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WWF 1992: The year that wasn't

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After the show we all gathered around the conference title waiting for Vince to make his first appearance of the year. It was no secret that Vince was going to come after the Rumble, in large part to determine if I was doing an acceptable job or not. Pat sat on the far side of the table with a smug look on his face. It was no secret that he felt like the Rumble was a failure and by not putting the title on Hulk Hogan I had sealed my own fate. Vince walked into the room looking rather indifferent at exactly 9 AM and sat at the head of the table. He never made eye contact with any of us, but immediately began flipping through the paperwork for our monthly earnings.


“I see we have earned over 2 million dollars this month. Not a bad month for this business if I do say so myself.”


We all looked back and forth to each other unsure if we were suppose to comment on that or not. After several seconds Vince continued almost as if he was the only person in the room.


“I also like the way we virtually traveled all across the US in only one short month. That’s a good way to not only keep our current fan base, but also to bring in some new fans as the months go on. “However we need to ensure we travel outside the US at least once a month. I don’t want the fans to think we are over looking them.”


“Agreed sir, in fact we already have all three shows for next week booked in Canada. Needless to say it’s going to spotlight both Bret and Owen.”


“Ah, you’ve gathered enough courage to talk already? Alright kid, I’ll bite. Where do you see this feud with Shawn and Bret going?”


For the first time since I took this job I was nervous. All eyes were on me including those of Vince McMahon. I’m sure he had already formed an opinion of both me and this feud, but him asking me specifically about it put a whole new spin of things.


“Well…sir, I plan on dragging it out and capping it off at Wrestlemania, then having a huge match to cap it off.”


“I see, something like a cage match then, for the Intercontinental title perhaps?”


This was of course what everyone had thought for the feud. I of course had different plans. The truth was Bret was already complaining about being the champ, and I couldn’t blame him. Such a low level belt didn’t do justice for Bret, and frankly it wouldn’t do much for Shawn either.


“No sir, actually I was thinking about something a little more unconventional.”


Patterson let out a small laugh, and Vince shot him a look that could kill before focusing back on me.


“Unconventional how?”

“Well, instead of a cage match I was thinking more of a ladder match.”


“Interesting, you know Bret pitched me the idea of a ladder match back in 85 when he first joined the company. I didn’t like it then.”


“And now?”


“Now, I’m not sure seems a little big for the Intercontinental title.”


“Actually sir, that was the second part of the unconventional. It’s not going to be for the title.”


“Not going to be for the title? A non title match then?”


“Well, my plan is to have Bret drop the title soon to an upcoming Midcard worker thanks in part to interference by Shawn. This adds even more fuel to the fire, plus puts the title back in the Midcard where it belongs.”


Pat was shaking his head already convinced this was a failure for a plan and waiting for Vince to tear into me.


“Continue.” Vince said calmly going over the plan in his head.


“Well this sets up there ladder match at Mania. Where the winner is guaranteed a shot at the WWF title in May.”


There as a long silence where Vince sat rubbing his hands back and forth scribbling something on his notepad that no one could see. I felt the sweat taking form on my forehead and fought the urge to wipe it away.


“I like it. Push the guaranteed match out to Summerslam. That should give it a solid 5 months of slow build up. It’s a great way to make both these men seem dangerous and catapult them to the next level. Something I wanted you to do with them Pat over a year ago.”


“Well sir I…”


“Shut up! I knew there was a reason I brought this kid on board.”


“Now let’s talk WWF Champion. Let’s talk The Undertaker. How the hell could you have him go over Hulk Hogan?”


The question was direct, and felt like a knife to the heart. I knew Vince had a soft spot for Hogan, but could he really complain about how things went over?



“Well sir I did it for a couple reasons. One was the simple fact that anyone you talked to said they just knew Hogan would be the WWF champion come the Royal Rumble.”


“That’s right damn it, so give the people what they want!”


“I didn’t say that’s what they wanted sir, I said that’s what they predicted. Our product was getting stale and predictable. The Undertaker is a breath of fresh air and people love the dead man gimmick. There was also the incidents involving Hogan.”


“What incidents, why the hell wasn’t I made aware of any of this?”


“Well we decided to handle it in house sir. Thought it would be better for everyone.”

“I see what were these incidents?”


“Well first we failed a drug test coming up positive for steroids. Then as if that wasn’t enough, the day before the Royal Rumble he nearly got into a fight with a couple of fans outside the arena.”


Vince shook his head again scribbling on his pad seemingly deep in thought.

“Well, I’ve always said Hogan was his own worst enemy. Alright, the fans haven’t revolted just yet, that’s a good sign. But any sign of discontent by the fans and Mark drops the title to Hogan. Understood.”


“Yes sir.”


“Alright, good job men, things seem to be shaping up nicely for Wrestlemania. it’s nice to see some new ideas bouncing around. It keeps things fresh. We will adjourn this meeting today and have another one at the start of next month with the focus again being Wrestlemania. I expect several hot storylines by then. As well as a champion everyone agrees on.”


With that Vince walked out of the room and left the rest of us to go over the details for this weeks episode of Primetime.

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WWF Proudly Presents…

Primetime Wrestling

Live from the Memorial Auditorium Complex in Ontario, Canada

Wednesday Week 1 February, 1992

Aired On: USA Network and Sky Sports

Attendance: 5,000 (Sold Out)



Big Bossman Vs. Terry Gibbs


Big Bossman defeated Terry Gibbs in 4:59 by pinfall with a Bubba Slam.

Rating: E+

Notes: These two didn’t click which hurt the match. The Big Bossman is a great “jobber to the stars” which mean we need to keep him strong against lesser opponents.



Marty Jannetty Vs. Earthquake


Earthquake defeated Marty Jannetty in 4:48 by pinfall with an Earthquake Splash.

Rating: D

Notes: I know Vince wants me to squash Earthquake, but we need some solid heels with decent overness and he fit’s the bill. So as long as he doesn’t win to much he should be ok.



Power and Glory Vs. The New Hart Foundation


The New Hart Foundation defeated Power and Glory in 8:18 when Jim Neidhart defeated Hercules Hernandez by pinfall with a Hart Attack.

Rating: B-

Notes: The fans went nuts for their boy Owen Hart and he really stepped up and had an amazing match standing out above everyone else in the match.



After the match The New Hart Foundation called out The Beverly Brothers saying the score is one to one it’s time to have a rubber match to decide who the better team is once and for all.

Rating: B-



Jake Roberts Vs. Greg Valentine


Jake Roberts defeated Greg Valentine in 10:43 by pinfall with a DDT.

Rating: C

Notes: Jake has been left behind as of late with the title race and everything going on around him. He’s still a solid talent who if used right can be very very good.



Andre the Giant Vs. The Mountie


Andre the Giant defeated The Mountie in 6:29 by pinfall with a Butt Drop.

Rating: B-

Notes: Andre needs a small push because…



After the match Andre picked up a mic and said that after years of entertaining the fans after Wrestlemania he is going to be hanging up his boots. He goes on to say that he wants his last match to be the same as when he got noticed across the world. He wants his last match to be against no other than Hulk Hogan. As the fans cheer their approval Hogan comes out to the ring and says he would be honored to be the man Andre goes out to.

Rating: B+



Bret Hart Vs. Barry Horowitz


Bret Hart defeated Barry Horowitz in 12:32 by pinfall with a Backbreaker. Bret Hart makes defense number 3 of his WWF Intercontinental title.

Rating: C+

Notes: I guess I expected Bret to carry this match a lot more than he did. I knew Barry was in no way Main Event material, but I was hoping with Bret being home it would be all I needed.



After the match Shawn Michaels made his way down the ramp to a chorus of boos. He says that his war with Bret is far from over. And if Bret was even a man at all he would face him right here right now, but before Shawn even makes it half way to the ring security flooded the area and separated the two.

Rating: B+



Final Rating: C+

Notes: Again I’m sure the main event hurt us a lot. Not a great show by any means, but we should have some time to build some things up and get much better.

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We signed Canadian worker Vampiro to a PPA contract worth $700 per appearance.

Signed Rob Szatkowski to a 18 month written deal worth $2,500 per month.

Signed Chaz Warrington to a 12 month written deal worth $1,500 per month.



WWF Proudly Presents…


Live from Cahill Stadium in Summerside, Canada

Saturday Week 1 February, 1992

Aired on: USA Network, Sky Sports

Attendance: 549



Main Show:


A clip is shown of Andre the Giant getting back into shape and working hard to get ready for Wrestlemania.

Rating: B-



Big Bully Busick Vs. Jim Powers


Big Bully Busick defeated Jim Powers in 7:40 by pinfall with a Big Otto Splash after Harvey Wippleman interfered.

Rating: E-



Andre the Giant Vs. The Brooklyn Brawler


Andre the Giant defeated Brooklyn Brawler in 2:54 by pinfall with a Butt Drop.

Rating: C



Papa Shango Vs. Max Moon


Papa Shango defeated Max Moon in 7:39 by pinfall with a Big Kick.

Rating: D-



After the match we go to a graveyard where Paul Bearer is with the WWF Champion The Undertaker. He says that soon the creatures of the night will be at The Undertaker’s flank and the war can begin.

Rating: A



Shawn Michaels Vs. Jim Duggan


Shawn Michaels defeated Jim Duggan in 12:54 by submission with an Enzuigiri.

Rating: C-



After the match Bret Hart came to the ring and said if Shawn wants to get his butt kicked again then he will make sure it happens at Saturday Night Main Event.

Rating: B



Final Rating: D+

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WWF Proudly Presents…

Wrestling Challenge

Live from Estevan, Canada

Attendance: 597



Typhoon Vs. Man Moon


Max Moon defeated Typhoon in 5:22 by pinfall with a fast roll up.

Rating: D-



Greg Valentine Vs. Haku


Greg Valentine defeated Haku in 4:47 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock.

Rating: D+



The Legion of Doom Vs. The Nasty Boys


The Legion Of Doom drew with Brian Knobbs and Jerry Saggs in 6:07 following a double count out.

Rating: C+



After the match Randy Savage is backstage with Gene Okerlund he says that at Wrestlemania a new champion will be crowned. One that is Macho oh yeahhh.

Rating: B+



Final Rating: C

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WWF Proudly Presents…

Primetime Wrestling

Live from the Seattle, Washington

February Week 2, 1992

Aired On: USA Network and Sky Sports

Attendance: 5,000 (Sold Out)



Pre Show:


Million Dollar Man Vs. Scott Taylor


Million Dollar Man defeated Scott Taylor in 6:21 by submission with a Million Dollar Dream.

Rating: C+

Notes: Taylor is one of the few lower card guys I see as having a future in the business as more than just a jobber. Million Dollar Man should help Taylor improve his skills



Main Show:


Tatanka Vs. The Repo Man


Tatanka defeated The Repo Man in 7:55 by pinfall with an Indian Death Drop.

Rating: C-

Notes: With nothing in the works for Tatanka he continues to fight meaningless matches against glorified jobbers.



The Ultimate Warrior Vs. Terry Gibbs


The Ultimate Warrior defeated Terry Gibbs in 2:44 by pinfall with a Big Splash.

Rating: C

Notes: The Ultimate Warrior was really off tonight. I get that note a lot from Warrior which is why I don’t want to put him in the title race due to his lack of reliability.



Hulk Hogan Vs. Papa Shango


Hulk Hogan defeated Papa Shango in 10:14 by pinfall with a Big Boot and Leg Drop.

Rating: B-

Notes: Hate him or not Hogan puts out solid matches as long as they are kept short. Add that to the fact that fans do still love him and it’s hard not to use him.



Intercontinental Title Match:

Bret Hart Vs. Rick “The Model” Martel


Rick 'The Model' Martel defeated Bret Hart in 17:45 by pinfall after interference from Shawn Michaels. Rick 'The Model' Martel wins the WWF Intercontinental title.

Rating: B

Notes: A huge win here for The Model after interference from Michaels. This should add plenty of fuel to the fire for this feud. And hopefully it doesn’t kill Bret’s overness.



After the match Bret sat stunned in the ring while Shawn jumped for joy on the outside taunting The Hitman and rolling on the ground laughing.

Rating: C+



Ric Flair Vs. Sid Vicious


Ric Flair defeated Sid Vicious in 10:33 by pinfall with an Inside Cradle.

Rating: B+

Notes: Ric gets the big win here after not being used nearly enough last month. Ric is one of the greats in this sport and you can expect him to get a lot more air time.



After the match Randy Savage hit the ring to get revenge on Flair for his attack on Challenge. As soon as The Macho Man hit the ring however Ric was on the outside and running for his life.

Rating: A



Final Rating: B+

Notes: Another solid show. I may be getting the hang of this whole booking thing. And with Wrestlemania getting closer this is a good thing.

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WWF Proudly Presents…


Live from Arlington Theater in Santa Barbara, CA

Saturday Week 2 February 1992

Aired on: USA Network, Sky Sports

Attendance: 1,000 (Sold Out)



The Beverly Brothers Vs. The Bushwhackers


The Beverley Brothers defeated The Bushwhackers in 9:33 when Beau Beverly defeated Bushwhacker Luke by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.

Rating: D



Texas Tornado Vs. Big Bully Busick


Texas Tornado defeated Big Bully Busick in 7:35 by submission with an Iron Claw.

Rating: D+



Andre the Giant Vs. Earthquake


Andre the Giant defeated Earthquake in 4:29 by pinfall with a Butt Drop.

Rating: C+



Vince McMahon is backstage next with Bret Hart. Bret said Shawn Michaels may think what he did was cute or funny. But one thing is for sure come Saturday Night Main Event there will be nothing funny about the butt kicking Shawn Michaels will be receiving.

Rating: B-



WWF World Heavyweight Title Match:

The Undertaker Vs. Big Boss Man


The Undertaker defeated Big Bossman in 9:35 by pinfall with a Tombstone. The Undertaker makes defense number 1 of his WWF World Heavyweight title.

Rating: B



This was the first time we had seen The Undertaker since that bizarre promo in the graveyard. What makes this even more odd is when he came to the ring tonight he was flanked by not only Paul Bearer but also two other masked druids. The druids just stood next to Paul for the entire match and not much was learned about them. However, after the match Randy Savage hit the ring to get an early jump on Wrestlemania, but before he could reach the ring the droids sprung into action and tore The Macho Man apart.

Rating: A


Final Rating: B

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It had been awhile since I had got a visit from Jay I was hoping that meant that after everything the boys in back realized I was serious about misbehavior in the locker room. That wasn’t the case, just as I had finished my thought Jay appeared at the door with a stern look on his face.


“I was starting to think my policy was working.”

“It may be it’s been what 2 weeks or so since our last visit. That’s a pretty significant jump considering.”

“Yeah I hope you’re right. How is it this time.”

“Well for starters, Davey Boy Smith.”

“The Bulldog?”


“You’re surprised?”


“No, not really, just a little depressed. I had always hoped he was natural. He was kind of my driving force you know?”

“Hate to be the one to shatter the illusion kid, but trust me there’s not much to be hopeful for in this business.”

“I guess you’re right. Alright, take his pay.”


I went back to my work, getting ready for tomorrow’s Challenge. That’s when I noticed Jay was still there.


“Something else Jay?”


“That was just the beginning kid.”



“Kerry Von Erich…”


“Ah ****…he uses too?”


“Actually he was popped for Heroine.”


“Man, that man’s a partier huh.”


“Can’t say I’ve ever attended any of them”


“Well that’s a plus I’d hate to have to suspend you Jay.”

“So a month suspension then?”

“Unfortunately yes, I can’t look like I’m playing favorites. Do you think it will help him?”

“Knowing Kerry, probably not.”


“Anyone else?”

“Not yet.”

“Good let’s hope people get the hint soon.”


Jay left and I scribbled my possible Tornado and Jake Roberts feud off my list. Looks like I’ll have to look elsewhere.

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WWF Proudly Presents…

Wrestling Challenge

Live from Joplin Memorial Hall in Joplin, MO

Sunday Week 3 February 1992

Aired on: USA Network

Attendance: 1,000 (Sold Out)



Virgil Vs. Tanaka


Virgil defeated Tanaka in 3:43 by submission with a Million Dollar Dream.

Rating: D-



Intercontinental Title Match:


Rick “The Model” Martel Vs. Jim Powers


Rick 'The Model' Martel defeated Jim Powers in 5:09 by submission with a Boston Crab. Rick 'The Model' Martel makes defense number 1 of his WWF Intercontinental title.

Rating: C+



The Nasty Boys W/ Jimmy Hart Vs. Jim Duggan and Koko B. Ware


Jerry Saggs and Brian Knobbs defeated Jim Duggan and Koko B. Ware in 6:40 when Brian Knobbs defeated Koko B. Ware by submission with a Pit Stop.

Rating: C+



After the match Jimmy Hart grabs a mic and says it’s time the Nasty Boys and The Legion of Doom put everything behind them. He requests a no DQ match at Saturday Night Main Event so that someone has to win.

Rating: B-


Final Rating: C-

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WWF Proudly Presents…

Primetime Wrestling

Live from the Memorial Coliseum in Jacksonville, FL

Wednesday Week 4 February 1992

Aired On: USA Network and Sky Sports

Attendance: 8,144



The New Hart Foundation Vs. Power and Glory


The New Hart Foundation defeated Power and Glory in 12:45 when Owen Hart defeated Hercules Hernandez by pinfall with a Hart Attack.

Rating: C-

Notes: We continue to put The Hart Foundation in matches so we can up their momentum heading into Saturday Night Main Event.



After the match a fired up Owen Hart called The Beverly Brothers out. He said screw waiting until next week let’s settle things now. The Beverly Brothers rushed down to the ring, but officials were there before any punches could be shown.

Rating: D+



Robby Retro Vs. The Mountie


The Mountie defeated Robby Retro in 4:44 by submission with a Boston Crab.

Rating: C

Notes: Robby Retro is a new signing by us who place an ultra cool 70’s clubber. He is still very green and is expected to be a huge star in the future.



Davey Boy Smith Vs. Earthquake


Davey Boy Smith defeated Earthquake in 5:40 by pinfall with a Running Powerslam.

Rating: C

Notes: These two didn’t click. I want to keep Davey strong because I do have something in store for him. Earthquake…well he’ll be gone once his contract is up.



Jake Roberts Vs. Marty Jannetty


Jake Roberts defeated Marty Jannetty in 11:56 by pinfall with a DDT.

Rating: B

Notes: These two had great chemistry. This marks the second person to have great chemistry with Jake. Makes me think maybe I should put him in a program, or at least one that isn’t for drug and alcohol abuse.



After the match Hulk Hogan is backstage and says he has been praying and taking more vitamins than usual to prepare for his epic bout with Andre the Giant.

Rating: B



Shawn Michaels Vs. Greg Valentine


Shawn Michaels defeated Greg Valentine in 14:09 by pinfall after using a foreign object.

Rating: B



After the match Shawn Michaels taunted the fallen Greg Valentine which sparked Bret Hart to rush out to the ring and quickly clear it.

Rating: B



Final Rating: B-

Notes: I’m a little unsure why it’s a B- and not a B but it is what it is. With just over a week left until our next big event things are starting to get a little stale

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WWF Proudly Presents…


Live from The Spectrum in Philadelphia, PA

Saturday Week 4 February 2008

Aired on: USA Network, Sky Sports

Attendance: TBA


Papa Shango Vs. Bushwhacker Butch


Papa Shango defeated Bushwhacker Butch in 4:38 by pinfall with a Big Kick.

Rating: C-



Paul Roma Vs. Virgil


Virgil defeated Paul Roma in 5:58 by submission with a Million Dollar Dream.

Rating: D-



After the match it’s announced Randy Savage will get his wish tonight on Saturday Night Main Event and go one on one against one of The Undertaker’s minions who goes by the name Vampiro.

Rating: A



Bob Backlund Vs. Brooklyn Brawler


Bob Backlund defeated Brooklyn Brawler in 5:01 by submission with a Crossface Chickenwing.

Rating: C-



Sid Vicious Vs. The Mountie


Sid Vicious defeated The Mountie in 8:36 by pinfall with a Choke Slam.

Rating: B



After the match The Million Dollar Man came down to the top of the ramp and looked very pleased with Sid’s victory.

Rating: B+



The Ultimate Warrior Vs. Earthquake


The Ultimate Warrior defeated Earthquake in 4:56 by pinfall with a Big Splash.

Rating: B-



Final Rating: B-

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WWF Proudly Presents…


Live from The Spectrum in Philadelphia, PA

Saturday Week 4 February 2008

Aired on: USA Network, Sky Sports

Attendance: TBA



Papa Shango Vs. Bushwhacker Butch


Papa Shango defeated Bushwhacker Butch in 4:38 by pinfall with a Big Kick.

Rating: C-



Paul Roma Vs. Virgil


Virgil defeated Paul Roma in 5:58 by submission with a Million Dollar Dream.

Rating: D-



After the match it’s announced Randy Savage will get his wish tonight on Saturday Night Main Event and go one on one against one of The Undertaker’s minions who goes by the name Vampiro.

Rating: A



Bob Backlund Vs. Brooklyn Brawler


Bob Backlund defeated Brooklyn Brawler in 5:01 by submission with a Crossface Chickenwing.

Rating: C-



Sid Vicious Vs. The Mountie


Sid Vicious defeated The Mountie in 8:36 by pinfall with a Choke Slam.

Rating: B



After the match The Million Dollar Man came down to the top of the ramp and looked very pleased with Sid’s victory.

Rating: B+



The Ultimate Warrior Vs. Earthquake


The Ultimate Warrior defeated Earthquake in 4:56 by pinfall with a Big Splash.

Rating: B-



Final Rating: B-

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WWF Proudly Presents…

Saturday Night Main Event

Live from The Spectrum in Philadelphia, PA

Saturday Week 4 February 1992

Aired on: PPV


WWF World Heavyweight Title Match:

The Undertaker Vs. Davey Boy Smith


Hulk Hogan Vs. Jake Roberts


Shawn Michaels Vs. Bret Hart


WWF Tag Team Title Match:

The Legion of Doom Vs. The Nasty Boys W/ Jimmy Hart


WWF Intercontinental Title Match:

Rick “The Model” Martel Vs. Greg Valentine


Randy Savage Vs. Vampiro


The Beverly Brothers Vs. The New Hart Foundation


Tatanka Vs. Big Boss Man


Robby Retro Vs. Greed

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WWF World Heavyweight Title Match:

The Undertaker Vs. Davey Boy Smith


Hulk Hogan Vs. Jake Roberts


Shawn Michaels Vs. Bret Hart


WWF Tag Team Title Match:

Legion of Doom Vs. The Nasty Boys W/ Jimmy Hart


WWF Intercontinental Title Match:

Rick “The Model” Martel Vs. Greg Valentine


Randy Savage Vs. Vampiro


The Beverly Brothers Vs. The New Hart Foundation


Tatanka Vs. Big Boss Man


Robby Retro Vs. Greed

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WWF World Heavyweight Title Match:

The Undertaker Vs. Davey Boy Smith

Hulk Hogan Vs. Jake Roberts


Shawn Michaels Vs. Bret Hart


WWF Tag Team Title Match:

The Legion of Doom Vs. The Nasty Boys W/ Jimmy Hart


WWF Intercontinental Title Match:

Rick “The Model” Martel Vs. Greg Valentine


Randy Savage Vs. Vampiro


The Beverly Brothers Vs. The New Hart Foundation


Tatanka Vs. Big Boss Man


Robby Retro Vs. Greed

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WWF World Heavyweight Title Match:

The Undertaker Vs. Davey Boy Smith


Hulk Hogan Vs. Jake Roberts


Shawn Michaels Vs. Bret Hart


WWF Tag Team Title Match:

The Legion of Doom Vs. The Nasty Boys W/ Jimmy Hart


WWF Intercontinental Title Match:

Rick “The Model” Martel Vs. Greg Valentine


Randy Savage Vs. Vampiro


The Beverly Brothers Vs. The New Hart Foundation


Tatanka Vs. Big Boss Man


Robby Retro Vs. Greed

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WWF World Heavyweight Title Match:

The Undertaker Vs. Davey Boy Smith

This looks like a good match for both men, but I wonder if it'll bring in the ratings necessary to justify headlining a SNME.


Hulk Hogan Vs. Jake Roberts

Even if you tried to give this to the Snake....


Shawn Michaels Vs. Bret Hart

I'm thinking that you'll go with another draw. The ladder match you're leading to should steal the show for sure.


WWF Tag Team Title Match:

The Legion of Doom Vs. The Nasty Boys W/ Jimmy Hart

You don't seem to be very high on the Road Warriors, even looking past the 'roids. Now, the Nasty Boys aren't exactly the greatest, but they'll do. As well, you're kind of low on heel tag teams that are championship material, at the moment.


WWF Intercontinental Title Match:

Rick “The Model” Martel Vs. Greg Valentine

Bobby Heenan would be proud of all the cheatin' that the Model will do to keep his title. It should be a fun reign, and could go on for quite some time.


Randy Savage Vs. Vampiro

This just screams a DQ due to interference from the other druid.


The Beverly Brothers Vs. The New Hart Foundation

I'm picking new heel champions. That means that you need strong faces ready to go. I'm expecting a Foundation vs. Nasty Boys WM match.


Tatanka Vs. Big Boss Man

Continuing the streak.


Robby Retro Vs. Greed

Umm... I don't really have anything to say.


All in all, you're doing a fantastic job. I'm looking forward to the Wrestlemania build.

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All in all, you're doing a fantastic job. I'm looking forward to the Wrestlemania build.


Thanks man that means a lot. I'm actually in the process of writing WM now. Obviously I want it to be different than every other event.


Thanks to everyone who read and especially those who left comments.

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WWF Proudly Presents…

Saturday Night Main Event

Live from The Spectrum in Philadelphia, PA

Saturday Week 4 February 2008

Aired on: PPV

Attendance: 30,000 (Sold Out)



Pre Show:


Ric Flair Vs. Scott Taylor


Ric Flair defeated Scott Taylor in 6:53 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock.

Rating: B-

Notes: Tonight Flair is just being used to help the younger talent develop a bit more. However, expect big things from Flair in the months to come.



Main Show:


Robby Retro Vs. Greed


Greed defeated Robby Retro in 4:43 by pinfall with a Moonsault.

Rating: D-

Notes: Greed is the other minion in The Undertaker’s group. He man handled Robby in this one and looked pretty menacing in the process.



Tatanka Vs. Big Boss Man


Tatanka defeated Big Bossman in 5:42 by pinfall with an Indian Death Drop.

Rating: C-



After the match The Million Dollar Man once again stood at the ramp with a grin on his face applauding the victory of Tatanka.

Rating: B



A video is played next showing the on going feud between the Beverly Brothers and The New Hart Foundation.

Rating: D


The Beverly Brothers Vs. The New Hart Foundation


The New Hart Foundation defeated The Beverley Brothers in 9:56 when Owen Hart defeated Blake Beverly by pinfall with a Hart Attack.

Rating: C+

Notes: The Hart Foundation ends the feud with a victory over The Beverly Brothers. Hopefully this has helped their popularity heading into Wrestlemania.



Randy Savage Vs. Vampiro


Randy Savage defeated Vampiro in 8:24 by pinfall with a Double Axe Handle.

Rating: B

Notes: Turns out these two have pretty good chemistry which is always nice. It was obvious Savage was out of Vampiro’s league, but this match still made him look pretty dangerous.



After the match the lights in the arena went off and when they came back on Savage was being destroyed by Vampiro, greed and The Undertaker.

Rating: C+



WWF Intercontinental Title Match:


Rick “The Model” Martel Vs. Greg Valentine


Rick 'The Model' Martel defeated Greg Valentine in 11:32 by submission with a Boston Crab. Rick 'The Model' Martel makes defense number 2 of his WWF Intercontinental title.

Rating: B-

Notes: A pretty good match here. I need to think of an actual storyline to get the Frenchman involved in.



Backstage Shawn Michaels is with Gene Okerlund and says he’s going to make quick work of Bret Hart tonight.

Rating: B



WWF Tag Team Title Match:

The Legion of Doom Vs. The Nasty Boys W/ Jimmy Hart


Jerry Saggs and Brian Knobbs defeated The Legion Of Doom in 14:34 when Jerry Saggs defeated Road Warrior Animal by submission with a Pit Stop after interference from Jimmy Hart. Jerry Saggs and Brian Knobbs win the WWF World Tag Team titles.

Rating: B

Notes: The heels get the victory thanks in large part to their manager. I doubt this will be the end of this feud as The Legion of Doom looked none to happy.



Bret Hart Vs. Shawn Michaels


Bret Hart defeated Shawn Michaels in 18:08 by pinfall with a Backbreaker.

Rating: A

Notes: Another unbelievable match by these two men. Bret came out of nowhere with the Backbreaker and really caught Shawn by surprise. Shawn kicked out as soon as the three count was made and he argued with the ref that it wasn’t a three count.



While Shawn argued with the ref about the count Bret celebrated with the crowd. With Bret’s back turned Shawn rushed the Hitman for a surprise attack, but he saw it coming and Shawn was tossed into the turnbuckle and made to look like a fool.

Rating: B



Hulk Hogan Vs. Jake Roberts


Hulk Hogan defeated Jake Roberts in 7:34 by pinfall with a Big Boot and Leg Drop.

Rating: B+

Notes: Hogan used this match as a warm up for his big Mania match against Andre. While I know it’s not going to be as big as it once was, it should still be fun for everyone involved.



WWF World Heavyweight Title Match:


The Undertaker Vs. Davey Boy Smith


The Undertaker defeated Davey Boy Smith in 14:57 by pinfall with a Tombstone. The Undertaker makes defense number 2 of his WWF World Heavyweight title.

Rating: B

Notes: Bad chemistry hurt this match. And it gave Hogan a bit more leverage against me as to why he should be the World champion, or at least headline Wrestlemania.



Final Rating: B

Notes: Well it wasn’t as good as the Royal Rumble, but it’s not as big an event so I guess it’s not a complete lose. Of course we aren’t going to be gaining popularity with this one, but let’s hope that doesn’t matter.

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WWF Proudly Presents…

Wrestling Challenge

Live from Warwick Musical Theatre in RI

Sunday Week 4 February 1992

Aired on: USA Network

Attendance: 1,000 (Sold Out)



The Minions Vs. PJ Walker and Duane Gill


Greed and Vampiro defeated PJ Walker and Duane Gill in 4:52 when Vampiro defeated PJ Walker by pinfall with a Nail in the Coffin.

Rating: E



Andre the Giant Vs. Kitao


Andre the Giant defeated Kitao in 3:45 by pinfall with a Butt Drop.

Rating: C-



Vince McMahon is backstage now with The Million Dollar Man. Vince asks DiBiase what ties he has with Tatanka and Sid Vicious. DiBiase just gives a huge grin and says every man has his price. Soon his plan will fall into place and the world will see just what DiBiase is talking about.

Rating: B



Ric Flair Vs. Jim Powers


Ric Flair defeated Jim Powers in 4:41 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock.

Rating: B-



Final Rating: C

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<p>I was in my office working frantically to go over what was to happen at Wrestlemania. I knew today was going to be the day Vince was going to grill me to ensure the fans got their money’s worth. To say I was nervous would be a huge understatement, in fact I was pretty convinced Vince was going to pass Mania onto someone with “more experience”. That’s when I got the phone call.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“Hello?” </span></p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

You need to get to General Hospital now!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“What? What happened? Who is this?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“It’s Pat, Vince took a fall last night and is in ICU he’s listed in serious condition.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

I hung up the phone and my head started to spin. With Vince in ICU what was the fate of not only me but the WWF? I grabbed my keys and rushed to the hospital. </p><p>

While Vince and I were far from friends, I had never wished ill will on the man.</p><p> </p><p>

When I got to the hospital Vince’s room was swarmed with concerned friends and family members. I saw Hogan, Warrior, DiBiase, and many other workers at his side. I wondered how much of this was a power play and not real concern at all. As I walked into the room it was Slaughter who pulled me aside and talked to me first.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“Listen kid, I know we haven’t talked much but I need you to understand the situation we are in.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“Alright, what’s going on?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“Vince…his memory is…well it’s pretty much gone.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“What do u mean gone?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“I mean he doesn’t remember any of us. For the last 2 hours we have been in here explaining to him who Linda and Shane are. How we owns the WWF etc. e isn’t understanding any of it.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“What do the doctors say?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“They are still unsure. They say we may snap out of it in a day or two or he may never recover.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“Oh man, poor Shane and Steph, how are they taking it?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“Yeah, Shane is going to be taking over control of the company until Vince gets…better.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“Alright, so what all has Shane seen?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“Nothing he never had any interest in it.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“I’m sorry what?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“Look, all Shane cares about are the numbers. Keep the gate up and the expenses low and you’re fine. Now let’s go meet him so he can give you your goals.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

We walked over to Shane who took one look at us and rolled his eyes. I knew this wasn’t going to be pleasant.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;">“Look I know why you guys are here and I don’t really care. In fact if I had it my way I would close the whole damn thing down maybe it would keep my day home more often.</span></p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

“Look Shane I…”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;">“Save it! All you guys are the same you’re sorry for the sacrifice me and my family has to make. Blah blah blah I don’t care. Now listen and listen good.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

I swallowed hard.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;">“Right now my dad’s company is considered a Global promotion, don’t even think about changing that.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;">“The Undertaker is our champion, or at least that’s what these clowns tell me. And my dad speaks pretty highly of Mark, therefore I want him to stay above a C+ momentum.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;">“Owen Hart must reach C popularity in 2 years”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;">“Other than that I know safety and toughness was pretty high on my dad’s list so don’t hire anyone with less than a C- in any of those understand?</span></p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

“Yeah of course…look Shane…”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;">“Good, you better hope to God you don’t kill Wrestlemania because if you do I’ll be sure to make sure you never work in this business again.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

With that Shane turned his back to me and hovered over his father. Poor kid, I can’t say I blame him for acting like that. After all he has grown up around men who pretend to care, why should he think I was any different. </p><p> </p><p>

O.O.C. The game went crazy on me and game me a bunch of new owners goals as well as a few other things I was able to fix. I didn’t want to just kill the game because of this, but the new goals were something that had to be addressed so Vince now has Amnesia.</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>WWF Proudly Presents...</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Primetime Wrestling</span></span></strong></p><p><strong>

Live from The Meadowlands in East Rutherford, NJ</strong></p><p><strong>

Wednesday Week 1, March 1992</strong></p><p><strong>

Aired On: USA Network and Sky Sports</strong></p><p><strong>

Attendance: 14,163</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Koko B. Ware Vs. Barry Horowitz</p><p> </p><p>

Koko B. Ware defeated Barry Horowitz in 4:40 by pinfall with a Ghostbuster.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: D</strong></p><p>

Notes: I always had a soft spot for good old Barry. Maybe one day I’ll think up an angle where he actually gets to win a few matches. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

After the match Marty Jannetty comes to the ring and says he’s looking to invent The New Rockers and asks Koko if he’ll team with him on Superstars. Koko says he’d be glad to.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: D</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Jim Duggan Vs. Haku</p><p> </p><p>

Jim Duggan defeated Haku in 6:22 by pinfall with a Three Point Stance.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: D+</strong></p><p>

Notes: Haku was off his game tonight which didn’t help Duggan much at all. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Randy Savage Vs. Greed</p><p> </p><p>

Randy Savage defeated Greed in 9:53 by pinfall with a Double Axe Handle.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: B-</strong></p><p>

Notes: Savage takes out the last of The Minions which leaves him a straight shot to The Undertaker and the WWF title.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

After the match the lights go out and when they come back Savage and the Undertaker are standing nose to nose…well more like nose to chin, but you get the idea.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: A</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

WWF Tag Team Title Match:</p><p>

The Nasty Boys Vs. The Bushwhackers</p><p> </p><p>

Jerry Saggs and Brian Knobbs defeated The Bushwhackers in 10:32 when Brian Knobbs defeated Bushwhacker Butch by submission with a Pit Stop. Jerry Saggs and Brian Knobbs make defense number 1 of their WWF World Tag Team titles. </p><p>

<strong>Rating: C</strong></p><p>

Notes: The Nasty Boys had it pretty easy here. The Legion of Doom hit the ring shortly after and the four men brawled until officials pulled them off.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: B-</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Earthquake Vs. The Texas Tornado</p><p> </p><p>

Earthquake defeated Texas Tornado in 5:55 by pinfall with an Earthquake Splash.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: C-</strong></p><p>

Notes: I thought I would give Earthquake the upset here, but with this match not getting a good rating at all I may never do that again.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

After the match Earthquake continued to assault Tornado delivering 2 more big splashes. Tornado had to get stretchered off for what looked like broken ribs.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: C-</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

The Ultimate Warrior Vs. The Million Dollar Man</p><p> </p><p>

The Ultimate Warrior defeated Million Dollar Man in 5:09 by pinfall with a Big Splash.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: B</strong></p><p>

Notes: DiBiase attempted to pay off The Warrior at the start of this one, but Warrior rambled on about not being able to pay off the stars in all the lands….something it was weird.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Final Rating: C+</strong></p><p>

Notes: Yep I think I may be getting a call from Shane right now telling me to pack my bags and hit the road. Expect the next edition of Primetime to feature Hogan, Hart, Taker, etc.</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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