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Adrenaline Wrestling 2008

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Tyler Justice


Remember it. It’s a name you’re going to end up hearing a lot. Hopefully. I broke into the business a few years ago and quickly made a few friends. I enjoyed my time floating around the indy circuit, but I have just taken the next step. Perhaps a little history about my friends is in order.


Bryce Billings was not only in the same class as myself, but my best friend for a while. While he had gone through training to become a wrestler, that dream was now gone after a car accident. Bryce still had the mind he always did for the business, but his physical abilities were gone.


John Covel was one of my first opponents on the indies. He squashed me in less than a minute to gain momentum for himself but I tell you he was one of the nicest guys I have ever met. He personally got me regular work in that promotion and eventually put me over in what could be called the best match of my career.


So what exactly is going on?


After Bryce recovered from his accident, he still had the yearning for the business. Not only had he recovered enough to lead a normal life, the idiotic actions of the drunk driver that hit him had earned him a hefty lawsuit. So his solution was to open his own promotion. It was based only forty minutes from where I grew up and currently lived. Bryce contacted me about becoming his booker. He couldn’t stop calling me a “genius booking mind.” When he said I could work as well I jumped at the chance. Two seconds after I hung up with Bryce I gave John a call and told him about our project. Before I could say anything john agreed to become EXCLUSIVE to us and was dedicated to making us rise up the ranks.


We got all of our patents and copyrights in place and began the administrative actions required to run our own wrestling company. It was January 1st, 2008. Our first show was set to take place in 28 days. I made a few phone calls to some of the guys I felt would fit in nicely and began planning.


I wanted to make a big impact.


Adrenaline Wrestling presents Dawnings was imminent.

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Once we had the framework in place for our project, myself and Bryce met. He felt like he could trust me, but still gave me a few goals to critique me on. The first was the one I was worried about. He had invested $10,000,000 in Adrenaline Wrestling and wanted a $5,000,000 profit within two years. The second was that he felt workers that could not put together a good match in their heads did not have a place on our roster. So anyone with less than a “D-“ in Psychology wasn’t working for us. Finally anyone who can’t go ten minutes without tiring doesn’t belong on our roster. So anyone with less than a “D-“ in stamina isn’t working for us.


Like I said the first goal was the only one that intimidated me. I sent out a bunch of phone calls to people I knew from working the business and was hoping to hear back.



As I sat in my apartment playing Call of Duty: World At War my Decoy began to ring. I accepted the death that was imminent as I snatched my phone and answered it.


Me: Hello?


Voice: Hey Tyler. It’s Steve Flash. So you’re interested in bringing me in huh?


Me: Yes sir. What do you think?


Steve: Well, I think you guys have a good future ahead of you. So let’s talk Pay Per Appearance deal. You give me $2000 when I do appear on your shows and $1500 if I’m available but you guys don’t book me, we’ve got an agreement. Oh, I’d like my travel expenses paid as well.


Me: Wow. That’s a lot Steve. But I believe in you. You are going to give us quality stuff. Those terms sound fine to me. I’ll let you know if we need you for Dawnings.


Steve: Sounds good Tyler. Too bad you won’t be working NYCW anymore.


Me: I’m sure we’ll meet in the ring again. Oh, I’ve got a call on the other line man. I’ll talk to you later.


That call ended as I clicked over to hear Frankie Perez’s voice.


In less than four hours I had Pay-Per-Appearance deals in place with Davis Wayne Newton, Frankie Dee, Frankie Perez, Insane Machine, Jack Griffith, Mainstream Hernandez, Mark Smart, the aforementioned Steve Flash, Tigre Salvaje Jr and Zeus Maxmillion. By Saturday our roster would be close to twenty and I could start planning our first show, scheduled to take place three weeks from now.

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I've read your diary in-between my postings for my new one and your backstory really caught my interest.


I wasn't quite sure if it was a real-life diary or set in the cornellverse. But Mr. Flash pointed me in the right direction hehe.


The goals seem like a real challenge and they'll surely add something in the long-term as I believe they "could" play a role. :)


I'll keep reading to see where it goes.

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After some deep consideration I began to compile what I thought or hoped would be a solid first show for us. I looked at popularity and skill to determine positions on the roster and then went to work designing a poster and updating the website.



Live from the Hartman Recreation Center in the Mid-West Region

Saturday Week 4, January 2008


Main Event – AW Heavyweight Title Qualifier

John Covel vs. Fumihiro Ota

Both of these men deserve to main event the first Adrenaline Wrestling show. The winner will earn a spot in next month’s main event, a four corner survival, for the vacant AW Heavyweight Championship. Which man will earn the spot?

AW Heavyweight Title Qualifier

Frankie Perez vs. J.D. Morgan

These two men will duke it out to see who gets the right to vie for the newly formed AW Heavyweight Title. Will experience overcome youth and allow J.D. to emerge victorious? Or will youth trump experience and help Frankie upset J.D. Morgan to gain a shot at Adrenaline Wrestling’s top prize?


AW Heavyweight Title Qualifier

Tyler Justice vs. Steve Flash

This classic that has occurred inside the confines of an NYCW ring comes to Adrenaline Wrestling for the first time. Which one of these two can defeat the other and make their way into next month’s main event?

AW Heavyweight Title Qualifier

Sam Pratt vs. Jack Griffith

Sam Pratt has come to AW dropping his cartoonish type monikers for a more serious approach as himself. Can this be what he needs to get past Jack Griffith and gain a shot at the Adrenaline Wrestling Heavyweight Title? Or will Jack be able to put Pratt down for the count?

Triple Threat Match

The two remaining participants receive a shot at the AW Midwest Championship

Brendan Idol vs. Insane Machine vs. UK Dragon

These three men are going to battle it out for the opportunity to vie for the Midwest Title at February’s event. All one has to do to advance is not be the one to submit or be pinned.

Triple Threat Match

The two remaining participants receive a shot at the AW Midwest Championship

Tigre Salvaje Jr. vs. Zeus Maxmillion vs. Kashmir Singh

These three men are going to battle it out for the opportunity to vie for the Midwest Title at February’s event. All one has to do to advance is not be the one to submit or be pinned.


Plus much more!

*Card subject to change without notice

Tickets Info:

GA - $10

No Refunds, No Video Cameras, Limited Flash Photography



John Covel vs. Fumihiro Ota

Frankie Perez vs. JD Morgan

Tyler Justice vs. Steve Flash

Sam Pratt vs. Jack Griffith

Brendan Idol vs. Insane Machine vs. UK Dragon

Zeus Maxmillion vs. Tigre Salvaje Jr. vs. Kashmir Singh

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I've read your diary in-between my postings for my new one and your backstory really caught my interest.


I wasn't quite sure if it was a real-life diary or set in the cornellverse. But Mr. Flash pointed me in the right direction hehe.


The goals seem like a real challenge and they'll surely add something in the long-term as I believe they "could" play a role. :)


I'll keep reading to see where it goes.



God help me, I wrote this back story off the top of my head while drunk. Thank you to you guys who have already started following.

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God help me, I wrote this back story off the top of my head while drunk. Thank you to you guys who have already started following.


Seriously? Lol. It was solid.



John Covel vs. Fumihiro Ota

Frankie Perez vs. JD Morgan

Tyler Justice vs. Steve Flash

Sam Pratt vs. Jack Griffith

Brendan Idol vs. Insane Machine vs. UK Dragon

Zeus Maxmillion vs. Tigre Salvaje Jr. vs. Kashmir Singh

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Live from The Junkyard in the Mid-West Region

Saturday Week 4, January 2008

Attendance: 906


Main Show

Jack Griffith defeated Sam Pratt by pinfall in 11:43 after a Jack In The Box.


And my first match as a booker turns out quite well. Jack Griffith showed that he could improve a bit in this match even though he was getting up there in age. This was a solid way to start the show and I hoped that it wouldn’t completely tank following this.

Jacob Jett defeated Mark Smart by submission at 3:36 with a Jett Engine.


This wasn’t anything spectacular but the crowd stayed somewhat alive during it. Bryce and Doc Messing seem to have a natural chemistry at the announcer’s table.


Zeus Maxmillion pinned Tigre Salvaje Jr. in 5:29 after a Thunder Bolt.


Once again nothing overwhelming but enough to keep the crowd with us. Zeus showed improvement in his overall performance and Kashmir Singh showed some better technical work that normal. Good to see that they are improving.


[We go backstage where Tyler Justice stands in front of the AW backdrop. He rubs his hands together and lightly sways back and forth as he speaks.]


Tyler: You know I came here to AW for one reason initially. That was to help a friend that I believed in. Bryce Billings has been a good friend to me for many years and I felt like I owed it to him to help get his dream off of the ground.


[Tyler takes a deep breathe and looks far past the camera as he continues to speak.]


Tyler: Now I realize that I can accomplish one of the goals I set for myself when I entered this business. A victory tonight means I get the chance to become Heavyweight Champion of a company. I plan on doing so. I don’t care if I have to go through my old pal from NYCW and defeat a legend in Steve Flash. I’ll do it. No matter what happens tonight or next month, I will become the first ever Adrenaline Wrestling Heavyweight Champion.


[Tyler flashes a small smirk and then pushes out of view.]


This wasn’t a horrible segment from myself but I was hoping for a little bit better response.


Warren Technique defeated Davis Wayne Newton by submission at 5:58 with an STF.


Another solid yet unspectacular match here as the crowd continues to stay somewhat vocal. Warren gets a nice squash victory over a man who is for sure the future of AW, Davis Wayne Newton.


JD Morgan defeated Frankie Perez by submission at 10:56 with a Cross Atlantic Stretch.


This could have been better but JD was a bit off tonight. Frankie was able to help hide that and a good match was still produced. Not only did they work through the kinks to have a watchable match, but JD showed improvement in a few different areas.


Insane Machine pinned UK Dragon in 8:19 after a Termination Kick. The match also included Brendan Idol.


Again nothing special but good stuff. This kind of quality is going to help us stay afloat even if we can’t bring in the upper level talent we are using this month.


[John Covel stood backstage in front of the AW backdrop and cut a promo.]


Covel: You know tonight I step into the ring with whom some could call the best Japanese worker in America today. I don’t care because I’m still going to mow his ass down. Don’t believe me? Just try me!


[short and sweet being his aim, Covel storms off screen ready to do battle.]


Ouch. I expected better from John but this promo tanked. The crowd actually lost a bit of interest during this one.

Cameron Vessey defeated Mainstream Hernandez by pinfall in 6:38 after a Vessey Driver.


And the solid matches keep happening. This was enough to get the crowd back a bit. These two had great chemistry if you will and it really helped the match.


Tyler Justice defeated Steve Flash by pinfall in 11:45 after a Cut-Throat Driver


AMAZING. Steve and I picked up where we left off in NYCW three or four months ago. This match was borderline epic as it had just enough believable near falls and a solid finish. I felt good in the ring tonight and hoped the main event could live up.


Post match Steve Flash gets to his feet and approaches Tyler Justice. Steve extends his hand and Tyler accepts it, much to the crowd’s approval. Steve then raises Tyler’s hand and makes a belt motion while pointing at the victor.


Not bad, but not as good as I was expecting from this segment.


John Covel defeated Fumihiro Ota by pinfall in 16:24 after a Backdrop Driver.


Ota was off tonight and can’t quite go this long so that brought the match down. Other than that this was a good main event that is possibly being overshadowed by our sub-main that rated a letter grade higher.

Overall Rating: C-

Overall I believe this to be a very successful debut show. We were just ninety-four people shy of a sell out and I hope to get one next month. We’ll have to see how we made out financially.

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With January being our first month of operation we didn’t have any contracts to renew, but we did plenty to set up our initial roster. So instead of giving a run down of renewals, here’s what our roster looks like as of the first day of February.


Main Eventers


Jack Griffith using an Egomaniac gimmick


JD Morgan using a Legitimate Athlete gimmick

Steve Flash using an Old School Face gimmick

Tyler Justice using an Armed Forces gimmick

Upper Midcarders

Frankie Perez using a Legitimate Athlete gimmick


Fumihiro Ota using a Ninja gimmick


Jacob Jett using a ****y Youth gimmick

John Covel using a Dual Sport Superstar gimmick


Sam Pratt using a Comic Book Hero gimmick




Brendan Idol using an Underdog gimmick

Cameron Vessey using a Blue Chipper gimmick


Insane Machine using a Machine gimmick


Kashmir Singh using a Fabulous Heel gimmick


Mainstream Hernandez using a Fun Babyface gimmick


Zeus Maxmillion using an Egomaniac gimmick


Lower Midcarders


Tigre Salvaje Jr using a Man on a Mission gimmick

UK Dragon using a Legitimate Athlete gimmick


Warren Technique using a Machine gimmick



Frankie Dee using a Martial Arts gimmick

Mark Smart using an Obsessive Fan gimmick


Enhancement Talents


Cal Sanders using a Lumberjack gimmick


Davis Wayne Newton using a Blue Chipper gimmick

Thomas Morgan using a Troublemaker gimmick




Bryce Billings – Announcer/Owner


Curt O’Malley – Road Agent


David Poker – Referee

Doc Messing – Color Commentator


RM Stones – Referee


Promotion Product:

Match Ratios – 80%

Match Intensity – 70%

Match Danger – 70%

Key Features – Traditional and Modern

Medium – Realism and Lucha Libre

Low – Comedy and Daredevil

Very Low – Mainstream and Hardcore

Everything else is None

Face/Heel divide is None

Industry Round-Up


- WLW and GCG are both now classified as Cult level promotions.

- Kevin Jones was brought in to become Head Booker of ROF.

- Theodore Murphy, a mediocre announcer entered the business.

- Grandmaster Phunk went on TV and put Whistler over.

- RM Stones had a lot of good things to say about JD Morgan.

- USPW and SWF signed PPV deals with American Option and Seleccion Mexico respectively.

Signings and Departures

- SWF went on a signing spree bringing in Chris Caulfield, Steven Parker, James Prudence and Darryl Devine.

- Jacob Jett signed with CGC.

- Mario Heroic and Jungle Jack signed with CZCW.

- Rodger Dodger signed with USPW.

- Whippy the Clown signed with 4C.

Title Changes

- Erik Strong won the 2008 Rip Chord Invitational put on by MAW.

- Elmo Benson and Groucho Bling defeated the Amazing Bumfholes for the SWF Tag Team Titles.

- T-Rex defeated Nicky Champion to capture the USPW Television Title.

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Very few people know that I am a volunteer fire fighter in my small hometown. It’s one of those things that nobody who doesn’t do it can understand. The general public places firefighters and EMTs on proverbial pedestals when we never think twice about what we do.


I couldn’t count the number of times I have been asked how we go running into a burning building when everyone else is running out. We aren’t heroes or angels. We are just like you. As volunteers we don’t live at the fire station. We don’t even get paid. And we like it that way. We are sitting at home when the tone goes out. The adrenaline that pumps through my body when I hear my pager is unlike anything else in the world. I drop what I’m doing and rush to put my shoes on and jump into my car. As soon as the engine roars to life I hit the switch on my dash that turns on my blue emergency light. I make it to the station a mere ten blocks from my house in seconds. Why? Because somebody is in trouble. It’s second nature for us to risk our lives to save yours. We don’t need special recognition. The pride that we get doing what we do is the best feeling in the world.





Bryce came over to my apartment on the fifth of the month for the monthly meeting. It was here that we could discuss financial performance, storyline plans, the state of the industry and economy and more. So as we kicked off our first meeting I felt like I should tell him that we had already gotten an offer for a television program. Small time network National Pride TV had called me yesterday morning and begun to persuade me. I knew TV for us would be huge after ONE show, but it would also cost us a lot of money. Bryce didn’t know what to say when I explained that I turned the opportunity down. I felt we were better off building up the aura of Adrenaline Wrestling before we got too far in over our heads. Next he wanted to know about the state of the economy and industry. I obliged and explained that the economy was pretty week, rated at an E- on tewwrestling.com. But they reported that it was bouncing back. The industry was slightly better than average, rated at C+. This looked to be trending downward. Next Bryce wanted to know about any Regional Battle’s we had incurred. We had a lot. We competed against numerous promotions in numerous regions and finished at number two in every single one. I didn’t think this was too bad at all for our first month out of the gate. Next we moved on to speak of the financial performance for the month. Despite using some quite expensive main event talent we managed to come out 30k ahead. This wasn’t the rate that would make me meet my friend’s money goal, but it was a good start. Next we took time to discuss our plans for the next show, Afflicted Glory. It was taking place the last Saturday of the month and already had a main event set. We discussed a lot of things and finally settled on a card for the show. At around four Bryce left and I went to work drawing up some fliers and updating the website.


Live from The Junkyard in the Mid-West Region

Saturday Week 4, February 2008

Doors Open: 6 P.M CST

Bell Time: 7.P.M.CST

All tickets just $10

Main Event – AW Heavyweight Championship

John Covel vs. JD Morgan vs. Tyler Justice vs. Jack Griffith

All four of these men won their respective qualifying matches at the debut show in January. This month they enter a four corner survival for the right to be crowned the first ever Adrenaline Wrestling Heavyweight Champion. Which one of these men is going to walk out as the champion?

Special Attraction Match

Steve Flash vs. Fumihiro Ota

These two grizzled veterans are going to go one on one to see which man is the more experienced. Ota has spent time on the TCW roster, but has been in the business less time that Flash. Steve has never had a run with a top tier company. Which one of these men will be able to walk out victorious?

Fatal Fourway – AW Midwest Championship

Brendan Idol vs. Zeus Maxmillion vs. Insane Machine vs. Kashmir Singh

These four men earned the right to vie for the Midwest Title. This match is one fall to the finish. The first man to score a pinfall or submission is going to head home ten pounds heavier. So which of these men can one up the other three?


Also signed for Afflicted Glory

Frankie Perez vs. Cameron Vessey


Also signed to appear: Davis Wayne Newton, Mainstream Hernandez, UK Dragon, Mark Smart, Frankie Dee and more!


John Covel vs. JD Morgan vs. Tyler Justice vs. Jack Griffith

Steve Flash vs. Fumihiro Ota

Brendan Idol vs. Zeus Maxmillion vs. Insane Machine vs. Kashmir Singh

Frankie Perez vs. Cameron Vessey

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Live from The Junkyard in the Mid-West Region

Saturday Week 4, February 2008

Attendance: 838


Main Show


Jacob Jett defeated Sam Pratt by pinfall in 7:56 after an Emergency Landing


Sam was off tonight and it brought the match down a bit.

Mainstream Hernandez defeated Frankie Dee by pinfall in 4:55 after an Apparition #14.


Frankie Dee was a tick off and it hurt the match. This was still solid despite that though.

Frankie Perez defeated Cameron Vessey by submission at 7:44 with a P-Clutch


A good match to anchor the middle of our show.

UK Dragon defeated Mark Smart by pinfall in 4:41 after a Dragon Drop


These two didn’t mesh very well and it brought the match down.

Insane Machine defeated Brendan Idol, Kashmir Singh and Zeus Maxmillion in 8:58 when he pinned Zeus Maxmillion after a Termination Kick. Insane Machine wins the AW Midwest Championship.


A great match that sees Insane Machine capture our secondary singles title. Kashmir Singh was a bit off but he did show some improvement in his technical abilities.


[Tyler Justice stands backstage in front of the AW backdrop. He is clad in his wrestling gear, prepared to do battle.]


Justice: Last month I earned my own right to vie for what will one day be the most coveted Heavyweight Title in professional wrestling. I am going up against three other world class athletes. Tonight might be the most challenging thing I’ve ever done inside a wrestling ring, but I will come out on top.


[The shot pans out as Tyler pushes past the camera.]


Eek, this wasn’t nearly as good as I had hoped. I was feeling a bit under the weather and didn’t have much of an attention span.

Steve Flash defeated Fumihiro Ota by pinfall in 10:25 after a Flash Bang


These two, honestly, didn’t mesh well at all. The match still turned out very good due to their experience.

JD Morgan won a Four Corner Survival by pinfall in 15:58. The order of elimination was Tyler Justice, Jack Griffith and finally John Covel. JD Morgan wins the AW Heavyweight Championship.


This was a solid main event that was hindered just a bit by my illness. I was eliminated first to allow the other three men to put on a show. JD deserved this win and should be a good man to usher in our Heavyweight Championship.

Post match John Covel approaches JD Morgan and extends his hand to the new champion. JD teases accepting it and then levels Covel with the title belt. The crowd erupts in a chorus of boos as Morgan continues to beat on Covel, finally laying him out with a HUGE powerbomb.


This didn’t get quite the reaction I was hoping for. Good enough to start some interest in our title picture.

Overall Rating: C

All in all another solid show for us. A lot of solid matches helped to increase our popularity. Hopefully attendance comes back up.

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We still didn’t have any contracts or anything to deal with this month so all I have is my notes from around the industry for the month of February.



- SWF have taken the big step and are now classified as a Global size.

- Amber Allen, the protégé of Prinipesa, debuted this month. She is a skilled technical worker who lacks the aerial abilities of some of the other women in the business.

- Gino Montero, son of the legendary Luis Montero, debuted in Mexico. He is hugely talented already at a very young age and looks to be a huge success.

- Jackson Andrews who spent the better part of his career using various masked personas retired. He is able to claim three reigns as AAFW Champion, two reigns as CWL National Champion, one reign as CWL National Tag team Champion and one reign as TWL Champion, all occurring in the 70s and 80s.

- The stomper has also called it quits. Perhaps best known for being owner and operator of NYCW, he was also a world renowned wrestler in the 70s. He held the AAFW Championship once, the TWL Championship once, the NYCW Empire Championship twice and the NYCW Tag Team Titles once.

- Shooter Sean Deeley put over Nate Johnson during a radio interview.

- Masked Cougar said a lot of good things about Matt Sparrow.

- SWF has signed a deal to broadcast their pay per views on United Kingdom Choice.

- Loads of TV deals were signed during the month. WLW, 5SSW, SWF, INSPIRE, OLLIE and MPWF will all be getting shows on Japanese Sports Vision 2, All Japan TV, Canal Uno, Japanese Sports Vision 2, Los Deporte Hoy and Los Deporte Hoy respectively.

- In a shocker, former SCCW star Jesse Christian has returned to the business after a lengthy hiatus.


Signings and Departures

- Acid, Rhino Umaga, Shooter Sean Deeley and Nathan Coleman are some of the American wrestlers touring with BHOTWG this time around.

- To expand their roster SWF signed Rico Santana and Eric Tyler to written deals.

- Fabulous Frank has signed with NYCW.


Title Changes

- Dan DaLay defeated Ricky DeColt to win the CGC World Title.

- Matt Sparrow defeated the departing James Prudence to capture the Coastal Zone Championship.

- R.K. Hayes and John Maverick beat Gregg Boone and Craig Green to win the NOTBPW Tag Team Titles.

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Tyler sat at home, staring at the television. He had been fading in and out of sleep on this lazy Saturday. Just as he faded out once more the little black box on his belt began to go off. It was a cry for help.




“Mazon Fire Department and MVK Ambulance please respond to a roll-over accident, one injury and extrication will be needed. Scene is one mile north of town on Route 47. Once again Mazon Fire Department you are needed for a one vehicle roll-over accident on Route 47 a mile north of town. One injury with extrication needed. Time out thirteen oh seven.”


By the time the page was completed Tyler was opening the front door of his apartment and running to his car. He jumped into the driver’s seat and started the car, flipping the switch for his blue light in the process. The car backed from its parking space and began forward progress. Tyler increased his speed swiftly but safely as he listened to the whistle going off as well. In one short minute his was pulling up in front of the station where there were already two cars parked. As Tyler turned his off and hopped out, a few more pulled up.


“Time to roll fellas!” Tyler yelled as he entered the bay.


He rushed to his locker and kicked off his shoes as the Chief and another firefighter were doing the same. Tyler stepped into his bucker pants as the Chief snatched his helmet and jogged towards his squad car. Tyler threw his straps over his shoulders and snatched his coat and helmet from the hangers before heading towards the engine.


“Anyone else coming?” The man in the driver seat asked.


Tyler nodded as he opened the door to the rear cab and climbed in. He left the door open and stood up, putting his coat on. It was the middle of July and very warm outside, but with extrication needed, so was his coat.


“We’re full. Hit it Scotty.” Came the voice of Tyler’s brother-in-law and Assistant Chief.


Harold and three more people climbed aboard the engine and slammed the doors. The driver grabbed the wire to blow the air horn as he slowly exited the station and entered the street. Harold, sitting in the officer’s seat up front turned the knob to start the siren and grabbed the radio.


“South dispatch from thirty-four-twelve. We are en route with six.” He said.


The dispatcher called back on the radio to confirm she got his message and the six men were on their way to save a life. The two minute drive took what seemed like seconds to Tyler. When he stepped out of the engine and placed his helmet atop his head he looked fifty feet away and saw a mangled Camry sitting right side up. The car was about fifty yards from the roadway in a field. Tyler rushed to the back of the engine and rolled up a compartment door, snatching the Jaws of Life and hydraulic hoses from their holsters.


“Kyle, grab the power supply and bring it over.” Tyler instructed.


The new member of the department did as he was asked and met Tyler by the car a few seconds later. Tyler had the extrication tool hooked to its hoses when Kyle reached him and attached the hoses to the supply. Kyle flipped a couple of knobs and yanked the pull cord. Tyler waved it off and looked to him.


“We don’t know where we need to cut yet. Leave it off while we talk to the guy and figure out where he’s pinned.” Tyler told the newbie.


Tyler stood up and put his extrication gloves on as he approached the car. He took a quick walk around the car from back to front and then reached in through the missing grill to release the hood latch. Once he found it he picked the cover up and snatched the side cutters from his coat pocket. In two quick snips he cut the battery cables, ceasing the threat to get shocked in their work. He let the hood close and then walked to the driver’s door. The driver was alert and surprisingly calm.


“Hey man. I’m Tyler what’s your name?” Tyler asked the occupant.


“Larry. You guys going to get me out of here?” Larry asked.


“We’re going to do our best. You just stay awake for us and we’ll have you out in no time. Where are you stuck?” Tyler asked.


“My legs.” Larry answered.


Tyler nodded and turned to the other firefighters.


“Okay, let’s get the roof off and then we can pry the dash up to get him free.” Tyler stated.


The men and women scattered and Tyler motioned for Kyle to start the power supply. Tyler snatched the tool up and went to work making his first cut.




“You were great Larry. You’re on your way to Morris Hospital. You stay safe now man.” Tyler said as he left the back of the ambulance.


It had taken only twenty minutes to extricate the driver from his car and get him into an ambulance. Once they got him free they looked him over and did not see any real injuries from the accident. Larry was a lucky man.


It was routine accidents like this that kept Tyler on his toes for the extraordinary and life threatening situations he would someday encounter. That day was drawing near. And that person was someone he knew very well.




Bryce came over for our monthly creative meeting on the sixth of February. I welcomed my friend into my apartment at around eleven in the morning. We decided on pizza for lunch and got down to business. My first thing to report was the state of the industry and economy. Both were still at the same levels according to tewwrestling.com. Next I reported the results of our Regional Battles from that same website. We placed first in the Mid South, North West, South West and Hawaii. We gained second place in New England, the Mid Atlantic and Great Lakes regions. Finally we got a third place in the Tri-State. Next I moved on to financials. We had made a bit more than last month coming in at just over 32k in profit. Attendance was down, but I used less workers so we still came out ahead. As we closed up that portion of our meeting our lunch showed up and we took a small break to eat. When we got back to it we began to talk about plans for the next few months. After our main event last month we had sowed the seeds for a Heavyweight Title feud. Now we just needed a few good matches and the seeds for more feuds and we’d be good. So after a another hour of discussion we came up with something and some backstage stuff to run and Bryce was on his way. I went to work drawing up a poster and updating our website.



Live from The Junkyard

Saturday Week 4, March 2008

Doors Open: 6 P.M.

Bell Time: 7:30 P.M.

All tickets just $10!

Main Event – AW Heavyweight Championship

Steve Flash vs. JD Morgan©

JD Morgan outlasted three other men to become the first ever AW Heavyweight Champion. Steve Flash defeated another veteran in Fumihiro Ota to step up the ranks and earn this championship match. So can he make the most of the situation and unseat Morgan before a single successful defense?

John Covel vs. Fumihiro Ota

Two men who incurred losses at Afflicted Glory square off here for a chance to get back on the right track. What is going to happen when the veteran Japanese man meets the equally talented but less experienced former baseball star?

AW Midwest Championship

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Insane Machine©

Mainstream Hernandez has been long known as a MAW golden boy. As he comes into AW he is looking to expand his career. Can he do that by defeating the menacing Insane Machine to capture the AW Midwest Title? Or will he just become his first title defense?

Also scheduled:

UK Dragon vs. Cameron Vessey


Also signed to appear: Davis Wayne Newton, Jacob Jett, Frankie Dee and more!



Steve Flash vs. JD Morgan©

John Covel vs. Fumihiro Ota

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Insane Machine©

UK Dragon vs. Cameron Vessey

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Live from The Junkyard in the Mid-West Region

Saturday Week 4, March 2008

Attendance: 907


Zeus Maxmillion defeated Davis Wayne Newton by pinfall in 3:55 after a Thunder Bolt.


A surprisingly very well received squash here. Zeus gets an easy victory and Davis gets some exposure. Not to mention these two didn’t really have “good” chemistry.

Frankie Perez defeated Thomas Morgan by submission at 2:45 with a P-Clutch.


Another very highly rated squash. Frankie goes over as Thomas Morgan debuts for us. And these two weren’t really selling all that great either.

Tyler Justice defeated Warren Technique by pinfall in 4:40 after a Backdrop Driver III.


Another good match to round out our pre-show. This was intended to give the audience a reward for attending our shows live and will not make it to DVD release.

Main Show


The show opens with the image of John Covel standing backstage in front of the AW backdrop. He is still dressed in his street clothes and has a look of intent on his face.

Covel: You know last month after JD Morgan defeated me to win the Heavyweight Title I decided to offer him a fine gesture. I wanted to shake his hand and be the first to congratulate him. His acts were deplorable and have angered me more than anyone could understand.


John took a deep breath and looked directly into the camera.


Covel: I know what it is like to blatantly and violently attack someone. I’ve been there. I know how god-awful you feel afterwards. After I had attacked that umpire on my last day in the minor leagues I knew I had done wrong. I had flushed everything I had worked for down the crapper.


John slowly begins to pace back and forth as he continues to speak.

Covel: But I could see it in JD’s eyes. He enjoyed what he was doing. He was having a blast bringing my brow closer and closer to splitting open. I could see that when he woke up the next day he wasn’t going to regret what he had done. That sick son of a bitch looked back on it and felt proud. I am lying out my personally vendetta to beat some sense into our champion’s thick skull. You had better watch your back JD. Because this baseball player turned wrestler is coming for you.


With that John pushes past the camera and out of sight.


Not nearly the kind of reaction I was hoping for from our crowd. John put up a hell of a promo for us here and it basically got pooped on. The crowd was turned off.

Jack Griffith defeated Jacob Jett by pinfall in 8:32 after a Jack in the Box.


A solid opening match here to kick off our main show. There really wasn’t anything that stuck out about this match.

Cameron Vessey defeated UK Dragon by pinfall in 4:51 after a Vessey Driver.


Another fantastic match from an unexpected location here. These two guys put on a stellar show for our fans.


Backstage we see referees RM Stones and David Poker walking into one of the wrestler dressing rooms. A very loud commotion is coming from the room as they enter. Once inside we can see Zeus Maxmillion standing in just his underwear.

RM Stones: Zeus. Calm down man. What seems to be the problem?


Zeus quiets down and flashes a small smirk and laughs a bit. He looks himself up and down and then looks back to the referee.

Zeus: What’s wrong? Look at me. I’m standing here in my freaking underwear! Somebody broke into my locker room and stole my clothes! You guys better get out there and find the ******* that did this or else I’m going to!


Both referees calm themselves down and look to each other with smiles.

Zeus: What do you two think is so damn funny?


RM and David look to each other and then back to Zeus.

David Poker: You’re going to go out and interrogate people in your skivvies? That’s probably won’t be very effective.


Now both of the officials break into laughter.

Zeus: Shut up! Get the hell out of my locker room and find out who did this! And get that camera off of me!


Zeus grabs a towel and covers up his very visible pink heart boxers from view of the camera as we head away.


This didn’t quite get the rating I was hoping, but it was something that seemed to entertain the crowd a bit and break up the in-ring action a bit.

Insane Machine defeated Mainstream Hernandez by pinfall in 7:11 after a Termination Kick. Insane Machine makes defense number one of the AW Midwest Championship.


Another fantastic match that should help both men. Mainstream showed some improvement in his brawling ability.


Brendan Idol defeated Frankie Dee by pinfall in 4:36.


Not as good as the last few matches but good none the less.

John Covel defeated Fumihiro Ota by pinfall in 10:33 after an Intellectual Impact.


A very good match here that helps to set the tone as we look to move to our main event. Ota seemed to improve in his brawling abilities.


JD Morgan defeated Steve Flash by submission at 12:33 with a Cross Atlantic Stretch after hitting him with brass knuckles. JD Morgan makes defense number one of the AW Heavyweight Championship.


AMAZING! These two put on a fantastic match that really sealed the show off. The one thing I learned was that our fans are not keen on these kind of finishes and it hurt what could have been more.


Post match JD Morgan begins to beat down on his still nearly unconscious opponent. The fans boo as JD lays boots into the back of Flash’s head and drives the title belt into his face.


A solid rating for this segment as we try to get Morgan more over as a heel.

As Morgan continues his attack the crowd burst into cheers as John Covel comes running down the entrance way and slides into the ring. He fires a clothesline at the champion, but it gets ducked and JD ducks out of the ring. The two of them exchange a few words back and forth and the show comes to a close as John goes over to check on the condition of Steve Flash.


Not as good as the attack, but still good enough to keep things going.

Overall Rating: C

Another very good show for us as we continue to chug along. I feel we are doing good things in our region and that things could get better soon.

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We still didn’t have anything going on in March contract wise, so here’s a look at my notes from around the industry for March 2008.


- BHOTWTG have fallen to Cult size classification.

- 21CW have fallen from Cult to Regional size. They are also having financial problems.

- Cole Taylor broke into the business in the land down under. He seems to have a natural ability to wrestle and brawl as well as a good aura to him. He should go far.

- La Sombra Jr debuted in North America today. He shines when he flies or shows off his spectacular chain wrestling skills.

- The former college football standout, Primus Allen debuted this month. He is rather slow and unspectacular other than his impressive size.

- Non-North American workers were ones for retirement this month as Danger Kumasaka, Alfredo Menendez, Nene Ebina, Junko Hayakawa and June Butler all hung their boots up.

- Lightning Lomas went on the radio and put over Davis Wayne Newton as a great person.

- UK Dragon had a lot of really good things to say about Insane Machine. Must be a masked wrestler thing.

- SWF signed a deal with PPV Japan to show their pay per views.

Signings and Departures

- In light of their recent growth, SWF has signed Grandmaster Phunk, Matt Sparrow, Jay Fair and Jason Azaria. They also called Nevada Nuclear up from RIPW. To replace him, they brought Mario Heroic into development in RIPW. Within a matter of days he was called up to the main roster.

- Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Henry Lee, American Elemental and Fox Mask will all be a part of WLW’s next tour.

- Merle O’Curle, Snap Dragon and Adam Matravers will be on GCG’s next tour.

- Mainstream Hernandez and Brendan Idol signed with CZCW.

- Frankie Perez signed with NYCW.

- Jez McArtheur replaced Jay Fair in MAW.

- Rodger Dodger signed with CGC

Title Changes

- Jeremy and Dan Stone Jr won the Ed Henson Memorial Cup for a third time.

- Cheetah Boy defeated Nevada Nuclear to win the RIPW Championship.

- Stephanie Wade defeated Cherry Bomb to win the USPW Womens Title.

- Jim Force and Captain USA, collectively known as The Forces of America defeated Danny Rushmore and Mick Muscles, The Towers of Power to win the USPW Tag Team Titles

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Bryce came over for the monthly meeting on the fifth of April. Our first order of business was to look at the industry and economy. Neither had budged much from their positions last month. The Economy had risen just a tiny bit while the business had fallen a tiny bit. Next I went over our performance in all of the Regional Battles we had in March. We finished number one in the Mid South, Northwest, Southwest and Hawaii regions. We came in at number two in the Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic, New England and Tri State regions. Next we moved to our finances for the month. We had made money for the third month in a row. This month was up from last month coming in at a profit of 35k. Well, $100,000 down, $4,900,000 to go on Bryce’s money goal. We took a break to eat and play some Call of Duty before we began drawing up a card for this month’s show. We already had an idea of where we were heading with our main event slot so we just built a card around it. Bryce took off and I went to work drawing up the flyer and updating the website.


Live from The Junkyard in the Mid West Region

Saturday Week 4, April 2008

Doors Open: 6:00 PM

Bell Time: 7:30

All tickets just $10!


Main Event – AW Heavyweight Championship

Jacob Jett vs. JD Morgan ©

JD Morgan defends the AW Heavyweight Championship against up and comer Jacob Jett this month. Jett looks to make a huge impact by defeating and becoming the champion here. Can he do just that? Or will JD Morgan’s underhanded tactics be too much?

John Covel vs. Jack Griffith

These two popular stars will battle it out in the semi-main event. Jack Griffith has been labeled just another washed up could have been who has landed a job to wind down his career. This month he meets up with a younger John Covel who is in the middle of a small rivalry with the Heavyweight Champion. Griffith would like nothing better than to show that he can still go. He can’t think of any better way than by defeating the number one contender to the company’s top title.


One Fall To A Finish – AW Midwest Championship

UK Dragon vs. Kashmir Singh vs. Insane Machine ©

This month Insane Machine looks to defend his Midwest Title against not one but two competitors. UK Dragon has a bit of a dent in his confidence after last month’s loss to Cameron Vessey. He wants to put up a good effort and possibly walk out with gold around his waist. Kashmir Singh hasn’t been able to get anything going as of late either and wants to show people he’s not just the bright color wearing guy they see in FCW. Without a doubt the biggest factor in the match will be the dominance of Insane Machine. Can he continue his impressive streak and walk out champion?

Also signed for We’re No Joke:

Tyler Justice vs. Cameron Vessey

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Tigre Salvaje Jr


Also signed to appear: Sam Pratt, Frankie Perez, Davis Wayne Newton, Frankie Dee and more!



Jacob Jett vs. JD Morgan ©

John Covel vs. Jack Griffith

UK Dragon vs. Kashmir Singh vs. Insane Machine ©

Tyler Justice vs. Cameron Vessey

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Tigre Salvaje Jr

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<div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj105/robeclave/werenojoke.jpg</span><p><strong>

Live from The Junkyard in the Mid West Region</strong></p><p><strong>

Saturday Week 4, April 2008</strong></p><p><strong>

Attendance: 883</strong></p></div><p></p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Pre-Show</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Brendan Idol</span></strong> defeated <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Zeus Maxmillion</strong></span> by pinfall in 5:05 after a Small Package Driver.</p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">D+</span></strong></p><p>

<em>A good way to get the crowd going with our bonus matches. Brendan and Zeus have very good “chemistry” together and it helped the match. We are going to continue to offer a few dark matches each show to give the crowd time to settle in and get pumped for our DVD taping and to reward them for coming out to experience AW live.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">John Covel</span></strong> defeated <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Tyler Justice</strong></span> by pinfall in 10:46 after an Intellectual Impact.</p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">C-</span></strong></p><p>

<em>Ouch. I wanted to give the live fans a HUGE bonus match here. While the match wasn’t horrible, it wasn’t the great one I was expecting. John and I just had bad chemistry in the ring and it really hurt the match.</em></p><p><em>


<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Main Show</span></strong></p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Frankie Perez</span></strong> defeated <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Sam Pratt</strong></span> by submission at 7:36 with a P-Clutch.</p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">D+</span></strong></p><p>

<em>Not much to say about this one except that it was a solid way to open the main show.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Frankie Dee</span></strong> defeated <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Davis Wayne Newton</strong></span> by pinfall in 4:42 after a Shinanju Kick.</p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">C-</span></strong></p><p>

<em>Seriously? I was not expecting this good of a showing from these two and I was pleasantly surprised. And this good of a match came with Frankie off his game and not a single sign that these two have better than average chemistry.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>We cut to the back in front of the AW backdrop where the shot is tight on the beautiful stomach of an unknown female. The shot slowly begins to pan out and up revealing the woman to be well known Sara Silver. She stands in a skimpy outfit with AW Heavyweight Champion JD Morgan standing just behind her.</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Sara:</span></strong> Feast your eyes on one of the new vixens to come in to Adrenaline Wrestling. While I may be one of many, I am the prettiest and most important of them all. You see I’ve been keeping an eye on AW for a while now, doing my homework. I watched intently for four months and finally chose the man who looks to go the furthest in this company.</p><p>


Sara turns around and flashes a smile at the Heavyweight Champion before turning back around towards the camera.</em></strong></p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Sara: </span></strong> That man is JD Morgan. He went down into the record books as the first ever Adrenaline Wrestling Heavyweight Champion. I am here to make sure he goes down as the BEST Heavyweight Champion this company will ever see.</p><p> </p><p>

<em><strong>She turns once more to JD, whom stands stationary glaring at the camera. Sara lightly pats the AW Heavyweight Title and looks back to the camera.</strong></em></p><p><em><strong>


<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Sara:</span></strong> you see tonight JD will go toe to toe with Jacob Jett. Jacob has been labeled one of the young upstarts in the business. Tonight Mr. Morgan is going to show why Jacob Jett is nothing more than flavor of the month when he disposes of him rather efficiently. That’s enough. Let’s get out of here CHAMP.</p><p>


Sara says her last word with a lot of emphasis and walks off screen. JD stays for only a second to glare into the camera one last time before he steps away.</em></strong></p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">E+</span></strong></p><p>

<em>Eek. I was hoping for better out of Sara in her debut. In the long run I think this is going to help JD become better on screen when he’s not wrestling.</em></p><p><em>


<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Tyler Justice</span></strong> defeated <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Cameron Vessey w/ Kristen Pearce</strong></span> by pinfall in 6:44 after a Dragon Suplex.</p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">C-</span></strong></p><p>

<em>Cameron Vessey comes out with his new and debuting valet tonight. She did good work at ringside. I was really brought back to earth tonight because I thought I worked well with everyone. First in the pre-show John and I have trouble putting flow together and then here Cameron and I just don’t click. I was depressed.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Insane Machine</span></strong> defeated <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Kashmir Singh</strong></span> and<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;"> UK Dragon</span></strong> in 6:55 when he pinned Kashmir Singh following a Termination Kick. <strong>Insane Machine makes defense number two of the AW Midwest Championship.</strong></p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">C-</span></strong></p><p>

<em>Another great match here brings me to believe we might be seeing our best show yet. These three did well and Kashmir is even showing improvements in his performance.</em></p><p><em>


<strong><em>The crowd lets out a round of cheers as Mainstream Hernandez’s music hits the system and he emerges from the back. He has a huge smile on his face as he comes down the entrance way and slaps hands with the fans in the front row. He makes a couple laps around the ring before retrieving a microphone and getting into the ring as his music fades.</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Mainstream:</span></strong> Now if any of you guys know me, which I’m sure you all do. You’ll know I’m all about three things. Giving the fans what they want, hot girls and wrestling. Well since we’re here in Adrenaline Wrestling and I know you fans want to see some hot girls I have organized the first ever Shot of Adrenaline Vixen Bikini Contest!</p><p>


The crowd lets out a roar at the announcement. Mainstream waits until they quiet down and then motions for the participants to come out. Kristen Pearce, Katie Cameron and Sara Silver all emerge from the back wearing robes. They all make their way to the ring as Mainstream continues to play to the crowd.</em></strong></p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Mainstream: </span></strong> So here’s how this thing is going to work. I am going to let each one of these fine ladies show you what they’ve brought to the table tonight and once all three have strutted their stuff you fans are going to pick the winner. Since all of our competitors are in the ring why don’t we start with the lovely Kristen Pearce?</p><p>


Kristen steps into the center of the ring and drops her robe revealing a white two piece bikini. The crowd cheers loudly as she walks around looking sexy and then finally snatches her robe from the center of the ring. The other two ladies do the same and return to the side of the ring as Mainstream stands shaking his head.</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Mainstream:</span></strong> You are all going to have a damn tough decision to make. All three of these ladies are FINE. So AW fans. Who’s it going to be? Is it going to be the mega-sexy Kristen Pearce?</p><p> </p><p>



</strong><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Mainstream:</span></strong> How about the lovely Sara Silver?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>RRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Mainstream:</span></strong> and last but certainly not least, how about Katie Cameron?</p><p>



<strong><em>Katie lets out a huge smile an d begins waving to the crowd as her two adversaries flash her dirty looks.</em></strong></p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Mainstream:</span></strong> I don’t think there’s a doubt. Ladies and Gentlemen Katie Cameron is your winner of the first Shot of Adrenaline Vixen Bikini Contest!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>The crowd lets out a huge round of cheers as the three lovely ladies clear the ring.</em></strong></p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">D</span></strong></p><p>

<em>Well. We all knew it was coming. These days, as long as there is a wrestling business there are going to be women who want to get famous by exploiting their bodies on a wrestling show. I have to cash in on it. This didn’t go over as well as I had hoped it would, but it was a nice little breath of fresh air for us.</em></p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Mainstream Hernandez</span></strong> defeated <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Tigre Salvaje Jr</strong></span> by pinfall in 4:34 after an Apparition #14.</p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">D</span></strong></p><p>

<em>Not a bad match here but not quite what had been taking place tonight. It was a solid match to bring the crowd back to earth and get them ready for the rest of the show.</em></p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">

John Covel</span></strong> defeated <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Jack Griffith</strong></span> by submission at 11:11 with an Anaconda Vice.</p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">C+</span></strong></p><p>

<em>A GREAT match here as these two might have actually stolen the show. I never expected these guys to do this well prior to the main event. I guess I can’t be picky.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>John Covel slides under the bottom rope and begins walking up the ramp slowly. He takes time to shake hands and say hello to some of the younger fans in attendance sitting near the ramp. As he nears the top of ramp and steps onto the platform he turns and waves to the crowd once more.</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bryce Billings:</strong> John Covel gets a hard fought victory against Jack Griffith here tonight folks. OH MY GOD! It’s <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>JD Morgan!</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Doc Messing:</strong> He should have never turned his back Bryce.</p><p>


It’s true. JD has blindsided Covel and is laying the boots into his fallen foe. Sara Silver emerges from the back and begins to direct traffic on the assault. Morgan holds the AW Heavyweight Title and waits for Covel to get to his feet before charging and ramming the gold plate into Covel’s skull.</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bryce Billings:</strong> Oh this is just sickening! We need some help out here! That’s enough!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>Morgan stands over his victim for a moment and then lifts him to his feet. Blood has begun dripping from the top of Covel’s forehead. His legs are wobbly and he puts up no fight as Morgan leads him to the side of the stage and plants a boot to the stomach. Covel bends over and gets shoved underneath Morgan’s legs. JD looks out to the crowd with a sadistic look on his face as Sara Silver continues to yell.</em></strong></p><p><strong><em>


<strong>Doc Messing:</strong> This does not look good.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bryce Billings:</strong> No! No don’t do it! Don’t do it!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>Morgan snarls for just a split second before he lifts Covel up onto his shoulders in a powerbomb position and hesitates. After two or three seconds he walks forwards and tosses Covel down off of the platform and through a couple of tables below.</em></strong></p><p>


Bryce Billings:</strong> OH MY GOD! JD MORGAN JUST POWERBOMBED JOHN COVEL OFF OF THE STAGE AND THROUGH THOSE TABLES! Somebody get him the hell out of here! We need medics! Get the paramedics out here!</p><p>


JD stands on the stage staring down at the fallen number one contender. Referee’s David Poker and RM Stones approach him and force him to head to the ring and out of the way. Paramedics move in on the hurt Covel and begin taking his vital signs. They strap him onto a backboard and place a C-Collar on him before carting him out.</em></strong></p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">D+</span></strong></p><p>

<em>This was some solid build in our main event scene as the crowd really reacted to it.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">JD Morgan w/ Sara Silver</span></strong> defeated <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Jacob Jett</strong></span> by submission at 11:53 with a Cross Atlantic Stretch after blatantly cheating. <strong>JD Morgan makes defense number two of the AW Heavyweight Championship.</strong></p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">C</span></strong></p><p>

<em>Once again the fans were upset with the tainted ending to the match. Other than that this was a great main event, even though it was just a tick off from the previous match. Still it was a good way to end the in-ring action.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>The boos of the crowd as they watch JD Morgan celebrate his victory with Sara Silver are quickly replaced with cheers as the music of </em></strong><strong><em><span style="color:#0000FF;">Tyler Justice</span></em></strong><strong><em> fills the arena. He slowly walks out from the back with a microphone in hand and stares down at the champion.</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Justice:</span></strong> You know champ, I and some of the other boys don’t exactly appreciate the way you’ve been winning your matches and treating your colleagues as of late. In fact we think you’re a sniveling little bitch!</p><p>


The crowd lets out a huge cheer that reverberate of the walls of The Junkyard.</em></strong></p><p><strong><em>


<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Justice:</span></strong> Personally I am just appalled at what you did to a good friend of mien in John Covel. So I’m going to lay it out for you right now. I want you next month one on one! You don’t even have to put that title belt of yours on the line. I just want to get you in the ring! What do you say?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>The champion whispers something into Sara Silver’s ear and then listens to her response before looking back at Tyler and slowly beginning to nod.</em></strong></p><p><strong><em>


<strong>Bryce Billings:</strong> What a main event! Tyler Justice and JD Morgan next month! That’s all the time we have folks! Thanks for watching Adrenaline Wrestling. Find us on the web at <a href="http://www.adrenalinewrestling.com" rel="external nofollow">http://www.adrenalinewrestling.com</a> where you can find all of our merchandise and DVDS from RUSH! Good night!</p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">D</span></strong></p><p>

<em>Not a horrible challenge segment but it could have been better. Oh well. I was happy with the show overall.</em></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Overall Rating: C-</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<em>A fantastic show top to bottom with some personal disappointment in myself for not being able to put together a good match with John or Cameron. Attendance was still down but that can be blamed on the hurting economy I think.</em></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Clabobby" data-cite="Clabobby" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="21036" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>How do you guys (and possibly gals) like this format?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I prefer to have wrestler's pictures inserted for better immersion (sorry for my crappy english)</p>
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<p>In April we hired on three lovely ladies named Kristen Pearce, Katie Cameron and Sara Silver. Other than that we still were quiet on the contract front. Here are my notes from around the industry for April.</p><p>



- 5SSW are now classified as a Cult sized promotion.</p><p>

- TCW rose to International size this month.</p><p>

- Seiji Jimbo debuted in Japan this month. He has a promising future ahead of him with great Technical and Brawling skills.</p><p>

- California Love Machine debuted in the US. He has what some call the Holy Trinity of skills, looks and charisma. It may take some time before he realizes that potential, but he looks to have a bright future.</p><p>

- Ashley Grover, the hot protégé of Farrah Hesketh, debuted. She looks like she is just another hot body to look at but is in fact a tremendous women’s wrestler.</p><p>

- Alpha Female retired at the age of 37. Among her claims to fame were three reigns as UCR Female Champion.</p><p>

- Optimus called it quits at the ripe age of 50. He spent all of his career with BHOTWG where he was an eight time Burning Junior Champion, a one time Burning Junior Tag Team Champion and a two time winner of the BHOTWG Best of the Super Juniors Tournament.</p><p>

- Things continue to get worse for BHOTWG as they lost the slot for their TV show.</p><p>


Signings and Departures</strong></p><p>

- Ernie Turner signed with RIPW. On a related note SWF signed Playboy Jake Sawyer and sent him into development in RIPW.</p><p>

- In light of their recent growth TCW signed Carl Batch, Des Davids, Jack Griffith, Fabulous Frank, Shawn Gonzalez and Jungle Jack. And perhaps the most shocking signing of all was the deal they struck with Dan Stone Jr. Stone has left behind the family company of NOTBPW to work for an International company.</p><p>

- Shane Sneer and Curt O’Malley signed with PSW.</p><p>

- Davis Wayne Newton signed with CZCW.</p><p>


Title Changes</strong></p><p>

- Donnie J captured the vacant Coastal Zone Championship in CZCW.</p><p>

- Chance Fortune started his third reign as TCW All Action Champion by defeating Samm Bach.</p>

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<p>Bryce came over on the seventh of May for our monthly business/creative meeting. I greeted him and we went into my living room so we could get to it. The first thing Bryce asked for was the standard update on the economy and industry. The latest analysis from TEW Wrestling showed that neither had budged in rating from April. The economy was still sitting at an E rating and seemingly on the incline. The industry was still rated as a C and trending downward. Next we moved on to the results of the Regional Battles according to that same website. WE achieved a first place in New England, second place in the mid South and Tri State regions, and third place in the Northwest and Southwest. I transitioned this into our financial statement for the month of April. Overall we had made a profit of just over 31k. It was slow going as I looked to reach Bryce’s two year money goal, but we were moving closer. The next thing we talked about was how our storylines had been going. We liked how the Heavyweight Title scene was shaping up. This brought us to discussions about our next show, No Retreat, No Surrender. We had a Main Event to work with and began filling in the lower portions of the card. After a few hours of discussion we finally came up with something we liked and Bryce went on his way. After he was gone I drew up the flyer and updated the website.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj105/robeclave/noretreat.jpg</span><p><strong>

Live from The Junkyard in the Mid West Region</strong></p><p><strong>

Saturday Week 4, May 2008</strong></p><p><strong>

Doors Open: 6 PM</strong></p><p><strong>

Bell Time: 7:30 PM</strong></p><p><strong>

All Tickets are just $10</strong></p></div><p></p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

Main Event</span></span></strong></p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Tyler Justice </span></strong>vs.<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong> JD Morgan w/ Sara Silver</strong></span></p><p>

<em>After last month’s brutal attack on John Covel, Tyler Justice has vowed to avenge the beating. He goes toe to toe with the man responsible here. Can Tyler gain a measure of revenge for his injured friend? Or will JD Morgan send Tyler out on a stretcher like he did John?</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Steve Flash</span></strong> vs. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Jack Griffith</strong></span></p><p>

<em>After last month’s loss to John Covel, Jack Griffith is once again looking to get some of his swagger back against Steve Flash. Flash hasn’t exactly mirrored his success in NYCW here in AW, but his skills speak wonders. Can Jack defeat this rung veteran? Or will Steve Flash be too much?</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:10px;">Also signed for the show</span></span></strong></p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Frankie Perez</span></strong> vs.<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong> Fumihiro Ota</strong></span></p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Brendan Idol</span></strong> vs. <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Cameron Vessey w/ Kristen Pearce</span></strong></p><p>


Also scheduled to appear: </strong> <em>AW Midwest Champion Insane Machine, Warren Technique, Davis Wayne Newton, Zeus Maxmillion and more!</em></p><p><em>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:10px;">Predictions</span></span></strong></p><p>

Tyler Justice vs. JD Morgan</p><p>

Steve Flash vs. Jack Griffith</p><p>

Frankie Perez vs. Fumihiro Ota</p><p>

Brendan Idol vs. Cameron Vessey</p>

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