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WWF 96, Road to Wrestlemania 12

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WWF 1996: Unfinished Busniess


After a long hiatus, I feel like I have to at least finish Wrestlemania 12. This has been eating at me since Janurary. And now, its time to settle some UNFINISHED BUSINESS!


I haven't done one of these in a looong time. Historical accuracy won't be my strong suit, but hopefully you will be entertained. Basically, I had an idead and I wanted it down on paper, I hope you like it.


Road to Wrestlemania XII


We are one week away from the Royal Rumble and what an action packed Rumble it will be!


Ted DiBiase's Million Dollar Corporation has struck tag team gold with Sid Vicious and The Ringmaster. With their talent and DiBiase's money, it's no telling what they can do.


Razor Ramon thinks he can take on any and all challenges for his IC Title. Owne Hart gets his shot this Sunday after winning a 10-Man Battle Royal to take down "The Bad Guy".


After beating Diesel two weeks ago, The Undertaker will take on Bret Hart at the Royal Rumble in a "Brawl For It All". The superstar to take the World Title out of the arena will be the champ. Will "The Hitman" be able to outwit "The Deadman", or will The Undertaker's supernatural powers make him the new World Wrestling Federation Champion?


And of course, the single biggest match in the World Wrestling Federation, the Royal Rumble. 30 men will enter, one will leave with a title shot at Wrestlemania XII. In a match thats "every man for himself", what alliances will be formed? Who will cross who? Find out this Sunday on PPV!

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Monday Night RAW


Live from the Hartford Civic Center this is Monday Night RAW! Tonite we've got Razor Ramon in a non-title match against Bob Backlund. Also, a Royal Rumble preveiw with 6 of the Superstars in the Main event this Sunday. But first, lets go ringside, because the Champ has something to say.


Bret Hart's music hits and he comes down to the ring with his World Title. After posing for a few shots, Bret grabs a mic.


"We are on the Road to Wrestlemania, and the first hurdle for me is this week in the form of the Undertaker. 'Taker, there is no way you are stopping me from going to Wrestlemania XII as the champ. This Sunday, we're going to fight all over the arena, but one things for sure, I WILL leave the Royal Rumble as the Champ."


Diesel comes out onto the entrance ramp clapping sarcastically.


"What a moving speech, champ. And when you fight The Undertaker, you better thank God that he got extremely lucky in his match with me. Everybody knows Mike Chioda is the fastest counting ref for The Undertaker. And even though its I'm not scheduled for a title match right now, it's just a matter of time."




"Diesel, if you keep making excuses for yourself you will NEVER win this title. That's the reason Undertaker beat you, not a referee, but because he is better than you. But the one thing everybody needs to be clear on, is that I am the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be!"


Bret's music begins again as the two Superstars point and talk smack as Raw goes to commercial


1-2-3 Kid vs. Marty Jannety


The match gets off to a quick pace, which works well for both of these Superstars. After an even exchange over the first few minutes, Ted DiBiase becomes too much to overcome on the outside. To which 1-2-3 Kid uses to his advantage.


Winner 1-2-3 Kid by pinfall at 7:56 (C+)


We cut backstage to Shawn Michaels and Vince McMahon




"I'm here with one of the Superstars in this weekends Royal Rumble, The Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels! Tonite, you have are in a 6-man tag match with the British Bulldog and Ahmed Johnson."




"You're right, tonite those two will be my partners, but at the Royal Rumble, I have no partners out there. It will be every man for himself and that's the way I like it."


"But don't you think making some make-shift alliances during the match could help your chances?"


"You make a good point, but as soon as you think you can trust someone, they will put your head through a window. That's why I'm choosing to go it alone. I refuse to lose. And when all is said and done, I'll be in the main event at Wrestlemania XII!"


"And there you have it, folks! Shawn Michaels will go it be a lone wolf at the Royal Rumble. Let's see if the strategy pays off!"


Shawn Michaels, British Bulldog, and Ahmed Johnson vs. Vader, King Mabel, and Goldust


Shawn Michaels really works great in the match and after being trapped in the opposite corner, finally makes a tag to the Bulldog who cleans house. Its King Mabel that gets finished off.


Winner Shawn Michaels, The British Bulldog, and Ahmed Johnson by pinfall at 14:14 (D+)


The camera cuts to the Million Dollar Corporation discussing their plans.




"Look, the gameplan goes like this, Kid and Ringmaster, we need you guys to make sure Sid wins this thing! He's our be shot to get the World Title the right now. And you know how I much I love gold.... HAHAHAHAHA"


Everybody shakes hands, but The Ringmaster looks upset.




"Steve, whats wrong man? We've discussed this before. We all need to work together on this. This is how the Million Dollar Corporation is supposed to work!"


The Ringmaster:


"Yea, I know Ted, we talked about this. But what its just me and Kid? Whats the plan? I mean, I feel like we need to discuss and back-up plan."


"Back up plan! There IS no back-up plan! Sid's going to win the Rumble, and that's the bottom line. Say it!"


"Sid's gonna win the Rumble..."




"Sid's gonna win the Rumble, and that's the bottom line."


"Thank you, and make sure we STICK TO THE PLAN."


Razor Ramon vs. Bob Backlund


In his final warm-up before the Rumble, Razor Ramon gets all he can handle out of the vetern Backlund. After a see-saw battle, Razor takes control of the match in the end.


Winner Razor Ramon by pinfall at 10:47 (B-)


After the match, Razor is celebrating with the fans when Owen Hart comes out and attacks the IC Champion! The crowds boos Owen, and its clear he's trying to soften up the champ before their match. It's such a shame to see how Bret is such a class act and his brother Owen would stoop to this level!


What will be the ramifacations of Owen's actions? Will the Undertaker respond to Diesel's verbal attack, or is his focus on Bret Hart? Find out this and more Saturday on Superstars!

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Royal Rumble Predicitions:


The Ringmaster and Sid Vicious v. The Smoking Gunns for the WWF Tag Titles


Owen Hart vs. Razor Ramon for the IC Title


Bret Hart vs. The Undertaker in a "Brawl for it All" for the World Title.


The Royal Rumble Match


comments and concerns are welcome!

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The Ringmaster and Sid Vicious v. The Smoking Gunns for the WWF Tag Titles - Dissension in the ranks, by the sound of things, for the Million Dollar Team, but surely the Gunns can't win it?


Owen Hart vs. Razor Ramon for the IC Title - I love both these guys, but Owen's my pick.


Bret Hart vs. The Undertaker in a "Brawl for it All" for the World Title. - I hate both these guys... will go for Bret at a guess.


The Royal Rumble Match - MARTY! MARTY! MARTY! (I can dream, can't I?!)

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Owen Hart vs. Razor Ramon for the IC Title - I love both these guys, but Owen's my pick.


Bret Hart vs. The Undertaker in a "Brawl for it All" for the World Title. - I hate both these guys... will go for Bret at a guess.



Man, I get one match where you like both guys, but then I get another one where you hate both guys! I guess you can't please all the people all the time. Thanks for reading.

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WWF Superstars


We are in Lubbock, Texas for this weeks edition of Superstars! With only one more day until the Royal Rumble, anything can happen on WWF Superstars!



The Smoking Gunns v.s The Thrillseekers


Chris Jericho and Lance Storm made their debut with the WWF against the number one contenders for the tag team titles. They got off to a good start, but The Smoking Gunns are fighting for the title for a reason.


The Smoking Gunns defeat The Thrillseekers by pinfall at 9:09 (D-)



The Undertaker steps out a dark room and grabs the mic.


"A lot of talk Monday about whether I beat Diesel, whether I deserve to fight Bret Hart. Sunday, it won't matter. I will become the WWF Champion at the Royal Rumble. It doesn't matter who I fight, no one can match my powers. No one. And after all this talk is over, after all the smoke clears. Bret Hart, you will REST.... IN.... PEACE......."



After a commerical break, the camera is in a plush office. Where we find Sid Vicious with Ted Dibiase.


"We heard Shawn Michaels talk about how he's going to be a lone wolf at the Royal Rumble. And thats why my man is gonna win. We got a game plan to make sure my main man, Sid Vicious, goes to Wrestlemania. The Million Dollar Corporation has got the tag belts, we're going after the world title, and Razor Ramon... you're next. HAHAHAHA......."



Yokozuna and Skip vs. Jake Roberts and Savio Vega


Another match between 4 of the Royal Rumble competitors. Not nearly as exciting, but Yokozuna looks like a force.


Winner Yoko and Skip win by pinfall at 7:42 (D+)



We're in the locker room with Jim Cornette and Owen Hart.


"People say that I took a cheap shot at Razor Ramon. People say to me, 'Owen, why can't you be more like your brother, Bret?' That's because I'm not Bret! I will do WHATEVER I have to do to win. Did I have to attack Razor? Maybe, maybe not. But I don't take the chance. I will make sure I am the winner. At all cost. Honor? What's honor? I want the damn belt!"



Ron Simmons vs. Jeff Jarrett


In the main event of the night, Double J and Ron Simmons went at it. After Simmons gained some control of the match, Double J pulled some tights to get the cheap win, much to the dismay of Ron Simmons. Double J gets out of there, quickly.


Winner Jeff Jarrett by pinfall at 14:38 (C+)



Backstage, we see Owen walking out of the arena.


"Hey, yo, Owen."


Owen turns around to a chair shot from Razor Ramon


"I'm not the bad guy, for nothin'. You think you got me? You don't. Remember this feeling Sunday. You'll be get of it, because our match, is gonna be No DQ."


Razor throws his toothpick on Owen and steps over him as the show ends.

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Royal Rumble Preveiw Show


The Smokin' Gunns battle The Million Dollar Team for the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team titles! It seems like nobody can stop this team, but is "The Ringmaster" Steve Austin noting feeling good about his place on the team?


Owen Hart takes on Razor Ramon for the IC Title in a No-DQ Match! After Owen made his attack, Razor decided to take it up the notch. A No-DQ match means no excuses, no rules. But will that play in the "win at all cost" ways of Owen Hart?


The Undertaker meets Bret Hart for the biggest prize in the business, the World Wrestling Federation Title! This is the first "Brawl for it All" where the Superstar that walks out of the arena with the belt, becomes the champion.


Finally, the match we've all been waiting for, the Royal Rumble. 30 men in, 29 men will be elminated, and one man will be closer to his dream. He will headline Wrestlemania XII. Here is a list of the competitors for the event. (in no particular order)



Sid Vicious

Lance Storm


Shawn Michaels

British Bulldog

Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Ahmed Johnson

Savio Vego

King Mabel

Marty Jannetty

Chris Jericho


The Ringmaster

1-2-3 Kid

Jake Roberts

Jeff Jarrett

Ron Simmons




Bob Backlund

Justin Bradshaw

Duke Droese

Curt Henning

Roddy Piper


Bob Holly

Jerry Lawler

Buddy Landell


We will see you at the Royal Rumble! The most unpredictable event in Sports-Entertainment!!!

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Royal Rumble 1996


Live from the Palace in Auburn Hills, WWF brings to you Royal Rumble 1996! Owen Hart vs. Razor Ramon, The Smokin' Gunns battle The Million Dollar Team, and The Undertaker vs. Bret Hart. Not to mention, the Royal Rumble, where the winner will challenge the WWF Champion at Wrestlemania XII! Up first, we have The World Tag Team Champions, The Million Dollar Team, against the Smokin' Gunns.




A video hyping up Ted DiBiase's Million Dollar Corporation.




The Million Dollar Team vs. The Smokin' Gunns for the WWF Tag Team Titles


Sid Vicious was on fire at the beginning of the match, and then, after a discussion with Ted DiBiase, bascially made The Ringmater do most of the fighting. Luckily, Steve Austin can wrestle, and beat Bart Gunn.


Winner The Million Dollar Team by pinfall at 11:45 (D)




Backstage, Shawn Michaels pulls out his number for the Rumble. He smiles and starts to walk away.


Vince: Good number, Shawn?


HBK: Maybe, I guess you'll have to find out like everyone else!




A video plays hyping up the angle between Owen Hart and the IC Champ, Razor Ramon. End with Razor declaring its a No DQ match.




Owen Hart vs. Razor Ramon for the WWF IC Title


After some chain wrestling and some technical aspects to the match until it started getting ugly. Razor donned the Crimson Mask after being slammed into the stairs. Finally, Razor has Owen up for the Razor's Edge, when Jim Cornette hit Razor Ramon with a chair. Owen falls on top of him for the win.


Winner, and NEW IC Champion Owen Hart by pinfall at 21:40. (C-)




Diesel is backstage drawing his number and gives no reaction when he sees it.


Vince: Diesel, no response?


Diesel: It doesn't matter, I'm getting the WWF Title one way or another.




A video plays hyping the World Champion, Bret Hart and the number one contender, The Undertaker. Epic music plays in the background.




The Undertaker vs. Bret Hart for the WWF World Heavyweight Title


The match gets off to a quick pace, neither man gaining the upper hand. A suplex on the stage gave Bret Hart momentum, but nothing keeps 'Taker down for long. In the garage, The Undertaker gives Bret Hart a Tombstone Piledriver on the concrete. He grabs the belt and begins walking towards the door. No way does Bret Hart get up from this. Suddenly, Diesel pops out behind and dumpster and gives The Undertaker a big boot! He grabs the belt and walks out to where officials, after a discussion, declare Diesel the new WWF World Champion!


Winner Diesel by taking the belt out of the arena at 17:07. (B)




The Royal Rumble Match


The first two competitors are Jerry Lawler and the 1-2-3 Kid. Other notable entrances are: British Bulldog, 10th. Shawn Michaels, 23rd. Sid Vicious, 28. And Vader, 30.


They had a dirty finish at WWF Superstars and now, another reason for Ron Simmons to hate Double J. When Ron reached over the ropes to pull Double J in, Jeff moved causing Simmons to lose his balance and Vader finished him off.


After Diesel left, leaving his spot at 17th open, no one came out for a minute. Finally, a man comes out to the ring to no music, it's Cactus Jack. Nobody knows for sure how he got backstage, or if he's even under contract. But after elminating 3 guys, Cactus Jack was taken out by the tandem of The Ringmaster and Sid Vicious.


The Final Four are Sid Vicious, The Ringmaster, HBK, and British Bulldog. Sid is elminated by the Bulldog. After it happened, Ted DiBiase comes down ringside with 1-2-3 Kid and Sid. They tell Steve he must leave the ring. While they argue, Shawn pushes The Ringmaster out, leaving it to the Bulldog and HBK.


After a minute or two of battling, Shawn uses his quickness to get the Bulldog out. Giving him a main event match at Wrestlemania XII.




Winner Shawn Michaels at 66:07 (C+)


After the match, Shawn poses for the crowd and points to a sign of the Wrestlemania XII logo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mondy Night Raw


Live from Anaheim, California, we find out what happens after the smoke clears after last nights Royal Rumble. Shawn Michaels left the Rumble as the number one contender to the WWF Title. But who's title is it? In the Bret Hart vs. The Undertaker "Brawl for it All" DIESEL left with the belt and was declared the winner! How will that stand? What's going to happen on the Road to Wrestlemania? The picutre should get a little more clear in the next hour. This is MONDAY... NIGHT..... RAW.....




The show opens with a close of the WWF Championship belt. As it pans out, we seen Diesel in the middle of the ring. He soaks in the boos before getting on the mic to speak.


Diesel: Thank you, thank you. No please, enough, its time for THE CHAMP to speak. I told you all that I would become the WWF Champion. I told all of you that this was mine. You are all just jealous that I was the only one that took advantage of the rules. Any of those jobbers back there or any of you worthless, unemployed rednecks, could have done the same thing I did. This just proves how much SMARTER I am than any of you. Or any of those so-called "Superstars".


The Hitman's theme blares over the speakers, and the crowd erupts when bret comes out. The camera goes to Diesel raising the belt up before it goes back to Bret.


Bret: Congrats on becoming a fake champion Diesel. What do you did was the ONLY way you come ever win the WWF Title. You couldn't beat The Undertaker, you couldn't win the Rumble, and you sure as hell couldn't beat me! Now if you want to talk about how you took advantage of the rules, you sure did. But once I talk to Commissioner Monsoon, I will no doubt get the belt back that I never lost!


Music hits again as Bret and Diesel stare each other down.




Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Phatu


An up-and-coming Hunter Hearst Helmsley takes on Phatu in the opening bout of the Raw. The pompous HHH uses dirty tactics to maintain momentum in the match. No matter how much momentum Phatu tries to muster up, HHH gets the win.


Winner Hunter Hearst Helmsley by pinfall by pulling the tights at 7:49 (D+)




Backstage Vince McMahon interviews a wrestler that just appeared at the Rumble, Cactus Jack


Vince: I'm here with a man who found himself in the Royal Rumble after Diesel gave up his spot. The man here, is Cactus Jack. Cactus, how did you get into the Royal Rumble?


Cactus Jack: You know, thanks for havin' me on Vinnie. See, I'm the kinda guy who takes action. Diesel decided not go in, and I thought, that's my shot. I'm gonna be the guy that takes chances and makes stuff happen.


Vince: So you are just gonna jump in anywhere you see fit?


Cactus Jack: You're right Vinnie, I'm what we call in the business a "Team Player". You'll see. Don't worry fans, I'm not going to try to take the place of anybody in Yellow and Red, I'm gonna wrestle!


Vince: There you have it. The man Cactus Jack, we'll see you around...


Vince looks around


Vince: Where did that idiot go?




After a commerical break, The Million Dollar Team comes out with their belts.


Ted: HAHAHA.... feast your eyes, peasents. This is the team of destiny. We may have lost our way in the Rumble Ted Dibiase looks over at The Ringmaster But we did what we all knew we could do, leave with some GOLD! We still got our eyes set on expansion, and Owen, don't be suprised if your downsized soon! HAHAHA.... But now we got to get to business. We need a challenge, we need something fresh. If any team can give us a good challenge, something that might actually break a sweat, I'll give you 50,000 large! The Million Dollar Man pulls out a wad of cash If you think you got the GUTS, and your dumb enough to risk your LIFE, come on down. Maybe that 50k will play cover your medical cost!




Jeff Jarrett vs. Bob Holly


Jeff Jarrett and Bob Holly have a good back and forth battle for a while. Until after a few minutes of battling, Ron Simmons comes out with hurtin' on his mind. The ref has to call for the bell after Double J get a big smack with a chair.


Winner Jeff Jarrett by DQ at 7:24. But do you REALLY win when you finish the match on your back looking like a man who just saw his sister in a porno.




British Bulldog vs. Curt Hennig


A good main event between two sold workers. The Bulldog brings the energy trying to wear Curt out with his strength. Curt is trying to use his veteran know-how to mechanically wear out Davey Boy Smith. The Bulldog won't be outdone, and comes out with the victory.


Winner British Bulldog by pinfall at 14:38.




Backstage Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Diesel, and The Undertaker all in a meeting in Gorilla Monsoon's office.


Gorilla: Gentleman, we have a real problem. Diesel, technically you did win the WWF Title, BUT Bret shouldn't lose his title on a technicality. Undertaker, you deserve another shot. It really isn't fair to you, or the integrity of the WWF, what happened at the Royal Rumble. And of course... Shawn Michaels. First of all, congrats on winning the Royal Rumble. And I didn't forget about you. You'll get your title shot under one condition.


HBK: Whats the condition?


Gorilla: You, along with these other three Superstars will be in a tourney at "In Your House". The two winners will meet each other in the Main Event at Wrestlemania 12.


Bret: So how do we decide who fights who?


Gorilla: Next week, we will have a lottery to decide the match ups. So guys, good luck. I'll see you next week.

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WWF Superstars




Welcome to Joplin, Missouri, we have an action-packed edition of Superstars! Owen Hart defends his IC Title against Ron Simmons, Shawn Michaels talks about Gorilla's decision of a tourney, and what team will take a stand against The Million Dollar Team? Find out on this weeks edition of Superstars!




1-2-3 Kid vs. Hakushi


Ted DiBiase's youngest member of the corporation, 1-2-3 Kid lays a good whoopin' on Hakushi. Thanks to the Million Dollar Man's antics ringside, 1-2-3 Kid gets the win. Just another notch for The Million Dollar Corporation, and another reason why nobody is more dangerous outside than Ted DiBiase.


Winner 1-2-3 Kid by pinfall at 4:45 (C-)




Backstage Jim Cornette and Owen Hart are in front of the camera with the IC Title.


Owen: You see this? This is MY title. I am the WWF IC Champ. I'm going to do what nobody else would ever do. I will defend my title against all comers! Ron Simmons, you're just the first victim in a looong line to come! I will break the Honky Tonk Man's record for longest title reign. If the Royal Rumble shows you anything; its that I do what it takes. I won't back down, and I'm not afraid of anyone.




Bushwhackers vs. The Thrillseekers


Before the match starts the referee comes out, then stops and walks back to the back, and gets knocked out. Suddenly, Cactus Jack in a referee's shirt comes out to call the match. Living up to his "company man". Becoming the referee for the match.


The classic veterans vs. the young upstarts. Chris Jericho and Lance Storm bring the energy to the match, and play good heels. They didn't last long though, as their ****iness gets the best of them.


Winner The Bushwhackers by pinfall at 5:57




A video hypes the storyline between The Undertaker, Diesel, Bret Hart, and Shawn Michaels.The video shows them doing awesome moves, posing, and various other cool things. At the end, Gorilla Monsoon talks about the formation of the tournament




After the video ends, the camera shows Shawn Michaels backstage with a microphone.


Shawn: A lot of people keep telling me that I can't beat the odds. A lot of people tell me, "Shawn, you can't over come three of the biggest superstars ever!" Let me tell you something, I ALWAYS overcome the odds. It was 6 days ago that I overcame 29 other Superstars to get my shot at the title. Now, I only have to beat two guys to get fufill my dream? Let me tell you all something right now, NOBODY is going stop me. Not Bret Hart, not "The Phenom" Undertaker, and not the "champ" Diesel. I am going to headline Wrestlemania 12, and I am leaving that night as the World Wrestling Federation Champion. Because, when it comes to odds, I make my own odds.




Vader vs. Marty Janetty


What's a better way to make a big guy look good than with a smaller guy that he can throw around? Vader looks like a monster and his power his even better. Poor Marty, get that man a stretcher...


Winner Vader by pinfall at 6:48.




Following the match, Vader grabs the mic and begins talking about how he is the biggest monster and most powerful wrestler today. And welcomes the challenge to anyone who thinks the can match up.




A short clip shows Ted DiBiase making his challene. Then the camera shows two men in the ring, THE STEINER BROTHERS!


Scott: Ted DiBiase, you're about to put your money where your mouth is! We came to the WWF with one goal in mind, win the World Tag Team Titles! Your team might have the money, you might have the power, but we have the experience. We are gonna show the World that blood runs thicker than water, and when we leave In Your House, we WILL be the champs!


Rick: I'm already thinkin' about a way to use that money. You better make damn sure you got that check ready for us. And after what we do to you, you're gonna have to post date all your checks because we're gonna make you go broke!




Owen Hart vs. Ron Simmons for the IC Title


A great way to end the show (and probably should have been on RAW). Owen takes early momentum until Ron Simmons' power comes into play. By the 8 minute mark, its Ron's match to lose. Suddenly, Double J comes out and distracts Ron enough for Owen to capitalize. Once the sharpshooter is applied, that's all she wrote.


Winner Owen Hart by submission at 14:26.

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Great stuff so far man. I thought I commited before this show but I guess I forgot to hit post =)


Anyway the only thing I see that may be an error is Curt Henning shouldn't he be out due to injury?


He wasn't out in the mod, which is good, because I like using him as an occasional wrestler from time to time.


I really appreciate everyone's comments. I hope as my storylines start to grow, Wrestlemania turns out to be an awesome show. I never thought I would get so consumed with something, but I can't even go to sleep at night without thinking about ways to tweak the stories. I need to get it out on paper before I do something really dumb. I'm afraid I could get on here one night drunk as a skunk and make Jerry Lawler world champion!

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Great stuff so far man. I thought I commited before this show but I guess I forgot to hit post =)


Anyway the only thing I see that may be an error is Curt Henning shouldn't he be out due to injury?


That's my fault, I didn't put Hennig's injury in the mod since I wasn't sure on all the details. I know he had a back injury and didn't wrestle for quite a while, but also was in an angle regarding a knee injury as well as colour commentating and being a special guest ref at least once. I was never sure if him staying out of the ring was more by choice (as in, let's not take chances with this injury, he could work but would rather wait and see) or by necessity (back totally shot, no chance he could work).


Haha and Jerry Lawler for World Champ in '96! Make it happen!

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By the way Hamster, thanks for making this mod. None of this could happen without you. Or Adam Ryland. Or Bill Gates. Or Michael Dell. Or my parents. Or your Hamster parents. Damn, there are a lot of people to thank, but I'm gonna just stick to thanking you for this mod.
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WWF Monday Night Raw



Live from the Steel City its the new and improved 90 minute edition of Monday Night RAW! Who will face each other in the WWF World Title Tourney at In Your House? How will Ron Simmons react to Double J's interference? Will The Million Dollar Team respond to The Steiner Brothers challenge? Find out tonite!




Cactus Jack vs. Duke Droese


In his first real match in the WWF, Cactus Jack opens the show and displays his hardcore antics for the USA Network. Duke doesn't stand much of a chance to this loose cannon.


Winner Cactus Jack by pinfall at 8:24




Backstage, we are in a dark room, suddenly out of a small light, we faintly see the Undertaker.


Taker: Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, and Diesel. I have not lost to any of these men, and I don't plan to start now. Diesel, you are only delaying the inevitable, I will become the champion. Bret, I had you at the Royal Rumble, and if we fight again, I'll take you down. And as for you Shawn, you're not ready to challenge the supernatural. You can't fight what you don't fully understand. And if we fight at In Your House, there is no doubt you will REST... IN.... PEACE...




Steiner Brothers vs. Mabel and King Mo


In their debut to the WWF, The Steiners make quick work out of their foes. They have only had one match here, and yet they look like they should have the gold around their waist.


Winner The Steiner Bros. by pinfall at 6:44.




After the match, The Million Dollar Team comes out and accepts the challenge by laying fists into their challengers.




We are in a weight room with the British Bulldog


Bulldog: Vader, last week you claimed to be the most power man in the WWF. I hate to break it to you, but your looking at that man right now!


Davey Boy Smith begins lifting huge weights and looks to do it with ease.


Bulldog: I challenge you to a lifting challenge next week on Raw. Then I can prove to everyone I am the most POWERFUL man here.




Goldust vs. Henry O. Godwin


Goldust looks a little rusty against the HOG. But nontheless, he comes out the victor in this matchup.


Winner Goldust by pinfall at 10:47




Backstage we see Bret Hart walk into Gorilla's office. And draws a number out of a hat. Bret looks at the number, and wonders what it means for him.




Razor Ramon vs. Bob Holly


In his first match after losing his IC Title, Razor looks very unhappy. Bob Holly gets the short end of the stick and takes a good eating by the former champ.


Winner Razor by pinfall at 12:38.




Backstage in the Million Dollar Suite, we find Ted DiBiase with Sid Vicious, 1-2-3 Kid and The Ringmaster


Ted: Boys, boys, boys, do I have some news for you! I talked to Jim Cornette and some of the booking team and we've come to an agreement of sorts. I get to hand pick the next IC Champion! HAHAHA....


Sid: You bought the belt from Jim Cornette? How much was it?


Ted: No, meathead, I get to pick the next challenger for the title. And with my stable of talent, managerial skills, and a whole lot of cash, one of you get to be the next IC Champ!


Sid: Is it me? I can crush Owen!


Ted: Sorry Sid, not this time, I've still got to get your World Title shot back.


The Ringmaster: Smiles I knew you would come through for me, Teddy! I promise you that I can run with this title. You guys won't even need to give me a boost.


Ted: Steve, I don't know how to say this, but, we are going with the Kid. Sure, you're a well qualified applicant, but the Kid is a better investment. We gotta look big picture.


The Ringmaster: But Ted, I deserve this shot! You were going to give Sid a singles title. Where's mine?


Ted: You want a title Steve! Here! Ted grabs his Million Dollar Belt and shoves it in The Ringmasters face Happy now? I swear to God, sometimes I wonder why I keep you on this team. If you didn't give Sid much needed rest during tag matches I'd probably just fire your ass!




The camera is following behind Double J when suddenly we see Ron Simmons come around the corner.


Ron: Well I'll be damned! Jeff Jarrett you got 3 seconds to get the hell outta my way before I tear you in half!


Double J: Calm down Ronnie boy, I knwo your upset. But listen, if you wanna tear me apart lets do it in the ring. Let's make some money on this deal.


Ron: Smiles a little You know, you're right Jeff. There's no need to kill you back here. I will gladly take you in the ring, it'll bolster my chances at getting another shot at the IC Title.




Back in Commissioner Monsoon's Office we see The Undertaker draw a number. He takes it and walks out. Nobody is sure if he even looked at it.




Jeff Jarrett vs. Ron Simmons


Finally, they lock up after Ron has been itching to get his hands on Double J. He comes out like a house of fire. Jeff Jarrett turns things around, he's a good wrestler, you know. A few right hands from Simmons really take the match in his favor and he punches Jeff out of the ring! Once he's out Jeff walks away. He's not going back in there!


Winner Ron Simmons by count out at 15:50.




Gorilla walks out to the ring and The Undertaker, Diesel, Bret Hart, and Shawn Michaels follow him.


Gorilla: Folks, these are the four best Superstars in wrestling today. And at In Your House, we will have the pleasure of watching them battle it out for a shot at the World Title at Wrestlemania 12! Now lets get down to business, first Bret Hart please step foward.


Bret, at In Your House you will.... not face Diesel. Instead, you will have your Tournament match against... Shawn Michaels!



So there you have it!!! Shawn Michaels versus Bret Hart, and Diesel versus The Undertaker! What a double main event we will have at In Your House!

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  • 4 months later...

WWF Superstars


WWF is at the Burlington Memorial Auditiorium in New Englang for Superstars! We got Owen Hart defending his IC Title against Jerry "The King" Lawler, as well as The Steiner Bros in action.



Marty Jannetty and Jake Roberts vs. The Thrillseekers


These Thrillseekers, for all their talk, they just can't seem to get over the hump and win one. Marty and Jake show that they know how to win matches.


Winner Jake Roberts with the DDT on Lance Storm. (D)



Jim Cornette and Owen Hart are backstage


Jim: Jerry Lawler, you have quite the reputation. At one time, you were one of the biggest stars in America. At one time, you were an AWA Champion. Well, that time ain't now. You might be the veteran, but this man right here, is THE best pro wrestler in the world today


Owen: Jerry, you WERE the king, but that crown won't get you anywhere when you step in the ring with me tonight. I will show the world that I am the FIGHTING Champion, I will take on all challengers, and win. Tonight, Jerry, you become a number in a long line of title denfences!




Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Duke Droese


In an alliteration match of the ages, HHH looks really good against Double D, beating him clean.


Winner HHH via pinfall. (D)




A video plays hyping the storyline of The Steiners Bros and the Million Dollar Team.




The Steiner Bros. vs. Yokozuna and Bill Baker


The Steiners have a bit of trouble with the power of Yokozuna, but between the two of them, they can get past the big man, and The Baby Maker.


Winner Scott Steiner via pinfall on Bill Baker (C-)




A video recaps the drawing of the tourney. And shows a graphic of Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels and Diesel v. The Undertaker




Owen Hart vs. Jerry Lawler


"The Fighting Champion" Owen Hart shows no respect for The King, by slapping him early on. Jerry beats Owen up with fists and stomps, but eventually, Owen uses speed to get the win.


Winner Owen Hart via pinfall ©

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WWF Monday Night Raw


LIVE from Cameron Indoor Stadium in North Carolina, WWF present Monday Night RAW! We have the 1-2-3 Kid against "The Fighting Champion" Owen Hart. Will the Million Dollar Coporation buy this title? Also, we have a tag match in the Main Event as Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker battle Bret Hart and Diesel! What a night it will be as we get closer and closer to "In Your House" on the "Road to Wrestlemania"!




The Show opens backstage where Shawn Michaels walks up on The Undertaker


HBK: Easy big fella, I'm not here to start trouble, we've got other stuff to worry about other than each other. We need to stick together tonite and win this match. You don't so anything funny, and we will get through this night.


Shawn sticks his hand out and The Undertaker looks at it.


Taker: Pardon me if I don't find you very trustworthy. However, you are correct, I don't have to worry about you until Wrestlemania, that is, if you can survive In Your House.


The two shake hands as the camera fades out.




Cactus Jack vs. Jake Roberts


Cactus and The Snake love beating the crap out of each other. These two fight inside and outside with Cactus proving to be one tough SOB.


Winner Cactus Jack via pinfall ©




Ted DiBiase, the 1-2-3 Kid and The Ringmaster are shown sitting in a luxury suite


Ted: Kid, you got a big chance tonite facing Owen Hart. He's a big time wrestler but I think we have a gameplan to take him down. Isn't that right Steve?


Steve: He's right Kid, there is no way you can lose this one, I will personally make sure you're taken care of a get that belt.


Kid: Guys I appreciate the offers, but I want to do this the right way.


Steve: Kid, I admire you're integrity. Good luck tonight, you're gonna need it.


Ted: And that's exactly the attitude that will make you a loser, Steve! Winners cheat the system and get ahead. My financial guy, Bernie, he is always looking for ways to make money, honest or not, but the fact is he's a winner! I'm a winner! If you want to go out there alone, Kid, fine. It's your funeral.




Backstage Diesel runs into Bret Hart


Diesel: Bret, I need to talk to you. We both know that you and me deserve to main event Wrestlemania. Don't worry about tonite, but at In Your House, we need to help each other. You help me with 'Taker, and I can make sure that annoying Shawn Michaels gets taken care of. And it'll be me and you at Wrestlemania 12.


Bret: Diesel, I'm not like you. I want to earn this shot. I want to be champion because I beat my challengers. Not with an assist from anyone else.


Diesel: Stop with that Hero Crap! You wanna fight fair, fine, let's do that at 'Mania. All I'm sayin' is whats wrong with insurance? We can insure that the fans see the top two stars in the world fighting for the World Title.


Bret: Let me think about. This is a big decision.


Bret walks away, and Diesel has a big smile on his face.




Razor Ramon vs. Ahmed Johnson


Razor is trying to get himself back into the title picture and this was a good way to do it.


Winner Razor Ramon via pinfall. ©




After commercial, weights are set up in the ring with Vader and The British Bulldog. The Bulldog begins to power lift when as he reaches down, Vader hits him with a weight. He continues the assault until The Bulldog is seemingly unconscience




Owen Hart vs. The 1-2-3 Kid for the IC Title


These two athletes put on quite a show for the fans. With no outside help on either side, the fans see a pure wrestling match. Owen picks up another W.


Winner and STILL IC Champ, Owen Hart. (C+)




Diesel and Bret Hart vs. The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels


The crowd is hot for this encounter. Shawn gets beaten up for a while before making the hot tag to The Undertaker. He starts to clean house until Diesel grabs a pipe underneath the ring. True to his word, Shawn Michaels doesn't let the Undertaker down, and get a chair to battle Diesel.


Winner Draw via Double DQ. (B)


After the match the 4 men still brawl in the ring until the cameras fade out. What is going to happen next week? Whats going to happen next Monday? Hell, whats going to happen on Superstars?

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WWF Superstars


We are at the Showboat Sports Pavilion in Sin City, Las Vegas, Nevada! In our main event, we have "The Ringmaster" Steve Austin do battle against Savio Vega. First, lets go ringside where The Thrillseekers have something to say.




Lance Storm and Chris Jericho come out with a mic.


Chris: You know, we've been in this wretched place for a month now, and we can't seem to get ahead. You people, chewing on your popcorn like a cow grazing in the field, seem to enjoy watching us lose. The truth is, we feel the coporate office is tying us down, thats why we have employed a man with a proven track record to get people to the top.


Jim Cornette walks out with a smile on his face.


Jim: These boys remind me of someone I know, ME! They don't quit and they have decided to make a major career move, and get with me, because I know how to make champions! I'd like to introduce all of you to The Thrillseekers, the NEXT WWF Tag Team Titles.




The Thrillseekers vs. Phatu and Hakushi


It didn't take long for Cornette to work his "magic". The Thrillseekers get the upset win.


Winner Chris Jericho via submission. (E+)


After the match, The Thrillseekers begin to jump up and down, hugging each other. They run to the outside and try to high five the fans to no avail.


Chris: Interview me! Interview me!


No response. The Thrillseekers get upset and toss items ringside, but not before getting their picture with the ref.




Ron Simmons vs. King Mabel


Ron Simmons looks world class against King Mabel, and maybe with a few more wins, could get another title shot.


Winner Ron Simmons via pinfall. (C-)




We go live backstage and find Roddy Piper absolutely beaten to a pulp. It's so bad, EMTs are called on the scene, who did this?




The camera comes out to the ring to show Mr. Perfect, Curt Hennig prepared to say something.


Curt: For weeks we've heard about Owen Hart the "Fighting Champion". You may fight all the time, and I respect you for that, but I was the PERFECT IC Champ! My matches were the most entertaining and the best executed matches in the HISTORY of the WWF. Owen, if you really want to prove your worth, fight me Monday Night on Raw!




Savio Vega vs. The Ringmaster Steve Austin


Steve Austin looks pretty good against Savio Vega. Showing that he is as capable in singles action as well as in Tag Teams.


Winner Steve Austin via pinfall.



After the match...



Steve: Thats how you take care of business. I'd hope you Steiner boys saw what I am capable of and you know Sid is gonna come hard at In Your House. You better watch your back!


The Steiners music hits as they come to the ring.


Rick: Watch OUR back? Buddy you're ALL alone out here, and unless your buddys come soon, you're not going to be worth anything come next Sunday!


Steve smiles as the lights go out. As soon as they come back on, The Steiners are overrun by The Million Dollar Team. The show ends with Sid powerbombing Rick Steiner.

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<p>Rumors from 1-900-MARK-OUT</p><p> </p><p>

Rumors out of WWF are that several key players (including TWO champs) contracts run out around Wrestlemania. People have to watch their backs and make sure that they are putting on great matches and staying out of trouble.</p><p> </p><p>

Speaking of trouble, one worker is rumored to have been busted using illegal substances. Scott Steiner, a recent signing, was fined last week for failing a drug test. </p><p> </p><p>

In other WWF news, a former NWA Champion is in contract talks with WWF and is planning to make his debut within the next few weeks. A former WCW worker with ties with some WWF workers recently signed a contract and could make a debut soon.</p><p> </p><p>

This concludes the 1-900-MARKOUT feature for week 3 February 1996. Come back next week for news on The Ultimate Warrior's political career.</p>

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>WWF Monday Night Raw</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Raw is LIVE from New Mexico for the FINAL Monday Night Raw before In Your House! There is a lot of action and a lot of drama before one of the biggest PPV's of the year! The tournament to decide the new WWF Champion as well as many other exciting battles in less than ONE WEEK. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Owen Hart walks up to Bret to discuss something.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Owen: <span style="color:#FF8C00;">Bret I need to talk to you about this weekend. I heard that Diesel is trying to make a deal with you.</span></p><p> </p><p>

Bret: <span style="color:#008000;">Yea, he wants me to help him win then he's "supposed" to return the favor.</span></p><p> </p><p>

Owen: <span style="color:#FF8C00;">Bret, you know this is your best shot at making to Wrestlemania 12. If you help Diesel, you KNOW he's good for it. I mean, you HAVE to do whatever you can to become and STAY Champion.</span></p><p> </p><p>

Bret: <span style="color:#008000;">That might work for you, Owen. But I have standards, I can't let myself stoop to that level.</span></p><p> </p><p>

Owen: <span style="color:#FF8C00;">Really, what level have I stooped to? I'm a CHAMPION! That's more than you can say. Who's to say Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker haven't made an agreement? Even after this, you still have to win at Mania. You deserve to be there. That's YOUR belt.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Bret looks at Owen like something clicks in his mind.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Bret: <span style="color:#008000;">It is my belt, isn't? I gotta go, Owen. Thanks for the chat.</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Steiners vs. The Bodydonnas</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The attack on Superstars didn't seem to phase The Steiners too much, they run circles around the Bodydonnas.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner</strong> Scott Steiner via pinfall. (C-)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>After the match...</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Out from under the ring The Million Dollar Team comes out and roughs up the Steiners yet again. Finally, they gain their bearings and get the hell out.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Steve: <span style="color:#0000FF;">It's funny, you guys come out and accept the challenge, but everytime we fight, you are overrun. How do think you can last this Sunday at In Your House?</span></p><p> </p><p>

Ted: <span style="color:#FF0000;">Stevie, come on, don't bury them. We need the PPV buys! These Steiners are very tough and will make great challengers for your belts. But don't worry, The Million Dollar Man, ALWAYS has a plan. HAHAHAHA...</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Sid doesn't talk, just looks crazy.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage...</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Just days after Roddy Piper is found beaten up, we find Jerry "The King" Lawler. Who could be behind these attacks and why are they doing this?</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<em>A montage... Every story needs montage... Montage... Shawn Michaels lifting wieghts, running up a hill, getting in the shape of his life, he's ready for the kill! Montage.... This is a training montage...</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Diesel vs. Goldust</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Diesel goes out and performs like a man on a mission. He looks very prepared for his match against the Undertaker.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner</strong> Diesel via pinfall ©</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>After the match...</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Diesel: <span style="color:#FFFF00;">Undertaker, this weekend, you're gonna lose. Whether you like it or not, I'm going to Wrestlemania to face either Bret Hart or.... the other guy. I know you won't show your face, but....</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>The lights go out, when they come up, The Undertaker is face to face with Diesel. As he paces forward, Diesel backs up towards the ropes until he runs out of real estate. Diesel exits. Shouting empty threats.</em></p><p> </p><p>

(My First A Segment!)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage The British Bulldog has a mic.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Bulldog: <span style="color:#FF0000;">Vader, you are a coward. You act like you are a man, but Sunday we will find out who's the true WWF Strongman!</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Jim Cornette and Owen Hart are backstage</em></p><p> </p><p>

Corny: <span style="color:#FF8C00;">Mr. Perfect, you wanted a match, you got it! I gotta warn you, Owen's not going to lose the title to ANYONE, let alone a has-been like you. You might have been an awesome champ... in 1992! This man is the present AND the future of this business.</span></p><p> </p><p>

Owen: <span style="color:#48D1CC;">I promise you this, I will give you more than you can handle. I'm going to win this match. I'm going into In Your House as the IC Champion. And there isn't ANYONE here to stop me.</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Owen Hart vs. Mr Perfect for the IC Title</strong></p><p> </p><p>

An awesome match to end Monday Night Raw, Owen shows he is a true fighting champion. Curt shows that he's an all-time great and begins to gain momentum. But before he can start a big comeback...</p><p> </p><p>

Owen climbs out of the ring, grabbing his belt and walking away. As the referee counts, Owen shouts "My belt! Whatever it takes!"</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner</strong> Mr. Perfect via countout. (C+)</p>

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