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WWF 1992: The year that wasn't

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Somewhere in an alternate Universe...



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Just a little teaser while I get my card together. It's always neat to see the different directions

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(O.O.C.) I tried to make this show stick out more than the rest due to it being Wrestlemania and all. But I just couldn't do it. I added a few small things but not nearly enough in my mind. Anyway I hope everyone enjoys...please leave feedback and let me know what you think of the biggest show of the year.


WWF Proudly Presents…

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Live from Joe Lewis Arena in Detroit, MI

Aired on: PPV

Sunday Week 4 March 1992

Attendance: 30,000 (Sold Out)

Announcers: Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan


Texas Tornado Vs. Big Boss Man


Texas Tornado defeated Big Bossman in 7:32 by submission with an Iron Claw.

Rating: C-

Notes: I almost put Bossman over due to the fact that Tornado has become very unreliable for me. Rather it be his drug problem or his matches nothing seems to go right with him.



Jake Roberts is backstage with Vince McMahon.


Vince: Jake tonight you face a tough team in The Hart Foundation. And the rumor is WWF president Jack Tunney is very upset with your recent actions bringing a snake to the ring.


Jake: “Come on, Jack Tunney just doesn’t know how to have fun. Let me tell you something Vince the biggest man doesn’t always win, the strongest man doesn’t always win. It’s the smartest man that wins. And right now I’m in The Hart Foundations head. I am the smartest man. And just incase it is the biggest man who wins then I’ve decided to make Earthquake my partner tonight.”

Rating: C



The New Hart Foundation Vs. Jake Roberts and Earthquake


Jake Roberts and Earthquake defeated The New Hart Foundation in 9:42 when Jake Roberts defeated Owen Hart by pinfall with a Low Blow.

Rating: C+Notes: I really wanted to put Owen over here, but he’s just to green. Instead we have other plans for The Heart Foundation



Gene Okerlund is backstage next with Ric Flair.


Gene: “Ric Flair, tonight you take on The Ultimate Warrior. Your thoughts?


Flair: "It's Wrestlemania 8. It's Detroit, Michigan. It's bright lights, it's the big city, it's long limousines, it's women lined up for a block to take a shot at Ric Flair and. But most of all, it's The Ultimate Warrior attempting to walk the aisle and defend the honor. Whoo!

Rating: A




Koko B. Ware Vs. Papa Shango


Papa Shango defeated Koko B. Ware in 8:08 by pinfall with a Big Kick.

Rating: C-

Notes: Not the match I was hoping for. I’m having a hard time trying to find anything solid for these two men to get into.



Sid Vicious and Tatanka W/ Million Dollar Man Vs. Davey Boy Smith and Jim Duggan


Sid Vicious and Tatanka defeated Davey Boy Smith and Jim Duggan in 12:32 when Sid Vicious defeated Jim Duggan by pinfall with a Choke Slam. During the match we also saw Davey Boy Smith turn on Hacksaw, and Sid Vicious do the same to Tatanka.

Rating: B-

Notes: The heel turn of Davey Boy Smith and Sid Vicious was a complete success. Turns out Tatanka was only a pawn in this one, and the “patriotic” Bulldog chose money over loyalty.



After the match Tatanka confronts Bulldog and gets attacked from behind by Vicious. The two cleared the ring of Duggan and Tatanka drawing a lot of hear from the fans.

Rating: B-



Intercontinental Title Match:

Rick “The Model” Martel Vs. Greg Valentine


Greg Valentine defeated Rick 'The Model' Martel in 13:06 by count out.

Rating: B

Notes: Valentine wins the match but not the title after the Frenchman quickly bails from the match. I’m sure this isn’t the last we have seen from these two.



Vince: “Shawn, later on tonight you face Bret “The Hitman” Hart in one of the most…”


Michaels: “Maybe you’ve forgotten Vince. I’m the show stopper. Bret Hart claims to be the best there is, but nobody is as great at putting on a show than the Heartbreak Kid.”

Rating: B-



WWF Tag Team Championship Match:

The Nasty Boys W/ Jimmy Hart Vs. The Legion of Doom


Jerry Saggs and Brian Knobbs defeated The Legion Of Doom in 13:44 when Brian Knobbs defeated Road Warrior Animal by submission with a Pit Stop after interference from Jimmy Hart. Jerry Saggs and Brian Knobbs make defense number 2 of their WWF World Tag Team titles.

Rating: C

Notes: With this being the fourth match these two have had as of late it needed to be a lot better. For whatever reason I thought maybe it would’ve been, looks like I was wrong.



Bret Hart is with Gene Okerlund


Gene: “Ladies and gentleman I’m here with the one and only Bret “The Hitman” Hart. Bret, just moments ago we all heard Shawn Michaels say that tonight was going to be his night. How do you respond?“


Bret: “How do I respond? Gene, I’ve already proven I can beat that spoiled little punk Shawn Michaels. After I prove again tonight that I am better than Shawn Michaels then I can focus on the bigger things and finally close this chapter of my career.”

Rating: B-



Farewell Match:

Andre the Giant Vs. Hulk Hogan


Hulk Hogan defeated Andre the Giant in 7:41 by pinfall with a Big Boot and Leg Drop.

Rating: B

Notes: Andre can retire with his head held high. It may not have been the best match in the world, and we all knew Hogan wouldn’t allow him to win. But it was a good match marked the end to a great career.



After the match Hogan and Andre embrace in a man hug and they play off the crowd a bit as Andre says farewell.

Rating: B



Ladder Match for the Number 1 Contender Spot

Bret Hart Vs. Shawn Michaels


Shawn Michaels defeated Bret Hart in ladder match in 27:28 after retrieving the item.

Rating: A

Notes: I went back and forth on who would win this match at least ten times. I love Bret and we all know how great Shawn is in the future. But the reason for this ending will unfold very soon. The best part of this match was neither person was even winded, it could’ve gone for an hour probably.



The Ultimate Warrior Vs. Ric Flair


The Ultimate Warrior defeated Ric Flair in 9:52 by pinfall

Rating: A

Notes: The Warrior continues to use his creative control to get ahead. Ric has yet to complain to me, but it’s only a matter of time really. He carried this match and made it as great as it was. The good news is Warrior’s contract is almost up so he will either lose his creative control or leave the company.



WWF Championship Match:

The Undertaker W/ Paul Bearer Vs. Randy Savage


The ending of the match came when Savage went up top to hit his big Elbow Drop. However, Paul Bearer pushed Savage from the top rope nearly causing him to break his neck.This allowed The Undertaker to get back on the offensive. He choke slammed Savage to an inch of his life, but as he went for his Tombstone Piledriver Savage wiggled free and was once again in control. Savage got the crowd behind him and once again climbed the top rope to end it with an elbow drop. Paul Bearer tried to get involved yet again, but this time Hulk Hogan rushed down to the ring and attacked Bearer tossing the urn to the ground causing a weird green mist to exit the urn. As soon as this happened The Undertaker fell to the mat motionless allowing Savage to drop his elboe drop and score the huge win.


Randy Savage defeated The Undertaker in 17:45 by pinfall with a Macho Elbow. Randy Savage wins the WWF World Heavyweight title.

Rating: A

Notes: The Macho Man winning was also the final decision maker for Michaels winning his match. I expect these two to have an amazing feud.



After the match Savage and Hogan celebrated in the ring and the fans left with the best happy ending in professional sports.

Rating: A*



Final Rating: B+

Notes: What’s a guy have to do to get an “A”? Well I still consider this a huge success, let’s just hope Vince is pleased.

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Excellent show, man. It was 1987 again, when Hogan beat Andre (farewell, Giant), and 1988 again, when Hogan helped Savage win the title.


This was priceless:


The best part of this match was neither person was even winded, it could’ve gone for an hour probably.


Michaels and Hart could go an hour? An entire hour? Now that's something I'd like to see.


Cheers, mate!

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Excellent show, man. It was 1987 again, when Hogan beat Andre (farewell, Giant), and 1988 again, when Hogan helped Savage win the title.


This was priceless:




Michaels and Hart could go an hour? An entire hour? Now that's something I'd like to see.


Cheers, mate!


Thanks man glad you enjoyed the show...even if you were stuck in the 80's :p


I to would like to see Hart and Michaels for an hour...who knows what the future holds ;)...thanks for reading

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4 Hours Earlier…


Wrestlemania starts in just over an hour. I pull my head from the toilet wiping away the vomit that hangs from my chin. I haven’t slept for more than 30 hours, my eyes are blood shot and I have vomited 3 times in the past hour. As much as I wanted to blame it on the flu, I knew it was just nerves. I’m just hours away from the biggest show of the year, and the biggest show of my life taking place. I made my way back to my office where I was met by Shane McMahon.


“Mr. McMahon? This is a surprise, to what do I owe the honor?”

"Cut the crap kid, you know why I’m here. We already have fans filling the seats for the biggest show of the year, surely you would’ve guessed I would have a few minor changes to make.”


“Minor changes? The show is about to go on Shane. Everyone’s role has been gone over at least a dozen times. What type of changes could you possibly want to make?”

“Well as I was going over the show last night it occurred to me that you have The Undertaker winning the Main Event.”


“That’s right. He’s our champion, and just got the belt in January. We need to book him as a formidable champion.”


“I understand that, but this is Wrestlemania. The fans will riot if we allow a heel to leave with the belt.”


“This is ridiculous. You want me to change the ending of the main event in a matter of hours? And on top of that you want me to take the belt off of The Undertaker?”


“No! What’s ridiculous is some punk kid who has probably never even been to a Wrestlemania before in his life now thinks that every thing he books for the biggest show of the year should go unchanged.”

“Not unchanged, but damn it give me some type of notice.”


“I am, you have an hour.”


“An hour. An hour to not just change the outcome of the main event, but to also change the outcome of the Hart Michaels match.”


“That’s your call.”


“My call? No, my call was to have The Undertaker keep his title and face Bret Hart at Summerslam.”

“So have Hart face Savage.”


“Face Vs. Face?”

“It wouldn’t be the first time.”


“Is there anything else? Perhaps I can get Ted Turner to make a guest appearance.”

“Please, Turner isn’t over enough to be on a show like this.”

“Great, now if you’ll excuse me.”

“Actually there’s one more thing.”



“Hogan has brought up a really good point.”

“Oh yeah and what’s that.”


“Him and The Undertaker could have a great program. Have him run in tonight on Taker, get a feud started.”

“You think Hogan gives a damn about a feud with Taker? Please, he just wants a reason to be a part of the Main Event.”

“You have your instructions…time’s running out.”


Shane left with a grin on his face. While I rushed to the bathroom to vomit again. This could possibly be the worst day of my life.

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Nice! I like the idea of doing the show and then going back to show the reason behind the booking after the fact. Wish I'd thought of that one...


Mania was well booked and I think the right people went over in the end. I would have been so tempted to have Undertaker go over at Mania like you, but I don't think 1992 was the right time for the heel to be standing tall at the end of WrestleMania. Maybe Shane had a point!


This is always one of the first diaries I look for when I come online, and I'm never disappointed!

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Nice! I like the idea of doing the show and then going back to show the reason behind the booking after the fact. Wish I'd thought of that one...


Mania was well booked and I think the right people went over in the end. I would have been so tempted to have Undertaker go over at Mania like you, but I don't think 1992 was the right time for the heel to be standing tall at the end of WrestleMania. Maybe Shane had a point!


This is always one of the first diaries I look for when I come online, and I'm never disappointed!



Thanks man really that means a lot to me coming from the now back to back diary of the month winner...congrats by the way. :D


I can't agree with you more on 1992 not being the right time to have the heel leave with the belt. But really I think I changed the ending about 9 different times before sticking with the one I had. Since I started the diary I had told myself exactly how the diary was going to go and that included The Undertaker getting the win at Mania but the more I thought about it the more I second guessed myself until I actually ended up changing it...we shall see if it was the right call in the end.

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WWF Proudly Presents…

Primetime Wrestling

Live from Birmingham, UK

Wednesday Week 1, April 1992

Aired On: USA Network and Sky Sports

Attendance: 7,753



Pre Show:


The Minions Vs. Haku and The Barbarian Vs. Power and Glory


Greed and Vampiro defeated Haku / The Barbarian and Power and Glory in 7:50; the order of elimination was Haku / The Barbarian first, and finally Power and Glory.

Rating: D-

Notes: Vampiro and Greed were really off tonight making me think maybe they aren’t ready for a big push yet.



Main Show:


Typhoon Vs. Max Moon


Max Moon defeated Typhoon in 4:57 by pinfall with a 187.

Rating: E+

Notes: Typhoon is leaving the company is less than a week due to his contract expiring. I figure this would be a good time to have him put over younger talent.



Tag Team Number 1 Contender Match:

The Legion of Doom Vs. The Hart Foundation


The New Hart Foundation defeated The Legion Of Doom in 9:56 when Owen Hart defeated Road Warrior Hawk by pinfall with a quick roll up.

Rating: C+

Notes: I know everyone is getting the vibe that I hate the Legion of Doom, but in reality that’s far from the truth. I just don’t have anything for them. And I would like to build up another face tag team.



After the match The Legion of Doom went to shake hands with Owen and Jim but Owen was to overcome with joy and celebrating to worry about shaking hands.

Rating: C



Greg Valentine Vs. Earthquake


Greg Valentine defeated Earthquake in 6:24 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock.

Rating: E+

Notes: I have no clue what happened with this match. I expected at least a high C. Earthquake continues to show me why Vince hates him so much despite the fact I’m trying to use him.



After the match Greg grabbed the mic and said that Rick may have escaped Wrestlemania with the title, but they still have a lot of unfinished business.

Rating: D-



Mean Gene is backstage next with Davey Boy Smith and The Million Dollar Man and asks Bulldog why he turned his back on the fans. Davey laughs and asks what the fans ever did for him. While he was out busting his butt for the fans he was getting nowhere and still barely making enough to survive. Now he’s a millionaire and the sky is the limit.

Rating: C+



Davey Boy Smith W/ Million Dollar Man Vs. Tatanka


Davey Boy Smith drew with Tatanka in 12:58 following a double disqualification. During the match we also saw Big Bossman run in and attack British Bulldog, and Million Dollar Man also attack Tatanka.

Rating: D+

Notes: Another match ruined by bad chemistry. This one got out of hand fast after DiBiase tried to save his client prompting the local law man The Big Boss Man to run down and get involved.



Hulk Hogan Vs. Jake Roberts


Hulk Hogan defeated Jake Roberts in 7:33 by pinfall with a Big Boot and Leg Drop.

Rating: B

Notes: Finally a decent rated match. Hogan of course got the win, as if it could’ve went any other way.



After the match Hogan celebrated his victory when the lights went out and he heard the dreaded music of The Undertaker. Strangely when the lights came back on Hogan was still the only one in the ring and the Undertaker was nowhere to be seen.

Rating: B+


Final Rating: C+

Notes: Bad chemistry killed us in this one. The fact that not everyone is over in the UK didn’t help either I’m sure.

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WWF Proudly Presents…


Live from Birmingham, Midlands

Aired on: USA Network, Sky Sports

Attendance: 300 (Sold Out)



Pre Show:


Ric Flair Vs. Greed


Ric Flair defeated Greed in 7:04 by pinfall with an Inside Cradle.

Rating: C+



Main Show:


Owen Hart Vs. The Mountie


Owen Hart defeated The Mountie in 8:03 by pinfall with The Rocket Launcher.

Rating: C-



Earthquake Vs. The Big Bossman


Big Bossman defeated Earthquake in 4:54 by pinfall with a Bubba Slam.

Rating: D-



Texas Tornado Vs. Blake Beverly


Texas Tornado defeated Blake Beverly in 8:28 by submission with an Iron Claw.

Rating: C-



After the match The Texas Tornado grabbed a mic and said he was sick of living in the shadows. Soon the world will see The Texas Tornado blow away all his opponents.

Rating: C



Sid Vicious W/ Million Dollar Man Vs. Jim Duggan


Sid Vicious defeated Jim Duggan in 10:55 by pinfall with a Choke Slam.

Rating: B-



After the match DiBiase signaled to the back and Davey Boy Smith hit the ring helping Sid dismantle Jim Duggan

Rating: C-



Final Rating: C

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WWF Proudly Presents…


Live from a tiny arena in Ireland

Sunday Week 1 April, 1992

Attendance: 818



Barry Horowitz Vs. Virgil


Virgil defeated Barry Horowitz in 2:45 by submission with a Million Dollar Dream.

Rating: E



Brian Knobbs and Jerry Saggs W/ Jimmy Hart Vs. The Bushwhackers


Brian Knobbs and Jerry Saggs defeated The Bushwhackers in 4:32 when Brian Knobbs defeated Bushwhacker Luke by submission with a Pit Stop.

Rating: D-



After the match Jimmy Hart grabbed a mic and said his client weren’t the least bit worried of the new number one contenders the Hart Foundation. He says his clients are bigger, stronger, and have the brains in their corner to keep the gold.

Rating: C-



Rick “The Model” Martel Vs. The Ultimate Warrior


The Ultimate Warrior defeated Rick 'The Model' Martel in 6:49 by pinfall with a Big Splash following interference from Greg Valentine.

Rating: C+



After the match an angry Martel got back to his feet and chased after Greg Valentine.

Rating: C-



Final Rating: D

Notes: With the bulk of the shows this month taking place in the UK I don’t expect the ratings to be great. And as long as my ‘B’ shows improve my storylines I’m happy with them.

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WWF Proudly Presents…

Primetime Wrestling

Live from Centennial Hall in Toledo, OH

Wednesday Week 2, April 1992

Aired On: USA Network and Sky Sports

Attendance: 10,000 Sold Out)



Robby Retro Vs. The Berserker


Robby Retro defeated The Berserker in 4:51 by pinfall with a Split Legged Moonsault.

Rating: D+

Notes: Not a great match, but Robby needed a quality win. He even awed the fans afterward with a quick disco dance.



After the match we go backstage where Rick Martel is with Mean Gene. He says something has to be done with the cowardly way Greg Valentine has been acting. Someone of the stature of “The Model” can’t be bothered by such obnoxious things. Therefore he is offering $1,000 to the person who beats Valentine.

Rating: B-



The Mountie Vs. Jim Powers


The Mountie defeated Jim Powers in 5:54 by submission with a Boston Crab.

Rating: D-

Notes: These two had bad chemistry, plus neither of them are very good anyway.



The Beverly Brothers Vs. The Legion of Doom


The Legion Of Doom defeated The Beverley Brothers in 7:44 when Road Warrior Animal defeated Beau Beverly by pinfall with a Doomsday Device.

Rating: C+

Notes: A much needed win for LOD. Let’s see if they can build on that momentum and see if they can stay clean.



Papa Shango Vs. The Big Bossman


Big Bossman defeated Papa Shango in 8:50 by pinfall with a Bubba Slam.

Rating: C+

Notes: These two have great chemistry. Bossman pulled out the big win, proving if you do the crime you have to do the time.



Texas Tornado Vs. Jake Roberts


Texas Tornado defeated Jake Roberts in 7:09 by submission with an Iron Claw.

Rating: B-

Notes: This was a hard match for me to decide. Jake has been very unreliable lately and while Tornado has had his share of drama I feel if he can get his act together it may be time to get him out of the gutter.



Randy Savage and The Ultimate Warrior Vs. Sid Vicious and Davey Boy Smith


Sid Vicious and Davey Boy Smith defeated Randy Savage and The Ultimate Warrior in 13:23 when Sid Vicious defeated Randy Savage by pinfall with a handful of tights after Shawn Michaels distracted Macho Man.

Rating: B-

Notes: I expected a lot better out of this match. Still as it stands it gets my point across. Michaels peaks his head into the Main Event scene and Davey and Sid stay undefeated.



After the match Randy Savage got to his feet and went after Michaels but was leveled by DiBiase. Warrior tried to come to his partner’s aid, but he was being double teamed by Davey and Sid.

Rating: B+



Final Rating: B-

Notes: I think the main event hurt us in this one. It’s going to bring down our popularity, let’s just hope not that much.

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WWF Proudly Presents…


Live from The Spartanburg Hodge Center in Spartanburg, SC

Saturday Week 2 April, 1992

Aired on: USA Network, Sky Sports

Attendance: 1,000 (Sold Out)



Greed Vs. Louie Spicolli


Greed defeated Louie Spicolli in 5:24 by pinfall with a Moonsault.

Rating: E



Bob Backlund Vs. Vampiro


Bob Backlund defeated Vampiro in 7:36 by submission with a Crossface Chickenwing.

Rating: D+



Ric Flair is backstage next with Jack Tunney. He talks about how The Texas Tornado is starting to catch fire and he, the dirtiest player in the game, has what it takes to put that fire out.

Rating: B+



Greg Valentine Vs. The Mountie


Greg Valentine defeated The Mountie in 5:55 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock.

Rating: C-



After the match Rick Martel appears at the ramp with 2 masked men at either side. Suddenly the masked men sprint to the ring and attack Valentine, but Greg holds his own against the men until security can break it up.

Rating: C+



There is a disturbance backstage next. By the time cameras get back there however Hulk Hogan is laying unconscious on the floor and his attacker is nowhere in sight.

Rating: A



The Undertaker Vs. Virgil


The Undertaker defeated Virgil in 7:52 by pinfall with a Tombstone.

Rating: C


Final Rating: C

Notes: A solid show that advanced a few storylines nicely. The Pre show wasn’t poster here but it featured a 10 man battle royal of some of the talent that hasn’t been used lately.

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WWF Proudly Presents…


Live from the Douglas Evert Center in Concord, NH

Sunday Week 2 April, 1992

Attendance: 1,778



The Legion of Doom Vs. The Minions


The Legion Of Doom defeated Vampiro and Greed in 3:58 when Road Warrior Animal defeated Greed by pinfall with a Doomsday Device.

Rating: D



Ric Flair Vs. Jim Brunzell


Ric Flair defeated Jim Brunzell in 5:40 by pinfall with a Roll Up.

Rating: B-



After the match the Texas Tornado comes to the ramp and tells Flair he accepts his challenge and will face him on Wednesday.

Rating: C+



Bret Hart Vs. Dino Bravo


Bret Hart defeated Dino Bravo in 4:35 by pinfall with a Backbreaker.

Rating: B



After the match Shawn Michaels comes out applauding. He says it’s good to see Bret wrestling low lives like Bravo while Shawn is in line for a WWF title shot.

Rating: B-



Final Rating: C+

Notes: Some surprising matches on Challenge. I had no clue the Bret Hart or the Flair match would be as good as they were.

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WWF Proudly Presents…

Primetime Wrestling

Live from the Conway Farris Center in Conway, AR

Wednesday Week 3, April 1992

Aired On: USA Network and Sky Sports

Attendance: 5,000 (Sold Out)



Pre Show:


Million Dollar Man Vs. Robby Retro


Million Dollar Man defeated Robby Retro in 7:10 by submission with a Million Dollar Dream.

Rating: B

Notes: This was an amazing preshow segment. I knew DiBiase and Robby were good, but this was really in a league of its own.



After the match DiBiase starting peeling off hundred dollar bills and tossing them at the fallen Robby Retro and telling him to get a new wardrobe.

Rating: C



Main Show:


Greg Valentine arrives to the arena, but he doesn’t get more than a few steps out of his limo when he is assaulted by two men. A closer look at the men reveals that it’s the Berserker and The Barbarian.

Rating: C-



The New Hart Foundation Vs. Power and Glory


The New Hart Foundation defeated Power and Glory in 7:57 when Owen Hart defeated Paul Roma by pinfall with a Hart Attack

Rating: C

Notes: A better match than I expected. I’ve been trying to give The Hart Foundation a push before they face the tag champs, but their overness isn’t budging.



After the match Owen grabs a mic ad says that at UK Rampage The New Hart Foundation will be named the new Tag Team Champions.

Rating: C+



The Ultimate Warrior Vs. Haku


The Ultimate Warrior defeated Haku in 5:50 by pinfall with a Gorilla Press.

Rating: C-

Notes The Ultimate Warrior sucks



Shawn Michaels Vs. Marty Jannetty


Shawn Michaels defeated Marty Jannetty in 11:51 by pinfall with a Sweet Chin Music.

Rating: C+

Notes: Turns out these two don’t click, I can’t say I saw that coming. And just like that what I thought would be a good show doesn’t look likely.



Texas Tornado Vs. Ric Flair


Ric Flair defeated Texas Tornado in 12:43 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics.

Rating: B

Notes: Flair had to reach into his bag of tricks to pull out a win in this one. None the less, Flair wins and Tornado wasn’t happy.



We go backstage next where Hulk Hogan bumps into Paul Bearer.


Bearer: “Ohhhh yesss Hulk Hogan. Your prayers won’t save you. My Undertaker is making a special casket just for you Ohh yesss. You see Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania you stuck your nose in the business of my Undertaker and now Hulk Hogan you will pay the price.”


Hogan: “Look dude, all I did was make sure the match stayed fair brother. You don’t intimidate Hulk Hogan dude. No one can intimidate this 26 inch pythons brother.”


Hogan flexes for the camera while Paul Bearer rubs his precious urn.

Rating: A



WWF Heavyweight Title Match:

Randy Savage Vs. The Mountie


Randy Savage defeated The Mountie in 10:45 by pinfall with a Macho Elbow. Randy Savage makes defense number 1 of his WWF World Heavyweight title.

Rating: B

Notes: A pretty good match here. Savage makes his first defense since winning the title and The Mountie continues to job.



After the match Shawn Michaels runs down the ramp to try and surprise the champ, but instead is cut off by Bret Hart and the cameras go dark while the two brawl.

Rating: B+



Final Rating: B-

Notes: Well the segments were great, but the matches not so much. I wanted our last 3 matches to be high ‘B’ but I guess that was wishful thinking.

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WWF Proudly Presents…


Live from the Riviera Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, NV

Saturday Week 3 April 1992

Aired on: USA Network

Attendance: 1,000 (Sold Out)



Barry Horowitz Vs. Louie Spicolli


Barry Horowitz defeated Louie Spicolli in 4:32 by submission with a Cloverleaf.

Rating: E+



The Beverly Brothers Vs. Jim Powers and Max Moon


The Beverley Brothers defeated Jim Powers and Max Moon in 7:42 when Beau Beverly defeated Max Moon by pinfall with a handful of tights.

Rating: C-



After the match The Barbarian and The Berserker make their way to the ring. They call out Rick Martel claiming they want their money for beating up Greg Valentine. Martel comes to the ring and calls the two morons. He says that he clearly stated the money went to the person who beat Valentine not beat him up. The Berserker looks confused while The Barbarian looks infuriated.

Rating: C



Davey Boy Smith Vs. Owen Hart


Davey Boy Smith defeated Owen Hart in 8:49 by pinfall with a Running Powerslam.

Rating: C



After the match DiBiase order Sid into the ring to take Owen out. The two had Owen pinned in the corner when Bret Hart hit the ring and saved his brother.

Rating: C+



After the match Bret went to check on his younger brother, but Owen shoved Bret out of the way and exited the ring.

Rating: B-



The Undertaker Vs. Koko B. Ware


The Undertaker defeated Koko B. Ware in 10:24 by pinfall with a Tombstone.

Rating: B-



After the match The Undertaker stood in the middle of the ring as The Minions appeared from the back pushing a casket. As the casket got closer it was clear it was a casket made for one man…Hulk Hogan.

Rating: B+



Final Rating: C+

Notes: A decent show that did its part to advance some storylines. I’m trying to get some new people some face time, but it’s a lot harder than it sounds.

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Even though it garnered a good rating, 10 minutes is WAY too long for Undertaker/Koko. I like this diary a lot, and I know from experience that it can be a pain to book realistically with TEW during this era, but that's overkill for that particular match.



Yeah you're right. The reasoning behind is was simply just because I would have had to adjust all of my other matches to get another match in to take care of the additional 3 minutes. So for me the easiest solution was just to make the main even drag on a little longer.

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WWF Proudly Presents…

Wrestling Challenge

Live from a tiny arena in the Northwest

Sunday Week 3 April, 1992

Attendance: 1,000 (Sold Out)



Pre Show:


Jake Roberts Vs. Perry Saturn


Jake Roberts defeated Perry Saturn in 5:54 by pinfall with a Short Clothesline.

Rating: D+



Main Show:


The Barbarian and The Berserker Vs. Chris Walker and Salvatore Bellomo


The Barbarian and The Berserker defeated Chris Walker and Salvatore Bellomo in 4:25 when The Barbarian defeated Salvatore Bellomo by submission with a Tongan Death Grip.

Rating: E+



After the match The Barbarian and The Berserker grabbed a mic and demanded a handicap match on Primetime against Greg Valentine.

Rating: D-



Tatanka Vs. The Repo Man


Tatanka defeated The Repo Man in 4:35 by pinfall with an Indian Death Drop.

Rating: D+



After the match Tatanka was flanked by Sid and Davey Boy. He fought the best he could but once again he was bested by the strength in numbers.

Rating: B-



Intercontinental Title Match:

Rick “The Model” Martel Vs. Hercules Hernandez


Rick 'The Model' Martel defeated Hercules Hernandez in 5:43 by submission with a Boston Crab. Rick 'The Model' Martel makes defense number 5 of his WWF Intercontinental title.

Rating: D



Final Rating: D-

Notes: I’m not a big fan of having 2 ‘B’ shows, even though it’s nice to work so many under card workers.

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WWF Proudly Presents…

Primetime Wrestling

Live from the a small arena in London England

Wednesday Week 4, April 1992

Aired On: USA Network and Sky Sports

Attendance: 3,948



Pre Show:


Duane Gill Vs. Million Dollar Man


Million Dollar Man defeated Duane Gill in 6:22 by submission with a Million Dollar Dream.

Rating: C+



Main Show:


The Bushwhackers Vs. The Minions


Vampiro and Greed defeated The Bushwhackers in 5:53 when Vampiro defeated Bushwhacker Butch by pinfall with a Nail in the Coffin.

Rating: F+

Notes: Even worse than I thought it was going to be. I’ve decided to give The Minions a small push. I just don’t see The Bushwhackers as any more than a comedy role.



After the match Gene Okerlund meets up with Bret Hart and asks him how he feels about his brother shoving him last week. Then as if that wasn’t bad enough his brother-in-law turning on everyone who believes in him. Bret says he understands where Owen is coming from and should’ve let his brother fight his own battles. He says he is appalled by how Davey turned on his fans and family, but truly believes he’ll get what’s coming to him.

Rating: C



Texas Tornado Vs. Papa Shango


Texas Tornado defeated Papa Shango in 10:27 by submission with an Iron Claw after Ric Flair accidentally hit Papa Shango.

Rating: C-

Notes: Some botched interference was the difference in this one. Turns out these two have pretty good chemistry which means we may see them again in the future.



After the match Tornado taunts Flair and tells him at UK Rampage he will avenge his previous loss to Flair.

Rating: C



Greg Valentine Vs. The Berserker and The Barbarian


Greg Valentine defeated The Berserker and The Barbarian in 7:28 when Greg Valentine defeated The Berserker by submission with a Figure Four Leglock.

Rating: E+

Notes: I knew this match was going to suck, but I didn’t expect it to suck this much. The match was made to help make Greg look like a legit threat to Martel.



After the match Valentine celebrated and the Frenchman hit the ring with a chair trying to kill the hero.

Rating: D



Hulk Hogan Vs. Barry Horowitz


Hulk Hogan defeated Barry Horowitz in 9:54 by pinfall with a Big Boot and Leg Drop.

Rating: D+

Notes: These two had bad chemistry which hurt the match. Lord knows everything has to go right for Hogan to have a good match.



After the match Hogan grabbed a mic and told all his Hulkamaniacs not to worry about The Hulkster. He’s been taking plenty of vitamins and he can bet that dead dude The Undertaker doesn’t say his prayers.

Rating: A



Sid Vicious Vs. Tatanka


Tatanka defeated Sid Vicious in 11:45 by pinfall with a fast roll up.

Rating: C

Notes: Tatanka got the pin and jumped out of the ring before Davey Boy had a chance to strike. This match didn’t live up to how it was suppose to go either.



Final Rating: C

Notes: This was really a lack luster show that just didn’t have that X factor at all. I’m a little concerned with UK Rampage. The way it’s turning out the lineup isn’t good at all.

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