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USPW Freedom Fight!


Steve Flash w/Blonde Bombshell vs. Acid w/Adrian Garcia

USPW World Television Title Match, Open Challenge Match: Peter Valentine w/Shane Sneer defends vs. ???

Puerto Rican Power vs. Jumbo Jackson w/Shane Sneer

Mario Heroic vs. Joss Thompson

USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Alicia Strong

Steve DeColt w/Jenny Playmate vs. Giant Redwood w/Adrian Garcia

Bryan Holmes vs. Nicky Champion

USPW World Title Match: James Justice defends vs. Bruce The Giant


So get those predictions in!



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Steve Flash w/Blonde Bombshell vs. Acid w/Adrian Garcia

USPW World Television Title Match, Open Challenge Match: Peter Valentine w/Shane Sneer defends vs. ???

Puerto Rican Power vs. Jumbo Jackson w/Shane Sneer

Mario Heroic vs. Joss Thompson

USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Alicia Strong

Steve DeColt w/Jenny Playmate vs. Giant Redwood w/Adrian Garcia

Bryan Holmes vs. Nicky Champion

USPW World Title Match: James Justice defends vs. Bruce The Giant

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Steve Flash w/Blonde Bombshell vs. Acid w/Adrian Garcia

USPW World Television Title Match, Open Challenge Match: Peter Valentine w/Shane Sneer defends vs. ???

Puerto Rican Power vs. Jumbo Jackson w/Shane Sneer

Mario Heroic vs. Joss Thompson

USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Alicia Strong

Steve DeColt w/Jenny Playmate vs. Giant Redwood w/Adrian Garcia

Bryan Holmes vs. Nicky Champion

USPW World Title Match: James Justice defends vs. Bruce The Giant

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Monday Week 3 April 2008

Location: The Ranch of San Antonio

Attendance: 7,189

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: .56




[The show begins inside the arena here in the world famous Ranch in San Antonio, Texas. The crowd of 7,189 are on their feet, chanting 'USPW, USPW, USPW!' Inside the ring stands one man the announcer Danny Jillefski]


Danny Jillefski

"Hello everyone and welcome to the world famous DUMP in some hick town in Texas and welcome to USPW Freedom Fight!"


[Yeah, that draws boos from the crowd!]


Danny Jillefski

"Since my usual broadcast partner Mario Heroic has a match tonight, for the next two hours it's just gonna be my own thoughts and opinions right here for USPW Freedom Fight! I know you're all excited to hear Danny ---"



"Whoa, whoa, whoa! I can't let that happen! Not in my company!"


[The crowd cheers as Sam Strong walks out from the back, absorbing in the moment as he heads down to the ring to join Danny Jillefski.]


Sam Strong

"You won't mind if I join you here tonight at the commentary booth, will you?"


Danny Jillefski

"Well, as a matter of fact ---"


Sam Strong

"I knew you wouldn't, Danny. Now, we're right here in the middle of the World-Famous Ranch in San Antonio, Texas! (cheap pop) And we've got some great action for these fans tonight, including our main event where James Justice (boo) defends the USPW World Title against Bruce The Giant! (cheer!) With all of that being said, don't you think it's time that these fans get to see their opening bout, Danny Boy?"


Danny Jillefski

"I was just going to say that."


[sam pats Danny on the back and shoves him out of the ring and then joins him down at ringside for the opening match here on USPW Freedom Fight.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SteveFlash.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BlondeBombshell_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Acid.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AdrianGarcia.jpg

Steve Flash w/Blonde Bombshell vs. Acid w/Adrian Garcia


The grudge between these four has been rather obvious since the beginning and that always makes for an excellent match, especially when the two high flying styles collide inside the ring. Even the crowd had a hard time keeping up with these two so you know that the announcers had a difficult time. The match fell outside the ring where Acid ran Steve Flash into the ringpost and then hit a dropkick against the back of his head to hit him further against the post! Acid reached underneath the ring and pulled out...a table?!?! Adrian Garcia helped Acid set the table up, bridging it between the ring and the guardrail before Blonde Bombshell came around and attacked Adrian Garcia! Manager fight!


Bombshell raked at Garcia's eyes and Garcia swung around and around with her on his back! Acid picked up Flash and laid him across the table. The referee called for the bell as the two men got counted out but this didn't stop Acid!


Winner: Draw (Double Countout)

Match Rating: C+


[Acid moved to the top turnbuckle and signalled for it. The crowd were on their feet watching as Acid leaped --- ACID RAIN BOMB THROUGH THE TABLE!!!! OH MAH GAWD!!!! The crowd starts a 'Holy ****' chant as both men are down! Blonde Bombshell moves over to check on Steve Flash since she took Adrian Garcia down. But both men, especially Steve Flash need some medical assistance!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DannyRushmore.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/MickMuscles.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JenniferHeat.jpg


[A video begins playing while Flash and Acid are attended to, showing The Towers of Power backstage along with their manager Jennifer Heat.]


Danny Rushmore

"Each and every team here in USPW that we have faced we have eliminated from the competition. The Forces of America? Broken up. The Hillbillys? Gone. Nation of Filth? Eliminated. Des Davids and Primus Allen? Broken up. We have proven time and time again that we are the best tag team in all the land. So let me tell you what. This is an offer to any tag team out there in the business today. Come right here to USPW. Step inside the ring with the Towers of Power and do your best. Give us everything you have because you've seen that we won't hold back. There are even teams here who have been too soft to face us in the ring. Savage Fury? Sign on the dotted line. Ring Generals? We'll knock you down to privates. Step in the ring with us and we'll only have one choice of what to do to you, right Mick?"


Mick Muscles

"Eliminate YOU!"


[The two laugh and so does Jennifer Heat before we head back inside the arena.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PeterValentine-1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShaneSneer.jpg

USPW World Television Title Match

Open Challenge Match

Peter Valentine w/Shane Sneer defends vs. ???


Peter Valentine and Shane Sneer came down to the ring and stepped inside, looking toward the entrance ramp to determine just who is going to be his opponent tonight...




The crowd cheers as 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' by Nirvana hits and out comes the American Everyman Freddie Datsun! Datsun looks toward the crowd and gets them to make some noise before he rushes down to the ring and a brawl starts out between him and Peter Valentine! Datsun knocks Valentine over the top rope with a clothesline and the USPW World Television Champion has to regroup with Shane Sneer.


Back inside the ring, Datsun focuses on a hammerlock and has his attention on the arm of Peter Valentine with a wristlock and armbar. Valentine pulls Datsun over to the corner by his hair and referee Baby Jamie steps in to break things up, leaving Datsun open to take a chop to the chest by Valentine! The veteran Peter Valentine takes control in this moment and focuses his attention on the shoulder of Freddie Datsun, even taking him outside the ring and running that shoulder into the ringpost! Back inside the ring, Valentine never gives up control over Datsun. When Datsun does start to get some momentum, some well-timed interference by Shane Sneer halts that easily. Valentine hits Datsun with the Heart Breaker and makes the pinfall, getting a successful title defense here.


Winner: Peter Valentine

Match Rating: C-


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PrpDm.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JumboJackson_alt7.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShaneSneer.jpg

Puerto Rican Power vs. Jumbo Jackson w/Shane Sneer


Jumbo Jackson comes out to join Shane Sneer and stands inside the ring looking toward the entrance ramp with his arms across his chest.




The crowd stirs slightly as the lights turn off and a spotlight comes at the top of the entrance ramp.




Organ music begins playing The Death March as the crowd are on their feet, barely illuminated by the spotlight.




Several druids begin wheeling a casket down toward the ring, 3 on each side with the spotlight following them. Smoke slides along the ground at their feet until they reach ringside and they turn and walk away. The casket slowly opens to reveal the body of Puerto Rican Power lying there with his hands over his chest.




The lights come on and PRP sits up and looks toward the ring! Jumbo Jackson and Shane Sneer roll out of the ring as PRP climbs from the casket into the ring, wearing a fedora and long black trenchcoat. He removes the trenchcoat and then the fedora, placing them in the casket and stands in the corner as the bell is sounded.


Jumbo isn't exactly sure how to handle this new Puerto Rican Power and is hesitant once he he gets in the ring with him. Jumbo gets in some good shots on PRP, taken down Power but Power just keeps sitting right up and going right at Jumbo Jackson! Puerto Rican Power gets the advantage and keeps on going against Jumbo. PRP finally lifts Jumbo up on his shoulder, showing tremendous undead strength before hitting the San Juan Rush, a running powerslam to get the pinfall victory.


Winner: Puerto Rican Power

Match Rating: D


[PRP lays in a few boots to Jumbo after the match and then goes after Shane Sneer! Shane's eyes are wide and he runs around the ring, backing up the ramp but tripping midway up! PRP just walks after him as Sneer crabwalks back to the back with PRP on his tail!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/MarioHeroic.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JossThompson_alt1-1.jpg

Mario Heroic vs. Joss Thompson


These two men are definitely the future of our industry. The match started off with some good catch-as-catch-can amateur wrestling hold for counterhold until they fought all the way to a stalemate and some applause from the crowd for that. Mario Heroic gained an early advantage and hit the Rolling Thunder early on Thompson for a two count. Mario quickened the pace in the early going until Joss went outside for a breather. Mario went to the top turnbuckle and leaped for Joss but Thompson moved out of the way and Heroic hit the guardrail!


Thompson caught Heroic with a few kicks to the ribs and then rolled him inside the ring and took the advantage, taunting Sam Strong at ringside for a moment as he was in control of this match. The match had several more back and forth moments with Heroic getting some momentum from both the crowd and Sam Strong. But Thompson was able to avoid the Hero Attack and caught Heroic with the Clean Cutter and made the pinfall with a handful of tights to get the win!


Winner: Joss Thompson

Match Rating: C-




[The cameras cut backstage where James Justice is pacing slightly within his locker room. He looks up and sees the camera.]


James Justice

"You want a few words from the Champ, do you? Tonight I take on a man who is taller than me, who outweighs me by about double. But Bruce is also slower than me and he doesn't have a brain in his body to match what I have. And that is what's gonna be his downfall. You see, I've always been the intellectual superior of every wrestler I've ever faced. People used to see me walking around saying 'Dude' this and 'Dude' that. And I drew them into thinking I wasn't very smart but I landed my titles that way. I drew fame and fortune and money. I'm a very wealthy man, you know, even in this downturning economy. When people can't afford to pay their rent or their house is foreclosed on, I'm the one buying those houses so I can sell them later and make a profit. But tonight I am focused on my opponent, on Bruce The Giant. Bruce, tonight, Justice WILL be SERVED!"


[James looks intensely into the camera as we cut back to the ring.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/CherryBomb.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AliciaStrong.jpg

USPW Women's Title Match

Cherry Bomb defends vs. Alicia Strong


Last month, Cherry Bomb saved her title by getting DQed against Alicia. This month, Alicia gets another shot at dethroning the Champ. These two have an excellent bout, seeming to know each other pretty well in their fluid movements. Alicia has both the crowd and Sam Strong in her corner and Danny keeps trying to tell Sam that he needs to impartial while also cheering for Cherry Bomb. The match truly went back and forth with no one having a solid advantage until the end when Alicia got the crowd roaring in her favor and she took down Cherry Bomb with several clotheslines. Cherry rolled out of the ring, going for her title but Sam Strong stopped her! Sam held on to the title and Alicia went up top, hitting a Double Axehandle to Cherry Bomb on the outside of the ring! Alicia rolled Cherry Bomb back in and set her up --- STRONG ARM TACTIC!! Alicia makes the cover: 1 --- 2 --- 3!!


Winner: Alicia Strong

Match Rating: C+


[The crowd cheers their approval for our new USPW Women's Champion! Sam Strong rolls into the ring and embraces his daughter! The crowd cheers even more as Sam hands Alicia her new USPW Women's Title belt and he raises her arm in victory! What a celebration!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SteveDecolt.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JennyPlaymate.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/GiantRedwood.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AdrianGarcia.jpg

Steve DeColt w/Jenny Playmate vs. Giant Redwood w/Adrian Garcia


Overall a decent brawling match though DeColt seemed really off his game during the match. Giant Redwood mostly dominated to a thorough surprise from the fans at ringside and the fans watching at home as he dismantled the Northern star. Even a little distraction from Jenny Playmate couldn't stop Giant Redwood as he nailed DeColt with the Standing Timber Splash and got the three count!


Winner: Giant Redwood

Match Rating: D


[Following the match, Redwood put in a few more stomps on DeColt, grabbing him by the throat and landing a ChokeSlam on him to boos from the crowd! Adrian Garcia gave Redwood a pat on the back and they stalked toward Jenny Playmate, who dropped from the apron and took off toward the back while Redwood and Garcia laughed.]




[The crowd was given a pleasant surprise when the ring cleared as they were greeted by veteran of our industry: Micky Starr! Micky waves to the crowd and is handed a microphone but his words are cut off by the appearance of Joss Thompson! The crowd boos Thompson but he has a microphone.]


Joss Thompson

"Micky Starr, how nice to see you tonight. Come out here to collect another paycheck for the retirement home, I see. Oh well, it doesn't really matter why you're out here because you're stealing valuable tv time from people who really matter, like me, Joss Thompson. You are irrelevant, Mr. Starr and tonight I am going to show you just how irrelevant you are."


[Joss kicks Micky in the gut and Micky groans, doubling over and Joss moves behind him, lifting him up and hitting the Clean Cutter on the ramp! The crowd severely boos that move by Joss Thompson! Joss just gives a ****y smile and waves to the crowd in a mocking motion of what Micky Starr did when he came out here as officials come out to check on the legend and Joss heads toward the back.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BryanHolmes.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/NickyChampion-1.jpg

Bryan Holmes vs. Nicky Champion


The crowd are on their feet for the start of this one. A few weeks ago, Bryan Holmes said he wanted some competition and attacked Nicky Champion. Tonight, Nicky gets his shot at a measure of revenge. The crowd begins clapping as the two circle each other in the ring and a collar and elbow tie up begins things with Holmes sending Nicky Champion into the corner and unleashing a few chops to the chest, reddening the chest of Nicky Champion. Nicky fights back with punches and a clothesline to bring down Holmes! Holmes gets up quickly and hooks Nicky in a side headlock. Holmes is sent off to the ropes by Nicky and Champion hits a leapfrog over Holmes but Holmes stops and grabs Nicky Champion: neckbreaker! Holmes makes a quick cover for a 2 count only!


Holmes continues the advantage he has over Nicky Champion, dropping him with a gutbuster and then a spinebuster! The next five minutes are all Holmes with the crowd trying to get behind Nicky Champion! Holmes locks Champion in the Texas Cloverleaf to boos from the crowd as Nicky cries out in pain. Nicky begins to crawl toward the ropes, using some power to pull himself closer and closer but just when Nicky is about to get to the ropes, Holmes pulls him back to the center of the ring and switches holds to an STF! Nicky raises his hand as referee Jez McArthuer is right there to ask him if he wants to give. Nicky is saying no and holding on! Holmes hit a few forearm shots to the back of the head, releasing the hold for a moment and then going right back to it! But Nicky is fighting, pulling himself toward the ropes. Nicky, the man with the heart of a champion, reaches the ropes! The referee makes Holmes break the hold and he does so at the count of 4.


Sam Strong leaves the commentary booth and moves to ringside, yelling at Nicky to get up and fight in a moment like in the Rocky movies! 'He's not a tank! He's just a man, Nicky! You can hurt him!' The crowd chant 'Nicky, Nicky, Nicky' as Bryan Holmes comes over and picks up Champion. Holmes hits a European Uppercut and sends Nicky into the corner. Holmes backs up and then charges the corner but Nicky moves out of the way! Holmes hits the corner hard and Nicky moves over, throwing punches! The crowd are on their feet as Nicky Champion climbs up the turnbuckle and they count along with the punches he throws on Bryan Holmes! He gets up to ten and drops down, pulling up Bryan Holmes --- Death Valley Driver! He hits Holmes with a DVD! Nicky Champion drops to his knees, trying to catch a breath. Both men are slow to get to their feet. Nicky is up first and he aims for Holmes. Holmes gets to his feet and turns --- HAWKEYE HAMMER!!! Nicky Champion hit the Hawkeye Hammer but he falls to the mat as well. Can he make the cover? Nicky slowly crawls over and puts his body on top: 1 --- 2 --- 3!!!


Winner: Nicky Champion

Match Rating: C


[The crowd goes wild as Nicky Champion is announced as the winner of the match! Nicky falls over into a corner and the referee checks on Bryan Holmes, who is stunned from that Hawkeye Hammer shot. Holmes slowly pulls his way to his feet using the ropes and eyes up Nicky Champion for a moment. Sam Strong climbs in the ring and gets between the two fighters as Holmes begins walking over. Holmes looks at Sam Strong and then --- offers a handshake to Nicky Champion! Nicky stares at it for a moment and then takes it, embracing Bryan Holmes and Holmes' raises Nicky Champion's arm, saluting the winner of the match! What an ending to this match and we still have the main event to go!


Sam Strong heads back to ringside, not seeing the crowd stirring. Someone dressed in a hoodie leaps over the guardrail! What in the world is going on here! He climbs in the ring as Nicky Champion turns --- SPEAR!!! Nicky Champion is brought down with a spear! Bryan Holmes sees an attacker and goes for him but catches a kick to the gut for his trouble and then lifted up --- EXTINCTION! The hood falls off to reveal T-Rex! The crowd pelt him with trash and boos as T-Rex grabs Nicky Champion in the Jurassic Crush! He's squeezing the life out of him after he's already had a grueling match! Sam Strong turns around and sees what's going on and heads into the ring and he catches an elbow from T-Rex! T-Rex lets go of Nicky Champion --- SPEAR ON SAM STRONG!! The crowd really boos here as T-Rex beats his chest and a flood of officials come in to break things up.]




[The AmericaTron lights up with a split screen of both Champion and Challenger in our main event match as Sam Strong is helped back to the commentary booth and it looks like he'll try to finish out the evening alongside Danny Jillefski though it's clear from his winded tone that he's almost down and out for the count.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpg

USPW World Title Match

James Justice defends vs. Bruce The Giant


And what a main event we have for you this evening, folks! The USPW World Title on the line in a match between James Justice and Bruce The Giant! The early going of the match had Justice avoiding anything that had to do with locking up with Bruce The Giant. He used the ropes and the referee in front of him to keep Bruce away from him. He even went outside the ring a time or two in the first two minutes of the match. Then he came in and offered a test of strength with Bruce The Giant?!?! Is he crazy?!?! Bruce just smiled and took one hand, blocking a kick from Justice and bringing him down to the mat by squeezing his hand. Justice cried out in pain, asking for a timeout from the referee but there is no timeout in wrestling. Bruce slowly released the hand after a moment or two and caught Justice with a sharp knee to the cheek and then pulled him up and hooked him --- vertical suplex by the big man! He made the cover but only got a 1 count. Bruce continued the next few minutes with the advantage, using his size against James Justice and a big size boot to the throat of the USPW World Champion! Justice coughed afterward, yelling at the referee that Bruce should be DQed!


Justice avoided a shot from Bruce in the corner and gave several kicks to the gut! The USPW World Champion threw punches and kicks and the kitchen sink at Bruce in the corner but Bruce held on to the top rope to keep from falling! Justice pulled Bruce from the corner and tried a body slam but Bruce fell on top for a two count before Justice could get his shoulder up. Bruce got up and tried an elbow drop but Justice moved out of the way and the Champ dropped three consecutive elbow drops on Bruce The Giant before going to the top turnbuckle, something Justice is NOT known for and dropping a knee across the forehead! Justice played to the crowd for a little bit before returning his attention to keeping Bruce on the mat and that's what he did for the next few minutes. Justice then got the idea to go up to the top turnbuckle again and he played to the crowd for a bit before leaping off --- CAUGHT AROUND THE THROAT!!


James Justice's eyes go wide as Bruce catches him around the throat and Bruce pulls himself to his feet! Justice positions them so the referee cannot see and kicks a low blow to Bruce The Giant! This breaks the chokehold and Justice rakes his eyes! Bruce flails around with his arms, showing that he cannot see! James avoids the arms and moves over by the referee! Bruce hears the movement and runs toward them and James pushes the referee into a Bruce The Giant clothesline! Bruce grabs the turnbuckle as he shakes his head, his vision obviously slowly coming back to him as James Justice rolls out of the ring and grabs his USPW World Title belt. He flashes a smile to Sam Strong for a moment as Sam doesn't have the energy to stop him after that attack by T-Rex! Justice rolls in the ring and gives Bruce a shot to the knee with the USPW World Title! Then he catches him in the face with it! Justice gives him several shots that finally knock the big man down, rocking the ring with that! Justice rolls the title belt out of the ring and then goes out and grabs a cup of coffee from Danny Jillefski, sliding back in and he splashes the hot coffee on referee Jez McArthuer to wake him up! Justice makes the cover on Bruce: 1 --- 2 --- 3!!! Somehow James Justice keeps his USPW World Title belt! And that's all we have for you here in San Antonio! Have a good night, everyone!


Winner: James Justice

Match Rating: C+

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1. James Justice

2. Bruce The Giant

3. Freddie Datsun

4. Acid

5. T-Rex



1. Alicia Strong

2. Joss Thompson

3. Lobo Blanco



1. Kirk Jameson

2. Alicia Strong

3. Joss Thompson

4. Lobo Blanco

5. American Elemental



1. Sam Strong

2. Alicia Strong

3. James Justice

4. Wanda Fish

5. Cherry Bomb



1. Alicia Strong

2. Mario Heroic

3. American Elemental

4. Burning EXILE

5. James Justice



1. Steve Flash

2. Acid

3. James Justice

4. American Elemental

5. Shooter Sean Deeley



1. James Justice

2. Bruce The Giant

3. Alicia Strong

4. T-Rex

5. Peter Valentine



1. Primus Allen

2. Shooter Sean Deeley

3. Grace Harper

4. Sara Marie York

5. American Elemental



1. Anger

2. Captain USA

3. Puerto Rican Power

4. Freddie Datsun

5. Fumihiro Ota



1. Black Eagle

2. Joey Beauchamp

3. Ash Campbell

4. Donnie J

5. Raven Nightfall


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From USPWWrestling.com...


What a night it was last night at USPW Freedom Fight! James Justice and Peter Valentine both retained their titles while we have a new USPW Women's Champion in Alicia Strong, who celebrated the title win with her father. We saw the return of T-Rex in an attack on Nicky Champion and Bryan Holmes, the debut of Puerto Rican Power and much, much more. So catch it on the replay if you haven't seen it already. This leads us to our USPW American Wrestling card tonight:


Burning EXILE vs. Bruce The Giant

Non Title: The Towers of Power vs. American Elemental and Lobo Blanco

Alicia Strong, Grace Harper and Sara Marie York vs. Cherry Bomb, Stephanie Wade and Nadia Snow

Jim Force vs. Nicky Champion

T-Rex vs. Steve Flash


So get those predictions in!


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Burning EXILE vs. Bruce The Giant

Non Title: The Towers of Power vs. American Elemental and Lobo Blanco

Alicia Strong, Grace Harper and Sara Marie York vs. Cherry Bomb, Stephanie Wade and Nadia Snow

Jim Force vs. Nicky Champion

T-Rex vs. Steve Flash

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Burning EXILE vs. Bruce The Giant

Non Title: The Towers of Power vs. American Elemental and Lobo Blanco

Alicia Strong, Grace Harper and Sara Marie York vs. Cherry Bomb, Stephanie Wade and Nadia Snow

Jim Force vs. Nicky Champion

T-Rex vs. Steve Flash

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Tuesday Week 3 April 2008

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds

Attendance: 3,810

Overall Rating: C

TV Rating: .45




[Freedom Fight was just last night and here are the highlights! The focus is on the main event match where James Justice successful defended the USPW World Title by dubious means over Bruce The Giant, using several title belt shots before making the pinfall.]




[The crowd rises in boos as we kick off our show with the USPW World Champion James Justice! Justice walks down to the ring all smiles and slips inside, holding up the USPW World Title belt for everyone to see.]


James Justice

"That's right. I did the impossible. Three times I have defeated Bruce The Giant in my career here in USPW. You can call me James The Giant Killer from now on! As a matter of fact, I think everyone would like to see that pinfall one more time! Show it! Come on! You heard me! Show the pinfall!"


[The screen flashes to the pinfall of James Justice over Bruce The Giant from multiple angles and then back to the ring and a booing crowd.]


James Justice

"Now that part of my life is done, finished, over with. And there is no one else here on my level to beat. There is no one else..."


[James is interrupted by some unfamiliar music and a very surprise guest! It's the Slick Pimp Daddy Ernie Turner! Ernie is flanked by two very hot looking women as he walks down toward the ring and steps inside, flashing a smile toward James Justice.]


James Justice

"What could you possibly be interrupting me for?"


Ernie Turner

"Hey now, brother. Why all the hostility? Why do you have to be all violent and ****. This is national tv. This is USPW. The Slick Pimp Daddy has just come down here to congratulate you on your big title defense against Bruce The Giant."


James Justice

"Great. You've congratulated me. Now get out of my ring!"


Ernie Turner

"I can't leave here tonight without offering you some of my...services."


[The two ladies leave Ernie Turner's side and move over, feeling up on James Justice and James has a smile on his face.]


Ernie Turner

"And while you're partaking in some of my own special blend there why don't we agree that you'll meet me later on in a non title match? Just you and me and may the best man win?"


James Justice

"You're not even in my league. So I'll tell you what, non title match here tonight. You win, you get a USPW World Title shot. I win, I get the ladies free of charge."


Ernie Turner

"Now that sounds like the kind of deal that the Slick Pimp Daddy can't turn down. Ladies, if you please."


[One of the ladies moves back over to Ernie Turner, the other slides behind James Justice --- LOW BLOW BY THE HO!!! Ernie Turner attacks James Justice! The two exchange blows with the crowd behind Turner as officials come running out from the back to seperate these two. What an explosive start to the program!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BurningExile.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AdrianGarcia.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpg

Burning EXILE vs. Bruce The Giant


The man who lost in that main event match last night comes out for the opening bout here against Burning EXILE. These two just didn't seem to be on the same page for the majority of the bout and it really brought it down in the fans' eyes. Bruce dominated for the majority of things and finished off EXILE with the Giant Choke Slam!


Winner: Bruce The Giant

Match Rating: D




[A video begins to play showing a cabin within the mountains. The camera moves inside the cabin to find the man known as Larry Wood sitting at a table and eating frog legs.]


Larry Wood

"Frog legs. I just can't seem to get enough of them. They're the one thing in this world that can tempt me again and again to devour them. I just love their little hippity hop things before I squash them. That's exactly what's going to happen to each and every hippity hop wrestler in USPW. I'm gonna squash you and serve you for dinner. Think you can stand up to Larry Wood? Just try me."


[Larry goes back to eating the frog legs with a smile on his face. Larry Wood, coming soon to USPW!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DannyRushmore.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/MickMuscles.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JenniferHeat.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AmericanElemental.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/LoboBlanco.jpg

Non Title

The Towers of Power vs. American Elemental and Lobo Blanco


A poor quality of match but fans weren't expecting some type of epic showdown between these four men. It was total domination by the Towers of Power, leaving Danny Rushmore looking especially good within the match. Mick Muscles is the man who made the pinfall though after hitting Lobo Blanco with the Bulldozer Powerbomb.


Winners: The Towers of Power

Match Rating: D-


[The fans and wrestlers alike were shocked to see Savage Fury come running down to the ring and make their attack on The Towers of Power! Apparently, they are taking the ToP up on their challenge at Freedom Fight! Savage Fury cleared the ring and the crowd got behind them as they are without Shane Sneer tonight!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AliciaStrong.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/GraceHarper.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SaraMarieYork.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/CherryBomb.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/StephanieWade.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/NadiaSnow_alt1.jpg

Alicia Strong, Grace Harper and Sara Marie York vs. Cherry Bomb, Stephanie Wade and Nadia Snow


A decent showing for these six women in six woman tag team action here. Stephanie Wade was off her game tonight and Alicia Strong shone as the best of the bunch here. It was a good back and forth match that ended in a donnybrook and ended with Alicia hitting Superstar Stephanie Wade with the Strong Arm Tactic and getting the pinfall victory, solidifying her win at Freedom Fight where she won the USPW Women's Title!


Winners: Alicia Strong, Grace Harper and Sara Marie York

Match Rating: D


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JimForce.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/NickyChampion-1.jpg

Jim Force vs. Nicky Champion


Nicky Champion is someone else who had a big night last night at Freedom Fight when he defeated Bryan Holmes in the center of the ring with his Hawkeye Hammer. He'll have a different kind of action here against Jim Force. It seems like about average for the matches tonight here on USPW American Wrestling. Not great but not too horribly bad. Jim Force showed some good technique in the ring but in the end he was nailed by the Hawkeye Hammer and Nicky Champion got the win!


Winner: Nicky Champion

Match Rating: D


[Following the match, T-Rex stepped down to the ring again but Nicky Champion dodged a spear attempt! Nicky attacked T-Rex and T-Rex fought back against Nicky Champion! It seems like the monster can take all that Nicky has to dish out and is still fighting away until officials come down to break up this brawl. This feud has not ended yet, folks!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ErnieTurner.jpg

Non Title

If Ernie Turner wins, he gets a USPW World Title shot

If James Justice wins, he gets the hos free of charge!

James Justice vs. Ernie Turner


Ernie Turner brought out the same two women he had earlier with him as he headed out for this big opportunity against James Justice! The two had some brawling to start the match and Turner got a quick rollup early for a two count. He and the Ho's showed Justice that he came within inches of giving Turner a USPW World Title shot! Justice regrouped and took the advantage, using some superior brawling and wrestling skill against Turner. Justice focused on the lower back of the Slick Pimp Daddy. He dropped him with backbreakers and even a snake eyes type move but still could only get a two count. A sleeperhold brought Turner down but the crowd got into it and on the side of Turner and the Ho's! Turner was able to reverse into a jawbreaker!


The Slick Pimp Daddy started gaining some momentum in a crowd-pleasing way, using the ten count punches in the corner and then a monkey flip! He set up Justice in the corner --- SUPERPLEX!! He made the cover: 1 --- 2 --- KICKOUT! Turner looked astonished that Justice kicked out but he continued on the offensive until he missed a splash in the corner and Justice caught him with a second rope bulldog! One of the Ho's jumped up on the apron, distracting the official and yelling at Turner to get up! Justice slid out of the ring and grabbed his USPW World Title belt! He slid back in and waited for Turner to get to his feet as the Ho tried to point it out to the referee who wasn't backing down until she got off the apron! Justice PLASTERED Ernie Turner with a belt shot! He slid it out of the ring and walked over toward the Ho and gave her a big kiss! She slapped the taste right out of James Justice's mouth and Justice pushed her off the apron! Justice turned around and covered Ernie Turner: 1 --- 2 --- 3! Justice wins the Ho's! You know that one is NOT gonna have a good night!


Winner: James Justice

Match Rating: C-




[The crowd is already booing James Justice and they boo even more when Joss Thompson walks out, giving a smile and a handshake to the USPW World Champion! Joss stands at the top of the ramp and looks around for a moment.]


Joss Thompson

"I know that each and every one of you hypocrites out there hates me and I know why. It's because I am better than each and every one of you! I am exactly right where you want to be. I am the best youthful professional wrestler out there. I'm not hogging the spotlight long past my prime like our owner Sam Strong is. So I'll tell you what, I didn't come out here just to bestow my virtues because that would take all night. I came out here to make a challenge. For one night and one night only, Sam Strong, I am challenging you to come out of retirement. I am challenging you to bask in that spotlight one more time that you crave. I am challenging you to face me inside the ring. I want your answer next week. If you don't, then I can't be responsible for what happens in the future. Just ask Micky Starr."


[Joss smiles and turns and heads for the back to a largely booing crowd.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SteveFlash.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BlondeBombshell_alt1.jpg

T-Rex vs. Steve Flash


Blonde Bombshell is PLEADING with Steve Flash not to go out to the ring as she escorts him down there. She's asking him to forfeit this match to T-Rex because he is in no condition to compete but Flash won't hear of it. He was put through a table just last night by Acid at Freedom Fight but here he is competing tonight. Flash sold his back injury throughout this match as he tried to do his usual high flying, high risk offense but he couldn't quite be fast enough to stay out of the grasp of T-Rex in this main event contest. Once T-Rex caught him and focused on his back, Flash was in a whole world of pain but he told the referee not to stop the match! T-Rex laid Flash across his knee in a backbreaker but Flash wouldn't give.


Flash got in a short wave of offense late in the match, somehow getting a second or third wind with the help of the crowd's approval! T-Rex just couldn't believe that he couldn't put Flash away! Not even a bear hug would stop Steve Flash! But when Flash missed an elbow from the top turnbuckle, it was about all she wrote as T-Rex stalked him from behind and locked on the Jurassic Crush! He swung Flash back and forth like a rag doll and the referee had no choice but to call for the bell.


Winner: T-Rex

Match Rating: C-


[Following the match, T-Rex dropped Flash and headed toward the back, passing Acid and Adrian Garcia who were headed to the ring. Garcia kept Blonde Bombshell back and Acid slipped inside the ring and pulled out a pair of clippers and clipped several locks from Steve Flash's head! He held them up to boos from the crowd and went up top --- ACID RAIN BOMB! Steve Flash is down and out as Acid stands victorious with Flash's hair in his hand as the show comes to a close.]

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From USPWWrestling.com...


Another week, another USPW American Wrestling show! We have a great card lined up for you taking place from Puerto Rico! Here's the lineup:


Steve Flash and Nicky Champion w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Acid and T-Rex w/ Adrian Garcia

Fumihiro Ota vs. Ernie Turner

Larry Wood debuts vs. American Elemental

USPW World Television Title Match: Peter Valentine w/ Shane Sneer defends vs. Bruce The Giant

Plus A Bonus Match Unnamed As Of Yet


So get those predictions in!


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Steve Flash and Nicky Champion w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Acid and T-Rex w/ Adrian Garcia

Fumihiro Ota vs. Ernie Turner

Larry Wood debuts vs. American Elemental

USPW World Television Title Match: Peter Valentine w/ Shane Sneer defends vs. Bruce The Giant

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Steve Flash and Nicky Champion w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Acid and T-Rex w/ Adrian Garcia

Fumihiro Ota vs. Ernie Turner

Larry Wood debuts vs. American Elemental

USPW World Television Title Match: Peter Valentine w/ Shane Sneer defends vs. Bruce The Giant

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Tuesday Week 4 April 2008

Location: President's Hall (Puerto Rico)

Attendance: 2,156

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: .43




[The crowd down here in Puerto Rico rise up in boos as James Justice steps from behind the curtain and heads toward the ring, holding up the USPW World Title. He slides inside the ring and snatches a microphone from Mario Heroic at ringside.]


James Justice

"First of all, I guess I can say just about anything that I want to here since most of you don't speak or understand English."


[More boos from the crowd and an '*******' chant. Guess they do know one word of English, huh?]


James Justice

"Cute, real cute. I should have expected that from all you illegal immigrants!"


[Does James even know that Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory?]


James Justice

"Last week, I performed the American dream. I left the ring with both the title and the girl, free of charge, of course. And tonight, tonight I am taking the night off. You see, I don't NEED to perform in front of you illegal people. All I need to do is get on the first plane back to..."




James Justice is interrupted and the crowd stands on their feet and cheer!




The lights in the arena turn out and the pickpockets go wild in the stands. The AmericaTron lights up, showing national hero Puerto Rican Power!]


Puerto Rican Power

"James Justice, your arrogance is truly amazing. You have been beating people, nearly killing them with your belt shots to the head. But how do you kill someone that is already dead? How do you keep someone down when they thirst for your blood, when they they thirst for vengeance? I have already spoken with Sam Strong and tonight you will be wrestling in this very ring. As a matter of fact, you will be defending your USPW World Title against....me. James Justice, you will rest...in...peace."


[The lights come back on as the AmericanTron shuts down and PRP is standing right behind James Justice! The crowd cheers wildly and Justice slowly turns around and his eyes go wide! Puerto Rican Power grabs him by the throat --- CHOKESLAM! PRP reaches down and picks up the USPW World Title belt, looking at it for a moment before holding it up to the cheering crowd! Then he sets it back down and runs his thumb across his throat slowly. Justice grabs the belt and scurries out of the ring looking up in fear at Puerto Rican Power, who will have this entire crowd behind him in this match.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SteveFlash.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/NickyChampion-1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BlondeBombshell_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Acid.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AdrianGarcia.jpg

Steve Flash and Nicky Champion w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Acid and T-Rex w/ Adrian Garcia


This opening contest suffered from the buzz that was generated by the title match being announced here tonight. It wasn't actually too bad as both sides showed a willingness to sell for the other side. The colour commentary helped to keep the focus on the action in the ring and T-Rex got the submission victory for his team with a Jurassic Crush on Steve Flash.


Winners: Acid and T-Rex

Match Rating: D


[T-Rex threw down Steve Flash and then attacked Nicky Champion as he went to check on his partner. Nicky was hit by a spear and given about a minute of the Jurassic Crush himself! T-Rex threw Nicky down and Acid gave his partner a pat on the back and HE suffered from a spear by T-Rex! T-Rex ended up standing tall all alone in the ring as Adrian Garcia just watched in shock!]




[The crowd here in Puerto Rico cheers as USPW Owner Sam Strong heads down toward the ring. A chant of 'Thank You, Sam' 'Thank you, Sam' rings out. That could be both from having the show here AND from our main event matchup tonight. Sam holds up a microphone to his lips]


Sam Strong

"Last week, Joss Thompson issued a challenge. He asked me to come out of retirement for one match and one match only, to face him inside this very ring tonight. Joss, my answer is..."


[sam is interrupted by the music of Joss Thompson and the arrogant wrestler comes out from the back and stands at the top of the ramp.]


Joss Thompson

"Come on, Sam. Don't keep us in suspense any longer. Tell the world what your answer is."


Sam Strong

"My answer is no, Joss Thompson."


Joss Thompson

"I figured that it would be. That is so typical of someone who can speak a good game and attack someone with a cane but when it comes to an actual face-to-face confrontation you chicken out."


Sam Strong

"I have not been active in in-ring competition in awhile, Joss. I gave that up to run this company..."


Joss Thompson

"Right into the ground. You became a part of this company and immediately you hire all your old friends who couldn't keep up with the younger guys in the ring. Guys like Bruce The Giant and Peter Valentine. Guys who get winded after only being in the ring for 6 minutes. You hire that goofy guy Jim Force, who tires himself out even before he gets into the ring by running down the aisle. Well, take a look at the future, Sam. Take a look at the best of the group that you have. I am The Future Joss Thompson and I know that there are ways that I can get you into the ring with me. You'll see what I mean later tonight. But until then watch your back."


[Joss' music cues up and Joss turns around and heads for the back as Sam just looks at him dumbfounded. What could he mean by that?]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/FumihiroOta.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ErnieTurner.jpg

Fumihiro Ota vs. Ernie Turner


This match was definitely a let-down after the show we've seen so far. Two moreso relative unknowns here in Puerto Rico and what's worse is that they have no chemistry in the ring whatsoever. So, let's just head to the ending, shall we? Ernie Turner hits Ota with the Piledriver known as the Slick Pimp Spike and gets the three count.


Winner: Ernie Turner

Match Rating: E+




[Cut backstage where James Justice is punching a locker room door!]


James Justice

"How dare that idiot interfere with my interview and then expect me to put my title on the line against him here tonight in his hometown. He has no respect for me or for the title that I wear. I am the guy who beat Bruce The Giant three times! I'm James The Giant Killer! I am going to do what I have to do."


[The cameras follow James as he exits the locker room and goes to another door knocking. The camera zooms in to show the name on the door: 'Shane Sneer' and the crowd in the background boos at that as we head back to the ring.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/LarryWood.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AmericanElemental.jpg

Larry Wood debuts vs. American Elemental


SQUASH! The Mountain Man Larry Wood completely dismantles American Elemental in this match much to no one's surprise. Elemental tried a few high flying moves early but it was Wood in control for almost every minute of the match. Wood picked up the pinfall following the Running Big Foot.


Winner: Larry Wood

Match Rating: E+


[Following the match, Wood continued his senseless violence against American Elemental! He grabbed a couple of chairs and swung both of them at Elemental at the same time like clapping his ears! Elemental went down in a huff and Wood just looked menacingly at the camera and the fans before he left.]




[The crowd cheers as the cameras cut backstage where Puerto Rican Power is standing in the locker room, leaning against the lockers and he looks directly into the camera.]


Puerto Rican Power

"James Justice, tonight Justice will be served. Tonight when you step inside that ring against me you're not only fighting me but the entire country of Puerto Rico. You're not only fighting me but you're also fighting my entire legion of darkness that look up to me. Tonight, James Justice, the USPW World Title finds it's way into Puerto Rican hands even if I have to go through hell itself to obtain it. James Justice, your USPW World Title reign will rest...in...peace."


[PRP's eyes roll back in his head as he looks toward the camera and it slowly fades back to the ring.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PeterValentine-1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpg

USPW World Television Title Match

Peter Valentine w/ Shane Sneer defends vs. Bruce The Giant


This match could easily be the main event anywhere in the country but it's only the semi-main event here tonight in Puerto Rico. Peter Valentine putting his USPW World Television title on the line against the one and only Bruce The Giant. A decent back and forth encounter with little distractions and interference throughout by Shane Sneer. A distinct lack of selling illustrated throughout the match. Sneer distracted the referee while Valentine gave Bruce a low blow and he knew there was no way he was going to get Bruce The Giant in that Heart Breaker finisher of his. But Valentine did hit Bruce with a DDT and made the cover: 1 --- 2 --- KICKOUT!


As the match wore on, the fans' patience with these two also wore on. Though they are both rather popular, they are not two of the best in-ring talents based on performance. Valentine went for a belt shot late in the match but Bruce blocked it and tossed the belt away before the referee could DQ anyone. Bruce hit several headbutts on Valentine and then wrapped his hand around the TV Champion's throat! --- GIANT CHOKE SLAM! Bruce makes a threatening gesture to keep Shane Sneer off the apron and then covers Valentine: 1 --- 2 --- 3!!! We have a NEW USPW World Television Champion!


Winner: Bruce The Giant

Match Rating: D+


[Following the match, referee Baby Jamie gives Bruce the belt and he holds it up, celebrating with the fans here in Puerto Rico before heading to the back.]




[The crowd here in Puerto Rico cheered for the entrance of the USPW Women's Champion and daughter of USPW Owner Sam Strong! Though, it's unknown what she's doing here. And it remains unknown as she gets clubbed from behind by Joss Thompson! The crowd boos Thompson's attack on a woman! Thompson lifts her up and hits the Clean Cutter out on the entrance ramp! Thompson quickly exits stage right as Sam Strong comes running out from the back! Sam checks on his daughter, getting her some medical attention rather than chasing Joss Thompson. Is this what Joss meant by goading Sam into a match?]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PrpDm.jpg

USPW World Title Match

James Justice defends vs. Puerto Rican Power


This is the match that fans down here have been dreaming of! USPW World Title on the line as Puerto Rican Power faces James Justice! And the crowd got all they could have hoped for during this match and then some. It was a brawl the first few minutes in with PRP getting the better of James Justice! Justice got out of the ring and signalled to the back and out came Shane Sneer and Jumbo Jackson! The crowd booed as Sneer and Jumbo moved into James Justice's corner.


Puerto Rican Power points to a sign out in the crowd...'If Puerto Rican Power loses, we riot!' James Justice's eyes were wide at seeing that sign but he slipped back into the ring and raked the eyes of his opponent, beginning to work on PRP but every time he got PRP down, he would sit right back up! Justice started getting frustrated and began throwing kicks at PRP whenever he would sit up. The crowd started getting behind PRP, cheering and clapping and stomping their feet to help PRP make his comeback and he did make his comeback following a jawbreaker! PRP threw Justice into the corner and began throwing punches and kicks to the USPW World Champ! He punched him all the way down to the mat and then choked him with the sole of his boot but PRP can't do anything wrong here in Puerto Rico as the fans continued to cheer for him! PRP lifted James Justice up onto his shoulder and the crowd got on their feet! But Justice wriggled out behind PRP and shoved him into a corner face-first. PRP bounced out of the corner and banged heads with James Justice! Both men went down and the crowd began chanting for Puerto Rican Power as the referee began his ten count. At 3, both men were stirring. At 6, Shane Sneer got up on the apron and got the referee's attention! Jumbo Jackson slid the USPW World Title belt in to James Justice! Justice slowly moved to his feet behind Puerto Rican Power. Power turned --- BELT SHOT!! PRP goes down hard and Justice slides the belt back out to Jumbo Jackson. Shane Sneer jumps off the apron and Justice makes the cover:










The roof nearly EXPLODES off the building when Puerto Rican Power kicks out! What does James Justice have to do in order to beat this guy??? PRP sits up and dodges a clothesline from James Justice. He kicks him in the gut and sets him up in the piledriver position but sees Shane Sneer get on the apron again. Low Blow by James Justice! PRP staggers and Justice shoves him into Shane Sneer! PRP and Sneer bang heads and PRP turns --- LIBERATION SLAM!! Justice makes a quick cover:










Justice picks up the successful title defense!


Winner: James Justice

Match Rating: B-


[Following the match, Jumbo Jackson moves in to attack Puerto Rican Power but the ring is suddenly flooded by rioting fans! Security with nightsticks try their best to keep the fans away from the wrestlers but we're out of time! We'll see you next week!]

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Updated Roster...


USPW World Heavyweight Champion: James Justice

USPW World Television Champion: Bruce The Giant

USPW Women's Champion: Alicia Strong

USPW World Tag Team Champions: The Towers of Power


Face Heel


Main Eventers


Bruce The Giant

Nicky Champion

Steve Flash (Managed by Blonde Bombshell)


Acid (Managed by Adrian Garcia)

James Justice

Peter Valentine (Managed by Shane Sneer)



Upper Midcarders


Freddie Datsun

Mario Heroic

Mr. Wrestling


Giant Redwood (Managed by Adrian Garcia)

Jumbo Jackson (Managed by Shane Sneer)

Madman Boone (Managed by Playboy Jake Sawyer)

Mick Muscles (Managed by Jennifer Heat)




Captain USA

Jesse Christian

Puerto Rican Power



Danny Rushmore (Managed by Jennifer Heat)

Dean Waldorf (Managed by Adrian Garcia)

Fumihiro Ota

Jim Force

Marv Statler (Managed by Adrian Garcia)

Shooter Sean Deeley (Managed by Jennifer Heat)


Lower Midcarders


Ernie Turner


Tribal Warrior


Joss Thompson

Larry Wood




American Elemental

Kirk Jameson

Primus Allen


Burning EXILE (Managed by Adrian Garcia)


Enhancement Talents


Happy Elwood

Lobo Blanco


Zeus Maxmillion


Women's Division


Alicia Strong

April Appleseed

Grace Harper

Joanne Rodriguez

Sara Marie York

Suzanne Brazzle

Tamara McFly


Amber Allen

Cherry Bomb

Jennifer Heat

Nadia Snow

Stephanie Wade




Adrian Garcia

Playboy Jake Sawyer

Shane Sneer

Wanda Fish





Danny Jillefski


Colour Commentator



Shane Sneer




Baby Jamie

Jez McArthuer


Authority Figures



Road Agents


Craig Prince

Micky Starr


Crippler Ray Kingman




Blonde Bombshell

Jenny Playmate

Sam Strong



Demon Spite




Savage Fury (Java and Tribal Warrior)


The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf and Marv Statler)

The Towers of Power (Mick Muscles and Danny Rushmore)

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From USPWWrestling.com...


Another week, another USPW American Wrestling show! We have a great card lined up for you! Here's the lineup:


Freddie Datsun vs. T-Rex

Steve Flash w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Madman Boone w/ Playboy Jake Sawyer

Nicky Champion vs. Mick Muscles w/ Jennifer Heat

USPW World Television Title Match: Bruce The Giant defends vs. Jumbo Jackson w/ Shane Sneer

Non Title Match: James Justice vs. Kirk Jameson


So get those predictions in!


Also a quick, rather informal 2 Question survey for my readers because it is you guys that help me to shape and mold this world:


Name 3 Things That You Like About This Diary






Name 3 Suggestions For Change In This Diary





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Freddie Datsun vs. T-Rex

Steve Flash w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Madman Boone w/ Playboy Jake Sawyer

Nicky Champion vs. Mick Muscles w/ Jennifer Heat

USPW World Television Title Match: Bruce The Giant defends vs. Jumbo Jackson w/ Shane Sneer

Non Title Match: James Justice vs. Kirk Jameson


I really don't have any suggestions besides keep the diary up ;), but I really like the layout of your events. It's a happy medium between the style I am using for NEO and a heavily detailed diary recap like Tiger does.

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My suggestion would be to trim down your roster a bit. Some guys are clearly lost in the mix and don't have enough TV time. Either we don't have a good chance to know their gimmick or we lose connection with them since we don't see them very often. That's my only grib, everything else looks good and I enjoy your stories.
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My suggestion would be to trim down your roster a bit. Some guys are clearly lost in the mix and don't have enough TV time. Either we don't have a good chance to know their gimmick or we lose connection with them since we don't see them very often. That's my only grib, everything else looks good and I enjoy your stories.


I have definitely thought about that, looking at my roster. aside from the obvious main eventers, is there anyone specifically you're enjoying and wouldn't cut?

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Freddie Datsun vs. T-Rex

Steve Flash w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Madman Boone w/ Playboy Jake Sawyer

Nicky Champion vs. Mick Muscles w/ Jennifer Heat

USPW World Television Title Match: Bruce The Giant defends vs. Jumbo Jackson w/ Shane Sneer

Non Title Match: James Justice vs. Kirk Jameson



Name 3 Things That You Like About This Diary


1. You're keeping it relatively realistic, that means you don't super push the young guys and job out every veteran

2. The Characters are funny, (BRAINS!!!)

3. James Justice Heel turn... almost everyone turns BTG heel (including me)


Name 3 Suggestions For Change In This Diary



2. Nothing, I love this diary.



And about the cuts, Don't you dare cutting Redwood!!!! :D:D

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Tuesday Week 1 May 2008

Location: Centerpiece Bridge

Attendance: 3,490

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: .45




[The show begins with a video hyping the USPW World Heavyweight Champion James Justice. And as we head toward USPW Declaration of Independence, the question remains: who will face Justice for the USPW World Heavyweight Title? That answer comes tonight!]




[The in-arena portion opens with a focus inside the ring where USPW Owner Sam Strong is standing in the center of the ring.]


Sam Strong

"First things first, I'd like to thank everyone for the cards and letters that have been sent after what happened to my only daughter Alicia last week. That attack by Joss Thompson was unjustified and uncalled for. But he is going to get his. Joss, I'll see you inside the ring at Declaration of Independence. But it won't be a match. It's gonna be a bloodbath. However, that's not the only reason I came out here tonight. I also came out to announce the main event for USPW's Declaration of Independence. It is going to be a Winner Takes All Match! USPW World Heavyweight Champion James Justice is going to be defending his title against....USPW World Television Champion Bruce The Giant! No matter who wins that match, the USPW World Television Title will be held up the day after. However, the winner of the match will get the distinction of having held the USPW World Title and USPW World Television Titles all at the same time! Of course this is assuming that both make it to Declaration of Independence with their belts. If either of them is to lose their belt, then the person who wins the title will step into their place at Declaration of Independence. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the rest of the show."


[sam turns and exits the ring but what a bombshell!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/FreddieDatsun.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex_alt1.jpg

Freddie Datsun vs. T-Rex


T-Rex has been on a roll here lately and Datsun just seems like he's sliding downhill. This wasn't a great match but it was about what could be expected out of these two. Mario Heroic in the colour booth gave the match a boost. And T-Rex locked Datsun in the Jurassic Crush to get the submission win.


Winner: T-Rex

Match Rating: D


[Following the win, T-Rex wasn't done there! He released the Jurassic Crush but began a few hard stomps to the back of Datsun! This led to Nicky Champion coming charging from the back with a chair and swinging it wildly! He caught T-Rex with a couple of chairshots and T-Rex finally rolled out of the ring, leaving Nicky inside with a wild look in his eyes!]




[A video begins much like the one that opened the broadcast, only this one's focus is on the career of Bruce The Giant here in USPW! The crowd actually cheers this video!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SteveFlash.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BlondeBombshell_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/MadmanBoone_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PlayboyJakeSawyer_F3.jpg

Steve Flash w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Madman Boone w/ Playboy Jake Sawyer


Steve Flash got a good crowd reaction as he came down to the ring and Madman Boone and Playboy Jake Sawyer stumbled down toward the ring to the song 'Re: Your Brains' by Johnathan Coulton. Boone tried to get in some bites early on but Flash managed to use his speed to avoid those. This was a pretty good match that had a funny scene with Jake Sawyer lumbering in a chase with Blonde Bombshell where Bombshell fell and twisted her ankle and she had to be saved by Steve Flash! Flash got back in the ring and he was able to continue an advantage and hit Boone with the Flash Bang to get the pinfall win.


Winner: Steve Flash

Match Rating: C


[steve Flash slipped out of the ring and was helping Blonde Bombshell get to the back when Bombshell stopped him and took out a microphone.]


Blonde Bombshell

"Last month, Acid put Steve Flash through a table. Then a couple of weeks ago, he cuts off some of this man's hair. Well, I think we all know what this is leading up to. Acid, at Declaration of Independence, we accept your challenge for a hair vs. mask match! We are finally gonna get to see that ugly face that you've been hiding behind a mask for all these years. So everyone make sure you tune in!"


[WOW! Hair vs. Mask at DoI!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/NickyChampion-1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/MickMuscles.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JenniferHeat.jpg

Nicky Champion vs. Mick Muscles w/ Jennifer Heat


Nicky Champion taking on one half of the USPW World Tag Team Champions! Not a bad match at all between these two. It was your typical brawling encounter with a little interference from Jennifer Heat mixed in. Nicky had started taking advantage and hit Mick Muscles with a high knee in the corner and then turned and got SPEARED by T-Rex! Referee Jez McArthuer called for the bell immediately.


Winner: Nicky Champion

Match Rating: C-


[T-Rex laid in a few stomps to Nicky Champion before pulling him up and locking in the Jurassic Crush! He squeezed the life out of Nicky Champion and slowly Champion just went limp in his arms as officials came out and wrestlers, trying to break this up! Nicky Champion could be hurt really badly here, folks! With no one who can control T-Rex, who will he strike next?]




[boos rang in from the crowd as James Justice was shown on the AmericaTron standing within his locker room.]


James Justice

"You know, Sam, I know you can hear me and I am sick and tired of you putting your friends like Bruce The Giant into title matches. I have beaten Bruce three times! Isn't that enough? But, no, you have to have me face him again and again. I mean, even a blind squirrel finds a nut eventually. So I'll tell you what, I'll accept that match on one condition: when I win, Bruce doesn't receive another title shot as long as I am Champion. Otherwise, you'll be one match short for Declaration of Independence. And Kirk, kid, don't think I'm overlooking you. Well, obviously I can since you're not in my league, but I am focused on our match tonight. I'll pick up the win like I always do and tonight Justice will be served!"


[James Justice poses before the AmericaTron shuts off.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JumboJackson_alt7.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShaneSneer.jpg

USPW World Television Title Match

Bruce The Giant defends vs. Jumbo Jackson w/ Shane Sneer


Bruce The Giant going up against another of Shane Sneer's men in Jumbo Jackson here. This is Bruce's first USPW World Television Title defense. It's a halfway decent match for a Bruce The Giant match, considering both of these men are slow movers. The match doesn't last too long, though Shane Sneer does do some good work in interfering against Bruce. However, Bruce shows his enormous power when he lifts up Jumbo Jackson and gives him a Giant Choke Slam! Bruce makes the cover as James Justice comes running down toward the ring: 1 --- 2 --- 3!


Winner: Bruce The Giant

Match Rating: D+


[James slides in after the three count is made and gives Bruce a hard shot to the head with his belt! James rams that belt into the back of Bruce's head several times until he is busted wide open in the back of the head, looking pretty gruesome! Justice helps up Jumbo, pointing toward Bruce and they double stomp The Giant!




James Justice and Jumbo Jackson stop their assault and look around and then the lights turn off. The crowd throw up their lighters and when the lights come back on, Bruce The Giant is laying outside the ring and Puerto Rican Power is standing behind James Justice and Jumbo Jackson! They gulp and slowly turn around and PRP begins laying into them with punches and clotheslines until they scurry out of the ring and PRP just looks down at them, dragging his thumb across his throat! Jumbo and Shane Sneer in particular take off through the crowd while Justice just walks backward to the back. PRP slips outside the ring and wraps his arms around Bruce.




The lights turn out again and when they return the ring area is empty!




[A video plays highlighting the things that went on earlier, including the match announcement by Sam Strong of the match between James Justice and Bruce The Giant at Declaration of Independence and then the attack by James Justice and the save by Puerto Rican Power. Next week we're going to see James Justice teaming with Jumbo Jackson to take on Bruce The Giant and Puerto Rican Power!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/KirkJameson_alt4.jpg

Non Title Match

James Justice vs. Kirk Jameson


James Justice returns, slightly spooked by what happened earlier. However he still has a match to be a part of here tonight against Kirk Jameson. Jameson's face paint doesn't help Justice and Justice slides out of the ring several times rather than locking up with Jameson! Justice slowly entered the ring again and Jameson used his technical skills on Justice to keep him at bay. It seemed like every move that James Justice came up with, Kirk Jameson had a counter for it. This may be the best that Jameson has looked since his debut here in USPW. Finally, Justice managed to get outside the ring again for a breather.


Jameson slid out to give chase though and Justice rolled in and Jameson followed, suffering from a few boots from the USPW World Champion! Justice began brawling, which is more in his nature of things against Kirk Jameson. He raked the eyes and stretched the mouth with his hands. He choked Jameson on the second rope and then bounced off the ropes, leaping and sitting on Jameson's back, choking him on that middle rope! Referee Jez McArthuer warned Justice about the illegal choking but it didn't stop the Champ. Justice pulled Jameson in, setting him for a DDT but Jameson suddenly came alive and tripped Justice in a double leg takedown, sliding his head out just in time to a roar from the crowd, who really don't like the Champion!


Kirk Jameson began working harder against James Justice, picking up the pace of the matchup! He grabbed Justice and pulled him up in a fireman's carry position - GUTBUSTER! Jameson makes the cover: 1 --- 2 --- KICKOUT! Jameson nearly pulled off the upset! Kirk Jameson grabs James Justice and slides him to his feet, knocking him down with a standing dropkick! Jameson goes to the second turnbuckle --- Forearm to the head! Kirk Jameson gets the crowd pumped and grabs James Justice by the legs. He steps in, leaning over and Justice rolls him up: 1 --- He's got the tights! --- 2 --- KICKOUT! Kirk Jameson kicked out at two and the crowd here in South Carolina go wild! Jameson gets back up and lifts Justice: Body Slam! Jameson hooks the legs again: Texas Cloverleaf! Jameson sits back hard and has James Justice in the center of the ring! The crowd is going wild as James Justice cries out in agony! Jameson sits back even further, stretching out the USPW World Champion! He calls this move the Kirk-Hold, so says Danny Jillefski! Justice tries to crawl toward the corner, trying to use his power to get to the ropes. He's nearly, he's getting there, he stretches his arm out, Kirk pulls him back to center ring! James Justice is in severe trouble here, folks! He raises his hand and it looks like he might tap! He slaps the mat but it's not a tap! He's stretching to get to the ropes again. He's crawling, he's pushing, he reaches out --- he's got them! Kirk Jameson has to break the hold!


Kirk releases his Kirk-Hold but goes right back to work on the USPW World Champion's back. He pulls him up --- BACKBREAKER! Justice is holding that part of his body in pain! Kirk gets the crowd hyped again and pulls James Justice up one more time! He whips Justice into a corner hard! Jameson follows him in but Justice pulls the referee between them! Referee Jez McArthuer takes a shot as he gets sandwiched in between James Justice and Kirk Jameson! The referee falls and Justice resorts to an eye rake of a stunned Kirk Jameson! Justice with a kick to the gut and he pulls Jameson in --- PILEDRIVER!! Both men lay down on the mat, stunned and in pain, just like the referee is! Justice crawls toward the ropes and slides out of the ring, moving to the announce table and grabbing his USPW World Title belt! Not this again! Justice slides back in, grimmacing in pain from his back problems but he is poised and ready as Jameson gets to his feet and turns --- BELT SHOT!! Justice slides the belt out of the ring and drags the referee over as he covers Kirk Jameson: 1 --- 2 --- 3!! Justice might be the winner but this surely made Kirk Jameson look very good!


Winner: James Justice

Match Rating: B-


[Following the match, Bruce The Giant comes lumbering out from the back and heading toward the ring! Justice sees him but can't move out in time due to the back pain! Bruce grabs him around the throat and lifts him up in the air! He is holding him up there for several seconds, getting the crowd pumped --- GIANT CHOKE SLAM! James Justice was thrust right down on his back! The USPW World Champion has GOT to be hurting and tonight Bruce The Giant stands tall!]

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From USPWWrestling.com...


USPW have officially released two members of talent from our roster:


Jesse Christian and Primus Allen


We wish them both all the success in their future endeavors.


Now tonight we head to USPW American Wrestling after several bombshells last week! What will happen this week? Tune in and find out! Plus we will have the debut of a brand new colour commentator as Mario Heroic steps into the ring once again!


Burning EXILE w/ Adrian Garcia vs. American Elemental

Lobo Blanco vs. Larry Wood

Madman Boone w/ Playboy Jake Sawyer vs. Freddie Datsun

Mario Heroic vs. Acid w/ Adrian Garcia

James Justice and Jumbo Jackson w/ Shane Sneer vs. Bruce The Giant and Puerto Rican Power


So get those predictions in!



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Burning EXILE w/ Adrian Garcia vs. American Elemental

Lobo Blanco vs. Larry Wood

Madman Boone w/ Playboy Jake Sawyer vs. Freddie Datsun

Mario Heroic vs. Acid w/ Adrian Garcia

James Justice and Jumbo Jackson w/ Shane Sneer vs. Bruce The Giant and Puerto Rican Power

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Tuesday Week 2 May 2008

Location: The Arkansas Coliseum

Attendance: 2,000

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: .44




[The show begins with a video recapping last week's American Wrestling, including the announcement of the James Justice/Bruce The Giant match and Bruce The Giant standing tall!]




[The show opens up with the announcers and brand new color commentator: Wanda Fish!]


Danny Jillefski

"Hello everyone and welcome to USPW American Wrestling and welcome to my new broadcast colleague: Wanda Fish. Wanda, welcome to the broadcast booth."


Wanda Fish

"Thanks, Danny. Now, we've got a lot of wrestling action to get to, including a major main event match where James Justice and Jumbo Jackson destroy Bruce The Giant and Puerto Rican Power. But before we get there, let's head to the ring for our opening bout."


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BurningExile.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AdrianGarcia.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AmericanElemental.jpg

Burning EXILE w/ Adrian Garcia vs. American Elemental


The crowd turned on this match early and often. Adrian Garcia did a good job at ringside with Burning EXILE but it wasn't enough as American Elemental hit the Inferno Splash and picked up the opening match win!


Winner: American Elemental

Match Rating: F+


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/LoboBlanco.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/LarryWood.jpg

Lobo Blanco vs. Larry Wood


A general squash match victory for Larry Wood here. Not too much good to say about the match but it wasn't as bad as the opening bout as Larry Wood got a little bit of heat here with the fans. Wood picked up the pinfall with the Running Big Foot.


Winner: Larry Wood

Match Rating: E+


[Following the match, Larry laid in a few boots to Lobo Blanco when the save was made by none other than our resident ninja Fumihiro Ota! Ota hit some chops and some throat thrusts against Wood and then pulled Lobo Blanco out to safety.]




[The crowd cheers as the music for Nicky Champion plays and Sam Strong's protege steps out from the back, waving to the crowd! Nicky moves down toward the ring but he is attacked from behind by T-Rex! T-Rex slams his body into the guardrail --- SPEAR AGAINST THE GUARDRAIL! T-Rex stands over Nicky Champion as officials flood out to break things up.]




[The crowd boos as the AmericaTron lights up to show Joss Thompson backstage ready to talk.]


Joss Thompson

"You can boo me all you want but each and every one of you know that I am the Future. Nicky Champion is the one you should have been booing a few minutes ago. Just like his mentor Sam Strong, he is a loser. And together they will be zero and two at Declaration of Independence. Sam, I knew that attacking Alicia would get your attention. After all, she is your flesh and blood. Which basically means that she's just as stupid as you are. It's genetics, you see. At Declaration of Independence, you're going to get your chance to bask in the sunlight one more time, to step inside the ring and face me one on one. But when that match is over, you will be stepping aside and making way for the Future of this business. I guarantee it."


[The crowd boos as the AmericaTron slowly shuts down.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/MadmanBoone_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PlayboyJakeSawyer_F3.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/FreddieDatsun.jpg

Madman Boone w/ Playboy Jake Sawyer vs. Freddie Datsun


It's time for another brawl here on USPW American Wrestling. Playboy Jake Sawyer was distracting at ringside, drawing Datsun's attention whenever he got the momentum in his favor. There were a few blown spots where these two wrestlers didn't have any chemistry to speak of. But Boone made his comeback and hit the Boone And Bust and got the pinfall victory!


Winner: Madman Boone

Match Rating: D




[The daughter of Sam Strong steps out from the back and heads to the ring to address the crowd tonight. She is moving rather slowly but has the USPW Women's belt over her shoulder. She steps inside the ring and is handed a microphone.]


Alicia Strong

"I just wanted to come out here and personally thank each and every one of you for the support you've given me and my family during this hard time. I know that the economy seems to be failing but your interest in wrestling couldn't be any better. That is why despite my injuries suffered at the hands of Joss Thompson, I WILL be defending the USPW Women's Title at Declaration of Independence against...Cherry Bomb! Cherry, at DoI, your bubble is going to be burst!"


[Alicia poses for the crowd before slipping out of the ring and heading toward the back.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/MarioHeroic.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Acid.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AdrianGarcia.jpg

Mario Heroic vs. Acid w/ Adrian Garcia


The former colour commentator looked good in the ring against Acid. Definitely the best match so far as these two men took to the air against one another. Having Adrian Garcia there at ringside really helped Acid though and he was able to take down Heroic and nail the Acid Rain Bomb and get the three count.


Winner: Acid

Match Rating: C-


[Following the match, Adrian Garcia got on the stick.]


Adrian Garcia

"Blonde Bombshell, I've only got two words for you: we accept."


[Garcia tosses down the microphone and pats Acid on the back before they head to the back.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JumboJackson_alt7.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PrpDm.jpg

James Justice and Jumbo Jackson w/ Shane Sneer vs. Bruce The Giant and Puerto Rican Power


What a tag team main event here tonight! Four of the top wrestlers here in USPW going at it. Bruce The Giant was a dominant force when he was inside the ring but Puerto Rican Power played the role of face-in-peril against Justice and Jumbo. They used double team moves and a little assistance from Shane Sneer to keep PRP down and in their corner. Justice really shone in this match and showed what he could do. Puerto Rican Power avoided a splash in the corner by Justice though and crawled over, making the tag to Bruce The Giant!


Bruce came in as Justice tagged out to Jumbo Jackson and leaped out of the ring! Bruce pulled Jumbo in and really worked him over, setting him up for that Giant Choke Slam but Jumbo raked his face and eyes and shoved him in a corner! James Justice threw his USPW World Title belt to Jumbo Jackson and he gave Bruce a shot with it, causing the DQ!


Winners: Bruce The Giant and Puerto Rican Power

Match Rating: C+


[James Justice came back in the ring after taking out PRP at ringside and he and Jumbo double-teamed Bruce! Jumbo hit the Jumbo Avalanche twice in the corner on Bruce and Justice took The Giant down with a Liberation Slam! The USPW World Champion and his partner stood tall in the ring as the show came to a close.]

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From USPWWrestling.com...


We are headed toward USPW's Declaration of Independence, less than a week away from this broadcast and we have some great matches here for you tonight on USPW American Wrestling! The two title matches tonight will determine just who will face off at USPW Declaration of Independence. Just who will it be? Tune in and find out!


Grudge Match: Joss Thompson vs. Nicky Champion

Anger vs. Fumihiro Ota

Cherry Bomb vs. April Appleseed

Ring Generals vs. Savage Fury

USPW World Television Title Match: Bruce The Giant defends vs. Peter Valentine

USPW World Title Match: James Justice defends vs. Steve Flash


So get those predictions in!



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