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The Kid and The Business

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Vince held the motorola microtac 950 to his ear with both hands, given the cell phones large bulk. His expression was enough to show that this wasn't a phonecall he was enjoying. As the call ended his face was white with panic.

"This thing is bigger than I thought. Kid, you need to get me the list of every drug test we've conducted over the last month."


Vince had been onto the phone with WWF doctor, George Zaharian. People had become very interested in some of his practices, and as a result, were asking questions about his WWF connections.

"I don't care who they are or what they were caught for, we need to take anybody off TV whose failed."

"OK Mr McMahon, but the list is pretty long..."

"I don't care dammit, just give it to me!"


"Ok...well, theres Crush, Dino Bravo, Warlord Von Erich and Jake Roberts..."


The kid stopped short of mentioning Bulldog and Mr Perfect.


"...and that's it."


"We can afford to drop all of those guys for at least a month or so until this thing cools down. Make sure you let them all know Kid, good job."

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Hey everyone


Just to let you know that this isn't sleeping, it's just resting it's eyes!


Im quite a way through writing Main Event if anybody wants to predict, but have not had much free time lately. Lots of work stuff mostly but also spent the day in manchester and went to the TNA houseshow which was all kinds of awesome! Anyway, i'm sure nobodies interested in all that. I'm writing in small chunks which I don't like so much but it is what it is.


Thanks for your patience!

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<p><strong>Legion Of Doom and "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan</strong> vs The Barbarian, Hercules and Haku</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The British Bulldog</strong> vs John Aurobindo Tenta-cles</p><p> </p><p>

The Bushwhackers vs <strong>Demolition </strong>members Crush and Smash</p><p>


Andre The Giant</strong> vs Greg Valentine</p><p>


The Ultimate Warrior </strong>vs Colonel Mustafa</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jim Neidhart </strong>vs Rick "The Model" Martel</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hulk Hogan and Macho King Randy Savage</strong> vs The Undertaker and The Million Dollar Man</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>THE MAIN EVENT</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>

LIVE FROM THE TUSCALOOSA COLUSSEUM IN FRONT OF A SELLOUT 15,000 FANS</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>


Your commentators are Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- Here we are in Tuscaloosa just 24 hours removed from The fourth annual Royal Rumble, and what a happening it was! </p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- I can’t believe they replaced me with that moron Piper! Last night was the most controversial night in WWF history and I had to watch it from backstage!</p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- I thought he did an excellent job Brain! For those who missed it, the controversy Bobby is talking about regards the ending of The Royal Rumble match. Lets take you back to last night with these exclusive images.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>(A short video is shown of still images of the Royal Rumble with commentary from Gorilla and the Hot Rod.)</em></p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- My sources tell me that Jack Tunney is refusing to comment, but if you ask me Gorilla, Hulk Hogan cheated his way to WrestleMania!</p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- Nobody asked you Brain! Hulk Hogan had no idea whether The Macho King went over or through the ropes.</p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- And neither did the referee Monsoon, how can he make a call as important as that if he never saw it?</p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- Whatever your stance on this one folks, the simple fact is that Hulk Hogan was declared the winner and as such, takes his place as the challenger to the WWF title at WrestleMania. It looks like our opening bout is about to get underway, so lets head down to the ring.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><p><strong>

Road Warrior Animal, Road Warrior Hawk and Jim Duggan vsThe Barbarian, Haku and Hercules Hernandez </strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- Oh boy, what a wall of muscle in that ring, Barbarian, Haku and Hercules make one imposing threesome!</p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- They certainly do brain. LOD and Jim Duggan will have to be at the top of their game to come out of this one with a victory.</p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- Never mind a victory, they’re gonna have to work miracles to come out of it with their teeth intact!</p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- Duggan elects to start for his team, and it looks like Haku will join him, and Duggan gets the crowd into this one early!</p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- The fans are idiots Gorilla, plain and simple! </p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- Will you stop? The fans have the right to cheer whoever they want. Just because they call you a weasle doesn’t make them idiots!</p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- Just call the action Monsoon.</p><p> </p><p>

The match starts as a back and forth affair until the heel team isolate Hawk. They take turns to batter him in the corner. Animal tries to help out his tag partner but the ref stops him from entering the ring as Haku and Barbarian illegally double team Hawk. Hawk is struggling but refuses to give in. He ducks a clothesline from Haku and gets a desperation big boot of his own. Both men are down! Haku makes it to his corner and tags in The Barbarian as Hawk reaches for a tag to Duggan…and he gets it!</p><p> </p><p>

Duggan enters to a thunderous applause! He takes out Barbarian with a right hand, Haku charges him but Duggan ducks and hit’s a clothesline! Huge back body drop The Warlord! Duggan is clearing the ring single handed! Duggan tags in Animal and whips the legal man Barbarian into the ropes. Animal hits him with the flying shoulder tackle for the 1,2,3!</p><p>


Here are your winners, The Legion of Doom and “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>C+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- The Legion of Doom and Jim Duggan are standing tall in the ring and the crowd are going banana’s! Barbarian, Haku and Warlord may have had the muscle mass advantage but teamwork and hard work can fell the hardest of foes!</p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- You forgot to mention luck Monsoon!</p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- I didn’t see anything lucky in that ring Brain, they won that one fair and square…Im getting word that….yes, Mean Gene is in the back with Owen Hart. Gene, over to you.</p><p> </p><p>

Gene- Thankyou Gorilla. As you stated, I’m here with the brother of Bret Hart, Owen. Owen, last night you made your WWF debut in The Royal Rumble match, and promptly eliminated your own brother and you seemed to enjoy it! How could you turn your back on your own flesh and blood?</p><p> </p><p>

Owen- Bret, Bret, Bret, Bret, Bret, Bret, BRET! That’s all I ever hear! That’s all everybody wants to talk about. As long as there’s a Bret Hart in this world, I’ll never be Owen, I’ll always be his brother, and it makes me sick! I’ve trained harder than him since we were kids, I’ve out wrestled him, out classed him and out performed him for years, but the only crime I made was not showcasing it on a world stage like the WWF before him.</p><p> </p><p>

So now all the fans call him The Hitman, even though it was MY nickname. The Sharpshooter? I perfected it years before he did but he gets all the credit! You’ve made my life a misery as I sat at home with mom and dad, watching you steal everything I held dear. And the worst part was they cheered you louder than they ever cheered me. Well enough is enough Bret. Now it’s my turn to make your life miserable until you can’t take it anymore and hightail it back to Canada. And when you do, I can rightfully claim my place as the King of Harts, Owen Hart.</p><p> </p><p>

Mean Gene, I hope your recording this interview because this is the very last time I will utter the word Bret. That word is a dirty word to me now…</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>D+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- Heated words from Bret’s brother…</p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- Didn’t you listen to a word he just said? That’s a dirty word Monsoon! You better start contributing to the swear jar!</p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- It’s always a shame when jealousy comes between two family members, and I’m sure this isn’t the last we’ve heard of this particular incident. Coming up next, Davey Boy Smith looks to put his loss last night behind him as he takes on the massive Aurobindo Tentacles in one on one competition</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><p><strong>

British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith vs. John Aurobindo Tentacles</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

As expected, Davey Boy was completely dominant in this one, still playing on the damage his knee’s took last night, but not letting it affect him momentum in this one. Bulldog Pins Tentacles in short order with the running power slam</p><p>


Here is your winner, British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith</strong></p><p>

<strong>D</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<em>(Davey Boy Smith exit’s the ring and grabs a microphone from ringside.)</em></p><p> </p><p>

Bulldog- Mr Perfect! Last night we put on a great match between us. I’ll give you your due, you are a great competitor and a worthy champion. There was nothing to choose between us, except that is, for that little weasel Bobby Heenan!</p><p> </p><p>

I had you beat until he draped your foot across the bottom rope and you know it! I’m not a bitter man though Mr Perfect, the truth is you beat me, by hook or by crook. All I’m asking is that you grant me a rematch and this time we leave all the distractions backstage., what do you say?</p><p> </p><p>

<em>(Davey Boy waits for a response but it becomes clear that he isn’t going to get one. The crowd starts to boo the non appearance as Bulldog drops the mic and leaves the ring.)</em></p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- Hey weasel, er, I mean brain! What gives with Mr Perfect not showing his face?</p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- Listen here Monsoon! If Mr Perfect answered the challenge of every flea bitten punk who called him out, he’d be wrestling till thanksgiving! He’s the Intercontinental champion for a reason and he doesn’t have to prove himself to anybody including that British jerk!</p><p>

C</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><p><strong>

THE INFO CENTER</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Mooney- Hi everybody I’m Sean Mooney here with some late breaking news. As Gorilla and Bobby made clear earlier, the ending of last nights Royal Rumble match was drenched in controversy. As we all saw, The Macho King Randy Savage went through the ropes as he attacked The Texas Tornado. The officials at ringside were preoccupied with Hulk Hogan and The Undertaker, and so thought that Savage had been eliminated. Now, WWF President Jack Tunney refused to comment earlier today when he arrived at The Tuscaloosa Coliseum, but we did receive a letter from Mr Tunney’s office which simply stated “ There is a long held tradition within the WWF that all referee’s decisions are final. Whilst the outcome of The Royal Rumble may have proved inconclusive to some fans, we cannot and would not overrule it as this sets a dangerous president for all future matches.”</p><p> </p><p>

This is where the story ends for now…or so we thought, until we received these images from a local camera crew who were trying to get a statement from Mr Tunney.</p><p>


(Randy Savage barges past the security guarding Jack Tunney’s office and nearly takes the door’s off its hinges.)</em></p><p> </p><p>

Savage- What’s going on Tunney! What madness is this! I was never eliminated from the Royal Rumble, ohhhh yeah, and you all saw it! I demand satisfaction!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>(The guards restrain him as Savage tries to escape from their grasp.)</em></p><p> </p><p>

Savage- Get your stinkin hands off me you goons! I’m the Macho King!</p><p> </p><p>

Tunney- Mr Savage, if you wish to make a formal complaint, I assure you this isn’t the way to go about it! It’s out of my hands now Randy, the ref made the call and I have to back it. I suggest you go away and cool off before we both do something we regret.</p><p> </p><p>

Savage- I’ll go Tunney, Ohhh yeah, I’ll go, but you better believe that justice will be served!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>(We cut back to The Info Center)</em></p><p> </p><p>

Mooney- Randy Savage is clearly outraged by the decision and some would say rightly so, but what does Hulk Hogan have to say about it? Unfortunately, the Hulkster has been unavailable for comment but he is scheduled to appear in the arena tonight. What mood he will be in is anybodies guess, but you can be sure that Hulk will have a lot to say on the matter. Lets take you back to Gorilla and Bobby who are live at ringside.</p><p>

<strong>C+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- Thankyou Sean Mooney. The tag ranks right now in the WWF are brimming with world class tag teams…</p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- That’s right, and were gonna see one in action right now when Demolition do a number on The Bushwhackers!</p><p> </p><p>

Monsoon- Whatever Mr Heenan may have you believe folks, this one is no forgone conclusion. The Bushwhackers may be a little unorthodox but they know how to get it done in the ring.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><p><strong>

The Bushwhackers vs. Demolition members Crush and Smash</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The Whackers try their usual comedy bits but Demolition are having none of it! The Demo’s take control and work over Butch and Luke, but get a little over confident, allowing The Bushwhackers to get back into it. A battering Ram later and it’s all over!</p><p>


Here are your winners: The Bushwhackers.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>D</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- Some may call that an upset but The Bushwhackers deserved their win tonight!</p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- All they did was drag Demolition down to their level, and that’s pretty low Monsoon!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>(The unmistakable strains of Real American hit the speakers and the crowd erupts.)</em></p><p> </p><p>

Hogan- Whoa, there’s a lot of Hulkamaniacs here in Tuscaloosa! You know something brothers, I’ve been training hard for months, saying my prayers and eating my vitamins in preparation for The Royal Rumble, and last night should have been one of the greatest of my life…but you all saw what happened. From what I hear, The Macho Man so angry he’s tearing things up backstage, and I don’t blame you, brother! You’ve got every right to be mad…but so do I!</p><p> </p><p>

I knew coming into the Rumble that I might have to do a few things I might regret if I wanted to go all the way, but I never wanted to win like that dudes. That’s why I marched into Jack Tunney’s office, and I demanded that he let me and Savage go one on one to show once and for all who should be the number one contender at WrestleMania brothers!</p><p>


(The crowd rise to their feet at the prospect of a Savage/Hogan confrontation.)</em></p><p> </p><p>

The problem is that Mr Tunney strongly believes that the referee’s decision is final, and I respect that dudes, even if I don’t like it! So the reason I came out here tonight was to do something I don’t have to do that often, and that’s apologise to Randy Savage.</p><p>


(The crowd boo heavily.)</em></p><p> </p><p>

Now hold on a minute brothers! The Macho King has a reason to be angry with me, so why don’t you come to the ring and let me apologise to your face?</p><p>


(Savage makes his way out with a paranoid look on his face as the crowd let him know what they think of him.)</em></p><p> </p><p>

Hogan- Thanks for coming out here Randy. I just want you to know that this thing is over my head brother, I can’t change anybodies decision on this one. The only thing I can do Macho, is make a promise to you. I promise that when I win the world title at WrestleMania, your gonna be first in line to get a shot at it, what d’ya say?</p><p>


(Hogan extends his hand to Savage. Savage thinks it over before eventually accepting. Hogan tries to pull away but Savage pulls him back.)</em></p><p> </p><p>

Savage- Hold on just a minute Hulk Hogan, oh yeah! You’ve got a nerve calling me out here after everything that happened last night, but I’m glad you did. I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching backstage and I come to the particular conclusion that I’ve been taking out the Macho Madness on the wrong people. Yeah, I’m mad at Jack Tunney, and Ooooooh yeah me and you have unfinished business Hulk Hogan, but the man who put us in this particular situation was The Undertaker! That’s why I’m proposing that me and you reunite the band….oh yeah, I’m talking about another day for you and me in paradise as Hulk Hogan teams up with The Macho King to take on The Undertaker and anybody he can get to team up with him! What d’ya say? </p><p> </p><p>

<em>(Savage now extends his hand and Hogan thinks it over. He shakes and the match is sealed.)</em></p><p><em>


<strong>B+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- Holy Mackerel! Hogan and Savage against The Phenom! Any idea’s on who his partner will be Brain?</p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- I’ve got eyes and ears everywhere backstage Gorilla, you’ll be the first to know when I find out. I’ve got a feeling it could be quite a shock…</p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- Speaking of shocks Bobby, how shocked where you when Andre The Giant returned last night?</p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- Not as shocked as he was when The Hammer hit him with the guitar!</p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- And that’s exactly why Andre asked for this match tonight.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><p><strong>

Andre The Giant vs. Greg The Hammer Valentine</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

This was another decidedly one sided affair in which Andre proceeded to get his revenge for the Royal Rumble attack. Andre had the match won on several occasions but neglected to go for the cover, instead continuing to beat up Valentine. Andre hit Valentine with a huge elbow and looked to finish things with the sitdown Splash. 1.…2.….no! Honky Tonk man rushes the ring and waffles Andre with another vicious guitar shot drawing the DQ!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Here is your winner: Andre The Giant via disqualification.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>C</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- Andre’s only been back for two day’s but if he keeps taking shots like that, he aint gonna last much longer!</p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- That was just sickening! Where do those two get off smashing somebody over the head like that! That isn’t wrestling, it’s just a violent unprovoked attack!</p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- I know…..great aint it!</p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- Andre is being helped to the back by our broadcast colleague Rowdy Roddy Piper, who will host a very special Piper’s Pit next. Andre looks out of it folks, I don’t think he knows where he is right now. </p><p>

Heenan- That’s nothing new!</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><p><strong>

PIPERS PIT</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Piper- First things first, I just got through talking with Andre and he’s a little woozy, but he’s gonna be fine. With that out the way, onto the real reason you all came here tonight, to see The Hotrod live and in person! You know, I’ve had some big guests on The Pit, who could forget Bruno Sammartino, the Immortal Hulk Hogan, and of course, Jimmy Snuka! I love you Jimmy!</p><p> </p><p>

But there’s one guy that every broadcast journalist has been trying to interview for the last month, and as always, The Pit has got the exclusive, HOLD THE FRONT PAGES! That’s right folks, please welcome…..hell I dunno what to call him, just get your hairy butt out here you cowboy hat wearing weirdo!</p><p>


(The Unknown Cowboy comes to the ring)</em></p><p> </p><p>

Nice of you to join us tonight bucko! The fans have been dying to know your name, mostly so they know who to send their hate mail to, but they wanna know all the same! So why don’t you tell the nice people your name?</p><p>


(There is silence)</em></p><p> </p><p>

Hellooooooo? Anybody in there? Gees buddy, you gotta tongue in that mouth? Don’t you know it’s rude to ignore somebody who asks you a question, especially when that somebody can knock your block off! OK, OK. Why don’t we try something different, why don’t you take that hat off so we can take a good look at your ugly mug!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>(Piper tries to knock off the hat but The Cowboy blocks him and catches his hand. He kicks Piper in the midsection and delivers a harsh double arm DDT. He drags Piper over to the entrance area, grabs him by the head and hurls him through a section of the stage!)</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>C-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- What is happening around here tonight! We need to get a doctor for Hotrod straight away!</p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- Oh, he was asking for it Gorilla! You can’t taunt a dangerous man like that and expect to leave the arena in one piece!</p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- How can you condone this Bobby? Jack Tunney needs to suspend this monster before he attempts something like this again!</p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- That’s assuming he even has a contract Monsoon. We don’t know anything about this guy!</p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- This is hard to watch… we need to get the camera’s out of here. lets go backstage to where Sean Mooney is standing by with WWF champion The Ultimate Warrior.</p><p> </p><p>

Mooney- Thanks guys. Ultimate Warrior, less than twenty four hours ago, you defeated Sgt Slaughter to retain the WWF Championship. Tonight, you go one on one with Sarge's commanding officer Col. Mustafa. What shape are you in following yesterday's grueling matchup?</p><p> </p><p>

Warrior- They said that The Warrior nation would crumble under the weight of your challenge to the throne but HEEEEEEREEEEE IIIII AAAAAAAM! And where are you Slaughter? At home licking your wounds as you send in the goons to finish the job that you started but could never complete! It doesn't matter what condition the rocketship is in because it has enough fuel to take off to the full moon, and when I look down from the lofty perch of the heavens, I will survey the kingdom I have saved from your evil hands and my tears of joy will fill the arena...and when colonel Mustafa asks me to remove him from the salty waters I will take joy in destroying you and your army!</p><p> </p><p>

Mooney- Wow, strong stuff from the champ! Back to you guys!</p><p> </p><p>


</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>

The Ultimate Warrior vs Colonel Mustafa</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- I don't know if Mustafa heard what was just said but you can see the fear in his eyes as he awaits The Warrior!</p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- That's not fear, that's aggression!</p><p> </p><p>

Warrior runs down to the ring as the crowd roars. He shakes the ropes as Mustafa tries to attack before the match officially starts. The Warrior turns around and knocks Mustafa to the canvas with a single punch! Mustafa gets to his feet and runs at The Warrior, but Warrior picks him up for a gorilla press slam....then connects with a Big Splash! 1....2....3! It's all over!</p><p>


Here is your winner: The Ultimate Warrior</strong></p><p> </p><p>

C-</p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- The Warrior made short work of Colonel Mustafa in there!</p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- He caught him off guard that's all</p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- But Mustafa attacked before the bell!</p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- He was trying to help him take his jacket off, Monsoon, until Warrior levelled him!</p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- Yeah right.... </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Ric The Model Martel vs Jim The Anvil Neidhart</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The Model asks for a test of strength and The Anvil duly obliges...but Martel cheapshots him! Martel unloads with lefts and rights but Neidhart proves too strong and lays Martel out with a clothesline. </p><p> </p><p>

The Anvil controls most of the match with his powerful offence. Owen hart makes his way down to ringside to monitor the match, allowing Martel to lock in the Boston Crab for a submission victory.</p><p>


Here is your winner: Ric The Model Martel</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>C+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- A victory for The Model, but the assist surely goes to Owen Hart</p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- Come on Monsoon! Owen never touched him! He's got every right as a WWF wrestler to scout the opposition at ringside.</p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- He may not have physically touched him but his presence was enough to cause the distraction. Owen knew what he was doing!</p><p> </p><p>

(The arena lights go out and the unmistakeable sound of The Undertakers eerie music fills the air.)</p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- Here he comes Gorilla... and I have it on good authority that we are not going to be disappointed with his partner tonight!</p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- I thought you were going to let me know!</p><p> </p><p>

Heenan- Patience, patience! I don't want to spoil the suprise!</p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla- It looks like Paul Bearer it about to tell the world...</p><p> </p><p>

Bearer- Ohhhhhhh yeeeeeeees! My Undertaker is not a man who often asks for help, and tonight he wanted to beat Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage single handidly. But there was a man who pleaded with me and my Undertaker to allow him to take out his frustrations on them. And so would you please welcome the undertakers tag team partner...The Million Dollar Man!</p><p>


(Out comes the laughing Ted Dibiase who hands over a wad of cash to Paul Bearer.)</em></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>The Undertaker and Ted Dibiase vs Hulk Hogan and Macho King Randy Savage</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Hogan and Dibiase start and Hogan takes control. He grounds Dibiase and poses for the crowd...but Savage tags himself in. The two trade glances allowing The Million Dollar Man to tag in Undertaker. Taker dominates before Savage rallies back and goes up top for a big elbow...but Hogan tags himself back in! The Undertaker sits up and tags back to Ted. Ted clubs Hogan in the back as he argues with The Macho Man.</p><p> </p><p>

Dibiase and The Undertaker quickly tag in and out, keeping Hogan isolated from his partner. Hogan eventually Hulks up and takes Dibiase down to the canvas. Savage reaches for the tag but hogan decides to go it alone. Big boot to The Million Dollar Man, and The Legdrop is enough for the pinfall victory!</p><p>


Here are your winners: Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>B</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>(Hogan signals for Savage to come in the ring and celebrate their victory, but Randy just backs away from the ring. Hogan shrugs his shoulders and continues to celebrate...turning straight into a chokeslam from The Undertaker!)</em></p><p>



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<p>The WWF had put on two huge shows over the last two days, and with the upcoming TV tapings and the road to WrestleMania shaping up, the Kid was really starting to feel the pressure. He was being pulled in too many directions by too many people. Of course there was Vince, who was in his element when the pressure to perform was on, but who expected nothing less from all of his employee's. </p><p>


"Hey Kid."</strong> He shouted. <strong>"Great show tonight, am I right?"</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">"Course you are Mr McMahon."</span></strong></p><p>


"Damn right I'm right!"</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Then there were the rest of the booking team which was becoming increasingly split into two camps. On one side there was Gorilla and The Kid, and on the other...everybody else. Whilst he felt closest to Gorilla, a lot of what Patterson was saying was starting to make sense. Gorilla had underestimated him on more than one occasion and looked like he was being left behind by the fast moving world of wrestling.</p><p>


" I didn't realise there was gonna be so much violence tonight until I saw it all out there... what happened to people just wanting to wrestle to see who the better man was?"</strong></p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">

" I know Gorilla, but it's what the people want."</span></strong></p><p>


" What people want isn't always whats best for the business you know Kid. Look at how many wrestling TV shows have been cancelled recently. I mean, I heard that the networks are pushing for more high profile matches on TV to keep the ratings up, but where do you go from there? How can you expect the fans to buy a ticket or order a PPV when they can watch it for free? It just doesn't make sense to me sometimes. Hell, there aint gonna be any stars around here anyway if the suspensions carry on like at this rate."</strong></p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">

" Don't do the crime if you can't do the time..."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

As if to make the last statement null and void, Mr Perfect and The Bulldog stopped to talk about their fued as Monsoon walked on.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"Well if it isn't the booker man!"</strong> said Perfect with a smile on his face. <strong>"The anticipation for the rematch is gonna be off the charts by the time WrestleMania rolls around if we keep this up!"</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">"Yeah guy, about that....Vince doesn't want to do a rematch. He thinks your Rumble Match was a little underwhelming...."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Davey Boy was enraged.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"What the hell? We had an agreement! I lose cleanly at The Rumble and Curt puts me over cleanly at Mania!"</strong></p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">

"I'm sorry guys, but Vince wants to go in a different direction. This thing is over my head, I can't change anybodies decision on this one."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

The words stuck in the kids throat as he realised he just quoted Hogan.</p><p>


"Well it's not good enough Kid!"</strong> continued Davey. <strong>"You're making me look like crap! What are you going to do about it?"</strong></p><p> </p><p>

All the grief finally got on top of The Kid. He'd had enough of all the moaning and complaining he had put up with. Even though he was close with the both of them, he played the only card he had.</p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">

"Can I just remind you both of all the suspensions that Vince has been handing out recently. It's funny that neither of your names were on the list because I could have sworn that you both technically failed drugs tests."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"Oh that's so not cool Kid!"</strong> said Curt as his demeanour changed. <strong>"Friends don't pull **** like that!"</strong></p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">

"Yeah, well friends don't make each other piss into cups either!"</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">


<strong>"Alright keep it down Kid! We know you didn't have anything to do with it, Davey's just letting off steam. There's no need for anybody to do anything silly now is there? Anyway, we gotta get on the road if we want to make it to Challenge. Seeya around buddy."</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The adrenaline was pumping around The Kids body. The scariest thing wasn't that he stood up to Curt and Davey, but that he actually got some kind of enjoyment out of it. He was still feeling the effects when he bumped into Shane McMahon.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"Whoa, slow down Speedy Gonzales! I got some great news, I just got word that Rob has signed the contract we offered him, he's gonna be a WWF wrestler in a week!"</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">"That's great news Shane, but I don't think Vince has any plans on pushing him any time soon."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"I don't care, he's going to have to once he starts getting crazy over working dark matches. Plus I know I can always count on you to give him a match or two."</strong></p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">

"Oh, I dunno about that, Vince said...."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"God damn, forget about my dad for a minute! This could be the start of big changes around here if you learned to stand up for yourself once in a while."</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Kid stayed silent, but he didn't think standing up for himself would be a problem much longer.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"Oh, and before I go, you got the manager you wanted for your Cowboy, good luck with that."</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">"Thanks."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Kid headed outside to the car. Gorilla was already sat in the driver seat, still with a look of disbelief on his face over the state of wrestling today. Before he could get out of the door, he felt a Pat on the shoulder. A Pat Patterson to be exact.</p><p>


"So what's it gonna be Kid. Are you ready to play with the big boys or do you wanna kick around in the Kiddie pool with old man Monsoon all your life?"</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The kid thought about the Irony of Patterson calling Gorilla an old man, given there was maybe four years between them, tops. That being said, it was clear that things were changing, whether for good or bad, and Pat was at the forefront of most of it.</p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">

"Yeah I'm in."</span></strong> mumbled The Kid.</p><p>


"Im glad to hear it! Stick with me and the sky's the limit. We'll get you off Challenge right away..."</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">"Mr Patterson, if it's all the same to you, I'd like a week or two to tie up any loose ends on Challenge."</span></strong></p><p>


"Yeah, no problem kid. Take all the time you need. So, what are you going to tell Gorilla?"</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">"Leave Gorilla to me."</span></strong></p>

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Just wanted to say that I caught up with this diary two days ago and never got a chance to comment on it. I absolutely love the backstage interaction between the wrestlers trying to get close to the kid as he's still naive in the business and doesn't realize they want to get to the top.


Overall, though, this has kept me entertained second only yo Keef Moon's FMTA diary. Keep this up!

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On a personal note, thankyou immensly to Mad5226, Kainlock and FlameSnoopy for nominating this little old diary in the monthly awards. You guys rock the kasbah!


You don't have to thank us man. The diary is awesome you set yourself up for success when you wrote it. Now let's just hop you can live up to all the hype :p

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Just wanted to say that I caught up with this diary two days ago and never got a chance to comment on it. I absolutely love the backstage interaction between the wrestlers trying to get close to the kid as he's still naive in the business and doesn't realize they want to get to the top.


Overall, though, this has kept me entertained second only yo Keef Moon's FMTA diary. Keep this up!


Thanks a bunch Josh, glad you're enjoying the diary. And to be honest, It doesn't keep me as entertained as Keef's either!


You don't have to thank us man. The diary is awesome you set yourself up for success when you wrote it. Now let's just hop you can live up to all the hype


I'm not sure I could live up to some of the things people have been saying if i got Jesus to ride a motorcycle over a shark at the next Challenge. Now there's a thought....

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Wow - hadn't noticed this at all, have just read the entire 11 pages in one sitting! Stunning stuff, I loved the way you built the Kid's responsibilities up slowly and your characterization of guys like Vinny Mac, Patterson, Owen and Hogan, as well as the Kid himself, is superb.


Now, can we get a Tenta-cles push please?! (At least as much of one as Vince will let you get away with...)

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The two men sat, as they always did, and ran over the final lineup for Challenge. Something was different though, a change in the atmosphere perhaps, but something just didn't sit right throughout the day.


" I can't believe Vince managed to get us an extra half an hour. I thought the business was supposed to be slowing down!" said The Kid cheerfully to try and lighten the sombre mood.

"That's Vince for you. He can sell sand to the Arabs! You get the feeling we got too many big names on the show tonight though Kid?"


" Are you kidding? This is gonna be great! The Dibiase stuff and the Heenan family angle will have the crowd eating out of our hands!"

"Yeah, maybe your right, but I still feel we're giving away too much on one show. So the ratings aren't shooting up like they were... we keep doing things to keep the networks happy and we're gonna burn out quicker than we can cope with, mark my words."

"I'm sure Vince knows what he's doing Gorilla."


The Kid waited for Gorilla to respond but there was none forthcoming.


"OK...well, I think we have everything covered, the running orders set, so I'll see later on."


The Kid got up and headed for the door.


"Hold on a minute Kid, before you go, I was just wondering if there's anything you wanted to tell me?"


Where to start? The Kid wanted to tell Gorilla he would have appreciated his support over the Hogan row, from which he still sported a shiner. He wanted to tell Gorilla that he might not have a lot, but he did have real power. And of course he wanted to tell him that he wouldn't be working on Challenge much longer.


"No, nothing, why?"


Gorilla stood up and pushed back the table angrily.


"Oh come on Kid! Give me some respect! I know exactly what's going on, I've seen it a hundred times already! Pat told me last night that you were gonna be working with him!"


The Kid came back into the room and banged his hands on the table.

"You're damn right I am! Me and Pat may not always see eye to eye but at least he appreciates what I bring to the table!"


"Oh and he told you that did he? Jesus, can't you see when you're being played? I thought if you would have learned anything by now it would be that Pat is a grade A Bull****ter! You ever heard the phrase keep your friends close and your enemies closer? Well Pat takes that crap to heart. He's bringing you in to take you out! You think he's being nice to you bigging you up to Vince? Oh please, as soon as your working for him, he's gonna take every idea you ever have and make it his own!"


The Kid backed off a step, not sure what to say, but the adrenaline of the moment took over.


"Oh yeah....well, well I think you need to take a look in the mirror, you say I've got what it takes, but as soon as the chips are down you sell me down the river! You don't think I've got any "real power?"


"Come on,are you talking about the Hogan thing? Can't you see I was trying to protect you? Hogan could have killed you the other night the state he was in! Don't you forget who got you this job in the first place, I put my neck on the line because I saw something in you I hadn't seen for a long time....well good luck to you Kid. I aint gonna stand in your way. I don't agree with this one bit, but you can make your own mistakes from now on. Get out of here!"


Without saying a word, The Kid backed up towards the door. He was still visibly shaking but he calmed himself down before turning back to Gorilla and saying, " I respected you so much Gorilla. I always thought you were a great guy who had time for everyone, but as long as I've known you, you haven't even once asked me my name."


He slowly walked out of the room and out of the Chicago Ampitheatre doors. Gorilla sat back down and muttered to himself.


" It's Chris."

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Wow - hadn't noticed this at all, have just read the entire 11 pages in one sitting! Stunning stuff, I loved the way you built the Kid's responsibilities up slowly and your characterization of guys like Vinny Mac, Patterson, Owen and Hogan, as well as the Kid himself, is superb.


Now, can we get a Tenta-cles push please?! (At least as much of one as Vince will let you get away with...)


A hundred times thankyou Jaded. As for Tenta-cles...there's nothing I'd love more than to push him, I'll see what I can slip through the cracks.

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The Kid had no desire to hang around backstage on the night of the tapings, so he watched Challenge on his own in his hotel room. Everything had gone as he and Gorilla had planned so far, The Rockers continued to look impressive against Tenryu and Tanaka, and Bobby Heenan had asked Ric Martel to join him and Mr Perfect in their "Family." The Million dollar man was up next, live via satelite from his mansion.


" I paid top dollar to appear in front of you rednecks tonight so you better all listen up! You see, everybody has a price for the million dollar man, including the production crew hahahahahaha! As you all know, I employed a lot of muscle to help me win the Royal Rumble, but I still didn't get the win. Then on monday night, I was pinned in the middle of the ring in The Main Event. Now I don't blame my employee's because they did everything I asked them to do at The Rumble, and I sure don't blame myself for losing to Hogan and Savage. You see, there's been one man hellbent on ruining my plans ever since I beat him and took his money. That's right, Jake Roberts, I'm talking about you!


That's why I've come up with a little proposition for you all tonight. I'm putting up the 10 grand I won from Jake Roberts as a bounty! I don't care who brings him in, whether it's one of you inbred peasants in the crowd or any of the guy's in the back, but by the end of tonight I want somebody, ANYBODY, to take out the snake! Hahahahahahahaha!"


The Kid smiled to himself, Dibiase was always gold on the mic and he delivered the speech line perfect. The phone rang as he watched Jim Duggan cut his usual pro usa promo in the ring.


"Hey Kid it's Vince."

"Get lost Owen, I know it's you!"


"Just who do you think you are talking to dammit!"


"Come on! I can't believe I fell for this last time! Vince sounds a lot goofier than that when he's angry!"

"I assure you this is Vince McMahon Kid, now if you want to continue in my employment, I suggest we start again..."

"..................Mr McMahon?"

"The very same."

"................ I'm so sorry sir, I thought you were...."


"I don't give a crap! I just want to know why you were'nt at the arena on Tuesday night?"

"Well sir me and Gorilla had a little misunderstanding..."


"Do you think I give a rat's ass what goes on between you and Monsoon? All I care about is that one of my bookers wasn't at the show that he booked! Now Pat told me that you're going to be working with him on Prime Time, and quite frankly, I don't think your ready at all if you can't put aside personal differences for the good of the show!"

"I'm sorry sir, I promise I won't let you down again Mr McMahon."

"I mean, you're going from booking Max Moon beating Paul Roma to working day in, day out, with the biggest stars we have. You've already got previous with Hogan and Warrior.... I don't like this one bit."


There was a brief silence as Vince and The Kid both watched Ric Martel attack Davey Boy Smith to confirm his joining of The Family.

" You know what Kid, I think I just had a great idea. You and Shane get on right?"

"Uhh, I guess so sir."


"Ok, well you seem to be a good influence on him, he's been more interested in wrestling since he went scouting with you than he's ever been. So how about you and him take over Superstars and show me what you've both got? You'll both report directly to me of course."


The Kid could hear the mumblings of the Warrior cutting a promo in the background. This wasn't exactly what he was expecting, but if anything, this could work out better.

"Of course sir! That would be great!"

"OK then, the tapings are on Saturday, make sure you get to the arena this time Kid. Don't let me down."

Vince hung up.


The Kid settled back down in his room, suprised that things had worked out this way. The two of them may be young and inexperienced, but he was sure that he and Shane would make a great team. He sat back and watched his last ever Challenge Match, Owen Hart vs Dustin Rhodes, which Owen won cleanly. After the match Gene Okerland was backstage, frantically searching for Jake Roberts.


"There he is! Jake are you ok?"


Jake- Of course I am! Why shouldnt I be?


Okerland- You mean...you haven't heard? Ted Dibiase has put out a hit on you! He said that by the end of the show, somebody would take out the snake!


Jake- But I'm perfectly fine...wait a minute! Damien!


Jake ran back to his locker room but Damien was already missing. And that would be the last anybody would see of Jake Roberts in the WWF for quite some time.

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This saturday on superstars, WWF President Jack Tunney will exclusively reveal the opening round fixtures for the Intercontinental championship number one contender tournament. Davey Boy Smith has been guaranteed a slot but who will be the other 15 men?


The WWF Tag team champions The Hart Foundation will face off against the disgusting Nasty Boys in a non title bout. With things heating up in the tag division, a win over the champs will certainly put The Nasty Boys in pole position for a shot at the titles.


Jim Duggan has had enough of Sgt Slaughter and his army buddies, so has requested a one on one match against Colonel Mustafa tonight. Can The Hacksaw pull out a victory for the USA or will the numbers game prove too much?


Also scheduled for the show, the team of The Honky Tonk Man and Greg The Hammer Valentine will take on The Bushwhackers in tag team action. Rythmn and Blues have had their attentions turned lately by the return of Andre The Giant but look to get back to winning ways in the tag division.


The Unknown Cowboy that has been tearing through the competition in the WWF will also be in singles action, as he does battle with the young but talented Dustin Rhodes. Roddy Piper was cleared to leave hospital yesterday after the brutal attack he suffered at the hands of The Cowboy, and is expected to be at the arena. What impact will The Hotrod have on his return?


All this plus much more exclusively on WWF Superstars.


Hart Foundation vs Nasty Boys


Jim Duggan vs Colonel Mustafa


Rythmn and Blues vs The Bushwhackers


The Unknown Cowboy vs Dustin Rhodes

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Recorded live in front of a 10,000 sell-out crowd at the Worcester Centrum, New England

Your hosts are Bobby The Brain Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon


Gorilla- Welcome to WWF Superstars! What a show we have in prospect tonight folks! The tag team champions will be in action, Hacksaw Jim Duggan is scheduled for competition, but first, Rhythm and Blues will take on the entertaining Bushwhackers!


Heenan- Those punks got lucky against Demolition but Honky and The Hammer have their number.


Gorilla- Just what is your problem with Butch and Luke?


Heenan- Come on Monsoon! They're ugly, smelly and disgusting! You know, I heard that Butch isn't even his real name


Gorilla- Oh really?


Heenan- Yeah, he was christened Friday


Gorilla- Will you stop?


Heenan- It's true, when that disgusting slob was born, his dad said to his mom he thought they should call it a day!


Gorilla- Oh brother! Well this crowd certainly seem to like them Brain! They're on their feet!


Heenan- Yeah, they're ready to run in case one of the Whackers tries to lick them!


Gorilla- And it looks like The Bushwhackers have a little company with them tonight...Andre the Giant!


Heenan- What business does he have being out here!? He doesn't have a manager's pass!


Gorilla- Andre has every right given what Rhythm and Blues have put him through since The Royal Rumble.


Rhythm and Blues vs The Bushwhackers with Andre The Giant


Andre cheers on The Bushwhackers from ringside, but it doesn't stop Greg and Honky taking control of the match. R and B dominate until Honky misses a charge, allowing Butch to get a hot tag to Luke. Luke takes both men down and picks up Butch for the battering ram....but Greg ducks and hits a back elbow smash! Honky keeps Luke at bay whilst Greg applies the figure four on Butch for the submission victory.

Here are your winners: Honky Tonk Man and Greg Valentine


Gorilla- A valiant effort from The Bushwhackers but they couldn't quite get the victory.


Heenan- They were outclassed from the opening bell Gorilla, and there's not a thing they are Andre could do about it!


Gorilla- Speaking of Andre...Rhythm and Blues are circling him on the outside...and Honky has the guitar in hand!


Heenan- Smash him Honky!


Gorilla- Greg is trying to hold Andre as Honky holds the guitar high above his head...but Andre kicks him in the gut! Elbows to Greg release the hold and Rhythm and Blues are scampering with their tails between their legs! Andre and The Bushwhackers stand tall in the ring!


Heenan- What a farce! And what an unprovoked attack from Andre!


Gorilla- What d’ya mean unprovoked! They were gonna level him with a guitar!


Heenan- You don’t know that! Andre was blocking the entrance ramp, they were just trying to get him to move.


Gorilla- Anyway, I don’t think R n B will be messing with Andre any time soon. We apologise folks if the commentary for this next match is a little confusing, that’s because we still don’t know what to call this guy!


Heenan- Well you should be calling him Sir because I’ve never seen such a dominant wrestler!


Gorilla- This Unknown Cowboy may not have the biggest body we’ve ever seen, and he’s certainly not much over six foot, but the total package is certainly impressive


Heenan- He just imposes himself on people, you can literally see the fear in wrestler’s eyes when they go up against this guy. I don’t envy Dustin Rhodes one bit!


The Unknown Cowboy vs. Dustin Rhodes


Dustin put up a great effort in this one, perhaps the biggest test of The Cowboy’s WWF career to date, but in the end the Texas Cloverleaf proved too much for him to handle. The Cowboy wins by submission

Here is your winner: The Unknown Cowboy


Heenan- I don’t think anyone’s going to stop him Gorilla. That Cloverleaf is absolutely deadly!


Gorilla- I hate to say it brain, but you might be right about that…but wait a minute folks! Here comes the Hotrod!


Piper- Now hold the phones bucko! Did you think for one second that throwing Roddy Piper through the stage was going to keep me away? You got another think coming buddy, because The Hotrod’s lost more blood than that shaving in the morning! Take a look at the scars and the bruises Cowboy because they’ll fade over time…but The Hotrod will never go away baby! I don’t care who or what you are anymore Sally, because just when you think you have all the answers…I change the questions!


Somebody told me there’s a little event coming up in a month or two called WrestleMania and as of right now I don’t have anybody to go to the dance with! So I’m asking you, no, I’m begging you to be my date at WrestleMania 7! I’ll put on my best kilt, splash on the brut, hell, I’ll even buy you flowers Mary! And everybody knows that The Hotrod always puts out on the first date, because I wanna get down and dirty with you in that ring! I wanna beat the stuffing out of your training bra and pin you to the canvas! So what d’ya say, Sue? Will you make an honest man out of me?


(A man dressed in black attacks Piper from behind)


Gorilla- whoa, is that…. I think it is Brain!


Heenan- That’s The Outlaw Ron Bass, we haven’t seen him around here for years!


Gorilla- I can’t believe he attacked The Hotrod! What is his association with this Cowboy?


Bass- Me and my client accept your challenge Piper. At WrestleMania your gonna regret the day you ever crossed paths with the Curse of Texas!


(The Cowboy leaves the ring and The Outlaw raises his hand as the crowd boo.)


Gorilla- The Curse of Texas? Is he referring to this unknown man?


Heenan- Well done Sherlock! I think we just found out who brought him to the WWF!


Gorilla- I think they hurt The Hotrods pride more than his body with that attack.


Heenan- That was a warning shot, the next one won’t be, mark my words!


Gorilla- Whilst the officials help Roddy to the back, lets go to Jack Tunney’s office where he has some exciting news.


(Jack Tunney is sat at his desk looking into the camera)


Tunney- Thank you Gorilla and Brain. At this moment, I would like to address the situation surrounding the WWF World Title. As I have already stated, as far as I am concerned, the referee’s decision should always be final, and I am not prepared to overturn it. With that being said, following the constant and brutal attacks that Hulk Hogan has suffered at the hands of The Undertaker recently, I would like to make him an offer.


Mr Hogan, At WrestleMania, you have earned the right to challenge for the WWF title, and nobody can take that away from you. What I am offering you today though is an opportunity to trade your title shot for a chance to get your hands on The Undertaker in a steel cage match at WrestleMania. I know from our time together that there is nothing you would like more than to get your hands on The Phenom, but I also know you consider the WWF title of the utmost importance. With that in mind, I will give you until a week today to reach a decision.


On a brighter note, I can exclusively reveal that Superstars will be the official home of a tournament to find a new number one contender for the Intercontinental title. The winner of the tournament will face Mr Perfect at WrestleMania with the title on the line.


The eight first round matches will feature:


Jimmy Snuka vs. Demolition member Crush


Bret The Hitman Hart vs. Tito Santana


Ric The Model Martel vs. The Big Bossman


Shawn Michaels vs. Shane Douglas


Max Moon vs. Owen Hart


Jim The Anvil Neidhart vs. The Honky Tonk Man


Haku vs. Dustin Rhodes


Davey Boy Smith vs. Hercules Hernandez


Matches will take place over the next two weeks right here on Superstars. Back to you Gorilla.


Gorilla- Thank you Mr Tunney. There’s certainly some great matches in prospect there Brain!


Heenan- Yeah, but nobody can match up to Mr Perfect Gorilla, you know that!


Gorilla- What, not even your newest client Ric Martel?


Heenan- Well apart from him obviously! In fact, I’m calling it now, Mr Perfect vs. Ric Martel at WrestleMania!


Gorilla- We’ll see about that Brain. Let’s take you backstage now, where Mean Gene is standing by with Colonel Mustafa.


Okerland- Colonel Mustafa, the word circulating around the locker room is that you and Sgt Slaughter plan to take out Jim Duggan for good during this match…


Mustafa- Silence! (He say’s something untranslatable in Arabic before switching to English) Tonight, no Sergeant Slaughter! Tonight, no General Adnan! Tonight, Mustafa takes on Hukstraw Jim one on one! No excuses for feeble American! Phooey! Huckshaw! Tonight I make you humble with camel clutch!


Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Colonel Mustafa


Mustafa continuously works the back of Duggan, always looking to apply the dreaded clutch. Duggan tried everything in his power to fend off The Colonel, getting the crowd as involved as he could with USA and HOOOOOOO chants aplenty. Mustafa eventually applied the Camel Clutch but Duggan worked his way to the ropes to break the hold. Duggan worked up to his vertical base and finished things quickly with the three point stance.


Here is your winner: Hacksaw Jim Duggan

(Duggan grabs a mic from Ringside.)


Duggan- Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! That’s how we get things done in the good ole USA chum! We might get beaten down from time to time, but we always get back up! There’s only one thing I need when I’m down for the count, when I feel like I can’t go on, and that’s a HOOOOOOOOOOO from the crowd, and the thought of ole glory waving high and proud! So now I’ve beaten the monkey, I want a shot at the organ grinder…Sergeant Slaughter! Hoooooooooooooo!


Gorilla- I think Duggan just challenged The Sarge!


Heenan- Does he have a death wish or something? The American flag is like a red rag to a bull for Sergeant Slaughter!


Gorilla- I don’t think Hacksaw cares! He’s got the red white and blue running through his veins!


Heenan- Yeah, well if he goes one on one with The Sarge, a lot of that red might be coming out of him!


Gorilla- Next up, our main event of the evening, as The Nasty Boys take on The Hart Foundation in a non title match up. Oh boy, Jimmy Hart’s got a microphone, this ought to be good!


Jimmy- I always knew that The Hart Foundation were a couple of spineless cowards! I can’t believe that this match up isn’t for the titles! Bret and Jim are running scared daddio, and it makes me sick! There’s not a team more deserving than my nasty boys and they know it….


(The Hart Foundation come to the ring)


Bret- Were not scared of anyone Hart! Were the best tag team in the WWF today! You want a title match, you got it!


Gorilla- Wow, can Bret even do that?


Heenan- He just did Gorilla, you all heard it, and he can’t take it back now! The Nasty Boys are gonna make him eat his words!


The WWF Tag Team Champions The Hart Foundation Vs The Nasty Boys


The match starts fairly openly, with both teams getting some signature offence, before the Foundation start to take control. Sags and Knobs can’t beat The Anvil for power, and certainly can’t match The Hitmans technical expertise.


Gorilla- It looks like The Hart Foundation are going to try and finish this one early. The Anvil tags in Bret and he looks to apply the Sharpshooter…oh look who it is! Owen Hart can’t keep his nose out of Bret or Neidharts business!


Owen makes his way down to ringside and Bret goes up to the ropes and asks him what he wants. Sags catches him with a rollup…1.…2...3! The Nasty’s win thanks to Owen Hart!


Here are your winners, and NEW WWF tag team champions: The Nasty Boys.


Gorilla- What a way to win the titles! Bret and Jim can’t believe that Owen cost them another match!


Heenan- God bless Owen Hart for getting the titles off those two morons! What a night, Monsoon! Can you believe we have new tag champions?


Gorilla- No I can’t! What a miscarriage of justice this is folks, and it’s all down to that no good cry baby Owen Hart! Look at The Nasty Boys celebrating like they earned this victory!


Heenan- They won the match fair and square Gorilla, nobody interfered, The Hart Foundation just took their eye off the prize and The Nasty Boys capitalised, and you can’t blame them one bit!


Gorilla- Were out of time folks, but we leave you with the sickening images of our new Tag Team Champions celebrating in the ring. What a night!

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That was a great show there, can't help but think Bret is on to bigger and better things now he's lost the gold. The highlight for me though is you Heenan commentary. The stuff is just legendary, you've nailed him and his mannerisms completely. Great work.
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Great still, I love how you took Roberts out of the picture for his drug use.


Hey Gator, hope you approve of the booking so far! I hope Roberts comes back clean because he was one of my absolute favourites growing up, (partly because he looked like my dad, but that's another story,) and I'd love to push him...but he's too damn inconsistent!


That was a great show there, can't help but think Bret is on to bigger and better things now he's lost the gold. The highlight for me though is you Heenan commentary. The stuff is just legendary, you've nailed him and his mannerisms completely. Great work.


Thankyou Mr Moon! Heenan's an absolute legend to me and definitely the most fun to write. I'm toying with the idea of doing shows strictly from the commentary booth, but it might be a bit overkill.


There's certainly something in the works with Bret...I don't know whether to spill the beans or not. In fact, there's a few new signings and storylines that I have in the works, and my WrestleMania card is pretty much set, but I don't know whether to reveal this in the backstage stuff, or leave it for the shows. I guess from the feedback I've been getting most people prefer the backstage segments to the TV show, and I know which way I'm leaning towards, but I'm going to open this up to the masses. Should I save suprises for TV and PPV's or backstage?

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