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NOTBPW '97: Let the Wrestling Do The Talking

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Hey guys, this is a twofold announcement.


Firstly, this dynasty will return at some point. I've had a lot on so it's gone on the backburner, but hopefully I'll be getting back to it soon.


Secondly, if you haven't already done so go vote in the DOTM polls and the year-end awards. There's a lot of really good dynasties in all categories and every vote counts.

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“Hugh? Thought you might like a coffee…”


Hugh grinned gratefully at Reese. He liked her, and not just because she brought him coffee (although he definitely went for that in a big way). She was a nice, sensible girl who knew exactly when to back off and leave him alone. After the mess with Nicole he really needed that.


Not that he and Reese were anything like him and Nicole. That was most definitely not what he was looking for.


“Reese, there’s no might about it. Hugh like Coffee. Hugh drink Coffee”


“…Hugh get reputation as over-caffeinated nutcase?”


“Yeah well, why fight it? We all know it’s true anyway”


“Yeah. Still, the world needs a little crazy, right? It’d be kinda dull if we were all like Victoria or Phil Roberts.”


“You have no idea. I swear, Vicky’s been my best friend for 10 years, but there are times when I could actually throttle her. Well, when I could try-she’d probably kick my ass”


“What do you mean probably?”




The pair lapsed into silence, and Hugh was surprised by how comfortable it was. With Nicole silence had always been the prelude to some epic shouting match.






“How’d you wind up friends with Vicky? You two are just so different, is all.”


“It’s quite a story, goes right back to when we started Junior High. Even back then, Vicky was quite the girl: smart, funny, good at sport-wasn’t a damn thing she couldn’t do. Made her kind of intimidating to most of the kids, which made it hard for her to make friends- kind of like Ione Skye in Say Anything, you know?”


“And you were the only guy who could keep up, right?”


Hugh threw his head back and roared with laughter.


“Me? Keep up? Yeah, right. I sucked at sport and didn’t give a crap about school-kind of why we made friends, actually. I never cared about school, so the fact she was so good never intimidated me. She, meanwhile, found me funny-largely ‘cos I was even more nuts back then than I am now”


“Is that even possible?”


“Caffeine is a poor substitute for a diet comprised mainly of E-numbers and sugar. But yeah, we kinda started hanging out ‘cos there was nobody else could keep up with my crazy and her brain, stayed that way for 10 years.”


“Then you went to the States…Hugh, I don’t wanna push, but why’d you leave? And why’d you come back so quick? Nobody wants to talk about it.”


“…Yeah. How ‘bout that?”


“Hey, it’s okay. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”


“Believe me, I really don’t. Look, Reese, you better head off”


Reese left without a word. Hugh sighed, and tried to tell himself that he didn’t care all that much about how Reese felt, and that he wasn’t feeling guilty for shutting her out so abruptly.


He was slightly worried by how unsuccessful he was.

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Press Release from NorthOfTheBorder.ca


This Week, NOTBPW Championship Wrestling is broadcastin from the Molson Palais Des Sports. Whilst the Management Committe have remained their usual silent selves on what's planned, our elite reporter managed to get hold of the following card for the Show:



Dan Stone Jr vs. Steve Flash


Philip Roberts vs. Duane Stone



Richard Coleman vs. Canadian Dragon


JD Morgan vs. Brent Hill


Cherry Bomb vs. Reese Paige


Jeremy Stone vs. Zeus Maxmillion



Larry Wood vs. Joey Poison


OOC Note: For my post Clash-Classic post, I'm running a special feature, but I need some help with a name:


Can anybody think of a wrestler/wrestling-related figure whose name sounds anything like 'Ebert'?

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Dan Stone Jr vs. Steve Flash


Don't see Dan losing the title in what looks to be routine defence on free TV


Philip Roberts vs. Duane Stone


Firstly Duane's a Stone and secondly you're unsure of Roberts long term commitment to NOTBPW



Richard Coleman vs. Canadian Dragon


Coleman won't be losing the belt in his first defence


JD Morgan vs. Brent Hill


Probably the most difficult match of the night to call, but I'd give the edge to Hill.


Cherry Bomb vs. Reese Paige


More potential to really make their mark in the women's division


Jeremy Stone vs. Zeus Maxmillion


Extended squash for Jezza.



Larry Wood vs. Joey Poison


Pretty good bonus match for the live crowd, I'd give the edge to Wood.

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Dan Stone Jr vs. Steve Flash


Philip Roberts vs. Duane Stone



Richard Coleman vs. Canadian Dragon


JD Morgan vs. Brent Hill


Cherry Bomb vs. Reese Paige


Jeremy Stone vs. Zeus Maxmillion



Larry Wood vs. Joey Poison

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Dan Stone Jr vs. Steve Flash

I want to believe, but... Steve's still a Tag Team Champion, and he's not going to unseat the Champ on TV.


Philip Roberts vs. Duane Stone

The future Black Cobra is unlikely to lose out to a man who may go to Japan or America full-time.



Richard Coleman vs. Canadian Dragon

Champion's advantage carries the day, I feel.


JD Morgan vs. Brent Hill

Because Hugh loooooooooves the King Of The Hill.


Cherry Bomb vs. Reese Paige

Oh, what's this? Hugh, you sentimental old b*stard.


Jeremy Stone vs. Zeus Maxmillion

The Bronzed God gets schooled by Jezza.



Larry Wood vs. Joey Poison


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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

Live from the Molson Palais des Sports (Quebec)

Audience: 4, 572




Larry Wood vs. Joey Poison

Both of these guys are part of key tag teams, so as an oblique foreshadowing of the Ed Henson tournament we put them against each other in this match. It actually turned out pretty good, for our midcard; Larry’s developing from a solid if unspectacular brawler into a very capable ring general, whilst Joey’s all-round game makes him a very versatile, if not especially talented, worker. Together these two put together and rough-and-tumble brawl that ended with Larry hitting the Running Big Boot to put Poison down for the win.

Winner: Larry Wood Match Rating: D+


The Show


“It Wednesday Night and we’re live from the Molson Palais des Sports. Fans, I’m Tommy London and you’re watching NOTBPW Championship Wrestling!”


“We’ve got a heck of a show for you tonight, fans! The ****ney Rebel JD Morgan will be in action against Brent Hill, Phillip Roberts will be in action against Duane Stone, and in our main event it’s Daddy’s boy vs. Throwback when Dan Stone Jr defends his Canadian Title against Steve Flash!”


“Only you could make one of the most exciting matches of the year sound like a bad joke, Hugh”


“It’s a dirty job, Tommy, but somebody’s got to do it. And hey, if you had to put up with Dan Stone Jr every week you’d think like that too”


“Speaking personally, I’ve never seen that as a particular trial, Hugh. But enough talk, let’s get the action started!”




Jeremy Stone vs. Zeus Maxmillion

This match was largely there to build up Jeremy’s momentum, and sure enough he handed in a great performance out there: he’s a great technical worker to begin with, but tonight everything was that bit crisper, that bit sharper. Zeus, unfortunately, wasn’t as spectacular: I used his appearance here to switch his gimmick, but it was clearly too soon and reactions to his new ‘Ice Man’ character weren’t overwhelming. He still did a good job putting over Jeremy here, mind you, so whilst his short-term prospects aren’t fantastic there’s a role for him here.

Winner: Jeremy Stone Match Rating: C+




“What a performance! No two ways about it, Hugh, Jeremy Stone is probably the finest technician in wrestling right now!”


“Yeah, right. I got two words for you: Phillip. Roberts. Ain’t no way Baldy Stone could take him”


“Well in two weeks time we’ll have the chance to find out if that’s true, Hugh, as the pair are scheduled to face off at Clash Classic in what promises to be a thrilling exhibition of technical mastery!”


“That’s gonna be a hell of a match Tommy. Well, I say ‘match’- I give Jeremy Stone maybe two minutes before Roberts has him tapping like Michael Flatley”


“Will you be serious? Whatever the result, fans, Roberts/Stone looks to be one of the potential matches of the year”


This went over pretty well. Both Roberts and Stone have considerable name value, and the promise of a match between the two definitely caught the crowd’s interest.

Rating: B-




Cherry Bomb vs. Reese Paige

This match made it clear just how much work our women’s division needs. Wanda’s given us a couple of good performances, but neither Reese nor Cherry, making her NOTBPW debut here, are on that level. Reese has a decent all-round game but lacks Wanda or Victoria’s star quality, whilst Cherry is very, very green. She did a decent job putting Reese over here, but the crowd weren’t really interested and got very fidgety.

Winner: Reese Paige Match Rating: E+




We then aired a hype video for the women’s title match at the PPV, when Wanda will defend it against Victoria Stone. This didn’t go over well, as our women simply aren’t that popular.

Rating: E




JD Morgan vs. Brent Hill

JD continues to solidify his status as one of our up-and-comers in this rather good match against Brent, who’s currently one of our key midcarders. After a pair of lacklustre segments this got things back on track, with the pair pulling out all the stop to provide our usual midway lift (I’ve found having our midpoint match go all out helps balance the fact that the rest of the undercard can often be pretty weak). Brent was his usual dependable self, tutoring JD in the finer arts of brawling, whilst JD continues to display the kind of vicious submission work that makes him such a perfect fit for us. He took the win here, slapping the Cross-Atlantic Stretch on Brent for a brutal submission victory.

Winner: JD Morgan Match Rating: C-




We went to another hype video, this time for the tag title match between The High Flyers and the new potential team of Dog Fyte and RK Hayes. Unfortunately our audience can recognise a filler match a mile off, and whilst the reception wasn’t too frosty it was far from enthusiastic

Rating: D




Richard Coleman vs. Canadian Dragon

This was a filler match to give Richard some momentum on the way to Clash Classic, but it turned out surprisingly good. I think that’s the key with Rich: give him a feature match and he tends to hand in a sub-par performance, but take the pressure off him and he can just go out there and deliver a decent match. Unfortunately, this lack of consistency is going to hamper his movement up the card, and whilst the Young Lion title isn’t especially prestigious I still expect more consistency from the champions than Coleman has so far delivered. Still, tonight was a decent match, and aside from the howler against Tom Gilmore Coleman’s not been actively bad, so he’s got a few more chances. Until the Classic, at least.

Winner: Richard Coleman Match Rating: C-




We then go to a sit-down interview with Dan Stone Jr, hyping up his match with Dark Angel at Clash Classic. This was fairly standard stuff, but Dan gets a decent reaction so it was probably worth the time it filled.

Rating: B-




Phillip Roberts vs. Duane Stone

Phil continues to deliver his usual value for money, carrying Duane to a match almost the equal of his run with Dark Angel. Not that Duane needs much carrying, really, but his Super Junior style is definitely holding him back in NOTBPW: he’s one of the best, but in a company based around technical excellence and matwork a dedicated high flyer’s never going to get over as easily. Phillip got the win, for precisely that reason- plus, if and when he leaves Duane can always get the win back.

Winner: Phillip Roberts Match Rating: B




Dan Stone Jr vs. Steve Flash

Unfortunately Steve wasn’t the man to lift Dan’s matches out of their B-rated rut, maintaining his run of satisfying main events that never quite match my expectations. True, when Dan’s not around you really notice, but it’d still be nice to see him deliver on all those ‘greatest wrestler in the world’ pronouncements once in a while, if only for the benefit of our placing in the world rankings. Still, nobody else has out-performed him on a regular basis, and Dan Sr. has me under orders to keep him hot, so Dan took the win here.

Winner: Dan Stone Jr. Match Rating: B



Overall Rating: B-, with one of our strongest overall cards in a while let down by a lot of the angles and a weak women’s match.

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Press Release from NorthOfTheBorder.ca


Another week, another dose of NOTBPW Championship Wrestling. This week we're in Moose Jaw, and the Management Committee have announced the following card


Dark Angel vs. Jeremy Stone


RK Hayes vs. Duane Stone


Chris Candle vs. Thomas Morgan



Richard Coleman vs. Dog Fyte


Victoria Stone vs. Bruiser Anara


Phillip Roberts vs. Joel Kovach



Billy Wood vs. Sandy Townsley


OOC Note: There's going to be a lot of press-release type posts for a couple of weeks- I ran out of ideas in the run-up to Clash Classic. On the plus side, I am working on something special to kick off the Cup Season

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Dark Angel vs. Jeremy Stone

RK Hayes vs. Duane Stone


Chris Candle vs. Thomas Morgan



Richard Coleman vs. Dog Fyte


Victoria Stone vs. Bruiser Anara


Phillip Roberts vs. Joel Kovach



Billy Wood vs. Sandy Townsley

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

Live from the Moose Jaw Centre (The Prairies)

Audience: 1,000 (Sold Out!)




Billy Wood vs. Sandy Townsley

There’s a reason Billy sees a lot of tag action: put him in a singles match and he tends to suck. Okay, so Townsley’s not exactly a grade A opponent, being the jobbiest jobber on the roster, but even so this was especially bad. Part of the problem I have with Billy is his comparative lack of skill: were this XFW he’d be an extremely valuable worker (decent hardcore ability and he can actually call his own matches), but NOTBPW emphasises all the things that are his weaknesses: athleticism, pure wrestling, lengthy contests. Still, whilst he’s not an ideal worker for us Billy’s a cornerstone of the tag division, and even if he wasn’t Sandy is never going to be the one to beat him.

Winner: Billy Wood Match Rating: E



The Show


“Fans, it’s Wednesday Evening and we’re live from the Moose Jaw Centre…welcome to NOTBPW Championship Wrestling!”


“You know what they say Tommy? Life’s a dump…then you go to Moose Jaw”


“Will you be serious? We’ve got a great card for you tonight, fans, with the Dark Angel taking on Jeremy Stone in tonight’s main event, whilst Richard Coleman, Duane Stone and Chris Candle will all be in action elsewhere on the card”


“But don’t worry, fans, there’s some good news too! For starters, we’re gonna kick things off with the greatest wrestler in the world, Phillip Roberts!”




Phillip Roberts vs. Joel Kovach

Kovach is stuck on the job squad on the moment- he isn’t popular enough to get the headway going for a major push- but he’s got to be one of the best jobbers in the world, and he showed that in this rather excellent opening match. Of course, it helped that him and Phil have some really astonishing chemistry, and that Roberts has some of the best fundamentals in the world right now, but let’s not take away from Kovach here: he was great. Plus, and this is always important, he learned from Phil, sharpening up his fundamentals before putting him over: in an ideal world every one of the young wrestlers on the roster would learn something from every match they work. That doesn’t happen, unfortunately, but with young talent like Kovach around there’s a lot of hope for NOTBPW’s future.

Winner: Phillip Roberts Match Rating: C




“Now that is why Phillip Roberts is the greatest technical wrestler in the world, folks! And at Clash Classic you’ll all have the privilege of witnessing him take apart the most overrated wrestler in the world, Jeremy Stone!”


“I hardly think Jeremy Stone is the most overrated wrestler in the world, Hugh”


“Of course, you’re right- I’d forgotten about his kid brother. Fans, I apologise for my error- Jeremy’s only the second most overrated wrestler in the world.”


“I highly doubt that, Hugh. But whoever you prefer, there’s no denying that Stone vs. Roberts at the Clash Classic is shaping up to be a memorable encounter.”


This was received with unusual fervour by the crowd- evidently these two are more popular than I’d thought.

Rating: B




Victoria Stone vs. Bruiser Anara

I think this is a good contrast to last week’s women’s match- Bruiser’s about as well known as Cherry, but whereas Reese was only able to carry Cherry to a disastrously bad match Victoria was able to take Bruiser to a match that was pretty passable, by the standards of the women’s division anyway. A lot of that was down to the characters- Vicky has a lot of experience playing the face-in-peril, whilst Bruiser is the nearest thing the women’s division has to a monster heel. What’s more, she looks like a genuine future prospect, as Victoria helped her polish both her fundamentals and her technical work before nailing her with a Stone Super Kick to the face for the win.

Winner: Victoria Stone Match Rating: D-




We then cut backstage, to a random length of mostly-empty corridor, with Dark Angel walking one way down it whilst Dan Stone Jr is coming the other way. In a corridor like this it isn’t long before they notice each other, and promptly go for each other. Fortunately for all that innocent furniture lying around (and was I the only one who noticed the cowbell?) a whole bunch of faceless undercarders (and Steve Flash) get between them. And boy are people looking forward to the match at Clash Classic: this got the hottest reaction I’ve ever seen

Rating: A




Richard Coleman vs. Dog Fyte

I’m really thinking I made a mistake putting the Young Lion title on Coleman: he hasn’t managed the kind of consistent match quality I’d look for in a champion. Plus, against a foe like Dog Fyte, who for all his faults is a very talented worker, he was only able to manage an average match. Dog Fyte, meanwhile, worked hard sharpening up his technical skills, and whilst his athleticism is definitely not up to Dan Sr’s standards, on the basis of his usual performances I’m willing to fight to keep him. Besides, dealing with him is fun- you never know what’s gonna happen. Richard got the win here- he’s keeping the title at least until Clash Classic

Winner: Richard Coleman Match Rating: D+




We then go backstage, to where Thomas Morgan is standing, mic in hand.




Tonight, Chris Candle, you go up against one of the finest young wrestlers in this blessed country we call home. Now, let’s just get one thing straight: The Trademark respects you. You’re the man of 372 holds, and it takes dedication to reach that kind of technical quality. But just because I respect you, The Trademark will not go easy on you. Doing that…well, it just ain’t Canadian, and The Trademark is proud of his heritage”


This was pretty good, even if the crowd didn’t really go for it. Morgan’s good enough on the stick to get his character over, even if he doesn’t have the kind of experience to deliver a properly rounded segment.

Rating: D-




Chris Candle vs. Thomas Morgan

Wouldn’t you know it? These two have no chemistry whatsoever, making this one of the most awkward matches yet seen in NOTBPW. Which is somewhat unfortunate, as Morgan’s made no secret backstage of how much he was inspired by Candle, and their slow submission-based styles would ordinarily make them perfect opponents. Eventually Morgan got the win with the Northern Lights Suplex- he’s very much a major future player in the midcard, whilst Candle’s on the way out.

Winner: Thomas Morgan Match Rating: E+




After the break, Duane comes down to the ring, all ready for his match. However, before RK Hayes comes out, an entirely different music plays, bringing out Larry Wood, carrying a 2x4.


“You. Me. Clash Classic”


Duane, much to his credit, doesn’t even flinch at Larry’s menacing challenge.


“You want a match at Clash Classic? You got it, Wood.”


Once again, this went over pretty damn well. Larry’s supremely menacing (possibly due to the fact that he’s 6’ 10” and hairier than most types of bear), whilst Duane has the entertainment and overness to hold up his end.

Rating: B




Duane Stone vs. RK Hayes

With this match now serving a foreshadowing of Clash Classic (Hayes and Larry having similar styles), RK and Duane went out and gave a very average performance. Stylistic clashes were part of the problem here, along with the fact that RK isn’t actually very good, but it was a touch baffling all the same: Hayes and Stone are both pretty popular, and Duane should be able to carry Hayes to a better match than this. Still, whilst it wasn’t anything special it was decent enough, and the time limit draw (both men have matches at Clash Classic) worked out okay.

Winner: Draw Match Rating: C




Dark Angel vs. Jeremy Stone

This was…well, everything that could go wrong went wrong in this match. Cliff couldn’t have seen his form on a clear day, and the chemistry with Jeremy was the worst I’ve ever seen. Given all this, it was to both guys’ credit that they managed to make this match as good as it was, and me and Tommy rose to the challenge, covering the rough stretches by claiming that both men were thinking ahead to their matches at Clash Classic. Dark Angel eventually got the win here: he needs the momentum more, since he’s less likely to bag the win at the PPV than Jeremy.

Winner: Dark Angel Match Rating: C+


Overall Rating: C+, bad but by no means terrible. At least it wasn’t a PPV or major show.


OOC Note: Expect the next show in moments, folks-I'm gonna rush-post all the shows up to and including Clash Classic so I can get caught up

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“You know, I really shouldn’t be surprised. After all, you haven’t made trouble in quite a while. Hell, you were even reasonably behaved at Big City Brawl, and you were on the show. So, naturally, first chance you get you act out.”


There was one thing, Hugh thought, you could say about Dog Fyte: at least dealing with him was never boring.


“I was done working. Didn’t see the point in hanging around”


“There’s this thing called manners, Dog, you might want to look into it. Generally speaking, once you’re done in the ring you hang around to see the Boys called Stone show you how it’s done”


“Yeah, ‘cos they were so spectacular last night…”


“Okay, now you’re in trouble. Maybe last night wasn’t so hot, but you know what? Duane and Jeremy worked their asses off, and they can look back on the last show and say ‘you know what? I gave it my best shot’. You, on the other hand, all you get out of last night’s show is an average match and a fine for being an @sshole. Now get out”


Dog looked like he was about to go berserk.


“Touch me and I’ll fire your ass, okay Doggie? Now p*ss off”


“Real Big Man ain’t you? Acting like you’re better than me”


“Speaking as the man who isn’t likely to get fired by his boss, I think it’s pretty much a given that I’m better than you, don’t you?”


“Yeah- that’s why your wife left you for the junkie.”


“…Get Out. Now”


Dog Fyte left, smirking, and Hugh suddenly realised that what he needed, more than anything, was a really, really, big coffee.

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

Live from Smallwood Field (The Maritimes)

Audience: 2,000 (Sold Out!)




We open with Kit walking down one of the now-legendary backstage corridors (home to many a run-in, ambush and/or other random event) when Wanda Fish blindsides her with the cowbell from last week (where did that come from anyway?) and lays her out. And okay, this segment bombed like Enola Gay at Hiroshima, but it did it’s job in turning Kit face: the women’s division is overbalanced in the heel direction, and I’ve turned Kit to balance that out.

Rating: F




Brent Hill vs. The Great Hisato

Okay, these guys rule. This was better than most of our TV matches (I only put it in the dark due to timing), and that’s with Hisato off form. Admittedly Brent’s one of the best we’ve got and a rock-solid midcarder, but even so Hisato held his end up pretty well, and sharpened up his fundamentals before Brent was able to reverse a superplex and nail The King of The Hill for the win.

Winner: Brent Hill Match Rating: C-



The Show


Duane Stone vs. Canadian Dragon

This was exactly what I was hoping for from this match. CanDrag isn’t the best wrestler on the roster, but he’s a competent high flyer and can hold his end up against the right opponent. Duane, who like all the Stones is ridiculously talented, is most definitely the right opponent, and lifted this match into the realms of the pretty damn good. There’s only one problem, in fact: with two very good matches having already gone out, there’s a good chance that the rest of the show will be a disaster.

Winner: Duane Stone Match Rating: C+




Wanda Fish vs. Kit Hatoyama

Wanda looked good out there, and not just in the physical sense, but everything else was pretty much a disaster here. Whilst Kit’s turn has balanced out the roster a little bit, she didn’t really sell the beating as well as she could (they don’t really do that kind of stuff in 5 Star, so Kit isn’t used to working with those kind of limitations), which confused the fan AND dragged the match down thanks to duff moments. Still, like I said, Wanda was good here, and whilst I do wonder if I made the right call in putting the belt on someone so young she’s done a decent job so far.

Winner: Wanda Fish Match Rating: E+




“Fans, Clash Classic is just two days away, and it is shaping up to be one heck of an event! Not only do will the Young Lion and Women’s titles both be on the line, but in one of our feature bouts Phillip Roberts and Jeremy Stone will be facing off in a One-on-One submissions match in an effort to establish who is the greatest technical wrestler in NOTBPW”


“That’s gotta be the most redundant question ever asked. Everybody knows Phillip Roberts is the best, and he’s gonna prove that when he makes Jeremy Stone tap faster than the cast of Riverdance”


“Will you be serious? Fans, this match promises to be one of the finest matches of the year-be sure not to miss it, or any of the other great matches at Clash Classic, live this Saturday on Canada 1-Choice”


This was as well-received as ever, although I’m now almost certain that something will go wrong with the match after all the hype.

Rating: B-




Kovach & Townsley vs. Hayes & Dog Fyte

This…wasn’t as bad as I’d worried it would be. True, it wasn’t actually very good, but I’d half expected some bad chemistry or a penalty from the fact that neither team here is actually official yet, but there was none of those kind of issues, as far as I could tell. Instead we got a decent match that told a pretty decent story, in that Hayes and Dog Fyte made for an effective team (they both beat the cr*p out of people and are hugely annoying, after all) but let their distrust keep getting in the way of finishing their opponents off. Eventually, though, they finally managed to get on the same page long enough to put Townsley down long enough for them to get the 1-2-3 and the win.

Winners: Hayes & Dog Fyte Match Rating: D




Dean McWade vs. Joey Poison

The entire point of this match was to give Dean a win (he’s been complaining about losing a lot, which is fair enough), so the fact that it was a pretty good match was an added bonus. Joey’s one of the few guys we have that can actually brawl, making him very valuable as an opponent for one-trick ponies like Dean, who for all his faults remains one of our key tag workers. Unfortunately, whilst he’s a very solid all-rounder, Joey’s also one of the nicer guys in the locker room, which means he’s gonna get a lot of losses to guys a lot whinier than him.

Winner: Dean McWade Match Rating: D+




“Fans, in tonight’s main event Dan Stone Jr will be defending his Canadian Title against Larry Wood, ahead of his title match against Dark Angel at Clash Classic on Sunday”


“This has got to be the worst week of Dan Stone Jr’s life. First he has to get the snot kicked out of him by Larry Wood, then he’ll have to cope with Dark Angel taking his title.”


“Y’know, you keep saying Dan’s gonna lose his title, and yet he never does.”


“I blame his daddy- if Dan Stone wasn’t running the show here then guys like Dark Angel and Phil Roberts would be on top and Dan and Jeremy Stone would be on the trash heap-where they belong. Hopefully there’ll be some justice delivered on Saturday”


“I don’t ever disagreed with you more, Hugh- whatever you think of them personally, you have to admit that Dan Jr and Jeremy are among the best wrestlers in the world.”


“Oh puh-lease, Tommy- anyone who knows wrestling will tell you that Dan’s no match for the Dark Angel. And on Saturday, when Angel takes the Canadian Title at Clash Classic, he’ll prove you, and all the dumb monkeys in the audience, wrong”


Anticipation for that main event remains high, which bodes well for the PPV buyrate.

Rating: B




Phillip Roberts vs. Steve Flash

I’d expected a great match from these two, which made the very good encounter I got slightly disappointing. The problem here was simply that neither Steve nor Phil are actually all that popular (they’re both around C level popularity), and whilst they are both very good at what they do, one’s a pure technician and the other’s more of a high flyer. This was still good, mind you, but I can’t help but be disappointed by it. Phil got the win: he’s in a big match at the PPV, whilst Steve’s tag title defence isn’t as important.

Winner: Steve Flash Match Rating: C+




Dan Stone Jr vs. Larry Wood

I’m not entirely sure why I scheduled this match as our main event: Larry’s alright, but he’s not that good or that popular. Still, Dan could get a decent match out of anybody, and Larry did at least give Dan a new kind of opponent to fight. Sure enough, this brawling-based encounter was Dan’s weakest ever match, but as usual Dan was still the best thing on the card. He got the win here, obviously: Larry’s unlikely to be viably challenging for anything other than the tag titles any time soon.

Winner: Dan Stone Jr Match Rating: B-



Overall Rating: B-, another solid if unspectacular show compounding a slightly sub-par run of shows up to Clash Classic.

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NOTBPW Clash Classic

Live from the Ottawa Rams Stadium (Ontario)

Audience: 10,000 (Sold Out!)


Pre-Show/DVD Extras


The Machines (Brent Hill & Human Arsenal) vs. Joel Kovach & Chris Candle

There’s good news and bad news here. The bad news is that the Machines have zero chemistry as tag partners, making my plans for the Ed Henson Cup a little difficult. The good news is that this was still a decent match: evidently the talent on display helped balance things out, and Chris’ slow-paced technical work helped mask the chemistry issues. Human Arsenal got the win here, putting Kovach down with the Ammo Dump

Winners: The Machines Match Rating: D+


The Show


“We’re LIVE on Canada 1-Choice from the Ottawa Rams Stadium…this is NOTBPW Clash Classic!”


“Fans, we’ve got a great card lined up for you tonight! Wood vs. Stone! The Mat Classic that is Jeremy Stone vs. Phil Roberts! Dan Stone Jr defends his Canadian Title against Dark Angel! And with the Ed Henson Cup just a month away, we’ve got not one but two great tag matches, as Canada’s Finest and The McWades face off and The High Flyers defend their titles against the new team of Dog Fyte and RK Hayes!”


“All that, plus the Young Lion and Women’s titles will be on the line! But now let go down to the ring, for our first match of the night…”




Duane Stone vs. Larry Wood

…And now we’re two for two in the matches with bad chemistry. Once again, this wasn’t a dreadful match, but in a perverse sort of a way its quality made it doubly disappointing: it was so good that I knew it could’ve been very good or great if chemistry hadn’t been an issue. Duane got the win here: he’s a dedicated singles worker, whilst Larry alternates between singles work and tag matches.

Winner: Duane Stone Match Rating: C




Canada’s Finest vs. The McWades

This match was added at the last minute as a filler match, but it was still pretty good. The McWades complain about losing a fair bit, but to give them their due they usually give their all, and against a team like the Finest, who are pretty good wrestlers (even if their fundamentals are weak), this made for a decent match. The Finest took the win, breaking out their new finisher (The O Canada, a lariat takedown-bearhug combo) to put Dean down for the count.

Winners: Canada’s Finest Match Rating: D+




Wanda Fish vs. Victoria Stone

This was the best women’s match we’ve had so far, largely thanks to my decision to let them go all-out and the fact that Wanda and Vicky have pretty good chemistry (karma comes to the rescue, for once). The emphasis for this match was, unusually for our women’s division, on brawling (Vicky’s been wanting to improve her brawling for a while now). Vicky got the win here: Wanda’s been a decent champion, but a lot of the stronger challenges are heels at the moment, and Vicky’s the obvious candidate for the title.

Winner: Victoria Stone Match Rating: D+




Hayes & Dog Fyte vs. The High Flyers

Once again Steve put on one of the best individual performances, leading these guys to the best tag match we’ve had so far. Dog Fyte was also on form here, polishing up his fundamentals whilst beating the tar out of Gilmore. I’m not looking forward to trying to re-sign him: even if Dan doesn’t start a row over his lack of athleticism, I’m not he’ll want to stay on after the rows we’ve had. Hayes, meanwhile, continues to suck, but at least sold The High Flyers’ Double Missile Dropkick well enough to make for a decent win.

Winners: The High Flyers Match Rating: C




JD Morgan vs. Richard Coleman

Thankfully, Coleman was on form tonight, making for another tremendously satisfying encounter. Of course, against a foe like Morgan he could hardly fail to bring the quality, but even so this was a tremendously satisfying match. On any other day, this would’ve gone to Morgan: Coleman was good tonight, but Morgan’s been good every time he works, and I want him holding the Canadian Title by the end of the Decade. However, with the Women’s Title having switched hands tonight I didn’t want to do a double switch on the minor titles, so this went to the 20 minute draw. And a classy one it was too: JD had Coleman in the Cross-Atlantic Stretch as the time ran out, allowing u to run the dramatic did-he-tap thing at the finish.

Winner: None Match Rating: C




Jeremy Stone vs. Phillip Roberts

This delivered exactly what I was hoping for: a good, exciting match that was exactly the kind of extended Mat Classic we’d advertised. No chemistry, unfortunately, but this is the best semi-main we’ve had since Duane and Dark Angel’s matches before Big City Brawl. It helped that Roberts has just breached the main event: since Steve’s got side-tracked working the tag division and Roberts has a strong record in singles wrestling, they switched spots, and on the basis of tonight I’ve got no problems with that at all. Plus, Jeremy sharpened up his fundamentals, making for a doubly satisfying match, before slapping on the Stone Hold to take the win.

Winner: Jeremy Stone Match Rating: B




Dan Stone Jr vs. Dark Angel

Excuse me one minute….BOO-YAH! A-hem, that’s better. This was our best main event yet, with Dark Angel cementing his role as the number one nemesis of The Stones (he’s somehow shot up to our number two heel spot, and unlike Craig has the kind of villainous character to make the perfect arch-nemesis) whilst Dan finally broke through the B-Rated match ceiling. There’s not really anything bad to say about this one- sure, Dark Angel is noticeably less spectacular when kept out of the air, but he makes up for that with some of the best fundamentals I’ve ever seen. That said, though, he still isn’t as good as Dan Stone Jr, who retained his title tonight with a Stone Ankle Hold applied in mid-air (not easy, I’m telling you).

Winner: Dan Stone Jr. Match Rating: B+



Overall Rating: B, slightly disappointing after that main event, but still enough to keep our popularity on the rise.

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