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Raw Thread December 1st (Possible Spoilers)

Bad Luck Brett

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[QUOTE=Bad Luck Brett;534109]... ... ... Jericho just cut one of the greatest promos, from start to finish, that I have ever witnessed. Fact![/QUOTE] I agree. Jericho's persona these days is really what has me coming back to watch RAW. Now if only they would start using Kane in a better fashion then the show would be ten times better. He's really the person on RAW they are totally mis-using right now.
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[quote=Bad Luck Brett;534109]... ... ... Jericho just cut one of the greatest promos, from start to finish, that I have ever witnessed. Fact![/quote] I agree, I normally start messing with TEW or change the channel as soon as it gets boring but Y2J really held my attention for the entire time, I always enjoyed his promos he did. :) [quote=Togg;534143]It has to be said... Santino is the future. i really hope he keeps getting lots of air time and time on the microphone. WWE has a pure born entertainer and i would love to see Santio as World Champion some day:D[/quote] I hope he is the future, I really enjoy his work that he does :) [quote=Eisen-verse;534145]So... What happened to Willliam Regal? I missed last week and I thought he was the IC champ still until I saw that there is a tourny now for the title?[/quote] He is still the champ, they are just doing a Tournament for the #1 Contender for the belt.
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Mysterio vs Kingston next week should bring fireworks. I wish they'd just let Rey fight lightweights. Seriously, how many of these Ray vs Big Show, Rey vs Kane and Rey vs Nash now can they make to show us yes Ray is suppose to be the underdog but always comes out with the big win. Its time to change it up with him. Some other great matches next week Jericho vs Jeff Hardy(love to see Hardy put over Jericho here but not seeing it) Cena vs Edge(They are rebuilding Cena, he wins this one) Batista vs Trips(Trips wins this one due to Orton interference) I hope they arent teasing with this HBK heel turn, Raw is severely lacking of heel main eventers.
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[QUOTE]I hope they arent teasing with this HBK heel turn, Raw is severely lacking of heel main eventers.[/QUOTE] I don't know if shawn will ever go back to being a full fledged heel though (if this turn does actually happen which I doubt they will do so). He's one of those characters that are best to keep as a good guy because the fans probably won't really accept him as a bad guy and will ultimately cheer him anyways.
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[QUOTE=Eisen-verse;534648]I don't know if shawn will ever go back to being a full fledged heel though (if this turn does actually happen which I doubt they will do so). He's one of those characters that are best to keep as a good guy because the fans probably won't really accept him as a bad guy and will ultimately cheer him anyways.[/QUOTE] Unless he's in Montreal haha... [url]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=I-IeavUJdUA[/url] [url]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=eQWXYW3A1bw&feature=related[/url] Great, great promo...
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[QUOTE=Marshall;534986]Unless he's in Montreal haha... [url]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=I-IeavUJdUA[/url] [url]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=eQWXYW3A1bw&feature=related[/url] Great, great promo...[/QUOTE] Classic, I'll never forget the "WHO'S YOUR DADDY MONTREAL?" and how hard the Canadians popped for Hart's theme
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