. Hidekazu [I]Nakasawa to retain[/I] [B]The Night Terrors[/B] vs. ??? [I]No matter who the opponents are, Night Terrors are claiming the titles[/I] [B]Jungle Jack[/B] vs. Jay Darkness [I]Jack's been a regular on the tour, Darkness hasn't.[/I]
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[B]Ryu Kajahara[/B] vs. Behemoth [I]-I really hope that Kajahara doesn't lose. Isn't Kajahara unbeated in BBW? I'm not really sure, but I really hope that Behemoth's winning streak ends here. As Tiger said, Behemoth's overness isn't built up enough yet. And really. What would the storyline's be if Behemoth wins? OK, sure. You could continue the feud between Ryu and Behemoth, but after that? None. Dark Eagle just doesn't fit to be feuding with Behemoth. I know both are main eventers, but I just can't see a Dark Eagle - a muted guy - against a brutal, destructive monster, like the masked guy Behemoth. Something like Dark Eagle vs. Kajahara would work and anyone a bit smaller than the monsters of Main Event. So Kajahara hopefully wins, and continues a bit of his feud with Behemoth, when Shikei joins in and then Behemoth starts a new feud, and a Kajahara - Shikei feud would start.[/I] Dark Eagle vs. [B]Shikei[/B] [I]-Man I would like Dark Eagle to win, and then get a post-match beatdown from the crazy brutal Shikei.. But that isn't just gonna happen. Sure, I was first gonna put Eagle as a winner, but then I changed my mind. I would like to see maybe Dark Eagle - Shikei - Behemoth - Kajahara feud or then continue this feud for a bit longer (altought it really hasn't started yet) and have Eagle win the last match with some help from Kajahara maybe. Then to have Dark Eagle feud with Pisschrist or Ogiwara (who hasn't been in the screen really..) Win for Shikei.[/I] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] vs. Hidekazu [I]-Lol Hidekazu who?.. yea.. I don't remember who Hidekazu is, and I really hope Nakasawa is going to win the match and retain. [/I] [B]The Night Terrors[/B] vs. ??? [I]-No crappy team is going to beat The Night Terrors (altough Raven's mask is a bit too much on the right side of his face ;)) where Silence fights. And I really can't think of any team to face them, so TNT Wins. [/I] [B]Jungle Jack[/B] vs. Jay Darkness [I]-Altough Umari is going to interference, I hope Jack wins. Just because he has been more in the screen than Darkness. [/I]
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Sweet, I didn't miss the event. Yay! :D Prediction sheet: [B]Ryu Kajahara[/B] vs. Behemoth [I]Behemoth has seemed unstoppable, but Ryu is the very foundation of BBW, and I don't see him losing the gold yet.[/I] Dark Eagle vs. [B]Shikei[/B] [I]Tamura's mental overhaul, and newly found mean streak allow him to pull a victory over the exotic Dark Eagle in the match of the night (I predict.)[/I] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] vs. Hidekazu [I]Hidekazu may be formittable, but Nakasawa will H-Bomb his way to victory once more.[/I] The Night Terrors vs. [B]???[/B] [I]The look, the gimmick, the awesome name, The Night Terrors have it all going in their favor ... except they face the ??? team, which never bodes well for the known entity.[/I] [B]Jungle Jack[/B] vs. Jay Darkness [I]Another day in the cafe for the man beast, means Jay Darkness is being fed to the wolves.[/I]
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[CENTER][SIZE=7][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkRed][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/BBW.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=7][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkRed]B B W[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia]Presents:[/FONT][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=7][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Georgia][B]Fire, Walk With Me[/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4][B]Saturday, Week 2, September. [/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Georgia][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=4] Saitama Sports Field, Kanto. Attendance: 1598 [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT] [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=1] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Georgia][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=4][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT] Ryu Kajahara cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Behemoth. "[COLOR=Navy]I've got nothing fancy to say tonight.. I'll give me best shot against you Behemoth. Altough I have to admit..[/COLOR] " ".. [COLOR=Navy]That I have an ace up my sleeve.[/COLOR]" Kajahara finishes the promo with a mysterious look on his face. What's he talking about? [B]Grade: [SIZE=4][COLOR=RoyalBlue]A*[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=4][B][COLOR=Indigo][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Jungle.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][B][SIZE=4][SIZE=5]VS. [/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Jay.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4][SIZE=5]Jungle Jack vs. Jay Darkness[/SIZE][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4][COLOR=Indigo]Jack's Punishment Cage Match[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] In our opener of the night, Jungle Jack went against Jay Darkness in this Cage Modern match. Jungle Jack was full of energy and aggression, it seemed as if he's getting used to the cage by now and even likes the enviroment. Because of this Jay Darkness just could not compete against the wild man known as Jungle Jack. The finish came in 7:43 by pinfall with the Jungle Jack-Jammer. [B]Winner: Jungle Jack[/B] [B] Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Black][B]([COLOR=Green]Great chemistry between the two![/COLOR] :D)[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Umari.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Silence.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Raven.jpg[/IMG] Umari had an interview hyping his team of The Night Terrors and invited any team to compete against them for the titles. [B][COLOR=Indigo]Washichi inao and Big Cat Brandon[/COLOR][/B] came out and as they were starting the match, [B][COLOR=Indigo]Genghis Rahn and the debuting Brent Hill[/COLOR][/B] made their way to the ring, making it a three way tag match for the titles!! [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=4][B][COLOR=Indigo][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Raven.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Silence.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][B][SIZE=4][SIZE=5]VS. [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Washichi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Cat.jpg[/IMG] VS.[/SIZE][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Genghis.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DAVE/Hill.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=5][B]The Night Terrors vs. Washichi Inao & Big Cat Brandon vs. Genghis Rahn & Brent Hill [/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B][COLOR=Indigo]BBW Dynasty Warriors[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4] [B][COLOR=Indigo]Tables Elimination Match[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] The match was really fast paced with a total of five tables broken! 1st elimination happened with Inao climbed up on the turnbuckle, as Rahn shoved him off it and Inao fell trough a table which was placed on the outside. 2nd elimination happened when Big Cat Brandon missed the Big Cat Pounce and went trough a table which was placed leaning on the ring corner, so that was the end for that team. The match became a 2 vs. 2 tag match, and in surprise move Brent Hill eliminated The Raven out of the match with a half nelson suplex! Just as this elimination happened, The Silence dropkicked Hill trough another table that was leaning on the corner, making it a 1 vs. 1 one contest with The Silence against Genghis Rahn! This didn't go far as the match ended in 4:31 when The Silence put Genghis Rahn trough a table with the Godzilla Plunge after spitting the Black Mist on Rahn!! [B][COLOR=Indigo]The Night Terrors win the BBW Dynasty Warriors titles![/COLOR][/B] [B] Winner: The Night Terrors[/B] [B] Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]([SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Yeah, no surprise teams, sorry :D[/COLOR][/SIZE])[/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hiroaki.jpg[/IMG] Hiroaki Nakasawa had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with debuting Hidekazu. "[COLOR=Green]I know almost nothing about you Hidekazu.. I only know that you're more experienced and older than me. You're far more skilled in submissions and technical wrestling.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Green]But one thing I have that you don't have, is the burning inside, the passion, the hunger for succees..[/COLOR] " "[COLOR=DarkRed][COLOR=Green]I'll be happy to welcome you to BBW. I have a great deal of respect for the wrestlers who are older than me but..[/COLOR] " [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed] "[COLOR=Green]Enjoy your stay here in BBW. But beware: The trip could end up being really short..[/COLOR][/COLOR]" [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hiroaki.jpg[/IMG][/B] [B][SIZE=4][SIZE=5]VS.[/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hidekazu.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/B] [B][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Bull.jpg[/IMG][/B] [SIZE=5][B]Hiroaki Nakasawa vs. Hidekazu[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B][COLOR=Indigo]BBW Becoming The Bull[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4] [B][COLOR=Indigo]Fans Bring Weapons Deathmatch[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] Hiroaki Nakasawa faced the debuting Hidekazu in in this Fans Bring Weapons Hardcore match! Hidekazu smiled at Nakasawa before the match started, clearly underestimating the youngster and his skills. This cost him the match as he just could not believe the toughness of Nakasawa, instead tried to humiliate him in the match which just infuriated Nakasawa more, but he did not lose his focus on the match. In the match we saw some unique weapons, such as a [URL="http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41ch7Kd8ZWL._SL500_AA280_.jpg"]Totoro plushie[/URL], [URL="http://www.yoshikinet.com/xjapan/xjapan4.jpg"]X-Japan cardboard poster[/URL] and a [URL="http://www.vgfrequency.com/wp-content/uploads/commodore-64-keyboard.jpg"]Commodore 64 keyboard[/URL] and a joystick called [URL="http://buttha.eu/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/tac2.jpg"]TAC-2[/URL] which was used numerous times in the match. The keyboard was broken in half with the invidual letters displaying an obscene message, but no matter what the wrestlers did with the TAC-2, the joystick didn't suffer any visible damage! The finish came in 14:43 when Hiroaki Nakasawa hit a devastating H-Bomb on Hidekazu. A true upset victory for Hiroaki Nakasawa who made his defence number 3 of his BBW Becoming The Bull title. [B]Winner: Nakasawa[/B] [B] Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shikei2.jpg[/IMG] Shikei is shown in the backstage. He's holding a bird cage in his hands, which he swings back and forth. "'.[COLOR=Red]. Eagle.. .. Look what.. I have here..[/COLOR] " Shikei opens the cage door and shakes it wildly, until something drops from it to the floor. A dead bird. "[COLOR=Red]He's .. passed on.. .. Is no more.. ceased ..to be.. [/COLOR]" "..[COLOR=Red] Expired.. gone to meet.. It's maker.[/COLOR]. " ".. [COLOR=Red]A stiff.. Bereft of life..[/COLOR] " "..[COLOR=Red] It rests .. in peace.[/COLOR]." "..[COLOR=Red] Just like you..[/COLOR]" "..[COLOR=Red] Tonight..[/COLOR]" Shikei looks on the dead bird, before grabbing it by the wings and throwing it away, laughing hysterically. [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Dark6.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4][B][SIZE=5]VS.[/SIZE][/B] [/SIZE][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shikei2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=5][B]Dark Eagle vs. [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=5][B]Shikei[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B][COLOR=Indigo]Cage of Hell Deathmatch[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] BBW deathmatch where there is a barbedwire cage with barbedwire boards, light tubes, and a bed of nails. Dark Eagle who was sporting a new mask (aswell as Shikei) jumped right at Shikei from the start as he clearly was upset of how Shikei had treated that bird. With stiff roundhouse kicks and the occasional low kick, Eagle finished the combo with a rollin koppou kick, almost knocking Shikei off his feet. Just as Eagle was going for a calf kick, Shikei caught him in midair and planted him to the mat with a high velocity T-bone suplex! Shikei quickly lifter Eagle up from the mat and began throwing him to the cage time and time again, only for Eagle to counter one attempt as he quickly climbed to the turnbuckle and hit a picture perfect Moonsault attack on Shikei! But only for a two-count! Eagle grabbed a barbedwire board and dragged it to the middle of the ring, trying to kick Shikei on it! Shikei was almost losing his balance, when Eagle run to the ropes and hit a second rope slingshot moonsault on Shikei, crunching him between the board and Eagle! Shikei was clearly in pain, but somehow he just lifted himself up from the board as the barbed wire ripped his back. Eagle went to the turnbuckle and tried to dropkick Shikei, but Shikei reversed the attempt into a powerbomb! Eagle's head hit the barbed wire board and ripped a piece off from the mask! Shikei tried to unmask Eagle but got a kick to face as a reward. As Shikei was staggering, Eagle climbed up the cage wall, clearing some of the barbed wire away! Eagle was on the corner of the cage, and with a huge leap he jumped off it with a flying body press! But Shikei had grabbed some light tubes, and smashed a couple of them on Eagle as he came crashing down on the mat! Shikei quickly used the situation into his advantage, piling a stack of light tubes in one place, lifted Eagle up on his shoulders and delivered a sickening Tamura Driver (Tombstone Piledriver) on top of the light tubes, pinning Eagle for the three count in 11.51! [B]Winner: Shikei[/B] [B] Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=5][B][SIZE=4][SIZE=5]VS. [/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Behemoth.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B][SIZE=4][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/World.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B]Ryu Kajahara vs. Behemoth[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B][COLOR=Indigo]BBW World Warrior[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4] [B][COLOR=Indigo]Super Light Tube Deathmatch[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] This is a deathmatch with the main focus on light tubes, which are surrounding the ring ropes. There are more weapons, particularly the bed of nails on the outside and a sack of thumbtacks in the middle of the ring. Kajahara and Behemoth faced off for the first time in BBW history. The two big men locked horns right from the start, as they tried to outpower one another in a test of strenght type of moves. Neither one got the advantage, so they started chopping each other, trying to cut one down to the mat. This wasn't any use either, so they started doing running lariats on each other, when finally Behemoth got Kajahara down! Behemoth grabbed the thumbtack sack and spread it all around the middle of the ring and closed in on Kajahara. As Kajahara was getting back to his feet, he grabbed a light tube from the side of the ring and smashed it across Behemoth's face. This had no effect on Behemoth, who just roared at Kajahara and then whipped him across the ring right trough the light tubes that were on the side of the ring! Kajahara fell out of the ring, barely missing the bed of nails that were placed outside of the ring, altought the date with the tubes gave him a nasty gash across his forehead!! Behemoth quickly followed Ryu from the hole that Ryu made on the side, and completely forgot the bed of nails as he jumped right on top of them! In a scene that looked horrifying for a moment, Behemoth avoided any damage as he quickly leaped forward so that his feet didn't went trough the nails! This gave Kajahara some time to recooperate from the collision with the light tubes, as he started throwing more light tubes towards Behemoth, now targeting his back! With nice shots Kajahara smashed the them one by one on Behemoth's back, some even pierced the skin awkvardly and stayed inside for a short moment! Kajahara tried to push Behemoth's head into the bed of nails, as he was going for the Kajahara Claw so that he could finish the match quickly as his forehead was busted open. Umari then interfered in the match, smashing Kajahara with a steelchair to the back. Kajahara turned around, grabbed the chair from Umari and tried to hit him with it, when Behemoth grabbed him by the waist, going for the Dead Lift German Suplex on top of the bed of nails! In one of the scariest spots in BBW history, Behemoth had Kajahara off his feet for a moment, until Kajahara hit the colossal monster with an elbow to the face, saving himself from what could have been the end of his wrestling career. Behemoth kicked Ryu to the chest before throwing him back to the ring. He quickly followed Ryu, grabbing a bunch of tubes with him. Just as Behemoth was trying to hit Ryu with them, Ryu connected with a drop toe hold on Behemoth, slamming his face hard on the mat on top of the thumbtacks, the same tacks that Behemoth himself had put there at the start of the match! As Kajahara was going for the Kajahara Claw once again, Umari jumped in the ring with a pair of tubes and hit Kajahara with them! This time Kajahara got a hold of Umari, as he started spinning him around the ring until finally sending him trough the light tube wall on the side of the ring! While this all was going on, Behemoth was back on his feet as he grabbed Kajahrara from behind and delivered a powerful Dead Lift German Suplex on the World champion on top of the thumbtacks! Cover! One.. Two.. ... Two! Kajahara just got his shoulders up in time! Behemoth was waiting for Kajahara to stand up, until.. .. [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Doppo.jpg[/IMG] Doppo Ibu ran to the apron with a barbed wire bat, hitting Behemoth below the belt from behind! What on earth is going on!? Kajahara rose up from the mat, and Ibu slided the bat across the ring for Kajahara to use! With two stiff shots Kajarara blasted Behemoth to the ground, and rolled him out of the ring to the outside! Kajahara dragged the monster on top of the bed of nails, with his head upon the nails, and applied the Kajahara Claw! The monster tapped out!! Kajahara wins the match in 11:47 by submission with the Kajahara Claw after interference from Doppo Ibu!! Kajahara makes defence number 6 of his BBW World Warrior title. [B]Winner: Ryu Kajahara[/B] [B] Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Doppo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Umari.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] Doppo Ibu is still in the middle of the ring, celebrating, when Umari hits the ring and smashes Ibu with a light tube to the back of his head! Umari isn't trough with Ibu yet as he starts punching him wildly! Kajahara notices this and gets back in the ring, and grabs Umari, when the lights go off!! An eerie theme starts to play, and the same, familiar laughter starts to echo the arena, as the fans are screaming loudly! [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]*THUD*[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][B]!! The lights go back !![/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shikei2.jpg[/IMG][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] It's Shikei!! He's in the ring, with a bloody Ryu Kajahara laid out cold in the middle, with thumbtacks sticking out of Ryu's head! He must have hit him with the Tamura Driver on top of the tacks! What a carnage as the ring and ringside is filled with blood, pieces of glass and battered bodies as the show ends! [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]B+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Overall Grade: [SIZE=4][COLOR=Sienna]C+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]([/B][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Loved the show, the undercard really surprised me. Liked the promos and the comedy in the Fans bring weapons match. Atleast I'm having a blast! :p Thank you all for the feedback and prediction, it's the only way I'll learn. During the next four shows I'm going to balance the focus a bit more, so that you should really have trouble predicting. This was quite an easy round, the next annual event will be much harder to predict[B]. [/B]I'm slowly building up the characters, and now that I have established the more important ones I can do some other characters for you. ;) I hope you liked the show, I know I did![/COLOR][/SIZE][B])[/B][/CENTER] EDIT: Doppo Ibu is a manager/personality
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That main event was insane, I'm surprised someone didn't actually die. These Death matches are so OTT ridiculous (as they are in real life), they're a total blast to read. :D I thought Kajahara was the babyface, so why does he need the referee to help him win ? Who am I supposed to root for amongst this gathering of psychopaths ?! :p
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[quote=Tigerkinney;527487]That main event was insane, I'm surprised someone didn't actually die. These Death matches are so OTT ridiculous (as they are in real life), they're a total blast to read. :D I thought Kajahara was the babyface, so why does he need the referee to help him win ? Who am I supposed to root for amongst this gathering of psychopaths ?! :p[/quote] [LEFT]Thanks man, that means a lot coming from you, I owe a lot to the [URL=""]Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer (Cornellverse)[/URL] diary :rolleyes:[/LEFT] Doppo Ibu is a Manager/personality, you'll find out later what's the story behind all this ;)
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[QUOTE]Shikei opens the cage door and shakes it wildly, until something drops from it to the floor. A dead bird. "He's .. passed on.. .. Is no more.. ceased ..to be.. " ".. Expired.. gone to meet.. It's maker.. " ".. A stiff.. Bereft of life.. " ".. It rests .. in peace.." ".. Just like you.." ".. Tonight.." Shikei looks on the dead bird, before grabbing it by the wings and throwing it away, laughing hysterically. [/QUOTE] First of all, the parrot bit ... genius! Any reference to Monty Python, intentional or not, makes me incredibly happy. lol Secondly, another phenomenal card. As Tk said, the death match was unreal. But all the matches were superb. Excellent work, Fin. :D
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[CENTER][CENTER][B][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3] [SIZE=2]Welcome to BBW, where the presence of the writer's girlfriend prevents the diary from continuing for a day or two[/SIZE]![/SIZE] :D [/FONT][/B][/CENTER] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/BBW.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]BBW Mad World Tour (Mon[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]day)[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]Monday, Week 3, September[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]Iwata Hall, Tohoku. Attendance: 1000 (SOLD OUT)[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Doppo.jpg[/IMG] Ryu Kajahara comes to the ring with Doppo Ibu. "[COLOR=Navy]On Saturday night at "BBW: Fire, Walk With Me", I took justice in my own hands.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]I made Behemoth and Umari taste their own medicine. And I bet it tasted really bitter, sour or even rotten. Now they finally know how it feels to be screwed out of the victory. With the aid from Doppo Ibu, the odds were even.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]But that wasn't all that happened in the end.[/COLOR]" Kajahara wraps off a bandage from his head, revealing dark red spots all over it (As Shikei drived Kajaraha into the tacks on Saturday). "[COLOR=Navy] ..Clearly it's time for me to confront Natsuhisa Tamura.. Shikei. Even if I don't want to.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]I'm therefore announcing a match for "[COLOR=DarkRed]BBW: Reinventing Your Exit[/COLOR]", which is scheduled later this month, on Saturday, Week 4.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]It'll be me against the fallen Tamura, now known as Shikei.. .. In an Exploding Barbedwire Deathmatch for the BBW World Warrior championship.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]The barbedwire boards at the ringside are electrified, which means that there would be no interferences as there's no way into the ring when the match has started. Thus I'm announcing a little stipulation into the match. If I win, Doppo Ibu will become the sole General Manager of BBW. If Shikei wins, then Umari will become the new GM, even if he's not managing Shikei.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]I will not wrestle tonight as I have to rest and heal my wounds. Also Umari is not here tonight as he's also recovering from the beatdown he got on Saturday[/COLOR]." [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][B]Washichi Inao vs. Hidekazu[/B][/SIZE] Hidekazu defeated Washichi Inao in 4:50 when Inao submitted to the Triangle Choke [SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo][B]([/B]The attacker stands behind a seated opponent, then wraps his legs around him so that his neck and one arm is trapped. The attacker then falls back, using his leg strenght to crush the opponent, cutting off all his air[B])[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]. [B]Winner: Hidekazu[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Silence.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Raven.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][B]VS.[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Kurt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Madman.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Dynasty.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][B]The Night Terrors vs. Kurt Laramee & Madman Boone[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]BBW Dynasty Warriors[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] In this nice match, The Night Terrors defeated Kurt Laramee and Madman Boone in 10:26 when The Silence defeated Kurt Laramee by pinfall with the Tag Neckbreaker Bomb. The Night Terrors make their defence number one of their BBW Dynasty Warriors titles. [B]Winner: The Night Terrors[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][B]Genghis Rahn vs. Pisschrist[/B][/SIZE] Pisschrist fought against Genghis Rahn in this surprisingly good contest. The finish came in 9:39 when Pisschrist connected with the Running Big Foot on Rahn. [B]Winner: Pisschrist[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]([SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Great chemistry![/COLOR][/SIZE])[/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hiroaki.jpg[/IMG] Hiroaki Nakasawa is in the ring, requesting a singles match against Shikei. "[COLOR=Green]Shikei.. Why do you rely on cheap tactics? The playing with the lights, the darkness, the attack from behind.. ? It's all about the respect for your opponent.. You're not having any of mine for that matter.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Green]I'm not afraid of you Shikei.. I think that you're just a mentally handicapped psychopath with a bad tunnel vision.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Green]Face me tonight in the ring, and we'll see who's the real deal here in BBW.[/COLOR]" [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][B]Hiroaki Nakasawa vs. Shikei[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]Non-title[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] After a long waiting Shikei finally appeared on the ramp and confronted Nakasawa, without any distractions with the lights etc. Nakasawa was doing really fine against Shikei, until the psychopath pulled a tazer from his trunks and used it on Nakasawa, knocking "The H-Bomb" off his feet and pinning him easily for the three-count in 8.53. After the match Shikei watched the electric current coming from the tazer with a disturbed look on his face and tazed the lifeless Nakasawa again with it, adding insult to injury. [B]Winner: Shikei[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][B]Dark Eagle vs. Behemoth[/B][/SIZE] Doppo Ibu was in Dark Eagle's corner to even the odds so that Umari would not interfere in the match. This didn't help the good guys as Behemoth found himself back on the winning streak as he defeated Dark Eagle in 9:35 by pinfall with a Dead Lift German Suplex in our main event of the evening. [B]Winner: Behemoth[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Doppo.jpg[/IMG] Doppo Ibu is just about to climb to the ring to help Eagle, when the lights go out shortly. The insane laughter echoes the arena as the fans start screaming!! [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shikei3.jpg[/IMG] When the lights go back, Shikei has emerged from under the ring and grabbed Ibu's leg!! The maniac is violently dragging Ibu under the ring! Ibu tries to fight him off as he's kicking Shikei with the other leg, while trying to grab onto something with his hands. [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] Kajahara comes running down the ramp as fast as he can, seeing the horrified look in Ibu's eyes as he's being dragged to the darkness below the ring. Ibu finally disappears, screaming for help when suddenly the screaming stops. Kajahara dives under the curtain but is too late as there's no sign of Ibu or Shikei who have mysteriously disappeared as the show ends. [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]B-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Overall Grade: [SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkRed]D+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [B]([/B][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Without Kajahara around, the main eventers can still produce [B][COLOR=DarkRed]D+[/COLOR]/[COLOR=Sienna]C-[/COLOR][/B] matches, which is a good thing. Kajahara was really fatiqued so he had to rest for the night. Also on a sidenote: We now have had three different good/great tag team chemistry notes in September, The Night Terrors being one of them. So two more teams coming up! (I'm doing secret pre-show matches as I mentioned a while back :rolleyes:) Thank you all for your amazing comments on the annual show, it's really rewarding to hear that people have liked the show![/COLOR][/SIZE][B][B])[/B][/B]
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[FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Indigo][B][SIZE=4]After the show Kajahara's Office[/SIZE] [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] Ryu and I were going through the booking plans for this month, discussed the fact that [COLOR=DarkRed]Washichi Inao did actually stay Loyal[/COLOR] to us and didn't accept the offer from PGHW, and the forming of two new tag teams, when "The Raven" Nathan Coleman stormed into the office. [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Nathan.jpg[/IMG] "[COLOR=Red]Why the hell is my bag filled with bird droppings?[/COLOR]" I looked at Ryu, who looked quickly back at me. We had the same person in mind. [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Dark Eagle[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] :mad: [/CENTER] After finding him as he was leaving the arena, he just smiled and waved arrogantly, clearly admitting to be the person behind the "joke". Just as Eagle was about to close the arena door, Kajahara shouted at him. [CENTER][SIZE=3]"[B][COLOR=Navy]You're fired![/COLOR][/B]" :eek:[/SIZE] [/CENTER] Eagle stopped at the door, opened it a little and flipped us the bird, once again. Dark Eagle left the building, and the Big Battle Wrestling. I seriously doubt if we ever bring him back. Ryu clearly had enough of this kind of behaviour, and to be fair I think that the locker room atmosphere will be a lot better now that Eagle is gone. ".. [COLOR=Green]There goes another one. Wasn't it Bishima who we kicked out earlier?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]We? You did.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Green]Well okay I did. But still.. Makes me wonder. I mean Hidekazu is about as popular as Eagle but not so good.. Who are we going to bring to the main event as a replacement? With you on the sidelines because of the fatiq-[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]I'm not tired William[/COLOR]." "[COLOR=Green]Yes you are. If not, then why didn't you wrestle tonight?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]I just didn't feel like it.[/COLOR]" ".. [COLOR=Green]Whatever. Anyway, who are we going to bring?[/COLOR]" A lightbulb appeared on top of Kajaharas head. This time a fictional, not a real one. :p ".[COLOR=Navy]. I just got a perfect idea.. Two huge names on my mind. I mean, huge. If we just can sign them.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Green]Who are you talking about?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]You'll see[/COLOR]." ;) "[COLOR=Green]You know I hate that when you won't tell me stuff!![/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]Alright..[/COLOR] ", Kajahara whispered the names to my ear. [CENTER]My jaw dropped. This is going to be huge if only they will sign for us. I began to have big plans for both wrestlers the second I heard the names. The names were so big that I actually forgot that we just fired Dark Eagle. This is going to be so awesome. [/CENTER]
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Yeah, I suppose it was time for Dark Eagle to go ... bird poop in a bag is nowhere near as funny as gluing 4 guys to a bench. All right, it is, especially since it was The Raven's bag! Ryu vs. Shikei should be epic, though. And I can't wait to see who's brave enough to walk in BBW's doors now. :D
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[quote=Prophet;528404]bird poop in a bag is nowhere near as funny as gluing 4 guys to a bench. All right, it is, especially since it was [B]The Raven[/B]'s bag! [/quote] Oh the irony on that one. I laughed. :D And Yes, those two names are more than brave.. One of the toughest bad asses in wrestling and I have no doubt that they will fit in BBW. [CENTER]You just wait! ;) [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/BBW.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]BBW Mad World Tour (Wednes[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]day)[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]Wednesday, Week 3, September[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]Kochi Halls, Shikoku. Attendance: 300 (SOLD OUT)[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] Ryu Kajahara opens the show once again as he's in the ring with a microphone. "[COLOR=Navy]Damn it Shikei![/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]Show me yourself and release Doppo Ibu![/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]What have you done to him..? I know it's me who you want, don't get him involved in this.[/COLOR]" "..." "[B][COLOR=Navy]SHIKEII!![/COLOR][/B]" "[COLOR=Navy]I'm right here, waiting!! Come here right now![/COLOR]" Kajahara is circling the ring with frustration while there's no sign of Shikei or Ibu. "..[COLOR=Navy] I'm gonna get you Shikei, oh yeah.. I'll be pursuing you until I get my hands on you.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]And you better be ready.. 'Cause when I do.. I will beat some sence into your damaged head![/COLOR]" Kajahara drops down the mic and leaves the ring even more frustrated as he begins to search the backstage. [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]B[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][B]Black Eagle & Jay Darkness vs. Jimmy Cox & Pablo Rodriguez[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]Hardcore Elimination[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] Black Eagle and Jay def. Cox and Rodriguez in 6:49; Cox was eliminated first with the Fade To Black ([COLOR=Indigo]Big Spinebuster[/COLOR]), then Jay Darkness with the Final Judgment ([COLOR=Indigo]Glittering Magician Knee, but not performed until Pablo has drawn a cross in the air while staring at his dazed target[/COLOR]), and finally Pablo Rodriguez with the New Jersey Turnpike ([COLOR=Indigo]Slingshot Corkscrew Legdrop[/COLOR]) from Black Eagle. [B]Winner: Black Eagle & Jay Darkness[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Red]E[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]([/B][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Argh, had a better pre-show match than this which rated D.. Darn it![/COLOR][/SIZE][B])[/B] [SIZE=3][B]Jungle Jack vs. Kurt Laramee[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]Cage Classic[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] Jungle Jack defeated Kurt Laramee in 10:20 by pinfall with the Jungle Jack-Jammer in this lackluster match. The crowd just didn't care. [B]Winner: Jungle Jack[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Red]E-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]([/B][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]You've got to be kidding me..[/COLOR][/SIZE][B])[/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Silence.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Raven.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][B]VS.[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Cat.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Tiger.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Dynasty.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][B]The Night Terrors vs. Team Panthera (Big Cat Brandon & Tiger Fuyuki)[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]BBW Dynasty Warriors[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] The Night Terrors defeated the debuting Team Panthera (Big Cat Brandon & Tiger Fuyuki) in a 2 vs 2 Ladder match in 15:28 when The Silence retrieved the item after the Godzilla Plunge on Fuyuki. The Night Terrors make defence number 2 of their BBW Dynasty Warriors titles. [B]Winners: The Night Terrors[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]([/B][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Big Cat Brandon & Tiger Fuyuki have[B] excellent chemistry [/B]together! :D[/COLOR][/SIZE][B])[/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shikei4.jpg[/IMG] Shikei is shown somewhere in the backstage, he's got the cameraman kidnapped and tied into a chair. Shikei is holding a sandglass, toying with it. ".. [COLOR=DarkRed].. The time's running out.. Hihihihi.. Hahaa.[/COLOR]." "..[COLOR=DarkRed] Ryu .. You're not going to.. find me.. Nor will you find.. Ibu.. He's not far, but not.. too close either.. You can't ..hear him, but he hears.. you.. Hahahaa.. .. haa..[/COLOR] " Shikei leans over an edge of somesort.. It seems as if he's somewhere high. He drops the sandglass, and it takes seconds before it hits the ground and breaks. With a deep, sinister voice he slowly continues: ".. [COLOR=DarkRed]You can't ..save .. everyone Ryu.. You try to be.. the .. saviour, the hero.. You're not.. In the end.. your spirit, will break .. just like everyone elses..[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=DarkRed]I'll bring the real.. anarchy in the BBW..[/COLOR]" "..." ".. [COLOR=DarkRed].You see, madness ..as you know.. is like gravity.[/COLOR]." "[COLOR=DarkRed]All it takes.. .. is a little [B]push![/B][/COLOR]" Shikei kicks the chair and the cameraman falls from the scaffolding into the darkness!! The man screams as he drops few metres until a rope tightens, saving him from his inevitable fall to death while Shikei starts laughing hysterically and disappears into the darkness. Staff members come to rescue the cameraman from the precarious position. The guy is in a state of shock, laughing and crying the same time with a pale colour on his face. [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]B-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][B]Ryu Kajahara, Hiroaki Nakasawa & Washichi Inao vs. Behemoth, Shikei & Pisschrist[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]3 vs. 3 Combat Cage[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] The violence cage is an old MOSC bout where there is a barbedwire laced cage. The BBW version known as Combat Cage is a little different: There are barbedwire boards, thumbtacks, and more recently light tube boards, overhead is a scaffold and other weapons as well. At the start Behemoth and Pisschrist fought Kajahara and Nakasawa in the ring while Inao and Shikei were on the scaffold. Shikei continued to hit and run away from Kajahara everytime he tried to get his hands on the psycho. This enabled Behemoth and Pisschrist to team up against Nakasawa, completely destroying him. Kajahara was really clumsy as he tried to climb on top of the scaffolding, only to be caught by Behemoth who slammed him to the mat. Shikei was in total control in the battle against Inao: Shikei used a broken lighttube and a cheesegrader and busted Inao open right from the start. Shikei continued to just play with Inao while Behemoth and Pisschrist took care of business below in the ring. At one point Shikei just choked the life out of Inao, holding him against the scaffolding sctructure with Inao's blood dripping onto the ring below. The match ended in 15.06 when Shikei chokeslammed Inao from the top of the scaffolding on top of a barbedwire board, with the Behemoth easily pinning the semi-concious Inao to get the win. Kajahara and Nakasawa had crimson masks on their faces as the match ended, mainly because of Ryu's obsession with gaining some revenge on Shikei. [B]Winners: Shikei, Behemoth & Pisschrist[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR=Green][B][COLOR=Black]([/COLOR]This marks the first loss in Kajahara's whole BBW career: After 21 wins, this is the first loss he has ever suffered![COLOR=Black])[/COLOR][/B][/COLOR] [B]Overall Grade: [SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkRed]D+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black]([/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Another bad show in Shikoku, but it's the smallest region in Japan so who cares..[/COLOR][/SIZE][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black]) [/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
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Man, Shikei is so incredibly awesome, I want to buy his t-shirt. I worship anyone who is so demented, he throws a cameraman off a catwalk, while he's tied to a rope. Genius! [QUOTE=Nedew;528816]Chemistry! Hurrah! Rejoice! Had to come some time! Also, I juuuust realised that the acronym for this fed has multiple meanings... Hey, maybe Ryu's into that sort of thing, I don't know.[/QUOTE] And I think this is obvious, considering the BBW logo. *Hums Queen's "Fat Bottomed Girls"* :D
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[CENTER][B][FONT=Century Gothic]Yeah, I know what you mean with the BBW initials. Stop it right there[/FONT] :p[/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/BBW.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]BBW Mad World Tour (Mon[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]day)[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]Monday, Week 4, September[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]Kumamoto Athletic Center, Kyushu. Attendance: 640[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE=3][B]Pre-show:[/B][/SIZE] [B]Team Panthera defeated Genghis Rahn and Kurt Laramee[/B] in 3:36; Kurt Laramee was eliminated first, and finally Genghis Rahn with the Panthera Combo [B]([/B][COLOR=Indigo]Big Cat Brandon hits the opponent with the Big Cat Pounce, sending the opponent straight to Tiger Fuyuki's arms where he continues the combo with a high velocity Tiger Suplex, using all the momentum to inflict more power into the move![/COLOR][B] :cool:)[/B] [B]Grade: [COLOR=Red]E[/COLOR][/B] [B]The Night Terrors defeated The Lunatic & The Diver (Nobuhito Ogiwara & Silver Diver) and Washichi Inao & Jungle Jack[/B] in 4:38; the order of elimination was Washichi Inao and Jungle Jack first, and finally The Lunatic & The Diver with the Tag Neckbreaker Combo [B]([/B][COLOR=Indigo]One attacker suplexes the victim up and over, so that he lands with his feet on the partner's shoulders. They then fall down, hitting a combined powerbomb neckbreaker on the victim[/COLOR][B])[/B]. The Night Terrors make defence number 3 of their BBW Dynasty Warriors titles. [B]Grade: [COLOR=Red]E+[/COLOR][/B] [B]([/B][COLOR=Green]Nobuhito Ohiwara and Silver Diver showed [B]excellent chemistry[/B] teaming together which I found out before, [B]BUT ALSO Washichi Inao and Jungle Jack showed excellent chemistry[/B] teaming together for the first time ever![B][COLOR=Black])[/COLOR][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B][COLOR=Black]([/COLOR][/B]What the hell is going on in here?! Is BBW becoming some kind of tag team heaven of wrestling?[/COLOR][B] :rolleyes:)[/B] [SIZE=4][B]Main show:[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] Ryu Kajahara has a microphone, and tears into Shikei, telling him that he is going to get easily beaten in their upcoming match at "BBW: Revinventing Your Exit". "[COLOR=Navy]Shikei. Stop the mindgames. I don't know if you're underestimating me, but those mind games of yours.. They have no effect on me. None.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]Do you honestly believe that you're going to fool me like that? You're not going to succeed..[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]When it's time to go, when we are face to face in that Exploding Barbedwire Deathmatch this Saturday.. There's no exit. There's no escape, no mind games, no fancy tricks. Nothing that would give you the upper hand.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]There's just me.. and you. In the ring, in a match.. In a battle for my BBW World Warrior title. But it's not just for the title. It's about me putting an end to your insane actions here in BBW.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]Maybe if I hit you hard enough, you'll get back to normal.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]..Come Saturday, we will find out.[/COLOR]" [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]B[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3]Hiroaki Nakasawa vs. Jay Darkness[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=Indigo]BBW Becoming The Bull[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Hiroaki Nakasawa defeated Jay Darkness in a 1 vs 1 First Blood match in 1:45 when Jay Darkness was busted open. Hiroaki Nakasawa makes defence number 4 of his BBW Becoming The Bull title. [B]Winner: Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Red]E+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][B]Hidekazu vs. Shikei[/B][/SIZE] Shikei is shown at backstage, kicking the crap out of Hidekazu, throwing him around the backstage area without any particular reason, with Kajahara nowhere to be found. Finally they arrived to the ring and "The ****" Shigemitsu started the inpromptu match after Shikei had threatened the ref. Shikei defeated Hidekazu in this one sided match in 6:02 with the Tamura Driver on top of a chair. [B]Winner: Shikei[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shikei1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hidekazu.jpg[/IMG] Post-match Shikei lifted the battered Hidekazu back to his knees while holding a chair. Shikei asked for Kajahara to come to the ring, while he counts to ten, and when he reaches ten, he's going to bash Hidekazus brains in.. 1.. 2.. 3.. [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] Kajahara comes to the ramp, running to the ring! 4.. [B]10!![/B] Shikei cheats, and blasts Hidekazu with the chair, knocking him out cold while he leaves the ring, disappearing to the crowd. Kajahara dives into the ring and waves for the EMT's to come to the ring to take care of Hidekazu while he looks on to the direction where Shikei ran. Even though Hidekazu is unconcious, Kajahara begs him to forgive him as he was too busy and came too late for the rescue.. [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][B]Ryu Kajahara vs. Madman Boone[/B][/SIZE] With the staff and EMT's taking care of Hidekazu, Madman Boone agreed to face Kajahara in a match so that Ryu could take his frustrations on someone. Being the tough guy and a semi-masochist that Boone is, he enjoyed the match very much as he lost to Kajahara in 9:40 by submission with the Kajahara Claw. [B]Winner: Ryu Kajahara[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]([/B][COLOR=Green]Didn't click.[/COLOR][B])[/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] After the match Kajahara takes a moment to catch his breath. He shakes hands with Boone who exits the ring with a big smile on his face as he was happy to wrestle his idol Kajahara. Finally Kajahara lifts the mic. "[COLOR=Navy].. The show must go on.. As much as I'd like to hunt Shikei down, I have something to announce[/COLOR]." "[COLOR=Navy]As the owner of BBW I have a great honour and priviledge to reveal two new signings for BBW.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]They are one without a doubt one of the all-time great tag teams in the history of wrestling. They are also one of the most decorated teams ever to have competed inside the ring, having won titles all around the world, using their size and raw power to overwhelm opponents.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Navy]Without further adieu, please welcome..[/COLOR]" .... :eek: [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Anger.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Spite.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic][B][SIZE=4][SIZE=5]Demon Anger & Demon Spite[/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][B][SIZE=4][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=5][COLOR=DarkRed]The Demons Of Rage!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/FONT] The Demons come out and receive an enormous pop from the BBW crowd as they can't believe their eyes.. Demons Of Rage, in Big Battle Wrestling? [COLOR=DarkRed][B]What a shock! [/B][/COLOR] "[COLOR=Navy]In their debut match in BBW, they will be taking on the team of Behemoth and Pisschrist in out main event mach which is scheduled next![/COLOR]" [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][B]The Demons Of Rage vs. Behemoth & Pisschrist[/B][/SIZE] In their debut match The Demons Of Rage faced Behemoth and Pisschrist. The match was hard and brutal, with Behemoth and Pisschrist pulling out all the stops to defeat the legendary tag team. Experience was clealry in The Demon's favour as they picked up the win in 14:39 when Demon Anger defeated Behemoth by pinfall with a thunderous Demon Slam [B]([/B][COLOR=Indigo]Jumping Bodyslam, with the attacker landing on top of the victim upon impact[B])[/B][/COLOR] to the monster. [B]Winners: The Demons Of Rage[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shikei1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Behemoth.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Pisschrist.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Anger.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Spite.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] The Demons Of Rage are in the ring celebrating with Ryu Kajahara. Out of nowhere Shikei jumps in to the ring with Behemoth and Pisschrist, armed with chairs and barbedwire!! After leveling the good guys down to the mat with the chairs, Behemoth and Pisschrist throw the Demons out of the ring, where they continue the attack as Behemoth does the Dead Lift German Suplex on Spite (Almost failing in it), while Pisschrist hits Anger with the Running Big foot! Shikei and Kajahara are in the ring, with Shikei relentlessly beating Ryu with the barbedwire coil, rubbing it across Kajahara's face. Shikei pulls out a tazer from his trunks, the same he used on Washichi a while back, and uses it on Kajahara knocking him to the ground. The three maniacs pose in the ring as a sign of victory, until Shikei stuns both Behemoth and Pisschrist with the tazer!! There's bobies everywhere, with only one wrestler, Shikei, left standing in the ring amidst the chaos. Just as Shikei is leaving the ring, he picks up the BBW World Warrior title, stealing it from Kajahara as the show ends! [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Overall Grade: [SIZE=4][COLOR=Sienna]C-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Green][B][COLOR=Black]([/COLOR][/B]There's now four new teams in BBW with great or excellent chemisty, all of which have been formed in this month, September '97: [COLOR=Indigo]The Night Terrors[/COLOR], [COLOR=DarkRed]The Lunatic & The Diver[/COLOR], [COLOR=Sienna]Team Panthera[/COLOR] and [COLOR=Navy]Vulpes Jangala[/COLOR] (Vulpes = Fox in Latin, Jangala = Jungle in Sanskrit), Jungle Jack & Washichi Inao. In years time we should have a really solid tag team division in BBW, with the addition of other teams around the world, most notably The Demons Of Rage.[B][COLOR=Black])[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=Black]([/COLOR][/B]I'm loving this diary. Altough, a twist coming up. ^^ and PS. I modded the pictures of the Demons, making them look a lot younger without the wrinkles etc..[B][COLOR=Black])[/COLOR][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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[FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Indigo][B][SIZE=4]Tuesday, Week 4, September My home, Tohoku. [/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] Yes, it's true. We signed the Demons Of Rage. It felt so awesome. Have we really become that big in just few months..? No, we haven't. :p I've been looking at our finances.. It doesn't look good. I know that the DoR was an awesome investment but.. We have [B]lost[/B] approximately [COLOR=Red][B]70.000[COLOR=Black]$[/COLOR][/B][/COLOR] this month. Yeah.. .. [COLOR=Red][B]70.000[COLOR=Black]$[/COLOR][/B][/COLOR].. That's a lot of money. We have [B][COLOR=Green]72.000[/COLOR]$[/B] now.. Half of that sum we had in the beginning of the month. We can't continue with so many shows.. I have to talk to Ruy about the situation. I'm suggesting that we go for one weekly show and one annual. The touring all around Japan certainly has it's ups and downs.. :o Also I'm concerned of our coverage.. There's only one PPV provider in Japan, and it's so huge that we can only dream of having a contract with them, the Emperors Choice.. BHOTWG and SWF are the only ones who they have signed with. There's 5 different TV-networks in Japan.. Japanese Sports Vision 1-2, All Japan TV, and the J-Network East 1-2.. Two Sports and three mainstream networks. C'mon, it's 1997.. Almost 1998! :mad: Why can't there be more networks or PPV carriers.. I guess we just have to stick with the touring. Atleast it seems that the economy and wrestling industry have been steadily rising here in Japan as they all around the world except Canada. I just remembered that we have a three month tour.. Maybe we should cut it to just two months. 4 two month tours with that one month off-period in between sounds nice. I have to figure something out soon or we'll go bankrupt. But in the mean time, it's time to look at different wrestling companies in the world. It's a small thing I do from time to time, to relieve stress. It's nice to know how everyone else have been doing in the world of wrestling. I'll select.. [CENTER][B][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling, NOTBPW[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [/CENTER] They are at Cult size with [B][COLOR=Green]B[/COLOR][/B] in Maritimes, [B][COLOR=Sienna]C+[/COLOR][/B] in Quebec and Ontario and [B][COLOR=Sienna]C-[/COLOR][/B]/[B][COLOR=DarkRed]D+[/COLOR][/B] in The Prairies and British Columbia. They are ranked at 8th all over the world, and have a prestige of [B][COLOR=Sienna]C+[/COLOR][/B]. Their only rival is of course the Canadian Golden Combat as the other of the "Big Two", who are in the brink of going to National, just like NOTBPW. CGC has a slight more prestige than their rivals, but aren't doing as good as NOTBPW in terms of match & show quality. Back to NOTBPW: Their shows have been ranging from [B][COLOR=Sienna]C-[/COLOR][/B] to [B][COLOR=Green]B+[/COLOR][/B], they got to a great start at the beginning of the year with a string of [B][COLOR=Green]B-[COLOR=Black]/[/COLOR]B+[/COLOR][/B] cards, but things seem to have changed: Lately they have been doing [COLOR=Sienna][B]C-[/B][/COLOR]/[B][COLOR=Sienna]C+[/COLOR][/B] cards all of a sudden. [B]Title picture:[/B] [COLOR=Purple]NOTBPW Canadian[/COLOR] (ME, [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]A[/B][/COLOR] prestige) [COLOR=Purple]is still in the possession of [B]Dan Stone Jr[/B][/COLOR], who's been racking up the best matches in the promotion, with the average being [COLOR=Green][B]B[/B][/COLOR] and the best being [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]A[/COLOR][/B]. The multi-talented 25-year old Dan Jr. has a record of [B][COLOR=Indigo]25-0-5[/COLOR][/B] during this year, defending the championship a total 10 times against the likes of R.K Hayes, Dark Angel, Phillip Roberts and Craig Prince. He was ranked at #2 in last year's Power 100 list. This years [COLOR=Purple]Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup Title went to [B]Jeremy and Dan Stone, The Stone Siblings[/B][/COLOR], when they defeated Richard Coleman and Chris Candle in the finals in March. Grade: [B][COLOR=Green]B+[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Purple]NOTBPW's Tag Team titles are still in the hands of [B]Jeremy Stone and Steve Flash[/B].[/COLOR] With 9 defences behind and [B][COLOR=Sienna]C[/COLOR][/B] prestige it seems as if they're going to hold the title for a long time, unless the occasional team of Dan and Duane Stone or regular team of The Wood Brothers (Larry and Billy) come knocking on the door. However it seems unlikely for Dan to go after the Tag championship until he's lost the Canadian title, if that ever happens. The only championship that changed hands this year was the [COLOR=Purple]NOTPBW's Women's Championship when Farrah Hesketh lost to [B]Kit Hatoyama[/B] in August[/COLOR], so a quite recent title change. Hatoyama has made 4 defences thus far, and seems that he's going to hold on to the title for a long time knowing how the management likes those long title reigns, altough she's facing hard competition with the likes of Reese Paige, April Appleseed, Farrah Hesketh and Victoria Stone in the women's division. [B]Overall:[/B] The canadian wrestling scene is really intriquing right now as the Big Two are trying their best to be the first to cross the National milestone. Whoever gets there first will surely be the #1 in Canada for a long, long time since the written contracts will last years, not forgetting the TV and PPV-deals that come along with the rise to National size. Just like in Japan, where PGHW rose to National and BHOTWG dropped to Cult, these kinds of things will change the landscape for years to come. I'll be keeping a close eye on these two. ;) [B](OOC:[/B] You can request me to do a review of other promotions or workers, if there's that one special promotion or a worker in your mind which you'd like know how they are doing just in the end of the year 1997[B])[/B]
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