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NWA: New Wrestling Alliance (CVerse Multiplayer)

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He sat down at his desk, waiting for the others to file in. They did, two by two, and the NWA Booking Committee held it's first meeting. Eight chairs were arranged, two on each side of the table. A Star Astil sat with his young brother, the Brennenator. Of course he didn't wear his mask, so his long blond hair was in clear view. He looked at his paper and cleared his throat.


"Hello and welcome friends. Hello <Apu's Char>, Hello Cliff, thank you for representing CZCW. Hello Jones, Hello Stomper, thank you for representing NYCW, Hello Folley, Hello Mr. Chord, thank you for representing MAW. As you know, we have all come together under the banner New Wrestling Alliance, or NWA. Of course, if there is any problem with this name, it can be addressed. First a view booking notes.


I wanted to have four singles championships under the NWA Banner. The main NWA Heavyweight Championship. The NWA Action Championship. The NWA Respect Championship. The NWA Generations Championship. As you can tell, each one is taylor made for each company, however the champion does not have to be from that company. Right now I am strongly considering making each title a midcard, except for the main.


To close out my opening statements, I ask who the NWA should push for these titles. Right now I wish to have Fox Mask hold the Action, Whistler for the Respect and Vessey for the Generations. Any other suggestions or comments? "


Astil waved his arms wide, as if opening the floor for all to comment.


First to raise his hand to signify that he wants the floor is new NYCW Booker, Lumpy Jones, a man who has earned his nickname over the course of the last decade by being one of the best enhancement talents in pro wrestling.


"First of all, I'd like to echo Mr Astil's sentiments and extend my gratitude to everyone here for making this new venture possible. As the new booker of NYCW, alongside old Stompy here, we bring a lot of traditional wrestling experience into the alliance, not forgetting yourself too Mr Chord.


NWA Championships are going to be one of the most important things this alliance can bring to the table, and as such we have been talking about how best to structure and name them. As I understand it, you are proposing that our figurehead promotion has the four title belts you outlined, which is fine, but the promotion itself doesn't have a name that resounds with the New Wrestling Alliance... none of our promotions do, at the moment."


"What I propose is a change to the naming of each of our promotions, to at least identify ourselves as a part of the NWA. For example, New York City Wrestling will become NWA: New York City Wrestling... with similarly named NWA: Mid Atlantic Wrestling and NWA: Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling. This ought to add strength to the NWA brand and ensure that everyone knows who is part of the NWA. Likewise, our figurehead promotion should become NWA: Wisconsin Wrestling Federation, although I'm sure as we expand and the NWA: WWF franchise grows that the Wisconsin part can be changed to a more global sounding name..."


"Also, while I have the floor, I would like to raise the idea of rebranding the championships within our individual promotions to also be more NWA branded. NYCW would be happy to have within our promotion the NWA Empire Championship, the NWA Tri-State Regional Championship and the NWA Tri-State Tag Team Championships. This is assuming that everyone else would be willing to do the same with their championships too."


As Lumpy moves to sit down, The Stomper rises to his feet with a few gruff words of this own.


"Gentlemen, this may not be a terrotorial age for pro wrestling, what with national TV and the internet and stuff. But that doesn't mean we can't recapture that age abd modernise it too. Lumpy here has made some fair points about the NYCW over the years, and I'm in my last few years within the business now. Rip, we grew up in the territorial system and we understand how it works then and how it can work now. But we all need to work together. We need to take the good things from the old terrotorial system and add them to the new wrestling culture that we have now. I'm confident it can work and I'm confident that Lumpy's ideas can help bring strength to the NWA. He might be young... but he understands the business better than most ever have. And he is willing to listen, he doesn't believe he's the god of wrestling, unlike some people I could mention."


Stomper sits back down with a sideways look that could have been intended to implicate someone or to simply acknowledge what his booker has said before. Lumpy looks around the table, wondering who will be next to speak up...


Next to stand, the immortal Rip Chord.


"I had a vision when I made Mid Adlantic Wrestling, to bring back the age and tradition of terretorial wrestling. I have been assured here by Mr. Folley that this alliance will allow us to survive without having to expand constantly. For our goal is to prepare the future of wrestling, not get caught up in a war for supremacy.


But I also find it in my greatest interest to suggest one thing before I respond to what has been said.


I feel to, with the risk of sounding all new age, to release us from a desire for rapid expansion and money over tradition and experience, that we should all introduce an internet distrubution scheme."


He sat down, his words being handled by each member of the commitee like a peice of playdough, the full intent of his actions trying to be deciphered.

Thomas Folley stood up.


"To be fair, any association with the "NWA" will be a great boost to our financial and social stabilty, we are open to changing the names of our titles, and wish to understand, the Generation title does belong to MAW, or the NWA?


Also it occurs to me that some of you are threatened by my inexperience. But I assure you, I am good at what I do.

While some of you were stuck as jobbers, I was training from the age of four for what would surely be my destiny.


I will also go on to say that under the aspect of titles being held between companies, how would this be handled?


And in all fairness, I would regret pushing Vessey at the moment.


We Mid Atlantic Wrestling would like to keep a large majority of desicions to ourselves, like who we feel, for the first few years at least, shall be pushed for our titles.


But we can make sacrifices for the.....




It can only be agreed that WWF shall be the figurehead, and we feel that they shall host the first NWA show.


So before that show has been arranged we feel it is in the interest of our company that all other events shall be postponed.


And I beleive CZCW has one tonight...


I personally would like to postpone who would hold our branch of the title until....,

certain people have gotten a stable amount of momentum.


By this of course I mean Erik Strong, who we feel should be set upon the non-NWA world soon, and only feel that a title reign would promote his prospects of being hired."


Obviously saying some things that are non-commital,arrogant and would put MAW in a stronger position among the alliance may cause some controversy, will the NWA ever get off the ground???


Cliff Anderson sits back with his arms cross, his smile evident under his mustached lip. Unlike the other owners he doesn’t take a turn to speak, he just watches.


At his side the Hispanic male gets up and begins to speak.


“Most of you don’t know me, hardly anyone does. Suffice to say I’m not a very good wrestler but I came to Cliff’s attention because of my eye for the business. Cliff has decided that at least for today I speak for the company and so I will.


First let me tell you what CZCW brings to the table. We bring our other connections, as we look to bring all kinds of workers from around the world into the hallowed halls of the NWA. CZCW already has a working agreement with Mexican lucha promotion MPWF. I personally have a connection to WLW through my trainer Yosuke Narita, also known as Awesome Thunder. By adding these workers to our own we can broaden our rosters with quality workers from all over.


As for name changes, CZCW will gladly change our name to NWA: CZCW but we reserve the right to keeping the names of our titles specific to our company. I believe only the titles that will make the rounds to each company, the over all NWA titles should have the NWA name on them.


Secondly, as to the proposed topic of internet distribution brought up by Mr. Folley. Unless you are running more than one show a month, which CZCW intends to be doing, the benefit of this idea will be nothing as you will lose whatever popularity you may gain by not visiting anyplace outside your region. Also as has been pointed out by Mr. Jones as small companies the revenue from DVD sales is what keeps most of our companies financially in the black.


My third topic is just an overview on what CZCW will be doing to, ourselves, grow. First as mentioned we will be holding weekly shows. I know many of you may not feel you have the finances or the roster to do a weekly show but I believe we do. Secondly and this is directly for you Mr. Jones, CZCW will be bringing your champion Steve Flash on in a permanent position on our roster. We are incredibly pleased to see that you have made him champion and we believe his talents will help out in ring talent grow. So as long as you are not totally averse to sharing Mr. Flash on a more than a few appearance basis we will go ahead with out plans to integrate him onto our roster as well.


I believe I’ve spoken enough, CZCW does have a show this evening and Mr. Anderson and I need to catch a flight back to California to get ready.”


These company reprsented the heart of the NWA, as it stood, poised to embark on a journey. Would they defeat the SWF and bring back territorial wrestling? Would they even get along? Only time can tell.


Astil - WWF (Figurehead)

Apupunchau@optonline - CZCW

Derek_b - NYCW

The Masked Orange - MAW

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Rip Chord and Thomas Folley are meeting with the MAW Creative team.


Albeit it consists of just them and Mean Jean Cattley, but they take the task at hand very seriously.


Tom, what the hell are you doing, I told you the NWA is just a fancy way of making one company. How the hell did you get Rip to go along with ya'?


Look, I told you Jean, Thomas got me to go along by assuring me this was needed in order for our company to survive, and train a variety of Youngin's, what's up with you anyway? You're always telling me how we need some fresh new faces aroung here.


I don't trust...




He gestures at Thomas Folley, who until now had been busying himself with a phone...


I'll call you back.


What's the matter Jean?, I come here, save this company from the financial instabilty that has crippled you guyses lately, and you give me criticsm?

Glory' Jean, I know that round here you are pretty big pickins but, seeing a bonified, superfied, glorified wrestling GOD such as I, it must make you rattle in your 99 cent kneepads.


Jean rises from his chair, outraged at what he heard then adresses Rip, who is just looking squarely at the floor.


God Rip, If I didn't know you better, I'd say this kid has pictures of you doing something Vile, but since I do, I think I'm gonna take my months paid vacation early.


Rip Chord, the International legend, sits there, in the run down warehouse called MAW headquarters, staring at the ground.


Are you sure???


Sorry, Rip I tried to make him stay. Bye Bye now! Remember we only can pay you if you remain in the U.S.A, or the Cayman Islands...


Mean Jean Cattley leaves, the humming of his T-Bird confirms that.


Good, now down to business, if we can get Remmy Skye and Steve Flash over I think we can put me in a suitable Debut match...


Rip Chord stands up and leaves.


If I didn't know him better, he's regretting our little arrangement.


Folley sits down, redails the phone and says:

Yeah, for our Tourney I'll need tables, Lots of tables.

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NYCW HQ aka The Stomper's Home


It's been a high pressured few weeks as the NWA has blazed into existence, forged from a group of small, respected wrestling promotions into... well, no-one knows for sure what the NWA is. Debates have gone back and forth over the nature of the NWA and it has left a bittersweet taste in the mouths of all involved. Sitting comfortably in The Stomper's small yet respectable home, Lumpy Jones and The Stomper try to relax.


"We've done a good thing, haven't we? I mean..."


"Stompy... Derek, you've done the right thing."


"It's just that after all these years, to make such a big chance to NYCW, maybe even to wrestling. I can't help thinking that I've done something wrong. Or even worse, that I've been doing something wrong until now. Change like this really makes you think, once you get to my age."


"Your age? You're still a wrestler, and you can still go better than most men half your age... heck, better than most of the youngsters who are a third of your age. Don't you start trying to play the age card on me now."


"Shut up Lumpy, you won't understand til you get this far yourself. I'm probably going to retire this year, once and for all. Did you know that NYCW is the longest running promotion in North America? Except the SWF of course, but they hardly count as a wrestling promotion these days. Almost 20 years old... I made NYCW as something to do when I retired back when I was just 39 years old and considering retirement back then. And look at me now. I'm still wrestling at 58 long after I should've, NYCW is still a small New York based promotion and I'm still living alone."


"NYCW has always been a great small promotion, always been somewhere for newcomers to cut their teeth and gain experience."


Stomper slashes his hand through the air as he shows his frustrations.


"Pah! And once they cut their teeth, they upped and left for bigger promotions and bigger money. They moved on to Texas, they travelled to Canada or Japan, they tried to make their mark on the East Coast Wars. They became "hardcore" or "puro" or "spot monkeys" or something..."


"Stompy, what are you trying to say?"


The Stomper puts his creased forehead into his hands and sighs a deep sigh, leaving Lumpy to watch him for a few moments with concern and curiosity etched on his face.


"I'm not even sure any more. I've been a part of wrestling for so long that I can't imagine not being a part of wrestling. Just like I've been alone so long that I can't imagine not being alone. I'm set in my ways, Lumpy, I'm not used to change. I've wrestled the same way for over 30 years, pretty much never changed a thing. NYCW has never evolved to keep up with the times, we've always been the same. New guys would come in and leave... but I don't blame them. I blame me."


"You've got nothing to blame yourself for, Stompy. NYCW has always been good, always been worth the price of admission, always been looked at fondly by anyone who has worked here."


"Lumpy, why do you think I took NYCW into the NWA? The real reason."


"I... uh... well, I suppose you liked my sales pitch about a unified way for a number of promotions to build and develop young wrestlers for a better future for pro wrestling. But I somehow guess you're about to say something different."


"Well, you are partly right. I did like your sales pitch. And as I've said before, you've got a great mind for the business and an even greater respect for it. You may never be a megastar, but there will always be a place for guys like you who truly understand wrestling. But that's not why I went along with this NWA idea. Lumpy, NYCW has never changed since the day I created it back in 1988. Wrestling empires have risen and fallen since then, stars created and retired, an entire generation of wrestlers have passed and NYCW has remained, like an old stain that can't be washed out but can only be slowly faded away."


"Don't say th..."


"Don't interupt me this time, Lumpy. NYCW is a fossil, a relic. I never changed with the times because I was comfortable. I never changed because change might bring about... well, change. In 20 years in charge, I've had dozens.. maybe even hundreds of guys say "Stompy, if we do this then..." and each time I've said no. Not because the ideas were bad, not because the ideas were someone else's, but because I couldn't handle the idea of change. In the mid 90s, the East Coast Wars were held between four upstart promotions who all wanted to make an impact, who all believed they could be a force in the wrestling world. And when people talk about the Wars... no-one even mentions NYCW."


"I don't want NYCW to be a footnote in wrestling history. I've always lived in my comfort zone, never pushed to be more. I'm 58 years old now and even with almost 40 years in the business... I'm a nobody. I'm a nobody in charge of a nothing promotion who has accompished nothing and never will..."


The long uncomfortable silence weighs heavily on the two men in the room, with Lumpy trying to take in the heavy words that were just spoken. It takes a long time for the two men to even make eye contact.


"I didn't realise you felt this way, Stompy."


"Well now you do. This is my last roll of the dice, Lumpy, my last chance to do something that might actually mean something. It's not easy breaking the habits of a lifetime, but to be fair, it might only be a few years before I don't even have a lifetime any more. Don't look surprised, everyone eventually worries about their mortality."


"So that is why you joined the NWA?"


"I don't know for sure. There are so many reasons. Conflicting reasons too. I guess I want to be noticed... and remembered. I want to contribute, leave a mark and show that my life has really meant something. I want to give back too. And I guess I want the comfort of other people. I want a challenge. I want to break out of my comfort zone. I want to live. I want... so many things, I can't explain them all."


"I think I understand, at least a little."


The Stomper's gruff voice has softened the longer he talked, his head slowly lowering towards the floor as he does so. Unable to show his emotions, he scratches at his head and sniffs loudly. Lumpy sees his boss in a new light and gets to his feet.


"You want a coffee, boss?"


"That'd be great. Lumpy... thanks."


"No problem, Stompy. No problem at all."

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WWF Headquarters aka Madison Public Library Private Study Room


A Star Astil ... sans mask, making him just Astil ... sits alone in his study room. No one ever uses this, so he parked his laptop here and got to work.


AStarAstil: So TCW and WLW accepted our offers for non aggression.

SmugBren: And SWF and SOTBPW?

AStarAstil: Not so much...

AStarAstil: I think I'll try NOTBPW... ehhh, nahhh.

SmugBren: PSW?

AStarAstil: You think so?

SmugBren: Yeah, they got some kids with talent, and a style that isn't in the NWA right now.

AStarAstil: I'll mull it over.

SmugBren: Got any names on paper.

AStarAstil: Nope, not yet.

SmugBren: Crap. Class is over.


Astil sighed looking at his calender. Scheduling his first show would be much easier once he had some workers.

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CZCW Revolution 2008


Jeremiah Moose and Lobo Solitario over Rich and Famous (E+)


The masked Lobo Solitario makes his CZCW and North American debut on the winning team in an opening tag match. Nothing spectacular but still more than what can be expected from a match filled mainly with rookies. The veteran CZCW alumn Jeremiah Moose hit Jake Idol with the High Velocity Headbutt to end the match.


Al Coleman over The American Flash (E+)


Mr. Submission took a singles win while his tag team partner was wrestling for WLW. Coleman just barely out of being a rookie himself beat newcomer The American Flash by locking in the Ankle Brace on the leg he hit a few seconds earlier with his hidden brass knuckles.


Future Shock over The Lords of Wrestling (D)

To defend the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles


Long time CZCW workers Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye finally making their tag team official even though they’ve held the titles for seven months had Cliff and Farrah announce them as Future Shock. Perez and Skye made a successful defense against two other CZCW mainstays Plague and Snap Dragon, aka The Lords of Wrestling. The all out balls to the wall match ended when a frustrated Plague wouldn’t stop pounding Frankie Perez in the corner and ref, Pee-Wee Germaine was forced to call for the bell.


Mikey James over Flying Jimmy Foxx, Masked Cougar and Marc Speed (D+)

Four Way Ladder Match for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title


Foxx lost his belt in this four way match despite the morale support given by his manager Little Miss Sunshine. The four men beat the holy tar out of each other and by the end the winner was the man who came around the fastest. Young star Mikey James was that man as he came to and groggily climbed the one standing ladder with no opposition to grab the belt before falling exhausted off his lofty perch.


Donnie J. over Fox Mask and Matt Sparrow (D-)

#1 Contender Match


The former Fly Boy, The Birdman and the Icon put everything on the line to see who would be the next contender for the Coastal Zone Championship title. Both Donnie and Matt were visibly tiring in a match that was almost ten minutes shorter than the previous ladder match and couldn’t even live up to the standards of the previous title match up. Donnie J pinned Matt Sparrow after the Death on Miami Beach while Fox Mask was barely coming around on the outside of the ring.


Ultimate Phoenix over James Prudence ©

For the Coastal Zone Championship title


The night ended with some serious power as Ultimate Phoenix ended James Prudence’s seven moth reign as Coastal Zone Champion. The two put on a hell of a performance in a thirty-four minute intense battle of skill and will. Momentum shifted back and forth through the whole match but after laying Prudence out with a Tornado DDT despite interference from his manager/girlfriend, Phoenix hit the top rope and the Phoenix Firebird Splash to become the new champion.


Overall: C-

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With the 2008 installment of CZCW Revolution over Cliff and Lobo Solitario, even less well known as Simon Munoz sit back with a beer in a corner booth and talk things over.


“Well Cy we did quite well I’d say.”


“First off don’t call me Cy, most people don’t even call me by my first name anyway and if you’re going to use it just call me Simon. And secondly do you mean this whole NWA thing or tonight’s show?”


“Both actually I think we did quite well at both.”


“You realize we didn’t mention the NWA at all during the show. I mean at least not that anyone heard, as your commentary doesn’t really show up until we get the DVD.”


“That’s fine you know as well as I do that the people don’t come to our shows to hear anyone talk. We’ll put it up on the website and all the fans will know by end of day tomorrow. But any comments on the roster I know you got two offers out right now.”


“Yeah you know I sent word to Flash already and he’s a must have for this roster he’s got all the skills and drive to both do well himself and train our youngsters to do well too. And the other person I already sent a contract to is this guy Cal Sanders, younger than I am with a lot of raw talent. He lacks the charisma needed to be a true star but I see he and I teaming together, a wolf and a lumberjack.”


“You’re a real comedian aren’t you?”


“Sometimes but we’ll talk about that later. I really want to expand the roster I like to have a lot of talent to work with. Right now we can afford it so I don’t see why we shouldn’t invest the time and money in folks who will helps us out when we grow.”


“I can see that but I heard you say you were looking at expanding to a weekly show and I’m not sure we’re ready for that. Hire who you want but lets keep the monthly show going at least for this first year.”


“Alright I can do that. Let me give you the run down on who I’m looking at. Ace Youngblood, raw and green but I think he’s got potential and I’ll probably bring in a manager for him, maybe that Littlefeather girl from BSC. Air Attack Weasel, he may not be a superstar but he can make most people look good, and I was originally thinking of teaming Jimmy up with Fox Mask but I see Fox as a singles star and I think Foxx and Weasel might work out well if they click. I want to bring in two of those XDW boys Daredevil Aero and Fearless Blue I like their look and their passion, I think they can learn a lot at the bottom of our card.


All of those guys will be coming in as faces but to even in the roster I’ve got a few other heels to bring on as well. We’ve done well with the one technical wrestler we have, Marc Speed, so I want to try some workers with actual technical backgrounds. I’m bringing in Thomas Morgan and Warren Technique, most likely as a team. I know people say Warren can be bland but I was there for those matches with Joey Poison and I think I can get some of that out of him here. And I want to add two other Canadians, K-Squared and Tempest Appleby. I think K was a little fish in a big pond and didn’t really get his chance in CGC so I’m going to try him here, and Appleby looks like he never really got his shot in a name promotion but his work in three countries makes me think he has something in him.”


“That’s ten new workers Munoz, that’s a pretty hefty thirty man roster.”


“I know but like I said I like to have a lot to work with, especially since I intend on really fleshing out our tag team division. But truth is I’ve got my eyes on some dead weight. Look at last show between Donnie J, Fox Mask and Matt Sparrow they barely put on a better match Coleman and the new kid The American Flash. They got beat out by a tag team match and woefully underperformed both our Xtreme and Championship title matches. Donnie and Matt were both winded by a match shorter than all but the openers too, which doesn’t bode well.”


“That’s name power there Simon, you’ve got to have that.”


“Well that’s another thing I wanted to talk to you about I want to change our image a little, especially now that we’re joining the NWA.”


“I think we’ve been doing well with our image as is.”


“Well I think we could do better with some minor tweaks.”


“Alright you’ve got two minutes, sell me.”


“First off you do realize that even though we don’t talk about it we do have a disposition divide. People know that Plague is the bad guy and Fox Mask is the good guy and I think we should fess up to that. No epic battles of good versus evil and no reason a babyface can’t fight another babyface or a heel can’t fight another heel, but I see it as with our job to tell a story in the ring its easier to tell said story when there is a difference between the good and the bad. Corresponding to that I also wanted to make our product a little grittier. Not so much by adding more of our cult feel but by taking away from the comedy I think we try and sell too much. The fans favor the dark mysterious Plague more than the dancing Flying Jimmy Foxx, they still like him but he won’t really grow being a comedy act. And to continue on the theme you brought up before, that the fans don’t come to see our stars talk I want to add a little more of the traditional views on in ring product. Like you said before you got to have name power I say not if you are pushing the ring product more, right now we’re about fifty-fifty but I think we can edge out the focus on how popular a wrestler is and you’ll see a jump in the fan reaction to our matches.”


“You’ve really thought about this. Well I guess I’ve been letting you take us this far out.”


“Thanks Cliff I appreciate, oh and just for your make all my changes worth your while I think it’ll be a little easier to pull in those sponsorship dollars with our changes.”


Cliff smiles, he maybe willing to make changes but the financial gains are the spoonful of sugar that help the medicine go down.


“Any last comments?”


“Yeah Farrah has to go.”




“Yeah she hasn’t pulled anything yet but I know her reputation and there are far better people to have at the announce table than her. I’m bringing in Sara Silver from BSC, she’ll do a better job and won’t cause as much trouble.”


“Sure, I guess.”


“Opps yeah one last thing, well two actually. Both WLW and CGC have agreed to a working agreement with us.”


“CGC, I thought you were going after 4C.”


“I was but I got the wrong number from my friend and ended up on the phone with Alex DeColt and well now we have CGC as well. I’m still trying to get 4C, BHOTWG and RoF to come to terms and then we can be a truly a place where international stars come to play.”


“You’ve got a huge set of brass balls kid trying to get all those companies to play nice.”


“Nah I just know what I’d want to see and I’m trying to bring that to our fans.”


With the beers finished and the ring broken down Simon “Lobo Solitario” Munoz and Cliff Anderson get up and go about the business of getting things settled for next time.


For those of you keeping mechanical track I turned face/heel divide up to medium. I turned Comedy down to Low and I turned Traditional up to Medium. The only really changes are now Performance is rated slightly more than popularity and sponsorship went from being pretty tough to get to being a little tough to get.
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Rip Chord receives a phone call, but it goes to answering machine:


Hey, Rip, it's Jean, listen I'm sorry for storming off, just calling to say I want an extended vacation.


Nothing personal but I feel at this moment in time I be better off as a talent scout.


So, I'll go through Europe, head into the U.K and visit Mexico on the way up.


I know he said I had to remain in America but you can switch me to a scout right??


I feel that, if we're going into a "new era", we might as well find the new talent. If someone good is willing to travel then I'll send 'em down.


Look, at the moment, I couldn't give a flying **** about what that Folley kid and you are doing, I just wanna preoccupy myself with Wigan grappling and cheap Eastern European hookers.


Rip, just do one thing, don't let MAW change. It's not a cash cow, it's a way of life.


Rip walks upto the machine, and presses the erase button.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

<p>NWAWWF.com</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Survival of the Sickest</strong></p><p> </p><p>

by Justin Gabriel</p><p> </p><p>

It is I, Justin Gabriel, NWA:WWF Beat Writer. Commissioner Mysteriouso has announced NWA:WWF Survival of the Sickest. The event will be 2 and a half hours long and showcase the best of Wisconsin Wrestling Federation. This Saturday, Week 2 of January, expect the best, and Mystereouso claims there will be something the wrestling world has never seen before.</p><p> </p><p>

While he is tight lipped, the Commish has revealed these are planned matches.</p><p> </p><p>

Fumihro Ota vs. Rudy Velasquez</p><p>

Mainstream Hernandez and Eddie Howard vs. Natural Storm (D.C. Rayne and Kirk Jameson)</p><p>

Bubba Lee West vs. Roderick Remus</p><p>

Gargantuan vs. Bredan Idol</p><p>

Java vs. Grease Hogg</p><p>

Jungle Jack vs. A Star Astil</p>

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<p>Fumihro Ota vs. <strong>Rudy Velasquez</strong></p><p>

Mainstream Hernandez and Eddie Howard vs. <strong>Natural Storm</strong> (D.C. Rayne and Kirk Jameson)</p><p>

Bubba Lee West vs. <strong>Roderick Remus</strong></p><p>

<strong>Gargantuan</strong> vs. Bredan Idol</p><p>

<strong>Java</strong> vs. Grease Hogg</p><p>

Jungle Jack vs. <strong>A Star Astil</strong></p><p> </p><p>

I think Jungle jack needs a good promo leading up to this match, "UGha I thought Astar was a girls name, well after I pound you Astil it hurts, you might think your name is Astar"</p>

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Folley, I called off the order for 50 tables, we dont need them.


Sure, I just got a new idea anyway, it involves my debut, the Rip Chord invatational and you.


Folley, I dunt want you to win that, let Erik win it, or surprise the fans with a Masked Patriot win.


I got a great angle, we heavily hpe my appearance then....


...Fly on wall camera disconnects briefly...


... God, that's good, just one match right?


Course, and if I'm right this match will headline the best card in the history of MAW, as I said, I'm not here to twiddle thumbs, down some coffee and feed some bull**** to these fans.


This will be the turning point in MAW history, the most shocking, twisting, amazing thing ever to happen.


Kid, Why don't I listen to you more often...


Hi guys, I was wandering what youses where doing, I was working out some and thought, hey maybe we can go work out together?


Dusty, however much that would be torture, we're booking a card, and unless you suddenly die, and become reborn with talent you're not going to headline it.


That was not very nice, Thomas.


Sometimes, you're a jerk, Dusty Bin will prove to you he become a better in-ring fighter performer, and I WILL earn respect


And er... thanks for giving me the job, jerk


Dusty, grown ups are talking, make yourself useful and inject a needle into your arm so you don't lose the only thing that makes you useful.


Tom, calm down,


Dusty, I think what he means is go home, get rested, work out, lay off the fast foods and come back for the invatational.


Dusty Bin walks away, not happy, but thinking he won the argument, which is so funny Thomas can't stop laughing.


Thomas, why are you so kiss-up to me and so cruel to the rookies I retired for?


Those who get my respect, have to of earned it, sir.


You know, if you weren't the best son of a gun booker I knew you'd probably be just like him


No, Unless I suffer major concussion, I'll always be a godd hundred IQ ahead of him


God Folley, you gotta respect everyone, otherwise the rookies will have no respect for you.


Do you know why I'm so hard on them?


MAW is where wrestlers are born,

CZCW is where they improve and develop further,

WWF is where they go in their prime,

And NYCW is where they will go to die.


Kids won't learn if you feed them with a silver spoon, you need a Cane, and some hard words.


If we don't teach them, CZCW will overlook them, the high and mighty WWF will spit on them, and they'd stumble and die before reaching that graveyard.


We, WE the people of Mid Atlantic Wrestling are the people who make opportunities for wrestlers, we will feed the NWA, we give the forgotten, the outcasts, the loners, the overlooked, the pleading, the desperate, the hungry, we will give them another chance.


We will feed them.


Because when you don't get that knock on the door from USPW, TCW, SWF or even RIPW, you need us.


What about PSW?


Full of the freaks and weirdos who need to mutilate themselves just so they can wipe out the memory that they have no talent, and that even the NWA, even MAW, won't look on them twice


Glory Folley, you're one hell of a hypocrit, but I can live with that.


Sit down and relax Rip, everythings going to be alright now that I'm here.

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saying, if anybody, like me, gets burnt out by diaries quickly, then a multi-player is awesome, because you can constantly rip on the scottish optimus and his graveyard that is NYCW.


But, seriously, I do feel that this thread hasn't really gotten off the ground as fast as I would of liked it, but I'm the person who wants John Morrison to headline Wrestlemania so what do I know?


As I said in the TEW general discussions forum, I am looking for people to talk over my super secret angle with, as if it sucks I might kill off MAW and the NWA...



...ouch, and I need experience, I would really like to release a solo diary that I can really get into one day, but if this bombs, nothing may get off the ground.


Okay, so some quick questions for people who will PM me,


1) is Thomas Folley evil enough?

2) how does everybody think Rip Chord will react to Folley's ego as time progresses

3) Will people miss Mean Jean?

4) any ideas what will happen at the invatational

5) taking my lack of wit into question, is Folley witty enough

6) and finnaly is Dust Bin gettin your sympathy?


Also, Thomas Folley isn't my real name. some people think it is?!?


Thomas Folley is based on a northern irish guy I know.

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WWF Survival of the Sickest

from the Assylum

in from of 760 people

Saturday, Week 2, January 2008


DVD Extra - Thomas Morgan defeated Tempest Appleby and Velocidad in 7:33 when Thomas Morgan defeated Tempest Appleby by submission with a STF. Rating: F+




Rudy Velasquez defeated Fumihiro Ota in 12:54 by pinfall with a Street Cutter. During the match we also had Hector Galindo run in and attack Fumihiro Ota. Rating: D




The Masked Commishioner announces Survival of the Sickest tournament. All those who are pinned tonight by a non-eliminated-wrestler are eliminated, with the remainderin a match at the NWA Supershow at the end of the month for the WWF Championship. (Thomas Morgan not counting) Rating: C


Fumihiro Ota is eliminated




Eddie Howard and D.C. Rayne announce that they are spliting ways, with Rayne keeping the Natural Storm name and Howard moving on to a new team. Rating: E-




Boriquen Bombers (Eddie Howard and Mainstream Hernandez) defeated Natural Storm 2 (D.C> Rayne and Kirk Jameson) in 11:04 when Eddie Howard defeated D.C. Rayne by pinfall with a Crash And Burn. Rating: D-


D.C. Rayne is eliminated




Natural Storm 2 attack the Bombers, leaving both down. Rayne pins Howard and Jameson pins Hernandez. Both get a three count, and turn to celebrate. However, since Rayne is eliminated, his pin doesn't count. Howard beats down Jameson and pins him while Hernandez distracts Rayne. Rating: F+


Manstream Hernandez is eliminated


Kirk Jameson is eliminated




NYCW's Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Bull Wrecker in 6:03 by pinfall with a Dazzle Driver. Rating: E+


Bull Wrecker is Eliminated




Gargantuan attacks Dazzling Dave Diamond and pins him. Rating: D


Dazzling Dave Diamond is eliminated




Hector Galindo defeated Too Hot in 7:49 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press. Rating: E+


Too Hot is Eliminated




Sgt. Bubba Lee West defeated Roderick Remus in 5:46 by pinfall with a Recon Wrench. Rating: E+


Roderick Remus is eliminated




Gargantuan attacks Sgt. Bubba Lee West and pins him as well. Rating: D-


Sgt. Bubba Lee West is Eliminated




Brendan Idol defeated Gargantuan in 3:57 by pinfall with a fast roll up. Rating: E+


Gargantuan is Eliminated




Los Reyes Latinos attack Brendan Idol in the ring, and leave him down and out. Rudy Valasquez pins Idol in the ring. Rating: E


Brendan Idol is Eliminated




Java defeated Grease Hogg in 13:13 by pinfall with a Greetings From The Island. Rating: D-


Grease Hogg is Eliminated




Erik Strong drew with Mikey James in 17:52 following a double disqualification. During the match we also saw Hector Galindo run in and attack Erik Strong, and Rudy Velasquez also attack Mikey James. Both members of Los Reyes Latinos got the pins. Rating: E+


Erik Strong is Eliminated

Mikey James is Eliminated




A Star Astil drew with Jungle Jack in 30:00 when the time limit expired. Rating: D+




Final Survivors:

A Star Astil

Eddie Howard

Hector Galindo

Jungle Jack

Rudy Valasquez



Final Rating: D+

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Fumihro Ota vs. Rudy Velasquez

Mainstream Hernandez and Eddie Howard vs. Natural Storm (D.C. Rayne and Kirk Jameson)

Bubba Lee West vs. Roderick Remus

Gargantuan vs. Bredan Idol

Java vs. Grease Hogg

Jungle Jack vs. A Star Astil


I think Jungle jack needs a good promo leading up to this match, "UGha I thought Astar was a girls name, well after I pound you Astil it hurts, you might think your name is Astar"


Thanks for the response. 2 out of 6 isn't bad :D

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Saturday, Week 2, January 2008

In front of 917 fans in The Ministry, New York City



Rush Hour


As usual for NYCW, though perhaps not the wrestling industry in general, the card for tonight's show was announced and run through by Marv Earnest, hyping up Steve Flash's Empire title defense against Black Hat Bailey along with the rest of the card. RATING: C




Resident NYCW enhancement talent Lumpy Jones is in the ring to face a foreign talent making his American debut. When The Tower Of London reaches the ring, Lumpy stands face to chest with the big man for about... 2 minutes. Tower squashes Lumpy and picks up the pinfall following a Choke Slam. RATING: E


To add injury to injury, The Tower Of London shows he isn't done. Lumpy is thrown around with some power moves before finally being left for dead after a move described as the Towerbomb, an elevated powerbomb (Last Ride). RATING: E+




Thanks to talent trading within the NWA, Cameron Vessey is in New York from the MAW to face the NYCW Tri-State champion, Lee Wright. In a competitive match that sees the youngster hold his own against the veteran, Wright eventually puts the challenger away with the Wright Stuff. Defense #1 of 2009 for the champion. RATING: D




The ****y young hustler known as Sammy The Shark makes his way to the ring and issues an open challenge. It takes a few moments for a challenger to appear, by which time the crowd cheer for The New York Doll as Shark's attitude fails to ingratiate himself to the fans. The match is on. RATING: E-


A fairly short match for the two undercard talents sees Doll doing what he can to capitalise on the crowd's new favourable reaction to him. With the fans willing to put money on Doll to win, a distraction from Roger Dodger is all it takes to give Shark an opening for a quick roll up and the win. RATING: E


After the match, Doll doesn't look pleased... while Grandmaster Phunk looks very happy with what he just saw. He gets on the microphone and makes a public offer to Shark and Dodger to ally with him, saying he could use smart men like them on his side over the coming months. After a brief discussion, The Hustlers seem to accept. RATING: D




The NYCW Tag Team titles were on the line next as Wiley Coyote look to dethrone the Old School Principals as champs. Neither team seem to bring their A game, assuming they have one, but with Frankie Future a constant threat at ringside in favour of The Masked Mauler and Rick Sanders, the challengers eventually fell to the numbers game with Coyote Dynamite tapping out to a Sanders Figure 4 Leg Lock whie Future holds on to the leg of Wiley Steinway. RATING: E+


The challengers leave knowing they were cheated, while the 3 men collectively known as The Truth (Frankie Future, Rick Sanders and The Masked Mauler) deliver a lengthy promo about respect, and how they never get any. They finish with their catchphrase of "The Truth hurts" after claiming they will be a dominant force in the NWA. RATING: D




The match between Whistler and Land Mass barely seems to get underway before the hulking presence of The Big Problem interferes in behalf of Land Mass to cause a disqualification... RATING: E+


... which leads to a short beatdown from the team known together as the Big Land... I mean, Massive Problem. Whistler grunts as the two behemoths mount a basic assault before American Machine (with Cheerleader Nicki) make the save. Whistler doesn't look too beat up, so he and Machine issue a tag challenge, right here, right now! RATING: C-


While the beatdown was entertaining, the second match of the night featuring Land Mass wasn't quite as good... the newly re-united team of Massive Problem seemed tired and it didn't take the American Made Men long to take advantage of that. The fight spilled to the floor and both teams gave up on wrestling in favour of fist fights, and the referee threw this match out for the sake of everyone in attendance. Something tells me this isn't over yet. RATING: D-




Backstage once again and Roger Dodger is looking for someone to con when he bumps into Black Hat Bailey. Bailey is quick to see what is going on and uses his veteran instincts to get Dodger to hold the mic while he cuts a promo on Steve Flash, letting the champion know that his reign on top of NYCW ends tonight. As Bailey leaves, Dodger bemoans failing to scam anything here, but does walk off with an NYCW microphone. RATING: D+


With the NYCW Empire title on the line, "Vintage" Steve Flash went all out against one of the most experienced and dangerous technicians in America, Black Hat Bailey. For almost 20 minutes the two men went back and forth before Flash managed to land the Flash Bang (Rock Botton) on Bailey and score the pinfall. RATING: C+


As Flash celebrates his victory, he's interupted by a familiar voice in NYCW circles, that of Grandmaster Phunk. Phunk issues a challenge to Flash for the Empire belt at NYCW's next event, Neverwinter Nights, and Flash is quick to accept it. Phunk leaves with a smile on his face, allowing Flash to celebrate with the fans as the show ends. RATING: C



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NWA:CZCW Vendetta 2008

Thursday the first week of February


Its February and everyone's got a score to settle and settle it they will at the 2008 edition of CZCW Vendetta. CZCW proudly shows off its membership in the newly formed NWA by having members of each of its sister promotion's rosters in matches through the night. Call the neighbors and wake the kids for this three hour extravaganza of the death defying and the Xtreme.


Steve Flash draws Mean Jeam Cattley

Inter NWA Match Up


Current NWA:NYCW Empire Champion Steve Flash takes on former NWA:MAW Mid Atlantic Champion Mean Jean Cattley in a titanic opening match.


Brendan Idol vs Daredevil Aero vs Fearless Blue vs Marc Speed

Three workers make their first appearances in a NWA:CZCW ring, the former XDW boys Aero and Blue as well as NWA:WWF flier Brendan Idol. The only CZCW mainstay is submission specialist Marc Speed but can he force one to tap before the others interfere.


Into the Woods vs Technically Flawless


Lobo Solitario made his debut last month teaming with Jeremiah Moose. This month Lobo joins also debuting Cal Sanders as Into the Woods. Lobo and Sanders face off against also debuting Thomas Morgan and Warren Technique ho look to make a mark in NWA:CZCW's tag team division.


Ace Youngblood vs Jackpot Jordan vs Jake Idol vs K-Squared


Ace Youngblood and K-Squared make their NWA:CZCW debuts in a four way match that includes the young team of Rich and Famous who have to be out for themselves and not their team. With both her men in this match who will Jakki root for and will their be heat between Jakki and Ace Youngblood's manager Alexis Littlefeather.


Mikey James over Flying Jimmy Foxx

Ladder Match for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title


Flying Jimmy Foxx lost his belt in a four way ladder match NWA:CZCW Revolution 2008 but he gets his rematch in another ladder match against current champion Mikey James.


Remmy Skye over Snap Dragon


Snap Dragon may have lost a partner with Plague moving on but he's not done with the fight against Future Shock. The masked menace meets up with Remmy Skye in singles competition.


Frankie Perez vs Fumihiro Ota


Super Ninja, Fumihiro Ota comes from NWA:WWF and steps right into a singles match against one half of the Coastal Zone Tag Team champions P-Dawg, Frankie Perez.


Heroes Unlimited vs Bittersweet Inc.


Future Shock is looking for its next opponent for the Coastal Zone tag team titles. The heroic Masked Cougar and his sidekick The American Flash look to topple Bittersweet Inc to be that team.


Matt Sparrow vs Plague


Plague leaves his sometimes partner Snap Dragon behind as he moves into the main event with a match against Matt Sparrow. Sparrow looks to avoid The New Jersey Turnpike and move on to a Coastal Zone Championship title shot.


Main Event

Donnie J vs Ultimate Phoenix ©

For the Coastal Zone Championship title


With James Prudence gone to SWF his rematch clause is null and void. With Donnie J. taking the win last month in a main event three way match he has been elected to face new NWA:CZCW champion Ultimate Phoenix.

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