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CZCW '97 - A Coastal Zone even back then

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January 2000: We’re still here, all the computers didn’t break. Jamie Anderson has opened up 21CW though, so something weird is going on. Arson Wells also opens Eastern European World Wrestling. And we won the Regional battle in the South West. [B]CZCW New Year Rising[/B] South West (attendance 2,000) [COLOR="Blue"]Silver Shark beat E.M.M. Moe[/COLOR] in 7.45 with the Jaws of Life (C) -Every time I start to think about de-pushing Silver Shark he pulls out a great match like this [COLOR="blue"]The Truth of Youth beat Rage & Perkins[/COLOR] in 13.43 when Clark pinned Primal Rag (D+) After the match Primal Rage lost it, and drove himself and Perkins through table (E). Bach and Clark were confused, but composed themselves to cut a promo challenging for the Tag Titles (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Flex beat Matt Sparrow[/COLOR] in 11.44 with a Romeo is Bleeding (D+) The Fly Boys cut a promo on the Night Fires, and reminisced about bonfires on the beach… (D) [COLOR="blue"]Night Fires beat The Fly Boys[/COLOR] in 15.39 when Black Samurai pinned Donnie (C) Alex Braun came out with The Sneer Corporation, and demanded they were at their best to dismiss their Mexican opponents (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Spanish Superfly, Mayan Idol and Pecs beat Alex Braun and The Sneer Corporation[/COLOR] in 21.02 when Superfly pinned Deano (C-) -Yep, I’ve just given Pecs a team victory over Braun. Strange things do happen (when you’ve got strong compatriots). The Mexicans worked with quick tags, always having a fresh man, but the heels were none too smooth, and Machino was the one left exposed Shane Sneer psyched up Morgan, telling him his title shot was next month and Braun would let him and Samurai fight to the winner. That’s when Whippy the Clown rolled in, and claimed the match next month would have to be made a three way after he won the next match (D) [COLOR="blue"]JD Morgan beat Whippy the Clown[/COLOR] in 17.49 with a Cross Atlantic Stretch (B-) -There was no surprise when Whippy didn’t manage to get himself added to the title match next month, but we got a huge surprise by getting into B- territory, without chemistry. Whippy is someone who I keep thinking about not renewing his contract, but he earns it every time [I]Overall Rating C[/I] And my undercard wrestlers were overused. As for our slightly weird Rage & Perkins segment, this was due to me deleting e-mails and not reacting to them, and it’s Primal Rage whose contract I’ve accidentally let run out. Assuming he’s available in six months time we’ll be revisiting him, but for now he’s gone. He will also be joined by someone else, depending on what happens with my unexpected Mexican Tour. [B]CZCW On Tour[/B] West Central Mexico (attendance 246) [COLOR="blue"]Guide beat E.M.M. Moe[/COLOR] in 11.01 with a Guide Missile (D) [COLOR="blue"]Tayler Morton beat Chris Perkins[/COLOR] in 14.50 with a Rain Bomb (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Alex Braun beat Fox Mask[/COLOR] in 16.49 with a Braun Damage (D) [COLOR="blue"]Mayan Idol and Spanish Superfly beat The Sneer Corporation[/COLOR] in 13.32by DQ when Alex Braun attacked Spanish Superfly (C+) [I]Overall Rating C-[/I] [B]CZCW On Tour[/B] South Eastern Mexico (attendance 46) [COLOR="blue"]Tijuana Vampire beat Chris Perkins[/COLOR] in 9.48 with a Vampires Bite (D-) [I]-Didn’t click, Tij’s new Occult variation on his gimmick didn’t work…[/I] [COLOR="blue"]The Sneer Corporation beat The Flying Dragons[/COLOR] in 13.38 (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Night Fires beat Mayan Idol and Pecs[/COLOR] in 13.45 (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Alex Braun beat Spanish Superfly [/COLOR]in 25.31 after The Sneer Corporation interfered (C) [I]Overall Rating C-[/I] [B]CZCW On Tour[/B] Northern Mexico (attendance 889) [COLOR="blue"]Tijuana Vampire beat Pecs[/COLOR] in 10.47 with a Vampire’s Bite (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Scarlett Samurai beat Nathan Black [/COLOR]in 9.13 with a Samurai Snap DDT (D) [COLOR="blue"]Mayan Idol drew with Alex Braun[/COLOR] in 19.56 following a double count at (D+) -Unfortunately these two just don’t click, so there’s unlikely to be a rematch after their brawl around the arena [COLOR="blue"]Human Arsenal beat Spanish Superfly[/COLOR] in 31.57 (B-) [I]Overall Rating C[/I] Regardless of what I did Spanish Superfly let me know that it was his intention to concentrate on his Mexican career, so he’s ended his CZCW run with the best match in CZCW’s history. I may have jobbed him enough to consider re-signing in the future, but his OLLIE work will probably make up for the small damage that I did to him. He leaves with 32 wins, 2 losses and 10 defeats. And I did want him to be my next SoCal Champion. Apparently on the mini tour (which I expect will have horrific financial implications) Tijuana Vampire struck up friendship with Hell Monkey.
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February: Regional Battle – won Finances? Lost $11,000 Ranking? 13th Status if we’re like that in 2001? Sacked [B]CZCW Leap Into Action[/B] South West (attendance 2,000) [COLOR="Blue"]Tijuana Vampire beat Matt Sparrow[/COLOR] in 7.21 with a Vampire’s Bite (E+) -That’s another person Sparrow doesn’t click with [COLOR="blue"]The Sneer Corporation beat The Fly Boys [/COLOR]in 12.39 when Monkey pinned Jimmy (D+) -The Sneer Corporation, with Sneer at ringside, slowly dismantled their opponents, who only once or twice looked like they could win (from the top rope) [COLOR="blue"]Mayan Idol beat Flex[/COLOR] in 13.14 with an Aztec Lariat (C-) -The Idol / Flex feud was meant to last a little longer, but as Idol’s going to have to go some way to replace Spanish Superfly we’ve hurried this one along. Decent match, though Shane Sneer brought out Scarlett Samurai, speaking on behalf on his client. He declared that everyone knew that Scarlett had been injured for most of last year – but most people didn’t know Whippy the Clown’s involvement (it was a match together in BBW when the injury occurred). It had been over a year, but now Samurai got his chance of revenge (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Scarlett Samurai beat Whippy the Clown[/COLOR] in 13.38 with a Samurai Snap DDT (C) -That’s why they were facing at BBW – great chemistry which I didn’t know about. Whippy tried to apologise to Scarlett, but the Japanese man was having none of it, bloodying Whippy before match was up After the match Scarlett exposed a turnbuckle and drove Whippy into it headfirst, before being pulled away by Shane Sneer. Whippy had to be wheeled from the ring on a stretcher (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Alex Braun beat Pecs[/COLOR] in 11.32 with a Braun Damage (D+) -It’s a night of chemistry, and this is good… but didn’t deliver any more than I expected in the first place Alex Braun took a mic after the match and demanded to face Mayan Idol at Gearing Up (I hope that’s in March anyway), so he can finish his demolition of CZCW’s Mexican contingent (D) Sammy Bach and Reece Clark proclaimed that they would win the Tag Titles next, as that’s the truth… of youth (D) [COLOR="blue"]Truth of Youth beat Troy Tornado and Guide (c)[/COLOR] in 16.15 when Sammy pinned Guide (D) -For a title change the match was underwhelming… perhaps it was a little too spotty at some points Post match celebration – has to be done with title changes (D+) We played a small video (on our small screen) of Human Arsenal’s match with Spanish Superfly, hyping it as Arsenal “retiring” the Mexican (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Human Arsenal beat Tayler Morton[/COLOR] in 13.47 with an Ammo Dump (C+) -Human Arsenal looked clinical once more, and revenged a defeat from last years King of the Indies We let Black Samurai cut a promo, saying how the Main Event was a ladder match – where he would reign supreme (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Black Samurai (c) beat JD Morgan[/COLOR] in a ladder match in 24.13 (C+) -A good competitive match, that we left open to a rematch as the match clearly favoured the champion over the technical challenger. Despite that JD Morgan did come close to the title, with Samurai having to make a leap off an adjoining ladder to make the save. A DDT off the top of the ladder finished Morgan, and Samurai reclaimed his title [I]Overall Rating C[/I] But for the opener, I think we could have flaunted with a C+ there… maybe. And then AAA run a show with two B- matches, so I wont be winning any battle this month. Sammy Bach signs a new deal. Next time I’ll wait until after contract negotiations before I put a title on him. Guide and Flex also re-sign. Meanwhile Alex Braun and Catherine Quinn split… but it just doesn’t work with my current plans to bring Quinn into CZCW and play on this (even though she just had one of said B- matches in AAA). For some reason AAA don’t renew Heidi Brook’s contract, and booking will now be carried out by Shane Sneer. Random fact I’ve just noticed – Cousin Ezra (that’s Al the Hillbilly) is 35-3 at RPW, has held the Tag Titles for three and a half years, and also had an 18 month singles reign as well. Amazing. [B]CZCW This Is How We Do It[/B] Mid South (attendance 420) [COLOR="blue"]Snap Dragon beat Matt Sparrow[/COLOR] in 7.45 with a Dragon’s Breath (D+) [I]-That’s more like it – good chemistry this time for Sparrow[/I] [COLOR="blue"]Scarlett Samurai beat Chris Perkins[/COLOR] in 8.05 with a Samurai Snap DDT (D-) [I]-As always, followed by poor chemistry[/I] [COLOR="blue"]Alex Braun beat Tijuana Vampire in 11.56 [/COLOR]with a Braun Damage (C-) [COLOR="blue"]The Truth of Youth (c) beat Troy Tornado and Guide[/COLOR] in 16.49 (D+) [COLOR="blue"]JD Morgan beat Fox Mask[/COLOR] in 16.22 with a Cross Atlantic Stretch (C-) [I]-More poor chemistry to end the night, though it made little difference[/I] [I]Overall Rating D+[/I] Scarlett Samurai, Shane Sneer, Deano Machino and Nathan Black sign new deals, while Reece Clark joins Sammy Bach at CGC, and Matt Sparrow joins DaVE. Over in Japan, Scarlett Samurai wins the BBW Blood Bowl tournament, and has shown good form since his return from injury. Meanwhile after his release from SWF Eric Tyler refuses to negotiate with CZCW, and must be hoping that HGC come in for him (as he’s too big for any other North American promotion). And what is going on at HGC? Bryan Vessey reclaims the Heavyweight Title off Peter Valentine, which is a good thing. The fact that the match was a fourway that also included Captain USA and Giant Redwood should tell you that they really need to sign Tyler (although to he fair, it was a B- rated match… somehow).
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March: As expected, AAA once more beat us in the Regional Battle. [B]CZCW Gearing Up[/B] South West (attendance 2,000) [COLOR="Blue"]Human Arsenal beat Tijuana Vampire[/COLOR] with an Ammo Dump in 8.08 (C-) -Human Arsenal continues to demolish anyone put in front of him [COLOR="blue"]JD Morgan beat Snap Dragon[/COLOR] in 11.08 with a Cross Atlantic Stretch (B-) -Er, I, neutral chemistry, um, don’t understand, but wow! Alex Braun congratulated JD Morgan after the match, before bumping into the new tag champions. Sammy Bach proudly presented his title, reminding Braun how he said that he’d never be able to win a title (C-) [COLOR="blue"]The Truth of Youth (c) beat Chris Perkins and Nathan Black[/COLOR] when Clark pinned Black (D+) Shane Sneer came out with the Sneer Corporation, challenging the champions to a match for the Tag Titles at Spring Break Bash. Sammy responded, accepting as long as the challengers won their match up next (D+) [COLOR="blue"]The Sneer Corporation beat E.M.M. Moe and Matt Sparrow[/COLOR] in 6.20 when Monkey defeated Sparrow -Clinical victory, and no-one in the crowd expected anything different Alex Braun called out Mayan Idol, eager to continue his groups winning ways (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Mayan Idol beat Alex Braun[/COLOR] in 11.47 with a Aztec Lariat (D+) -After making this match last month I realised that these two didn’t click at all, but the match was their for a story, so I was unable to change it We flashed up Scarlett Samurai bloodying Whippy last month, and its his occasional partner Tayler Morton up to try and gain revenge (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Tayler Morton beat Scarlett Samurai[/COLOR] in 15.17 after Whippy interfered (C) -The last match was balanced out by the chemistry in this match, and Morton won when a bandaged Whippy crotched Scarlett on the top rope Silver Shark, Flex and Pecs fought for mic time to hype their so far unhyped title shot (D) [COLOR="blue"]Black Samurai (c) beat Silver Shark, Flex and Pecs[/COLOR] in 15.31 when Samurai pinned Pecs -Yes, this was a random Main Event, and there was no chance of a title change, especially with Braun, Morgan and Sneer at ringside Alex Braun took to the ring and congratulated Black Samurai, saying that he’d assembled an unstoppable team in CZCW. Sneer took a mic and reminded him that the Sneer Corporation was his, no Brauns, and the Tag Team came out to flank him. Braun got into Sneer’s face, telling him that if wanted a fight, he thought that Morgan and Samurai could defeat Sneer’s Corporation, let alone him, so he’d better back off. Sneer smiled, and said that his warriors have had a good night – wins from the Sneer Corporation, and a win for Morgan. As Braun refuted Morgan being Sneer’s the Englishman made his choice, attacking Braun. Sneer ordered in his tag team, while Black Samurai rolled out of the ring. Braun suffered multiple finishers in the ring, before being told that the Corporation was in charge (D) [I]Overall Rating C-[/I] Jimmy P joins Donnie at RPW, but as yet there are no plans to use them as a tag team there. And it looks like I should win the battle this month, as AAA do British Columbia. Phyllis Wright (my colour commentator) signs a new deal. [B]CZCW This Is How We Do It[/B] Mid South (attendance 300) [COLOR="blue"]Fox Mask beat Nathan Black[/COLOR] in 6.42 with a Fox Hunter (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Valiant beat Chris Perkins[/COLOR] in 9.35 with a V-Split (E+) [I]-No chemistry for Valiant’s debut[/I] [COLOR="blue"]Snap Dragon beat Tijuana Vampire[/COLOR] in 13.23 by DQ (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Guide beat E.M.M. Moe[/COLOR] in 6.50 with a Guided Missile (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado beat Matt Sparrow[/COLOR] in 9.58 with a Star Maker (D-) [I]-They don’t… oh, I knew this already[/I] [COLOR="blue"]Silver Shark beat Hell Monkey[/COLOR] in 16.58 with the Jaws of Life (C) [I]Overall Rating D+[/I] Valiant makes a debut in less than impressive debut, and Alex Braun signs a new deal. Announced for [B]CZCW Spring Break Bash[/B]: The Flying Animals vs The Fly Boys vs Dark Nightmare Pecs vs Human Arsenal The Truth of Youth (c) vs The Sneer Corporation for the SoCal Tag Titles Mayan Idol vs Guide Silver Shark vs Troy Tornado Alex Braun vs JD Morgan Black Samurai (c) vs Tayler Morton for the SoCal Championship
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The Flying Animals vs The Fly Boys vs[B] Dark Nightmare[/B] Pecs vs [B]Human Arsenal[/B] [B]The Truth of Youth (c) [/B]vs The Sneer Corporation for the SoCal Tag Titles [B]Mayan Idol[/B] vs Guide [B]Silver Shark[/B] vs Troy Tornado Alex Braun vs [B]JD Morgan[/B] [B]Black Samurai (c)[/B] vs Tayler Morton for the SoCal Championship
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The Flying Animals vs [B]The Fly Boys[/B] vs Dark Nightmare Pecs vs [B]Human Arsenal[/B] [B]The Truth of Youth[/B] (c) vs The Sneer Corporation for the SoCal Tag Titles Mayan Idol vs [B]Guide[/B] [B]Silver Shark[/B] vs Troy Tornado [B]Alex Braun[/B] vs JD Morgan [B]Black Samurai[/B] (c) vs Tayler Morton for the SoCal Championship
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April: As predicted we win the Regional Battle. Not quite as predicted is that Monday Week 4 is the only day where our entire roster is available. We’re not pushing back Spring Break Bash till then, as it was originally a March show anyway, so we’re going to have to go without Scarlett Samurai. There goes the Night Fires vs Whippy the Clown and Tayler Morton match that we’d set up. It’s to Morton’s benefit, as instead he gets a title shot. It was, however, a match that we’d announced, having actually decided to book in the future for once. AAA run a C rated show, and E.M.M. Moe signs a new deal. And Pee-Wee Germaine’s refereeing had gone up, justifying my faith in him. [B]CZCW Spring Break Bash[/B] South West (attendance 2,000) [COLOR="Blue"]Dark Nightmare (Flex and Tijuana Vampire) beat The Fly Boys and The Flying Animals[/COLOR] in 10.33 when Flex pinned Jimmy P (C) -An unexpected spectacular opener, with Dark Nightmare solidifying themselves as a team (after recent singles action) Alex Braun came out, and said that he didn’t care about the Sneer Corporation. He did, however, care about the betrayal of JD Morgan, who he brought to CZCW, and should have expected more loyalty than to join Shane Sneer. Braun claimed that Sneer has made an enemy out of him, but he demanded to know where Black Samurai stood. He reminded everyone that he brought Samurai to CZCW, and by the end of the night he wanted to know whether he stood with him, or against him (D+) [COLOR="blue"]The Biggz Boyz beat E.M.M. Moe and Matt Sparrow[/COLOR] in 6.57 when Bart pinned Sparrow (D-) -A debut for the SWF graduates, but this match also saw great chemistry shown by their opponents. There was no long term plans for a team, but I have little better to do with them… [COLOR="blue"]Human Arsenal beat Pecs[/COLOR] in 8.08 with an Ammo Dump (C) -Always reliable Human Arsenal chalks up another win Human Arsenal picked up Pecs again when Valiant charged out to pull the Mexican away (D). Then the Tag Champs came to the ring, hyping up their championship reign (D) [COLOR="blue"]The Sneer Corporation beat The Truth of Youth (c)[/COLOR] beat by DQ in 10.40 (D+) -We’re nowhere near the Guide / Tornado vs Flying Animals feud from last year, but we’re getting better. This one was ended when Braun entered the ring and drilled Deano Machino and Hell Monkey with chair shots Alex Braun went after Shane Sneer, but JD Morgan rushed out from the back for the save, forcing Braun to jump into the crowd to escape (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Mayan Idol beat Guide[/COLOR] in 11.57 with an Aztec Lariat (D-) -Oof – another person Idol doesn’t click with. For two men I wanted to push into the Main Event, this just didn’t work Troy Tornado passed Guide on the way to the ring, shrugging at his partner (E+). Yes, they’re overness has taken a hit since their title reign so they’re now pulling off E+ segments. [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado beat Silver Shark[/COLOR] in 15.33 with a Star Maker (C-) -Tornado got the result that his partner couldn’t, and actually looked good doing it as well Shane Sneer came out to tell Alex Braun that he was no leader, and it was no surprise to see JD Morgan join his cause, a cause the Samurai’s are committed to. He demanded that Braun come out, and let Morgan prove to him who’s way was the best (D) [COLOR="blue"]Alex Braun beat JD Morgan[/COLOR] in 20.51 with a flash pin (D+) -Not as good as I would have hoped for, but the match got a little messy, with Pee-Wee Germaine having to fight to keep Deano Machino and Hell Monkey out of the match. Braun always looked on the back foot, and only just got the win with a quick roll up Braun bailed from the ring, chased by The Sneer Corporation to the back (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Black Samurai (c) beat Tayler Morton[/COLOR] in 13.51 after rolling through (C-) -Good high flying action, ended when Braun came out, and started exchanging words with Black Samurai. Morton tried to take advantage with the roll up, but Black Samurai rolled through and got the win The Sneer Corporation poured out from the back but Black Samurai stood between them and Braun. Samurai bowed at Braun, and waved The Sneer Corporation to the back. They didn’t move until Shane Sneer bowed at Samurai, and nodded. Black Samurai followed the Corporation to the back, leaving Braun alone ringside (D+) [I]Overall Rating D+[/I] [I]foolinc wins... something - Phantom Stranger can think of a better prize than I can. You were both right about the titles not changing hands, but I threw in the DQ finish to the Tag Match to keep the feud going[/I] Human Arsenal, Hell Monkey, Donnie J and Jimmy P sign new deals. The Biggz Boyz debut, and with Valiant and Pecs planned for a tag team, and Moe & Sparrow showing promise, I may actually have a tag division. Guide signs with DaVE, and Sammy Bach puts over his friendship with Eddie Chandler. He’d make a good CZCW addition, but has commitments with DaVE, CGC and 4C already. [B]CZCW This Is How We Do It[/B] Mid South (attendance 511) [COLOR="blue"]Hell Monkey beat Valiant[/COLOR] in 12.33 with a Tumbling Monkey (D) [I]-At least I discover a load of poor chemistry out of area[/I] [COLOR="blue"]Donnie J beat Chris Perkins[/COLOR] in 8.40 with a Death On Miami Beach [I]-Ditto… nope, I actually knew about this one already[/I] [COLOR="blue"]The Flying Animals beat More Problems [/COLOR](E.M.M. Moe and Matt Sparrow) when Snappy pinned Moe (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Whippy the Clown beat Nathan Black[/COLOR] in 8.40 with a Clowning Around (D) [COLOR="blue"]Scarlett Samurai beat Jimmy P[/COLOR] in 13.37 with a Samurai Snap DDT (D-) [I]Overall Rating D-[/I] In his first match for 6 months BLZ Bubb (now known as The Angel of Death) wins the 4C World Title. Sam Sparrow and Pee-Wee Germaine sign new deals.
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May: SWF are so big that they get involved in a National Battle with PGHW and BHOTWG – winning it and pushing BHOTWG back down to Cult. Meanwhile, I once more take second place in the South Western Battle to AAA. Having done a Mexican Tour 4 months ago, we’re going to have to repeat the trick now (although the last stage will take place after Surf Slam). [B]CZCW On Tour[/B] South Eastern Mexico (attendance 49) [COLOR="Blue"]Whippy the Clown beat Matt Sparrow[/COLOR] in 10.53 with a Joke’s On You (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Tijuana Vampire beat Jimmy P[/COLOR] in 9.06 with a Vampire’s Bite (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Alex Braun beat Guide[/COLOR] in 22.13 with a Braun Damage (D) [COLOR="blue"]Night Fires beat The Biggz Boyz[/COLOR] in 20.20 when Black Samurai pinned Brett (D+) [I]Overall Rating D[/I] AAA do their C+ thing again [B]CZCW On Tour[/B] West Central Mexico (attendance 192) [COLOR="blue"]Guide beat Donnie J [/COLOR]in 9.41 with a Guided Missile (D+) [I]-Strike one for good chemistry[/I] [COLOR="blue"]Flex beat Fox Mask[/COLOR] in 12.49 with a Romeo is Bleeding (C-) [COLOR="blue"]Night Fires beat More Problems[/COLOR] in 17.34 when Scarlett pinned Sparrow (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Mayan Idol beat Tijuana Vampire[/COLOR] in 17.58 with an Aztec Lariat (C+) [I]Overall Rating C-[/I] Nemesis signs to tour with BBW – before anyone gets too excited he got beaten by Fox Mask last time he toured with them. Johnny Martin makes a history defying, loyalty breaking move to SWF, leaving DaVE. Meanwhile, Flex finally realises he’s just a bit too large for a cruiserweight, and switches to the style of a regular wrestler. His ex-partner, Pecs, signs a new deal. [B]CZCW Surf Slam[/B] South West (attendance 1,152) [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado and Guide beat The Fly Boys[/COLOR] in 11.32 when Guide pinned Jimmy (D+) After the match Tornado read out the draw for King of the Indies (see later), pointing out how they could meet in the finals of the competition next month (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Tayler Morton and Whippy the Clown beat The Biggz Boyz[/COLOR] in 8.31 (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Human Arsenal beat Valiant[/COLOR] in 11.15 with an Ammo Dump (C+) -Holy smoley, what a great South West debut for Valiant, not only working with probably my best wrestler on my roster, but also showing great chemistry with him Pre match hype for the tag match, and we actually let all four men talk for a while (D) [COLOR="blue"]The Truth of Youth (c) beat Dark Nightmare[/COLOR] in 11.52 when Clark pinned Tij (C) -Great match, far outdoing the Youth / Sneer feud of late So we went ahed and continued the Youth / Sneer feud, with JD Morgan and the Corporation attacking the Tag Champs (D-) [COLOR="blue"]JD Morgan and The Sneer Corporation beat Silver Shark and The Flying Animals[/COLOR] in 14.36 when Morgan submitted Foxy (C+) -The masked men may not be winning much, but they’re pulling out good matches [COLOR="blue"]Alex Braun drew with Scarlett Samurai[/COLOR] by count out in 9.36 (C-) -Scarlett Samurai was out with Shane Sneer, and Black Samurai made his appearance after 6 minutes. He watched the match in silence, and when Braun caught Scarlett in the Crossface he looked on motionlessly, despite the shouts of Braun. Scarlett Samurai eventually got to the ropes, and once the hold was released rolled from the ring and started screaming at his partner. Black Samurai remained motionless until Scarlett Samurai slapped him, and the two started brawling. Alex Braun tried to separate them, as did Sneer, and the ref through the match out JD Morgan and The Sneer Corporation joined in, and eventually both men were reatrained. That’s when Mayan Idol’s music hit, and we were reminded that we still had a title match (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Black Samurai (c) beat Mayan Idol[/COLOR] in 11.45 by DQ (C) -At first these two were allowed to fight, and then we let Scarlett Samurai attack Black Samurai with a chair As we weren’t sure whether Scarlett Samurai would be able to make King of the Indies due to his Hinote Dojo commitments, Black Samurai took his revenge by sending him through a table before making his escape as The Sneer Corporation came out (D+) [I]Overall Rating C-[/I] Reece Clark sprains his wrist at CGC, but it should only keep him out of my last tour date. [B]CZCW On Tour[/B] Northern Mexico (attendance 190) [COLOR="blue"]Whippy the Clown beat E.M.M. Moe[/COLOR] in 8.55 with a Joke’s On You (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Guide beat Snap Dragon[/COLOR] in 10.45 with a Guided Missile (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Silver Shark beat Matt Sparrow[/COLOR] in 8.42 with a Jaws of Life (D) [COLOR="blue"]Dark Nightmare beat The Fly Boys[/COLOR] in 15.54 when Tij pinned Jimmy (C-) [COLOR="blue"]Mayan Idol beat Scarlett Samurai [/COLOR]in 15.36 with an Aztec Lariat (C-) -Yeah, so, um, Scarlett Samurai misses King of the Indies due to an injury from Surf Slam. We’ll just pretend he never wrestled here [I]Overall Rating D+[/I] That was a horrible month for ticket sales, only half filling out arenas wherever I went. And when I said you’d get the King of the Indies draw – you won’t, not yet. King of the Indies is my next show… but its in July – for the last two years I’ve run no big show in June due to be on TV. King of the Indies will remain in July, and we’ll run a cheap hype show in June. That’s the plan, anyway. A plan that is ruined by NEW, forcing me to run the show right at the beginning of June. Road Agent Mayhem Midden signs for another 9 months, while JD Morgan leaves DaVE.
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June: Beaten in the Regional Battle be AAA (who I really can’t compete with) once more. And NEW get sent back down to Small after growing last month… which was the only reason why they signed one of my workers to a development deal. And this won’t actually be a cheap show at all. [B]CZCW May We Entertain You?[/B] South West (attendance 2,000) [COLOR="Blue"]Tijuana Vampire beat Pecs[/COLOR] in 10.38 with a Catalan Twist (D) -Filler match with the spare ten minutes we found ourselves [COLOR="blue"]The Biggz Boyz beat More Problems[/COLOR] in 8.19 when Brett pinned Sparrow (D-) -For once we’re in a position to have a proper tag match each month now Whippy and Tayler Morton came out and hyped their participation in the King of the Indies tournament, against their two opponents tonight (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Whippy the Clown and Tayler Morton beat Troy Tornado and Guide[/COLOR] in 15.56 when Morton pinned Guide (D+) -Whippy and Morton took the advantage into next month After the match Troy Tornado took a mic, and told Guide that he needs to get it together if they’re both to get to the final (D) We the had Silver Shark and Flex come out eyeing one another warily, and the second pre-King of the Indies match has set up an unhappy bedfellows tag match (D) [COLOR="blue"]Mayan Idol and Human Arsenal beat Silver Shark and Flex[/COLOR] in 17.47 when Idol pinned Flex (C+) -Well, they delivered impressively, despite the uncomfortable situation between the partners Shane Sneer came out with JD Morgan at his side, declaring that it has been decided that at King of the Indies it will be Black Samurai vs Alex Braun vs one of The Sneer Corporation for the SoCal Championship. Sneer said that he can’t guarantee Scarlett Samurai’s fitness, so JD Morgan will be representing The Sneer Corporation (D+) [COLOR="blue"]JD Morgan beat Valiant[/COLOR] in 8.31 with a Cross Atlantic Stretch (D+) -A little show of power for Morgan The Truth of Youth cut a pre-match promo, saying that they’d be stopping The Sneer Corporation’s momentum right here (D) [COLOR="blue"]The Sneer Corporation beat The Truth of Youth (c)[/COLOR] in 15.34 when Monkey pinned Reece Clark (C-) -An all out war, which eventually had Morgan pull Sammy Bach headfirst off the ring apron, allowing Hell Monkey to hit Clark with a Hell Fire Kick for the title change With Bach out of action Clark found it a 3 vs 1 and suffered finishers before being driven through a table (D-). Alex Braun came out, but the damage was done, and he told his partner for the night (Black Samurai) to focus, as they couldn’t let The Sneer Corporation – enemy of them both – get the upper hand (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Alex Braun and Black Samurai beat The Flying Animals[/COLOR] in 15.42 when Samurai pinned Foxy (C) -The Animals once again looked good in defeat, while Braun and Samurai worked in harmony while keeping an eye out for The Corporation After the match The Sneer Corporation surrounded the ring, but Black Samurai took matter into his own hands with a Suicide Dive onto the new tag champions. Morgan attacked Braun, and soon Hell Monkey was able to join in. Sammy Bach sprinted from out back with a chair, clearing the Corporation, and ended the show sharing an uncomfortable stare with his former nemesis Alex Braun (D-) [I]Overall Rating C-[/I] And that’s the end of Reece Clark’s 12 match run with CZCW, which included a short reign with the Tag Titles. He goes back into development with NEW, and is expected to be called up to the main roster to continue his tag partnership with Ethan Phillips shortly. Rubbish – AAA run a C show. I should be able to compete with that, but I’m thinking financials and refusing to run another show this month. Eric Tyler gets his wish, and joins HGC. SHIRO and Fox Mask fall out at BBW, but his partner Snap Dragon does sign a new deal. JD Morgan also signs a new deal (and hurts his finger over at NOTBPW (who I don’t think I ever told you he joined), but he can shake off a finger injury), as does Silver Shark (who I thought about releasing, until I looked back on his impressive record). Elemental fully retires, and goes straight into the Hall of Immortals. Announced for [B]CZCW King of the Indies[/B] [B]Match 1: [/B]Human Arsenal vs Flex [B]Match 2:[/B] Whippy the Clown vs Guide [B]Match 3:[/B] Silver Shark vs Mayan Idol [B]Match 4:[/B] Tayler Morton vs Troy Tornado [B]Match 5:[/B] Winner 1 vs Winner 2 [B]Match 6: [/B]Winner 3 vs Winner 4 [B]Match 7:[/B] Winner 5 vs Winner 6 of the King of the Indies Black Samurai (c) vs Alex Braun vs JD Morgan for the [COLOR="Purple"]SoCal Championship[/COLOR]
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Match 1: [B]Human Arsenal[/B] vs Flex Match 2: [B]Whippy the Clown[/B] vs Guide Match 3: [B]Silver Shark[/B] vs Mayan Idol Match 4: [B]Tayler Morton[/B] vs Troy Tornado Match 5: [B]Human Arsenal[/B] vs Whippy the Clown Match 6: Silver Shark vs [B]Tayler Morton[/B] Match 7: [B]Human Arsenal[/B] vs Tayler Morton of the King of the Indies Black Samurai (c) vs Alex Braun vs [B]JD Morgan[/B] for the SoCal Championship
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Match 1: [B]Human Arsenal[/B] vs Flex Match 2: Whippy the Clown vs [B]Guide[/B] Match 3: [B]Silver Shark[/B] vs Mayan Idol Match 4: [B]Tayler Morton[/B] vs Troy Tornado Match 5: [B]Human Arsenal [/B]vs. Guide Match 6: [B]Silver Shark[/B] vs Tayler Morton Match 7: [B]Human Arsenal[/B] vs. Silver Shark of the King of the Indies Black Samurai (c) vs [B]Alex Braun[/B] vs JD Morgan for the SoCal Championship Reply With Quote
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July: 2nd in the Regional Battle once more (but then AAA run a D+ show), and Matt Sparrow signs with XFW. And that shows what I now about SWF – Reece Clark does get the call up to the main roster… but a day later his former tag partner Ethan Phillips is released. Maybe they aren’t being reunited, then. [B]CZCW King of the Indies[/B] South West (attendance 2,000) [COLOR="Blue"]Human Arsenal beat Flex[/COLOR] in 11.31 to advance (C+) -Chemistry we knew about to kick off the tournament, and Arsenal was as efficient as ever [COLOR="blue"]Guide beat Whippy the Clown[/COLOR] in 12.37 to advance (D+) -Guide keeps the Guide vs Tornado final a possibility after pushing Whippy the Clown off the top of the ropes to the outside of the ring, and finding it very easy to win after that [COLOR="blue"]Mayan Idol beat Silver Shark[/COLOR] in 13.49 to advance (C+) -Hugely surprised by this one, as the clash of styles (and neutral chemistry) saw us after a D+ rated match. Silver Shark did an amazing job of selling the Aztec Lariat, meaning that Silver Shark won’t become the first two time winner of the tournament Tornado cuts a quick promo with Guide, telling him that he’ll see him in the final (D) [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado beat Tayler Morton[/COLOR] in 15.46 to advance (C) -The final is still on between Tornado and Guide as another former winner went out. Tornado had to survive two near falls before bursting the Star Maker out of nowhere to win [COLOR="blue"]The Biggz Boys beat The Fly Boys, More Problems and Pecs & Valiant[/COLOR] in 14.46 (D+) -Proof that we have a tag division, although The Flying Animals should have really replaced Pecs & Valiant, as it was the first time the latter duo had tagged together. The Biggz Boyz won a title shot at Wave of Fury [COLOR="blue"]Human Arsenal beat Guide[/COLOR] in 13.57 to advance (B-) -Another great match, and this show is slowly reaching the level of King of the Indies ’98. An absolutely all out contest, but the Guide / Tornado dream was ended by an Ammo Dump Tornado came out to cut a promo saying he’d still make the final, and Guide hung around to watch (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado beat Mayan Idol [/COLOR]in 11.40 with a Star Maker (C-) -This match was all about whether or not Tornado could hit the Star Maker on the big man before being hit by the Lariat – and finally, he ducked the Lariat and hit his finishing move for the win Guide shook his head and walked away, while Tornado celebrated (D-) Alex Braun hyped the SoCal Championship match – and in a change of format it’s the pre-main event, with the final of the King of the Indies taking the Main Event slot (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Black Samurai (c) beat Alex Braun and JD Morgan[/COLOR] in 18.34 when he pinned Morgan (C) -Welcome to one wild match. Scarlett Samurai returned to attack Black Samurai, Sammy Bach came out to attack Morgan, but himself was attacked by the debuting former SWF’er [B]Sebastian Krause[/B]. Krause and Morgan drove Bach through a table, while Braun and Black Samurai literally threw Scarlett Samurai out of the ring into the crowd. Security was sent out to clear the ring, but while the ref was distracted Morgan brought a chair into the ring, striking Black Samurai and Alex Braun. Black Samurai kicked out of the pin, leaving Morgan to apply the Cross Atlantic Stretch on Braun. Black Samurai went to the top rope and hit his Moonsault on both men, and just got away with the pin Cliff Anderson stood up at announced that he would not have the prestigious King of the Indies tarnished by the interference that he just saw, and as such anyone who interfered in the Main Event would be fired (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado beat Human Arsenal[/COLOR] in 18.41 with a Star Maker to win the [COLOR="Purple"]King of the Indies [/COLOR](B) -Holy… Well, I don’t have to look at my stats to tell you that this was my best match ever, and it proved justification to pulling the trigger on Troy Tornado’s singles run. The two men did absolutely everything they could (including showing pretty good chemistry), Tornado fighting out of an Ammo Dump to hit the Star Maker for the win Tornado sank to his knees as he was awarded his trophy (D+) [I]Overall Rating C+[/I] Best. Show. Ever. And it was as well – all round fantastic wrestling. Sebastian Krause’s debut (a 26 year old German technician, formerly of SWF and the most famous man on my roster) was almost secondary to all that. HGC World Champion Bryan Vessey gets a development deal with Hinote Dojo, but despite putting over Giant Redwood it’s not for the title on his last show. Perhaps a sensible move. Frankie Future is the man to take the vacant title (in a match with Monty Walker), as is now champion at HGC, NEW and XFW. Valiant signs with PPPW, who he’s probably more suited to than CZCW. [B]CZCW This Is How We Do It[/B] Mid South (attendance 658) [COLOR="Blue"]Sammy Bach beat Flex[/COLOR] in 11.31 with a Back On Your Back (D+) [COLOR="blue"]The Biggz Boyz beat Chris Perkins and Nathan Black[/COLOR] in 9.29 when Bart pinned Perkins (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Scarlett Samurai beat Whippy the Clown[/COLOR] in 12.56 with a Samurai Snap DDT (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Alex Braun and Black Samurai beat More Problems[/COLOR] in 13.41 when Black Samurai pinned Sparrow (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Sebastian Krause beat Mayan Idol[/COLOR] in 17.57 with an Extreme Efficiency (C-) [I]Overall Rating D+[/I] We also got hype for Black Samurai vs Scarlett Samurai for Wave of Fury, Alex Braun and Sammy Bach vs JD Morgan and Sebastian Krause, and The Biggz Boyz vs The Sneer Corporation. Nathan Priest signed a new deal that he almost didn’t get offered, until I realised that another of my wrestlers would be leaving (see next month). Black Samurai, Tayler Morton, Fox Mask and Pettle also sign new deals. Troy Tornado takes shots at another wrestler in a radio interview. Normally this would concern me, but as the target was Giant Redwood it… amuses me. Announced for [B]CZCW Wave of Fury[/B]: Silver Shark vs Flex The Sneer Corporation (c) vs The Biggz Boyz for the SoCal Tag Titles Mayan Idol vs Human Arsenal Alex Braun and Sammy Bach vs JD Morgan and Sebastian Krause Black Samurai (c) vs Scarlett Samurai in a ladder match for the CZCW SoCal Championship [I]Thanks for the predictions - and although Human Arsenal did get so close to the title, Troy Tornado did far better than he was expected to do to win. It's Phantom Stanger who picks up the win, and I think a Troy Tornado - King of the Indies T-Shirt should go your way[/I]
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[B]Silver Shark [/B]vs Flex [B]The Sneer Corporation (c)[/B] vs The Biggz Boyz for the SoCal Tag Titles Mayan Idol vs [B]Human Arsenal[/B] [B]Alex Braun and Sammy Bach[/B] vs JD Morgan and Sebastian Krause [B]Black Samurai (c)[/B] vs Scarlett Samurai in a ladder match for the CZCW SoCal Championship
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August: A win in the Regional Battle for a change, but we’ve still got to overtake BBW or Hinote Dojo in the next five months to keep the boss happy. And August is quite a busy month – normally when that happens we run a show when Scarlett Samurai is away at Hinote Dojo, but as he’s got a title shot that’s impossible. The next choice involves no Sammy Bach, but he’s been booked, so we’re going to have to clash with BHOTWG, and go without Tayler Morton and Whippy the Clown. SCCW rise to Regional. It always helps when you’ve got one of the most famous wrestlers in the country (Rip Chord) as an owner who Main Events every show. AAA run a C rated show, which I should be able to match. We’ll see. [B]CZCZ Wave of Fury[/B] South West (attendance 2,000) Troy Tornado came out to celebrate his King of the Indies win, pointing out how every winner has gone on to become the SoCal Champion at CZCW, and he intends to keep up that tradition. He said he’ll bide his time to make his challenge, but to keep his ready challenged anyone to meet him in the ring – a challenge that was accepted by Jimmy P (D+) [COLOR="Blue"]Troy Tornado beat Jimmy P[/COLOR] in 7.56 with a Star Maker (D) -Jimmy P future CZCW champion? He’s got a long way to go [COLOR="blue"]Silver Shark beat Flex[/COLOR] in 10.40 with a Jaws of Life (C) We showed a clip of Guide catching up with Troy Tornado, and congratulating him of getting lucky. As Tornado protested Guide said that he wasn’t going to fight a weak partner – he was going for Donnie J, and he’d beat him to prove that he’s just as good as “The King” (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Electrico beat Fox Mask, Snap Dragon and Tijuana Vampire[/COLOR] in 12.42 when Electrico pinned Tij (D) -A debut for Electrico (who’s dropped the accent as I can’t be bothered to find it). A fun, flying match, that wasn’t quite up to what I hoped Donnie J came out and cut a quick promo, saying that he would defeat Guide, move onto Tornado, and then he’d be the one receiving title shots (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Guide beat Donnie J[/COLOR] in 13.32 with a Guided Missile (C) -Strike one up to great chemistry, but Donnie was unable to deliver on his promise The Biggz Boyz hyped their title shot (E+) [COLOR="blue"]The Sneer Corporation (c) beat The Biggz Boyz[/COLOR] in 13.36 when Deano pinned Bart (D+) -A clean win for the Corporation, as there’s plenty of teams out there at the moment Human Arsenal came out to the ring, followed by Queen Emily. Emily told Arsenal she was impressed by that she saw at The King of the Indies, and offered him her services. Arsenal told Emily to sit and watch (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Human Arsenal beat Mayan Idol[/COLOR] in 14.48 with an Ammo Dump (C+) -Arsenal had a few difficulties with the bigger man, but overcame to take the win, which Emily applauded Bach and Braun hyped their match versus the two Europeans (D) [COLOR="blue"]Alex Braun and Sammy Bach beat JD Morgan and Sebastian Krause [/COLOR]in 13.10 by DQ when The Sneer Corporation attacked (C-) -Hoping for better, but Krause proves that overness isn’t everything (he’s at C- across the states). An even match until the numbers swung to the heels favour Braun asked for a mic, and said that as The Corporation seemed so eager to interfere, perhaps next month they should put their titles on the line (D) Shane Sneer answered saying that he would accept that challenge, as Black Samurai agreed to the conditions of the title match earlier today. The match would be a ladder match, with whoever grabs the title becoming the SoCal Champion. However, the loser must forsake his Samurai status and uniform forever (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Scarlett Samurai beat Black Samurai (c)[/COLOR] in a ladder match in 20.57 to win the [COLOR="Purple"]SoCal Championship[/COLOR](C-) -Okay, looks like AAA will defeat me again this month. Perhaps if I made Human Arsenal the Main Eventer his skills deserve. Inevitably The Corporation was out, but Bach and Braun were also there, patrolling the ring. However, they didn’t account for Shane Sneer injecting himself, pushing over a ladder Black Samurai was climbing, allowing Scarlett Samurai to hit the Samurai Snap DDT and then climb the ladder to victory Black Samurai shook his head, bowed towards Scarlett Samurai and left the ring (D+) [I]Overall Rating C-[/I] We have a new champion, with little fanfare, and suspect availability. However, Scarlett Samurai has been a success since his year out, and has deserved a run at the belt. Meanwhile Black Samurai (who reigned with the belt for exactly a year) needs a new gimmick… Chris Perkins leaves, his momentum having disappeared after Primal Rage left. He may be brought back, but I think he’ll need a different image to get over… Matt Sparrow signs a new deal. [I]And well done foolinc - you don't get the Scarlett Samurai hood after missing out on the title change, so instead you'll have to settle for a Sneer Corporation T-Shirt.[/I]
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[QUOTE=foolinc;596638]But, but, I was so close!! :([/QUOTE] I'm sorry, were you planning on going out in the Scarlet Samurai hood any time soon? Quick Mexican tour, but we’re keeping it down to two areas, abandoning the South East. [B]CZCW On Tour[/B] West Central Mexico (attendance 205) [COLOR="Blue"]Electrico beat Matt Sparrow[/COLOR] in 9.32 with an Electric Shock (D) [I]-Didn’t click[/I] [COLOR="blue"]The Flying Animals beat The Biggz Boyz[/COLOR] in 14.43 (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado beat Pecs[/COLOR] in 11.50 with a Star Maker (E+) [I]-From B to E+ in a matter of weeks. No chemistry at all, and a momentum killer[/I] [COLOR="blue"]Whippy the Clown beat Tijuana Vampire[/COLOR] in 13.10 with a Joke’s on You (D) [COLOR="blue"]Scarlett Samurai (c) beat Mayan Idol[/COLOR] in 13.49 with a Samurai Snap DDT (C+) [I]Overall Rating C-[/I] [B]CZCW On Tour[/B] Northern Mexico (attendance 287) [COLOR="blue"]Guide beat Pecs[/COLOR] in 10.56 with a Guided Missle (D+) [I]-Good chemistry to make up for last show's opener[/I] [COLOR="blue"]Sammy Bach beat Deano Machino[/COLOR] in 11.32 with a Back On Your Back (C-) [I]-Great chemistry means I’ve forgotten about last shows dud now too[/I] [COLOR="blue"]Dark Nightmare beat The Biggz Boyz[/COLOR] in 12.26 (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Electrico and The Flying Animals beat More Problems and Nathan Black[/COLOR] in 15.41 (D-) [I]-Rubbish match ordering from me[/I] [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado beat Mayan Idol[/COLOR] in 16.40 with a Star Maker (C) [I]Overall Rating C-[/I] As you may have been able to guess from the last three shows, Mayan Idol will be leaving. I was thinking of letting him go as I’m trying to trim the roster due to recent signings, but decided to enter negotiations to hear his asking price. At that stage he reminded me of the title run I promised him (when I thought he might enter the Tag Division with Pecs), and that sealed his release. He did really step his game up though with a run of ten matches in the “C” range, and will certainly be considered in the future when I actually have a storyline for him (as opposed to being thrown in as Spanish Superfly’s replacement, and then me not progressing the storyline as I was planning to).
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September: Troy Tornado follows up his King on the Indies victory by winning the HGC Hardcore Title off none other than Barry Bowen, ending his 20 month reign. And we lose the Regional Battle to AAA again. And LAW run a C- show this month, so as we’re planning on only running one show this month we’d better make it count. [B]CZCW Blockbuster[/B] South West (attendance 2,000) [COLOR="Blue"]Electrico beat Whippy the Clown and Matt Sparrow[/COLOR] in 8.35 after pinning Sparrow (D-) -As Electrico can’t talk, we’re letting his skills show him off [COLOR="blue"]JD Morgan and Sebastian Krause beat The Biggz Boyz [/COLOR]in 5.07 when Krause submitted Brett (D+) -Wanted more, didn’t get it [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado beat Donnie J [/COLOR]in 10.34 with a Star Maker (C-) -Tornado did what his partner did last month – defeat Donnie J Guide came out to say that proves nothing – they both beat Pecs in Mexico, and he’d now beat Jimmy P – just like Tornado did last month (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Guide beat Jimmy P[/COLOR] in 8.28 with a Guided Missile (D) [COLOR="blue"]The Flying Animals beat Dark Nightmare[/COLOR] in 10.54 when Snappy pinned Tij (D+) -The Flying Animals look as if they’re heading back into the title picture Queen Emily brought out who she called the best wrestler in CZCW (and she’s probably correct) – Human Arsenal (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Human Arsenal beat Valiant[/COLOR] in 7.53 with an Ammo Dump (C-) -Arsenal didn’t look as if he needed Emily’s help – but he got it, when she pulled the rope out of Valiant’s reach when he tried to break the pin Sammy Bach and Alex Braun hyped their title shot – they may have had their differences in the past, but now they have a common enemy – the Sneer Corporation (C-) [COLOR="blue"]The Sneer Corporation (c) beat Sammy Bach and Alex Braun[/COLOR] in 17.04 when Hell Monkey pinned Bach (C-) -Huge win for the champions here, but it was not without help – ref bump, JD Morgan and Sebastian Krause, overwhelming odds And we followed with a little bit of a post match beatdown, proving that the Corporation has well and truly survived Braun’s departure (D) [COLOR="blue"]Scarlett Samurai (c) beat Tayler Morton[/COLOR] in 13.46 with a Samurai Snap DDT (C) -Clean win for the champion in a decent high flying encounter After the match a man swathed in black jumped the ring and attacked Scarlett Samurai. As Samurai bailed he took a mic, and was identified as Black Samurai. He declared that by his honour he was a Samurai no more – but The Sneer Corporation better watch out, as they were about to be hit by a Plague (C-) [I]Overall Rating C-[/I] C-? We might come third in the battle this month (AAA ran their usual C+ show). Okay, I’m still 13th largest company in the world, and need to improve that in three months, but cheaply. How? Well, I’m off to New England, where I once accidentally ran a show. From a game mechanics point of view this should yield me the largest popularity gain of anywhere, as my overness there has dipped to... not a lot in the years that has past. [B]CZCW This Is How We Do It[/B] New England (attendance… er… 10 people) [COLOR="blue"]The Sneer Corporation (c) beat More Problems[/COLOR] in 11.15 (D) [COLOR="blue"]Alex Braun beat Pecs[/COLOR] in 8.42 with a Braun Damage (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Plague beat Tijuana Vampire[/COLOR] in 12.55 with a New Jersey Turnpike (D-) [COLOR="blue"]JD Morgan beat Silver Shark[/COLOR] in 16.22 with a Cross Atlantic Stretch (C-) [COLOR="blue"]Human Arsenal beat Sebastian Krause[/COLOR] in 16.43 with an Ammo Dump (C-) [I]Overall Rating C-[/I] Yeah, we were seeing if we could get a C to fend off LAW. I hope those 10 people knew how lucky they were.
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Sucks to see Mayan Idol leave as he's one of my favorite wrestlers in the game thanks to that mask (plus he's pretty talented to boot), but such is TEW. Though I am wondering why you are running in New England of all places. I have never played much past the first year of a 1997 game and really don't know how the East Coast Wars are going, but it seems like it would be easy to run in the Tri-States and reck the DAVES and XPWs of the world in the Regional Battles.
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[QUOTE=foolinc;597994]Sucks to see Mayan Idol leave as he's one of my favorite wrestlers in the game thanks to that mask (plus he's pretty talented to boot), but such is TEW. Though I am wondering why you are running in New England of all places. I have never played much past the first year of a 1997 game and really don't know how the East Coast Wars are going, but it seems like it would be easy to run in the Tri-States and reck the DAVES and XPWs of the world in the Regional Battles.[/QUOTE] New England is purely because I accidently ran a show there once. Not a very good excuse, I admit. I'm trying to keep out of the East Coast battle. PPPW are the cream of the crop, pulling out "C" rated shows more consistently than me, but I'd probably be able to outclass DaVE, NYCW and XFW. But that sounds like a very un-CZCW tactic (kind of like running shows in New England), and would also mean I'd be taking advantage of overness gains individual wrestlers have ained from other companies. Now although this would seem like a sound strategy, I'm adverse to it. Now don't get me wrong - if they turn up with bloated overness (Sebastian Krause) I'll take it, but going into the Tri State to take advantage of Human Arsenal's "C-" popularity (due to PPPW work) just seems a little cheap. And running shows in New England does keep helping to bounce NEW back to Small, which limits the number of development deals they hand out. Adn if I was SWF, I'd consider plenty of my roster worthy of a development deal.
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[QUOTE=eayragt;598003]New England is purely because I accidently ran a show there once. Not a very good excuse, I admit. I'm trying to keep out of the East Coast battle. PPPW are the cream of the crop, pulling out "C" rated shows more consistently than me, but I'd probably be able to outclass DaVE, NYCW and XFW. But that sounds like a very un-CZCW tactic (kind of like running shows in New England), and would also mean I'd be taking advantage of overness gains individual wrestlers have ained from other companies. Now although this would seem like a sound strategy, I'm adverse to it. Now don't get me wrong - if they turn up with bloated overness (Sebastian Krause) I'll take it, but going into the Tri State to take advantage of Human Arsenal's "C-" popularity (due to PPPW work) just seems a little cheap. And running shows in New England does keep helping to bounce NEW back to Small, which limits the number of development deals they hand out. Adn if I was SWF, I'd consider plenty of my roster worthy of a development deal.[/QUOTE] Keeping NEW out of your hair IS a fine reason for wanting to run in NE. I dread see an e-mail that says "X wrestler has an offer from NEW" in fear it's a developmental deal. However, don't think of using that strategy as being a "gamey" trick. While it is very useful in-game it has it's basis in real life events, the most famous being WWF's push towards National in the mid 80s where they pillaged other promotions of their top talent and then ran against their newly depleted enemies own of business. Hell, CHIKARA and ROH do this to a certain extent when they travel to different cities using their local talent for jobs and placing certain matches in certain areas because they'll draw better there than somewhere else. Of course at the end of the day it's your game (which I am enjoying) and you can do whatever you want. :D
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October: Mullered in the Regional Battle – third in the South West, North West and New England. Meanwhile 5SSW go National, but may finding staying there with the battle. [B]CZCW Making No Exceptions[/B] South West (attendance 2,000) [COLOR="Blue"]Troy Tornado beat Brett Biggz[/COLOR] in 8.02 with a Star Maker (C+) -What the – neutral chemistry in this C+ rated match? This could be better than my weak looking Main Event [COLOR="blue"]Guide beat Bart Biggz[/COLOR] in 7.20 with a Guided Missile (D+) -Not quite the same level from the partners Troy Tornado and Guide agreed to swap opponents for next month as their desperate game of one-upmanship continues (D+) [COLOR="blue"]The Flying Animals beat The Fly Boyz and Dark Nightmare[/COLOR] in 14.21 when Snappy pinned Jimmy (C) -At last the former champions manage to put together a run of wins The Flying Animals meet up with Silver Shark, saying that they’re now in a position to challenge for the Tag Titles. Sharky agrees, and says that he’s got his eyes on the SoCal Championship (D) [COLOR="blue"]Silver Shark beat E.M.M. Moe[/COLOR] in 7.50 with a Jaws of Life (D+) -Sharky not quite impressing here as others have done tonight Queen Emily cuts a quick promo, and she’s putting Human Arsenal in the title picture (E+) [COLOR="blue"]The Sneer Corporation (c) beat Tayler Morton and Whippy the Clown[/COLOR] when Deano pinned Whippy (C) -Another successful title defence here, with the heels puling out every dirty trick in the book to keep on top – Deano not even technically the legal man when he made the pin Sammy Bach and Alex Braun promised to bring their technical opponents down to earth in what has promised to be two bouts with no outside assistance (D+) [COLOR="blue"]JD Morgan beat Sammy Bach[/COLOR] in 14.30 with a Cross Atlantic Stretch (C+) -Sammy couldn’t quite deliver, jumping straight into the submission move that finished him off [COLOR="blue"]Sebastian Krause beat Alex Braun[/COLOR] in 19.24 with an Extreme Efficiency (C-) -Considering this one had great chemistry this was disappointing – I may have to consider whether Krause is really worth the money. He did, however, pick up the win Shane Sneer cut a promo claiming that his Corporation were all dominant, and Scarlett Samurai would make it a clean sweep tonight (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Scarlett Samurai (c) beat Electrico[/COLOR] by DQ in 16.43 (C-) -Sneer was ringside, and did his bit of interjecting, until he was misted by Plague. The former champ then went after Samurai, ignoring the ref calling for the DQ The rest of the Sneer Corporation sprinted out from the back, but Plague left through the crowd to escape (C-) [I]Overall Rating D+[/I] (what – that’s a C-!) At least I’ve got a show in the Mid South to try and make up for that disappointing result. Sammy Bach signs a new deal. [B]CZCW This Is How We Do It[/B] Mid South (attendance 1,000) [COLOR="blue"]The Fly Boys beat More Problems[/COLOR] in 12.01 (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Human Arsenal beat Tijuana Vampire[/COLOR] in 10.35 with an Ammo Dump (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Snap Dragon beat Deano Machino[/COLOR] in 10.51 with a Dragon’s Breath (D-) [COLOR="blue"]JD Morgan beat Pecs[/COLOR] in 16.02 with a Cross Atlantic Stretch (D) [COLOR="blue"]Sebastian Krause beat Valiant[/COLOR] in 18.27 with an Extreme Efficiency (C-) [I]Overall Rating D[/I] Well, that didn’t exactly make up for it. Flex and Guide re-sign, taking pay cuts (showing that they’ve been poorly used in the last nine months), while Scarlett Samurai signs on at the same rates as before. The Biggz Boyz, Deano Machino and Shane Sneer also ink new deals Kazu Yoshizawa retires, and goes into the Hall of Immortals. Announced for [B]CZCW Firing Up[/B]: Electrico, Whippy the Clown and Tayler Morton vs American Elemental and The Fly Boys Sammy Bach and Alex Braun vs Dark Nightmare Brett Biggz vs Guide Bart Biggz vs Troy Tornado Plague and The Flying Animals vs Sebastian Krause and The Sneer Corporation Human Arsenal vs JD Morgan Scarlett Samurai (c) vs Silver Shark for the SoCal Championship
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[B]Electrico, Whippy the Clown and Tayler Morton [/B]vs American Elemental and The Fly Boys [B]Sammy Bach and Alex Braun[/B] vs Dark Nightmare Brett Biggz vs [B]Guide[/B] Bart Biggz vs [B]Troy Tornado[/B] Plague and The Flying Animals vs [B]Sebastian Krause and The Sneer Corporation[/B] Human Arsenal vs [B]JD Morgan[/B] [B]Scarlett Samurai (c)[/B] vs Silver Shark for the SoCal Championship
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November: Larry Vessey opens up WLW. After his injury in ’97 and later departure from HGC he’s done the occasional Japanese tour, so maybe this is a logical step. What? You don’t see him as LuchaResu? And again we didn’t just lose the Regional Battle to AAA, but also LAW. AAA’s show this month comes out of Canada, and rating D+ it gives us a head start. My plan to deal to LAW (and make a last push towards my goal of gaining a position in the rankings) fails, as Los Deporte Hoy refuse to have another wrestling show on their channel, already showing LAW, MPWF and OLLIE once a week. [B]CZCW Firing Up[/B] South West (attendance 2,000) [COLOR="Blue"]Valiant beat Nathan Black[/COLOR] in 7.40 with a V-Split (D-) -Good chemistry in the time filler Electrico, Whippy the Clown and Tayler Morton beat American Elemental and The Fly Boys in 11.32 when Electrico pinned Jimmy (C-) -Somewhere lost in here was American Elemental’s debut – I’m sure we’ll see more of the youngster in the future [COLOR="blue"]Sammy Bach and Alex Braun beat Dark Nightmare[/COLOR] in 11.38 when Braun pinned Tij (C) Bach and Braun took the mic, telling the Sneer Corporation that they may have lost the battle last week, but they’re still standing, and still fighting (D) [COLOR="blue"]Guide beat Brett Biggz[/COLOR] in 6.32 with a pull of the tights (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado beat Bart Biggz[/COLOR] in 7.01 with a Star Maker (C-) The two argue whether the quicker win was more impressive or the cleaner win, and finally settle on the first ever match between the two at Year in Review (D+) The Flying Animals come out, followed by Krause and The Sneer Corporation. Shane Sneer gets on the mic and points out how The Flying Animals seem to have lost their partner, when Plague abseiled down from the rafters, and shoved Sneer out of the ring (C-) [COLOR="blue"]Plague and The Flying Animals beat Sebastian Krause and The Sneer Corporation[/COLOR] in 18.23 when Plague pinned Krause (C-) -Good match, and Alex Braun came down to the ring, but only proved to be the distraction to allow Bach to DDT Krause Sneer was furious, and Queen Emily came out to have a word with him. We didn’t hear what was said, but Sneer stormed off with Emily looking happy (D-) [COLOR="blue"]Human Arsenal beat JD Morgan[/COLOR] in 23.09 with an Ammo Dump (C) -A great technical match, with Arsenal pulling out the clean win As Scarlett Samurai came out Emily joined the commentary team, and those who bought the show on DVD found out that the winner of the Main Event would go into Year in Review as champion, but would be defending in a three way against Plague and Human Arsenal (D) [COLOR="blue"]Scarlett Samurai (c) beat Silver Shark[/COLOR] in 18.55 with a Samurai Snap DDT (C-) -Another clean match, as Samurai will be meeting with his former partner next month Plague came up to have a stare down with Scarlett Samurai, but had to break eye contact when Human Arsenal got in his face, reminding him it was it about more than just the two ex-partners at Year in Review (C-) [I]Overall Rating C-[/I]
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What – another tour? It is that time of year, but the tours got a similar reason to it as last time… [B]CZCW On Tour[/B] West Central Mexico (attendance 90) [COLOR="Blue"]Flex beat Nathan Black[/COLOR] in 7.34 with a Romeo is Bleeding (D) [COLOR="blue"]Tijuana Vampire beat American Elemental [/COLOR]in 7.33 with a Vampire’s Bite (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Electrico and Silver Shark beat The Biggz Boyz[/COLOR] in 11.21 (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Scarlett Samurai (c) beat Tayler Morton[/COLOR] in 16.40 (C+) [I]Overall Rating C-[/I] [B]CZCW On Tour[/B] Mid South (attendance 881) [COLOR="blue"]Guide beat American Elemental[/COLOR] in 10.05 with a Guided Missile (D+) -Great chemistry – poor psychology [COLOR="blue"]Sammy Bach beat E.M.M. Moe[/COLOR] in 11.09 with a Back On Your Back (D+) Plag[COLOR="blue"]ue and Human Arsenal beat The Biggz Boyz[/COLOR] in 14.56 (C-) [COLOR="blue"]Sebastian Krause beat Whippy the Clown[/COLOR] in 16.49 despite Sammy pulling faces at him (C) [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado beat Tayler Morton[/COLOR] in 17.35 with a Star Maker (B-) [I]Overall Rating C+[/I] That’s the battle wrapped up for this month… accidentally. Flex leaves LAW, Silver Shark and American Elemental join WLW, and Valiant re-signs. One more. [B]CZCW On Tour[/B] Northern Mexico (attendance 224) [COLOR="blue"]Electrico beat American Elemental[/COLOR] in 11.20 in a lucha libre rules match (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Tijuana Vampire beat Nathan Black[/COLOR] in 5.46 with a Vampire’s Bite (D) [COLOR="blue"]Hell Monkey beat Fox Mask[/COLOR] in 14.42 with a Tumbling Monkey (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Silver Shark and Whippy the Clown beat The Fly Boys[/COLOR] in 13.43 (C) [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado beat Tayler Morton[/COLOR] in 20.48 in a ladder match (B-) [I]Overall Rating C+[/I] So, spot the person leaving. Is it the person who lost in all three tour matches? Yep. Tayler Morton, having been on many BHOTWG tours, has gone into development with Hinote Dojo. I say that, but he’s already been recalled to the main roster and, as he has on tour previously, has donned the Acid mask. With BHOTWG bouncing between Cult and National, this may not be the last we see of Morton, unless he gets too over in Japan. Incidentally, when Braun broke from The Sneer Corporation, they were meant to start to fall apart, with Black Samurai / Plague leaving later. Tayler Morton would don the Acid mask to become Plague’s main opponent, filling in the top heel vacancy. However, due to Sebastian Krause joining The Sneer Corporation stayed together, and Acid is unknown to CZCW. Phyllis Wright signs a new deal, and Nathan Black leaves. If I need jobbers, I’ll just use a member of a tag team that isn’t being pushed. Announced for [B]CZCW Year in Review[/B]: Electrico and Whippy the Clown vs The Biggz Boyz The Sneer Corporation (c) vs The Flying Animals for the SoCal Tag Titles Troy Tornado vs Guide Alex Braun vs Silver Shark vs JD Morgan Scarlett Samurai (c) vs Plague vs Human Arsenal for the SoCal Championship
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December: As 5SSW fall back to Cult (PGHW actually beat SWF in the National Battle in Japan), and I actually win the Regional Battle for once. AAA start the month with a C. Just remember that Cliff gave me a new goal after I completed the… did I have a safety goal? If I did it was that. This time… Charisma. Who – hang on? Charisma? We’re all about the wrestling! Actually, panic over, Sam Sparrow is the only one with less than D- Charisma. Just as long as Cliff doesn’t go to mic work I’ll be fine… Jimmy P signs a new deal. [B]CZCW Year in Review 2000[/B] South West (attendance 1,257 – what? The industry’s really bottoming out at the moment) [COLOR="Blue"]The Fly Boys beat Dark Nightmare and Valiant & Pecs and More Problems[/COLOR] in 10.31 when Donnie pinned E.M.M. Moe (D) -If I knew we were going to have had such a low attendance I’d have cut this match and the eight pay checks that came with it. Dark Nightmare were too busy beating up Valiant & Pecs to stop Donnie hitting a Death on Miami Beach on Moe [COLOR="blue"]Electrico and Whippy the Clown beat The Biggz Boyz[/COLOR] in 11.58 when Electrico pinned Bart (C-) -An experimental team had a good result on their first outing Sammy Bach hyped his match with Krause, telling the German that he would never be worn down, and would try to actually excite the crowd rather than being “efficient” (D) [COLOR="blue"]Sebastian Krause beat Sammy Bach[/COLOR] in 13.35 with an Extreme Efficiency (C-) -Bach did excite the crowd with a number of top rope moves, but fell to Krause’s efficient submission Shane Sneer stood with the Tag Champions, saying his boys would retain their title, just as Scarlett Samurai would retain and win just like Krause (D) [COLOR="blue"]The Sneer Corporation (c) beat The Flying Animals [/COLOR]in 17.12 when Deano grabbed Foxy’s tights (C-) -The strongest showing from the Flying Animals in a while, meaning the heels had to cheat their way to victory Troy Tornado came out to cut a promo that I wish had been longer. He claimed that back at the King of the Indies he wanted to face Guide in the final, but it was not to be. However, since then Guide has been jealous of his success, and its time to finally have the match between the two of them that they missed out on (C+) [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado beat Guide [/COLOR]in 15.57 with a Star Maker (C-) -Pretty good chemistry to make this match as good as hoped. Guide became more a more frustrated, and when he Guided Missiled himself into the ringpost, Tornado was able to hit the Star Maker Queen Emily went on hype for Human Arsenal, promising that he would come between Plague and Scarlett Samurai (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Silver Shark beat Alex Braun and JD Morgan[/COLOR] in 18.04 when he rolled up Morgan (C+) -This match mainly boiled down to Alex Braun vs JD Morgan, but Sharky was able to take advantage of this by rolling up Morgan for the win Hype video time – we’ve still got clips of these three from our TV run (D+) [COLOR="blue"]Human Arsenal beat Scarlett Samurai (c) and Plague[/COLOR] for the [COLOR="Purple"]SoCal Championship[/COLOR] in 21.20 when he hit the Ammo Dump on Plague ([B]B[/B]) -Holy… we’ve hit B before (again involving Human Arsenal), but that was helped by great chemistry. Being a three way there was no chemistry here, just a great match that literally went through the entire arena. Plague misted Scarlett Samurai to take him out, but the pin was broken up by Queen Emily placing Samurai’s foot on the bottom rope. As Plague went after Emily this allowed Human Arsenal to enter the ring and hit the Ammo Dump to crown a new champion Post match celebration – and Human Arsenal recognised Queen Emily’s help with a hug (D) [I]Overall Rating C+[/I] Well, more people should have turned up, because that was awesome. Not quite as good as King of the Indies, which was rated higher and had a better match, but I’m sure it comes in as my second best show ever. Human Arsenal finally gets the credit he’s deserved with his first ever title reign. More importantly – the show has seen me rise to 12th in the rankings, just three weeks away from the end of Cliff’s goal for me to rise above 13th. Hinote Dojo are touring this month, so I’ll run one show out of New England to try and fend them off: [B]CZCW This Is How We Do It[/B] New England (attendance 22) [COLOR="Blue"]Sammy Bach beat American Elemental [/COLOR]in 6.58 with a Back On Your Back (D) [COLOR="blue"]Snap Dragon beat Hell Monkey[/COLOR] in 8.27 with a Dragon’s Breath (D) [COLOR="blue"]Deano Machino beat Fox Mask[/COLOR] in 6.32 with a Cradle Piledriver (D) [COLOR="blue"]Human Arsenal (c) beat Plague[/COLOR] in 21.17 with an Ammo Dump (C+) [I]Overall Rating C-[/I] 22 more lucky people… Donnie J, Hell Monkey, Sam Sparrow and Human Arsenal sign new deals. Why I always put titles on someone just before contract negotiations I don’t know (none of them ask for title runs). E.M.M. Moe also signs a new deal, but had to take a pay otherwise would have been released. Sebastian Krause joins NOTBPW.
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