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Mexican Showdown

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Alright so The Masked Orange has challenged me to a game in Mexico. The rules are pretty simple. He starts as SOTBPW and I have created my promotion on Medium making me a regional fed. The objective is pretty simple I'm going to put him out of business as quickly as possible. And now on with the show. My name is Inigo Montoya and I have traveled across the globe in search of one man… Senior Orangio. It all started 5 years ago. Senior Orangio was going one on one with my father Miguel Montoya. My father was the greatest wrestler to ever live and Senior Orangio was envious of his success. During the match my father was suppose to land his finisher the Montoya Master Splash. But when my took the dive off the ropes something went horribly wrong and he landed awkwardly on his neck. He died in the emergency room just hours later. My name is Inigo Montoya and Senior Orangio killed my father.
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I’ve been reliving the night over and over again in my head. I’ve tried confronting Senior Orangio but he has fled the country. I’ve been tracking him ever since that day 5 years ago and have finally found his hiding place…Mexico. It seems Senior Orangio has become the head booker of a small wrestling promotion known as South of the Boarder Pro Wrestling. At first my plan was simple walk onto the set of SOTBPW and tell him… “My name is Inigo Montoya and you killed my father.” But then I got a better idea, I will destroy his hopes and dreams just like he did mine. So I have decided to open my own company in Northern Mexico to put his beloved SOTBPW out of business. It won’t be easy, but it will be a long drawn out agonizing defeat for Senior Orangio. Then when his company crumbles at his feet I will walk over my fallen foe and exclaim: “My name is Inigo Montoya and you killed my father.”
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[quote] Not a bad Idea there Astil...and for a second I was starting to think no one got the referance. [/quote] The truth was I didn’t know much about opening a wrestling company. I had watched my dad wrestler for years, and even went through a few dozen schools myself. I was a decent worker, but I didn’t know the first thing about opening a business, especially in a place like Mexico. Using the money I got from my father’s death I went on to do the unthinkable, I was going to open my very own wrestling company. The first thing we needed was a name. Apparently Lucha was a pretty big thing here in Mexico so I decided on Super Lucha Wrestling. Maybe not the most original name, but it will do. My next order of business was to decide what type of product my show would have. Knowing how big Lucha and Soap Operas were in Mexico I decided I wanted to use those two things as much as possible while still focusing on in ring ability. The result was something like this: Match Ratio: 70% Match Intensity: 40% Match Danger: 65% Traditional: Heavy Mainstream: Low Comedy: Medium Cult: Very Low Risque: None Modern: Medium Realism: Low Hyper Realism: None Hardcore: Low Lucha Libre: Key Feature Pure: None Daredevil: Medium We were being viewed as a Regional Company with D- popularity in Northern and South Eastern Mexico, while West Central was still at a F. Now all that is left is to find workers. Naturally we refuse to sign anyone who works for that dastardly villain Senior Orangio, but any other company is fine.
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;536945]Senior Orangio will die! That evil bastard. Im already willing to flame on message boards throughout the world against SOTBPW![/QUOTE] That Hurt. Something he forgot to mentio is that I Senior Orangio will occasionally make posts from my point of view. But I am oblivious to being a murderer. And Dammit I was a good murderer
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El Fuerza, I was unsure of him, he had little wrestling experience, but was insanely popular. I talked to Champagne, he said to trust him. Mr. Ibanez said to get him in the title picture straight away. I have faith in Fuerza, he reminds me of myslef... A new company opened recently SLW. I don't know who runs it but it could be a good child company... I took a bath today, it felt cool in the Mexican Heat. The Corner Store had no Salsa Dip left.
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We were able to rent out an old building in Chihuahua Mexico as our base of operation. It wasn’t much but it was enough for a start up. Father always said it’s not how you start it’s how you finish. My next task was to hire an assistant, after all I had a dastardly villain to chase I didn’t have time to make all the small decisions in my new business. I decided on a cute Mexican girl by the name of Sophie, or at least I have been calling her Sophie. Turns out people in Mexico don’t speak English, and I don’t speak…erm…Mexican? Guess I’ll just have to rely on Sophie to teach me. I showed her the new outfit she will be expected to wear and she actually smacked. She said something about it not being appropriate, but how is a maid outfit 2 sizes to small be inappropriate? Silly broad she had a lot to learn if she was going to make it in this business.
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I was watching the young and the Fearless today, El Fuerza still had a slight bruise from when he "botched" an interference attempt on Axxis Jr. and Mario Herioc during their title match. The recently unemployed Sam Keith guest starred as an American Businessman, trying to seduce that slightly smaller chested one. It came to me, socks go in the sock draw. I got on the phone to Keith, we talked, and he said he would be honoured to come work for me, as long as he had at least a midcard title run. His performances are always A*, I shall fued him with El Fuerza, they will both debut against eachother. It is a great plan. Do you think a cream tie goes with a dark blue suit?? No, I'd look like an ice cream man.
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Senior Orangio and his band of goons came to part of Mexico today and held their weekly show. I was hesitant but Sophie insisted that I take her as my date to the show. I must say for a company headed by a murderous thug people sure do seem to love the show. It was held at The National Arena in Tijuana and all 2,000 seats were occupied. Sophie for some reason was taken notes instead of necking with me, remind me not to give her a bonus. The first match of the night was a tag team title match his champions Los Sickness held onto their titles defeating Circus of Death in a very underwhelming match. I would grade it an E+ not up to my standards at all. The next match was a little better some kid in a funny blue mask by the name of El Diamante Azul defeated Demon Seed in what I would say was still below par maybe a D-. Then there was another crummy match where Gonzalo Rubio drew with Leon Joven. I would rate that at a lousy E. I went to get some popcorn for the next match, which like most of the show wasn’t very good. Sophie was on scouting detail while I was gone and she said it was another title match this one having Pirata Malvado defending his title successfully against Rebel De Loco in what she said was another E+ match. Senior Orangio must really love his titles because when I came back it was yet another title match this one had Mexican Beast, Mexican Ghoul and Blood Raven defeat Vincente Romero, Hysteria, and Junior Youth taking their titles in a D- match. Following that match was Verdugo Estupensdo defeating Lobo Blanco in a D rated match. I thought the crowd was going to riot over such a lousy show until I saw what the main event was. A ladder was brought out to the ring and Champagne Lover, Mario Heroic and Axxis Jr. fought an incredible match for their most prestigious title in what I would say was a B- match. Overall it was a horrible show that was held together by the outstanding main event. I would give the show a C+. Senior Orangio may be a murderer but he isn’t stupid he knew who he had to use to succeed. I made a mental note to keep an eye on the contracts of those three men if I? could still them away from Senior Orangio then I’m sure his precious company would crumble at the seams.
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O.O.C. It should be noted, if I didn't say it already, that Mexico is the only active region in the game. So a lot of the signings you see take place are because of this. After weeks of interviews, and watching tape I had finally assembled a roster my father could be proud of. Everything was starting to fall into place for me now and it wouldn't be long until I had my first show and began to destroy SOTBPW. [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]ROSTER:[/SIZE][/B] Main Event: [COLOR="Red"]Acid (D-)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Angel De Mexico (D-)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Hijo Del Mephisto (E+)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Sammy Bach (D-)[/COLOR] Upper Midcard: [COLOR="Red"]Black Eagle (E+)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Canadian Dragon (E)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Charron (E)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Chess Manic (E)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]John Greed (E)[/COLOR] Midcard: [COLOR="Blue"]Amo Del Gato (E-)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Burning EXILE (E-)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]El Hijo Del Zonk (E) Mexican Dragon (E) Surfeador Californiano (F)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Tigre Salvaje Jr. (E-)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Velocidad (E-)[/COLOR] Lower Midcard: [COLOR="Red"]Insane Machine (F)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Masked Cougar (F) UK Dragon (F-)[/COLOR] Opener: [COLOR="Blue"]American Elemental (F-)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Jacob Jett (F-)[/COLOR] Enhancement Talent: [COLOR="Red"]Tempest Appleby (F-)[/COLOR] Manager: [COLOR="Red"]Carla (Charron) Playboy Jack Sawyer (Acid, Burning EXILE and Insane Machine)[/COLOR] Announcer: [COLOR="Blue"]Benito Saez[/COLOR] Color Commentator: [COLOR="Blue"]Teadoro Nieto[/COLOR] Referee: [COLOR="Blue"]Ref Benn[/COLOR] Road Agent: [COLOR="Blue"] Inigo Montoya[/COLOR] Tag Teams: [COLOR="Red"]Exiled Youth (Burning EXILE and Insane Machine) The Assassins (Black Eagle and Charron)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]The Beach Boys (Surfeador Californiano and Sammy Bach) Trade Embargo (American Elemental and Mexican Dragon)[/COLOR] Stables: [COLOR="Blue"]The United Nations (American Elemental, Canadian Dragon, Mexican Dragon, and UK Dragon)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Exiled Youth (Playboy Jack Sawyer, Acid, Burning EXILE and Insane Machine)[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Titles:[/SIZE][/B] [B]Super Lucha Championship Title:[/B] Vacant [B]Northern Boarder Championship Title:[/B] Vacant [B]Super Lucha Tag Team Championship Title:[/B] Vacant [B]Super Lucha Trio Championship Title:[/B] Vacant [/CENTER] A quick note for those who are interested. Mexican Dragon is really Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. All that is left now is to put together a show and then by next month hopefully find our way onto television.
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[QUOTE=pepper2008;538661]Inigo Montoya needs a Giant and a Pirate. Why dont you get Pirata Malvado and either Hugo Garido or Grue Slugg[/QUOTE] I couldn't agree more about the Pirate. However, my favorite worker in the C-Verse Pirata Malvado works for that scum Senior Orangio, and therefore I refuse to sign him. However, once I actually debut my character (because right now I'm doing Road Agent duties only) I think that will definately be how I debut with a pirate and a Giant by my side...a giant who can only Doggie Paddle of course ;)
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[QUOTE=The Masked Orange;538673]Yeah, just thought I'd mention my new signings, the SOTBPW roster hasn't released anyone though. Sam Keith, The Awesome Kiyaru, The Wrath Of God (Jack Geidroyc) The Billion Dollar Man (Angry Gilmore)[/QUOTE] Wow those are awesome signings. Inigo Montoya would never ever beat you now.:D Plus you got his precious Pirate Is Tom Gilmore still injured?
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[QUOTE=mad5226;538666]I couldn't agree more about the Pirate. However, my favorite worker in the C-Verse Pirata Malvado works for that scum Senior Orangio, and therefore I refuse to sign him. However, once I actually debut my character (because right now I'm doing Road Agent duties only) I think that will definately be how I debut with a pirate and a Giant by my side...a giant who can only Doggie Paddle of course ;)[/QUOTE] Go get Bruce the Giant, he could Doggie Paddle
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Yeah really I don't get how this will see who is better at booking Mexico. When you bring in all of these workers for the USA. There are so many workers in Mexico right now that are great. El Fuerza, Champagne Lover, Nicolas Lopez, Pablo Rodriguez, Mexican Beast, Mexican Ghoul, Los Sickness, Blood Raven, Eletcrico, El Leon, the list goes on of great Mexican workers. But again its not my diary and not my game. Have fun fellas.
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