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WCW 1996: A New World Order

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The Giant vs. V.K. Wallstreet He's going to destroy him

Cruiserweight Title Tournament: Chris Jericho vs. Brian Pillman Awesome match mate, that would have been a sight

Faces of Fear vs. The Nasty Boys Tough to pick, and normally I'd say Nasty Boys but Meng did get a push about now and also in 1999/2000 with the Tongan Death Grip

Cruiserweight Title Tournament: Joey Maggs vs. Eddy Guerrero He's sooooo much better than Maggs

Arn Anderson vs. Jim Duggan If it's any other way, I swear... there'll be trouble :D

30 Minute Time Limit: Sting vs. Ric Flair Savage or the Giant are involved IMO

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The Giant vs. V.K. Wallstreet

Ewww... Squishy....


Cruiserweight Title Tournament: Chris Jericho vs. Brian Pillman

I wouldn't be surprised to see this end in a DQ, Horseman style.


Faces of Fear vs. The Nasty Boys

The Nasty Boys blow. They're garbage.


Cruiserweight Title Tournament: Joey Maggs vs. Eddy Guerrero



Arn Anderson vs. Jim Duggan

Something to grab the heat back.


30 Minute Time Limit: Sting vs. Ric Flair

Let's see this go to the time limit.

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Friday Week 3 January 1996

Location: Freedom Hall - Louisville, Kentucky

Attendance: 15,000

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 3.29




[The show begins with a video recapping the WCW Clash of the Champions XXXII. The focus of the video is the main event where The Macho Man Randy Savage defeated The Nature Boy Ric Flair for the WCW World Heavyweight Title and then reunited with Miss Elizabeth!]




[Then the focus came inside the arena, panning around the crowd.]


Mike Tenay

"Hello everyone and welcome to WCW Saturday Night! I'm pleased to be here just a few days after the Clash of the Champions and Dusty we have a main event tonight that is definitely pay-per-view caliber."


Dusty Rhodes

"That's right, Professa! Right here on the Mothaship WCW Saturday Night we're gonna have the former WCW Champ Ric Flair taking on current WCW Tag Team Champion Sting! One of them will be looking to get to the pay winda tonight!"


Mike Tenay

"Indeed, Dusty."


[Mike is interrupted by the sounds of Pomp And Circumstances!]


Mike Tenay

"And Dusty it looks like we're about to be joined by the NEW WCW World Heavyweight Champion alongside Miss Elizabeth! Let's hear what he has to say."


Randy Savage

"Ohhhhhhh yeah! You are looking at the greatest WCW World Heavyweight Champion that ever lived. Yeah! Nature Boy, you put up a great fight, yeah, but the Macho Man was just a little bit better than you on that night, wasn't I? It's time to celebrate the Macho Madness running wild, yeah! The cream has risen to the top, yeah! Come on over here Elizabeth and celebrate with the Macho Man, dig it?!?"



"Ohhhhhh yeah!"


[The music kicks up again as confetti falls into the ring and Randy and Elizabeth kiss as the Macho Man lifts her back up onto his shoulder and he celebrates inside the ring for several more moments before heading to the back.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/PaulWight.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/MikeRotundaWallstreet.jpg

The Giant vs. V.K. Wallstreet


Wallstreet tried to go after the legs of The Giant early on but he didn't have what it takes to compete with the 7 foot, fire breathing Giant. Rather quickly, The Giant dropped Wallstreet with the Choke Slam and got the pinfall.


Winner: The Giant

Match Rating: D+


[Following the match, The Giant was handed a microphone.]


The Giant

"Listen up Ric Flair. You made a mistake last week. You took a chair and you hit me across the eyes with that chair and made me lose to the Macho Man. So I wanted you to see how it felt at the Clash. I wanted you to see how it felt to lose to Randy Savage when you know you should have had him beat. And at SuperBrawl, the match has been made: Ric Flair vs. a seven foot tall, living, walking, fire-breathing Giant. ARGHHH!!!!"


[The Giant holds his hand up in the Choke Slam motion, staring intently at the camera before walking off.]




[backstage, Hulk Hogan is walking down the hallway and bumps into the Macho Man Randy Savage]


Hulk Hogan

"Hey, brother. Congratulations on beating Ric Flair at the Clash."


[Hulk and Randy shake hands, looking each other in the eyes.]


Randy Savage

"Thanks, brother. I appreciate it, yeah."


Hulk Hogan

How about we go celebrate, Macho Man? Just you and me."


Randy Savage

"And Elizabeth."


Hulk Hogan

"And Elizabeth, of course, brother. Let's go find her."


[Hulk pats the Macho Man on the back and they continue down the hallway.]




[A video begins to air showing a rough looking New York neighborhood with gunshots going off and screams heard in the background. That turns to darkness and a single flame lights up the face of the Human Suplex Machine.]



"All the talk, all the hype. They say that WCW is the place that you need to go and prove yourself. Well, I've been through some tough areas. I've seen some tough guys so this should prove itself to be a cakewalk compared to what I have been through. Hulk Hogan? I don't sweat you, you big orange goblin. Randy Savage? If you step in the ring with me, you'll do the same thing that everyone else does in the ring with me: you'll tap out. Lex Luger? Sting? The Giant? You're all jokes compared to the Human Suplex Machine. I am three letters, one name: Taz. The Path of Rage has come to WCW. Beat me if you can, Survive if I let you."


[Taz blows out the flame and we're left in the darkness.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/ChrisJericho.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/BrianPillman.jpg

Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Chris Jericho vs. Brian Pillman


An excellent match between these two high fliers that kept fans on the edge of their seats. Mike Tenay was able to keep up with the holds in the ring while Dusty didn't understand half of them. Jericho started taking the advantage late in the match and hit the Lionsault on Pillman! Jericho moved to go up top when Dean Malenko slid into the ring and kicked Pillman! This caused Referee Nick Patrick to disqualify Chris Jericho!


Winner: Brian Pillman

Match Rating: C-


[Malenko and Jericho got face to face after the bell sounded and Malenko's stare made Jericho back off! Malenko turned and wrapped Pillman into the Texas Cloverleaf! Pillman cried out in pain! He was yelling and screaming as Malenko leaned backward, bringing in the pressure before finally releasing and walking away. Outside the ring, Jericho threw a temper tantrum, grabbing a chair and slamming it against the ringpost a few times, pushing the announcers around before exiting the ringside area.]




[The cameras quickly cut backstage where Miss Elizabeth was seen lying on the ground bent in positions the human body shouldn't be bent in! Randy Savage is standing over her, yelling and asking if anyone saw what happened to her! They load her up on a stretcher and the Macho Man goes with her toward the hospital.]




[backstage within a locker room comes the debut of a new tag team here in WCW. They look toward the camera.]


Perry Saturn

"So we're finally here. We're here with teams like the Steiner Brothers, The Road Warriors, Luger and Sting, The American Males. Three old teams and two gigolos. What a wonderful place where the big boys play, huh? Well, my partner Kronus and I are here for one reason and one reason only. To Eliminate these teams."


John Kronus



[Kronus laughs uncontrollably as Perry just shakes his head and the camera fades out.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/Meng.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/TheBarbarian.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/BrianKnobbs.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/JerrySags.jpg

Faces of Fear vs. The Nasty Boys


A tough, hard-hitting match between these two teams. In the middle of the match, The Nasty Boys used some clubbering on The Faces of Fear that had Dusty Rhodes sallivating! But the Faces of Fear came back and Meng hit Knobbs with a Super Kick and got the pinfall.


Winners: Faces of Fear

Match Rating: C


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/JoeyMaggs.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/EddieGuerrero.jpg

Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Joey Maggs vs. Eddy Guerrero


Pretty much a squash here for Guerrero. Guerrero looked good out there though as he dominated Joey Maggs. Guerrero hit the Three Amigos Vertical Suplexes and then went up top for a Frog Splash --- CONNECTS! Guerrero made the cover and got the three count, advancing in the tournament to take on Brian Pillman in the next round!


Winner: Eddy Guerrero

Match Rating: D


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/ArnAnderson2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/JimDuggan.jpg

Arn Anderson vs. Jim Duggan


Hacksaw came out to a good crowd reaction and got the USA chant started early and he dominated the early portion of the match, leaving Anderson to find another way to battle Duggan. Anderson used some cheap tactics and took the advantage, hitting Duggan with the Anderson Spinebuster and the Anderson DDT to get the win as Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko came down to ringside.


Winner: Arn Anderson

Match Rating: C-


[Following the match, The Horsemen went after Duggan, hitting him with his own 2X4! Hulk Hogan came running out from the back to clear the ring, throwing punches and clotheslines to bring the Horsemen down!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/Sting.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/RicFlairIV.jpg


30 Minute Time Limit

Sting vs. Ric Flair


The entrances came slowly as Sting and Flair headed down with referee Nick Patrick in the ring. The match started off slow with hold and counterhold by Sting and Flair since they know each other so well. Eventually Flair broke the momentum by going outside the ring. Sting chased him and Flair rolled into the ring, stomping on Sting when Sting came in the ring.


Flair began the advantage, working on the knee of Sting, taking his time and doing some struts along the ring with a 'Whooooo!' He brought Sting back against the turnbuckles and laced his chest with knife-edge chops! The crowd 'Whooooo'ed at each one. Sting eventually fell forward and Flair chopped out his knee. Flair went for the Figure 4 Leglock but Sting wrapped him in an inside cradle: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The match continued along with Flair in control and Flair eventually locked on a Sleeperhold. Sting slowly slumped down as Flair held on tight. Referee Nick Patrick grabbed Sting's arm --- 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- NO!! Sting's arm pops back up! The crowd cheers and claps along as Sting fights his way to his feet and drops Flair with a back body drop!


Both men lie on the mat and the referee begins the ten count. At 6, both men start to get up. They exchange punches on their feet with Sting getting the better of it! He lifts Flair up and drops him in a military press slam but goes down with him, clutching at his knee that Flair had been working on earlier. Flair slowly pulls himself to his feet in a corner and Sting spies him! Sting limps in a run toward Flair and leaps -- STINGER SPLASH! -- MISSED!! Flair dodged out of the way! He clips Sting at the knee and grabs a leg --- FIGURE 4 LEGLOCK!! Flair has the Figure 4 in the center of the ring! Sting cries out in pain! He shakes his head though but falls backward. The referee counts 1 -- 2 -- Sting gets his shoulder up! The ring announcer calls out the one minute mark left in the match! Flair sits up more, squeezing the Figure 4 on tighter. Flair grabs the ropes and uses them for leverage! Sting continues to shake his head! And the bell sounds!


Winner: Time Limit Draw

Match Rating: B


[Referee Nick Patrick steps in and does his best to break up the Figure Four. Both men are exhausted lying there on the mat for several moments and they slowly get to their feet. Sting is limping but walks toward Flair and offers him a handshake as a show of good sportsmanship. But Flair leans in, 'Whooooo' right in Sting's face and a little strut before exiting the ring and the show comes to a close with Sting shaking his head.]

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WCW Main Event!


Quick Picks


Cruiserweight Title Tournament: Alex Wright vs. Chris Benoit

Cruiserweight Title Tournament: Brian Pillman vs. Eddy Guerrero

Battle Royal, Winner Gets A U.S. Title Shot At SuperBrawl: Shark, Hugh Morrus, Disco Inferno, Dick Slater, Belfast Bruiser, V.K. Wallstreet, Brian Knobbs, Jerry Saggs, Alex Wright, The Renegade

WCW World Television Title Match: Johnny B. Badd defends vs. The Zodiac

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament: Alex Wright vs. Chris Benoit

Cruiserweight Title Tournament: Brian Pillman vs. Eddy Guerrero

Battle Royal, Winner Gets A U.S. Title Shot At SuperBrawl: Shark, Hugh Morrus, Disco Inferno, Dick Slater, Belfast Bruiser, V.K. Wallstreet, Brian Knobbs, Jerry Saggs, Alex Wright, The Renegade

WCW World Television Title Match: Johnny B. Badd defends vs. The Zodiac

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament: Alex Wright vs. Chris Benoit


Cruiserweight Title Tournament: Brian Pillman vs. Eddy Guerrero


Battle Royal, Winner Gets A U.S. Title Shot At SuperBrawl: Shark, Hugh Morrus, Disco Inferno, Dick Slater, Belfast Bruiser, V.K. Wallstreet, Brian Knobbs, Jerry Saggs, Alex Wright, The Renegade


WCW World Television Title Match: Johnny B. Badd defends vs. The Zodiac



I like Hugh Morrus personally, but man, what a weak battle royal!

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Sunday Week 3 January 1996

Location: Louisville Gardens - Louisville, Kentucky

Attendance: 3,993

Overall Rating: D+

TV Rating: .31




[Highlights from WCW Saturday Night kick off this episode of the Main Event, focusing in on the match between Sting and Ric Flair. This video was very well received by the fans, who cheered and booed at appropriate moments.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/AlexWright.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/ChrisBenoit.jpg

Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Alex Wright vs. Chris Benoit


Alex Wright tried to use his speed and aerial game early in the match but once Benoit caught up to him it was all Benoit. The Crippler looked good out there and finished off Alex Wright to advance in the tournament with a submission to a Crossface.


Winner: Chris Benoit

Match Rating: C



http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/LexLuger.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/RicFlairIV.jpg


[This week on Monday Nitro tune in on TNT to see more of the Cruiserweight Tournament and a major match in the Total Package Lex Luger taking on the Nature Boy Ric Flair! Flair went to a thirty minute draw with Sting on WCW Saturday Night and then disrespected him by not returning the handshake. Luger will definitely be pulling out all the stops here against the Nature Boy.]




[backstage, The Road Warriors cut an interview hyping their SuperBrawl rematch against the Steiner Brothers. This time there will be no DQ, no countout, pinfalls count anywhere in the building and there will be no surrender!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/BrianPillman.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/EddieGuerrero.jpg

Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Brian Pillman vs. Eddy Guerrero


A very well-received match here Cruiserweight style as Pillman took on Guerrero. The match went back and forth, hold for hold. At around the seven minute mark, Pillman hit the Springboard Diving Clothesline that he calls Air Pillman to get the win and advance to take on Chris Benoit in the semifinals!


Winner: Brian Pillman

Match Rating: C


[Following the match, Dean Malenko sprung yet again to take out Brian Pillman. This time he used a chair on the back and legs of Pillman and wrapped Pillman's leg in the chair, going up top and stomping on it! He may very well have shattered Pillman's ankle! Malenko just looked coldly at Pillman before walking away while EMTs came in to attend to Flying Brian.]





[The same video that aired for Taz on WCW Saturday Night aired here on WCW's Main Event.]





Battle Royal

Winner Gets A U.S. Title Shot At SuperBrawl:

Shark, Hugh Morrus, Disco Inferno, Dick Slater, Belfast Bruiser,

V.K. Wallstreet, Brian Knobbs, Jerry Saggs, Alex Wright, The Renegade


Almost a who's who of Wrestlecrap in the ring tonight for this shot at the United States Heavyweight Title. The matchup itself wasn't that bad with Disco Inferno doing a lot of hiding out in the ring. The last four came down to Alex Wright, Shark, Brian Knobbs and Disco Inferno. Knobbs, Wright and Inferno all teamed up to eliminate Shark. Wright was worn down from having competed earlier so he was prime for elimination by Brian Knobbs. Knobbs celebrated, thinking he had won but forgetting about Disco Inferno! Disco Fever ruled the ring as Disco eliminated Brian Knobbs to win the title shot!


Winner: Disco Inferno

Match Rating: C


[Disco Inferno celebrated with a dance inside the ring only for his smile to fade when Scott Norton came out and just stared him into a whimpering mess.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/MarcMero.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/KimberlyPage.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/EdLeslieZodiac.jpg

WCW World Television Title Match

Johnny B. Badd defends vs. The Zodiac


Johnny B. Badd came out with Kimberly, looking as reluctant as ever for this Television Title defense. The Zodiac looked toward Kimberly and began shouting at her 'YES! NO! YES! NO! YES! NO! YES! NO!'...Kimberly looked uncomfortable and Johnny attacked The Zodiac. Badd mostly dominated the Zodiac in this match, much to no one's surprise. Johnny B. Badd went up top a little more than three minutes into the match and finished off Zodiac with a Shooting Star Press.


Winner: Johnny B. Badd

Match Rating: D


[Following the match, Diamond Dallas Page came out and into the ring. He was saying something that couldn't be heard to Kimberly. Johnny B. Badd came over to interrupt things and he took a Diamond Cutter! Page gave a smile to Kimberly and then rolled out of the ring as Kimberly just stood there in shock as the show came to a close.]

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Love this diary. Hopefully I can get a working laptop with some sort of photoshop capabilities soon so I can knock out the rest of the pics for this database.


Thanks for commenting! Love the pictures, by the way. They really help me get into the feel.


I like Hugh Morrus personally, but man, what a weak battle royal!


And, yeah, I can agree that there weren't the most stellar athletes in the battle royal but there was a purpose for that. lol.

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Quick Picks


Cruiserweight Title Tournament, Quarterfinals: Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Dean Malenko

Cruiserweight Title Tournament, Quarterfinals: Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Mr. J.L.

The Giant vs. Big Bubba Rogers

Ric Flair vs. Lex Luger

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament, Quarterfinals: Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Dean Malenko

...hmmm, I want to pick Jushin Liger....ok I'm picking Liger even though I can see why Malenko should win as well.


Cruiserweight Title Tournament, Quarterfinals: Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Mr. J.L.


The Giant vs. Big Bubba Rogers

Ray Traylor is a great hand, but he just doesn't have any mojo without the Bossman gimmick.

Ric Flair vs. Lex Luger

Flair wins by botched interference maybe from Sting?



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Cruiserweight Title Tournament, Quarterfinals: Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Dean Malenko


Cruiserweight Title Tournament, Quarterfinals: Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Mr. J.L.

I can't see Mr. J.L. getting a victory over Misterio.

The Giant vs. Big Bubba Rogers

You know he needs to be The Guardian Angel.

Ric Flair vs. Lex Luger

Just Flair.

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament, Quarterfinals: Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Dean Malenko

We're leading to a Pillman vs. Malenko final. I'm almost positive of that. The only thing that could screw that up, is if it's Benoit in the finals instead.


Cruiserweight Title Tournament, Quarterfinals: Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Mr. J.L.

I've only heard of one of them, and I've heard of him a lot.


The Giant vs. Big Bubba Rogers

Thank you to the previous poster that mentioned Bossman. Now I know who this chump is. Anyway, Giant squishes him under his gigantic boot.


Ric Flair vs. Lex Luger

Flair's got to stay hot for Giant, and his eventual World Title rematch. Luger's still in the tag division. He's got to stay hot for... the Steiners? Road Warriors? American Males?

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From WWF.com



Sir Mo defeated Hakushi

ANGLE: Brawl involving Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart

Bob Holly defeated Isaac Yankem

1-2-3 Kid and The Ringmaster defeated Avatar and Bradshaw

Bob Backlund defeated Duke Droese

Jarrett and Lawler defeated Tatanka and Owen Hart

Goldust defeated Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Smokin' Gunns defeated Bodydonnas to retain the WWF World Tag Team Titles

Savio Vega defeated Marty Jannetty

Razor Ramon defeated Yokozuna to retain the WWF Intercontinental Title

British Bulldog defeated Phatu

ANGLE: Brawl involving The Undertaker, Jerry Lawler and Roddy Piper

Vader and Sid defeated Diesel and Undertaker

Bret Hart defeated Shawn Michaels to retain the WWF World Heavyweight Title.


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Monday Week 4 January 1996

Location: Joe Louis Arena - Detroit Michigan

Attendance: 15,000

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 4.26




[Following the opening video, the show begins in the locker room area where Randy Savage is seen alone walking down the hallway. Savage looks very upset as he is....WALKING!!! Who knows where he'll go now?]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/JushinLiger.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/DeanMalenko.jpg

Cruiserweight Title Tournament, Quarterfinals

Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Dean Malenko


Contrary to what people might think, Malenko and Liger didn't click in the ring! It brought the performance of the match down, unfortunately. After a few botched spots, Malenko avoided a Liger Bomb and hooked Liger in the Texas Cloverleaf to get a Submission victory and advance in the tournament.


Winner: Dean Malenko

Match Rating: C




[Randy Savage is shown backstage again, continuing down the hallway. He pauses in front of a door, knocking on it...]


Randy Savage

"Lanny, it's me, open up!"


[No response from inside. Randy knocks again and finds the door open. He steps inside and the cameras follow him to show his brother Lanny lying in a pool of his own blood! Randy's eyes go wide and he yells out for help before going in to cradle his brother against his chest. Just WHO has been making these attacks?]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/ReyMysterioJr.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/JerryLynn2.jpg

Cruiserweight Title Tournament, Quarterfinals

Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Mr. J.L.


The crowd didn't care to see these two guys in action and it showed. Despite their great chemistry, a lot of fans went out to get merchandise and used this as their bathroom break. Rey got the pinfall with a Springboard Huracarrana to advance to face Dean Malenko in the Semi-Finals.


Winner: Rey Misterio, Jr.

Match Rating: E-




[backstage once again, Gene Okerlund is with Lex Luger.]


Gene Okerlund

"Hello wrestling fans and what a main event we have tonight as the man joining me one half of the WCW World Tag Team Champions The Total Package Lex Luger takes on the former WCW World Champion Nature Boy Ric Flair. Lex, after what Ric Flair did to Sting on WCW Saturday Night I am sure you're fired up for this match."


Lex Luger

"Indeed, I am, Gene. Ric Flair, you disrespected my friend and tag team partner Sting last Saturday night but you won't do the same to me tonight. Tonight, I get revenge for you pushing away the gesture of goodwill that the Stinger gave to you. Tonight, you're gonna go up in the rack!"


[Lex flexes and walks off.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/PaulWight.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/BigBubbaRogers.jpg

The Giant vs. Big Bubba Rogers


These two men, one a young superstar and the other a veteran, didn't click inside the ring and it made for a bit of an awkward bout. Big Bubba hit a few good shots here and there but The Giant proved why he's a top force in WCW. He hit Bubba with the Choke Slam and got the pinfall, threatening Ric Flair into the camera after the pinfall.


Winner: The Giant

Match Rating: D+




[The camera focuses in on the announcers.]


Eric Bischoff

"Last Saturday Night we saw that some mystery assailant attacked Miss Elizabeth in the locker room. Tonight that same man attacked Lanny. We have Randy Savage on the phone right now from the hospital. Randy, can you hear us?"


Randy Savage

"Yeah, I can hear you, Eric."


Eric Bischoff

"What is the condition of your brother, Lanny?"


Randy Savage

"It doesn't look good. The doctors have him in for surgery right now. But we won't know the extent of the injuries until they get finished."


Eric Bischoff

"How about Miss Elizabeth?"


Randy Savage

"Elizabeth is at home recupperating from her injuries, yeah. But I want to make a statement. Whoever has been making these attacks on the people I care about? You made a big mistake messing with the Macho Man. And next week on Nitro I have an empty plate. So why don't you step up to that plate, mystery man and let yourself be known?"


Eric Bischoff

"I hope whoever it is, is listening Macho Man. Thank you and we'll let you get back to your brother."


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/RicFlairIV.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/LexLuger.jpg

Ric Flair vs. Lex Luger


Flair and Luger have gone head to head many times in the past and this was just another great battle in that war. Flair tried the same tactic he tried against Sting early on with the knife edge chops but Luger shrugged them off and lifted Flair in a military press slam! Flair backed into the turnbuckle afterward and Luger whipped him across, sending him flying over the turnbuckle and Luger clotheslined him off the apron, flexing to a great crowd reaction!


Flair came back in with Luger continuing the attack for several minutes before Flair was able to rake the eyes and stop the momentum of the Total Package. Flair went right after the knee of Luger. He gave a spinning toehold and rammed Luger's leg against the steel ringpost and against the ring apron. Flair dropped Luger with a hanging vertical suplex and then a kneedrop, strutting and releasing a 'Whooooo' to the crowd. Flair's Sleeperhold changed the momentum though when Luger countered with a jawbreaker!


Luger started to gain the advantage again and out came the Horsemen! Arn Anderson, Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko came down to ringside as Luger clotheslined Flair down and signalled for the Human Torture Rack! The Horsemen surrounded the ring and Luger got Flair up --- LUGER'S KNEE BUCKLED!! The focus that Flair had put on Luger's knee gave it's toll and Luger fell to the mat with Flair!


Flair was the first man up and lit up Luger's chest with chops and then a double underhook suplex on the muscular Total Package. Flair swung around --- FIGURE 4 LEGLOCK! Flair hooked it on and Luger fought, struggling to break free. Flair reached back and used Arn Anderson's hands for leverage when the referee turned his back! Eventually it got to be too much for Luger and he had to give up!


Winner: Ric Flair

Match Rating: B


[The Horsemen swarmed the ring, stomping on Luger! Benoit went to the top turnbuckle as Flair slowly broke the Figure 4 and Benoit leaped --- Luger MOVED!! Benoit hit the mat with that Diving Headbutt! Sting and The Giant came running from the back and began battling the Horsemen! The show ended with a big brawl between the 4 on 3 men.]

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Quick Picks


Cruiserweight Title Tournament, Semifinals: Dean Malenko vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

The Blue Bloods vs. The Steiner Brothers

WCW World Tag Team Titles Match: Lex Luger and Sting defend vs. Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater

The Renegade vs. Disco Inferno

Cruiserweight Title Tournament, Semifinals: Chris Benoit vs. Brian Pillman

The Giant vs. A Mystery Opponent

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From WrestlingObserver.com...


It is being reported here that star wrestling manager Jimmy 'Mouth of the South' Hart may be on the outs with WCW! Rumour has it that he left several of the shows early without telling anyone and then goaded a wrestler into a fight! Hulk Hogan is said to be defending his old friend. More when we get the information.


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First on the WWF. What is this with Ramon defeating Yoko cleanly? Clearly he is destined for greatness over there. Let's hope he doesn't get his demons in this game like real life. And no Royal Rumble in the Royal Rumble? Odd



As for the WCW. Poor Macho man. I'd laugh if it were Hogan behind it all. It's nice to see the Horsemen on top even in the mid 90's. It'll be interesting to see where you go with this.


Keep up the good work

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