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WWA - Where the unexpected becomes the expected.

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Wednesday, January 14th 2009


Q&A With World Wrestling Association Executive Producer Eric Bischoff

Posted by Aaron Bartles


AB: Eric, nice of you to join us today.

EB: It’s great to be here.

AB: Let’s get right to it, shall we? We’ve seen the commercials on TNT, we’ve seen the advertisements, so do you mind telling everyone just exactly what this is?

EB: (laughs) Don’t you just love the suspense? Tell you what, Aaron, I will tell you as much as I can.

AB: Thanks, Eric. So, let’s start with this – what is WWA?

EB: WWA stands for World Wrestling Association. It’s a new mainstream wrestling promotion that begins Monday, January 19th on TNT.

AB: How did this new promotion come to start?

EB: Honestly, it’s all kind of a blur now. Really, I wasn’t even the one who started it. Ted Turner actually contacted me about 6 months ago. He said he wanted to get back into the “wrasslin’” business.

AB: And you said?

EB: I laughed. I said “hell no”. But, I’ve got to tell you, I love money and when he throws numbers at you like he did to me…. well, it’s hard to turn down.

AB: I believe it. So, what happened after you decided to jump on board?

EB: I almost jumped back off board! (laughs)

AB: Why is that?

EB: Well, you see, Ted can be a very aggressive person, and the first words out of his mouth were, “I want to bring down Vince McMahon”. You know, I said “I’m game, fill me in”. Then he told me things that I hadn’t heard since 1995. He said he wanted to start a Monday night wrestling show that would compete with WWE.

AB: That’s when you about jumped off?

EB: Yes.

AB: Why’d you decide to stay on? The money?

EB: Well, that certainly helped. Honestly, I saw it in his eyes – the desire. I remember how it was 8 years ago when Vince and the WWE bought World Championship Wrestling. Ted acted like he didn’t care, but he did. He cared.

AB: Why now? Why compete with WWE now?

EB: The wrestling industry as a whole is down. The ratings won’t show it much because the ones watching are the ones who have always watched. WWE is getting somewhere in the 3.0 to 3.5 range for Raw now and I remember when Nitro and Raw combined for 8s, 9s and 10s. But with any business without competition, it will eventually fail. That’s why everywhere there’s a McDonalds, there’s an Arby’s or a Burger King or something. Competition will bring in ratings.

AB: Let’s talk about some of the talent you’ve acquired. You’ve got some big name guys like Goldberg, Brock Lesnar, Bobby Lashley and Rob Van Dam. How did those signings come about?

EB: Bill (Goldberg) was the first wrestler signing for WWA. His was quick and painless. He’s been dying to get back in the national spotlight of wrestling for a while now, and he never wanted to return to WWE. RVD was the same way. Lesnar and Lashley were a little trickier. We had to convince them that they’d become much more popular… and wealthy… coming back to the wrestling business. They eventually came around.

AB: You’ve also got some established veterans. Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair and Roddy Piper.

EB: Oh yea, a couple of those took some time.

AB: Which ones?

EB: It’s no surprise that Hogan and I have always been good friends, so he was no problem. After doing CCW with him, he and I really got the itch to get back in the mix. Piper and I have had our ups and downs, but in the end, he decided what he thought was best for him and his family, financially. And Ric Flair. That credit goes to Ted Turner. I tried and tried and tried to sign Flair, but he wouldn’t budge. Even after our WWE days, when we patched things up a bit, he wouldn’t budge. Ted finally intervened and must have used his southern charm on Flair. It obviously worked.

AB: Who do you have on your creative team?

EB: Well, I’ll have the final say on most matters – business or creative, but I wanted some guys that have had success in the past and guys who are loyal. I also wanted guys who would challenge me. I don’t want yes men on the booking team here. I don’t want instability. Too much of that happened in WCW. Buff Bagwell, Al Snow, Rick Steiner, Lance Storm and Vince Russo are all on the creative team.

AB: First of all, Russo?

EB: Yea. He’s turned very religious lately, but he is still a wrestling genius in my mind. Like I said, I don’t want ‘yes’ men.

AB: Second of all, the rest of the guys were wrestlers?

EB: What better to have writing scripts than guys who have experience in the ring and training wrestlers?

AB: Final question. What is the name of the Monday Night show?

EB: WWA Ignition. We want that sense that anything can happen. And trust me, anything will.

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This is awe some, clap clap clap clap clap

This is awe some, clap clap clap clap clap.


The video's were intruiging and made me want to read on, but the interview really captured something for me...it just seemed like a real Bischoff interview. I'll be reading intently good sir!

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Thursday, January 15th 2009


This is an exerpt from WWA.com:


“The day of reckoning is almost upon us. This Monday night will be the first ever show – on or off screen – for the World Wrestling Association. WWA Ignition, as it is called, will air at 9 pm EST on TNT. While many details of the show are still under tight wraps, we here at WWA.com, have gotten word on one of the scheduled matches: Colt Cabana and Bryan Danielson vs. Joey Matthews and Mike DiBiase (son of the legendary ‘Million Dollar Man’ Ted DiBiase). We don’t yet have word on exactly why this match was scheduled, but we do know that Cabana and Danielson have apparently hired themselves an agent to handle all of their matches and public relations. We’ll see if this agent accompanies them to the ring this Monday. Be sure to tune in!”

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Official WWA Ignition Preview


The World Wrestling Association is just around the corner. Tomorrow night, at 9 pm EST on TNT, WWA Ignition will kick off! As was announced Thursday, Colt Cabana and Bryan Danielson (with an unnamed agent) will take on Joey Matthews and Mike DiBiase in tag team action. Also, expect appearances from some of the biggest names in wrestling history. Men like Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair and Roddy Piper. WWA also boasts some of the youngest and most promising wrestlers to date. Wrestlers like Jimmy Jacobs, Chris Hero and Teddy Hart. And, as if the roster couldn’t get any stronger, some of the biggest names in recent years, and guys who are still able to compete in the prime of their career, are apart of the roster. Goldberg, Brock Lesnar, Bobby Lashley and Rob Van Dam are a few of those men.


No other matches have been scheduled – specifically the main event. However, Eric Bischoff has exclusively told WWA.com that the main event title, the WWA World Heavyweight Championship, will be put on the line and WWA’s first champion will be crowned. It sounds like tomorrow night is going to be the most suspenseful and most unpredictable wrestling event in recent memory – regardless of the company. World Wrestling Association looks to stick to its motto – where the unexpected becomes the expected. Tune in tomorrow night for an historic and ground-breaking night of action!

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