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Back in the Saddle Again

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Since its first show on February 23, 2002, one company has set out to change the face of professional wrestling. A place where hardcore wrestling fans can turn to when they didn't want to see the monopoly of McMahon, something for fans who wanted to see WRESTLING.


In those nearly seven years, some say they have changed the face of the independent promotions.


And then the unthinkable happened, their head booker walked out on his position, stating burn out and a huge difference in creative directions with management, now the booker position is wide open, after a small attempt to fill the position with one of their own, they've turned elsewhere... Which is where I come in.


The names may not ring a bell in your heads yet, however, in a short amount of time, I assure you that they will.


Our goal is simple, to prove to the world that WRESTLING still exists.


We are proud... We ARE WRESTLING....


WE ARE....



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(OOC : I really tried to play a C-Verse game... however, my overloaded mind couldn't focus on building anything... once I get a little bit of game time with this going and clear my plate a little bit, I'll be doing another attempt at a C-Verse game)
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tizzyt back with another ROH diary. Loved your last one. Hopefully this will last a little longer as i thought your last ROH diary had the potential to be up there as one of the best real world diaries on this board. good luck buddy


Thanks for the support.... I'm hoping that this one lasts longer as well... I just got so burned out before with rushing the last 8 cards out, then when angel had his problems with his TNA diary and we were about to hit hard with the cross-promotion of the two diaries.... oh well... Hope to make everyone happy with this one, first newswire will be out tomorrow I'm thinking, with the first card to be up before the weekend.

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December Week 1, 2008 -


Monday : The country's economy is going down the toilet, unemployment rates are expected to hit an all-time high by mid-2009, Ring of Honor is not exempt from this as well, as unfortunately, Ring of Honor has had to come to terms with a few talent, Zach Gowan and Bobby Cruise are the first of what is expected to be many releases by Ring of Honor as they begin to give the company a face lift heading towards 2009.


Tuesday : Ring of Honor has been putting out many calls, attempting to get in touch with some of the best independent workers in the country to offer them the possibility of working upcoming Ring of Honor shows and trying to cement themselves a spot with Ring of Honor


Tuesday :

Ring of Honor upcoming events :

Friday, Week 4 December 2008 - All Star Extravaganza IV (Philadelphia, PA) - New Alhambra Arena

Saturday, Week 4 December 2008 - Final Battle 2008 (NYC) - Hammerstein Ballroom


Friday, Week 4 January 2009 - Motor City Madness [Name subject to change] (Detroit, MI)

Saturday, Week 4 January 2009 - Caged Collission (Chicago Ridge, IL)


Friday, Week 1 February 2009 - Proving Ground '09 Night 1 (Coral Springs, FL)

Saturday, Week 1 February 2009 - Proving Ground '09 Night 2 (Orlando, FL)


Friday, Week 4 February 2009 - [Name to be determined] (Danbury, CT)

Saturday, Week 4 February 2009 - [Name to be determined] (Philadelphia, PA) - New Alhambra Arena


Wednesday : Emails a-plenty in the Ring of Honor offices! Ring of Honor management has received three emails from different talent requesting an ROH World Title match for Final Battle 2008, the requestors in question have two former ROH World Champions in Austin Aries and Bryan Danielson, the third was none other than "Super Agent" Larry Sweeney requesting on behalf of "The K.O. Kid" Chris Hero, no word yet from the current Ring of Honor World Champion, Nigel McGuinness whether he intends to accept any of the challenges or not.


Wednesday : Ring of Honor officials received a phone call this afternoon from Age of the Fall representative Jimmy Jacobs, offering a challenge to ROH World Tag Team Champions, Kevin Steen & El Generico, to face two members of The Age of the Fall at Final Battle 2008 as well, Kevin Steen was reached and had the following comment to make "Generico and I don't care who we have to face, at Final Battle 2008, we're ready to face any team in Ring of Honor, The Briscoes, The Age of the Fall, The Vulture Squad, it doesn't matter to us."


Thursday : Two matches have been announced for the All Star Extravaganza IV - "Addicted to Love" Rhett Titus will face off with "Sugarfoot" Alex Payne and will be putting the Top of the Class Trophy on the line. Another title match has been signed, regardless of what happens on December 20th, The FIP Championship will be on the line as the winner of the Go Shiozaki - Tyler Black title match will face off against another FIP regular, Erick Stevens.


Thursday : Two matches are in the process of being signed for Final Battle 2008. A Four Corner Survival Match will take place, the only competitors to be signed thus far are Delirious and Claudio Castagnoli, the other two spots are expected to be filled by this time next week. In other action, "Sweet & Sour" Larry Sweeney has issued a challenge to the Ring of Honor roster to face Davey Richards, no reponse has been received, but again, it is expected that someone will step up by this time next week.


Friday : Ring of Honor officials will be giving the following people a try-out during Final Battle weekend : current IWS World Champion Franky Tha Mobster, Apollo Kahn, The Iron Saints (Vito & Salvatore Thomaselli) and Josh Abercrombie.


The next edition of the Newswire is expected to be online Friday, Week 2 December 2008 and will hopefully have more information regarding Final Battle weekend 2008!

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Monday : Ring of Honor officials came to the office today and found a nice surprise awaiting them when they walked up to the door, Necro Butcher was pacing the outside of ROH Headquarters, apparently, he heard from a guy who knew a guy that had the internet that heard that Chris Hero, Austin Aries and Bryan Danielson were all trying for a shot at the ROH World Title and Necro Butcher wanted to throw his name in the hat as well of possible opponents for Nigel McGuinness, when asked why he didn't just send an e-mail, Necro could only stare back blankly like a dog who just pooed on the floor.


Monday : Final Battle weekend plans are coming together very well and Ring of Honor sister company, SHIMMER is being represented quite well on the last weekend of 2008, Friday night in Philadelphia, we will have, for the first time in a Ring of Honor ring, Sara Del Rey going one on one with none other than Amazing Kong, this one promises to be a great one. Also, on Saturday night from The Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City, the SHIMMER title will be on the line as current SHIMMER champion, Ms Chif faces off against Daizee Haze and Cheerleader Melissa in a three way elimination match.


Tuesday : Four Corner Survival at Final Battle has been finalized, joining Delirious and Claudio Castagnoli will be Brent Albright and Adam Pearce, in other Final Battle weekend news, the World Tag Team Title Match has been decided as Kevin Steen & El Generico will defend the tag team titles against Age of the Fall Members Joey Matthews & Brodie Lee.


Wednesday : After much discussion on how to handle the current World Title match situation, it has been decided that Friday night in Philly, there will be a four-way elimination war pitting Austin Aries vs Bryan Danielson vs Chris Hero vs Necro Butcher, with the winner going on to Final Battle the next night in New York to face Nigel McGuinness.


Wednesday : Ring of Honor officials worked very hard to put together a special challenge match at the request of Jerry Lynn and have struck a deal to bring the ROH fans a match for All Star Extravaganza between Jerry Lynn and Juventud Guerrera, however, the details of Juvy' contract are not well known, it's expected that he will only be making a few appearances for Ring of Honor.


Wednesday : What makes an ROH legend? How about multi-time ROH World Tag Team Champions, The Briscoe Brothers, upset over the choice for the tag team title match, have come to ROH officials and requested that they be paired up with a team getting their shot on Final Battle weekend, The Iron Saints, Vito and Salvatore Thomaselli, this could be a classic encounter.


Thursday : Add Naomici Marufuji and Kenny King of the YRR to the list of competitors that will be seen during Final Battle weekend.


Thursday : Larry Sweeney' open challenge for Davey Richards has been answered, "The Messiah of the Backbreaker" Roderick Strong has stood up to accept the challenge and will be facing Davey Richards in New York City at Final Battle 2008, this should be a classic encounter between the two and another notch in the belt of Roderick' struggles with Sweet & Sour, Inc.


Friday : The cards are finalized, Final Battle weekend is confirmed and will be as follows :


All Star Extravaganza IV


"Addicted to Love" Rhett Titus© vs "Sugarfoot" Alex Payne (Top of the Class Trophy on the line)


Go Shiozaki/Tyler Black© (winner of their 12/20 encounter) vs Erick Stevens (FIP Title on the line)


Franky Tha Mobster & Apollo Kahn vs The Vulture Squad


Josh Abercrombie vs Kenny King of the YRR


Sara Del Rey vs Amazing Kong


Kevin Steen vs Age of the Fall member, Joey Matthews


Jerry Lynn vs Juventud Gurerra


Austin Aries vs Chris Hero vs Bryan Danielson vs Necro Butcher (Winner receives World Title shot at Final Battle 2008)



Final Battle 2008


The Briscoe Brothers vs The Iron Saints


Ms Chif© vs Daizee Haze vs Cheerleader Melissa (SHIMMER title on the line)


Kevin Steen & El Generico© vs Age of the Fall members Joey Matthews & Brodie Lee (ROH Tag Titles on the line)


Delirious vs Claudio Castagnoli vs Brent Albright vs Adam Pearce (Four Corner Survival)


Naomichi Marufuji will be in action!


Davey Richards vs Roderick Strong


Nigel McGuinness© vs Aries/Danielson/Hero/Necro winner (ROH World Title on the line)

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All-Star Extravaganza IV will be up tomorrow... with Final Battle 2008 up by Friday - get your predictions in if you'd like to before then.... I will be finishing up ASE4 tonight and doing the formatting/posting tomorrow (was hoping to have a banner/sig made for the BISA diary before I posted the card, but no such luck yet)
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All Star Extravaganza IV

Philadelphia, PA

New Alhambra Arena

Friday Week 4 December 2008



[Fade in from the ROH logo to Larry Sweeney standing by with Sweet & Sour, Inc - Chris Hero standing front and center, Sweeney finishing up a call on his cell phone, Sweeney turns to the camera]


Sweeney : Final Battle weekend! A weekend of victory for Sweet & Sour, Incorporated, first tonight Sara Del Rey is going to go out there and make an example of that huge mess, Amazing Kong, Go Shiozaki is going to smack around that nobody Erick Stevens and keep the FIP title in Sweet & Sour, Inc, then "The Knockout Kid" himself, Chris Hero is going to go out there and K-O three other wannabes to move on to tomorrow night and finally bring that ROH World Title to Sweet & Sour, Incorporated! [everyone patting Hero on the back] Not only that, Davey Richards, tomorrow night is going to show Roderick Strong a thing or two about how Sweet & Sour, Inc does business, isn't that right Davey? [Davey nods his head, cracks his neck then chuckles] C'mon people! Let's get the celebration supplies ready! HA HA HA HA HA!


[Cut to ringside, "Sugarfoot" Alex Payne is in the ring when "Addicted to Love" kicks up]


Dave Prazak : Final Battle weekend is upon us Lenny Leonard, we can't help but think that some fantastic things are going to come out of this weekend.


Lenny Leonard : I can't help but agree with you Dave, I personally think that we're going to see some titles change hands this weekend, starting with the ROH Top of the Class Trophy


DP : Rhett Titus certainly doesn't look to be too worried about Alex Payne, but he's got his work cut out for him tonight, that's for sure.


"Sugarfoot" Alex Payne vs "Addicted to Love" Rhett Titus

ROH Top of the Class Trophy


Decent opening match, normal young kids match, Sugarfoot had Titus on the defensive for a few minutes


Titus reverses an attempt of a Boston Crab, flipping Sugarfoot over into a victory roll position and grabbing on to the ropes to pick up the win


Winner : Rhett Titus

Match Rating : D-

Rhett Titus retains the ROH Top of the Class Trophy


DP : And Rhett Titus pulls this one off, but not without a little bit of help from that bottom rope, we've got another title match coming to you soon


LL : That's right, Go Shiozaki will defend the FIP title against the former champion, Erick Stevens


DP : But up next, we're going to see a team that we've not seen before, I'm honestly not even sure that they've teamed up before, but getting their shot in Ring of Honor, Franky Tha Mobster and Apollo Kahn.


[Franky Tha Mobster and Apollo Kahn come out together, both massive individuals, not much of a reaction from the crowd]


LL : Look at the size of these two, I'm really not liking the Vulture Squad's chances tonight


DP : Ruckus and Jigsaw have overcome bigger guys than this, but from the looks of these guys, I'd have to say that I agree with you Lenny.


[Vulture Squad entrance takes place, as soon as they hit the ring, Franky & Apollo attack]


Franky Tha Mobster & Apollo Kahn vs The Vulture Squad


Franky & Apollo dominated this match, using their strength and size advantage to throw Ruckus and Jigsaw around


Near fall in the match after Franky & Apollo hit a sickening Powerbomb/Backbreaker combination, however, Jigsaw was able to barely kick out


Finish came with a little miscommunication from the first time partners, Apollo accidentally hit Franky off of the apron, where Jigsaw was able to keep him while Ruckus used the situation to his advantage and rolled up Apollo, picking up the win


Winners : The Vulture Squad

Match Rating : D+


DP : Ruckus pulls it out for the Vulture Squad and aside from the last moments of the match, you have to be impressed with Franky & Apollo and their teamwork


LL : Indeed Dave, I'm sure we'll see more of these guys in Ring of Honor, that was an impressive debut, though the fell short at the hands of the Vulture Squad


[cut across the screen and we've got Erick Stevens walking to the ring]


DP : Erick Stevens tonight looks to regain the FIP World Title, currently around the waist of Go Shiozaki


[Go Shiozaki comes out alone]


LL : And here comes the FIP champion, Go Shiozaki, without, I might add, Larry Sweeney, it's being told to us that Larry Sweeney will not be accompanying Go Shiozaki to the ring tonight, because this is an FIP-sanctioned contest, where Larry Sweeney does not manage Go Shiozaki


Go Shiozaki vs Erick Stevens

FIP Championship


Decent enough match, Erick Stevens really seemed to be somewhere else during the contest, a few blown spots really dragged the quality down


Shiozaki peppered Stevens with chops throughout the match, his chest looking as though it could burst at any moment


Finish came surprisingly early when Go caught Erick Stevens off guard and nailed him with the Go Flasher to pick up the win


Winner : Go Shiozaki

Match Rating : D+

Go Shiozaki retains the FIP Championship


LL : And Go Shiozaki is going to walk out of here tonight still with the FIP title, which I'm certain will make Larry Sweeney very happy


DP : We know how much Larry Sweeney likes gold, he's got Chris Hero tonight with a chance to face Nigel McGuinness tomorrow night in the Hammerstein Ballroom at Final Battle.


[Cut backstage with a DVD EXCLUSIVE - Franky Tha Mobster and Apollo Kahn are walking in the back arguing about the outcome of their debut, when they're stopped by "Sweet & Sour" Larry Sweeney]


Sweeney : Boys, boys boys, if I could just have a moment of your time


Franky : Who the F**K are you?!


Sweeney : [looking around flabbergasted] Who am I? Who am I? [sweeney pulls out two business cards and slaps them in the hands of Franky & Apollo] I'm Super Agent! "Sweet & Sour" Larry Sweeney, and what I saw you two do in that ring tonight with Ruckus and Jigsaw, I didn't see a match, I COULDN'T see a match, because all I could see were dollar signs!


Franky : Dollar signs? You trippin on somethin?


Sweeney : I'm trippin on what I see before me, two monsters, two men who could tear apart anyone in this locker room, see it with me boys, the next time Ring of Honor comes through Philadelphia, right there on the bright lights, the marquee of the New Alhambra Arena, World Tag Team Titles : a nobody team versus Franky & Apollo [sweeney turns back towards them with a beaming smile on his face] Do you see it boys?


Franky : I kinda like the sound of that, what do you think Apollo, we talk to the man?


Apollo : I think if he can hook me up with Sara Del Rey, we might could do a little talkin [grunts and cracks neck]


[sweeney starts cackling and walks off behind them patting Franky & Apollo on the back - cut back to ringside]


LL : Josh Abercrombie, who has been making waves in the independents, is here tonight in Ring of Honor to show the fans what he's got


DP : And his opponent is none other than Kenny King from the YRR


Kenny King vs Josh Abercrombie


Not a great match, but not awful either, something about the two of them together didn't sit well with the fans


Match was only about six minutes long with the usual trading of offense back and forth


Finish came with Kenny King working over Abercrombie, with King hitting The Coronation for the win


Winner : Kenny King of the YRR

Match Rating : D-


DP : Kenny King, picking up the win here tonight, not really sure what happened there Lenny


LL : Sometimes it happens Dave, but they put on a good enough match


DP : And now we're getting ready to see some SHIMMER action tonight, a battle of the best, if you will


LL : Battle of the Best, indeed, Sara Del Rey, who one would have to believe is hot on the heels of Ms Chif and her chance to regain that SHIMMER championship, goes one on one tonight against probably the most dominant SHIMMER athlete, Amazing Kong


[sara Del Rey comes to the ring with Larry Sweeney, looking like she's ready to rip a head off, giving way to Amazing Kong' entrance and a decent reaction from the crowd]


Amazing Kong vs Sara Del Rey


Good match between these two, however, it could have been better


Kong and Del Rey traded off shots back and forth, Kong takes the upperhand, knocking Del Rey to the corner, Del Rey however quickly recovers, cutting Kong' momentum off with a knee to the stomach, chops land on Kong, she fires back with a few chops of her own, Del Rey ducks under a clothesline attempt, kick to the stomach and an irish whip attempt is reversed, Kong follows up with a body tackle, knocking Del Rey to the mat and out of the ring


Finish comes rather abruptly, Del Rey was attempting to lock in the Royal Butterfly, but Kong powered out of the move and snapped her up and down quickly with an Amazing Bomb, Del Rey landed awkwardly, Kong makes the quick cover and the match comes to an end


Sweeney and other officials are in the ring with Sara Del Rey, however, she is able to leave the ring on her own

Winner : Amazing Kong

Match Rating : D


DP : We have to wonder how Sara Del Rey is after that Amazing Bomb, Lenny, she looked as though she tweaked her neck a bit


LL : Dave, we've seen plenty of awkward moments in Ring of Honor and the casualties have been at a minimum, I'm sure that she'll be fine.


[Cut backstage, this time to a montage of the four men competing in the main event]


Austin Aries : Tonight, four men enter


Danielson : One man survives


Sweeney : For Chris Hero, a shot at Nigel McGuinness tomorrow night!


Aries and Danielson (at the same time) : A chance to be the first ever two time champion


Aries : There won't be any handshakes


Danielson : Respect is thrown out the window


Hero : Tonight, someone gets knocked out




Aries : Every man for himself


Danielson : May the best man win


Aries, Danielson, Hero, Necro : You're lookin at him!


[Cut back to ringside with a 4-shot of the challengers in split screen staring at each other]


DP : We hear the screams Lenny, that can only mean that the Age of the Fall are on their way to the ring


LL : And joined by his tag team partner tomorrow night at the Hammerstein, Brodie Lee, as well as Allison Wonderland, here comes Joey Matthews


[Matthews entrance, a normal AoTF entrance, "Ole!" by the Bouncing Souls starts up and the crowd starts singing along]


LL : And also joined by his partner El Generico tonight, here comes one half of the ROH World Tag Team Champions, Kevin Steen!


Kevin Steen vs Joey Matthews


Crowd immediately starts into a unanimous "Mr Wrestling" chant right before the lock up


Steen out wrestles Matthews, go behind and into a take down, Matthews tries to work his way out of it, however, Steen, ever the opportunist, is able to maneuver into a side head lock, Steen shot into the ropes, shoulder block and Matthews hits the mat, over reacting, he slides out of the ring to be consoled by Allison and Brodie, Allison runs for cover as Steen flips over the top rope right on top of Matthews and Lee, crowd pops, another "Mr Wrestling" chant


Steen keeps control of the early goings of the match, readies Matthews for the Package Piledriver at one point, causing Brodie Lee to get involved, however, the referee and El Generico cut him off at the same time, causing the referee to send both Brodie Lee and El Generico to the back


Match continues, Matthews thumbs Steen in the eye, gaining the upper hand, hitting forearms and arm drags, one forearm catches Steen on the bridge of the nose causing his nose to start bleeding


Nearing the twenty minute mark, Joey Matthews nails a leaping DDT on Steen, cover and Steen barely kicks out, Matthews looks to end the match, ducks under a Steen punch and catches him with a back cracker, Matthews climbs up top, going for a moonsault, launches, Steen gets his knees up at the last second, Steen quickly up, grabs Matthews, hooks him in for the Package Piledriver, NAILS IT.. as soon as it's nailed, Jimmy Jacobs comes flying in from the crowd and nails Steen with his cane, causing referee Todd Sinclair to call for the bell.


Winner via DQ : "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen

Match Rating : C



DP : Tomorrow night, a war will take place as the Age of the Fall attempt to bring the ROH World Tag Team titles back home


LL : They've got a hard fight in front of them Dave, Steen and Generico fought hard for those titles and I don't think anyone will ever forget the intensity that they showed in Boston, I think we're looking at long term champions in Steen and Generico, Dave


[We're taken to a promo for new releases from http://www.rohwrestling.com as well as a reminder of the newswire and videowire]


DP : Lenny Leonard, it's time for our special challenge match of the night


LL : That's right Dave, two men who are definitely no strangers of each other, they've faced off all over the world, and here tonight, they face off one more time and here comes the man that made the challenge, listen to this crowd, they definitely love Jerry Lynn in Philadelphia


DP : Well, who can forget what he did for ECW when it was still around Lenny, his matches with Rob Van Dam certainly still hold up to some of the best ever seen today.


LL : And here comes the man he made the challenge to, listen to this crowd!


[Juventud Guerrera comes out, gets a nice pop from the crowd as he is wearing his classic JUVY mask! He hits the ring to a good "Juvy" chant, Paul Turner pats down both men, Jerry Lynn offers a hand shake, which Juvy shrugs off, gaining him some heat with the crowd, Turner calls for the bell and the match is under way]


Jerry Lynn vs Juventud Guerrera

Special Challenge Match


The crowd was hot on this one from the beginning, tie up in the center of the ring, Lynn pushes Juvy to the corner, clean break as the two meet up center ring again, tie up, this time it's Juvy with the push into the corner, another clean break and the two circle each other, another tie up, but Lynn ducks under with a go behind, Juvy with a quick back elbow, off the ropes, Lynn leapfrogs, Juvy hits the other side and Lynn with another leapfrog on the rebound, Juvy with a clothesline attempt, ducked, side kick on the Lynn turn around is grabbed, Juvy for an enziguiri, but Lynn ducks it, Juvy lands on his foot, tries to maneuver a roll-up but Lynn rolls through, holding on to Juvy's leg, single leg crab attempted, but Juvy rolls through catching Lynn in a sunset flip pin, no count as Lynn rolls through, Juvy nips up and the two are at a stand off, which gets a standing ovation from the crowd, "ROH" chants, which slowly fade into a split crowd chant of "LET'S GO JUVY" and "LET'S GO JERRY", nod of the head acknowledgement from both men


They tie up again, this time, a side head lock from Juvy, Lynn for a belly to back, but Juvy rolls off his shoulder, Lynn turns around and is met with a chop, Lynn fires back with a chop of his own, the chopping contest goes a few more for each man, then Juvy cuts it short with a fast dropkick to Lynn' knee, Juvy takes off, leg lariat to Lynn, knocking him to the outside, Lynn slow in getting up, as soon as he does Juvy comes flying over the top rope and taking Lynn out on the floor, Juvy quickly pops up and slides back into the ring to a "Juvy" chant


Lynn slow to recover, rolls back into the ring, Juvy waiting on him with kicks, stomps, standing on his throat with the ropes, Paul Turner pulls him off of Lynn and yells at him, allowing Lynn time to recover, Lynn slowly up as Juvy comes over, Lynn catches him with a punch in the gut, Juvy responds with a punch of his own, Lynn with another shot, Juvy as well, Lynn with a punch then three slaps, hits the ropes and Juvy catches him for a hip toss, but Lynn flips through, runs to the otherside, jumps up on the ropes and springboards back with an elbow, knocking Juvy to the mat, Juvy quickly up though, cuts off Lynn' momentum with a kick to the spine as he was sitting up, Juvy grabs Lynn hooks him for a suplex, lifts him up and drops him down in a Falcon Arrow-esque move, Juvy rolls backwards, points to Lynn, thumb across the throat, and motions for the 450, Juvy climbs up top and jumps off with the 450, but Lynn gets his knees up at the last second! Juvy bounces off, Lynn quickly to his feet, waits as Juvy turns around, Jerry Lynn sets him up and NAILS the Cradle Piledriver!!! Paul Turner with the count... ONE... TWO... THR-kick out!


Lynn grabs Juvy off the mat, snap suplex followed up with a jumping elbowdrop, cover, but barely a one count, Lynn pulls Juvy to his feet, chop to Juvy sends him into the corner, Lynn climbs up, starts nailing shots with the crowd counting along, as he gets to 4, Juvy grabs Lynn around the legs and tries to take him down with a sitout powerbomb, but Lynn rolls through, dropkick to the face of Juvy and he goes rolling outside, clutching his mask, Lynn takes the opportunity and climbs up top, Juvy turns the corner of the ring and immediately throws a big dropkick to the air born Jerry Lynn as he is mid air, the crowd "oohs" at the spot and chants start again


Back in the ring, Juvy waits for Lynn to come back to the ring after a brief brawling outside, Juvy meets Lynn at the apron, shoulder to the gut from Lynn, Lynn leaps over, however, lands awkwardly behind Juvy and is met with a kick to the jaw as he turns, Juvy with a quick cover, but just as quick a kick out


Match continues another ten minutes or so, near falls back and forth, the final moments of the match had Juvy attempting another 450 splash, however, landing on his feet when Lynn moved out of the way, immediately met with a high jumping kick to the head knocking Juvy to the corner, Lynn takes off from the other corner getting the crowd riled up, and comes in with a dropkick on Juvy who moves out of the way making Lynn nail the turnbuckle, as soon as he is up and turns around, Juvy is waiting, scoops him up and drops him with the Juvy Driver! Paul Turner is there! ONE... TWO... THREE!!!!


Winner : Juventud Guerrera

Match Rating : B



DP : These two will never cease to amaze me, Lenny Leonard, no matter how many years have passed, they're still going strong and can steal any show that they have a match on


LL : And are given the time to do so


[A staticy presence starts, garbling the video, you try to check the DVD, but it's still happening, and then three words slowly fade in over a staticy shot of the ringside area "HOTTEST FREE AGENT", then cuts back to normal as Chris Hero and Larry Sweeney are making their way to the ring]


DP : And it's time for the main event tonight, I'm honestly not sure how they can top the Jerry Lynn - Juventud Guerrera match


LL : Speaking of Jerry Lynn, backstage we've got Jerry Lynn standing by with Becky Bayless we're being told, Becky?


[Cut to an insert of Becky Bayless and an exhausted Jerry Lynn]


Becky : Jerry Lynn, you asked for a few quick moments, what's on your mind?


Jerry : Becky, first off, I want to congratulate Juvy, he put up one helluva fight tonight and I hope he sticks around in Ring of Honor, but, I know I should probably save this for the video wire, the main event is getting ready to go on, I just have to tell the Ring of Honor fans that are watching, I may not have very much time left in this business, but if I have my way, and the good lord allows me to end my career on my own terms, then I want to do it the same way that I made it to the top, so I'm putting the challenge out there to all of my former foes, that means people like you, Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Psicosis, it doesn't matter who I've gone up and down the road with, I know that my time is coming, the end of my career isn't too far off and I want it to be just as special as some of the best years of my career, thank you Becky


Becky : Back to you guys!


[insert cuts away with Necro making his way out, circling the ring, banging on things, "REACH OUT AND TOUCH FAITH"...and out comes Austin Aries]


DP : A pretty bold statement from Jerry Lynn there Lenny, what do you make of it?


LL : Well, as we saw tonight, Jerry Lynn can still go, but can he go full time like he did in his early days? He wants to find out and he wants to bring it all to a close on his own terms, could that mean an ROH World Title reign?


DP : With Nigel McGuinness holding so securely to the title, as we've seen in past encounters, so close, yet, just not close enough to dethrone the reigning champi- Speaking of the reigning King, we're being joined on commentary by the ROH World Champion, Nigel McGuinness


Nigel : Sorry mate, I was wiping a few tears from my eyes, listening to that old broke down bloke cry about not having much time, does he have the cancer or something?


DP : Nigel! We'd never wish that on someone


Nigel : Right, then what's he crying about?


DP : His career possibly coming to an end


Nigel : Fifteen years too late, if you ask me, mate, now, what've we got in the ring? A sissy boy who likes to load up a pad, another mate who can barely walk, then that mate that no one really cares about anymore, ever since his little girlfriend Lacey got stabbed or whatever by that emo brat


LL : But here comes the guy that many seem to think will dethrone you as champion, Nigel


Nigel : Thinking and doing are different things, Mate, this wanker calls himself the "Best in the world" he is, I'll give him that... At losing


[bryan Danielson sets up a chair in front of the "C" Section, stands on it, leans into the crowd as "IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN!!!!" then gets into the ring, looking all around at the other three]


Chris Hero vs Necro Butcher vs Austin Aries vs Bryan Danielson

4-way Elimination for an ROH World Title Shot at Final Battle 2008


As soon as the bell rang it was a three on one with everyone going right after Chris Hero, Hero quickly retrating from the ring, Necro nails Danielson and then there is a three-way tie-up with Necro showing off his strength shoving both Aries and Danielson back


Hero quickly gets in the ring as Aries, Danielson and Necro are circling each other, Necro turns around and catches the big roaring elbow from Hero, knocking him out of the ring and seemingly knocking him unconcious

Hero stares at Danielson and Aries and puts his arms out challenging either man to come on, both step up and Hero hightails it out of the ring again

Aries and Danielson lock-up in the center of the ring, Hero comes charging in again, this time though, Aries and Danielson are ready for him as they hit a double hip toss, bouncing him off of the mat, elbow drop from Aries follows it up, Danielson grabs Hero as he is sitting up and attempts to nail him with some elbow shots, however, Hero is able to get away from him, retreating out of the ring


Aries and Danielson again are left alone in the ring, tie up in the center of the ring, Aries with a quick armdrag take down, Danielson back up right away and hits an armdrag of his own, Aries back to his feet just as quickly, Hero hits the ring, knocking Aries down, and now Hero & Danielson tie-up center ring, Hero with a quick thumb to the eye and shoves Danielson back to the corner

Hero with Danielson in the corner, choking him, Necro is slowly getting up outside, Aries starts his stomping, takes off for the ropes and a suicide dive through the ropes on Necro Butcher outside


Aries stops Hero’s assault in the corner catching Hero as he turned around to gloat, nailing him with a chop, three more and Hero retreates out of the ring again, but running right into Necro as he is getting back up, Necro starts chasing Hero around the ring, Larry Sweeney, sneaks around and jumps up trying to cut off Necro, but gets tackled down, Hero slides back into the ring and directly into Bryan Danielson, who nails him with an uppercut.


From here on it's all three against Hero, Necro hits a big sitout powerbomb, but only gets a two count, Danielson working him over, locks in Cattle Mutilation, but thanks to Davey Richards (who has brought himself to the ringside area) isn't able to hold it on very long, Danielson starts jawing with Richards as Hero gets to his feet and directly scooped up and dropped on his head with a brainbuster from Austin Aries, Aries climbs up top and hits the 450, however, as he hits, Necro grabs him, pulling him off of Hero and tosses him out of the ring, Necro makes the cover and Chris Hero is the first elimination


(Chris Hero has been Eliminated by Necro Butcher)


Danielson comes from behind on Necro as he gets up celebrating, three hard uppercuts, followed up with a fury of slaps, a backhand and Danielson hits the ropes, Necro tries a clothesline, but Danielson ducks under, quickly turns around and catches Necro with another uppercut


Necro and Dragon keep going at it, trading punches, trading chops, Danielson eventually blocks a punch, but gets a thumb to the eye, Danielson staggers back, Necro with a hard gut shot, he scoops up Danielson for the sit-out powerbomb, but Danielson hits him with an elbow hard in between the eyes, Aries out of nowhere slides back into the ring, grabs Necro as he turns around, tries to lift him up but can't get him for the brainbuster, instead, he quickly rolls Necro into a smallpackage, Danielson jumps on top of Aries, and Necro Butcher is eliminated!!!


(Necro Butcher has been eliminated by Austin Aries & Bryan Danielson)


Danielson goes for Aries as soon as the three count is made, Aries quickly rolls Danielson up, but he kicks out at two, the two go back and forth, eventually Danielson has Austin' arms locked, he gets him to the mat and slowly puts himself up and over, locking in Cattle Mutilation, Aries fights it off, not giving in to the pain, Danielson rolls over after a minute or two with the hold locked in, Aries uses the moment to work himself around, with his arms still locked behind him, Danielson and Aries get to their feet and Danielson attempts a double arm german suplex, Aries rolls through as soon as he hits the mat, catching Danielson with a dropkick flush to the face, Aries with a front face lock on Danielson, knees to the head and flips over into the Horns of Aries, but it is quickly broken up as Danielson is at the ropes and has his feet tied up in the ropes. They both slowly get to their feet, both tired as the match has gone for nearly 35 minutes


The final moments of the match have come, Danielson and Aries trading chops and uppercuts and slaps and kicks back and forth, back and forth, the finish comes with Aries shooting Danielson into the ropes, Aries ducks down as Danielson comes with the rebound, Danielson with a sunset flip, Aries grabs Danielson' legs as he tries to hook his shoulders and falls face first on the mat bringing Danielson to his stomach and in a very quick fashion, ties Danielson' legs up and slowly stands into a modified Texas Cloverleaf, putting his knee on the back of Danielson' neck, Danielson is bent in an awkward position, he taps out after about a minute and a half in the hold


(Bryan Danielson has been eliminated by Austin Aries)


Winner : Austin Aries




LL : Final Battle 2008, it's Aries - McGuinness for the ROH Title!


[Nigel is standing where the announcers are sitting and a huge staredown as the crowd is chanting "ROH!" and we fade to black]


Overall Show Rating : B-



(OOC : Sorry for the delay - issues arose in the home life - as usual - and I had to deal with them... I hope it was worth the wait... Final Battle 2008 will be up by Monday)

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That was DEFINITLY worth the wait. Awesome show. Especially the Lynn/Juvi match. That was epic. Look forward to seeing who you will be able to get as Lynns opponents. As much as Id like to see anotherRVD/Lynn classic, i dont think a star like RVD would be interested in going to ROH in TEW, but we'll see. Keep it up mate. One of my new favourite diaries.
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ROH : Final Battle 2008

Saturday Week 4 December 2008

Hammerstein Ballroom

New York City, NY[/color]


[Fade in from the ROH logo and chanting to again find the words “HOTTEST FREE AGENT” in gold throbbing on top of the ROH logo, the camera statics a couple of times and pans back to see Becky Bayless standing with Roderick Strong]


Becky : Roderick Strong, it’s Final Battle 2008 and tonight, you’ve got a match with Davey Richards, any thoughts?


Roderick : Well Becky, the only thought that I have is how Davey and his back are going to survive the match tonight, Davey Richards, I’ve never forgotten you turning your back on the No Remorse Corps and joining forces with that leech, Larry Sweeney, do you think I’m going to show you any remorse tonight? And if I get the chance to get my hands on Larry Sweeney, do you really think that I’m going to show him any remorse? I will, single handedly if I have to, bring Sweet & Sour, Inc down, starting with you tonight


[Cut to ringside]


DP : Lenny Leonard, Final Battle 2008 is about to begin, I know that you have to be excited!


LL: To say the least Dave Prazak! Tonight, Ring of Honor says “Goodbye” to 2008 and look forward into the future as 2009 is just around the corner


DP : 2008 has definitely been an intense year for Ring of Honor, a lot of changes happening throughout the year, but it seems as though they will all be changes for the better


[“Fight Fire with Fire” by Metallica starts playing and out come Vito & Salvatore Thomaselli]


DP : And here comes a team who have not yet been seen in Ring of Honor, Vito and Salvatore Thomaselli, The Iron Saints


LL : They’ve been doing very well for themselves on the independent circuit Dave, and tonight, they’re here to show Ring of Honor what they have to offer by taking on probably the greatest tag team in ROH history, The Briscoe Brothers


[“Gimme Back My Bullets” by Skynyrd starts up, the fans are on their feet cheering, clapping, singing, giving the Briscoes a major ovation]


The Iron Saints vs The Briscoe Brothers


• Good match to start off the show, nice sequence at the opening moments with Salvatore and Mark trading arm drags, ducking clotheslines on each other, winds up with both men tagging out, Vito rushes Mark, who hits a back drop into the waiting Jay, Vito catches Jay in a rana position, however, Jay rolls him through when they hit the mat, Vito with a quick dropkick attempt but Jay moves, Jay tries a superkick but Vito ducks it, clothesline from Vito ducked, Vito hits the ropes hip toss attempt, but Vito turns it into an arm whip dragging Jay over, Jay rolls through to his feet and we’re at a stand off, the rabid NYC crowd starts an “ROH” chant and we get back into regular action


• The match doesn’t last very long, however, we did get to see some nice tag work out of both teams, finish came with Vito getting nailed with a Springboard Doomsday Device after Salvatore got a Jay Driller, Briscoes pick up the win in about eight and a half minutes.


Winners : Mark & Jay Briscoe

Match Rating : C-


[Fans are cheering for the Briscoes, after the match, they help the Thomasellis up and handshakes all around]


LL : The Iron Saints certainly looked impressive out there tonight, a lot of impressive looks this weekend from the talent given an opportunity


DP : That’s for sure Lenny, yesterday in Philly with Franky Tha Mobster and Apollo Kahn, not to mention Josh Abercrombie, now The Iron Saints, any of the changes upcoming, I would hope would include these great talents.


LL : Speaking of great talent, Dave, something that you’re very familiar with, the SHIMMER title is on the line, coming up next


DP : MsChif once again on an ROH event will defend the SHIMMER title against two challengers in an elimination three-way affair, Daizee Haze and Cheerleader Melissa, some would argue are the two cornerstones of what SHIMMER stands for, both great competitors and I’m sure that this match will not disappoint


MsChif© vs Daizee Haze vs Cheerleader Melissa

Three Way Elimination Match for the SHIMMER Title


• Little fun moment to start the match out, MsChif ducks under a Daizee clothesline, running right into an arm drag from Cheerleader Melissa, Daizee and Melissa showing off a little tag team work, spot ends with Daizee nailing the Mind Trip on MsChif, however, MsChif is too close to the ropes and rolls herself outside after stopping the pin with her foot on the ropes


• Daizee and Melissa square off, tie up and they work each other towards opposite corners, Melissa quickly snatches Daizee into a headlock, Daizee quickly with a twist of the arm and out of the headlock, locks Melissa into a headlock of her own, Melissa tries to belly to back Daizee out of it, however, Daizee falls back behind Melissa, another quick lock into a headlock and Melissa gets Daizee into the corner, Todd Sinclair in between the two asking for a clean break, which he gets.


• Another tie-up attempt, but Melissa quickly slips behind Daizee, elbow to the lower back of Daizee, Melissa takes the advantage hitting Daizee with club shots to the back, irish whip in and a big powerslam from Melissa gets a one and a half count, Melissa quickly locks on a rear chinlock, Daizee however, slips out of it, wrapping the arm of Melissa behind her and comes down hard with a knee, Daizee brings Melissa to her feet, irish whip to the corner, Daizee charges in, Melissa gets a boot up, however, Daizee catches it, drops the boot and nails a forearm to the side of the head on Melissa, snapmare take over and as soon as Melissa hits the mat, MsChif comes running from the other side of the ring with a hard dropkick to the face


• Daizee jumps on MsChif, nailing shots to the back, MsChif fighting back, Daizee with a chop, MsChif with a chop of her own, they trade chops a few more times until MsChif ducks a clothesline attempt and as Daizee turns around, tries to spit green mist in Daizee’ eyes, Daizee however ducks, Melissa has just gotten to her feet and gets the face full of mist, MsChif quickly nails a hard kick to the side of Daizee Haze’ head, locking Melissa in for the Desecrator, Daizee quickly up and nails a jumping kick to the face of MsChif, rolls MsChif up, two count is all she gets


• First elimination comes a few moments later, MsChif and Daizee going at it, tearing each other back and forth, Daizee goes for the Mind Trip, but MsChif gets out of it, Daizee whips MsChif to the ropes, ducks down and MsChif quickly hooks her in and nails the Desecrator and gets the 1-2-3


(Daizee Haze has been eliminated)


• Melissa still trying to get the green goop out of her eyes, gets stomped on by MsChif, MsChif dominates the remainder of the match, blocking everything that Melissa tries to throw her way, Todd Sinclair, being the “competent” referee that he is, notices Melissa’s problem and after checking on her, calls for the bell, awarding the match to MsChif due to Cheerleader Melissa not being able to continue due to the Green Mist that has impaired her vision, the ROH crowd is HOT, chanting “BULLSH**” and “F**K YOU SIN-CLAIR”(clap clap clap clap clap)


Winner due to referee stoppage and STILL SHIMMER Champion : MsChif

Match Rating : C+


DP : What in the hell is Todd Sinclair thinking?!


LL : As referee of the match Dave, he had to make a decision, it was obvious that Cheerleader Melissa was not going to be able to continue, she couldn’t stop any of the attack from MsChif, he had to stop the match.


DP : Wait, now what’s this?


[Daizee Haze, who was still at ringside laying on the outside is back in the ring, checking on Melissa and getting into a shoving match with MsChif when Joey Matthews, Brodie Lee, Tyler Black and Allison Wonderland all make their way out to the ring, with MsChif, the entire group surrounds Daizee Haze and Cheerleader Melissa, Brodie Lee grabs Daizee by the hair as Joey grabs ahold of Melissa]


LL : The Age of the Fall, with the seemingly absent Jimmy Jacobs, are in the ring with their stablemate, MsChif and it seems like they want to see more damage done to Melissa and Daizee


[The “Ole” chant/singing starts as the music does, Melissa & Haze are both dropped as Steen & Generico come running down to the ring, Steen ducks under a clothesline from Tyler Black and delivers a Superkick that sends him flying over the top rope, Generico slides between Matthews & Lee as they came for him and hits a double dropkick as he gets up]


DP : The tag title match is getting started right now?!


Kevin Steen & El Generico © vs Joey Matthews & Brodie Lee of The Age of the Fall

ROH World Tag Team Titles


• Matthews stumbles backwards as Brodie Lee hits the canvas hard, Steen right away with a Superkick that knocks Matthews to the corner, Steen hits the other side of the turnbuckles and runs across with the Cannonball into the corner, to which the crowd cheers, Generico drug Brodie Lee to the other side and Steen takes off for that side and nails a Cannonball on him as well


• Steen quickly grabs Brodie out of the corner, sets him up and nails the Package Piledriver! Rolls Brodie out to the waiting El Generico who quickly hooks Brodie and TURNBUCKLE BRAINBUSTER! Joey Matthews gets up and eats Superkick again, Generico makes the cover, ONE…TWO…. THREE!


Winners and STILL ROH World Tag Team Champions : Kevin Steen & El Generico

Match Rating : D+


DP : That was the fastest Tag Title Match in Ring of Honor history, I’m thinking Lenny


LL: It was nothing but an assault on a team who was not ready yet for the tag team title match, it wasn’t supposed to take place until right before the World title match


DP : Whatever the case may be, the match has taken place, it is now over and Steen & Generico have held on to the Tag Team Titles.


[Cut to the back where Austin Aries is stretching himself out, Becky Bayless appears on the screen with the mic]


Becky : Austin Aries, tonight, you have an opportunity to wrestle for the ROH World Title against Nigel McGuinness, who many people think will retire as world champion, your thoughts?


Austin : Becky, I don’t give a damn what anybody else thinks, when I returned to Ring of Honor a little over a year ago, I made the statement that I would be World Champion again and that I would be the first two-time World Champion in ROH history, tonight, I plan on making good on that statement.


Becky : You faced Nigel almost one year ago to the day at Rising Above, where he defeated you to retain the title, and then again at Supercard of Honor III, he defeated you, is that messing with your mind at all?


[Aries looks frustrated at Bayless and shakes his head slowly before smirking]


Austin : The only thing messing with my mind right now is an airhead like you, who can’t seem to keep her damned hands off of a Margarita or a shot of Jager, trying to act like a real journalist, why don’t you do what you’re good at Becky, go back to being a rat, running around the parking lot of the Motel 6 or Red Roof Inn and blow your way through the business again, get the hell out of here!


[becky looks at Austin with a disgusted look, Aries glares back and looks more intense as the seconds pass, Becky leaves his locker room – cut back to ringside]


DP : It’s time for Four Corner Survival Lenny, any pre-match picks for a winner?


LL : I have to go with Claudio all the way


Claudio Castagnoli vs Delirious vs Adam Pearce vs Brent Albright

Four Corner Survival


• Right off the bat Adam Pearce and Brent Albright start tearing into each other, Albright ducks under a Pearce clothesline and then clotheslines Pearce to the outside, following him out, the two start going at it outside the ring


• Inside the ring, Claudio Castagnoli gets an early jump on Delirious, putting boots to him club shots to the back, pulls Delirious up from the mat, European Uppercut, but Delirious catches his arm and starts biting it until Claudio rakes his eyes, Delirious to the corner, Claudio follows over, boot from Delirious, hard chop to the chest, Delirious gets Claudio in the corner, two chops and throws his arm out, he’s going to Never Ending Story! But Claudio rakes the eyes again and quickly retreats outside


• Brent Albright blocks a punch from Adam Pearce, goes for a big clothesline, but Pearce ducks it and Albright takes out Claudio as he gets to the outside, Pearce with a hard elbow to the temple of Albright they keep nailing each other with hard shots, Claudio slowly getting up, turns Albright around and nails a European Uppercut, as the Uppercut is hit, Delirious hits the ropes and flies over the top rope with a suicide dive taking out all three men, Delirious stands up “BA”-ing and looking at the three men he just laid out, rolls back into the ring


• Claudio slowly to his feet, joins Delirious in the ring while Albright and Pearce still go at it out on the floor


• Delirious challenges Claudio to a test of strength, they lock left to right, going for the right to left, but Claudio instead slaps Delirious on the chest, European Uppercut lands, Claudio still holding on to the hand of Delirious, runs over to the turnbuckle and tries to run up, however, Delirious trips Claudio up, arm between the legs, Claudio is semi-crotched on the top rope, Delirious grabs his other hand and climbs to the second turnbuckle, “BA”-ing still, the crowd to their feet, Delirious lifts Claudio and SUPER CHEMICAL IMBALANCE 2!!!!! [“ROH” chants start] Paul Turner in position with the pinfall… ONE… TWO… THR-ADAM PEARCE BREAKS UP THE PIN!


• Pearce grabs Delirious quickly, three quick chops, a slap to the mask and Pearce hits the ropes, Delirious follows in and nails him with a knee to the midsection, Delirious irish whips Pearce to the corner, reversed, Pearce comes charging in with a clothesline, but Delirious moves out of the way, as soon as Pearce hits, Brent Albright comes charging in and nails a shoulder tackle to the midsection, Delirious with a quick hard kick to the side of Albright’ head, Pearce in the corner, Delirious does a semi-charge with a clothesline – NEVERENDING STORY!!! (35 times while the crowd counts along the entire way) Delirious turns around screaming, the crowd cheering, Adam Pearce falls to a sitting position in the corner, Delirious jogs around “BA”ing until he is at the other corner, he sees Adam Pearce and Delirious goes charging for the Panic Attack! But Claudio Castagnoli cuts him off with a Bicycle Kick to the face!


• Pearce slowly to his feet, he and Castagnoli double team Delirious, double irish whip, double elbow knock down, Pearce hits the ropes, Claudio lifts him up in a flapjack and drops him down on Delirious but quickly breaks up the pin attempt


• Albright back to his feet, surrounded by Pearce and Castagnoli, challenges them both to come at him, Claudio in first, catches an elbow to the face, Pearce in, catches an elbow to the face, Claudio with a Bicycle kick attempt, Albright ducks under and catches Claudio with a half nelson suplex! Pearce starts kicking Albright while he’s still down, dropping a couple of elbows on him as well, Albright slowly up to a knee, Pearce gives a signal that it’s over, he grabs Albright up and scoops him up in a torture rack position, but Albright slides out of it and nails a sick release German Suplex, as he gets up, Claudio charges him, Albright moves out of the way of an uppercut, grabs Claudio, tosses him up and catches him on his way down with the Crowbar!!!! Claudio keeps trying to fight it off, trying to get to the ropes, but Albright keeps scooting him back out, Claudio looks like he’s about to tap, just as he’s about to tap a hooded figure comes sliding into the ring, kicking Brent Albright in the head breaking up the hold, he pulls Albright to his feet, hooks around the waist, GERMAN SUPLEX, holding on he brings Albright back to his feet, hooks him, RELEASE DRAGON SUPLEX brings Albright to his feet again and hooks him lifting him up and throwing Albright over the top rope through the timekeepers table with a powerbomb!!!! The hooded figure takes off his mask to reveal BJ WHITMER! The crowd is split, some chanting “Welcome Back” others just booing Whitmer, Adam Pearce to his feet laughs at Albright outside, turns around and sticks his hand out to BJ Whitmer, Whitmer quickly accepts the handshake, then just as quickly with a knee to Pearce, arm between the legs, WRIST CLUTCH EXPLODER SUPLEX! Pearce hits hard, Claudio gets to his feet as Whitmer leaves the ring, running from security through the crowd


• As Claudio gets to his feet, he is met by Delirious who has come jumping off of the top rope with a diving hurricanrana, Claudio scoots to the corner, trying to get away from Delirious, however, winds up getting the PANIC ATTACK! Delirious quickly climbs up top, Claudio slow to get up and it’s SHADOWS OVER HELL!!! Rather than go for the pin, Delirious grabs Claudio and slaps in a Cobra Clutch turning it into the Cobra Stretch, Claudio taps out quickly as the effects of the Crowbar are still evident


Winner : Delirious

Match Rating : C+


LL : Delirious has forced Claudio Castagnoli to tap out and what in the world is BJ Whitmer doing here?!


DP : BJ Whitmer, who hasn’t been seen in Ring of Honor since March of last year, returning and exacting some kind of revenge on his former Hangmen Three stablemates, Adam Pearce and Brent Albright, the last I heard anything about BJ Whitmer, he was undergoing surgery for an injury that he sustained as a result of the attack by his former stablemates when he refused to join Sweet & Sour, Inc


LL : Whatever his reasoning, if there’s one person that he shouldn’t mess with, it’s a member of Sweet & Sour, Inc – Mark my words Dave Prazak, Adam Pearce will get his revenge.


[Cut to another backstage segment – intermission time]




OOC – I was having a real problem with the last couple of matches and have re-written them at least 3 times each, so I decided to post Final Battle 2008 in two parts – this obviously is the first part – the second part will be up either later tonight or first thing in the morning – hope you enjoy part 1! (all questions, comments, suggestions are welcome)

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[Did you enjoy intermission? We sure did!]

DP: We are back and Lenny, it’s time for a grudge match that should have everyone on their feet


LL : Without a doubt Dave, former partners with No Remorse Corps, Davey Richards, the “New Dynamite Kid” and Sweet & Sour, Inc henchman going one on one with “The Messiah of the Backbreaker” Roderick Strong


DP : An intense battle it will be, I wouldn’t expect any handshakes or respect shown here tonight


Roderick Strong vs Davey Richards


· Both combatants go through their normal ring entrances and Roderick goes right after Larry Sweeney as soon as he steps in the ring, Sweeney gives chase and leaps through the ropes and Richards tries to nail Roderick from behind, but he moves out of the way and we’ve got a stand off to start the match

· Roderick and Davey circling each other, Roderick has his hand out, he and Davey lock hands, Richards with a leg trip taking Roderick down, jumps over for a side headlock attempt, but Roderick quickly slips out and locks in an armbar, Davey Richards quickly to his feet, rolls through and turns it into an arm wrench of his own, hard pull and Roderick hits the mat, Richards with a couple of kicks, still keeping ahold of the arm, Roderick back to his feet, tries to go around on Richards, but Richards turns the arm wrench into a triangle like hold and brings Roderick to the mat again, Roderick trying to get out of the hold brings his feet up and locks Davey’ head in his legs, Richards positions his body around, does a headstand and bridges over onto Roderick, Todd Sinclair counts 1 and Roderick bridges up himself turns it around and an attempt of a backslide, but Richards flips out, big leaping kick from Davey is ducked by Roderick, hard elbow shot is blocked, a quick kick to the side and Davey hits the ropes, Roderick catches him in a tilt-a-whirl, going for the backbreaker, but Davey lands on his feet, chop from Davey, Roderick fires back with a chop, but it’s blocked, Davey with a fast headbutt, irish whip to the turnbuckle, Roderick pushes himself up and over, as Richards comes flying in, but Richards turns sideways quickly, getting Roderick on his shoulders, looks to be going for the Gut Buster, but Roderick starts nailing elbows to the head, still holding on to the top rope, Davey tries to dump Roderick over the top, but Roderick lands on the apron, blocked shot from Roderick, nails an elbow to the jaw, Davey attempts a kick, but Roderick catches it and jumps off of the apron using the rope to slam Davey’ leg on


· Roderick listens to the crowd, then sees Larry Sweeney sneaking up from behind, he turns around and immediately starts chasing Sweeney, typical heel spot, Sweeney slides into the ring, Roderick slides in after and gets nailed with an elbowdrop from Davey


· Davey works over the back with stomps, a few kicks to the head, locking in an armbar on Roderick, trying to force him to tap out, Roderick gets to his feet, tries to roll through the move, but Davey drops down to the mat on his arm, locking his other arm and trying to turn it into a cradling pin, Roderick quickly out at a near 2


· Roderick to his knees and Davey right on top of him with a side headlock, nailing shots to the bridge of the nose while the ref gets distracted with Larry Sweeney, Davey gets behind Roderick, with a rear chinlock, driving the knee into the back, he slowly works his way down and grabs Roderick’ arms and starts wrenching, Roderick quickly gets up to his feet, arms still behind his back, tries to maneuver his way out of the hold, hard stomp to the foot of Davey, quickly whips around behind him, lifts him up in a side suplex and hits a backbreaker, quick cover, but only a one count


· Roderick nails a few shots to the dome of Richards, slowly they get up, as soon as they’re on their feet, Roderick lays in a nasty chop, Davey returns a chop of his own, Roderick with another hard chop that knocks Richards back, he unleashes another chop that staggers Strong, overhand chop from Roderick, an overhand chop from Richards, they get nose to nose screaming at each other until Davey quickly snaps his head back and nails a quick headbutt right to the bridge of Roderick’ nose, Roderick staggers back into the corner, blood starts coming from his nose, Richards starts laying in the chops, cross corner irish whip and Richards follows in with a hard clothesline, Roderick staggers out, boot from Davey, he hooks him up and nails the D.R. Driver! Cover – ONE… TWO…. THRRRR—Roderick gets his shoulder up at two and three quarters


· Richards continues to work on Roderick, dropping elbows to the back of the neck, hard shots to the head, locks in a camel clutch and keeps grinding on the neck hard, Roderick looks as though he’s about ready to tap, but instead is able to get himself backwards and get his foot on the bottom rope, Todd Sinclair keeps demanding Richards to break the hold, but Richards refuses, Sinclair finally pulls Richards off of Roderick, Roderick rolls himself to the ring apron and tries to stand


· As Roderick finally gets himself up, Davey comes over, Roderick blocks a punch attempt, hooks Davey up, tries to suplex him out of the ring, but Richards lands on the apron, hard kick from Davey to the chest of Roderick, Roderick slumps and comes back up with a hard chop to the chest of Richards, another kick from Davey and Roderick again slumps, then comes back up with another hard chop, another kick attempt from Davey is swatted away and Roderick nails rapid fire chops (about 8) in a row all getting harder and harder, Davey swings at Roderick, but Roderick ducks, catching his head under the arm, lifts Davey up and jumps off using the ring apron as a weapon and nailing a big backbreaker! The crowd starts chanting “ROH” as Roderick drops to the floor outside, obviously exhausted, Todd Sinclair begins the count


· Davey Richards rolls himself back in the ring and right back out to break up the count, Todd Sinclair is yelling at Richards as Larry Sweeney sneaks around the other side of the ring and waits for Roderick to get to his knees, Sweeney comes running and nails a field goal-esque kick to the ribs of Strong, Sinclair catches Sweeney out of the corner of his eye running away, an argument ensues, Richards comes over grabbing Roderick and pulling him to his feet, Roderick pushes him away, Richards throws a kick but Roderick catches it, lifts Richards up and despite Richards attempt to stop him, does a quick jump up onto a chair set up at ringside and drops Davey across the guardrail/metal signs with another backbreaker, Davey falls across a few fans in the front row, the chants are huge again with “ROH”


· Roderick is making his way around the ring, trying to shake the cobwebs loose when Larry Sweeney again comes from behind and starts clubbing his back, Roderick stops, turns around and starts slapping his chest, Sweeney begging off, takes off running, Roderick again follows him, Sweeney slides into the ring, Roderick right on his tail slides in after him, cornering Sweeney, the crowd starts chanting “F**K ‘EM UP ROD’RICK F**K ‘EM UP” {clap clap) Sweeney is on his knees in the corner begging, offering Roderick his Bluetooth headset to him as a peace offering, but Roderick snatches it from him and throws it into the crowd (a scuffle ensues as the rabid NYC fans are all trying to go after it at once), Roderick grabs Sweeney by the hair, pulling him to his feet in the corner, rips open his shirt and shushes the crowd until they’re quiet, revs back and nails a sickening chop to Larry Sweeney’ chest, the crowd pops, Roderick is about to throw another one when Davey Richards jumps on him from behind again, saving Sweeney’ life, Davey starts nailing shot after shot after shot on Roderick, quickly pulls Roderick to the center of the ring, hooks him and snap suplex, Richards floats over and gets a two count, Richards pulls Roderick to his feet again, irish whip in, Roderick ducks under a clothesline and on the rebound comes back nailing a jumping Yakuza kick to the face of Davey Richards


· Roderick waits on Richards to gets to his feet, quickly swoops in, double underhook, lifts him up and drops him down with a powerbomb/backbreaker combination, the crowd are on their feet, Roderick tells them that it’s over, picks Richards up off of the mat, scoops him up on his shoulder and goes for the Gut Buster, but Richards lands on his feet off of the jump and nails a hard shot to the side of Roderick’ head as he sits up, Richards backs himself up to the corner, calling for Roderick to get up, Roderick slow to his feet, Davey comes rushing, trying for a jumping Yakuza Kick as well but Roderick catches him in mid air, jumping up with him and coming down hard with a leg cradle backbreaker, cover, ONE….TWO… THRR- Richards get the shoulder up


· Roderick and Richards back and forth as they’re both to their knees, elbows and chops getting traded, they get to their feet slapping each other, chops and kicks being traded, Richards hits the ropes, nails a hard clothesline that throws Roderick to the mat, but Roderick is quickly back up, turns around, boot to the gut, Richards hooks him and tries to get him up for the D.R. Driver again, but Roderick stops him, swings out of it, ducks under a short arm clothesline attempt, Richards turns around, boot to the gut, Roderick hooks him and nails a quick Gibson Driver! Cover… ONE…. TWO…. THREEEEE!!!!


Winner : Roderick Strong

Match Rating : B

[The crowd are on their feet chanting “ROH! ROH! ROH! ROH!” and fading into a “THAT WAS AWE-SOME” (clap clap clap clap clap) chant]


LL : Not at all how I thought this match would end, but I have to agree with the fans here at the Hammerstein Ballroom, THAT, Dave Prazak, WAS AWESOME!


DP : I couldn’t agree with you more Lenny, you won’t find action like this anywhere except Ring of Honor, not in WWE, not in TNA, nowhere in the world will you find the kind of action that you just saw, and I’m sure that we haven’t seen the last of these two in the ring together, not to mention, Roderick actually got his hands on Larry Sweeney for a brief second tonight, Lenny, we don’t see that happen too often


LL : Indeed we don’t, as a matter of fact, we should NEVER see that happen at all


[Roderick is to his feet, Richards to his feet as well]


DP : Whoa, hold on a second, could we actually see a handshake here tonight Lenny?


[Roderick extends his hand to Davey Richards, Davey slowly walks center ring starting to extend his hand, but spits in the face of Roderick Strong instead and rolls out of the ring]

DP : What a show of disrespect from Davey Richards! Spitting in the face of Roderick Strong! Especially after such a classic match-up.


LL : What can one say Prazak? Davey Richards is to Sweet & Sour, Inc what Arn Anderson was to the Four Horsemen, did you ever see Arn Anderson shaking hands after classic matches with Dusty Rhodes or Magnum T.A. or Nikita Kolloff or even the Rock N Roll Express?


DP : That was then Lenny Leonard, That was then


LL : Yeah, and this is now, no different than back then, Arn Anderson’ job was to protect Ric Flair and the World Heavyweight Title, Davey Richards’ job is to protect “Sweet & Sour” Larry Sweeney


DP : Fans, we’re about to see Naomichi Marufuji in action and his opponent tonight, will be none other than “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson


Naomichi Marufuji vs Bryan Danielson


· Tons of streamers come flying in this match as both men are well respected by the New York City crowd, Code of Honor is adhered to as Bryan Danielson and Naomichi Marufuji shake hands in the center of the ring, Paul Turner calls for the bell and we’re ready to get the match under way


· Collar and Elbow tie-up, Marufuji slips behind Danielson, Danielson turns around, hard chop from Marufuji, Danielson fires back a chop of his own, another hard chop from Marufuji and Danielson tries to come with an uppercut, but Marufuji grabs his arm whipping him to the mat and into a side armbar, Danielson tries to get out of the hold bringing his legs up to trap the head of Marufuji, but Marufuji pops right up and nails Danielson with a kick to the chest as he sits up, but Danielson grabs the leg, Danielson to his feet holding onto the leg and attempts a dragon screw, but Marufuji slips out just in the nick of time, Danielson puts his fingers up indicating that he was very close to tearing Marufuji’ leg off


· Another circling session and a tie up, Danielson turns it into an overhead hammerlock, tripping Marufuji up and taking him to the mat hammerlock and Marufuji is pinned to the mat, one - two – Marufuji bridges up, powers his way up and takes Danielson to the mat with a hammerlock of his own, Dragon’ shoulders are on the mat, count, one – two – Danielson bridges up, Marufuji tries to keep Danielson down, but he powers his way up, whip around out of the hammerlock and Marufuji ducks a clothesline, super kick to the side of the head is slapped away and as Marufuji turns around he gets rocked with an uppercut, two more and he falls into the corner, Danielson charges in, Marufuji gets a boot up, Danielson staggers back, turning around, Marufuji whips him around and grabs his head, he’s going for Shiranui! To the turnbuckles and Danielson puts on the brakes, half nelson suplex to get out of the hold


· Match continues, Danielson and Marufuji trading off momentum, finish comes rather abruptly, with Marufuji trying for a Shiranui from the top rope, but Danielson getting out of the hold, comes off the top rope with a double axe handle hitting Marufuji awkwardly, Danielson quickly wraps him up into the elbow shots to the side of the head and just as quickly wraps his arms up and locks in Cattle Mutilation, Marufuji seems out of it, Paul Turner drops the arm three times and this match comes to an end.


Winner via Submission : “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson

Match Rating : C



DP : And a great show of respect from “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson and Naomichi Marufuji, both men well respected by the Ring of Honor fans,


LL : And after the complete lack of safety at the hands of Bryan Danielson, he knew that he should have stuck around to check on Marufuji


DP : Lack of safety? He didn’t ev - It’s a lost cause, Fans, we’re about ready to take you to the Main Event tonight, the Ring of Honor World Championship is on the line as Nigel McGuinness puts the title on the line against Austin Aries in what should be a classic contest!


Nigel McGuinness© vs Austin Aries


· Entrances take place, ring introductions are handled and the crowd are on their feet, the New York City crowd is split down the middle, half of them chanting “AU-STIN AR-IES” the other half responding with “LET’S GO NI-GEL” Nigel and Austin meet center ring jawing at each other, Todd Sinclair calls for the bell and they go circling around the ring, no handshake to start this one, with both men wanting one thing.. The Ring of Honor World Title.


· Collar and Elbow Tie up, Nigel quickly with an arm wrench, overhead with the arm wrench whipping Aries around into a side headlock, Aries powers out of the move into an overhead hammerlock which Nigel turns into another arm wrench, Austin looking for somewhere to go rolls over, nips up and as he nips up Nigel grabs him by the back of the head throwing him back down to the mat and cinching in the arm bar, Nigel and Todd Sinclair argue over whether Nigel pulled Austin’ hair or not, Nigel denies the claim, Austin back up to a knee, trying to find a way out of the arm bar, scoop slam attempt, but Nigel frees an arm and nails an elbow to the back of the head, locking in the armbar once more, Austin reaches with his boot and wraps a foot on the bottom rope, breaking the hold, Austin rolls outside showing obvious frustration, a fan at ringside yells something obscene at Aries, which he responds with an obscenity of his own


· Back in the ring Austin and Nigel are in a tie up, Nigel powers Austin back to the corner, Uppercut attempt and Austin slips out Nigel turns around and gets a chop, Nigel nails the uppercut, rocking Aries back, he comes back with another chop, another uppercut from Nigel, Austin staggers back and as he goes for a chop, Nigel quickly throws an arm up and Austin instead jumps into a dropkick to the knee


· Austin hits the ropes, coming in with a running knee on Nigel, but Nigel pops up with a big Lariat! Austin Aries did a flip in mid air, Nigel covers – ONE…TWO… THR- Austin Aries kicks out


· Nigel keeps working on Aries, locking in the arm bar, driving knees to the shoulder and rotator cuff area on Austin Aries


· Nigel brings Austin to his feet, arm wrench again, irish whip, Nigel ducks down, Aries with a boot knocking Nigel back, standing dropkick on Nigel he stumble back to the ropes and falls halfway out, comes charging right back with the Jawbreaker Lariat, but Austin ducks under and step-up enziguiri sends Nigel outside the ring


· Austin slowly to his feet, he stands and starts clapping his hands, stomping his feet, Austin takes off for the ropes and comes flying through with a heat seeking missle, but as he gets through the ropes Nigel catches him, positioned perfectly, Austin nailing punches, his feet secure on the middle rope, Nigel throws two fingers up and TOWER OF LONDON TO THE OUTSIDE! The NYC crowd starts going nuts with “HOLY SH**” chants, Nigel stands in front of the crowd throwing two fingers up yelling “UP YOURS!” – The crowd still chanting and fading into an “ROH” chant, Todd Sinclair is up to a twelve count, Nigel breaks the count by rolling in and right back out


· Nigel grabs Austin up from the outside of the ring, irish whip into the steel signs and again with two fingers up towards the crowd, rushes in and nails a running European uppercut to Austin Aries


· Nigel grabs the back of Austin’ head and rolls him back into the ring, Nigel with a thumb across the throat rolls back into the ring himself, he grabs Austin’ arm again, this time wrapping around going for the London Dungeon, Aries quickly acting on instinct stands up flipping Nigel over, holding onto the arm and drops a leg on the arm, Aries quickly to his feet, starts flailing the arms back and forth and drops the pendulum elbow drop, cover, two count and Nigel kicks out


· Austin still showing effects of the beating he’s been taking slowly grabs Nigel off of the mat irish whip to the corner, Austin follows in with a big elbow to the side of the head, he then goes cross corner and starts stomping his feet again, Austin takes off and goes running across the ring and catches Nigel with a big dropkick in the corner, the honest NYC crowd starts chanting “SAME OLD SH**” as Austin drags Nigel out and hooks him up for the Brainbuster, Austin gets Nigel up and nails the Brainbuster, he rolls outside the ring and starts his climb up top, he listens to the chants and yells at the crowd, as he gets up top Nigel is already up, knocks Aries’ leg out from underneath him, double throat thrust and Nigel grabs the head of Aries, pulling him out for a Tower of London again, but Aries rakes the eyes of Nigel, pulling himself back to a better position, he gets to his feet as Nigel turns around and comes jumping off with a flying head scissors taking Nigel down


· The crowd is torn in two still, half of them chanting “AUSTIN ARIES” the other half responding still with “LET’S GO NIGEL”, Aries watches back and forth, then yells loudly, Nigel gets to his feet, Aries goes right after him with hard chops, the more he hits, the harder they get, Austin takes off for the ropes as Nigel staggers backwards, he falls halfway out, comes flying again with the Jawbreaker Lariat, but this time Nigel hooks the arm, jumps up on Nigel’ back and nails a big Crucifix Driver, Todd Sinclair in position, ONE….TWO…. THRRR--- Austin Aries released the pin!


· Austin stands up in the center of the ring and yells “SAME OLD SH**?!?!?! I’LL SHOW YOU SAME OLD SH**!!!” which the crowd responds to with boos, Aries leaves the ring and grabs ahold of the timekeeper, throwing him out of his chair and returns to the ring with it, Todd Sinclair cuts him off, but Austin shoves Todd Sinclair out of the way, Austin places the chair against Nigel’ skull and wraps his arms around, he starts throwing knee strikes to the chair into the skull of Nigel McGuinness, Todd Sinclair has seen enough and calls for the bell, but Austin won’t stop with the knee strikes, Austin takes the chair and wraps it around Nigel’ neck and arm, then bridges over, pulling on the leg of the chair for a chair-assisted Last Chancery, Todd Sinclair is doing everything to stop Austin Aries, the locker room starts to clear out, with The Briscoes, Steen & Generico, Bryan Danielson, Roderick Strong, Mitch Franklin, Alex Payne coming to break it up, Austin finally releases the hold and leaves the ring, walking by the ring announcer who was in the middle of announcing Nigel McGuinness as the winner, Austin grabs the mic and screams “HOW WAS THAT FOR SAME OLD SH**?!” and slams the mic down, Austin tries to get back to the ring, but is held off by everyone except Bryan Danielson who is checking on Nigel McGuinness, Danielson helps Nigel to his feet, and Nigel in a fit of rage nails a huge European Uppercut on American Dragon staggering him, Nigel hits the ropes tossing himself halfway out and nails the Jawbreaker Lariat on Danielson, the NYC crowd is hot, chanting “BULLSH**” at the end of the match


Winner via DQ and STILL ROH World Champion : Nigel McGuinness

Match Rating : B-


DP : What could have turned out to be a nearly five-star match and a perfect finish to Final Battle weekend, turns into a pity party for Austin Aries, upset because some of the fans were on the side of Nigel McGuinness


LL : That’s the roll of the dice in Ring of Honor, especially in New York City and Austin Aries, above anyone else, should know that, one night you’re cheered, the next night you’re booed


DP : And Nigel McGuinness with his blatant attack on Bryan Danielson, this wasn’t the way that I thought Ring of Honor would end 2008


LL : You can’t always get what you want Dave Prazak, just remember that


DP : Fans, we’re out of time, on behalf of all of us here at Ring of Honor, we wish you a very safe and happy New Year and look forward to seeing you for the first show in 2009 as Ring of Honor will be in Detroit, Michigan, don’t miss it!


[Fade out on Bryan Danielson getting to his feet]



OOC : SORRY! I am so sorry… I can’t even explain how f’n sorry I am for this taking as long as it did, my internet at home is ONCE AGAIN OUT! However, it will not effect the diary, I’ll have Newswires up within the next few days to start building the next double shot weekend. I hope it was worth the wait (again) feedback as always is appreciated, no matter how good or bad it is, future shows will be posted all as one.

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January 2009 Week 1


Monday – Ring of Honor officials began their new year dealing with a lot of backlash from events that transpired during Final Battle weekend, starting with the possible injury to Sara Del Rey, during her match with Amazing Kong, the office has still not heard anything on the condition, an MRI will be done to determine the extent of any injuries she may have received.


Monday – After an intense meeting between Ring of Honor officials and “Super Agent” Larry Sweeney, Franky Tha Mobster and Apollo Kahn will be seen on the next Ring of Honor Double Shot weekend, it is unsure yet if they will appear in Detroit, Michigan or Chicago, Illinois but we have been assured that we will see them both


Tuesday – Ring of Honor officials received an email from Austin Aries which was also posted as a blog on his official mybook page, the email contained the following message :

“… In regards to my actions during Final Battle weekend, I first would like to extend an apology to the fans in New York and Philadelphia who might have been offended by my actions and any words I may have had with any of the fans. I also would like to apologize to Rebecca Bayless for the things that I said to her during our backstage interview…..” He goes on to put over Final Battle weekend and again apologize if he ruined it for any of the fans in attendance or those who may buy the DVD.


Tuesday – BJ Whitmer, who showed up during Final Battle weekend causing Adam Pearce and Brent Albright the Four Corner Survival, has not been able to be located ever since the attack, his reasons are still unknown, his status with Ring of Honor as well is unknown, when we have more information regarding the situation, we will report it on http://www.rohwrestling.com


Wednesday – If you didn’t hear DTA Radio this past weekend, you missed a lot, their guest for the evening was none other than ROH World Champion, Nigel McGuinness, in the interview when asked about his future as ROH World Champion, Nigel commented that he didn’t see an end in sight for his reign as ROH World Champion, stating that while many stars, such as “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, Rob Van Dam, The Rock, Goldberg, John Cena, Triple H and others are groomed for their runs as World Champion, few are born as champions, Nigel is one of those rare few who was born a champion, others included one of his mentors while spending the early part of his career in Louisville and Cincinnati, Kurt Angle being another person who was a born champion. When asked about “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson, Nigel stated that Danielson is a great wrestler, but nowhere near the “Best in the World” as the fans would claim, he then stated that the actions that took place at the end of Final Battle 2008 were only a precursor, in Detroit Michigan at the end of January, Nigel McGuinness would prove that he was Born a Champion when he faces off against Bryan Danielson.


Wednesday – An unfortunate turn of events has taken place as The Motor City Machine Guns, who were originally supposed to take part in the “Motor City Madness” card in Detroit have a prior obligation with New Japan Pro Wrestling and will be taking part in their big show that very same weekend, “Motor City Madness” has been promised in the future for ROH fans, however, without the presence of the MCMG, ROH officials have decided to rename the event “Caged Collision” with the main event in Detroit to be Nigel McGuinness and a partner of his choice taking of Bryan Danielson and a partner of his choosing, the event will also feature a 6-man tag team steel cage elimination match with Roderick Strong leading his teammates, yet to be named, into the cage against Sweet & Sour, Inc members Davey Richards, Chris Hero & Go Shiozaki.


Thursday – Our next Double Shot weekend will end in Chicago, Illinois, the event in question has now been named “Born Champion” and the main event HAS been signed, Nigel McGuinness will defend the ROH World Title against “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson, neither man are available for comment as they are both training intensely for the upcoming match.


Thursday – Two more matches have been signed thus far for Born Champion weekend, on Friday night in Detroit at Caged Collision, we will see Claudio Castagnoli going one on one with Naomichi Marufuji, also set to take place Friday night in Detroit is Brent Albright going one on one with Age of the Fall member, Joey Matthews.


Friday – Juventud Guerrera has been discussing bringing a tag team partner in for Born Champion weekend, however the details are not known at this point only that negotiations are ongoing.


Friday – Mark & Jay Briscoe have been hammering the phone lines at ROH offices lobbying for a Tag Team Title shot during Born Champion weekend, nothing has been made official as of yet, when we know the outcome, we will let you, the ROH fans, know.

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Dude, dont worry. Its always worth the wait for this diary. Gotta say the main event ending was pretty sweet. Probably not the way I would have ended the last show of the year, but its obviously leading somewhere. Look forward to your next update.


Thanks for the kind words as always jw, glad you enjoy things so far

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January 2009, Week 2


Monday – As we saw prior to the Main Event at All Star Extravaganza IV, Jerry Lynn has put a challenge out to all of his old rivals, even naming some of them, such as Sabu, Psicosis and a man whom many will probably say was his greatest foe, Rob Van Dam, as of now nobody has accepted the open challenge of Jerry Lynn, but rest assured, his “Farewell Tour” as some in the locker room are calling it, will go off without a hitch, as a matter of fact, during Born Champion weekend Jerry Lynn will be going one on one with Sweet & Sour, Inc’s Davey Richards in what some are already thinking will be the match that steals the weekend.


Tuesday – It’s official, during Born Champion weekend Ring of Honor fans will again be able to see Juventud Guerrera as he will be bringing in one of the men that Jerry Lynn called out, Psicosis to do battle in tag team action, as of yet, there is not a match completely signed, however, it should only be a matter of time before they have opponents.


Tuesday – Ring of Honor management have been made aware that Sara Del Rey will be unavailable for the remainder of the month so that she can nurse any injuries she may have suffered as a result of the Amazing Bomb from Amazing Kong at All Star Extravaganza IV.


Wednesday – More matches have been signed for Born Champion weekend! A favorite in the Great Lakes area, Arik Cannon will be in action for Ring of Honor at Born Champion as he will be going one on one with Necro Butcher, in addition to Brent Albright facing off at Born Champion against one of the newest members of Sweet & Sour, Inc, Franky Tha Mobster


Thursday - HUGE NEWS RING OF HONOR FANS! Ring of Honor offices were contacted just one hour ago by none other than Austin Aries, the full contents of the phone call are unknown, however, what IS known is that in an effort to make up to the fans for his childish behavior during Final Battle weekend, Austin Aries contacted his former Generation Next stablemate, Roderick Strong and has convinced “The Messiah of the Backbreaker” to team up with him at Born Champion to face off against Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis, the only stipulation was that if Roderick agreed to that match, Austin Aries would be part of the six-man cage match against Sweet & Sour, Inc.


Thursday – ROH management received an email this evening from Bryan Danielson, claiming that Nigel McGuinness is a coward, stating that he has no problem announcing his partner for Caged Collision, The American Dragon has chosen none other than Delirious to be his partner, Nigel McGuinness was unable to be reached for comment



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January 2009 – Week 3


Monday – We here at rohwrestling.com would like to apologize to our fans for the problems that we’ve had with our website from Thursday until Sunday when it was finally restored, somehow our server was hacked and every page, as you may have seen when you tried to visit the site was replaced with the “HOTTEST FREE AGENT” logo, we here at rohwrestling.com are still unsure what this is meaning as it has been showing up in the latest DVD releases as well as now the Ring of Honor website, when we know more, you’ll know more


Tuesday – Born Champion weekend is set ladies and gentlemen, the next double shot weekend is complete and today we will be revealing the card for Caged Collision, with the card for Born Champion to be revealed tomorrow.


Caged Collision


Brandon Thomaselli vs Ace Steel

Franky Tha Mobster & Apollo Kahn vs Ernie Osiris & Grizzly Redwood

Claudio Castagnoli vs Naomichi Marufuji

Kevin Steen & El Generico © vs Mark & Jay Briscoe for the ROH Tag Team Titles

Brent Albright vs Joey Matthews of the Age of the Fall

Chris Hero, Davey Richards & Go Shiozaki vs Roderick Strong, Austin Aries & Jerry Lynn

ROH World Champion Nigel McGuinness & a mystery partner vs “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson & Delirious


Wednesday – As was reported yesterday right here on rohwrestling.com, Born Champion weekend is set, the card for Caged Collision has already been announced and now we will be announcing the card for Born Champion


Born Champion


Tyler Black of The Age of the Fall vs Ruckus of The Vulture Squad

Franky Tha Mobster vs Brent Albright

Necro Butcher vs Arik Cannon

Chris Hero vs Naomichi Marufuji

Special Challenge Match

Juventud Guerrera & Psicosis vs Austin Aries & Roderick Strong

Jerry Lynn vs Davey Richards

Nigel McGuinness © vs Bryan Danielson for the ROH World Title


Get your predictions in while you can (or if you want) I'll be finishing the cards this weekend... posting them sometime this next week... And I'll probably be offering a little something to whomever makes the most right choices.... and by a little something... I mean.... a date with Drew Carey

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  • 2 weeks later...

After mulling it over alot, I've decided to switch up my format a little bit... All of the major cards will be in depth detail, much like All Star Extravaganza IV & Final Battle 2008 were, the shows in between the major cards will be detailed, though not AS detailed, it'll allow me to turn out cards at a quicker rate, as well as avoid burn out.


Hope anyone who reads will enjoy the new format, I've played through May in game time, so I've got plenty coming...


Caged Collision will be posted within the hour, Born Champion will be posted by the end of the night or tomorrow morning

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[Fade In to find Austin Aries and Roderick Strong standing nose to nose, both with severely intense glares on their faces, Roderick slowly cracks a grin, Austin then does the same]


Roderick : It’s been awhile Austin, but please allow me to thank you [Austin has a confused look for a second] I want to thank you for helping me out this weekend, helping me out with Sweet & Sour, Incorporated and trying to rid Ring of Honor of the biggest cancer to ever step foot in the locker room


Austin : Well Roderick, I’d say no problem, but there is one slight problem, you see, me and you, we’ve got some unfinished business to take care of dating back to the days of Generation Next, but I’m not worried about that tonight, you see tonight, what we’re going to do is go out there, step into that steel cage with Chris Hero, Davey Richards and Go Shiozaki and we’re going to show them how we get things done in Ring of Honor


[At this point, Jerry Lynn steps into the frame]


Lynn : And guys, I want to personally thank you myself for asking me to be part of your team tonight, I may not be in the middle of the war with Sweet & Sour, Incorporated, but I’ve definitely got some things to teach to Chris Hero and Davey Richards tonight, a little bit about respect


Austin : And Roderick, don’t forget who did you this favor, you never know when I may call on you, I’m pretty sure that I got rid of Jimmy Jacobs finally after Rising Above, but if he ever shows his face in Ring of Honor again, you can bet that I’m going to once again try to bring the Age of the Fall down


Roderick : Let’s do it guys


[All three high five and we quick switch to the ringside area where Brandon Thomaselli is making his way to the ring]


DP : Welcome ladies and gentlemen, I’m Dave Prazak


LL : And I’m Lenny Leonard and tonight we’re getting ready for CAGED COLLISION, our main event tonight is going to be one to remember, Austin Aries and Roderick Strong teaming up again for the first time in a long time and adding Jerry Lynn to the mix, facing off against members of Sweet & Sour, Incorporated in the FIP Champion, Go Shiozaki, Davey Richards and “That Young Knock Out Kid” Chris Hero

DP: Indeed, it should be a great one and right now in the ring, we’ve got Brandon Thomaselii, who is making his Ring of Honor debut here, just last month at Final Battle 2008, we saw the debut of his two brothers, The Iron Saints, Salvatore & Vito Thomaselli

LL : And his opponent tonight is no stranger to Ring of Honor competition, a man who made his Ring of Honor return at Rising Above, Ace Steel


Brandon Thomaselli vs Ace Steel


• Good opening match, both men were able to showcase their talents well


• Crowd came alive for the finish with Ace Steel going for the Steel Spike, Thomaselli worked his way out of the move, scooped Steel up on his shoulders, and hit a front lay out F-5


• Brandon Thomaselli picked up the win in his ROH debut

Winner : Brandon Thomaselli

Match Rating : C




LL : Brandon Thomaselli caught Ace Steel off guard and picked up the win Dave, that’s what happened

DP : Indeed he did! Brandon Thomaselli certainly pulling off an upset over an ROH veteran, I, for one will look forward to see what the future has in store for this young man!


[Cut back to ringside where we’re ready for the next match]


Franky Tha Mobster & Apollo Kahn vs Ernie Osiris & Grizzly Redwood


• Larry Sweeney introduced Frany & Apollo as the “Next World Tag Team Champions” and as soon as they hit the ring, they immediately destroyed Ernie Osiris


• Grizzly tried his chop down tactics, but Franky was having none of it


• Finish came after 90 seconds with Apollo and Franky hitting a Powerbomb/Neckbreaker combination

Winners : Franky Tha Mobster & Apollo Kahn

Match Rating : E

DP : Larry Sweeney’ new team of Franky Tha Mobster and Apollo Kahn having another tremendous impact here in Ring of Honor making short work of Ernie Osiris and Grizzly Redwood

LL: And not even the mighty chopping of the lumberjack could bring either of those massive men down tonight, I have to agree with Larry Sweeney, next tag team champions right there Dave Prazak

[Cut backstage to Becky Bayless standing by with Nigel McGuinness]


Becky : Nigel, nearly two weeks ago, Bryan Danielson called you out in the Newswire claiming that you were a coward because you refused to reveal your partner for the tag team match tonight, what are your thoughts?


Nigel : What do I care what Bryan Danielson, or the fans, or Ring of Honor management think of me? The fact is that I have a partner tonight and he will be here by the time the match starts, which is exactly when I’ll reveal his identity.. Now, if you don’t have anything better to ask me, I suggest you get out now, I have a match to get ready for


[cut back to ringside – Claudio Castagnoli is in the ring, the crowd getting under his skins with “HEY!” everytime he moves, stretches out, “HEY!” starts loosening his arms up “HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYY!” Claudio’ face is beet red]


DP : Claudio Castagnoli, taking offense to the fans in attendance and they’re certainly doing their best to upset him


LL : And if I was these fans, I’d watch out, Claudio Castagnoli is likely to go after someone in this crowd

Claudio Castagnoli vs Naomichi Marufuji

• Good match from these two, had the crowd in it from the beginning


• Match lasted a good 15 minutes, Claudio looked really good in the match, nearly pinning Marufuji with the Ricola Bomb at the 8 minute mark


• Marufuji eventually regained the momentum, nailing Claudio with Shiranui and picking up the win


Winner : Naomichi Marufuji

Match Rating : C

DP : And Naomichi Marufuji puts away Claudio Castagnoli as he gears up for tomorrow night in Chicago when he goes one on one with Chris Hero

[After Marufuji leaves the ring, “Gimme Back My Bullets” comes up and The Briscoes come stomping out to a good reaction, Claudio is still at the ringside area, they kind of glare each other down while Claudio makes his way to the back]

LL : And the Briscoe Brothers giving Claudio no time to leave the ring area, a little staredown there as Claudio tried to make his way to the back

DP : The Briscoe Brothers coming to Detroit, looking to take the ROH World Tag Team Titles from Steen & Generico, they may be looking for a fight with Claudio if he doesn’t watch himself here tonight


[“Ole” by Bouncing Souls starts, the lights drop and out come Steen & Generico, however, a normal ring entrance does not take place, instead, Kevin Steen is blasted from behind as they’re walking out by Claudio Castagnoli, obviously still upset over his loss to Naomichi Marufuji, The Briscoes attack Generico outside the ring as he tries to go help Steen and the match is underway]


Kevin Steen & El Generico © vs The Briscoe Brothers

ROH World Tag Team Titles


• Not a very good match, it was much shoter than usual, Kevin Steen received a stomping from Claudio Castagnoli outside before being thrown into the ring where he and Generico were beaten down by The Briscoes and Claudio


• Referee Paul Turner never really started the match as it turned into nothing more than a massive beat down on Steen & Generico, therefor, the match was declared a no contest

Paul Turner decided to call this match a No Contest

Match Rating : D+

(The Briscoe Brothers heel turn was a complete success]

DP : In a shocking turn of events, Mark & Jay Briscoe siding with Claudio Castagnoli, I can understand that the Briscoes and Steen & Generico hate each other, but enough for the Briscoes to team up with Claudio Castagnoli?


LL : We just saw how Claudio Castagnoli can hold his own against some of the best in Ring of Honor, a rising star and the greatest tag team in Ring of Honor history, it’s no wonder why they’re working together, Dave


[Cut from the Briscoes and Claudio screaming at fans back to the backstage area where Brent Albright is show talking to Roderick, Aries and Jerry Lynn]

Albright : Sorry I wasn’t able to help you out tonight Roderick, but when I was at that other show, Matthews just wouldn’t shut his mouth, I’ve got to shut it for him tonight


Strong : No problem, no problem, you do what you gotta do


Aries : You know that I’ve got some history with Age of the Fall, Brent, so tonight, why don’t you go shut Joey Matthews up and I’ll give Chris Hero a little somethin special from you


Albright : Sounds like a plan to me, good luck out there guys, I gotta get to the ring

[Cut back to ringside, the screams are going off, out comes Joey Matthews, accompanied by Brodie Lee and Allison Wonderland]

Brent Albright vs Joey Matthews of Age of the Fall


• Good match here, Albright was a powerhouse as always, Matthews played the heel very well, the crowd was pretty well into this one


• Finish came with Albright going for the toss up into the Crowbar, but Joey Matthews was able to come through with a backslide, using the ropes to his advantage and picking up the win out of nowhere

Winner : Joey Matthews

Match Rating : C

DP : Joey Matthews of the Age of the Fall pulling out the surprise victory when everyone was sure that Brent Albright was just about to finish the match off

LL : And Joey Matthews and the Age of the Fall members aren’t sticking around to gloat about their win, they ran as quick as they could, knowing the temper that Brent Albright can have


DP : Fans, we’re getting ready for one of our two tag team main events tonight, “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson, who tomorrow night in Chicago will be facing off for the ROH World Title, will be teaming up with Delirious to face off against his opponent tomorrow night and current ROH World Champion, Nigel McGuinness and a partner of his choosing, whom still remains a mystery to us.


LL : And Nigel McGuinness has been preparing for his World title match tomorrow night with Bryan Danielson, if the things that I’ve heard are true, tomorrow night’ match could be the match of the year for Ring of Honor


DP : It may be a little too early in the year, being that it’s January, Lenny.


[Delirious makes his way to the ring, followed by “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson, his normal entrance playing with the crowd, “IT’S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN” and the “Best in the World” chants afterwards, Nigel’ music hits and he comes out, alone, does his normal entrance, then after removing his ring jacket, takes the mic from the ring announcer]


Nigel : Well well well, look at these two, The American Dragon and a masked freak, so I’m a coward, am I Danielson? Well mate, a coward wouldn’t show up here tonight, nor tomorrow night, so, without further ado, I’m going to reveal my partner tonight, one of the men who helped shape me into the GREATEST wrestler in Ring of Honor, back when I was about 300 miles away from this piss hole, down in Cincinatti, Ohio, he’s none other than Nick Dinsmore!


[The crowd is not buying it at all, Nick Dinsmore comes out with a semi-new look, his hair is buzzed off, no beard, wearing a Nigel t-shirt]

DP : Nick Dinsmore?! The former U-Gene?! When the hell did they ever work together?

LL : It seems to be true Dave, Nick Dinsmore, who at one time was part of the tag team, “The Lords of the Ring “with partner Rob Conway, lived in the Cincinatti, Ohio and Louisville, Kentucky areas for many years, did take part in numerous wrestling camps around the area, both as a trainee and trainer, Nigel and Nick have known each other a long time and have been good friends


DP : Are you googling this crap?


LL : It pays to be friends with the workers, Dave


Bryan Danielson & Delirious vs Nigel McGuinness & Nick Dinsmore


• The ROH crowd really wasn’t buying Nick Dinsmore, even as he started out the match, taunting him with chants of “UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNEEEE” Dinsmore traded holds with Delirious, reversing nearly everything that Delirious brought to the table, after about five minutes of getting nothing in, Delirious tags out to Bryan Danielson


• Things started getting good here, Dinsmore and Danielson complimented each other pretty well, Danielson attempted to wrestle Dinsmore to the ground to lock in Cattle Mutilation, but couldn’t make it happen


• The match went about 25 minutes, basic tag team match with the ring being cut off on Delirious, before Delirious is able to get the hot tag to Danielson


• Finish came shortly after the hot tag, Danielson threw Dinsmore out of the ring with a release german and went after Nigel nailing him with the elbow shots and working it over into the Cattle Mutilation, Nigel was about to tap when Dinsmore made his way up to the top rope and came flying off of the top rope with a double foot stomp right on the sternum of Bryan Danielson VERY hard, Nigel quickly made the cover and picked up the win for their team

Winners : Nigel McGuinness & Nick Dinsmore

Match Rating : C-

[bryan Danielson is rolling on the mat clutching his chest after the match]


LL : Nick Dinsmore taking a page out of one of his favorite wrestlers growing up, Kevin Sullivan, delivering the double stomp to Bryan Danielson to break up that Cattle Mutilation

DP : It looks like he did more than break the hold Lenny, he may have broken Bryan Danielson’ sternum!


[Danielson is helped to the back as we get a preview of the Rising Above 2008 PPV as well as a reminder on the ROH Video Wire, plus all the great DVDs that are available only at http://www.rohwrestling.com - cut back to ringside and the cage is in place, “AIN’T NO DOUBT ABOUT IT! AH-HA-HA-HA!” ]


DP: It’s Main Event time, as we hear the opening to the entrance of Sweet & Sour, Incorporated along with their manager, “Sweet & Sour” Larry Sweeney, Lenny, this one could be a great match

LL : Well, Roderick Strong, Brent Albright and Ace Steel lost out on their opportunity to have Steel Cage Warfare against Sweet & Sour, Inc so Roderick Strong, along with Brent Albright went to ROH management and begged to have at least a 6-man cage match, I’m still not sure why Brent Albright didn’t participate in this match tonight


DP : We did see Brent Albright earlier tonight facing Joey Matthews, which he nearly won the match, Roderick Strong did however find two suitable replacements for Brent Albright in Jerry Lynn and his former partner, Austin Aries.

[Roderick, Austin & Lynn make their way out, the fans pop with the mixing of the three entrance songs]

Roderick Strong, Austin Aries & Jerry Lynn vs Chris Hero, Davey Richards & Go Shiozaki

Steel Cage Elimination Match


• This was the match of the night! From the opening bell to the ending bell, the crowd was on their feet, I don’t think many people sat down during this match, the chants were fierce, the blood was pouring


• First elimination happened at the 12 minute mark when Jerry Lynn caught Go Shiozaki with the Cradle Piledriver and picked it up,


• The 2nd elimination happened almost immediately afterwards as Davey Richards, grabbing Lynn off of Shiozaki too late, hooked him up and nailed the D.R. Driver, picking up the pinfall in the center of the ring while Chris Hero was nailing both Roderick & Aries with a roaring elbow


• After this point, it was classic Aries & Strong, giving the fans a nice little preview of what’s in store tomorrow night in Chicago.


• Davey Richards was the next to be eliminated, falling victim to the 450 splash from Austin Aries


• Chris Hero was left alone and held his own against Aries & Strong, however, in the end of it all, he was no match for the former Generation Next members


• Both men covered Chris Hero after Roderick nailed him with a Gibson Driver and Austin Aries came off of the top of the cage with a 450 splash, Roderick hopped on top and the pinfall was counted

Winners/Survivors : Roderick Strong & Austin Aries

Match Rating : C+

DP : Roderick Strong and Austin Aries have done it! Could we be seeing the team together again?

LL : I hope not Dave, what Ring of Honor DOESN’T need right now is for Austin Aries and Roderick Strong to be a fulltime tag team again


DP : I think the Ring of Honor fans might say differently Lenny, at any rate, we’ll see you tomorrow night in Chicago when Ring of Honor presents “Born Champion”, for Lenny Leonard, I’m Dave Prazak, see you then folks!

[Fade out with Aries & Strong celebrating in the cage]


Card Rating : C-

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ROH : Born Champion


[“ROH” chants begin, however, the ROH logo that usually comes across the screen is replaced by the throbbing gold “HOTTEST FREE AGENT” once again – the “ROH” chants continue and it flashes to the ringside area, our ring announcer is in the ring welcoming us to Chicago, Illinois! – the crowd responds with the usual big pop and “ROH” chant, the ring announcer does the usual hype-up getting the crowd going]


LL : Lenny Leonard here tonight, along side Dave Prazak and Ring of Honor “Born Champion” is ready to get underway

DP : And we can hear the music for the Age of the Fall, Lenny, here comes Tyler Black and Allison Wonderland

LL : I’m not sure what to make of it all, Jimmy Jacobs hasn’t been really been seen for awhile, are we looking at the new leader of Age of the Fall?


DP : It very well could be, Lenny, Tyler Black was the stand out talent in 2008, only time will tell if he’s capable of stepping up and taking that leadership role or not and here comes Ruckus!

Tyler Black of Age of the Fall vs Ruckus of The Vulture Squad

• Good opening match for “Born Champion” as Ruckus and Tyler Black worked well together, getting in a majority of their best spots


• Ruckus showed that he liked to play to the crowd a little bit too much and fell victim to Tyler Black and God’s Last Gift for the win


Winner : Tyler Black

Match Rating : C-


DP : Tyler Black looking impressive tonight against Ruckus and he continues to roll to February, where he will have a two out of three falls re-match with Go Shiozaki for the FIP Title


LL : And if tonight is any indication, I’m sure we’re looking at the next FIP Champion, Dave

[Cut from Tyler Black and Allison Wonderland walking up the ramp back to the ring as “AIN’T NO DOUBT ABOUT IT” and out comes Larry Sweeney followed by Franky Tha Mobster and Apollo Kahn]


DP : It’s time to see Franky Tha Mobster in singles competition, he’ll be going one on one with Brent Albright who, unfortunately, was unable to be part of the Caged Collision match last night due to a previous contract to face Joey Matthews, but tonight he’ll have a chance to break in one of the newest members of Sweet and Sour, Incorporated

LL : So


Brent Albright vs Franky Tha Mobster

• Good match between two power houses, Brent took advantage many times of the inexperience of Franky Tha Mobster, however, Franky’ power far surpassed his inexperience


• Albright nearly had Franky pinned after the release half nelson suplex, but Larry Sweeney distracted Todd Sinclair long enough for Apollo Kahn to attempt to get involved, Albright sent him scurrying off after an overhead belly to belly


• Albright finished off Franky with the crowbar, picking up the submission win

Winner : Brent Albright

Match Rating : C-


DP : Brent Albright making Franky Tha Mobster tap out here tonight, Sweet & Sour, Inc’ new henchman has gone down and Albright is challenging Apollo Kahn to get into the ring again, even holding the ropes open for him, but Larry Sweeney is leading the powerful duo back to the back

LL : Brent Albright should probably be careful, if he keeps poking the bear with the stick, he could find himself in a bad situation, Sweet and Sour Incorporated are not the group to mess with


[Cut to the back, we find Bryan Danielson being checked out by a physician, making sure that he is ok to wrestle tonight, Danielson does a few squats, lifts a few things, we cut back to ringside where Arik Cannon is in the ring and Necro Butcher is on his way to the ring for the next contest]

Arik Cannon vs Necro Butcher

• Good match between these two, nothing technical about it, it was an all out brawl


• Cannon and Necro threw everything at each other, brawling on the outside for most of the match, breaking up any twenty counts administerd by Paul Turner


• Great spot to finish the match saw Arik Cannon trying to take advantage of Necro after knocking him down, as Necro was getting up, Cannon came in, attempting a side Glimmering Warlock, however Necro caught him, standing up and hitting Cannon with a sitout powerbomb, picking up the win

Winner : Necro Butcher

Match Rating : C


DP : Necro Butcher pulling off the win here tonight, Arik Cannon looking impressive here, giving Necro just as much as Necro gave to him

LL : And we’ve got a staredown going on in the ring right now, Arik Cannon and Necro Butcher with a stand off


[Cannon holding his head, Necro holding his ribs, Necro offers a handshake to Cannon, which Cannon accepts]

DP : And a show of respect from Arik Cannon, accepting the Necro Butcher’ handshake

LL : Arik Cannon and Necro Butcher are no strangers to each other, both working in IWA : Mid South and CHIKARA together, however, I believe this is their first encounter in Ring of Honor


[More celebrating and respect showing between Cannon & Necro, the ROH logo across the screen and we’re ready for another match]

Naomichi Marufuji vs Chris Hero

• Good match, best match of the first half of the show, saw a lot of back and forth

• Marufuji nearly made Hero’ chest start to bleed with the chops after ripping his shirt off, big near fall about 10 minutes in when Marufuji hit Hero with a wrist clutch inside cradle

• Hero regained the momentum though, hitting the Hero’s Welcome and getting a long 2 and began setting Marufuji up for the knockout roaring elbow, Marufuji to his feet, gets rocked by one, two, three elbows, Hero hits the ropes comes flying in for the Roaring Elbow, but Marufuji ducked under it, and catches Hero with a release German Suplex landing Hero in the corner, Marufuji quickly to the outside to hit the Corner to Corner Missile Dropkick, Marufuji followed it up with Shiranui for the win


Winner : Naomichi Marufuji

Match Rating : C+

DP : And a major stand off that could have resulted in the biggest brawl in ROH history is stopped before it began, THIS, Lenny Leonard is why we need Steel Cage Warfare

LL : Roderick Strong, Brent Albright and Ace Steel missed their opportunity at Rising Above, it’s just not going to happen Dave, Ring of Honor needs to stand by their stipulation, they just have to live with their short comings!


[Cut to the promo for http://www.rohwrestling.com – a plug for the video wire as well as a plug for the latest ROH DVDs that are available, featuring “ROH : Escalation” from Dayton, OH on November 21, 2008 which includes the return of Samoa Joe to Ring of Honor facing Tyler Black from the Rising Above taping in Chicago – intermission ends and we go back to the ring where we’re treated to the Boondock Saints/Personal Jesus combination]

DP : And it’s time for the special challenge tag team match, former ROH World Tag Team Champions, Austin Aries and Roderick Strong on their way to the ring, their opponents tonight have asked to be referred to as, forgive me if I mispronounce this, “Leyendas de la Lucha Libre”

LL : Which loosely translated means “Legends of Wrestling” and it may be a fact in a few more years, however, I don’t know that I completely agree with that right now, Dave.


[Aries and Roderick are in the ring, Juvy comes out first just as we saw him the last time, wearing his Juvy mask and Juvy outfit, Psicosis follows out wearing his mask and outfit, getting a decent reaction from the crowd]

Leyendas de la Lucha Libre vs Austin Aries & Roderick Strong


• Decent match, did not live up to the expectation of the crowd as Psicosis, who hasn’t seen in ring action for a bit was a bit off, it may have been debut jitters, however, the crowd was not impressed with his work tonight


• Good spot that everyone thought was the finish of the match saw Juvy nail the Juvy Driver, as he rolled out of the way Psicosis was already in flight and hit a Guillotine Leg Drop, Roderick broke up the pinfall attempt


• Finish came not too long after, Aries gets the tag to Roderick, he clears house with a leg lariat to Psicosis, knocking him out of the ring, catches Juvy with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, Aries recovers, to his feet, stomping his feet and takes off, taking Psicosis out with the Heat Seeking Missile, Roderick meanwhile nails Juvy with a few hard chops, Juvy with a low kick, hops up to the 2nd turnbuckle, comes jumping off, Roderick catches him in a fallaway slam position, lifts him up quickly and drops him into a modified Gut Buster and picks up the win

Winners : Roderick Strong & Austin Aries

Match Rating : C-

DP : We’re getting ready Lenny for one of our two big matches tonight, Jerry Lynn, who last night went into the steel cage elimination match with Sweet & Sour, Inc will go one on one with Davey Richards

LL : And Dave Prazak, tonight, Jerry Lynn has promised to teach Davey Richards a thing or two about respect, but I think it’s a lot easier said than done

Jerry Lynn vs Davey Richards

• EXCELLENT match, the crowd was in this match from the opening bell all the way til the end and Jerry Lynn certainly showed exactly why he was coined the “New F’N Show”


• Both men hitting hard, Davey throwing hard kicks and chops at Lynn, Lynn throwing back equally hard chops


• At the twenty minute mark, a pinfall had not yet been attempted, everytime either man’ shoulders hit the mat, they kicked out right away, however, it came to an end when Davey backdropped his way out of a Cradle Piledriver attempt and hit Lynn with a D.R. Driver, the long two count came and Jerry Lynn got his shoulder up right before Todd Sinclair’ hand hit the mat


• More time has gone by and they’re still trading off back and forth, at one point, Larry Sweeney pulled Davey Richards’ foot onto the bottom rope to break up a pin, Todd Sinclair, seeing this ejected Larry Sweeney from the ringside area, however, he refused to leave, Todd Sinclair made the ring announcer inform Sweeney that he had until the count of ten to leave the ringside area, or he would disqualify Davey Richards, awarding the match to Jerry Lynn, Sweeney still refused as Sinclair got to 5, when Brent Albright and Roderick Strong came from the back, Sweeney saw them and gave chase, they went opposite ways around the ring and Sweeney slid into the ring, running out the other side and back to the back, Albright and Strong chased him back and the match continued


• Finish came at about 40 minutes and a few seconds, Davey Richards attempted to take Lynn out with a superplex, but Lynn shifted his weight and fell on top of Richards, Richards rolled the impact into a small package and nearly got the three count, back on their feet Richards nailed a hard chop, followed up by a hard kick, took off against the ropes and comes flying back with a hard clothesline that Lynn ducks under quick turn around, boot to the gut, scoops Richards up and nails the jumping Cradle Piledriver, Lynn makes the cover and gets the 1-2-3 in the center on the ring, the crowd explodes with “ROH” chants and fade into “Jerry” chants


Winner : Jerry Lynn

Match Rating : B-

DP : Jerry Lynn pulls off the victory here tonight in Chicago and this crowd is on their feet, Lenny Leonard, that was a fantastic match

LL : It was a great contest Dave, I have to agree with you, Davey Richards seemed to make a few mistakes that Jerry Lynn was able to capitalize on and the end result has been seen

DP : And Jerry Lynn offering his hand to Davey Richards, but Richards having no part of it, he leaves the ring after showing Lynn no respect whatsoever


LL : Davey Richards is a man of little respect for anyone, we’ve had this argument before Dave, he’s not paid to shake hands and be nice, he’s paid to get the job done and tonight, he failed to get the job done.

[Logo shoots across the screen again and we hear the opening to “Final Countdown” by Europe, out comes Bryan Danielson, giving his normal entrance, playing to the crowd, he seems to be just fine… Nigel McGuinness goes through his normal entrance, the ring announcer gives us the introductions and the crowd is very pro-Danielson, “BEST IN THE WORLD” chants are deafening, they slowly fade away into “NEXT WORLD CHAMP” chants, Paul Turner calls for the bell and the crowd gets even more rabid as Nigel and Danielson circle each other]


Nigel McGuinness © vs Bryan Danielson

ROH World Championship

• Match of the weekend right here, hands down, the crowd was into it, neither man held anything back


• It was a normal Nigel – Danielson match, bunch of back and forth action, they out did each other trying to hit their finishing moves early, signature moves were reversed


• Nigel controlled a good portion of the match, working over the sternum area of The American Dragon


• Dragon finally took control after about fifteen minutes, however, it was short lived as Nigel nailed him with a hard knee to the sternum, dropping him to the mat


• At the forty four minute mark, Danielson, again gaining a burst of energy, had Nigel positioned and started to nail the elbows to the side of the head, quickly rolls him over and locks in Cattle Mutilation, however, is unable to hold it as he crumbles and begins clutching his sternum again


• Nigel recovers, begins working over Danielson again, Danielson starts fighting back, starts the slaps to the face, roundhouse slap knocks Nigel back into the ropes, Nigel halfway out and comes back with the Jawbreaker Lariat, Danielson catches his arm and flips him over into a Modified Fujiwara Armbar, Danielson keeps the hold locked in, Nigel almost making it to the ropes, finally gets his foot on the bottom rope to finally break the hold


• Danielson starts pounding on Nigel, starts hitting the elbows again, vertical suplex, Nigel dropped in position and Danielson begins to climb up top, as soon as Danielson gets to the top, Nigel gets to his feet and knocks Danielson’ legs out, crotching him on the top rope, grabbing Danielson, pulling him out, Nigel’ going for the Tower of London! Nigel holds Danielson’ face screaming at him, slapping him in the face a couple of times, he then jumps up in the air bringing Danielson down in a modified Tower of London driving his knees hard into the sternum of Danielson, Nigel quickly covers, hooking the leg and gets the one, two, three


[Winner and STILL ROH World champion : Nigel McGuinness

Match Rating : B/B]




LL : If Bryan Danielson’ sternum wasn’t alright before, it certainly isn’t now! Nigel McGuinness just modified that Tower of London to drive the knees directly into the sternum of The American Dragon, effective move, Dave Prazak


DP : Effective and potentially career ending! He could’ve broken Bryan Danielson’ sternum, especially one night after two hundred and seventy pounds of Nick Dinsmore came stomping down on his sternum!

LL : Fans, we’re out of time, Nigel McGuinness is still your Ring of Honor World Champion, for Dave Prazak, I’m Lenny Leonard and we’ll see you in February at Proving Ground 2009 weekend!


[Fade out with Nigel walking up the ramp with the two finger salute]


Final Card Rating : B-


Ring of Honor has risen to Cult Size

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wow. Amazing show. And a great final rating of B-. You can't really go wrong with a Danielson/McGuiness match. Glad to see my fellow brit retained. And really enjoyed the write up of the final two matches. This diary is actually inspiring me to start one of my own. KUTGW
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wow. Amazing show. And a great final rating of B-. You can't really go wrong with a Danielson/McGuiness match. Glad to see my fellow brit retained. And really enjoyed the write up of the final two matches. This diary is actually inspiring me to start one of my own. KUTGW


Glad you liked the show, good to have at least one faithful reader! The fast rise to Cult kind of surprised me and hopefully I don't go and mess that up.


Things are just getting started, I'll start posting the Newswire in the next couple of days to begin the build to Proving Ground 2009 weekend!

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