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The European scene in MNS need opinions

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I have been working on the European scene for the M.N.S mod. and i begin to wonder what a good number of promotions would be for such small region.


I always play in Europe and in the Cornell's its relative easy. only one other promotion to worry about. if u want to get bigger u go straight to england. so its easier.


but in the real world. Europe is crowded with all kind of small promotions.


so far i have 2 promotions in central Europe, one in Scandinavia and one in the Mediterranean region.

when i play the mns mod they all wind up in region war for these three regions. While testing i found out that in a few years only one promotion died. one came on top and is on his way to became cult the other two are still very small. I fear that if i put in more promotions in these regions. It while became a total war and several promotions will die in a matter of months.

It while be challenging to play in Europe than but is it good for the mod. Most players will play the Europe scene i think.


so i need your opinion

Is there need for more promotions in the Europe regions?

how many should there be to make it not die on its on?

would u play this scene?


if i spelled something wrong sorry for that futher more if u don't understand what i mean please say so. i know my english is not that well.

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on the moment it works fine. Its tough but it can be done. The quastion is should i put more promtions in. The more i try out the more i think it can be done. It makes for a really tough and difficalt gameplay but i like the challange but i fear that only i will like it. So i gonna put in one more promotion in europe and a lot of free workers. and maybe in the future i will make a mod off my one.
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well it all depends on the amount of workers available in mainland europe. As well as there are only 4 regions. I would say 4 to 5 companies each within their own region preferbly. The 5th could be cult(NU/NEW) so it wouldnt matter what region that is on as far as region wars go.
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