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CZCW '97 - A Coastal Zone even back then

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[QUOTE]I'll be sure to read to garner ideas for my own playthrough with CZCW[/QUOTE] Risky - I don't guarantee that this is the way to be doing it, especially as I've only just noticed that even though I had Alex Braun holding the SoCal Championship at the beginning of this diary, in the data Fumihiro Ota actually holds the gold. Ooops. [QUOTE]Good to see you don't stick to powergaming and are in fact using everyone on the roster. It makes for a better story. [/QUOTE] It's the CZCW way (or the infinitywpi way) - we develop our own stars. Where possible, I've tried to keep away from established stars, or even East Coast workers (with a couple of exceptions). Which is a shame for Shawn Gonzalez, as he is sitting around unemployed. I will say now that there is an exception to every rule... My first game with 08 was with 4C. But I powergamed, 4C lost it's identity, and I enjoyed myself less and less. [QUOTE]The presentation is a bit dry, but it doesn't really need more flair anyway. I like it dry . But perhaps you could upload the pics of the Main event with a title pic in-between?[/QUOTE] I would but I'm... lazy. Well, not lazy, but the more time I spend on this diary the less time a spend on the game. This is my fourth major TEW diary (one for every version of the game), and my amount of effort into each diary has decreased each time - but I've spent more time actually playing the game. [QUOTE]I hired some women like Wanda Fish & Vixxen to get better talent which is guaranteed to stay, given NOTBPW stays Cult for 2 more years.[/QUOTE] That's always a possibility - again, it's often the infinitywpi way (yes, I want my CZCW to be a mini version of his) [QUOTE]Oh yeah, btw... the Gilbert brothers lick monkey balls. But great to have them keep their job . A worthy new tag team will pop up in a month or so. Be sure to 'scout' for them. :P [/QUOTE] The Gilbert Brothers - CZCW legends (somehow). Just as well they're the only established team in the promotion, and Flex & Pecs don't seem to be able to buy a win. [QUOTE]And speakin' of monkeys, perhaps you can hire Cheeky Monkey?[/QUOTE] Nope. Well, given that Hell Monkey had a CZCW spell, we could feud the two of them in the future. Although I'm imagining a "Sack the booker" chant.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;529912]*looks at his current diary* ... I feel a sudden need to repent, or something.[/QUOTE] Nonsense! God, if you only sign unknowns you'll never make Cult. But for every Clark Alexander there's a Lauren the Lion (good example) or Jonnie Perez (not quite as good). November: [B]CZCW Firing Up[/B] South West (attendance 1,000 – SOLD OUT) [COLOR="Blue"]The Flying Animals beat Enrique Sanchez and Tijuana Vampire[/COLOR] in 6.53 when Snappy pinned Sanchez 6.53 -Sanchez was actually brave enough to tag in… just not out, and fell to a Dragon’s Breath (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Flez & Pecs beat Dog Fyte and Troy Tornado[/COLOR] in 8.43 when Flex pinned Fyte with a flash pin (E+) Tornado and Dog Fyte started a yelling match between one another, which got so out of hand the Flex & Pecs tried to split it up. Tornado and Fyte simultaneously decked the victors, and then looked at one another, discovering they did have something in common (F+) [COLOR="blue"]Pablo Rodriguez beat Richard Blood[/COLOR] in 10.40 with a Sinner’s Salvation (D+) Rodriguez crossed paths with Priest while on his way from the ring, and the Mexican started to preach at the clown. With Priest not listening, Rodriguez grabbed a chair, but was disarmed by Priest’s partner for the night, Dylan Sidle (E+) [COLOR="blue"]The Gilbert Brothers (c) beat Dylan Sidle and Nathan Priest[/COLOR] in 11.53 when Jesse pinned Sidle after Rodriguez interfered (E) [COLOR="blue"]Human Arsenal beat Clark Alexander[/COLOR] in 12.37 with an Ammo Dump (D) -Good chemistry, although I would have hoped for that grade without it Silver Shark was the first to the ring for the next match, which was for a future SoCal Championship match, and was jumped by Ota before Braun even started his entrance (D) [COLOR="blue"]Alex Braun beat Silver Shark and Fumihiro Ota[/COLOR] in 17.11 when Braun pinned Ota (D) -Silver Shark was out of the match for most of it, and in the end Braun hit the Braun Damage on Ota. [COLOR="blue"]Tayler Morton (c) beat Super Joshuya[/COLOR] in 15.37 with a Rain Bomb (C-) Alex Braun came down to the ring and took a mic. He said at the beginning of the year, him and Morton had a match for the SoCal Championship – his title, and it was Match of the Year. What more of a fitting way to end the year than to repeat the match at Year in Review? Morton extended his hand, and the match will happen (unless something goes badly wrong) (D-) [I]Overall Rating D[/I] Fox Mask and Pettle sign new deals, and the underused Scarlett Samurai joins Hinote Dojo under PPA terms.
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[QUOTE=foolinc;529922]Unless something goes badly wrong? This is the Coastal Zone, when does anything go right? ;)[/QUOTE] I have this feeling that in TEW '09, CZCW will go from being 'the plucky West Coast fed that offers something different' to being 'the plucky West Coast fed that somehow manages to survive despite horrendously bad luck.' It will, of course, remain Regional. :) To get back on subject: Am I the only one wanting to see a reason for an Arsenal/Shark rematch?
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;529930]To get back on subject: Am I the only one wanting to see a reason for an Arsenal/Shark rematch?[/QUOTE] Having simmed on a little... it's not happening anytime soon :(. Clearly I haven't been channeling your spirit properly. And you know what I said about CZCW building there own stars? And how there was exceptions to every rule? Welcome to the exception. December: We announce that [B]Tommy Cornell [/B]will be appearing at Year in Review – hell, if we’re going to pay for him, we’re damned well going to advertise him. He’s also joined XFW, recently defeating a young Eddie Peak. [B]CZCW Year in Review:[/B] South West (attendance 1,000) Oh, no Silver Shark or Scarlett Samurai tonight. Sure I had checked. Oh well, the first two matches tonight weren’t planned this way, and wont prove a good start to the show. [COLOR="Blue"]Fighting Fists (Troy Tornado and Dog Fyte) beat Trust (Tijuana Vampire and Enrique Sanchez)[/COLOR] in 7.24 when Dog Fyte pinned Sanchez (D-) -Now I find out Sanchez and Tij don’t work as a team? Just as they were booked to start working as one, and the match was better than expected? [COLOR="blue"]Richard Blood beat Chris Perkins[/COLOR] in 7.46 (D) [COLOR="blue"]The Gilbert Brothers (c) beat The Flying Animals and Flex & Pecs[/COLOR] in 11.32 when Joe pinned Foxy (D-) Pablo Rodriguez beat Dylan Sidle in 15.55 with a Sinner’s Salvation (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Fumihiro Ota beat Nathan Priest[/COLOR] in 9.11 after Rodriguez attacked Priest (D-) Preist and Rodriguez pushed one another around after the match, and agreed to settle things at New Year Rising (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Tommy Cornell beat Human Arsenal[/COLOR] in 22.55 with a Guilt Trip (C-) Tommy Cornell claimed to be “passing through” CZCW, where he could teach the wrestlers, like Arsenal, a thing or two. Which got him some heat (D) Alex Braun hyped up the Main Event, promising to better their match earlier this year, and win back the title (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Tayler Morton (c) beat Alex Braun[/COLOR] in 13.36 with a Rain Bomb (C-) [I]Overall Rating D+[/I] Okay, Cliff Anderson and Arnold Westbury (my Road Agent) aren’t talking. Just ‘cause Westbury took Anderson’s best mates job. That’ll be five months until I need a new Road Agent. And that’s the end of the year for CZCW. A year that saw the SoCal Championship go from Alex Braun, to Super Joshuya, to Tayler Morton. That saw Tayler Morton win his first King of the Indies. That saw The Gilbert Brothers hold their Tag Titles all year. That saw Tommy Cornell wrestle for CZCW. That saw Preston Holt fired for causing too many fights. That saw a $9,000 profit.
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;531432]On the Cornell thing, nice one. And also, how'd he wind up leaving? Did you just delete his contract in the starting database or what?[/QUOTE] Cornell and Richard Eisen start with "simmering tension" relationship over the infamous Nemesis bout, and his SWF contract runs out before the simmering tension "expires", greatly increasing the chances that Richard Eisen wont re-sign him. However, "simmering tension" is a temporary relationship (Eisen and Cornell has not had any more problems recently to send it too dislike), so there's always the chance that in the future Eisen will realise his error, and sign him back up. Of course, if he signs a written deal with HGC before then (they're slowly getting towards National), we may see history repeating itself. Until then, I'm damned well going to use him.
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[B]1997 – Looking Back[/B] Wrestler of the Year – [B]Sam Keith[/B] Young Wrestler of the Year – [B]Sean McFly[/B] Female Wrestler of the Year – [B]Sensational Ogiwara[/B] Veteran Wrestler of the Year –[B] Danger Kumasaka[/B] Promotion of the Year – [B]SWF[/B] Most Improved Promotion of the Year – [B]GCG[/B] Match of the Yeat – [B]Sam Keith beat Sean McFly (A*)[/B] Show of the Year – [B]SWF Wrestling Tonight[/B] CZCW (or ex) wrestlers in the Top 100 – The Great Hisato (#57) and Super Joshuya (#92) Yoshinaka Toshusai made Hall of Immortals, and a whole host of veterans retired. Larry Vessey, Hamuri Okazawaya, Sotatsu Sarumara, Elemental II, Ryu Kajahara, Raymond Daiz, Geeshin Nishihara and Mamoru Nagahama all end the year with severe injuries, with doubts over whether they will ever step foot in a ring again. Nemesis in unemployed after leaving SWF, being too over for anyone else to approach. He passed the torch on magnificently on his last show, making Christian Faith look amazing in an A* rated match. Archangel has found himself an XFW regular and HGC jobber, while Joel Kovach wrestles for GCG and XFW.
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January [B]1998[/B] Due to being an idiot, I decide to give Fumihiro Ota a title shot before he leaves, as Anderson wont let me give him a contract (as he hates him). Then I book the show on a day when Ota is not available, and don’t have the time to move the show anywhere. Rubbish. So that’s Ota gone, without jobbing on the way out. It also seems that Cliff’s no longer worried about toughness, but more concerned with Safety (D-). Fair enough. Tommy Cornell heads back to Japan, signing for BBW on PPA terms, and Joe Gilbert gets a new deal. [B]CZCW New Year Rising[/B] South West (attendance 1,000) Troy Tornado opens the show, noting that Ota has left the company, and Morton has no challenger for his title. Alex Braun comes out to argue, but is jumped by Dog Fyte, with Tornado telling him that he’s not eligible for a title shot – as he has a match right now (D) [COLOR="Blue"]Alex Braun beat Dog Fyte[/COLOR] in 11.31 with a Braun Damage (D) [COLOR="blue"]Dylan Sidle beat Tijuana Vampire[/COLOR] in 6.51 (E+) [COLOR="blue"]Super Joshuya and Scarlett Samurai beat The Flying Animals [/COLOR]in 9.57 when Joshuya pinned Foxy (D) [COLOR="blue"]Human Arsenal beat Richard Blood[/COLOR] in 8.50 with an Ammo Dump (D+) Pablo Rodriguez called out Nathan Priest for his match… and waited… and waited… until circus music hit, and Priest rolled out. He took the mic, telling Rodriguez that Priest was not here, but he could face [B]Whippy the Clown [/B](D-) [COLOR="blue"]Whippy the Clown beat Pablo Rodriguez [/COLOR]in 11.56 with a roll up (D) -Rodriguez was thrown off his game by Whippy, and was rolled up after trying to leave the match Tommy Cornell comes out and squints at a piece of paper, asking if it’s correct – his opponent tonight is Silver Shark? Who the hell is that? He shrugs, and says he may never have seen him wrestle before, but he knows he can take him down (C-) [COLOR="blue"]Tommy Cornell beat Silver Shark[/COLOR] in 20.34 with a Guilt Trip (C-) -This match wasn’t nearly as easy as Tommy thought, with Sharky getting several near falls. However, it was not to be Tornado cut a quick promo, claiming that all he has ever needed was a chance – he will take it with both hands (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Tayler Morton (c) beat Troy Tornado[/COLOR] in 13.35 with a Rain Bomb (C) -I had to take advantage of their chemistry during Morton’s title reign, and as a substitute Troy worked well. Dog Fyte did come ringside, but was marked out by Braun, allowing Morton the clean win. After the match Dog Fyte smashed Braun over the head with a chair and went after Morton, but the save was made by… Tommy Cornell? (E+) [I]Overall Rating C-[/I] Although rated the same as my best, neither the Main Event or show broke any record. Backstage proved to be as harmonious as ever with Westbury almost getting into a fight with Sharky. Westbury got a final warning – Anderson will never let me re-sign him, but it’s not a sackable offence considering the chances I’ve given Dog Fyte. Flying Jimmy Foxx gets re-signed to CZCW, with the toughness block now gone, while Richard Blood and Flex sign new deals.
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February: Fabulous Frank opens Championship Wrestling for Ladies. Good for him. [B]CZCW Leap Into Action[/B] South West (attendance 1,000) [COLOR="Blue"]Silver Shark and Flying Jimmy Foxx beat Enrique Sanchez and Tijuana Vampire[/COLOR] in 7.35 (D) -Foxx needs to work off some ring rust Alex Braun and Tommy Cornell come out and have an argument about Tommy’s motives for helping Morton last week, but Tommy tells Braun not to try second guessing him. Anyway, they should concentrate on working together, as tonight’s Main Event is Cornell, Braun and Morton vs Fyte, Tornado and one other (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Snap Dragon beat Fox Mask, Sammy Bach and Clark Alexander[/COLOR] in 12.37 (D-) -Debut for Sammy Bach, who also showed that he needed to work off some rust [COLOR="blue"]Pablo Rodriguez beat Chris Perkins[/COLOR] in 5.41 with a Sinner’s Salvation (D) Rodriguez cut a promo about being sickened by a world where clowns are cheered. Has he got clownophobia? (D) [COLOR="blue"]Super Joshuya and Scarlett Samurai beat The Gilbert Brothers (c) and Flex & Pecs[/COLOR] in 12.58 after Joshuya pinned Flex (D) New tag champs celebration (E) [COLOR="blue"]Human Arsenal beat Dylan Sidle[/COLOR] in 10.31 after an Ammo Dump (D+) Whippy the Clown beat Richard Blood in 10.58 with a Joke’s On You (D) Troy Tornado and Dog Fyte came out and introduced their partner – a debuting Guide (E-) [COLOR="blue"]Alex Braun, Tayler Morton and Tommy Cornell beat Troy Tornado, Dog Fyte and Guide[/COLOR] in 18.50 when Braun pinned Fyte (C) Cornell went to shake Braun’s hand, but he rolled out of the ring and grabbed mic. He claimed that Cornell couldn’t start being friendly in an attempt to get a title shot. He’s come in and insulted CZCW, wrestling just three times, and he’s got a lot further to go before he starts looking at any titles (D) [I]Overall Rating D+[/I] And there was me worried by the Main Event. Guide and Sammy Bach debuted, but as of yet Scout has not been signed. But, more importantly, after the show we got the following news: CZCW has risen to [B]Regional [/B]size! Well, what does that mean? Well, we don’t need anymore wrestlers. And we’re the 19th biggest promotion in the US, whereas Cliff wanted us to grow above 18th by the end of the year. So, it doesn’t mean too much right now. Especially as AAA rose to Regional the next day. We re-sign Scarlett Samurai. We would have thought twice about it, but being the tag champ it made sense to. Meanwhile Dylan Sidle was allowed to leave, and The Great Hisato got arrested, making it increasingly unlikely that we’d look in his direction in the future. Nathan Priest gets the chance to tour with BHOTWG, which he unsurprisingly takes with both hands. Deciding that if we’re ever going to rise above the 18th biggest promotion in the world by then end of the year, we decide to expand. With AAA in the North West banging out better shows than us, we head for the Mid South: [B]CZCW This is How We Do It[/B] Mid South (attendance 62) [COLOR="blue"]Clark Alexander beat Chris Perkins[/COLOR] in 8.54 (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Sammy Bach beat Tijuana Vampire[/COLOR] in 10.37 (E) [COLOR="blue"]Dog Fyte and Guide beat Enrique Sanchez and Flying Jimmy Foxx[/COLOR] in 9.54 (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Super Joshuya beat Jesse Gilbert[/COLOR] in 13.10 (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Pablo Rodriguez beat Silver Shark[/COLOR] in 20.43 (D-) [I]Overall Rating D-[/I] Rest assured that made a loss. We decide on an even quicker way of losing money (and maybe expanding) – we sign on to a TV show on Los Deporte Hoy – CZCW On TV, which will go out on Monday night… late.
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[QUOTE=foolinc;535212]Congrats on rising to Regional![/QUOTE] Thank you - I think its been proved that it's a hell of a long way to Cult from here. So lets make a start here. March: [B]CZCW On TV[/B] South West (attendance 1,000) [COLOR="Blue"]The Gilbert Brothers beat Enrique Sanchez and Flying Jimmy Foxx[/COLOR] in 8.07 when Jesse pinned Foxx (E) -Yep, we started off on TV with the Gilberts. We had Whippy come out to hype up his title shot against Tayler Morton… and then head out of the ring again. It’s going to take a bit of getting used to this TV thing (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Super Joshuya and Scarlett Samurai (c) beat Flex & Pecs[/COLOR] in 8.52 when Joshuya pinned Flex (D) The Gilberts chased out the Tag Champions with their hockey sticks, with the announcers filling in the history that they used to be champions (E) [COLOR="blue"]Alex Braun beat Clark Alexander[/COLOR] in 8.33 with a Braun Damage (D) Alex Braun cut a promo, mentioning Tommy Cornell, and how he was not here tonight… but would be in two weeks (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Tayler Morton (c) beat Whippy the Clown[/COLOR] in 11.46 with a Rain Bomb (C-) [I]Overall Rating D+[/I] We drew a… well I’ll let you know if we ever draw over 0.00. Enrique Sanchez signs a new deal.
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Consider this one an experiment right out of the way Infinitywpi plays the game (hey, and he's an award winner) – let’s go to Mexico. [B]CZCW On TV[/B] Northern Mexico (attendance 65) [COLOR="Blue"]Guide beat Richard Blood[/COLOR] in 6.49 with a Guided Missle (E+) Whippy the Clown comes out and lets the viewers know about CZCW strength in depth, which is why they’d see so many different wrestlers to last week. He claimed to be the only man who would wrestle on both shows… and Tijuana Vampire came out to dispute that theory (E) [COLOR="blue"]Whippy the Clown beat Tijuana Vampire[/COLOR] in 9.31 with a Joke’s On You (E+) [COLOR="blue"]Silver Shark beat Snap Dragon[/COLOR] in 11.51 with a Jaws of Life (D) Pablo Rodriguez cut a promo on all men who dare cover their given faces… it was an excuse to use his significant Mexican overness (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Pablo Rodriguez beat Scarlett Samurai[/COLOR] in 12.29 with a Sinner’s Salvation (D+) [I]Overall Rating D[/I] Tommy Cornell joins NOTBPW… and leaves BBW. Cornell and the Stone’s? I’m going to keep an eye on that.
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May I suggest not targetting Cult status with your promotion. I've played on 'till 2001 with CZCW untill finally, at the end of the year, I reached Cult. But you lose a standard 100.000$ a month so you need like a few million $$ to survive untill you can turn it into profit. So may I suggest staying at Regional, where CZCW belongs. :) But you still have time to think about it, given it'll take you at least 3 more years, given you do 1 show in both regions every month.
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[QUOTE=Blackman;538557]May I suggest not targetting Cult status with your promotion. I've played on 'till 2001 with CZCW untill finally, at the end of the year, I reached Cult. But you lose a standard 100.000$ a month so you need like a few million $$ to survive untill you can turn it into profit. So may I suggest staying at Regional, where CZCW belongs. :) But you still have time to think about it, given it'll take you at least 3 more years, given you do 1 show in both regions every month.[/QUOTE] Might be an owner goal. I've got it.
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[QUOTE=Blackman;538557]May I suggest not targetting Cult status with your promotion. I've played on 'till 2001 with CZCW untill finally, at the end of the year, I reached Cult. But you lose a standard 100.000$ a month so you need like a few million $$ to survive untill you can turn it into profit. So may I suggest staying at Regional, where CZCW belongs. :) But you still have time to think about it, given it'll take you at least 3 more years, given you do 1 show in both regions every month.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;538564]Might be an owner goal. I've got it.[/QUOTE] It's linked in to an owner goal. Cliff Anderson want me to improve from 18th largest promotion in the world by the end of the year and... I seem to have [I]fallen [/I]to 20th at the moment. I know if I go Cult anytime soon I'll go bankrupt, but I've got to grow quicker otherwise I run the risk of getting sacked. So TV it is!
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[B]CZCW On TV[/B] South West (attendance 1,000) [COLOR="Blue"]Human Arsenal beat Fox Mask[/COLOR] in 10.48 with an Ammo Dump (D) Tommy Cornell comes to the ring and demands that Alex Braun comes out, and they argue over egos. Braun challenged Cornell to switch his match out of the Main Event, and is surprised when the Englishman agrees – “anything to feed you ego” (C-) [COLOR="blue"]Joe Gilbert beat Scarlett Samurai[/COLOR] in 6.48 after Jesse interfered (E) [COLOR="blue"]Tommy Cornell beat Guide[/COLOR] in 7.58 with a Guilt Trip (C) -Looks like switching the Main Event may not have been such a good move Troy Tornado come out and cuts a quick promo, claiming that while Braun was trying to prove something to Cornell, he was going to pick up the win (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Alex Braun beat Troy Tornado[/COLOR] in 11.55 with a Braun Damage (D) Cornell came down to the ring applauding… while pretending to stifle a yawn. Braun got right in his face… but the two of them were jumped by Dog Fyte and Guide, with Tornado joining on, leaving the two men down on the ground (E+) [I]Overall Rating D[/I] Tommy Cornell = Main Event material. I will repeat that rhetoric. Jesse Gilbert cracked a rib in a preshow match with Dog Fyte (first time I’ve run one of those in months, and I get an injury out of it. Great). Expect the Gilberts to have a Tag Title shot when he’s fully recovered.
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[B]CZCW On TV[/B] Mid South (attendance 63) [COLOR="Blue"]Guide beat Enrique Sanchez [/COLOR]in 5.44 with a Guided Missile (D-) -Guide continues to impress for a rookie Troy Tornado comes out to declare that after taking out Braun and Cornell last week, he and his colleagues will dominate this week. Sammy Bach comes out and says that strength in numbers means nothing if you can’t win one on one, and the match is on (E) [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado beat Sammy Bach [/COLOR]in 12.20 after Guide interfered (D-) With the announcers screaming that Bach was correct, Tornado couldn’t back his claims up one on one, Guide delivered a Guided Missile to Sammy (F) [COLOR="blue"]Dog Fyte beat Human Arsenal[/COLOR] in 11.14 after an unseen low blow (E+) Silver Shark hyped up his non-title match, declaring that a win should give him a title shot (E) [COLOR="blue"]Tayler Morton vs Silver Shark ended in a no contest[/COLOR] when Dog Fyte, Troy Tornado and Guide attacked both men (D+) And a post match beatdown ended the show (F+) [I]Overall Rating D[/I] And so ends our first month on TV… and what? Spring Break Bash is scheduled as our next show? I thought I had another month! Okay, it’s going to have to be delayed a month, as I have no reason not to set some matches with a TV show.
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[B]April[/B] Amazingly, running these shorter shows (and increased sponsorship) meant that we still made a profit last month. However, we’re beginning to have difficultly keeping our roster happy, sometimes only using eight wrestlers in a night. Seeing that Pablo Rodriguez (and Super Joshuya) will miss our next show, we decide to start off in Mexico. [B]CZCW On TV[/B] Northern Mexico (attendance 66) [COLOR="Blue"]Super Joshuya and Scarlett Samurai (c)[/COLOR] beat The Gilbert Brothers by DQ in 9.12 (D) -Joe thought he was allowed to use a hockey stick. He wasn’t. As the Gilberts had hockey sticks, they thought they may as well use them on the champs (E-) Sammy Bach came out and cut a promo claiming to be happy to be representing CZCW in Mexico. Tijuana Vampire followed him, telling Sammy he was on his turf – and he doesn’t need to represent anybody (E-) [COLOR="blue"]Sammy Bach beat Tijuana Vampire[/COLOR] in 7.38 with a Bach on You Back (E+) [COLOR="blue"]Whippy the Clown beat Pecs[/COLOR] in 7.51 with a Joke’s On You (E+) Pablo Rodriguez challenged Whippy for a match at Spring Break Bash – but if he lost, he’s have to stop being a clown forever (C-) [COLOR="blue"]Pablo Rodriguez beat Enrique Sanchez[/COLOR] in 11.26 with a Sinner’s Salvation (D) Whippy came out to accept Pablo’s challenge on one condition – against his face Pablo would have to put his hair (D-) [I]Overall Rating D[/I] One match set up (with terms still to be accepted), more to come hopefully. Shane Stone’s will attend, as ref, having signed a new deal.
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[B]CZCW On TV[/B] South West (attendance 1,000) [COLOR="Blue"]Troy Tornado beat Enrique Sanchez[/COLOR] in 8.25 with a Star Maker (D-) Tornado said that he had been allowed to name Tayler Morton’s opponent at Spring Break Bash, which brought Dog Fyte out, telling him that Tornado blew his chance a few weeks ago – Dog Fyte is your man. Tornado agreed that he needed to pass the opportunity to one of his colleagues – but didn’t know which one. So later, it’s be Dog Fyte vs Guide, with the winner going onto Spring Break Bash (E) [COLOR="blue"]Richard Blood beat Sammy Bach[/COLOR] in 6.44 by using the ropes (D-) -Good chemistry Tornado came out to join the commentary team, making an open invitation for Morton to join him. An invitation that wasn’t taken up (D) [COLOR="blue"]Guide beat Dog Fyte[/COLOR] in 10.55 with a school boy roll-up (E+) -Who thinks we’re pushing Guide to fast? Ah well. Dog Fyte argued the call with the ref, stropped around the ring and kicking a barrier on the way out (E-) [COLOR="blue"]Tayler Morton and Silver Shark beat Human Arsenal and Clark Alexander[/COLOR] in 14.33 when Morton pinned Arsenal (D+) -Dog Fyte made an appearance, going for Morton but accidentally clobbering Arsenal instead, allowing Morton to make the pin After the match – chaos, involving Dog Fyte, Human Arsenal, Guide, Troy Tornado, Tayler Morton and Silver Shark. God knows where Alexander got to (E) [I]Overall Rating D[/I]
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[B]CZCW On TV[/B] Mid South (attendance 65) [COLOR="Blue"]Flex & Pecs beat Enrique Sanchez and Flying Jimmy Foxx[/COLOR] in 7.59when Pecs pinned Sanchez (E+) Dog Fyte came down to the ring, boasting about himself and mouthing off… to little reaction (E-) [COLOR="blue"]Dog Fyte beat Clark Alexander[/COLOR] in 6.33 by DQ when Human Arsenal attacked Dog Fyte (E+) Human Arsenal continued the attack, ducking Dog Fyte’s every swing until the big man bailed from the ring. Arsenal took a mic and said that as last week Fyte took a win away from him at Spring Break Bash he would be getting his personal revenge (E-) [COLOR="blue"]Super Joshuya beat Joe Gilbert [/COLOR]in 7.50 with a J-Drop (D-) -This one stunned me – Gilbert doing better than some of Joshuya’s HGC colleagues Alex Braun was the first out for the Main Event, followed by Cornell who spent ages posing. Braun had enough, and demanded that the youngster show some respect and get down to the ring. Cornell did as he was told, taking Braun’s mic and telling “Gramps” to chill out – they don’t have to argue, they’re on the same team tonight (D) [COLOR="blue"]Alex Braun and Tommy Cornell beat The Flying Animals[/COLOR] in 12.45 when Cornell submitted Fox Mask (D+) Cornell grabbed a mic and told Braun that he hoped he was watching – he just got a lesson in modern day wrestling. Braun responded by telling Cornell that if he thinks he can teach him so much, he should do it in the ring, at Spring Break Bash. Cornell put on a hard face, then broke into a smile, shaking Braun’s hand, and getting in one more “Gramps” gibe (D-) [I]Overall Rating D[/I] Backstage incident… that’d be Dog Fyte again. Complaints were received about his bad attitude, so a stern warning was in order. Nemesis finally finds a new job, giving CGC a whirl.
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[B]CZCW On TV[/B] South West (attendance 1,000) [COLOR="Blue"]Whippy the Clown beat Flex[/COLOR] in 9.50 with a Joke’s On You (D) -Good chemistry For the viewers at home (all five of them) we showed a pre-recorded segment, with Tommy Cornell trying to convince Tayler Morton to give up the Main Event and Spring Break Bash to him and Braun (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Snap Dragon beat Pecs[/COLOR] in 5.42 with a roll up (D-) -Flex and Fox Mask both accompanied their partners to the ring, but Flex couldn’t resist interfering. This brought Dev out to throw herself in front of Snap Dragon, and by the time she had been removed from the ring Dragon had got his victory Pablo Rodriguez came down to the ring to tell Whippy the Clown that he would have to find another new name after Spring Break Bash – he would no longer be a clown, calling himself “Priest” would be almost as bad… so he suggested a new name – “Sinner” (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Pablo Rodriguez beat Fox Mask[/COLOR] in 6.43 (D+) -Flex & Pecs ganged up on Foxy, and Snap Dragon was too late out to help The 3 vs 2 became a 3 vs 3 when Whippy joined in, and they all brawled there way backstage (E-) Tommy Cornell came out for the Main Event with Tayler Morton, and told the world that it had been agreed that if he was the one to get the winning pin tonight, he’d be Main Eventing Spring Break Bash (D) [COLOR="blue"]Tayler Morton, Silver Shark and Tommy Cornell beat Troy Tornado, Dog Fyte and Guide[/COLOR] in 13.52 when Tommy Cornell pinned Dog Fyte (C-) -There was one spot which had Troy Tornado putting Silver Shark through a table, purely to set up a match between the two next month. Morton had the match won and went to the top rope, but Cornell tagged himself in and pinned Fyte, stealing the match and next months Main Event Morton confronted Cornell, but Cornell pushed him away, taking a mic and saying he was looking after himself, and didn’t care how many others in this industry he took down (C-) [I]Overall Rating D+[/I] This episode pulls me ahead of DaVE, but it’s not looking likely that I can make another two places up the rankings by the end of the year. Pecs signs a new deal, and Cliff Anderson politely informs me that Arnold Westbury will be leaving when his contract’s up next month.
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May: [B]CZCW On TV[/B] New England (attendance 36) – lowest attendance ever, and I advertised Cornell! [COLOR="Blue"]Alex Braun beat Joe Gilbert[/COLOR] in 5.54 with a Braun Damage (D-) Alex Braun took a mic and commented how he was happy opening a show, but the youngster Cornell insists on the Main Event once more. Cornell comes out to claim that CZCW are correct in giving him the Main Event – after all, he is the company’s number one attraction. Braun tries to tell him how many years he’s been working, but Cornell cuts him off, telling that men like Braun are men of the past – he is the Future (D) [COLOR="blue"]The Flying Dragons beat Tijuana Vampire and Chris Perkins[/COLOR] in 6.35 when Foxy pinned Perkins (E+) -Perkins' first TV appearance, and he was too scared of his partner to tag himself in Dev jumped into a shocked Fox Mask’s arms, which left the victors open to a Flex & Pecs attack, and they stayed in the ring for their match after they had cleared their enemies (F) [COLOR="blue"]Flex & Pecs beat Sammy Bach and Richard Blood[/COLOR] in 8.54 when Pecs pinned Bach (D-) -Bach’s finally got rid of his ring rust, but hasn’t found a partner for the future. He went to tag in Blood but was met with an elbow to the head… which put him on the back foot somewhat. Flex & Pecs and Blood beatdown Bach, with Snap Dragon and Fox Mask coming to the rescue. Yes, you’ve got it – that’s a match in two days time (F) [COLOR="blue"]Tommy Cornell beat Clark Alexander [/COLOR]in 12.48 with a Guilt Trip (C-) -Alexander is well known in the area from his NEW work. Didn’t help him win though As Cornell gloated after the match Braun attacked, and they brawled, and brawled, and finally the locker room (well, those who were there) split them up (E+) [I]Overall Rating D[/I] Wrestling Industry – A. Economy B-. No excuses, the low attendance was because people didn’t want to come and see us. Wait, hang on a minute – New England? That was meant to be the Mid South. Ooops. Up next – Spring Break Bash, and we’ve actually set up a card: Super Joshuya and Scarlett Samurai (c) vs The Gilbert Brothers for the SoCal Tag Titles Silver Shark vs Troy Tornado Human Arsenal vs Dog Fyte Sammy Bach and The Flying Animals vs Flex & Pecs and Richard Blood Whippy the Clown vs Pablo Rodriguez in a gimmick vs hair match Tayler Morton (c) vs Guide for the SoCal Championship Alex Braun vs Tommy Cornell
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