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NYCW: The Butterfly Effect (CVerse '97)

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[quote] [FONT="Courier New"]Main Entry: butterfly effect Function: noun Date: 1984 1. a property of chaotic systems (as the atmosphere) by which small changes in initial conditions can lead to large-scale and unpredictable variation in the future state of the system — ORIGIN from the notion that a butterfly fluttering in Rio de Janeiro could change the weather in Chicago.[/FONT][/quote] In the world of wrestling there are always questions of "what if." What if Sam Strong or Rip Chord had a career ending injury in 1975? What if the Stones and DeColts worked together to keep CWF together instead of starting up two separate companies? What if J.K. Stallings Jr. never decided to open Hollyweird Grappling Company? However, the biggest talking point as of last has got to be, what would have happened if DAVE never won the East Coast Wars? Taking a look at history it could be said that the war was won from one match, a match that wasn't even fought in a DAVE ring. [quote][FONT="Century Gothic"][b]#5: Nemesis vs. Tommy Cornell (February 1997, Supreme Assault TV)[/b] For one of the most influential matches ever held, this was very low profile. Held in 1997 on SWF's weekly "Supreme Assault" TV show, the match was not even announced as taking place until that very night. Nemesis was one of the hottest heels in the promotion at this time, and was being groomed for a main event run against world champion Christian Faith. Tommy Cornell was a young babyface rookie who was seen as having potential, but hadn't been given much to do other than defeat expendable midcard heels. The match was put together simply to give the two wrestlers something to do, as the main focus of the show was on a main event battle royal that neither was involved in. What followed was by far the most violent fifteen minutes that SWF had ever seen. After brawling for a few minutes in the ring, the two wrestlers spilled to the outside, where they proceeded to brawl with incredible intensity up the aisle, across the sound stage, through the crowd, and back to the ring. By the time they reached the ring, both men were bleeding heavily from being hit with weapons, with Nemesis in particular virtually unrecognizable thanks to the amount of blood covering his face and upper body. After smacking Cornell with a vicious chair shot to the head, Nemesis ended the carnage by power bombing the youngster through a ringside table, and dragging him back in for the win. While the match was a superbly intense brawl, and a great match in its own right, it was the shockwaves that it caused that make it so famous. Used to seeing family-friendly entertainment, both the network and SWF were bombarded with complaints from irate viewers, while at the same time a large number of fans who were growing tired of the slow-paced matches that were usually presented to them were ecstatic, wanting SWF to present more of this new extreme style. SWF owner Richard Eisen was furious at the trouble this match had caused, especially as he had not been consulted about it beforehand, and it was long-standing company policy that matches could not have blood or excessive violence without his personal clearance. Nemesis was fired straight after the match after a huge backstage argument; he joined small East Coast promotion DAVE two months later, and almost single handedly turned them into a major player in the US by basing the entire product on a bloody, extreme style. Cornell was punished by being dropped into a bland opening match tag team with Phillip Roberts; he left six months later to join SWF's major rivals HGC. Seven years later he would be the owner of that promotion. As a result of the match, SWF became even more conservative, which helped them keep their lucrative TV show. This would last several years before they had to become more edgy to survive, and this type of extreme match is now a staple of the promotion. [i]Excerpt from "The Top 10 Matches Of All Time" by Ryan Jalda, GrappleFanatics.net , (June 2005)[/i][/FONT][/quote] As Ryan Jalda states, the match would lead to both Tommy Cornell and Nemesis leading SWF for HGC and DAVE respectively, changing the fortunes of both companies for the better. Tommy would because HGC's rock, propelling them into a National company that would be able to compete with SWF for years to come. And Nemesis almost single handedly put an end to the East Coast Wars with DAVE being the victor. Which leads to us back to the question, if Nemesis/Cornell never happens in February of 1997, who would have won the East Coast War? Some argue in the case of DAVE because Nemesis or not, it seem like Vibert and company had a product that people just wanted to see. Others say that without Nemesis, XFW would have gotten the credit it deserves for being the "real king of hardcore." There is also a feeling that if the war became a one of attrition, then the winner would have been the family friendly (aka sponsor friendly) RPW. Of course, having Brent Hill and Steve Flash probably plays a big part in those people's minds as well. Finally, there is few people that believe the old school style of PPPW would have won out in the end. However, I think the real winner of the war would have been the company nobody even thinks of being in the war, New York City Wrestling. By staying out of the war NYCW could have been had one huge advantage that the other companies wouldn't have had, a talent pool. While DAVE, PPPW, XFW, and RPW refused to let their talent be used on each others shows, they all allowed their talent to wrestle at NYCW events. If Nemesis doesn't enter the scene, who doesn't say that NYCW couldn't abuse their unique situation and become the top East Coast promotion? I guess we'll never know. Or will we? [center] [SIZE="4"][b]Fool Inc. Productions Proudly Presents…[/b][/size] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/NYCW_alt.jpg[/IMG] [size=5][b]NYCW: The Butterfly Effect[/b][/SIZE] [/center]
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The Current Champions The current champions as of Monday, Week 1, January 1997... [center] [B][SIZE="5"]NYCW World Heavyweight Championship[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/GenericWingedEagle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/CorporalDoom.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Corporal Doom[/SIZE][/B] *** [B][SIZE="5"]NYCW United States Championship[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/NYCWUS.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Barry Kingman[/SIZE][/B] *** [B][SIZE="5"]NYCW Tag Team Championship[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/NYCW_Tag_alt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/CoyoteDynamite.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/WileySteinway.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Wiley Coyote[/SIZE][/B] [/center] [size=1](credit for the titles goes to Payne, Reaper, and whoever made the original generic titles)[/size]
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[center] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/flyers/RushHour_97.png[/IMG] [u]Quick Picks[/u] NYCW World: Corporal Doom © vs. The Stomper Big Cat Brandon vs. Freddie Datsun Jesse Christian vs. John McClean Clark Alexander vs. Land Mass Jack Bruce & Rich Money vs. Jungle Jack & Michael Cook [/center]
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Nice start, although in cannon CVerse, NYCW is the last man standing, so they really did win. Should be interesting having Flash and other talents in there prime. NYCW World: [B]Corporal Doom ©[/B] vs. The Stomper Big Cat Brandon vs. [B]Freddie Datsun[/B] [B]Jesse Christian [/B]vs. John McClean [B]Clark Alexander[/B] vs. Land Mass [B]Jack Bruce & Rich Money[/B] vs. Jungle Jack & Michael Cook
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Welcome to the war, and long live the Old School! NYCW World: [B]Corporal Doom ©[/B] vs. The Stomper [I]Champ's advantage.[/I] Big Cat Brandon vs. [B]Freddie Datsun[/B] [I]Debut win to put over the indisputably greater talent.[/I] Jesse Christian vs. [B]John McClean[/B] [I]Squeeky can cheat to beat the outsider.[/I] Clark Alexander vs. [B]Land Mass[/B] [I]Come on, he's HUGE![/I] [B]Jack Bruce & Rich Money[/B] vs. Jungle Jack & Michael Cook [I]Established talents vs. mere potential.[/I]
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$9.00 for a ticket? I want free peanuts with that! :p Seriously, I'm intrigued, this looks good. Quick Picks NYCW World: [B]Corporal Doom ©[/B] vs. The Stomper Big Cat Brandon vs. [B]Freddie Datsun[/B] [B]Jesse Christian[/B] vs. John McClean Clark Alexander vs. [B]Land Mass[/B] [B]Jack Bruce & Rich Money[/B] vs. Jungle Jack & Michael Cook
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[B]Corporal Doom ©[/B] vs. The Stomper This was easy. Big Cat Brandon vs. [B]Freddie Datsun [/B]Datsun wins as he's far more popular and overall talented. [B] Jesse Christian [/B]vs. John McClean I have no idea. Jesse is a bit better wrestler, isn't he? [B] Clark Alexander [/B]vs. Land Mass DUH. [B] Jack Bruce & Rich Money[/B] vs. Jungle Jack & Michael Cook Cook is worthless, Jack is a jobber at this point. Altough Jack can do impressive matches with NYCW, I've seen him do a C- match against Big Cat.
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NYCW World: [B]Corporal Doom ©[/B] vs. The Stomper [I]Can't see the belt changing hands on the first show, especially as stomper wont provide a major upgrade.[/I] Big Cat Brandon vs. [B]Freddie Datsun[/B] [I]In 97 Brandon's still a raw rookie, where as Datsun is beginning to get established.[/I] Jesse Christian vs. [B]John McClean[/B] [I]Could go either way, as Christian's not the disillushioned has-been he will become ten years later, in the reality we are all used to seeing play out, but I'd still give the edge to the future Squeeky McClean.[/I] Clark Alexander vs. [B]Land Mass[/B] [I]Land Mass is a big fat talent free zone but I'd imagine Clark is just job fodder at this stage[/I] [B]Jack Bruce & Rich Money[/B] vs. Jungle Jack & Michael Cook [I]One team has two future superstars of the cornellverse, the other team has a raw rookie and some guy I've never heard of.[/I]
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[center] [B][SIZE="5"]NYCW Rush Hour Saturday, Week 2, January 1997 899 people at The Ministry[/SIZE][/B] [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/JackBruce.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/RichMoney.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/MichaelCook.jpg[/IMG][/b] [B]Jack Bruce & Rich Money vs. Jungle Jack & Michael Cook[/B] The opening match of the new year pitted four of the best young workers in the tri-state wrestling scene. Jungle Jack and newcomer Michael Cook looked really good as a tag team, but they were out matched this night by the more experienced duo of Jack Bruce and Rich Money. [B]Result: Jack Bruce and Rich Money defeated Jungle Jack and Michael Cook in 10:02 when Jack Bruce defeated Jungle Jack by pinfall with a New York Minute (fame dropper). Rating: D-[/B] [SIZE="1"](Note: Jungle Jack and Michael Cook had great chemistry)[/SIZE] --- After the match Rich Money takes the house mic from the ring announcer. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Rich Money:[/B] It seems that over the past couple of months that both myself and Bruce have been overlooked by NYCW. Wrestlers like us should be wrestling in the main event for gold, not wrestling in the opening match while you yokels find a seat. Starting tonight that will change. Starting tonight, we will create our own destiny.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B]Jack Bruce:[/B] We've got the money, the looks, the ability, and the balls to TAKE, not ask, what is rightfully ours. We are the new empire of wrestling. Try to get in our way and you will fall in a New York Minute, baby![/COLOR] [B]Rating: D[/B] --- In a pre-taped segment, Marv Earnest has a sit down interview with Chris Storm. [COLOR="DimGray"][B]Earnest:[/B] In two weeks you have the biggest match in your short, yet promising career. You will face, as of now, an unnamed opponent for a chance to compete for the NYCW World title at a future date. How do you feel? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Storm:[/B] Excited. I've been in this business for almost six years now and I've had a pretty good career so far. I've been able to rise up the ranks in both NYCW and PPPW in a relatively short period of time and just recently had the honor of being listed in the Power 100. Right under the legendary Professor Nero![/color] Chris Storm bashfully chuckles after realizing he just marked out for himself. [COLOR="Navy"][b]Storm:[/b] All that aside, the fact remains that I don't have a title to my name. This past New Year's I made a resolution to win a title here in NYCW and I don't intend on having that resolution be broken anytime soon. [/COLOR] [B]Rating: D[/B] --- [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/ClarkAlexander.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/LandMass.jpg[/IMG][/b] [B]Clark Alexander vs. Land Mass[/B] Clark Alexander has a lot of potential to become a major player in NYCW over the coming years. However currently, he's the man that was on the receiving end of a devastating Ten Ton Avalanche from NYCW's resident Super Heavyweight, Land Mass. Better luck next time, Clark. [B]Result: Land Mass defeated Clark Alexander in 3:53 by pinfall with a Ten Ton Avalanche. Rating: E+[/B] --- Out from the back comes a young black man dressed in a fine suit and a arrogant grin. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Batch:[/B] "Ye-ye-ye-yeah! Carl Batch is the house!"[/COLOR] The crowd doesn't really react because most of the people have no idea who he is. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Batch:[/B] "So that's how it's going to be? You people showing no love to Carl Batch? That's fine, I've grown up with haters all my life. It just makes victory taste that much better as I'm rubbing it in all y'alls' faces. I am the greatest hustl... business man in the world and it's only a matter of time till I gets what mine!" [/COLOR] [B]Rating: D+[/B] --- [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/JesseChristian.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/SqueekyMcClean.jpg[/IMG][/b] [B]Jesse Christian vs. John McClean[/B] A nice solid match between PPPW's Jesse Christian and the overbearing straight edge wrestler that fans in the Tri-States love to hate, John McClean. McClean was able to take advantage of the match early with his superior wrestling skill and constant cheating, but the power of Jesse Christian was too much for McClean. [B]Result: Jesse Christian defeated John McClean in 11:31 by submission with a Human Torture Rack. Rating: D[/B] --- The Stomper, flanked by his enforcer, Big Cat Brandon, is in the back with a microphone in hand. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Stomper:[/B] "Corporal Doom, when I brought you into this promotion, I thought I was getting a man who destroyed Micky Starr for the SWF World Heavyweight championship. What I got was a soft, old man who would rather shake hands and kiss babies, than do whatever it takes to get the job done. Quite franking I think I made a huge mistake in hiring you in the first place. And tonight, I will begin to correct my mistake by taking your precious World title from you."[/COLOR] The Stomper looks to Big Cat Brandon and grins. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]The Stomper:[/B] "Brandon, go give young Freddie a real good "welcome" to New York City Wrestling for me."[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D+[/B] --- [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/BigCatBrandon.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/FreddieDatsun_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/b] [B]Big Cat Brandon vs. Freddie Datsun[/B] As he entered from the back, 3 time Extreme champion Freddie Datsun was welcomed into NYCW with a shower of applause from the fans. Following Stomper's orders, Big Cat Brandon welcomed Datsun with a sneak attack as he was getting into the ring. Datsun didn't even have time to take off his signature USA hoodie. Luckily for the American Everyman, Brandon made a mistake, hitting his head into the turnbuckle. This gave Datsun enough time to recover and ended the match with a Patriot Press (Death Valley Driver). [B]Result: Freddie Datsun defeated Big Cat Brandon in 13:48 by pinfall with a Patriot Press. Rating: D+[/B] --- Corporal Doom comes out to the middle of the ring, taking the house mic. [COLOR="Navy"][B]Doom:[/B] "Privates, a-ten-tion!" [/COLOR] The crowd cheers and gives Doom a salute. [COLOR="Navy"][B]Doom:[/B] "At ease, soldiers. Stomper, people have called me many things. Soft is not one of them. You say that bringing me into NYCW was a mistake. That is your opinion and that is something I can not change. Though it's funny that you mentioned my age when you older than me by almost a decade." [/COLOR] The crowd starts in with a "Stomper's a fossil" chant. Corporal Doom cracks a slight smile at the chant before going back to his usual "tough" expression. [COLOR="Navy"] [B]Doom:[/B] "Stomper, I am stronger than you and more importantly have my privates supporting me. Tonight you will be dismissed after I give you some…"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Doom and the crowd:[/B] "CORPORAL PUNISHMENT!" [/COLOR] [B]Rating: C+[/B] --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/GenericWingedEagle.jpg[/IMG] [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/CorporalDoom.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/TheStomper.jpg[/IMG][/b] [B]NYCW World: Corporal Doom © vs. The Stomper [/B] After Doom's promo, the crowd was pumped for the main event match between NYCW's hero, Corporal Doom, and its owner, The Stomper. While it might still hard for the rest of the wrestling world to see Corporal Doom as a good guy, the NYCW fans had no trouble cheering on their World Heavyweight champion. It was no mean a perfect match, but for better or worse it was a perfect example of NYCW is known for, old school wrestling. The Stomper did his best to out wit the bigger Doom, but Stomper's dirty tactics was no match for the strength of Doom's deadly Corporal Punishment (a double handed strike to the throat). [B]Result: Corporal Doom defeated The Stomper in 17:46 by pinfall with a Corporal Punishment. Corporal Doom makes defense number 1 of his NYCW World title. Rating: C-[/B] --- [SIZE="5"][B]Overall Rating: C-[/B][/SIZE] [/center]
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[QUOTE=FINisher;526136]I really like the layout of the show ;):p:rolleyes:[/QUOTE] Thanks, I've been using a form of it since April of 2007, when I based it off Tigerkinney's format. ;) Though I did take the size 1 text for important notes. ^_^ [QUOTE=Astil;526132]Nice first show. Really made me care about Doom for the first time ever, and it was with Stomper's promo.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;526134]Pretty much ditto. Corporal Doom can be kind of... bland easily.[/QUOTE] Thanks. The whole first story arcs has a good deal to do with The Stomper and Doom, so I was hoping both of their characters (which no one has created yet in the ways guys like Jim Force and, to a lesser extent, Jack Bruce have) would get over.
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Guest cmdrsam
Nice show but I dont get it. Where are the butterflies? LOL. Good read so far sir. Thought about doing a NYC diary before I started my work on SWF. Good luck with this.
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[center] [quote] [center][size=5][FONT="Fixedsys"]TOTALEXTREMEWRESTLING.COM[/center][/size] - It seems people are taking more notice in NYCW and it's wrestlers. After a solid 1997 debut, Jack Bruce and Rich Money have signed with XFW and Chris Storm has signed a deal with CZCW. None of the deals look to interfere with there work at NYCW, and rumor is that NYCW management was excited to see what the trio would do in their new promotion. - As what was evident by watching Rush Hour NYCW has signed Freddie Datsun, Carl Batch, Clark Alexander, and Michael Cook. Rumor has it that they also signed another high profile "Independent Star" to their fold who will debut at their next show, entitled Broken Resolutions. Also rumored to making their NYCW debuts at the event are wrestler Eddie Peak, manager Karen Killer, referee Dewey Libertine, and color commentator Floyd Goldworthy. - In other news, NYCW has released Andy Gordy.[/FONT] [/quote] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/flyers/BrokenResolutions_97.png[/IMG] [u]Quick Picks[/u] #1 Contendership: Chris Storm vs. ??? NYCW Tag Team: High Society vs. Wiley Coyote © NYCW United States: Barry Kingman © vs. Jungle Jack Jack Bruce vs. Shawn Gonzalez Eddie Peak vs. Ernest Mason [/center]
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#1 Contendership: Chris Storm vs. [B]??? [/B] [I]I've got this feeling ??? is going to be someone pretty good to make his debut in #1 Contendership match, so I see them making their mark right away.[/I] NYCW Tag Team: High Society vs. [B]Wiley Coyote ©[/B] [I]Wiley Coyote to retain[/I] NYCW United States: [B]Barry Kingman ©[/B] vs. Jungle Jack [I]Kingman retains over the raw rookie Jack[/I] Jack Bruce vs. [B]Shawn Gonzalez[/B] [I]At this point Shawn's more over. [/I] [B]Eddie Peak[/B] vs. Ernest Mason [I]Not that familiar with Mason, so I'll go with Peak[/I]
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[center] [B][SIZE="5"]NYCW Broken Resolutions Saturday, Week 4, January 1997 697 people at The Ministry[/SIZE][/B] [b] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/NYCWUS.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG] NYCW United States: Barry Kingman © vs. Jungle Jack[/b] In the opening match of the night, the second generation wrestler and United States champion, Barry Kingman, defended his title against the wild man, "Jungle" Jack Marlowe. And what a match it was! Despite, both men being young and relatively inexperienced, the two men just seemed to click in the ring. [b]Result: Barry Kingman defeated Jungle Jack in 9:57 by submission with a Kingman Krippler (Camel Clutch). Barry Kingman makes defense number 1 of his NYCW United States title. Rating: D+[/b] [size=1](Barry Kingman and Jungle Jack have great chemistry)[/size] --- After the match NYCW's owner, The Stomper, comes out to announce Chris Storm's opponent. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Stomper:[/B] Over the past couple of weeks I have been thinking long and hard about who should face Chris tonight. And after looking over the roster there is only one man that is worthy of such an honor. Me.[/COLOR] The Stomper drops the mic and heads toward the back, as the fans take in the fact that The Stomper just booked himself into the number one contender's match just after losing to Corporal Doom two weeks ago. [b]Rating: D[/b] --- [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/NYCW_Tag_alt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/EdwinDBashford.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/Oscar.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/CoyoteDynamite.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/WileySteinway.jpg[/IMG] NYCW Tag Titles: High Society vs. Wiley Coyote © [/b] After the exciting opener and shocking news by The Stomper, this match failed in comparison in the sense of "impact." And when you look at the competitors, you can tell why. Edwin D. Bashford and Hollywood Hank, now calling themselves High Society, while promising are still very young and Wiley Coyote are mediocre in the ring (just don't try telling the New York City fans that!). Still the match got over the fact that Wiley Coyote are two of the toughest guys in the promotion. [b]Result: Wiley Coyote defeated Edwin D. Bashford and Hollywood Hank in 6:31 when Coyote Dynamite defeated Edwin D. Bashford by pinfall with a Lariat. Wiley Coyote make defense number 1 of their NYCW Tag Team titles. Rating: E[/b] --- After the match, Coyote Dynamite takes one of the house microphones. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Dynamite: [/B] Two weeks ago at Rush Hour, we do what we always do when we aren't on the card. Knock back a couple of brews and enjoy the show. But, there is one thing that we didn't enjoy.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Steinway:[/B] Jack Bruce, Rich Money, you say you are the New Empire of Wrestling and that you are going to drop anyone that doesn't bow to you? Well boys, those sounds like fighting words. And if you are looking for a fight then look no further than the toughest duo in NYCW, Wiley Coyote.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Dynamite: [/B]Two weeks, February Stars, be there.[/COLOR] [b]Rating: E[/b] --- [b] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/EddiePeak.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/ErnestYoungman.jpg[/IMG] Eddie Peak vs. Ernest Mason[/b] The night started to pick back up when the veteran, Ernest Mason, took on the 20 year old psychopath, Eddie Peak. The young Peak started out with like a bat out of hell, attacking Mason with an incredible offense fury of punches. The crafty Mason was able to slow down the big man by using the rules to his advantage always getting in-between the ropes at the points in the match when Peak was starting to gain momentum. In the end, it was these veteran maneuvers that allowed Mason to hit an impressive German Suplex on Peak to end the match. [b]Result: Ernest Mason defeated Eddie Peak in 11:33 by pinfall with a German Suplex. Rating: D[/b] --- In what can be best described as a cheesy 80s styled music video (think those awesomely bad AWA music videos), NYCW showed a collection clips showcasing Corporal Doom's stay including video of Doom passing out mini USA flags to the crowd. Cheesy or not, the fans ate the video up. [b]Rating: C[/b] --- [b] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/LobsterWarrior_alt1.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/TheStomper.jpg[/IMG] Number One Contender's Match: Chris Storm vs. The Stomper[/b] After the stunning announcement from Stomper, the crowd was more than ready to see New York's favorite wrestler not name Doom, Chris Storm, beat the ever loving crap out of the company's power hungry owner. The story of the match followed the same flow as Peak/Mason in the beginning, with Storm taking it to Stomper in the beginning (to the delight of the crowd) and Stomper trying to break up his momentum with stalling tactics. Unlike young Eddie Peak, the more experienced and more levelheaded Chris Storm was able keep focus enough to slap on a deadly Fujiwara Armbar to end the match. [b]Result: Chris Storm defeated The Stomper in 12:58 by submission with a Fujiwara Armbar. Rating: D+[/b] --- Backstage, Shawn Gonzalez is warming up for his debut match against Jack Bruce when Carl Batch walks in. [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]Batch:[/b] Yo, yo, yo. Shawn Gonzalez, my man. How's it going?[/COLOR] Gonzalez gives Batch a weird look before going back to lacing up his boots. [COLOR="DarkRed"] [b]Batch:[/b] I gotcha, ya got a big match and you don't want to be disturbed. That's cool. Just know that I was the one who got this match to be the main event. And there more of that to come if you sign with me, ya dig?[/COLOR] Gonzalez doesn't respond, but Batch takes the silence as a maybe and leaves the locker room confident that the Lone Wolf will soon be his first client in NYCW. [b]Rating: D-[/b] --- In a dark room filled with smoke stands the hooded monster, Morpheus, and his raven hair gothic manager (or should I say mistress?), Karen Killer. [COLOR="Red"][b]Karen Killer:[/b] The Prophets and the Oracle have spoken. This is the year of dreams! This is the year of Morpheus![/COLOR] Karen Killer starts to giggle uncontrollably, wrapping her body around her client like a serpent. [COLOR="Red"][b]Karen Killer:[/b] New York City it has already been written in the stars. You can only watch in fear as my Morpheus turns your dreams into your own personal nightmare.[/COLOR] The camera zooms to the hooded Morpheus. [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]Morpheus:[/b]Sweet Dreams….HAHAHAHAHAHA![/COLOR] [b]Rating: C-[/b] --- [b] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/JackBruce.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/ShawnGonzalez.jpg[/IMG] Jack Bruce vs. Shawn Gonzalez[/b] Though there was a good storyline reason for this match to take place as the main event, it still was a big gamble. It's true that both men are highly talented, but going into the night the fans seemed to more excited to possibly see Chris Storm get a chance to challenge for the NYCW World title by winning the number one contender's match. And once you add the facts that, up to this point, NYCW fans still see Jack Bruce as more of a midcard wrestler and that this was Gonzalez NYCW debut, you have a powder keg of trouble. In spite of all the questions or maybe even because of it, Bruce and Gonzalez tore the house down. In my opinion, this might be a watershed moment for the career of Jack Bruce as it was the first time in his NYCW career that the fans bought into him as a serious competitor and someone that could possibly challenge Corporal Doom for his NYCW World title. Even so, it was Bruce's overconfidence that would be his downfall on this night. As Jack set up Gonzalez for the New York Minute, a move that he usually executes in, well, a New York Minute, Bruce instead took his time and taunted the fans. This gave Shawn enough time to counter the fame dropper into a ridiculously painful looking Latino Crab. [b]Result: Shawn Gonzalez defeated Jack Bruce in 17:34 by submission with a Latino Crab. Rating: C[/b] [size=1]Shawn Gonzalez and Jack Bruce have pretty good chemistry[/size] --- [SIZE="5"][B]Overall Rating: C-[/B][/SIZE] [/center]
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