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USPW: Road Toward National

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Tuesday Week 1 June 2008

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds

Attendance: 3,870

Overall Rating: C-

TV Rating: .43




[The show opens with the arrival of USPW World Champion James Justice. He comes out to the ring and starts by thanking Peter Valentine for the save last week and then talks about the attack made last week by Joss Thompson and Jay Chord on several wrestlers and he gets interrupted by Thompson himself. Thompson mocks Justice with a few words about the elderly and then the challenge is on for Americana: James Justice defending the USPW World Title against Joss Thompson!


Jay Chord sneaks up behind James Justice and the attack is on by both Thompson and Chord and they take out the Champion, leaving his match with Jim Force in doubt. Thompson turns his attention toward the commentary table and attacks Wanda Fish, taking her spot at the table and sending her off so Joss Thompson will be joining Danny Jillefski at the commentator's booth for the rest of the program!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JenniferHeat.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/MrWrestling.jpg

USPW World Television Title Semis

Shooter Sean Deeley w/ Jennifer Heat vs. Mr. Wrestling


These two have great chemistry inside the ring, making for an even better match. Deeley picks up the win by submission with a Front Choke Lock so he will take on Nicky Champion at Americana for the TV Title!


Winner: Shooter Sean Deeley

Match Rating: C




[T-Rex cuts a decent pre-taped promo getting across the fact that he is neutral in this war between the young and the old. However, he is looking toward getting a USPW World Title shot no matter who wins at Americana]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/HappyElwood.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/LoboBlanco.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DeanWaldorf.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/MarvStatler.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AdrianGarcia.jpg

Happy Elwood and Lobo Blanco vs. The Ring Generals w/ Adrian Garcia


Nobody cared about this squash match for The Ring Generals. The crowd's mood was only brought up when Waldorf hit the Waldorf Salad Toss on Blanco to get the pinfall win.


Winners: The Ring Generals

Match Rating: E




[Jim Force cut a promo that everyone thinks and hopes is hyping his match against James Justice later on tonight. The crowd really seemed to enjoy the snarling and grunting and that's what counts, right? After the interview, Joss Thompson took the time to make fun of Jim Force, offering to send him a dictionary.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AmberAllen.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/CherryBomb.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AliciaStrong.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AprilAppleseed.jpg

Amber Allen and Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong and April Appleseed


An average women's tag team bout here. April Appleseed played the Ricky Morton role. When Alicia was in the ring she looked like a real star in this match. Amber Allen got DQed when she hit Alicia with a chair, though!


Winners: Alicia Strong and April Appleseed

Match Rating: D




[A video plays showing the confrontation earlier between James Justice and Joss Thompson. Joss makes fun of Justice during the entire video from the announce booth.]




[sam Strong comes down to the ring after he was attacked and laid out last week by Joss Thompson and Jay Chord. He talks about the time he spent in the hospital and how he dropped the charges so they could settle this in the ring. He was interrupted by Jay Chord, who made the standard elderly jokes and distracted Sam just long enough for Joss to lay him out with a chair from behind! It was announced that Sam will be facing Jay Chord at Americana as well!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ErnieTurner.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/GiantRedwood.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AdrianGarcia.jpg

Ernie Turner vs. Giant Redwood w/ Adrian Garcia


Joss returned to the announce booth in time for this horrid squash match where the only guy that looked remotely good was Adrian Garcia and he's the manager! Giant Redwood WILL go one on one with Steve Flash at Americana, though. Redwood finished off Turner with the Timber Standing Splash.


Winner: Giant Redwood

Match Rating: E


[Redwood was attacked by Steve Flash and an as-of-yet unknown man. Both of them used some technically sound moves to keep the larger man off balance and Flash finished things off with a Missle Dropkick that took Giant Redwood to the mat!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/CaptainUSA.jpg

T-Rex vs. Captain USA


T-Rex dominated but Captain USA sold really well. That is USA's big draw here in USPW. That and his gimmick. T-Rex got the submission win with the Jurassic Crush.


Winner: T-Rex

Match Rating: D


[Following the match, T-Rex continued to make his point that he is a top wrestler, assaulting Captain USA after the bell until officials had to come down and break things up.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JimForce.jpg

USPW World Title Match

James Justice defends vs. Jim Force


JIM FORCE WINS! JIM FORCE WINS! Just kidding! It was a decent match where James Justice's performance stood out as being good and Jim Force was visibly tiring toward the end. Joss Thompson stepped away from the commentary booth as Jay Chord came down to the ring and both of them attacked Jim Force and James Justice, causing the no decision by referee stoppage!


Winner: None

Match Rating: C


[Chord and Thompson continued the attack on both Force and Justice, going out and grabbing chairs and sliding into the ring when Peter Valentine came running down the aisle, screaming at the top of his lungs, which came out as more of a high pitched squeal. Valentine slid in the ring and made the save for both Justice and Force with Thompson and Chord backing off for some odd reason. Valentine stood victorious in the ring.]

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[back inside the coffee house in Huntsville, Alabama sits Sam Strong and Jack Avatar, each sipping on a cup of coffee. They look across the table at one another and Jack decides to cut the tension.]


Jack Avatar

"It looks like they're gonna be using Wanda as a colour commentator on their shows, Sam."


Sam Strong

"That is something that she is good at. Look at how she did for us."


Jack Avatar

"Very true."


[silence again as Jack takes a sip of his coffee and then sets the mug back down.]


Jack Avatar

"Runaway Train retired from wrestling."


Sam Strong

"I knew it would happen sooner or later. I am sure that Richard has a place for him. It just means that The Guru will have to get a new man to manage or maybe he'll come onto the open market now."


Jack Avatar

"I think we have enough managers now though. We even had to release Seduction. But I do have to bring this up, Sam. We lost Jake Sawyer. SWF decided to sign him to a developmental deal and moved him to Rhode Island Pro Wrestling."


Sam Strong

"I see. That leaves Boone without a manager. Hopefully, he can hold his own for now since he's not part of any major storylines at the moment."


Jack Avatar

"It has come to my attention that Travis Century is available."


Sam Strong

"We'll have to think about that one for the moment, kid. Put it on the back burner for now and maybe revisit it sometime in the future. Thanks for the coffee, though."


[sam tosses a tip on the table and Jack rises with him and away they go to work on the next show.]

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From USPWWrestling.com...


Another week and another USPW American Wrestling show! What will we be seeing from either side this week? Peter Valentine has not yet made his intentions fully known but it definitely seems like he is on the side of James Justice and Sam Strong, saving Justice for the second time last week!


Also, with the injury of Wanda Fish suffered at the hands of Joss Thompson, who will be showing up to do colour commentary this week?


Fumihiro Ota vs. Joss Thompson

Steve Flash and Art Reed vs. The Ring Generals w/ Adrian Garcia

Puerto Rican Power vs. Jay Chord

Bruce The Giant vs. Danny Rushmore w/ Jennifer Heat

USPW World Title Match: James Justice vs. Madman Boone w/ Playboy Jake Sawyer


So get those predictions in!



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Fumihiro Ota vs. Joss Thompson

Steve Flash and Art Reed vs. The Ring Generals w/ Adrian Garcia

Puerto Rican Power vs. Jay Chord

Bruce The Giant vs. Danny Rushmore w/ Jennifer Heat

USPW World Title Match: James Justice vs. Madman Boone w/ Playboy Jake Sawyer

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Fumihiro Ota vs. Joss Thompson

Steve Flash and Art Reed vs. The Ring Generals w/ Adrian Garcia

Puerto Rican Power vs. Jay Chord

Bruce The Giant vs. Danny Rushmore w/ Jennifer Heat

USPW World Title Match: James Justice vs. Madman Boone w/ Playboy Jake Sawyer

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Tuesday Week 2 June 2008

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds

Attendance: 3,876

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: .46




[The show begins with a recap video of just what happened last week. Jay Chord and Joss Thompson again made their presence known at the end and Peter Valentine made the save, forcing Chord and Thompson to back off.


Then the fade-in came to backstage where James Justice and Sam Strong held a conversation about what has been going on with Peter Valentine and hyping their matches at Americana. Strong spoke about the fact that he'll be the new colour commentator until they can find someone else and headed out to do just that.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/FumihiroOta.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JossThompson_alt1-1.jpg

Fumihiro Ota vs. Joss Thompson


USPW's resident ninja seemed a little overmatched against the #1 contender. This was a showcase match for Joss Thompson and Thompson got the pinfall victory with a Clean Cutter.


Winner: Joss Thompson

Match Rating: D


[Following the match, Peter Valentine came running from the back screaming out a war cry and Joss ducked out of the ring and got chased through the crowd while Valentine waved his arms and yelled at the top of his lungs.]




[in what was supposed to, I guess, be a hype for Boone's match against James Justice later on, Playboy Jake Sawyer looked in the camera and called for Brains several times. Madman Boone asked for them as well and then made a belt motion before moving slowly out of the picture.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SteveFlash_alt2.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ArtReed.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DeanWaldorf.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/MarvStatler.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AdrianGarcia.jpg

Steve Flash and Art Reed vs. The Ring Generals w/ Adrian Garcia


A very technically sound match that seemed to bore a lot of the fans as they used restholds and counterholds in an attempt to maintain the advantage. Steve Flash came out of the match looking good and Adrian Garcia did some good work at ringside. Flash pinned Waldorf following the Flash Bang.


Winners: Steve Flash and Art Reed

Match Rating: D-




[Jay Chord caught up with a breathless Joss Thompson backstage and they talked about how that senile old fool Valentine couldn't keep up with Thompson. Then the conversation turned to Americana and how one of them will be holding a belt and the other will be holding Sam Strong's walker. They had a good laugh until Peter Valentine's scream could be heard. They looked at each other and then both took off in two seperate directions.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PrpDm.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JayChord.jpg

Puerto Rican Power vs. Jay Chord


Jay Chord's direction took him to the ring to take on the undead Puerto Rican Power. PRP showed some improvement in performance skills but the younger Jay Chord took some good shots and kept coming. Chord ended up finishing off PRP with a Cradle Piledriver and getting the pinfall victory before he took off through the crowd with Peter Valentine giving chase and calling out his war cry!


Winner: Jay Chord

Match Rating: D


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DannyRushmore.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JenniferHeat.jpg

Bruce The Giant vs. Danny Rushmore w/ Jennifer Heat


Both men were off their games tonight in this match, leading to a poor showing by both and a lack of selling. The only one who did decent in this match was Jennifer Heat and she's the manager! Late in the match, Bruce hit Danny with his Giant Choke Slam and got the pinfall win.


Winner: Bruce The Giant

Match Rating: D


[Then Bruce got on the microphone and translators began working feverishly to translate what he was saying. It went something like that he's sick of young potatos coming in and trying to take what is or isn't his. He wants to challenge anyone that wants to side with Jay and Joss to a match at Americana. Oh and if the translation is wrong, it's not my fault!]




[backstage, Jennifer Heat hyped the Shooter's match with Nicky Champion at Americana. At the pay-per-view Nicky is gonna feel the heat when he gets shot. Or something to that effect. Most of the fans muted her anyway.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/MadmanBoone_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PlayboyJakeSawyer_F3.jpg

USPW World Title Match

James Justice vs. Madman Boone w/ Playboy Jake Sawyer


And a fantastic brawling main event match here for the USPW World Title belt. Jake Sawyer really got fans booing Madman Boone, even trying to attack a fan at ringside! Inside the ring, the two wrestlers kept everyone entertained in a back and forth matchup, really helping Madman Boone's standing here in USPW. James Justice finally hit Boone with the Liberation Slam and got the pinfall for his 15th title defense!


Winner: James Justice

Match Rating: B-


[As Justice got back up to his feet, he was speared out of nowhere by T-Rex! The Jurassic Monster stood tall over James Justice, putting in a few stomps on the USPW World Champion and it was announced that T-Rex will be getting a USPW World Title shot next week here on USPW American Wrestling. If T-Rex wins, there will be a triple threat match at USPW Americana between him, James Justice and Joss Thompson for the title! And that's all we have for you tonight!]

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[The infamous coffeehouse within Huntsville, Alabama is, of course, the usual meeting place for Sam Strong and Jack Avatar to speak about the happenings in USPW. They have been sitting and chatting for awhile now.]


Jack Avatar

"Other than Sawyer reporting for Rhode Island, there isn't much that's gone on this week. Jez was fined for spreading rumors about American Elemental. I don't know what's wrong with that guy that he's picking on the masked wrestlers to spread rumors. Maybe you should have a talk with him, Sam."


Sam Strong

"I might. I would hate to lose him as an official given that the refereeing pool is so bare. Maybe that's why he's choosing to do this right now. He sees that we don't have any viable alternative."


Jack Avatar

"Could be..."


[And Jack's attention is taken by the fact that Fumihiro Ota has entered the coffeehouse and is hiding behind a booth. Slowly and slightly stealthily he is moving toward the booth with Jack and Sam sitting in it. He is doing a duck-walk around the booths when a waitress spies him.]



"May I get you anything, Sir?"


Fumihiro Ota

"Shhhhh! I'm ninja! I'm sneaky! You cannot see me!"


[And Fumihiro Ota puts his hands over his eyes to prove the point. The waitress just rolls her eyes and moves on as Fumihiro gets to the booth right behind Sam Strong and sits underneath the table.]


Jack Avatar

"So, yeah, about Fumihiro Ota, don't you think he's due for a push?"


Sam Strong

"Or maybe a kick..."


[sam slips to his feet and moves to the next table back, kicking Ota underneath the table and then dragging him out from underneath.]


Sam Strong

"What are you doing here, Ota?"


Fumihiro Ota

"I am ninja! I am sneaky! You cannot see me anymore!"


[Ota covers his eyes again and then runs off, screaming about people not being able to see him because he's a ninja. Jack and Sam exchange a look and then go back to their seats, only to be disrupted by the presence of none other than Jim Force!]


Jim Force

"Those dastardly evil men attacked me when I was going to become World Champion oh Master Owner Strong! They cannot be allowed to get away with their evil deeds! I shall place them upon the rocket ship and we shall ascend to the heavens and then I will blow up the ship and down they will fall to the earth where they shall know the true might of the FOOORRRRCCCCEEEEEE!!! Do you hear me, FORCEMANIACS?!?! We must come together and destroy that which we cannot fight alone! Joss Thompson and Jay Chord, those forever dobadders must feel the force and then be FORCED to buy my merchandise!"


[sam and Jack exchange another look.]


Sam Strong

"Right, Jim, this week at American Wrestling you have a match with Jay Chord to try and beat the force into him. Is that alright with you?"


Jim Force

"You are wise oh mighty owner Strong. Jay Chord, shall feel the might that comes from the might that lives within the mighty fortress that holds the mighty power of the FOOORRCCCEEEE!"


[Jim does a lot of snarling and Sam and Jack just sit there. It's gonna be a long day.]

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From USPWWrestling.com...


We are heading toward Americana and what a show we have for you here tonight!


Jim Force is looking for some revenge on one of the two men who cost him his USPW World Title shot as he takes on Jay Chord.


Some women's action as four women look to move up the ranks.


A heavy hitter and a technical expert clash as Art Reed takes on Giant Redwood.


The #1 Contender looks like he may get all he asks for and then some as Joss Thompson takes on Bruce The Giant.


The USPW World Title will be defended as James Justice takes on T-Rex! If Justice loses, then the main event at Americana is made into a three way dance!


Jim Force vs. Jay Chord

Suzanne Brazzle vs. Stephanie Wade vs. Grace Harper vs. Nadia Snow

Giant Redwood vs. Art Reed

Bruce The Giant vs. Joss Thompson

USPW World Title Match, If T-Rex wins, the main event at Americana is a 3 Way Dance: James Justice vs. T-Rex


So get those predictions in!



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Jim Force vs. Jay Chord

Suzanne Brazzle vs. Stephanie Wade vs. Grace Harper vs. Nadia Snow

Giant Redwood vs. Art Reed

Bruce The Giant vs. Joss Thompson

USPW World Title Match, If T-Rex wins, the main event at Americana is a 3 Way Dance: James Justice vs. T-Rex

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Jim Force vs. Jay Chord

Suzanne Brazzle vs. Stephanie Wade vs. Grace Harper vs. Nadia Snow

Giant Redwood vs. Art Reed

Bruce The Giant vs. Joss Thompson

USPW World Title Match, If T-Rex wins, the main event at Americana is a 3 Way Dance: James Justice vs. T-Rex

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Tuesday Week 3 June 2008

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds

Attendance: 4,127

Overall Rating: C

TV Rating: .46




[A video begins the show, showing the happenings of last week, focusing on the attack by T-Rex after James Justice's match.


Inside the arena, James Justice made his way to the ring and then started talking about his match tonight with T-Rex. He always said he would defend this title against anyone but he's sick and tired of T-Rex getting all these title shots. Tonight, he's going to put him down like a wild animal. Justice might have continued but just like last week he was attacked from behind by T-Rex! T-Rex began punching and kicking the USPW World Champion and the attack had to be broken up by some officials.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/GiantRedwood.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AdrianGarcia.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ArtReed.jpg

Giant Redwood vs. Art Reed


A halfway decent match though the fans were not as into it as they might have been had the match been a little shorter. Redwood got exhausted by the end of the match. Acid came down to join Adrian Garcia at ringside and was used as a distraction to Art Reed. Reed, though, for his part, wasn't distracted much and went on attack on the larger Giant Redwood, somehow rocking the big man with a DDT! Reed went up the turnbuckles as Acid slid a chair in to Redwood. Reed leaped and caught a chair right to the face, causing the DQ


Winner: Art Reed

Match Rating: D-


[Acid and Adrian slipped into the ring and gave stomps to Art Reed, helping Giant Redwood up to continue the attack! The crowd cheered as Steve Flash came down! He ducked a chair shot from Redwood and hit the Flash Bang out of nowhere! He grabbed up the chair and sent Acid and Adrian Garcia running for cover, standing over his friend.]




[Alicia Strong was backstage and she talked about her upcoming match against Amber Allen at Americana. The newcomer made a big mistake in messing with a member of the Strong family. The cameras followed Alicia as she headed back to her locker room and began to remove her shirt. Then a scream was heard from above her as Fumihiro Ota dropped from the ceiling to the floor below! Alicia screamed and Fumihiro told her that she didn't see him because he is ninja and took off out of the locker room.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SuzanneBrazzle.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/StephanieWade.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/GraceHarper.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/NadiaSnow_alt1.jpg

Suzanne Brazzle vs. Stephanie Wade vs. Grace Harper vs. Nadia Snow


Four way women's action here on USPW American Wrestling. Whoever wins this match will definitely be moving up the rankings. The match really brought down the crowd's mood. Suzanne and Nadia were battling outside the ring when Stephanie Wade hit Grace Harper with a Super Kick and made the pinfall and got the win!


Winner: Stephanie Wade

Match Rating: E+




[Jim Force cut another of his usually wild promos, talking this time about evil no good-doers in Jay Chord and Joss Thompson. Tonight, he plans on taking out one of them and not to a movie but to the FOOORRRCCCEEEE!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JimForce.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JayChord.jpg

Jim Force vs. Jay Chord


A halfway decent match for a Jim Force match. The match actually went back and forth with Force getting several near-falls and Jay Chord doing the same. Force went for a big clothesline on Chord but Chord ducked and caught Force in the throat with a chop and while the referee checked on Jim, Jay got out a pair of brass knuckles, sliding them on his fist and nailing Jim Force with them. He made the cover and got the three count to a booing crowd.


Winner: Jay Chord

Match Rating: D




[A videotape from earlier in the evening finds Sam Strong backstage and seeing the arrival of Peter Valentine! Sam tries to get a few words with his old friend but Valentine shrugs him off, walking to the locker room instead without a word to Sam Strong. No one really knows where Valentine is coming from!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JossThompson_alt1-1.jpg

Bruce The Giant vs. Joss Thompson


Joss Thompson was flanked by Jay Chord at ringside and wasn't exactly sure how to handle the big man known as Bruce The Giant. He did a lot of running away, which left Bruce visibly tired by the end of the match. Jay Chord did a lot of interfering behind the referee's back but that also resulted in him getting his hand stomped on by Bruce! During the match, another man walked out from the back and was identified quickly as Kirk Jameson! Perhaps he is coming to even the odds? Jay Chord grabbed a chair at ringside and moved toward the ring but he was stopped by Jameson, who grabbed the chair from him! Bruce smiled down at Chord for a moment before he was NAILED by Kirk Jameson with a chair to the face! The crowd booed Jameson as Joss Thompson hit Bruce with a Clean Cutter and the crowd was stunned as Thompson got the three count!


Winner: Joss Thompson

Match Rating: C-


[Joss, Kirk and Jay put the boots to Bruce inside the ring! Kirk grabbed a microphone and said he accepts Bruce's open challenge for Americana! What a match that should be, huh?]




[T-Rex gave a short interview hyping his match with James Justice tonight. He said that tonight he finally takes what is rightfully his: The USPW World Title belt!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex_alt1.jpg

USPW World Title Match

If T-Rex wins, the main event at Americana is a 3 Way Dance:

James Justice vs. T-Rex


The crowd was turned off by this match because it is the fourth time that these two have met in recent months. There also wasn't enough selling shown and T-Rex was exhausted by the end of the bout. It was a back and forth match though with each man jockeying for position. T-Rex fought out of a Liberation Slam and Justice used the ropes to get out of the Jurassic Crush Swinging Full Nelson hold. Late in the bout, Joss Thompson came down to watch the match, sitting in a chair at ringside. T-Rex started gaining the advantage and some momentum inside the ring. He nearly broke the USPW World Champion in half with a spear! T-Rex made the cover and it was broken up by Joss Thompson! The referee called for the bell! It looks like Joss doesn't want that three way dance at Americana!


Winner: T-Rex

Match Rating: C


[T-Rex was angry, needless to say, and he speared Joss Thompson before Thompson could leave the ring! He lifted James Justice and got the Jurassic Crush on him again, standing tall in the middle of the ring.


Sam Strong got in the ring and made him break the hold before he announced that he didn't say that T-Rex had to win the title for this to be a three way dance. Because T-Rex won the match, there will be a three way dance at Americana between James Justice, Joss Thompson and T-Rex!


Graphics were shown hyping the matches at Americana before the show went off the air. We'll see you then!]

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From USPWWrestling.com...


USPW Americana is our big pay-per-view show here in June and we have some great matches lined up for you this evening! We will decide a new USPW World Television Champion. We will also have each of the other titles defended here tonight, including a three way dance for the USPW World Title! First pinfall or submission wins here in USPW!


USPW World Television Title Match: Nicky Champion vs. Shooter Sean Deeley w/ Jennifer Heat

Giant Redwood w/ Adrian Garcia vs. Steve Flash

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power w/ Jennifer Heat defend vs. Savage Fury

Art Reed vs. Acid w/ Adrian Garcia

USPW Women's Title Match: Alicia Strong defends vs. Amber Allen

Kirk Jameson vs. Bruce The Giant

Sam Strong vs. Jay Chord

USPW World Title Match: James Justice defends vs. Joss Thompson vs. T-Rex


So get those predictions in!



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USPW World Television Title Match: Nicky Champion vs. Shooter Sean Deeley w/ Jennifer Heat

Giant Redwood w/ Adrian Garcia vs. Steve Flash

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power w/ Jennifer Heat defend vs. Savage Fury

Art Reed vs. Acid w/ Adrian Garcia

USPW Women's Title Match: Alicia Strong defends vs. Amber Allen

Kirk Jameson vs. Bruce The Giant

Sam Strong vs. Jay Chord

USPW World Title Match: James Justice defends vs. Joss Thompson vs. T-Rex

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USPW World Television Title Match: Nicky Champion vs. Shooter Sean Deeley w/ Jennifer Heat

Giant Redwood w/ Adrian Garcia vs. Steve Flash

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power w/ Jennifer Heat defend vs. Savage Fury

Art Reed vs. Acid w/ Adrian Garcia

USPW Women's Title Match: Alicia Strong defends vs. Amber Allen

Kirk Jameson vs. Bruce The Giant

Sam Strong vs. Jay Chord

USPW World Title Match: James Justice defends vs. Joss Thompson vs. T-Rex

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[The usual coffeehouse within Huntsville, Alabama is the meeting place for Sam Strong and Jack Avatar once again as there are a few days before the big pay-per-view Americana.]


Jack Avatar

"Some big news came out after the last show, Sam. I've been keeping my informants up and I have learned that Jason Azaria has jumped ship to the SWF!"


Sam Strong

"Richard must be offering him a bunch of money to do that."


Jack Avatar

"That would be my guess. In other business, Shane Sneer has signed a contrast with Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. No big deal there as he hasn't been used much in awhile. Also Burning EXILE is gone from our company."


Sam Strong

"He never really fit the mold for our company anyway. Not to mention the fact that he is a freelancer. You never can trust them to put our company first."


Jack Avatar

"Erik Strong extended his deal with Rip as well. So what does Rip think of the push we're giving his son?"


Sam Strong

"He's enjoying it, actually. He just wants to make sure his son doesn't peak too soon, though."


Jack Avatar

"Understandable. Now, let's get ready for the --- "


[Jack's attention is distracted as Madman Boone comes in to the restaurant, looking around for a moment before he walks toward a table.]


Madman Boone



[boone grabs a rather short-looking individual and lifts him up into the air. Sam immediately recognizes the short man as Brains McGhee!]


Madman Boone



[brains begins struggling in Boone's arms, throwing kicks at him with his short little legs.]


Brains McGhee

"Let me go! Let me go now! Yes, I'm Brains McGhee, alright! Yes! Now put me down!"


[boone began carrying him outside the door and into the parking lot. Jack exchanged a look with Sam and then moved to give chase.]

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Saturday Week 3 June 2008

Location: Louisiana Auditorium

Attendance: 8,599

Overall Rating: C+

PPV Buyrate: .60




[The show begins with the three members of the youth team standing backstage. They hype their major matches tonight and say that tonight is the beginning of the Youth Movement here in USPW and they will be putting the old men to bed.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/NickyChampion-1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JenniferHeat.jpg

USPW World Television Title Match

Nicky Champion vs. Shooter Sean Deeley w/ Jennifer Heat


The matchup here for the vacant USPW World Television Title was a good one. Shooter focused on the technical aspects while Nicky brought in some brawling to the picture. Joss Thompson, Jay Chord and Kirk Jameson all walked down during the match and each took turns interfering against Nicky Champion! After Kirk nailed Nicky with a chair, Shooter locked in a Front Choke Lock and got the submission from Nicky Champion and we have a new USPW World Television Champion!


Winner: Shooter Sean Deeley

Match Rating: C-




[backstage, Sam Strong talked about his legacy. He spoke about building up USPW since he became a part of things here. He spoke about all the wrestlers that have made USPW great. Tonight, he steps foot back inside the ring to take care of business for all of them against the son of one of his best friends. Jay, tonight you're gonna be facing a focused Sam Strong.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/GiantRedwood.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AdrianGarcia.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SteveFlash_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BlondeBombshell_alt1.jpg

Giant Redwood w/ Adrian Garcia vs. Steve Flash w/ Blonde Bombshell


A decent match for a Redwood match. Redwood was exhausted by the end of the match though. Flash used a high knee in the corner late in the match but Adrian Garcia stopped him from bulldogging Redwood! This enabled Redwood to hit Flash with a big boot and then the Timber Standing Splash and Redwood got the pinfall!


Winner: Giant Redwood

Match Rating: D+


[Following the match, Redwood stomped away on Flash and then press slammed him over the top rope to the floor below, grunting out loud with Adrian Garcia by his side.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DannyRushmore.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/MickMuscles.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JenniferHeat.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Java.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/TribalWarrior.jpg

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

The Towers of Power w/ Jennifer Heat defend vs. Savage Fury


Not much hype for this match beforehand and not much hype for it during the match. Danny Rushmore and Mick Muscles both looked good out there and Rushmore pinned Tribal Warrior following an Atomic Boot.


Winners: The Towers of Power

Match Rating: D




[backstage, Joss Thompson congratulates Shooter Sean Deeley on winning the USPW World Television Title. He also offers him a spot in the Youth Movement. Sean isn't quite sure so Joss gives him until American Wrestling to make his decision.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ArtReed.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Acid.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AdrianGarcia.jpg

Art Reed vs. Acid w/ Adrian Garcia


Another great match, the first between these two, as it went back and forth. Acid used a little help from Adrian Garcia to gain the advantage but Art Reed fought back using some technical skill. In the end, it was an Acid Rain Bomb that gave Acid the victory.


Winner: Acid

Match Rating: C




[Joss Thompson is shown backstage hyping his match with James Justice and T-Rex. He spoke about how tonight the Youth Movement gains their first title when he beats James Justice or T-Rex.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AliciaStrong.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AmberAllen.jpg

USPW Women's Title Match

Alicia Strong defends vs. Amber Allen


Alicia was dominant in this match though the two didn't click inside the ring. Alicia made the successful defense of her USPW Women's Title after she hit Amber Allen with the Angel Driver and got the pinfall victory.


Winner: Alicia Strong

Match Rating: D


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/KirkJameson_FS2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpg

Kirk Jameson vs. Bruce The Giant


A pretty good match here between these two. Kirk Jameson was joined at ringside by Joss Thompson and Jay Chord. It was a rather short match, lasting just over 4 minutes. Thompson and Chord interfered all the time to give Kirk the advantage and eventually the referee gave in and had to DQ Jameson!


Winner: Bruce The Giant

Match Rating: C-


[Following the match, Chord and Thompson came into the ring and attacked Bruce along with Jameson, putting the boots to him! Thompson hit a Clean Cutter on Bruce when the music for Sam Strong hit! Strong came down and cleared Thompson and Jameson from the ring and his match with Jay Chord was on!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SamStrong.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JayChord_FS.jpg

Sam Strong vs. Jay Chord


The match went a little longer than it should have with Sam Strong using several restholds on Jay Chord to keep him down. Strong was visibly tiring toward the end of the match and this allowed Chord to make his big comeback. Kirk Jameson and Joss Thompson interfered in this match in much the same way as they did the Bruce The Giant match. Eventually, this did lead to Jay Chord being disqualified.


Winner: Sam Strong

Match Rating: C


[The Youth Movement continued an attack on Sam Strong, choking him on the ropes! Jay Chord hit the Cradle Piledriver on Sam Strong just before James Justice came running down to make the save! A referee followed him to kick off his match with Joss Thompson!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JossThompson_FSFIN.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex_alt1.jpg

USPW World Title Match

James Justice defends vs. Joss Thompson vs. T-Rex


Justice and Thompson brawled for several minutes before T-Rex joined in the fight! T-Rex broke up a James Justice pinfall when he first came in and attacked the USPW World Champion! Joss Thompson tried to work out a deal with T-Rex but T-Rex attacked him as well! It's every man for himself here in this triangle match! T-Rex got exhausted by the end of the match though as it moved on for over 14 minutes!


The finish came with all three men down and slowly getting up. Joss Thompson tried to hit the Clean Cutter on T-Rex but James Justice broke it up and went for the Liberation Slam but T-Rex broke that up! The sound of a war cry was heard and Peter Valentine came running down to ringside, distracting Joss Thompson! T-Rex accidentally knocked down the official and Valentine climbed into the ring, going after Joss Thompson! He sent Thompson out of the ring and chased him slightly through the crowd and then back to ringside and then back in the crowd again! James Justice dodged a spear attempt from T-Rex that sent T-Rex's shoulder into the steel post behind the turnbuckles! Peter Valentine slid a chair into the ring and James Justice grabbed it, slamming it against T-Rex's shoulder again and again as T-Rex tried to cover up! Peter Valentine slammed a fist against Joss Thompson as James Justice hit T-Rex with the Liberation Slam! Justice made the cover and got the three count and a defense of his title!


Winner: James Justice

Match Rating: B


[The Youth Movement slid into the ring and attacked James Justice as T-Rex rolled out of the ring. Peter Valentine screamed and then joined in on the action in the ring! The show ended with a huge brawl between The Youth Movement and the Legends.]

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From USPWWrestling.com...


Following USPW Americana will be a tough act but USPW American Wrestling will make that very attempt! In our main event, we're going to have two of the wrestlers that were in the triple threat match going one on one as Joss Thompson takes on T-Rex! Peter Valentine will step in the ring for the first time in awhile and will be taking on Anger. And new USPW World Television Champion Shooter Sean Deeley will defend that title against Lobo Blanco plus more!


USPW World Television Title Match: Shooter Sean Deeley w/ Jennifer Heat vs. Lobo Blanco

American Elemental vs. the debut of Zeus Maxmillion

Giant Redwood w/ Adrian Garcia vs. Freddie Datsun

Anger vs. Peter Valentine

Steve Flash and Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Kirk Jameson and Jay Chord

Joss Thompson vs. T-Rex


So get those predictions in!



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USPW World Television Title Match: Shooter Sean Deeley w/ Jennifer Heat vs. Lobo Blanco

No way that Deeley would lose the title to Lobo freakin Blanco.


American Elemental vs. the debut of Zeus Maxmillion

Coin Toss.


Giant Redwood w/ Adrian Garcia vs. Freddie Datsun

I would never forgive myself if I picked against Redwood.


Anger vs. Peter Valentine



Steve Flash and Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Kirk Jameson and Jay Chord

They need the overness and momentum

Joss Thompson vs. T-Rex

I think you're building towards a Justice vs Thompson match at the next PPV.

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USPW World Television Title Match: Shooter Sean Deeley w/ Jennifer Heat vs. Lobo Blanco

American Elemental vs. the debut of Zeus Maxmillion

Giant Redwood w/ Adrian Garcia vs. Freddie Datsun

Anger vs. Peter Valentine

Steve Flash and Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Kirk Jameson and Jay Chord

Joss Thompson vs. T-Rex

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I keep about ten different wordpads worth of material on my game focusing on various aspects of the company I am running. Tonight, I thought I would open up the vault just a crack here for everyone as I am going to be turning my focus to gimmicks and making sure they are correct for each wrestler I am using and if not I will be making some various changes either to the wrestler in the game or to their gimmick listing. Whichever I decide I will keep quiet until they actually happen though. Without further adue, here is my page on USPW wrestler gimmicks.


Gimmick Rules


...will attract fans who will not like highly risky gimmicks.

...will attract fans who like their gimmicks to be simple.

...will attract fans who will not 'get' subtle gimmicks.


Main Eventers


Bruce The Giant=Giant (B- as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable)

James Justice=Dude (B- as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable)

Nicky Champion=Clean Cut (C+ as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable)

Peter Valentine=(Preparing to change gimmicks)


Acid=Machine (B- as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing his gimmick again)

Madman Boone=Bad Ass (B as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing his gimmick again)

T-Rex=Monster (B- as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable)


Upper Midcarders


Mario Heroic=Mysterious (E as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing his gimmick again.)

Steve Flash=Old School Face (C as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing his gimmick again.)


Giant Redwood=Giant (C as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable)

Jay Chord=****y Youth (B as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is too soon to consider changing his gimmick again.)

Joss Thompson=Arrogant Heel (A* as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing his gimmick again.)

Mick Muscles=Monster (C+ as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable)

Shooter Sean Deeley=Legitimate Athlete (B as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing his gimmick again.)




Art Reed=Show Stealer (F as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is far too soon to consider changing his gimmick again.)

Captain USA=Patriot (A as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable)

Freddie Datsun=Blue Collar (B- as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable)

Fumihiro Ota=Ninja (B- as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing his gimmick again.)

Jack Avatar=(Preparing to change gimmicks)

Puerto Rican Power=Deadman (B+ as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is too soon to consider changing his gimmick again.)


Anger=Demon (B as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable)

Danny Rushmore=Monster (B as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable)

Jim Force=Power And Paint (C+ as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable)

Jumbo Jackson=Bad Ass (B as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable)


Lower Midcarders


Java=(Preparing to change gimmicks)

Tribal Warrior=(Preparing to change gimmicks)


Kirk Jameson=No Gimmick Needed (D as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing his gimmick again.)

Larry Wood=Mountain Man (C+ as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing his gimmick again.)

Marv Statler=Enforcer (B+ as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing his gimmick again.)




American Elemental=Mysterious (B- as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing his gimmick again.)

Ernie Turner=Pimp (D as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing his gimmick again.)


Dean Waldorf=Enforcer (B as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing his gimmick again.)


Enhancement Talents


Happy Elwood=Happy-Go-Lucky (C+ as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable)

Lobo Blanco=No Gimmick Needed (F- as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing his gimmick again.)


Zeus Maxmillion=Egomaniac (B- as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is far too soon to consider changing his gimmick again)


Women's Division


Alicia Strong=Old School Face (B- as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable)

April Appleseed=Patriot (B as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing her gimmick again.)

Grace Harper=Equality Fighter (C as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing her gimmick again.)

Joanne Rodriguez=Equality Fighter (D+ as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing her gimmick again.)

Sara Marie York=Girl-Next-Door (C+ as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing her gimmick again.)

Suzanne Brazzle=Fun Babyface (C+ as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing her gimmick again.)

Tamara McFly=Old School Face (C+ as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is too soon to consider changing her gimmick again.)


Amber Allen=Gay (D as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is too soon to consider changing her gimmick again.)

Cherry Bomb=Bad Ass (B+ as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable.)

Jennifer Heat=Bitch (C+ as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing her gimmick again.)

Nadia Snow=Arrogant Heel (B as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable.)

Stephanie Wade=****y Youth (B+ as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable.)





Adrian Garcia=Executive Consultant (B- as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing his gimmick again.)

Shane Sneer=Sports Agent (C- as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable.)





Danny Jillefski=Staff Member (B+ as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing his gimmick again.)




Blonde Bombshell=Dancer (C+ as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing her gimmick again.)

Jenny Playmate=Diva (C+ as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable.)

Sam Strong=Patriot (A as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing his gimmick again.)


Demon Spite=Demon (A as of Tuesday, Week 1, July 2008. Stable. It is slightly too soon to consider changing his gimmick again.)

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Tuesday Week 4 June 2008

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds

Attendance: 4,243

Overall Rating: D+

TV Rating: .43




[The crowd cheered as the show opened with the man who is STILL the USPW World Heavyweight Champion: James Justice! Justice walked down to the ring and absorbed in the cheers of the crowd before saying that this old man still has a lot left in the tank and he proved it last Saturday night by beating two of the top wrestlers in USPW! There is a reason why he is the USPW World Champion and he will prove it time and time again against any challenger. But at USPW Independence Slam, he won't be defending the USPW World Title. He has been authorized to announce that USPW Independence Slam will see the first ever War Games match here in USPW. Details will be coming soon! The crowd cheered the name of the match and Justice talked about how it's time to go to war for truth, liberty and justice one more time!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JenniferHeat.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/LoboBlanco.jpg

USPW World Television Title Match

Shooter Sean Deeley w/ Jennifer Heat vs. Lobo Blanco


Deeley's first title defense is a squash here on USPW American Wrestling. Deeley was so good that he was even off his game and still came out looking like roses. Of course it helps that he has a hot manager at ringside and that Lobo Blanco sold his ass off for him. Deeley got the pinfall with a German Suplex and bridge.


Winner: Shooter Sean Deeley

Match Rating: D


[Following the match, Joss Thompson came down to the ring alone and asked the Shooter if he is in or out. Deeley thought about it for a moment and then told Joss he's in only if Jennifer Heat can come with him. Thompson said he figured that Deeley would say something like that and tossed both Deeley and Jennifer Heat a 'Youth Movement' shirt, agreeing to the terms. Deeley tossed the shirt on over his singlet and Heat slowly removed her shirt to reveal a black bra with Joss Thompson commenting that she might be giving Sam Strong a heart attack right now. Jennifer pulled on the Youth Movement shirt and all three headed toward the bed.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AmericanElemental.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ZeusMaxmillion.jpg

American Elemental vs. the debut of Zeus Maxmillion


Time for a bathroom break! The crowd was totally turned off by the match in general. For those who stuck around to actually watch the match, they got to see American Elemental pick up the win with an Inferno Splash on Zeus.


Winner: American Elemental

Match Rating: F+




[The focus was on Danny Jillefski and Shane Sneer at ringside. Sneer said that he received a video tape in the mail and was asked to play it here on American Wrestling so here it goes.


The videotape is obviously made by a camcorder and a first-person point of view from the back of a vehicle. In the driver's seat is Joss Thompson and the passenger seat is Jay Chord. They have a short conversation before pointing out Sam Strong coming out of the coffee house. Strong gets into his car and begins to drive off and the car chases Strong's car. They get off into a patch where there are no cars and woods on either side and the car driven by Joss Thompson pulls alongside Sam Strong's car and hits it from the side, knocking it down into a ditch! Thompson and Chord get out of the car and so does the man behind the camera, following the action. Thompson and Chord have baseball bats, which they swing and hit Sam Strong as he gets out of his car looking dazed! The baseball bats connect and Sam goes down, just trying to cover up at this point! Thompson and Chord give sharp kicks to the gut of Sam Strong and then bring out his arm to the side, drawing the baseball bats down on his right arm, one at the elbow and the other at the wrist. Strong cries out in pain and then his eyes roll back in his head. Sirens are heard in the distance and Chord, Thompson and the cameraman take off.


Back inside the arena, boos are heard and Danny Jillefski and Shane Sneer even look disgusted at what just took place!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/GiantRedwood.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AdrianGarcia.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/FreddieDatsun.jpg

Giant Redwood w/ Adrian Garcia vs. Freddie Datsun


Another match that brought the crowd's mood down. Actually, they were too focused on the video that preceeded the match to care about this actual contest. Adrian Garcia did some good work at ringside and Giant Redwood picked up the win with the Standing TIMBER Splash.


Winner: Giant Redwood

Match Rating: D-


[Following the match, Redwood continued his dominance, press-slamming Freddie Datsun out of the ring and giving a roar to the approval of his manager and to boos from the crowd.]




[Joss Thompson is shown backstage with a smile on his face. He talked about how they put the old dog Sam Strong to sleep by breaking his arm and tonight he is going to make another dinosaur extinct when he takes out T-Rex and the Youth Movement continues to rule the land because when you're the best you step out there and you prove it night after night and that's exactly what the Youth Movement does.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DemonAnger_alt2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PeterValentine-1.jpg

Anger vs. Peter Valentine


Another wonderful match that killed the crowd's mood. Segments don't worry, you bring them up and we'll knock them down! Oh, wait, this was a match review wasn't it? Anger and Valentine didn't click. Valentine dominated and got the pin after the Heart Breaker.


Winner: Peter Valentine

Match Rating: E-


[Following the match, the ring was surrounded by the four men known as the Youth Movement! Peter twirled around and around in the ring trying to focus on one of them but couldn't focus on any of them so when they came in and attacked him he was barely able to fight back. But thank goodness for James Justice! The USPW World Champion came running out from the back and did for Peter Valentine what Valentine had done for him before. Justice battled back against the Youth Movement and then exchanged a look with Peter Valentine.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SteveFlash.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ArtReed.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BlondeBombshell_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/KirkJameson_FS2.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JayChord_FS.jpg

Steve Flash and Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Kirk Jameson and Jay Chord


A decent match for tonight. At least it didn't bring down the crowd's mood! That was amazing for tonight! Neither team showed exceptional ability teaming but neither had bad chemistry either. Some good technical wrestling throughout that ended when Jameson locked Art Reed in the Kirk-Hold and got the submission.


Winners: Kirk Jameson and Jay Chord

Match Rating: D




[backstage, T-Rex paced back and forth for a moment before looking into the camera and wondering if Joss Thompson thinks he's real cute, real slick for what he did to Sam Strong. What he did to that old man was kinda pathetic. Sure, Sam's a washed-up has-been but that's no reason to go attacking the old man. He's definitely no T-Rex but neither is Joss Thompson. Tonight, T-Rex is gonna show Joss just what this dinosaur can do.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JossThompson_FSFIN.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex_alt1.jpg

Joss Thompson vs. T-Rex


Welcome to a main event that doesn't have James Justice OR Bruce The Giant! Who woulda thunk, huh? And the match was pretty good. The ring was surrounded by The Youth Movement during the match and this laid a pretty good distraction to T-Rex throughout the bout. The match lasted over 14 minutes and had spots such as T-Rex slamming Joss Thompson into the ringpost and Thompson using a catapult to send T-Rex into the corner. We even had a ref bump! During that referee's timeout, Kirk Jameson, Jay Chord and Shooter Sean Deeley came into the ring and attacked T-Rex!


T-Rex fought off The Youth Movement at first but soon the numbers game were just too much for him. That and the baseball bat that Jameson brought into the ring with him. Yeah, that would just about do it for anyone. Deeley hit a German Suplex, using momentum from a baseball bat hit to T-Rex across the face and then The Youth Movement slid out of the ring, allowing for Thompson to hit the Clean Cutter as the referee came to and Thompson picked up the pinfall.


Winner: Joss Thompson

Match Rating: C-


[Following the match, The Youth Movement ganged up on T-Rex again, bloodying the very tough monster wrestler before standing tall with arms raised in the center of the ring as the show came to a close.]

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-Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling is feeling the hit the economy has taken here lately. They have had to release several wrestlers, including Nelson Callum, Brimstone and Primal Rage though they did sign Brains McGhee so apparently he got free from the hands of Madman Boone.


-Sadaharu Jimbo made the decision to retire this month, inheriting his company is his Nephew Seiji Jimbo. Seiji will apparently honour the working agreement contract that his Uncle had with USPW.


-BHOTWG lost several superstars when their tour ended, including Washichi Inao, Jack Marlowe aka Jungle Jack, Antonio Maxi Marquez aka Champagne Lover and Rhino Umaga.


-GCG was not immune to losing wrestlers once the tour ended either. They lost Masutaro Kataoka, Kill Switch aka Frankie Perez, Insane Machine and Acid.


-Playboy Jake Sawyer was recalled to SWF. It is undecided just who he will be managing.


-It has been six months since Jack Avatar took over as Head Booker for USPW. During that time, there has been 5 title changes, with the USPW World Television Title changing hands 4 times, currently in the hands of Shooter Sean Deeley and Alicia Strong defeating Cherry Bomb for the USPW Women's Title.


-Rumor has it that if you have any questions about the in-game world being done so far that you can post it here and it will be answered. Of course, that is only a rumor. ;)


USPW Top Ten Rankings


USPW World Heavyweight Champion:

James Justice


1. Shooter Sean Deeley - USPW World Television Champion

2. Bruce The Giant

3. T-Rex

4. Acid

5. Nicky Champion

6. Peter Valentine

7. Madman Boone

8. Joss Thompson

9. Giant Redwood

10. Jay Chord

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Last week saw the announcement by James Justice of War Games coming up at USPW Independence Slam! Just what is War Games and who will be participating? Find out more this week on USPW American Wrestling!


Also what is the condition of Sam Strong? The Youth Movement claim to have broken his arm but no one, not even Alicia has seen Sam Strong since the PPV. Was the video real or doctored? You may very well find out this week!


USPW World Television Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Shooter Sean Deeley defends vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Mario Heroic and Lobo Blanco

Tribal Warrior vs. Zeus Maxmillion

Peter Valentine vs. Joss Thompson

USPW World Title Match: James Justice defends vs. Jay Chord


So get those predictions in!



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USPW World Television Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Shooter Sean Deeley defends vs. Bruce The Giant



USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Mario Heroic and Lobo Blanco

Tribal Warrior vs. Zeus Maxmillion

Peter Valentine vs. Joss Thompson

USPW World Title Match: James Justice defends vs. Jay Chord

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