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DOTM Nomination Thread - January 2009

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I threw up the second. I did not take Candy's question as an acutal nomination. but fair enough to be be seen that way. :o


I'd like to officially nominate infinitywpi's "Tradition Dictates That You Be Welcomed... To The Coastal Zone" for Cornellverse DOTM. :D:p


I'll use my rookie vote to nominate De@d_fr0g's "WWF: Winning The War" for rookie DOTM. Good presentation, entertaining so far, and he's posted 6 times in the first 24 hours.

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I had this crazy idea, so could you win two rookie diary of the month -trophies? ;)


Cross that bridge when we come to it I guess...but I am thinking winning a Rookie diary may bump you straight up to the big leagues saying you meet the post requirements.


I'd like to officially nominate infinitywpi's "Tradition Dictates That You Be Welcomed... To The Coastal Zone" for Cornellverse DOTM. :D:p


I'll use my rookie vote to nominate De@d_fr0g's "WWF: Winning The War" for rookie DOTM. Good presentation, entertaining so far, and he's posted 6 times in the first 24 hours.


thank you, assumption solidified

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With there being 3 diary's that I'm following at the moment, and 2 of them being nominated already for diary of the month, I'll nominate

WCW 1996: A New World Order by angeldelayette


for the rookie diary of the month.


Still early on, but showing a lot of promise, and has my early interest.

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With there being 3 diary's that I'm following at the moment, and 2 of them being nominated already for diary of the month, I'll nominate

WCW 1996: A New World Order by angeldelayette


for the rookie diary of the month.


Still early on, but showing a lot of promise, and has my early interest.


I'll second this one

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Here is what I am proposing for the Rookie cat starting next month.


A Rookie Dairy one that is not ~60 days old at the start of DOTM nominations, with at 1 show posted in the current month.


a Diary like FINisher's that is done in chapters will be excluded from rookie, should he start another chapter


If this goes into effect, I think that if you win Rookie Diary of the Month, that diary should be promoted to Real World/Cornellverse Diary of the Month the next month automatically, even if it's still within the first 60 days during the next nominations.


I hope you all understand what I mean? This would prevent someone from winning two Rookie Diary of the Months in a row.

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