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World Championship Wrestling 1991-The Rush to the Top

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CNN Center December 1990:


“What do you mean I’m being fired as a booker, Herd,” responded Ole Anderson in a gruff voice, as he grabbed the former Pizza Hut executive by the throat. “That Black Scorpion thing, you forced it on me, that **** with Robocop, the fake Sting thing, all bull**** and now I’m being made the scapegoat.”


“Listen here Ole, I’m sorry, but the executives from high above want change, Turner is taking a closer look at us as well, something he’s never done,” responded Herd.


“Damn right you’re sorry, you’re a sorry son of a bitch Herd,” grumbled Ole. “Sting, it’s not my fault the kid can’t draw as champion, Flair does nothing but do the same thing every night. We got a bunch of young kids back there who can’t work and bitch and moan about their payoffs being cut in half. This company is nothing but a sinkhole and this Black Scorpion **** that you made me do, god damn it, I should punch you out for that Herd. The sheets are blaming me for that ****, not that they know anything. Thing’s written by some dip**** in California, who has never stepped in the ring in his life”


“Ole, my hands are tied with this one, Turner wants change, he wants WCW to be the top of the wrestling world, and he wants McMahon to be the one who is on the rebound, not us,” said Herd. “And we aren’t going to do it with 1970s pro wrasslin’ either.”


“Yeah because back then, we had to draw money, you could roll some of these kids in **** and they wouldn’t even draw flies,” said Ole Anderson bitterly. “You want to bring this company down fast, Sting, this kid as champion was a mistake. He doesn’t put asses in the seats at all. And now I’m being fired.”


“Yes, Ole, you’re being fired and I could be on this way, this young man is one of Turner’s handpicked people, he could have both of our jobs in a few months,” responded Herd with a tone of bitterness in his voice. “He worked his way up the corporate structure, but Turner has sent him to WCW to try and make something out of it.


“What in the **** does a corporate executive know about wrestling?” demanded Ole and Herd wanted to ask Ole how someone whose mind was rooted in the 1970s would know about pro wrestling today, but thought better of it. “I suppose you aren’t going to introduce me to the corporate suit who is going to replace me.”


“In fact, he’s right here,” responded Herd and I walked around the corner, looking rather nervous, I had heard Ole’s bitter ramblings. “The newest WCW head booker, Booker Mahn.”


“Booker Mahn?” asked Ole Anderson in absolute disgust, before he looked at me, with a look of irritation on his face and responded with sarcasm. “Well, boy, with a name right that, you ought to be just made to book this ****.”


“I don’t know about that,” I responded in a nervous fashion.


“Well listen here boy, I don’t think you’re worth ****, this company ain’t worth **** with some punk ass kid who hasn’t even grown his first pubic hair being handed a job on a plate,” said Ole Anderson snidely. “What do you know about the wrestling business? Have you ever even been in the ring?”


“Actually…” I responded, remembering my brief and painful career as an extra on WWF television. Bad News Brown had decided for me that wrestling was not the career for me, with the stiff beating he gave me.


“No of course not, because no one would hire you, you’re what, about a hundred and eighty pounds soaking wet,” said Ole Anderson as he looked at me, debating what he thought. “You make me sick, people like you telling us real wrestlers what to do. In fact, you’re going to shove me out the door anyway, so here’s a little something that you can fire me for.”


The last thing I remembered before waking up was Ole Anderson’s fist striking my face.

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<p><em>January 1991</em></p><p> </p><p>

“Damn, that bastard hits as hard as hell,” I muttered as I walked into the hallways of CNN Center to my office. Anderson knocked me a good one and promptly quit the company the next day. He left me a nice shiner on my eye to remember him by. With one punch, he gave me as much pain, blues, and agony, as one three minute squash with Bad News Brown gave. </p><p> </p><p>

Yes, that Bad News Brown match would be the “highlight” of my short career(if we can call it that). I walked to my office, where a memo from none other than the big man himself, Ted Turner was waiting for me on my desk. It said, owner’s goals on it</p><p> </p><p>

Goal Number One: In the next 31 months and 3 weeks, WCW must be of higher popularity in North America than when we started.</p><p> </p><p>

That one was critical, one that Mr. Turner wanted to be accomplish above all others. His unsaid goal of beat McMahon is not written, but I get the message. </p><p> </p><p>

Goal Number Two: Arn Anderson Must Be Kept Above C+ Momentum. Nineteen months and three weeks, high priority. </p><p> </p><p>

Not a problem, Double A is a great hand in the ring and I have big plans for him and the rest of the Horsemen as well. Yes, even Sid, the big lug has some use, even if its looking good for the camera. </p><p> </p><p>

Goal Number Three: Ric Flair must be kept above B+ Overall Popularity in America. High priority in Nineteen Months and Three Weeks. </p><p> </p><p>

Not a problem, it’s Ric Flair. Ric Flair, only a complete idiot would kill all of Ric Flair’s overness and reduce him to nothing. Flair is the cornerstone of WCW and should remain so for as long as he could go. There will never be another and I make it my highest personal priority to push him to the moon. </p><p> </p><p>

Goal Number Four: You cannot hire or extend the contract of any wrestler who has C- Resilience for the next 27 months and 3 Weeks. </p><p> </p><p>

Oh boy, that could be a problem come soon. A few big names could be saying good bye, even though I’ll try and make good with the other goals to pacify Turner somewhat. I hope. </p><p> </p><p>

Goal Number Five: Cannot Hire Any Wrestler that is a Psychpath. Average Goal, 13 Months and 3 Weeks. </p><p> </p><p>

Okay, fine. That one doesn’t seem to be too much of a problem.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, the drug testing policy. The executives at Turner want to crack down on drug use among the boys. Therefore a three strike policy has been given.</p><p> </p><p>

Strike One: Suspension For One Week and de-pushed for three months</p><p>

Strike Two: Suspension for a Month and de-pushed for six months</p><p>

Strike Three: Fired and Unable to be rehired for two years. </p><p> </p><p>

Sounds fair doesn’t it?</p><p> </p><p>

Also, McMahon struck, hiring a couple of hands that I want, in Stunning Steve Austin and Owen Hart. Also, he’s in talks with Michael Hayes and Ricky Morton, actually, he just signed Hayes. </p><p> </p><p>

On the bright side, I signed Scott Hall. He should be a good addition to the roster. </p><p> </p><p>

Oh, crap I have a Supershow on Saturday. I’m just putting Flair and Sting for the title and some other matches that I’ll scramble together in time for TV, which I just got done putting together. I need to send out some more contract offers for people but here are the cards for Saturday Night and Power Hour. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WCW Saturday Night Line Up</strong></p><p>

Sting defends the NWA World Championship against Sid Vicious</p><p>

Lex Luger defends the WCW United States Championship against Michael Hayes</p><p>

The Youngbloods face off against Barry Windham and Ric Flair of the Four Horsemen</p><p>

Terry Taylor vs. “Dr Death” Steve Williams</p><p>

Tom Zenk defends the WCW Television Championship against “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson</p><p>

Brian Pillman vs. Badstreet</p><p>

Sam Houston vs. Michael Wallstreet(w/Alexandra York)</p><p>

The Steiner Brother vs. Hiroshi Hase and Masahiro Chono</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WCW Power Hour Line Up</strong></p><p>

Ricky Morton vs. Danny Spivey</p><p>

Todd Champion vs. Nikita Koloff</p><p>

Norman the Lunatic and Big Josh vs. the State Patrol</p><p>

Steve Armstrong vs. Big Van Vader</p><p>

Joey Maggs and Ranger Ross vs. WCW Tag Team Champions Doom</p><p>

Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Tracey Smothers</p><p>

Johnny B. Badd vs. Jushin Thunder Liger.</p>

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<p>WCW Saturday Night Line Up</p><p>

<strong>Sting</strong> defends the NWA World Championship against Sid Vicious</p><p>

<em>Sting by DQ when the Horsemen come in and interfere.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Lex Luger</strong> defends the WCW United States Championship against Michael Hayes</p><p>

<em>The Total Package with a successful defense.</em></p><p> </p><p>

The Youngbloods face off against <strong>Barry Windham and Ric Flair of the Four Horsemen</strong></p><p>

<em>It's The Horsemen against the Youngbloods (aka Tribal Nation) need I say more?</em></p><p> </p><p>

Terry Taylor vs. <strong>“Dr Death” Steve Williams</strong></p><p>

<em>I see bigger plans in the future for Dr. Death, rather than Taylor.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Tom Zenk defends the WCW Television Championship against <strong>“The Enforcer” Arn Anderson</strong></p><p>

<em>That's a tough one but I think Arn can be a better Champ than the Z-Man.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Brian Pillman</strong> vs. Badstreet</p><p>

<em>Though I like Badstreet, I like Pillman even more.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Sam Houston vs. <strong>Michael Wallstreet(w/Alexandra York)</strong></p><p>

<em>With Alexandra York and the computer by his side, Wallstreet can't lose, right? Right?</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Steiner Brother</strong> vs. Hiroshi Hase and Masahiro Chono</p><p>

<em>A very good matchup, depending on how long they're able to go. But The Steiner Brothers are one of my favorite tag teams ever!</em></p><p> </p><p>

WCW Power Hour Line Up</p><p>

Ricky Morton vs. <strong>Danny Spivey</strong></p><p>

<em>Morton isn't the same in singles action.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Todd Champion vs. <strong>Nikita Koloff</strong></p><p>

<em>The Russian Nightmare! Sickles All Around!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Norman the Lunatic and Big Josh</strong> vs. the State Patrol</p><p>

<em>State Patrol were never anything more than jobbahs.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Steve Armstrong vs. <strong>Big Van Vader</strong></p><p>

<em>It's time! It's time! It's Vader time!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Joey Maggs and Ranger Ross vs. <strong>WCW Tag Team Champions Doom</strong></p><p>

<em>Doom with the win, heading toward a matchup with the Steiners maybe?</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Beautiful Bobby Eaton</strong> vs. Tracey Smothers</p><p>

<em>Eaton is just a bit more valuable than Smothers. Though I suggest trying to hire Sweet Stan Lane and Jim Cornette back.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Johnny B. Badd vs. <strong>Jushin Thunder Liger.</strong></p><p>

<em>Liger with what could be classed as an upset!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Good luck on this one! Always a big fan of the WCW postings! Too bad about Ole quitting on ya, though.</em></p>

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<p><em>Wednesday Week One January 1991</em></p><p> </p><p>

I have a nice seat for the television tapings ready to go. WCW has a bit of an odd taping schedule, taping the A-Show, WCW Saturday Night first then the B-Show, Power Hour second but we’ll go with it. I just make a note to close out Power Hour with a semi-competitive main event match to justify the fans who sit in their seats for three hours. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WCW Saturday Night</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We start out the tapings with <strong>Ric Flair</strong>, who comes to the ring. He talks about his failed effort at Starrcade to beat Sting and regain the NWA World Championship, under the guise of the Black Scorpion. That was just a ploy to soften up Sting, as Flair says at the Supershow, he will square off against Sting one on one for his NWA World Championship. Tonight, Big Sid has a match with Sting and Flair tells Sid to soften him up, but leave just enough for the Nature Boy to finish him off come the Supershow. Wooo! (A rating, great promo from Flair). </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Steiner Brothers vs. Masahiro Chono and Hiroshi Hase</strong></p><p> </p><p>

A good match between these two teams. The Steiners will face off against Doom for the WCW Tag Team Titles at the SuperShow and these two teams get nine or ten minutes of great action. Scott is double teamed for the good majority of the match, at the mercy of Chono and Hase. Rick gets tagged in, cleans out with the Steinerlines. Hase is drilled with the Steiner Bulldog to end this match. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winners: The Steiner Brothers with the Steiner Bulldog(B- rating, these two teams gave it their all.)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Out comes Alexandra York, with the computer, for Michael Wallstreet’s match with Sam Houston. He will win with the Wallstreet Crash in less than Seven Minutes and Thirty Seconds. (E+-fans didn’t care too much, but Wallstreet is a good heel, so he should be fairly featured).</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sam Houston vs. Michael Wallstreet(w/Alexandra York)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Wallstreet wins in less than seven minutes and thirty seconds with the Wallstreet Crash. Naturally the computer is right again. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: Michael Wallstreet with the Wallstreet Crash(D, a perfectly acceptable squash match). </strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Badstreet vs. Brian Pillman</strong></p><p> </p><p>

These two men had some fun exchanges, but the crowd unfortunately sat on their hands for this match. I wished I could have gotten Owen Hart, I had some plans for a Juniorheavyweight Division built around him, Pillman, and Liger. Still, Pillman/Liger will happen and I’m looking at some people for the future. Pillman wins with a crossbody block after ducking a clothesline.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: Brian Pillman(D+, again mostly to showcase Pillman)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Double A is backstage, talking about how the Horsemen command respect. Tom Zenk has the WCW Television Championship and tonight, the Enforcer is going to show Zenk the meaning of respect when Double A takes “his” belt back. (C-, nice little promo, setting up Anderson and Zenk for tonight.)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WCW Television Title Match:</strong></p><p><strong>

Arn Anderson vs. Tom Zenk©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Great back and forth match, with these two men getting plenty of time to showcase their moves. Anderson works over the arm of Zenk, softening him up but Zenk fights back, despite having only one arm. Nice missile dropkick nearly pins Anderson and he charges but the arm hits the corner. Anderson goes back to the arm, single arm DDT brings Zenk down and an arm grapevine applied. Zenk holds out until the bell rings, signaling the fifteen minute time limit expiring. After the match, Anderson steps back, giving Zenk a look of grudging respect but this is far from over. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>15 Minute Draw, Tom Zenk retains the WCW Television Title(C+ rating, these two men should have a nice program if things go right)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Terry Taylor vs. “Dr. Death” Steve Williams</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Williams is facing off against the WCW United States Champion, which will be either Lex Luger or Michael Hayes after tonight, at the SuperShow. Taylor was beaten to a pulp and Williams wins with the Doctor Bomb, showing him as a threat for the number two belt in WCW. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: Steve Williams(w/the Doctor Bomb, D- Rating, once again, nothing fancy, just a squash match)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Youngbloods vs. Ric Flair and Barry Windham of the Four Horsemen</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Youngbloods got in a bit of offense but Windham took out Chris Youngblood with a lariat, allowing Flair to slap on the Figure Four on Mark Youngblood. Youngblood submits immediately, as Flair does have an NWA Championship Match with Sting coming up. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winners: The Four Horsemen(w/the Figure Four Leglock), C+, this served its purpose well)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Sting cuts his promo, talking about how Flair likes to play mind games. Well Sting doesn’t play mind games, he plays mat games and at SuperShow, he will beat Ric Flair one more time to retain the NWA Championship. The Scorpion Deathlock will seal the fate of the Nature Boy and as for Sid Vicious tonight, Sting said he beat Sid back at Halloween Havoc and he can beat him again(A)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WCW United States Title Match:</strong></p><p><strong>

Michael Hayes vs. Lex Luger</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Hayes outwrestles Luger for the start but the power of Lex Luger comes back, knocking Hayes for a loop with some clotheslines. Powerslam rocks Hayes and Luger puts him in the Torture Rack. The crowd cheers as Luger racks Hayes to retain the United States Title. Luger will be the one defending that WCW United States Title against Dr. Death.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: Lex Luger(w/the Torture Rack, C+ rating, of course Hayes is losing, he’s heading up to Titan soon).</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>NWA World Championship:</strong></p><p><strong>

Sid Vicious vs. Sting©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Sting is on fire early, knocking Sid down with a series of high impact moves. Sid puts Sting down to the canvas and pounds away on him. Vicious power moves combined with a few rest holds but Sid is getting over well tonight as the monster heel that the hero needs to put down. Power Bomb is blocked and Sting shoves Sid into the corner, before pounding away on him. Stinger Splash connects. Sting goes to the top rope and comes off with a clothesline. Sid goes down and Sting pins him to win this match and retain the NWA Championship leading up to his match with Ric Flair at SuperShow.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: Sting(w/a flying clothesline, B, great main event to close out things)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

This <strong>B rated show</strong> ends as we head to the B-Show, after a brief intermission. Here are the quick results for Power Hour, along with anything worth noting. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Power Hour Results</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Jushin Thunder Liger pinned Johnny B. Badd with the Brainbuster(C-, Badd refused to job, but I overrode it)</p><p> </p><p>

A vignette for “Heavy Metal” Van Hammer(E-)</p><p> </p><p>

Beautiful Bobby Eaton pinned Tracey Smothers with the Alabama Jam(D+)</p><p> </p><p>

Doom defeated Joey Maggs and Ranger Ross in a non title match when Simmons pinned Maggs with a powerslam(D-)</p><p> </p><p>

Flair gives an interview about Sting. This ruled(A)</p><p> </p><p>

Big Van Vader squashed Steve Armstrong with the Power Bomb. Vader is a name to look out for in the future(C-)</p><p> </p><p>

Norman the Lunatic and Big Josh defeated the State Patrol when Big Josh pinned James Earl with a suplex off the second rope(E+)</p><p> </p><p>

Sting hypes up his match with Flair at SuperShow(A)</p><p> </p><p>

Nikita Koloff pinned Todd Champion in less than ten seconds with the Russian Sickle. Champion did a stretcher job afterwards(D+)</p><p> </p><p>

Danny Spivey pinned Ricky Morton(who is also leaving for WWF like Michael Hayes), with a Power Bomb. Morton will team with El Gigante to face off against Arn Anderson and Barry Windham at SuperShow(D+) </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>D+ Show, nothing special, as it is the B-Show</strong></p>

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<p><em>The Day after Television Tapings</em></p><p> </p><p>

So our Television Tapings ran rather hot and cold. Our spy in WWF headquarters has gotten us the latest group of television taping results from that company for there Prime Time Wrestling Show. I shake my head in amusement at some of the results, Vince might have lost his mind.</p><p> </p><p>

-The Warlord beat Genchiro Tenryu cleanly with the Full Nelson</p><p>

-The New Hart Foundation defeated the Orient Express of Kato and Pat Tanaka when Owen Hart pinned Kato with a missile dropkick. Odd that they’re forming a New Hart Foundation, when the original one is still around and still World Tag Team Champions in the World Wrestling Federation. </p><p>

-Haku and the Barbarian defeated Jim Brunzell and Tugboat</p><p>

-The Undertaker pinned WWF World Champion the Ultimate Warrior in a non title match</p><p>

-Sgt. Slaughter defeated Kerry Von Erich after General Adnan interfered. </p><p> </p><p>

We let the Undertaker go why? He is really getting over in WWF, putting over the champion. WCW, was run by some suspect people and had some suspect decisions over the years. Six months after leaving WCW, the Undertaker(formerly Mean Mark Callous), is being hyped as a future wrestler. </p><p> </p><p>

I talked with our new signings, a tag team named the Can-Am Express. Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon are two gentlemen that will fill a role as a babyface tag team, a side that other than the Steiner Brothers, will be lacking soon, with the departure of Ricky Morton to WWF(Robert Gibson, I’m going to have to find him a new tag team partner when he gets back from injury). </p><p> </p><p>

I got done drawing the line up for SuperShow. El Gigante, the future pet project before I came in, who was scheduled for a series of house show matches with Ric Flair soon…well it just isn’t happening. I hope to mask him in tag team matches and hope that he learns something soon. I’ve got an idea for our next Pay Per View in February, WrestleWar that I think will draw some fans interest. </p><p> </p><p>

SuperShow Should Be Good, here’s the line up right now.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>SuperShow 2 Line Up</strong></p><p>

NWA World Championship Match: Sting defends the NWA Championship against Ric Flair</p><p>

Lex Luger defends the WCW United States Title against “Dr. Death” Steve Williams</p><p>

Doom defends the WCW World Tag Team Titles against the Steiner Brothers</p><p>

Brian Pillman vs. Michael Wallstreet(w/Alexandra York)</p><p>

El Gigante and Ricky Morton vs. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham</p><p>

Non Title Match: Tom Zenk vs. Jushin Thunder Liger</p><p>

Norman the Lunatic vs. Big Van Vader</p><p>

Big Josh vs. Masahiro Chono</p><p>

Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Hiroshi Hase.</p>

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<p>NWA World Championship Match: Sting defends the NWA Championship against <strong>Ric Flair</strong></p><p>

<em>Fresh booker, fresh start with the Nature Boy holding the gold!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Lex Luger</strong> defends the WCW United States Title against “Dr. Death” Steve Williams</p><p>

<em>Dr. Death isn't quite ready at this stage.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Doom defends the WCW World Tag Team Titles against the <strong>Steiner Brothers</strong></p><p>

<em>Steiners make better Champions than Doom. Though you might also run a Scott Steiner singles run early.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Brian Pillman</strong> vs. Michael Wallstreet(w/Alexandra York)</p><p>

<em>Flyin Brian with what might be considered a minor upset at this stage.</em></p><p> </p><p>

El Gigante and Ricky Morton vs. <strong>Arn Anderson and Barry Windham</strong></p><p>

<em>El Gigante just isn't very good and Ricky Morton is heading up north.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Non Title Match: Tom Zenk vs. <strong>Jushin Thunder Liger</strong></p><p>

<em>Non Titles usually go to the challengers.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Norman the Lunatic vs. <strong>Big Van Vader</strong></p><p>

<em>Vader Time in record time</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Big Josh</strong> vs. Masahiro Chono</p><p>

<em>Big Josh with what some may term an upset. Though you might want to look into his Borne Again gimmick.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Beautiful Bobby Eaton</strong> vs. Hiroshi Hase.</p><p>

<em>Beautiful Bobby is one of my old-school favorites and a very nice guy irl, as is his son Dustin.</em></p>

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I get to the Omni in Atlanta, where there is a sell out crowd. The wrestlers look mostly happy, I think they’re glad to be competing in a building that does not have a bunch of people dressed as chairs.


I thought about my ideas for the Clash of the Champions special later this month and the Wrestlewar show in February. They should be a pair of great main events, providing it goes off without a hitch.


Supershow 2


Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Hiroshi Hase


Eaton and Hase have a good match. I try to have the Japanese trio of Hase, Liger, and Chono on the show, because this was originally supposed to be in Japan and thanks to both a scheduling snafu between Ole and the New Japan Pro Wrestling offices, it was not to be. On with the match, which will be hyped as a contest between two contenders to the WCW Television Championship when it gets on video, Hase works over Eaton, but Eaton fights back. Vicious neckbreaker sets on the Alabama Jam. Eaton covers Hase and scores the pin.


Winner: Beautiful Bobby Eaton(w/the Alabama Jam, C- rating, a fine little opener as we kick things off)


The Horsemen are styling and profiling in Atlanta. This is a vignette cut exclusive for the VHS version of the show but it was fine. Not among the best but their performance in the ring would be the true test(C+)


Big Josh vs. Masahiro Chono


This was a Chono squash match for sure. Josh got in some offense but Chono destroys him with a Yakuza Kick to score the pin.


Winner: Masahiro Chono(w/the Yakuza Kick, D+ rating, moving right along)


Norman the Lunatic vs. Big Van Vader


Vader destroys poor Norman. Norman is a big man, so having Vader squashing him would be more impressive than having him beat a smaller man. Norman gets a few punches in but Vader cuts him off with a clothesline. Vader hoists up Norman and drills him with the Power Bomb. Three seconds later and Vader wins.


Winner: Vader(w/the Power Bomb, C Rating, Vader has shown so far to be a great man with these squashes, with this match and a fun one against Steve Armstrong on Power Hour)


Tom Zenk vs. Jushin Thunder Liger


The timing was off. Zenk is a good worker, but he was lost keeping up with Liger. Eventually Zenk delivers a backslide to pin Liger and win this match. I had higher hopes for this one and any thoughts of a long term series of matches between these two have been shelved. In hindsight I should have went with Liger/Pillman and Zenk/Wallstreet.


Winner: Tom Zenk(w/a backslide)

Match Rating: D+


El Gigante and Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham


I’m sure you’re wondering, where in the hell is Ricky Morton? That’s a damn good question. The bastard no showed his final card with the company. If he wasn’t leaving, he would be so fired. El Gigante was sucking air in this five minute match. I know people have said Ric Flair could carry a broomstick to a three star match but this guy might be a sack of cinderblocks and bricks. Also, Beautiful Bobby was pinned with the Spinebuster, as he did already wrestle a match tonight. Gigante gets attacked by Sid afterwards, before the Horsemen beat him down.


Winners: Barry Windham and Arn Anderson(w/the Anderson Spinebuster on Eaton, C, Gigante gassed after five minutes, only one of which he was in the ring. That takes talent)


Alexandra York, the computer, and Michael Wallstreet are in the ring. The computer predicts that a Wallstreet Crash will pin Brian Pillman in less than eight and a half minutes(E+-Fans were not into this one.)


Brian Pillman vs. Michael Wallstreet(w/Alexandra York)


Pillman embarassed Wallstreet with a series of high impact high flying moves. Wallstreet cut Pillman down and worked him over on the mat, getting a series of nearfalls but he could not beat Pillman, as the clock was running down. Wallstreet Crash but Pillman counters with a crucifix for a nearfall. Dropkick and Pillman goes up top before he delivers a flying cross body. Alexandra York is on the ring apron and Pillman grabs her, before he kisses her to a big pop from the crowd. Wallstreet has the laptop and Pillman turns around, before he gets clocked with the weapon. The referee doesn’t see it and Wallstreet disposes of the evidence, before hoisting up Pillman, connecting with the Wallstreet Crash to make the pin in Eight Minutes and Twenty Nine Seconds. Pillman nearly made a fool out of the computer tonight in the Omni.


Winner: Michael Wallstreet(w/the Wallstreet Crash, C Rating, fans were getting into this one towards the end, I make a mental note to revisit this later)


WCW World Tag Team Titles:

The Steiner Brothers vs. Doom©(w/Theodore R. Long)


Hard hitting match between two great teams. Doom was knocked around, despite cutting off Scott for a good portion of the match and working him over in the corner. Scott fights back, tag to Rick, who beats Doom, sending them crashing down with Steinerlines. The fans are cheering as Butch Reed gets sent to the floor and Ron Simmons is down but in come Windham and Anderson of the Horsemen, obviously still wanting their hands on Doom for losing that Streetfight at Starrcade. Windham and Anderson attacks Ron Simmons and when Scott gets in the face of Windham, Anderson takes him out from behind. Sid is out and he pulls Rick Steiner to the floor and in comes Ric Flair, who is stomping Butch Reed. The Horsemen are destroying both of these teams as the referee throws this match out.


No Contest due to the Horsemen beating everyone like dogs, which should set up the main events for both the Clash of the Champions and WrestleWar nicely. C+ Rating for this match, the Steiners were both tiring


WCW United States Title Match:

“Dr. Death” Steve Williams vs. Lex Luger©


This was a great match, with Dr. Death beating Luger, with Luger powering out of many exchanges. Williams rams Luger down to the mat before delivering an Oklahoma Stamped Powerslam for a nearfall. He beats on Luger and goes for the Doctor Bomb but Luger slithers behind and running clothesline. Dr. Death is dropped and Luger beats him down. Going for the Torture Rack but Luger can’t get it. Williams kicks Luger and Gorilla Press but Luger drops down and huge clothesline bulldozes Dr. Death. Luger covers him to score the pin to win this great power match.


Winner: Lex Luger(w/a clothesline, B, good match for Luger and Williams, but the real story is after the match. Let’s go to that, shall we)


Luger is in the ring celebrating when Nikita Koloff runs down to the back and nearly murders Lex Luger with a vicious Russian Sickle. The crowd is booing as Luger has been wiped out by Koloff. Koloff is yelling at Luger, talking about how “this should be mine”, referring to the United States Title. Koloff drags the broken body of Luger to a standing position and a second Russian Sickle wipes out Lex Luger. Luger has been destroyed by Nikita Koloff, bleeding from the mouth. Two Russian Sickles, most men are put on the shelf from one! How can Luger come back from this? (C+)


NWA World Championship Match:

Ric Flair vs. Sting©


Excellent match between two great wrestlers, giving the fans thirty five minutes of great action and more than their money’s worth. Flair takes out the knee and works over Sting, drawing boos from the fans. He continues to work over the knee and Figure Four Leglock but Sting reverses that. Flair goes up top. You would think he would learn by now but he gets slammed off. The crowd is cheering as Sting manages to press Flair over his head. Dropkick into the corner and Stinger Splash connects. Flair staggers forward, before he flops facefirst onto the canvas. Scorpion Deathlock is applied. Sting leans back but Flair is too close to the ropes. Sting breaks the hold and grabs Flair but Flair thumbs Sting in the eye. Sting spins around and accidentally clocks the referee taking him down. Sting’s vision does clear, in time to take Flair down with a clothesline. Flair is down and the crowd is booing as in comes the Enforcer. And out goes the Enforcer at the hands of Sting. Anderson is down and Sid enters the ring but Sting back hands him into the corner. Stinger Splash takes Sid down. The referee is still down and Flair is drilled with an inverted atomic drop and taken down, right into the Scorpion Deathlock but keep your eye on Barry Windham who enters the ring. Windham blindsides Sting with a lariat to the back of the head! Windham rolls to the floor as Sting has been clocked by Windham. Flair is up, as Anderson revives the referee. Flair grabs the leg of Sting, who is barely there and applies the Figure Four Leglock. Sting is struggling against the grip, as the referee gets to his feet. Windham really knocked him on the head. Sting is struggling but Flair has the hold on right in the center of the ring. With nowhere to go, the champion submits and this match is over.


Your Winner and New NWA World Champion for the Eighth Time: Ric Flair(Figure Four Leglock, B+ Match, the Nature Boy is back on top but Sting will be looking for his rematch, that is after he takes care of some business with one Barry Windham)


B- Rating for a great show and I’m off for the night

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Well, SuperShow was a success. Ric Flair is the NWA World Champion, as it should be. Koloff/Luger should be a good match from a heat stand point, even though there will be no headlocks or armbars. Sting and Barry Windham, that should be a great feud between two great workers.


I signed a couple of more people, who will be cornerstones for the proposed Junior Heavyweight Division. I’m shooting for a Tournament in March or April to declare the first champion, but we shall see. Depends on who I can get from New Japan Pro Wrestling, I plan on bringing in Black Tiger in a talent swap soon, to have him work some matches with Liger to really kick the division in the ass when it starts up.


Also, I put in a contract negotiation request with a wrestler who is not under exclusive contract with WWF. After Morton and Hayes, turn about is indeed fair play.


Terry Funk is sitting around doing nothing backstage, but I got a storyline that I think he can sink his teeth into and it looks really promising.


The cards for Saturday Night and Power Hour are complete, as we head to the Clash in three weeks and Wrestlewar in February, our first Pay Per View of the year. Here’s the line ups.


WCW Saturday Night


The Steiner Brothers square off against The New NWA World Champion Ric Flair and Arn Anderson of the Four Horsemen in what should be a blockbuster tag team main event encounter.

Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Diamond Dallas Page

The Masked Titan(three guesses who this is a rib on and the first two don’t count) vs. Sid Vicious

Brian Pillman vs. “The Nature Boy” Buddy Landell

Tom Zenk defends the WCW Television Title against Butch Reed of Doom.

Joey Maggs vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Big Josh vs. Big Van Vader

The Southern Boys vs. Badstreet and Jimmy Garvin, aka the New Freebirds

Sting faces off against the Nightstalker


WCW Power Hour

Sting vs. Masahiro Chono

Johnny B. Badd vs. Michael Wallstreet(w/Alexandra York)

The Youngbloods vs. the State Patrol

El Gigante vs. Thomas Rich

Charlie Norris and Tim Parker vs. the Hardline Collection Agency(Dick Murdoch and Dick Slater)

Firebreaker Chip vs. Nikita Koloff

The Juicer vs. a new signing, in Too Cold Scorpio.

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This certainly looks interesting so far. Having just read Death Of WCW (the book) I had a desire to do a WCW 91 game so it's great to see this. Sting probably had a little more in the tank as champion but you can't go wrong with Naitch as champion.


I realyl like how you are keeping the element of realism for the era though, like the squash matches. It's easy to want to do away with them because they stink up the ratings but it does keep it realistic, so kudos.


Anyway, yeah, I'll be reading.

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Time for the television tapings and we are ready for a good event, leading up to the Clash of the Champions.


WCW Saturday Night


Ric Flair is in the house and he brags about title reign number eight. He beat Sting at SuperShow and vows to hold the title until he retires. To be the man, you have to beat the man and Ric Flair is the man. Tonight him and Double A are going to beat the Steiners and prove why the Horsemen are number one(A*, this promo ruled).


Sting vs. the Nightstalker


Sting is a man on a mission after he lost to Ric Flair last weekend. The Nightstalker is a big, imposing first, but even he can’t withstand the wrath of Sting. Actually, Nightstalker does get in a bit of offense, before Sting hits the Stinger Splash and locks on the Scorpion Deathlock for the submission.


Winner: Sting(w/the Scorpion Deathlock, B, good match to keep Sting strong in the eyes of the fans.


Sting storms the announcer’s desk, demanding a match with Barry Windham, for costing him the title. Before he gets back to Flair, Windham will fall(B-, another awesome promo for Sting, although not as good as Flair’s. Not that that’s anything to be ashamed about)


The Southern Boys vs. the New Freebirds.


Pretty one sided match, with Garvin pinning Tracey Smothers with a DDT after Badstreet knocks Steve Armstrong to the floor.


Winners: The New Freebirds(w/a DDT on Smothers, E+ yes, Michael Hayes is gone but the Freebirds continue but if this match is any indication, I don’t know for how long)


Big Josh vs. Big Van Vader


Vader bulldozes another wrestler, in Big Josh. Josh attempts to get in some offense, but Vader is just too much for him. Vader beats down Josh and Power Bombs him for the pin.


Winner: Big Van Vader(w/the Power Bomb, C rating, bless you Vader


Vader continues to beat on Josh until wrestlers and officials come to the back, including Terry Funk. Vader bullies the smaller men but when he puts his hands on Funk, Funk fights back. The crowd is getting into it as Funk fights back, knocking Vader back. Each punch, the fans get louder and louder and Funk clocks Vader so hard that he knocks his mask off. Quickly, security pours into the ring but Funk wants some more of Vader! Vader wants Funk and both men are yelling at each other. Vader has run over everyone like a mack truck but Funk might be a man that will could hold up to the might of Big Van Vader. It’s too bad he’s retired.(B, I think this is a success)


Joey Maggs vs. Jushin Thunder Liger


Liger pins Maggs with the Brain Buster in a squash match.


Winner: Jushin Thunder Liger(w/the Brain Buster, D)


WCW Television Championship Match:

Butch Reed(w/Ron Simmons) vs. Tom Zenk©


Doom took their turns beating on Zenk in this match, with Simmons doing his attacks illegally. Zenk came back, with a springboard dropkick that put Reed down with a two count. He beats on Reed, but Simmons enters the ring, tacking Zenk out for the disqualification.


Winner By Disqualification: Tom Zenk(after Ron Simmons interferes, C- Match, perfectly acceptable Television Title Match)


Doom beats Zenk until Brian Pillman runs out for the save. Both of these men teamed up for a fair bit in 1990, but the fans are not giving them too much heat but Pillman is backing off Doom, knocking them to the floor. Pillman helps up Zenk to a lukewarm reaction. (D+, man that World Tag Team Title Match at the Clash is going to run rather cold. Still the Television Title Match was fairly good, so it’s not all bad).


Brian Pillman vs. Buddy Landell


Buddy works over Pillman, but Pillman fights back, before he climbs up top, connecting with a Flying Cross Body Press for the pin.


Winner: Brian Pillman(w/a Flying Cross Body Press, D- Rating, disappointing once again, as both men did not click)


The Masked Titan vs. Sid Vicious


The Titan is Tracey Smothers under a hood doing double duty. Sid beats down the Titan, destroying him. No titan can stand up to Sid, who delivers the Power Bomb for the pin. For an encore, Sid power bombs the Titan onto a stretcher.


Winner: Sid Vicious(w/the Power Bomb, D+ rating, and Sid was getting a fair amount of face pops, despite being a member of the dastardly Horsemen)


Sid cuts a promo, threatening El Gigante, saying that Sid is the true giant in WCW. Sid promises to cut of Gigante’s knees and buries him alive, if he gets in the way of the Horsemen. (C-, and Sid gets some more face pops, while dropped Ric Flair house show program challenger El Gigante gets boos and apathy. Although, the inevitable Sid/El Gigante matches ought to be…interesting, let’s just say that)


Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Diamond Dallas Page


This is Page’s first match and he’s not that horrible. Has some potential, although at his age, it is doubtful if he can achieve it in time. Eaton is a good hand in there, although I wonder if I should have switched this match and the Nightstalker/Sting matches. Oh well, live and learn. Page bumps around, with Eaton pinning Page with the Alabama Jam as the announcers hype up the role Eaton is on.


Winner: Beautiful Bobby Eaton(w/the Alabama Jam, C Rating, fine match, to be fair it was a good enough encounter.)


The Steiner Brothers vs. Arn Anderson and Ric Flair


A great tag team main event, with the Horsemen thrown around, until Rick Steiner is cut off in the ring for some double teaming, as the crowd is booing as Steiner is cut off, being dissected in the corner, eventually Rick fights out, Steiner Lines take him down to the canvas. Tag made to Scott Steiner, who enters the ring to a big pop, cleaning house, knocking around Flair and Anderson. Belly to belly suplex on Flair gets a two count but Anderson cuts off Scott with a kick to the kidneys, beating him down but Rick enters the ring with an explosive Steinerline. Rick beats down Anderson on the floor and Flair delivers a low blow to Scott Steiner. He goes for a vertical suplex but Scott drops down the back and shoves the NWA World Champion into the ropes. Frankensteiner brings Flair down. Scott covers Flair, hooking the leg and scores the pin.


Winners: The Steiner Brothers(w/the Frankensteiner on Ric Flair, B rating, good match which sets up the Clash of the Champions main event. Speaking of the devil)


Ric Flair bounces up and goes ballistic, saying that Scott Steiner got lucky, that he’s a chump, that he couldn’t beat the Nature Boy one on one. Flair is really spazzing out in the ring, throwing his belt down and kicking the turnbuckle, before he demands a match with Steiner at the Clash of the Champions. Scott says that he wants the championship on the line and Flair says done, before he says he is going to prove that Scott Steiner isn’t even in the same league as the Nature Boy, but the same galaxy pal. (A, need I say more)


B Rating


I take a break, in the intermission between the tapings where Barry Windham beats a new find in Robbie V in a dark match, with the Superplex©


WCW Power Hour Results

Scorpio pinned the Juicer with a 450 Splash(D-)


Nikita Koloff pinned Firebreaker Chip in seconds with the Russian Sickle. After the match, Chip did a stretcher job(D+)


Koloff cuts a promo, bragging how he took Lex Luger out at SuperShow and will take him out again when he comes back to get the United States Title back(C+)


The Hardliners defeated Charlie Norris and Tim Parker when Slater pinned Parker with a Piledriver(E+)


Ric Flair cuts a promo on Scott Steiner for the Clash of the Champions(B+)


El Gigante pinned Thomas Rich with a huge slam off the top rope in less than a minute. (E)


The Youngbloods over the State Patrol(E-)


Wallstreet Crash in six minutes against Johnny B. Badd, according to the computer(D)


Michael Wallstreet pinned Johnny B. Badd with the Wallstreet Crash in less than six minutes(D)


“Heavy Metal” Van Hammer vignette(E)


Sting pinned Masahiro Chono with the Stinger Splash. Some good matches, but the main event fell slightly flat(C+)


C Rating for Power Hour

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Outside the Buildings, After the Television Tapings


Magnum T.A., one of my road agents looked rather irate for some reason.


“Did you here what happened, Mahn?” asked Magnum. “Paul E. Dangerously, got into it with a fan. The fan was heckling him after the tapings, and he got in his face. Thankfully a bunch of the boys broke it up but if the media gets ahold of this, it could be a fiasco.”


I groaned, I figured it would happen sooner or later, where I would get an incident. I just thought it would be with one of the boys, not with an announcer. Dangerously was doing commentary for Saturday Night as of late, but I was trying to look into having him manage someone. I really wanted Ventura as a commentator with Ross on Saturday Night, but his agents were playing hard ball.


“Paul E.!” I shouted when I saw the man in question. “What’s this I heard about you getting into it with a fan?”


“The little ****sucker had it coming, he got in my face first, he had been drinking” said Paul E in an angry voice, causing me to take a step back. “It was lucky he wasn’t doing it with someone like Vader or Scott Steiner, he would be a wheelchair.”


“I see, I don’t care who is started it, a lack of professionalism like that is frowned upon by Mr. Turner,” I said, as I felt a migraine headache coming on. “You will be fined, twenty five percent of your pay for the month.”


“I never even touched the fan, this is bull****!” shouted Paul E. as he saw what was the work of one television taping being flushed down the drain.


“I don’t care, if you pull a stunt like that again with a fan, I will suspend you without pay,” I said and Paul E looked like he was going to hit me. I had been down this road before although I doubt he would hit anywhere as hard as Ole did. He decided against it, obviously wanting to keep his job and walked away. I could have sworn I heard him calling me a fascist bastard under his breath but I decided to just let it pass. I had some cards for the next set of tapings, the last two shows for the Clash, to finalize.


WCW Saturday Night Line Up

Sting vs. Arn Anderson

Scott Steiner vs. Kevin Sullivan

Tom Zenk and Brian Pillman vs. WCW World Tag Team Champions Doom in a non title match

Norman the Lunatic vs. Sid Vicious

The Juicer vs. Beautiful Bobby Eaton

Steve Armstrong vs. Scott Hall

Thomas Rich vs. Terry Gordy

The Angel of Death and Black Bart vs. Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon


WCW Power Hour

Dan Spivey faces the NWA World Champion Ric Flair in a non title match

Sting and Rick Steiner vs. the State Patrol

Johnny B. Badd vs. Tracey Smothers

Shanghai Pierce vs. Nikita Koloff

Jerry Lynn vs. Scorpio

Jacko Victory vs. “Heavy Metal” Van Hammer

The Youngbloods vs. The New Freebirds of Jimmy Garvin and Badstreet

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Time for the Television Tapings for the Television before the Clash of the Champions on Tuesday.


WCW Saturday Night


Ric Flair gets an interview, talking about how Scott Steiner might be one half of one of the best tag teams in WCW, but one on one, he is an unproven commodity. At The Clash, Steiner steps into the ring with Ric Flair and to be the man, he has to beat the man. Flair is the man and he doubts that Steiner can beat the man. He wishes Steiner good luck for the Clash because “you’re going to need it pal”. (B+, a bit below average for Flair, but Ric Flair promos are like sex. Even when its bad, its kind of good)


The Angel of Death and Black Bart vs. Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon


Ouch, no heat for Furnas and LaFon. The announcers talk about them competing at the Clash of the Champions against the New Freebirds. Furnas pinned Black Bart with a German Suplex. Furnas did have a cup of coffee in WCW before if I remember rightly.


Winners: Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon(w/a German Suplex, E)


Thomas Rich vs. Terry Gordy


Gordy has accepted an open contract put out by Vader for a match at the Clash of the Champions. That should be a hard hitting match, but obviously after last week, Vader wants his hands on Terry Funk. Gordy will have to for now, as he beats down Rich. Rich gets dropped with a high angle suplex and pinned, giving Gordy some momentum leading to the Clash.


Winner: Terry Gordy(w/a high angle suplex, C- rating, this was a good little midcard match)


Lex Luger is sitting down with Tony Schiavone for a special interview. His neck is still sore and he will be out a couple of more weeks before he’s even cleared to wrestle. He talks about how dangerous the Russian Sickle is but Koloff won’t catch him off guard again. He wishes he was cleared in time for the Clash and he warns Terry Taylor, Koloff’s opponent for the Clash, that he might be in for a tough time. Koloff is a dangerous wrecking machine but Luger vows to stop him when he comes back. (B-, Luger gives a good promo, hyping up the inevitable Luger/Koloff United States Championship Match)


Steve Armstrong vs. Scott Hall


Hall makes his debut tonight, beating Steve Armstrong in short time. He wins with a pretty good finisher, he hoists his opponent up over his head, spreading his arms like he was hanging from a crucifix, before he brings him down with a power bomb. Hall covers Armstrong and scores the pin.


Winner: Scott Hall(w/the Crucifix Power Bomb, D+)


The Juicer vs. Beautiful Bobby Eaton


Eaton pinned the Juicer with the Alabama Jam. Not a complete squash, as Eaton let the Juicer get in a little bit of offense.


Winner: Beautiful Bobby Eaton(w/the Alabama Jam, D+)


Out comes Scott Hall, who says that Eaton’s time is long past. He is not oozing machismo like Hall is. Hall challenges Eaton to a match at the Clash of the Champions and Eaton accepts, as he has been on quite the winning streak recently and won’t back down form Scott Hall. (C-)


Norman Lunatic vs. Sid Vicious


Chants of “SID” greet the Psychotic One as he comes out. This guy is over and cheered, despite being a heel. Norman is getting beaten down in the ring, with Sid destroying him. The crowd is getting more and more loud, as Sid grabs Norman by the throat and choke slams him down. The crowd cheers and Norman is set up. Huge Power Bomb wastes Norman. Sid covers Norman and the crowd counts along for the pin.


Winner: Sid Vicious(w/the Power Bomb, C Rating, good match between two big men.)


Sid beats down Norman but out lumbers El Gigante. Gigante enters the ring and beats down Sid, beating him down in the ring. Gigante beats down Sid but Sid comes back, brawling with Gigante, as the locker room empties to separate these two titans. Hype for a six man tag team with Sid, Arn Anderson, and Barry Windham of the Horsemen against El Gigante, Sting, and Rick Steiner at the Clash of the Champions(C+, the marks were rocking for this one, although I’m giving the dirt sheet writers a brain aneurysm because of this program)


Brian Pillman and WCW Television Champion Tom Zenk vs. Doom(w/Theodore R. Long)(Non Title Match)


Great big man and little man team match. This would be like WCW’s answer to the Rockers against Demolition in WWF or something along those lines. Zenk is beaten in the corner for about seven or eight minutes, before Pillman is tagged in. House of fire and Pillman manages to pin Simmons with the Flying Cross Body as Zenk cuts off Reed.


Winners: Brian Pillman and Tom Zenk(w/the Flying Cross Body Press, C- Rating, Zenk and Pillman win this non title match, but can they win the title match at the Clash?)


Scott Steiner is backstage, talking about Ric Flair and how pinning him last week in that tag team match was one of the biggest wins in his career. Can he do it again at the Clash? Scott Steiner thinks he will and he’s thrown out an open challenge for a singles match, to give himself a tune up for his match with Flair at the Clash(B+)


Scott Steiner vs. Kevin Sullivan


Steiner knocks around Sullivan to start and instinctively looks towards the corner for a tag a couple of times, but Sullivan attacks Scott from behind, beating him down, but Sullivan is slammed off the top rope. Belly to belly suplex and Scott Steiner whips Sullivan into the ropes. Frankensteiner pins Sullivan.


Winner: Scott Steiner(w/the Frankensteiner, C+ Rating, perfectly acceptable match leading up to the Clash of the Champions against Ric Flair for the NWA World Championship)


Sting vs. Arn Anderson


Main event time and Sting against a member of the Horsemen is a main event on any show. The Enforcer has remarked that if Sting wants a piece of Windham, he has to get through Double A first. Sting knocks around Anderson at the bell, as the crowd cheers. Shoulder first into the ringpost stuns Sting. Sting rolls over and Anderson beats down on Sting, working over the arm. He continues to beat Sting but Anderson ducks the head, before Sting slams him facefirst onto the canvas. Sting fights back with one arm and Stinger Splash in the corner. Scorpion Deathlock looked in but Barry Windham comes into the ring and double axe handle to the back of the head of Sting. Disqualification as Windham stomps Sting into the canvas.


Winner By Disqualification: Sting(B Rating, good match as the Horsemen are beating down on Sting)


Continued beating two on one by Windham and Anderson until the crowd is cheering. Rick Steiner slides into the ring and delivers Steinerlines to Anderson and Windham. They were knocked to the floor as Rick Steiner bends down, checking on Sting. Sting and Rick Steiner will join forces with El Gigante to take on Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, and Sid Vicious of the Four Horsemen at the Clash of the Champions(B-)


B- Rating(solid go home show as we lead to the Clash)


WCW Power Hour Report


The New Freebirds defeated the Youngbloods when Garvin pinned Chris Youngblood with a DDT(D+ Rating)


“Heavy Metal” Van Hammer pinned Jacko Victory with a vertical suplex in Hammer’s debut(E Rating)


Ric Flair interview about Steiner at the Clash and Dan Spivey tonight(B Rating)


Jerry Lynn makes his WCW debut, pinning Scorpio with a Tornado DDT. He will face Jushin Thunder Liger at the Clash of the Champions(D-)


Nikita Koloff pinned Shanghai Pierce with the Russian Sickle in less than a minute. Pierce is stretchered out(D)


Koloff will finish off Lex Luger in the future and Terry Taylor at the Clash of the Champions.©


Johnny B. Badd pinned Tracey Smothers with a slingshot legdrop(D-)


Rick Steiner and Sting defeated the State Patrol when Sting made Buddy Lee Parker with the Scorpion Deathlock(C-)


Ric Flair made Dan Spivey submit with the Figure Four Leglock. Flair’s NWA Championship wasn’t on the line(B)


Show Rating: B-

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All is quiet on the road to the Clash of the Champions. We hit New York, ready to go into enemy turf and the line up is final.


Clash of the Champions Final Line Up

NWA World Championship Match: Scott Steiner vs. Ric Flair©


El Gigante, Sting, and Rick Steiner vs. Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, and Sid Vicious


Terry Gordy vs. Big Van Vader


WCW World Tag Team Title Match: Brian Pillman and Tom Zenk vs. Doom©


Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Scott Hall


The Youngbloods vs. Hiroshi Hase and Masahiro Chono


Jerry Lynn vs. Jushin Thunder Liger


Terry Taylor vs. Nikita Koloff


Doug Furnas and Phil Lafon vs. the New Freebirds

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WCW January Clash of the Champions


We had dark matches before the show. Curtis Hughes pinned Steve Armstrong with a Side Slam(E+), Heavy Metal Van Hammer pinned Thomas Rich with a Slingshot Suplex(E+), and Steve Williams pinned Robbie V with the Doctor Bomb(D)


Ric Flair is in New York and he is styling and profile as only the Nature Boy can. Flair struts around the town, before cutting a promo tonight on Scott Steiner, who he will be defending the NWA Championship against. Steiner might be strong, he might be quick, but there is no one better than the Nature Boy. Flair says he will take Steiner to school tonight, to show him that he is not on the level of the eight time NWA World Champion. Flair puts other Steiner as a great athlete and a great wrestler, but Ric Flair is on an entirely new level(B+, and that kicks off the show proper)


We are in the arena and hey, is that Bob Backlund in the crowd? Surely that can’t be important for later.


Doug Furnas and Phil Lafon vs. the New Freebirds


Pretty much a showcase for Furnas and LaFon. Badstreet gets thrown around before Furnas pins him with a German Suplex to with a relatively quick tag team match.


Winners: Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon(D- Rating, I’m looking at the tag team division over the next few months, it should be interesting to see how my plans develop)


Terry Taylor vs. Nikita Koloff


Taylor is not Firebreaker Chip, Todd Champion, or Shanghai Pearce, so he lasts longer than a minute with the Russian Nightmare. In fact, he gets two and a half minutes before Koloff side steps a dropkick and nearly murders him with the Russian Sickle to score the pin. Lex Luger is watching this from home, as he is awaiting the doctor’s to clear him and get his revenge on Koloff.


Winner: Nikita Koloff(w/the Russian Sickle, D+, served its purpose, and that’s a squash for Koloff)


Koloff beats on Terry Taylor and a bunch of bodies come to the ring, but they all eat Sickles. Koloff continues to destroy Taylor, drawing boos until Bob Backlund hops over the guardrail. Backlund has spent most of his career in this area, so he gets cheers. Backlund enters the ring and takes Koloff down with a double leg takedown to a respectable pop. Koloff bounces up, giving an angry bellow before he destroys Backlund with the Russian Sickle. Even a great championship wrestler like Backlund falls to that move, he got hit right in the throat. The Sickle has put down Terry Taylor, Lex Luger, and now Bob Backlund, along with hosts of preliminary wrestler victims. It’s a dangerous move that no one appears to be able to survive(C+, Koloff’s monster heel push continues)


Jerry Lynn vs. Jushin Thunder Liger


The sound you heard was the sound of fifteen thousand fans in the Nassau Coliseum sitting on their hands and being silent for this match, which was a good match. Lynn is shown to be a promising young athlete, although the jury is still out whether or not he’s going to be up for the role I intended for Owen Hart in the coming Juniorheavyweight Division. Liger is the ace of the budding division by far, as Lynn hits a missile dropkick to a tepid react for a two count and a cross body is caught with a spin kick. Brain Buster and Liger pins Lynn.


Winner: Jushin Thunder Liger(w/a Brainbuster, D+ rating, good wrestling, the lack of heat dragged it down)


The Youngbloods vs. Hiroshi Hase and Masahiro Chono


A match to showcase the talents of Hase and Chono. Chono pins Mark Youngblood with a Yakuza Kick after five minutes to give them the win.


Winners: Hiroshi Hase and Masahiro Chono(w/a Yakuza Kick, D- Rating)


Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Scott Hall


Hall has a toothpick in his mouth at the beginning and he flicks it in the face of Eaton to draw boos. Eaton knocks around Hall for a good portion of the match, working him over but Hall comes back, going to the eyes. Nice sequence of power moves including a fallaway slam and a belly to back suplex. When Hall goes for the crucifix power bomb, Eaton drops down the back, before clotheslining Hall. Another pair of clotheslines and Eaton delivers a vicious left hand, before setting up Hall for a swinging neckbreaker that scores a two count. Eaton goes up top but misses the Alabama Jam. Eaton is stunned and Hall delivers a swinging punch and goes for the crucifix power bomb but Eaton counters with a catapult into the corner. Left hand knocks Hall down for a two count. Eaton sets up Hall who begs off and then trips up Eaton, delivering a roll up, using the ropes for leverage and scores the pin. Hall suckered Eaton in and leaves the ring, this is not over yet.


Winner: Scott Hall(after using the ropes for leverage, C+ rating, the first battle in a longer feud between these two men)


WCW World Tag Team Title Match:

Brian Pillman and Tom Zenk vs. Doom©(w/Theodore Long)


Zenk and Pillman take Doom down with a lot of high impact, double team moves but Zenk was caught in the center of the ring, cut down and beaten with loads of high impact power moves. Including a vicious double flapjack that scores a two count. Zenk fights out from underneath and makes the tag to Pillman, who is in the ring, a house of fire, knocking them around. Pillman leaps to the top rope and comes down onto Reed with a flying cross body block for a nearfall but Simmons breaks up the pin. Simmons beats on him and Zenk enters the ring, beating down Simmons, before the referee forces him back into the corner. Zenk is taking a long time, arguing with the referee, which allows Simmons to deliver a vicious powerslam to Pillman and leaves the ring. Reed scores the pin on Pillman. Afterwards Pillman and Zenk have words, it was obvious that Pillman might have not gotten pinned if Zenk had not taken a bit too much time to leave the ring.


Winners: Doom(w/a powerslam on Pillman, C- rating, good tag team match, setting up some things for the future)


Big Van Vader vs. Terry Gordy


These men are like two big bulls, brawling with each other. Gordy decks Vader with a clothesline but Vader pops out and knocks him down to the canvas. Vader destroys Gordy with a series of high impact strikes and Gordy fights back, trading punches and kicks, before the referee gets involved and gets trampled. Both men continue to brawl, beating each other, until the referee staggers up, attempting to get them separated but both men bump him again. The referee finally gets sick of being thrown around and once he recovers the next time, he disqualifies both men. Gordy and Vader continue to brawl as it could take an entire army to separate these two.


Winners: Double DQ(C+ Rating, it will set up another match at WrestleWar)


El Gigante, Rick Steiner, and Sting vs. Sid Vicious, Barry Windham, and Arn Anderson


Anderson gets bumped around by Gigante early, his only thirty seconds in the ring is Double A playing pinball for him. Steiner comes in and unloads on both men, but Sid clubs him from behind, allowing Double A to take him down and pummel him. Rick Steiner plays face in peril, being triple teamed by the Horsemen in the ring until he fights out with a Steinerline to Sid. Tag made to Sting and Windham is tagged in. This is what the crowd wants. Sting attacks Windham, knocking him around. Anderson gets thrown to the floor and Sid enters the ring but Gigante clotheslines him to the floor, before he brawls with Sid to the back. Both big men are brawling and Sting hits the Stinger Splash on Barry Windham. Anderson enters the ring and Sting hits the Stinger Splash on him. The Dog Faced Gremlin is still down from the Horsemen beating and Windham knocks Sting down with a punch. The camera shows Windham shoving something back into his trunks and Windham covers Sting hooking the leg to score the pin. The replay shows that Sting was hit with a chain.


Winners: Barry Windham, Arn Anderson, and Sid Vicious(w/a chain loaded punch, B- Rating, to get the wheels in motion for Wrestlewar)


We quickly cut to the back after the next commercial as Sid and Gigante are brawling in the back. Gigante is beating Sid down but Anderson is backstage, taking out Gigante’s knee with a baseball bat! Gigante goes down and Anderson drills Gigante with another shot with the bat, before Windham joins in, applying a leglock to the leg of Gigante. Sting and Rick Steiner rush back, along with several other workers but the Horsemen are gone and Gigante is clutching his knee on the floor, the latest victim of the Horsemen(C- rating, once again, sets up Wrestlewar)


NWA World Championship Match:

Scott Steiner vs. Ric Flair©


Test of strength at the bell, with Scott Steiner shoving Flair to the canvas. Steiner pounds on Flair early, before delivering a high back body drop. Flair flip sets up a clothesline off the apron. Flair is on the floor and Steiner is on the floor, beating on Flair, before throwing him back into the ring. Shoulder to the midsection sets up a sunset flip for a two count. Steiner continues to exhibit his power, with some forearms, a pair of suplexes, and a nice Gorilla Press. Scott Steiner beats Flair in the corner and goes for a kneelift but Flair drops down and Steiner hits the corner knee first. Fliar takes out the knee with a chop block and works over the leg. Flair continues to work over Steiner. Reverse knee cruncher and Flair wrenches the leg, before he applies the Figure Four Leglock. Flair cranks on the leg but Steiner manages to power out, reversing the hold. The pressure is reversed and Flair is stunned. Steiner limps on and Flair kicks him in the knee, before delivering a chop block and a vertical suplex. Another Figure Four Leglock but Steiner kicks him into the corner and Flair staggers into a release German Suplex. Scott Steiner instinctively turns towards the corner but remembers and covers Flair for a two count.


The instincts may have cost Steiner but he picks up Flair, limping on one leg and punches him. Flair staggers before he flops face first onto the canvas. The champion begs off and Steiner beats him down, before hooking him. Belly to belly suplex and Scott Steiner covers him for a two count. The crowd is cheering and Steiner brings Flair up onto the shoulders. Massive Samoan Drop crushes Flair like a bug and Steiner scores a nearfall. The crowd is getting hotter with each nearfall and Steiner whips Flair into the ropes. Frankensteiner as the crowd is on their feet. This is what pinned Flair on Saturday Night two weeks ago. Steiner covers Flair but he’s in the ropes at two and nine tenths. Flair is hoisted up to the buckles and Steiner climbs up. Superplex delivered to Flair. Flair clutches his back and Steiner covers. Another very close nearfall and Steiner scoops up Flair, before delivering a fallaway slam. Steiner climbs to the top rope. The crowd is cheering and Steiner leaps off but misses a missile dropkick. His knee banged on the canvas and Flair applies the Figure-Four Leglock. He is wrenching on the knees, drawing loud boos as Scott Steiner is struggling. He won’t submit but Flair is using the ropes behind the back of the referee. Steiner has competed for over twenty minutes and he is not accustomed to doing so in a singles match. His shoulders collapse to the canvas and the referee counts the pin! Ric Flair wins but Scott Steiner gave him a few anxious moments before going down.


Winner: Ric Flair(after pinning Steiner with the Figure-Four Leglock, B+ Rating, if Scott Steiner had some more experience in singles action recently, he might have come out with the belt)


Show Rating: B-

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Morning After The Clash


Question: So Booker Mahn, you've just had a Clash of the Champions with a great Ric Flair and Scott Steiner NWA World Championship main event. What are you going do do now?


Answer: I'm going to Center Stage in Atlanta for a hectic and often stressful three hours of television tapings.


The tapings were set in stone since before the Clash. Bob Backlund has been signed, at least for the short term. He should give some much needed experience to our younger hands and some rub. Backlund/Koloff will take place, as I'm going to try and run as much out of the Luger/Koloff program that I can, which means that match won't be happening at WrestleWar. Koloff/Backlund but Luger will be part of the show, in action and that's about all I can say right now.


Also a bunch of people were bitching about not being used recently. Well they will be used, as squash fodder for the tapings.


The arena for WrestleWar has been booked and tickets have been on sale for a few days now. Let's just say the ringside area is large enough to accomodate two rings and a double sized steel cage, if you know what I mean.


A certain wrestler's contract is about to expire up North and we are in negoiations with this man, if you will.


Also two days before Wrestlewar, there's a big house show at the Omni at Atlanta. That's going to be a fun week. Sting and Flair for the NWA Championship in a return match is the main event and Doom, the Horsemen, and the Steiner Brothers in a first for WCW, a Triangle Tag Team Match for the WCW Tag Team Titles. More on this show as it becomes available.


I've rambled on enough, the tapings start in about an hour. I go to post the finalized line ups.


WCW Saturday Night Line Up

Rick Steiner and Sting vs. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham

Scorpio vs. NWA Champion Ric Flair in a non title match

Brian Pillman vs. Nikita Koloff

Tim Parker vs. Sid Vicious

Scott Steiner vs. the Equalizer

WCW Television Title Match: Badstreet vs. Tom Zenk©

Robbie V vs. Michael Wallstreet(w/Alexandra York)

Big Josh and Norman the Lunatic vs. the Hardliners

The Angel of Death vs. "Dr. Death" Steve Williams

The Southern Boys vs. Doug Furnas and Phil Lafon

"Heavy Metal" Van Hammer vs The Master Blaster


WCW Power Hour Line Up

Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Barry Windham

Steve Armstrong vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Terry Gordy

The Steiner Brothers vs. The Nightstalker and Kevin Sullivan

Charlie Norris vs. Big Van Vader

Tom Brandi vs. Black Bart.

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Time for the latest rounds of Television Tapings, as we lead to the big show in the Omni and then two days later, Wrestlewar, our first WCW Pay Per View event of 1991.


WCW Saturday Night


Ric Flair is in the house, bragging about his victory over Scott Steiner at the Clash of the Champions. He also seems amused about the Horsemen taking out Gigante’s knee, putting him on the shelf. Flair says Wrestlewar is coming up and Sid Vicious, Barry Windham, Arn Anderson, and himself have been having their share of problems with Sting and the Steiner Brothers as of late. So how about the Horsemen facing off against those three men and a partner of their choice in the double ring, double steel cage match that is War Games! Flair puts over War Games as the Horsemen’s match and they will finish off Sting and the Steiner Brothers at Wrestlewar. As for Sting’s return match in the Omni, Flair will beat him once again to prove to be the man, you have to beat the man(B+)


”Heavy Metal” Van Hammer vs. the Master Blaster


The Master Blaster is a 7’2, 305 monster, that gets beaten by Hammer. Neither of these men are ready for prime time, as Hammer pins the Master Blaster with an ugly slingshot suplex.


Winner: “Heavy Metal” Van Hammer(w/the Slingshot Suplex, E- rating)


The Southern Boys vs. Doug Furnas and Phil Lafon


Meh, I say. Furnas and Lafon are a good little tag team but the fans just don’t care at this point. Furnas pinned Steve Armstrong with a German Suplex.


Winners: Doug Furnas and Phil Lafon(w/a German Suplex, E+)


Barry Windham and Arn Anderson are backstage, telling Sting and the Steiner Brothers to be men and accept the challenge for the War Games Match at the Four Horsemen at Wrestlewar. Tonight, Anderson and Windham step into the ring with Rick Steiner and Sting. They promise to take them apart, Horsemen style(B-)


The Angel of Death vs. Steve Williams


Doctor Bomb. Squash, victory.


Winner: Steve Williams(w/the Doctor Bomb, E+ rating, served its purpose in showing that Dr. Death is still an active threat)


Norman the Lunatic and Big Josh vs. the Hardliners


This was a massacre from the Hardliners. Dick Murdoch and Dick Slater beat them down, until Josh is pinned with a huge boot to the face by Slater, as Murdoch destroys Norman on the floor. The WCW World Tag Team Titles could be in the future for these two men, if they can focus on the goal.


Winners: The Hardliners(w/a boot to the face by Slater on Josh, D, this was just to get the Hardliners some television time)


Alexandra York and Michael Wallstreet is out with the computer, as the new comer Robbie V is in the ring. York says that Wallstreet will beat Robbie V with the Wallstreet Crash in less than five minutes(D-)


Robbie V. vs. Michael Wallstreet(w/Alexandra York)


Robbie V delivers a few impressive gymnastic moves but this is wrestling, not acrobatics, so Wallstreet cuts him down in a short amount of time. Wallstreet Crash wins and Wallstreet remains undefeated under the management of Alexandra York and the computer.


Winner: Michael Wallstreet(w/the Wallstreet Crash, D Rating)


WCW Television Championship Match:

Badstreet(w/Jimmy Garvin and Diamond Dallas Page) vs. Tom Zenk©


Page has joined the New Freebirds but even the interference of Garvin and Page is not enough to keep Zenk down for too long as he connects with a fisherman suplex on Badstreet to score the pin and retain the WCW Television Championship.


Winner and Still WCW Television Champion: Tom Zenk(w/a fisherman suplex, D Rating, served its purpose, even though I thought it would be a bit better)


Zenk is blindsided by Page and Garvin but Brian Pillman rushes down from the back, to make the save, chasing off the Freebirds. Pillman is on the microphone, asking Zenk what happened at the Clash. Zenk remarks that Pillman was the one that got pinned but Pillman counters that if Zenk would not have taken his sweet time getting out of the ring, Simmons would not have back jumped him. Both men almost come to blows but Pillman says they can settle this one on one at Wrestlewar. Zenk nods and puts the WCW Television Championship Belt on the line as well, which pleases Pillman to no end. Zenk wishes Pillman good luck with Nikita Koloff tonight.©


Scott Steiner vs. the Equlizer


The Equalizer is no small men and be gives Steiner a run for his money tonight, but Steiner connects with a German Suplex, before he delivers the Frankensteiner to pin the Equalizer. The announcers spend this match, talking about how Scott Steiner came close to winning the NWA Championship at the Clash of the Championship.


Winner: Scott Steiner(w/a Frankensteiner, C Rating)


Tim Parker vs. Sid Vicious


Sid plays a rousing game of toss the jobber around. He hits a choke slam and a power bomb after torturing the poor prelim for a minute.


Winner: Sid Vicious(w/the Power Bomb, C-, yep, Sid is over)


Sid delivers a helicopter slam, putting Parker down again just to be mean, before getting on the microphone, rambling, talking about Gigante being put on the shelf and War Games. Sid says that the Horsemen will destroy Sting, the Steiner Brothers, and anyone they can pick as their partner. (C rating)


Brian Pillman vs. Nikita Koloff


Koloff destroys Pillman for most of this match. Pillman fights back, delivering dropkicks and beautiful Swinging DDT. Any other man it would have pinned but Pillman only gets a one and a half count. He climbs up top and Flying Cross Body Block but Koloff catches him and slams him to the canvas. Choke on Pillman, Koloff refuses to let go, throttling Pillman. The referee makes the count and reaches ten, calling for the bell.


Winner By Disqualification: Brian Pillman(C- Rating, about the only finish that we could do. Koloff still looks like a monster and Pillman is not jobbed cleanly)


Koloff beats on Pillman until Tom Zenk rushes down to the ring. Dropkick to Koloff staggers him. Another dropkick and Koloff is still on his feet. A third dropkick and Koloff goes down but pops right back up, before he blasts Zenk right between the eyes with a forearm smash. His orbital bone could have been cracked with that vicious shot and Koloff backs off, before he brutalizes Zenk with the Russian Sickle. Zenk crumples down, landing on the back of his neck. Pillman staggers to his feet and eats a Russian Sickle of his own. That move has put Lex Luger on the shelf, caused several other men to be carried out and now both the WCW Television Champion and his Pay Per View challenger have been destroyed(D Rating)


Scorpio vs. NWA World Champion Ric Flair


Scorpio gets a fair bit of offense on Flair, but once he misses a dive off the top rope, he is set up for the Figure Four Leglock and forced to submit. Flair wins.


Winner: Ric Flair with the Figure Four Leglock(B-, actually not a bad match, in fact fun for the five minutes it got)


Rick Steiner and Sting vs. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham


Tag team main event and what a tag team main event it is. Rick Steiner is cut off early and beaten down into the corner. Nice double teaming by the Horsemen, cutting the ring in half but Steiner fights back. Tag made to Sting and Sting unloads on the Horsemen. Stinger Splash to Windham. Stinger Splash to Anderson. Sting is cooking as Rick Steiner enters the ring, clothesline to Arn sends him to the floor. Windham is at the mercy of Sting but out comes Sid Vicious to attack Sting from behind, for the disqualification.


Winner by Disqualification: Rick Steiner and Sting(B Rating, despite the dodgy finish, but it was necessary for the storyline)


Sid beats down Sting and Sting tries to fight back. Ric Flair is out and he rams the Dog Faced Gremlin into the ringpost. Windham chop blocks Sting in the knee that the Horsemen injured one year ago, getting some heel heat. The crowd is making some noise and Scott Steiner comes out. He attacks Windham and beats on Sid but Flair is in the ring to hit Scott from behind. This allows Arn to come in with a DDT on Scott Steiner. Sting is in the ring and Sid grabs him by the throat, before drilling him down with a massive choke slam. Rick Steiner crawls into the ring, to eat a kick from Flair before he throws him over to Barry Windham, who delivers a lariat, taking Steiner down. The Horsemen stand over their fallen victims, raising the four fingers. War Games is coming and Sting and the Steiners are down a man with Gigante on the shelf. Who can they find to replace him and fight off against the Horsemen in the most dangerous match in wrestling? (B)


C+ Rating(a bit of an underwhelming show, except for the last twenty minutes)


Dark match between the tapings featured Bob Backlund pinning Buddy Landell with a roll up. (D+)


WCW Power Hour


Tom Brandi pinned Black Bart with a full nelson into a faceslam(D-)


Big Van Vader crushed Charlie Norris with the Power Bomb©


Lex Luger announces his long awaited return this weekend on WCW Saturday Night where he will put his WCW United States Championship on the line, due to the thirty day defense rule. ©


The Steiner Brothers defeated Kevin Sullivan and the Nightstalker when Rick Steiner pinned Nightstalker after bulldogging him off of his brother’s shoulders(C+)


Ric Flair promo. War Games, the Omni, the usual greatness from Flair(A)


Terry Gordy pinned Diamond Dallas Page with a double leg slam out of the corner(D-)


Jushin Thunder Liger pinned Steve Armstrong with a Brainbuster(D+)


Sting talks War Games and the Omni(A)


Barry Windham pinned Beautiful Bobby Eaton with the Superplex after Scott Hall distracted Eaton(C+)


C- Rating

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Well from a quality stand point, last month was good. Financially wise...well, a loss sadly. Still, we will keep trying everything in our power to turn that negative into a plus. Rome was not built in a day and neither was World Championship Wrestling. I'm hoping that a Pay Per View this month will offset the losses.


TV Taping cards for the first week of February have been set in stone.


WCW Saturday Night

Ric Flair puts the NWA World Championship on the line against one half of Doom, in Ron Simmons.

Sting vs. Dan Spivey

The Steiner Brothers vs. Awesome Kong and Jacko Victory

WCW Television Championship Match: Nikita Koloff vs. Tom Zenk©

Buddy Landell and Thomas Rich vs. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham of the Four Horsemen

WCW United States Title: The Master Blaster vs. Lex Luger©

Deadeye Dick vs. Scott Hall

Jerry Lynn and Robbie V vs. the Hardliners

Joey Maggs vs. the Nightstalker


WCW Power Hour:

Brian Pillman vs. Kevin Sullivan

Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Curtis Hughes

Thomas Rich vs. Michael Wallstreet(w/Alexandra York)

Johnny B. Badd vs. Shanghai Pierce

Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon vs. Masahiro Chono and Hiroshi Hase

The Equalizer vs. Nikita Koloff

"Heavy Metal" Van Hammer vs. Awesome Kong.

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Wednesday Week One February 1991


Television tapings time.


WCW Saturday Night


Our mandated by backstage edict, Ric Flair promo kicks off the show, with Flair cutting a promo on various things, like his match with Sting at the Omni, War Games, and his NWA Championship defense against Ron Simmons tonight. Flair reminds us that he is the man, accept no substitutes and the Horsemen are stronger than ever(B)


Joey Maggs vs. The Nightstalker


Nightstalker wins with an Uranage Slam in less than a minute. Maggs was obliterated.


Winner: The Nightstalker(Uranage Slam, E Rating)


Robbie V and Jerry Lynn vs. the Hardliners


The high flying, octane offense of V and Lynn were not enough for the rough neck antics of the Hardliners. Murdoch destroys Lynn with a lariat as Slater puts down Robbie V with a huge boot to the face. The Hardliners continue their winning record.


Winners: The Hardliners(w/a lariat to Lynn, D Rating)


Tom Zenk says his neck is sore because he stuck his neck out for Pillman and got destroyed by Koloff. That is the last time he is doing that. At Wrestlewar, Pillman and Zenk will go one on one for the WCW Television Title but tonight, Zenk is going to put that title on the line against the monster that is the Russian Nightmare Nikita Koloff(D+)


Ranger Ross vs. Big Van Vader


Vader beats down Ross. Ross gets maybe three moves before Vader cuts him down with a clothesline. Power Bomb pins Ranger Ross, as we will see Terry Gordy and Big Van Vader in a No Disqualification Match at Wrestlewar, with Terry Funk as the guest referee. Given the fact that Funk and Vader got into it recently on Saturday Night, that should be interesting.


Winner: Big Van Vader(w/the Power Bomb, C+ rating, the rampage of Vader continues)


Sting is backstage, he is talking about War Games, his title match with Ric Flair in the Omni, and his match with Dan Spivey later tonight on Saturday Night. Also, Sting drops a hint that the fourth man on the opposing squad against the Horsemen at Wrestlewar in War Games will be revealed next week. He is someone very familiar to Ric Flair and War Games in general in fact. (C+)


Deadeye Dick vs. Scott Hall


Hall finishes off with the Crucifix Power Bomb in short order. Hall and Beautiful Bobby will have a return match at Wrestlewar.


Winner: Scott Hall(w/the Crucifix Power Bomb, D+ Rating, just a squash from Hall to hype up for his feud with Eaton)


WCW United States Championship Match

The Master Blaster vs. Lex Luger©


Did you know that the Master Blaster is playing Super Shredder in the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie? Yep, a real Hollywood superstar on our hands and he gets a lot of offense on the returning Lex Luger, but Luger connects with two clotheslines, before putting the Master Blaster in the Torture Rack. The crowd is cheering as the big seven foot Master Blaster submits, giving Luger the win.


Winner: Lex Luger(w/the Torture Rack, C, nice title defense for Luger and his Wrestlewar promo is set up right now…)


Michael Wallstreet comes out with Alexandra York, saying that Luger might have won tonight, but according to the computer, Wallstreet will beat Lex Luger for the WCW United States Championship at Wrestlewar. Wallstreet throws out a challenge and Luger accepts, saying that since Nikita Koloff is tied up with Bob Backlund on that night, he needs something to do. Wallstreet reminds us that he is undefeated ever since he hooked up with Alexandra York and he will end Luger’s United States Title reign at Wrestlewar.(C-)


Buddy Landell and Thomas Rich vs. Barry Windham and Arn Anderson(w/Sid Vicious)


Landell and Rich are canon fodder tonight for the Horsemen. Landell was pinned with a vicious Anderson Spinebuster as Rich is held off on the floor by Windham. Afterwards, Sid power bombs both Rich and Landell. The Horsemen are ready for War Games where they will face, Sting, The Steiners, and a fourth man to be named.


Winners: Arn Anderson and Barry Windham(w/an Anderson Spinebuster, C)


WCW Television Championship Match:

Nikita Koloff vs. Tom Zenk©


Koloff beats down Zenk. Zenk fires back but Koloff continues to beat Zenk in the corner until the referee disqualifies him for excessive brutality but Koloff doesn’t care.


Winner By Disqualification: Tom Zenk(D+ Rating)


Zenk continues to get destroyed but fights back until the Russian Sickle puts him down. Koloff signals for another Russian Sickle but in comes Bob Backlund. Backlund takes down Koloff and kneelift to the floor. Koloff bounces up, sliding into the ring and Backlund delivers a double leg takedown and a toe hold. Koloff is out of that move quickly and goes for the Russian Sickle but Backlund rolls out of the way and waistlock takedown on Koloff. The crowd is cheering as Backlund gets in a stance, but out comes security. Backlund and Koloff are separated but they will meet at Wrestlewar. Also, Zenk will put that WCW Television Championship on the line against Brian Pillman. (C+)


The Steiner Brothers vs. Awesome Kong and Jacko Victory


If you wanted to see the Steiners throw around two jobbers, this was the match for you. Rick bulldogs Kong off of the shoulders of Scott for the pin.


Winners: The Steiner Brothers(C+, you know, the Steiners are like the Vader of the tag team division or Vader is the singles version of the Steiners, whatever you prefer. Entertaining squash matches)


The Steiners cut a spirited promo, hyping up War Games(B- rating)


Sting vs. Dan Spivey


Sting runs wild early but Spivey takes him down, beating on Sting with a series of brutal, high impact slams, suplexes, and other power moves. Including a thunderous power bomb to gets a two and a half count. Another power bomb is blocked with a headbutt to the midsection. Another headbutt to the midsection, sets up the Stinger Splash. Right into the Scorpion Deathlock. Sting has it on, sitting down on the back of Spivey and Spivey submits. Sting gets the win on Saturday Night.


Winner: Sting(w/the Scorpion Deathlock, B+ Rating, awesome little television match between the two)


NWA Championship Match:

Ron Simmons vs. Ric Flair©


Reed and Long were sent to the back, as was Arn Anderson(who came out with Flair). This will be one on one, for the championship of the world. The power game of Simmons overpowers Flair to begin with. Flair begs off and Simmons makes a mistake, getting suckered in with a thumb to the eye and Flair begins to work over Ron Simmons, going after the knee. The crowd is booing as Flair assaults the knee, despite Doom normally raising the ire of the fans. Flair goes for the Figure-Four but Simmons kicks him into the corner. Powerslam and Flair hits the canvas with a huge boom for a two count. Simmons beats on Flair and clotheslines him down. Punches and into the ropes. Spinebuster and Flair crashes with another boom for a nearfall. Simmons presses Flair over his head, the knee buckling slightly, but he manages to drop Flair in perfect position for an over the shoulder powerslam for another nearfall. Simmons beats on Flair, before going to the top rope. He leaps off but Flair ducks and Simmons wipes out the canvas with what was going to be an attempted spear. Flair grabs the leg and Figure-Four Leglock locked in place. Simmons struggles but submits when he has nowhere to go and Flair retains the NWA Championship.


Winner: Ric Flair(w/the Figure Four Leglock, B Rating, good match and Flair has the microphone so…)


Flair says once again, he has proven why he is the man, Simmons threw everything he had at the Nature Boy but couldn’t knock him down from his perch as champion. Flair is throwing out a challenge, to whoever Sting and the Steiners have recruited, one on one, for the NWA Championship next week. Flair will show the world why he is the man and he will make this mystery fourth man regret joining up against the Horsemen. Wooo! (A rating, and Ric Flair versus the mystery man for the NWA Championship next week)


B Rating(a vast improvement on last week’s show)


WCW Power Hour


“Heavy Metal” Van Hammer pinned Awesome Kong with the Slingshot Suplex(E+)


Nikita Koloff destroys the Equalizer with the Russian Sickle(E+)


Ric Flair cuts an interview(A)


Hiroshi Hase and Masahiro Chono defeated Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon. Hase and Chono will face Doom at Wrestlewar, and it may be for the WCW Tag Team Titles, pending on the result of the Triangle Tag Match at the Omni against the Horsemen and the Steiner Brothers(D-)


Johnny B. Badd pinned Shanghai Pierce with a slingshot legdrop(D)


The computer says that Thomas Rich will lose in less than five minutes(D-)


Michael Wallstreet pinned Thomas Rich with the Wallstreet Crash(D)


Beautiful Bobby Eaton pinned Curtis Hughes with the Alabama Jam(D+)


Brian Pillman cuts a promo on both his Television Championship match at Wrestlewar but his match with Kevin Sullivan in the main event(C-)


Brian Pillman pinned Kevin Sullivan with the cross body block©


C- Rating

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Before the Week Two Television Tapings


I can reveal that Jushin Thunder Liger against Black Tiger(aka Eddie Guerrero) has been added to Wrestlewar in what should be a good match in the growing WCW Junior Division.


Also three recent WWF defects have been signed to contracts.


Finally the tv taping cards have been posted, this should be a make or break show leading into Wrestlewar.


WCW Saturday Night

Ric Flair defends the NWA Championship against the fourth man on Sting's team for War Games.


Lex Luger defends the WCW United States Title against "Dirty" Dick Slater


Brian Pillman vs. Scott Hall


The Steiner Brothers vs. the State Patrol


Jim Cain and Tim Parker vs. Doom


WCW Television Championship Return Match: Arn Anderson vs. Tom Zenk©


Big Josh vs. the Nightstalker


Bob Backlund vs. Diamond Dallas Page


WCW Power Hour


Sting vs. Curtis Hughes

The Southern Boys vs. Sid Vicious and Barry Windham of the Four Horsemen

"Heavy Metal" Van Hammer vs. Thomas Rich

Robbie V. vs. the debuting Akio Sato

The Angel of Death and Joey Maggs vs. the Hardliners

Sam Houston vs. Ric Flair

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Week Two February 1991


WCW Saturday Night


Ric Flair cuts his normal promo this week, hyping up War Games. He reminds us that he will defend the NWA Championship tonight against the fourth man on the War Games team with Sting and the Steiners. Flair doesn’t think Sting had gotten anyone who will stand up to the Horsemen, but if that’s the case, Flair will defend the title against whatever “bum” the Stinger and the Steiners have dug up. Flair will be the champion, because diamonds are forever and so is Ric Flair. Wooo!(A*-now that’s a money promo)


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Bob Backlund


Page and Backlund wrestle in Backlund’s debut. Backlund delivers an atomic drop, before he grabs Page in a waistlock and rolls him up into a reverse cradle to score the pin. Bob Backlund will face off against Nikita Koloff at Wrestlewar.


Winner: Bob Backlund(w/a reverse cradle, D+ Rating)


Big Josh vs. the Nightstalker


The Nightstalker wins a quick match, wit Big Josh getting in a few offensive moves but it doesn’t matter as the Nightstalker puts him down with a modified Uranage slam to score the pin.


Winner: The Nightstalker(Uranage Slam, E+ Rating)


Arn Anderson is backstage, talking about War Games, and how the Horsemen are going to walk over their opponents. Also, tonight, Double A will face off against Tom Zenk one more time for the WCW Television Title. Last time, they went to a draw but this time, Double A will put down Zenk. He remarks that Zenk and Pillman can have a number one contenders match at Wrestlewar, because Zenk isn’t going to have the WCW Television Title©


WCW Television Championship Match:

Arn Anderson vs. Tom Zenk©


Zenk gets a pair of close nearfalls without the first couple of minutes but Anderson beats him down, working over the arm of Zenk. Zenk’s arm is taken out as Anderson pounds away at him. Double A goes to the top rope and leaps off but Zenk gets a boot into the face. Zenk beats on Anderson, before delivering a dropkick. To the top rope and missile dropkick gets a two count. Zenk delivers a tilt a whirl powerslam for another two count. He goes for a corner but Anderson ducks and kicks Zenk, before delivering a vicious single arm DDT. Zenk’s shoulder might be disolocated and Anderson beats the arm, before delivering a Fujiwara Armbar, working over the arm. Zenk struggles as Anderson cranks on the hold but the bell rings. Did Zenk submit? No it’s a fifteen minute time limit draw.


Arn Anderson and Tom Zenk battled to a fifteen minute time limit draw, Zenk retained the WCW Television Championship(B- rating, good match but the post match angle is what really counts)


Arn Anderson beats on Zenk after the match and the crowd explodes into boos before they are cheers. Woah, is that…IT IS! Dusty Rhodes rushes down to the ring. Anderson backs off, like he has seen a group. Rhodes delivers an elbowsmash knocking Double A to the floor. Anderson staggers to the floor and Dusty dances in the ring. The American Dream has returned to World Championship Wrestling! (C+)


Tim Parker and Jim Cain vs. Doom(w/Theodore R. Long)


Non title match. Doom will face Hase and Chono at Wrestlewar for the WCW Tag Team Titles. Simmons pinned Cain with a powerslam bringing him down in a quick squash.


Winners: Doom(D- rating)


Dusty Rhodes is backstage. The American Dream has returned and Sting, Scott Steiner, and Rick Steiner join him, saying that Dusty is the fourth member of the opposing team at War Games against the Horsemen. Rhodes says tonight, he is going to step into the ring with the Nature Boy and become the NWA Champion for the fourth time. Rhodes promises a clubberin’ on the Nature Boy and will take him to the woodshed. (B)


Brian Pillman vs. Scott Hall


Pillman will face off against Tom Zenk for the WCW Television Champion at Wrestlewar and Scott Hall faces off against Beautiful Bobby Eaton. Hall beats down Pillman but Pillman fights back, with some high impact offense. Pillman delivers a cross body block on Hall for a nearfall. Nice Swinging DDT scores another close nearfall but Zenk is on the ramp. Pillman gets on the second rope, to yell at Zenk and Hall grabs him, before taking him out of the corner with the Crucifix Power Bomb. Hall covers Pillman to score the pin.


Winner: Scott Hall(w/the Crucifix Power Bomb, B Rating, good match, between both men who have big matches for Wrestlewar)


The Steiners vs. the State Patrol


Squash by the Steiners with a couple of double teams by the State Patrol, but it didn’t matter in the end. Rick dumps Lt. James Earl to the floor and Scott pins Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker with the Frankensteiner to score the pin.


Winners: The Steiner Brothers(w/the Frankensteiner, C Rating, another fun Steiners squash)


WCW United States Championship Match: Dick Slater(w/Dick Murdoch) vs. Lex Luger©


If Lex Luger wins tonight, he will face off against Michael Wallstreet for the WCW United States Championship at Wrestlewar. Luger attacks Slater at the bell but a rake to the eyes puts Luger down. Suplex brings Luger down and Slater works him over. He then distracts the referee and Murdoch comes off the top rope, with a knee to the back of the head of Luger. Cover by Slater for a nearfall. Slater climbs to the top rope and leaps off, with a punch to the midsection. Slater is up and Luger beats him down, with a clothesline. Luger hoists up Slater and Gorilla Press slam brings him down. Murdoch enters the ring and Luger throws him into the ring, before hoisting him up. Gorilla Press slam onto Slater. Slater goes down underneath Murdoch but Luger scoops him up as he comes up and powerslam. Up goes Slater into the Torture Rack. Luger punishes Slater and Slater submits, giving Luger the win.


Winner: Lex Luger(w/the Torture Rack, B- Rating, good title defense by Luger)


Ric Flair is backstage, red in the face and angered, saying that he thought Dusty would have had enough of the Horsemen after all of the beatings have gave him. Rhodes will get one more beating tonight and he won’t even make to Wrestlewar. He will style and profile to the ring and put down Dusty. (B+)


NWA Championship Match:

Dusty Rhodes vs. Ric Flair©


Your usual Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes match, well for the most part, as a few exchanges were off. Dusty beats down Flair, Flair comes back with chops, going after the leg. Figure-Four Leglock, but Dusty reverses. Flair kicks Dusty and goes to the top rope, but he is slammed off. Dusty beats on Flair, jabs to the Nature Boy, followed by the elbowsmash to the head. The crowd is cheering as Dusty has Flair set up but out comes Arn Anderson. Elbowsmash to the head brings down Anderson. Out comes Sid Vicious and Dusty fights him off, but this allows Barry Windham to hit Dusty Rhodes from behind and disqualification victory for Dusty. He wins the match but not the NWA Championship.


Winner By Disqualification: Dusty Rhodes(Ric Flair remains NWA Champion, C+ rating, their chemistry was slightly off for some reason)


The Horsemen beat down Flair and it looks like Flair is going to fulfill his promise to end Dusty’s career. He has a chair but out comes the Steiners and Sting, who help back off the Horsemen, until Dusty comes back. A big brawl, between the Horsemen and their War Games opponents close out the show, as the locker room empties.(B Rating, War Games set up nicely.)


B- Show Rating


WCW Power Hour


Ric Flair destroyed Sam Houston with the Figure-Four Leglock(C+)


Flair promises the Horsemen will destroy Sting’s team at War Games(B)


The Hardliners defeated Joey Maggs and the Angel of Death(D-)


Robbie V pinned Akio Sato with a split legged moonsault(D+)


“Heavy Metal” Van Hammer pinned Thomas Rich with a slingshot suplex(E+)


Sting will face off against Curtis Hughes in the main event and he hypes that match up©


Barry Windham and Sid Vicious defeated the Southern Boys when Sid pinned Tracey Smothers with the Power Bomb(D+)


The Honky Tonk Man is coming to WCW©


Sting pinned Curtis Hughes with the Stinger Splash and small package(C+)


C Show Rating

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After the Television Tapings


"THAT ****ER DID IT AGAIN!" I shouted and Magnum nodded his head. I felt immediately bad about yelling at him, because he wasn't the target of my fury.


Paul E. Dangerously got into another altercation with a fan outside of the arena. I was just finished putting together the tapings for next week, as I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to have time to do so with the Omni show and the WrestleWar Pay Per View coming up. I marched down the lockerroom.


"Mahn, I don't know what you heard, but that fan, he threw something at me and I had to react," said Paul E.


"Listen, I told you, any more confrontations with fans and you'd be suspended, if I don't act, what kind of example will this set for the rest of the talent?" I asked Paul E. "You should have called arena security, so they could deal with him, so you can take a thirty day unpaid vacation."


"This is bull****, I didn't even touch the guy!" shouted Paul E. angrily but I didn't budge. Before I could say anything else, he stormed off.


I wanted to sign Jesse Ventura and move Dangerously to manage someone, but Ventura's agents stonewalled me, asking for more money than Turner was willing to offer. Now, I needed to find a new color commentator for Saturday Night. Dutch Mantell was a good job for Power Hour with Tony Schiavone but I didn't want to overtax Dutch. So, I'm going to give Gordon Solie the spot temporarily, until Dangerously's suspension ends or I find someone else, whatever comes first.


I move to complete the television taping schedules and get a stiff drink. A big weekend coming up and I'm without my number one color commentator


WCW Saturday Night Line Up

Beautiful Bobby Eaton, Tom Zenk, Norman the Lunatic, and Big Josh vs. The Four Horsemen

Sting, Dusty Rhodes, and the Steiner Brothers vs. Dan Spivey, Steve Wiliams, and the Hardliners

WCW United States Title Match: Kevin Sullivan vs. Lex Luger©

Sam Houston vs. Scott Hall

The Juicer and Jerry Lynn vs Doom(Non Title Match)

Robbie V vs. Nikita Koloff

Tracey Smothers vs. Black Tiger

Tom Brandi vs. Michael Wallstreet

Bobby Duncum Jr. vs Johnny B. Badd


WCW Power Hour Line Up

Sting vs. the Master Blaster

Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon vs. Barry Windham and Arn Anderson.

Scorpio vs. Nightstalker

Brian Pillman vs. Thomas Rich

Steve Armstrong vs. Terry Gordy

Joey Maggs and Charlie Norris vs. the Rock R Rap Connection of "Heavy Metal" Van Hammer and P.N. Newz.

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Week Three February 1991


Time for the latest round of television tapings.


WCW Saturday Night


Ric Flair is out, with the other Horsemen, talking about War Games “tomorrow night” at Wrestlewar. Last week, Dusty Rhodes might have showed up but his career will be short lived when the Horsemen take him out tonight. They will step into the ring for eight man tag team action later on and show Dusty, Sting, and the Steiner Brothers what a dominant unit they are. (B)


Bobby Duncum Jr. vs. Johnny B. Badd


Badd wins with a sunset flip in short order. He will face off against the Nightstalker at Wrestlewar. (E+ rating)


Michael Wallstreet cuts a promo, reminding us that he will face off against Lex Luger at Wrestlewar and win the United States Title, before he goes to Alexandra York, who says his match with Tom Brandi will only take four minutes to put him away(D+)


Tom Brandi vs. Michael Wallstreet(w/Alexandra York)


Brandi gets some nice offense, trying to put Wallstreet away but a clothesline puts him down before Wallstreet stomps him, leading to the Wallstreet Crash for the duke. (D-)


Tracey Smothers vs. Black Tiger


This is the debut of Black Tiger in World Championship Wrestling who will be facing Jushin Thunder Liger at Wrestlewar. The technical ability of Black Tiger is no match for the experience and smarts of Tracey Smothers. Nice ropewalk headscissors dizzies Smothers and leads him into a kneelift, before Black Tiger puts him down with the Black Tiger Bomb to score the pin. (D)


Dusty Rhodes is backstage with the Steiner Brothers and Sting, telling them that war is on tomorrow night at Wrestlewar and tonight on Saturday Night. The Dream promises victory in War Games and tonight, they put the war paint on to take on the Hardliners, Dan Spivey, and Steve Williams in an eight man tag team match(B)


Robbie V vs. Nikita Koloff


Robbie V manages to knock Koloff off of his feet right off the bat but Koloff just pops up, brutalizing Robbie V, before he connects with the Russian Sickle. Robbie V folds up like an accordion and Koloff scores the pin, leading up to his match with Bob Backlund at Wrestlewar. (D)


The Juicer and Jerry Lynn vs. Doom(w/Teddy Long)


High impact squash from Doom as they will fight Chono and Hase at Wrestlewar. Simmons pins the Juicer with a high impact powerslam, putting him down for the pin. D+


Sam Houston vs. Scott Hall


Houston looks ready and determined to put Hall down. He punches Hall back but Hall puts the breaks on and pummels Houston, beating him down to the canvas. Vicious fallaway slam sets up the Crucifix Power Bomb. Hall pulls up Houston and hits a second Crucifix Power Bomb for the pin. Hall against Beautiful Bobby Eaton at Wrestlewar. C-


WCW United States Championship Match:

Kevin Sullivan vs. Lex Luger©


Luger throws around Sullivan early but Sullivan’s dastardly tactics gain an advantage, including slamming Luger into several things at ringside, including the post, the barricade, and the timekeeper’s table, along with a bodyslam on the conrete, much to the referee’s dismay. All this brutality only scores a two count and Sullivan climbs to the second rope and dives off but misses a kneedrop. Luger is up and clothesline rocks Sullivan. Powerslam brings him down and sets him up for the Torture Rack. Sullivan squirms but submits as Luger retains the United States Championship again. (C+)


Lex Luger is in the ring celebrating when Michael Wallstreet rushes into the ring and knee to the kidneys brings Luger down. Wallstreet stomps Luger down in the ring. Kick to the groin sets up Luger for the Wallstreet Crash. Wallstreet holds up the WCW United States Championship before he throws it down. He is a former Television and Tag Team Champion, but he has never been United States Champion and at Wrestlewar, he has a chance to do so when he faces off against Lex Luger. ©


Sting, The Steiners, and Dusty Rhodes vs. The Hardliners, Steve Williams, and Dan Spivey


The babyfaces run wild early, as they will be facing off against the Horsemen at Wrestlewar in War Games. The announcers will be talking about the Sting and Ric Flair match at the Onmi here, which will take place after this is taped, but before it airs. Sting gets trapped in the ring and the victim of double team brutality from the Hardliners but he fights out of the corner and tag made to Dusty Rhodes. Dusty is in the ring, house of fire, knocking everyone around with elbows. The Steiners take out the Hardliners and Sting dropkicks Williams to the floor, which leaves Spivey the victim of a Dusty Rhodes Bionic Elbow Smash, which naturally gets the pin. Sting, the Steiners, and Dusty Rhodes win leading up to Wrestlewar (B)


The Horsemen are backstage, giving some last minute words of warning for Sting, Dusty, and the Steiners for Wrestlewar and their eight man tag team match with Tom Zenk, Beautiful Bobby Eaton, Big Josh, and Norman the Lunatic tonight. (B)


Norman The Lunatic, Big Josh, Beautiful Bobby Eaton, and Tom Zenk vs. the Four Horsemen


The Horsemen are part of War Games, Beautiful Bobby Eaton faces Scott Hall, and Tom Zenk defends the WCW Television Title against Brian Pillman at Wrestlewar. The Horsemen take turns beating down their enemies tonight but at the end Norman is tagged in and he knocks around the Horsemen but runs into a big wall named Sid, who delivers a choke and choke slams Norman, before hoisting him up and delivering the Power Bomb. Sid covers Norman hooking the leg for the pin as the Horsemen fight off Eaton, Josh, and Zenk. (C+)


Overall Show Rating: B-(Good show leading into Wrestlewar even though the main event lacked something)


WCW Power Hour


The Rap N Rock Connection of Van Hammer and P.N Newz defeated Charlie Norris and Joey Maggs when Hammer pinned Norris with a cobra clutch slam(E rating and Newz and Hammer didn’t click, which means their tag team may be one of the most short lived in wrestling history this side of the Ding Dongs)


Terry Gordy made Steve Armstrong submit to an Asiatic Spike(D- Rating)


Ric Flair interview. (B-)


Brian Pillman pinned Thomas Rich with a Flying Cross Body Press(D)


Words from Sting(B+)


The Nightstalker pinned Scorpio with a modified Uranage(E+ Rating)


Arn Anderson and Barry Windham defeated Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon when Windham pinned Furnas with the Superplex©


Sting made the Master Blaster submit to the Scorpion Deathlock(C+)


Overall Rating: C+

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Here's the line up for the big WCW House Shot at the Omni, two days prior to WrestleWar


NWA World Championship Match: Sting vs. Ric Flair©

Triangle Tag Team Match for the WCW World Tag Team Titles: The Horsemen(Arn Anderson and Barry Windham) vs. Doom vs. the Steiner Brothers©

WCW United States Championship Match: Masahiro Chono vs. Lex Luger©

Brian Pillman vs. Scott Hall

Steve Williams vs. Big Van Vader

Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Nikita Koloff

Tom Zenk vs. Kevin Sullivan

The Juicer and Sam Houston vs. Sid Vicious

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WCW House Show at the Omni, Friday Week Three February 1991


We have a promo to kick off the show where Ric Flair comes out to address the crowd, talking about how tonight he is going to beat Sting to retain the NWA Championship and show the world why he is the Nature Boy and the man and the champion and will style and profile and dance all night after he beats Sting(B+)


Sam Houston and The Juicer vs. Sid Vicious


The Juicer and Houston are both good athletes, but Sid is a monster and he bulldozes them in short order with a double clothesline. Double choke slam to both men simultaneously to really show up his brute power and Power Bomb to each man. Sid covers them to score the pin. (D)


WCW Television Champion Tom Zenk vs. Kevin Sullivan


The title is not on the line, as this is a house show. Sullivan rattles Zenk, who takes a bit more punishment than he should have before his big match with Brian Pillman at Wrestlewar. Zenk manages to deliver a German Suplex to Sullivan and hold him down with a bridge long enough to score the pin. ©


Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Nikita Koloff


Eaton faces off against Scott Hall and Koloff squares off against Bob Backlund at Wrestlewar. Both men beat each other down but Koloff is a machine that slowly picks Eaton apart. Vicious power offense but Koloff shoves the referee down when he warns him, which causes a disqualification win for Eaton. (C+)


Koloff plows Eaton with the Sickle and Bob Backlund rushes from the back to make the save, taking Koloff down with a leg takedown and then a fireman’s carry. Koloff rolls to the floor, as Backlund stands in the ring. The look on Koloff’s face indicates that he will beat Backlund to a pulp at Wrestlewar or at least that’s his intention. (C-)


Steve Williams vs. Big Van Vader


This is like two big bulls duking it out. Vader will face Terry Gordy at Wrestlewar, with Terry Funk as the special referee and Doctor Death is a good tune up. Vader really pounds Dr. Death but Williams fights back. Huge Oklahoma Stampede powerslam rocks Vader and Williams scores a nearfall. Doctor Bomb but Vader is too big and he fights out. Short clothesline and avalanche in the corner before Vader drills Doctor Death with a massive power bomb for a nearfall. Vader gives a nasty scowl before drilling Williams with two more vicious Power Bombs and even that is enough to keep down the double tough Doctor Death, who once wrestled twelve hours after getting split open. (B)


Scott Hall is ready for Brian Pillman and he brags about his undefeated streak, discounting the fact that he’s only been in WCW for a month(E+, the crowd wanted to see wrestling so they hated this)


Brian Pillman vs. Scott Hall


These two men just click. They had a good match tonight along with a good match they had on WCW Saturday Night recently. Hall beats down Pillman who fights back. Speed versus power, with a Swinging DDT from Pillman scoring a nearfall. He goes up top but Hall crotches him, before slamming him off. Discus Punch sets up the Crucifix Power Bomb and Hall covers to score the pin, going into his match with Beautiful Bobby Eaton Sunday Night at Wrestlewar.


WCW United States Championship Match:

Masahiro Chono vs. Lex Luger©


Chono team up with Hiroshi Hase to face off against Doom for the WCW World Tag Team Titles at Wrestlewar and Lex Luger will defend that United States Championship against Michael Wallstreet. Chono and Luger have some great back and fourth action, with Chono beating down Luger. The beating went a little too long and the match lost something before Luger fought up with the usual offense leading to the Torture Rack and Chono submitted, giving Luger the victory and another successful United States Championship Title defense. (C+)


Sting is ready for Flair and he also wishes his friends, the Steiners, the best in their attempt to become WCW World Tag Team Champions. (B+)


Triangle Tag Match for the WCW World Tag Team Titles:

Arn Anderson and Barry Windham vs. The Steiner Brothers vs. Doom©(w/Theodore R. Long)


This is the first time the WCW Tag Team Titles will be on the line in a triangle match and the champions don’t have to be pinned for lose. These are three teams trading high impact power spots and punches. The Horsemen cut the ring in half when they can, slowly working over the other four men and it all breaks down into all six men brawling. Windham gets taken out with a vicious belly to belly suplex and Anderson and Reed are brawling on the floor. Simmons gets hit with the Frankensteiner and Scott covers for the pin. The Steiners are the new WCW World Tag Team Champions.(C+ rating)


The fans are cheering wildly as the Steiners are the champions and Dusty Rhodes enters the ring, to celebrate with them, along with Sting, the opposing squad for the Horsemen showing a unified front for War Games. Dusty says they’ll be back out here to celebrate Sting’s victory when he regains the NWA Championship from Ric Flair and they’ll keep an eye on him to make sure no Horsemen back jump him. (B-)


NWA World Championship Match:

Sting vs. Ric Flair©


These two men can’t have a bad match and this match was great. Both men went balls out to entertain the fans, despite their being a Pay Per View in two days. Sting knocks around Flair early with all kinds of power moves, including a Gorilla Press. Flair takes out the knee and works Sting over. Figure-Four Leglock but Sting fights out, turning the hold and batters Flair, before setting him up for the Stinger Splash. Sting couldn’t get the vertical leap he wanted and thus he was unable to get the Scorpion on Flair before he countered. Sting beats on Flair, setting him up for a superplex for a nearfall. He climbs to the top rope and goes for a splash but Flair moves and Sting splatters the canvas. Sting might have blown out his legs on that one and Flair goes to the legs, working them over before he applies the Figure-Four Leglock. Sting is punished for about two minutes before he blacks out and the referee stops the match, giving the win to Ric Flair, but the courage of Sting, refusing to submit can’t be denied but at the same time the punishment that Flair delivered to his knees proved to be his downfall. (A)


B Show Rating

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And now here's the final card for Wrestlewar


War Games: The Match Beyond:

The Steiners, Dusty Rhodes, and Sting vs. The Four Horsemen(Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, Ric Flair, and Sid Vicious)


Terry Gordy vs. Vader


WCW United States Championship

Michael Wallstreet(w/Alexandra York) vs. Lex Luger©


Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Scott Hall


WCW Television Championship Match: Brian Pillman vs. Tom Zenk©


Bob Backlund vs. Nikita Koloff


Number One Contenders Match: Hiroshi Hase and Masahiro Chono vs. Doom


Johnny B. Badd vs. the Nightstalker


Black Tiger vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

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