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Can't install the game

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When I try to install it opens up the Bowl Bound window, you read the Terms of Agreement then you click next... then all the fonts in the window appear to big and I only see like a 1/4 of what's written in it. I've tried to do this at least 12 times and the same thing happens each case.


It has nothing to do with my default pc font which is set correctly, it's something bugged in the actual installer with the font being to big for the install window. And I can't even adjust the install window size to fix it.


So the result is I can't click a button to select my download folder or click install at all.


Anyone else had this issue or is the game just not in rotation anymore at all?

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Have you tried installing any other programs? (For example the demo?) I'm wondering if the problem is with the installer program on your computer. As noted earlier in your thread, others have been able to download and install the same (at least I believe it to be the same, you didn't indicate precisely which file you are installing), since you reported your issue.


This would eliminate something universally wrong in the file, and isolate it to your specific system setup.

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