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PSW: Rise to Greatness

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[INDENT]This is my first attempt at doing a diary and i'm hoping it will help me increase my flailing interest in my current game, which is also my longest running game. The promotion is of course PSW the time and date June 2009. I got lucky when TCW fell to cult and some of their talent that had been on my short list re-newed only under PPA. Which I quickly signed for PPA deals as well.[/INDENT] [INDENT]I currently sit at cult status with the help of great use of Johnny Martin(B- popularity and current champion), an extremely hot feud culminating in the split of The New Jersey Devils as well as the retirement of Alex Braun (a semi harsh blow) but it put Tank Bradley into the main event. He managed a successful run with the National title (the reason for the afforementioned feud) after several unsuccessful attempts at winning the top prize and a return to upper midcard he was released from the company. One month after Alex's retirement another devastating blow Grandmaster Phunk (an early signing) announced his retirement. His retirement came with one small upside. As reigning National Champion a feud with Doug Peak sent him out with a bang as well as boosted the career of Doug.[/INDENT] [INDENT]Originally i had a tv deal with the pop network which helped to expand the promotion but left Hawaii in the dark. While not a major concern still one that would be adressed later. A PPV with a small carrier helped to shed some light into Hawaii. Now as cult I have a tv/ppv contract with medium sized carriers and with the help of my exposure on the pop network a ppv deal in canada with a small carrier.[/INDENT] [INDENT]All this and more have led us to... [/INDENT]
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[INDENT][B][I]Thursday Week 4; June 2009[/I][/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][B][I][COLOR="Blue"]Live Broadcast Welcome to the Sold Out The Portland Center where we proudly present to you PSW: Unleashed [/COLOR][/I][/B][/INDENT] [INDENT]Prior to taking air the fans in the audience were treated to Rudy Velasquez vs Citizen X (D-) Matt Sparrow vs Fumihiro Ota (D-) Stevie Grayson vs Steve Flash (D) The Assassins (Peak and Warlord) vs Jungle Jack & Madman Boone (E+)[/INDENT] [INDENT]After the opening credits, a familiar music plays. A music that hasn't been heard in over a year.[/INDENT] [COLOR="red"]Adrian Garcia: " Ladies and gentlemen thank you for welcoming us into your homes once again. I'm here alongside my broadcast partner Doc Messing."[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]Doc: " Thanks for the introductions Adrian. More importantly, we hear this music playing but no sign of the man it belongs to and... There he is, now I wonder what Grandmaster Phunk is on his way to the ring for?[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]AG: "Whatever it is he looks serious. Since his retirement he's been an active manager, maybe he has a new client he's going to tell us about.[/COLOR] [INDENT]Grandmaster phunk is in the ring microphone in hand. Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Unleashed. Now I know everyone is wondering why i'm out here, the answer is simple, you are looking at the new general manager. From now on i shall be referred to as GM Phunk, or simply GMP for those of you who are lazy. I got word from The Grand Avatar himself moments before the show. Since he likes to remain annonymous and behind the scenes, I'll be the one giving the show for you people. My office will be open starting next week. That is all. His music plays and out of the ring to the back he leaves.[/INDENT] [INDENT]Our opening contest sees Freddy Huggins sucessfully defending his PSW X Division title against Matthew keith. Our second contest of the evening gave our fans a taste of our hardcore product a tables match between (The newly repackaged Rising Face Hell's Bouncer) Arc Angel vs Ace Youngblood. Our following contest was a rather dissapointing match between JD Morgan and The Mean Machine. JD Morgan has been severly underperforming since losing his National championship, if his attitude isn't corrected soon, he will be released as his age is rapidly making him an expendible asset. In an uplifting match we had Edd Stone sucessfully defend his National championship. In a filler match we had a recently healed Troy Tornado vs Acid and even with weak chemistry they pulled off a good match. More filler we had Johnny Bloodstone squaring off against Kirk Jameson in another very watchable match.[/INDENT] [INDENT] The camera pans backstage to see our resident annoucer/interviewer Mitch Naess standing with a very frustrated Joey Minnesota.[/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="DarkRed"]Joey Minnesota: (after cutting off mitch before he can beging to speak) "Just stand their naess and don't say a word. When I agreed to come down here from the big two, i was guaranteed a Title shot. I had my debut match against this Johnny Martin. Who does this guy think he is anyway? Don't answer that mitch just stand there and hold the microphone. On second thought give me that (snatching the microphone out of Mitch's hand and shoving him off of camera.) It was a steel cage match to guarantee no one could interfere, and what happened i get a steel door slammed on my head by JD Morgan, some no name that was mad and accused me of stealing his spot. I took care of that and to anyone else who might feel that way i just have this to say. Don't hate me because i'm beautiful. That wasn't so long ago but its ancient history compared to tonight. After getting my re match for the title i should already own i have to share my shot with some upstart Steven Parker. A triple threat; Hardcore match at that. That means i don't even have to be involved in the decision and lose my chance at the title again. If i get screwed tonight i'm walking back up to the big two and leaving this garbage promotion with all its backwoods redneck fans behind. [/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Doc: " Strong words from an obviously irate Joey Minnesota. But calling this a garbage promotion and mocking our fans isn't going to solve anything.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [COLOR="Red"][INDENT]AG: " I think he made some very valid points. He was screwed out of winning the title from that chump Martin. At least we have a promising match coming up.[/INDENT][/COLOR] [INDENT]Our main event of the evening a hardcore triple threat for the World title. Joey Minnesota wins the championship after defeating Steven Parker. Joey Minnesota is celebrating in the ring and an irate Johnny Martin Heads off towards the back... [/INDENT] Show Results: C GM Phunk segment (D+) Freddy Huggins(c) vs Matthew Keith (D-) Arc Angel vs Ace Youngblood (D+) JD Morgan vs The Mean Machine (D-) Edd Stone (c) vs Mainstream Hernandez (D+) Troy Tornado vs Acid (C-) Johnny Bloodstone vs Kirk Jameson (C-) Joey Minnesota Interview (C+) Johnny Martin (c) vs Joey Minnesota vs Steven Parker (C+)
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[INDENT][B]DARK MATCHES[/B] Kill Switch vs The Mean Machine (D-) Donnie J def Matthew Keith and Fumihiro Ota (D-) triple threat Jim Force def Jungle Jack (D) Rudy Velasquez def JD Morgan (D-) quick roll up[/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Blue"]PSW: Barely Legal 2 Live on ppv from the sold out McGaw Arena [/COLOR][/INDENT] [I][INDENT][COLOR="Yellow"]As the event opens GM Phunk is standing in the ring with a microphone. Welcome to the first ppv under my immediate supervision. The aptly named Barely Legal, and I assure you the matches i have planned for tonight are indeed that. Also I have made some very wise and might I add cunning use of our talent trade agreements. With whom and for whom that is the surprise I'm sure you will all enjoy. Rest assured fans you will not be dissapointed in our double main event. All our titles are on the line tonight, including our relatively new titles; the X Division and Rising Sun Championships. Now I believe I've wasted enough time adressing you pions its time for the action to commence. With that the newly appointed commisioner's music plays as he exits the ring[/COLOR][/INDENT][/I] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]Doc: Wow, we deffinatly weren't expecting to start our ppv off like that. Once again welcome to Barely legal live on PPV. I'm not sure what surprises our commisioner has in store but for him to use up precious ppv time i can assure you it must be very important news indeed. Doc Messing here alongside my broadcast collegue Adrian Garcia.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Red"]AG: Thanks Doc. Of course its going to be an amazing suprise, appointing Phunk as our GM was the best decision grand avatar has ever made. Next to hiring me of course. What a way to start off the ppv with the Rising Sun championship on the line, in a strap match no less. [/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]Doc: Lets send it up to the worlds most dangerous ring announcer Mitch Naess for our opening contest.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Blue"]MN: The following contest is a Strap Match and it is for the Rising Sun Championship. Introducing first the the challenger Ace Youngblood. "Ace makes his way to the ring to a chorus of boos having turned on his tag team partner some months ago." And now introducing the reigning champion... Kirk Jameson. "Jameson hits the ring like a ball of fire and levels Ace. There has been much tension between these two When ace inadvertantly injured Kirk's partner Phillipe le grenie putting him out of action and sub sequently out of psw."[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][I][B]The Closing Minutes of the match: After an amazing display of athleticism and agression by both men the match draws to a close. Ace has Kirk tied to the corner and the referee is struggling to free him. Youngblood is running in for a splash just as Jameson is freed who attempts to block sandwhiching Ryan Holland between them leaving all three men down. The action resumes with Kirk connecting with a huge samoan drop reversing a cross body attempt. He wraps the strap around the neck of youngblood and proceeds to carry him, hangman style to all four turnbuckles. Falling to his knees from exhaustion he looks over at the time keeper and then to the arena floor where the ref had rolled out of the ring still struggling to recover. Kirk rolls out to revive the ref and get him back in the ring. The ref rolls in and as jameson gets on the apron he is met by a refreshed youngblood. Ace brings him into the ring via a devastating brainbuster. Grabbing kirks legs and dragging his limp body Ace touches all four turnbuckles, ending the match. (E+)[/B][/I][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="blue"]MN: Here is your winner and NEW Rising Sun champion... Ace Youngblood! Entering the ring to deliver the title to its new owner. [/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Red"]AG: What a match and the PPV has only just begun. Its a tough break for Kirk though he wore the title with pride, but the better man came out on top.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]Doc: Better man? What are you talking about? I'll give you that it was an indeed a great match, but Kirk was a victim of sore circumstance, and I hate to see it end like that. You can see Kirk is arguing with the ref now telling him he had already won the match.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Red"]AG: Yeah but you can see the ref telling him he didn't see it and his hands are tied. As you know Doc all referee decisions are final here in PSW, and ACE is already on his way to the lockerroom with His championship. Maybe kirk will get a re-mat....[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="green"]Doc: Hold that thought Adrian i'm getting word from the back that theres some sort of commotion going on in GM Phunk's office. Can we get a camera back there.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Yellow"]{The camera comes into the commisioners office to see him sitting at his desk with four angry men shouting back and fourth}[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][I][B]GMP: Alright thats enough out of all of you. You all think you deserve to be the number one contender. Johnny Martin you being the former champion and thats why you think you're deserving. Troy Tornado you seem to think you're the biggest star this company has and thats your reason. Johnny Bloodstone you have been on one of the best winning streaks this company has seen in a very long time and i assume thats your reason. And you Steven Parker, you are the youngest star to rise to the main event in the history of PSW and thats your reason. [I][B][COLOR="yellow"]{the men all start shouting again and Phunk gets an angry look on his face}[/COLOR][/B][/I] Shut Up! All of you you think you can persuade me to name either of you to fill in the blank against joey minnesota, tonight. You're wrong! I wasn't just blowing smoke when i said i had something special for our plans tonight. Joey's mystery apponent is already been picked. I'll tell you what i will do since you all can't seem to control yourselves; you all will have a match tonight. It'll be Johnny Bloodstone vs Steven Parker vs Troy Tornado vs Johnny Martin. In an elimination match, the winner will be the named Number one contender. Now get the hell out of my office.[/B][/I][/INDENT] [RIGHT][I][B][COLOR="yellow"]{all exit except for Martin}[/COLOR][/B][/I][/RIGHT] [INDENT][COLOR="DarkRed"]JM: This is bull**** Phunk. You used to be a wrestler you know the deal the former champion gets a re-match before any other challengers. I want my re-match, its in my contract.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Yellow"]GMP: (looking up from the papers he was reviewing) Your contract was with the Grand Avatar. He gave me total control over running things so he can focus on the more intriquite aspects of business. I believe in keeping things fresh. Making things interesting. However i can see your point, you Are the former champion, so you DO deserve a re-match. Do you want your re-match johnny?[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="DarkRed"]JM: You bet your ass i do.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Yellow"]GMP: (with his trademark sly smile, peering at johnny marting from under the brim of his hat) Then johnny i suggest you win that number one contender match tonight. Now again Get Out of my office! (C)[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Red"]AG: Wow what an announcement and that match is for tonight. I really like how our new comissioner is shaking things up.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]Doc: It a great addition to our line up tonight. On the other hand i don't think its right to deny Johnny Martin his rematch, even if his name isn't the one on the contract. Johnny's is and he still works for the company.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Red"]AG: Yeah to bad, so sad onto our next contest mitch is in the ring ready to announce our competitors and what a match this should be both men 1 win 1loss against eachother, this is the deciding match and hopefully then they can move on.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]Doc: And what a way to settle it, by first blood.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Blue"]MN: The following contest is a first blood match. The loser being the first man bleed intoducing first from parts unkown Arc Angel. And his opponent hailing from montreal, Quebec Canada Steve Flash.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][I][B]The Closing minutes: What a brutal contest. Tables, chairs and steel chains, OH MY! The good chemistry and even feud between these two really added something special to the match. Arc Angel reverted to his "hellish" ways. At the 8 minute mark Arc Angel pulled a chair out from under the ring wrapped in barbed wire. Steve Flash tried to fight it off but was no match after the brutal beating. Arc Angel lands a Damnation Drop ontop of the barbed wired encased chair. As if that wasn't enough to bust flash open angel grabbed the thick steel chain and proceeds to pund flash unconcious as the ref is calling for the bell.[/B][/I][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]Doc: Wow, that match certainly wasn't for our more squemish fans. You can see the paramedics coming out to help flash to the back.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Red"]AG: Did you say our more squemish fans? Are you new here? If your watching this and you're one of our "more squemish fans" News Flash, this isn't the program you should be watching. You see a groggy flash in the ring he just punched out two paramedics.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]Doc: Now thats uncalled for.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Red"]AG: He tried to tell them he didn't want their help, maybe next time they'll listen before it comes to that. [/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Blue"]MN: The following contest is for the tag team chapionship intoducing first the tag team champions Doug Peak and Warlord Power together they are The Assassins. [COLOR="Yellow"]{The Champions come to the ring dressed ready for a fight}[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="DarkRed"]Peak: We agreed to this match out of respect for what the challenger did for the tag team titles. Now it was unfortunate what happened to Spike, being turned on by his partner like that.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="darkred"]Power: We watched for weeks as Spike was turned down by potential partner after potential partner. So come on out here spike lets see if your man enough to do this on your own.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [I][B][INDENT]The music hits and spike comes out onto stage. [/INDENT][/B][/I] [INDENT][COLOR="darkred"]Spike: Now hold on just a minute you two. Who said anything about me not having a partner? Its just that its a surprise for the two of you and hopefully one our fans will enjoy as well. Now hit the music...[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]Doc: Never in a million years would i have expected this.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Red"]AG: Oh no! this can't be happening. These two teaming up...[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Blue"]MN: And his tag team partner Ace Youngblood. Together they are the punk rock xpress.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [I][B][COLOR="Yellow"]{Ace comes out on stage shaking hands with his long time friend and former, and now current tag team partner}[/COLOR][/B][/I] [INDENT][COLOR="DarkRed"]Ace: That certainly wiped that smirk off your face didn't it boys. You said to come dressed for a fight so...[/COLOR][/INDENT] [I][B][INDENT][COLOR="Yellow"]{They drop their mics and ace drops his title on the stage and they bolt to the ring} (E-)[/COLOR][/INDENT][/B][/I] [INDENT][COLOR="Red"]AG: Here we go a good 'ol fashion fight.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="DarkRed"]Power: Now wait just a minute. Why we'll admit we weren't expecting this, but your forgetting the stipulation on us accepting this mystery partner challenge. We choose the match.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]Doc: Whats Doug getting out from under the ring... Oh my God! Thats the chain we seen Arc Angel using and a second chain...[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Red"]AG: Could it be?[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="DarkRed"]Doug: Thats right boys a good old fashioned Dog collar match. [/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Red"]AG: It is this should really be good. [/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][I][B]The closing minutes: After dominating most of the match punk rock xpress are on the verge of losing. Ace gets leveled with an atomic full nelson. Spike turns to help his fallen friend and gets hit with the chain connecting him to doug peak. Peak rolls him up with a school boy pin and grabs a handful of tights to assist with the victory. The Assassins quickly unhook themselves and escape up the ramp with their titles. Youngblood and Spike are recovering in the ring looking shocked and youngblood looks a little hurt. (D-)[/B][/I][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]Doc: What a match and the ref completely missed the handful of tights doug peak grabbed.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Red"]AG: Its a no DQ match up even if he had seen it, wouldn't have made a difference. If youngblood hadn't already wrestled tonight, that might have gone a different way.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]Doc: I agree with you there. The referee has cleared the ring of the chains used to connect our last competitors and mitch is in the ring.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Blue"]MN: Our next contest is a one fall contest. Introducing first... Acid, and his opponent Matt Sparrow.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][I][B]The Closing minutes: Sparrow mounted and early offense but was quickly stopped when acid landed a low blow behind the refs back. Sparrow fights back hard, climbing up to the top rope a wobbly acid is climbing to his feet. Sparrow leaps off going for a hurricanrana but its reversed into an acid rain bomb. Acid picks up the victory. (D+)[/B][/I][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Red"]AG: I wouldn't mind seeing a rematch between those two. Minus the low blow it was a great display of high flying capabilities.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]Doc: I second that motion. The next match should be just as entertaining. We're just about ready to get under way, lets send it to Mitch up in the ring.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Blue"]MN: The following contest is a two out of three falls match, and it is for the PSW X Division championship. Introducing first the challenger... Stevie Grayson. And now the champion Freddy Huggins.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][I][B]The closing minutes: A huggins kiss and freddy picks up the first pinfall of the match. The ref seperates the two allowing grayson to recover and get to his feet. Then the action commences. Stevie mounts a huge comeback landing a series of clotheslines and dropkicks. Grayson climbs up to the top turnbuckle, ready to dive off with a moonsault. He sees acid coming down to the ring and he dives off taking him down. Acid has been fuming having beaten stevie just a few weeks ago and grayson got the title shot over him. The ref leaves the ring to seperate the two. He pushes grayson back into the ring and turns to make acid leave. Freddy is outside of the ring stevie comes over to pull him back in and gets leveled with a chair shot. The ref completely missed it. Freddy rolls back into the ring and covers an unconcious stevie the ref gets into the ring and counts the fall. (D-)[/B][/I][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="blue"]MN: Here is your winner and still champion. Freddy Huggins. (the ring clears and mitch enters) Our next contest is the four way elimination bout. The winner will be the new number one contender for the PSW World Championship. [/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Red"]AG: Here come the competitors. Our champion Joey Minnesota is going to be watching this match very closely you can guarantee that one.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]Doc: This should be a great match indeed. Made earlier tonight actually. With all this star power in the ring you have to wonder what rather who GM Phunk has to be in our double main events. Both the national and world championships still to come.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][I][B]The closing minutes. An amazing match up so far several near falls. We have already seen the elimination of steven parker who was taken out first via submission with a bloodstone mutilation. As johnny bloodstone was releasing the hold he gets caught with a twist on the rocks by johnny martin and eliminated himself. Before johnny could get up he recieves an elbo drop from troy tornado. Troy continues the assault, wanting to prove the injury he recently recovered from didn't slow him down. A former champion himself troy irish whips johnny to the corner. Martin avoids the splash, tornado coming in a little high hits his head on the post. Stumbling backwards johnny gets him into position and lands a twist on the rocks. Climbing up the turnbuckle he lands a diving headbutt and makes the cover. 1..2..3. (C+)[/B][/I][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Yellow"]{Edd stone is in the back holding his national title and a microphone. The fans cheer as they see one of the top faces in the company right now.}[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="DarkRed"]Edd: Co-Maineventing one of our biggest pay per views of the year. As if that wasn't enough pressure, i signed an open contract for a ladder match. Some have asked me why, I would do something like that... Well its all about the fans. Now GM Phunk wants to bring in outside talent for me to defend my title against. Whoever it is it better be good. After all the fans came to see a show. [COLOR="Yellow"]{Stone walks off camera}[/COLOR] (C)[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Blue"]MN: Our following contest is a Ladder Match and it is for the PSW National Championship. On his way to the ring the champion Edd Stone. {Edd enters the ring and removes his title attatching it to the rung watching as its hoisted 20 feet above the ring.} And his opponent... (there is a pause as a strange new music starts to play. Then a real familiar face steps through the curtain) Deadpool (aka sammy bach).[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]Doc: Oh MY God! You've got to be kidding me. GM Phunk really delivered. This is an amazing trade indeed.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Red"]AG: Should be a phenomenal match up indeed. You got to wonder if this is our first main event who he's saving for the final match of the evening.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][I][B]The closing minutes: Good chemistry and the star power of these two phenomenal athletes really helped this match shine. The ladder was used more as a weapon than for attempts at the title. We saw deadpool ascend the ladder with edd sprawled on a table rather than grabbing the title that he could have easily snatched off the rung, he dove off with a senton splash laying both men out. Taking a long time for both men to recover bach starts to ascned the ladder once again, stone slowly crawling up the other side. The two men exchange blows at the top of the ladder. Stone lands a headbutt causing deadpool to slump over. Edd looks around and rather than reaching for the title leaps over deadpool with a massive sunset flip powerbomb. The two lay motionless as the referee looks on helplessly. Edd starts to recover and climbs up the ladder one rung at a time. nearing the top deadpool is just starting his climb. Stone unhooks the title and falls off the ladder which falls over on impact. (b-)[/B][/I][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]Doc: Words can not describe the match we just witnessed. And for Edd Stone to still be champion reallys says a lot about the guy.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Red"]AG: I never liked the guy but after watching that match i sure as hell respect him. I can't wait to see whats next, its sure going to be hard to follow that.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Yellow"]{The camera pans to the back and Joey minnesota is as usual angry clutching his title, scowling at the camera}[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="DarkRed"]JM: As the top star in this company and now reigning champion, I shouldn't have to deal with this kind of stress. Forced into signing an open contract to defend my title. A last man standing match, what if i get injured? Then where will this company be. Not knowing my opponent, we have a few working agreements so he could be anyone. I don't like this but i'm not worried. You see this (holding up the title) this means i'm the best there is. I don't have to worry. Training to fight anyone possible, i'm in the best shape of my career. Whoever this mystery man is, you better be ready. Nothing and i mean nothing is going to stop me. I'm going to the top and i might as well carry this promotion with me. (B-)[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Blue"]MN: Our main event of the evening is a last man standing match and it is for the PSW World Championship. Introducing first the champion... Joey Miinnesota. (there is a long pause and silence in the arena as everyone is on the edge of their seats)[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]Doc: The suspense is incredible we can't wait to see to see... ( a very familiar music plays and the arena erupts in a thunderous roar) Oh My God! Can it be. [/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Red"]AG: No way. Its impossible. (the man steps through the curtains) It is. I can't believe it he's really here.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Yellow"]{In the ring Mitch Naess smiles big and joey minnesota looks worried.}[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Blue"]MN: and his opponent... Tommy Cornell![/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]Doc: By the look on his face i'd say joey minnesota looks worried now.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Red"]AG: Rightfully so, no way he was prepared for this, who would be. Better yet who could be?[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][I][B]The closing minutes: Joey pulled out every cheap trick in the book to try and stay one step ahead of Tommy. Cornell kept coming back and the momentum switched back and forth several times during the match. Tommy connects with the rough ride and looks to be about to finish off joey once and for all. He goes out and grabs a table from under the ring and sets it up near the corner. He climbs up to the top rope and is lifting joey up to attempt a powerbomb. Suddenly shane sneer comes out onto the ramp making his debut. He has a microphone in his hand and he is talking to cornell as he makes his way towards the ring. Joey recovers and after a couple of shots reverses cornell. A top rope empire spiral, through the table. Laying cornell out for the ten count. Sneer is in the ring trying to revive cornell as minnesota grabs his title and quickly makes his way back up the ramp.(B-)[/B][/I][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Blue"]MN: Here is your winner and still PSW World Champion, Joey Minnesota.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]Doc: Wow what an incredible match. Not to mention one hell of a surprise. But what is Shane sneer doing here is he part of the talent trade. As well?[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Red"]AG: I don't know Cornell looks happy to see him and shane is very apologetic for causing the losing distraction. We're out of time folks thanks for having us in your home tonight tune in thursday for PSW Unleashed and find out the fall out from all this.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][B][U][I]END PPV Final result: C+[/I][/U][/B][/INDENT]
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I just wanted to let everyone know the GM Phunk was not meant to sound that close to CM Punk. It was late or very early rather when i was typing that up. With him being the commisioner aka GM for my program and his name Grandmaster Phunk i just shortened his first name using the first letter or the two words that make up his first name. Now that thats out of the way...
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[INDENT][B]Dark Matches:[/B] Matt Sparrow def Spike (D) Kill Switch def Matthew Keith (D) Steve Flash def Mainstream Hernandez (D) Jungle Jack & Mean Machine def The Assassins (under handed tactics) (E+)[/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="DarkOrange"]PSW Unleashed live from a completely sold out Perry Hall[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][I][B]After a short montage highlighting the PPV this saturday night and the opening credits the show opens with Joey Minnesota standing in the ring, the world title draped over his shoulder. He is bandaged and bruised after his vicious match with tommy cornell at Barely Legal 2[/B][/I][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="DarkRed"]JM: Well well well. Would you look at who still holds the title. (raising the title up in the air) Despite the efforts of GM Phunk and the higher ups in the organization. Not even the great Tommy Cornell could beat me. (pausing to hold his ribs) Now i'll admit it wasn't the easiest victory i've ever gotten. Some of you might not even like how it happened. I told you I was headed to the top, and this company is coming with me. Now that last night's "surprise" is out of the way, there won't be anymore open contracts. As far as Johnny Martin is concerned I already beat you for my title. Am I supposed to be nervous that you won your little number one contenders match. Well I can assure you...[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]{He is cut off as Johnny Martin's music plays and he walks out onto the stage}[/COLOR][/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]JM: No, Joey you shouldn't be nervous. You should be scared. I'm coming back for MY title. A title I never lost. You pinned Steven Parker for that belt you're so proud of, not me. I want my re-match and seeing how i'm the number one contender I want it tonight! You see...[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="DarkRed"]JM: Now hold on just a minute Johnny. I'm not medically cleared, you can't do...[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]{GM Phunk appears on the jumbo tron and clears his throat, getting the attention of both men}[/COLOR][/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Blue"]GMP: Don't worry Joey you don't have to show your fake doctor's not saying that you can't wrestle tonight. I believe you're right, maybe i have been a little hard on you since you came here. So you have the night off, in fact you can leave the arena and i don't expect to see you again tonight. And Johnny don't get mad you are the number one contender, but my surprise for the fans didn't exactly end as planned. You may have noticed the steel cage hanging above the ring. Your going to fight tonight inside that steel cage. You're opponent will be... Tommy Cornell. I didn't expect him back so soon, but he was shocked by his long time friend shane sneer making his appearance at Barely Legal. That said he approached me earlier tonight demanding a second chance against Joey. Not wanting to completely bury you I came up with a plan. Why you may be the number one contender, you can't deny what a show that match was. So the winner will get the right to fight you first joey. If i were you i'd be a little nervous now, both of these men want to take you out. Johnny i'd go prepare for your match and Joey i'd leave the arena if I were you. Make it quick we've got some matches to get to. (B)[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][I][B]JD Morgan def Madman Boone (D-)[/B][/I][/INDENT] [INDENT][B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]{Playboy Jake Sawyer comes down to the ring with a microphone in hand}[/COLOR][/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Red"]PJS: Now I know everyone is wondering just what i'm doing out here. I've spent alot of time in the back scouting the talent and looking for the stars of tomorrow. I am starting a stable of the men i believe to be the future of this business as well as the true stars of this company. So let me introduce to you the first member of J-Tek.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]{Acid comes down to the ring shaking the hand of playboy jake sawyer. Jake takes his place in the corner of Acid as they prepare for his match coming up.} (This segment has acid being viewed as a face aligning himself with Jake Sawyer) (C)[/COLOR][/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][B][I]Acid def Freddy Huggins [c] (D) Acid wins the X Division championship Troy Tornado def Arc Angel (C-)[/I][/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][B][COLOR="darkorange"]{The camera pans to the back to our interview area where Mitch Naess is standing with Steven Parker}[/COLOR][/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Blue"]MN: Thank you for taking time before your match to answer a couple questions for me Steven.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]SP: No problem Mitch anything for the fans.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Blue"]MN: You rose to the top here in PSW relatively quickly. You turned your back on The Untouchables refusing to lay down for JD Morgan when you won the right to a title shot. Since then you've been seen as a hero in the eyes of the fans, and seem to have adjusted nicely.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]SP: It feels good to be loved. The fan support really helped when i was out with the injury i suffered at the hands of the untouchables after that match. Now i want to re pay them by giving them my best every night i step into that ring.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Blue"]MN: You haven't been having much luck lately, you got pinned in that triple threat match costing Johnny Martin his world championship, you were the first man eliminated in the fatal four way for the number one condership... Where do you go from here.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]SP: Thats why i requested this match tonight against Dead Pool. I figure a win over someone of his calibur will prove to GM Phunk that i'm worthy of another shot. Whether its against Edd Stone for the National Title or Joey Minnesota for the World Title. After i beat Dead Pool i'm going to do whatever it takes to get another title shot.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Blue"]MN: You sound pretty confident. Thanks again for the interview Steven Parker and good luck in your match tonight.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]SP: I don't need luck Mitch, all i need is the talent god gave me and the fan support i've earned and come to love. (C+)[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][B][I]Steven Parker def Dead Pool (B-)[/I][/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]{Edd Stone is in the back holding a microphone and his National Title}[/COLOR][/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="DarkRed"]ES: I want to thank a couple people. Thanks to Grand Avatar for appointing Grandmaster Phunk as the commisioner here in PSW. Thanks to GM Phunk for bringing in talent like Dead Pool and giving me the opportunity to wrestle him. Thanks to Dead Pool as well for putting on one hell of a performance at Barely Legal. He almost had my title and probably could have but chose to put me through a table instead. I'm still sore as hell from our match. Don't worry fans i'm a fighting champion and won't be taking the night off. Onto more current business. Johnny Bloodstone, you think your gonna have this easy beating me tonight. I'm not so hurt i'm gonna lay down for you. I don't know the meaning of the word quit. You better be ready for a fight, because i sure am. (C+)[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][I][B]Johnny Bloodstone def Edd Stone with the help of brass knuckles (C) [non title][/B][/I][/INDENT] [INDENT][B][COLOR="Blue"]Main Event: Johnny Martin vs Tommy Cornell in a modern steel cage[/COLOR][/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][B][I]the closing minutes: Both men are bleeding and showing signs of fatigue. Shane Sneer has been in the corner of Tommy all night cheering him on and even preventing the referee from open the cage door when it looked like Johnny could have won the match. Johnny Martin is attempting to climb the cage after again being denied access to the door by Shane. Tommy cornell grabs onto the foot of Johnny Marting and pulls him down off the cage and lands a couple right hands before hitting him with the guilt trip. He makes the cover 1...2... Johnny barely got the shoulder up in time. He picks him up and goes for a suplex but its reversed. Johnny Martin gets to his feet and climbs to the top rope, leaping off and driving his elbo into the heart of Tommy Cornell. He really seems to be fired up. He picks him up and lands a twist on the rocks. Johnny goes for the cover 1...2... Cornell puts his foot on the rope demonstarting what great ring presence he has. Johnny picks him up and hits him with a second twist on the rocks. Johnny Martin starts to climb the cage ingoring the door completely. Cornell is stirring crawling his way to the door. Shane Sneer grabs the keys from the ref and open the door shouting for cornell to hurry as Johnny is nearing the top. Johnny is perched ontop of the cage climbing over and cornell is nearing the door. Lifting his second leg over the top cornell has his arm out of the cage pulling himself out. Shane Sneer is pulling on conrnell with one arm holding the cage door in the other all of a sudden he slams the door on Tommy's arm. Tommy is writhing in pain, rolling on the mat clutching his arm. Johnny Martin oblivious to what was happening on the other side of the ring hang drops to the arena floor ending the match. Shane Sneer is in the ring paint brushing the face of Tommy Cornell shouting at him. Cornell pulls himself to his feet looking at his long time friend in disbelief. Shane goes to slap cornell again but Tommy grabs his throat and ****s back his hand. The cage is being raised back up when out of no where Joey Minnesota jumps the railing and slides into the ring. Tommy turns around just in time to get leveled with the championship. Joey is pounding away on a fallen Tommy Cornell. Johnny Martin is getting to his feet on the outside sees what is happening and slides in to try and help. Martin and Minnesota are exchanging blows when cornell gets to his feet. The two gain the upper hand on Joey Minnesota when down to the ring come JD Morgan, Freddy Huggins and The Mean Machine. They all start pull the two off of Joey and proceed to beat them both down. Huggins and Morgan are holding johnny martin and minnesota levels him with the world title. The mean machine clutching Tommy Cornell in a full nelson and hands his limp body to Joey Minnesota who lays him out with an empire spiral. The Show ends with the five men with their arms in the air standing over the limp bodies of Johnny Martin and Tommy Cornell. (B)[/I][/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][B][U][COLOR="Red"]End of Show: Overall Rating (B-) TV ratings on Arcadia: .15[/COLOR][/U][/B][/INDENT]
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[INDENT][B]Dark Matches:[/B] Matthew Keith def Matt Sparrow (D) Spike def Steve Flash (D+) The Mean Machine def Rudy Velasquez [manager distraction] (D-) Citizen X def Kirk Jameson (D)[/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Blue"]PSW Unleashed live in front of a sold out crowd from The North Carolina Biker Museum[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="DarkOrange"]{As the Show opens we see the same five men standing in the ring that were there when we went off the air last week}[/COLOR][/INDENT] [COLOR="Blue"][INDENT]SS: (Trying to talk over the loud boo's from the audience) Tommy Cornell; a long time friend of mine. I believe those were the words used by our announce team. Some might not know but, I was the one who found him. I was the one who trained him. I got him all his matches on the indy circuit, all his big matches that got him noticed by the big time organizations. I don't blame him for signing with them, I DO however blame him for forgetting about me. For getting such an ego that he actually believed he was responsible for all of his own success.[/INDENT][/COLOR] [INDENT][COLOR="DarkRed"]Joey: Very ungrateful. He couldn't beat me, and he couldn't even beat a chump like Johnny Martin. Looks like you were a little off in selecting your clients when you were younger.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]JD: Now thats no way to talk to Mr. Sneer.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Blue"]SS: Now, now boys no harm done. What the fans are going to be treated to is the formation of our new stable. The Mean Machine, Freddy Huggins, JD Morgan, Joey Minnesota and myself Shane Sneer. Ladies and gentlemen you are all witness to the re-incarnation of The Sneer Corporation. Together we are taking over PSW! (C-)[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][B][I]Ace Youngblood [c] def Jim Force flash pinfall (E)[/I][/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="DarkOrange"]{Ace stands in the ring as the fans cheer his victory. GM Phunk's music starts to play as he makes his way down to the ring}[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Blue"]GMP: Well Ace you got me out here what is it you wanted to tell me. For your sake it better be important. Now what could you have...[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Red"]ACE: I'm getting real sick of your attitude. Just because you were put in charge doesn't give you the right to treat us hard working wrestlers as you please. The way i won this title was unfortunate. Since I joined forces with my friend and former tag partner, we decided it would be best to focus on re-gaining our tag team titles.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="DarkOrange"]{With that Ace Youngblood drops the title at the feet of GM Phunk and exits the ring}[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][B][I]The Assassins [c] def Stevie Grayson and Donnie J (E+) Troy Tornado def Johnny Bloodstone (loser) and Steven Parker ( triple threat ) (C-)[/I][/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="darkorange"]{The camera goes to the interview stage and we see shane sneer standing with freddy huggins}[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]FH: Now how is it i'm the former X Division Champion, but i've been denied my chance to get it back. Acid says no, GM Phunk says no, hell even the people say no. Now I have to fight Arc Angel tonight. What the hell kind of raw deal am i getting here?[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Blue"]SS: Don't worry freddy you'll get a chance to regain your title in due time. As for a raw deal, I asked for this match for you. I feel it will really help you develop the skills you're going to need to take acid out of the picture and reclaim the X Division title.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]FH: You do always seem to know whats best Mr. Sneer. So if you asked for this match i'm sure you know what you're doing.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Blue"]SS: Please call me shane, now lets get out there and show them just how good you are. Then we'll get you your title back. (D+)[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][B][I]Arc Angel def Freddy Huggins after a miss-cue from The Mean Machine (D+)[/I][/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="DarkOrange"]{Again we find ourselves in the interview area where we see Mainstream Hernandez along side the beautiful Kristen Pearce}[/COLOR][/INDENT] [COLOR="DarkRed"][INDENT]MH: Whose the best looking man on the roster?[/INDENT][/COLOR] [INDENT][COLOR="Magenta"]KP: You are baby.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="DarkRed"]MH: Whose the most talented man on the roster?[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Magenta"]KP: You are baby[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="DarkRed"]MH: Thats right beautiful. I'm going to prove it tonight. When I step into the ring against Acid. I'm going to take his title and show Jake Sawyer that he was looking at the wrong man when he chose acid claiming he is one of the best. He was most certainly wrong when he said Acid is the future of the company. I am the chosen one. The future is I and I am the future. (D+)[/COLOR][/INDENT] [INDENT][B][I]Acid [c] def Mainstream Hernandez (after the match we had freddy huggins run out and attack Acid) (D+)[/I][/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][B]Main Event: JD Morgan& Joey Minnesota vs Johnny Martin and ???[/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][B][I]The closing minutes: Throughout the night we seen Johnny Martin asking almost everyone in the back to fiil in for Tommy Cornell Who couldn't make it tonight. The crowd was ecstatic when Edd Stone Walked out onto the stage with Johnny. Edd stone really put on a great show thus far. Shane Sneer has caused several key distractions and even took a couple of cheap shots at both Johnny Martin and Edd Stone. Joey Minnesota has Johnny Martin set up for the Empire Spiral. Stone climbs up the turbuckle and shane grabs his foot. Edd Stone shoves him down to the arena floor and leaps off nailing Joey Minnesota with a missle dropkick. He stands up showing for the crowd and turns around to get clotheslined over the top rope by JD Morgan; who follows him out. Inside the ring Johnny Martin has recovered and scoops up Joey Minnesota. He sets him up and lands a ring shaking twist on the rocks. The cover 1...2... Freddy Huggins and The Mean Machine have charged down to the ring breaking up the pin before the fall could be finished. The ref calls for the bell awarding the match to Johnny Martin and Edd Stone via disqualification. The three men inside the ring continue to pound on johnny martin. Edd stone on the outside DDT's JD Morgan and leaps onto the ring apron and inside taking out Freddy with a cross body. He starts slugging away on the mean machine and johnny martin reverses an irish whip attempt by joey minnesota the two seem to be gaining the upper hand. JD Morgan slides into the ring and helps Freddy Huggins to his feet. The numbers game catches up with Johnny Martin and Edd Stone soon both are laid out being stomped by all five members of The Sneer Corporation. Acid comes racing down to the ring with a steel chair in hand and lands a chair shot on The Mean Machine and another on Freddy Huggins the others clear the ring and pull their fallen comrades out to safety. Acid is checking on Johnny Martin and Edd Stone as the sneer corporation retreat up the ramp. Staring down the men in the ring. Johnny Martin is up to his knees holding onto the ropes staring at Joey Minnesota and the two are shouting back and forth as the show goes off the air. Johnny Martin & Edd Stone def JD Morgan and Joey Minnesota (C-)[/I][/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Red"][B]End of Broadcast: Final result (C-) Tv ratings on Arcadia: .14[/B][/COLOR][/INDENT]
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  • 1 month later...
July 2009, Thursday Week 3 PSW Unleashed Live from Club Absinthe; Hawaii Dark Matches: Mainstream Hernandez def Bobby Thomas (D-) Donnie J def Matthew Keith (D) Kirk Jameson def Stevie Grayson (E+) The Mean Machine def Steve Flash (D) The show opens with a lot of chaos, as a camera man is running through the back to where all the commotion is. The sneer corporation is pummeling Kirk Jameson. Jameson was slated to have a match tonight against The mean machine for the vacated Risin Sun championship. Acid, Stone and Martin come running over to even the odds and eventually send the sneer corporation into retreat. Meanwhile standing in the ring is GM Phunk watching all the action take place on the jumbo tron. GM Phunk: So much for our opening contest i can't let a title match take place after cowardly actions like that. Attacking a man to weaken him prior to the match. Now i was somewhat dissapointed in Ace Younblood for simply dropping the title. Although i commend him for his loyalty to his partner and friend. Besides our tag team division has been somewhat lacking as of late. This unfortunate turn of events does bare a silver lining however. A championship should be earned, one should fight hard for this belt. I have an idea that i think all will enjoy. The rising sun title will be decided in a tournament. At opposite ends of the bracket will be the mean machine and kirk jameson, if kirk wants his revenge he'll have to work for it. As for the mean machine if he wants to prove he deserved the title shot in the first place he'll have to win then beat the man he just jumped. The rest of the participants will be filled in before next week. Now on with the show. As the commisioners music plays and he exits the ring a new music plays and out walks Playboy Jake Sawyer he is followed by acid, johnny martin, edd stone and an obviously hurt kirk jameson. They pass the commisioner and enter the ring. Jake sawyer grabs a microphone and joins the men in the ring. PJS: I told you i would assemble the best in this business. I told you i would get the future to align and let me guide them to top. These four men are it. Johnny Martin this companies top star, and rightful world champion. Acid the best high flyer alive today, and look how he carries the X Division title with pride. Edd Stone a great athlete, from a great family not to mention a great champion. Kirk Jameson the brightest young star this business has ever seen. So much raw talent. With my tootelage they can only get better. Ladies and gentlemen i give to you J-Tec.(yes a reference to the late teddy heart and the stable he ran in the glory days of wcw) The music hits and they exit the ring. (C-) Punk Rock Xpress def The Assassins(c) in a ladder match for tag team titles (E+) Steven Parker def JD Morgan (D+) Arc Angel & Johnny Bloodstone def Troy Tornado & Jungle Jack (C-) Acid (c) def Citizen X (D) Freddy Huggins def Johnny Martin hardcore match with help from Joey Minnesota (C-) {the camera shows the interview area and after a few moments of silence Joey Minnesota walks into view along with the other members of the Sneer Corporation} JM: The Great Tommy Cornell, where is he now? Hiding? Or perhaps he's just too scared to face me again. He was supposed to be such a big threat. GM Phunk chose him to shock the wrestling world and perhaps he was hoping he would take my title. No one and i mean no one is going to take this away from me. Not that coward tommy, not that over the hill slacker Johnny Martin and not his crony Edd Stone either. Speaking of little eddy, let me tell you something boy, you're not even close to being on my level. You may be the current national champion, that doesn't mean you're ready to take it up a level and take on the big boys. All that means is that you're second best and i will prove it tonight, one on one. You keep you're boys in the back and i'll make sure mine do the same. (B+) Joey Minnesota (c) vs Edd Stone This promises to be a great match indeed. The first time these two will face off one on one inside the PSW ring. Both men champions only one title on the line, the world title. Both men are trying to build momentum for their stable. Both trying to prove they are the best of the best when it comes to our young talent. Right from the start of the match we can tell that these two men have good chemistry. The momentum goes back and forth as the two trade punches and suplexes. Edd Stone takes control after Joey Minnesota misses a top rope splash. Landing a series of dropkicks sending Joey outside to catch his breath and re group, getting some advice from Shane Sneer standing at ringside. Joey slide back into the ring only to be met by a clothesline from Edd stone. He stops to show off for the crowd getting them rallied behind him and cheering him on even more. The camera shows the back locker room area and the dressing room for J-Tec. A cane has been shoved through the door not allowing anyone to leave and Acid standing there about to pull it out gets jumped by the other three members of the Sneer Corporation. Leaving him layed out they start walking away as you can see the door trying to be forced open from the inside. Edd Stone sees what happened on the jumbo screen and tried to leave the ring only to be blindsided from behind by Joey Minnesota. He connects with a huge german suplex and locks him in the Minnesota salute right in the middle of the ring. Edd Struggles to get to the ropes as the members of the sneer corporation are coming down the aisle towards the ring. Freddy Huggins gets on the apron distracting the referee. Edd grabs the bottom rope and the mean machine cracks him in the head with the ring bell. Stone is out cold and releases the rope. The ref turns around sees him laid out still locked in the Minnesota Salute and calls for the bell. The winner via submission: Joey Minnesota. The other members of the Sneer Corporation flood the ring and continue the assault on Edd Stone. Playboy Jake Sawyer runs to the back. Edd Stone is picked up by Joey Minnesota and JD Morgan. Freddy Huggins and The Mean Machine take turns hitting him with chairs as shane sneer directs the traffic in the ring. The Mean Machine lifts up the head of Edd Stone and Shane Sneer just paintbrushes him slapping him in the face and yelling at him. We can't quite hear what it is but you can bet its nothing good. The crowd erupts in cheers as the other members of J-Tec come running down to the ring. As they hit the ring the Sneer Corporation exit and are walking up the ramp. They are checking on their fallen ally and Johnny Martin is standing at the apron waving them back in. Trying to get them to come back to the ring and finish this. This rivalry between these two factions is deffinatly heating up. Whats to come next week tune in to find out. (C) Show Rating: C- Tv Ratings: .13
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July 2009, Thursday week 4 PSW Unleashed live from a Sold Out Pennsylvania Park Dark Matches: The Mean Machine def Stevie Grayson (D-) Jim Force & The Assassins def Bobby Thomas, Steve & Ricky DeColt (D-) hardcore Kirk Jameson def Madman Boone (D) Arc Angel def Freddy Huggins (D+) {Show opens and GM Phunk is standing in the ring with a microphone in hand.} GMP: As usual I've got a lot to say and don't want to waste a lot of time doing it. The scheduled tournament for the vacated Rising Sun championship has ben scratched, not to dissapoint our fans or those that were hoping to win that title, its been replaced with a 6 man ladder match. Now for my next piece of news and i am qute proud of this one, we have managed to secure some very talented canadian stars on ppa deals. Why? some of you may be asking... The answer is simple, starting In august we will begin our first trip outside the united states. Embarking on a canadian tour circling around the major hot spots and concluding with our August pay per view; Highway to Hell! Now i feel i've wasted enough time adressing you people in person. Besides I have more important matters to attend to with running this company. Lets get this show rolling. {GM Phunk's music hits and he exits the ring and the music starts for our first competitors in the first match of the evening} Punk Rock Xpress (C) def Fumihiro Ota & Citizen X (E+) Acid (c) def Rudy Velasquez (D) Johnny Martin def Johnny Bloodstone and Troy Tornado (B-) {the camera pans to the back and the crowd erupts to see none other than Tommy Cornell standing in the unleashed interview area} MN: Tommy its great to see you back in the PSW arena as part of our show. Surely you've heard all the things that our world champion has been saying about you. Whats your response to him calling you a coward? TC: Let me just say Tommy Cornell isn't afraid of no one. I assure you I wasn't ducking you joey minnesota. I was focusing on my career over in TCW. I had to do a lot of pleading with the board to allow me to come back over here. To shut you up once and for all. I convinced them that not only was it bad for me but bad for the company as well. MN: Does that mean you will face him in a match again. TC: I've been in the office all day with GM Phunk in hopes that he will grant my request. Thats the reason I came back here, the only reason. (B) Edd Stone (c) def JD Morgan cage match (C-) {our camera returns to the interview area this time to find a not so ****y Joey Minnesota} JM: Should I be scared... "The great Tommy Cornell" crawls out from the rock he's been under hiding from me. He claims this is what he's here for. With all due respect the great GM Phunk can't be that studpid to put his companies champion and ticket to the top in jeopardy. However if he is that stupid, then once again i'll just have to proove why I am the champion. Why I'm going to be the one to take this company to the top. Just like I plan on doing in my match tonight against Steven Parker. This guy claims to be the future? Don't make me laugh, Can anyone tell me when the last time he held a title in this company? Better yet can anyone tell me when he was as good as me? Or as good looking as me for that matter. Just stand back and watch how I take care of business. (B-) Joey Minnesota (c) vs Steven Parker: Harcore What a match up this is going to be. Steven Parker finally getting his shot to win back a title which he feels he so rightly deserves. Its obvious these two have great chemistry as the match proceeds. These two have deffinatly shown what being in a hardcore federation is all about. We've seen chairs, tables, 2 x 4's barbed wire and more. Both men are bleeding and getting winded. Steven Parker gains the upper hand after send Joey Minnesota off the apron through the announce table. Steven Parker and Joey Minnesota fight their way up to the entrance stage followed by the referee. Parker lands the future shock and looks poised to become the next world champion of PSW when out of no where the other members of the Sneer Corporation come out and break up the pinfall. JD Morgan and Freddy Huggins grab parker and toss him off the stage. The Mean Machine picks Joey Minnesota off the ground and carries him down to the arena floor laying him ontop of Steven Parkers limp body. What a dissapointing end to a great match. Steven Parker was cheated out of a title again. JD, Freddy and Mean help Minnesota to his feet he can't stand on his own accord he doesn't even know where he is but he's the winner and he's still the champion. Shane Sneer comes up the ramp from ring side with the world title, the five men celebrate and pose for the crowd as the fan's boos are deafening. these five men like them or not still hold all the power here in PSW. Who will bring their reign to an end? As long as they hold the gold they make the rules and set the tone for other competitors. EMT's have come out to attend to Steven Parker who still hasn't moved but the sneer corporation won't let them near him. J-Tec just jumped the railing coming from the fans behind the sneer corporation. They start brawling and end up fighting all the way to the back. The show ends with the EMT's carting Steven Parker out to a waiting ambulence. (B-) Show Rating: B- Tv Rating: .13
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  • 2 weeks later...
Unfortunatly this diary has ended. I had to back up my files on an old computer and when doing so it burned everything from my gds folder with the exception of my save game files. For those that read the diary and for anyone who would like to know. the upcoming ppv was going to be main evented by Tommy Cornell & Joey Minnesota in a barbed wire USA match, with tommy picking up the win via help from johnny martin. The Canada tour brought in three names on ppa steve & ricky de colt packaged as team canada winning titles from tag champs. the third was bobby thomas never got anything going for him just 50/50 with his record. The final unleashed before the ppv brought in Jeremy stone as a result of the already mentioned attack on edd stone with the stone brothers picking up a victory over joey minnesota and jd morgan. The august ppv was main evented J-Tec vs The Sneer Corporation in a 4 vs 4 Cage Wars with J-Tec picking up the victory. Also at august ppv Johnny bloodstone won a number one contenders match. Then taking the title at the second Unleashed after the ppv. I'm entertaining a few new ideas for a new game slash diary. So untill next time thans for tuning in.
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