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Ring of Honor : Rising Above PPV Taping [Possible Spoilers?]


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Hey guys - I'll be going to the ROH : Rising Above PPV Taping in Chicago, IL this weekend - if you guys want updates on the show as it is going on, let me know! I'll be able to text someone - send me an email to [email]tizzyt420@gmail.com[/email] if you want me to text you or if someone wants to get the text messages and post to this thread for everyone else to read as it goes on.
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Alrighty - I'm back and pissed... my phone died during the show, so I couldn't get updates to Angel, however, I am writing a big recap and putting it on both myspace and livejournal [url]www.myspace.com/tizzymothaphuckintee[/url] [url]www.tizzyt420.livejournal.com[/url] They'll be up later today
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[CENTER][B][U]Ring of Honor : Rising Above PPV Taping [/U] [I][SIZE="1"]Through the eyes of Tizzy T [/SIZE][/I][/B] Alright, so I'm back from the big show, the show that I've been waiting for since I heard that it was a PPV Taping, not to mention since I heard that it would feature the Ring of Honor return of Samoa Joe. So let's start this thing with how my Saturday started (11/22/2008), we got on the road at about 8:30 in the morning, myself, my nephew EMAK and my buddy Gary, heading out of Minnesota, we were on 494 heading towards Wisconsin, I have the trip pulled up on my stinkin EnV2, it takes me about 40 miles out of the way sending me south on 52 to go pick up I-90 (when I should have just stayed on 494 to pick up 94 and meet up with 90, but of course, I trust my GPS that's supposed to NEVER be wrong... damned Verizon Wireless!) So we're on the road, we get to Wisconsin, good times, stop at a gas station and get to see a deer with a head shot up close and personal, now, don't get me wrong, I've seen a dead deer before... in pieces on the side of the road - but this thing was so fresh that it was still steaming. And then a car pulled in after that which had another two deer on the back, it was kind of funny. So we get to the arena at about 5:45 (45 minutes before the f'n door opened) we pulled in behind a group of kids from Indiana, they were right in front of us in line too, funny ass kids, they run their own radio show called "DTA Radio" ([url]http://www.blogtalkradio.com/dtaradio[/url]) pretty good stuff from what I've heard so far (listening to their show from 11/23 right now as I'm typing this) we had a good time before hand making fun of each other and everyone else. The doors finally open at 6:30 and my testicles thank whomever made that decision, we finally get in the building and hit the souveneir stands and my nephew buys himself an ROH skull cap, I want one, but my head is too stinkin big, it would look like something that Adibisi wore on Oz on my damned Corky-sized melon. Anyways, everyone who knows me, knows that I'm a huge mark for Ring of Honor, I had to get a bunch of pictures of the guardrails, the ring set-up, although my nephew took it above and beyond this and took pictures of the cameras, everything else, but oh well. So, the show starts to get underway, a pre-show match saw The Phoenix Twins, whom I'd never seen before, defeat Grizzly Redwood and some other kid, I honestly didn't catch his name, it was a good match, the crowd was all behind Grizzly, it was a pretty good match. About 10 or 15 minutes later, out comes everyone to get the show underway, they announce that Ring of Honor will be back in Chicago on 1/31/2009 for another PPV taping, good stuff, they do the count down of live to tape and the crowd goes nuts and they bring out The Briscoe Brothers to start off the PPV, Mark is limping, I'm assuming from something that happened in Dayton the night before. The Briscoes call out ROH Tag Team Champions, Kevin Steen & El Generico, they come out, Kevin Steen makes mention that they would prove nothing by beating the Briscoes when they're only 50%, The Briscoes get the jump on Steenerico and we're underway! A somewhat underwhelming match, although there was a couple of good spots, Steen puts Jay away with the Package Piledriver, decent match to start the PPV. They brawl after, officials come out as does Grizzly Redwood, who gets a bigger pop than either team, the fans are split between a "LET THEM FIGHT!" and "GRIZZLY REDWOOD" chant. Ms. Chif was defending the SHIMMER title against Sara DelRey, this was a great match, I've never seen Sara DelRey live, man is that bitch scary looking, I saw her before the show and was going to say something, but she looked like she was on a mission, I wasn't about to try to talk to her. Anyways, a great match, couple of good spots, there was this sick looking Boston Crab that Ms Chif was in that she got out of... Ms Chif wound up pinning DelRey. Four Corner Survival was up next, Sami Callahan, Silas Young, "Sugarfoot" Alex Payne and Claudio Castagnoli - Good match, Claudio and Sugarfoot were both way over, the "HEYYYY"s start and Claudio starts getting hot, the match was all over the place, Claudio had Sugarfoot down at one point on top of him, nailing him with each shot getting a "HEY!" which he got hot over, it was a fun match, Claudio hit the Ricola Bomb on Payne for the win, after the match, Claudio beat up on poor Sugarfoot after the match, bringing a chair to the ring, only to have Bryan Danielson come out, decent pop, "NEXT WORLD CHAMP" chants, he helps Sugarfoot up and they shake hands, they leave. "Addicted to Love" Rhett Titus is next - I started to mark out, because, honestly, that dude has a GREAT entrance, I was laughing my ass off... and then the lights went out and we heard the SCREAMS it was time for Delirious to come out... with the EVER so sexy Allison Wonderland, and lemme tell ya boys, she's even sexier in person than she is in photos and I get to see her again on December 5th at Neisen's Sports Bar YAY! So anyways, Delirious and Rhett Titus go back and forth, good match, Rhett got some decent offense in, however, Delirious finished him off with Shadows Over HELL, after the match Delirious beat the hell out of Rhett some more, Allison Wonderland brought the "Top of the Class" trophy into the ring and Delirious went nuts on it, laid it against Titus in the corner and hit a big Panic Attack on him and the trophy, then tore the trophy up some more before he and Allison finally left. It was time for intermission - the concession line was ridiculously long, so I went out and had a cigarette, I came back in, the line had dwindled but I still had to wait, Sweet & Sour, Inc came out first, I wasn't too upset that I missed their entrance, however, I do love watching Davey Richards and Chris Hero, plus, Bobby Dempsey just rules. Well, I finally get up to the lady, order my slice of pie and a Pepsi, I hear it, "For a few seconds, this place was Armageddon.... AND THERE WAS A FIRE FIGHT!!!!" and then some silence, then THE BLUES BROTHER SHUFFLE! I looked at the lady at the concession stand and said "NO EFFIN WAY! KEEP THE CHANGE" and RAN my fat ass back to my seat to see ACE STEEL BACK IN RING OF HONOR!!!! I'm a HUGE mark for the Second City Saints, so it was AWESOME to see Steel live again, Steel gets tons of "Welcome Back" chants, the 6-man match was underway Roderick Strong, Brent Albright & Ace Steel vs Chris Hero, Davey Richards & Go Shiozaki, Bobby Dempsey of course got some chants, which caused Larry Sweeney to smack him around and force him under the ring, Steel got a lot of time in the ring, which made me happy, there was some good tag work between Albright & Strong, as well as Steel & Albright (which made me happy) however, in the end of it all, Davey Richards was in a Boston Crab by Roderick Strong, Hero hit the ring with a chair while everyone else kept the ref distracted, cracked Roderick with the chair and put Richards on top, Sweet & Sour, Inc win the match and now I'm interested to see what they do with Steel Cage Warfare at Final Battle 2008. The "I Quit" match was next, Jimmy Jacobs came out and had Tyler Black as his corner man, Austin Aries entrance took place, he cut a promo telling everyone that he wasn't going to have a corner man, because the only way to make him "quit" was to kill him, the crowd wasn't too happy about that (they were all chanting for Joe), but oh well. Awkward start to the match, I thought, however, they got into it pretty good, Jacobs beat on Aries quite a bit, busting him open, there was a spot about mid-match that Jacobs brought a chair in the ring, put Aries in the chair and tied him to the chair with the steel chain (which started an "S & M" chant from the good people at DTA Radio, who were a few rows behind me), he got the spike from Tyler Black and was about to pummel Aries with it, when LACEY came out, carrying a towel, causing a distraction, allowing Aries to free himself from the chair and the match continued, there was a pummeling on Jacobs this time, the crowd chanted "WE WANT BLOOD" and Aries gave us what we wanted, cracking Jacobs with the chain in the face (an obvious blade job, with Jacobs face down and hiding his forehead with his hand... and here I thought magic and wrestling were real! IT'S STILL REAL TO ME DAMMIT!) So, Aries ties Jacobs up in the corner with the chain, we get a corner dropkick from Aries, match continued, Jacobs had set up a table earlier in the match and of course they both went through after fighting on the top rope, they were back in the ring, Jacobs out of nowhere locked on the Iconoclasm, trying to choke out Aries, however, Aries refused to quit, Jacobs then nailed knees to the top of the head, locking on the Horns of Aries, still refusing to give up, Aries regained control, locking in the Horns of Aries himself, rolled out of it and locked in a crossface crippler, grabbed the spike, holding it up so that the crowd could see it, Tyler Black hit the apron, looking as though he was going to throw in the towel, which Lacey quickly grabbed from him and ran off, Aries pounded Jacobs with the spike and Jacobs said the magic words "I Quit", pop from the crowd, then after the match Jacobs & Black got into an argument, playing off of the tension that they've been talking about in the Newswire and Video Wire, Black stormed out throwing down his hat, Jacobs and Aries had a bloody staredown after the match, jawing at each other, Jacobs left, Aries celebrated for a few minutes before he left. After the match, the ring crew did their clean up of the broken table, the blood, etc, but NO TOWELS! So, one of the ring crew guys grabbed a bunch of streamers that were laying ringside and started to wipe up the blood, which got the chants "WIPE IT UP A-hole WIPE IT UP! [clap clap]" another ring crew guy came running down with a towel, tossed it into the ring and the "C Section" cheered him and started a "TEAMWORK" chant, it was pretty damned funny. Then it was time for the MAAAAAAAIIIINNNNN EVENT! I'm not going to go in depth for this match, it wasn't as great as some of their past matches, however, it was a really good match, Nigel McGuinness defending the ROH title against "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson, the crowd was hot, then they kind of cooled down, however, Nigel & Dragon had the crowd eating out of their hands in the last 10 minutes or so, every near fall, every submission hold, it was great, Claudio got involved, which brought "Sugarfoot" Alex Payne out as well, in the end however, the Jawbreaker Lariat put Danielson away, not the BEST match... but a really good match. After the match and the exits and all, the crowd was pretty much constant with a "JOE" chant, we had to hear about the return of Ring of Honor again on 1/31/2009, no one cared, they just wanted JOE! The screams again, Tyler Black came out with Allison Wonderland, who was still just as f'n hot as she was earlier in the night. Then, the "Godzilla" intro hit followed by "Mama Said Knock You Out" and the place came unglued, it was an awesome return, Joe was in the ring, of course the "Welcome Back" chants, then the "F TNA" chants (which were more scattered than all over the crowd) anyways, Joe and Black put on a really good match, they actually went about 18 minutes, it seemed like they went 10 but it was great, Tyler Black got some good offense in, Joe hit a lot of his signature spots, including the soccer kick outside agains the guardrail, he tried it a second time in front of where I was at, but Allison Wonderland got in the way to stop it, Joe hit Black with his signature powerslam and got a one count with a big kick out from Black, which the crowd hated and started chanting "DIS-RE-SPECT" over and over again. Joe wound up hitting the Muscle Buster after a failed attempt of hitting it from the top rope, picking up the win, after the match, Joe put over the locker room, talking about how they were going to revolutionize wrestling and bring it back to what pro wrestling should be. After the show, I got to meet Ms Chif and Dave Prazak at the souveneir stands, as well as Cary Silkin as I was walking out, thanking him of course, for Ring of Honor as a hole, honestly, if it wasn't for Ring of Honor, I personally wouldn't watch wrestling anymore at all. (Aside from tapes/DVDs of the days that I used to love wrestling) The trip back home sucked as well, I'll never use my VZ Navigator again for a long trip, the damned thing just doesn't know what it's talking about. So, when Rising Above hits PPV, be sure to order it, my description does no justice to how much I actually enjoyed the show. [/CENTER]
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