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United Championship Wrestling: Made in Japan

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Here's my attempt at cataloging my journey into Japan with a created company known as United Championship Wrestling. I always get bored and give up these things, but so long as I make things simple, this can last a bit longer than usual. :D


Phone Rings... It's answered.


Takayuki: Hello?


Wellz: Hey, how'd you know it was me?


Takayuki: What do you mean?


Wellz: You answered in English!


Takayuki: I always answer the phone in English when I'm in the U.S. **sighs** What do you want? How did you even get this number? It's, like, 2 AM.


Wellz: I "know" the girl at the front desk, so I told her the Wellzinator wanted to speak with the one and only Takayuki Avatar, and she put me through.


As for why I'm calling, I simply wanted to make you an offer.


Takayuki: At 2 AM???


Wellz: I'm a busy man, Taka... Anyway, do you still want to break into big time wrestling?


Takayuki: Of course!


Wellz: Well, I'm kinda drunk, and I just got a big signing bonus. I'm handing over about 100k American to you so you can start your own freakin' company. If those hacks at Burning Hammer don't want to sign you, why don't you just make your own destiny?


Takayuki: Are you serious?


Wellz: I'm drunk... Does it make a difference? Take it or leave it, brother!


Takayuki: Sure, wire it over...


Wellz: Sayanara, mi amigo... Or whatever...






Taka was left wonder what had just happened... He had once worked as a trainer for an American Football team. During the course of his employment, he had become friends with a tight end on the team named Mark Wellz. Wellz always had crazy aspirations of breaking into either MMA or Pro Wrestling ever since Taka told him of his own family background.


After Taka moved back to Japan to get into the family wrestling business, he soon realized he wasn't going to make it to BHotWG or PGHW any time soon. He was a great wrestler, but didn't have many connections. He had a good career going, but he wanted more. He branched his working area into the Western U.S. with companies like CZCW, and happened to be at the right place at the right time...


Now Wellz was passing his dream onto Takayuki...


Even if it was a drunken impulse, that was pretty nice of him...


Within a month, Taka had made the necessary investments and his very own company was born...




Now, time to find other people who could wrestle...

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Takayuki woke up to a handful of phone messages. Before coming back to Japan, he gave his card to a few of the CZCW guys. Nobody actually called him until today...


Black Eagle, Frankie Perez, Insane Machine, and Masked Cougar all said they'd like to be a part of the new company.






Knowing that he could count on friends, Taka made sure to share the idea with some WLW guys the next time he was booked to work for them.


As with CZCW, the response was satisfying.


Akahito Miwa, Hell Monkey, Mokuami Maita, and The Tic were on board.


He knew it wasn't long before the snowball started to pick up speed...

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He was right... Between receiving the money from Wellz until now, Mid-January, he was just about ready to hold the UCW Inaugural Show.


His roster pretty spectacular. He had gathered workers from around the world. Workers who knew their way around the ring, and how to make their opponents look good... Workers who he wouldn't be able to pay out of pocket... :(


He needed this show to be successful or it would be likely be his last...


He had picked up Hidekazu, who was still looking to bounce back from past injuries. John Pathlow decided he'd try gaining some name value without the Hell Monkey facade. Shingen Miyazaki came on board to help out his old school buddy, Taka. These three guy and Taka himself would lead the fed in the main event.


Englishman Barry Griffin, "The Fire Fox" Washichi Inao, veteran Masutaro Kataoka, and WLW's Mokuami Maita would represent the upper midcard.


Technician Hirokazu Yamanoue, Blue Chipper Hitomaro Suzuki, Masked Cougar and Insane Machine from CZCW, the Samoan Rhino Umaga, and the tiny The Tic held the midcard.


Black Eagle and the young, technically strong Shooter Sean Deeley and SUKI round out the lower midcard.


Finally, the Americans Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Frankie Perez along with KAZ are openers and the resident jobber is Ireland's Merle O'Curle.


Akahito Miwa and Munenori Umari signed on to manage Mokuami Maita and Hidekazu respectively.


Gesshin Nishihara will work as a road agent, Yoson Nakata shall officiate the matches, and the announce team will be made up of Shirosama Ezakiya and the newcomer Kazuma Takahashi.


The roster was written up and distributed along with the first show's card. Many around the Kinki region were excited.





The Official UCW Roster:


Main Event:

Takayuki Avatar


John Pathlow (Hell Monkey)

Shingen Miyazaki


Upper Midcard:

Mokuami Maita

Washichi Inao

Barry Griffin

Masutaro Kataoka


Insane Machine

Rhino Umaga

Hirokazu Yamanoue

Masked Cougar

The Tic

Hitomaro Suzuki


Lower Midcard:


Shooter Sean Deeley

Black Eagle


Frankie Perez


Bulldozer Brandon Smith


Enhancement Talent:

Merle O'Curle



Akahito Miwa for Mokuami Maita

Munenori Umari for Hidekazu


Road Agent:

Gesshin Nishihara



Yoson Nakata


Announce Team:

Kazuma Takahashi as Announcer

Shirosama Ezakiya as Color Commentator





Key Feature: Mainstream

Heavy: Pure, Realism

Medium: Traditional, Modern

Low: Cult, Hardcore, Daredevil

Very Low: Comedy, Risque




UCW Inaugural Show Official Card

Subject to Change


Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Rhino Umaga


Insane Machine vs. Masked Cougar for the UCW Jr. Title


SUKI vs. Shooter Sean Deeley for the UCW Pure Title


Mokuami Maita vs. John Pathlow


Hidekazu vs. Takayuki Avatar for the UCW World Title


All predictions welcome! :D

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Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Rhino Umaga

Just an impulse

Insane Machine vs. Masked Cougar for the UCW Jr. Title

Cougar seems more junior Title to me

SUKI vs. Shooter Sean Deeley for the UCW Pure Title

The Shooter is Pure to the max

Mokuami Maita vs. John Pathlow

Maita is uppermid Pathlow is main event

Hidekazu vs. Takayuki Avatar for the UCW World Title

Might get some heat backstage if the booker takes the title

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Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Rhino Umaga

Way more over in Japan.


Insane Machine vs. Masked Cougar for the UCW Jr. Title

The same as above.


SUKI vs. Shooter Sean Deeley for the UCW Pure Title

SUKI is still a young lion but isn't Shooter aswell? Can't remember.


Mokuami Maita vs. John Pathlow


Hidekazu vs. Takayuki Avatar for the UCW World Title

Hidekazu sucks.


I'm not sure if I'll be following but I'll predict. I don't fancy self-made promotions.. I don't know why. :D

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Takayuki was pretty nervous... He thought he had put together a good card... Would people agree? The only way to know was to go through with it...




Welcome to...


The UCW Inaugural Show!


For the sake of sanity, all language will be in English. Keep your translators at home, folks!


Kazuma Takahashi: We would like to welcome you to the show tonight!


Shirosama Ezakiya: Yes, we at UCW Japan would like to thank all of our potential fans who decided to grace us with their presence!


Taka felt embarrassed... The commentators aren't supposed to sound apologetic... :rolleyes:


Kazuma Takahashi: We don't play games here at UCW... Right on to our first match-up of the night!




"Bulldozer" Brandon Smith vs. Rhino Umaga



The crowd showed unexpected enthusiasm for two mostly unknown workers. Taka wanted an American feel with Japanese tradition mixed in. There was little distinction between heels and faces, but he still wanted the crowd to get behind their favorites. He wanted fun intros, but he also wanted strong, competitive matches. It would be hard to pull off, but he could do it...


Umaga roughed Smith up for much of the match before Smith built up some momentum. Right as Umaga appeared to regain the upper hand, Brandon landed his Inverted Piledriver for the 1... 2... 3...


"Bulldozer" Brandon Smith wins!


Match Rating: D

Comments: Not bad for the opening match... Umaga wasn't thrilled with losing this one, but he took it like a man.




Taka was satisfied with that opening. Needless to say, he expected more from his bigger names.




Masked Cougar vs. Insane Machine for the UCW Jr. Title



Pretty decent pop for these two as well.


The match was a balanced match up of two high-fliers. Mask Cougar hit Machine with a dropkick only to see him regain composure, land a spinning head scissors, and finally a standing moonsault for the win.


Insane Machine wins!


Match Rating: D+

Comments: Looking good... There was some pretty bad chemistry between these two, but it didn't have much of an effect.




Another solid match...




SUKI vs. Shooter Sean Deeley for the UCW Pure Title



Taka was quite impressed by himself for booking this match. Here were two young and evenly matched workers he knew could put on a great match.


SUKI and Deeley traded holds, submissions, and suplexes for a good while. Deeley puts SUKI into a front choke lock, but, before he went down, SUKI landed an elbow to the face and hit a fierce DDT. This is it!


SUKI wins!


Match Rating: D+

Comments: It could have been better, but for the workers involved, it was a pretty good outcome.




Taka was noticing something... It seemed like every few seconds, the crowd let out a gasp. Where they appalled? Was this too different for them? Were they gasps of surprise and joy?




Mokuami Maita vs. John Pathlow



This would be a great match. Japan was familiar with both these men, and they were sure to put on a clinic.


Both men land furious blows, Pathlow gaining the upper hand. Pathlow lands a powerbomb and climbs the ropes. Maita recovers and throws Pathlow from the top and starts pounding on him. Another reversal... Pathlow with the Hell Fire Kick! Maita is down... 1... 2... No! How'd he break that? Maita gets up and lifts Pathlow to his feet as well. He hits the Assassination Attempt! 1...2...3...


Mokuami Maita wins!


Match Rating: C

Comments: Great match for this size of fed! Maita looked strong against the main eventer, but his win was admittedly unexpected and untraditional. No hard feelings, though...




What's this? Maita isn't done! He continues to lay into Pathlow with boots to the facial region. Another Assassination Attempt!


Maita leaves Pathlow hurting in the middle of the ring.


Segment Rating: D

Comments: This is where I realized I should probably just tell the story in ring and avoid shenanigans. There may or may not be hard feelings now...




Takayuki Avatar vs. Hidekazu for the UCW World Title



This was the moment everyone was waiting for. Two of the new company's stars vying for the top spot.


Hidekazu enters playing the bad guy. Taka is looking to be the hero. The match begins with a lock-up. Hidekazu takes the upper hand and lands some kicks to the stomach. Finally, he gets Taka into an abdominal stretch. Hidekazu continues to wear away Taka's midsection. Taka fights back and bloodies Hidekazu with some stiff punches. The match volleys back and forth with the crowd behind it. Taka sets Hidekazu up for a brainbuster, but Hidekazu reverses into a sunset flip! 1... 2... No! Hidekazu keeps fighting, setting Taka up in the corner. He charges, but Taka moves! Taka with the neckbreaker... 1... Kick out! Taka picks Hidekazu up... Cutter out of nowhere! 1...2...3...


Hidekazu wins!!! He's the first UCW World Champion!


Match Rating: C+

Comments: C+??? AWESOME! That'll surely carry the show. Even with bad chemistry again, the match was a success.




Show Rating: C

Comments: Well, that went well... Bad chemistry couldn't cripple it, so I see good things coming from this company... But not many angles, though...


Also, my announcer is awful. He won't last long...

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<p><span>http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll289/mjdgoldeneye/UCW_J.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">NEWS</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

With each new year, we see new workers, new companies, and new ideas. It appears Takayuki Avatar's new gig running UCW Japan is a good one. The company held their inaugural show at the end of last month and the consensus is that it was great. It's a small fed, but there were plenty of recognizable names and great in-ring action.</p><p> </p><p>

Surprisingly, UCW has announced that it made a profit during it's first month. They will continue to hold monthly shows indefinitely.</p><p> </p><p>

Their next show is already booked as follows (<em>card subject to change</em>):</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>UCW SHOWDOWN</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Black Eagle vs. The Tic</p><p> </p><p>

Insane Machine vs. "Fire Fox" Washichi Inao for the <span style="text-decoration:underline;">UCW Jr. Title</span></p><p> </p><p>

SUKI vs. Hitomaro Suzuki for the UCW <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Pure Title</span></p><p> </p><p>

Masutaro Kataoka vs. Takayuki Avatar</p><p> </p><p>

Hidekazu vs. John Pathlow vs. Shingen Miyazaki in a Ladder Match for the <span style="text-decoration:underline;">UCW World Title</span></p><p> </p><p>

---</p><p> </p><p>

In other news, January saw Kevin Jones become the head booker of Ring of Fire. This is unexpected given his lack of any measurable booking experience.</p><p> </p><p>

---</p><p> </p><p>

SWF went on it's yearly hiring spree by signing a few notable indy workers. We wish them the best of luck in the limelight! </p><p> </p><p>

---</p><p> </p><p>

Two Japanese companies, World Level Wrestling and Golden Canvas Grappling, have really found a cult following in recent months. More fans, more money, more problems...</p>

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<p>Is anyone following along so far? <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Two boring? Two slow? Not enough has happened yet to say anything?</p>

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